tv Municipal Transportation Agency SFGTV July 26, 2022 7:00am-9:31am PDT
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>> good afternoon. this meeting is hybrid in person at city hall room 400 broadcast live on sfgovtv and phone. we welcome the public's participation during public comment today. we anticipate a large are volume so i want to real mind those listen to only join the queue when the item is called. public comment will be in sxrn remote by call in for each item. the boarded will take comment in person and then by those calling in. the number is 415-655-0001.
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access code: 2499 972 4944 when frochls dial star 3 youville 2 minutes to provide comment. speak clearly and turn off tv's or commuters around you. note this policy with federal, state and local law prohibit harassing conduct during public meetings. thank you for joining us. item 2. roll call >> director cajina. >> present. >> director hinz. >> present. >> chair boarden. >> present >> you have a quorum i note that director hinze is remote under the mir's emergency reasonable doubt. she must appear on camera in order to speak or volt. because we have directorses remote all voting taken by roll
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call. >> places you on item 3 announcement of sounds producing device. >> ring and use of cell phones and electronics are presented the chair may remove the order of the meetingly for similar sound electronic device. approval of minute for june 21, and june 28 special meeting. >> directors are there additions? >> we'll move to public comment this is time for members of the public to comment on the minutes. seeing no one in the room is there commenter on the phone line. access code: 2499 972 4944 with that this is before us y. move the item. >> second. >> are we taking all in one
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motion or. >> yep. >> one motion. >> second. >> can you call the role >> on the motion to approve minutes director cajina. >> aye. >> heminger. >> aye. >> hinze, >> aye. >> borden. >> aye >> item 5 communication. i have none. >> next item. >> item 6 introduction of new or unfinished business >> do we have items new and unfinished business. >> we'll move to the next item. >> item 7 the director's report >> we have an acting director of transportation as direct tumlin is not here. he is learning about transportation in london. >> thank you. jonathan acting chief financial officer. first i like to start off on july 9. we updated we did further
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changes in support of the recovery the city. previous 6 service changes kick equity strategies and destinations throughout san franciscoful as the lines are rung the july ninth changes focus on prepandemic connections therapy not made the 2 setter. 6 haight and 21 haze through haze valley. restored other keksz such as the 23 to the zoo sdpt 57 to westportal and freto fortmason. we will implement the 2022 muni network as we hire and train more operators. >> we had to focus what is best for the entire system not one single line. we have resource, we made changes to reduce service to make changes noted. most notablely truncating the well bus at westportal. all stops that the well bus served have other transit options butt change requires
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transfer from bus to rail for those traveling between downtown and the service portion of the line. it has been more than a week since we put the service on the streets. it is early to get data we'll monitor the changes and can make tweaks when resources are available. customers seem excited about the exception of the 43. the reinstate am of the 2 and 21 haze. we received concerns about the 58 no longer serving west lake and looking at ways to serve west lake in the future. and we received concerns about the 49 stopping at the terminal van ness and north point. we will work on that over time. all shelters have the new system maps installed. we are working on sthal now >> top steinage in the process of updateed reflect the new keksz. and no specific date set for the next service change but
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participate make happening changes in the fall. now on to the fix it week in the infrastructure program, muni metro maintenance requires day to day maintenance of infrastructure and strategic replacement and up greats. cost increase over time when assets are not main tained. we have committed to quarterly extended maintenance program in the subway to address projects that require longer maintenance windso. fix it week this mont is planned for august 18-27 over night from 9:30 a.m. to 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. on weekend. planned maintenance includes replacement of a switch machine. enhancements to stations including removeful of discontinued if i can sxurs graf feetee to approve the experience for riders. track way relamping.
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substitution substation battery replacement and substation emergency shut down testing. subway condition assessment of important work that needs to happen. software upgrades. debris and object removal. traction power cable and vault inspections over head line renewal this is work we have been trying to maintain and a program that will allow us to make improvements to the subway. regular project updates the quick build is starting this summer. construction timeed follow a paving project and coordination required around the railroad crossing area. after installation is completed the street the feature update grades including a westbound protected bike way. signal timing and others.
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in addition the valencia bike project started out reach on the protected designs between 15th and 24th plans to implement and study as a pilot. work will incorporate elements intersection visibility and bike way upgrades the team will develop a curb management plan for the shared spaces and providing loading, customer and resident access. virtual open house is planned to show case the design and planned curb to management plan. on the great highway. a reminder this board and the rec and park commission met last month and asked staff to develop a plan for the hoir. explore how it might work as a promenade. supervisor mar will introduce legislation to codifiy the promenade roadway arrange am during the creation of a 2 year
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pilot side from the emergency ordinance. once the board votes on the pilot study staff will apply for a coastal development perimism during the 2 year study december of 25, staff will collect data and receive feedback to provide a recommendation for the board of supervisors to consider. i would like to mention that although the great highway has been closed during the week by public works for sand remediation. it is open in both directions from lincoln to sxie land. i mention this because members of the public believed the mta that closed it. for updates on the work check in with the san francisco d. public
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works and their twitter feed. >> update on central subway and the fire we heard about on june 20th, we had a failed electric component in the mosconi station part of the dc switch gear line thap caused a fire. safety protocols were followed. there were no injuries. fire damaged cubicals and need to be replaced 3 are on order. >> and insurance representative completed damage assessment all costs including repair, project delay will be trackd and submitted as per of the insurance claim. future cube cals utilized to reconnect. to bring substation online, tentatively by august 31st the impact of project completion will be 6 to 8 weeks. we are plan for example revenue service this fall.
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and that's my update on that item. just moving on quickly to the agency's financial rating. agency did get a ratings review by moody service. our credit rating was downgraded from aaa3 to aa2 on revenue bonds supported by the operating dj budget moodys cites this due to socialing impacts result nothing decline in transit fares. we did get a rating decline the mta remains the highest rated transit agency in the united states for revenue bonlsd issued through pritting revenues. moody is assigned a rating outlook of stable from negative. noting that the approval of balanced budget and management am just noting on the conferringive management in the agency. on the legislative side of the
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house the state legislator returns from recess next month to complete 2 year session. focus on a few bills. the state budget agreement increases transportation funding including the active transportation program and inner city rail program. the state budget includes 2.7 million dollars for a safety improvement. thanks to budget chairman ting and supervisor melgar and mar for supporting this. on a related note as has been reported the agency award 116 million dollars grant for muni core capacity program. this is a huge lift for our capitol program and a great success. that grant will fund the muni core capacity muni forward victimos k, m and 38r geary
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route. train control update and the muni modernization planning study this concludes my report. >> thank you. >> directors. are there questions for the director's report. director heminger? >> thank you, jonathan, first, really good news about the train control system. and you well know once you got your foot in the door you can very often barge through the house and keep securing grant revenue from the same source that is a great kickoff for an important long-term project. a question about the rating agency action by moodies. so do you expect us to be stable for arc while now that they have done the downgrade. >> yea. we had we were one of the last
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the next innior answer that is -- we are all trying to crystal ball gaze what the future is for transit ridership. have the rating agencies published an industry report. that would give their view of how likely it is we are seeing permanent revenue and ridership laws versus temporary? >> funny enough they look to us for our projections and thinking. and you know during the budget process you know my team does complicated oonls look at data in san francisco and the fwloeb and the u.s. as an example the united states right now is 53% ridership. restoration. i say what we call the leg as systems in the united states muni would be a part of that, chicago. those agencies that tends to be
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downtown drivers where their systems built to get people to employment center are stick at or below the average like bart is an out liar at 27%. those systems that have expanded in the last 20 years where it was not a downtown core but like -- get me to the ball field and university and sound transit the work l.a. metro has done those are higher than the average. l.a. metro is 65% recovery. san diego is above the mean at 58%. transit was related the commute trip. the service changes have been reflective not the core but other in thes city people want
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to get to. thank you. >> director. >> i wonder if you have a vision verzero outside of the 2 project updates i gave not on top of anything in the director's report today. >> thank you. >> and then i'm arc sumg the update on the grade highway will proceed as you stated up until we know out come of certain ballot measure potential low in november? >> yes.
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i think you know we got clear direction from you and the rec park commission on the next steps and the staff got it all ready and taking the regular and other actions to stick with the schedule and get a meaningful recommendation to the board, which of course you and the rec park commission will review. >> thank you, madam chair yoochlt thank you. >> any other questions for mr. we will open up to public comment. members who like to comment on the what was listed in the director's report -- >> i have 2 cards. >> wonderful. >> du 19sends your card in for the director's report upon mr. winer?
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the original proposal anyway. this is the liberal democracy of mga, so these are my concerns. hopefully we will be able to have more public participation after the meetings in person. but -- as far as i'm concerned service is in the at the level it should be. the buses are packed, there is covid because of this your forms is not up to standard. you are not doing well. thank you speaker, please. you have 2 minutes. yes.
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my name is paula caps i'm surprised that mr. tumlin's representative did not tell you the obsession that mta receiveed shortning it is l bus route at westportal including from supervisor moore, albert the president of the care valmerchant association and myself as well as others. i hope you read the e mail they sent you. that mta violated the city chart whenever it changed the l bus route on july 9 without your approval and you should rescind that change. under charter section 4.104a2 except for actions at closed session any actions other than a meeting shall be void. municipal i routes are so important that charter 16.112 b
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specifically requires that notice must have given in a hearing before any change route is adopted. there is in dispute that shortning the westportal is a significant change and eliminates a section. it is your legal responsibility to approve this change in the well bus route. mt assay you did not have to approve it it it is a temporary line due to construction this is in direct conflict with the language of the charter. as the charter makes no exceptions for the temporary construction related bus lines i request you ask the representative for the legal authority that allow this mta to significantly change the l bus route without getting your approval in a hearing and if he does not have the a of the city attorney does in the have the
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answer i request that you ask sfmta to present it to you before your next meeting. thank you. >> thank you. >> any speakers within this room withhold like to address us about the director's report >> we'll move to online. their are there callers who account like to speak to the director's report >> one in the queue. >> go forward. >> hello i'm george. i'm the driving a cab in san francisco for 20 years i'm a medallion holder and we cannot wait to have the uber partnership in place. seems like certain group wants to sabotage it. >> we are not on this item yet. whyy will be there shortly.
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likely the next item. jot next item. >> next speakers please. i see a second caller. next speaker? hi. the l busy don't have a prepared statement but it it is unfortunate the impact will cut to not have the l bus. it it is a difficult transfer for people with disabilities who go to the train station and wait for a train. well bus serves connectivity across the upper market and portola area. it was before a great way for people to make transfer and get in the city. unfortunately, the cut it means that surface [inaudible] with castro and haight on market will be [inaudible] numerous seniors
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in the last week why they are having longtory get a ride. thank you. >> thank you >> there are no more callers in the queue. >> we will close public comment and remind people we don't respond to comments because it is the item not on the agenda we can't have a discussion because members miwant to discuss it and i know l [inaudible] was not mentioned in the report. >> we will close this item unless there are additional questions? we will move on to the next item >> item 8 the citizen's advisory council report. >> >> welcome. >> hello. >> good afternoon. michael chen citizen's advisory committee chair. we have one motion for you in your packet and to be about the
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taxi pilot and backgrounds in september this board approved a palette in april amended to include third party dispatch which may include tmc's uber and lyft. and that pilot is set to begin next month and august. we heard this item at the cac this monthing month and they passed a resolution urging to rescind or turn back the portion of the pilot allow tnc's to participate. temperature is a feeling of the cac that that -- including tnc's detrimental to the transit health of the city and i'm here for questions. why do we have questions for mr. chen? >> i know we have members of the
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public who would like to peek we'll move to public comment. i have a few cards. >> good afternoon directors we were not able to attend the last council meeting we will be able to attend the next one and address concerns. did want to respond top that letter that cape up for you today. i want to make very clear that the partnership they have done with uber is to basically allow their passengers to be serviced by taxys. they will be taxi rides. these are going to be their passengers handed owner to us to be serviced by taxis following taxy rules and regulations. i want to make that very clear. second, we have set this partnership in a way the taxi
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driver if they don't want to accept this business for whatever reason there is no consequence of if the drivers don't want top accept the orders. not offered the orders they can toggle it off on our technology in the vehicle and don't have to be offered the orders. we estimate that there is going to be increase in taxi driver income of more than 50% through this partnership. i want to make that clear there is volume to the ride share the ability for us to access their passengers and those rides to taxis to be serviced will exceed 50 percent of the income for drivers. this also allows the penitentiary use of every regulated taxi in san francisco. less ride shares on the road. less part time drivers that come in the city that congest the
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streets. we utilize taxi infrastructure to service the roadways that means we will have less congestion and vehicles on the road. and finally, i think i want to make clear haif we are going to have the taxi industry resurgeant we have to have this technology. these partnership in our interests as regulated taxi service for us to succeed. i believe that this will be so successful that medallions, people a card holders will only increase from here. thank you. >> either izy or -- paula cass. >> hi. good afternoon i'm izy from fly wheel. last time i wanted to i gave you an update where we are from payment stand point temperature is crucial to hear
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the update we had since we last talked to remind you fly wheel in san francisco generated 5 million rides in san francisco. pay over 100 million dollars. now, a fraction of that had to do with charge backs we held back because the ride ared they take the ride or did fraud. we decided we were going to pay it out. i am happy tom say we paid all the drivers and given them a new platform that gives them instant payments. when you hear not knowing if the third party source get paid they are instantly like cash. when the rider is done, the money is in their account the health of the strep is in the good the ride volume is across the whole country.
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we think this will bring that demand back to the taxi business. roadwayers have not a lot have never taken a taxi. had they take an uber and the taxi come up and experience that they'll think why don't i just take a taxi. we think that will really start to affect the way the taxi industry recovers from the pandemic and from what ride share did to our industry. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> next speaker and then a couple questions. calla, thank you. i support cac resolution and the reason nothing that resolution and urging to remove third party dispatch from the pilot program. i think the original pilot program is a great idea to allow
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passengers to shoot choot a fee based on an estimate of the meter would have been that you set. way i understand the third party dispatch -- uber or the third party would set the rates and does not have to be anything comparable to the meter rates you set. drivers if a large portion of cab rides are going to the third party dispatch, drivers will be forced to sign up in order to accept the lower rests so they can get the business it it is taken away from them with the third party dispatch. not voluntary it is an economic forced economically to do it even if they don't want to accept the lower rate. if you allow third party dispatch, you are giving up your authority and smnlt to regulate
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taxi meter fares over to a third party system such as uber. that would be responsible to absolutely no one. that is not good for taxi riders or drivers. if you cannot vote tilde urge you at this meeting to post toen ponent the pilot program until the in issue can be presented again in a future middle eastingly for reconsideration. and i urge you to vote to remove third party dispatch from the pilot. in the minimum since you have the recommendation of the cac to do this, i urge you to give weight not recommendation and at least as i said, postpone the impelementation of the pilot and put the issue on the agenda for a meeting. >> thank you. >> next anyone else who wanted to poke in the audience?
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public commentom line yoochl we have 6 hands raised. >> first speaker, please. >> thank you. chair -- board and the directors. my pronouns are she and her. i will talk about this item. you know that letter is concerning. it is scary. and i ask that you read it carefully and critically. i am general low in line with the comments of mr. hansen and mr. is y. if i got it right. i want more options not less. i want upon a system that is efficient. y want to make informed choices about what i pay. and i did also look at the cac
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presentation. and i asked that you read that carefully and critically. because i have seen people using tablets to request ride shares. you don't have to have a credit card. you can use a debit card. i got a debit card myself. i am a disable the veteran on an if i canned income. i ask you not forget about people who want more choice in life to do what we have to do. life is not easy. life is not easy. i can't speak to my challenges what i say that better mobility makes my life easier and helps
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me achieve my goals we mead to do this pilot soon temperature is well thought out. don't forget people like myself have needs. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> my name is george a medallion purchaser in san francisco for 20 years i cannot emphasize how crucial the pilot program is. and for those who object, don't use it. nobody is forcing to you use it. and please don't shove your agenda down everybody's neck. the same yelled. pardon me and skrooen scream and they don't want more medallions.
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that's why we are here talking about tht same people that against our agenda. so -- i hear the word taxi alliance. i hear medallion holder association. taxi worker association. all of these are self appointed i'm did not vote for any of those. i urge the board to go ahead with the pilot program it is kroushl for our recovery and again, it is simple. it is a dispatch we're the taxicab and have more options mou and we have more passengers and this is very crucial. and most of the guys object they did not purchase the medallion most are drivers. please, againful i urge you to -- i only have a land line i
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can't click onnan app and i don't want to stand in the street waiting for a taxi. i like the fact i have yellow kevin anderson i can use that. than i know my name. and when the cab is ready i call me and i can come out and use the cab and the fares are guaranteed. i don't know fiwill use an essential trip card using this
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third party dispatch. please, take people in account. you approve things without letting people know and you have to come back and hear about it from the citizens advisory committee. i'm sorry. this will not do. and the uber people are bad actors, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. good afternoon. um -- i -- was surprised to follow along with the cac's discussion and presentation. they seem to have seen through the lack of transparency in this program. you know -- we lost almost six hours of business on sunday and could not use our tablets for the meter. because the system was down.
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so how do you expect for them to use the nird party and make it work well for us. the taxi drivers. i'm concerned that -- the regular taxi passenger left in the cold say thering is not enough business yellow cab at times cannot fill 20 plus orders on their order wells so00 autothing is though, during the really peek times there is plenty of business. during the off peek there are probably plenty of tnc's to go around. they are all over late at night. and we had a great presentation by forest barns from the mta. but the good answer number of questions. such as there is no transparency
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to how much fees you will take out offer fares. so -- i there is too much unknowns in this pilot program. that -- need to be answered before they started and in order for us to join we have to do another background check. i don't think uber is entitleed my personal information we got a backgrounds upon check had we signed up to be a cabdriver. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello i'm jessica a taxi driver. i wanted to thank the cac for the analysis of the issue and speak to misconceptions. kim said this is done to put passengers in taxi rides. which is a misnomer what it is
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doing is giving color schemes access to the driver's fare charging unregulated fees the mta will not regulate the fees but uber can charge they need to know what they are. you know the meter fare what the driver gets that's the money we bring inform now the dispatchers are overwhelmed people using paratransit are having trouble getting rides. order cabs during the day from yo taxi or fly wheel they are both overwhelmed. i don't know how working with uber will help. jot beginning of this board meeting they spoke to downgraded by moody. and the thing is the reason listed was people's choice of transportation. we know what that means in san francisco, more move to tnc this . agency giving tnc's access to taxis to do things like the red lanes to move uber early passengers gives them more business and takes away more and
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from the drivers i wish you would consider this -- pass of letting uber work as well as if you do go forward i think the taxi dispatchers need to prove they are pick update rides requested. they cannot do that. there are roadways this node to be picked up. >> thank you. >> speaker you have been unmuted. >> moderator. >> i'm sorry i was trying to sign in to the public comment. you are here. >> you are here. >> but it is not about this >> yea wait until we bet to the item and press star 3. >> yes. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> next speaker, please. >> hello. can you hear me? i'm calling from the taxi worker alliance. [inaudible] taxi driver fees range from complete opposition to [inaudible] uber rides when business is slow to come who are excite body temperature we are calling in we are [inaudible] uber part of the deal so many questions are unanswerd and novelty under the mta's remember authority. it is our work affectd and our time. the mta made a points the amount of drivers [inaudible] what the passenger pace that is a meaningless assurance without knowing what uber's position
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will be. temperature could be low in the pilot and go up, 15% or 25% or 40%. we don't know what the fees uber will charge. we don't think taxi drivers will be subject to deactivation. which well is in means to appeal. so, i want you to consider would you accept a job under these terms? drive for uber not knowing how much you will be paid or whether you can be dismissed. it is una tenable. we don't want surge pricing. . so -- thank you. i hope you will consider reimagining this part of the program and have more guaranteeses and assurance for
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taxi drivers that this will work out for them. we are the ones who provide the money without us the taxi business would not exist. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i'm -- can you hear me? >> yes >> good upon afternoon. i'm [inaudible] on the mta-cac i support the resolution we passed urging to you remove the third party dispatch from the pilot program. that measure force the mta to relinquish power to set fares for all cabs using uber apps. the charter superior to the san francisco transportation code, it is the role of the mta to set fares for cabs. it is uber's goal have app on all tax ys by 2025. will not be regulated and uber
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cut will be a priority secret. the power to control fares globalally is potentially price gauge. on top of the rogue practiceses they are based on law breaking and global climate emergency and exploiting drivers. remember, 59% percent of san francisco who voted in the 22 election voted against uber and lyft and door dash prop 22 to convert driver employees with benefited if they get contract workers without benefits or ability to set fares or create their own client list. uber breaks all rules to make money and settled with the disability community and now sued by women who claimed sexual assault by uber drivers.
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you are turning the cab industry to the bad actor. you got to retake this back. rescind it remove the third party dispatch. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. that is the last person in the queue. we will close public comment. mr. cranea. about to ask you a few questions about the pilot. may be you can explain, one the issue of the fares. are we able to have the base fare set on our own in the pilot if we work with the cnc. the legislation allowed the pilot was based on a taxi meter the amendment in april. allowed fares not set on a taxi
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meter that is what the proposal it is. and -- tell me why that change was made. in your thinking back when it was [inaudible] i remember that. >> right. >> so the assumption is some trips will be higher than a taxi meter and some will be slightly below. data that i was told about received through the t abaseod puc data showed that tnc trips on average are 85% of the taxi meter. and i lining to add this is a pilot. the staff thought at this point of setting basis or capos fees or on meters or i should say fares. we don't know the trips have not happen third degree is a yeesh pilot and the main purposes to test the -- this new source of
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trips. >> society other question i have is that we will be the consumer [inaudible] i see on fly wheel i get a price up front. does the driver in this pilot see. i know in uber and lyft the drivers fee ump front with ranges they might get paid before they chos to pickup truck fare. will our drivers have the same options >> we ask the applicants to poy provide us with that data. there are equity consideration for example. we don'tment the shorter range trips from castro safe way. a short distance away to be ignored. if it it is a lower fare versus the 50 dollar fare there is a consideration about that. >> i think it some complicated in some ways i understand the purpose and the reason we are
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here because taxis were like that in the first place. so like, i money that is real. but i think it would be lay a lot of fierce it is a pilot if we saw everyone only chose the 50 dollar trips it would show. if there is a way we allow them to seat up front fares. thing that is complicateod the fly wheel now i got quoted one of $19 and i spent 40 for that trip. with uber and lyft what they quote you pay. i don't know, how will that work in our pilot. >> rules subject to change as we learn more and will be back before the board a year from now less than a year from now with the dast and information we learned through the pilot with a -- will fully baked --
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proposal tower to amend section 1124 allows this pilot. >> may be is it possible to do an ab testing. half the trips people seeing up front with the fare what they are like low to get and this is when they do in tech. ab testing you have a control group. and see what the behavior is in i think we will know more if we don't compare the two we don't know. i think the same thing to figure out what the rate -- that would be helpful as well. why is it that the drivers would have to go through another background check if we have done it and our process is more. we fingerprint people i don't believe tnc's do that. why do they ask that? >> i'm not pritow had. it it is coming from uber.
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the drivers are permitted and vetted and fingerprints and drug tested every year and permitted drive san francisco taxi. i believe that is to voluntary participate in the pilot. >> i would ask we have that removed if i think it is ridiculous the tnc fought at the state level against regular authority around their own background checks they require that of our operator when is we have already done them. if we renegotiate that that is ridiculous we need to fix it. is it too late to try the ab testing on the 2 other items with fare and rates. why rules are not finalized they have not been sent yet. i can take that suggestion back. to him. >> directors, other questions?
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director heminger. >> yes, i wanted associate myself with the line of questioning that you are putting forward. ip think those are good questions to raise. i think one reason top have a pilot is to answer the questions. >> it seem in san francisco we are so afraid of the answers that we don't want to ask the question. and i usually find myself in
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agreement with the recommendations of citizen's committee and in this case i'm afraid i don't. and their recommendation strikes me the perfect be the enemy of the good. and i think this pilot could be a way to do that. so, i'm hopeful we can proceed with it. and learn what we learned from it. and then move ahead with something of a more permanent arrangement. in the meantime. i think we gotta be willing to ask the questions and listen to the answer. thank you. >> thank you. >> director. >> i wanted to echo chair borden's suggestions ab testing. i think it is important as director heminger noted that we test correct low. we pilot correctly. so, make sure to set ourselves up for success and the drivers and the programs in the program for success. i wanted to express concern around the additional background checks. i think that is excessive considering that we do a great job at that already. so -- is that something that can get addressed as well? >> i will take that back p. i can't speak to that but we will definitely look at that. >> thank you. >> i gots only question about
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the notice wheel app and payments if you can come up and i know you said the improve ams there were issues in the past with drivers paid throughout app. i wanted to confirm they have been remedied. and how we see that going forward in the process. with the third parties. >> yes. in the past it was a fraction of the pay out we had. there were charge backs. they never took that ride a lot of times the rider forgetting the driver was doing something. we made a decision to piit out. we does not want that hanging. people were using that against the pilot. so we paid it out. but i think you asked how we would pay? >> how will it work with the third party relationship with the tnc how that payment they
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pay and you you pay them. they fronts the money that's why there are no delays. we then they get the monfreus from a credit card or third party source. you verified there will be no penalties for drivers and visible. >> let me make that clear. there are drivers here that don't upon to be a part of this. they will not see an uber trip. there are drivers that say, may be i will do it. they can tag long and take them and try it out.
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they doll that. i guess the question everything is routed through a dispatch or like app to person interaction or a dispatch. >> it is nice this . is e hail it is different than dispatch it is a modern way to connect to a driver. that's a big modernization to our industry. i want to emphasize the country we are more advanced man the other parts of the counts real. what we do here is -- really modern iegz. giving the demand through the e hail platform and connecting is crucial. >> how does the driver make the difference who the call is coming from.
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i think that if there are no we had comments and no questions i think we can move on. thank you for your resolution and helping start a spirited conversation. thank you. >> item 9. public comment. i have speaker cards. >> the first speaker in the room. >> members of public may address the board on matters within the board's jurisdiction but not on today's agenda. paula cats. again i have izy and nancy.
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i'm sorry. >> okay go ahead y. i wanted clarify something earlier after i spoke you said manage along the line the board does not respond to public comment. i know i said quickly to get everything in i was not asking to you finished me i pointed out under the charter specifically any changes in significant cantz bus routes have to be approved bite board and sfmta came up with the reason, didn't have to, why the change in the rail did not come under the board's approval requirement. because it is a temporary line it has been in affect for 3 years during the construction. and i was not asking to you
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respond to me. i seen you frequently ask mta questions. and i was requesting that you would ask the mta the legal authority is for saying a temporary bus line does not change in a temporary bus line does not have to being approved bite board when there is no inspection for that in the city charter. may be they have a legal opinion or something. i would hope up want to know why they are taking away your responsibility and authority exterior what their legal authority is. that's what i asked you. sorry fiwas talking so fast and putting so much in 2 minutes this did not come across i hope you will consider asking sfhta i believe does not violate your procedures or anything. thank you. >> thank you. i said that in this forum we
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don't respond to comment it has to be agendaized in the this we can't ask staff that question we will ask that question and they will have an answer unless a formal hearing we can't engage in the back and forth. members of the public might be interested and look for the upon agenda and nothing referencing it so therefore we ask people to take action it is in violation like other neighbors. it does not mean we did not hear you. am we'll take if up at another time. i asked to you put it on the agenda and discuss that. i appreciate that. >> no problem. >> upon i wanted to decline. >> good afternoon i'm nancy i
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was hear on july 12 on speak to the board. i wanted say how much i appreciate your volunteer hours. i did noted realize you are volunteers and you are put nothing time and we appreciate temperature i speak for myself and i'm here reporting friends of lake street. i want to come back to july 12, mt aboard meeting when director heminger said he wanted to clarify what was happening with slow lake. i wanted to go back to 2020 survey that shows 70 plus % overwhelming support for slow lake street by people who live on lake street and the neighborhood. your vote in august of last year a unanimous vote in support of slow lake street is one of 4 slow streets the survey of january 22. just 6 months ago show 80% in
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support of slow lake street who live there and the neighboring individuals. we also participated and in a design for slow lake street. and -- we supported the 4 diverters and the slowing traffic slowing. i wanted to bring to your attention we held a meeting with sfmta on june 29 alex sweet the mayor's transportation advisor told us that they were going to remove the bear combrers not replace them when they put in the stop signs which would happen soon. jamie parks at the same meeting said if you remove the barriers approximate don't put in diverters it is the ends of a slow street. they said they would bring this to you the mta for direction. i speak for thousands who are
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asking the sfmta and the board to support and protect slow lake. and to do it at the next. >> thank you. >> we will not have a full quorum until september. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, >> >> hello with fly wheel. want to make general comments about the taxi industry it is important to put out there fly wheel is working with 125 taxi fleets throughout the united states in the over 50 states now in terms of platforming taxis to e hail and smart phone book the statistics in san francisco and every where else this is important to know. the heist taxi trae in san francisco we had about 7500e
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card holders professional taxi drivers. today we have less than 2,000. 7500 to less than 2,000. most of the business that was street hails and the taxi business moved to the ride shares. i want to mention that the criticism about uber and am lyft and ride shares in general are deserved in many ways. myself i may have been the #est critic of the ride shares and still critical. the fact of the matter is the industry in the public moved to do ride hailing and e hailing and smart phone book must be part of the technology for the taxi industry. what is amazing is this partnership with uber is allowing their passengers to be serviced by taxi and regulated bite taxi industry and we will work out the rowels over time. if we want a resurgence to the
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industry and want a vital industry with lots of new a card hold and taxis on the road medalliance purchased gwen by drivers. we have to move forward. i want to make clear, i'm loyal to the taxi industry. believe in the everybodies system, support the mta but this is my perspective and i want to make that clear to those listening and to you board members. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speakers please. anyone else in the room who submitted a card. >> we will move on to public comment online this is for general public comment. on items not on the agenda. but things that we cover. i have 4 speakers in the queue. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon board members i'm anthony. i have been a san francisco
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resident and muni rider since 1989. i complain by muni. everybody sdchlt i'm also mindful that today's municipal seso superior to the muni of the 90's it is is like an entirely different system. one improvement is the next bus system. that is my concern today is seems that system is breaking down. oftentimes when i go to a bus stop instead of seeing one california, 5 machine and 12 minutes i see gibberish on the display sign or it says registering or another useless verbage rather than the buss and arrival timeless. and that guess with the online finds that the one california predictions are available i go to a different bus like the 24
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and it will say no predictions available at this time. i'm not talking about 3 o'clock in the morning i'm talking about 9 o'clock in the morning. so -- there should be predictions available for every line all the time. i read this there is a new system being installed. while that new system is being created, mta needs to bring the currents one back in good operating order. >> thank you. >> thank you. that's all. >> next speaker, please. upon good afternoon madam chair special directors thank you for the opportunity [inaudible] i live in san jose. >> the [inaudible] expansion of [inaudible] to the cal train downtown extension of dtx for short and how muni help
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advancing both projects to the own long-term advantage. the primary purpose is to bury the cal train tracks on 16 and 7th street west of the i280 over pass. the [inaudible] with cal train and muni of the tracks krosdz 16th are known. today i would like you to consider the same cal train tracks guess in the n to terminate 6 and king and t terminate on 16 east i280. once the tracks are gone have you an opportunity to connect n and t track and complete a [inaudible] and back to seven loop carrying traffic around mission bay instead of wasting minutes.
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moving on to how the mta [inaudible] the projects i heard you will come to the leveraging expertise funding the [inaudible] and best practice huto improve [inaudible] and -- project -- delivery lowering costs combine nothing a single project that connects future 7th street [inaudible] multimodal transit center to the transbay terminal. thank you for your support. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello good afternoon. this is barry toronto again. couple of quick housekeeping issues they took away the left turn at fourth and king. so we cannot serve the ballpark. and at the -- end of baseball
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games or before because access to third street has been removed -- upon taking away that left turn. don't count on me serving ball gameless nought [inaudible] are not letting us through on second and townsend to go this way and after you wait 15 minutes before you get between second and third street on king street. so you have taken away a huge chunk of our business during baseball season. next thing the street obscured the sun at the hilton. and o fairel i asked to have the tree trimd and no one is doing anything about temperature the next is about this uber and lyft issue the unknown system not fair. regulated fares and the controls
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on how much we can be charged, there are no unknowns there. transparency is fair temperature is only fair. and we are not having transparency here. >> very many access to taxis but the same time the cab companies raised lease fees by 20% so we are paying more to the cab companies and no matter what we take a 10 fares or 30 fares have to pay the same large amount to the cab cutches and the prices are stip high. half my gross goes to expenses. our income is in the [inaudible] at this point. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello.
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i got 2 young kids in san francisco unified i'm urging you and your board in september to really look at the long-term value of slow lake and the network in san francisco. realize -- continue to work with the mayor's office. i feel like there is a way where this can work out for everyone. because there are a lot of loud voices in the room which happens in san francisco. urge this board to the really come to the have an about face with the mayor's office and work to try to get infrastructure in the ground. so we can move forward as a community. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hello i'm [inaudible] i'm a
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residents of dog patch in district 10. reasonable, muni has changed the route of the 48 quintara from third street to tennessee which is a residential street. this change was made without notice or public comment x. even though there are 2 preschoolos this street, these buses are racing by at in a speeding in a 15 miles per hour emzone. i would like to know why this change was made and how and why neighbors were not notified. and neither was the dog patch neighborhood association nor supervisor walton. thank you. >> next speaker, please. good afternoon. i was surprised under the
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director's report they did not mention that supervisor preston next week's neighborhood safety committee meeting is july 28 that he is bring the proposal that every time there is a fatal pedestrian accident that there be a public hearing like the police department has public hearings when a person when well is a fatal shooting -- and i think this would be very good. we still have not got answers. there have been 4 fatal collisions of pedestrians hit by cars in the richmond and mta has done nothing to make the interchanges -- safer. for pedestrians to walk. i don't know what we have to do and may be supervisor preston if mta will approve, have
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neighborhood meetings every time there is a fatal accident. so we can hear from staff on what they will do to make our intersections safer so people feel safe walking in the neighborhood. and you know we are a transit first city we have to be a pedestrian city. they both need to be equal. a lot of times the engineers will not put in stop sign its is on a bus route. both have to be given equal weight. pedestrians are important as transit ride and learn to share the city and staff needs to learn. thank you for listen to me. >> thank you. next speaker, please. skwa i'm sofia a residents on 10 continue street. i would will like to bring
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update issue of the 48 quintara bus rerouted without notification or input from neighbors. i'm not clear why this was done online. it says it was done for operator feedback. they never asked the businesses and a lot of businesses who work for feedback. when they put the 55 dog patch here there was tons of community out reach. and even options begin to the neighborhood. and i'm wondering if this -- you can see there is another neighbor here. the same issue and the neighbors of petition and put on the agenda. if that is possible at a future meeting or how that would happen. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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[inaudible]. regarding the drivers [inaudible] i understand it is w with yellow cab the uber app for drivers installed the taxi driver's [inaudible]. and when the taxi driver log in to the uber app. it is forced upon the driver if the driver chooses to log in the driver is afternoon uber driver subject to uber's policies. one of the policy system that if a driver accepts 50% of the [inaudible] offered that driver will seat fare and destination up fronts this it is a great incentive to drivers to accept uber rides as possible. and possibly to the detriment of other passengers and traditional
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passengers who will call in on the phone or flagging on the street. there is possibility that [inaudible] appears the choice is are the passengers going to become taxy passengers. increase taxi or commit to taxis or are the drivers going to become uber drivers subject to uber policies. >> thank you, next speaker, please. no one in the queue. >> with that we will close public comment and move to consent calendar >> item 10 consent calendar considered to be routine and acted upon by a vote unless a number of the board or public wishes to consider one
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separately. >> can you mute the last caller. >> i thandz one of the items will be severed. >> so -- see. we received a request from the public to sever and consider item 10.4 separately. would you like me to take that after the remaining items >> great >> item 10.1 requesting controltory a lot funds and draw warrants availabling or available in payment to the claims lists a-f against the sfmta. 10.2. approving routine parking and traffic modifications lists under a-i in the agenda. 10.3. adopting a resolution making finings ab361 to allow continued remote meetings due to the pandemic. that concludes consent.
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>> great. with that director hinze? >> yes. >> i did want to let everybody know public record i do know -- the acquaintance in matter 10.1 item b. i have no personal interests in this settlement. and i [inaudible] council so i want to get this on the record. >> thank you. >> that's the tea attorney sufficient? >> great. >> if there are no additionaling comments from the board. on the consent calendar i will open up to public comment. that's minus 10.4. nobody in the room. are there callers on the line.
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>> no callers in the queue yoochlt is there a motion on consent minus 10.4. >> move. >> second. >> on the motion to approve consent calendar with item 10.4 severed. >> director hinze. >> aye. >> chair borden >> aye. >> the consent is approved we will return to 10.4 authorization the director to approve contract amendment am 2 to each the following contracts to extend the terms by 11 months through june 30 of 23. increase the contract amount and continue with scope of the contract for the san francisco safe routes to school program. mta2019 with a san francisco bike coalition increase from 846 thousand dollars not to exceed 1
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million, 112 thousand dollars. tenderloin benefit direct increase from 330 thousand dollars not to exceed 396 thousand dollars. with all walk san francisco foundation. to increase from 717 thousand dollars to amount not to exceed [inaudible] with the ymca of san francisco. to increase from 728, 964. not to exceed 909, 310. we have staff available for this item. >> great. director cajina. >> could staff walk us through the scope of work for this.
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i understand the board did not include that. i wanted to understand more what the scope of work was for this additional amount for this period of time. >> hello. >> thank you. >> i'm the program coordinator for the san front safe routes to school program. and00 autocurrent exceptions use the same scope as the existing contract. the contract in question are authorized through task orders. so the tasks are set. in the contract themselves. and the extension would allow us to offer additional task orders to condition work through the 2022-23 school year. what is included in the scope varies between the 4 contracts but in general it is implementation of our
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programming. our programming in includes events. your low events. big head liners like the walk and roll to school week the bike and roll to school week and eventses like bake fairs or classes. a different. part of the scope is classes. we offer drop in bicycling classes. we offer bicycle pe classes. we offer workshops for parents and staff. on organizeizing group walks and group bicycle trips for students. other is directly leading and organizing the guided walks and bicycle rides. of the scopes include evidence. it citizen rubbing of safe
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routes to school program events and sxefldz what we need is issues through task orders to request the contractors to dot work. >> great t. is a sizeable amount of money. and so that's why i guess i would have appreciated more detail in the staff report that denoted the scope of work. and further detail; right . are these classes going to be in person or mostly online? >> moving federaled we are transitioning back to in person classes and events. if it would be helpful and i don't know what is appropriate for me to volunteer, i would very much like to walk through the time line and the process of why we ask for an extension now only if that would be helpful to the board >> it would be. >> please, do. >> i thought it might.
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so the safe routes to school program transitioned from administration bite department of public health to administration bite sfmta in 2019. the original contract amount and funding totals along with the contract and contractors were all set. it all came to the mta as a package and we were asked to give it as is. and that's what we have continued doing. we had and -- an addition of funding and extension in 2021. under the quick strike funding. that was meant top infuse funding quickly. so that a program could continue like hours could. and because of the quick knows of the processes, we needed to do an extension rather than the standards process of putting out a request for principles to
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attract bids and select contractors from that bid process. we have reasonable received approval for additional amount of funding. grand fudding for this program with such -- operations elements instead of constructing a single object can be difficult to find their limited grants and we are not included in the mta operating budget. the grants are life line. we received approval for what upon to us is a wonderful and unprecedented term for next funding of 4 years and we are very much looking forward to issuing an rfp to bring in bids for the next set of contracts. we are already in the process of that. our funding approval came in may and started working on our
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request for proposals to bring in the next round of contracts. but the current contracts will expire before that process can conclude and bring in new bidders. >> as the board knows, these processes take a long time. and in the best of times we would have a lapse and right now with staff shortages with everyone working on full speed ahead. every amount of effort put in this getting the request for principles out and new bid in in time to not have a substantial lapse inspect programming is not possible. we will not have contracts to prevent a lapse if we don't extend the current ones. and -- we asked to extend them
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through the next school year. so wee can provide consistent, stable and quality programming to the students for the duration of the next school year and be ready for a transition to the new contracts immediately after the next school year. we don't think what they will be because we don't have the rfp out yet t. is already in draft form. it is being looked at by our contracting teams and the city attorney's we will have it released before the end of the year. we will bring in new bid and select new contracts and arc void a lapse in programming. rf p for the 23/24 school year? >> it is the remainder of the 4 years funding we received. why got it. >> so -- currently there are condition transacts that exist
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this have a scope of work and they are extended. i personal low don't feel comfortable approving such a sizeable sum if i don't know what this is going toward. and could be a matter of getting more on that. an attachment to like see what the scope of work is. the challenge is to understands upon how your addressing any equity goals to the work. through the partners. understanding or the partners going to work.
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it is challenging for me to make a decision. >> a point of clarification if we don't approve today there will be a lapse? >> there will be. >> that's just what i want to make sure we recognize team. i don't know if there is a way to pull or information that we could put this on the understands of the agenda and come back if starch would if there is more you can pull together to satisfy cajina. >> i'm certain as long as i access the seatbelt i can get
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you the contracts and the report this is if process now. previousanual report will give insights to the extent of the multieyeling walprogram and reach to different schools we have an equity framework i can have sent. i'm -- very happy to provide all of this if it is possible. >> if we could, that will be great. there is this rhythm that is a bit of a constant in the meetings we do get contracts put before us at a time crunch moment and challenge to ask questions and get feedback if we are against like the different decisions. something to know for jonathan and your leadership.
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>> thank you. >> why don't we go ahead and ruizmented to say something and take public comments and you can rito gather when we need to figure out if we need to do this further down the agenda. joy will quickly clarify what this item is. i hear you director cajina there is a pattern of contracts on this one we are trying to dot right thing we are not doing it after the fact. so -- you know as we presented to you. this is the safe routes to school noninfrastructure program. out preach. communication. program related. this was something we took over from department of public healing. you see like in the item itself this is all funded throughout federal government through grants for services. i think we can get that the scope of the grants are and the programs are and report back during the meeting, which are implemented throughout contracts
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the increases to the contracts it looks like big dollars. the first is from 8 frisk thousand to 1.1 million this is an increase of over 100 thousand dollars the second is increase of 60,000. again. the reason is we want to do it the right way with an rfp and scope it out. the woord can give us for no description we go in the school year we did not want november to implement the federal funds pay for the staff and the related contract. this -- to us i hear you about the nature of the scope and the program is this was to be an administrative item to buy us time to get an rfp out and have that year of over lap. we can follow up toward the end of the middle easting with the specific deliverables of the program. >> thank you for following up.
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i appreciate that. and christa. open up to public comment on item 10.4 the safe routes to school contract. now is the time. moderator. callers on the liern? >> yes. we have 3 callers in the queue. >> good afternoon. commissioners. i'm richard rossman i think this is a good program when concerns me is giving the contract to walk sf in the bicycle coalition. nies are 2 organizations that lobby for mta programs like safe routes. like -- jfk and the great highway. does not pass the smell test you
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are paying them to lobby and the walk sf i'm a member. they never had board meetings and my understanding if they get city money they have have one to twop board meetinglies a year. scholarships why they are not having board meeting. the second amendment, why did they not plan for this a year ago and put out our rfp. there are other organizations. senior action netted work and groups in the richmond this do this program. it is okay but i don't think walk sf and bicycle coalition should get grant monfremta going out and lobby for mta and they get treatment when staff call this is and staff will not call the citizens but call their members. this does not pass the smell test i called ethic's commission
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today i was so concerned about it. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hi. good afternoon. chair and the rest of the directors. i am wanting to you support the condition tract. . because this -- is important work and schools across the city and it can't continue with any disruptions through the school year. i work for many schools in the city. both school this is year are first san francisco in the xrm started a walk to school day at schools and this -- these were
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fun and built community. enjoyed by students and a way to get activities before students started their day. i heard back that these were great additions to the school year and we will continue them next year. and so -- i don't want the schools to lose momentum. our city and climb as well. thank you for your time. thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon directors. fantastic a different board member differents directors taken over [inaudible] after doing question the expenditures on large contracts.
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bravo. i want to say that and peskin during a cta meeting brought up the same occurrence as another commenter about the conflict of interests. now i understand what happened. under the public health department the program was not creating a conflict consider that the walk sf and the bicycle coalition work together. and the same thing as taxi workers alliance run a taxi class to orient drivers to help out the mta. we would be offered the same opportunity to offer a similar program considering the programs are similar to what these charter of the organizations would mean that because they are
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taking public funds open meetings to the public without a member of that organization. because the public provides money indirectly to that organization. so -- yes. i think that this is the situation and should be more transparency. and i think going out to bid is a great idea. thank you for explaining how this came under the purview of the agency. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. might have one additional caller. >> that was it. no caller in the queue. >> we will close public comment at this time. we are going to not going to take action at this moment and wait to see if we get more information on this item so that we can make a sdichlthz
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otherwise we will move on to the next item 11. >> item 11. approving a memorandum of understanding with the peninsula joint powerhouse board the city of san francisco, san mate'o transportation district and santa clara transportation authority roll to the jpb's governors. >> good morning moneastbounding webster governor affair's manager. the item before you today is a memorandum of understanding relating to cal train. 4 parties to the mou. the peninsula, san francisco, san mate'o transportation district and santa clara transportation authority. each parties must approve the mou and for san francisco that is a 2 step process requiring approval by this board and the board of supervisors. all first provide an over view
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of the context and briefly summarize the terms of the mou. more is in the staff report and the mou is included in your packet. >> deputy city attorney innes lead council during the negotiations is here today to responds to questions. and as you know director heminger is the chair of the joint power's board and leading the worked for. the jpb is a joint exercise governed by an agreement with san francisco, san mate'o transportation district and the vta. operates cal train runs between san francisco and gilroy 77 miles with 32 station and it is 7th largest commuter rail service in the in addition. >> in 1991 the transportation
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district criminalitied 82 million dollars toward the purchase of the right of way for cal trainful as a result granted real property and right to serve the managing agency of cal train until it was repaid. rights and obligations of the agency contained in 2 documents a joint power's agreement and real property ownership agreement. in 2008 the member agencies and the metro transportation commission arrived in an agreement to repay san mate'o 53 million dollars of contribution using state gas tax funds. as part of the agreement the san mate'o district for go payments and serve the managing agency of cal train for as long as it wished the gas tax fundses did not fully materialize. and 33 million dollars of the 53 million dollars was repaid to
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san mate'o leaving 20 million dollars outstanding. fast forward to summer of 2020, the jpb authorized a sales tax on the november 2020 ballot that was successfully approved by voters. and at that sip time the board took action to express the intent to modify cal trains governing structure to allow to arc points their executive director to operate cal train with the provision around agreement reached reimburse san mate'o for their investment. after the consideration of models earlier this year the jpb adopted a term sheet out lines a structure and repayment which served the basis for the mou presented for your approval. >> so -- now turning to the terms of the mornings ou the agreement repay the 20 million dollars orred to the san in te'o
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transportation district for the original investment in the right-of-way. once paid that will result in the transfer of certain real property rights to the joint power's board. of 20 million dollars, 19.8 million, repayment is put in motion. the city already paid the share which was small chair 200 thousand dollars. and mtc committed to funding the balance and took action to make that commitment. the terments of the mou include a second payment to be made in 12 months of the mou's execution the total 15.2 million dollars san francisco and the dta to compensate the payment compensate and payment of the right-of-way and assign rights managing agency to the jbp. the mou establishes a cal train director's position reporting to the jpb and 5 director reports
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serve under the executive director and define the role of the managing agency. last m oushgs u provides a time line for ma'am to the owner ishmael agreement and joint powerhouse agreement to conform to the mou and other changes. any amendments will come back throughout same process and require prove by all member agency boards including this one. as fir mechanic steps mou approved by the san mate'o transportation district on june 23rd the joint powerhouse board approve today on june 23. and it is scheduled go before the san francisco board government audit and oversight meeting this thursday followed by the full board of supervisors next week on july 26. vta is the last stop and scheduled to go before the board
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on august fourth. >> once all approvals in place, the mou will be executed bite general managerings of each agency and that concludes my presentation. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you director heminger for your hard work. we don't have to worry. [laughter]. >> thk thank you very much. madam chair and colleagues i urge your aye vote on this. to put us out of misery. as you heard, i'm the chair this year and this has preoccupied all of my time in that role. that was true of my predecessor and hers. so we have been going at this for several years now. and in fact if you go back to the beginning we have been going at this for 30 years. and i would characterize this a
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classic quid pro quo agreement. san trans resentful for decades of not being reimbursed for their really good neighbor action of fronting all of the money for the local match to purchase the right-of-way. and this right-of-way on the peninsula is one of the most valuable transportation assets in the bay area. because we condition only run trains we develop around it, there s a lot we can do and the fact nasan transwas willing to do something that san francisco and santa clara were not at the time, i think really does deserving our thanks and gratitude and i think that in addition to that they would like cold hard cash to make sure we can extinguish that debt. the, saturday it is the fact that for search years now i think that the 2 of the 3
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parties san francisco and santa clara have been unhappy with the way we governor and that has work for various concessions that were made along the way they left us in a position where the train the managing agency for the train -- was sam trans. 2 agencies selected or not. and as parts of that arrangement, the. other 2 agencies had manage to say about who are executive director would be. which is a very odd relationship. but there you have it. and i think what we heard from our partners at san mate'o is if you want to alter that relationship basically you will have to pay for it.
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just as we tried to divise an equitable way of repaying san mate'o for their right-of-way purchase the idea here was that -- they deserved a compensation for the fact that not only that money not paid but they are seating authority. now they make the decisions know who the executive director suggest and they are also wait and waiting and while they are waiting they don't have the money they can't earn interest. et cetera. long story short. i think both sides of the coin here guest something -- and give something. and i think it is taking awhile to strike the right balance. i think we are well and i pledge to you if you approve this we will not darken your door step
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for arc while. and we can go back to running a railroad, which is something that we are all good at. and i think we can be proud of the service we provide. just 2 last thought it is for your consideration. the first is just how fortunate we were in putting a measure on the ballot. this board has experience with putting measures on the ballot. unlike this board, the cal train measure passed. by a 2 third's vote in the pandemic conditions to shock me. but -- that was such a stroke of luck, and -- good fortune i think we will be dining out on that for years. 100 million dollars a year in new revenue. what thinked muni do with that money? so, that clearly in my mind is one and the other is nawe have a
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major project under way as i think you are familiar to electrify that line. which i think will be the second big victim. getting it is in public ownership and second, getting rid of diesel exhaust. and having an electrified system this i think in terms of especially development potential and other things, is going to be a boom to the service. . and so the fact that we have got both those under way and this has been a diversion. they say it is better to be lucky than good. we have been lucky we have been able to keep the ball in thes air while we figure this out. sorry for going on but this is i think an important matter and a good way of try to nip the 3
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partners back together againful one reason it is lengthy is that there has been a lack offul trust and had to write a lot down now. and now it is written down. i happening it will put us in a good position to go back to business and grow on the railroad. >> thank you. >> thank you for your scope and stewardship through it all. i remember the last summer 2 sum others ago we had the vote >> yes. directors, questions or comments? >> move to public comment. are there members of public that would like to peek to item 11 on the agenda the cal train structure? i see no callers in the queue. >> [laughter]. with that we will close public comment and the board can call the need a motion.
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>> i move. >> i am second. >> secretary can you call the roll. >> motion to approve director cajina. >> aye. >> director heminger. >> aye >> director hinze. >> aye. >> chair borden. >> aye. >> thank you the motion passes. >> staff, do we have updates to 10.4 at this time? >> i believe the materials have been sent over to the director. um -- we could continue on to the closed session and come back after item 13 and 14. or item 10.4 after. do you want to do that. >> yes. >> item 12 discussion and vote pursunts to code 67.10 d invoke a closed session with legal council. >> members is there public comment on us going in closed session. joy see no callers in the queue. >> we will take a motion from
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the board. move to closed session. >> second. >> on motion to go in closed session director cajina >>. aye >> heminger >> aye >> hinze. >> aye. >> chair borden. >> aye. >> thank you the motion passes the board will go in closed >> commission. >> good ahead. >> on the 19th of july. directors that brings us on to the next item. item 13 announcement of closed session the board met in closed session to discuss case with thes city attorney and voted settle both case. item 14, motion to disclose or not disclose the information discuss in the closed session.
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>> motion not to disclose. >> sect. >> please, call the question. >> on the motion to not disclose director cajina. >> aye >> heminger >> aye >> hinze. >> aye. >> chair borden. >> aye. >> thank you the motion passes. back to 10.4. >> staff if you could prop we'll members following this is 10.4 our safe routes to school contracts we may continue to the end of the agenda. >> thank you, are there specific questions i should address? >> doctor cajina. >> thank you for sending me the materials requested this was helpful and i appreciate just how quickly you and your team rallied to sends those over to me. >> i did have a few clarifying
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questions. i see part of the scope of work includes multicultural out reach. not engagement. so. there is a difference between those 2. and i wanted understand in terms of the multicultural engage am piece television. what is the plan? what is the obligation to the different contractors to adhere to >> reporter:s we have around this if not in this contract. so. specific low will there be in language training, classes. beyond just like a translated flyer or a translated power point. right. >> yes. >> yes, thank you. we do offer print material, translated in pannish, chinese, filipino, arabic and vietnamese. but that is the base level temperature is not the extent of our programming in multiple language and engagement in
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multiple cult urs it is an element we are proud of. and we have been w to strengthen. so startings with the base level our translation we have been xandzing the materials that were translated beyond the city required cantonese or filipino and spanish to include the school districts arabic and vietnamese. when it come to programming, we offer classes in chinese and spanish. we have been able to go further and have live interpretation of our programming in to arabic, vietnamese and filipino. we have hel full language -- no english version being offered to communities in chinese and spanish and i believe arabic one of the arabic programming -- activities we did it turned out
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they preferred in english we had arabic interception available but english was the preferred language. we vehicle increasing that. it does cover our classes and our safety check when is we talk to schools and families and class rooms about personal safety. and -- we have our programming for events. our walk and roll day and bike and roll day. those we put the activities into all of these languages as well. it is not limited to english. the way we staff those is throughout upon contracts we do have a multilingual staff. we have currently, a native spanish speak and native chinese speaker. we have an arabic speaker who we don't use for live interception it is a new skill but helps us
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with the arabic speaking communities. we have additional language capacity through drawing on the department of environment and environment now out reach team. >> they meet with multilingual dispatch call on them when our staff cannot provide a language support. we lean on sfusd language services buzz we have an active mou apologies we thought it was mou that lodged in my mind we have a contract with sfusd and through that we have shown the value programming show they will take on the interception and translation if we don't have enough in house capacity to provide a language service in a live event. >> right. >> we drawn a lot of differents sources because this is such a critical need. >> yea. >> for the program. >> so. based on what you described the
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ownous to provide this eleven of in language engagement is on us in some ways. the staff the staffing you described is our staffing at the agency. so, i wonder we are contracting with folks to be like that first liven engage am with families do they have the staff to do this. and if not is there a protective dot contracts allow to subcontract with other nonprofits situateed have that engagement for folks. >> apologies for lack of clarity we have multilanguage staffs throughout contracts and supplement. and our always willing to draw on any resource available to expand the offerings in different languages. we do have staff through the contracts for the spanish and chinese and the arabic language.
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we also have had them subcondition tract for instructors so our program and classes can be offered in languaging they have that ability in the contract and we have called on it. >> okay. >> and the reason why this is so pressing for me and i should probably for the articulate this. we have seen or i have seen reports of incidents for english language learners this have faced harassment in transit. it is really important to make sure that through programs like these, that we are providing resources to support those english language learners as they navigate the systems we have and their family and parents. that's why that is so important to me. >> and so. as you are evaluating these programs issue and how they are addressing the issues i wonder -- is this part of your
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met tricks of evidence to see what the out reach and engagement has been for english language learners and their families? >> it is not a required met tricks for us in the concern contracts that were handed to us from d ph, it is manage we have made the -- decision that it is so important to us and to our program this is we track that ourselves. outside of any obligation. we do track which event and how many arc tendsees we have in various languages. you will see an over view of the previous year offering in the evaluation report and preparing the next report to cover the school year that has just concluded. we it is manage we track and manage we are pushing for continuing improve am and advancement on. to make sure that -- all populations in the city are able
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to not just access but be directly reached out to by our program. >> right >> [laughter] and so -- i will say that -- when this come back which you do your report that will be a met tick i will look out for. i do hope that it is something this you and the partners involved are taking seriously andepting and making strides to improve upon that. thank you, christa. >> thank you very much. >> the other additional comments by directors? >> we took public comment earlier. is there a motion? >> i move to approve the item. >> i second it. >> secretary silva? >> on the motion to approve director cajina. >> aye >> heminger. >> aye >> director hinze. >> aye. >> chair borden.
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now we are in the city by the bay. we are getting ready for the big parade. the warriors have a lot of fans. you see her at all of the games. the blue and gold for the last few months. welcome the mayor london reed. who does it mean to have the first parade in san francisco. how much are you looking forward to this one? >> let me tell you. i'm so excited the streets are lined in blue and gold which will give a homecoming like no other welcome home warriors
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what has the center and drive city and the whole vibe. what has it meant to the city. >> it meant so much. we are talking about a team and amazing cost that are not just wonderful on the court but off the court. they brought a vibe and energy that's carrying us in the city after two hardiers. it's time to celebrate give me a final thought. how much you looking forward to riding in your own car in this championship team. >> i'll be smiling and waving so hard my face will hurt. which dezer this. i would like you to show so much love to the team and the people on the stage.
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let's give them some love warriors. >> give it up for lon ton. [ applause ] >> all right, now we have the hot seat part of the he think delve sorry. the pingient difficult parade questions. the things where they say what they want to say this is great for the fourth parade. the last broadcasting job that hassen been taken by green. let's hear from steve kerr. >> you say this surprised you? >> we stunk the last two years. i don't know if you noticed
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that. to be back to where we were is incredible and testament to these guys. amazing mentoring from our older to younger guys. a beautiful mix. >> talk about coaching a humble super star stephen curry. he decided to miss free throws the be one of the guys. was it his idea? >> he missed one and you will say he missed free throws. >> he fits in with the group that you elevate above. when you are leaders and so much apart of the mix it's tough to beat. >> with stef it's the combination of talent and he makes everybody want to win for him and with him.
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one guy was an gray. because of what he meant to our guys to our younger guys and older guys it's not easy. andre helped us get through it all. it was a great mix and good mix of vets and young guys it'd was truly an organize nal success this year it's beautiful to work with everybody. >> four championships as a coach and one for the other thumb. >> absolutely. >> give it up for steve kerr. [ applause ] >> fans know this and on tv we look for this. there is nothing better than a wiggens smile. we started to see that more often. let's have andrew and green come up here.
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first year all-star first championship and best basketball you played on the biggest stage. how rewarding for you. >> it was great. now we celebrate. >> whatever you have to say go ahead and do it. let me get out-of-the-way. [ applause ] everyone is nervous right now. >> i'm trying to think of the most controversial thing i could say. this is great. i don't know what do you want me to tell you we are better
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than everybody. [ beeps] that. this has been an amazing year. i told y'all not to let us win a championship. i warned y'all. i'll continue to destroy people on twitter i have been. and instagram stories. i love this group and when i say the group the entire group. there were times we won a championship and everything didn't have to be aligned. for this to work every single person up here had to be aligned. it's so special and you talk about which championship means more. the reality is every single one has it's own journey. i was numb because of the ger
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any this was. what you appreciate for the journey is the people you go through it with. what brings me the most joy everybody thinks i'm talking [ beeps] what brings me the most joy since i won my first one is seeing the guys who won it the first time. in your journey you want that feeling back. the first time you do it you want that feeling back. you never get it again. the only way to get it is feel it through wiggens. feel it through pull, porter, belly, moses. d. lee. this is not d. lee's first time around. you feel it through the guys and that's how you get the sensation again. i'd like to say thank you you
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all and as always [ beeps] everybody else. >> i am assuming andrew has nothing to add. let's bring up stephen curry and clay thompson. last time we won this stef gave a speech and how important the fans was and the journey with his brothers and getting to the mountaintop and clay said whatever he just said. i'll start with clay instead. 941 days. when you came back in the cleveland game did you have an idea how much people loved you and appreciated you and we missed you? >> i mean.
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[ applause ] >> that goes both ways. i love being a resident of the bay area. i mean, just really mature draymond. he has the maturity level of a third grader. just seeing everybody in the neighborhood so excited and standing ovation from the chef and waiters. that's what it is about the little wins. they would tell me about the little wins during my rehab. that's something i would take for the rest of my life. just the small things in life that inspired me to keep going. whether it's taking a picture with an old lauddy lady r young kid. dub nation has no bounds and we have fans from all walks of
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life. [ applause ] >> if you get a second bulldog would it be named ca nnoli. >> i was watching a lot of chris farley videos. i would put-on semipro or chris tucker. me and peter are big friend people. >> stef, to win game six you were as emotional as i ever saw you. you cried on the court. >> who cries on the basketball court. no crying in basketball. >> tell us about being overwhelmed in there? >> tell me about what that meant. >> i think everybody that's been said on the stage if you say it out loud or internalize it you carry the journey with you every single day. to know what we have been
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through and my brother went through for almost three years. what we went through as a team to retool, regroup, rejuvenate what we had. just like taking snapshots of the last three years all of that came out. once we change buildings and carry the championship dna with us. the emotion was everything i got to the real questions what will they say now. >> i don't know if it makes you goodnow. i have to play for coach kerr and go to paris. >> it's just amazing.
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an amazing feeling. everybody that has a part in that is the most important thing that trophy is nice. >> finish it off for andre andre and draymond. finish off the parade before we jump into cars with the kind of thought and o ohmage to fans. >> we have grown up in y'alls eyes. from 2015 when we wondered what shaving cream was because we didn't have the ability to grow that stuff and know what we have carried the last eight years. how cool is it. 7 years to the date from game six of 2015 to game six of 2022. [ applause ] >> the exact same day we celebrate another
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championship. to know, we represent you guys. the life that you give us. the inspiration. the free males meals and standing ovations in the kitchen. >> i love those. all of that matters. this is what it's about. entertaining you guys and giving you something to cheer for. it's giving us the opportunity to go through amazing things that we haven't done in history and representing the entire bay area. it means a lot. dray went on a vacation but for us to know we have all been here the entire time and try to continue to build this. we are back having a practice raid in san francisco. >> before we wrap-up i need your leadership. all of you to organize the team photo.
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>> so the march started in 2004, there was a lot of action going on at the time against transgender people. so an email thread went around and everybody decided to meet here at the loweris park and really send out the message to the community that we're here and just because the legislation does not validify who we are, we are still here and we deserve to be loved and empowered. >> so for me trans march is a safe place where i will not be quiet and i can be unapologetic
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against my trans siblings to be in the community and say okay, you can bring yourself to the safe places. we're normal human beings and we can exist. >> this is one of the largest trans marches that happens in the world and this space is ours. we can at least have one day where we are seen and not over shadowed by the greater pride, hostilities everywhere. trans march means so much to me. but it means so much more for me and my community.
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>> my partner is transgender and you know ,z we've been together for 25 years. and i learned a lot about trans generaleder and her what it means to be transgender. to give people pride of who they are they are beautiful and an important part of society and they should have equal rights. >> for me being here is an act of celebrating myself and feeling okay in my own skin. >>ed we have a lot of momentum here at trans mart, we have a
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>> you are watching san francisco rising. a special guest today. >> i am chris and you are watching san francisco rising. focused on rebuilding and reimagining our city. our guest is the director of financial justice in the san francisco office of treasure to talk about how the city has taken a national lead in this effort and how the program is comlishing the goals. welcome to the show. >> thanks so much for having me. >> thank you for being here. can we start by talking about the financial justice project in a broad sense. when did the initiative start and what is the intent? >> sure. it launched in 2016. since then we ta
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