tv BOS Buget Finance Committee SFGTV August 1, 2022 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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thank jason for broadcasting this meeting. mr. clerk, to you have announcements? >> thank you, madam chair. with our return to the chamber, a friendly reminder for those in attendance, please make sure the silence all cell phones and electronic devices and the supervisor are in hybrid meetings that allow in person attendance and providing public comment and providing it via telephone. public access is essential and taking public comment as follows, first public comment will be taken on each item on the agenda. those attending in person will be allowed to speak first. and then we'll take those waiting on the telephone line. for those watching, either channels 26, 28, 78 or 99 and sfgov dot org and the call in number, the number is 4156550001 tell, again, that's 451-655-0001 and
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enter the meeting id, 24927999124 and press pound twice. when connected, you'll hear the meeting discussion and listening mode only. when your item of interest come up and public comment called and those joining in person should line up to speak and those on the ten phone should dial star three to be added to the speaker line. turn down your tv and listening devices you're using and each speaker will be allowed up to two minutes unless other otherwise stated. alternatively you may submit public comment in writing in the following ways, e-mail to myself, the budget and finance committee clerk at brent dot jalipa at sffgov dot org. if you submit public comment via e-mail it will be forwarded to the supervisors and included as a part of the file and may sign your written comment via us postal service to our office in city hall, 1 dr. carlton b
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goodlook place, room 244, san francisco, california, 94102 and madam chair with our pending summer recess items, acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisor of september 6th unless otherwise stated. >> thank you so much. can you please read item no. one. >> yes, item no. one s resolution designating world journal to be the outreach community periodical of the city and county of san francisco for the chinese community. -- miss bay, eastern south of market commission and bay view neighborhoods and provide outreach advertising for fiscal year 2022, the 2023, members of the public joining remotely and wish to comment, call 415-655-0001 and enter the meeting id of 24927999124. then
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press pound twice. once connected to the meeting, yes, once connected to the meeting, you'll need to press star three to enter the speaker line. the system will prompt you have raised your hand and when the system indicates you have been unmuted, you can begin your comments, madam chair. >> thank you. we have ms. carla here from the office of contractor, did you or from the city administrator's office and contract administration, do you have any remarks? >> no, i'm here to answer any questions, i wasn't planning to give a presentation >> fantastic. thanks for being here. supervisor mar? >> thank you, chair ronen and, colleagues, we made some amendments at the last budget and finance committee meeting to this item which was really severed from another item that the board has already adopted and i'm going to be making one or proposing one further amendment but i did want to just
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start by saying that our chinese language newspapers have built up their readership and audience in distinct ways to serve different parts of the community and there is a large community of chinese-americans in san francisco as we all know with approximately 150,000 residents who speak mandarin and cant niece or another chinese dialect and the office of administration identified the periodical serving the chinese -- while this process could have gone smoothly, they are able to designate one periodical for this category allowed by 1994 prop j ordinance passed by the voters. last week, oca spoke to the additional items in the severed resolution, clarifying their designation of when for outreach to the chinese community and also adding potrero that should have been in the eastern neighborhoods. in the resolution brought back to
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budget and finance today, i propose one additional amendment and that would be including world journal as a neighborhood newspaper allowed by the ordinance to ensure neighborhoods are more thoroughly covered, specifically the port la district and the sunset district. and these contracts awarded to periodicals for certain communities are clusters of neighborhoods are similar in monetary value. so colleagues, i have, i think you received a copy of the additional amendment that introducing today that again, would add world journal to be the neighborhood outreach periodical for the portico neighborhood and sunset neighborhood and yeah. so, i urge your support on this. i'm happy to answer questions. >> okay. sorry, so we're going
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to have a different periodical to be the main advertising vehicle for different neighborhoods? >> yeah. so, again, this proposition j has three categories of designated periodicals for our city, official city outreach notice and one is citywide outreach and that's the examiner for what we adopted and another category is community outreach, specific communities and the nguyen newspaper has scored the highest so or they're proposed in this resolution to be the designated chinese community outreach and then there's different periodicals of designated for specific neighborhoods that have neighborhood reach, so the port la was not included in the original legislation, so i'm
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proposing we add world journal as a neighborhood outreach newspaper for the portilo and it has been designated as the neighborhood outreach, i'm proposing we add additionally add world journal as a neighborhood outreach neighborhood for the sunset because we to have a large mandarin speaking population in my district. >> thank you for doing that. the port la is the neighborhood with, i believe, the third largest chinese population and it's one that's in my district so i really appreciate you doing that and i support it, so thank you so much. if there's no further comment, we can open up this item for public comment. >> yes, madam chair. the members of the speak who wish to speak and joining in person should line up to speak and those joining remotely, call
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415-655-0001 with the meeting id of 24927999124 and press pound twice and you'll be entered into the speaker line. and for those in the queue, wait until your an unmuted and that's your queue to begin your comments. yes. welcome. i'll start your time. >> honorable supervisor safai, supervisor mar and my name is brenda. today, i'm here to speak on behalf of the world journal. a prominent chinese newspaper that service the chinese community in the bay area for over four decades. first, please accept our sincere apologies. we deeply regret it for our unintent errors when we
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file our application of san francisco community and neighborhood outreach advertising through the office of contract administration. the errors on our application have a result that we are not selected for the chinese community outreach newspaper. i believe that you all have -- will receive a letter from our president tina lee who have clarified world journal is indeed a minority owned and woman owned business which is not reflected on our application. so, i'm here today asking for your consideration to add the world journal to be the chinese community outreach newspaper. thank you very much. [timer] >> thank you, brenda for your
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comments. seeing no additional speakers in the chamber, madam chair, we have no callers in the queue. >> public comment is now closed. >> yeah. thank you. i just wanted to also thank ms. carela from the office of contract administration and ms. po from the city administrator's office for your work on implementing prop j and ensuring that all of our diverse communities and residents receive the public notices and we're utilizing all of our wonderful ethnic newspapers and neighborhood newspapers and community communication, thank you. colleagues, i would move we adopt the amendments as i have described and that we send this item to the full board as amended with a positive recommendation. >> can we have a roll call on those motions?
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>> on that motion, member mar, i'm sorry, to accept the amendments as read into the record and forward this to the full board as recommended. vice-chair safai? >> aye. >> safai aye. member mar? >> aye. >> mar aye. >> chair ronen? >> aye. >> we have three ayes. >> that decision is passed unanimously. thank you. can you please read item for two. >> item no. two is a hearing to e release of reserved funds to the san francisco public utilities commission, placed on budget and finance reserve by ordinance no. 4-13 (file no. 121007), in the amount of $12,000,000 to fund sfpuc transmission lines 7/8 upgrades project. members of the public joining remotely and wish to comment hearing, please call
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415-655-0001 and meeting id24927999124 and press pound twice and enter star three to enter the system line and the system will prompt you have been entered the system and when you hear the line beep twice, you have been unmuted. madam chair? >> thank you so much. we have margaret from the puc who is going to present on this item. >> good afternoon, can i proceed? >> yes, please do. >> thank you. good afternoon, chair ronen, supervisor safai and supervisor mar are. again, i'm margaret, division manager of hech hetchy water and power. thank you chair ronen for scheduling this hearing of the release of $12 million on budget and finance reserve for the transmission line 7/8 up grade
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project. as background in january 2013, the board of supervisors approved ordinance 4-13 that authorize spuc to enter into mitigation agreements for projects that impact as spuc power assets and require that any future funds in excess of $100,000 for a given mitigation agreement be placed on budget and finance committee reserve. just to be clear, these are not city general funds or rate payer funds. they are mitigation payments that we are receiving from developers for impacts on our system. the spuc has identified three project clusters, totaling 21 active generation projects that would affect the spuc's transmission line 7 and 8. these transmission lines extend approximately 12.6
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miles from the city's wonderful substation near oakdale to the stanford substation in modesto. the spuc is using the mitt fwags funds for the transmission lines 7 and 8 up grade project which will mitigate the risk imposed by the interconnection of these electric generating projects to the grid by modifying existing towers and reconducting transmission lines. the total estimated cost of the project is $37.97 million. the spuc anticipates receiving a total of approximately $33.3 million in mitigation payments for the project including about 20.86 -- $20.86 million in payments already received and the balance in future payments. the remainder of the project budget, approximately $4.66 million would be funded through hech
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hetchy water and power capital property using bond fund and the project began january 1, 2020, and expected to be completed by january 31, 2025. the planning design and environmental review phases have been completed. funding for this portion of the project was covered by hetch hetchy water program. $5.2 million has been appropriated to date. as mitigate funding becomes available, it's used to reimburse the capital improvement funds and june 28, 2022, the spuc commission approved the award of contract number hh-10007 to wilson utility construction company for a total of $23,980,141. in august 2020, the budget and
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finance committee approved the release of $9.47 million in mitigation payments held on reserve. of the $9.47 million previously released, $876 was spent for fees related to contract advertisement and $935,170 has been incumbent for construction management support. the remaining $8.53 million and this requested release of $12 million will be used to fund construction. hetch hetchy will fund the balance cost. as mitt fwags funding becomes -- mitigation funds will be available, it will reimburse the capital improve the funds. hetch hetchy water and power request $12 million in reserves for our
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transmission line 7/8 upgrade project. thank you and i'm happy to answer any questions you might have. >> thank you so much. before questions, we have a report from the budget and legislative analyst. >> thank you, chair ronen. nick from the budget legislative analyst office. the department is requesting $12 million be released from committee reserve. the source of funds are mitigation payments from new electricity project owners that connect to the grid and impact puc energy assets. the funds will be used to upgrade transmission lines that are impacted but the new connections and we show the budget of the project on page four of our report which is about $38 million and we recommend approval. >> thank you. any questions, colleagues? seeing none, we can open this item up for public comment. >> thank you madam chair. members of the public who wish to speak on this item and joining in person should line up
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to speak now. those listening remotely, call 415-655-0001 and enter the meeting id24927999124 and press pound twice and press three to enter into the speaker line. wait for the system to queue you have been unmuted ask that's your signal to begin comments. no speakers in the chambers, mr. atkins please unmute our caller. >> so, supervisors, once before when this agenda item came before another committee i asked sfpuc in light of the rate and file taking place in the vicinity of the yosemite
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national park and the fire and so on and so forth, he wanted to know if this transmission lines will be put on the ground? and i wonder if the budget legislative analyst has taken this into account. you can spend millions of dollars now upgrading the high powered transmission lines but it would be commonsense given the money and the opportunity to put the lines on the ground. and secondly, and i guess kim from the ethics commission, the virtual meeting -- san
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franciscans cannot trust the sfpuc public utilities transportation commission. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. madam chair, we have no more speakers in the queue. >> public comment is closed. i like to make a motion to send this to the full board with positive recommendation. >> i'll actually, madam chair, the proper motion for a release for reserve hearing is to -- is for you to declare the release of the reserve funds and that the hearing be heard and filed. >> okay. i was looking at that hearing. i have never done one of these, thank you. >> certainly. >> then, i would like to make a motion to release the funds and to file the hearing. >> on that motion? to release the reserve funds of $12 million to the spuc and the motion heard. -- supervisor safai?
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>> aye. >> supervisor ronen? >> aye. >> supervisor mar? >> aye. >> motion carries. >> mr. clerk, can you read item no. three. >> yes, chair. >> item no. three is resolution approving amendment no. 1 to the agreement between crestwood behavioral health and the department of public health (dph), to provide long-term mental health services in a 24-hour locked facility, to increase the agreement by $146,936,994 for an amount not to exceed $224,216,994; to extend the term by five years, from june 30, 2023, for a total agreement term of july 1, 2018, through june 30, 2028; and to authorize dph to enter into amendments or modifications to the contract prior to its final execution by all parties that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the contract or this resolution. for those joining remotely and
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wish to comment on this resolution, please call 415-655-0001 and enter the meeting id of 24927999124. press pound twice. once connected to the meeting, you need to press star three to enter the speaker line and a system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand and when the system indicates you have been unmuted, you can begin your comments, madam chair. >> thank you so much. we have kelly from tph, good morning, good afternoon. >> good afternoon madam chair and supervisors mar and supervisor ronen. this is a contract for continuing the crest wood contract, crest wood is our largest community partners that supports (indiscernible) treatment for treatment and care for mental health. these are the beds determined for folks who are on lpc conservative ships and needing further stabilization as a step down
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they're able to return to the community and open setting, so the cost of the beds as you'll see are increasing over time. and i'm happy to answer any questions about the program for the facilities. >> thank you and we'll hear from bla. >> thank you, chair ronen. item three is a resolution to approve the first amendment to dph's contract with crestwood and the amendment would extend the existing agreement from june 2022 through june 2028 and not to exceed 77.3 to $22 million which we detail on page 11 of our report. the agreement is 200 beds, mostly out of county for long-term mental health residential treatment and we detail the facilities on page nine of our report. and the increasing not to exceed amount is primarily to accommodate rate
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increases as the department noted which has averaged 53% over the past three years. and to extend the term of the contract. through june 2028, we recommend approval. >> thank you so much. supervisor mar? >> thank you, chair ronen and thank you ms. ermoto for your work on this important program that creates much-needed care for folks in our city that really need it. i guess i had a few questions about this and particularly as it relates to other sort of similar issues that we're grappling with. there's the lack of sub acute beds in our city and then also we're dealing with the lagoon that honda crisis and the lack
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of skilled nursing in the beds in our city. so, my first question is why are, do we have to contract for the two hundred beds, you know, out of the county and in some cases, so far away like in stockton and yeah. lompack and how many comfortable beds do we have for this type of care in san francisco? >> thank you for the question. we have a finite number of beds in san francisco so the san francisco behavioral center has a mental health rehab center within it and i'm blanking out on the number of beds and i'm going to ask jane who is calling in, if she can refresh my memory. crestwood, we worked this a partnership with ucf and
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opened up the healing center in st. mary's campus and that added 54 beds to our portfolio in the city. what has made challenging for keeping beds in san francisco is just finding buildings that are appropriate in terms of their construction and in their layout that would support keeping mental health rehab lock secured beds in the city and st. mary's was a good example to make that happen. because we aren't able to add portfolio here in the city, we've partnered with crestwood as one of our primary partners and their newer facilities are coming in further out areas from the bay area simply because the bay area is expensive to do new construction and it is more affordable and because other parts of the state are starting to realize the need for this level care so they're starting to partner with crest wood to open new facilities and that happened in santa barbara and we were lucky to partner with them
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to access some of their beds and in the same in fallbrook but our goal yes, is to keep people closer to home when we can. >> and so, this contract is for two hundred, roughly two hundred beds. pretty much all outside of san francisco, right? and do you have a rough estimate of how many comfortable beds we have in san francisco? you've mentioned -- >> i want to say it's under one hundred beds in the city. >> okay. and then how long have we been doing the out -- out of -- out of the county. >> for decades. i started and we had a contract with them at that time. >> have a number of beds that we're contracting for increased over years for this care?
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>> we have seen the number of flow for this level of care particularly because some is availability as we're able to get access to additional beds. some of it is philosophical. your goal is you want to strengthen your lower level care system to prevent having to rely on this level of care. and so i think as attitudes shift on how to take care of folks in the mental health spectrum and it move into new programs and ideas get tried, it allows us to move away from using locks -- but there are times when circumstances, sar today where we're seeing increased legislation and increased ability to bring people into care to try to get them on their wellness recovery journey ask that will start with lots of acutes while getting better. that's why right now we've been static in our census sitting
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along the five hundred mark. and we anticipate they'll be an uptick in the next coming years but as we become robust and thanks to mental health sfs, we can hopefully bring it down, so.... >> great, thank you. thanks chair ronen. >> thank you. i know that there were -- crestwood provides three beds, locked and and acute beds and nursing facility beds and then a lower level of car, is that correct? >> they do mental health, rehabilitation programs, they do cooccurring skilled numbering level of care, so mental health, behavior health and skilled nursing needs and then they have a step down enhanced residential care programs. >> so they don't do locked beds then? >> i'm sorry. >> they don't do locked beds?
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>> they're locked except for the lower level of care. the skilled nursing facility beds are locked and the mental health rehabilitation beds are locked. >> in this extension of the contract, there's -- you moved around the types of beds, correct? who made that choice? is that pph or crestwood? >> i think it's a combination of availability of beds we have access to because as supervisor mar mentioned, most beds are out of county so we share them with home counties so we can access depending on what other counties have pitched for, so we don't do a dedicated beds system because generally speaking that's not a cost effective way to manage taking care of folks. and so we buy beds when we need beds so that's why you see the fluctuation in the beds we get access to and how we flow people through care. >> okay, thank you so much. >> i'll say really quickly, this
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is an area of extreme concern for me. i've said on the record multiple times for a city of our size to have a couple of hundred beds at all different levels that deal with the ability to have locked facility is somewhat dis-- disoccur arranging and i understand there's scarcity of these beds and we're trying to increase our contract base, but i hope we have long-term solution to expand the beds as they become available and have long-term vision in terms of working with the providers to expand the capacity of these beds and in ensuring and working with the state to expand the beds and i see on the bla report and the report from dph these are spread all over the bay area but just the magnificent demand there is shocking to me that there's not more availability that we can then get under
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contract, so something we need to continue to work harder on but thank you for all your support on this and i'm happy to support this today. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> can we open this item up for public comment? >> members of the public who wish to speak on this item and joining in person should line up now to speak. for those listening remotely, call 415-655-0001, meeting id is 24927999124 and press pound twice. once connected press star three to enter the speaker line. please continue to wapt until the system indicates you have been unmuted and that's your queue to begin your comments and seeing no in person speaker, mr. atkins, can you unmute our caller. >> this is (indiscernible) acosta. what i want to say is that what happened at laguna
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honda for the longest time when we mixed the citizens suffering from dementia with drug addicts was totally wrong. and the notice of violations were not taken seriously. and we did this because the federal government was paying the rent and paying for the stations. one of the most important things in this, when we transfer our seniors outside, the very fact that we transfer them, we have traumatized them. and we know that four have died. so, we just can't say oh that's because crestwood had some -- some beds
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and they do have some beds and serve a purpose but you think we can transfer our patients and traumatize them and they die? we have to be responsible for the residents and this is happens with the board of supervisors, they can't do a needs a -- needs assessment and always talking after the fact. we have some beds closer by, (indiscernible) hospital. we could have done something even now with california pacific medical center. >> your time has expired in and the hospital that requires -- >> thank you francisco for your comments. again, i do apologize for cutting anybody off but we
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do have a two-minute timer per speaker. and madam chair, that completes our queue. >> thank you, public comment is closed. i do just want to also mention that you know, the fight to save laguna hospital is tied with our ability to keep needing this care in san francisco and looking at this contract, we see the ramifications of what happens when the federal government, i believe, completely irresponsibly is forcing us to move people to other places. it's not as if we have tons of available alternatives here in san francisco. most of them are out of town and already in transferring people, we have lost four lives and so, this is something the board of supervisors is devastated by and
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it's very angry at this point that -- and it's time for health and human services director bacera to use his power to stop this forced relocation of incredibly fragile people because as you can see from this contract, they won't be able to remain in san francisco and that's causing people that are in very fragile state to be traumatized and to lose their lives, so i just couldn't waste the opportunity to say that again and again and again every time we have any issue related to what's happening at laguna honda hospital right now and the travesty being forced upon us by the federal government but with that, i would like to make a motion to send this item to the full board with positive recommendation. thank you. >> that motion to forward this resolution to the full board with the positive
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recommendation, vice-chair safai? >> aye. >> member mar? >> aye. >> chair ronen? >> aye >> we have three ayes >> thank you. that motion passes unanimously. thank you. mr. clerk, can you read item no. four. >> item no. four is resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant increase in the amount of $95,863 from the california department of public health for a total amount of $978,948 for participation in a program, entitled “sexually transmitted disease program management and collaboration,” for the period of july 1, 2019, through june 30, 2024. members the public joining remotely and wish to comment, please call 415-655-0001 and enter the meeting id of 24927999124. then press pound twice. once connected, press star three to enter the speaker line. a system prompt will
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indicate you have raised your hand and when the system indicates you have been unmuted, that's your queue to begin your comments. madam chair. >> we have suzanne from dhp to present on this item. >> good afternoon, chair ronen, vice-chair safai, supervisor mar, very glad to be here with you this afternoon. speaking about this request for supplemental funding to a grant from the california department of public health to dph to implement core sexually transmitted prevention funding and it was a focus on prevention of congenital syphilis which is a rare but severe and sometimes fatal infection and illness and this funding, core funding is meant to support congenital syphilis prevention in partnership with other part ships with the san francisco of public health and maternal
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health and primary care facility and team lilly which has expertise in providing innovative and nonbrick and mortar based care for those experiencing pregnancy. and we have core coordination for those pregnancy people experiencing homelessness and -- at the department of public health to improve syphilis screening because screening and treatment is effective in preventing cases of congenital syphilis. the reason that the request for this a and e for funding is retroactive is on march 25th, we were notified by the state california department of public health that we were receiving a supplement of $95,863 to our core std grant with cdph and this was a total of $978,948 for
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july 1, 2019, to june 30, 2024, and this additional funding was for the period of july 1, 2021, to june 30th of 2022 and the initial request was submitted in april and we anticipated completion in early june but there were some unanticipated delays with hearing this item. so, i wanted to see if there were any additional questions about this? again, we are really focusing this supplemental funding on modification of our electronic health record system in supporting our cbo partners, ucsf and the department of public health to best serve people who are pregnant and highest risk for syphilis during pregnancy and for congenital syphilis. thank you. >> thank you so much. it doesn't look like questions or comments from colleagues. can we
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open up for public comment. >> i apologize. i wanted to introduce greg wong who is going to speak to a slight amendment, thank you. >> great, thank you. >> so sorry. good afternoon, supervisors. we would like to introduce an amendment for your consideration, on page two, line 1 of the resolution, we would like to correct the amount of $885,083 to the correct amount of $883,085 to this amendment and we apologize for the inconvenience. >> okay. thank you. can we please open this item up for public comment? >> yes, madam chair. members of the public who wish to speak on this item or joining in person should line up now. for those listening remotely, call 415-655-0001 and enter the meeting id of 24927999124. then press pound twice. press star three to enter the speaker line.
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and for those in the queue, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. and that will be your signal to begin your comments. seeing no in person speakers in the chamber, madam chair, there are no speaker in the queue. >> thank you. public comment is closed. i would like to make a motion to amend item 4 as stated by mr. wong and then to send the amended item to the full board with positive recommendations. >> on that motion to accept the clerk amendment by dph and forward to the board as recommended, vice-chair safai? >> aye. >> member mar? >> aye. >> chair ronen? >> aye. >> we have three ayes. >> that motion passes unanimously. thank you, can you please read item no. five. >> yes, item no. five is a
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resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $791,433 from the united states department of education through the california department of rehabilitation for participation in a program, entitled “state vocational rehabilitation services program,” for the period of july 1, 2022, through june 30, 2025. members of the public joining remotely and wish to comment on this resolution, call the public comment number at 415-655-0001. enter the meeting id of 24927999124 and then press pound then pound again. once connected to the meeting, press star three to enter the speaker line. the system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand and the system queues you have been unmuted and you can begin your comments. madam chair. >> thank you. we have one from dph to present on this item. >> good afternoon, chair ronen,
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supervisor safai and supervisor mar. my name is juan and i'm the vocational programs manager for behavior health services within dph. there are two actions included in this proposed legislation with the state department of rehabilitation, also known as dor. the first action is to accept and expand dor grant funds in the amount of $791,433 over the term of three year agreement to support two civil service positions. the program manager position partially supported by dor will assist in planning, organizing and coordinating and evaluating the work of the agreement. the second position will be fully supported health worker three will provide dor clients with intermediary support services, the second action is to provide
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dor with the board of supervisors approval to enter into an agreement with dor whereby the county provides the dor with 21.3% matching funds for the total program cost. dph had the same relationship with dor for the past 23 years. actually it's not -- it differed this current renewal period and since that, we have had to include two contracts instead of one. the new one is for us to provide direct dor services. and this relationship, dph entered into an agreement with dor to provide matching funds to support vocational services funded through this grant. dor contracts directly with community based organizations for the delivery of vocational services, the total cost of the vocational rehabilitation services program is paid by two
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sources. the first is federal funds that the dor draws from which is 78.7% of the total program cost. the second is a 21.3% cash match from dph. the state needs a county match in order to draw down a match from the federal government. dph supports this agreement because it allows vocational services in san francisco with only a 21.3% county investment, dph supports dor's infrastructure as it supports san francisco residents and behavior service clients and providing services that dph wouldn't be able to avoid and the state contracts directly with five vendors who provide specialized vocational and employment support services to dph clients, all who experience severe mental illness and i would like to point out an
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approval recommendation is given by the dla and overall, the programs have proven to be very successful, the success has resulted in behavior health clients secure and retaining employment within the competitive workforce. our vhs clients express that these are transformative and important to their lives and? clients who suffer from severe mental illness are interested in vocational services after not working for many years. they need all the support they can get in order to build their confidence, skills and job readiness. these vocational services are essential to our clients overall wellness and recovery. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you so much. >> i can answer any questions. >> thank you. we have a bla report on this item? >> thank you. item five is a resolution approving and accepting expend of approximately $800,000 from the
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department of rehabilitation, as well as related agreements we show on page 17 of our report that this funding will cover 1.5 dph over the next three years related to the vocational of rehabilitation services program for behavior health clients and we recommend approval. >> thank you so much and no questions or comments, can we open this item for public comment. >> members of the public who wish to speak and joining in person should line up now. listening remotely, call 415-655-0001 and enter the meeting id of 24927999124 and press pound twice. once connected press star three to enter the speaker line. please continue to wait until the says -- system indicated you have been unmuted and you can begin. no chambers and no speaker in the queue. >> public comment is closed. i would like to make a motion to send this item to the full board
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with positive recommendation. roll call. >> the motion to the full board to the positive recommendation, vice-chair safai? >> aye. >> member mar? >> aye. >> chair ronen? >> aye. >> we have three ayes. >> motion passes unanimously. mr. clerk, can you please read item 6 and 7 together? >> yes, items 6 and 7 are resolution reauthorizing the human services agency to apply for and accept a county child welfare agency allocation for an amount up to $183,775 from the california department of housing and community development under the housing navigators program to help young adults secure and maintain housing. and item 7 is up to an amount of $573,000 to help adult maintain house and members of the public -- >> through the chair, we have
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lot of the bridge just now. >> okay. yes. we will need to recess the reestablish the bridge, madam chair. >> if we can recess for five minutes. >> thahahahahahahahahahahahahah [crowd noise] [music] as a city we do a lot of parades and celebrations. public work system in the middle of things, doing inspections and cleanings and organizing our
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crews so we are used to creating something it is something we know how to do. >> this is managed by city workers. they are out here doing the jobs to make sure our city looks good in our city time. >> we are also routing for the warriors whether we work. it was thrilling when they won and we had to get to work to plan for the parade and to make sure that everybody in the city everybody that come to the city is safe and taken care of. >> a lot went everwent in 100 hours of planning with the warrior and mayors office and city partners it took a team to make today possible. >> important this the department has the presence, seeing the priority and vehicles makes
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everyone feel safe we value our commute and serve it, it is important. >> the giant crowds we are to bring out our specialized equipment. we have small response united staffed by a paramedic and mt the small golf cart devices have a gender and he get in and out of crowds. >> i'm here to help people get to where they need to go and figure out the bus routes and navigate things temperature is important we take care of safety and make sure everyone gets to where they need to so everyone can celebrate the warrior and be out on parade day. >> how is or ems book >> when we have been able to do is set up mobile command posts. and we partnered with the private sector with verizon to provide priority communication so we can run our entire emergency response on that network for our first
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responders. we know they will work even though we are getting thousands of people all competing for the same network to send photos and e maild and texts and video our first responders are able to do the same amongst the large crowd. >> get out here at 5:30 a.m. and saw employees cleaning the street its takes a team to build a champion. >> i love it and bum when he left i'm glad he is back no matter how much he plays or does not play that man's heart and spirit he carries everyone along and really mentor people and mentoring is so important whether in basketball or the fire service or ems. mentoring is huge and having a presence like that around is huge. >> my favorite player is jordan i like he is a role player and come out as a starter i feel
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similar to the city i like a structure and plan when there is an opportunity to lead i like that, also. >> the player i like lisa. he is similar to me all there and game is in the pretty but gets the job done. every time he scores all right. my man is back. >> happy with seth curry's wife strong. she is a leader and she just really puts on a great face for females and being strong and in the face of challenge and negativity. [music] [crowd noise] >> they were tons and tons and tons of blue and yellow confetti. every wrchl the end we picked up 38 tons of trash. mostly confetti.
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>> in terms of for our crews we were ready. after we had been data break and done carnival in may. our team was prepped to do the work and they felt tremendous pride in part of the huge celebration and tremendous pride in the coordination we did with the mayor's office, the police department issue public health and the city agencies that got together and put on a party for the bay area. put on the party for the nation. [crowd noise] [music] >> my name is holly doudiet.
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h2 firefighter with the san franciscowired. what inspired me to be a firefighter was in 2008 i graduated college . the recession had happened so there weren't any jobs. i was having troublefinding a job. and i was kind of looking around . my dad was a firefighter and i thought what a great career he had. so i asked my dad, never thinking about it at first before. i said dad, what you think about me being afirefighter and he goes yeah, thatwould be a good idea . i took some classes, i ended up loving it . i grew up and actually and i think it was a good fit for me because it's a physical job and it's enjoyable. you never know whatyou're going to get and it's a team effort . i first realized i was part of the lgbt+ community in sixth grade. i looked on the other side of
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the classroom and i sawthis girl i thought was really attractive and i thought i want to be her boyfriend . though my experiences in the city growing up in the city and countyof san francisco were always verypositive . i came out in high school . i actually ended up being prom king my senior year in high school and a lot of peoplewere very supportive . myparents were very supportive . they just let me do my thing and my dad knew of a lot of lesbian women in the fire departmentthe time because he was a san francisco firefighter . for me it's very important to be part of a community and organization and an agency that supports my lgbtq status because if you're not yourself, how can you perform to the best of your abilities? you're always holding back in some way whether it's your personality or your abilities
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>> technical issues. this neat meeting the july 21, 22 meetingly of government audit and oversight committee i'm supervisor dean preston chair. joined by vice chair connie chan and supervisor mandelman. clerk is jessica perkson and want to thank sfgovtv for staffing the meetings >>. board of supervisors are now convennes hybrid meeting for in person and online comment and public comment via phone. the board real lieses it is essential. first comment taken on each item. those in person allowed speak first then those who are waiting on the phone li
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