tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV August 2, 2022 7:30pm-8:31pm PDT
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president of the board walton, members mandalten, dorsey and our state sin scott wiener. we are here because we as a city and county of san francisco officially are declaring a state of emergency for a public health crisis in san francisco involving monkeypox and more clearly, we want to make it known that san francisco has one of the highest case rates already of monkeypox of any other major city in the country. and just to put that into perspective recollect we saw over the past couple weeks the numbers begin to increase. at one point there was 60 and 80 and 140 and when there was 140 on july 20 i sent a letter to the secretary of the department of
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health and human service expressing significant concern and urgency for the need of vaccine in san francisco and we are at a very scary place and we dont want to be ignored by the federal government in our need. so many leaders of the lgbt community weeks ago asked for additional help and support and assistance and this was july 20 and now here we are. july july 28 and double the number at 281 cases of monkeypox and desperate need of vaccines and to put that into perspectives we received about 12 thousand vaccines to date. we
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really need 70 thousand we sent a letter asking for 35 thousand because we want to prevent the numbers increasing. we have a solution in the vaccines and we want to make sure that everyone who is requesting a vaccine gets one. we had 5 sites identified in san francisco and have to close many of those sites because we run out of vaccines. so we are all here today because we know the importance of this. we know the challenges of what happens in san francisco with we put public health on the back-burner and seen this happen in history. during the aids crisis when san francisco was virtually left on its own to fend for itself.
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to address what became a real pandemic in the country and we use the example what we did when we came together to fight against it discrimination, against the hate, to focus on public health because this is about public health of the residents of our city. and so by sounding the alarm what we are saying is this is not going to be ignored, this is a public health crisis, that we are in desperate need of vaccines to support the people of san francisco. here to talk specifically about what it is that is happening in the department of public health and what we are going to continue to push for and fight for and what the declaration of emergency will do and represent and help with in san francisco is the director of the department of public
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health dr. grant colfax. >> good evening everybody and thank you mayor breed for your leadership: i really want to thank senator wiener, president walter and supervisors mandelman and dorsey joining us today. today announcement is a critical piece of our city response to the monkeypox outbreak. by declaring this is a local helths emergency we are making sure everyone that everyone understands that this is a threat to our entire community. and as the mayor has mentioned, our city has a rich history of elevating celebrating and advocating for the lives of the lgbtq plus community. we have always as a city as a community been at the forefront of advocacy,
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treatment, research, for medical conditions disproportionately impact the lgbtq plus commune ity. this is personal to me. as a gay man who came out and did medical training during the peak of the aids pandemic i experienced the difference, the home phobia and stigma by the medical and public health institutions with regard to prioritizing hiv prevention and care. but san francisco community driven and responsive care system were a notable exception and today we seek to immolate that history by elevating our response to this disease. this declaration will allow us to serve the city and the residents better.
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our covid-19 response taught us that it is imperative that we mobilize city resources rapidly and this declaration helps insure that we have the tools available to augment our outreach, testing, vaccines and treatment, particularly and especially in the lgbtq plus community. thank you. and my pleasure to introduce dr. susan phillips our public health officer. >> thank you so much mayor breed and dr. colfax for your words. good afternoon, my name is dr. susan phillips. the health officer for the city and county of san francisco. as health officer issuing the declaration to affirm our commitment to the wellbeing of the communities that dr. colfax
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mentioned, the lgbtq xhungties. to alloy us to move more quickly, to obtain and distribute the resources needed to help those who are disproportionly impacted and within the lgbtq community we know latino men who are gay many bisexual men, other men who have sex with men and trans individuals are impacted so happy to work with community based organizations such as dr. tyler (inaudible) here today with the san francisco aids foundation and amazing team and partners who have particular expertise and work in from within and for latino communities in san francisco. san francisco will not leave anyone behind in this crittle moment. we understand the difficulties and trying to get vaccinated. and let's make no mistake, even though one died of monkeypox in san francisco it is causing severe suffering and pain for many
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individuals. there are people who are unable to eat due to pain, there are people unable to urinate or have a bowel movement. these are strong words but this is the reason why we must act now to preserve the health reduce suffering of our fellow san franciscans. this declaration will help us ease the process of vaccine distribution. it will also send a message to the federal government that san francisco is in dire need of more vaccines. we had to prioritize first doses of vack cine to get vaccine is to as many people who benefit from it and we will differ, not cancel but differ the second deployment. we will notify the communities when our supply is sufficient to schedule the second doses. this is the best strategy at the moment to keep san franciscans as protected as possible while supplies are limited. and i want
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to no introduce senator scott wiener who is a strong champion for the health of gay men and all our lgbtq communities in san francisco during the outbreak of monkeypox. - >> public health is about. just like the city did and mayor and department of public health did so quickly at the beginning of covid pandemic and adjust like the city
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did 40 plus years ago when the federal government completely and utterly abandoned our community when gay and bi men were dying in droves a mass die-off and the federal government completely abandoned us and san francisco stood strong and reprioritized and focused and built public health infrastructure to try to save lives and so i'm so proud to be a san franciscans. what is frustrating is that what is happening now was completely preventable and we need to always remember that because this won't be the last virus that impact us. it was preventable. unlike covid, unlike hiv, monkeypox is not a new mysterious are disease that just appeared. we have known about this virus for more then
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half century. we knee what it is, we know about the spread and there is a vaccine and a treatment already. and yet, as monkeypox started accelerating in west africa over the last number of years spreading more and more, the world didn't do anything. instead of flooding africa with vaccines to try to stomp out this outbreak, 3, 4, 5 years ago, the world did nothing because it was africa. unfortunately that is long-history of that. experts were telling us for years that monkeypox was a matter of time before monkeypox spread outside of africa to europe and north america and elsewhere and unfortunately the u.s.
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did not do enough to prepare. purchased very few dogess doses of vaccine so here we are. the good news is that despite a sluggish start at the federal level, our local health officials and at the state level sprung into action quickly and now at all levels we are rowing in the same direction. we just need to row a lot faster and we need more vaccines yesterday. we need more manufacturers of the vaccine. one manufacture is not enough. it needs to be licensed that ask manufacture not 5 or 6 million doses for u.s. other wise this will spread out of control. we have a small window of time
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to control the outbreak and if we dont it might be endemic and have to deal with 2 for ever. i'm very really happy to report that at the state level we is a group of legislators working together with the administration and making budget request to provide support to our county public health departments. the county are going to have to stand up testing, vaccination sites and do a lot of education and grass roots outreach anded should not let the county do this on their own. they are under funded so the state needs to step up. we have budget surplus and provide resources. finally i want to say that i came of age as gay man in 1987 when i was 17 years old and one of the worse points of the hiv
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crises and feel this is de javu once again gay men are getting attacked and demonized and blamed as we get sick. that we can never tolerate that. we need to call out these attacks and homeo phobia and treat this as a health problem and need to act with compassion and strength, make sure everyone has access to what they need to remain healthy. madam mayor, thank you so much. it is now my honor to bring up supervisor mandelman who is also incredibly vocal and tenacious around this outbreak. >> thank you senator wiener. i am very grateful for this declaration of emergency and want to thank our public health
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officers susan fillip and mayor and director of public hemth. it communicates to different folks a message that needs to be communicated in the face of a slow sluggish federal response, it communicates the federal government there is a emergency and it is real and it demands immediate response with urgency. we need vaccines, we needed them a month ago. we needed them weeks ago when director colfax asked for 35 thousand as a first installment. pointed out we have gotten 12 thousand at this point. we need 70 thousand. we need more from the federal government and we need it yesterday. it communicates to folks who may be at risk. this is a emergency. monkeypox we hope will not kill you but i have talked to too many doctors and folks who have gotten monkeypox and describe the symptoms. the
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potentially life long disfigurement that can come from monkeypox. people need to take this seriously. if you can get yourself a vaccination and you are at risk do it. if you are not able yet to access a vaccination, do some serious thinking with yourself about risk mitigation. this is something that gay, bi have been doing a long time but important to do it now and communicate a important message to everyone in city government who will have something to do with getting vaccinations out and the tools they need to respond. i am again grateful san francisco is taking the step and look forward to other levels of government treating this crisis with the seriousness it deserves and the urgency. thank you. and i think i am introducing my colleague supervisor matt
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dorsey. >> thank you so much. i want to say thank you to the department of public health, dr. colfax and dr. phillips and mayor breed. this was mentioned san francisco has a long history called the san francisco model for how we respond to public health crisis. that is how we responded a generation ago to the aids crisis. i think we saw that again how our city responded to covid-192 and a half years ago and seeing it again today so i want to say how grateful i am to the leadership of our city and public health officialess and senator wiener and president walton and (inaudible) i like to hand it off to tyler, the ceo of the san francisco aids foundation. >> public health crisis. a community filled with fear, unanswered questions
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and valid outrage. resilient people that had to rise up in support of one another to educate each ort and fight for access for resources they need and deserve. a moment in history where a federal public health response fails a community causing them unnecessary emotional mental and physical harm. no, i'm not talking about chronically hiv policy from the earliest day when the federal government resisted addressing the onset of aids in our country. i reference this very moment in the nation history when all is a lack of urgency during a public health crisis impacting transgender men and non binary folks within the country. how did woe get to this moment? this
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history of the u.s. government and our action on hiv aids from the past offers important lessens concerning the limits and possibilities of u.s. public health policy and health care delivery. the last few years should have taught us valuable lessens on how to intentionally and equitably scale up testing, community awareness, vaccination, and how coordinated harm reduction messaging can help prevent the spread of disease. but here we are months after ringing the first alarm to the federal government. weeks after my warning we had a imminent window to prevent the spread of monkeypox in our community and now we arrive at a public health state of emergency. san francisco aids foundation applauds this decision of the city to declare monkeypox a
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public health emergency. we hope that this decision will bring greater resources and attention to monkeypox response here in san francisco and we are continuing to push the federal government to also declare a similar public health emergency. we heard one reason the federal government has decided not to declare a public health emergency around monkeypox is because monkeypox is not a fatal disease as we heard. this is true, but what cannot be over-stated is monkeypox is causing extreme distress, fear anxiety and pain to our community. there will be unfortunate lasting consequence to our communities because of the federal government slow inadequate response to this outbreak. even with the public health emergency declared in san francisco today, we cannot let up on demands for a number of things here in our
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city. we need more vaccines and we need them quickly. we must insure that testing and vaccines are made available to all people at increased risk for monkeypox. the clinicians need easier access to monkeypox treatment so people diagnosed with monkeypox can receive care quickly and efficiently. we also need to be lifting up vaccine equity in this moment and insuring communities disproportionately impacted by monkeypox have access to the information and resources they need. this evening at 6 p.m. san francisco aids foundation will host a spanish language town hall to provide information to the latin excommunity currently feeling the disproportionate impact of monkeypox in san francisco. it will be virtually streamed from the website. and finally, we must continue to fight stigma by balancing the need
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for population specific messaging with non stigmatizing sex positive health communication and public health response strategy. for ongeing information visit our website at san franciscoaids foundation and reach out to the monkeypox hotline if you have questions fear or concerns. thank you so much. >> thank you and i appreciate everyone joining us here today and just to be clear, the message is that if there were any other community that was disproportionate ly impacted by monkeypox the way the gay community is impacted the whole country would be up in arms so lets not treat this community different then we would anyone else and do what we need in order to get the vaccine and get the treatment and get the resources to the cities that need them the most . san francisco clearly is base on the data, the city
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that needs it the most so our declaration of emergency is sound the alarm and make it very clear we are in desperate need of more vaccines and desperate need of more treatment to support the people of our city who deserve health care just like anyone else. and i also want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank speaker nancy pelosi (inaudible) but also president of the health commission here in san francisco. all our wonderful speakers and again thanks to president of the board walton being here and members of the board of supervisors expressing just how critical this is to our city and the need to do everything we can. we have the infrastructure, we have the ability to move vaccines to the community quickly. we have the community partners. we can do this, but we
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definitely need support from the federal partners and we will not let ubuntil we get the resources we need to have a significant impact and to see these numbers decline and get to a point of being non existence and with that we'll open up to any questions you have for mostly dr. phillips and dr. colfax. >> (inaudible) do you anticipate the state (inaudible) >> i think it is more so we are talking about a issue around public health and think dr. films or colfax should talk about the coordinated effort and some of the misinformation
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how this disease is transmitted because it isn't attributed being a sexually transmitted disease so i want dr. phillips and dr. colfax to address that specifically. >> thank you very much for the question. so, as always the county and regions and us as health officers are very coordinated and talk regularly so they are are informed about the actions san francisco is taking and we have talked ways we can mutually support the work happening in san francisco. it is really important, we need more vaccines in san francisco. there are neighboring counties getting less then a hundred vaccines per allocation so it is a regional importance and we are closely communicateic with them but we are taking the first step because it is so incredibly important to san francisco as the mayor and other speakers have said.
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>> dr. colfax can you speak what challenges might exist given this is running concurrent with it covid pandemic and (inaudible) are there any challenges that exist now with (inaudible) allocating vaccines as soon as you get them sh? >> i want to follow up on the-there was a question about the everybody is at risk and we have seen 95, 97 percent of the monkeypox cases in san francisco are among men (inaudible) that is the focus prioritizing vaccines. within the people who are infected we have seen the latin ex population has been disproportionately effected. the point is anyone can get monkeypox. now there are disparities ing risk for monkeypox which is why
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need more vaccine. the egz qu about covid and monkeypox, it is a balance. we have a pandemic and now have the spread of monkeypox to manage. what is helpful about the declaration it allows us to integrate the efforts. we develop vaccination sites, testing, education and prevention and work wg community partners expangd as covid increased and with this declaration able to be more flexible bought it allows to shorten the burecrotic process so this is a step in the right direction. dr. phillips and her team along with community partners are doing a incredible job. it is a (inaudible) and confident with this declaration it will give more ability to
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move faster and be more responsive. what we need is more vaccine, we are ready for the 35 thousand doses. we have far more demand then supply. >> one, (inaudible) how long is that? >> it is a good question and i think we can't-i won't speculate on that. i think what we know is that as has been said we have a vaccine for this disease. we know how to reduce the risk of transmitting the disease and we have treatment for the disease, so as i think the senator said and mayor said, there is no excuse for where we are now. but where the tipping point is, it is just speculative. i think what we are seeing now cases continued to climb
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faster then the vaccine so we have to get that into a better state. >> (inaudible) >> if it means endemic it means the disease established in the population and propaligates. there are outbreaks of monkeypox in the past terminated in the united states but this is a endemic disease in other countries and because of the lack of global health response and adequate systems the investment and resources were not made so the disease were terminated in those countries. >> (inaudible) are you afraid people forget about covid and put all the focus on monkeypox? is that a concern of yours? >> we haven't heard that concern. i think it is managing two
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priorities at once and people are tired of covid and still encouraging people to take the precautions and get vaccinated. but we haven't-we are trying to insure people have all the information they need about both of these serious diseases. i want to emphasize this monkeypox is a serious disease. it is painful. causing distress among people and cause life time scarring in situations, so this is not as wide spread as covid or transmissible as covid but we need to insure people are taking this seriously as well. >> (inaudible) >> would you like to answer that? >> sure. we are
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speaking to our local situation and what we need and what we are requesting in order to actually respond and protect health here and so that's why are in communication with the state partners and federal partners and sometimes directly with the federal partners . so much advocacy from elected officials. we know there are supply constraints but as senator wiener said, there are ways to get around that and to try to work and have cooperation to create more vaccine so we are hopeful. we know there are very dedicated-people dedicated to the federal government as much as we are at the local government to the health of americans and asking them to move with all speed and it is hard to do that in big systems but we are doing thalocally and asking all our partners in government and public
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health to do the same. >> (inaudible) >> our case rates are here because-higher here for multiple reasons. we are a destination where people come. there are a lot of events that are occurring over the summer as they should be after several years of not able to have those events. we also have increased access to testing here relative to other areas, so there are reasons. we have extremely savvy residents and clinicians looking for monkeypox. understand what the symptoms might be and seek testing. there are multiple reasonings why we see the cases we are. i think it is important even though scary to see the case numbers we don't want undiagnosed cases and want to the scope of the problem so we can raise the alarm and protect san franciscans.
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>> (inaudible) what is san francisco doing specifically to get the lion share of those (inaudible) >> we were certainly advocating with the mayor's letter and other advocacy to get a starting place of 35 thousand vaccines. it is very heart ening to hear about the large supply of vaccines the federal government announced and our vaccine supply in san francisco comes through the state of california, so we do have to wait for california allocation and then there is a distribution that happens that includes san francisco as well as other counties with the exsemgz of los angeles. >> (inaudible)
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carla short the entroom director for san francisco public works and i have the honor kicking off the festivities. i'll turn it over to mayor breed in a moment but ypt to tell you one thing that stuck out for me for this project and that is teamwork. this is a collaborative effort from start to finish. public works lead design project management and construction management and worked very closely with the department of public health, which will operate this amazing facility, a clinic that plays a critical control in the bayview and san francisco neighborhood health center network. the arts community helped enrich interior can art work and local agencies and initiative helped pitch in with funding. we had more then 40 contractors collaborate on this project and much of the labor came from local residents. it is always great to see when a project can help support jobs in our
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community. the driving force of course have been the community members who made sure the city delivered. the community partnership has been the foundation of this project success. and i reallypt to note the beautiful glass wall that is designed to welcome the community to this building. this is meant to be a building for the community. -thank you. yes. [applause] i doopt to take a moment to thank some of our great public works teams who helped shepherd the project along. some of the key players include our city architect ron alameda who is here. the bureau of architectural manager julia loe also here. the project architect charles king and richard gee. i know i saw charles earlier. the lead design architect, greta jones. project manager, (inaudible) and construction
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manager (inaudible) ed ryan. from the drawing work to work on side the project managem construction helped make the important project come to life creating spaces that bring people together and express community vision for itself. thank you also to the fantastic artists and i hope everyone will get a chance to see the beautiful art inside. (inaudible) yes. [applause] ron sanders and william rodes who contributions have infused beauty culture and love into this project. and finally, i want to thank san francisco voters who support of the health band was crucial. so, that thank you everyone who played such an important part in the amazing project and i like to invite mayor
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breed who has shown incredible leadership during the pandemic and throughout her tenure and amplified the importance of our public health system. madam mayor. [applause] >> thank you carla and you had me at on time and under budget. really excited about the new southeast family health center that is finally i believe a dream realized. in fact, a lot of the work that former supervisor sophie maxwell did while on the board of supervisors and i want a member of the redevelopment agency commission with all the stuff going on here and oscar james would come to the meetings and fight for this community and the fact that we are starting to finally realize a lot of the promises made to the bayview, a lot of the decisions that we are making have everything to do with input of the people of this community and it
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has taken a long time, but here we are. we know how important having a community health center is. in fact during the global pandemic with a lot of uncertainty and fear, part of the work we did into the emergency response had everything to do with the southeast health center that is located there and they were able to work with us to set up a place to do testing and when the time came for the vaccine they were the place that first got the vaccine in order to serve this community. but more importantly, to make sure that we work with the community. that we provide the resources and part of that is making sure that we are coming together not that we are dictating what should happen in the community but how we work together in order to make these things possible. and i want to take us back a little bit, yes, these bonds that the voters passed on a regular
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basis help us to build projects like this and this bond passed in 2016, which not only made it possible for the southeast health family health center here we built from scratch, which is a beautiful building, but it also made it possible for us to remodel max ine hall in the fillmore making sure people in the community get services. half the people served in the facility next door are african american. over 40 percent are people from the bayview hunter point community so we know when we build it they will come because we know the need is so critical in this community to make sure there is a place within close proximity of where you live, a place you can come and a place that is culturally sensitive about the needs of our community. i'm glad and excited about this and looking forward to seeing this place,
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become not just a place you come when things when you are having problems but a place you come for preventative care. a place you come to canggregate and hang out like the george davis senior home and i see cathy davis here. we know community is so important and this new health facility is about community, and i love the fact that 3 african american men artist who are part of the amazing community in san francisco had a opportunity to showcase not object their art but their art as reflection of the community so this truly is your southeast health center here in the bayview hunters point. [applause] i know everybody is anxious to get in here and get a back seat or-vaccine or booster or get things checked out. it is
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okay, doctor, privilege. none of your business will be in the street so dont worry about that. before we get started and cut the ribbon and get this place open to the public, i want to introduce the supervisor for your district, the president of the board of supervisors, walton. [applause] >> thank you so much madam mayor. good morning everybody! this truly is an exciting day for us in bayview hunters point. before i say a few words i want to pay homage to the folks who made sure we had a health center. some may recall we were getting sent to silver. some may recall the health system saying we can go over places to receive services but we had giant fight to make sure this health center existed in our
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community. i want to say a few names and know i'll miss names and some will curse me after i get off the podium. a lot of people fought to make sure we had this new health center. they served orn advisory committee, put in hours and time to make sure this happen. (inaudible) carpenter. thank you for your work. he looks younger then i am even though he has been doing this decades. commissioner richardson. dr. jackson. my aunt, williams and so many community giants oscar james and a lot of folks are depicted on the quilt you will see inside so when you get a chance to look at the amazing art the mayor talked about, make sure you look at the art, try to understand the history behind it because so many fought for this to happen. if i didn't mention your
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name understand i love you and charge to my head not my heart. i want to give a big shout to supervisor maxwell and supervisor cohen for there process of making this happen. as i had a chansh to take a tour earlier and look at the services that are going to be offered to our patients here ing the district and the growth having our own x-ray machines and x-ray techs on site. private exam rooms and brand new facilities and making sure people understand you are cared about in the community and do everything we can to make sure you have the amenities and things you deserve and we know health care is a basic right so i thank dpw for the work on the building, department of public health for their work with community to make this happen because this work only happens when folks come together and realize that when you make noise, things can happen and
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most certainly that is what the community did. that is why we ended up here today and i appreciate that. as i see james richards who -mayor breed honored him with a day a few years ago and put up a billboard because of all the work he did putting people to work on facilities and buildings like this. it is important we remember and recognize how we all got here and the work that took place to get here. thank all you for showing up and community. thank you for supporting the work and vision of making sure that we have the proper health care in the communities because we have the biggest disparities in health care as a black population so we have to make sure we have facilities, the care and programs ing place to address those health disparities. we love you, appreciate you and look at this new full facility. come in and take a tour after
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this press conference. thank you so much. [applause] my apologies--as the mayor talked about when this pandemic started, we were one of the first communities to step up and say we need testing right in our very own community. one of the first communities to step up and say we need vaccinations in our community and work closely with department of public health who did respond and heed the call and thank the leadership of dr. colfax and seeing the project through fruition so have the honor and privileged introduced the department head lead for department of public health, dr. colfax. >> thank you and good morning everybody. it is great to be here and thank you mayor breed and thank you president walton. thank you dpw. acting director short for your work and it is amazing what is accomplished when
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community government came together and i just got a tour of the building and it is so incredibly inspiring. the physical spaces where we deliver care really matter. the quality of the building, the artwork on the wall and design and layout contribute to long-term health. there are few american cities that provide this level of direct care to the residents and deeply proud of the network 13 clinics including this new state of the art building. in particularly the southeast family health center is a special place with service few neighborhood clinics have and already mentioned we now have-will be having x-ray on site, so you can get care when you need it, not have to go to another place to go to another place to get something. we have a new facility where we will be doing on-site
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optomry for eye exams. we call this low barrier access but is saying we are doing everything we can together to make it easy and convenient for people to get the medical serveess where they need it, where they need it all in one location and our first patients will be receiving care in this facility later this month. and already mentioned, this center is here today because generations of wisdom and community activism. the bayview community came together and fought hard for federalfunding, which allows the initial building to be established back in 1979. i know a lot of people have been doing the work and also want to specifically thank mrs. olly burgess for her leadership and advocacy for the
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health scepter and shaped the new facility behind us today is a legacy of her incredible leadership. and this is a busy clinic. we serve over 4,000 patients a year and this new health center renews and expands the commit to help equity brings services for where they are needed most. i want to thank you who are part of the legacy including and especially our patient advocacy groups. because of the success of the clinic and the new building is because of the care you provide and relationships you built. the future is bright and i do want to personally thank the dph team for their work including cathy jones. cathy i dont know if you are here but thank you for your work on that. to lisa (inaudible) and kate kim and long-term medical director keith seidel who mentioned 4 medical directors were involved created the building
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and entire ambulatory team. now it is my great pleasure to introduce a key leader and member of our southeast health center advisory board member oscar james. mr. james we met pre-pandemic in the old building where the board was meeting and i have to say it is astoubding this project came on time on budget because of you and others during a pandemic. that is just incredible, so it is a honor to work with you and thank you for your support and leadership, because of you the gap in health care services you were so key in organizing to build the original southeast health clinic and because of your vision and leadership we are here today to inaugerate the new building so mr. james, my pleasure. please. thank you. [applause]
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>> thank you very much. they already said my name so everyone know that already. but i want to say a couple things about my board members who are present right now. i like everyone to stand so everyone can see them. those who stand and raise your hand. these are the people who really made this possible. karen pierce, i wish you would stand up. we have been dealing with this every since the 70 when we first got this property along with the model cities who bought the property when they were trying to take this health center to silver avenue and san bruno and we bought this property cht this property is deer to us in the community. a lot who do not know about this
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community. this particular property here is the old south basin, channel street project. one of the first projects built in bayview hunter point before they started building the houses on top of the hill. these houses were on stilts and when it would rain it would flood and people had to use (inaudible) we have done a lot of work in the community to make things possible for us to have the type of facilities we have now. dr. davis vision on senior housing. the swimming pool. the redoing of the bayview park so we have a community now that is really has been thought of by people in the community, especially like a person like james richard. (inaudible) who played a very important part in this community. we have a plaque with numerous people in the community. a lot of people are missing but one thing i want you to focus on
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is the young men for action was the group in this community. when we started in 1966 during the riots, we made sure people in the community got jobs first and we only have 2 or 3 members left, which is james richards and dr. mayberry on the quilt. what i say to you young brothers and sisters in the community, if you say this is your community, fight and do something for your community. we started at the age of 18 years old. 18 years old and we started with clubs. people talking about club, people are bad and all this and that. we only are this because of the vanguards. the south boys. the sheiks. they were the ones who made all this possible. you say this is your community, then act like it is your community, stop killing each other and come together and build the community for your
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kids. we are old g's now. we are old g's. i'm 76 year olds. i started at 18. it is you guys turn to do this now. it is your turn. if you dont step up to the plate all this is in vain. stop the killing. we dont need that. we need to know our history in the community, how the chinese, how the blacks, how the mexican americans made this community what it is today. with that, i didn't write no agenda, i talk from the shoulder. i want each and every person to learn your history in the community and come together. if we say we are a community we the community of one. god bless to each and every one of you. [applause] >> thank you mr. james. thank you to all of our speakers and thank you all for being here today to celebrate this momentous occasion. with that, i would like to invite
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francisco fire department. i served active duty in the navy. i wanted something that was going to be in the medical field, but not necessarily stay in a hospital setting and i didn't want to stay in an office and this job kind of combines everything i was looking for. everyday's different. there's always something new and to learn. and my first introduction to the department was being surrounded by people of the lgbtq community. and so we were able to get, you know, it just made things a little more comfortable that you could talk to people about things that people necessarily wouldn't understand. i've had to hide myself. able to come out. being able to understand many his and being able to do things in had that sense, it's very liberating to be able to speak like this, this city in particular, it's a mecca for the lgbtq+ community. you know, there's so much
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history behind it and being part of this community that now accepting us for who we are and what we do, we're able to just be ourselves. any time somebody finds out i am a member of the gay community, i don't get anybody talking about me, nothing at all. it's just oh, cool. you have a partner? like yes, i do. they start asking about that and how my life is. you become part of the family and here in the san francisco fire department it really is just one big family. you know, it was my dream to be a san francisco fire department member and i'm here.
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