tv Fire Commission SFGTV August 14, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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>> this is the first commission regular meeting july 27, 2022. the time is 5 o3. the meeting is held in person authorized by section 54953c and mayor breed's 45 supplemental to february 25, 2020emergency proclamation. it is possible that some members of the san francisco fire commission may attend this meeting remotely. in that event those members participate and vote by video. members of the public may attend the meeting to
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observe and provide public comment at the physical meeting location or online which you may access by logging on to the fire commission website. you may also watch live at to participate during public comment dial 415-655-0001 and use access code 24970121148. memberoffs the public will have opportunities to participate during public comment. the public is asked to wait for the particular agenda item before making a comment on the item. comments are addressed in the order received. when the moderator announces public comment, members can raise their hand by pressing star 3 and you will be queued. callers will hear silence when waiting for your turn
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to speak. operator will unmute. prompted callers will have the standard 3 minutes to provide comment unless the president of the commission decides to reduce the time depending on the number of callers. please insure you are in a quite location, speak clearly and turn off any tv or radios around you. item 1, roll call. president feinstein is excused from the meeting. vice president nakajo. >> present. commissioner morgan. >> present. >> commissioner fraser. >> present. >> chief of department jeanine nicoleson. >> present. >> item 2 the land acknowledgment read by vice president nakajo. >> thank you very much madam secretary. the san
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francisco fire commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> thank you. item 3 recollect resolution 2022-11. adoption of resolution setting 4th findings to allow teleconferenced etmooing under california government code section 54953e. >> madam secretary, any public comment on this item? >> there is nobody on the public comment line. >> public comment is
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closed. any questions or comments from the commissioners? at this time, may i have a motion commissioners and a second? >> i move to adopt the resolution. >> thank you very much commissioner fraser moved the item to be adopted. need a second, please. >> second. >> commissioner morgan. [roll call]. >> motion unanimous. item 4, approval of the minutes. discussion and possible action to approve the minutes from the special meeting june 24, 2022. and the regular etmooing on july 13, 2022. there is nobody on the public comment line. >> okay. i see two approvals of these items. madam secretary, i ask if there is no public comment as
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indicated on the special june 24, any questions from the commissioners? >> i have a miner correction i think on the roll call. i think i was here and it says francis covington and my name is not on the roll call. on the first page. >> oh, okay. sorry about that. >> and there is one other under b, vote on closed session. i believe i was excused,b if you will from that being as i was not involved in the previous item. the previous work that was done on that item. i wasn't here yet. >> what page is that? >> it is--item b. it is i guess the third page in.
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>> okay. >> alright. madam secretary, is that acknowledged? >> yep. that is acknowledged. >> thank you very much-for that. need to take a vote on that item secretary. >> do we have a motion? >> motion. >> second. >> who moved? >> commissioner morgan. >> who second? >> commissioner fraser did you move first? >> i didn't say anything. >> are we making a motion to approve the minutes? >> rightism . >> i second that. >> i second that. >> thank you for your cooperations commissioners. [roll call] >> moving along. >> okay, and the regular meeting on july 13, 2022. >> madam secretary, you indicated there is no
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public comment on that, 13 july? >> that is correct. >> any comments corrections from the commissioners? >> none. >> may i have a motion on this, please? >> i like to make a motion to approve the minutes of july 13. >> thank you. commissioner morgan approve. may i have a second? >> i second. >> fraser second. thank you very much. madam secretary. [roll call] >> motion issue unanimous. item 5 is public comment. members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commission's jurisdiction that does not appear on the agenda. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department personnel. commissioners are not to enter into debate or
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discussion with a speaker. the lack of a response by the commissioners or department personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment. >> madam secretary, is there anybody on the phone or virtually? >> there is nobody on the public comment line. >> there is nobody in the chamber at this point. seeing none, public comment is closed. ed madam secretary. >> item 6, chief of department report. report from chief of department, jeanine nicholson report on current issues, activities, and events within the department since the fire commission meeting on july 13, 2022, including budget, academies, special events, communications, and outreach to other government agencies and the public. report from administration deputy chief tom o'connor on the administrative divisions fleet facility status and updates, finance, support services and homeland security. >> thank you very much. chief of the department. >> thank you vice president nakajo. commissioner morgan, commissioner fraser,
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maureen, zack from city attorney office and command staff. chief nicoleson, this is my report. since our last commission meeting. covid-19 is still around, but our numbers have really dropped, which is good news. we only have one member who is positive right now. six people are out longer then 30 days. long-term covid and we have 14 on quarantine for being exposed so the numbers are trnding in a good direction. a little bit of fun news, several members of the command staff and i attended the giant's firefighter appreciation night game. (inaudible) assistent deputy chief and cd2
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and cd3, myself went and had a nice time and we appreciate the recognition by the giants. but it was a fun night for me anyway. don't tell me it want you guys, alright? [laughter] so, ing other news, we have 17 member that are deployed to the oak fire right now. the last i heard was that the fire was just over 30 percent contained, so they have been working hard out there, so 17 members with 5 engines and one suv for the strike team leader and so i know we get regular reports from them, but that is the latest. they are there until further notice. so, as i talked about in our
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last commission meeting, my staff and i have spent a lot of time with the mayor's budget director, the mayor budget staff, the board of supervisors and their legislative aids during the recent budget process and i'm happy to say that mayor london breed signed the budget all most $14 billion budget today, so that's a big deal. it is always good to get that budget passed. for us, much of the recent budget addressed so much needed foundational fixes for us, so overtime preme iums and the like. typically what we had to do end of year director corso had to go to the budget office
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to ask for premiums and the like. now it is instituted in the budget so upwards of 20million put into the budget for their foundational fix and so you know, it's good for us in several ways obviously, but you know, for one hopefully we won't have to go asking for money at the end of the year when we are trying to get a new budget, and it brought our budget just up to under half a billion dollars, so our budget has grown by over $100 million in the last three years. we also through this budget got the administrative code changed-amended to address a organizational change in the command structure. so, as you
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know, our ems division and now ems and community paramedic division has grown as a rapid pace in the last 5 years especially. when i became the chief, a priority communicated to me both during my interview process and by the mayor was to address some of the many challenges in ems. and so, with the call volume of just about 80 percent medical related calls, and with the creation of more community paramedicine and taking calls-assumption of thousands of police calls, we are moving forward and part of that-well, thated administrative
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code change was-initially i was-there were only allowed to be two deputy chiefs, cd2 and cd3 and now we will have a cd4 of ems and community paramedicine chief who will report directly to the chief of department, so it is a much needed organizational change i believe and happy to report that had it has been passed and approved in this year's budget. in terms of other items in the budget, i know we received $3.5 million for equipment this year and $3.5 million for equipment next year, and director corso is here if you have any further questions on our budget or if you like to add anything. that concludes my report. >> thank you very much
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chief nicoleson. at this point, before we turn it to the commissioners for questions or comments, is there any public comment on the chief's report? >> there is nobody on the public comment line. >> alright. public comment on the chief report is closed. at this point questions or comments? commissioner fraser, commissioner morgan. >> i don't have much. i'll start if that's okay. i want to say congratulations on the budget and i notice we had a lot of retirements. are we able to fill these positions pretty quickly? what are your prospects? >> it is my understanding over the past fiscal year we had approximately 87 retirements, one of which was a civilian so 86 uniform members and you know, pretty much members that we hired thus far. it is pretty much a wash in terms of the academies we had,
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so we do have another academy in right now of approximately 50 people and we were also granted in the budget two more academies for each year for the next 2 years. it is 2 year budget, so we have been granted that ability to hire more h2 firefighters. >> yeah, that seems like that is the majority of the retirees is lot of h2. >> yes, there is a lot of hiring going on around 25 to 35 years ago right now. a lot of hiring, so we are seeing a good number of retirements. >> that's good. having a lot of promotions and that's good. we are moving along. i know the demand is constant, so you know, i was a little concerned with that. other then
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that, that's all i got. thank you chief. >> thank you commissioner morgan. >> commissioner fraser. >> thank you. couple things. congratulations everyone on the new budget. half billion is impressive amount of money and i know it is greatly needed so that is fantastic. also congratulations on changing the administrative code for the new position of cd4. i know that is a big deal and that will help a lot. one question about something you said, chief was it, 80 percent of the calls are medical related. is that 80 percent of all calls for help from the fire department? >> yes, approximately. >> wow. i don't know what that surprise s be but it does surprise me a little bit. and, the other question, the last question is, the
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amount of money for equipment seems small compared to the total budget. is that additional money for equipment or is that the total equipment budget? >> that is the total equipment budget. we do get equipment from grants and some other ways, but yes, we always like more money for equipment. last year we were-the 2 year budgets last year saw us get $10 million for 2 years, so basically $7 million just about 7 last year and 3 and a half this year. >> okay. well, that's all for me. thank you. congrats everybody. >> thank you very much commissioner fraser. chief of the department, i like to take advantage of the fact director corso is here and i like to get his comments and input in terms of some of the
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questions. (inaudible) director corso, please through the chief. the chief report had pretty much the summary. one of the first questions is the (inaudible) what is the dollar figure look like and i know that the figure of half a billion dollars has been thrown as identification. i'm curious about that number and-(inaudible) but i'm also curious as to the differentiation between last year's ask to this year's approved budget and for the commissioners and myself, the process generally is we go through a budget cycle and request and whatever we are short on, my terms, the layman terms, we come back and ask for
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a supplemental. it sound like this year's budget adoption with this figure pretty much has and i heard the word, made us whole or stable for this fiscal, so i will stop there and first ask the question of differentiation between like last year's budget as comparison compared the this year's budget because it seems there is tremendous growth in ems or paramedicine. >> absolutely. good evening commissioners, chief. mark corso, finance and planning. a few points on your comments. yes, in total we are looking at approximately $500 million budget that incompass all areas of the budget general fund and external such as airport and work orders. as far as the year over year change, i think one of the biggest pieces and you mentioned supplemental's, this year was a odd or previous year i should say, fiscal year 21-22 was a odd year
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budget wise. with covid everything was odd but from a technical budget perspective that was the first time we have gone back oo the board for oo supplemental and we went i guess 3 times. one was for the addition of 50 mew ambulance personnel. those were not in our budget and included in the budget so that is portion of the increase we are talking year to year. the second was overtime supplemental and that was mainly due to issues stemming from covid and quarantine and time off from members so that was a impact not included in the budget but addressed during the year and we were one of multiple departments thahad that and a third supplemental that went through that wasn't directly us but impacted our budget was a workers comp supplemental for 5 or 6 million dollar i believe that was mainly result of covid as well so the over arching theme with the budget and going forward when you take making whole and that piece of it, there is still a lot of unknown
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related to covid and so with spikes if there are some in the next fiscal year we assumed level of increased leave to covid. leave impact the budget from time off and overtime and back-filling so we assumed some level but if there are increased spikes with higher than anticipated leave we may have to reevaluate that but at this time we will monitor that very closely. as far as adjustmented made they were made year to year as the chief mentioned most of the investment in the upcoming budget are structural. there are no real enhancement so to speak as far as operational capacity, the main things incorporated were the new 50 new fte on ambulance side, community paramedicine or programs started in the previous fiscal year and then would be annualized for the upcoming year and of course labor salary and
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benefit increases are increased to the budget number as well. all those things are incorporated. the issues we had in the past of the chief mentioned have been related to mou impacts where full salary impacts on wage or benefit increases as pertain to premium pay or overtime rates were not from our perspective not fully include in our budget so every year we will be going back not to the board necessarily but to the controller's office and mayor's office. we obviously let them know of the issues but to make use of reserves and other things intended for that. that commitment on annual basis got pretty material, especially during covid so working with the mayor budget office the division was made to address that head-on and address them structurally in the budget. >> okay. so in terms of that, i know we are feeling
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good with the budget and the signing of the budget. in terms of my definition of trying to understand that budget to be whole, that budget number that we are operating or have been approved this year with give and take in terms of percentages and such, as you say covid related, that budget request will be pretty much the number we will ask for the following year and are we on a 2 year cycle at this point or where are we with the 3 year cycle budget concept? >> yes, the city for some mainly like enterprise departments and few general fund departments are fixed 2 year budget where you go thru the budget process once every 2 years and barring some large thresholds for changes or things like that but otherwise you dont need to go through every year and the 2 year budget holds you over. we evaluate every year for the next 2 years so called
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a rolling process so every budget we go through every year and we take a look what our needs are going to be over the next 2 years and work through that budget process and that budget is for 2 years and sets up a baseline for the second year, but that isn't set in stone because you are reevaluateing again the next year. every year you take a look at the next 2 years. obviously only one will be practically implemented because that is the first year and if you redo the process in the next year you look at the next 2 years. to your question about going forward, i are think what we have right now establishes the baseline what we are looking at. we are obviously have needs, everybody knows that so the baseline is established as far as rolling over any labor increases or impacts health and dental-any of those benefit impacts, any of those kinds of things are included into the budget but we will request additional enhancement to
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address operational and administrative issues we have. >> thank you. i needed the reinforcement because i needed to hear baseline to answer the question where we are at and how we operate. with the chief's report, it is also for the commissioners and myself, it is clear we still have needs and wants and to try to put that within a number perspective. those are the issues in my mind and in terms of ems and paramedicine, it is a huge endeavor in terms what occurred in the last 2 or 3 years to the point this commissioner's perspective we the fire department are the go-to department to deal with homelessness, mental health issues, the gamut offense services and the first-liners. cooperation with the other departments set up various units, meaning we can't all do it ourselves and when
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we see the patient they have to be referred somewhere or else we get back to the vicious cycle. chief, in terms of the cd4 position, congratulations, is that position filled or going to be filled? >> so, literally just was signed today so we have to do all the paperwork but yes chief tong will fill the position. >> that position is? >> the chief of ems and community paramedicine. >> alright. director corso, chief of department, thank you so much for that update. appreciate it very much. at this point, madam secretary. >> chief o'connor. >> chief o'connor, welcome. >> good evening vice president
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nakajo, commissioner fraser morgan. under homeland security assistant deputy chief brown had a busy month. provided support and (inaudible) june 5 of last month. we also had activate for the pride weekday warriors (inaudible) management team standing by and running a terrific operation. we also had on june 5 transit committee bart weapon of maz distruckz bill. narbd emergency response team, we had our volunteers with instructors in golden gate for disaster response exercise. see the pictures there. health safety and wellness the acting battalion chief had a coffee with the behavioral health unit. as stated the month before, this is
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where our members can go off campus out of the fire house and meet with the behavioral health unit and clinician to get concerned addressed and find alternate sources if they are under stress. physician offices (inaudible) these also include members of 127 academy. as the chief stated before, last month we had 67 people out for covid but the numbers are down this month. doing much much better. 9 members placed on modify duty and 13 people return to full duty. investigative curves bureau. (inaudible) one test done, result negative. randle alcohol and drug testing. 3 members selected and randomly selected, all negative. three post accident reports, all post negative.
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helped with conditional office and (inaudible) attended a marine rescue committee and the strike team committee refresher class and captain (inaudible) is out with the team now with the oak fire and help would the background investigations. our power player this month was support service chief ramon sermono. we have (inaudible) 1515 evans. that is 80 percent complete and really the biggest hold up is waiting for the hvac units. replaced the section of damaged fencing around carol avenue property the future training site and sad to say the fence was stolen in entirety so putting up a new fence shortly. we installed new aed cabinets at station 49. (inaudible) it is is a big
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deal every time we get a vehicle out on the streets. here is a picture of the second hybrid emergency service class. 15 of the newest emt and paramedics. as the chief stated, we attended giant firefighter appreciation night. you see the honor guard and the field and lieutenant gibbs and families and the center we have gerald cobart the valedictorian of the last class. when we have the public safety nuths we go to chief brown to sing the national anthem but we might have erica 2.0, better, faster, louder. if you can hit play. [single national anthem]
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[ [applause] >> as you can see, chief brown had competition. next slide. the command staff is featured on the screen. chief nicoleson in the upper left and we ran into the inspector kato and (inaudible) doing recruiting a great venue (inaudible) superriser dorsey, commissioner (inaudible) sfpd david lazar and (inaudible)
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[calling names] pride parade. everyone had a terrific time. and lieutenant (inaudible) took student from the yacht club. starting outreach early with local youth. and lastly recruitment video put together. it is a insight into ems physical agility test and if we can hit play. [music and siren] >> today we are admingster ing the physical ability test for had san francisco fire department. it is a challenging exam that consist of a candidate carrying 3 medical bags totaling 70 pounds. those 3 bags are medical backpack with standard
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medical gear, a card acmonitor and oxygen bag. once the candidates puts the bag on and we say go they start. they go to the 6 story, take the bag off and have a mannequin that (inaudible) go back to the medical bags, put them back on and then descend back down the stairs to the first floor where they then go to the ambulance to remove a loaded journey that weighs 165 pounds and place in the ambulance. this replicates a very challenging environment that we work in san francisco. if you are thinking about joining the san francisco fire department for a career we highly encourage it and know when you are in the middle of physical agility test and legs are burning and out of breath, dont stop and know at
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the end of the physical agility there is an amazing career waiting for you when you are finished. >> just a little heads up to the new candidates that is what they are facing and should be prepared for and that is my report for june of 2022. >> thank you very much chief o'connor. at this point, is there public comment on this report? >> there is nobody on the public comment line. >> alright. at this particular point commissioners is there any questions or comments that you have for chief o'connor? commissioner fraser. >> thank you. i do. thank you for your report chief. very interesting, great videos. i don't know the greek national anthem but our national anthem has to be the hardest song to sing in any language so congratulations to our new firefighter who i actually met
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at the graduation. my question though is about the coffee with behavioral health. i have gotten a couple of text. i don't know if tay are invitations but coffee with clinician. is that a clinician that is employed by the fire department or a contract clinician? >> right now the employee groups are sponsoring it so the bfa and (inaudible) it is like a perdiem clinician but not a firmly established program but trying to institute it as one. >> okay. if somebody identifies a need in themselves or a coworker identifies someone who appears to be in need of behavioral health support, what would they reach out to that person or how would they receive that kind of help? >> reach out to the person or behavioral health unit, the stretch unit and contact the employees and directed to the proper services.
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>> forgive me for questions i'm still on the learning curve so i appreciate that. so, and that is true for anybody in the fire department? >> correct. >> who identifies in themselves possibly a need for some behavioral health. okay, and my last question mentioned in the report about random test are those drug and alcohol test? >> correct. and, those are done ong a regular basis? >> we have lottery with the names come out every day. (inaudible) wanted to make sure the threshold levels were the same because we can't change the levels without agreeing on it so there is lower number of tests last month but those are generated randomly every day and we had people tested to (inaudible) just came up that way. >> if somebody tests positive for something, alcohol or drug, illicit, legal, what are you, are they retested or
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referred or sent home? >> they are retested and conformitary test is done and sent to the vendor for conformation. they are sent home and then various processes can start after that. >> okay. that is a lottery on a daily basis. >> correct. generated by a outside company, not the fire department. >> okay, thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you commissioner fraser. commissioner morgan. >> yeah. chief o'connor, i want to say congratulations on the budget and on the covid numbers going down. that's good news. very good news. i dont know why we get these spikes. as soon as we let our guard down, here it comes. thank god it is getting better. maybe you can explain--probably dumb questions but with the leave of absence, in the human
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resources section of the report, i imagine these leave of absences are mainly vacations? >> various leaves of absence. military service, you can have for education, request for mental health, family reasons. a variety of reasons. >> talking about the leave of absence with pay, since we are mainly-we have some here where there are certain members off for a whole year with pay for leave of absence. am i reading that right? >> the page commissioner? >> 44. no that is separations, but yeah, that would be 46. intermediate leaves with pay for the time period of march 3, 2022 through october 16, 2023. maybe you can give me examples
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of these situations. >> which are you looking at? >> i can answer that. >> okay. thank you. >> page 46. these are intermittent leave with pay so may be family medical leave act they need to take a day off to take care of the mother or grandmother, what have you. it could be that. could be for baby bonding, all sorts of different reasons. >> right. okay. >> commissioner, that is using their own time bank, vacation time, sick leave. it isn't just blanket leave with pay. >> okay, great. just curious. some of them stuck out. since we are talking about the budget too, the mayor really likes you guys. it is obvious. [laughter] she likes us, right? that's about all i got i
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think. i'll let you off the hook chief o'connor. >> thank you commissioner. >> thank you very much commissioner morgan. thank you very much chief o'connor. i just have a couple comments or questions chief serano and chief brown and back to yourself. if i can ask some comments on the pont of view on page 7 of chief of homeland security. chief brown. if i can ask you a question, chief. thank you for joining. >> thank you vice president nakajo. commissioner morgan, commissioner fraser. (inaudible) and command staff. >> on the matter of the events we had, we use a example of the gay parade as well as
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warrior celebration and got perspective on the last commission meeting from-paramedic opponent of view or ems point of view we use the (inaudible) i am curious in terms of your particular area, homeland security. i wanted to hear for me myself as well as the commissioners, your take and your comments through your lens as homeland security as it pertains to the department at an occasion like the pride parade and i use those examples like the warriors because they were two big events even though i know you deal with a lot of events. anything you want to add chief? >> sure, from my perspective for event like that planning for the worst case scenario and putting items in place to address what we expect to happen and certain things that we don't expect to happen, but could happen and so
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from that lens i'm coordinating with sf police. in the case of the pride parade, it was considered a fear level event which means the federal government has a coordinating role so they held meeting with us to plan for potential insdants and backup contingency and then you're correct, it is very ems heavy, so if you could look at me as the planner and operation side is providing me what it is they want and my role is to compile that in a plan everyone can look at so everyone knows what all the parts are doing in coordination to the successfully keep the public safe in san francisco. >> okay. i appreciate that, because just again as a person that's fire commissioner but also a member of the public and issues of security have really heightened on all levels in places i thought one
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didn't have to worry about security are now issues that concern me on all levels. i know that something like the parade or the warriors, it is celebrational point of view, but i'm always concerned and more so now then ever before so i thought it would be important for us the commission to also hear your events because the job responsibility is huge in terms of what it is. it is about safety. the general public is the general public with all kinds of (inaudible) i appreciate that because i was curious and i wanted to hear from you how this works, because i know it is a collaboration to say the least. it is huge. >> that is exactly right. i rely on working with partners so we succeed in those events. >> right. thank you very much chief. i appreciate it. thank you. i got a question/comment with support services.
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chief serano. good evening. >> good evening vice president nakajo, commissioners, chief nicoleson, command staff, maureen and zack. >> again, your section is a lot. (inaudible) and top of it. i am looking at page 35 and this is something maybe chief o'connor might be able to respond to as well but on the top says phs bond 2016-nfs updated through may 2022. total funding allocations to neighborhood fire station is $9.1 million. to me it is okay but assuming it is a bond. i can't quite remember what phs bond but when they state something like a 9.1 allocation, is that a balance or is the expeneded or what is
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that? >> it is the balance on the bond. public health and safety bond and it is just updated and that is the balance remaining on the bond. >> okay. (inaudible) utilize the $9.1 million? >> used on various items. generally been using it for station generators. we also have it for removal of hose towers. the most current one is station 15 on ocean by city college. that (inaudible) has to be removed and also reconstructed because it has historical value, so once the host tower is removed we have to rebuild it seismically safe for an agreement between the fire department and the planning department as far as historical reasons. >> i appreciate that because again that didn't-i thought it might be a balance but
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i assume finding out this number, 9.1 is a good number, it is good news you have that kind of balance that could be utilized? >> it is good news, but our department-our facilities are dire need of tlc and a lot of the generators are outdated and that money goes fast. we have a pretty good budget, but we can always use more. >> that is what i like to hear. moving down in the middle part of it, the report is phs band employment-(inaudible) 49. i call it the new 49. >> yes. >> or 49. i was looking through the report and remember before when we have ems in terms of old station 49, is there a section in here in this report or does that update on old 49 and update to
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where it is? is that coming out of the paramedic division or part of support services? >> that is i guess the paramedic division report community paramedicine at old 49. yeah, part of the bond prop measure c, and that is updated there. again, we are old 49 is sharing space. the bureau of equipment with community paramedicine and it is basically reported in bureau equipment and community paramedicine. >> i think at some point chief o'connor may get a update on where it is with that because i know we were talking about transition. my last question chief o'connor and chief serano, page 36 of the (inaudible) logistics. lieutenant (inaudible)
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>> mike tuple. >> is that a permanent assignment? >> he is the logistic lieutenant and handling the clothing depot. his department or division handles multiple parts of logistics and that clothing being one of them, and all the ordering of (inaudible) and supplies for our department as well. >> big job. >> yes. >> especially with the announcement of two classes per year for the next two. and the last question, chief o'connor, it talks about the pbe and awarded to all star fire equipment inc. at some point we were talking about the importance concern on (inaudible) to make sure it protects our members. can you comment a little bit about this award and is that component assured with this
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contract? >> yes. all star is a lion representative, lion being the ppe we speck out for the department. it is a great product and it is compliant with all our regulations as far as having the-not having the pfos and other carcinogens in the liners and so forth. it is a great-who ever-my predecessor chief duwit worked on that speck with consultants, they came out with a great speck and put out to bid and all star won the bid and the manufacture is lion. we will purchase lion products. we have been purchasing fire decks as well, just because they can supply them a lot quicker. again, we are still experiencing a lot of supply chain issues. >> thank you for that chief o'connor. did you
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want to say anything about that on this topic? >> no, chief mentioned the biggest problem is supply chain issues. (inaudible) that is our biggest delay. what we are trying to do is once they accept their award with the fire department, which they acknowledge to get in the next class we try to get a early sizing to get a pre-order ahead of time to get a feel for the class so if we have a gigantic place we get (inaudible) versus a smaller class. if you watch the chiefpeneding badges you might have a giant class come through and sometime normal size. we are trying to get a heads up to beat the supply chain problem. >> alright. thank you very much chief serano and chief o'connor. >> may i just-one more question. chief
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o'connor, maybe chief serano. when all is planning in historical value i esee dollars signs and curious what is a host tower? help me with my education. >> all the fire houses back in the day we used to have hang all our cotton jacket hose in the tower to dry out. we had a hose tower or racks which are shelves, so at the end of the day or after a fire we have to hang the hose, we replace the house with dry hose in order to keep the mildew mold and rot. since we have gone to more synthetic materials and do not require the hose tower. >> the hose tower you are talking about saving changeing moving is a older one- >> yes, most of the hose towers have been demolished and i think 15 was one of the last ones to be demolished and they will keep that one for
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historical value. >> commissioner fraser, you okay? commissioner morgan. >> (inaudible) >> alright. at this point-please, commissioner. >> i did have one question. i notice we-at some of the fire houses they do a lot of hvac unit removals and some of the upgrades and i guess chief serano you can answer this. i notice you guys are using (inaudible) these are city employees i imagine? >> most of the time they are. projects run by department of public works and they have all the trades, plumber
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electricians but the hvac a usually taken care of by the steam fitters. >> hopefully union companies? >> yes, when dpw is over-taxed or cannot provide the service, we may sub-out to a outside city approved vendor that can accomplish the work. >> that's great. i know-i had one last question if you know off the top of your head. who are you using for the crane services to do replacement with the hvac units? >> i believe dpw contracts with shedy. >> good enough. that sounds good. i approve of that. that is all i have. >> thank you very much commissioner morgan. at this point, thank you chief nicoleson for your report, chief o'connor, madam secretary. >> item 7, adjournment.
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>> commissioners, need a motion and second, please. >> like to make a motion to adjourn. >> thank you very much, commissioner morganism motion to adjourn, we need a second. >> second. >> thank you very much commissioner fraser. moved and second. madam secretary. [roll call] >> this meeting is adjourned at 559. [meeting adjourned]
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families, immigrants, seniors, merchants, workers and the housed and unhoused who all deserve a thriving neighborhood to call home. the tenderloin initiative was launched to improve safety, reduce crime, connect people to services and increase investments in the neighborhood. as city and community-based partners, we work daily to make these changes a reality. we invite you to the tenderloin history, inclusivity make this neighborhood special. >> we're all citizens of san francisco and we deserve food, water, shelter, all of those things that any system would. >> what i find the most fulfilling about being in the tenderloin is that it's really basically a big family here and i love working and living here. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> my hopes and dreams for the tenderloin are what any other community organizer would want for their community, safe, clean streets for everyone and good operating conditions for small businesses. >> everything in the tenderloin is very good. the food is very good. if you go to any restaurant in san francisco, you will feel like oh, wow, the food is great. the people are nice. >> it is a place where it embraces all walks of life and different cultures. so this is the soul of the tenderloin. it's really welcoming. the. >> the tenderloin is so full of color and so full of people. so with all of us being together and making it feel
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very safe is challenging, but we are working on it and we are getting there. >> can i have the roll call please. >> call to order at 1:05 p.m. president randy scott is excused. vice president. >> present. >> commissioner bresland. is working with our tech support, will be joining virtually momentarily. commissioner caning. >> present. >> dismissinger fallensy. >> present. >> commissioner. >> present.
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