tv SFPD Town Hall SFGTV September 5, 2022 12:10am-2:41am PDT
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>> good afternoon. we are here today for virtual town hall regarding a officer involved shooting that occurred saturday august 6, 2022 at 18 and shotwell street. before proceeding, i like to announce to our viewing and listening audience that this town hall is being translated into spanish, and american sign language. today's presentation include details from officer involved shooting that occurred between uniformed san francisco police officers and 51 year old jose cavera. the san francisco police department we recognize that our sworn duty as law enforcement officers imposes no more solemn obligation on us then to honor and
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respect the santhty of life. we also know we are sometimes required to use force, including deadty force at times. we recognize too officer involved shootings can have a traumatic effect on members of our communities, especially for individuals, families and loved ones who suffered trauma of their own and encounter with the crimial justice system. where ever it may be. to any of the viewers experiencing trauma from this incident or from the information or images that we will present during the town hall, please know help is available to you. you may contact san francisco department of public health crisis line, 415- 970-3800 for trauma services. here is what we hope to accomplish today. first and foremost in the san
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francisco police department aspiration to be a national model of 21 century policing, we work to earn the trust of those we serve by committing to transparency and to the tenants of procedural justice and this process and in the town hall presentation. procedural justice depends on the legitimacy of police and entire crimial system. we work to embody the tenants what procedural justice is all about. we will release the facts known to us at this time about the incident and do so in a manner that is impartial and neutral. we will answer questions from members of the public as well as members of the news media and listen to public feedback. commander (inaudible) will be presenting the facts in this case in a few minutes. before turning the floor over to him however, i want to emphasize this incident is subject to multiple independent scr ongoing investigation. as such, there
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may be some information we cannot release at this time, either because the release of certain information is prohibited by law, or because the release of certain information could compromise a ongoing investigation or because certain facts have not been established with certainty. in other words, we are not able to release unconfirmed information. next, commander will include a detail verbal narrative as well as audio and video content from the officer involved shooting incident. sfpd officers who responded to the team were wearing department issued body worn cameras, activated at the time of the incident. consistent with with our body worn camera policy you will see body worn camera video from the officers from multiple perspectives. at the san francisco police department our commitment to full
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transparency guided our officer involved shooting investigations and town halls for several years now. our commitment to the public includes holding a town hall within 10 days of the incident. although our practices predate enactment of many police transparency and accountability laws in california, we believe our approach has remained consistent with the letter and spirit of reforms implemented by senate bill 1421 for police transparency and assembly bill 1506 for police accountability. sfpd commitment to transparency in the process will also be reflected in our release of information online. video from this town hall including audio recordings from 911 calls, dispatcher call and video footage i just mentioned will be posted on sfpd website at san there it will remain available
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in perpetuity for public viewing. san francisco police department director mandate we release the names of officers from officer involved shootings unless safety concerns argue disclosure. we identified no safety concerns and are commander will release the names of the officer as a part of his presentation. i would like to explain now the investigative processes for a officer involved shooting next. san francisco has a multi-agency response to officer involved shootings and each agency investigation is independent. when a officer involve shootings occurs involved a on duty san francisco police officer the following agencies are immediately notified. the sfpd investigative services detail is the unit responsible for investigating the events that lead up to the officer involved shootings. the sfpd
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internal affairs division is responsible for conduct ing administrative investigation to determine if the officer or officers responsible for the ois are in compliance with standards and requirements of sfpd policy. the investigation of both sfpd units can run parallel, each has distinctive investigative purview and focus. each maintains a fire wall to comply with legal standards and requirement. the san francisco district attorney's office, independent investigation bureau or iib is responsible for determining the legality of the officer involved shooting. based on their independent investigation and review, the district attorney of the county of san francisco will make the final decision as to whether the officers or officers actions comply with the laws of the state of california. san francisco department of police accountability or dpa also conducts a independent
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administrative investigation. san francisco voters created dpa as successor of office of citizen complaints with posage of proposition d in the june 2016 election. dpa investigates all insdants any officers discharge the weapon within the course and scope of the duties when that discharge results in a individual injury or death. finally, i like to point out we take community feedback seriously and based on feedback from prior officer involved shootings town hall we will take questions and answer to the extent able today, understanding this incident remains a ongoing investigation. we will allocate one hour for public comment and question and conclude this town hall and approximately 615 p.m. or when there are no more callers which ever comes first. thank you very much for joining
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us today and now, commander. >> thank you very much chief scott. good afternoon everyone. i'm commander, (inaudible) rivlg management office and will provide a summary of a officer involved shooting incident involving members of the san francisco police department. the officer involved shooting or ois incident, discussed in the presentation occurred on saturday august 6, 2022 at approximately 755 a.m. on shockwell street at 18th street in san francisco's mission district. this incident involved uniform patrol members of the san francisco police department from the mission police district and bayview police district. of the numerous officers on scene during the ois incident, a majority of the officers
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completed crisis intervention team or cit training. three of the four officers who discharged their weapons have completed cit training. officers who are cit trained completed a 40 hour california peace officer standards and training or post certified course which prepares them to respond to persons in crisis insdants and as a team formally to plan establish rapport and use de-escalation tactics including tactical repositioning and creating time and distance when ever possible to safely resolve a person in crisis insdants. of the officers on scene during the ois incident, 17 also completed critical mindset coordinated response or cmcr training. one of the four officers who discharged their weapons has completed cmcr training. cmcr is a 20hour
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post-certified training course developed by the san francisco police depaurmt field tactic force option unit. this course addresses high risk situations incounterered by officers in the field. training objectives include critical decision making during high risk incidents. using teamwork and leadership. in this presentation and body worn camera footage you may hear the following terminology used by officers. 221. 221 is police radio code for person with a gun. 917, 917 is police radio code for suspicious person. bear cat is a armored vehicle used to provide ballistic protection to officers and citizens during
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rescue, critical incidents and other hazardous situations. these vehicles allow officers closer access to high risk situations while substantially reducing the physical risks to officers and citizens. bwc, is body worn camera. code 33. code 33 is police radio code for emergency, clear the radio channel. crisis/hostage negotiation team. crisis hostage negotiation team is often referred to as h & t who's members are on-call specialized officers and sergeants trained to assist in resolving through communication. crisis and hostage situations, barricaded subjects, high risk suicide threats and high risk warrant service. critical
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incident. critical incident is a life threatening situation that requires a response in a (inaudible) examples include, barricaded subjects, hostage situations and sniper situations. command post. command most is referred to as the cp. operational command post or ocp. the command is location established by the operational commander who is the source of command authority, decisions and media information. it is also responsible for establishing and maintaining an outer perimeter. dispatch. dispatch is department of emergency management radio dispatcher. ois. ois is a officer involved shooting. public safety statement. public safety statement is information obtained by supervisor at an officer involved shooting using questions intended to determine existing threats to public safety and identify
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transtore evidence that must be preserved. the scope of the statement is limited to the collection of such critical fleeting information in the immediate aftermath of these critical incidents. it is the department's policy to deactivate body worn cameras before obtaining public safety statements and the policy instructs the supervisor to remind the involved officers not to discuss the incident further. specialist team. the special test team is a on-call specialized unit referred to as specks within the special operation bureau consisting of patrol officers and sergeants trained in responding to high priority crimes in progress resolving critical incident, dignitary protection, crowd control, water born operation and assisting the tactical unit with high risk warrant service. the tactical unit is full time specialized unit often
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referred to as tact within the special operation bureau. trained serving high ringe warrants row solving critical incident dignitary protection, crowd patrol and water born operation. tactical emergency medical medics are san francisco fire department members embedded with the tactical unit to render aid at the scene of critical incident active shooter jz high risk warrant service. i will now provide a incident summary. the precise cronology of the incident is under investigation. the times presented are approximate. the following summary of the events as they are understood as of today monday august 15, 2022. at approximately 755 a.m., two uniform san francisco police department officers assigned to the mission district were on patrol in a marked
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department vehicle. officer number one is a officer in the field training program while officer number two is his field training officer. the two officers observed a subject pushing a red bicycle while riding a blue bicycle on the sidewalk. officer number two recalled the recent crime alert regarding a stolen bicycle from the area. crime alerts are bulletins dissiminated to san francisco police department members by investigative units to provide information regarding recent crimes. officer number one, the passenger in the patrol vehicle advised department of emergency management dispatch they were in the area of south van ness and 16 street where they saw a 917 which is supicious person riding a blue bicycle with a red bicycle in his hand. the two
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officers attempted to contact the subject later identified as jose (inaudible) ibin the area of shotwell and 18th street. body worn camera footage for both officer number one and officer number two began while they were driving eastbound on 18th street and then north on shotwell street. as seen on footage, officer number one exited the passenger side of the patrol vehicle to contact on the east sidewalk of shotwell street north of 18 street. officer two said, "he's running, he's running". officer one gave chase on foot and announced over the radio code 33, foot pursuit. code 33 is radio code for police emergency, clear the channel. officer number one ran northbound on shotwell street and ordered mr. covera
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to stop. officer one yelled 221, which is radio code for person with a gun and ran back southbound in the direction of his patrol vehicle. according to security camera footage from a nearby building, mr. cor vera ran north past a red car on shotwell sheet and turnd around and crofep behind the hood of a red car while pointing a gun in the direction of the officers. officer number two initially stayed in the patrol vehicle and drove forward as mr. cor vera fled but then stopped the patrol vehicle and announced over his radio, hey, 221, code 33. officer number two exited the patrol vehicle and drew his department issued hand gun. officer number one opened the front passenger door of the patrol vehicle and positioned himself behind the door as he
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drew his department issued handgun and pointed in the direction of mr. cor vera. officer number one and officer number two then ordered mr. corvera to "drop the gun". and ", put the gun down". officer number one also yelled, "drop the gun on the floor or you will be shot. put it on the floor". the two officers then warned a nearby bystander to get back. while the two officers continue to give orders to mr. corvera to surrender, what sounded like a gun shot could be heard. this occurred while officer number two was attempting to provide updated location to dispatch. at this time, officer number one and officer number two discharged their department issued hand guns. due to officer number two radio transmission being cut off, dispatch announced the last known location, which was previously given by officer one as south van ness and
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16th street. officer number two announced over his radio, "shots fired, shots fired". officer one continued to order mr. corvera to pget on it ground and drop the gun. mr. cor vera could be heard yelling at the officers behind the red car. officer two clarified to dispatch, their location was 18th and shotwell and repositioned behind a red truck parked on the west sidewalk of shotwell street as numerous officers responded. as aufsher one continued to speak to mr. corvera, officer two updated over the radio with approach and location of mr. cor vera behind the car, "he's still got the gun. shots fired, he's behind the car, still not cooperative". the acting lieutenant of mission
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statement arrived, took command and immediately requested officers to bring shields for cover. officer 2 announced, "suspect already took a shot at us". officer two, "he's behind the car sarge, get down. he's already shot at us". officer number two updated arriving backup units of the situation as they took positions behind various vehicles. mr. corvera could be heard yelling, "get out of here". during the course of the incident the acting lieutenant coordinated units and developed a plan. he directed officers including other supervisors as they arrived on scene. the acting lieutenant in conjunction with the ort supervisors on scene organize resources such as shields and rifles and managed scene security for officer and
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bystander safety. the acting lieutenant also work would the other supervisors on scene to reposition officers as necessary to minimize avenues of escape and deconflict potential cross fire issues. throughout the incident the supervisors managed back up officer duty including contact officer, shield cover, rifle cover, crowd control and traffic control. at approximately 758 a.m., three minutes after-the start of the incident, a crisis intervention team trained officer that was briefed by officer number two took over as primary contact officer and began speaking to mr. corvera. the contact officer ordered mr. corvera to put the gun down. mr. corvera replied, "no, get out of here. i don't want to see you.". during the dialogue,
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mr. corvera provided his first name to the contact officer. officer three arrived on scene as backup equip with a department issued rifle. officer number 3 was briefed on the situation and directed by supervisor to serve as a cover officer for the contact officer. officer number 3 requested and soon provided with a additional shield for cover while the contact officer continued to speak with mr. corvera. the primary contact officer was conversing with mr. corvera in english, another officer attempted to start a dialogue with mr. corvera in spanish. mr. corvera responding in english and spanish to the officers, but did not comply with either their commands to surrender. officer number 3 confirmed with the supervisor on scene that he could see a gun in mr. corvera's hand.
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officer number 3 warned nearby officers that "he's got it pointed in this direction, pointed in our direction from behind the front hood". mr. corvera could be heard saying "no, i cant talk to you. leave. go.". officer number 4 arrived on scene and was equip with department issued rifle. officer number 4 briefed on the situation by officer number 2. the contact officer said to mr. corvera ", jose, how can we help you today?". mr. corvera responded, "nothing, just go". at 803 a.m. the acting lieutenant declared a critical incident and established the command post. he and other supervisors requested
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additional resources including, the san francisco police department tactical unit, the crisis/hostage negotiation team or chmt, and for medical personnel to stage in the area. after the critical incident was declared, tactical unit members and specialist team members responded to assist with the incident. a supervisor on scene updated officers and warned over the radio mr. corvera is pointing the gun at the officer. a supervisor on scene then requested a shelter in place announcement for nearby residents and also requested additional units to help clear the area of bystanders for their safety. at approximately 808 a.m. alert san francisco, san francisco emergency text message system sent a text message announcement to nearby residents notifying them of the
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incident. at multiple times during the incident various officers can be heard saying mr. corvera was pointing his gun in their direction while the contact officer continued to speak with mr. corvera. officer number 3 updated a supervisor mr. corvera was on his 80s peaking over the hood of the red car with the gun in his right hand. officer number 3 developed a plan with other officers to bring a patrol vehicle on to the west sidewalk of shotwell street to provide additional cover. officer number 3 continuously updated nearby officers of their plan and of mr. corvera's movements. officer number 3 repositioned to the patrol vehicle driven on to the sidewalk, moved the patrol vehicle forward a short distance and took position behind the driver side of the patrol vehicle. a supervisor directed the contact officer to
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hollster his department issued handgun and continue speaking with mr. corvera. from the driver seat of the patrol vehicle officer number 3 yelled "he's got the gun pointed, he's got it pointed in this direction". at this time approximately 13 minutes after the start of the minute officer 3 discharged his department issued rifle. officer number 3 advised he discharged his rifle and that mr. corvera was still crawling around. the contact officer continued to speak with mr. corvera who could be heard yelling "get out of here, get out of here". "i saw a gun pointed in my direction multiple times". a supervisor advised officer over the radio additional officer involved shooting just occurred while the primary contact officer
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continued to speak with mr. corvera. at the direction of supervisors, backup officers relieved officer number 1, officer number 2, and officer number 3. a supervisor positioned officer number 4 to take up officer number 3 previous position behind the patrol vehicle door. officer number 4 ducked behind the driver side of the patrol vehicle while warning nearby officers "he is standing up again. he's pointing the gun again ". the contract officer said, "hey, jose, i need to talk to you so i can help you. what do you mean man? you can make it easy by coming out and talking to me. jose, nobody wants to hurt you dude. no, nobody is going to hurt you man. no one is here to hurt you. we are here to help you".
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a supervisor positioned next to the contact officer stated mr. corvera did not appear to be injured. mr. corvera could be heard saying, "i don't need no help". the contact officer said, "hey, jose, you got to throw the gun out so we can help you". crisis hostage negotiate airs arrived on scene to assist. officer 4 advised a nearby supervisor, i can see the top of his head, he is still right in front of the hood. the contact officer said, "jose, put the gun down, come out and let me know what you need". at approximately 825 a.m. while the contact officer continued to speak to mr. corvera, officer 4 announced to nearby officers, "he's pointing the gun at us, i cant see him though.
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i can just see the gun". during the incident two individuals that were hiding behind a nearby silver vehicles described by a officer as possibly being involved. a supervisor on scene determined the two individuals were bistandards and the information provided to officers on scene via radio. as the contact officer continued to speak to mr. corvera, a supervisor announced, "watch out, watch out, watch out, the gun's up". the supervisor advised over radio, "stand by, he's got it gun up". at approximately 836 a.m., approximately 41 minutes after the start of the incident officer 4 discharged his department issued rifle. officer number 4
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yelled, "he's still pointing the gun". another officer said, "he shot over here". officer 4 responded, "he's still up". officer 4 shouted "he's shot. i can't see anything beside the gun. he is pointing the gun over". as another officer said, "he shot over here". as the contact officer ordered mr. corvera to put the gun down, officer 4 announced, "he throw it, he throw it". at the time what sounds like a gun shot can be heard. officer 4 yelled a expletive and ", gun just went off". officer number 4 advised nearby officers "he through the gun, the gun is right there". officer number 4 shouted a expletive and added
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that it "went off when he throw it". the information was relayed to officers on scene via radio. there corvera was still hiding behind the red car. officers gave repeated orders for mr. corvera to surrender. a supervisor then replaced officer 4 with another officer. each of the 4 officers that discharged their fire arms provided a public safety statement to supervisors on scene. after repeated commands for mr. corvera to surrender a arrest plan was developed by the tactical unit and arrest team. the contact officer was replaced by a hostage crisis negotiator who began speaking to mr. corvera. at approximately 848 a.m., approximately 53 minutes after the start of the incident, a
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designated arrest team consisting of san francisco police department specialist team members with the assistance of the san francisco police department tactical unit took mr. corvera into custody. san francisco fire department medical personnel accessed mr. corvera on scene and determined he was not struck by gun fire, however he was transported to zuckerburg san francisco hospital for a miner complaint of pain. mr. corvera discharged from zuckerburg san francisco general hospital shortly therefore and later booked at county jail 1 for the following crimes: 3 counts of assault on a peace officer with a fire arm, which is section 245d2 of the california penal code. 2 counts of violently resisting arrest,
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section 69a of the california penal code. brandishing a fire arm in the presence of a peace officer, which is section 417c of the california penal code. possession of a fire arm with intent to resist arrest. resisting arrest, section 148-a1 of the california penal code. carrying a loaded fire arm in public, section 25850a of the california penal code. mr. corvera remains in custody at this time. additional information. the subject's name is jose corvera. his date of birth is january 12, 1961. evidence. crime scene investigators from the san
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francisco police department frenzic service division responded and processed physical evidence from the scene including but not limited to the following: one 9 mill imeter semi-automatic pistol known as imitation blank fire arm. the make and model of the fire arm is a (inaudible) magnum. three blank gun cartridge casings. two 40 caliber casings. 11, 223 caliber casing. among the other items recovered at the scene were two bicycles, one cell phone and mr. corvera's backpack containing various property. video footage and photographs. officers on scene were wearing department issued body worn cameras activated at the time of the incident and recorded the events as
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they unfolded. security cameras owned by a private party recorded footage of the incident that was later provided as evidence to the san francisco police department and san francisco district attorney independent investigation bureau. multiple photographs taken by witnesses were also provided as evidence to the san francisco police department and the san francisco district attorney's independent investigation bureau. any other relevant video footage or photographs could be provided to the san francisco police department investigative services detail and/or the san francisco district attorney's independent investigation bureau using the following phone number : 415-575-4444. once again, 415-575-4444.
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witnesses. several eye witnesses of the incident were interviewed by the san francisco police department investigative services detail, and the san francisco district attorney's independent investigations bureau. any other witnesses are encouraged to contact the san francisco police department tip line and the san francisco district attorney's independent investigations bureau at 415-575-4444. involved members. the san francisco police department officers who dist charged their weapons in this incident are, officer michael rochi1514, a field training officer assigned to mission station. officer cane (inaudible) number 1183, an officer in the field training program assigned to mission station. officer gene
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(inaudible) 375 assigned to bayview station. officer corey fabell, 1520, assigned to bayview station. the remainder of the presentation is provided in a multi-media format in a effort to provide a transapparent and comprehensive perspective of this incident, the san francisco police department will provide maps, body worn camera videos, surveillance video footage, a witness photograph, crime scene investigation photos and related visual aids. our presentation today consist of relevant known video and audio at this time, but not intended to provide all photos, videos or testimonyial information related to this investigation. i will now provide a
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chronological presentation of this incident using these multi-media sources. the majority of the videos shown are in unedited form. at selected points to increase the transparency for viewers, certain videos have been enhanced to allow for a better perspective of this incident. please note this presentation the enhanced videos and the unedited videos will be all available on the sfpd website immediately following this town hall event. prior to the begood inning of each segment of audio or video i'll provide a brief description to orient the viewer to time, place and location of the content about to be shown. you are about to see video footage and learn about evidence related to the case so you can have a better understanding what occurred based upon what we know right now. we are still in the very early stages of a
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administrative investigation, which can take months to complete. our understanding of the incident may change as additional evidence is collected and reviewed. we do not draw any conclusion as to whether the officers acting consistent with our policies and the law until the facts are known and the investigation is complete. a word of caution, the images and information you are about to see and hear may be disturbing. when a police officer uses force to arrest his suspect or defend against attack, the images can be graphic and may be difficult to watch. in addition, there may be strong language used by those in the video. viewer discretion is advised, especially for young children and sensitive viewers. we encourage those in need of help to contact the san francisco department of public health, behavioral access line
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start the presentation with a geographical map of shotwell street and 18th street as well as enhanced graphics to display the general area of the officer involved shooting. the map will show a google satellight perspective. please note, the graphics and map are approximations and are not shown to scale. the
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dispatch audio from this incident will not be played during this presentation, but will be made available on the san francisco police department website following this town hall event. the body worn camera footage, which will be played next captured much of the dispatch audio transmissions. at this time, we will show five body worn camera videos related to the officer involved shooting. i will introduce each video prior to playing it. all these videos are from department issued body worn cameras. portions of some videos have been blurred due to
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the display of confidential law enforcement database images. we are now going to play body worn camera video footage from officer number one. this video will be played in real time. the body worn camera video footage will begin with officer number 1 initial contact with the subject and his actions leading up to and during the ois incident. [video playing] >> code 33, foot pursuit. >> sir, stop there. just stop
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there, buddy! (inaudible) >> code 33. >> code 33. >> drop your gun now! put the gun down! put the gun down now! on the floor! >> drop the gun! >> drop the gun on the floor or you will be shot! put it on the floor! >> (inaudible) >> do it again, get back! >> drop the gun! >> drop it! drop that gun on the floor! put it down! put the gun down! put that gun down or you will be shot! you, down! >> shots fired! shots fired! >> shots fired. >> just get on the ground! get flat on the ground, buddy! >> drop the gun!
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>> just drop it! it is okay, just drop the gun! just get flat on the floor! >> what is your 20? [car alarm] >> just put it down alright! it's okay, this is over. just put that gun down! >> drop the gun! >> drop the gun on the floor! alright, nobody wants to get shot today. just put it down! >> still got the gun, shots fired and on the car, still not cooperative. >> shots fired. (inaudible) suspect is behind the vehicle, not cooperative. >> just put it down, alright. >> (inaudible)
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[sirens] >> took a shot at us. >> suspect took a shot. (inaudible) >> bring up a shield. >> (inaudible) >> [inaudible comments over the radio] >> put that gun on the floor! >> (inaudible) >> that's all. just put the gun down! >> bring a couple shields up. one to the left or one to the right. a red corolla. >> bring a shield.
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>> got ya. he's basically at the right passenger side tire of this red car, yeah. >> i'm on your right, okay? >> got you. [multiple speakers] >> shotwell and 18th. suspect is non-comclient. >> you on the scooter get back? on the scooter! back! back! back! >> southbound shotwell-if we can prevent that from occurring. >> he's just behind the red car. [speaking over the radio] >> he's outside the car. >> seating our
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standing? >> he's crouched down. last i saw him he is crouched down at the right front passenger side tire. [yelling in the background] >> yes, sir. >> (inaudible) on the passenger side. >> if we move back, try to get behind me, that way you are behind the shield. same thing for you cane. >> got it, sir. >> did any sfpd fire shots? >> yes, sir. >> okay, very good. [exhale]
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[yelling in the background] >> no officers. we don't know about the suspect. >> i fired one round. yes, he is telling us to go. yes. >> (inaudible) >> yes. thank you. thank you. yes, yes, i will. >> needs to block off vehicle and are (inaudible) shotwell and are (inaudible) southbound. >> copy. >> (inaudible) >> (inaudible) who ever you got. jrkts
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>> david 11, i can see under the car from where we are, we cant see anything from where we are. >> (inaudible) doesn't see anything under the vehicle. >> be advise sed. he was riding one bicycle and another in his hand (inaudible) this red-the restaurant-- >> i got you. >> (inaudible) [siren in the background]
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>> (inaudible) >> david 200, has anybody requested a 408 to stage? >> negative, not yet. >> 10-4. please have them stage at 18 and south van ness. >> got it. >> i'm not standing up. if he starts shooting i going to fuckin hunker down. you know what we could do-can you shift a little more towards your left. you can point-come through the window because you have this-the door has ballistic panels. >> david 110.
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>> go ahead. >> is there (inaudible) >> copy. [multiple speakers] i will shold hold the shield here and duck behind the door. as planned, you are going to stay there, if you need to? >> yeah. >> i'll try to duck a little left if i need to and the officer will go behind us so (inaudible) >> i'll move left if i have to. >> david 110, (inaudible) can you do that on the pa, shelter in place notification to everyone on this block? 10-4.
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>> we need additional units to clear southbound shotwell from 18th to make sure it is free of cross fire. >> clear shotwell and 18th. >> where is he right now? >> once he ducked behind, i haven't seen him again. >> like straight behind the car, right? >> the last i saw him- >> the front passenger side? >> yes. (inaudible) >> block shotwell and 18th in case of cross fire. >> we are now going to play body worn camera video
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footage from officer number 2. this video will be played in real time. the body worn camera video footage will begin with officer 2 initial contact with the subject and his actions leading up to and during the ois incident. >> he's running! he's running! >> (inaudible) >> 221, code 33. >> drop the gun! drop the gun! drop the gun! >> put the gun down! put the gun down now! >> drop the gun! drop the gun! >> drop that gun on
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the floor or you will be shot! put it on the floor! >> get back! get back! drop the gun! >> drop it. >> drop the gun! >> drop the gun on the floor! put it down! put the gun down! put that gun down or you will be shot! >> northbound from-- [gun shots]. >> shots fired! shots fired! >> get on the ground! get flat on the ground, buddy! >> drop the gun! >> drop it! it is okay, just drop the gun! just get flat on the floor! >> what is your 20? >> 18th and shotwell.
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[multiple speakers] >> put the gun down! >> drop the gun! drop the gun! >> drop the gun on the floor! alright, nobody wants to get shot today! just put it down. >> still got the gun, shots fired, behind the car, still not cooperative. >> shots fired from (inaudible) suspect is behind the vehicle, not cooperative. >> just put it down, alright? >> trying to get a safe avenue approach. [police car sirens] >> suspect already took a shot at us. >> suspect took a shot. >> he's beheend hind the car,
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get down. >> i will bring a shield. >> unit with a shield. [sirens] >> i have (inaudible) >> behind the car. he's still got the gun. he already took a shot at us. >> red car. >> (inaudible) >> just put the gun down! >> bring a couple shields up, one to the left and one to the right. the little red corolla. >> he's behind the car. he's on the ground. behind this red car. >> drop the gun, buddy! >> i'm good, yeah. >> where's your partner? >> he's on the other side of the car.
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>> (inaudible) confirming (inaudible) >> what's your name, man? what's your name? >> shotwell and 18th. we continue to give orders, the suspect is non-compliant. >> (inaudible) [yelling in the background]. >> continue to give orders, the suspect is not compliant. >> (inaudible) southbound shotwell. >> i have no idea. we tried to stop him and he took off running. pulled out a gun. >> [inaudible conversation over radio] >> (inaudible) you good? >> yes, sir. >> (inaudible) on the
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(inaudible) [inaudible comments in the background] >> jose, can you put the gun down so we can talk? huh? (inaudible) jose-- >> david, 110. >> (inaudible) >> (inaudible) shotwell and 17th and nothing southbound. >> copy. >> (inaudible) whatever you got. >> copy. >> (inaudible) >> copy. shotwell and 17th pedestrian (inaudible) -pedestrian and
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>> jose, we can help you out. jose, (inaudible) we need to try to help you out. >> david, 200. >> go ahead. >> yeah, i'm going to declare this a critical incident and i'm going to set up my command post at-let me get you a address here. >> jose, how can we help you today? >> let's say my command post is (inaudible) and can you on (inaudible) >> copy. >> 300. >> he's in front of the right passenger side like leaned down. 221. >> (inaudible) >> no, in the car. >> subject has a fire arm in his hands that he is refusing to put down. >> copy no injuries,
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suspect still has the fire arm. >> he is pointing the fire arm at us. >> pointing the fire arm, copy. (inaudible) be advised (inaudible) >> (inaudible) >> [inaudible comments over radio] >> i can see under the car. from where we are, we cannot see under the car. >> (inaudible) does n't see anything under the vehicle. >> is red unit
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me, bud. jose. huh? talk to me. jose. i can't see you, where are you at? >> (inaudible) can you get on your pa and are make a shelter in place notification to everyone on this block? >> jose, come on man, i need to talk to you. jose. hey, talk to me, buddy. jose, come on man. here to help you, buddy. (inaudible) >> we need additional units to clear southbound shotwell from 18th so it is free of cross fire. >> need additional
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units to clear shotwell and 18th. [inaudible comments in the background] you need to put the gun down so we can talk. >> [talking over the radio] cross fire. >> he's in front of the car. >> how can we help you, bud? >> was that us? >> was that us or the suspect? >> jose! jose! come on bud. how can i help you, man? jose- >> we have ois.
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>> jose. >> up or down? >> jose, talk to me bud. >> shots fired. the suspect is still moving. >> jose, you going to talk to me? >> still moving (inaudible) >> what's going on? jose--i can't. i need to help you, bud. you know i can't do that. jose--come on. we need to talk. >> frank, give me a rifle. give me a rifle. >> we don't want to hurt your bud. we don't want to hurt you buddy. jose.
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>> we are now going to play body worn camera video footage from officer 3. this video will be played real time. the body worn camera video footage begin with officer 3 actions leading up to and during the ois incident. >> is there someone we can call for you? hey, is there anyone we can call for you? >> no. >> no. tell me what (inaudible) >> you cant go anywhere, jose. >> when he comes up with the gun, we'll just back off to the right behind the car here, alright? >> you got to put that down.
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huh? >> (inaudible) >> a black hand gun. >> jose--jose. jose, talk to me buddy, come on. i need to talk to you. you can't leave until we settle this. jose. >> is there a way to bring a car on the sidewalk here from the back side? bring a armored car up here on the sidewalk. >> can you talk to me man? jose, come on man, talk to me buddy. tell me what we can do to help you. >> his left hand is on the ground. he's on his knees. not sure if he is peaking underneath the car or not. >> jose. hey. jose,
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keep talking to me buddy. >> bring the armored car up here guys, alright? >> (inaudible) >> jose, i can't hear you, bud. what's going on? huh? jose. talk to me bud. jose. what's going on? huh? can you talk to me? jose--i can't see you man, where are you at? >> i can't see in front of the-he might be slowly shifting to the right. he has his left hand on the ground in front still. okay. i'm backing up.
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>> jose. keep talking to me. >> bring it farther, bring it farther. angle it in. angle it in. yep. keep coming, keep coming, keep coming, keep coming. stop there. get out, get out. get out. get out. i'm going to use the car. back up, back up. i'm going to get my rifle. >> they are talking to him. >> hey guys--i'm going forward. yep. >> (inaudible) >> got it pointed in this direction. >> how can we help
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you? >> i shot. shots fired. that was us. (inaudible) >> come on, buddy. how can we help you, man? >> i fired, i fired. >> jose--(inaudible) jose, (inaudible) >> he is down but still crawling around. >> jose. jose. hey, jose, can you talk to me? what's going on? (inaudible) jose. >> get out of here! >> i can't. i'm here to help you, bud. >> get out of here! >> you know i can't do that. >> i saw a gun pointed
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in my direction, multiple times. >> you okay? >> i'm okay. >> frank, give me a rifle. >> jose. (inaudible) >> come on out. >> we don't want multiple- >> get up there and replace him. you just had shots fired. >> yes, sir. >> we are now going to play body worn camera video footage from officer number 4. this video will be played in real time. the body worn camera video footage will be begin with officer number 4 actions leading up to and are during the ois incident. >> come on out. >> we dont want- >> get up there, you replace. >> did you (inaudible)
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>> we got it get you some help. >> he is standing up again. >> jose, come on! >> he's pointing the gun again. >> jose! >> where's he at? >> looks like he-i can't see him anymore. >> jose, how can i help you, man. jose. >> talk to us, jose. we want to help you. >> (inaudible) 17th and shotwell-he's crawling over and (inaudible) >> (inaudible) something in right hand. >> (inaudible) so we can talk.
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>> which way is he crawling? >> he's crawling towards the center of the street. he is peaking over the silver car and he is manipulating a object in his right hand. >> jose, come on buddy i ed92 to talk to you. >> crawling towards thesenter of the street. assuming something in his right hand. >> jose. hey, jose--come on man, i can help you out. >> (inaudible) >> yeah. you want a platform? >> he is sitting on his butt. [multiple speakers] his hand on are (inaudible) >> suspect is sitting on-his hands on his butt.
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do you need, man? you can make it easy by coming out and talking to me. jose. (inaudible) >> john 60, he's on his knees and looking over the passenger side of the car. still got something in his hand. >> suspect on his knees (inaudible) >> nobody is going to hurt you, man. hey, jose nobody is here to hurt you. >> (inaudible) bring them to the (inaudible) >> jose.
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>> (inaudible) >> come up opposite direction, 17th street side. (inaudible) he's crawling towards the middle of the street again. >> copy. >> (inaudible) >> suspect is crawling in the middle of the street in the direction of (inaudible) >> jose. tell me what i can do to help you. that's what we are here for. >> jose, just crawl out, lay down on your stomach- >> (inaudible) he keeps like raising the gun, so i need to--
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>> jose. come on man, you know we can't leave until you come out. we can help you. what's that? jose, come on man. just want to talk to you, jose. [speaking in the background] you got to come out so i can hear you. hey, jose, put the gun down, come out so we can talk. >> [talking in the background] >> how say, can you
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>> (inaudible) >> jose. hey, jose, put the gun away, come on out (inaudible) >> who's running it? >> (inaudible) >> jose. hey buddy, keep talking to me. what's that? >> [indecernable comments over radio] >> can't leave. i got to get you some help, jose. (inaudible) nobody wants to get hurt, jose. jose. >> (inaudible)
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the help you need. jose. jose, put the gun down and come out with your hands up. that is the only way we can help you, jose. jose, come on man, nobody wants to get hurt, nobody wants to hurt you, alright? we cant do that. you know that. i don't understand what you are saying, you have to come up. put the gun down and talk to me. huh? >> go! >> i can't. >> (inaudible) >> we are here to help
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you, jose. >> (inaudible) [multiple speakers] >> do you see his green hat right there? >> shotwell and 18th. >> come on buddy. >> copy. (inaudible) northbound shotwell from 18th. >> jose, come on. put the gun down and come out with your hands up. jose. >> i can see the top of his head. like a green beanie or something. he is still in the same spot. >> jose. >> are there two
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suspects involved? >> i can't him anymore. [multiple speakers] >> is there another person over there? >> (inaudible) one in shorts and (inaudible) they are sitting right next to each other. >> which suspect has shorts, the blue t-shirt or gray backpack? >> it is like a green shirt-- >> he just pointed the gun at us. i can't see him, i can just see the gun. >> all black and he has a grayish backpack. >> copy. the first suspect is (inaudible) green shirt or jacket and shorts. second possible involved suspect is
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all black and gray backpack. >> they are right next to a honda vehicle. >> copy. (inaudible) >> jose. >> what color honda are you seeing? >> silver honda. >> he's talking about a different fuckin car. >> it is a hatch back. >> those are civilians taking cover. we are just focusing on the orange burgundy looking toyota. >> what's that? >> (inaudible) orange or burgundy toyota. hatch back. >> jose. put the gun down, come out with your hands up so we can talk.
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>> that is correct, dispatch. silver honda is (inaudible) those are civilians just taking cover. >> be advised, silver honda is taking cover. vehicle involved in orange burgundy toyota. >> jose, still there? >> (inaudible) >> [indecernable comments over the radio] >> copy that. >> (inaudible) have everybody stay off shotwell. the best approach will be eastbound 18th from south van ness or westbound from folsom. (inaudible) >> he just looked up at me. >> nobody wants to get hurt out here, alright? we
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want to get you the help you need. >> i spoke with the (inaudible) we have h & t97 and looks like poa just came in as well. >> copy. units 3 and 4 (inaudible) south van ness or (inaudible) stay off 18th and shotwell. >> jose. come on out, bud. come out. that way we can get you some help. whatever you need, man. jose. jose. you still there? what's that? we
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jose. keep talking to me, man. what do you need, jose? what do you need jose? >> i can consistently see his head. the top of his head. >> jose, what do you need? >> (inaudible) >> front of the car. >> put the gun down, come out and we can help. >> can you see the gun? >> (inaudible) >> okay. [multiple speakers] >> jose, whatever you need, come out. just put the gun away, man. nobody wants to hurt you. jose,
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nobody wants to hurt you, come on out and put the gun down. what's that? >> [indecernable comments over the radio] >> do you have a updated description of the suspect? >> negative. >> put the gun down. >> we have eyes on (inaudible) >> copy. is there a unit with eyes on the suspect that can provide a description? >> jose. >> all i can see is either a green hoody or green beanie. >> can't see under the car. it is army green (inaudible) and black shoes. >> (inaudible) >> put the gun down, come on out, talk to us- >> (inaudible) >> green beanie (inaudible) >> you guys got good cover back
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here. i will-don't turn around frank, just listen. i will pull the (inaudible) and eliminate the guys in front of you, okay? >> alright. >> is there any other lethal cover there? >> we have lethal cover on the right hand side northbound and we have officers on the east side of the street [multiple speakers] >> is that you? >> we are not here to hurt you. we want to help you out, dude. >> (inaudible) >> confusing now as far as if it is one or two guys. >> i think that was something else. >> but that's civilians as far as we know? >> yeah, that's the gun right there. that's the gun right there. >> you want to switch
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out? >> come out and talk to me. >> i'm going to (inaudible) just make sure- >> all i can see is the gun. >> that's fine. (inaudible) will be right here (inaudible) >> something in his left hand. >> jose. talk to me, buddy. >> (inaudible) talk to them right here, okay? >> hey, jose, come on out bud. you got to put the gun down so we can help you. >> can you slide up. is it safe or not safe? if it is not safe don't do it. if it is not safe don't do it. you okay? >> yeah. >> if you need to come back, just come back and
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reposition. >> (inaudible) >> keep tight on him and (inaudible) >> jose, put the gun down bud so we can talk to you. i need to know what you want so we can help. >> you're good. >> jose. put the gun down buddy. no one wants to hurt you, alright. you can't leave until we get you some help. jose, come on man, put the gun down, buddy. nobody wants to hurt you. >> stand by. he's got the gun up. >> jose, come on, buddy. >> in front of the car. >> put the gun down so we can help you. put the gun down (inaudible) come on. nobody wants to hurt you. we are not here to hurt you, bud.
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>> nob (inaudible) >> yeah. >> hey, jose, come on man, nobody wants to get hurt. we are not here to hurt you. jose. jose. come on out bud. put the gun down. jose, come on. come to help you out. trying to make this easy for you, okay? what is it that you want? >> can you see him? >> jose. you listening to me? put the gun down, come on out with your hands up, and we can get you the help.
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jose. talk to me buddy. >> he's still pointing the gun. >> jose! [car alarm going off] >> he's still up. >> he's shooting. [gun fire] >> he shot. >> jose! >> (inaudible) >> i cant see anything, besides it gun. he's pointing the gun over. >> jose, come on out man! [gun fire] >> i can't hear shit! >> jose! put the gun down. >> he through it. >> the fuckin went down. [multiple speakers] >> jose, come out from the car. put your hands up!
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put your hands up jose! come on, jose! jose! put your hands up! >> he threw the gun. the gun is right there. >> jose, come out with your hands. let me see your hands, buddy. let me see your hands, jose. >> we are no going to play the body worn video camera footage from officer number 5. who was a member of the arrest team. this video will be played in real time. the video footage will show the subject arrest and members of the san francisco fire department conducting a medical assessment of him. the arrest occurred 53 minutes after the start of the incident. this officer's entire body worn camera footage will be available on the sfpd website after this
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surveillance footage of the incident. this video footage has been provided by a independent party. the videos was from 4 exterior video surveillance cameras from a building located near shotwell street and 18th street. these video cameras provided different angles of the incident from multiple vantage points. we combined and edited the surveillance video recordings into one video to provide a sequential summary of the incident. portions of the video have been enhanced to provide viewers with a better perspective of the incident. these enhancements include, zooming in and out, slow motion, highlighting, added graphics such as arrow circling the items and the weapon. the overlaying of the had photograph of the weapon recovered from the scene. this footage has been condensed for
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>> witness photograph. we will display one photograph taken and provide by a witness. this photo shows the subject during the incident. crime scene investigation photographs. we'll display 8 photographs taken by the crime scene investigation unit during and after scene processing. photo 1 shows a blue bicycle at the scene. photo 2 shows a red bicycle at the scene.
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photo 3 shows a fire arm with a csi marker at the scene. photo 4 shows a close up of the fire arm at the scene. photo 5 shows a blank cat cartridge at the scene. photo 6 shows the subject property at the scene. photo 7 shows department issued hand gun from the scene. photo 8 shows a department issued patrol rifle from the scene. this concludes my presentation, i will introduce acting peter shields from mission police station. thank you. >> thank you commander. my
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name is lieutenant peter shields and i'mcurrently acting captain at mission statement for captain gavin mc keckern. officers assigned to mission statement regularly respond to calls for service at the areas of 18th and shotwell streets. since the incident, we have increased patrol and continue to work with our city partner agencies in and around the area. i have had many conversations with members of the community and will continue the open dialogue with residents and business owners in the neighborhood. we will be mentioning this incident at our next community meeting, which will be held virtually august 30, tuesday at 5 p.m. i encourage those interested to register via the sfpd website. thank you, and now i welcome back chief scott.
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>> thank you commander and acting captain shields. and now we will open up the town hall for questions and are comments. >> public comment portion of this town hall will now begin. public comment will be held until 615 p.m. or when there are no more caller in the queue, which ever comes first. to call into the meeting please call, 1-415-655-0001. again, the number to call into the meeting is 1-415-655-0001. please enter meeting
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code, 24854298818. next, enter password, 8378. each public comment caller will have up to 2 minutes to speak. if you wish to join the queue for public comment, please listen carefully to the following instructions: interpretation is available in both spanish and can tuniece. if you are watching on web ex, click the interpretation butgen select your preferred language. if you are calling into the meeting, call 1-415-655-0001. enter meeting code, 24854298818. next, enter password, 8378. you may press star 3 to raise your hand to get in the queue to speak for public comment. you will be prompted when you have
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been unmuted and it is your turn to speak. once again, each caller will have up to 2 minutes to provide public comment for this town hall meeting. your 2 minutes will begin once you have been prompted you have been unmuted and you begin speaking. please be reminded, you must mute your broadcast you are watching in order for your public comment to be heard clearly. again, if you are watching the broadcast online, please mute the broadcast or turn down the volume completely to prevent audio feedback so your comment can be heard clearly. moderators, at this time i ask you invite the first caller into speak. >> hi, there. thank you for your efforts to keep our neighborhood safe. i am curious what the rules of engagement are in front of a
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school. i notice in the video the officer from my eyes the officers pulled over the suspect right on the corner where a large school, k-8 school resides and curious about the rules of engagement, the protocols and where the lock down calls. did somebody knock or contact the school? what would happen if this was not a saturday morning but monday-friday when children was present? >> thank you for your question, caller. our use of force is policies are guided by our department general order 5.01, and it is online or any other members of the audience like to take a look at it, but it actually lays out and sets forth the policy on what officers have to consider when they use force, including the use of deadly force as in this case, and that include background, that does
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include the environment, and laid out in the policy so whether it is a school or any other location where there is pedestrians or people in the background, officers have to take that into consideration and it is laid out in the policy and that is all evaluated as a part of the policy evaluation before this case comes to a final conclusion, that will be evaluated, both by the police department and by the department of police accountability when those cases that qualify for review are evaluated by them as well. thank you for your question.
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>> hello. i am a administrator at the (inaudible) international school. (inaudible) this incident took place next to. our immediate concern is we were not notified of a active shooter situation and we are wondering what the rules of engagement or any sort of alerting to the school in cases such as these? school was not in session that day but there was live rounds fired next to a school yard and we want to make sure we are notified so we can
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lock down the school yard and get kids inside to where it would be safe. >> thank you caller for your comments and thank you for those comments. you are absolutely right, and definitely in a ideal situation we do work with particularly in the school situation, work with the school administrators to help them to make a decision or they make the decision but we at least give them the information of what is going on so they can make a decision whether or not that school needs to be locked down, and in most cases that is a part of what we do if school is open. very good question and comment and it is something that we are very intentional about to try to mitigate those type of concerns and we have to act swiftly in a situation where somebody is armed and shots appeared to be fired, but that also when time allows and when we have the ability to
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notify, make notification whether it be a school or any other occupied location, we do attempt to do that. >> at this time, there are no callers in the queue. reminder, please press star 3 in order to raise your hand to speak for public comment after you have called in. >> i'm curious if there is a link between the bicycle threft and bicycle storage we often see on shotwell on the block between 18th and 19th street and if there is-i know encampment was recently relocated the portion closest to 18th street. will that be relocated? there are still quite a few bikes and storage and tents closer to
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19th street and what steps are you taking to keep the bike thevry and encampments away from school campus? >> well, that is investigation-the bicycle is part of the investigation as mentioned by commander yep. that was one thing through the attention of at least one of the officers. we don't know whether there is a link to the location that you mentioned, but that is being looked into and that will be a part of the discussion in the mission station-next community meeting that acting captain shields discussed just a minute ago. there are many community complaints about bicycle threft in that area-in your area or that area in particular and it is definitely something we have stepped up our deployment on in that particular area because it
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is of great community concern. >> at this time, there are no callers in the queue. again, to call into the meeting for public comment, please call 1-415-655-0001. enter meeting code, 24854298818, and password, 8378. you may press star 3 to raise your hand to get in the queue to speak for public comment.
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want to call the mission station, we can give you more information on that particular incident. i believe you are talking about the arson that occurred where a individual was badly burned and taken to the hospital. i'll try to get a answer before this session is over. whether the person is in custody or not. >> caller, you have been unmuted and you may begin speaking. your two minutes will begin once you start talking. >> hi. this is (inaudible) neighbor and first i
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like to commend the police officer s and their patience and actions to make our neighborhood as safe as possible given all the encampments up and down shotwell and around the mission. i patiently watched the video and it was incredible the bravely and patience and professionalism so thank you san francisco police. my question is around why the police were following this individual? was there a call or something for them to follow this individual? i noticed in the video that he was riding one bicycle with another bike next to him and my first thoughts, that was a stolen bike. you see that often in the mission. you see people riding bikes and then they have their hand on another bike. there is also a number of chop
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shops not only on shotwell but also there is a huge chop shop now behind john ocon nell high school. i guess the question is, what lead to this pursuit and what are the laws around chop shops in the mission? what tools do the police have to sort of stop and break down and eliminate this criminal activity in the mission? >> thank you caller for your question. i'll just repeat what commander yep-part of his comments. what brought the attention to this particular person was at least one of the officers had been made aware of a crime alert regarding a red stolen bike, and the individual actually was pulling or carrying or pulling a
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red bike, and that's what drew their attention and that's what the officers tried to investigate whether that was in fact one in the same bike that was a dimension on the crime alert. in terms of your second question about the issue, we do have a number bikes stolen in the city and a number of bikes stolen from that particular area, and a couple things that we are really encouraging people to register your bike and you can do that through san francisco safe, which is a crime prevention entity, a non profit we work with. often times when we come across bicycles that have been disassembled in what we call chop shops where the parts have been taken off and wheels and other parts have been taken off, we cannot determine whether or not they have been stolen because many have not been reported stolen, and we know the problem is probably
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bigger then what is reported, because we see these bicycles quite often, but in this particular instance there was a crime alart because the person with a red bike was stolen from reported it so we all a crime alert for that specific incident and that is is what one officer had been made aware of and that was what was being investigated. >> at this time, there are no callers in the queue. again, to call into the meeting for public comment, please call, 1-415-655-0001. again, the number to call into the meeting is 1-415-655-0001. enter meeting code 24854298818 and password, 8378. you must press star 3 to raise your
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hand to get in the queue to speak for public comment. caller, you have been unmuted and you may begin speaking. >> hi. i'm calling to inquiry about future additional patrol in shotwell area. as a prior caller mentioned, there is a (inaudible) school across the street where this incident happened. in addition, there are-it is a residential neighborhood. there is a restaurant there. a couple restaurants. [audio cutting in and out]
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we are very concerned about the encampments. we are very concerned about chop people participating in crimial activity stealing bikes and taking them to chop shops, and those individuals stealing bikes having weapons on them and shooting at the police in our neighborhood. so, i like to just request more specific information about the san francisco police and the mission police commitments to the neighborhood to keep our (inaudible) safe. >> thank you caller. there are some significant challenges on shotwell in that general vicinity. we have recently even prior to this incident upped deployment by use of overtime, upped deployment in the area. we will continue to do that. we still need to do
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more, and we will do that as we are able to, but definitely we have upped deployment just in the last couple weeks and prior to the incident actually. but we still need to do more. there is a lot of challenges there. you go a couple blocks away and we have challenges also at 24 and mission and mission between 17th and 18th so there is a lot of issues there and unpack but we are part of a bigger solution with other city entities and definitely we will work in partnership with the other city entities. many callers mentioned a lot of the behavior that are happening on the street. the street condition and we believe much of that is fueled by either substance abuse and/or mental illness and we have to work with our collaborative partners to help address that isue as well, so we'll do our part. we will keep working and we know we have to do more and we will attempt to do more and we'll keep working at it
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but there is challenges there so thank you for the question and we have upped the deployment and when able will up it more because i don't believe what we have right now is a inf to-at least from the policing standpoint to adequately kraesds address the issue so we will keep trying. thankfully we have been given overtime to do this and will use the overtime smartly and continue to address this for all the issues that relate to policing. >> hi. i'm a resident who lived 20 some years basically right next to this incident, and i want to commend the san francisco police department for
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incredible patience with this guy shooting at them and it is amazing that he wasn't actually shot. just incredible. i was really a refreshing change, better then refreshing. on the 400 block a few years ago there was another incident where the guy didn't have a gun, he had a knife and he was shot dead more or less immediately. i would lake to say that i know that that bike was on its way to being disassembled and you can't do anything. just wondering, not only was the red bike reporting but he was writing a stolen share bike and you can't buy those bikes and curious why the police need a complaint? the next day there was a stolen share bike at the tent at 18th and shotwell, and i just walked up the street where they is still a encampment and big pile of bike parts and there is a
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guy smoking crack and just want-is there no way that any kind of basic laws can be enforced? kudos for not killing anybody. great. >> thank you caller. that is a really good question in terms of-it is difficult, because some of the bikes that we come across, even though we believe they are stolen like in this case, either of the bikes were reported stolen so it is difficult for us to confen skate property when we don't have probable cause to do so and seize property in that manner. sometimes we find these types of bikes when they have been disassembled abandoned and we can empound them and sometimes we fully assembled bikes and can impound them. we post them online or often imtos they end
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up back in the hands of their owners but many dont and it is a difficult thing to see people's property taken, which we believe many are stolen, but again, what i would encourage people to do is report, report, report. if your bike has been stolen, please report it. if not anything else, it helps us get the property back in these type of situations, because we do run them, we do run them against our reports and if the vin number hasn't been obliderated, if is reported at the least we can impound it and get it back and many situations we can make arrests on those incidents so lot of work to be done but we also need people to report when their bikes are stolen. >> at this time, there are no callers in the queue. again, if you are calling into the meeting for public comment,
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please call 1-415-655-0001 enter meeting code, 24854298818 and password, 8378. you may press star 3 to raise your hand to get in the queue to speak for public comment. you will be prompted when you have been unmuted and it is your turn to speak. >> while we are waiting on the next caller, i would just-a caller asked about the arson. no arrest has been made at this point. we believe that that incident may have been domestic violence related, and that is still under investigation, but there is an arrest warrant pending. we are looking for that person, but we have not arrested that person at this point.
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>> i have another question about a committed resource [audio cutting in and out] for increased police presence and you mentioned captain that you would up police presence and that you are using overtime (inaudible) are there specific commitments you can make to the neighbors to keep us safe like committing to (inaudible) over the course of the next month or two. we are pretty rattled by
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this. we had children that had to hunker down in bath tubs with parents. cars shot at. this is unsettling. i lived in front of this location. i have to say, it is not that reassuring to hear that presence will be upped without specific commitments. and the second question and i'll let you answer is, i'm curious about whether or not there's common sense partnership with (inaudible) around chop shops and when you see bikes at encampments as you do in the mission and along shotwell that you can make a assumption there is a active chop shop and you can go and investigate, because just saying you can't do anything because the parts are disassembled and can't be identified doesn't really creative in solving the problem. you look at encampment with people
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doing drugs, smoking crack and working on bike jz you can make a common sense assumption about what is going on there and i as a resident would request your clear that encampment and clear that chop shop, because there is dangerous crimial activity going on there. is there work being done (inaudible) on a more creative (inaudible) >> yes. caller, let me first say about the commitment with the deployment. we are committed and qu going to keep it going as long as we can because we have to and we need to. in terms of the encampments and chop shops, we do have officers that work these chop shops and fencing operations. again, though, we have to be legal in how we approach this and we have to have probable cause to seize property, even though it is chopped up and in
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parts and pieces if it isn't reported stolen and somebody is in possession often times we do not have the ability to do that. we have to be legal how we approach the situation but we do work on those types of incidents. the encampments and chop shops which often times go hands in hand, we just are upped our deployment and it starts this saturday with the unit that works with there homeless and supportive housing and we just added another 8 officers to that deployment. it doesn't sound like a lot, but 8 officers when they are committed to a single purpose can do quite a bit of work and when we work in partnership with the city partners of homelessness and supportive housing we are able to resolve many encampments successfully, including the property on the streets that goes along with it. we have to be consistent in doing that but we have recommitted those
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officers back to that detail and that will happen this saturday. officers have already been identified and that will start back up this saturday. we had to cut that when staffing really was depleted, but we are reengaging in the effort and working with city partners. i know that's-not as much as we would like to do in a ideal situation but definitely it can go a long way helping to resolve the encampments when we work in partnership and have a complited unit of officers doing that. i hope that answers your question and thank you for your question and comments.
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>> at this time we have no callers in the queue. if you wish to call in for public comment please call 1-415-655-0001. enter meeting code, 24854298818 and enter password, 8378. you may press star 3 to raise your hand to get in the queue to speak for public comment and you will be prompted when you are been unmuted and it is your turn to speak.
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>> i like to thank everyone who called and listened in for today's town hall. again, your feedback is important and we always try to make this process better, more transparent as much as we can and respond to the feedback we get from members of the public, so again thank you for your comments and questions. mission station will have a community meetings to address many issues many of you called about and have a good evening and thank you for joining us this afternoon and this evening.
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>> this meeting televised by sfgovtv on channel 26. please stand to recite the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> my name is dan leung the assistance for the sheriff oversight board. on behalf of the sheriff department and oversight board we like to thank the staff at sfgovtv to provide technical assistance to broadcast the meeting. i will now call the agenda. lineitepm 1, roll call. welcome and introduction. informational.
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