tv Police Commission SFGTV September 22, 2022 7:00am-10:01am PDT
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announcements. discussion is limited to determining whether the calendar any of the issues raised for a future meetings. commission's president's report s and commissioner announcements and identified for consideration at a future meeting. action. >> thank you. fellow commissioners just a couple of things to report. one the surveillance issue is a jeopardized the first week of october as well as the department's presentation on the numbers provided by dpa. additionally for the public we assign some dgos to various commissioners so each commissioner can have a handful of dgos and help shepherd these through the process so we can get them before the commission and get them adopted and approved so we are currently working on that and that's all that i have. i will turn it over to vice
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president carter-oberstone. >> just a short update for me. last night i attended a town hall listening session on dgo one held at bay view opera house and organized by the human rights commission. really appreciated the hard work from hrc and putting at this time such a successful event and i really appreciated hearing the perspectives of folks in that community who have an important interest in this policy and who share personal stories interactions with law enforcement and how they would like to see the policy shaped and really appreciative for the community engagement and just a quick comment on president elias' update. i am really happy that we're going
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to be moving forward with assigning out dgos to commissioners. you know shout out to director henderson for putting this on the agenda weeks ago. i think for me the big take away from that the commission needs to take responsibility for ensuring that dgo revision process happens in a timely fashion and now that will soon have each commissioner will be directly responsible for some subset of those dgos. we will know exactly who is responsible for what, and i am really looking forward to this kind of new era of increased accountability and transparency, so i really appreciate that. that's all for me. >> thank you. any other commissioners? commissioner yanez. >> thank you
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president elias. i will keep my comments brief. i appreciate that you agendized the surveillance issue because it is obviously something that we need to be involved in specifically with further defining what is significant event will look like when we tap into live monitoring. that's something i am very interested in pursuing and i did want to assistant captain lazar is here and i understand you have oversight over the community policing kind of plans that have been put out i want make sure that item is a jeopardized. i assume it's going to be agendized this month but i want to make sure that gets put on because the community policing plans were posted and i would like to have a good conversation about that. in fact there were questions i submitted to sergeant youngblood and i want
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to make sure that we follow up with that. the one question i would like to kind of pose to the assistant chief right now is you know as we're having this process of revising and discussing the 9.1 zero dgo and the community meetings are taking place it struck me as kind of particular that there was an article in august i believe that talked about the limited number of actual stops and enforcement of traffic stops that have been taking place. i think it was something like there were 45 officers assigned to that unit and yet there were about 10 citations being offered per day or produced per day, so i wanted to get a better sense of what is being done to make sure that when there are enforcement
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issues prior to this dgo rolled out with whatever pretext language is in it what are we doing to make sure that we are meeting the needs of traffic enforcement when there are dangerous activities taking place? i know the chief often talks about side shows and the focus and emphasis that goes on that, but you know i am on the mission corridor often times and i see really, really dangerous activity and none has to do with broken tail lights or something hanging from the rear view mirror but it's shocking to know there are 45 officers out there. we're only generating 10 tickets when the streets are unsafe in the corridors. is there any action taken? >> unfortunately commissioner the article wasn't accurate and we try to
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get the story straight. there's only 23 motorcycle officers in san francisco. it's probably the lowest we had in history. i can't remember us being that low, so the number was off. it's about 23 officers and i think during the period in which the article was describing we had a lot going on; right? we are the warriorses parade, we had bride. if my memory serves me correctly we had roe v. wade memorizations and couple day the day off and widdled down but the 23 is tasked with a lot and presidential escorts and do all these things and they do traffic enforcement. it's not limited to the motorcycle officers. every officer in the city has the ability to do traffic enforcement and i will say and i am pleased to say based on conversations with the chief and his vision for
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traffic safety that since that article has come out traffic enforcement has increased. i wish i knew about the question i would have the number and what august and september looked like but i know and again we just gave the officers a month, two traffic officers today and i know the numbers have gone up and hopefully continue to go up if we can hang on to our staffing so that's one part. the other thing we have to focus on the five and meaning what are the top five violations causing collisions and i know we have vision zero. we look at that and we look at pedestrian fatalities of folks walking around and getting hit by vehicles unfortunately so there's a lot there but i am really glad you brought up this issue because the article unfortunately was just not accurate for whatever reason. >> thank you perlet clarification. that's helpful. i
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think you also pointed out that there are other officers not just those in that detail and obviously we don't want unnecessary engagement. we want to minimize the foot print wherever we can but in instances of dangerous reckless driving i am concerned about the lack of enforcement in some of the areas. you know school is back in session and i see young kids walking you know across without safe passage sometimes and thank you for mentioning that is being offered in some neighborhoods and maybe those are things we can offer in other neighborhoods as we continue to develop community policing approaches that are successful and that are helpful improving the communication between the various communities but thank you for that clarification. it's it for me. >> thank you very much commissioner. >> thank you. commissioner benedicto. >> actually never mind. i'm all good. >> thank you.
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commissioner yee. >> thank you madam vice president. for me reporting this coming saturday i plan to be at the alice griffin outdoors event experience both the community youth. i know southeast corner corridor doesn't get as much attention so i will go out there early and at the event and tail off so hope to see and meet more of the southeast corridor people there, and report back to the board here. thank you. >> okay. sergeant. >> at this time the public is now welcome to make public comment regarding line item 5. if you would like to make public comment
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please press star three now. good evening caller. you have two minutes. >> i want to talk about the article where it talks about ticketing. as a san francisco resident it's frustrating as somebody who walks the street to see cars that are constantly encroaching on the pedestrian walk way. that's something that traffic can work on. that's something that protects us as walkers in san francisco. there's always constantly making a right turn when we're in the pedestrian walk way. i have made complaints to muni about the bus drivers doing that sort of lurching and we're in the crosswalk. that's something police can focus on. they can ticket on and that will help many residents feel safe walking in san
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francisco. the ticketing -- i hear that we have lack of parking. i hear you going to alice griffin. one of the main concerns they don't have proper streets to park their cars so they're getting ticketed constantly in their area even though they don't have proper sidewalks but they're getting $400 tickets which is unfair. it's not right, but overall i don't think the article was fully wrong and i think that you just need to take what feedback and redirect it to where things that we need help like pedestrian safety, cars that run red lights you know people that are jaywalking. it's okay to give them a ticket because they're not safe for drivers so we just need to be realistic here and take the feedback. thank you. >> thank you caller.
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president elias that's the end of public comment. >> thank you. next item please. >> item 6 philanthropy department on general proposals and second quarter 2022 discussion sparks report. >> . >> . >> commissioners we have executive director catherine mcguire representing the department on this item. >> good afternoon commissioners. i will be presenting after director mcguire along with dpa. >> thank you. >> good evening president elias, vice president carter-oberstone, members of the commission, acting chief lazar. i have known you forever. and director henderson i want the director of the strategic management bureau and presenting the status two update on dgo
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development and revision. sergeant youngblood do you mind bringing up the commission report template? >> yes. >> thank you. commissioners as you can see we have a reports as requested by you all and i love this template and gets to the heart of the really critical things and progress that is being made on a quarter by quarter basis and as you can see i put at the top above the bolded line and subsequent to that just in order in number order update on all other dgos that made movement in the quarter so the first four have been published by the department and then the subsequent list of dgos represents updates and as you can see as you go
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through this you will see the items that have been submitted to the commission, the items that are scheduled for concurrence, and the items that are in consideration and drafting as well as as anything that we've submitted to you and received feedback and are incorporating it, and then see you can see that in those -- for that section of the report. that's pages one and two, and so i will call out a couple of key items that you all might be interested in, and then i am happy to take some questions should you have them, so dgo 2.1 i will say that item and you all submitted -- we submitted to you all and you had feedback so we revised that and i believe that it will be back with you imminently. we had one minor change
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that that resulted in i think pulling it off of the agenda potentially for tonight and so we just need to adjust that and we'll get it right back to you. the item on page two with respect to 7.0 one which is the juvenile arrest and in custody policy and procedures. we're reconvening the working group for that work and in order to finalize their work they have done a lot to bring the policy up to a good state, and then we had a couple of outstanding issues that we had discussed and review with external agencies and with respect to their policy -- their approach, and then we are now discussing those with the
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working group, and will -- so as we proceed we will discuss those with the working group and then if there's procedure changes that happened to other areas of the dgo that had been established or agreed upon we will revisit those as well. dgo 8.0 one as you know we submitted to the commission and had first hearing on that and then commissioner lee lie or vice president elias gave us great feedback so we incorporated that and i believe that will be back with you imminently. >> . >> we're doing one final pass on it and then we will be submitting it as well. and i believe those are the items that are actually -- 11. zero eight. i'm going to correct there and the status went through concurrence and finalizing that as
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well and that will be with you soon and then we'll move into the original plan of the san francisco police department, the directed referrals to sfpd to -- to san francisco police department and in concurrence and incorporate that. i think we will revisit it at concurrence one more time and then you will see it. the disengagement policy. dpa is it doing a presentation tonight and i will defer to them to talk about it at length or as they're able to and new general orders recommended by dpa. there were no dgos that made progress at this point but we will continue to work with dpa on any new dgos they're recommending and finally department bulletins within 120 days of expiration so this you will see that the dates of
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expiration on these represent dates beyond 120 days from the end of the quarter. in the interest of full transparency i wanted to provide anything that would expire and then a little bit anything that would expire by 120 days from the date of the submission to you all, so the -- so as you can see we have a few of those, some that don't need to be reissued. others need to be reissued and more appropriate for [inaudible] ultimately so that concludes my presentation and i can hand it over to janelle [inaudible]. >> thank you for the presentation. if you could pull it back up. i would appreciate it. i'm sorry. are we going to jump into yours and
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then open it up for questions or did you -- >> i thought we were going to do my presentation and then open for questions on both but i defer to you president elias. >> that's fine. my apologies director mcguire and ms. kayland. i will stop encourage and let you do your job. >> we have a powerpoint. great. thank you. good evening president elias, vice president carter-oberstone, commissioners, chief scott, director henderson and the public. i'm janelle and the director of policy of the department of police accountability. i here to discuss policy highlights for the second qualitier of this year. during the second quarter we -- [inaudible] to create policy but things improved in the quarter. we worked on policy development with other units within the police department. next
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slide. could you go back to the previous slide? i am sorry. i'm one off. great. thanks. dpa participated in a working group with the police department, the sheriff's department and the san francisco fire department to revise and update the department general order on handling and transporting people in custody. dpa made 10 recommendations regarding transporting youth in crisis, transporting trans gender people consistent with the model policy created by the national center for transgender equality and banning transport positions [inaudible] asphyxia and it occurs when someone's body position keeps them from breathing so the working group is still in progress and i will keep you updated with it reconvenes. next slide please. thank thank
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you. i am excited about the disengagement policy. on may 7 dpa recommended that the police department have a disengagement police to address,s when engaging is no longerred or a different matter or time would increase the peaceful outcome. during the second quarter dpa made 28 recommendations and collected with sergeant donald andyer soon and the crisis intervention team unit to finalize the draft policy and i am happy to report in the third quarter successfully passed through concurrence and the command staff meeting that dpa participates in and makes final decisions about the policy and chief scott made good additions. the heavy lift was done by sergeant anderson and we're thrilled to collaborate with him on this great policy. we're so excited
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about it. i would like to introduce sergeant anderson to the commission and the public. i invited him to speak on this engagement because he's an expert in the area and empexemplifies to be a 21st certain officer and dpa calls to attention problems that we do and we do it with regularity and we have a moral responsibility to shine a light on the reforms within the department who are changing the culture, who are moving the needle ahead, and sergeant anderson is one of those people. he's an incredible police man. he's worked hand and hand with dpa on this policy. he was collaborative, intelligent, thoughtful, responsive and assigned to the crisis intervention team and the executive
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director of the hostage crisis negotiation team and post force instruction and [inaudible] de-escalation and disengagement and we want to sort of introduce to the commission and the public so some of the principles behind the disengagement. it's very important. it's the most exciting policy development this year so i asked him to speak on it and we will present it together when it's ready to go within the next couple of weeks. next slide. take it away. >> thank you. good evening president elias, vice president carter, members of the police commission assistant chief and director henderson i want to give a little background on disengagement and how we got into this. back in
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january 2019 retired deputy chief anne maddox was at a training in l.a. and heard something about disengagement at that training. she came in and asked myself and another sergeant to do research on the topic and see if we could put a policy out on this subject. i immediately accepted and started running and doing research connected with several agencies, other smes outside of the department, worked with our department smes. fast forward to now worked slowly with janel and dpa who supports the draft today. before actually going into concurrence we met with some of the civilian members in the working group and got feedback from them and our stakeholders and janell was present during that meeting and we're excited that all the collaboration that went into putting this policy together. the background is this. in january 1,
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2020 there was a policy change a law change regarding california penal code 835a and there's a lot of things that are in there now that officers are required to do and this specifically talks about deadly force and if we go and involved in a dead low force encounter what are the requirements that the officers need to do these things before we have that deadly force encounter? i highlighted some of the things that officers shall evaluate and use other resources and techniques. when dealing with an individual who may have disabilities that might affect your ability to comply with officer commands. there's a part of the law that discusses that when we're engaging with somebody who is only a threat to themselves that we're prohibited from using deadly force, and when we speak on officers making decisions around the totality of the circumstances this is known on the officers at the time
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including our conduct which is our police tactics, where our tactics -- one of the reasons that cause the deadly force encounter and because much these changes it is imperative that we have a disengagement option in today's policing. the law requires for us to utilize de-escalation when feasible. next slide please. when we talk about it it actually means this is the post definition, our definition and our policy. this process of using strategy and techniques intended to decrease the intensity of a situation. what are some of the strategies and techniques? next slide please. post recognizes disengagement as one of the strategies and what is disengagement? well it's that technical decision to leave, delay contact,
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delay custody or make contact under a different time and different circumstances and a lot of times officers are called out we're under the circumstances of the individual. we get the 911 call. we're under that individual's circumstances. they created those conditions. are we able to remove ourselves, pull back for a moment and come back at a later day and we set the cons contact where it's safer for the individual and safer for us to make that reengagement? next slide please. disengagement is really a larger concept though. a lot of folks we hear about this topic and they think it's a linear approach and it's not that. it's more of this circular approach where we are planning to eventually reconnect with the individual at a later time as i stated. again we want to set the conditions where it's safer for everybody involved so we will get the 911 call.
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maybe make the decision to disengage. we will figure out what strategy we can use in the reengagement and eventually make a reengagement with the individual and possibly bring other resources with us. now in the cip unit we would bring department of public health with us and clinicians that help as a resource on the reengagements and that's something we do today with field visits. next slide please. some of the other considerations so before officers would disengage and what we have been talking about in this policy is we want to consider these things l, if there's crime consider what the crime s when we were there did we make attempts to negotiate or talk to the individual to come to a peaceful resolution? one thing we will look at particular cal options. are they unreasonable? is it
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safer to walk away rather than force the issue and use other force you know in trying to get that person into custody? and before we walk away we look at is there a risk to the public? are we putting the risk more at risk by walking away? and there's a public risk component to this this is not the time the officers would disengage from a call. it's important to get policies and guidelines so officers appropriately disengage. the intent of this general order is not to depolice but rather save lives. our officers are still going to be held accountable for duties and responds and disengagement will allow for our department and our officers to slow down, make better decisions, and reengage under those different circumstances, so we're very excited about where we're at with this policy.
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yes, we just had the concurrence and we're ready to roll with this. again thank you for inviting me to talk briefly on this subject. >> if i could for a second add one more thing. the 28 recommendations that dpa worked on with sergeant anderson we did the following and incorporated into the policy. we developed a criteria to be met for disengagement. we created procedures to be followed and established duties for officers, sergeants and superior officers before and during engagement and we also created documentation requirements in post incident procedures. i don't want to get too specific on what it looks like because the policy is still being finalized but we expect to get it to you in the fourth quarter. it's really exciting collaboration so thank you. that's all we have and let us know if you have any questions.
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>> before we jump in can i point out and i hope it's not lost on the folks that having this disengagement policy i think speaks to some of the problems in the subjective and transient problems that we talked about and race desperate outcome requests encounters from law enforcement and having a structured method so that law enforcement backs down, backs away, disengageses from encounters i think will be very important and important that will be meaningful for all of us so i think this is a really important policy. i hope folks are paying attention to this and a really big step forward in addressing a reform agenda for law enforcement [inaudible]. >> sergeant anderson if i may and you hit on something important. in dpa we got complaints about officers basically not doing their jobs. that's what
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depolicing is. disengagement is not depolicing and an decision made by a incident commander as a technical strategy so adopting a police under disengagement we're not encouraging depolicing so thank you. that's all we have. >> thank you for that update. before i turn it over to my fellow commissioners have a few quick questions for -- so the -- on the report from the department i notice there aren't any dates on the sparks report on the amendment to existing general orders, so i am wondering which of these -- because i looked back at quarter one and seems it appears that most of the amendments that are listed on the that you have the
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29 are the same status that were from last quarter so i am wondering specifically what the department did during quarter two since the according to dpa there was no work done with them for the second quarter? . >> thank you for the question. i think it will illuminate our process a little more. within -- these are big buckets of categories of where a dgo sits. often there is movement within that category and then but it's making progress, so so even though it may still fit in that category it's within the category and if we need to develop more detailed categories to reflect that we can, but these are reflective of 3.01 and something that you or the public might be familiar with >> and i appreciate
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that. i think that's why having detail and dates is important so it shows the public exactly what the department is working on because as you know we're working towards greater transparency so it would be helpful to know what activities has been done here and coupled with the new efforts to have commissioners personally assigned and be more involved will obviously help i think this process move along faster. the other question i have for you is vice president carter-oberstone brought this up earlier that 3.01 is not on the website even though we enacted and wondering when we can see that and it's imperative it's posted on the website because it allows officers the opportunity to submit their recommendations on the policy which is very important. >> agreed. i think what i just
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updated acting chief lazar on was that the dgo -- the publication for vice president carter-oberstone publication on the website is simultaneous to posting the [inaudible] and then but we are following 3.01 exempt for public comment. public comment piece because it requires a technological solution that we have drafted [inaudible] and we're reviewing it for technological tech feasibility and content right now and have to draft -- >> when do you think it will be because we passed this in february? >> is i believe by the time you're back from the next -- first meeting in october, no later than that. >> okay. i'm going to turn it over. vice president carter-oberstone.
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>> director mcguire i will pick up where you left off there so you said publication to the website is simultaneous when it's up looted on power dms and i will ask why hasn't it been up loaded given it's been passed for quite some time now? >> so i believe the chief mentioned previously the training and orientation of the team that works on this was necessary internal processes had to get established. we have been working on all of that and simultaneously building the ship as we drive it and we're working under the new policy while ensuring that the internal procedures are in place. the publication is as i said will be completed by the time you
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all your next meeting so we have finish drafting the notice that summarize its and that is coming very soon. >> okay. so i just want to make sure i understand what i heard. i think i heard the department decided it needed more time for training how to implement it beforeup loading to power dms? do i have that right? >> well, the dgo itself really doesn't affect most of the departments meaning from an operational perspective, so it's really that core team and the folks, the smes that really need to know how 3.0 one works. now that being said it needs to also be announced; right? the orientation and then the internal procedures because as you can imagine the policy itself is one thing, and i
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think the last time 3.01 was amended or updated a couple of years ago ago now we had to develop internal unit orders that really dug into the details how we were able to do the collaboration with dpa, how we were going to do the announcement and the training and the other aspects that really us doj made recommendations surrounding so we have been -- and it didn't mean we didn't implement the thick. it meant we had to get the things in place. >> . >> now, duly noted we probably -- we should have published it sooner. and so we will -- i am ensuring with my team it will get published by the time you meet next and all of those things like i mentioned and in particular the public comment piece that will be the thing
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that we want our members to really talk about with the public and the community. i really am concerned about not having that in place before publication and something people could go to that we announce. again that operational detail of here's the link, and we will provide it to you all as well and we can drive people to. >> okay. i will just say this. you know it sounds like the delay has to deal with implementation and i think that for 3.01 or really for any dgo it's perfectly sensible there's a delay between the date it's passed and date it becomes effective because you've actually have to make it happen in real life and that takes some implementation work. that said if that is the case that needs to be flagged before we pass it into law and it has to be a part of the dgo that the
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commission enacts. when the commission enacts the dgo it has the force of law of a date it's inn acted the department can't grant extensions itself through implementation. that's just not appropriate. so 3.01 was a very long process and it should have been clear that the department had information it needed to know [inaudible] (audio not clear) and maybe some other things and if the department had raised its hand and said that i don't think anybody on this commission would have had a problem setting up a delay of implementation, but we cannot have situations where we have after the fact the department just granting itself without notice to the public, without real notice to this commission an extension of time. i just want to make that's
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clear and for future dgos and how we need to do things. i don't think there's another option. there is no mechanism in any law for that to happen. thank you for that verification director mcguire. one combination question for ms. kaywood and sergeant anderson. first of all thank you for your presentation. sergeant anderson your passion for the subject matter came through in the presentation and thank you for your hard work. now that we're on the topic of 3.01 and one of the many great innovations is it permits subject matter experts to work directly with dpa, and just watching these presentation and the collaboration between sergeant anderson and dpa i think underscores the value of that, so i just want to shine a light on that and say thank you again sergeant and thank you to dpa and ms.
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kaywood for forging that partnership. the question i just wanted to ask ms. kaywood whether in the wake of 3.01 we've seen more -- on other dgos there is collaboration between subject matter experts and dpa? >> it's been a struggle to be quite honest. it's worked well with certain officers but i do feel like the department could do a better job broadcasting to subject matter experts so they're allowed and encouraged to collaborate with dpa. i feel that i'm not livey to all the conversations that go on, but i do feel that there's people inside of the department creating fear around communicating with dpa. that's kind of the messaging that is getting back to me and i
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anything the commission could do to broadcast to anyone who is a subject matter expert that you know that is allowed and we're here to work on policies together. >> all right. not to put you on the spot but what do you mean by "fear around communicating with dpa" ? why is there fear under that? >> well, i think sometimes they're told not to communicate with dpa. i think -- if all communications in the past went through written directives and subject matter experts have been told not to communicate with dpa. i don't think the message is getting out that 3.0 one changed that and allowed to communicate with us freely and une85cablely. >> that's good to you know. thank you for that. looks like
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chief lazar wanted to say something. >> yeah i want to talk with you off line because we have a process in place. you have done an agenda job working on the condition currency meetings and brought a lot to the table and make sure that the process is working. >> . >> so we will definitely talk tomorrow if that is okay and get this issue resolved >> thank you. you have been always incredibly helpful with dpa concerns. >> thank you. >> i appreciate that av -- ac larkin czar and able to charge against officers. >> >> and it behooves them to know about the guidelines just like internal affairs what the agency uses when it have thes the cases and ultimately decides to bring charges so it really
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does benefit the officers working with them so they can understand. commissioner benedicto. >> thank you president elias. a couple of questions for director mcguire. thank you for your presentation. i notice that dgo 5.1 and 6.[inaudible] and had effective dates and three point zero one didn't and is there a reason why there's no effective date? >> great question. the effective date was the revision date, yeah the official revision date. >> okay. for the dgo s like several of them and submitted to the commission and are those from your perspective fully ready for commission action, nothing further from the department's perspective on those? >> i'm sorry can you repeat which ones. >> for the ones
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listed as submitted to commission which 2.01, 2.08 and 3.07. >> they go to the commission office. they're ready from our perspective, yes. >> okay. i think president elias mentioned and sometimes it's confusing when we see some items that look to the the same in multiple quarters when there's progress and maybe went through a separate item of concurrence and where that happened and maybe additional detail like if one is scheduled for second round or something and not a long narrative but four, five words for each one of these might audio audio more detail especially because concurrence can be so long and beginning of the progress you know towards the end of concurrence. a little more detail might
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be more helpful on that front. i know that when first joined the commission there was a problem and a bulletin that expired seeks to juveniles and an issue that had come up and i wanted make sure that doesn't happen again and we're confident nothing fell through the cracks in terms of bulletins that are expiring? >> that's correct commissioner. if you see that on page four there's a list of those department bulletins that expire within the 120 days and for this purpose it's from the submission date of this report so and then a little bit, so those would be the dvs that are set to expire in coming months and we are either not reissuing or will reissue. >> got it. thank you. thank you also
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for your presentation. thank you officer anderson. will the disengagement policy and presented subsequently will it cause any other changes to dgos that require revision or a stand alone in that respect? >> good question. sergeant anderson did you want take that question or i? i think you're well versed in that. >> there was a concurrence meeting we were in last week and i know there was some verbiage that is going to be put into the disengagement policy that will also go into 802 so some of the discussion was made at our meeting that 802 needs to be amended to match. yes, it may affect 802 in some of the language so they match as far as both policies go. >> 802 is the policy on hostages and barricaded subjects and that was the one in meet and confer for
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a very long time so it may need to be updated in short order to make sure that it has the best definitions of the disengagement policy has. >> what about one? how does disengagement work in the use of force continuum? >> another great question. because i was involved in both production of both dgos i double checked and made sure that the language matched up. >> perfect. that is all for me. thank you. >> i just had one more question they was reminded of. i see on the expiration that the body worn camera are set to expire in december and says you need to reissue but won't be revised by this time. why is that? why can't we move this as a higher priority because we're seeing so many violations of the
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body worn camera policy. that's one of the number one complaints? >> we can work with the commission on moving that up and determine what we would move back as talked about in 3.01. the actual -- that particular dv was -- sorry, i don't have the detail on what it is, but the dv is set to expire. we're working with dpa on reissuing that dv and but the dgo would not be ready by then. i believe it is designated as a working group "d" go as well. >> okay. and then i know you said we will have 3.01 before the next meeting but can we get a date certain because i think it's important. we worked hard and the public hard about it for a long period of time. we had it agendized a
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couple times to solicit public comment from the public so i think it's important to have this information available to the public and to officers. >> let's say one week from today. >> the 28th? >> yes. >> great. then we'll a jeopardize this for status at the next meeting as well. >> can i be recognized again? sorry. >> yes please. >> one comment and one request of the department. the comment is you talked about some officers seem unaware of new rules and related to the fact it's not published and i know we're dark next week and ask that you send a letter confirming it's posted and put into there? >> i will certainly do that. >> let you know how you disseminated information to the officers so they have it and be sure they
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have this information. >> i will do that. >> thank you. all right. sergeant i don't see anyone else in the chat. can we go to public comment please? >> members of the public that would like to make public comment online item 6, the sparks report please press star three now. president elias there's no public comment. >> great. thank you. next item. >> line item 7. presentation regarding dpa a case management system, discussion am. >> good evening commissioners, president elias, acting chief lazar and director henderson. [inaudible] and will be presenting today our portal. i am the director of operations. i would like to say thank you
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and excited to show the complant ain't portal and began and moved from case management system to insight to the current case management system. our goal was to always find a way to -- our goal was to really find a way we could share our case information with the complantant and have the ability to look up the case and the general information. about seven months ago we presented a proposal for the program and we were fortunate we were selected and matched with the ds associates. their team took what we proposed and ran with it. they found a way to link the case system to the portal and conceptualize the program in five months and unheard of and we're excited to launch this today so passing the floor over i would like to thank our dpa citizen analyst for the hard work on the project. i would
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now to turn it over to the team who will go over and break down the entire project with you. >> thank you nicole. i don't know if i can take over the share but if not that's fine. i was just requesting that because there's an interactive demo portion but the person running the presentation can do that as well but we can kick off in the meantime. if you go to the next slide please. so ds associates i want to talk a little bit about who we are, what our mission is. i would like to first introduce myself. my name is a med and a consultant for the global management consulting firm. ds is an industrial leading consulting firm with 30 world wide offices and works with 70% global
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fortune 500 companies in the pharmaceuticals health care and technology and analytics and more. we frequently strive to under take initiatives that go beyond our regular work innage effort to give back and make an impact in the community so for the past months as mentioned we have been working along dpa to have a more case management system and for complainants and members alike and if you go to the next slide you will see usingingly both domestic and international resources as you see on the slide here we're able to come together on this project and deliver a solution that we believe meets the dpa's case management needs so you will see myself on the screen now. business analyst, data analyst for the project and worked closely with our sales core solution expert with
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oversight from the executive leadership whom might be on the call today so if you go to the next slide and of course we have our dpa team, nicole andshic who were the chiefs points of contact on this project. >> >> and it was wonderful working hand and hand with them to deliver our vision. if you go to the next slide i just like to make a minute to step back and talk about the genesis of the project so previous police officer complainant filed a report with the dpa. they had no way of tracking the ongoing status of their case other than a phone call to the dpa office so while the dpa had disability and case details of the status of the case there were private [inaudible] they had no way to communicate this information publically to a complantant without a physical phone call, so in
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order to marry the need for complant ain'ts to see details of the case while allowing the most essential information to be visible from the dpa sales force site we assisted in creating a case management portal that would allow users to log in and with a set of credentials in order to get a real time view into their case, so the end goal of thisject was easy to use system that would leave complainants informed and satisfied and conserve the resources and time of the dpa use physically and on the phone so over the course of the past -- over the course of the several weeks we worked with dpa we were able to identify the existing approximate system architecture was, what the needs of the new system would be, and then execute
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on that vision for the processes, design and systems integration, so if you go to the next slide this collaboration as designed and creation lead to several benefits for both police complainant and the dpa itself, so first complainants had direct visibility into their case status, and information, and could view and track the progress of their case on their own rather than using as i mentioned dpa time and resources to do so, so another functionality and details into the case management system was the ability for complainants to personally up load any documentation that is relevant to their case rather than needing to add extra paperwork by mailing it in and once it's
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up loaded both the investigator and the complainant will receive automatically generated emails with form of successful implementation of up loads and the complainant and the investigator on the case essentially allowed and transparency and actionable insight. so although the site is public facing it is completely safe due to unique pin numbers and case numbers and real time recapture verification and because we believe the security behind the system is so tight complainants have the ability and flexibility to search and access their cases from anywhere including their mobile device. if you go to the next slide so while i mentioned several benefits for the complainants i want
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take a moment to talk about kind of the benefits that the dpa members will experience from this new tracking system, so like in addition to the increased transparency and ease of access dpa members are also benefiting from this system because of course like they're saving time with all the reduced phone calls et cetera, but they also now have like a central hub to view case related information and receive real time updates whenever new documentation information comes in. so if you go to the next slide you will see the customer journey and end process flow consisting of five stages for the complainant so if i'm a complainant i enter my case number. i enter my case pin. i verify the recapta and this will
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take me to a screen where i can view case details and on this page i have the ability to up load information to the case file so the pin was entered i could view the case file history and if not i will not be able to, so if you go to the next slide like this is where we would like to do our interactive demo and i will allow whoever is controlling the slides to do that so if you click on that under line url i will allow you to kind of show case in real time the public facing site or if you want to give me control i can do it as well.
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okay. great. can you imagine i am a complainant and i received kind of information letter about that will have my case number and my case pin so as a complainant i type in my case number here. i go to my case pin number which is a unique four digit pin which is 0085 and then i will try to click yes i'm not a robot. this is a little brain teaser on the fly. >> what is a robot? >> great. and this is a sample of the portal that we have. i will take you
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through a brief run down of everything you can see on the page. at the top you can see that status up date chevron bar which is exactly what is shown on the ss dpa private site. i like to liken this back -- i don't know if you have ordered a domino's pizza but there's a similar in the oven or status bar tracker and enabled this on the dpa website. you will see and sergeant youngblood if you click on the upper right corner we linked an external faq so if complainants have any questions they can click this url and see all the frequently asked questions that are given to the department of police accountability. you can close this page and go back to the old
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so again i have highlighted the status bar. we can see that this sample case is in the investigation phase. if i as a complainant have any questions i can go to the faq button. we exposed certain details of the case from the sales force site so the complainant has the ability into the date it was received, the age, who the investigator is, the public summary and going down the case status, investigation and now i get to know what this investigation status means so we provided descriptions of like during the phase this
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investigator will gather evidence et cetera, et cetera. on the right this is kind of what we were discussing in the central hub documentation so if i have any police documentation related to my case this is an area where i can up load documentation such as incidents of the crime scene, et cetera, et cetera, and once this is done the file history will be up loaded -- updated on the bottom right and you will see something like important image related to my report. j peg. i will be able to see there's a brief description and who up loaded the file. these files will be visible for both the complainant and the investigator and one thing if i had control i could show case but that's okay. every time a document is up
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loaded on this site we've made it so they're automated emails for the complainant and the violators so i can have real time access into knowing when a document is up loaded. >> >> and see there's actual kind of moving traction on the case. so i think in summary like we have been able to effectively build transparency in the police complainant process and show kind of like an end to end complainant journey and hopefully in the future they can be satisfied with and no questions or calls related to the kind of like reporting process. i want to thank you all for your time today. it was wonderful working with nicole and the rest of the team and we're happy to kind of like open the floor with any questions or comments.
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thank you. >> thank you so much. [inaudible] really cool stuff making the complaint process so user friendly and bringing it into the 21st search and beyond so that was really illuminating. thank you. i see commissioner walker -- before i go to the commissioners i didn't know if director henderson wanted to say a word. >> i did. for the presentation i was curious. thank you so much. this has been a big deal. i am curious whether or not this ceremony system could be adopted with the department. >> . >> internally to use for internal affairs to track their own cases or whether or not a system could be adopted easily for the
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commission or the public to track those cases as well and the same way with protected information so they're just getting the information what is going on with the cases and the dates without revealing protected or confidential information defined? >> yeah, i don't know if there will be a one to one integration like we have built this system with the dpa site, but i believe something very similar kind of like could be built, but like with some -- like with the way the current system is no, but with some minor edits i think this would be achievable. >> thank you. i just want to thank you. i do think this is really big deal, and i think it helps both with improved transparency for the work that we do, and also with real time communication which can make a difference for a lot
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of folks trying to contact the agency about what is going on with their cases. i always want to point out -- i don't know if you mentioned this but it's really important that we acknowledge that there have been occasions where people are very concerned about their anonymity and coordinating and dealing with dpa and this is another way that folks can get information, interact with our agency without coming in and identify themselves or reveal themselves including speaking on the phone especially when we're speak going folks that have access identifiable ways of coordinating with and through the agencies. this heightened level of anonymity to obtain their own information about their cases is a big deal. the other thing that i just want to make sure that we stress in case it wasn't mentioned or articulated or clear before that this system is live right
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now so if you go to the website you can see it. you can locate the portal and on that same front of the page i think you alluded to but it's right there where it shows and walks you through. also how to file a complaint and front and center are the frequently asked questions as well so two things can happen through the portal in addition to finding updates on the status you can up load information and evidence to the system as well, so this is a very big deal and i just want to thank you for providing us with this service from inception to execution in less than six months. this is a big technology step forward they think will benefit the public in many ways and i hope the commission as well as the public understands the significance of this achievement and thank you very much and we really appreciate your commitment and
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effort here. >> thank you. >> i wanted to put out one point for director henderson. one of the things that they did with this project we have the pro bono bridge through the civic bridge innovation but they were able to integrate the system and add the newportal to us with zero cost. this comes with our entire system so i just want to like this is a like a huge shout out. we're a public agency and being able to create something at this magnitude that we're able to sustain with sister additional cost is huge for our department and they did such an amazing job so thank you. >> that's really great to know. thank you for that addition. i see commissioner walker's name is in the chat. >> thank you vice president and really this is truly amazing, and the fact that you did it in six months for no money is
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just it's truly i mean all of you involved in doing this. i had the experience of working for 20 years at dbi and planning for tracking systems and they still don't have it right and it's part of what is going to help restore and instill trust, the transparency, the immediacy, the access. there's several things i really love about it. the fact that when someone inputs something new it gets immediately notified to the investigator. that's will be crucial so things don't sit around. i asked the question that you asked and do a version in the department and make it accessible to us because i think it would be really
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helpful to answer some of our questions and keep on track. to that point i really like the top line where you see within the system of where things are. at some point i know that some of my fellow commissioners when we're looking at updates on things it's like it's helpful to know a time range and you can be halfway through something but if the end goal is a million miles away it's helpful to sort of think about what the timeframe is if that's possible. i know it's hard to know what you don't know and who you have left to do, but having some sort of a estimate when people i know when folks estimate permits to dbi for instance things can linger. all they want to know is when can i get an answer and if they get that it makes them suspect of everything so the time issue is important and i know
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it's a hard one. i just can't believe you did in in six months because it is really is important. this part of about transparency and access to information and knowing i mean i've only been on the commission for a short while and some of the loudest complaints i hear is people are not getting their issue resolved and don't know how to find out information, so having that information available is really amazing and then also nicole i love the art behind you so i wanted to mention that. thank you. >> thank you. >> yes. you're welcome. >> commissioner benedicto. >> thank you so much vice president carter-oberstone. i think i mean first thing i will ask when it's live and hearing that it's live now is tremendous to hear and i want to confirm that was said which is it's
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like fully self sufficient and not reliant on additional grants to keep the system running going forward? >> no. this is self sufficient. they were able to figure out they were able to create the web page on the current sale s force account where the system is and it's included and free for us yeah included. >> that's so wonderful to hear. a huge thank you to the whole team and the dpa team and a huge congratulations to director henderson. i had the pleasure of serving on the bar association and task force with the director since 2016 and every meeting in the last six years there'ses a complaint about the technology and cassette tapes and it worked and the demo
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was done on the fly to show you how user friendly it was and huge congratulations to the team and thank you for the tremendous work. >> commissioner yee. >> thank you very much vice president. i just want to congratulate dpa on coming out with this i guess the 21st century, huh, dpa how we enter into it and the technology and case management and i really love to hear the word it's free that comes with the package. congratulate you guys on this such quick turn around. i have a question whether is there additional back ups i guess you do and one in the cloud and one locally in a server. is that correct? where you store the data? >> so the data is all
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stored? the sales force cloud and cloud network. everything is up there but at dpa we have our own servers and save our documents as well so it's backed up and rebacked up on our servers. i think we have four or five to back up data so we don't lose integrity of the cases. >> okay. i am sure we will upgrades moving along. thank you very much for your hard work. thank you. >> great. no one else is in the chat. sergeant could we go to public comment? >> members of the public that would like to make a public comment regarding item 7 please press star three now. good evening caller you have two minutes. >> yeah. my name is francisco decosta and i see a lot of very excited so let me give you a case
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where say a police officer is faulted and somebody goes and makes a complaint, somebody that is close to him makes a complaint, but the complaint takes -- it goes the wrong way, and then there's a long time left, and then suddenly after a year and a half or two years it's resurrected, so how does the system track such cases? now i've known in the past and i am talking over a period of 20 years six or seven of such cases, and then they want
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to prosecute the officer just because you think that he committed something which he did not commit. i mean there was an incident but the incident was not properly described, so how does this case management system dedebt such a case in and my real question is that if the department, meaning the san francisco police department, is at fault for not tracking this case in the proper way, making all sorts of mistakes and then resurrecting it after over a year and a half -- >> thank you caller.
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vice president carter-oberstone there is no more public comment. >> thank you. can we please caught next item. >> item 8 presentation regarding dpa mediation program discussion. >> sergeant young blood if you could please assist me with the powerpoint slides here that would be wonderful. >> . i will issue a friendly reminder that we set a 10 minute limit for each presentation s. the presentations have been great tonight but we haven't been districtly enforcing the time limit but that's the goal. >> no problem. i know the hour is getting late and this is intended to be a brief overview so thank you for that reminder. my name is ali schultheis and the new director of mediation at dpa and
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i want to thank everyone to give this brief presentation. the goal here is to introduce the program to those that may not be familiar with it and those that are familiar with it to remind you who we are and what we do. next slide please. all right. so who are we? anyway so who am i? i'm a former lawyer who became interested in alternative dispute resolution, has been interested for many years became a certified mead ator in 2015. i joined dpa in 2019 with the investigative unit. >> . >> i have been with the mediation unit since the beginning of this year, 2021. i grew up in san francisco. i am a native. i went to law school here at
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hastings, formerly hastings and live in the city so i am rooted here and very concerned about and committed to what's going on here and the relationships that are going on here, so that will become relevant as we talk about this program, so our program is a unit within dpa. the vast majority of our cases as you well know are investigated, but mediation exists as an alternative to the investigative process to resolve complaints, so we facilitate direct communication between typically the complainant and the accused officer, the named officer to resolve ideally misunderstandings and conflicts. our goal in large part is
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to help improve the relationship between the sfpd and the community by helping to facilitate those conversations where each side, all parties can talk about their perspectives, share those perspectives, and ideally reach some sort of common ground or understanding. again this is an alternative to investigation, so when we complete a mediation the case is closed, and no further investigation happens. there are no findings other than the case was mediated and we do not make discipline recommendations -- [inaudible] (audio cutting out). next slide please. let's dig in a little bit into the mechanics of our program, so obviously a critical component of our
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program is our panel of mediators. we're extremely lucky to have a panel of approximately 40 qualified people who assist us with this work. to become a mead ator on the panel an individual has to be trained as a mead ator and obtained a 404 training certificate and there are also other requirements in place to ensure the ability to be neutral. >> . >> we don't have for example members of the sfpd on the mediation panel or folks involved currently in certainly practice. we have many that have been with us for years back into the days of the occ and we are really lucky to have such a skilled team of
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mediators and i know everyone got excited about the word from the free" in the last presentation and here again these mediators provide these services on a pro bono basis and volunteers who are highly skilled and we depend on just the quality of their service that they're offering for free. a fun fact here is that i first learned about the dpa as a mediator. i was a mediator, volunteer with then occ so it's near and dear to my heart and i am very excited to be sort of leading this program now. a little bit more about that set up. we use a co-mediator format that simply means we have two participate in each mediation session. this allows difference voices, different
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techniques, and different sort of individuals for the complainant and officers to connect with us. sometimes people can relate to a different style better so having comediation is helpful for us in that respect. we have on our website we have an application for folks who meet the requirements who might be interested in participating, volunteering with us. that's something that's available to look at on our dpa website. all right. next slide please. some important features about our program again as i said before this is an alternative to investigating. we are resolving the case by simply mediating. it's the completion of the mediation that concludes the case. there is no further investigation. there's no
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discipline recommendations. that process which typically takes about an hour is the whole thing. importantly also this is all voluntary for everyone, so the complainant and the officer must give -- must agree to participate in this. no one will ever be used to mediate in this program. this can make it challenging to get folks to agree to do it because simply sometimes they don't want to and even when we feel it's a perfect case for mediation if the complainant simply doesn't want to go that route then it won't go that route, but we really firmly believe it's a better system because it is voluntary. we have real engagement and that's what we're looking for because people want to be there. this is it's a forum for
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communication. everyone gets to tell their story and to be listened to respectively. often we hear from the complainants that prior to getting to the mediation stage that they just haven't felt like somebody has listened to them. our investigators do a great job of that but they have demands on their time as well and they can't answer all of the questions that the complainant might have, so this is a time that folks can really air their grievances but hopefully not just that. hopefully have a productive conversation and a move understanding. mediation can many many different things in many different context. for us in this program we do not require settlement agreements. we do not require apologies though sometimes they're offered. all that is required that
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the parties listen, participate, be respectful, and out of that it's our hope that real understanding can be achieved. there's language access here as with our investigative department we have language access so obviously we can serve folks who are not primary english speakers. we can have things translated; the sessions translated so we can serve a diverse community. next slide please. this is just a little bit about the case referral process and just noting that there's certain categories of cases that are eligible for mediation. you know we can't mediate every case that comes through dpa nor would it be appropriate for a variety of reasons. we make sure that the cases that are referred to mediation are carefully vetted by
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the investigative team so essentially the complaint comes in. the investigator reviews it and then the senior investigator and team attorney has to review it as well and agreed it would be appropriate for a referral and only certain types of cases are suitable for mediation so typically we're talking about allegations like conduct unbecoming an officer, maybe a rudeness, sort of a tone issue or neglective duty you know an officer perhaps not taking an action that the complainant feels he or she should have, unwarranted action, again doing something that is the complainant feels they shouldn't haven't done. we don't mediate use of force, search or seizure, sort of nuisanced cases or cases with
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multiple officers. you know there are other programs in the world where those case types can be a restorative justice to those issues. that's not part of our program. we keep it -- you know we keep it pretty narrow in terms of the types of cases we allow. we also check to make sure that the complainant and officer are both eligible so there's some restrictions on the officer and prior discipline and prior mediation, things like that. next slide please. this is pretty straightforward slide. it just has a variety of our objectives. you can read this yourself but i do want to emphasize how engaged the complainant is in the mediation process. he or she sits across the table -- well, often
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virtually now, but sits across from an officer or a representative of the station or division and is able to talk, ask questions, interact. this is really quite different from the experience of a complainant who files a complaint. in the investigative process although we have this awesome new ability with the portal to get information a lot of the information is confidential and so although the investigators can provide updates there's not a ton of interaction that the complatant has in that process during the investigation just by nature of the rules that we operate by, so this is really a very interactive process for the complainant and they're very involved. we see mediation as a win-win
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for all parties. the community member again gets to tell the story in detail. the officer gets to understand why the complaintst filed in the first place understand -- hopefully happeneds how the complainant felt or interpreted the actions and hopefully draws from that some information in terms of behavior in the future like oh people experimented it that way. i got a complaint but that. >> . >> but i understand it more. ideally it's the kind of situation. you know and we feel that this process really repairs broken lines of communication between the complainant and the officer. next slide please. the process this shows the actual flow a mediation case. again it looks like complicated but it's fairly straightforward. one thing to note is that the pandemic changed the way that the majority
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of our mediations are conducted. as the fact that we're sitting here now is an example of that so wized to do them entirely face-to-face. we moved to an entirely virtual model in march 2020 and now we're sort of at a hybrid. the majority are still virtual because there are a lot of concerns about transmissiblity and frankly it's easier for a lot of people, and people feel pretty comfortable particularly complainants in their own space so we found it to be a useful method. however, there are complainants who feel strongly about wanting to set across in person so we have done those as well, and we're open to either way in terms of accommodating that. next slide
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please. these are just friends that we have noticed over the last year or so. we don't have a huge sample size so these are not sort of statistically significant trends but they're observations that we made. >> . >> failure to take required action has been the most common alleged mediated in the last year or so p1 thing that has happened increasingly that the mediations are being conducted with station representatives as opposed to a particular officer who was involved in the incident. now, the reason this kind of thing comes up is because at dpa we often get complaints that are about quality of life issues or sort of general like "i just -- what is going on
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about x?" so there's not a specific officer involved. it's just a general issue or it's a policy issue or it's a practice issue that they have that the complainant has a complaint about so in those cases we're able to work with the station captains to have them designate a representative who then participates in and sort of has the interaction that way and those have been really successful, very educational for everybody, and really, really positive so we have seen a lot of this, and then in terms of where they're coming from? we've had a slightly more cases from the tenderloin and slightly more with the traffic company then other directs or direct -- districts or departments. again
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not really statistically significant but they're general trends. i do want to say we have exit surveys at the end of every mediation. these mediations are confidential, so revealing what what the exist survey said can sometimes be challenging but i will say that i only one specifically quote them but i was just looking at them and here's the type of things expressed from complainants, police officers, station representatives. you know i had an understanding where the complainant was coming from with his issue. i learned about police procedures. i felt valued and that my concern was appreciated. it was a pleasure engaging with the complainant. mediation helps build better relationships and trust. mediation can be a useful tool. those are positives. sometimes people don't have a positive
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experience but it's overwhelmingly the majority, the vast majority are very satisfied with they take our survey. there are sometimes that are not satisfied and we really take that information to heart often making follow up calls to dig in exactly what was unsatisfactory and then incorporating that into our program in general. all right. so next slide. all right. just a couple goals for the program for the next year. we want to increase the number of cases mediated. we want to provide ongoing relevant training for our mediators. again they're volunteer professionals who are really skilled and have really taking time out of their busy lives to really
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participate in something we think is extremely important, and so we want to make sure to give them the acknowledgment and the skills, you know the updated skills that they need so we want to really continue with training in that regard, and then just finally increasing the visibility of mediation as an option both to sfpd and to the community at large. i have been going out to district stations to make presentations at roll call to remind folks or introduce folks to our mediation program. the program has been around actually for almost 30 years but there's a lot of people that just don't know about it, so officers can request it. again it's all voluntary so we got to get everyone on board but the officers can request
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it too if they have a complaint that has come up against them they can certainly raise it as a possibility so that is -- those are things we're looking forward to coming up. anyway last slide please. next slide which is the last slide. all right. so these are just the ways to sort of find us at dpa. thank you so much for your time again, just a brief overview of what we're doing and that's the end of my presentation. i am happy to take any questions or field any comments or suggestions. >> thank you so much director schultheis. i really appreciate the presentation. i think commissioner benedicto is the commissioner that asked to agendized this and looking forward to it since then and folks are more familiar with dpa a discipline arm but not as familiar with
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alternatives to discipline, and the important role of the mediation department plays so so thank you so much. i see that director henderson wants to add a few words to what she said so director. >> very few i promise. thank you so much ali and i am appreciative of the information and it was helpful and a couple of things to point out in case folks missed it and the mediation model is a national model. the model from dpa in san francisco has been replicated throughout the country with other oversight agencies based on our restorative justice model which i believe is an important bridge for communities to both understand and to communicate back and forth with law enforcement, and so i just want to stress the personal engagement that folks are involved with when they do the
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mediation program and the direct communication with the development, and that's not typically the case, and how other complaints and investigations are handled but having a full repertoire like that to allow people to engage i believe expands the definition of public public and benefits the community in ways that other agencies that don't have mediation programs aren't able to achieve over address directly so i just wanted to make those comment in summation just to give context to the information provided. thank you again. that's all i have to say. >> wonderful. thank you. i see commissioner benedicto is in the chat. >> yes. thank you so much director schultheis for that presentation. as vice president carter-oberstone said i asked for this to be agendized. after i met the mediators and commend dpa for this -- a big shock to
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me and coming from the misnomer and coming from the background and restorative justice and adopted by the agencies and complement the mead eightors that volunteer their time what are also sensitive despites. >> . >> they're tremendous people and i know they watch the commission and those watching and i appreciate the work. i am glad to hear that you're doing outreach at district stations. i think in particular there are cases where you have complainants and probably things found in policy and mediation can really provide a cathartic way for parties to address each one and one component of that and thank you for the presentation and the testimony work with the mediation program. >> yeah thank you commissioner benedicto for attending our seminar a couple months back and for your support. i really appreciate it.
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>> commissioner yanez. >> thank you. congratulations on all the accomplishments and especially you seem to get a lot of things done on a small budget and some of the things training mediate expose training and investment. i a question for clarification. if a complainant asks into mediation yet they're not satisfied with the outcome do they waive the ability to continue to pursue their complaint? >> yes. it's a great question and one that comes up a lot, and simple put yes. just a little bit of context around that. you know there is a -- well, one it's a matter of resources; right? so if goes down the mediation route to then
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sort of has it gone down there and then sent over to the investigator route. it's one case needing to be dealt with my two sort of different places which is difficult just on a case load basis. importantly the 3304 deadline though is probably what gets in the way of that a little more so you know there's a essentially one year of statute of limitations here so by the time things -- hopefully none of our cases are anywhere near that deadline but that does impose restrictions on where a case can go and then finally the idea with somebody choosing mediation is again it is totally voluntary. the idea being that i don't know waive seems like it has a negative connotation and it's
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an agreement that the complainant makes, right, and i'm going to talk this through and i believe in the system enough but the bottom line yes after it's done it's done. you don't get another bite at the apple. >> thank you. >> i can also just say another one of the factors is the intention with the process, so if folks are coming to the table to try to understand each other and communicate to have a broader understanding looking retroactively and using the comments against them for a different purpose is part of the challenge on both sides so if someone is saying yes, i was engaged in shop lifting but you were a little aggressive and rough with me and using the statement or comments either to under mine the investigation with a different outcome and purpose is just as challenging both for the complainants and against the officer and/or the department that's participating actively in the process and the
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reason that makes it also more difficult is sometimes it's not the individual officer. sometimes it's the captain explaining or the regional director or senior staff explaining what the process is either to the public or the individual and it's sometimes both. oftentimes folks will participate in mediation that aren't the actual suspects, aren't the actual complainants but family or community members that have real concerns about how their community is being treated or things they have observed that caused challenges and questions to them and trying to conflate it back and forth from mediation into investigation that's exactly the problem. it's why we pour so much effort and energy into the beginning to explaining what the process is even though it's sometimes longer to give people the option and choice so they have other alternatives beyond the investigation or the complainant or
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discipline to address the community needs. i know a long way to explain it but i don't want people thinking they didn't get the full benefit of what andrea ruiz-esquide . >> . >> >> and engage with the agency. >> bringing up that detail it brings up a question. if a complainant opts in and requests the mediation but let's say the officer doesn't make himself available but a station representative makes himself available and what we're talking about the opportunity for two parties who were engaged in an incident that could potentially be resolve side no longer provided as the option. does that community member have the option of opting back out since they're not face-to-face with the officer they may have filed the complaint against? >> absolutely. it's a case by case basis whether it's an individual officer or equipment or senior
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staff member and like i said it depends on what kind of complaint or what concern the public has. the other thing i want to point out so we're not talking about the entire universal and ali talk body it earlier but there are specific cases not considered for mediation and those are the cases that demand an investigation. those read cases that are restricted that there needs to be an investigation and there needs to be discipline as determined by dpa and so again it's a case by case basis as to whether or not a supplemental engagement from law enforcement would be helpful to address the concern, but generally has those same outcomes as one path or the other for the reasons i talked about earlier. >> all right. commissioner yee. >> thank you very much vice president carter-oberstone. i just have a question. first of all thank you al a,
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a -- ali director for this avenue of mediation and some of the cases that come before the dpa. also thank you kevin for putting this on the agenda. this national model, restorative justice, all good. i guess you're looking at increased case load. what is your target since you have what 24 -- 21 -- 22. are you looking to increase it, doubling it or -- >> that's a great question. you know it is -- it's challenging. i mean i would love to double it. the metrics on this are a little challenging given the fact it's totally voluntary, so you know we do i would like to
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figure out some other ways to get to the complainants in the early part of the process and we have great -- we have staff -- all of the staff are great trying to identify cases that would be appropriate and telling them about mediation. sometimes as you can imagine when people call us help at the dpa they're just very angry and mediation sounds like a little happy you know fun circle that they don't want to participate in. it's too touchy feely and they want justice so oftentimes those folks will immediately sort of decline participating in. however, there is sort of a cooling off period where i think if we were able to approach them again they might after a bit of time be more receptive because their e motions are
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not as intense but again that's a case by case basis. that's not true for everyone and some people just don't want to, so i would love to double the numbers for next year, and absolutely as a goal. i just in terms of being able to produce that i don't know human nature is funny so we have to depend on people agreeing to participate. typically it's the complainants who are less excited about participating >> and commissioner could i just say too i am really defensive about the numbers with mediation because they're so organic and it's a case by case kind of thing, and i don't want to get into a posture and monitoring the numbers with an artificial sense of pressure about them because we don't the public or people coming into the agency feeling like we're pushing them to mediation
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because we don't want to do an investigation. >> [inaudible] but left out there one of the goals was so i asked what is that goal? what is that target? >> yeah. i think the goal is keep engaging that the community feels that engaging with dpa they have an outcome they were satisfied with and whether that's mediation or the investigation and discipline you know i like to let the cases determine that by themselves or the individual complainants because that's what is really important. >> so i will go from there and figure out and ask ali again what's the timeframe duration of i guess the resolve? how long does it take to resolve these cases? >> you know this year we have been very quick about resolving them because we found -- my personal experience has been that we got
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somebody on board who wants to participate. it's the right type of case. we get the officers, right. honestly the most difficult thing is the scheduling. it's just getting a schedule that works for every including the mediate expose again they vary but again from the time i get them. >> . >> we can do them within a month or so sometimes. not every time, not every time but it can go that quickly and particularly if we're doing them virtually because people are a lot more flexible schedule wise that way, but they can take longer. it depends. >> i totally love that because i guess as a consumer, as you know that goes out there and has a complaint you get your result nine months or a year. it's a long time and 30 days is excellent there and with the exit
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survey of maybe the policy failed to meet criteria of our residents and in the complaint. are you going to develop a report or some of the hour police policies that are coming up on the consumers actually on our residents complaints you know develop a report, what we should focus on? >> i'm sorry i don't know if i totally understand. i just want to make sure to answer it appropriately. >> okay. so when you go through mediation and then you hear the complaint that is filed, and the result. what was the final answer that resolved this issue? and in looking at our policy that may have an impact on that complaint. >> right.
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>> would you be creating a list and say some of our policies are causing some of the complaints that maybe we can take a look at and that out into the future? >> i see. thank you for clarifying that for me. that's a interesting question and i guess i would say that probably i don't know i would have a report because oftentimes it's not about a policy. oftentimes to be fair there's kind of a misunderstanding between the individuals about sort of what happens or the intention behind what happened. sometimes it's a policy and a complainant didn't understand the policy, but it can be possible there are policies that folks are just upset about and i don't know -- you know i can certainly talk to paul further about this or and figure this out, but i would
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-- i am in touch frequently with janel who is the policy point person, and that could be something that i could certainly discuss with her as well. it's not -- >> i will say one of the things we've done in the past with mediation when we identified problems that seem to be common problems or things that are frequently miscommunicated about or just misunderstandings from the public oftentimes you will see the results of those conflated through policy recommendations so that process does happen but it doesn't happen directly from the mediation team. you're receiving the feedback that comes again most if not all of the policy recommendations that are made from dpa are evidence based and that includes input and feedback from the mediation process. i think that answers i think that speaks to what you were asking for
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but it's not a specific direct report independently from the mediation. the mediation feedback loop goes into policy or the policy team. >> okay. thank you very much director ali. >> thank you. >> all right. seeing no more names in the chat sergeant can you go to public comment please. >> machines of the public that would like to. >> . >> members of the public that would like to make public comment press star three now. good evening caller. you have two minutes. >> yeah, what i want to say that i in am familiar with the restorative noodle and i see that the way that san francisco police department normally goes is followi the
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policy which adversusly impacts the officer meaning that when the restorative justice model has no biases and will is very embracing. it comes from [inaudible] and the whole village participates in helping the person who is injured. if an officer is inebriated and the policy of the san francisco police department is rigorous there is a restorative model
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that is empathy. you all don't see it that way but when you practice it with thousands of people, mostly young people, but adults too, it helps the entire organization and most of our officers don't know this much like we spend a lot of money preparing for the [inaudible] document and nobody reads it. it's on the shelves, and this lead to the cops recommendations of 272 recommendations which is a joke. >> thank you caller. vice president carter-oberstone there is no more public comment. >> all right. call item number 9 please.
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>> item 9 presentation regarding dpa law internship discussion. >> yes good evening vice president carter-oberstone, members of the police commission. ac lazar and director henderson and members of the community watching right now here and abroad. i present dpa law and reform cohort from this past summer and it's a professional development program. what sets it apart from typical internships at the hall of justice you're in the building or a firm for the whole summer what dpa does with the summer cohort we link the private and public sector linking the community based organizations that we partner with, other agencies that we partner with, like the attorney's office and the san francisco police department and the public defender's
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office and da office and all of the agencies that make san francisco work we try to integrate that in our professional development program while creating the diversity pipeline in order to prepare us for that next future work force. this is not a trial by fire as with most internships are and i remember of my days at the da's office and trial by simmer and integrate the interns to professional development dressing for success, how to run a program, networking like the speaker seases, asking the questions, being prepared for the speaker series, and what we try to do in the program is really instill in that so they walk away that foundation and part of the program and the major pillar of the foundation is financing the stipends that may come and it's a volunteer program and couldn't do it without
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the help of other city organizations but particularly opportunities for all, mayor breed's summer internship program by hrc and director davis and her staff and not only helped with the sometime ends with the summer and provided the curriculum that we needed to s dpa through each process through the summer. >> . >> events that we attended would be dream keepers initiative and the juneteenth and they loved and the swearing of commissioner walker with mayor breed, the end of summer celebration with opportunities of all and two innerterns asked to speak on their experience this summer. again it was a blessing and honor to have support of this program and again part of that professional development is seeing people like myself, director henderson at the front of the helm leading them and seeing the
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speakers that we provide for them that started off in public service and maybe are now in the private sector or in other agencies throughout the city and where their foundation comes from and these speakers series lead by the interns. they research the speaker. as commissioner benedicto probably was a witness to. they probably knew about him than he knew -- provided our head shots. the chief sutton sets chief of staff of oakland councilmember and derek brown of the mccarthy center and the common good and
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at san francisco, (paused) to the mentors in the office that provided the guidance we had mentors where some of the staff were mentors to the interns this summer and had the mentees and provided that feedback and that nourishment that is needed to survive and flourish in the work force. another thing that sets us apart is the access to the executive director and seems like a lot to have 12 interns coming at paul at one time but he was gracious and great. i was blessed at my internship to have paulsa my lead and guidance of da and now
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vice president kamala harris and a lot of interns don't get that and you get the supervising attorney or manager but they have the direct access and paul provided that professional development tell them the ins and outs what it's like to work in government agencies and keys to success that you won't get from another agency and sets our program apart, why we strive to do what we do every summer and important to have the partnerships that we do, why we have the support of agencies such as osa and google and everything else and of course our chief of staff paul henderson but again this program wouldn't be possible without the help and support of our entire organization. this goes from our executive director, the staff,
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senior hr analyst, marianne mccormack, every unit, our program manager, nicole armstrong, eric from the tech team and now i mean she didn't go to tulane law like director henderson and i but maya and part of the summer 2021 class and the public service aid and at stanford law school. i don't know if you have heard of it before so we're proud of her and cable to continue that legacy of producing these future public servants to san francisco. and again that's what we strive to instill. again i want to like my reading rainbow moment because i'm a proud mama bear of our program. we have the interns watching from irvine davis here in san francisco, riverside,
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miami, eugene oregon, santa barbara. they're tuning in so you can see the presentation that again they totally did my themselves of course with the feedback from the director of policy, our executive director and again you all are a special group. i can't thing each of you enough. you're permanently part of the dpa family and what we try to instill in our program, the diversity and professional development of these young people and they see the value of public service and what it is to be a public servant and that can lead to many careers as they embark on the professional career through their educational path and with that i present to you our dpa summer law and justice reform summer cohort.
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>> that's a good picture. look how skinny i look. >> me too. . >> i'm rei going into junior year in high school. >> my name is jack shelley and i attend cal poly at san luis obispo. >> i am elizabeth chan and attending university of san francisco. >> my name is dominic gamero-cortez and attending university of san francisco. >> my name is devin hernandez and i'm a freshman at oregon state. >> hello. my name is brooke cowan and a sophomore in the university of san francisco. >> my name is cindy and a junior at university of san francisco. >> my name is ashley and a junior at
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florida international university. >> my name is jacob and incoming sophomore of university of california riverside. >> i am nick brosamle and i am entering my second year at santa clara university school of law. >> my name is gabriel navarrete and starting the second year at university of san francisco school of law. >> my name is maki and a rising 20 at uc irvine school of law. >> i am angelika robertson and a rising [inaudible] at uc davis law. >> we would like to thank our speakers and sponsors for supporting us this summer. >> this summer our cohort and read bias by dr. every hard and learn about racial implications we thought about san francisco police department policy changes that would prevent implicit
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bias. when chicago pd announced their foot pursuits after the doj's intervention. >> implicit bias is important to san francisco police department because according to the doj investigation african-americans and historic drivers were disproportionately stopped searched and arrested. these fightings are a manifestation of implicit bias in the force. the police should implement changes to address areas where this can lead to misconduct starting with foot pursuits. >> through to strained relations between police and minority communicates which is exacerbated by incidents of police misconduct members of the minority communities are likely to demonstrate apprehension and flight tendencies to the mere presence of police. a foot policy -- [inaudible] evidence of know k criminality and empowers officers to issue foot pursuits
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and issue citations and and/or arrests because the subject is less inclined to engage with the police. [inaudible] that officer it is hold about members of the community leading to disparate impact on minority communities. >> san francisco does not currently track this data and this is needed about the details of the program to work on policy recommendations. >> san francisco pd does not currently -- [inaudible] in a foot pursuits. officers are trained in the academy but not held accountable by a formal policy. >> according to the department of justice investigation into the chicago police department they said that while foot pursuitses maybe necessary and sometimes important however foot pursuitses are also
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inherently dangerous to the public and the officer and officers may experience fatigue or adrenaline -- >> studies show compared to other types of arrests foot pursuits increase the use of using force and officers are likely to use more force than in other types of apprehensions and resulting in greatly likelihood of injury. [inaudible] are kept on the officers killed or injured during foot pursuits but anecdotally we know it occurs and too often. >> here are examples around the country which demonstrate the police shootings from foot pursuits. [off mic] and ended with someone
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wounded or killed. most a largingly nearly a quarter killed in foot pursuits were struck only in the back . >> . next [inaudible] where foot pursuits went badly. on march 18, 2018 officers in sacramento responding to a call about broken car windows spotted clark in the grandmother's driver and upon telling him to show the hands he fled and officers gave chase. after a confrontation in the backyard an officer said gun, gun, gun and later died and was unarmed and the settlement was $2.4 million. >> in february 2018 [inaudible] was unsafely riding a bicycle when the
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officer from the vallejo police department approached him and crashed the bike and a foot pursuits happened and the officer chased and altercation occurred. this foot pursuits lead to his death was over unsafe bicycle riding and the city reached a settlement of $5.7 million of an unarmed police shooting in the bay area. it's clear we should reevaluate the effectiveness of foot pursuitses. >> several cities have implemented policies acknowledging the dangers of foot pursuitses and limiting the instances where officers may chase a subject. for example chicago passed a policy that this is -- [inaudible] states people may avoid contact with the department member other than involvement in criminal activity. >> the los angeles sheriff's
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department has a similar policy stating that neither deputies nor supervisors should be criticized for not engaging in a foot pursuits. >> the city of austin texas updated their dgs on on foot pursuits and it states that it's recognized that foot pursuits potentially place personal and the public at significant risk. therefore no officer or supervisor should be criticized or disciplined for not engaging in the foot pursuits and order of the supervisor to terminate a foot pursuits [inaudible] alternate to engaging in or [inaudible] in a foot pursuits. >> sfpd should collect data on foot pursuitses too. the easier thing is separating the into two boxes and officers should be trained and include information about the surrounding circumstances including someone getting hurt and a cost
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analysis about when to use square foots. >> in light of the research and analysis we are formally recommending several immediate changes to sfpd policy and practices. first we recommend that the sfpd establish a department policy specifically declaring that the sfpd may not initiate foot pursuitses simply because someone demonstrates flight tendencies. we are also recommend that this sfpd begin a data collection and a categorization of this data for all sfpd foot pursuitses. these will have a immediate positive impact on the relationship between law enforcement and the community. because public data allows for more transparency between law enforcement and the public. this transparency will increase public feedback and democratic pressures on law enforcement to remain accountable to the community. this will reduce the influence of implicit bias in the initiation of the foot pursuitses by
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preventing officers on acting on submissions that go to certain communities and in turn result in a more equitable law enforcement treasure island and on suspicion and. >> . >> flight assessment have a different impact on minority communities >> we would like to highlight changes in regard to foot pursuitses. we bedroom that sfpd collect data and identify programs with foot pursuitses to develop evidence base change. the data will give a clear picture if problems exist with foot pursuits and guide policies for change. we recommend that there are mechanisms of oversight to have mandelman training to make sure that. >> . >> officers are training in best practices. robust data collection regarding foot pursuits will allow
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sfpd to develop a comprehensive dgo recommending best practices for foot pursuits. more data will lead to data driven foot pursuits strategies and trainings that will reflect 21st century police practices. >> my favorite part is learning all things that dpa does and projects with the different units. >> my favorite part was learn and meet so many new ment glorious my favorite part was meeting various speakers >> interacting with my coworkers and guest speakers >> meeting the wonderful speakers. >> my favorite parts of learning the people. >> [inaudible]. >> observing officer interviews. >> being able to work with the group of people and getting behind the scenes of what the dpa does.
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>> attending a consulate party. >> [off mic]. >> my favorite moment is the speaker series. >> thank you for listening. >> thank you so much ms. thompson for that presentation and for all the important work that dpa does and kind of teaching and building the next-gen of public servants in the city and beyond. >> . >> i met quite a few of the interns at commissioner walker's swearing in and it was just an awesome experience to get to talk to them and also special shout out to the intern who said her favorite part was learning about redacting audio and video content. some
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people are born for this job and you know for some people it's just a gift so hopefully whenever she graduates her esteemed institution of higher education she will come back as a dpa attorney or investigator because that's truth exceptional. i do not see any names in the chat so with that i will ask sergeant youngblood to take us to public. >> sorry vice president. director henderson. >> yes thank you. i was going to say i wanted to point out how significant the presentation. we tried to get them leaner and more focused every year that we do the program but i will say this year i was impressed with the innerterns did. the presentation they came up was on their own. i love
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based on their experiences and based on the book on the bias book and their observations of police commission one of the things they were particularly concerned about were the conversations that this conversation has had in the past about bias, and race disparities in policing specifically with the ripper reports that came out in the past and the fact that on their often they have cultivated a recommendation to make to the commission in terms of square foot with research, thorough research, in terms of both what is possible that they have seen in other jurisdictions to address recommendations for the commission for the department specifically to address race disparities is not something that i think we very often coming out of a class of justice fellows and interns the way we have at dpa so i want to thank my staff to mentor, support and encourage all of the work, specifically to
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netta and thelma who was hands on throughout the entire program and throughout the year but also to all of you guys for listening to them and hearing what they had to say in a meaningful way and again it's not lost on me how significant their work was not just what they contributed throughout the summer and the ongoing work, but in their own recommendations that they put together to present to all of you tonight so i didn't want that lost because i personally feel it's significant. these are great recommendations and actions we should be following up on in the past as we talked about not knowing what to do or being unsure how to address disparities yet here is another opportunity for us to do something to address concerns i think we all have and the fact it's coming from the community and coming from a diverse class of students interested in the work that we're all doing is phenomenal so thank you for your
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attention. >> thank you. absolutely. the recommendations were well reasoned, well researched and definitely worthy of this commission's serious condition so thank you for that. commissioner walk was that a hand or i didn't see your name in the chat. >> i just need to take a short break to go to the restroom so if you all want to go on. >> okay. we will forge ahead. thank you for that. all right. sergeant young blood could you take us to public comment please. >> for members of the public that would like to make public comment regarding the internship program please press star three now. vice president carter-oberstone there is no public comment. >> all right. sergeant could you please call the next item.
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>> yes. . >> one second sergeant youngblood do we have quorum. i don't think i see everyone but i could be wrong. can you confirm? >> we have four commissioners. we have a quorum. >> all right. thank you. >> line item 10 public comment on all matters pertaining to item 12 closed session including on item 11 and vote to hold item in closed session action. if you would like to make comment press star three now. vice president carter-oberstone there's no public comment. >> all right. thank you. knowledge you please call the next item. >> item 11. >> . >> vote to hold closed session more the san francisco administrative code. action. >> could i get a motion? >> i will move. >> i will second.
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>> on the motion commissioner benedicto how do you vote? >> yes. >> commissioner yanez. >> yes. >> commissioner yee. >> yes. >> vice president carter-oberstone. >> yes. >> yes. you have four yeses. that will take . >> . >> . >> can i get a motion not to disclose. >> move to not disclose. >> second. >> on the motion to -- >> can we do public comment before. >> yes. members of the public who would like to make a comment online item 13 please press star three now. and there is no public comment. on the motion commissioner walker how do you vote. >> yes. >> commissioner
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>> in the bay area as a whole, thinking about environmental sustainability. we have been a leader in the country across industries in terms of what you can do and we have a learn approach. that is what allows us to be successful. >> what's wonderful is you have so many people who come here and they are what i call policy innovators and whether it's banning plastic bags, recycling, composting, all the different things that we can do to improve the environment. we really champion.
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we are at recycle central, a large recycle fail on san francisco pier 96. every day the neighborhood trucks that pick up recycling from the blue bins bring 50 # o tons of bottles, cans and paper here to this facility and unload it. and inside recology, san francisco's recycling company, they sort that into aluminum cans, glass cans, and different type of plastic. san francisco is making efforts to send less materials to the landfill and give more materials for recycling. other cities are observing this and are envious of san francisco's robust recycling program. it is good for the environment. but there is a lot of low
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quality plastics and junk plastics and candy wrappers and is difficult to recycle that. it is low quality material. in most cities that goes to landfill. >> looking at the plastics industry, the oil industry is the main producer of blastics. and as we have been trying to phase out fossil fuels and the transfer stream, this is the fossil fuels and that plastic isn't recycled and goes into the waste stream and the landfill and unfortunately in the ocean. with the stairry step there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. >> we can recycle again and again and again. but plastic, maybe you can recycle it once, maybe. and that, even that process it downgrades into a lower quality material. >> it is cheaper for the oil
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industry to create new plastics and so they have been producing more and more plastics so with our ab793, we have a bill that really has a goal of getting our beverage bottles to be made of more recycled content so by the time 2030 rolls around t recycle content in a coke bottle, pepsi bottle, water bottle, will be up to 50% which is higher thatten the percentage in the european union and the highest percentage in the world. and that way you can actually feel confident that what you're drinking will actually become recycled. now, our recommendation is don't use to plastic bottle to begin w but if you do, they are committing to 50% recycled content. >> the test thing we can do is vote with our consumer dollars when we're shopping. if you can die something with no packaging and find loose fruits
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and vegetables, that is the best. find in packaging and glass, metal and pap rer all easily recycled. we don't want plastic. we want less plastic. awe what you we do locally is we have the program to think disposable and work one on one to provide technical assistance to swap out the disposable food service to reusables and we have funding available to support businesses to do that so that is a way to get them off there. and i believe now is the time we will see a lot of the solutions come on the market and come on the scene. >> and is really logistics company and what we offer to restaurants is reasonable containers that they can order just like they would so we came from about a pain point that a lot of customers feel which wills a lot of waste with
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takeout and deliver, even transitioning from styrofoam to plastic, it is still wasteful. and to dream about reusing this one to be re-implemented and cost delivery and food takeout. we didn't have throwaway culture always. most people used to get delivered to people's homes and then the empty milk containers were put back out when fresh milk came. customers are so excited that we have this available in our restaurant and came back and asked and were so excited about it and rolled it out as customers gain awareness understanding what it is and how it works and how they can integrate it into their life. >> and they have always done it and usually that is a way of
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being sustainable and long-term change to what makes good financial sense especially as there are shipping issues and material issues and we see that will potentially be a way that we can save money as well. and so i think making that case to other restaurateurs will really help people adopt this. >> one restaurant we converted 2,000 packages and the impact and impact they have in the community with one switch. and we have been really encouraged to see more and more restaurants cooperate this. we are big fans of what
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re-ecology does in terms of adopting new systems and understanding why the current system is broken. when people come to the facility, they are shocked by how much waste they see and the volume of the operations and how much technology we have dedicated to sort correctly and we led 25 tours and for students to reach about 1100 students. and they wanted to make change and this is sorting in the waste stream they do every single day and they can take ownership of and make a difference with. >> an i feel very, very fortunate that i get to represent san francisco in the
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legislature and allows me to push the envelope and it is because of the people the city attracts and is because of the eco system of policy thinking that goes on in san francisco that we are constantly seeing san francisco leading the way. >> kids know there's a lot of environmental issues that they are facing. and that they will be impacted by the impact of climate change. they will have the opportunity to be in charge and make change and make the decisions in the future. >> we are re-inventing the way the planet does garbage founded in the environmental ethic and hunger to send less to landfills. this is so many wonderful things happening in san francisco. i feel very fortunate and very humble to live here and to be part of this wonderful place.
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shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within neighborhood. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. where will you shop and dine in the 49? san francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. each corridor has its own personality. our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. >> you are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping small businesses grow. >> it is more environmentally friendly.
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>> shopping local is very important. i have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. by shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. it is really good for everybody. >> shopping locally is crucial. without that support, small business can't survive, and if we lose small business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. >> it is important to dine and shop locally. it allows us to maintain traditions. it makes the neighborhood.
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>> i think san francisco should shop local as much as they can. the retail marketplace is changes. we are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. >> the fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. there are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. at the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. >> shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the business owners to
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thrive in the community. we see more small businesses going away. we need to shop locally to keep the small business alive in san francisco. >> shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. you can see the banners in the streets around town. it is great. anything that can showcase and legitimize small businesses is a wonderful thing.
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>> everything we do in the tenderloin, we urban outfit. here, this gives us an opportunity to collaborate with other agencies and we become familiar with how other agencies operate and allow us to be more flexible and get better at what we depo in the line of work in this task. >> sometimes you go down and it's hard to get up. so we see ourselves as providing an opportunity for the unhoused to get up. and so i really believe that when they come here and they've said it, this right here is absolutely needed. you can't ask for nothing better. >> the tenderloin is the stuff
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that ain't on the list of remedies, liked the spiritual connection to recovery and why would i? why would i recover? what have i got to live for? things like that. and sharing the stories. like i was homeless and just the team. and some people need that extra connection on why they can change their life or how they could. >> we have a lot of guests that will come in and say i would like -- you know, i need help with shelter, food, and primary care doctor. and so here, that's three rooms down the hall. so if you book them, they get all of their needs taken care of in one go. this is an opportunity for us here in the tenderloin to come together, try out these ideas to see if we can put -- get -- connect people to services in a
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>> so the march started in 2004, there was a lot of action going on at the time against transgender people. so an email thread went around and everybody decided to meet here at the loweris park and really send out the message to the community that we're here and just because the legislation does not validify who we are, we are still here and we deserve to be loved and empowered. >> so for me trans march is a safe place where i will not be quiet and i can be unapologetic
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against my trans siblings to be in the community and say okay, you can bring yourself to the safe places. we're normal human beings and we can exist. >> this is one of the largest trans marches that happens in the world and this space is ours. we can at least have one day where we are seen and not over shadowed by the greater pride, hostilities everywhere. trans march means so much to me. but it means so much more for me and my community.
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>> my partner is transgender and you know ,z we've been together for 25 years. and i learned a lot about trans generaleder and her what it means to be transgender. to give people pride of who they are they are beautiful and an important part of society and they should have equal rights. >> for me being here is an act of celebrating myself and feeling okay in my own skin. >>ed we have a lot of momentum here at trans mart, we have a lot of community for support
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>> there is a lot of unique characteristics about visitation valley. it is a unique part of the city. >> we are off in a corner of the city against the san francisco county line 101 on one side. vis station valley is still one of the last blue color neighborhoods in san francisco. a lot of working class families out here. it is unusual. not a lot of apartment buildings. a lot of single family homes. >> great business corridor. so much traffic coming through here and stopping off to grab coffee or sandwich or pick up food before going home. >> a lot of customers are from the neighborhood. they are painters or mechanics. they are like blue color workers, a lot of them. >> the community is lovely. multi-racial and hopefully we
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can look out for each other. >> there is a variety of businesses on the block. you think of buffalo kitchen, chinese food, pork buns, sandwich. library, bank of america with a parking lot. the market where you can grab anything. amazing food choices, nail salons. basically everything you need is here. >> a lot of these businesses up and down leland are family owned. people running them are family. when you come here and you have an uncle and nephew and go across the street and have the guy and his dad. lisa and her daughter in the dog parlor and pam. it is very cool. >> is small businesses make the neighborhood unique. >> new businesses coming. in mission blue, gourmet
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chocolate manufacturing. the corridor has changed and is continuing to change. we hope to see more businesses coming in the near future. >> this is what is needed. first, stay home. unless it is absoluteliness scary. social distancing is the most important step right now to limit spread of virus. cancel all nonessential gather everythings. >> when the pandemic litly land avenue suffered like other corridors. a few nail salons couldn't operate. they shut down. restaurants that had to adapt to more of a take out model. they haven't totally brought back indoor seating. >> it is heartbreaking to see the businesses that have closed
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down and shut because of the pandemic. >> when the pandemic first hit it got really slow. we had to change our hours. we never had to close, which is a blessing. thank god. we stayed open the whole time. >> we were kind of nervous and anxious to see what was going to come next hoping we will not have to close down. >> during covid we would go outside and look on both sides of the street. it looked like old western town. nobody on the street. no cars. >> it was a hard eight or nine months. when they opened up half the people couldn't afford a haircut. >> during that time we kept saying the coffee shop was the living room of the valley. people would come to make sure they were okay. >> we checked on each other and patronized each other. i would get a cup of coffee,
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shirt, they would get a haircut. >> this is a generous and kind community. people would be like i am getting the toffee for the guy behind me and some days it went on and on. it was amazing to watch. we saw a perfect picture of community. we are all in this together. >> since we began to reopen one year later, we will emerge stronger. we will emerge better as a city because we are still here and we stand in solidarity with one another. >> when we opened up august 1st. i will not say it was all good. we are still struggling due to covid. it affected a lot of people. >> we are still in the pandemic right now. things are opening up a little bit. it is great to have space to
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come together. i did a three painting series of visitation valley and the businesses on leland. it felt good to drop off the paintings and hung them. >> my business is picking up. the city is opening up. we have mask requirements. i check temperatures. i ask for vaccination card and/or recent test. the older folks they want to feel safe here. >> i feel like there is a sense of unity happening. >> what got us through the pandemic was our customers. their dogs needed groomed, we have to cut their nails so they don't over grow. >> this is only going to push us forward. i sense a spirit of community and just belief in one another. >> we are trying to see if we can help all small businesses around here. there is a cannabis club lounge
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next to the dog parlor to bring foot traffic. my business is not going to work if the business across the street is not getting help. >> in hit us hard. i see a bright future to get the storefronts full. >> once people come here i think they really like it. >> if you are from san francisco visit visitation valley to see how this side of the city is the same but different.
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