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tv   BOS Rules Committee  SFGTV  September 26, 2022 10:00am-12:31pm PDT

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give them hope. it reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now. >> good morning and welcome to rules committee of san francisco board of supervisors for today, monday, september 19, 2022 i'm
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the chair aaron peskin joined to by supervisor mandelman and by member connie chan. our clerk is vishthor young. do you have announcements. >> the board of supervisors are convening hybrid meetings. providing remote access via phone. equal public access is essential and taking comment as follows. first will be taken on each item on the agenda. those in person will be allowed first and then those who are waiting on the phone line. for those watching channel 26, 28, 78 or 99 and the comment number is across the screen the number is 415-655-0001 access code: 2487 601 2655 ##.
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when connected you will hear the meeting but muted and in listening mode only. when your item come up and public comment is called. those in person line up to speak and those on the phone dial star 3 to be added to the line. if you are on the phone remember to turn down your tv and all listening devices. public comment for those in person first then the comment call in line. you may send public comment in writing. e mail them to myself the clerk at victor. young @sfgov.orgure may send written comment by u.s. mail to our offices in city hall.
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that concludes my initial comments. >> thank you. could you read the first item. >> item 1 is ordinance amending the conduct code to modify rules concerning behested payments by -- accepting sue are station under certain city programs solicit requests and contract obligations charities through competitive procured contracts providing those -- that the receipt of denying dregzary permit does not make a person of an interested party attempting to influence add stritive action does in the make a person or party exempting made with acquisition of real property and other changes. there is a request that matter be referred out as a committee
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report. >> that is correct. >> correct. clothes, as you will recall,s in the wake of the mohammed scandal will of 2020, the city controller ben rosenfield issued a public integrity report and in one of his first reports a series of reports. he recommended that the board of supervisors adopt legislation further regulating behested payments. they are payments where traditional low an elected official asked a third party to donate to the nonprofit of their suggestion. we came to realize that that law only applied to elected official
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and not department head and at the time, supervisor haney, our then colleague introduced legislation to address the controller's finding. and that legislation was ultimately adopted i believe in december of last year. by the board of supervisors. subsequential it was in trying by the voters as voter approved law that i put on the ballot with 3-4 of my colleagues. that was proposition e of last june. and that included safe guards that any amendments to the ever evolving field of behested payment regulation would require
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the review and approval of the majority of the ethic's commission that was not otherwise, involved in examining the law or changes there to and would require a 2 third's super majority of this board of supervisors the law that we passed last year that a lot of things it was not meant to smil giving but was meant to regulate it. along the way a number of our
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colleagues found instances where their ability to seek good philanthropic donations to everything from the school district to others were impeded. and the administration and certain nonprofits raised concerns all of which in a long back and fourth have cull monated in the legislation that you see here before you that indeed on august the 12th was recommended by a major of the ethic's commission. i'm happy to do the mind bejdz, mind numbing details if individuals are interested but it is in the title and the legislative digest and i do want to thank deputy city attorney for helping all along the way as well as hank heckle from the mayor's office who played a helpful and constructive role. are there questions or comments from committee members? seeing 91. is there public comment on item 1? members who wish to comment can line up to speak.
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for remote call 415-655-0001 then access code: 2487 601 2655 ##. s once connected you mead to press story 3 to enter the line for those already in the queue condition to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted that is key to begin comments i ask our guests if you are not speaking as a guest you can turn off your camera and mute until we call on you to speak. i don't see anybody in the room in line to speak. we have 3 callers on the phone line. first speaker being please. >> supervisors, all i got to say is, [inaudible] when your look
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at proposition e, [inaudible] for that language. i want to reminds you that muddet waters. is that back and forth go to ethic's commission special y'all are doing work [inaudible] in the chambers. the city attorney, the controller's office. the mayor's representative. hood winking us in brood daylight we have to put a stop to this nonsense the language of prop e suffices. the voters said, yes. ends of the story. thank you very much. >> next speaker.
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>> good morning supervisor kathleen howard. returning for another item, yes, what we can do to get this undue inference i support it. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morn daved fillpel the phone did not have the audio of the meeting for the first company minutes it cut in at the beginning of item one. i spoke on this item left week. there are proposed amendments in the file that have not been made to the legislation and there is no explanation about this specifics of those amendments here. i have not had an opportunity to look on the ethic's website about how they explains it. there is no memo in the file from ethics. i have no knowing how this affects contracts. i urge this committee not to
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report this out. as a committee report to the board but instead to adopt the amendments if that is the will of the body and continue this again or refer it out to all city departments for their comment and ask for analysis from those departments and ethics to sflan exactly what this does and how it works. it is pretty complicated and technical and i would challenge those who have been follow thanksgiving to be able to explain it there is nothing in the file that does so. thanks for listening. >> any other members who would like to testify on item one >> one more. next speaker, please. >> good morning [inaudible] the coalition for all san francisco neighborhoods. i have been following this debate in ethic's for 2 years now.
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i have been following here debates before june. and [inaudible] a ballot argument for prop e. and we thought that was an excellent idea. and regarding the past. we are happy to see this comto a conclusion today and tomorrow. and my only comment is let the presses roll. have a good morning. >> are there additional speakers? >> there are no additional speakers in line. >> okay. >> public comment for item one is closed. and then let me speak to a few things the ethic's commission did a lot of analysis in writing that was the subject of not one but 2 ethic's commission meetings all of that is in the
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ethic's files. as to their thoughts regarding amendments that were proposed both by this supervisor and by the mayor's office. which ultimate low were the subject of their august 12th vote. which was put in the file as i mentioned left week when we heard this for the first time or 7th time. and those are the body and substance of what the ethic's commission, proved they have been in this file since august 15th. prop e required that they be public low available for 30 days and the reason we took no action last week was because a hair short of 30 days. there has been plenty of time
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for everybody to go through all of the substance of these amendments. and with that, i am prepared to you move the amendments in the file since august the 15th and on that motion mr. clerk, a roll call, please. >> yes. on the motion to amend. supervisor chan? >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passed without objection. >> and then i would like to make a motion to move the item as amended with the recommendation as i announcid would do last week as a committee report for consideration by the full board of spierzs tomorrow september 20th. >> on the motion to recommend as amended as a committee report. supervisor chan. >> aye. vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin.
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>> aye. jot megz the motion passes >>s next is item 2. a hear to consider appointing 4 members to inclusionary housing committee for terms spiring 3 months after the date the city controller produces the inclusionary affordable housing requires by planning code 415.10. >> not unlike the last item where the voters voted on manage that gave the legislative branch of government ability to make amendments. and this goes back a time depending where you want to start the story about 20 years ago then supervisor mark leno
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passed the first piece of inclusionary housing legislation in san francisco. it had been i'm looking at the soon to be considered enemy neil to planning mr. braub. it had been a planning department guideline in the 1990's. and early i think in 2001 supervisor leno turned it it section 415 of the planning code this med a requirement to have 10% of the units in buildings over 10 units in size. the boardable at certain rates. that changed over time as markets changed. and hen unfortunately in 2012,
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the board of supervisors and the then mayor edlee decided to include it as a static number in the charter. and it could not be increased when the market was such that it ratings should go high and could not be decreased when the market conscience were such that it should have gone lower. and as a result of that, in 20 late 2015, supervisor kim and i scolded in introducing a charter amendment to take it out of the charter, put it become in law. and that provision allowed for the board of supervisors to regulate by ordinance. and part of that work out was
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the creation of the housing technical advisory committee to advise from time to time with professional help what those inclusionary rates should be going forward. and it has since been a dynamic number. voters voted for this. we did what the law that the voters voted for allowed us to do included the kregz of this housing advise row committee. met and set the current recommended the current inclusionary rates to the board which we adopted years ago and now it is time to reconvene that body and to appoint new ash pointes i want to thank the 4 individuals who have come forward, 3 previously served the
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mayor has nominated or has appointed her individuals to the committee the controller is appropriated to start doing work for analysis. with that if there are no questions or comments having that bit of history, we will hear from the individuals in the order this they appear for applicants for 4 seats. 2 of them will require residency waivers but served on the first go around of the technical advisory committee referred to the tax. we will start with mr. peter cohen for seat number one. >> hello. can i ensure i'm on here?
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you are on, we can see you. good morning. good morning. thank you. i'm really pleased the opportunity to serve on the committee, i have -- valved in san francisco and part of dialogue and the inclusionary legislation. exciting moment i think san francisco then and continues to really be a beacon for a lot of creative invasion these days san francisco continued to have so much policy inclusionary is one of those examples so i'm very
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happy to serve and i think supervisor peskin in opening remarks you put it well that it hen a dynamic. policy in the years since taken back out of the charter and if you will unlookd and i think it is the right way to do it with this process we have so much talent in the san francisco area people sitting and bringing experiences, expert ease to discuss and debate. there are technical questions and policies social policy questions and all of this -- thought making process leads to a sophisticated policy and dynamic and i'm glad to have the opportunity to be a part of the next chapter and happy to answer questions. >> thank you. i don't see questions here and thank you for your wellingness to serve and spend your time on
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this body of policy. with that we will go to seat number 2 in the board of supervisors. fernando harty. thank you. supervisors for having me here. good to see peter will be back at the team after a few months. i think the i want to say we did last time one of the things was head with nonhousing developers and for profit housing with the need for sxrnt understanding what was to come in the future. i think the second thing that i have mentioned a lot that came out was an understanding that the process was not only about creating the mixture mum amount
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affordable thouzing but also about the feasibility of projects to move forward. it was not about maximizing the profit of land owners that is how we ended up with an ~esque later that was based on the amount of unearned income that landowners were getting at that time. looking forward to this next phase. and dialogue that produced good policy, thank you. why thank you for those words that i concur with. that would take us to seat number 3, whitney jones. >> my apologies. can you hear me? >> yes, we can, whitney. >> i planed be there in person but had close contact.
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and clearly -- supervisors i'm pleaseed serve on this group again. my what i bring to the table is a long history of working on affordable house nothing san francisco. involved in the development in over 200u nits of affordable house nothing san francisco. fer 99o and peter propped the importance of inclusionary committee and the experience the left time. looking forward to serving again. >> thank you. >> thank you mr. jones sorry for your loss and thank you for your willingness to serve an. shannon way. >> mrs. way, good morning. >> good morning to y'all. thank you for inviting me to be
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part of the process again. [inaudible] and in 2017 and 2018. clear the market has changed significant cannot low since that time. it is time for us to convocabulary and reconsider current conditions. i'm the executive director of homeownership sash fran an organization that convenes the housing counciling agencies and provide the first time home better education and rental bm r support for city program the city assistance housing program. so as such we have the boots on the ground and the opportunity so to see them pact of the policies in role time and i can bring a perspective in significant data that will aid the process. thank you for consideration of
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having rejoined for the second round. >> thank you for being willing to serve again and for your service left time and upcoming service and work that you today in and day out. are is there questions orb comments from committee members. >> seeing none, is there public comment on this item number 2. >> yes. members who wish it speak and joining in person line up to speak at this time. for listening remote call 415-655-0001 then access code: 2487 601 2655 ##. once connected press star 3 to enter the line. for those in the queue continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmoud that is your queue to begin your comment. we have one person in the chamber for comment. come forward to the microphone,
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please. >> good morning chair peskin and supervisors. i would like to comment on this item. quite pleased to see the affordable housing [inaudible] peter cohen and fernando appointed. i would like to ask the question from this technical advisory committee, and as well as you supervisors, if there will be move to change in of policies that have been in fact in planning. most in san francisco don't realize the planning departments preference as stated bite zoning add administrator is per feeing out. opposed to forcing the developers to build the affordable units that they are supposed to give in exchange for density bonus or what is require
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friday them. they [inaudible] instead of building them. and that is the preference is the policy of the planning department. another issue is the amount that they fooel fee out. they spend only as little as 275 thousand dollars per unit they keep claiming the cost building units is over 500 thousand dollars. and this is -- taken from both sides of their mouth. and we do need to also over look that is happening with the money going in mocd, when will wee e pel indict the project and how are we going to have effort in
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planning the next affordable project to build? thank you. >> >> hello i'm there is a company hao going in inclusionary housing can't [inaudible] or help them with bed bug treatments the employee who was in the fired was an of thief and supported him and reported a hate crime and fired i made the place hard working environment. i don't know say in the future when we consider huwe will upon spend city resources or arc portion to help people who need help fire people who should be fired. [inaudible]. >> thank you. are there other speaker in the chambers for this item? i don't see present. we have 3 speakers on the line
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for public comment. >> good morning supervisor this is i'm a member of the antidisplacement and planning code and i'm delighted to see that such potts geeks as fer new englando marti and peter cohen. they are up to the minute on the latest policies and will do a great job the other 2 i don't know but they have served on the mittee so -- more power to them. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning supervisors i'm
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robert [inaudible] i'm a volunteer with [inaudible] focus on the housing element. wanting to reminds the board the state is watch what is happening with san francisco housing policy. at this time related to the housing element. the assistant district attorney in a 20 between report called the housing accountability strategies it has a [inaudible] stepped up development requirements such as inclusionary and impact fees the total development costs to levels infeasible for development. and -- the state rejected our draft element in august we were now looking at appointing to technical advisory committee to -- previous committee member who is lead to this. i think that it would be a mistake to both call san
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francisco's inclusionary development rates sophisticated and [inaudible] we now have a clashing development market. and also a mistake to reappoint members to the committee who [inaudible] we are facing the possibility that san front housing element will be decertified if the city cannot prove to the state or housing and community developments of the state government that san francisco will make housing feasible to build if the state does not believe san francisco will do this. it take away our affordable housing and transit grants. y urge you to seek members who are more kwulified and knowledgeable and able to take a fresh perspective and able to bring role world experience to bringing us back.
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thank you. >> next speaker. >> [inaudible] i'm pleased that these 4 people have volunteered to continue doing this irrelevant important work. and affordable housing developers as great in the [inaudible] and peter white whitney and hannon i have full confidence in them helping us to ensour well is truly affordable housing built and i adopt to support [inaudible] comments about feeing out that we do need to build. and build now. so -- want to thank you again
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for approving and bringing this wonderful grouch 4 forward, thank you. >> thank you are there other speaks on this item? i believe we have one additional caller. >> proceed. >> good morning supervisors this is [inaudible] again i want to thank you for approving the first 2 of the people. we have relationships with peter and fernando and they are excellent individuals and will do a great job in providing the technical expertise and the leadership for this committee. thank you very much. good morning. >> thank you. does that conclude comment? >> we have one more. >> yes.
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good morning supervisors kathrin howard again participating please i support fernando and peter have been just tireless [inaudible] for affordable housing for many years special worked with them many times. and appreciate very much being able to call in and give this comment. thank you. >> thank you. next caller. >> that completes the list of speakers. >> thank you. public comment is closed. and colleagues i the make a motion to sends these 4 individuals with a residency wifr for mr. cohen and way to the full board with a positive recommendation on that motion a roll call, please. >> on that motion supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman.
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>> aye. >> chair supervisor peskin. >> aye >> that passes. >> would you like me to read 3 and 4 together the 2 planning commission items. >> we'll take them separately. approve or rejejtd the mayor nomination for derek braub to planning ending june 30 of 26. >> colleagues i think both of you have had the opportunity to meet with mr. braun as i did. and want to thank him for taking the time to talk with me. and follow up in a phone call.
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we are familiar with his background in san francisco area and beyond and knows that part of the complicated world that is city planning. i personally was pleased to see his understanding of the human side of planning and the nuances that are involved in the planning press and with that if there are no questions or comments would like to invite mr. braun up to share thoughts and words with this committee. >> >> thank you very much chair peskin and supervisor mandelman and chan. i have enjoyed the conversations we had the past several weeks. and to shirr a bit about this background frsht public had might be meeting me the first time and to reintroduce myself. i have a master's in planning
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with a focus in economic development from university of southern california. 14 years i have been with strategic economics my work for local government to the cross california and the nation. and throughout the bay area. and my work loyals at the intersection of market in economic conditions and understanding that in order to fulfill the vision and goals that are expressed boy communities in which i work. this includes general plans, area plans, affordable housing, economic development strategics and community benefit sxanls frameworks for obtaining community benefits. i'm coming to planningmented to share this expertise and engage with our community. and our local communities. you know i learned, a lot if the work, have experience. sudden (is my home for 13 year a place i love and a place i found
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opportunity the lbgt community and asian american community i'm a part of i'm a car free household. i'm a lifelong rent and appreciate our protections we have for renters can be better but better than most in the united states. i want to give become to our community i'm coming to planning open minded, ready to engage, ready to listen to stake holders on all issues. and lastly, i want to share priors i will go through them quick low if you have questions i'm happy to engage. but the i think the race and social equity plan of planning commission and department is the line this needs to drive all work done from going forward here today. i want to tackle the housing affordable crisis that we have in san francisco. and this include says not just production of housing but affordable a wide range of income levels and protecting our existing residents and 10 notas.
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a focus on cultural displacement. i see this an issue and inneraction of the people and community organizations and the institution and businesses that form the fabric of our neighborhoods especially as a japanese-american our japantown is now in the country. i lived in the castro for 11 years. and interested in supporting small businesses and lowly own the businesses as we come out of the pandemic and the impacts felt by business owned by people of color. so exploring options there. on our commercial corridors is an area of focus you in. thank you for letting me peek and welcome your questions. >> clothes. do you have questions for the mayor's nominee to seat number 7 mr. braun? supervisor mandelman.
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i had the town to talk to mr. braun last week and i have known him for a couple of decades did in the know as much about his day job and learned more about this and seems he would be a good planning commissioner. >> thank you. supervisor mandelman. mr. braun, you and i discuss third degree and i discuss third degree with the city attorney's office i thought it important to deal with publicly and that is in and around the area of potential conflicts. strategic economics done work for virtually every municipality i in the bay area and beyond. i said earlier, including the city and county of san francisco and a number of different agencies leading the planning department upon which you are like low to be a member of the
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upon governing board. can you speak to that? without -- i guess all of this should be public. and you are clear and said all of the right things when we met relative to when in doubt ask the city attorney. and when required to disclose or not required disclose to disclose out of caution. and when required recuse to recuse but i'm not trying to lead you but i think that was -- i think the city attorney i know the city attorney come to the conclusion there are no conflicts that would prevent fruserving but that might require your recusal or disclosure in certain circumstances. >> yes. thank you for bringing that up. these are all public condition transacts and should be trans parent. just to describe the details of
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this. strategic economics does my employer does have 3 contracts now working on projects if you planning d. one has been complete exclude closed out the other 2 are still prosecute seeding and unlikely to be closed the end of the year. i have never worked on the practicals for san francisco. i had one project in my career for plan nothing 2015 regarding the bayshore station that was ended as it began. make clear i don't have an ownership stake in my employer. i have no stake not an officer of the corporation. the -- work this is doing is on research and analysis supporting the racial framework for the housing element. i was careful to make sure i was
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discovering whether or not there were conflicts the contracts the scopes of work and the budgets are set. these are on track to likely be wrapped up the end of this year. and my understanding is this by the time the housing element will come forward to planning for a vote the contract should be wrap you'd up and no conflict of interest or likely need to recuse. i will check with the city attorney to make sure there are no conflicts this is brood guidance and as items come before planning the details will merit and so i want to check in. sounds like you get it. that's important stuff and then -- you and i did noted have
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this conversation we talked about a lot of high level things but this actually is something i was talking to the controller about in an interesting moment in san francisco government as we are -- on this coming number ballot supporting a commission overnight d. homelessness and supportive housing and as we are considering another measure about the department of public works. so there hen a lot of thought and focus on the roles that commissions play in san francisco government, where you have a strong mayor system of g. and in many cases, split appointing authorities over various commissions including proposition or planning commission which was a result of proposition d in 2002. up to this point the planning commission was appointed by the
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mayor. they were not subject to confirmation by the board of supervisors and served at the pleasure of the mayor. i recall a time when a certain item got a 6-1 vote and mayor brown wanted a 7 to nothing vote and promptly fired the 7th commissioner because he wanted a unanimous vote. that to me did not really meet what i thought the purpose of commissions were, which was, which is to have relatively inspect citizen often expert review of policy and the case of planning commission over projects. reason i bring this up is the control and i were kick thanksgiving around and thinking
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about the fact that there is no real training for commissioners. i mean there you get a book thrown at and you told don't violate the law and here is the brown act and fill out your statement of economic interests. and good luck. that is the way it worked in everybody looks to the longer serving commissioners how to make a motion and amend a motion and that's when we do here. like i know the order of amendments of motions and that is kinds of how we do business here. commissions don't get that training. sf rely on mission secretaries and never told that -- this board of supervisors actually has one person who works for us.
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in addition to our small staffs that is the clerk of the board of supervisors. the reason i say this to you and mrs. tanner is your commission secretary works for you. that person does in the work for the head of planning department of the that person does in the work for the mir. that person does in the work for me that person works for the 7 of you. it is important to instill this. as i have noticed and i'm not saying this -- that there is a sense at the planning commission with the secretary that, that motion has been for gotten. it is important for all 7 of you to remember that. and to instill this in the individual. not just because of command and
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control and who appoints who and who serves who. and also because of impact that has on the public. i know having served in this po tigz for 15 of the last 22 years that the way the clerk of the board comports herself reflects on this board of supervisors but on the entire government of san francisco. i know when the board of supervisors votes to set schedule for when we meet that only this board of supervisors in a public action can cancel those meetings. she is in the empowered do this. most of the members of planning don't know this the commission secretary cannot cancel a commission meeting. that is in the legal.
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but that happened a couple weeks ago. i had to call the city attorney who offers advice to planning commission to have the city attorney call the commission secretary it say he was acts outside his authority. i'm imparting this upon you and ms. tanner and your 5 colleagues to ask you -- respectful low to attend to that matter. >> thank you. point well taken and -- somebody who interacts with city staff in my professional career i rescue noise the need to respect the boundaries and understand the role of the city staff and versus the role of others on the commission. i appreciate that. >> thank you for letting me express that i have been money to find the appropriate forum and i felt this morning was the appropriate forum.
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thank you mr. braun and again said the words i said about the way you seem to be human in what is both an inhuman and human endeavour you are embarking on. are there members of the public who would like to testify on this item number 3. >> members of public wish to speak and in person line up to speak. for those remote call 415-655-0001 then upon access code: 2487 601 2655 ## press star 3 to enter the spoeshg line. >> good morning supervisors.
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i'm not here to o pose the appointment or request the qualifications of mr. braun i'm here to urge you to ask questions that we the public would like to ask the nominee. because the responses are jermaine to their appointments the events at planning commission should be alarming to you the commission secretary argued and bully the commission president his boss as chair supervisor peskin thank you for reminding us. that to capture motions to [inaudible] in entirety. this was not the first time that [inaudible] had omitted important points from the motion to benefit the developer. at the time, it was quite a lengthy argument over the usage
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of the word, porch versus deck and he was not even familiar with the difference. the difference is in the planning code. the question for mr. braun you have already covered one of them. i will not waste your time but my original question was does mr. braun know the commission secretary is accountable to the commission and not the other way around. and another case i would like to bring up and ask questions the case of tennessee v mission street another example of the deep rot at planning. aside from the neighborhood opposition that was valid the fact is this project was not up to code as admitted bite planner. and should as well never brought up to the commission to begin with. i question [inaudible] projects not up to code appear before the
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commission for prove and hawould he do if they do? is he aware there is a variance hearing for such projects. we do understands that commissioners in to the commission with own ideas and beliefs and might have sympathies or progressive persuasions we ask them to uphold the law. >> my time. >> uphold the law. >> are there other members in the chambers for this item? mr. young go to remote public comment. >> yes. at this time we have 13 callers on the line for comment can we have our first caller. please. >> good morning. i'm david hill. i'm a consultant and nonprofit
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lives in the castro and long-term renter i have known mr. braun for years and consider him a friend an advocate for community and planning and he will be a committed and thoughtful addition to the commission. as we strengthen our community and look to serve san francisco goals and policies i'm confident that mr. braun's good sense and experience and positive @taoist will be an exceptional addition over seeing the business of the city. as a resident and renter i strategy low support mr. braun to the planning commission. >> thank you, next speaker. >> hello i'm [inaudible] i'm a district 3 renter since 2015 and lead diversity and w in the city. i'm thrilled endorse derek braun
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he embodies have yous i want to see in a leader judiciousness, equality, fairness issue community and more. he is dedicated thinking through the challenges at urban housing and community needs. i believe his professional experiences are critical to success. the 2 reasons i'm confident is open mindedness and [inaudible] i watched him develop these in i variety of situations and confident derek will be successful as the work implemented vision and priorities. i consider my definition inspired by my time work on human right's commission derek will consider the needs of each person in san francisco. thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> i'm christopher yee from district 8 calling to voice support for nomination for derek braun. i'm a real estate owner and small business owner and believe there is no one better suited be a member of planning commission. derek has been a close friend of mine for a decade. he supported the growth san francisco in ways that [inaudible] the needs of citizen. i make note of when derek needses to cross the street we will walk to the crosswalk at the end of the block and in the jay walk like i would. i know that derek [inaudible] on going commitment to support public safety. support the efficient operations of a city and support alternative modes of transportation makes san francisco a better accomplice. for him doing good for the city is a core value. and it is one he absolutely
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practices in his own life hoe is in the just someone who achieved by rubbing elbows hoe is a good guy who works hard and happens to be brilliant in urban plan and policy. dedicated his entire sxejz career to urban plan and when given choices he demonstrated he will also do what is right. we need him on planning to make san front a better place and restore trust in san francisco government. i can't think of a better candidate for the planning commission. thank you. >> have our next caller, please. >> i'm ryan bernalal a resident in district 8. i'm a professional engineer by trade. i know derek personal low and professional lowism found him to be very just above board.
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brought a lot of structure and organization to the team i was on and found his considerations to the project to be [inaudible] to success. personal low i know him to care dopely about equity and he fairness. and i think heel be an excellent commissioner. i call to support his nomination. >> thank you. >> next caller. please. no audio. okay -- i believe -- we thought that line was not attended i did hear something. go ahead and get the next call and bring this call are back
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shortly. >> this is kathrin howard. >> we can hear you. >> okay. it went off and on. so -- san francisco residents. my question is for both candidates for planning commission as planning commissioner you will vote on the substance of your informing the board [inaudible] supervisors ash pointes are rarely selected as president the left time was 5 years ago when cindy wu was selected. my question was are you willing to make a commitment to during your term lect a board appointee as the president of the commission to ends this i don't know discriminatory system. i would like to add that i appreciate the ability to call in and give public comment continuing remote encouraging
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public participation in the political process and environmentally beneficial by saving on green house gas. thank you very much. >> thank you. next caller. >> good morning this [inaudible] i'm active on the san francisco tenant union land use and planning watch. i have questions. i see that the candidate for this position has hit the right notes on equity. but is this just lip service. is he going to approve projects this benefit american indians, black people, people of color and those of low income when making that decision. will he make the tie breaking vote? another thing is the housing am element. you are coming in at a time when we are talking about the hozing
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element. and it seems like mostly market rate housing is what is pushed as the way to meet that 82,000 quota. is there anything else that you might want to recommend that be put in accomplice? and the race and equity in planning coalition has suggestions we can sends you our letter. thank you. can we have our next caller. >> hi. i'm sue [inaudible] and i'm the san francisco director for spur public policy organization base in the san francisco. i know derek braun well from my previous role as principal at strategic economic. we worked on a lot of planning
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and economic development projectses in cities across the country. and in all of our years work togetherir found derek to be diligent, thoughtful and committed in his work. he cares about planning for equal and sustain at communities. derek is a good listen and responsive to feedback from the public. and from stake holders and elected officials. one of the most rable things is he is always learning and looking to learn. hoe is somebody who will in his spare time look for opportunity to tour cities learn about transit systems. read more book that have come out on planning and sustainability. he ms. many of the qualities that you are looking for in an effective planning commissioner and serve with integrity i urge you to approve his appointment.
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thank you. >> next speaker. >> i'm jeff a lawyer with district 8 lived in san front for 10 years and known derek. i want to support his enemyination to the commission. derek shows commitment to san francisco to all the people who live here and all neighborhoodses and forgotten communities. and will show integrity and he dedication. thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> yea. yea. a quick pause we are having a granicus error we like to take a few moments to see that is resolved. give me i'm double checking with our staff.
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it is back on and granicus is broadcasting we can proceed. next caller, please. >> hello this is [inaudible] from district 5 a homeowner and long participate in land use issues. mr. braun sounds like an excellent person in many ways. i would like to ask additional questions. how many of the planning commission meetings has he watched? i would like to know if he is going to vote on things in a way that does support the law, the code. we seat mayor's representatives on the commission vote as a
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block and i hope he would be independent from the block and go by rules. would like to say that i would hope this he would support the recommendations that have been made by other callers liz wong about making sure that the secretary is serving the mission. as opposed to running the commission. i have observed him insertion of himself in telling the commission when to do and how to do it as well as changing motions as how they are recorded. that is -- behavior that must be stop i think supervisor peskin
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for bring up those questions. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, i think this candidate is weak i will tell you why. i would not take any orientation from the chair at this hearing. this candidate should make up his minds whether he has the ability to deserve based on his education and expertise. and do what is right. what does he know about [inaudible] and how it will impact thousands of homes in san francisco. any idea about [inaudible] the
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native american grace protection reapplication act? i know he is waiting for the housing element. he is working for the housing element. the new housing element is in place what is hoe going to do about it? we don't need the chair to talk too much. stop [inaudible] and act to the point. to the candidates i don't think he will be a good correspondidate. i can already see he is weak in the kneel knees. if i was a candidate i told the chair to stop giving him orientation. that is calls implicit biasness. if you don't think how you going ton about equality? give mow a break.
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>> okay. i believe he completed his comment. next speaker, please. >> good morning this is theresa again and i want to thank you, chair supervisor peskin for the clarity on the role of the commission secretary. definitely needed and i hope thap everyone hears this today. i want to say they was concerned with this nomination in terms of him working in the east bay. i think there is a different experience [inaudible] in san francisco and engage with people on a daily basis.
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but i appreciating what he has said today. the other thing is that i think of planning so many planners don't live in the city and so that was the other thing is having making sure commissioners live and work in the city. would be an ideal. so i am however hopeful that this candidate will do as he says he will do. and again one concern and question is in terms of community benefits i see he has expertise in that. to ensure that the stake holders absolutely include those people who live in those communities. and engage with the community based organizations. the nonprofits and not just business owners that seems
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really important today. and so i appreciate this discussion. thank you very much. next speaker, please. this is sue hester. the material that was supplied to the committee for this hearing on this nominee most low dealt with all the [inaudible] contare costa and alameda county. so, we done get a sense i done get a sense what experience he has wing in san francisco on san francisco issues. you raised those questions i appreciated. supervisor supervisor peskin for raising a couple issues clearly. but we have had a struggle with the planning commission focused
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on approving projects for market rate housing and not focusing on people who live here and can't afford to reside in the city and w in the city. so what is the sensitivity for that level of bmr housing? it should be a driving consideration for every planning commissioner. second low, a couple people commented on the whole focus of how equity seapplied at planning. we had 3 cases in the past couple weeks 85 bernard. 10 mission there has been conflict with low income people who live there the filipino community. asian-american communities.
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a lot of people that are there right now are affected by projects propose exclude there is no sense this the planning staff is doing their j.w. on equity. and that means really concentrating on that is the affect of the project. people do all [inaudible] >> time e lapsed. >> next speaker, please. >> this is michael ding i live and w in the mission. thank you to the committee for hole thanksgiving hearing. it has been informative. i have known derek braun for 10 years and.ed to give you insightos his character. i realize being parking lot of planning committee there is a
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lot of diverse viewpoints and a lot of very strong feeling about various issues. derek is an extremely patient and good listener. he will consider the different viewpoints that exist and i think he would make an excellent,dition to the planning committee. thank you. >> good morning i'm kevin low i lived in san francisco since i was 3. i rent in debose triangle [inaudible]. i'm calling to support defer being for nomination to planning because he brings a decade and a
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half of land use andure ban planning [inaudible] as derek [inaudible] his organizational 8 and [inaudible]. hoe is an excellent listen and problem solve and can't imagine a better person for the commission. thank you. >> thank you very much. that completes the list of callers on this item. >> thank you, public comment is closed. are there any final comments or questions from members supervisor chan? >> thank you. chair supervisor peskin i have spent time as well with mr. braun and i appreciate the time i appreciate the conversation. i you know i think that it is our job as elected officials and an appointing bodies a member of rules committee this we remain spectacle to all candidates. but at the same time i think
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that we all also remain open minded and thinking about the candidates that come before us or ash pointes that we minot know well or have difference of opinion that we should still considering the fact that only in a city that has diverse opinions and diverse expertise we make better policy decisions and most definite low i'm sure mr. braun you heard from public comment how critical planning commission is to the city in the future of the city. especially meeting the housing elements that is before us. that mandates before us. while i am skeptical i will be supporting mr. braun's appointment today. as the reason i stated we may not and even if a board appointee we will not always be
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in hundred percent agreement. what i ask for all candidates that come before us this whether you are a board appointee or mayoral we will always have conversations and can always stay open minded each other's thoughts and policies. for too 18 we close the doors and don't have communications that we do a great disservice to our city. we should be able to have honest debates and should be able to have difference of opinions and -- so that we bring solutions to solve critical issues that our city faces. so thank you for your service and thank you for putting
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yourself out there to be vetted. and criticized it will not be easy. so i do appreciate the time and willingness to service. i am appropriateed sends this nomination forward to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation. which would have a couple of amendments to the subject motion online 3 to remove the word, rejecting and on the line 11 to remove the word reject. on that motion a roll call. >> on the motion to recommend as amended, supervisor chan. >> aye >> chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes. >> have fun, mr. braun. there guess the next for you
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years of your life. >> next item. >> yes item 4 is a motion arc frufing rejecting the mayoral nomation for reappointment of rachael tanner to planning commission. >> ms. tanner, good morning. welcome back from portugal. >> thank you chair and supervisors good to be with you. i wanted start out by expressing gratitude for the conversations we had the last few week and look forward to having more in the future. thank all those who wrote letters of support and tune nothing now. and also thank the mayor for notchinating me it is my honor to serve again. as 4 year term. you seen my résumé. you know my credentials worked in government for 10 years throughout california and the
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city of palo alto. that is my learned experience. that i think kwulifies me for the planning commission. i wanted share a bit of my lived experience this i think kwulifies me to serve on the commission. i live in a development in san francisco the market have 11sia built as affordable the reason i live there i'm able to own a home because it is affordable and part of the policies helped it be fordable to myself and household. from that stoop i hahn it is like to live near investments as a community we wonder in other conversations what the future of that freeway should be. during my time during the pandemic i was grateful for the mid block open space and open space and a tree outside our window. i heard children living during
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the day the first day i was working if hem i'm like what is the scrolling it is the sounds of the childcare center that is part of our development and the kids playing during recess in the lawn there. affordable because i was able it get help from down payment assistance program what many of us need if we are living in the city. we have a safe sleeping site and now has tiny homes and navigation center and have a park fenced off for several years we figure out how to make that public space usable and open and safe. i get to walk and bike. of i walk to my daily needs my needs in san francisco living in the urban core that are dense export to use this as our city
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figures out what is next and a adopt to challenges and make sure this can be a place we we thrive. housing element is our big job we work equity how we center equity and he policy development. and really new work started working with equity council forms 2 years ago that is a group of local community organization leadership who are helping the development. they come up with strategics and i want to work with them on how we get them implemented. improving the permit process so it is easier. continuing to build reps with local community. working a lot on the social housing fwnd is exciting and hope to see more work like that
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come to the commission in ways we help to be supportive and collaborating with the board of supervisors you know your districts and know when is needed you have ideas what could be changes and happy to be a thought partner and making our city a better place. those are the comments and open for questions that the committee members may have. >> thank you. any questions from the rules committee. i see no hahns raised why don't we go to anybody before we do that. . where thes to your 6 or colleagues on the panel relating to the role of your one direct hire the commission secretary and your over site there of comments you want it share with
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this body. >> i agree with the comments you made. i also agree about having orientation and more on boarding for new commissioners is a great idea and something i can w with mr. braun on if confirmed to know haand how to be the best he can be and make sure work width secretary to ensure he is following rowels in place. want a conversation with him to make sure he is clear and the others feel comfortable. >> thank you. >> appreciated. >> are there members within the chambers withhold like to comment on this item number 4? for public comment dial 415-655-0001 then access code: 2487 601 2655 ##. once connected you node to press
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story 3, for those in the queue continue to wait until the system says you are unmuted then begin your comments. can we have our first commenter? >> good morning. [inaudible] i'm not here to arc pose the appointment of mrs. tanner i'm here to ask the questions the public has for her. once again i'd like to refer to events on planning. was not the first time that had voentsly oshg mitted points from the motion to benefit the
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developer. another case contact omitted the amendment made by commissioner to deed restrict the replacement unit its buyers making 80% of ami should the developers sell. this was based on the director's number 7 that was graun from sb330. supervisor mandelman, the project was in your district and your office [inaudible] [inaudible] got involved and asked questions from the planning departmentful but that issue has not been resolved. the time commissioner tanner the president of commission and you should ask her this question. is it okay for the commission secretary to manipulate the motion and inject himself in the decisionmaking process of the commission? in caves projects up to code, had factors is she willing to consider? for approval.
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10ent displace am factor in her decision and is show aware that planning is a dregzary body and if a project is code complying she is allow to reject it. upon commissioner tanner has been eloquent. >> thank you. go to remote comment. there are no parties in the chamber we will take our first public commenter on the phone line we have sick in line at this time. can we have our first phone caller? [inaudible] would you like to comment at this time?
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[talking] [inaudible] i -- don't know if this caller is aware hoe is on public comment now. go ahead and move on to the next call and come become. >> thank you. >> hello. my name is [inaudible]. and i business owner. i started the sudden fran cac and currently the on the san francisco african-american advisory committee. commissioner tanner has been instrumental in getting fruitful forward leading discussions in ways the [inaudible] and equity. we are in a moment in time and she proved she is a leader that
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can rise to the occasion. i personal low want to say thank you commissioner tanner for reapplying. we node you. and as it states we need people that can promote discourse and you demonstrated that time and time again. with the most difficult issues that san francisco is facing today. >> lastly. the housing element is focus on equity. this is the first time in my 20 dwroers in san francisco we really focused in on that. and i think this is no small part because of each of the board of supervisors on rules today. the supervisor -- over all. but because of the work of planning under rachael tanner. i appreciate the work that has been done and look forward to her continue nothing her role all of you on rules cease fit.
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we can move housing, equity forward in the county of san francisco. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please >> i'm scott i live in district 8 supervisor mandelman is my supervisor. i'm call nothing support of mrs. tanner [inaudible] very narrow and focused example the interactions i had with her. prosecute pose a [inaudible] project and my house just a homeowner not a developer. put a lot of time into advocating for the project as part of that also i drafted the 50 page memo had the stuff in it detailed. submit today ahead of the hearing and got advice at
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hearing the way the vote may go the project was continued and denied by planning commission. on a level you think i was upset and frustrated with the planning commission. but but mrs. tanner connected herself incredible low professional and objective. from the questions i received presenting good she read this thing this is she did in the rowel in and say there is this thingil vote for or against it. it was, i felt receive objective due process when it came to the project i put forward. so -- everything that i seen from her she feels fair and objective and appreciate hard working member of planning i did in the agree with the outcome i felt as though i got a fair
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hearing from her. and i think housing element and state investigation the things are coming up it feels as though she has the temperament and the work ethic and the objective [inaudible] and the [inaudible] desire to [inaudible] san francisco. and navigating [inaudible]. speaker time e lapsed. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning members of rules. small business owners that relies on planning commissioners to do their w. i'm on the t aboard and want to say rachael come to me many times in town hall eventses and 11s and believe in my
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conversations with her after because she feel its is important if she does a good job to understand when people are talking about to hear all the perspectives. i enjoyed getting to know her and someone who takes the role seriously. these can be difficult and unglamorous commissions that includes reading, listening and thank you thinking about the right thing to do is. woman my interactions with commissioner tanner show is one of folks we are luck tow have on planning. i hope you confirm here she is awesome. bye. next speaker, please.
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next caller. we will move on to the next caller. >> hello again. race and equity in planning coalition in the san francisco tenant's union. mrs. tanner talked about herself. she talked about how wonderful tell is to be where hoe is living what about the other people the other communities the people that are manage every week with projects andmenting to be heard in and the block of -- 4-5 there. deny the projects all the time. she is talking about equity but not to the people in the community. and building equity from
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planning department. i think it is a bit of doing lip service to the project and i don't see that -- that -- the housing element is more than lip service as well. thank you. i'm a district 10 residents and chirp of the bay vow cac. i want to report rachael continuer's nomination for planning i met her had the planning department was considering a like of a cal tran station in the bay vow. vanish important topic to the community and rachael upon sundayed with moiz and a few members and the community to hear our concerns and w with us. .
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the best way to proceed. did not get excited and irrelevant took effort to analyze everything. now a walking tour of the 2 cites with myself and other community members to figure out what the right thing for the community. it is really a thoughtful approach of a type of silv servant we need to represent san francisco and the needs of the city and people. i wanted give my support. thank you. >> that was our last caller for this item. why all right. public comment on this item is closed. >> and as i did in the last matter. thank you mr. tanner for your service and willingness to serve and i will make a motion to amend the matter to remove the word reject in line 3 and
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rejects in line 11 and sends this to the full board with a positive recommendation on that motion a roll call, please. >> on the motion to recommend as amended supervisor chan. >> aye. >> mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> next item. >> go out and have 4 fun more years teach mr. braun how to make a motion and amendment. >> [laughter]. next item. >> would you like me to call the items together or separately. for purposes of public comment you can call items 5-7 together. >> item 5 is the motion approving rejecting the mir's nomination for reappointment of sophie maxwell to public
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utilities ending august first of 26. item 6 is motion to approve the nomination appointment of newsha arc jamy. and item upon 7 approving the mayor's nomination for tony rivera for term ending august first of 24. >> thank you, mr. young. colleagues. we have technically one reappointment and 2 new appointments but in reality we have 2 reappointments and one new appointment in the form of mr. rivera for seat 5. but by way of full disclosure the reason doctor ajami is arc poring new appointment because the mayor is prosecute posing to
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move her from her current seat into seat number one, which is the seat with that requires experience in environmental policy and understanding of environmental justice issues. this is why she appear as a new appointment. the first of the 3 items is for the reappointment of my former colleague supervisor maxwell now commissioner maxwell. good morning commissioner maxwell. and i want to start by thanking mayor breed seeing fit to reappointment ms. maxwell. the floor is yours. >> thank you. when i became a commissioner, it was a big meeting. it was a huge budget meeting and
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the theme of that budget meeting was utility of the 40. that caught me. i thought a utility of the future i want to be a part of that. and so i decided that was going to be part of my mission as well as the mission of the puc. my [inaudible] was the mission of the puc to provide high quality and affordable water to be inclusive of our upon community and certain to be stewards of the environment. that's the lens i look at it through. i have to be a part of commune benefits that is our communities. i have to be a part and urge us to make sure we do that. 10 billion dollars project in a xoun this has high unemployment. and we have got to be a part of a solution to that. and the community benefits is a
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part of that. and the next one i think about utility piece or what does it electric like. welch are part of the w force. women will be the biggest part of the workforce and people of color. and therefore utility of the future has to look beyond when is now. we have to think about where we get the people from. we will not be a utility period if we don't have people working for us. those people are important to us and have to look under every nook and concern and he have to look in places we have not thought of before. they are there. and need to be a part of it. and how can the utility of the future have poison in the bay.
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i need each you to are a part of that and to help me push and shove us in being the utility we can be. that's my mission. our efforts to municipalize the pacific, gas and electric local distribution system. thank you for your long support
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of that effort. and thank you for your encouragement on what i toll low agree with you. upon long before this address the environmental injusticed and inequities as it relates to the
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suth east portion of sudden fran i was pleased to join you as it related to the location of the power plants. in the dog patch never came to happen and this property is now thankful low being redeveloped in housing. river low do we arc choef that without a lot of political effort. so i'm -- i will say, without reservation delighted to support your reappointment to this body and look pardon to w with you on all of these person issues for an agency that is huge. and that is important and not only the provider of water to the city but to municipalities down the peninsula to the
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hayward and the water system improve am program. creating redundancy and seismic stability there is a lot left to do. >> and i think you mentioned public utilities should own and operate their own purand that has to deal with not only san francisco but many other municipals we will be a part of and make sour that our san francisco values are a part of that. and that means what we believe in diversity, equity competence inclusion. and as we storage cross the california, um -- should make sure that whatever we deal with has to have our values. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor. next we will hear from doctor newsha ajami background in water related issues and hydrology are
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known you to and abastet if you address how you will be a good fit to the seat qualifications this are required for seat number one that would be helpful. >> good morning. it is a privilege to are here. i appreciate this opportunity and appreciate the opportunity to serve the city. it has been an honor and privilege to be in this commissioner in puc for the past year and a half. as you mentioned, i have devoted my [inaudible] to build a water and energy resilient future and build solutions and ideas around how to keep a big goal. and it is an opportunity to be in the seat and be able to put mystery idea this is we worked on in practice. and learn some of the
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complexities every city and community and utility is facing in the face of climate change. lack of equity and issues related to making sure we are investing in the right solutions and righticizing and infrastructure not leaving over sized solutions for people to pifor. climate change has been the heart of a lot of the work done over the years. especially focusing on incorporating neighbor based solutions and cities that are liveable and come to water, wastewater and energy. i have also worked a lot on
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issues around equity focusing on rate setting process and huto build solutions and rate setting and solutions that are not -- going to burden xhouns. we are tracking who needs help to pay for water bills or energy bills and make sure that our wastewater treatment and cost of the infrastructure is in the going to get out of hand we deal with more environmental regulations. especially due to the impacts of climate change and warm upping. i see all the issues quite innertwined and linked. this is why it is important to don't electric at them in scyllos but think about them cross the board and huwe build solutions that are costing different develops and institutions and pu doctor , provides a great opportunity for this we have 3 earnprizes that are very much interlinked we are managing them in some situations. i look forward to this opportunity to bring cross collaboration in the different
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enterprises in order to build a climate resilient future. i look forward to the opportunity to serve. >> questions for doctor ajami. if not. next is the nominee for seat number 5 at large member for a 4 year if he were. he happens to be a north beach residence den known to me. and this would be tony rivera of the san francisco fire department now happy low retired. but willing to serve. and has -- background at in the acquisition bureau of equipment side of the fire department and knowledgeable about an area this many don't know about it used to be a former fire department
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asset. and this is our redid you not everdid you understandant fire fighting city water supply transferred from the fire department to the puc and hoe knows about that. i help tony i'm not steeling your speech the floor is yours. >> good morning supervisors thank you for this opportunity to peek and i'm very honored receive a nomination from the mayor and thankful for this. and it is grit to see potential low a fellow commissioner here. and i mean the speeches were outstanding and i wish i could say had you said. just to say a bit about myself i was born in the mission district and i currently as you stated chair i live in district 3 with my wife and 2 children. i have family in san francisco. all my friends live here.
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i known since childhood and i'm looking forward to helping to ensure that our city distribution system. the drinking water is available, it is resilient and sufficient. i want to bring mi28 years of firefighting uses the potable water and the emergency firefighting water system. i worked one of the last responsibilities positions i held in the fire department was deputy chief responsible for interacting with the puc and ensuring we had a resilient water system for fire 50ing and i worked on many projects counselless hours of hydraulic modeling for the west and southeast side of san francisco and looking at how to fortunate low extend this water system so
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that when we are this next great disaster coming to san francisco that our firefighters and public safety are going to have the tools necessary to combat that and you know -- be able to do their jobs. i think that is it. >> thank you mr. rivera, questions or comments from committee members my colleagues have spoken or reached out to all of you or vice versa or forded that opportunity. at least why dent we go to public comment. on items 5, 6 and 7. the reappointment of ms. maxwell, ajami and appointment of mr. rivera. >> members who wish to speak and joining in person line up to speak. for those remote call 415-655-0001 then access code: 2487 601 2655 ##.
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you node to press star 3 to enter the speaker line. wait until you have been unmute third degree is your queue to comment. can we have our first in person speaker? >> good morning supervisors. i'm sean beautford a proud residence den of sudden front. i am here to support all 3 i'm here to peek for tony rivera. known him for 30 years. we were young firefighters and on the rescue squad which one of 2 special units in the city. his work and his dedication there that eventual low motivated me to make that years later.
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in the only this working there i work in the other capacities. he worked bureau of equipment i wed on the labor side tony worked with the admin and to being that department and stroll lined it. under staffd and he had the ability to work with members of the [inaudible] and list of people who are willing to work. he did serve on the board with me i had the pleasure to do that and passed go to the puc. aws f or [inaudible] system areas he was an expert in. i'm [inaudible] the captain of
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water supply officer and after i appropriated for interview i called taupey i thank you he will be a good person it appropriate. he has the ability to w with people he is inspect thinker and a team player who wants to [inaudible] and solution oriented. i sustained here as a [inaudible] and local 798. thank you very much, bye. >> thank you. seeing no other members of the public here for public comment. mr. young why dent we go to remet comment on items 5, 6 and 7. >> we have 3 members in line at this time for comment. can we have the first caller? >> eileen speaking on my behalf when the puc conducted a search
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for new general manager, there was also an intern staph suri have conducted it scientist third degree in staff believe the puc was an eco chamber. this is accurate does the mission believe it should revisit the controversial policy decisions? current commissioner scientisted hoe believes the role of the commission is to support staff. do others agree this the primary role is to support staff? is this puc and commission using the best available science? is the puc commission responsive to new science? responsive it information from community activists? our consultants hired by the puc telling the staff what it upon its hear such as the [inaudible] study. for proper rivera based on puc
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commission background i the fire department perhaps the following questions could be answered. after almost 100 year under the jurisdiction of the fire department and engineering by dpw why was the [inaudible] transfer to the puc in 2010? to balance the budget? with the fire department the appointee was a long time [inaudible] represent to the capital planning mittee. what was basis of the capital committee approving bonds [inaudible] on the west side? thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning i'm floyd raulins, can you hear mow? scombr yes. >> good morning. supervisors i'm floyd raulin i'm currently the secretary of san
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francisco firefighter's local 798. i have known and wed with tony over the years. i know hoe is a dedicated, qualified and certain a talented enemy no for this approximate suspicion. i know this he cares about the city and takes his time to understand the necessities and the needs of the job and will take whatever steps hoe nodes to take to make sure he is a well prepared as a nominee for the opinion utility's commission. i would like to say congratulations to tony and let you the supervisors know that myself and member of executive board of 798 fully passport this good luck and hair looks great as usual. congratulations. why good to hear from you,
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freud. next speaker, please. great. david, good afternoon. i followed puc close low. i am okay with the reappointing sophie mechanic weland newsha ajami i don't know tony as a person i can't poke to this. i believe hoe has background at the fire department and understanding of [inaudible] now efws. and um i think for the general public this would be fine. i did want to say it is in the on today's agenda it is related i don't think kate stacie has the experience for that seat and if this is coming up i will not be able to participate because next monday is the jewish new
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year. you are in the discussing that today. please review the qualifications for each individual seat and whether appointee meets those qualifications. i am disappointed that meran was not reappointed to the commission. we had a puc commission 2 former general manager who is know the operation. and we may have a commission in october. 9 months later with neither of those people. this is the in good for the rate payors or the city. i support the appointment of reappointment of sophie, newsha and i don't know tony rivera. thank you. that's our last caller >> public comment is closed. supervisor chan.
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>> thank you, chair peskin i want to say for full disclosure. it is my monor to be able to support her appointment but her speech i think speak know the utility of future. she becomes it up with the work she has done. the shut down of marine power pleasant in san francisco. tremendous work. i have personal low first handled witnessed how heard she worked when she talked about the future she means it and i know this. so it is my humanor to support her appointment today as far as doctor ajami we had a conversation before our last appointment i'm glad with her expert ease in civil engineer she is you in moving to seat one. on viernlal policy.
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show has the chop and expertise and knowledge. and i am grateful for her it continue service. and mr. rivera, we had a conversation left week. i again with his expertise with the fire department and the critical accomplice for firefighting water implementation it critical to have his expertise. this is comments for the mir's office, thank you. i want to say that this is prebl by far the most and best exciting and best appointments from the mayor's office i wish we see more correspondidates and appointees from the mayor's office with this caliber and expertise and together, all of them together making up a great commission for critical body for the city. so i look forward it soing more
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that real having that diverse knowledge and expertise and most importantly, the comment, love for san francisco. i believe no matter what that all of them each one of them that really just want to serve the city and make our city a better accomplice for everyone. that is from someone like commissioners maxwell that has the vision of our future a better future not just for san francisco but everyone. in terms of when it come to taxling climate crisis. so to just doctor ajami has the expertise, all of them and of course the language time public servants our firefighter mr. rivera all of them are grateful to that. i want to say i than her appointment is not today and it will come buffers later but kate stacie i want to say show is,
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too amazing because of her long time public service in our city attorney's office. so grateful to her. willingness to serve and look pardon to hearing from her and support her appointment, too. >> thank you. supervisor chan. no other name on the roster i will make a motion to amend all 3 subject motions by removing the word rejecting in line 3 and the worried rejects? line 13. we will do those on moss and sends all 3 to the full board with a positive recommendation. on that multifaceted megz a call please. >> yes, on the motion to amend all 3 motions and recommend them to the full board on that motion supervisor chan. >> aye. >> chair mandelman. >> aye >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motions pass without
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objection. >> go out there and do god's work. next item. >> yes. next is iteming 8 motion approving the president of the board of supervisors walton nomination of jefferson eppler for appointment to the board of appeals endingly july first of 26. why thank you. clothes pursuant to this same charter split the appointments to the planning commission, proposition d of the voters voted for in 2002. was the board of appeals. that gave 3 appointments subject to board confirmation to the mir and 2 to the board president. this it is one of those 2. our board president with theon
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has nominated eppler for this position and mr. eppler serves as an ash pointee of president walton bolleding inspection commission. and with that, mr. eppler the floor is yours. >> thank you chairman peskin it it is an honest torto be here and considered as a nominee for the board of appeals. i am a 12 year resident of district 10 and father of a second grade and advocate that seen how the rules and laws of the city applies to the citizens. and i don't think there is higher duty one could have to make sure than to make sure the lus and rules are apply in the a fair and measured way. i look forward to taking my professional responsibles as an attorney in this role and look forward to working with the board of supervisors in the
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capacity that the board of appeals has to see where the laws are in the working well and sand out frictions sometimes the laws have on citizens. i stand willing to answer questions and thank you for your consideration today. >> thank you mr. eppler and thank you for taking the time to have a long cup of coffee and meeting with me last week. and any questions or comments from members supervisor chan? >> thank you, chair peskin i did, to, have a pleasure of having a conversation with mr. eppler and i do appreciate willing to come in from the inspection you in the board of appeals they are tedious work. and i do appreciate the willingness to serve and understanding the role of board of appeal and to be coming in a pace to be mindsful and be fair.
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to everyone. i appreciate that exactly be supporting your appointment today. thank you. >> thank you. sproirs chan. i mr. eppler i had this conversation, which is this is a body that is there to correct machine fest injustices that have sometimes -- advertently. and and quasi judicial body sometimes have never been before it. and it it is -- often scare and he -- difficult for them and having some respect for that and treating them with dignity is very importanteen though some of the cases will to you as a
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lawyer seem straightforward that is important to tree everybody with respect and dignity. and as i said -- your job is toup hold the law and make sure it has been applied correct low. there was an unfortunate period of time 20 years ago where the board of appeals did in the correct manifest injustice it create today. i appointed board president 15 years ago my now clothe the voice chair of the panel to this period who had experienced in municipal law to correct part of that legacy. which mr. machine man did ably at that time. and as i said one thing that should not be counted is people trying to cheat the system, bends the rules.
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be cute by half relating to e victing people and laws to protect them and the like and i think that mr. eppler understand that well. and any words you like to add, sir? no. i think this you 99 my role as neighborhood advocate when you deal with those situations between niches you have those pers this are more knowledge believe about the rowels and those that are not. and propping those circumstances with empathy and knowing and having an open ear and listen and remember this no matter the outcome, the parties are going to live with each other in the neighborhood sense. i think as i reminded in nerth beach this is a small town. we have to live with each other and find the opportunity where there is a bit of wiggle room to find a better outcome is an important part of the role. >> thank you. >> why don't we go to public comment on item 8.
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there are members in the chambers like to comment on this item? >> members wishing to speak and joining us in person line up to speak. for those remote call 415-655-0001 theny access code: 2487 601 2655 ## then press star 3 to enter the queue. of ton wait until the system that is your queue to begin comments. looks like we have 5 listen and one caller on the line to speak. >> david again. so on had item i support the appointment of jr eppler to the board of appeals. he is a neighborhood activist
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and or neighborhood person. active in several issues. and -- one a variety of the types of people from various communities and neighborhoods are important to have on the boards and commissions. so i don't know him personal low but i then and there he has been involved in transportation and other things and think hoe will be a good member of the board of appeals. there has been a lot of turn over on the board of appeals for a variety of reasons and circumstances. i believe member swig was very much the senior member of this body at this point. i trust that julie rosenberg will -- anyway. will get the now member in and
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the discussion we had earlier about new planning commissioners and orientation and all that applies equal low to the board of appeals and i will leave it at that. i hope not to be at the board of appeals unless there is a good reason i'm sure they are doing good work and correcting the manifest injustice that occurs with regard to permit and planning prove and had not. thank you again for listening. >> next speaker or is that the only speaker? i believe we have another caller. >> this is rick swig. i am a commissioner on the board of appeals and the current president. i have the thank you, supervisors for allowing mow the time today. i had the opportunity to speak with mr. eppler at length last
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week. and discussing what it means to be a commissioner on the board of appeals, which according to supervisor peskin's comments by the way. and he knows this commitment. and we would be thrilled have him as a member of our panel. and and electric forward to having the [inaudible] i would be remiss today if i did in the point out to the rules committee and the board of supervisors what is obviously as a lack of diversity on our panel. and i would encourage the board of supervisors as well as the mayor to recognize that lack of diversity. and the importance of having diversity on each of our commissions. but with regard to mr. eppler, at this suggestion and the appointment of the president of
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the board of supervisors, we would welcome his presence. thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioner swig for comments which i share. are there additional speakers on item 8? >> that completes the list for this item. why public comment is closed. and as i have done several times earlier i will make a motion to amend by removing the word rejecting in line 3 and rejects in line 13 and suggest that we sthendz to the board with a positive recommendation on that motion a roll call. >> on the motion to amend and recommend as amended supervisor chan. >> aye. >> voice chair machine man. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> we are adjourned.
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shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco. by supporting local services within our neighborhoods, we help san francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant.
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so where will you shop and dine in the 49? >> my name is ray behr. i am the owner of chief plus. it's a destination specialty foods store, and it's also a corner grocery store, as well. we call it cheese plus because there's a lot of additions in addition to cheese here. from fresh flowers, to wine, past a, chocolate, our dining area and espresso bar. you can have a casual meeting if you want to. it's a real community gathering place. what makes little polk unique, i think, first of all, it's a great pedestrian street. there's people out and about all day, meeting this neighbor and coming out and supporting the businesses. the businesses here are almost all exclusively independent owned small businesses.
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it harkens back to supporting local. polk street doesn't look like anywhere u.s.a. it has its own businesses and personality. we have clothing stores to gallerys, to personal service stores, where you can get your hsus repaired, luggage repaired. there's a music studio across the street. it's raily a diverse and unique offering on this really great street. i think san franciscans should shop local as much as they can because they can discover things that they may not be familiar with. again, the marketplace is changing, and, you know, you look at a screen, and you click a mouse, and you order something, and it shows up, but to have a tangible experience, to be able to come in to taste things, to see things, to smell things, all those things, it's very important that you do so.
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