tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV October 8, 2022 12:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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and we'll start with announcements. >> clerk: this meeting is being held in hybrid format, and available on view on zoom, or listen to by calling 1669-900-6833 using meeting id 8365104838839. before we begin, i would like to remind all individuals present and attending the meeting today that our health and safety protocols and safety rules must be adhered to at all times. we welcome the participation during public comment periods. there will be an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on agenda item. each is limited to 3 minutes. public comment will be taken in-person and remote. first from people attending
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in-person and then from meeting attending the meeting remotely. for those attending in-person, please fill out a speaker card located at the podium or, state your name and any affiliations and then your comment. you will have three minutes. once finished please hand your speaker card to secretary behind the podium. available via the zoom platform using meet id. or by calling. and using the meeting id. if using the zoom platform to speak select the raise hand option when selected for public comment. when you're asked to speak, unmute yourself by hitting star-6. please call from a quiet location and turn down your television or radio. if you're also viewing the
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meeting, be sure to mute it before speaking. alternative while we recommend that you use zoom audio or telephone, you may submit a written public comment through the chat function on zoom. please note that commissioners and staff are not allowed to respond to comments. thank you to sf gov. tv. >> thank you very much and now can we do a roll call. >> president blindman. >> here. >> vice president. >> here. >> xhiser. >> here. >> commissioner tomas is running a little bit late. commissioner wan. ?fm here. >> and commissioner perez is excused today. >> the next agenda item is number 1 so this is general public comment. so this is an opportunity for people to speak on items not listed on the agenda. do we have any general public comment?
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>> clerk: there is one on zoom, one second. >> all right. okay, excuse me, so we have one person raise with their hand raised in zoom. i'm going to allow they may be commenting on. >> so, william please unmute yourself and you have three minutes to make a comment. >> speaker: thank you, my name is dole, and i lived in corona heights for more than 25 years. and never filed a government music. with that, i'm calling to complain about the music festival. the festival was totally obnoxious as it general railted non stop thump thump all day. the base can be heard on hills. we live more than four miles from the event and can hear it in the living room, kitchen and in our kidneys.
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same for the neighbors, across the city and east bay the response was consistent and negative as this and this was reflected the immediate press coverage. music festival cause and noise complaints in alameda, criticized over noise and crowd control. the good, and the bad and the very ugly of fest. and if you want a real education, go to 311 and look up the complaint list that came in from this festival. there were too many to count but i'm telling you it was in the hundreds. the commission staff didn't respond to my concerns and b*u the safe list is a very up beat view point that was divorced from reality. at least in one post ing, the organizers blamed whether conditions and pointed that they were helping to repair the
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city after covid, really? weather? what next? the dog ate my sound testers. $200 per ticket, that's gutsy. when you look at the news coverage, there is ap by gaouity, some say the commission is carrying water for golden boys. to be clear, there is no one who is trying to cancel any music program anywhere in the city but i live bit rule, your right to swing or your music stops at my chin or ear drums. so let's see what we can do to fix this mess and avoid a repeat next year. five questions, exactly where the were the sound sensors placed and what were the measuring cry tier ya, eg sound or base. >> 30 seconds.
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>> how many? >> 30. >> we didn't hear the music but we did do the base. it was done by the organizer that house. what actions followed the 3-1 complaints. and if golden voice attempts to repeat will the commission send noise complaints in advance of any. [bell] >> thank you for your time but we thank you so much for your comment. >> all right, anymore public comments? just doubling checking and there are none. >> all right, we'll close general public comment. number 2 is approval of minutes from september 20, 2022, commissioner meeting. and do we have a motion. >> i'll move. >> i'll second. >> all right, any public comment on the minutes? >> there is none. >> okay, so we can vote, we'll
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close public comment and we can vote. >> just want to state that commissioner tomas has arrived, so i will include her in the vote. president vineman. >> aye. >> vice president. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> whisinger tomas. >> aye. >> whisinger wong. >> aye. >> all right, the meeting minutes have been approved the next is a report from director wyland. >> hello to everybody that is tuning in both online and in-person today. i have a few updates from my director's report this evening beginning with the legislative and policy update. relative to state bill 793 which was sponsored by senator wiener. this is something that ben was following closely and updated you all at our last hearing on
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september 20th. and it just happen to pass two days later. so that was an exciting bit of news that we wanted share. i did want to provide copy of your bill language tonight, in case you want to check it out further. and if you have any questions about it, let me know whatever i can answer. i want to relay over to ben to get back to you. the next update tonight, is a quick one as well. this is regarding our vacancy right now for a junior sound inspect or for the team. we had a job posting for three weeks that closed on friday at 5:00 p.m. and we're excited to report that we had 37 applicants which is much more than we've ever had in years past. and it looks like we have a various degrees of background. so we're going to dive into that and keep you posted on our hiring process. but we would like to have
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somebody in the field prior to some of our bigger events that are coming up in the fall and especially prior to new year's eve. that will be great training for the person to participate on that. next update for you is relative to the public comment that we just received about pore tola music festival. as you recall, golden boys came and had their permit application heard at hearing due to the fact that they're one time event exceeded criteria set out by the commission themselves. relevant to the hours in which they were operating that day, extending past six hours. their sound limit 250 foot am byenter. this being a big festival. this is not something that we
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permitted on this scale. it was comparable to outside lands. there were 4 stainlz for this event. weekend before this last one. there were 30,000 attendees, i'm happy to report that on the high end of data that we can share out the major positives were that there were no medical emergencies. there were no arrests and there were no ejections from the festival. so in terms of public safety, we feel confident that it was a positive event. what i want today update is we received several sound xlaintsds that spanned beyond what we have seen before for large events in comparison to ork cal park that is what i can
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compare it to. we received in your file, we received a data collection summary that i provided to you. and we received 142-311 complaints not only that weekend but after the fact relative to the event. we also received 22 email and phone complaints so some of those may be repetitive people. the nature were predominantly about sound, majority of them were from alameda and i have been on a email thread about that. and then, the other areas that were affected were bernal and pro at the ro neighborhoods. and as you know historically, the eastern water front sound does tend to carry geographically up the hill. as opposed to surrounding
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neighborhood. it's something that we need to out horse and research around sound mitigation for this area because of the fact that it's traveling so far. and as you heard from the complaintant, as opposed to a-waited frequencies. i was at the festival checking it out. we had two inspectors in the field all weekend that were also doing sound measurements. so it was not just golden voice that was doing that. and you will see reports about the measurements in our data collection summary. what is interesting is that the limit that we set them at was not to exceed about 2500 feet from the premise which was the closest sensitive receptor. and during the weekend, they did not. so that is the interesting factor because the fact that
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the sound traveled to different areas instead. so i'm happy to answer any questions about that, obviously if golden voice wants to repeat this next year, it's something that our commission would oversee again on all of our public meetings and our agendize 30 days for in advance and you can always join as a participant and i'm sure that golden voicing will also be reaching out to the community as it will be a requirement to perform neighborhood out reach again and we're happy to provide 311 data from complaintant who are willing to share their email addresses. that is an update this evening, and i'm happy to go over that for you. and i've already provided our response that's we did share with neighborhood in your file along with our responses to the press around this event.
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>> any questions or comments? >> i know that at least on social media, there were also concerns raised about the safety around crowd control and access to different parts of the. >> yeah, i can speak to that. >> so on saturday it was the first day of the festival. and there were some learning lessons that happened quickly. what you're referring to is the fact that one of the four stages was within the warehouse that was within the space or partially enclosed. so it had a capacity of about 15,000. what happened was on day one, they scheduled an act that was a nobody about a year ago, took off majorly in the scene in the last six months. so they were not anticipating.
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people were jumping the line, jumping over barriers to get in and they were over capacity during that particular set. so at that time the fire marshal came in and worked with golden voice and limited into the process moving forward. and then they managed that, so it was an issue for that one set but it was videotaped far and wide, i saw videos on it t i was inside. warehouse, enjoying that incredible set at the time. and it was safe inside, even though it was packed. >> any questions. commissioner language? >>--lang.
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>> a lot of them are on areas that we don't permit so outside lands, the park, port space all of those things are outside of our jurisdiction. >> port is us. >> sorry. >> this is port. >> but a lot of the parkland is nl. i listened to the caller and obviously, some are disturbed about this. but i thought the points that were brought up in a cynical way, are true, weather does do some things to sound, and we see it carry, if we have a informing it will pickup sound and deposit it in coal valley and you're like what. i encourage anybody who wants to learn more about sound.
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it will be interesting to see where we put sensitive receptors. our usually cull trieeds for sound. but wind and fog and weather makes a huge difference. i also say, i live next to golden gate park and at least twice a year we have major events and outside lands and hardly blue grass, and i hear every note in my kitchen. i cannot expect other people to feel the same way and i'm not expecting other people. but it warms my heart when i hear music because it means that san francisco is alive, it may not be same i'm not
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expecting others to have that same feeling but maybe it will help some people to say that's how i feel. and everybody has a right to complain, we have a sensitive staff to wants to address issues in realtime and solve them, and incredibly competent. some of the complaints were over the top and incredibly inappropriate accusing our staff and department of trying to kill the elderly and not carrying for anything except ourselves and being in cahoots with xyz corporation it was absurd. honestly, it does not help to solve problems. and i do encourage people who do have complaints to address us in a way, especially the staff that we preside over with respect and knowing that they care. if you call them, baby killers or grandparents killers it's
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not constructive and it's not going to help serve our society. that rubbed me the wrong way, i just want to call that out. is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> there are no public comments. >> all right, we'll close public comment. so we'll move on to the next agenda item which is number 4 which is report from deputy director acevedo. >> thank you, i'm going to toggle here. all right, so since we have last met, we did receive 171, 311 complaints but 142 were about the portola vest val. --festival. complaints are going to be on tab 1 and portola are in tab 2.
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i have a quick updates to share with you. the first is about the business out tray. union street, i did touch on this location and i explained that this business is not allowed to have entertainment. on september 23, responded to complaint and when he arrived there was definitely a dj in operation. so he went ahead and issued a violation and for the reity vaited that they cannot have entertainment without a permit. the next update is about gastol, you likely recall that we brought kastolt because of complaints and non compliance. so after they came to hearing,
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we did a, they have responded to numerous 311 complaints at that location and on september 24 at 11:40 p.m., when they arrived, they observed a band playing inside the business. under their llp permit, their door needs to be closed. so these are pointeds that our inspectors have numberrated several times. please note that you have the ability to bring the owner to bring for reconditioning if you wish. the next update is about the blue light over 1979 union street. inspect or responded to a 3-11 complaint on september 23 at this location.
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and just making sure that my words did not get crossed here. same thing here, they can't have entertainment after 11:00 p.m. so he attempted to speak about the staff about the dj but nobody was insight. so we issued them an nov for violating their permit. and then on september 30th, responded to another sound complaint and when he is arrived he found a musician above the sound permit. he spoke to the owner who agreed that it was too loud and issued a violation. so we'll continue to respond to complaints of the blue light. the last update is about temple, during the pandemic, temple opened up an outdoor
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areas and obtained a jam permit. they since closed up that space and reverted back to a parking lot. but we learned that they opened up their roof top and called it the sky lounge. and we've noted that they cannot have a permit up there. at my direction after seeing online add for a dj on the roof top. when he went there was definitely a dj party occuring. so reiterated again that they didn't have a party without permit. since writing this member o i did speak to one of the owners at tem po who in the process of
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applying for a permit. those are the only updates for you right now, but i'm happy to answer any questions if you have any. >> thank you, deputy director. i had a question about the sky bridge item where they say the city is paying them to put on the event, that was confusing to me. >> i, actually would love to differ to senior analyst rice because i understand this is a program that is put on by the parks alliance, is that correct? i know you had reached out. >> i did reach out to my contact to find out more comfort. and that was friday and unfortunately i have not heard back from them. i'm happy to report back. >> if i can speak up i'm on the
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board of parks alliance. what was the question? >> so the question was, there was a sound complaint do they have a jam permit and the answer is, they do not. so they, if they are continuing to do this activity, they're operating without a jam permit. >> i'll reach out to the staff and have them get in touch with you dillon ar katelin? >> i can manage unless katelin. i'll bring in katelin as needed but i'm the one that will process the permit. >> okay, i'll reach out to them. >> i think this may be part of the sf live campaign. you know, i don't know. >> thz why the city is paying for it.
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>> regardless if the city is paying for it or not, they need a permit. >> i agree that they need permit. i was just confused why it wouldn't be permitted. >> maybe the city will pay for their permit. either way they need a permit. >> agreed. >> thank you. >> any other questions for commissioners. >> i have a question for deputy director. on ultraf, do we know how many they have received. >> this is being investigated by northern station and i believe alus are also being looked to. from our office only one notice of violation. >> okay, thank you. >> i don't have a question so much as a comment, there is a
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lot of violations and some are from people who clearly don't know the rules. a lot have done things for years and years a certain way. it does seem like a few of these complaints specifically ultra and blue light we know and gastolt lake, we know they know the rules. those are the ones that rub me the wrong way, it's kind of challenging our ability to manage night life and challenging the rules that we're trying enforce is fairly as possible. so we'll take it off line with the staff but i'm of a mind to possibly bring in the existing permit holders to hearing to have a chat of them and maybe consider making amendments on their permit. if they cannot act within a permit they may not be responsible to have one to begin with. i don't know if anybody is
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listening here who owns the places. i think we're past, i personally feel that we're past the point of giving more chances. so we can talk about that off line. is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> there are no public comments. >> all right, we'll close public comment. and thank you very much, deputy director. the next agenda item is number 5 which is hearing impossible action regarding permits under the entertainment commission. and we'll have deputy director beck to introduce the agenda. >> this evening, we have only one live performance permit on the consent agenda. there was no operation for the application and station approved the permit with no added conditions, so the staff recommendation is for the commission to vote to approve the consent agenda with the good neighbor policy.
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>> excellent any questions or comments from our commissioners? >> none. all right, do we have any public comment on that's amore? >> there are no public comments for this item. >> all right, we'll close the public comment. and the question is, do we have a motion. >> i move to proof with the good neighbor policy. >> and the staff recommendations. >> yes. >> second fmgt >> all right, we can vote. >> president bliemma*p. >> aye. >> vice president camino. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> and commissioner wafng. >> aye. >> congratulations, that's amore, that's a great name i hope they're talking about the eel. all right, we move along here and we will introduce the first permit application on the
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regular agenda. >> great so the next permit is for keys jazz bistro. this business prior was occupied by the business horizon. they also held a permit from our office. a live concert venue. they intend to be open four to five days a week and they will have live jazz performs. performance. sending out a total of 226 let inventories their neighbors. which 195 are residential and 18 were to staibd groups and associations. they also received two letters of support which are included in your file. there are no operation which is outlined below.
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and haor to speak with you is the owner simon rowe. >> thank you katelin and good evening to everybody and commissioners and staff members. i'm delighted to be here we're rolling up our sleeves and getting ready for action hoping that all is moving in the right direction for us to bring sophisticated jazz music back to broadway. and you know the history from the history, the old matador, it's a premise that encompassed the venue that used to be the el matador.
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so the aim is with all high level performance venues is to build community outside the out form and the culture of jazz as no doubt well aware. we have up to jazz musicians who don't have a place to call a home. and this is what we're aiming to do with this venue, along with giving those musicians a chance to perform we want create community around the venue. we're partnering with the two nonprofits in the area and independent musicians alliance and we hope to make this venue a hub in business hours for other activities for these
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nonprofit organizations. so, the beauty of the location is that we hope to appeal to the bus ling and fast returning population that is coming back to northbeach. and we hope to reengage the culture and the spirit that has been part of that, you know, part of the city for much of the middle. so as katelin said we're opening four nights a week, we'll go just to midnight on wednesday and thursday and then the late night set as well at 11:00 clock set on fridays and saturdays. otherwise our sets will be at 7 and 9 which is a very traditional way to present the music.
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all events will be ticketed. so people will buy the tickets ahead of time, but they will also, we will also hope to provide, you know, nice dining and cocktail opportunities. we have a u-shaped facility so people can come in the reception and move through that into the concert space proper. that's the picture of things. if you have any questions, i'm happy to take them. >> i just want to hear this, can you tell everybody. what is your jazz background. >> i was brought to the city to found the roots music at the san francisco conservatory and i stepped away after four years
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in the beginning of the pandemic. and before that, trying to propagate dave ruebix career, i did that for five years. and then years before that, i taught at the education level minnesota state university system. i've already ran a record label and had five national releases and been a organist and pianist, if i have to pay the rent that i have to pay there, i'm sure going to be playing. >> with a nature, i'm just curious the nature of your performances are they more like seeing a show and maybe quietly talking? >> very much seeing a show. >> so the etiquette will be the same. they will be reminded of consideration and the people of
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coming. i'm not trying to create something that is inaccessible either. we're going to start with $25. exclusive, $80. nobody can afford it. we want to try to be an inclusive community venue. >> fantastic. >> any further questions, no >> just want to say that i'm really excited to open up this concept in the neighborhood. when i looked where you were located before, it made me giggle a little bit. it's nice to see a jazz concept coming in. >> all right, is there any public comment on this item? please. just you have three minutes and make sure you state your name before you come.
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>> my name is ma rio and speaking in support of my friend's simon. i'm also a musician all my life and i should reference one of my earlier memories was listening to miles davis at the blackhawk when i was 13 from behind a screen because they allowed high school kids to listen to miles at the blackhawk as long as they were behind a fence kind of inside the building. so got to listen to the jazz in the 50s and 60s. i started a nonprofit called jazz in the neighborhood with a dream that some day simon would come a long and open a club. so this is a dream come true in many ways, because jazz neighborhood was about access, getting the music back into neighborhoods out of large
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facility which are great but don't always create access and equity. part of our mission was to guarantee all of our musicians guaranteed salary. which is now, to your organization in conjunction with eric and burden, so we're moving that along and really positive way. organizing musicians which is, exactly like hurting cats. it's really a challenge but we're doing it. and we're moving to something that has been unheard of. and over the ten years, we paid out 350 to $400,000 to about 500 musicians on our roster with jazz in the neighborhood. we have a support group who come to our concerts. we cannot wait to tell them
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about this new venue and we'll have a little collaborative space in the venue, so our headquarters will be with them, fiscally with inter section for the arts for ten years. we'll have our independent c3, and we'll have a new home at keys bistro. so we will look forward to building community a lopg with simon and with all of you, i hope. ipg it's really excited and possible model for cities all over the country. so thank you. >> thank you. anymore comments? in coming. >> good owningsinger, commissioners i'm ste fan and i've spent a lot of time on that 500 block over my lifetime. we used to have a place jazz
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perlz and we had sunny bucks who their whole life was jazz music. and we used to have a place on union street where vocalist can come out and listen to jazz and relax. this is dearly needed on the two-block corridor because it's going through the pandemic and we have not turned the corner yet on broadway. so this kind of sophisticated music for it, there is a market. the fact that he's not established, he just needs a flagship and a place to share. so i think there is people in south dakota that are not looking for not just go out for a meal but sit down and maybe have a glass of wine and listen to sophisticated music. and think about their lives and share those with others. with the 124, 140 place over
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there on, on columbus the separate club and we echo toronto and this one coming back. there is hope, so hopefully it will trigger a few other people that may say hey, there is a little vibe back on broadway, so let's participate. i really a plowed this guy. >> thank you. >> anymore comments? >> there are no more public comment for these item. >> okay, we close public comment. do we have a motion. >> i move approval with staff recommendations. >> is there a second. >> i'll second. >> excellent we can vote. >> president. >> aye. >> vice president camino. >> aye. >> commissioner fazism. >> aye. >> commissioner tomas. >> aye. >> and commissioner wong. >> congratulations your entertainment permit has been
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approves and now the buildup. le please follow-up with our crowd. and before my voice changed i once changed with paul ruebic. great guy from what i remember, i was nine years old. all right, we can do the next item on hearing agenda. >> great that will be our final permit application which is a final amendment for the mix located at 406, 18th street. to request sound in their back patio. they've had prerecorded music. however as you know, the ec did not permit outdoor music at the time and therefore the business was allowed to do this without a permit.
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now that outdoor entertainment is under our per view, the mix is amending their permit to record the prerecorded music that they've always had. they had it until thursday through saturday until 1:00 am. it's important to note that in 2022cious we received 16-311 complaints about the mix and all but one was submitted anonymously. insfekt or set a sound barrier, he set the limit lower than what they were operating at and much more conservatively than what is allowed in m.p. c article. as the limit he said does not exceed the am by enter when measured 50 feet. normally under m.p. c, the outdoor sound is measured at a distance of 250 feet.
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however since the distance of 50 feet for the mix, it was chosen. since the sound limit was set. we have only received one complaint. the business was in compliance with the outdoor limit. out reach in advance of the hearing. next door and across the street. they received 11 letters of support and to date they received 84 signature with addition. please know that one of the letters was a template but only included one copy to the file. i replied to the neighbors complaining the regulations. i then asked if i can put them in touch with the applicant.
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of the 18, 6 responded. two said i can share their information and one changed his stance after learning more. one of the neighbors who has sincing been in touch. i will note that two neighbors suggested different hours of outdoor sound application, which you may have considered at your discussion. this will be sunday through thursday until 10:00 am. one of these neighbors also suggested materials for aufp mitigation. the permit tolder seemed amenable to. ec staff feel the applicant did a pretty good evidentlier to talk to maybies willing to talk
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to them. and sound limit for indoor am my flied sound. this is currently approved at 96cba across back. we're also reding i am ply pieed sound with what the application and thursday through saturday until 3 month. for the applicant may be amenable which is sunday and thursday until 10:00 am. and friday and start, until 10:00 p.m. here to speak this evening with a general manager, ryan sherman.
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>> hello, i would like to thank katelin and the rest of the commission for giving us this opportunity to come together and have our voices heard as well as our neighbors. thank you to the neighbors who have reached out and willing and have an open dialogue so we can have a community. i definitely understand the importance of us working together. the nix has been a staple for the kas pro for years. when i walk around and see many wake ant spots, we and helped maintain the castro long time cultural activity. it's an honor to work at the place like a mix. i try to think that it is a
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representation of us and a gather a gathering place for all those in the tupt. the mix is not asking to do anything new. the bar and its back patio has been around sonsing since i've been alive. in fact, he willable informing recognition has a legacy business. prer trying to be in compliance with city andness. over the past few weeks, we soukd. the bar hauz we ever spebful. and she has lived next to the door since the 90. like m.o. p was applied for, there was no permitting america
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mifm for out daok souped. so we were grandfathered in, in 200 the california abc remove any questions and that approval a and that has alcoholic beverage. even though we have license to do so, we have no intention of going that late during that years. in the years that iefp worked at the mix, we're been conscious of our surrounding and mind fmly move patience come. this is why we're asking for an new time. while i recognize the complaints that have come out spernl with things we opening. i can assure you that this past
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month we've been in compliance with the hours and sound level is set. we appreciate you some of the out reach that we've done this past month. i'm pleased to say that we did receive letters of support from both businesses on other side of us. and it's just a really good feeling to work so closely with other businesses that have your back. as of today, we passed a,000 it is been humble experience to come up a i lot of ponser come vote for us and see the surprise because they've been call the back and the back patio, they're home for so many years. so thank you, guys. >> questions? can you describe just for me, i
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could have asked our staff. but what sound system you have in the back? >> we recently put in a sonos, i say like six speakers on the patio and two going out in the patio bar. and it's really just using sound track player, just playlists, we have had djs in the past but that was way before covid. >> more questions. >> a question that is so much just a thank you in particular to the staff for working to connect folks in the community with you and folks with you in the community. and it sounds like some of the conversations have been very fruitful in terms of opening lines of communication which nine times out of ten, ben is
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always the first to say, it's about something some ability for people to hear responded to when they have concerns so thank you. >> of course. >> i'm a man of the mix i've spent many lovely hours on the patio myself, so i appreciate it. but also the fact that since covid and sort of more people wanting out doors and so bars with patios, i think became even more popular because people can be out doors and still in a social setting. and i know, that you're not the only venue in town where that has lead to increased neighbors about more outdoor sound as well as, obviously with the shared spaces program too. so all of which is to say thank you for working with the neighbors and i hope that continues.
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for there to be as well as compromises there. >> all right, i don't have anymore. >> i have one for the deputy director. >> okay. >> katelin what is the grand total. in addition to the, to the 12 individuals who sent me that same letter, i also received an additional six separate letters of opposition. so in total 18 individuals who contacted me stating they oppose the permit or had more questions, tuz that clarify it? >> perfect. and then after you received that 18, were you able to reach out and talk to them
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specifically? >> so of the 18, the only discourse that transpired after that, director wielan spoke with two directors, and so she managed that. there was also some email exchanges but i would say, i can tell you of the 18 people this discourse happened with four, five of them. >> so out of the 18, five still continue to oppose this application. >> more questions and i don't know, the two individuals who continue to speak with director wyland on the found and send their emails in, one of the suggested hours is included this evening. and the other individual also, as you can see from the memo, there was two people who had suggested end time. i don't want to speak on their behalf and say they continue to
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oppose but they did suggest an alternative solution to meet them halfway. >> okay, and lastly and this could be for the applicant. did the applicant connect with the position at all? did you have a chance to talk to them. >> yes, the two people that shared their information were actively talking still. >> and where are you folks out today? >> i think it sounds like one of them is in their stance that entertainment should stop outside and we have the option of playing music inside or earlier hours as katelin said. and then the other neighbor is a little more receptive and we're working on sound mitigation or stuff that you can do. >> that's the person that wanteds the plants. >> yes. >> okay, got it. thank you. >> uh-huh, thank you. >> all right, let's go ahead
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and open to public comment before we discuss this further. we'll start with public comment in the room. does anybody want to speak on this item? publicly in the room? okay, how about online or on the phone. >> we have one person on zoom with their hand raised. mr. para. if you can hear me please unmute yourself. and then you have three minutes for comment. >> it's audio only, correct. >> okay, great thank you. >> speaker: i'm mark paraprior incarnations. i may be a third person
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chatting with ryan but i'm not sure. i want to take director for helping me understand, how that might have gone down. having said that, i live about 40 feet from the patio. and i watched them for many years. it's changed in the last several years. and i think a change we made if we're being asked to apply at a official putting it down on
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paper and one on weekends, i just want to i want to ask that this is considered. out of the many years operating, this new later time pat person has been around for a couple of years few years now. i'm registering more a lower standard, earlier time and have that considered for renewal within a certain amount of time by the mix if they find themselves with complaints et cetera.
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there are neighbors that have been concerned to bring these commentary forward. and i wanted to ensure that i at least, speak on my behalf and the one or two people who are concerned to bring in themselves, thank you. thank you very much. all right, there any further public comment? okay, we can close public comment and entertain some discussion. any thoughts to start us off? >> can somebody help me find, where is the staff recommendation? >> so i think what you'll find in the staff recommendation is specific to the outdoor sound limit that we set in accordance with 50 feet away that am
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byant, outlining that no entertainment is in the back patio. and that's based on a zoning restriction that we're putting into a condition. and then getting specific with days and the hours. it goes until 11 on week nights. and then what we've heard from a couple of neighbors is suggesting end time to both weekdays and week nights. and a midnight cut off on weekends. >> so i do have a thought, i with like to propose that we have this place grow into this plan and i would actually
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support the 10 and midnight. i do want to remind that the they can request to come to hearing. and we would require a neighborhood out reach for something like that. i'm saying to monitor and if it's working successfully, then allow it to grow. >> strangely, i'm on the same mind. >> strangely? >> because usually i'm go for it. >> i thought it was the officer.
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>> i've seen mix patio, the neighbors are right there, like th* their bedrooms are right there. we close at 10:00 and 11 on weekends. i'm not suggesting that, there is mission street is similar. but maybe in the elusion neighborhood that night life is a huge part of that neighborhood and there is a different expectation of peace and quiet there that i believe there should be. so i'm okay with that and i would leave it okay to the applicant when they wanted to reach out to us to say, and also give them an opportunity to operate in peace with their neighborhood and mitigate issues.
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the other thing, they also play into my mind for this. >> i was going to add if they were actually listening, anonymous is not going to carry a lot of weight. so i would, there is no reason. >> well and just a reminder to anybody that does complain, you can put in your name for us which is helpful in your identifying information. i think people misunderstand what we do in general and i do not blame them.
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if they've been operating outdoor sound, the only option neighbors had was to call the police and i don't know if you've noticed, but the san francisco police are a little busy right now with things that are very very important. so i think people get frustrated. that's why we exist. we have a staff with inspect ors in a department that literally responds in realtime, in the weekends in realtime. so people think often, it's a license for them to make noise. in fact, i would argue that it's the opposite, it's them opting into a program where
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there is a lot of, eyes on them, there is inspectors on them, there is a lot of controls over them. if i was a neighbor, it would give me sympathetic move. so i want to reiterate that to anybody on the phone. it can give you more tools and more control than you had previously. those are my thoughts, anybody else? >> president bleinman, can i say something. >> yes. >> before you make your motion to take into motion that the applicant was requesting certain sounds wednesday and different hours thursday through saturday.
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so when you say your motion p please clarify so we can condition it. >> yes, so do the front racks to tell. >> i cannot tell anybody how to act but i i'm thinking that commissioner falzon wants to make the motion. >> give me a second. the applicant wants earlier time sunday through wednesday and later time thursday through saturday? i'm good with that. so my motion would be to align with sunday through wednesday until 10:00 and thursday through saturday until midnight. that would be my motion. >> okay, that suggestion did not even exist anymore. katelin did you get that? >> yes, i did. >> what we're doing is we're letting thursday go later.
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and that's when our weekend starts to up tick. >> i agree. >> to me that's consistent with the industry. >> can we hear to mr. sherman as to whether that is acceptable? >> that was a dog, that was not me. there is a, french bulldog next to me that are making their way to the microphone. >> i think that would be great. thursday night is when we do see that up tick, i'm more than willing to work with you all with that. >> great, thank you. >> all right, so we have a motion do we have a second. >> i will second. >> all right, public comment is clodes already, so we can vote. >> president bleiman. >> aye. >> aye. >> commissioner falzon. >> aye.
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>> commissioner caminong. >> aye. >> and commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> commissioner wang. >> aye. >> good luck. so now we are on the last agenda item which is number 6, commissioner questions and comments. what do we got? >> i have one comment, just to let the commission know next week i'll be at the national harm reduction conference in pureto rico. who spoke about their efforts and other things that people can do to promote harm reduction and overdose reduction in particular in night life and entertainment venues. so i wanted to let you know
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that. >> cool. >> this weekend, fleet week. >> oh yeah, fleet week, we have the daytime. >> for those living downtown. >> they're everywhere. >> we had the marine band come next year and i have to say they're playing all over town. it's a coolish brass band. >> they're really cool. >> went to hardly it was nice, i camp out at the swan stage, it was beautiful especially on sunday. any final comments. >> the only thing that i didn't agenda eyes is about the survey that is out right now. dillon has been working hard to cross promote that. you're going to likely see it in a newsletters. and i think we have 46 responses so far. so we would love to see more,
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because in years past, it's been around 120, 150. so keep pushing that out. it helps us put together reporting for all of our elected and suggestions in policy changes. >> thank you. all right, is there any final comment on this final agenda item? >> there are no public comment fofofofofofofofofofofofofofofof. >> i just feel like this is what i was born to do when i was a little kid i would make up performances and daydream it was always performing and doing something i feel if i
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can't do that than i can't be me. >> i just get excited and my nickname is x usher my mom calls me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's and fosz and aesthetic. >> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa he focus on a lot of different musical eras.
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>> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people (singing) can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was brought up the youth taught me about music he picked up the a correspond that was so hard my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i
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did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was treated as other the next thing i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made it to paris in 2005 a famous arc we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island
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and he came to our show and started writing a script based on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the time he here he was bay area born and breed braces and with glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care. >> land for best director that was backpack in 2010 the french love this music i come back here and because of film was not released in the united states
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nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have to beg for tips i hey i'm from the bay area and an artist you don't make a living it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days people are not listening they love the idea of having a live musician but don't really nurture it like having a potted plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted
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plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make. >> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job so i have so stay is an i feel like the piano and music in general with my voice together i feel really powerful and strong
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>> it's great to see everyone kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our culture is something that can be reckoned with. >> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy
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heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of
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different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a
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long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite
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foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have
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our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we
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>> undercover love wouldn't be possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san
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francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy,
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and seeing them through sobriety. don't be afraid of failure. i have failed at things in my career and they are opportunities to continue on. it's important for women and women and people of color to see representation matters. when i first started my career 25 years ago, there were not that many other women. so it is amazing to respond to meetings and go to meetings and see other female leaders and learn from each other. this career is my dream job from working on [ indiscernible ] to being the chief and overseeing a division. it's been challenging and rewarding and inspiring.
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>> good morning and welcome to the rules committee meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. i am the chair of committee aaron peskin joined by member mandelman and chan. before i start, i would like to wish supervisor chan a very happy birthday. with that, mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? >> yes, the board
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