tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV October 18, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> thank you very much everybody for being here. we are so happy to do fleet week this year last year we were on the edge off of our seats whether we have should v a program. we pull today off. sailors and marines walking around town meeting people in san francisco and feeling the hospitality 've the city this it is a fabulous city and so welcoming. fleet week is a community event. it is an event with a plan and all of the operations are volunteers from neighborhoods. city hall the city, we are
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thankful for their help we will hear from city officials. this year our air show thankfully united airlines was gashs enough to help us with the [inaudible] side the air show will have 2, f-35's the most advanced aircraft in the world. and pilots that guide them and the blue angels will be happening down on the marina drenal you see the human tear yen assistance and stem education center. fleet week is pervasive throughout the city. off the waterfront in the neighborhoods. saturday the t-9 her over freshman 10 to 2 at debose park. this band will appear there. support our k-9 heros. check out all of overhaul events
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the great things fleet week has. look at our website you see everything happening. i will pass it on to the mayor who is supportive, what a great friend to the military and fleet week. mayor london breed. thank you. good afternoon i'm san francisco mayor london breed i'm so happy to be here to sick off fleet week in our city! you know float week is a time honored tradition in san francisco. we know every year during october, all of the sudden we hear the planes flying through. but fleet week is in the about the extraordinary talent of the blue angel its is so much more. about developing a relationship with our military, the people who put their lives on the line to make sure that we retain the
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rights and freedoms we enjoy in the united states of america. when i think about how wonderful fleet week is to see folks walking in uniforms and the time they take to talk about the work they do. the opportunity to visit the ships and tour and know the sacrifices that are being made, day in and out, people who are not able to be around families regular low wlo are spending their time every day to serve and protect us. and when we appreciate about fleet week other than loving the blue angel system how it is expanded and become such a community event. how it brought people together weather the band in japantown and all over the city and the castro for the first time this year; [applause]... it is also
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all of the various events the parade of ships. excitement. last year was the first time that after the pandemic we were able to get together in person for fleet week. let me tell you the city was packed. people were excited. lines to see the ships and conversations and people smiling and excited all over san francisco not just san francisco but people visiting from all overnight bay area and the country. this is a great event. it is also an opportunity to, yes, celebrate our military. celebrate the folk who is make sure the waters are protected, navy, marines. the coast guard, it it is an opportunity for us to remember that san francisco such a major city is also our quick prone. also disaster prone. and so we have to get prepared. we do have our police chief.
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bill scott and fire chief and our head of the department of emergency management mar ellen carol and others who are running regular drills with our military. to make sure that when because it is in the a matter of if, it is when we are faced with a natural disaster or other disaster that we are prepared to work together to keep the people of this city safe. so, i want all of to you go sf72. org and check on your neighbors. know your neighbors the pandemic gave us an opportunity to know each other better than before. at the end of the day we want to make sure we are able to protect one another. that's what all the people here in uniform do every day. they put their lives on the line to serve and protect each one of us. and so on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, i like
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to ask admiral bask to come up and accept this proclamation. we are now official low not only kickoff fleet week in san francisco but it is considered officially fleet week in the city and county of san francisco, inform for being here to celebrate this auspicious occasion in our city. [applause]. thank you. all right. let's get going! i do introduce. okay. so it it is now my pleasure to introduce the executive director for the port of san francisco and i said, there will be ships and tours and lots of activities. don't forget to eat at our
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restaurant s and shop and enjoy what san francisco has to offer. new partialers open. san francisco will be so exciting during fleet week i hope you will join you and the person this manages the port for the city san francisco is e lane forbes. >> thank you mayor breed. i want to echo comments, welcome to fleet week. the water front is open, it is exciting and thrilling we cannot wait to welcome the young men and women in service to say thank you. buy them a bore. have a good time. enjoy the water front. welcome people who sacrifice for our country and keep us safe. i'm very happy to thank the navy. marine core, coast guard and the army core who are keeping our waterfront and city safe. sea services and our city
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departments the chiefs of police, chief of fire. director of emergency management and our director of public works carla short, we work together and we work in a fashion that has manageds behind us. we get ton each other before we are on the battlefield and the groups come together strongly in terms how we set mission. who is responsible of huwe set strategy and deploy am. because of the hard work being an exciting in person event we dot own in person emergency preparation. and that's what make this is event so important to our city. i want to go become to our water front because it has the best vows. best food and experience of san francisco. we have our navy vessels here. historic finger pearce are amazing and demonstrate a rich
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maritime history. we have an exceptional experience for everyone who is coming. i want to welcome everyone and welcome now the director of our emergency management departmentful she used manageds and worked hard in the covid pandemic and now she is keeping us appropriated for natural disasters like earthquakes. with that mary ellen carol. [applause]. thank you so much. a pleasure to be here i'm so happy that we have we are back to normal. ish. and can have float week again. i want to echo the comments that everyone said and that everyone already said including our mayor. fleet week is an extraordinary week we are entering in the d.
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emergency management and other public safety partners coit year round what we do is what has been referenced already is our emergency preparedness exercises. so this year we focus a different skill or asset and this year we looked at air operations. transportation lines could be cut off. could have different areas of the city like islands our ability to do air operations is critical in an earthquake or sdaft they're affects our infrastructure. i want to thank my partner who i will introduce here admiral days for his partnership. thank the emergency managers and i want to thank float week sf and the staff there that does
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coordination. all my city partners and all of our military partners that criminal we're luck tow have this relationship that we can develop we know who to call and that our -- our responders are working throughout the year with our military partners we don't have to figure this out in the moment. we are proud of that. with ha, i will bring on the admiral to talk about the work. [applause]
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>> all right. wow. this is intim dath. thank you mayor and colleagues for letting me be a part of this today. again. my title is commander expedition. the reason i'm talking i'm in charge of naval forces. my honor to speak on behalf of service members out in the communities for those here last year, the restart of in person fleet week was an epic success. do you agree? yea. it was pretty cool and thanks to the generosity and spirit of the city why it was successful. this year will be bigger, better and more epic. more shipps. different types coming. we did this so you see something new. a parade and open tours during the week. navy, marine bands playing throughout the community. sporting events, team building and social events going of displays of military equipment. aircraft and ships and also the equipment we use with crisis response and finishing to natural disasters you will see that and we have noticing group. the blue angels, whatever. they are pretty cool i'm a helecopter guy. they are notice and back. that is in the when the most
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cool is we are bringing a lot of young sailors usual marines and coast guard men and women to get out in your community and that's important to me that is what fleet week is about. yea celebrating the members and commitment is important. but more important is you know our service members what they are about and bh they do. guess what, we work for you. military works for citizens. when you see us out in the community, and you rescue noise us because of the sterling uniforms and the short cuts. say, hi, ask us hard questions about when we do it is important. i think when you see the folks you will be impressed like i am. >> we mention today fleet week is fun and doing hard work. we talked about the training. this is us the military working with your emergency respondors the police, fire, pork medical people. emergency response agencies what
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we do is hone our skills to respond in times of natural disaster together and effectively. i done missions like this they are hard you have to practice like everything. we did this last year. and again thissier and keep doing that. i will start where i finished and say thanks to the warm hospitality. and all the high 5's on the streets i appreciate it. and thank you for honoring the men and women that serve our military it means more than you know. i look forward to seeing everybody at fleet week. i will kick it over to lewis? [applause]. thank you admiral and all the speakers we cannot ends without me pointing out the fwie who started fleet week the chairman of the board of san francisco fleet week association retired general mike meyer, right there.
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his vision brought us together in 2010. revitalized fleet week the assistance disaster responseful i also want to mention on monday just as this next monday at the golden gate park we are the return of the high school band we will have high marching bands appearing and they will compete for prize money. if you make it there. support the kidsure watch them they are energetic and it gives you hope the next generation will be fabulous. thank you to the band and instructor:it up. thank you! [applause]. [music]
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>> i am iris long. we are a family business that started in san francisco chinatown by my parents who started the business in the mid 1980s. today we follow the same footsteps of my parents. we source the teas by the harvest season and style of crafting and the specific variety. we specialize in premium tea. today i still visit many of the farms we work with
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multigenerational farms that produce premium teas with its own natural flavors. it is very much like grapes for wine. what we do is more specialized, but it is more natural. growing up in san francisco i used to come and help my parents after school whether in middle school or high school and throughout college. i went to san francisco state university. i did stay home and i helped my parents work throughout the summers to learn what it is that makes our community so special. after graduating i worked for an investment bank in hong kong for a few years before returning when my dad said he was retiring. he passed away a few years ago. after taking over the business we made this a little more
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accessible for visitors as well as residents of san francisco to visit. many of our teas were traditionally labeled only in chinese for the older generation. today of our tea drinkkers are quite young. it is easy to look on the website to view all of our products and fun to come in and look at the different varieties. they are able to explore what we source, premium teas from the providence and the delicious flavors. san francisco is a beautiful city to me as well as many of the residents and businesses here in chinatown. it is great for tourists to visit apsee how our community thrived through the years. this retail location is open
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african-americans migrated to the san francisco bay area, but bayview hunter's point to work as part of the ship yarding culture and tradition. that is how the black community got its root in this incredible city. a lot migrated to work at the hunter's point shipyard and on the water front >> my family came to san francisco lead my by my great grand mother in 1941. she came like most of the african americans out of the south to the bay area to work in the shipyards during the second world war. overnight years, we people prospered, homeowners it was thriving for the african-american community. where bayview became the center points for african-american homeownership. >> with the shipyard closing, a
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lot of jobs left and with the maritime shipping leaving throughout the state. african-americans moved out of san francisco, which was the population is 4% or less of african-americans where 20 years ago it may have been 20%. here the port of san francisco we tried to create many opportunities for are african-americans to participate in contracting in development and jobs. i'm kay book the founder of coffee company. recently opened the flagship coffee shop. this is a full circle for mow to have opened a new cafe here at the port. also like being welcomed back home again. >> port is the first place they was able to bid and win an
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opinion contract as a small business owner. when we think about the business of the port, and the maritime, right, that history is really continuing to extend itself in the way they engage with black businesses, black people and other diverse communities that are situated along the waterfront and as we move inward. >> we are looking now at the port of rejuvenating the community. bringing back a kind of economic sip lutz so that the people can go back to the lives they were so well adopted to and building homes and creating families and having churches that were filled. >> i toured crane cove park it is absolutely amazing. this will be a wonderful addition to san francisco. >> i think it is amazing after having conversations with folk who is live in the community and have been excited and waiting for this p to be realized for years, walking around, seeings
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the connections to history. the opportunity for folks to utilize the water here is going to be an amazing opportunity for all the families and community and i can't wait for the diversity of opportunity we will see here. >> i'm in the crowd and i'm the owner and founder of spin out fit knows. port reached out to me recently and said they would love to spin out fitness a per of this plan going to 2025. that will be the beginning of you know, this redevelopment of this southern part of san francisco. which is going to be a fantastic. i'm excited about that. >> mission rock is 13 years of city planning and community input to transform a surface parking lot south of the park to a new neighborhood. it will transfurthermore this area into 1200 homes 40% will be affordable and this is something this we are all excited and proud of.
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>> having been in the industry for 17 years and seeing a lack of diversity when i joined the port, that was the first thing that i saw that there is a lot of diversity and leadership from the commission. and down through the executive team and then throughout our port. director forbes, commission they have done a good job of making sure the port team reflects not only the city but the people of san francisco and those who visit our water front >> the community. city and private cities working together we with bring the port back to the economic stimulus for people who live here. >> it is important that -- everyone have a role at the port of san francisco and everybody feels welcome >> the board of san
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francisco waterfront stretches 7 and a half miles and while it seems it will always be there, our waterfront needs us. san francisco faces coastal flooding due to climate change with expecting sea level rise up to 7 feet by the year 2100. we also need to strengthen the wateren front gaest urblth quake risk. the waterfront resilience program is leading a city wide effort to adapt the waterfront kaess this unique combination of risks. what is at stake? small businesses nearby housing open spaces and attractions and initial historic district, mare i time and industrial use, transportation like bart and muni, critical drinking and wastewater utility and disaster response facility. guided by robust public engagement process since 2018, the port and city and federal agency partners have developed waterfront adaptation strategies
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for public review and engagement. adaptation strategies are a combinationf construction projethss and policies to defend san francisco against flood and earthquake riskbs to create a resilient sustainable equitalb waterfront for the next 100 years. we'll need to use different approaches dependling on the unique characteristics of each neighborhood and shoreline. continuing to defend locations against current and future flooding at the shoreline while defending further inland in other locations to create space for our expecting future fwluding. the port is committed to insure adaptation strategy create students for san francisco historically underserved communities. we want residents to engage in decision making and benefit directly. we have a once in a generation chance to defend waterfront jobs, housing and public spaces from floods and earthquakes and reiman jts with more pub luck open
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>> hello, i'm shanna with the league of women's voters of san francisco. along with the league and sfgov tv, i'm here to discuss proposition j, a ballot measure which will be before the voters on tuesday, november 8th. currently, the city has closed certain public streets to private motor vehicles, reserving the streets as open space for recreational purposes. these closures were enacted in response to the covid-19 pandemic. in may, 2022, the
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