tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV October 22, 2022 2:30pm-3:36pm PDT
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view on zoom or calling 1-669-900-6883. before we begin i like to remind all individuals present and attending the meeting in person today all helt and safety protocols must be adhered at all times. we welcome participation during pub lb commentism there is a opportunity for general public comment at it beginning of the meeting and there will be a opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to 3 minutes. public comment will be taken both in person and remotely by video or call-in. for each item the commission will take public comment first from people attending in person and then people remotely. for those attending in person please fill out a speaker card located at the side table or
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podium. come up to inpodium during public comment, state your name and affiliations and your comment. you have 3 minutes. once finished please hand your speaker card to me, commission secretary behind the podium. opportunities to speak during public comment periods are available via zoom platform using meeting id88073865590 or by calling 669-900-6833 and using the meeting id. if using the zoom platform to speak select raise hand option when time for public comment. dial star 9 to be add today the speaker line when the item come s up. when you are asked to speak unmute by hitting a ix 6. call from a quite location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down the television or radio. if you are viewing the meeting mute before speaking during public comment. while you recommend you use zoom audio or
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telephone for public comment you may submit a written public comment through the chat function on zoom. commissioners and staff are not allowed to respond to comments or questions during public comment. thank you to sfgovtv and media service for sharing this meeting with the public. >> we can do a roll call. [roll call] >> alright. the first agend aitem is number 1, which is general public comment and these are for items not listed on the agenda. if anybody wants to make a comment not on today's agenda? >> there is none. >> alright. we'll close general public
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comment and go to number to, approval of the minutes from october 4, 2022. motion to approve? >> move to approve. >> second. >> any public comment on the minutes? >> there is none. >> we'll close public comment and we can vote. [roll call] >> the meeting minutes have been approved. the next item is item 3 which is report from director weiland. >> good evening everyone on zoom. ypt i want to thank my staff for making the meeting run smoothly in person and online. love that i'm able to still join you even though i'm not feeling that great. i wanted to touch base. first
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of all, letting you know that this past weekday the city as you may have noticed if you were here was packed with large outdoor festivals everywhere it felt like including legacy events such as (inaudible) newer events such as (inaudible) happy to report that with 21 events with permits occurring over the past weekday our complaint log was relatively quite relevant to the events. only two neighbor complaint related to the events with exception of 6 complaint primarily from east bay residents regarding the day tonight event on treasure island. deputy director azevedo will address
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this more during the report. it felt like a bit of anomaly because the event has been going since 2018 with the exception of 2020 so we are hopeful we can bring them into compliance during a sound check if they do this again next year. considering the density of all of these outdoor events happening in the city this past weekday, i thought we would share with good news. it feels as though this is the god example of ongoing work to strike a balance between neighborhood compatibility and cultural vibrancy as well as continued signs of economic revitalization by way of these public activations. next thing i wanted to bring up tonight is our survey. just wanted to quickly update you all. as of today we only received 73 responses, so that's really light. we like to see that number closer to about 150 which we had in
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years past. we extended the deadline to try to support more responses, so pushed it back a week to october 26. senior analyst rice is sending out another reminder via all the channels and you should have received an e-mail from him today to do tools with sharing on your end as commissioners. we are hopeful this will ramp up. i think if anything the lack of response is likely due to the fact that business is really back in operation and our operations folks that are in night life are likely focusing very hard on all that work to stay operating and to be successful. but as you know, the survey is a incredibly important tool for us, so for anybody listening right now, we encourage you to please take this survey if you work in entertainment and night life business in san francisco. it helps us gauge the
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industry challenges this year as well as needs and helps inform our strategies moving forward as we continue to recover. lastly, i just wanted to end with a couple reminders. you would have been in the latest news letter senior analyst rice put together. one is around shared spaces deadline. just reminder to anybody who is seeking to continue use of their shared space after the legislative or when the new legislative program begins, that deadline is currently november 1, so that's coming right up. we need you all to do this, because you need to actually be permitted for your permanent shared space to insure your eligibility to actually continue forward with the jam transition into the brick and mortar permitting program. if you need any information on that you can just reach out directly to staff.
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last reminder is just to anybody out there listening, just to please apply within for any of your hall oween and holiday events because those are right around the corner. we will continue to push out through the social channels as well to get those in. at this point since it is october 18 we are very close to that halloween date so there will not be another hearing prior to then if you seek conditions beyond those that we can approve administratively, but i really encourage folks to get their applications in immediately for new years eve as we know there are a lot of people who are likely hoping to extend and may need to come before the commission in order to get that approval. that is all i have for tonight. let me know if you have any questions.
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>> questions? any public comment on the director's report? >> there is none. >> close public comment. public comments are-you stepped-if you are going to comment on the report the director just made. then you can step to the front and-okay. we are closing public comment and move to number 4, which is report from deputy director azevedo. >> thanks president bleiman. we received 45, 311 complaints since the last hearing october 4 and have a few enforcement actions updates and please feel free to ask questions at the end. commissioner commino let me know the excel version of the report want working so i have it in pdf format if you want to access that. the firsh update is about bar part time at 496, 14th street. bar
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part time holds a llp permit with our office. friday october 8 inspector responded stating the music from the business was too loud. he observed a dj performing after the permit and time of 11 p.m. spoke with the bartender and put the owner on the phone. the owner acknowledged the violation and agreed to re-educate staff keeping the sidewalk clear so issued a nov for this occurrence. the next business is northern decks at 1355 market street. we received an e-mail with allegations northern decks began operating after hours again. inspector responded to complaint add october 9 at 115 a.m. the front door was open and loud dj music from at least a hundred feet away. met with the manager to explain that he was visiting to investigate reports of late night parties.
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the manager explained they close by 2 a.m. and people clear out at 1:30 a.m. inspector took a sound measurement that showed the business operating at 107dba and (inaudible) however the approved sound limit is 79a and 92c so spoke with the manager about the sound reading and had him close the front door and tried to get the dj turn the noise down. despite several attempts along with turning off the house speaks so just the dj monitors were the only speakers in operation he was never able to get below 100dbc and after speaking the manager it was apparent he did know the sound limit. asked the dj to turn the volume down and refused to do that so issued a nov for the occurrence and put on the radar. the next is about (inaudible) you issued them a nov located at 1787 union
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street. we issued for having a dj without a permit. responding to another sound complaint about the business friday october 15 at 11:30 p.m. and aboveed observed dj. inspector with the manner about hosting without a permit and the manager staitded he did not believe they were hosting live entertainment so we are go toog issue citation for this occurrence and connect with northern station and alu about this and other potential violations. next update is jackson. responded to sound complaint saturday october 15, at 12 a.m. and front door side doors and windows open. the outdoor music was still playing even though the permit requires they end 10 p.m. inspector spoke with management about the reason for the visit and the manager turned off the outdoor speakers and closed the windows and front
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door. we will issue nov for violating the good neighbor policy and jam permit. the next update is about the ramp 855-this receives complaints about low end bass frequency from the neighbor. sound travels uniquely here. it cast across the water and hits a sea wall and bounces back which causes the neighbors to hear it. our inspectors worked very hard to take sound meetings and see if a speaker reconfiguration would help, but it is challenging place to have outdoor entertainment. (inaudible) not complying with the soundb limit. this weekday inspectors responded to 311 sound complaints about the dj performance. the visit was 3 p.m. in response to the first
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complaint. showed in compliance with the sound limit but when two more complaints came in and revisited at 8 p.m. they were (inaudible) educated how to properly monitor their sound limit and they invested in a decibel reader and when inspectors was there this weekday he spoke with two managers taking readings throughout the day, however our readings show ed non compliance. it appears the business has a house system but also allows performers to bring in their own sound equipment giving less oversight of volume control. staff believes the business needs to bring in a sound engineer capable of ways exploring way to equalize the low end frequency so not traveling to the sea wall. i will issue a citation and speak with the permit holder about the observations and suggestions. the last is about (inaudible) again this happened saturday and sunday on treasure island. it has been
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happening since 2018. they took a break for 2020 and never received complaints about this events however this weekday we received 6, 311 complaints and few voice mails. we have been in touch with (inaudible) responded to individuals who complain to them and office near those responses. since this was the first time received complaint about the festival we are hopeful it is just anomaly and work closely with the event producer next year educating during sound check and insuring compliance. please let me know if you have any questions. >> commissioner liang. >> want to thank you and are inspectors for the hard work over the last period. it looks like there was quite a bit of compliance work done. i do have a question on this list i noticed of all of these violations northern duck to me seems to be
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the most egregious and they refused to turn the volume down after being advised by the inspector that it was over the authorized limit. i would recommend and i look to my fellow commissioners that we call these folks back in before us so we can hear about their plan for future compliance or perhaps recondition this permit. >> any comments on that from anyone? >> i agree. i think it sounds like they need to come explain what is going on with their facility, venue so i support that. >> commissioner thomas you have any comments you like to make? >> i do not. >> sorry. >> i'm fine with that. >> we can work with staff on that. i was
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going to say something similar. it is one thing to make a mistake and another thing to just reject our authority all out. i had a question about (inaudible) so u can you just describe next steps as it sounds they are saying problems with the law as written. it is clear djs are dj and count as live music so we issued a citation. what are the next-they are not permit holder? >> that's right. we don't have much teeth in this situation because they are not a permit holder, however they are in clear violation of the liquor license, so our next step is to work with northern station city attorney and alu on coming up with a collective solution. >> got it. >> i think we should also just note that city attorney plans to highlight potential cease and desist language around hosting entertainment
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without a permit so that should be doublely covered by our city attorney's office. >> great. >> sounds stressful. alright. for them. alright. so i have no more comments or questions about these. we have any public comment on this agenda item? >> just for staff clarty on the northern duck item, can we confirm commissioners would like to make a request they appear at the next possible hearing and potential reconditioning? >> yes. >> okay. >> is there any public comment? >> there is none. >> close public comment and we can move to the next item, which is number 5 hearing and possible action regarding application for permits under the jurisdiction of entertainment commission. deputy director will introduce the consent
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agenda for us. >> thanks president bleiman. so, we have just one limited live performance permit for indoor this evening. i received letter of opposition from the neighboring business called the dry dock recovery center. as of today i have a update for this memo which is that the applicant has spoken in person with the executive director who is in opposition and she since rescinding the opposition and they are working collectively to make sure they can be great neighbors. with that said, northern station approved the permit with no added conditions and the staff recommendation is for the commission to vote to approve the consent agenda with the good neighbor policy. >> motion to approve consent agenda? >> i like to move we approve the consent agenda with good neighbor policy. >> seconded. >> any public comment on the item on the
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consent agenda? >> there is none. >> close public comment and we can vote. [roll call] >> alright. that has been approved, and if you are here congratulations and just follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience. the next item that we are moving on to is the regular agenda and are deputy director adveezo will introduce this as well. >> the first permit is for poe permit for the dawn clun and lark bar at 685 market street. this is one building that house two separate businesses providing guests with two different experiences. the lark bar is is a neighborhood sports bar and relocated from the current location from 29 third stree. the dawn club is a jazz bar that operated
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as a jazz club. the businesses are connected inside the building but each have their own entrance. the lark bar will have full bar open 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily. they plan to a offer occasional entertain. the dawn-the building is completely sound proofed and owner installed a sound meter and limiter in the house system so they will be able to comply with the sound limit set forth by our sound inspector in accordance with mpcatical 9. the applicant is seeking to have outdoor prerecorded music and entertain on anny street. the business does not have full time residents within a block of the building so for outreach they sent a letter to the 2 hotels in the nearby vicinity included in the file
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and in addition held a neighborhood open house at the location on wednesday october 12 and invited owners and staff neighboring businesses along with both sides of the section of market street to attend. central station had one standard monthly calendar noticing condition which is included in the staff recommendation below and here to speak with you this evening is the owner brian sheehy. >> good evening. thank you for your service. very much appreciated. i do have a able assistant here, this is owen sheehy he has items to hand out if you like to give it to kaitlyn and she'll pass them on. in regards to the larken and dawn club the reason we are opening at this location is due to the redevelopment of the hearse building at third and market. that is going to become a boutique hotel. this project has been in the works
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for over 8 years already. as part of this hotel development the lark bar is relocated to another wonderful building next door, the (inaudible) building, which happened to survive the 1906 earthquake. 1933 when prohibition ended the original dawn club opened at annie place. that is the venue we are excited about and be reviving behind the palace when we move the lark license from the hearse building to the (inaudible) we are going to open two businesses that are two entirely different experiences. the lark experience will continue to be a neighborhood gathering place with great sports and good drinks. we refer to the lark bar as a people where all types of colors or nor colors at all. the dawn club will have the entrance on annie street. it will be a
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true jazz bar. we are going to be engaging with local jazz musicians rather then participating in the jazz circuit like other venues in town. another reason we are do this jazz bar called the dawn club because at some point local addition the bar at the hearse building the jazz club will be required to shut down for a certain period of time while the hotel is being developed and during that time we like to provide employment for the current employees of local addition and the bands currently performing there 6 days a week. that's the intention of the lark bar and the dawn club and what you are looking at there commissioners are samples of records recorded at the original dawn club in the 30's and 40's. one item that commissioner (inaudible) is holding is air shots of the dawn club. thank you. there is great histly in the location at this building and with
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the dawn club establishment in the 1940's when the war broke out the jazz sessions from the dawn club were broadcast on kgo throughout the pacific region and helped put san francisco jazz on the map so when the troops returned to san francisco which was the vast majority of them was high on the list to visit the dawn club. pretty neat that those records still survived at this time and that will be the type of jazz we will be offering at the dawn club when it does open. if you have questions about the project, happy to answer. >> thank you for coming in. i'm excited about this project. it sounds like a great venue to hang out in. do you know your expected time of opening? >> sure. we are shooting to get the lark open in the second week of january and then by the 4th week of january we
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should have the dawn club open. >> with regards to the neighborhood outreach, there are residents at saint regius and 4 seasons? >> we did go (inaudible) when we did our abc license transfer. they were outside the limit that we were required to inform, but we-the current lark bar is a popular site for many of the staff and managers of both of those locations so we know them quite well and they are also excited about the new lark location and the dawn club location and of course with marriott (inaudible) offer another alternative for their many guests. >> since you have outdoor music how do you plan to manage and mitigate that? >> certainly. the outdoor space is going to be quite small and
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controlled. it is only i consider rare occasions we will have amplified outdoor music. we will partner with the yerba buena community benefit district to activate the space particularly friday noons and day saturday and sunday as part of the programming so because we will hopefully have the place of entertainment that will allow the outdoor entertainment on annie plaza it will make it easier to partner with yerba buena community district and they will not be required to come to you for a permit every time they need to get the amplified permit. >> last question, in case there is a neighborhood complaint what would be your policy to address that complaint in real time? >> sure. our general manager at the two locations they are quite capable. they worked with us many years. if they receive a complaint they are well and capable of resolving
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it i'm sure. if not able to be resolved immediately, my phone number will be provided and i'm available 24/7. >> thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> i think this is a absolute gem coming to the neighborhood and glad you will be able to continuously be open and yeah--i wish all the presentations had this amount of history and legacy and props. that was fun looking at those record labels. i will say the font was very small. >> we have one more prop before we wrap up if we have the time for it. i can do that now. owen will have to open-from the record you are holding the cover air shots from the dawn club, the last track on here is a actual recording that went out to the
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>> thank you. >> any other comments from commissioners? >> just very thrilled. thank you for your investment in this and providing and enriching our entertainment eco system in the city and providing opportunities for artists and more tourist spending. >> thank you, commissioner. >> i hope you are in communication with the mayor's office on downtown economic recovery plan. >> absolutely. >> sure you are but if not you should be. thank you. have a seat and we'll entertain public comment here. you have three minutes. >> segment of music reminds me of my days on the uss hornet. what i wanted to say after listening to enforcement it is refreshing to see brian sheehy come up and tell you about a theme, a concept with
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future bars. all the bars are run the right way, and so i just didn't him to go away there is public comment-he has a 20 year track record in san francisco and every time they open up something it is a great concept and it is also executed very well. so we should applaud him and his efforts to do things the right way. >> thank you very much. anymore public comment? >> there is none. >> close public comment on this agenda item. i should have done motions first. do we have a motion? >> move to approve. >> second. >> making sure you all saw the staff recommendation. great. >> we like to approve with staff recommendations? >> yes, as long as i don't have to read all of them. >> i think we are allowed to just say that. >> yes. >> let me rephrase it, move to approve with staff recommendations.
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>> i second. >> alright, we can vote. [roll call] >> congratulations mr. sheehy, you have been approved follow up with kaitlyn at your earliest convenience. moving long we have one more. >> that is right. the final permit application is for place of entertainment permit including outdoor amplified sound for harlan records. located add 18 harlan place. the location was formally bar (inaudible) and held a poe permit from our office. a new vinyl listening bar and proposed use of the permit will be for dj spinning vinyl records on. the business new interior design promote a experience for listening to music with a cocktail music. in addition the applicant is also seeking to have
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outdoor sound with a speaker ifront of had business (inaudible) play prerecorded for guest during private events if they det a street closure. however if they host a special event with entertainment within a street closure they obtain a one time outdoor entertainment permit. staff recommend ing they comply with our standard outdoor sound limit included below. the applicant conducted extensive outreach sending 71 letters to businesses hotel and neighborhood associations. a copy of the letter is include in the file. there is also a update which is as of today i did receive opposition from someone who is a property manager and the immediate vicinity. the letter is included in your file for review as well. since i spoke on the phone with her, the owner partner has spoken with her and they have rectified
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the situation, so i will let eric speak to that when he gives his presentation but there was no-i spoke with her oen the phone, she had questions for me and explained the process to her and she was fine with that, but she was telling me that she did not want any outdoor amplified sound period with her opposition. with that said, central station approved the permit with the one standard monthly calendar noticing condition below and here to speak with you this evening is owner eric passetti. >> no record playing? brian maybe can loan you it. >> she wants to do a screen share. >> not a record player and not records. i
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own harlan records. harlan records is a pretty simple concept. we are a cocktail bar with a midcentury modern interior design and we have a vintage stereo system that we use to entertain our guests and play music. the stereo system itself is like 60 plus years old. it is a tube amplify non power non boosted analogue speaker system and we were using that old system purposely because we are going for sound clarity and quality opposed to sort of like a club vibe. and, we hope those principals are extended to the dj we
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will eventually perform in the space. we'll have a dj rule they can only spin vinyl records and i think that is the extent of what i'm here for today is just having performances past 10 p.m. i do want to touch really quickly though on the item that kaitlyn brought up, the last minute contentions that came up today. the manager did speak to the person who complained and the person's main concern is we are nothing like our predecessor. they had outdoor comedians and laser light shows and brass bands and stuff like that going on and we assured them that was not our intention at all so we came to a resolution and with that, if you have questions for me, please let me know.
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>> show the presentation. we can have sfgovtv also show it. >> okay. >> right now it is on the screen. they can see it too. >> you want to advance the slides? >> yeah. >> maximize it first if that helps and just tap through. there is no slides. >> so, right now you are actually looking at the record player we use, which is a
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thorns-i don't want to get into the nerdy aspect of it. it is about 60 years old and -- >> tap on the-- >> those radios on the top shelf there behind the records were actually my grandfathers. he would go to flee markets and buy broken old radios and repair them. it was a hobby of his so something in my mind, i always wanted to use it somewhere and found a perfect place for it. all the wood is like solid walnut to match speaker cabinets from the era. when i was growing up my uncle had a jbl paragone vintage speaker system
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and i was always mesmerized by it and i wanted the interior to immolate that style and feel. i think that is all the photos we have designed by marisa march. >> did you say you only playing the records from that record player? >> yes. >> the only music is from- >> well, we have turn tables for dj when performing but otherwise yeah, the music only comes from the record player. >> interesting. thank you. >> i dont think there are further questions. you can have a seat eric. start with motions and keep things consistent. >> and move to approve with staff recommendations. >> second. >> any public comment on this agenda item? okay. >> there is none. >> alright. so, we can vote.
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[roll call] >> alright, you have been approved. congratulations eric and you can follow up with kaitlyn at your earliest convenience. the next agenda item is number 6 which is discussion and possible action to amend the permit conditions of the limited live performance permit for ecc1624icize db airks 5m project owners association at 430 natoma street to include the special events outdoor sound limit at the request of staff. >> i lake to recuse myself. i have a possible conflict. >> you already told me this and already forgot. do we need to vote on him recusing? >> no. >> we'll wait for you
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to be out of ear shot. >> i'll come get you. >> alright. >> okay. the next item on the agenda-he can hear--is for possible amendment to the limited live performance permit for 5m to include a special events outdoor sound limit. as you may recall, 5m which is located 430 natoma street granted the permit back in manch this year. the outdoor permit allowed them to host entertainment and amplified sound on the two on-site parks. they have a sound limit for each park that were set at distance of 50 feet from the property due to nearby sensitive receptors. to date we have not received any complaints about there entertainment activities. the reason they are here tonight is because they requested the ability to have up to 12 special events per calendar year. staff worked with the permit
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holder to come up with the definition. special events is event with 500 or more attendees and events functioning with a higher sound limit set with police code article 1060.16 at distance of 250 feet from the property plain. set the limit prior to the first special event saturday october 22. the permit holder agreed entertainment with the special events sound limit shall not exceed 6 hours per day between the hours of 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. and no more then 4 special events will occur in a single month. they also snd their calendar of special events to ec and (inaudible) a month in advance of each event. the permit holder conducted outreach notifying neighbors, they were coming it hear for the amendment. of the 584 outreach letters, 566 were residential neighbors. all the staff recommended conditions are outlined in the staff recommendation below
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and here to tell you more is (inaudible) of 5m. >> good evening commissioners. my name is jocelyn (inaudible) i am the community engagement manager for brookfield properties at 5m. we have a limited live noise permit already and i just wanted to share with you over the course of when you provided the permit to us, we have been able to provide an 8 grade graduation for besy carmichael, partner with community art stabilization trust, also with cultivate labs to do events on site and really build these community partnerships we had for a very long time. we are requesting this because of we have a opportunity here right at the site to provide
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a concert feel event and a larger event on hand. for instance, we will be hosting on discovered sf on october 22 and the last time it was on this site was actually october 2018 when it was just park ing lots. we now have a green space and park dedicated for community events and we are looking for that additional amendment so that in the future we could provide concert venue sound for the whole site. and so, i have some photos i can share with you. >> (inaudible) >> okay. let me go onto presentation mode. go to presentation mode.
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okay. it is up. i'm looking down. okay. i don't have any-i think i'm good. i don't have any props like the prior items before me and so i do have some photos of what the park looks like from a aerial view. you'll see that we really anticipate having a really lively area here. we have a kids area. we actually provide fitness classes for the community at large for free. we have yoga, we have dance classes and also kick box classes on site and it is actually free to the public. all they have to do is sign up. we'll move down to the next-we talked about some of our community partnerships, so anchored next to the
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stage is community art stabilization trust. that is a organization that is right in the center of 5m and really we see art as a needs central to being able to provide cultural programs and also invigorate the site and the dumpster building actually is part of 5m and something to insure where artists are able to continue their craft and not have to leave san francisco. that is a mission of cast. in there also push dance is there where they performed and provided hip hop dance classes pr the community, which i mentioned earlier. undiscovered sf. i talked about this earlier. you'll
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notice the building right there and that is when it was actually empty parking lots so we are extremely excited to have undiscovered sf back right when we have the parks and it is the full footprint of the 5m district. lastly, this is some of the programs of 5m. you just see this is kind of what we have been able to do with emp ty parking lots now activated. and that's all i have for the photos. >> thank you. i do want to congratulate you and the folks over at 5m for where we are today with this activation of the space. it has been a long time coming, and to see not only are people living and
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enjoying the park spaces, it is being activated with the artist and residents in the community, so i fully support the continuation of bringing in more live entertainment into this space. >> thank you commissioner. or vice president commissioner. >> i don't have questions or comments. commissioner thomas, just making sure. checking in with you. sound like you are good. you can have a seat i think we are- >> thank you. >> thank you. alright. let's start with motions. do we have one? >> i move to amend the permit conditions to include the special events outdoor sound limit with the staff recommendations. >> i second. >> alright. is there any public comment on
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this item? >> we do have three public comments in zoom, so i- >> we'll start with inperson. we have one here somewhere and move to that. if you want to comment you can line over here. we have three in person and you have 3 minutes and start by stating your name. >> sure, my name is brian webster. i am a project manager with hubad sf a jewish community center at 496 natoma street in the neighborhood on the corner of 6 and natoma, which is the low income end of natoma street, and i'm here to speak in favor of the amendment with the 12 events per year, the minimum 500 people, the sound
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limited sound system not to exceed 6 hours between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. brookshield properties has been excellent community neighbor bringing in activating the site, putting in programs in there. they have done a lot of small programs. we in the community are very excited about bringing bigger programs and having even more people discover the neighborhood and revitalize and energyize the neighborhood. we do a little work with cast, which is also there right in the neighborhood and we are very supportive of this. bad has been around for 45 years in san francisco. we have been at 496 natoma street for about 7 years now. we do events ourselves, we are very famous for the bill graham menorah in union square we light every
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year and i'm just happy to speak in front of this really good proposal. thank you. >> thank you. i believe we have two more in person. nope. okay. so, we can move to online. >> okay. i'm going to just go in order on the zoom. the first is gina. i will let you speak. you can unmute. >> hello, can you hear me? >> yes. >> great. hi. my name is gina (inaudible) the founder and owner of (inaudible) the event producer of undiscovered sf. really excited to come and speak in support of this motion to amend the permit. we have been working so hard over the past 6 years with (inaudible) cultural heritage district to build the cultural corridor, build the commercial corridor for soma and the 5m park represents one of the only large
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spaces that can actually accommodate our events even after still closing down 3 streets so having this to be a space that allows for larger concert or music happening in the area for only a few days a year is such a monumental change to no longer have to be nomads moving from empty parks lots to empty parking lots for our festivals so hope you can approve this so we can continue to produce these amazing cultural events. thank you. >> thank you. >> next i'm going to allow marisa. go ahead. >> hello everybody. marisa (inaudible) i am a-general manager (inaudible) we are neighbors with 5m park and 5m park has been
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an amazing neighbor and community support for some of our activations. i am not only a staff member of cultivate labs who is also partnering with make (inaudible) to produce this event, but i'm also a cultural practitioner performing artist, with filipino folk dance and it is events like undiscovered that really allow local performing artists to have a space in san francisco. not just performing artist but filipino performing artist. this event has been very influential on a lot of acts within the cultural district u so much i'm working for cultivate and so i am strongly supporting the expansion of the kind of events that 5m will be able to host,
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because as i said, the cultural programming that has happened within the cultural district has really impacted myself as a performing artist, dance company which also a executive leader for and other cultural practitioners in san francisco and soma (inaudible) and i'm really looking forward to the quality of production and performance that can be hosted in a outdoor space in the cultural district. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> okay. the last speaker will be besy. >> hello commissioners. can you hear me?
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>> yes. >> hi. my name is desy (inaudible) a soma resident, a soma business owner who's work space is right around the corner at 981 mission. it (inaudible) coworking space and executive director of local non profit. speaking on behalf of (inaudible) in support of 5m amendment for the sound permit. [dif ficulty hearing speaker due to audio quality] we need events to draw people back to this corner of south of market to revive it economically and also to (inaudible) i think bringing concert level events like (inaudible) and other events that 5m brings to the table will help revive this community, so thank you for taking the time and hope you vote yes for
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the amendment. >> thank you very much. >> that was our last zoom comment. >> excellent. i will close public comment on this. seeing no more-okay. public comment is closed. and we can entertain votes. we have a motion. we do. >> alright. [roll call] >> alright. it is granted so can follow up with us at your earliest convenience. congratulations and we can summon back commissioner perez. wherever he is hiding.
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welcome back. just in time for the next agenda item number 7, the final agenda item of the day. commissioner comments and questions. new business requests for future agenda items. >> i want to say happy filipino american history month, october, and happy hispanic american heritage month as well and october is national coming out day so belated. advance native american heritage month in november. so happy to live in san francisco where
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diversity is embraced and celebrated and we have the spaces for our community to gather and celebrate our culture, our communities, so and so thank you for all that the event organizers out there working hard to organize outdoor community events. party on. >> i just have one more thing. i will remention it again for the three listners we have. the abc released their draft regulations for outdoor alcohol service and there is a few items in there, which would make serving alcohol in shared spaces nearly impossible for many of our businesses in san francisco. they don't seem to care, but they have public comment period is coming up before november 1. there is a hearing on november 1 and so anybody-any business that doesn't have a server is unable to
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serve alcohol in the parklets. they are not letting people purchase something and walk the short distance to a parklet. you have to serve it to them which is a poison pill in my opinion. so i want to reminding that is coming and if you you have a bar and don't have servers at the establishment you can (inaudible) abc gov regs or hit me up and i can help you find it. we will ask if there is public comment on the final agenda item? >> this is laura. >> yes. >> please laura, sorry. >> i know that rules committee voted on the appointment of a new entertainment commissioner and they voted to approve steven torres to join us. he goes before
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the full board later this week and so i think he's going to get seated-not sure what the exact timeline is, but we should have a full complement of commissioners by our next meeting. and i know he's interested in getting to know other commissioners and talking to each of you and i'll be sharing his contact for contact info with him, which ever way you prefer. >> thank you. alright. is there public comment on this agenda item? >> there is none. >> alright. we'll close public comment and we will adjourn this meeting at 639 p.m. thank you everyone. [meeting adjourned]
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>> i'm [inaudible] chung i am rung for city college board. as a child of chinese refugees born approximate san front i know the communities this city college serves. at city college my parents learned english and took classes and my siblings and i earned credits forker bachelor. since returning to pursue public health in 2017, upon wing at a variety of opportunity resource and retention centers i realized that city college plays a role in addressing health desparities this predate covid-19. i was elected to the board as a student trustee to fight unsound community health compromising instructional plan and budgets down size our
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