tv League of Women Voters SFGTV October 22, 2022 10:00pm-12:01am PDT
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respond for travel and readers i'm really pleased and welcome maxine our moderator for this evening. [applause] >> thank you allison. and welcome to the candidates for san francisco board of education. and welcome to all of you who have come out this evening, either via electronic or here in person to hear what they have to say. the candidates will have a chance to present their views on issues affecting the city and to answer questions about those issues that were submitted in advance for tonight's forum. first, i would like to remind you of our ground rules. response to see questions should be on the issues and policies related. candidates are expected to be respectful of other candidates and ask to not make personal attacks on other individuals.
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here are the procedures for the forum. the candidates will have the opportunity to make 90-second opening and closing statement. opening statements will be in alphabetical order by first name. closing statements will be in reversal fa bet cal order by first name. each candidate will have 75 seconds to answer questions. the order of answering each question, will be rotated among the candidates. each candidate will have the opportunity to answer the same number of questions. any rebuttal may be included in the candidates closing statements which will be 90 seconds. a countdown timer will be displayed with a visual indication of remaining time for response. they'll be right there in the front.
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every aspect of the forum will be equally fair to all candidates. thank you to our attendees tonight, for those attending online, you're in listen, those who are online, you are in listen only mode. the q and a and the chat features are not attribute i have. just--active just so you know. this forum will be recorded and made available on our website, our youtube channel and sfgov tv cable channels. you have many important decision to see make november 8th. tonight's forum will give you an opportunity to learn before you vote. the questions for tonight's forum were submitted by san francisco residents and organizations. now let's begin. as i mentioned, we will start
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off with 70-second opening statement in alphabetical order and therefore we welcome our candidates and thank you for participation in this forum. please introduce yourself, tell us which neighborhood you live in and why you're running for san francisco board of education. and we'll start with aleta fisher. >> thank you, is this on? yes. hi, my name is aleta fisher i live in the lmi neighborhood district 11 and i'm running for the district because of my children. i have i'm a foster parent, now adoptive parent. all of former mechanical engineer turned school advocate. i served on all of pt a, pts a, i served on district level advisory committees for ten years and it's my experience going to not only my children's
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iep meetings but meetings school after school where we have the same conversation over and over again. we need more services. we need more parent educators. we need more school social workers, psychologist, more nurses more everything. and what we found when we provide more services in our schools, everyone benefits from it. and so i'm running to make sure that we bring more support and services into our schools and that we make sure that when we're talking about our billion dollars budget, we are prioritizing our student first and for most over central office over anything else. and that our budget is aligned with our values of inclusion, equity, diversity and love for all of our students. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. anne shu, did i get your name right?
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fantastic. >> good evening, i'm anne shu, i am the only immigrant and business person on the current school board right now. and i'm running for election this november. i have been a professional working in the high-tech industry for 25 years, running my own company for 18 of those years. and i only got involved with the school board and school district during the pandemic when i saw that my twin sons who are now 16, in two different schools, were not engaged with school at all. and i looked at the school board then and found them renaming schools, murals doing a lot of politics and not focusing on our students. so i and thousands of other parents worked together to recall three school members and i was appointed as a replacement by maryland on in
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march of this year. and i'm running for election because i want us to focus not on politics, but on student outcome. so my first priority is student achievement and academic excellence. second is safe schools, both physically and emotionally for our students. and last but not least physical discipline and operational discipline. i'm here to reform sf u.s. d to get the politics out and to focus on educating our students. thank you. >> thank you very much. gabriela lopez. >> good evening, i'm gabriela lopez i'm running for the board of education tone sure that there is the educateive perspective. my background is rooted and dates back over 13 years.
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i started off as a parent educators which helped build an affective bilingual educators in public schools. i then went on to, i learned the importance of union work and became the union rep at my school. i was an arts coordinator for our site and also participated in the district wide mentoring for success program. i was formerly he electricked becoming the youngest women every elected. and once i was on the board, educators and families. during the pandemic, i made sure that our school district protected teachers, students and families. i was on the ground every single day. providing tech support for families and getting school supplies in student's hands. i'm working at the university of san francisco with future
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educators in sf schools. thank you. >> thank you, very much. karen? >> good evening, thank you so much maxine, allison and league of women voters for all of your leadership and putting this forum together. i'm proud to be a league member. i'm karen, i use she her her pronouns. and i'm running for sf for the board of education to unify san francisco for san francisco unified. i'm a sfu parent of two students who have been here since kindergarten. and daughter of retired educators and graduate of schools. the early part of my ska reer was in the immigrant movement. i shift today youth development and have 20 years of experience
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preparing young adults for success in college and careers that i will bring to this position. i currently work as a diversity, inclusion educator, shifting work place to be safe and positive for everyone. my priorities are to invest in students and educators social, emotional and well being and academic to promote collaborative decision making and provide transparency and accountability with the specific emphasis on appropriating our graduates to graduate from with the career of their dreams. with help from 9th grade to 12th grade. >> homidi.
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>> hi oim i'm homidy, i'm wholely focused on fulfilling our obligation, because san francisco deserves to have an excellent education system and essential part of a thriving and vibrant city. i'm a parent with over a decade of engagement, pta's, school site council and volunteers in classrooms, tutoring, yard duty extra. my parents are public school educators and i know how hard they worked. and when i joined the district, i knew i was going to pitch in how i could. i start today serve a four-year term on a committee that oversees about 80 million dollars. and it was there that i discovered the real disconnect between leadership, essential office decision making and what
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our schools and students and educators need. in that role, i advocated for accountability, transparency and really aligning funding with our students priorities. i have over 20 years of professional experience in state government, clean energy education, business and nonprofit for us here in san francisco. it's a pleasure to be here and i really, my focus is again student success fiscal, responsibility and resulting trust. >> thank you very much. and lisa? >> >> thank you, good evening. thank you to the league of women voters for having this and for us to be here and thank you for those participating online. i'm lisa wisemonday ward. i'm the product of public education all the way from
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elementary, through high school and college and law school. i'm a daughter of educate acre. i myself am an educator. i teach; in that space i wear two hats, one as a immigration attorney, trying to keep our families together. the second hat is as an educator, i teach, and i supervise law students and spend my days to understand the systems we're working within and trying to fight and dismantle and also the importance of building and negotiation and meeting each other where we are. but most relevant is because i'm a mother of two, usf children. and i have come about larning how many amazing the district has but also how many things we're missing.
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my focus is three-fold, close opportunity gaps, we need to restore our trust and create transparent systems and ensure fiscal accountability. thank you very much. >> thank you very much, lisa. and now the fun part. we're going to start the questions that you submitted before they vent began. we're going to try to get in as many as possible to think about the issues that we brought up. don't forget to stop. question 1, we're going to start with anne. if i may, i may call you all by your first name. okay. what experience if any, you do have in education and what qualifications do you bring to the table to make critical decisions impacting children's education?
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>> thank you. as i introduced earlier, i'm not an education professional, so my experience with education is my personal experience which is in all public schools in the united states, i emigrated when i was age 11. so middle school, high school and graduate school all in public institutions. and my twin sons who also have just been to public intuition all of their life. and my qualifications is that i have run companies. i do know what it takes to run a business, including fiscal responsibility and operational excellence but most importantly setting goals so that the company and all the employees of the company can move in the same direction. and i think that's something that is lacking for the past many years is no clear goals and priorities.
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that is something that the board is working on right now. and i'm supportive and once we get everything going in the same direction, i think that we can turn this serviceship around. thank you very much. >> gabriela. >> i appreciate this question because i can elaborate more often my education. as i mentioned my work and heart is rooted in education. i have bachelors in liberal students to become a elementary teacher. i received in masters in education from ucla where i gained a teaching credential in california where i can teach in spanish in sf schools or public schools. i take all of that experience and bring that at the decision
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making level because it's level because it's lacking and we'll see in boards of education, you don't have thed on the ground experience from the people that are doing the work. one of my, what i believe my qualifications is the stability to to connect that expertise and the experience with the community and the people who are impacted by our decision. now i work with future educators and instealing these believes and understanding in what they're bringing into the classroom for the students. and the last thing is i'm currently getting a ph.d at stanford. >> thank you. >> my first job was out of college as an english as a second language and i was fortunate to work for a organization that taught us how to be teachers. my career in youth development and college access and i worked for some of the leading
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organizations in the space for europe, for sco scholars. through my work experience, i became a mentor to many young adults and i maintained those relationships even though i'm no longer working for the organizations. so i've literally seen them buy houses, get married and have kids and all of that. and because i've been an affective mentor to them, they refer additional people to me. so i have a lot of mentees. and it was them that inspired me. we're being bombarded by racism, non stop and that's when i decided to shift focus when preparing young place. so i'm constantly facilitating adult learning experiences.
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>> unified school teacher and my dad is a professor and i grew up where i was able to prepare classrooms for kids. so when i joined, i ended up doing similar kinds of work with teachers. in the classroom and helping kids learn to read and understanding the curriculum and introduction that was instructed to them. and third grade intervention and 5th grade intervention. so really understanding what the curriculum is and how it is being delivered and the resources that are teachers are being given or not being given. and as part of the budget advisory committee that i was part of, we reviewed programs and program ethicacy here in the district.
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and as i was talking about the disconnect before, i, i realize what the district was saying was happening, wasn't happening. so what i bring is that, asking the question and being able to draw the connect the dots between the design and the statement of what the program is and what is actually happening in the classroom or not happening in the classroom. >> thank you very much. lisa? >> yes, so i've been an educator. i've been an immigration attorney for over 16 years and educator for the last nearly 10. and one of the things that i've learned in myspace as an educator is the value of curriculum and the value of implementing the curriculum. you cannot have one without the other. if you have a great curriculum but don't know how to implement it, our folks are not going to learn.
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if you have a lousy curriculum, you can't implement it. we need to have both. after each session, i think how can i do better? something else that i've been focused on is understanding the value of patience and that each of my stud epts come to me with an individual skills and understanding how to approach my work with the strength and space mind set, really leaning into meeting folks where they are. using cultural humidity lens and really making sure that all of the work and all the education is transparent and accessible so that students can harp and do learning with one another. >> thank you very much, arleta? >> thank you for this question. so i've been as a mentioned, 17 years as a parent in the district. i served on various district
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level committees. i'm the daughter and granddaughter of teachers and spend summers in classrooms. i used to come after school and play school with my stuffed animals. i loved school. but it was really my experience with my experience that made me realize schools were not set up for everyone. that's why i became an special education advocate and now i'm the director of nonprofit in the city. and in the world of special education, the way an vijd eyesed program works, for each child you do assessment, you get all the information you need to figure out what the child's strength and weakness is. and then you, take that and you provide support and services to meet that child's needs. that's what we do meeting after meeting which is a micro cause
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um in the district right now. so i bring that and want to take it toll education level. >> thank you very much. now for the second questions, great answers. how do you plan to reduce food insecurities in our public schools. gabriela you get to go first. >> i i've been thinking about this given the work that i've done on the board, given my own experience as a child in public schools. to ensure that kids had food when schools were closed.
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in sf u.s. d, we have implemented so many innovative way to see get healthy food that kids want to eat as a teacher. i see food that they're not interested in eating and hearing from, from our student population to make sure that they have access to something that they enjoy eating and that they build a healthy relationship with food. at the kitchen and how we can implement it district wide. >> i would say as a parent, i was excited when we went with revolution foods, but my kids don't like it. there is a lot of food that is
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going to waste. i live next to a school and it a tracks, vermin, that there is so much food that is being composted. we need to study how can we make the food so that the student want to eat it. that healthy food that is available all the time with fresh food and vegetables. i would like to see something like that. there is a lot of nut allergy focus but there is a lot of soy allergies. making sure that we're providing it is going to be a tough priority. >> thank you very much. liny. >> i've been in a lot of lunch
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rooms and i've seen the waste. this year we're doing free lunch last year, we did free lunch. that's great but one of the benefits of it, there used to be a-line that kids had to get into if you were getting the school lunch that was really really slow and kids didn't have access to the time to eat. they were being singled out and waiting to eat just because they were getting school lunch. my daughters. school has been a recipient and it was a switch list.
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we need to continue the partnership during winter breaks and summer breaks so that families have access for food and know where to get food for their meals and their children and their families as well. >> thank you very much. lisa? >> i, would agree with what everyone said thus far. food insecurity in our public schools is a very big deal. if our students are not fed, or feeling hungry or have the water to drink, they're not going to focus on the learning. we need to make sure that the core, that the core needs are going to be taken care of. we heard in the district and our role in the board, that students are being impacted by the fact that they don't have
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access to snacks which came from federal funds that were cut. but that has been impacting our students. yes, revolution foods, folks were really excite beside. but any of us with kids in the district, know it did not go well. i want to lean into what lane' mentioned, the programs that are spanning with refresh, we have seen, students excited to eat and the idea that we took kitchens out of schools and now we're in a situation, we did not have good foresight back then, so we need to be changing that. >> thank you very much and anne? >> you want me to go first? >> aleta. >> i appreciate that lisa teached on the subject of hierarchy needs, that is the
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base like the foundation of house. if a student basic needs are not met, they're not open to learning. and food is a huge part. so i appreciate the work that we've been doing with community partnership, we have community that's rebring resources into our schools such as food pantry. my son goes to deniman and we have a foodbank once a week. and i'm happy to see that we have additional funding, thanks california, for those additional grants. we need more partnership. today i was at hub in south here, where families on, wednesdays can stop by and get food free food. but op tuesday and thursday, they're also offering housing assistant, helping people apply for benefits and things like that. and so much more than just food. also in the past we've involved
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students in the work, we actually had our students as part of the tasting committee. so the more we can bring our students in to have ownership, the better off we'll be. >> thank you very much. anne. >> thank you. i think all the other candidates have said everything that i want today say. so really my first encounter and i'm very fortunate, my first encounter was a driver for the foodbank during the pandemic. for about ten months, i brought my high school age kids and we drove around and delivered food to the household mostly in the east and southeast neighborhoods. sxifs also a volunteer at the voes relate middle school handing out school lunches when kids were not in school. i was out on that day when it
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was orange, pollution that day i was out there handing out food. i think laney mentioned that we're expanding kitchens and i was on the part of that. and i actually one thing that i do want to mention that we actually give the same amount of food to high school students as well as elementary and that does not make sense. because two high school sons will have to bring home food from home. >> thank you very much. our third question, can you share your thoughts on the new board of education governoring model and how it may impact the board of education? karen? you get to answer this first.
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>> on the one hand i'm supportive of the student outcome having worked for the organizations that were outcome focused and discipline in that way and really pushing the decision making to the educator level, it would be good. on the other hand, i feel we're rushing way too fast and community does not know what is going on. last night there were 50 items at the board of educators meeting. it went until 1 1:00 o'clock at night. and these were important items, food contracts and many many different items. and on saturday, the board is needing to decide on the goal vision and outcome.
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to focus on the specific outcome. i'm concerned that not as many san franciscoians know what is going on and how fast all of these decisions are being made. >> thank you very much. lany. >> i wish it was that fast. >> i'm excite beside our new governorance model, one of our goals is 50% of our meeting time will be spent on students and the outcome of decision on students. the other change and the goal is to start in december is our agendas will be posted 12 days in advance. part of why our meetings are so long is, this will change so people have the tupt to see the agenda and--opportunity to reach out. there will be a documented q & a that is part of the final
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agenda that is posted within 72 hours of the notice. but that will allow, to make sure that we're making good decision sxz that public input is embedded in a way that is much more authentic. i'm also, very convinced that the way that the board and our governorance structure has been working has failed. we see that and how our literalcy numbers are. it's time for a change. >> thank you very much. lisa? >> thank you, we've been thinking about this since june and it may feel fast. when we look about what we're not doing for our kids with the underscore, we're not moving fast enough. we do not have time to lose when it comes to centering our
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children and making sure that we are meeting their needs and their goals and making sure that everyone has access to an excellent education. in terms of the work that we've done over the last month and a half, we've done over 20 visits at schools on the evening and weekends with two board members usually, in community throughout the city. and how we're engaging so people do not have to come to 55 franklin in order to get their needs met.
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>> thank you, thank you very much. aleta. >> well actually engaging with the community has been done multiple times. and that's part of the problem that we have with trust in the community. is fact that i've done it a number of times. we've gone out. great, the devil is going in the details. do we have the metrics to get to the part that we want to get with everything in values? we don't.
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and we don't have an authentic engagement process other than coming to the board of ed right now. i'm very cautiously optimistic, but there is a lot of work and a lot of things that we need to do behind the scenes to make this work appropriately, implementation is key. >> thank you. anne? >> as a newcomer to the field of education, i was very glad to get some government training along with this board starting in march/april of this year. and what i've learned is that school boards, actually work kind of boards where we do not meddle in the business or the jobs of superintendent. we are suppose to set the goals for the school districts overall. and the professional comprise of supervisor and his whole
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team to figure out a way for us to achieve the goals some guard rails. and that's been helpful to know what my lane is. what i'm suppose to do and what i'm not suppose to do. so i'm not, none of us are suppose to, higher or fire principals. the only person that we can hire and fire is superintendent. so this training has been good for me and it should continue with all the board members. >> thank you very much. gabriela? as a former board member, i was working with the community and i would come to the areas of the city to engage with different organizations and groups.
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as bilingual i was for accessible. but it was true that i was not implemented for a former way for a board member to be engaged on the ground in that way. i'm looking at the new structure and i do appreciate the attempt to be more affective. but i want to ensure that we don't limit anyway for the public to engage however they can. so continuing to operate in a way where people can access the board and have recorded their issues so that we can access it later on, i believe that's really important while simultaneous' redoing the structure that makes it more accessible. overall, people need to understand what the board of education does and it's really important that as a board, we educate the public on that. what are we voting on? how can they tribute to the decisions as we're here to represent the public?
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>> thank you very much. our next, our next question, let me put my mouth up here. we've seen dropping enrollment in sf u.s. d, how do you feel about the investment in the schools? and we're going to start with lany? >> i missed the last. >> we've seen dropping enrollment in sf u.s. d, how do you feel about enrollment in new schools? >> i think we've seen dropping enrollment as in sf u.s. d because we've seen a real lack of trust in families about what we offer and what the students are going to experience when they attend our schools. one of the things that i've focused about what it is that the district offers
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academically, enrichment support for all students at all sites. at a base line and then what do we do when there are students that need additional support over committing to additional pathways or other opportunities at our school site. there is little documentation available about any of our schools and what they offer in consistent way that does not require families or students to actively seek that information. we have not published a category for our high school since 2014 and our enrollment reflects that. i'm an advocate about being clear about what our commitments are so that every school, we want every school to have a unique school and to be warm and welcoming but but to have consistent offering. >> thank you very much. lisa.
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>> yes, so we've seen dropping enrollment and i agree that it's because our family do not feel they're getting access to equitable education opportunities. they may think that the opportunities are sufficient. it may mean that the students are not getting supported emotionally or educationally. we're not paying our teachers, we have an educator shortage because our teachers are losing trust. we have seen a mass exodus hemorrhaging of students and teachers. i think investments in schools is really really important. whether it's a new school or existing school with the
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community and a family of love, i think our investments in our educators and our communities is key to ensure that we can get folks excited. i want to get our district back up in a way that people are excited to be part of. >> thank you very much. aleta? >> i think our enrollment went up by about 1,000 this year after based on most resent data, so that was encouraging to see. binge that there is a lot, as everyone else mentioned, we do have a huge discrepancy on what is available at the school. when the new system was proposed back in 2018, all of us wrote a letter to the board. adjusting an enrollment system is great, but until you address
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the discrepancy, the facility is different. the school that have the bond renovations, others have been passed over. until we fix all of this, you know, it does not matter what system, we put in place. we have parents that are going to gain the system. we need more language pathways. we need more stem programs. we got these programs that attract families, build more of those. >> thank you very much. anne. >> i emigrated from a developing country and developing countries when developing fast, they build a lot of communities in just barren land. and when you plan on the communities, have you to put in
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schools, grocery stores, community centers, so i think for us, we are a developed country but portions of our city that are developing which is great. for example, mission bay is a brand new community so it makes sense that you build in schools, commercial corridors, and community centers and libraries so that you can provide the services for the newly built community. so i'm for that. and in addition, we do need to somebody else mentioned look at our overall portfolio. we're doing that for the schools to see what schools we have and what programs we have in the schools. and i would like to see that done for middle schools and elementary schools as well. >> okay, thank you very much. gabriel a. >> i believe we, we need to know why our families are
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choosing to leave sfusd. and i feel the pandemic was a factor. students feeling safe at the school site that is also important for us recognize. but i don't believe we have that information. so that we can improve in those areas. again as a former teach in the district, i was able to see the wonderful work happening in our school sites. our school district needs to highlight that. we can share the good work na
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is happening in our school laws versus, a lot of messaging that often tends to be the office for public schools. >> thank you very much and karen? >> yes, i agree with what gabriela said. 56% of students have add least one immigrant parents we're a very divert district. but only 50% of our graduates are graduating college and ska reer ready. among our black 1 in had, among our latinx 1 in 3 is graduating college and career ready. this is a city, that assures that usfusd is a giant gentrification force. i want to see from 9th grade all the way through high school
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graduation, an individualized learning plan that helps a young person discover. what am i good at? what am i curious about? and has a paid summer job in leading san francisco employers every summer where they if get to experience what it is like to be in the workforce field. enhance, career and technical education and community partnership so that we can get our students to and through college, those who want to go. >> thank you very much. and now on to the next question. during the pandemic, an issue that came to light, was the lack of universal high speed internet for all students. how will you work to address this issue in the coming term? and we'll start with lisa. >> that's correct. >> so i think, i'm going to
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answer the question about high speed internet. but i want to say it's not just high speed internet it's other things that we now understand our critical to learning. that relates to what we talked about food security, so many other things outside of what we think of when we're in the bubble of a classroom that impacts and i am preliminariation an individual's ability to learn and engage. i'm really excited about state money that is coming into the district to support community schools, should proposition g pass, that would be 56 million a year coming into the schools for the long term. a lot of times we've had programs that are short in duration. so i'm really looking forward to these wrap around services that can include other things from well being to making sure that our families have access
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to internet so they can engage and do the work that our educators are asking them. >> thank you very much, aleta. >> i love these forums because we all build on each other. anyway. even if we hand it out, the verizon hotspot. stepped up and offered computer lab in common room in our public housing site and we had our community learning hub that stepped up and provided safe spaces for students to learn
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and be in community. san francisco unified is one of the social net. strong community and strong schools but it also donate so much else. so being able to collaborate and being able to key components. >> thank you very much. anne? >> coming from the high-tech industry for over two decades, there is no shortage of technology or even money. we are very rich city as well as a rich bay area. i think what we need to do is engage, the the school district needs to engage more partners to be actual partners. i remember during my son's
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middle school, was a trial school for middle school redesign and every student got a ipad or chrome book with a verizon hotspot. so when the pandemic hit, they still had that. the resource right side there, the monies are there and there is something called corporate social responsibilities that many many companies are very willing to support the community that they operate in. so we need to tap into that. >> thank you very much. >> gabriela. >> one of the decisions was recording the technology for students to learn at homes because it's irresponsible to ask a family to log on to skaogle classrooms and understand zoom without having or providing the materials
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needed to do that learning. after that, as somebody who was on the board and as a teacher, i was providing workshop for families in different languages to help them understand how to navigate the tools. it's one thing to supplement our communities with the materials they need but it's another to walk them through how to use them. we were learning that as parents were now teachers. and they were supporting students in ways that they hadn't before. so it was providing workshops through my work at the latino platforms that helped them how to navigate and translate so it was accessible on their end. >> thank you very much. karen. >> building on what my one of
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my fellow candidates said, is partnering with organization and think systematically. last week, we heard from a parent, why are there so many programs, shouldn't all schools have after school programs, the same requirements? so the higher superintendent had a standing monthly meeting with the youth serving community organizations that is no longer happening according tovaness a, the head of parent's for public schools. i really want to make sure that they're meeting on a regular basis with our community base organizations and thinking system wide. how can we make sure that there are community base organizations supporting all the students providing access to wi-fi, to computer et cetera
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and that, it's not a huge discrepancy between what is happening at one school and what is happening at another. and that all students who need access to the internet have it. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. lany. >> we're still providing chrome books to students. the rate has skyrocketed. where my focus is, how do we get our students excited about being at school? how do we make it so they feel supported at school? and interested in services. in language communication, even through our, the 20-some odd out reach that we had in language offering were by far
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the most attended. which indicates to me that a lot of who is not at the table, who is is not connecting at the school site and habits, are families that don't are not getting the information because it's not how they're xaoun indicating with us. >> thank you very much. and our next question, sfusd, has had deficit spending since 2017 and failed to address its deficit. now do you plan to address this issue going forward? and we're going to start with aleta. >> we need a holistic review of all plans that they have. one of the plan that i've been working is our reading instruction program in san francisco unified.
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we just did an addity, our curriculum instruction and we found that we don't have the foundational skills, we're not reaching the building blocks of reading in over 90% of the schools. so we wonder why we have less than 50% of students that are pro efficiently readers. if you don't learn to read in, you get referred to speciald. if you learn in fourth grade, it takes four times longer. if you get rifrd to special education, it cost three times as much. we know that the work that we're doing, is costing a whole lot of money, so that's one example of what we need to do, what are we doing to be done efficiently.
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>> thank you very much. anne. >> ever since i joined the board i started to talk to a lot of people and i hear a lot that we need funding, funding from federal, local and philanthrophic organizations. we always need more resources. while i don't disagree, i want to look at our expense site. we have a one billion dollars budget, that is not small money. what are we doing with that money? what are we spending money on? and what are we getting for it? a paeshtly not much. what i would like to do for all the money that we spend on program, i would like to see the metrics of success for that program. if a program is working, then we get more money expanded. if the program is not working, what does that mean, that we stop spending one.
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it's that we switch a program, try a different way to help that community. >> thank you. gabriela. >> i do agree with what has been said and it's one of those things, where we've dreamed of what our classrooms can look like. the resources, should be provided, the materials, the learning experience that's we want our students to have and we have not actually invested in that because of outcomes that we've seen. what we're needing to do is monitor the effectiveness of the programs and if they're not working, then we cannot continue. sfusd, does not directly invest in classrooms. >> if we start with what that
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looks like and think about the resources needed for a teacher to effectively do their job, then we can, we can focus on other areas. but there is a lot of money going to administrators who don't focus or work with children. and a lot of people on the board who don't know what they do. so it really does take investing in the classrooms first, and ensuring from educators who know what is best. >> thank you very much. and karen? >> we do have a structural budget deficit, because the cost of our retirees and our expenses keep going up. we have to figure out how we can address thish.
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we have a structure deficit because we have proposition 13, we capitalize property tax sxz start building all of these prisons and the amount of money we spent on prison went up and money we spent on universities went down. this is what we have chosen as a state to invest in young people. so we need to reform prop 13 and ensure that we have the adequate resources for education. it's reactive, if you don't assess students early and start intervening early, that saves money. if you wait until problems develop, it costs more later on. same thing, we have a tremendous amount of litigation, what are we learning from the lawsuit to see prevent a further lawsuit. >> thank you. lany.
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>> so we're a governorance force, we're not a legislative force. we have fiduciary responsibilities. le i was there as co-chair of the committee, advisory committee that i was on. and i said during this, we need to stop the spending resolutions that the board keeps putting forward and we need to review our spending. that does not happen. that is happening now. so we are hiring a new auditor for years. i think the laziness, thankfully as stressful as having the department of education working for us. and understanding what are the
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normal, what is normal spending and what we should be expecting as far as budget reporting. we need to move the curio budgeting so we understand what we're spending and we also have to review our curriculum introduction. >> thank you, and lisa. >> thank you. i'm also, going to get into the weeds now. having sat on the board for 7 months, we joined the board when the district was facing a deficit with protected 125 million dollar shortfall. and i think there is a number of action decision that created that access. with 10,000 being assigned per student. it's been a loss of 25 million. additionally, we were not and have not been strategic when it comes to spending money, one time versus on going funding.
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and there has not been a thoughtful analysis of how we're spending money. i believe that our budget reflects our values and we need to be intentional on how we're spending the money. i'm proud that one of the early things we did was talk about a short budget. and the general fund was nearly 22 million. a revised budget brought that shortfall to one and a half million. with an additional on our una shined balance. and our budget showed us surplus. so we're going to see changes to that. we just approved a 6% increase for our teachers but we need to be findful of the funding. >> thank you very much. and our next question, how do you plan to recruit and retain top educators and administrator for sfusd? and we'll start with anne.
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>> like i said, we approved the 6% salary increase for our teachers. i actually had proposed to our superintendent that we may want to make some adjustments to benefit salaries or have shift some of the benefit to the salaries because salaries matter more to younger teacher so we can attract more of them to come. i remember when i was 20-year-old, i didn't care about retirement and any need my help with benefits. but those are the things that we need to think about for way to see recruit and retain teachers. and one of the ways for me being in the citizen bond oversight committee, we have a lot of properties in the school district. 165 pieces of property to be exact.
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some of them can be turned into teacher housing. one we just broke ground on shirley village, teacher housing that took 13 years to come to fruition. we need to speed that up. and one of the proposition is to speed that up so we can build housing for our teachers. >> thank you very much. gabriela. >> so this is something that really personal for me given i've lived through a lot of it. i think there is a culture of respect that is lacking across the city, across the country when if comes to educators. but one thing that we need to remember is our teachers are human, and they're holding so much during a time when nair being forced to take on so many more. there is a lot of suffering that has been happening because
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of some of the issues. so starting there is a priority. as work that i do at the university of san francisco with future teachers, is really implementing the various ways that at the state level, are making it easier for people to become educators and for them to be in sfusd schools. soy get work with teachers who are clearing their credential who are paying for the exams and take advantage of state that is providing future teachers so we can focus on the learning and caring that they need to better support our students. and not have to jump through the many barriers in order for everyone to come. >> thank you very much. karen? >> we need to pay our teachers and provide benefits and not only our teachers but also our sciu members who support our schools, our administrators.
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i spoke this morning with one of the star trin als in the district and likely to leave because she has not had a raise for four years. even though she has been knocking it out of the park. i also think we need to develop from within. we use today have a partnership between usf to help parents become educators gave them an off to study. and i've spoken with many educate of color about what kind of support they would need. in the city of new york, they have a special anyoner tiff within the mayor's office to develop more educators of color. and i would like to see that here, that provide spiritual, financial and academic support to our educators and develop them from within. i want sfusd to be the best
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place to teach. we're the safe place for lgbtq and all of these make us stand out and it's about housing. >> thank you very much, lany. >> i guess the way i think about it, our student place is our educators work place. so if we're going to focus on students, we need to support our educators so they can focus on our students to be successful in supporting our students. two big things, biggest one, is pay roll debacle, we inherited three of us coming in, the ramifications of it insufficient contract and scope of work, that was coupled with cutting of i.t. and pay roll staff. we're now working really really hard.
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our former superintendent was very uninterested. we have a new superintendent who has been from day one and brought in i.t. crisis management who is meeting with us regularly. the other thing is work place condition. i hear loud and clear, we need to do pay benefits no doubt. but we absolutely have to improve the supports that we're giving around literacy, behavioral intervention, math intervention, the things that support our teachers work in the classroom. >> thank you very much. and lisa? >> thank you. i would say, i would focus on i would agree on all of that. one is attract city.
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and in the area, and you need to come pen tate. --compensate >> cut or not be sure whether benefits are still in tact. i think that salary is a thing of respect and increasing salary. it is not only, where we live in the bay area. the building of more affordable housing, teacher focus housing. we start today break ground on the first site that anne mentioned which is really exciting. and low morale, we need to make sure that they feel respected and welcomed and values. >> thank you very much.
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arleta. >> yes, everything everyone has said. there is a saying that all you have to do is drive ten miles in any direction and you can make more money. coplanning time with their fellow educators. like i said earlier, more social workers, more school psychologists and i know this question is geared towards teachers. but i have to say, our parent educators are the backbone of our school. and our parent educators only are given 6 hours a day. and in high schools and middle schools where the school day is longer, that's a big problem. that's a big problem, that's part of the reason why we have
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100 open positions. we are doing some work, we've got our pathway programs that are amazing that we're trying to recruit more bilingual special education teachers. it's really hard to make your way through. when you're in class and you're teaching at the same time, we should do more to support our teachers in our programs as well. >> thank you very much. our next question, if we continue to see a decline in enrollment do you support closing some schools in san francisco? if you do, how would you decide which schools to close? and gabriela, you get that question first. >> i don't support closing schools that's where i'm going to start. i don't trust that the school district has enough information and trusted people to gather the information need today make that decision.
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and we have seen who, what areas in the city are targeted when we're talking about closing schools. i believe that would be the southeast side of san francisco and we want to ensure that schools are protected across the city, so that's not an initiative that i would, pursue and i would learn other ways to go about fixing the issue but not closing schools. >> thank you very much, karen? >> i agree with gabriela i would with not pursue closing schools as a revenue. i would pursue making our schools more attractive to attract more students and give parents and families confidence that they will--that their students will succeed in our school. >> thank you very much. lany. >> closing schools is not on the table, that is not what we're focused on. we're very very much focused on getting the district in better
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shape so it will attract students back to the district. there is plenty of kids to fill our schools. so the work is to recruit them back by rebuilding trust. by showing that we're teaching kids to read, that they'll be successful in math. so the emphasis is attending to the differed maintenance that has occured in our district for far too long. and also modernizing the building. we're recognizing also that our facilities need attention. >> thank you very much. and lisa? >> thank you. the answer is a yes or no
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question, i say no. i agree with a number of comments made, including where our focus is making sure that they're filled and space that's are clean and lovely to be in with educators that are excited and supported and feeling valued there. we've seen the harm that it has, the disproportion impact that it has on our marginized communities. i'm also very concerns and weary about a pact that looks at school closures.
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>> thank you. arleta. >> well like i said, enrollment increased. but closing schools needs to be off the table. we just hired a new auditor as lany mentioned. we're in the process of hiring a new auditor who will will take a closer look. we need to look at programs that we have. we need to add to the stem programs that attract the families. and we need to address the disparities in our schools. talks about a lot of educational confusion, making sure that we've got the same programs available from school to school to school. we're not going to have
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language in special education in every schools but we need to have academic rig or that is going to attract and going to make sure that we have the program in place to close our opportunity gap. and that we are doing everything we can to make sure that all of our families sees that when they're students comes, they're outcome are going to be better than theirs were. >> thank you very much and anne? >> closinging schools, we would not sustain ourselves because of too many schools. but if we do, and as arleta audit and i am fellow board members will look at the expense and what programs are working and which one right side not. if we can get our house in
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order without closing schools, that is the way to do. we do want to benchmark across other school districts across the state as well as the across the country to see how they're doing with the number of students enrolled and teachers. we do want to take a look at that so we can learn from them and improve our own practices. if we can balance our budget, without closing schools, certainly, that is what we should do. >> thank you very much. and here's our next question. at present, one of the highest performing high schools for low income black and latino students in san francisco is the kip system of charter schools. are there lessons to be learned from them to support our most under served communities? thank you i knew i would get that out. karen you get to start. >> so i worked for you're up,
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which is predominantly black, latinx students. and the lesson that i learned there is when you provide high expectations and high support and when you have a staff that is very culturally competent and competent is rewarded and you create a learning community that students feel very safe in, where they are valued, seen, respected, where when they're not present, somebody calls them and notices. and there are incentives like going to a summer job. that is very highly motivating for them. it's also when learning is relevant. when a young person feels connected to what they're learning and when they see that
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as a result of learning this, i'm going to do, i'm going to be able to do something that i've always wanted to do. that is going to keep them coming to school. and i think all of those things can be applied to sfusd. >> thank you very much, and lany? >> i have this very curiosity. so i sat down with kip to understand what you do, how is it your schools are pulled. more demand than seats. and it was fascinate iting, the work that they're doing was, i, i was. data on a daily basis, backwards math assessment.
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for english, high school students come in, they map curriculum from the 11 a p exam in order to get all students prepared. and just the level of much coordination among staff content level is what i've been talking about as of sfusd. right now, there is very little level to have educators talk about cohear enter and grade level coherent. i've taken a lot from that conversation and there is a lot to learn from successful charters such as kip. >> thank you. lisa. >> so i'm a big proponents of
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not work ining silos and learning from others and replicating from where ever it can be, if things are working let's see why. can those things be incorporated into this district? that would be great to know. i think there is other right spots that we can highlight. we saw with the pilot of a new program among african-american students at john mirror and thanks to dcsf in the city,
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it's now being expand today sanchez and flynn and malcolm x. we need to stop working with the silo in our own districts and replicate what is working really really well. >> thank you. arleta. >> as a member of the chart committee, we do a lot of work. it's great to hear about the high outcomes of kip. but it's not fair to compare this apples to apples. kip does not have special day classes. they have a very low percentage of students who are in foster care or experiencing homelessness. there are antidotal reports of former board commissioners, cook used to talk all the time about family members who have been pushed out of kip because, because of behaviors or not
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meeting academic expectations. so about four years ago, i wrote an op-ed about the labron james i promise school which he had just opened in akron ohio or he dumped a basillion dollars. and the premise of that was, oh my gosh if folks would bring this money that they're putting into charter schools and put back in the public schools, how successful can we be together. >> thank you, anne? >> i've already heard very good things about the kip review charter schools. and i talked to a number of people including the community
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members who send their communities. kip has higher expectation, high expectations for their students and for their parents. so that is it's engaging the whole family. both academically and behavior. charter schools whether it's kip or lisa mentioned earlier, other public schools, that are successful in whatever programs that we have, we definitely need to treat them like start ups in the business world. because they try new things and sometimes it works, and if it works, some larger company comes and buys them. in our case, we should implement and scale them up for the rest of the school district.
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>> thank you very much. gabriela? >> so i do want to thank you arleta for bringing up points, charter schools are infamous for pushing students out. i'm curious as an educator who observed data, what are we analyzing to get these results? what are tests that people are looking at? and as a standardize, what do we know and have understanding around them that shares a lot on how we're examining students. i believe charter school exist to provide innovative ways for students to learn that other schools don't do. one example of treasure island academy they provide housing. that's something that we cannot tap into but that's why charter schools should exist. we have come to a place where
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they're now taking students from public schools or school grounds, having a lot of negative impacts that don't support negative learning. but what is working within our public schools and different school communities since we're serving the same students. >> thank you very much. our next question. what is the specific changes will you make to e pc. since i didn't know what it meant, it was the educational center to parents that they will not get their first choice school. so we're going to start with lany. >> dear lord, 75 seconds, does not even. i mean. so s i mean like i said, i've been a parent in the district. i have spent, i'm going to say
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at least six hours at epc in battle maybe. we need have a much simpler system of communication. every year it changes, when the applications are due, how many rounds? , how many schools you should put down. how you tour sites? is it in-person, is it this? is it the other thing. i have been told that i need to prioritize my feedback for epc. and also recognize that there is a review around our enrollment system. but i'm going to say this. there is a different enrollment system for elementary schools. there is a different enrollment system for our middle school. there is a different enrollment for our high school. there is a different enrollment for early education centers. we have to come correct and put
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our students and families first if we want them to musle through our system or pre-k through 12. >> thank you. lisa. >> we're going to come quick. as a parent that has lived through the lottery, and freaked out when i saw friends and their excel spreadsheets, i honestly don't know where to begin. i appreciate that the lottery system that epc is attempting to implement for years is to create create integrated schools with choice. the reality is they're not integrated. people don't feel that there is choice and the process is is not transparent or acceptable. so i think that one of the changed is around, what do our enrollment systems look like. we're the prior board and now
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we're looking at changes to the enrollment with elementary schools. i think that will if it's done right, will allow for schools with meaningful choice and choice to attend schools and there is parity within the choices that folks have. but right now, it's not accessible and i think that's one of the reasons why we heard that folks are leaving the district. >> thank you. aleta? >> so it's important to recognize that we have about 120 schools in our portfolio schools, about 60 are elementary schools. and if you go to any of the message board, the k file you hear about the same, probably dozen schools over and over again, right? so, one of the things that i mentioned earlier, education cohetion, god love them but they're a system of a larger program.
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if you've ever been to epc the week before enrollment, you probably get through dmv faster without appointment. so there is a lot of work that we have to do in customer service. but i think we also really need to be focusing on the programming at our school and making sure that all of our schools, have the programs, the academic rig or, the everything that is attracts families in and makes them willing to attend whatever school they get into instead of fighting or gaming the system or whatever to get into maybe building those top sibs or dozen schools that they heard about. we have a lot of great schools out there. >> thank you. anne? >> the two most important factors that i hear from families, one is quality of
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schools whatever that means in each parent's mind. and the other one, for a lot of immigrant is the language pathways. so a lost chinese parents, they want their children, elementary school children to learn chinese and they will willingly drive across town from where ever they live to put their children in those schools. does not even the quality factor, they just want the language. so as we, exam our portfolio of schools and as we move to a new assignment system, i think it's now postponed to 2026, or so. before we institute a new zone base, we need to balance out the quote unquote quality along with the language pathways. so that when a family is limited to a zone, then there are, all the schools should be high quality and there should
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be language options in every job. >> thank you, agreeabla. >> thank you, so the first place is the first center that our families remember and an experience that they remember as negative. i have hope now that we have a new head of enrollment, their approach is building with the people that we're serving, ensuring that they feel they're part of the process and they have the information they need and we can connect with nem on a human to human level. it should not be this really negative experience when this be is beginning with the school district as they're trying to get their child to a safe learning environment.
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bed programs should be available for families and can they get to the school? is transportation provided and if it's not, what are these factors. thank you. karen. >> yes, i agree with what's been shared. i'm an attorney and i was so confused with the education, i really feel for people who are not native speakers and never even navigated a bureaucracy before. i've been thinking about this, that we need to have om bisman office so parents have a place to go to help them navigate these things. i think that would help tremendously. and i'm very concerned that our schools, i think you saw in the
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chronicle recently. that 60% of our schools are segregated. it's not only sfusd seth policy, it is also about families taking accountability for their choices. we know that integrated schools benefit everybody. i want to work together to create that experience for young people. i think it would be fantastic for everyone. >> thank you very much. and our next question which may also be the last question, aren't you all excited? do you have a longer term
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strategic plan to refurbish older schools and enrollment was boosted to build new schools? and we're going to start with lisa. >> you said longer plans. >> to refurbish older schools and if enrollment was boosted to build new schools? >> thank you. it's a very timely question part of our six-plus-hour board meeting last night was provided detailed list of the state of our schools and the amount of money that it would take to refurbish slash build new ones. so there are questions, we're going to need a generous. it's important that in order to be thinking about how this infrastructure, this money comes in to make sure our
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school sites, our sites our kids want to be in. if we're going to sit in to support a bond, we need to be building trust. we need to be that we're accountable. i think the plan needs to take into account where we need to focus our energy? >> thank you, lisa. aleta. >> oh yes. so first of all, like i said before, we have a lot of squaolz that have been passed over for bond money. we need to get our schools retrofitted. we have kitchens that are not
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functioning and we're in the food mecca of the world. having great food programs. i like focus and career ready. the beauty of new mission bay school and that whole, one of the early designs included not just in elementary school but also a tech hub, a partnership with ucsf where high school students can come in and earn credits and work at ucsf and work that work experience? why aren't we doing that with a lot of our tech partners? there have been talked about moving soda downtown near all of the performing arts building.
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so our students have access to professional artist. the world is our oyster. count me in. >> thank you, anne. >> i was the chair of the citizens bond oversight committee which is a mandated committee that watches overall the bond committee and for the past two bonds, total 2 billion dollars. and we're looking at a new bond but before that can happen, we need to be more accountable to the spending. and i think the district has a lot of work to do to provide more transparency to the public so that we can be confident enough to vote for another bond. and something i want to mention, there is a lot of
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office building empty, let's think outside of box. can we have a partnership to use those buildings for our schools? i think we're the innovation capitol of the world, let's think about other options than spending money and building a new building. >> thank you, gabriela. >> so some of the facilities in sfusd, are worrisome and families have been advocating for improvement of them for what seems like decades. so is ensuring when we're investing in schools, how are we making sure that families get clear information about that process. i'm still hearing that does not happen.
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we should be taking advantage of programs that could be implemented at the local level. and learn from that will better support our district. our families have made clear, they want and could be a priority to rise and help them have access to resources that are outside of the school district per view. and last is building the connection with to help students as of with college credit. >> thank you. karen. >> so improving the school physical infrastructure is imperative as has been discussed. some of our schools are in very poor condition. there is a list on the william
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list which is the school's with the worse test scores, 35 schools on the williams list. and sfusd has contract with ain respect or that reviews the school and marks on the review, this school is in good review but we know that the schools are not in good repair. the lighting is broeng, functioning of toilets are not good, broken windows. and all of these problems, inhibit issues. my son used to hold it so he would not go to the bathroom and hold it until he came home because the bathroom is in bad condition. i want to make sure that we're renovating.
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>> thank you, lany? >> before we went out, we did not have facilities inventory. we had looked at a facility and had a state of repair plan that informed a decision making. you may imagine that politics became infused in the decision making of different types of politics. there was also a self imposed limit without recognizing that our high schools are larger than our elementary schools. so one of the things that we're talking about is when we go out for another bond, fingers crossed and we have to instill
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confidence that the district is capable of managing money well first is have a plan that is color coded and complains why we're prioritizing some programs over others. but we have nutrition services and the facelift of a lot of schools since many of them were built long long ago. and i was pushing to ensure that the difficult products don't get delayed because they're difficult. >> thank you very much. and now we come to the candidates closing statements. >> we said it all. there is no more. we'll dot closing statements in resource alphabetical order. you have 90 seconds. we'll start with lisa. >> thank you again.
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i spent over 16 years challenging an awful inhumane immigration system. i've had stamina to work alongside of community to improve the lives of others. over the last nearly 10 years, of teaching law students, i say be careful, when you're holding a hammer, everything looks like a nail. some of the most affective change is listening and talking. and after having many many conversations with parents, it is clear that at the core what we want is what is best for our kids. and i'm committed to what i want for my own kid. this is a shift what we want, we have to be willing to want for each other's children that's the place where we start our conversation. we start our conversations from a place of common ality, not a place of difference. i'm really excited about the
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unique position and the positionality that i bring to this board as a mayoral appointee, i have the backing and support from the democratic party. i have over two dozen democratic clubs and union supporting and endorsing me because they understand i'm engaged in students and not politics. and i look forward to put our students first. >> thank you very much. and lany. >> thank you for your time and i hope the last couple hours, you heard my commitment and competency. i was appointed in march as one of the mayoral's appointees and i came to do the work. i'm focused on the student success and fund to go
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prioritize our students needs as educators. again, the primary focus, priorities of our students success, fiscal responsibilities and rebuilding trust. and delivering trust, to provide quality education to all of our students at all of our sites. our budget needs to follow our student priority. and i just want to outline that in the last 7 months, we hired a new superintendent that i have great confidence in. we balanced the budget, rescinded teacher layoff. help to shore up financial resources, committed to focusing on student success. we've commit today governorance training, we're now reviewing the facilities, we're look at curriculum and instruction. we're doing things that have not been done in the district for 15 years, 20 years and sometimes no one remembers ever doing something like this. so i'm committed to be part of a board that comes together to
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do a work for all students and families. and students will not benefit until our adult behaviors change and i believe my experience and commitment has shown that i'm willing to serve and i'm going to serve for all of our students. >> thank you very much. and karen? >> the theme of my campaign is, unifying san francisco for san francisco unified. all of us in san francisco have eye stake of the success of our public education system a safe and prosperous, begins the same high quality public 'eming occasion for every young person. i know from my 20 years of youth development experience that all young people love learning, all families love learning. it is a responsibility of the board of education to provide learning environments where all students can thrive. i'll use my experience work
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withing immigrants, preparing young adult for success and college and careers and healing divides to bring our school system together and to get our communities working together in service for all of our students, really emphasizing how we can prepare and connect all of our high school graduates to college or careers. my priorities are to invest in social, emotional well being and academics to provide budget transparency and accountability and to provide collaborative decision making. thank you so much for listening to us. and i forgot to mention at the beginning, i live in d5 in the fillmoore. >> thank you. gabriela. >> thank you, everyone, for hearing us and for being here tonight.
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i'm here to hear the people that are often left out. i'm an educator, i have vast experience and a level of expertise that has not been involved at the board of education level and that extends from prison education, to bilingual education. my priority includes increasing school funding and resources, expanding math reading and science opportunities and investing in college preparation across the school district. i'm an advocate for education in my current roles and will continue to be as i'm able to connect with the community with the work being done in education and decision making. we're in a critical moment in education. i'm passionate about this work. i learn from previously serve ising, i've grown from it and
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i'm ready to continue advocating for all of us to better serve our students. >> thank you very much. anne? >> i'm the only immigrant on the board. there is a significant population of immigrant students and families in our school district. and i understand ho they feel and what they need. and i'm prepared to help them get that support from the district. and i'm also a business person, i think that unique perspective could very well help us move in the right direction with some fiscal discipline and operation. i have qualified background to run organizations, my prior pits on the school board are students achievement and
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academic excellence, safe schools emotionally and physically for students. i'm here to reform and to get the politics and for to us focus on educating students. >> thank you very much and aleta. >> so it's been a really tough couple of years in san francisco between the pandemic and recalls and everything. so first of all to former president lopez, thank you for your current service, to our three commissioners, thank you for your service and to our--environment, thank you all. i'm running because of my experience advisory committee, i'm running because of a day job. as a special education advocate, nobody hires an advocate to come into a meet when a student has what they
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need. they hire an advocate when they need it. and when you bring in more supportive services for one student, the entire classroom benefits. that's the universal design for learning. we have to do it from a student way, and we have to do it from a place of collaboration and respect. and that's what i want to bring back to our schools. my dad always jokes that he votes to cancel my mom out because he's a republican and she's a democrat and they've been married for many years. we can do this, and we can build great outcome for all of our students. thank you. >> thank you very much. and ladies, i want to you know, i applaud you all forever
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taking time of our lives to run for office. sometimes not, people are not out there say yay, but you're doing, we appreciate it on behalf of our children in the city of san francisco. so now, i shall close. on behalf of myself and the league of women voters of san francisco, our thanks to the candidates for participating and thanks to each of you for taking the time to to yourselves about your choices on the november 8 ballot. please remember to register to vote. if you are not already registered, and aren't already registered and urge others to register also. if you changed your name or you moved, you need to register again at your new address. and if you'll be voting my mail
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this year, and i believe every resident of california has the opportunity to do so please be sure that your vote will count by ensuring that your ballot is mailed or dropped off at a ballot place or voting center early. again, thank you, good evening, take care, stay safe. thank you very much. [applause]
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is r. my name is debra alvarez rodriguez. i'm the deputy director in san francisco. my background is one in which i have spent the entirety of my life committed to finding solution to poverty and addressing the issues of inequity so people and communities can have accesses to resources and financial freedom. one thing true anode dear to my heart was the power of business ownership in creating
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pathways to financial freedom. we have still in infancy. we had over 100 entrepreneurs come and start their businesses. some are food trucks. some are restaurants. some are in farmer's markets and so farther. that's an incredible legacy and record to build upon. this was the perfect opportunity for me to come back home, you know, come back to the neighborhood and take my skills and networks and resources and put it backseat in service of the community. given everything with racial reckoning and pandemic it was time for me and everyone else that had the opportunity to leave and get educated to come back home. we have a opportunity to grow our impact in terms of the number of people we serve and how we serve them. we grow our impact in taking the money we make with our
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entrepreneurs and circulate those resources back interview the community for community development. the third thing is we have a opportunity to have an impact on public policy in terms of the policies and practices the district has been notorious about interms of inequities. all of those are just the beginning of what is possible in terms of growth and impact. ♪ [ music ] ♪♪
12:00 am
. >> good afternoon commissioners, dph staff, members of the public and welcome to the commission commission of october 18, 2022. secretary more will you call the roll. >> sure. commissioner commissioner giraudo. >> present. >> commissioner chow present. >> commissioner green. >> present. >> commissioner bernal. >> present. >> i have a sculpt to read. good afternoon and welcome stot commission. this is meeting is held in hybrid formal at grove street broadcast live on sf govtv available to view via webex and
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