tv Recreation and Park Commission SFGTV October 24, 2022 5:15am-6:31am PDT
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san francisco historically underserved communities. we want residents to engage in decision making and benefit directly. we have a once in a generation chance to defend waterfront jobs, housing and public spaces from floods and earthquakes and reiman jts with more pub luck open space, better access improved mobility somewhere enhanced ecology. join the port of san francisco and let your voice be heard on the future of our waterfront. learn more at >> pa commission. could the secretary please call
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the roll? [roll call] >> this is rec and park commission meeting of october 20, 2022. the rec and park commission recognizes we occupy the ramaytush oholone people. we honor the ramaytush oholone people for commitment to mother earth. as the protector of the land and accordance with traditions, the ramaytush oholone have not ceeding (inaudible) as well as all people who reside in the traditional tearitary. we recognize our duty to honor the oholone. ooze uninvited guest we-wish to pay respect to ancestors elders of
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the ramaytush oholone community. good morning to rec and park commission and welcome to all guests today. this meeting is held in hybrid format in city hall room 416 with options to join and provide public comment remotely as well. ask you please turn off electronic devices and take secondary conversations outside in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. we ask to turn down your televisions and computers while listening on the phone. we ask for patience if we experience technical issues. public comment is taken in person and remotely and vainl for each item on the agenda. unless announced by the president each person will have 2 minutes to speak on a item. comments are available in person city hall and via phone. you can watch the meeting live on sfgovtv and provide public comment calling
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415-655-0001 rkts using code 24913372492. when you hear the item you could like to comment on, dial star 3 to be added to the queue. you will be lined up in the system in the order you dial star 3. the system will notify when in line and waiting. during this time it will be silent. all callers remain on mute until the line is open. please address your comments to the commission during public comment on items. in order to allow equal time nor commission nor staff will respond to questions. the commission may ask questions of staff when public comment is closed. if there is a item of interest not on the agenda and under the subject matter jurisdurgz of the commission you may speak under general public comment that is item 5 and continued to item 9. you may submit public comment
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by e-mails recparkcommission@sfgov .org. written comments also be sent via postal service to san francisco rec and park commission 501 stanyan street san francisco california 94117. the following are short announcements for those joining in person. if the fire alarm activate you must evacuate the building using any exit. inside the restroom is a speaker box, press and city hall security will answer. please note this commission meeting is recorded and will be available for later viewing on sfgovtv. we are on item 2, president's report. >> thank you very much. we have some distinguished visitors today and couple different items, so let me begin by
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welcoming the (inaudible) stone masons here in san francisco visiting from (inaudible) japan. with us today we have several volunteers including mason, designer and translator as well as members of the (inaudible) here supporting the masons and coordinated the stone donation for the project. the stone masons are here to install the (inaudible) in the san francisco japanese tea garden. at this point let me ask abigail mayor if she like to come up and say a few words. i hope i didn't surprise her with that invitation. >> thank you president buell. thank you commissioners and general manager. thank you for hosting the mason's from japan, and (inaudible) and his team. i think
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president buell, you covered it. they are here to install these beautiful special stones from a query in japan and it has so far been just a beautiful opportunity to connect with them and to have this cultural exchange here in san francisco, so we are excited that they get to visit the commission today. they were just outside visiting civic center plaza, and after today's meeting they are going to take a tour of japan town. so, thank you so much. >> thank you abigail. so, we want to thank you from traveling from japan and the commission and department would like to present you with this certificate of recognition, which i will now read. in recognition of the (inaudible) team of stone masons from (inaudible) traveling from (inaudible) japan
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to install the stone at the base of the pugoata in san francisco japanese tea garden in golden gate park. 140 years the stone masons honed the craft of cutting the stone of kings as celebrated in temple shrins and castle. commitment and collaboration for sharing the stone the san francisco rec and park commission extends its highest commonination and honor. now i like would like to invite representatives to speak, if you like. do we have anyone that would like to speak on behalf of the stone masons? if not i'm going to give you a certificate. [laughter] i'll present you with this. maybe we'll get a photo.
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francisco people visit global base, actually that place is the place to feel harmony all human being is one. that is my mission. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. [applause] >> so now we have the bay sox girls baseball team. i like to welcome coaches and players to the bay sox girls baseball to city hall. thanks to commissioner jupiter jones for being a champion of womens and girls sports and including you. [applause] i like to pass this off to commissioner jupiter jones to introduce the bay sox. >> thank you. so excited to share this amazing program with my fellow
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commissioners. welcome bay sox. i think you can see how much baseball matters to girls in san francisco by how many are here on a school day. not that we encourage-school is just as important but baseball is pretty important. i have an official resolution to present the bay sox, but on a personal note i want to highlight a few things. the bay sox are currently the only publicly funded girls baseball program in the country. maybe even in the world. that i'm not sure about. the reason that matters so much, this is a movement. girls have been historically excluded from this sport and on behalf of ow playerers i want to make sure we all understand is baseball is not the same as softball. they are two different sports. we live in san francisco, this generation of kids watched the giants win 3 world series in 5 years, these kids want to play baseball and the rec and park
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department made a authentic strong investerment in supporting these girls so what we get the result of the investment is there are more girls then ever playing on their middle school and high school teams in san francisco. we just finished our middle school baseball season and i think they were like 12 more then 12 girls on the field. i have never seen so many girls playing. i'm the monther of three girls who play baseball and my oldest two they were always the only girl on the field, and as we know baseball is a sport of confidence. you have to believe in yourself and have confidence when you are up there or you are not going to succeed so now imagine what these girls get to feel plike when they are up to bat or pitching and know the entire city believes in them and wants to see them on the field. so, i just really need to express my gratitude for the entire department for fearless leader phil
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ginsbering who believed in the program from the beginning and made sure it is here and going to be here forever. our amazing coaches who are out there braving the frozen tundra known as crocker amazon playground year round making sure any girl who wants to play ball has a safe supportive place to do it even if they come and find they dont like it. that is fine. at least they got a shot. all the rec and park staff shout out to linda bernard here there from the beginning. jimmy chin. you will hear our coaches handro and mannie blackwell who without this couldn't happen. [applause]. none of us me included have no idea how hard it is to be a girl who wants to play baseball. it could be lonely and
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isolating and told this isn't what you should be doing and should be playing softball but these girls every day exhibit such a strength and courage beyond their young years so they really a example and now any girl in san francisco knows that they can play ball. they are welcome here. so, base ball for all, which is a big national girls baseball organization, the founder of the organization dr. justeen siegel is her favorite quote, if you tell a girl she can't play baseball what else is she going to think she can't do? i'm very proud to announce in san francisco all girls regardless of income, regardless of baseball experience or neighborhood, they all know they can do anything in the city. >> here, here. >> thank you all. [applause] >> have this fancy resolution to read. can all the players
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and coaches some stand up here so i can read this to you properly and you get the celebration you deserve? we also have the best uniforms. >> i love the uniforms. >> the best swag. come on up. this is just a small sampling of how many bay sox are out there in the city representing. ready folks? so, on behalf of the san francisco recreation and parks department, whereas, a project of the san francisco recreation and park department the san francisco bay sox girls is the largest girls baseball program operating in the u.s. and where founded in 2015 by former women baseball player rochelle (inaudible) with the desire to field one all girls team to represent san francisco and
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inaugural tournament. the program has grown to provide year long team and training and higher level travel teams for girls 6-18 and whereas, since inception in 2015 the bay sox expanded from 1 team serving 12 girls to now serving 120 girls annually in the quest to show the world just how much the game of baseball needs women and girls. and whereas, the bay sox program aims to provide female playerwise the same opportunities that are traditionally offered to the male counter parts and whereas, the philosophy of the bay sox baseball program is provide inclusive safe space for the development of female baseball players, the program will develop competitive baseball players that confidently try out and play for any baseball team they choose and whereas, the bay sox participated in every baseball fl all
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national tournament since inception in 2016 and since the bay sox program began 12 of the players have gone on to play on their high school baseball teams jv and varsity. while the bay sox are recipients of pneumerate recognitions and awards the crowning achievement in 2022 there is unprecedented record number of girls playing on san francisco middle school baseball teamsx many here today with vast majority of the players being bay sox participants. now therefore be resolved the members of recreation and parks commission on behalf of the employees and citizens of city of san francisco do hereby gratefully right the san francisco bay sox girls base ball program for the contribution to the city and express great appreciation for the incredible dedication, passion and commitment of the staff, coaches, team members and
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families all which significantly elevated the quality of life for all san franciscans. thank you >> thank you. >> i will hand this to you mr. blackwell to hang in your office and think we have a couple of representives that want to speak. >> great and we'll get a picture with commissioner jupiter jones with the fancy resolution. >> hello. my name is simone (inaudible) i'm 13 and part of the bay sox the past 4 years. thank you to rec and park and commissioners for letting the program expand and giving girls the opportunity to play baseball. able to play has given a supportive community on and off the field and so appreciative for that. i'm proud to be able to represent the bay sox. [applause] >> thank you very much. anybody else?
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>> thank you to all san francisco rec and park commissioners for this opportunity to come out here and appreciate all the work these hard girls are doing. second, thank you to the rec and park staff, especially my main man, mannie blackwell and jim. i also want to acknowledge the parents for bringing the girls to every practice and parent letting their children know they can do something most people say they shouldn't be doing so thank you very much to our parents. i appreciate you all. [applause] and i just want to appreciate the opportunity we have to share this passion with our daughters and our sisters and the little sisters and i
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to make sure you see the work they put in. we have head, heart and hustal. have the head on straight, a heart where you believe in not just yourself but your teammates no matter the score. you got to believe you have a chance and hustal not running on a juf a the field, practice on the side and studying the games. those type of skills we try to impact on these girls are not just good for baseball but good for life. i know the giants were 500 team this year, so maybe we got kids in the pipeline they could use to maybe put them over the top. [applause] i think it is one of those things where if you see her you can be her and one of our big beliefs is at one point the guys can step away from coaching and the girls will take over and that is our belief is that these young women
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have all the knowledge and talent to achieve at a high level as long as they are given the opportunities and i think that is one thing that i want to just appreciate is the opportunity to present this program, the opportunity to share the passion i think we all at some point believe we will be a major leaguer, and i want these girls to have that same dream so thank you all very much. thank you linda for coming and believing in the program in the beginning and to all you, we will have more teams. start with one, we have four, there will be a whole lot more. >> thank you very much. >> just need more coaches. [applause] >> commissioner halacy, did you want to say something? >> i do. shout out again to the coaches and the parents, because without the organizers these programs don't happen. we are always going to have kids, but they need the guidance, they need the coaching, so salute to
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commissioner jupiter jones. i have known mannie blackwell over 20 years when he was at richmond playground. handro was a great player in the city. 12 varsity players in high school have come out of this program. i want a show of hands, which will be the first college female baseball player? anybody? okay. there we go. [applause] congratulation to all you, coaches, parents, organizers and you players, keep up the great work. >> thank you. commissioner louie. >> i just want to say, you have the best mentor for this program. our commissioner jupiter jones. i have only known you a here but this is gender equality in the
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>> so, let me make an announcement all of you fine baseball players and our distinguished stone masons from japan do not have to sit low the rest of the meeting. you would not find it anywhere as exciting as the work you are doing. >> i'm sure all you kids are anxious to get back to school. >> especially (inaudible) go back to school, please. >> thank you bay sox. [multiple speakers]
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>> welcome. >> i'll try to take a look. yes, thank you. >> so, we'll get to that-first, we need public comment on the president's report. >> okay. thank you everybody. >> general manager report? >> now we'll talk public comment on the president's report. this isn't general public comment, just the president's report itself. do you have comment? >> this is commenting on the things i commented on. we'll get you on the general public comment. >> is there-there are no callers right now, so seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. we are going to go backwards a little bit because we missed-item 2. item 2 is continuation of remote meetings so we need action on that. >> the chair would entertain a motion to adopt the resolution. >> so moved. >> second. >> moved and
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seconded. all in favor? so moved. >> again, i wanted to say something before. >> sorry. >> i wanted to ask, is this something that we have to keep voting on even though it has been lift ed by the governor? >> i think the state of emergency has a date in january it ends. >> okay. >> like i said, march. >> every 30 days as long as we have anything remote like the committee meetings. we are on item 4, general manager's report. >> good morning commissioners and public. half of whom i cannot see as i hide behind the tv here. i will be providing the general manager's report today and happy to anounts our promenade play days are in full swing. as you know, the promenade quickly became a beloved feature of golden gate
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park and since the art instillation and other fun features have been added over the last few weeks, the promenade is buzzing with energy. as part of promenade playday, jfk is transformed with street murals, colorful entrances (inaudible) beer and wine garden. additionally, the promenade has food trucks and our usual attractions like linda in the park and skating place. later this month on friday october 28 the halloween haunt in ghoulden gate park is 3 to 9 p.m. free events is park goers of all ages. as a note, we are as always looking for volunteers
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to help with our event so commissioners feel free to come out and join as guest or cookie decorators. the response to the new features on the promenade is overwhelming positive with many families and children flocking to see them. you may have heard the native land mural was vandalized, volunteer s quickly rallied bringing the mural back to the original state by friday evening. rec and park stands by the organizations that made this mural possible. this hateful act has no place in our city or parks as the parks are for everyone. now we'll talk about (inaudible) the resolution introduced last tuesday urging the commission to remove the name stow lake from the lake
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drive and boat house in golden gate park and rename these locations to a name that reflects san francisco's expressed values of celebrating diversity. the jewish community relations county san francisco is assisting in the naming process with a pro bono attorney who will help guide the community process and we look forward continuing to work with supervisor melgar on this effort. and finally, i have reports of many beautifications and renovations to share with you. earlier this month rec and park and the san francisco children and nature network alongs with partners rebuilding together, san francisco department of public works, friends of omi, swinten builders and california native plant society held two community build days at randolph bright mini park and brother head park. these saw over 80 volunteers turn out and (inaudible) focused on
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beautification project such as addition of nature play space at randolph park and artwork mulch landscaping and improvement at the parks that make a big impact for the surrounding community which rely on the neighborhood parks to provide much needed outdoor play areas and dpathering spaces. in addition, as we discussed this morning the japanese tea garden in golden gate park held a celebration for renovation. the 100 year old pagota is (inaudible) serves as a feature of the garden the oldest japanese guard in the united states which included replacing rotten woods, replacing the roof, restoring the vibrant color, adding bells and handrails. one significant component,
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all the-completed in-house by rec and park structural maintenance crew. this monday october 24 rec and park will hold a celebration for the reopening of the wallace street skate park located along the edge of the east end of golden gate park. this skate park has been under going renovation of the last which include (inaudible) have a busy week the following day october 25 we will hold a groundbreaking for hearse playground in visitation valley neighborhood. the playground is slated for $3.5 million renovation as part of the lets pay sf initiative and include two play-landscaping picnic table benches fountain and ada improvements. just last week at indian
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basin, the environmental protection agency deputy administrator janet mucabe visits the 900 enis site. joined by martha guzman. epa laidards were delighted to see the cleanup and environmental remediation at the site has been completed and park construction is underway. as you recall, they contributed significant funding to the cleanup of the 900 enis site. also at india basin rec and park held fall fest inviting district 10 families to enjoy kayaking, pumpkin patch, food, car show and many activities. as indian basin waterfront park becomes closer to realty (inaudible) create more opportunities for collaboration and
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input in the park. that concludes the general manager's report. >> thank you very much. >> is there any public comment in room 416 on the general manager's report? okay. seeing none, do we have callers? >> there was a gentleman. >> on the general manager's report specifically. okay, come on up. >> robin levt here. i want to say i love the doggy diner sculptures, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> president buell, do we have a certificate for sara as well? >> performance beyond the call of duty. >> seeing no other commenters in person or online public comment is closed. >> great. >> we are on item 5, general public comment. >> now is your time. >> could have had you stay here. >> getting your steps
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in today. >> robin levetagain here to talk about the page in laguna mini park. a 30 year resident of hays valley around the corner. i submitted petitions of the clerk by 200 neighbors and park users concerning the renaming. for nearly 2 years following the death in october 2020, marie (inaudible) richmond california has spearheaded an effort to rename the park in honor of his (inaudible) besides being concerned about the appropriation and transformation of the park (inaudible) neighbors who signed petitions oppose the idea primarily because by all accounts she had minimal involvement with and the community when she lived there. instead we feel if the park is to be renamed consistent with rec
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and park guidelines, it would be more appropriate to name it after someone who contributed to the park and the neighborhood. i believe you received an article that appears in the hayes valley voice about shelly burton who until her death lived a block from the park. a community act vist in it 1990 plays a important role in the neighborhood effort to get rid of the central freeway and par ticipated in redesign of the park and volunteered as the first garden cord nairtd. shelly loved the park and years worked tirelessly to beautify and improvement. as patricia walkup also a neighborhood activist (inaudible) ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things. naming the park after shelly burton would serve to honor the many ordinary people who have done so much
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extraordinary work over the years to improve hayes valley. the park is neighborhood gem, nob >> thank you. >> we plan to work on staff and hope when it comes before the commission you will act positively on the proposal. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> anyone else in room 416 that would like to speak for general public comment? >> good morning commissioners, staff. dpaived robinson, i live on page street few houses up from the mini park robin mentioned. use it probably 2 or 3 days a week. a day. 2, 3 times a day with my dog and the neighbors all around support this decision if renaming at all. it should be for someone
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who really gave back to the community, particularly that mini park in our neighborhood, so thank you for consideration. >> thank you. >> okay. seeing no further public comment, do we have anyone online who has their hand raised? no callers, okay. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. we are now on item 6, the consent calendar. >> commissioners--comments , questions? >> i move that we accept the items on the consent calendar. >> i second it. >> motion and second. all in favor? >> aye. >> so moved. thank you. >> thanks everyone. i needed to take public comment on consent calendar. i know we have someone here who would like to speak. come on up. >> on the consent calendar. come on up
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richard. >> thank you. richard harris with the san francisco public golf alliance. this is another youth sports here to support the lease to the san francisco first t and affiliated organization. we sent you a detailed letter. one of the issues we have had with the department for 4 years is the maintenance fee. there was ambiguous language regarding the maintenance fee in the agreement and we requested a amendment of that language that it does not say the maintenance fee, rather it should say, a portion of the maintenance fee. make that clear that this
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is not 250 to $300 thousand does not go to 35 pieces of outdoor furniture. we corresponded with the (inaudible) on that on the 17th and the 18th. they were copied to you. you have that correspondence, and we believe that our letter makes quite clear that the outdoor furniture being spoken of is 35 pieces of outdoor furniture. the maintenance fund has somewhere between 250 and 300 and by the time it is completed will be well over $300 thousand. we request that you make that clear that this is a portion of the
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maintenance fund. this maintenance fund issue we corresponded with you before. you will probably hear more from us about it in future but now we are (inaudible) we ask for that very slight amendment, which we believe then (inaudible) correspondence is in agreement with. >> thank you. >> thank you richard. >> anyone else in the room that wanted to speak on the consent calendar? okay. i know we have-okay. no callers with hands raised. public comment is closed. >> like to raise my hand. >> you wanted to raise your hand? >> i would like to raise my hand now. >> you are recognized. >> i need a point of clarification on this. can i ask sara to speak on this? >> sure. >> i don't understand what we are supposed to do now if we have this on consent i don't know the amendment richard mentioned is incorporated in it or if you are done
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discussing it? >> dana is on the line and responded to mr. harris letter but i'll let her speak and answer clarifying questions. >> can we arrange that? >> dana can you answer the question about richard harris issue? >> yes. of course we are only going to use the portion of the maintenance fee necessary to cover those expenses. there is more maintenance fee money then we would need for those expenses, and i reassured richard that we would not use more and in fact that the final agreement since this is just a term sheet will include language with more specifics in it. i will furnish him a copy and he will have a opportunity to see it. it just says we will use the maintenance fund, not all the maintenance
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fund. it was a term sheet. >> so it sounds like we don't have to take this out of the consent calendar, it can remain as is and we already approved it. is that correct? >> yes. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you. okay. moving on. >> we are on item 7, had san francisco zoo. we have chris connor in webex who is going to present so i believe sfgovtv will make him a panelist. hi, chris. >> good morning. >> we can see you and you should be able to share your screen now and i'll let you know when we see it. >> alright. >> okay, we can see your screen. >> alright. wow. modern technology. okay. thank you for having me. >> if you could just speak up a little bit or speak closer to the
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microphone. >> can you hear me now? >> we can hear you, it is just a little quite. >> okay. let me see if i can adjust my-- what about now? >> that's a little better. >> alright. >> so, my presentation is going to include construction projects that have taken place over the current year that have been completed as wells as ongoing projects and a few slides on future projects in the pipeline. at the zoo-where we see opportunities to create larger spaces of animals. we found there was a exhibit adjacent to the asian rhino exhibit that had been (inaudible) a number of years. it was too small for new animals so the decision was made to open up the wall
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adjacent to this exhibit and give our white rhino an additional space. you can see where we opened up that concrete wall. this is the new space which includes reactivating the pool as well as wood chips. we recently got a second kamoto dragon to have two dragons on exhibit at the same time. we covered this empty outdoor exhibit that is combined solid roof and mesh roof. kamoto dragons love to bask in the sun so we on sunny days we can let them out for sun bathing. we recently received a pygmy
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hippo. (inaudible) famous cincinnati hippo who was a-she was a social media star. so we decided to bring in pygmy hippos instead and got our first pygmy hippo and created a temporary exhibit. we make accommodations for a permanent exhibit for not only this pygmy hippo, but the future mate. we took the old exhibit and created solid walls which are both (inaudible)plexyglass and wood because the pygmy hippo is small enough he would have run through these wires so can't let that happen. as you know, we did a lot of conservation work originally with outside agencies and one of the
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conservation animals we work with is the yellow spotted frog, and the wellness and conservation is team asked for an addition so we can bring additional animals. just like you put an addition on the house we put an addition on our frog room. kind of boring, but that is what it looks like. eventually this will have tanks and other types of equipment to have yellow legged frogs. in addition to animal exhibit improvements, we needed to upgrade our building that housing the famous historic (inaudible) the zoo is on sand and over time things tend to sink so because of the sinking
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(inaudible) into this building and the building is acting like a sponge, so we hired a contractor to come and replace all the doors and walls and windows. we put new gutter system and drainage system around the building and we now will hope this building will last another hundred years. the other addition was we decided to bring in a second (inaudible) over a hundred years old. historic in its own right, but in order to maximize and extend the life we (inaudible) locomotive we alternate with the train. we haven't figured out the schedule yet, but could be every or day thing. the train barn that housing the little puffer was not large enough to house two locomotives so we put an addition. nothing sexy, but we needed the covered space for our second
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locomotive. the other thing we decided to do is that when the locomotives are in the barn, we noticed kids were jumping through the bushes to peer through the windows at the locomotives so we decided to remove the bushes and make a viewing pavilion. this is still under construction, we are planning putting in new windows but instead of the kids going over the fence and through the bushes, they will have a (inaudible) so that when the train isn't in operation, you can peer through the window and look at the train. again, in the goal of creating larger spaces for existing animals, if you have been to the zoo, the lion house has 4 outside grottos and we decided to knock down a wall between each of the two grotto. basically
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took 4 small grottos and created two large grottos. if you look past the female lion you can see a wall with a gray-that is basically capping off where we knocked down the wall, upgrading one large grotto. that is completed, and we are currently about to complete the second knock down of the other wall so we have two larger grottos for the cats. the decision was just made to bring in two female lions we will be getting from another zoo so we are in the process of the permitting process for that right now. thats completes the projects we have completed. the ongoing projects and the biggest one is the madagascar project conducted in two phases. the first phase is a (inaudible)
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you see in africa and madagascar and not only a (inaudible) there is a animal exhibit. you will see 5 small exhibits. these are tanks that house (inaudible) to small amphibians. the second part of phase 1 is a outside exhibit that will host (inaudible) animal indigenous to madagascar. they are a cross between a weasel and a small cat, and they actually feed on lemurs. of course we will not put lemurs in the exhibit. they will be adjacent but once completed we will have a male and female that will live in this exhibit. here is another view. still under construction and will
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include landscaping once completed and (inaudible) this is a lower level-there are two levels to the exhibit so there will be a tree inside the exhibit so-(inaudible) depending where they are at opportunity to see them on the second level or ground level. we hope to have phase 1 completed the end of next month so stay tuned for update on that. the other project in the pipeline is (inaudible) we had two (inaudible) off exhibit a number of years. we had a sea lion exhibit and worked with the marine mammal exhibit for years bringing rescued sea lions, mostly blind sea lions but the sea lions passed away and the decision was made not to bring additional sea lions because of the age of
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the exhibit, so we decided to move forward with (inaudible) the first phase is completed and actually filled in the old sea lion pool and working with a architect right now. this is one of the actectural drawings of this exhibit and once completed we'll have a (inaudible) enclosure and you can see the (inaudible) [difficulty hearing speaker due to audio quality] the other thing we are working on is a master plan update and one thing that is (inaudible) the closing of the great highway. in the lower left corner one idea we have is to take our current parking lot and use half of it for a new ocean
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conservation center. (inaudible) these are things we are working on right now to make that up for lost parking. you can see the right-again this is just a worker drawing now, we were considering putting in a new access portal through the zoo that you park on the south side off the skyline-we are still working with the architect and city, but one idea is to create a parking lot (inaudible) overhead bridge into the zoo. this is in the very early stages of that project. and that is my presentation. thank you. >> thank you chris. i know we have a hand raised on the line. anyone in the room who would like to comment on the san francisco zoo report? okay, seeing none, let's open the line to our
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caller. you have two minutes to speak. >> good morning commissioners. my name is richard (inaudible) this is basically what i said at the (inaudible) committee meeting. i was disappointed in the presentation that he didn't-mr. connor didn't talk about the (inaudible) now that it is a city landmark and we got funding from supervisor mar and melgar to do a economic study and i would hope and we have (inaudible) myself and rec and park staff have been meeting to come up with an economic plan for reopening the zoo and we hope that the zoo would be partners with us in trying to reopen the building and come up with a economic plan and how to open the entrance to it.
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that's all i have to say is we hope that the zoo would send a representative to our meetings, and that way we can all work together to open this wonderful building. and also the zoo needs to recognize that on their map that this is another building and there needs to be a plaque or sign saying to visitors the importance of this building and murals inside and that the city is working to reopening the building. it is time to start celebrating this beautiful building. thank you. >> thank you richard. do we have any other hands raised? okay. seeing no further public comment, public comment is closed. we are on item 8, golden
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gate park middle lake rehabilitation contract award. >> good morning commissioners. >> good morning. >> director madeleine. i'm excited to come back to you to present the golden gate park middle lake rehab project. my name is alex (inaudible) project manager. the agenda item before you is discussion and possible action to award construction contract for the golden gate park middle lake rehab project not to exceed $ for the base scope to bauman landscape construction inc. we received two bids and excited to learn that the bauman bid was the low bid and low enough to put the project within range with your approval we'll move forward with the
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project soon. i presented this at committee and i believe most of you are aware of the project, but sat a basic high level, middle lake is one of three lakes in a chain in golden gate park along chain of lakes drive which drains from south to middle to north lake along the fulton side. the lake doesn't hold water currently so any water put in now drains immediately into the sand and actually dry right now because of that reason. the lake and surrounding area are also choked with invasives and are the trail system around it is really rough and dilapidated and essentially a sand path. the project is to dredge and deepen the lake, which will keep invasives out hopefully for a while, install a aeration system to improve the water quality, add a clay liner so it holds water again, remove invaseivals from the lake and the surrounding landscape
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and improve accessibility and viz ability by resurfacing the pathways and installing new seating and signage. we are really excited to make this beautiful corner of the park more beautiful once again. note on the project labor agreement, city wide pla, this is one of the first pla projects, so we are excited to be learning through the process and going through that with this project and i'll be initiating our pre-construction meeting on that with olsc with your approval today real soon. another note about the tree removal for the scope, we issued a separate small contract to complete the tree removals, part of the demolition and restoration effort, which will likely start with your approval in the next couple weeks, and so we are starting this early to avoid the bird nesting season. with that, staff recommends the commission award a contract for the
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golden gate park middle lake rehab project in amount not to exceed $5.640.55.00 for the base scope pract to bauman landscape construction inc. and thank you for your time. happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. i'm looking here. joe, commissioner hallisy has a question. >> do you want to take public comment first? i don't probably have any. >> i think i rather take commissioner hallisy question first. >> thank you very much for your report. i know that chain of lakes drive has become a main thoroughfare from the sunset to richmond and vice versa, other closures in the park. do you anticipate with approval when this work will start and if so, will chain of lakes be blocked off at any time, which will limit access going back and forth north to south there?
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>> there will be large construction equipment that will have to come in and out of that area. we don't anticipate actually having to block off chain of lakes drive for long periods of time, and obviously we would try to avoid-if it does have to be blocked off for any reason, which i don't anticipate- >> just to be clear, i'm in favor of this work and this project but curious. i'm trying to think what listners and viewers might be thinking because i know that has been become very busy the last few years. >> right. so, like i mentioned, the tree removal is part of the project could happen real soon and we directed those contractors to go in and out of the lake at one location along chain of lakes drive to pass over the path there, but they won't be stopping in the middle of the street or anything. they will just be using a flagger to turn into the lake in and out and to avoid causing any disruption to pedestrians along the
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way. and then we'll try to do our best for the same. and r >> i know you will. thank you. >> alright. so, you guys can see the staff recommendation on page 138, so could i have a motion and second? >> are you go ing to do public? >> i thought you said there is nobody. >> i'm taking public comment from the absentee public commenters. would anybody like to comment? okay. >> there is nobody on the line. >> hearing none, public comment is closed. i will entertain a motion. >> we heard this in committee and i'm definitely in favor of this project, so i like to make a motion that we approve it. >> second. >> i have a motion and second. all in favor state aye. any opposed? it is approved. thank you alex. >> thank you. >> we are on item 9, general public comment. at this time if there are members of the public who would like to address
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the commission that did not address the commission on item 5, on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the park commission and do not appear on the agenda, now is the time. seeing none in room 416, and none on our line, we have no public comment. public comment is closed. we are on item 10, commissioners matters. >> would anyone like to bring up matters for the future? any future items? okay. commissioner louie. >> october is breast cancer awareness month, and i don't know if you know, but i'm a survivor, and i had the pleasure being called into the park ranger headquarters last week by chief murphy and park ranger marcus santiago, and i
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brought today-they gave you-because they too our wonderful park ranger is observing breast cancer awareness month. they wear this patch on the uniform for a month and have so for many years, so they learned through just this past year that i'm a survivor and they each have the patch for you. >> sf govtv can you put the photo on the screen? >> they gave me a patch and have patches for all you too and so they also have t-shirts that say park ranger rec and park and they are bright pink. i'm going to pick those up for you. >> thank you, thank you. >> we'll have those by the next meeting, but today we are going to give out the breast cancer patches and they are wonderful
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wonderful rangers. a lot of their wives and daughters and sisters are breast cancer survivors too, so here, here, park rangers. >> excellent. nice. >> any other comment? i'll add a comment. my sister lisa becker and i participate in three day walks. she is about to participate in one down south soon because we lost our cousin donna at age 51 to a virulent form of breast cancer a number of years ago so thank you for this. i really appreciate it. and are thank you for all those who support our breast cancer warriors during their struggles and who champion them when they beat this thing and we will beat it. thank you. >> like to say something. >> larry.
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>> commissioner louie, thank you for first of all for bringing this to us, but i just got to personally say, i'm so glad you are a survivor. love you dearly. >> very nice. agreed. okay. i dont see any other commenters so we can move to the next matter. >> okay, we are on item 11 new business agenda setting. anything from the commissioner s? >> for discussion in the november december we want to recognize we have a champion fly fisher woman and i will talk about this with mark and phil and i'll let you know, but it will be one of those. we'll see-she is in college in seattle right now. >> before my back went out for many years i was a fly fisherman. loved it and we have beautiful casting ponds- >> angler spots.
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>> in golden gate park built during i think wpa wasn't it? during the depression and they are classic. they are world famous. there is even a section of the ponds where you go back and stand with the water is this deep and you can cast but you are not in water, you are just on a pathway but you practice casting like you are standing up to here in water. it really comes in handy. i miss it. >> we want you to brink props to the next- [multiple speakers] any other comments on item 11? hearing none, let's go to 12. anything to discuss there? >> anything we should know? ashley, you want to call for adjournment? >> yes. seeing no
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further comments we are on item 13, adjournment. >> motion and second to adjourn? >> so moved to adjourn. >> second? >> second. >> all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> alright. >> anything to discuss ashley-i guess we are adjourned now. >> are you speaking in objection? >> i'm curious about item 12 we went right past it. didn't give me a chance to ask a question. >> okay. >> ashley, is there anything we should know in any of those communications? >> you received all of them and so if you have questions you can relay them to me and we can discuss it with staff. those are included every month, anything that came to you in e-mail and physical mail we record there and members of the public can ask for copies and staff usually also inquires about certain things that come up there. >> okay. thank you. >> all in favor of
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>> my name is rebecca fong young and i appreciate your interest in the public defend are race. the first race for public defelony in 20ier issue with your support i would be the first woman and chinese american to hold public defend in san francisco's history. this is in the why i'm rung. since the losses of form are public defender the on whiches is off course. the safety, quality and respect for all workers at the office and for women is under threat. attorneys are struggling you should case loads, junior larceny prosecute moted over vet residence and result nothing bitter division the function of pursuing justice is compromised. who pays? some of our communities vulner annual.
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