tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV October 30, 2022 3:15pm-5:01pm PDT
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[♪♪♪] >> good morning and welcome to the rules committee of san francisco board of supervisors for today monday october 24, 2022. i am chair of this committee aaron peskin joined by supervisor mandelman and left, by committee member connie chan. the clerk is mr. young. any unnouncements? >> yes, the board of supervisors are convening high bred meetings to allow inperson attendance and public comment still providing remost
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access via telephone. the board recognizes equitable public access is essential and will take public comment as follows, first, public comment is taken on each item on the agenda. those in person will speak first and take those on the telephone. those watch the public call in number is streaming across the screen. 415-655-0001, enter the meeting id, 2 (495) 877-5111 then press pound and pound again. you will hear meeting discussion and be muted and listening mode only. when your item of interest comes up, and public comment is called, those joining in person should line up to speak and those on the telephone line dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. if you are on the telephone please remember it turn down
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the television and listening devices. as indicated we will take public comment from those in person first and are then go to our public comment telephone line. you may submit public comment in writing in either the following ways, e-mail to myself, the rules committee clerk at you may also send written public comment u.s. mail to our office in city hall, 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place, room 244 san francisco south 94102. that completes my comments. >> thank you mr. young. could you please call the first item? >> yes. first on the agenda is item 1. hearing to consider aponting four member term ending june 1, 2024 to reentry council. >> thank you mr.
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young. colleagues, members of the public you recall we heard this item last week and the file had incorrect information so i asked my colleagues to continue it to today's hearing. we i are think all agreed that we have as supervisor chan said a embarrassment of riches and i commented that i was desire expand ing reentry council to accommodate everyone but said it facetiously so we have the tough job picking 4 individuals out of 15. michael brown has withdrawn in the intervening week, so we heard from many of the applicants. you are welcome to testify again if we heard from you you don't have to testify, but you are welcome to and with that, we will open it
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up to applicants who may want to add or if they have not been here before, may want to address the committee. any comments from committee members? seeing none, i will call folks and you don't need to come up if you already spoke, but i will call them in the order that they appear on the agenda starting with chan lam for seats 1 and 2. going on to jusef nathan. andra lamar gadson. >> i'm on line. >> okay, go right ahead. >> good morning. my name is andra gadson. i spoke last week about wanting to be appointed to reentry council. i think this will be a great opportunity for me to
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get a chance to not only share the things i experienced in my life , but to continue to be a part of something that will show those reentering back into the population how to make a smooth transition in their life. my myself, i served 32 years in prison. i have been working in san francisco since my release from prison. as a part of (inaudible) i'm a program manager with our new messenger program where i work with juveniles reentering back into society. i work at home in the community or long-term offenders. this is something that i hold to my heart. always something i want to be a part of. also for the last year supervisor (inaudible) where i hired a lot of people from the reentry population. given the opportunity to sit down with those who have been doing this longer then me to come up with ideas and
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solutions to help those in need. i like to thank you for your time and i also would like to send my support out to those who also are apply ing for the positions. i'm applying for seats, 1, 2 and 4. thank you and have a a good day. >> thank you mr. gadson. with that wile polk go to (inaudible) isaac gray. jabari jackson who we heard from last week and a incumbent seeking reappointment. mr. jackson. >> good morning supervisors. fellow people in attendance. i'm jabari jackson and running once again for a seat on the reentry council. i gave my spiel and talked to you guys last week with the importance it is to keep this council up and running. but also want to reinsinuate
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and talk what we need to do to bridge the powers that be to the people on the street. just this past friday we had the first ever bayview reentry family friends event at the ymca in the bayview district where we had up to 15 community based organizations. we had the police department, we had the sheriff department, we have the very own da all come out to the community and talk to the people in the community. you know, it is very big and i stand very strongly on bridging the gap because i represent the struggle. i am the struggle. it makes it easier for people to understand the city the reentry council and powers that be are not against the people of san francisco. that is one of the very big stigmatisms i know i was taught growing up running the streets and living that lifestyle, so when the people of the struggle can identify with me and others that is all
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the reentry council it provides hope. it lets them know they too like i like to say can have a second chance at first class life. when they see it in me it shows i'm them. they can also do it. we have a great city. we have great resources and this sitee city is for the people. all the people need is see people they identify and understand we are them, they are us and we are one. once again my name is jabari jackson. thank you for allowing me to serve on the reentry council. >> thank you. after plajackson we'll go to sharome moody. tatiana lewis. jesse foshay. come on up.
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>> hello supervisors. thauj for the opportunity. my name is jesse foshay. the reason i apply frd the seat is i feel i would be a asis asset to the council with lived experiences. (inaudible) knroe what it is like (inaudible) know what was helpful to me and the services lacking and needed. i have been out of incarceration 5 years. i dedicated to higher education, finishs bachelors degree, liberal arts and (inaudible) i worked as a peer mentor recollect housing specialist (inaudible) coach manager for local non profit work force development program specifically for those justice involved. i feel i could give sound unbiased advise from a personal perspective and organizational standpoint. given the opportunity to sit on the council is find proactive solutions to those needing
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resources. i try to effect change on countywide scale and collaborate and share experiences and perspective to change common misconceptions society has about justice involved people. thank you. >> thank you and congratulations. next is >> jermila mccoy. >> gooding board of supervisors. i too spoke last week. when i did speak last week i spoke about being a survivor and a victim, so i'm not going to take too much of your time today. i'm looking to join this council to basically i want to help change the face of reentry. as a program manager, now at san francisco bay good will, program
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manager over reentry, i'm looking to join this council (inaudible) 43 thousand barriers that formally incarcivated individuals nase returning home. some of the same barriers i faced. i'm looking to join this council to help. help formally incarcerated individuals with mental health barriers gain access to employment, gain access to housing inequities, gain access to just removing job readiness training, vocational training, just change a lot of these social inequities these individuals face when
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returning home. so, if my message is heard today one thing that i want to that i want other victims to be able to stand up and be survivors. thank you. >> thank you mrs. mccoy and thank you for sharing that with us. next we'll go to linda murshman hurshman and if you are here and were not able to speak earlier we'll go back at the end. ms. hurshman. >> thank you council members. so, you also heard me last week, and i just wanted to reiterate you know, the impact that i feel i bring to this council and as a native san franciscans as a employer of (inaudible) and good will of san francisco bay where i assist
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people coming inout of similar circumstances such as mine coming out of incarceration and many instances coming out of addiction. in most instances coming out of addiction. especially the way the city is impacted by wide spread drugs. there isn't many people in jail around here that aren't addicted. walking the path through adult probation and in and out of incarceration for 25 years, i feel so much from the city. it is hard to walk two blocks from here and not feel the impact drugs thrusted upon our community and i feel like the path that adult probation set out for me and i really just followed the steps and i really just got into my recovery. i'm not going to say it was easy because it wasn't, but i did learn this is a life
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time of commitment, and i learned about the hills and valleys, each and every one impacted by incarceration and addiction go through. it is not a straight away. it is a squiggley line for all of it. there is hope and support with the therapy, the mental health that is addressed when you come out of probation. the resources that i was once a client of good will and are now was invited to work and promoted to make an impact not jush just in san francisco but the bay area for job fairs and getting people back to work. source to plow share it is a special relationship and i'm lucky because i don't feel at my jobs i'm working. they are paying me to be me and be myself and share what i do. i'm lucky
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because i don't feel as tired as the normal person that works 60 hours a week usually feels because they give me so much in energy back. and i can give that as a part of the reentry council i can give the empathy and drive and can give that fortitude and support. my (inaudible) transition house i work at, they know once they transition the housing it not over. it really is like once a marine always a marine. once they transition they have my phone numbers and know they can call me as a friend, call me for support. if they are having a weak moment and i'll come to them. i'm a part of pure 1 reentry service providing service to people who need direction coming out of incarcerate. i
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joined the excel network working with individuals going back to school and proud to say november 2 i'll be reattending university of san francisco and sport management and i'm also part of the latino task force where we work together to remove barriers for people throughout the bay area in housing, in work, in school and anything they want to go to. i feel like a seat at the council if you put me in it you will see a lot done because i'm capable of a lot and have a lot to give and every time i give my energy gets stronger. thank you. my name is linda hurshman. thank you ms. hurshman. next we'll go to ricci wynne. >> good morning ricci
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wynne here the second time to plead my case why i should be on the reentry council. i have given plethora reasons why i should be considered for the council. mainly being formally incarcerated coming from a household of formally incarcerated and drug addicts. i also have a lot of deep roots in the community with (inaudible) 360 with success that would help me get through to the place i'm at now. i also am just a waiter. i wait tables at a restaurant right there in the soma on 6 and mission called the pawnshop and i plug in or speak with people in this community that
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are not from that dem o graphic as well, so i like to think that i have the support of not only the people that are formally incarcerated but those on the other end of the spectrum that have never broken the law before in their life. bridging that gap and able to reach the people through social media and being able to do other things of that nature. i feel i would be a big asset to bring what we are trying to do to the voters of san francisco to the people that actually want better for the city, so yeah, that's definitely something that i feel like is another strength of mine. i'm going to keep continue doing what i'm doing regardless. a lost a cousin on my shirt, his name is robert davalos to fentanyl
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poisening. my family and i are struggling with this and it galvanized my stance to clean up the streets of san francisco is and help any way i can. i will continue to do that. thank you for your time. >> thank you. after mr. wynne, john michael medina, jr. >> good morning city council. my name is john medina and i'm applying for seat number 2 within the reentry council. previously incarcerated person as my application stated. i spnt approximately 4 years providing direct services to ab109 probationers and state paroleees. i will talk about a few things that are not on the application that paint a picture why i feel i'm qualified for this specific role. in the past i participated in band the box discussions
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while working with local non profit in san joaquin valley. that initiative passed and creates job opportunities for previously incarcerated people like myself. participated in operation cease fire call ins which is about reducing violence. i got to find the most individuals prone to commit and or be victims of violence so i participated providing direct services to those individuals and helping them make some transition and changes in their life. i also continue to pursuit of higher education. i'm 12 units away completing by msw at cal state east bay. i'm also interested and think a big reason why this is important to me is i want to learn how innercity government works. i'm aware boards such as this are vital to improving community
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quality of life issues. i kind of have a mindset what hurts you hurts me and what hurts them hurts us so a big part is helping bridge communication gaps. bringing people together. improve the delivery of direct services which i think is a constant ongoing challenge right? there st. no-i don't think we have there answers per se but things are improving but i think that for myself it is how can i do something better and i believe if you do little things great the big things take care of themselves. obviously a big part of working with previously incarcerated folks is reducing recidivism. i believe in a system theory approach as far as the systems we operate in as individuals, as groups of people impact how we move and interact with the world and are so a big part of it is how do we improve
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those systems that ultimately produce positive outcomes. that is what it is about. in 2022 i come with a lot of scares in my life and mistakes i made but this state of the game it is about living a rigess life and lead ing by example and being the change i seek so thanks for your time and look forward hearing back from everybody here. >> thank you mr. medina. with that we'll go to joanna hernandez. >> good morning everyone. my name is joanna hernandez applying for seat 2 on reentry council. as a latino and san francisco mission native, i know first hand what it is to be a product of community program and being a (inaudible) i also feel my 25 years of experience bridging the gap between system partners and community programs is something i can bring to the table. for 8 years i ran in custody programs for 5 key
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(inaudible) creating reentry programs for people that are in custody and reentering back into the community. i supported running the (inaudible) under google industry and office of kamala harris. (inaudible) san francisco pretrial my responsibility is bridging the gap from the community in our organization for our pre-trial clients. i also have a support group i run on my own for families that have a loved one currently incarcerated or experienced incarceration. i am a parent of a mother who's son is in custody right now and fighting a case so i know first hand what it is to be on the family side as well and supporting other families who are dealing with that pain. one of my major goals in working in my community now is also to bring awareness around generational incarceration so i feel i can bring the preventative side to
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the reentry council and how to prevent more children entering the system and having them be alive and free as well. with that, i submit and i wish everyone on this call the best of luck and i'm not chosen i will continue to do the work. as someone who also chairs the reentry committee for the latino task force and also part of the executive leadership team for the latino task force, those are also things i can bring to the table. thank you. >> thank you. with that we'll go to tiffany holmes. >> we do have ms.
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holmes logged in with us today. ms. holmes? we can see you. you can proceed. you are muted. >> can you hear me? >> yes. >> good morning everybody. thank you for letting me join the meeting again. i'm coming to you from cj2. i just left out of the pods and working with the women that is my current job with pretrial program. i run the sisters program here. what i bring is honesty and integrity what a paroleee looks like i just patrolled 8 months ago and served a life sentence for a crime committed because i decided not to deal with my own life story, which is a survivor of domestic violence. i are survived by the bottle
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and unfortunate thing is that lead to drinking and driving which (inaudible) my victims. what i bring is the compassion and the real honesty and also what the women here and the men need here at cj2 in order to come back into society. what do they need? resources to be provided to them so that the recidivism stops. we know this is generational, but are we helping them with their trauma? are we helping with recovery is what they need and getting down to brass taxes. bringing in realty for boots on the ground and willing and able to work with them and bring to you what is well needed. i have created a program in cdcr called the fad program, a dui program not only in (inaudible) with the women facility but also expanded to san quintan. it is going there and felons looking at reason why they decided to drink and not deal with
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realty. what i'm asking is for a chance to be a part of a team of people who want to bring resources not only within san francisco, but within the community and the community abroad within the bay area and i thank you for your time. >> thank you for your testimony. why don't we see if there are any other applicants who have not previously spoken mr. nathan. >> if there is anybody in the room or online who have not yet spoken you can identify. we have one person in the room. go ahead and proceed, please. >> hello. my name is jusef nathan applies for seats 1 and 4. i was released august 2020 and since my release i dedicated my time to support my community. as i work on setting a strong foundation for my life, i have been
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working at 5 (inaudible) for the past 2 years where i have been able to support people struggling with homelessness and other issues. i use my time to provide a frndly ear and give advice and guidance when appropriate. i have been working responding to covid insuring those most effected by the pandemic have the resources needed in order to receive to recover with dignity. i also volunteer to help support young people walking down a path that may lead them to systematic involvement. i'm also in the process of setting up my own consultant agency to support community agencies to create an environment that not only fosters a supportive environment for people in the reentry journey, but that it also creates a meaningful opportunity to grow and prosper. with the years i experienced going in and out of the system,
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i had experience to see what works and doesn't work. for those of us on the reentry journey, i stand here before you applying for the reentry council. because i learned what works and doesn't work. i have a support network that allowed me to expand my wings and try new things. knowing i'm not alone and together we will succeed, reentry is a team effort. it takes the probation system opportunities resources and support system to find the pathways that lead to building a strong foundation that will prevent recidivism. i hope to have the opportunity to be part of the reentry council so i can share my experience to help improve the service for those of us who are on the reentry journeyism thank you for your time. >> thank you mr. nathan. are there any other applicants who would like to testify on this item? seeing
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none, are there any members of the public who would like to testify on item number 1? >> yes, members of the public who wish to speak and joining in person should line up to speak at this time. for those listening remotely call 415-655-0001 and meeting id24958775111 then press pound and pound again. press star 3 to enter the speaker line. those in the queue please continue to wait until the system indicates you are unmuted and that is you queue to begin comments. can we have our first inperson speaker please? >> good morning supervisors. my name is (inaudible) the executive director of calle venti quatro. here to support two candidates jusef
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nathan. (inaudible) works and doesn't work in order to suck ceed. i believe his experience and his knowing how you can get lost even though there are so many resources out there. not everybody gets connected to them right away and not getting connected to them roget away is what contribute to the resolving door. him having the experience of not having been connected to services and learning and knowing how to search for the service on his own is a great opportunity for him to share that and bridge that gap for those who find themselves lots in reentry. i'm also here to support joanna hur ernandez. her capacity and compassion for those in the reentry system and process was unmatched. electing these two individuals will provide the council with a powerhouse team that will not only advocate fiercely but create ways to better use
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their resources available. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is ivan the manager of the latino task force to endorse joe anna hur ernandez for her seat. we love to see her leadership on that body. i think in light of recent conversations that have been happening about the latino community i think that type of representation is overdue. joanna is diligently been working to making sure reentry communities across all dem ographics have access to support, resources from now from the point of arrest through the whole justice system as her position at san
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francisco pre-trial diversion. previous to that he is diligently and intensely working to make sure people have what they need and are connected not only to resources and agencies, but people who care and i think that's something that really stands out. and then just on a personal note, just my place as a provider and as a community member jusef nathan. i have known jusef since he was a young man and seen his journey. i have been part of his development and seeing him transform and now he is very much in a place validating what he said that he's looking to guide people in a different direction much in the way he guided himself because he didn't have access to service so he understands that part of the work making sure people dont get left behind
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or left of services. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is juilo excuvar and manage the resterative justice (inaudible) archdiocese of san francisco. my work started 25 years ago and i also form my own non profit for which-in which we provide scholarships for young people coming out of juvenile hall as well as people on probation and parole. for the past 10 years, we have been doing a reentry conference. even during the pandemic we did it virtual conference with 300 people for a week. on september 9 we celebrated our 10 year
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of inperson reentry conference which brought 750 people together to the cathedral. 750 people, there were 100 non profit organizations to serve people that were looking for different opportunities. of those 100 non profits, there were 35 employers that lindy hurshman helped put together along with (inaudible) she participated to support the working reentry. so, i'm here to recommend her because she is doing the work in the community and she is a leader but a servant, and working along with the (inaudible) department in san francisco centers and
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other organizations which already form a committee to support people every day that are looking for a change. thank you very much. >> thank you for your testimony. next speaker please. >> hello council members. my name is michael davis, and i'm here to support linda hurshman andra mccoy. seeking on reentry council. i met linda at the (inaudible) house where she was a monitor for (inaudible) i was a homeless vet and this place helped me get my own place. i have a job now working for (inaudible). money in the bank. linda would sit with us and talk if we had problems with
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wanting to use drugs again and she was there to help us through that hard point in life. thankfully i have not used them ever again. she just is a exceptional human beingism as she works for good will, she introduced me too jermila mccoy who set me up to buy target cards for my job (inaudible) and clipper card so i can get to and from work until i got my first pay check and could afford it on my own, but more importantly then what they did there, if you believe in restorative justice i cant think of two individuals better suited for those positions then someone who was an offender and someone who was a
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victim because as a exoffender when i took restorative justice programs in prison, once i got to know the victims as human beings and could see those people as my mother or brother or niece or aunt, it would become impossible to commit a crime and take another victim. >> thank you. >> thank you for your testimony. are there any other individuals in these chambers who would like to testify on item number 1? if not, mr. clerk, are there any remote public commenter ? >> yes, we have 7 commenters on the telephone line. >> please proceed. >> can we have our first caller, please? >> good morning chair and supervisors. (inaudible) policy associate (inaudible) i'm calling in opposition to (inaudible) reentry
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council. (inaudible) problematic and significant concerns about implications for our clients (inaudible) [difficulty hearing speaker] conducting city contracted outreach work he has taken upon himself to interfere with community based organizations who are providing data informed intervention during public health crisis. his repeated harassment fostering unsafe work conditions for our staff. (inaudible) shown of lack of compassion and ethics violating the (inaudible) experiencing homelessness (inaudible) humiliated and degrating videos of them online and making (inaudible) this is hateful and disqualifying behavioral for any city official. further more, (inaudible) intervention and the question if he is capable of evaluating proposals (inaudible)
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for these reezantss we believe wynne is not well suited to the process of reentry council and should not represent the city. however (inaudible) does endorse tatiana lewis (inaudible) bringing expertise to the coalition (inaudible) participated in djo (inaudible) coalition work we have seen tatiana skillfully liaiz with stakeholders developing best practice and innovative solutions to public safety and (inaudible) also supports (inaudible) great candidates for reentry council. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. thank you for having me here this morning. i'm not appearing in person to protect my
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safety. i'm a director of the san francisco aids foundation and (inaudible) ricci wynne (inaudible) city funded harm reduction work. as a mobile site he drove up to our site in his car, ran out up on to our site behind the tables pinned me a program director against the table while screaming in my face that i spread disease. we are there providing city funded services to people who use drugs distributing naloxone and fentanyl test strips. he repeatedly did this at different sites filming us, screaming at us. quoting scripture telling us we are wovls in sheep clothing. the team had to hire private security to protect us from ricci wynne harassing us and threatening us on site while we do life saving work in the neighborhoods. i just needed to be here
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today and feeling really impacted and emotional and i'm hoping that you will not appoint him to the council. i'm also here to support joanna hernandez and tiffomy holems. he is someone not appropriate for the council. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm a staff member at a local community based organization and i'm calling today to oppose the appointment of ricci wynne due to harassment of harm reduction advot cans in incommunity. i support joanna hernandez and holmes for the council. i
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hope you hear these impactful words we are sharing today and understand that harm reduction is absolutely necessary and comes with people that really care about that kind of work, so thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi. i'm a staff member at a local community based organization and i am here to oppose the appointment of ricci wynne who has been harassing my team (inaudible) as we all know, the first few days out of jail people are most sus ceptable to overdose and (inaudible) without doing anything to help these people. for the sake of the community please do not appoint ricci wynne please support
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joanna hernandez and tiffany holmes. >> hi, this is sara short with the treatment on demand coalition. >> one moment. i'm going to pause your timer. you can turn off your background computer or other television devices. >> okay. got it. >> please proceed. >> okay. good morning supervisor. sara short with the treatment on demand coalition. i am calling both to agree with many other callers about the dangers of appointing ricci wynne to council. many know him from his social media posts and also from fox news that picked those up where he's going around filming people in their most vulnerable
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state using drugs, being houseless and seeking fame from exploiting the most vulnerable essentially saying nasty comments about them without filming without consent and broadcasting them. he shares no compassion understanding or good judgment or ethics as he does all of that, which makes him a really bad candidate for this council. he is divisive and controversial. i don't think that is the person we want on a body such asthis trying to unify people into have some type of a common position on these issues. he is also very very blatantly anti-harm reduction which is the city policy and has said he has an agenda to join this council in order to take down the harm reduction
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policy. he also as you heard earlier is harassing people on the streets who are city funded to save lives. those folks are out there passing out clean needles, making sure people dont die of hiv and hepc and he is financially blocking that. generally i just don't trust his motives. he seems to be fame seeking. he is pretty cozy with fox news and when he is going out doing this videoing- >> thank you. thank you. >> can we have our next caller, please? >> hi. thank you supervisors. my name is lidia branstan and calling on behalf of the (inaudible) you have so many great candidates for these appointments, please do not have ricci
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wynne be one of them. he is a controversy profiteer. someone creating business for himself on the misery of other people's circumstances. his actions towards people who are working in the community to help save lives and to create a safe environment make him unqualified. joanna hernandez and tiffany holmes are two good people on your list and many more, so thank you. please do not consider him. thank you. >> next speaker. >> can we have our next speaker, please? >> hello. thank you for your time today. my name is david moore the san francisco pre-trial diverse project and thoroughly i'm slightly biased given i work with joe
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anna and tiffany both for a few reasons. one is the great to have voices for the all most 7,000 people we serve every year on the reentry counsal. you heard the qualifyications but i have known joanna about 25 years. i dont think i have seen such a tireless and dedicated public servant. her background coupled with what she is dealing with her son make her such a ideal candidate and you have someone that will continue to pour everything she can into this issue and ert supporting everyone in san francisco. tiffany, i have only known her a few months and been nothing short in awe of her work and having come from prison to parole back to the jail again to serve women is remarkable. her courage, her conviction, her dedication and she is just an amazing worker since day 1, and we
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are excited she will continue and advance up and work in the housing program and for both of them you have incredible candidates that will do justice for the people that need or support in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. can we have our next caller, please? >> good morning and thank you for the opportunity to participate in today's proceedings. i'm choosing to remain anonymous for my safety and like to make a statement regarding ricci wynne. this is concerning regularly displayed behavior of someoneert inested in internet fame and followingers then helping people. he spreads disinformation online about proven life saving programs which he clearly has no understanding of. he makes no attempts to acknowledge any perspective outside his own and harasses and video types our
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city vulnerable population getting in faces and posting on social media platforms. he is a bully and his way or no way attitude lack of empathy and compassion and disregard for feelings and wellbeing of others does not serve the community or council well. i like to offer support for joanna hernandez and tiffany holmes from pre-trial diversion project as they are great candidates for the council. thank you. >> thank you. can we have our next caller? >> hi. this is laura thomas with san francisco aids foundation. i think you already heard from a number of colleagues concerned about mr. wynne and like to add support for joanna hernandez.
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(inaudible) engaged thoughtful compassionate individual and i thinks she would be very well suited to reentry council and would go a long way to helping build bridges across different communities and different perspectives and i encourage you to support her. thank you. >> thank you. that was our last caller. we do not have anybody else on the line for public comment. >> public comment on item 1 is closed. i want to start by thanking all of the applicants and thank them for sharing their stories and thank them for their commitment to reentry. as i said, this is-i wish there were more seats and this is a tough decision as the board appoints 4 members to the reentry council. the 5 seat by the way is held by a member of the board of
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supervisors and recently our colleague supervisor stephanie agreed to fill that seat, so the council will be fully populated. i where want to hear from my colleagues but i do want to say that while all of the applicants were compelling, if for no other reason then continuity on the council i think having one member who previously sat is very important and that would lend itself to mr. jackson's reappointment. he serves in seat number 4. jermila mccoy. (inaudible) joanna hernandez and tiffany holmes but we got to widdle it down. with those initial thoughts and just relative to gender balance, i just want to point out that
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the previous incarnation of the council was heavily male dominated and i could certainly see a scenario the opposite happens this time around. with that, i'll turn it over to supervisor chan. >> thank you chair peskin. i think again just wanted to thank all the applicants for submitted their applications and interest and willingness to serve. just giving my experience working at the da office previously and have-as well as city college. let me just say i really appreciate all those who for the last few decades laid the pathway and the foundation for the reentry council and i want to-it is also the reason why it leads to my decision of
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supporting a selected few among this large group here. i think first foremost sheriff hennessey was the first sheriff in the nation to establish a woman center in our countsy jail system understanding the unique needs for women incarcerated women and the reason why i will be supporting ms. tefany holmes. having someone understanding the unique needs of women incarceration. i think it is critical for the reentry council. also my brief experience on just looking at and evaluating back on track as a program which is first launched by former da kamala harris our vice president it is starting point evaluating young adults anywhere between 18 to 24 and
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recognizing the needs for young adults and what it means for them to really be able to start off reentry our community. having workforsh development or education for them to be able to reestablish themselves and i think that is critical and the reason why i will be supporting ms. her nan dez. i agree with chair peskin, we should and ought to have institutional knowledge and experience to continue on the work at reentry council and the reason why i am in agreement for reappointment of mr. jackson. it is difficult and not easy to decide with that said like who else could be and agree there are a few candidates qualified, but just having my experience working in city college and understand the partnership between city college of san francisco and just the local workforce development and what the critical role that
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5 keys as a program actually plays in our county jail helping those incarcerated to really find resources, life skill training and job skills training in order for them upon release actually have a place to go and can continue to reestablish themselves when they actually are released and so i think that is actually the role of reentry council and the reason why it is very difficult to decide, but i think in this case i will probably will be recommending that we support mr. nathan for his role understanding of the challenges. someone just immediately released from county jail would face and through 5 keys i believe that mr. nathan actually have a clear understanding and doing the work now both in live experience and work experience. thank you chair peskin. >> thank you.
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supervisor mandelman. >> thank you chair peskin. i have been so impressed by all the a applicants on horoic journeys and hearing your stories are very meaningful to me. i think it is difficult to pick among folks, but i also think it makes sense to send >> jabari jackson back and think mr. nathan makes sense and good addition. i think jermila mccoy and (inaudible) maybe honorable mention to
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(inaudible) >> supervisor chan you said tiffany holmes, anna hernandez jabari jackson and jusef nathan. we have complete consensus on mr. jackson who sits in seat 4 and relative to the other parts of the puzzle i think should stay in seat number 4 and that leaves us with jusef nathan who two of my colleagues have spoken for, which is majority of this body, so i can do the math, and that would leave mr. nathan with seat 1 and now we got some tough
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rowing on mccoy, hurshman, her nan dez and are holmes. i'm just looking here, mccoy and hushman can go into 2 and 3, hur man dez is 2, holmes is 3. i would like to expand the body but that would take a long time. who ever we choose i hope all you will stay very involved in what you are doing and reentry council as i feel i'm the tie breaker here. solomon will choose one of each. everybody is absolutely qualified and with that, i relative to balancing
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this body out, will if colleagues you allow me, say ms. hurshman for 3 and mrs. hernandez for 2. alright. that is a motion. nathan for 1, jackson for 4, hurshman for 3, and hernandez with residency waver, she is a product of the mission for 2 on that motion mr. clerk, roll call please and everybody please stay involved. >> yes. would you like to send out as committee report? >> as a committee report for hearing by the full board tomorrow as all these seats have expired. >> yes, on that motion- [roll call] >> the motion passes
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without objection. >> thank you mr. clerk. please read items, 2-4 together? >> yes, i'm 2 is hearing consider appointing two members term ending september 2, 2024 and two ending september 1, 2025 to assessment appeal board 1. item 3, hearing consider appointing 1 member and 3 members terms ending september 1, 2025 to assessment appeal board 2. item 4 is a hearing to consider appointing 2 members terms ending september 2, 2024 and 3 members term ending september 1, 2025 to assessment appeals board number 3. >> thank you mr. clerk. colleagues unlike the last item where we had 15 people for 4 seats, in this instance we have less applicants then we have seats. many of them are returning members. i have done
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my due diligence for these 3 very important assessment appeals boards that in this economy will have a lot of work to do on assessment appeals. i want to note that just due to the timing of the hearing many of the individuals are not available to testify, but some of them are and somewhere i have a cheat sheet from our clerk, but not in front of me. why don't we start with jeffrey morris, the incumbent for seat 1, who is qualified and respected. that's what my sources tell me, mr. morris. the floor is yours sir and thank you for your service. >> your sources are correct. [laughter] i had 35 year career in the real estate investment advisory business and i retired from a large financial service firm by name
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of blackrock in 2007 and met with my friend and assessor at the time and want to get more involved in civic affairs and he said based on your career should be on assessment appeal board so i applied and at that time supervisor peskin you were on the rules committee and i met with you briefly. i joined in the financial crisis of 2008-10 with a tsunami of appeals at the time the assessor office under fill tang and property owners had to deal with a number of years to adjudicate their (inaudible) we had the dramatic improvement in the economy real estate markets, development, dramatic increase in investment sales, property values and resulting transfer taxes and property taxes. the question is, have we met inflection point now with the over 25
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percent vacancy of downtown office space. (inaudible) occupied for office use, possibly other uses. i know the city economist ted egan has been analyzing that and trying to get his arms around of impact on assessed value and property taxes so i think my-i could hardly believe my 4 terms of experience on the board would be very helpful in trying to figure out how we deal with this going forward, and i also want to commend the head of the board alistair gibson who worked diligently most remote trying to hold all this together and hold appeal hearings mostly remote, some back in person. in any case, i very much would request your
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recommendation for reappointment. thank you. >> thank you mr. morris and thank you formany years of service and welcome back to 2007, 8. kristine nelson is not available. adena gilbert qualified by virtue of being a attorney at law is available remotely. ms. gilbert. >> good morning supervisors. i sent each of you through your aids a introductory e-mail last week. i also want to say what a privilege it has been to hear from candidates this morning for reentry council and also for the appeals board. others who have also been called to serve us. yes, i'm retired administrative law judge having served 24 years at the rent board and i do feel
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well qualified to hear cases on the assessment appeals board. i'm wondering if you have any questions for me? >> so, ms. gilbert i looked at your background and resume and think that you would indeed be qualified. my only question and i meant to ask the city attorney this and maybe you can clear it up quickly is are you a san francisco resident and to the city attorney, does a individual in the aab need to be a san francisco resident? >> i am not a san francisco resident, so that is a great question. it hasn't come up whether that-to my knowledge for me whether that is a requirement or not. if it is, i would not be qualified to serve. >> deputy city attorney ann pierson, i don't know the answer but will look it up and let you know. >> that was my only question. other then that, i think we would be delighted to have
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you. i actually asked that of a former staffer last night and that individual also didn't know and i should have shot an e-mail to mrs. pierson at 8 o'clock last night but insteadate dinner. let's go to 2, john lee who has written us and incumbent on the board is absent and in receipt of his letter and believe him to be qualified. mervin conlen for seat number 3 on assessment appeals board 2. >> i just unmuted myself. >> good morning. >> good morning to you and the board and all. that was-i wish the entire city could have heard that reentry council business. i
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sat through much of that and thought it was going to be a boring session that was all most exciting. in any case, my qualifications for the seat on board 2 include having an appraisal company for over 30 years myself and half dozen appraisers handled real estate appraisal from commercial, residential and land. my own personal desire is to serve the community in some way, which the rest of the real estate industry tends to emphasize. i want to join in that. i also gain much knowledge from this sessions the assessment appeal board, because they cover a wide variety
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of property, which serves my interest well. and as far as improving the board, i only wish the public itself was a little more familiar with the appraisal procedures, i may have suggestions for the board for that. i believe that is the sum of my statement and thank you for the time. >> income approach, cost approaches, direct sales approach, we can start that session here at the board of supervisors. thank you for your testimony and for your application. now we'll go to yosef tahbazof for seat
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number 4. is mr. tahbazof available? >> we are checking. i believe-we do have yosef logged into our system. >> hello. >> hello, good morning. >> good morning. sorry about that. >> no worries. >> applying again for my position on board 2 with the assessment appeals board 9 years now, going on 10. feel pretty experienced. fine-tuned gin sync with process and reapplying to continue my work there.
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>> happily put. any questions or comments for any of the applicants from members of this committee? if not, the applicants for assessment appeals board 3, mr. ridgell and reynolds are not available so let's open 2-4 up to public comment. >> yes, members of the public who wish to speak should line up to speak at this time. for those listening remotely call 415-655-0001. 24958775111. press pound and pound again. once connected you need to press star 3 to enter the speaker line. those in the queue please continue to wait until the system indicatess you are unmuted and that is the queue to become comment. >> i do not see anybody in the room
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for public comment at this time, and we do not have anybody on the phone line for public comment. >> okay. public comments for 2-4 is closed. colleagues, i will-wait-deputy city attorney ann pierson. >> supervisor i looked through the state and local laws and constitution and i see no requirement that the members be residents of the county. >> excellent. when i retire i'll apply for one at alameda county. mrs. gilbert, looks good for you. i'll make a motion to reappoint jeffrey morris to seat 1, kristine nelson to seat 4, adeana gilbert to seat 2 for item number 2 assessment appeal board 1. on assessment appeal board number 2, item 3 on today's calendar i make a motion to reappoint john lee andio sef tahbazof to seats 2 and 4
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respectively and appoint mervin conlen to seat 3. for item 4 assessment appeals board 3, i will make a motion to reappoint mr. ridgell and reynold to 1 and 4 respectively on that motion a roll call, please. >> yes , on that motion- [roll call] i assume that is residency-it isn't required but should we still note it in the motion? >> why don't you note it in the motion. so moved. amend my original motion to note mrs. gilbert requires a residency waver that may not be required. >> yes, that motion passes without objection. >> alright. would you please read item number 5?
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>> yes, item 5 ordinance approving surveillance technology policies governing the use of body worn cameras by the rec and park department security cameras by the department of elections third party security cameras by the airport and location management system by the rec and park department and making required findings in support of said approvals. >> colleagues, we amended this item last week and those were deemed to be substantive so we continued it to today. the city attorney who worked on this noticed there was changes that did not quite get in right but they have now been added to the file. mrs. pierson, anything you would like to say on that technical matter? >> what was noticed earlier this morning is that the amendments
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you circulated to your colleagues were based off a outdated draft of the policy, so dca has sent to you in the past 20 minutes a newversion version of the amendments you can circulate. >> okay. i will pass those on-to my colleagues, but they are the same in substance and i will do that right now. one moment please. if i can get all this stuff off my desk. alright. and madam deputy city attorney, are we in a position today to adopt those amendments and forward them to full board or will they require a one week continuance for their substantive qualities kblrks they require a continuance.
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>> alright. so, with that colleagues, you are in receipt of the revised version, which if you are willing we can adopt and continue subject to public comment, but substantively the same. any member s of the public who would like to comment ? >> members of the public can line up to speak at this time. for those listening remotely call 415-655-0001. 24958775111. press pound and pound again. once connected press star 3 to enter the speaker line. continue to wait until the system indicates you run mute jd that is your queue to make your comments. i do not see anybody in the room for public comment at this time and there is nobody in line to speak on the
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telephone line. >> public comment is closed. colleagues, i think we are all in receipt and don't think this changes any of my original policy direction, but we are all in receipt of an e-mail from a member of the public with regard to recreation and parks deployment of the spotry system for tennis court reservations, which i think was proof positive that this technology has got to go, but i'll direct you to that and we have a week for everybody to consume that if you have not read it. supervisor chan. >> thank you. i think what you said confirm my-answer my question. i was wanting to make sure the language itself is-we are accepting the remaining of the city
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department's policy but rejecting specifically the location management from rec and park which is known as the tennis reservation app. thank you. >> alright. so, with that, on the adoption of the amendments and a motion to continue the item one week as amended. roll call. >> on the motion to amend the matter and continue the matter to october 31, 2022-- [roll call] motion passes without objection. >> next item please. >> next on the agenda is item 6. ordinance amending the administrative code to require board of supervisors approval
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of governing funding acziz and use of certain law enforcement equipment consistent with the criteria set forth in sate law and approving the police department use of equipment policy. >> thank you. we heard this a couple few times since july. i spent some time over the weekday reviewing other similar policies and draft policies, and took it upon myself to propose a set of changes to the policy on top of the changes that the police department forwarded to us on october 19, which i circulated to you colleagues and circulated to the pd. the pd requests that they have time to look at these and discuss them with me or for that matter, you two colleagues, so subject
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to public hearing and this will all be in the file and i have given it to the clerk so everybody with see red lines strike out and additions i have proposed in the intervening week, we have ahsha steves from the police department and captain marina. let me just say this about what i proposed. in so far as assemby 481 that is the law of the state of california requires that this policy come back on a annual basis. one of the things that occurred to me and i notice in other jurisdictions is that we have some baseline amount of information on a annual basis to see whether these policies are working what ab481 mandates so primarily i added a series of reporting requirements. now, i'm not a law
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enforcement professional, so i readily admit maybe i did not structure those in the most efficient way, which was pointed out to me this morning, but i think the concept is the right concept, and we can figure out as seems to be happening every week between me and the police department how to get it right in the intervening week, but with that, there was also a number of things relative to things that were lifted as purposes i thought fell under authorized uses, so there was some cutting and re-pasting from things that were not a purpose but a use and things that were a use that were a purpose so i gave it my best bachelor of science degree hand at that. anyhow, with that mrs. steves or captain, the floor is yours.
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>> thank you so much. you want to correct for the record we actually only presented this once to this body so presented july 11. since then there has been a few discussion but only one presentation of this document. >> i think it landed here twice, but i don't know. i can look. it doesn't matter, but it is good to see you in any event. >> good to see you. >> with 19b (inaudible) i have seen a lot of you in 19b, so here we are. >> here we are. just wanted to give you a brief overview. we do not have a powerpoint presentation. want to get everybody on the same page. our first presentation of the daft document was july 11. since then we took your comments from the july 11 hearing. created edit said. supervisor chan also provided edits to the annual reporting we are agreeable to and added to the
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document. supervisor peskin, you noted the documentation portion we like to put in the annual report section of the document so it it is clear that there is a requirement to log and then go up to the chain of command for review of the ac (inaudible) but also for the purpose of annual reporting. since then, july 11 we also added a section that actually we are still waiting for conformation from the city attorney's office. ab481 has a requirement for each department to include their assault weapons essentially,er but excludes the standard issued weapons so we are in a gray area because these are standard issue for our department but we were looking at other approved policies throughout california where they were included, so we mimicked san diego approved ab481 policy and abendance of
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cautions add (inaudible) end of september. you may not have anything updated in front of you as part of the (inaudible) that includes the red lines you just discussed supervisor peskin. >> i got your october 19 e-mail you sent me. >> okay, perfect. >> that is what i worked off. that had supervisor chan's language. >> includes that as well. yes. we up agreeable to that. we did see a few revisions you have submitted that we would like to provide the chief time to review because it does impact patrol and their use of a few of these weapons. but just reminder ab481 requires specific thingz. this is compliance measure of assembly bill state law which codified government code 770-775. ab41 does define categories of
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law enforcement equipment, requires public posting of current inventory which we have on our website and also requires the governing body, the board of supervisors to review and approve current inventory. it is current inventory does not include proposal frz new equipment and everything you see in the policy includes equipment purchased really between 1991 and 2021. we have old equipment that we were not able to find maybe the brand name or the exact cost, so we were able to add fiscal information-all the fiscal information we were able to find we included in the latest draft. also the years obtained (inaudible) in the initial draft offered in july so you can see how hold some of the pieces of equipment are. we had a few updates. we also updated the for matted as suggested so
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we made several changes but we are here to answer any questions you have. it looks there are substantive changes so dont think it will be voted today and have more things to discuss internally so here to answer any questions you have about the latest draft. >> thank you mrs. steve. not to quival but it did appear 7 day of july and last monday-anyway, (inaudible) i will quickly go through what-a lot of what was listed were just questions and in many cases i didn't say what the questions were, i just highlighted them in yellow for future discussion and you can see those throughout and they will be made a part of the file in case the public want s
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to follow a along. you list under the mobile command units a ford e-350 van from 1992, is that still in use? >> i can't speak to whether it is in use but it is in the current inventory and since ab41 requires listed inventory that is what we posted. >> got it. i last night as i was going through chemical agents they refer to under legal and procedural rules they refer to different tactical unit orders so i are want to see what the tactical unit orders said so did google thing and cant fund them on the internet so we need to make those publicly available if they-so everybody can understand. >> the legal unit reviewed written directives which includes (inaudible) unit orders (inaudible) might include tactical information that isn't public information,
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because then the public would know what our tactics are and could get ahead of them. there are some that have gone through the legal unit whether or not publicly available for a specific reason so i can go back to our legal to determine if these fit that criteria to see if we can make publicly available. >> in so far as in a earlier conversation we had-there was a conversation where i think it was represented to me that if a authorized use wasn't listed then it was prohibited is what i think diana said at some point because it said authorize use is x, y and z and the assumption but think it needs to be stated if it isn't listed it isn't authorized. which is fine, but i noticed under the l-rad, the long range acoustic device, it very specifically said where that it is no
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other uses are authorized and so if we say it there, then i think we have to say it in other places but we need to get clearer on that so it tracks all the way through. and, i give you background. we cut and paste from the presidential executive order that went in out in may that spoke to the lrad and probation so we can make that language more specific to sfpd and not cut and paste but understand what you are saying. >> i'm happy to continue to talk to you folks. captain, anything you want to add, subtract? >> no thank you. >> alright. colleagues, any comments? if not, are there any members of the public who would like to comment on item 6 this morning? >> yes are, members who wish to speak on this item and joining in person can line up to speak. those remotely call
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415-655-0001 enter id 24958775111 and press pound and pound again. once connected you need to press star 3 to enter the speaker line. for those already in the queue continue to wait until the system indicates you are unmuted and that will be your queue to begin comment. i do not see anybody in the room at this time and have 3 callers on the line for public comment. >> first speaker, please. >> hello, can you hear me? >> yes, we can. >> good afternoon-good morning. john lindsey poll end and work for american (inaudible) i want to-(inaudible) chair peskin amendments. i do believe that the clarification on authorized use should by a part of all types of equipment not just make it specific to sfpd. i believe it was the chair's
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intention that should be the case for all type of equipment. my concerns about the policy are not just about reporting which i think is a good addition, but about the lack of definition for authorize uses. for example, assault rifleatize is to effectively control a (inaudible) or critical incident not very well defined situations. similarly for the less lethal (inaudible) it appears under the authorized uses could be shot at a person point blank or someone in mental health crisis or children. armoreds vehicles are used by tactical teams but doesn't say they could be used for crowd control. it appears they could be used for crowd control or promotional activities which we believe is highly inappropriate
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in any community specific ally san francisco so we strongly urge you since this is going to come back to amend these in order to make the authorized uses more specific and more appropriate for when this type of militarized equipment may be used by the department. thanks so much. we are very happy to meet with you and discuss this further in the intervening week with the department and or with any members of the committee. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning chair and supervisors. (inaudible) on behalf of glide. ab481 grants you other local governments greater oversight over the militarization of law enforcement and we ask you incorporate the community proposed amendments that are shared with you today. police departments acquire military grade equipment are more likely to use
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violence. military equipment is deployed in low income black and brown communities mean ing the risks and impact of sfpd militarization will be experienced most acutely in marginalized communities. there are disparities and policing in san francisco and recent report found san francisco ranks the wirs in the state with police cause hospitalization rates for black residents. military equipment is a force multiplier and your decision today will have far reaching consequence for futher exacerbated san francisco disgraceful disparities. (inaudible) by community members and clients impacted by the generational harm caused by sfpd we should be aggressive in approach to oversight. the policy does not safe 37 guard the public welfare, safety, civil rights or civil liberties. a requirement of ab481. ordinance must
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berevised to specify the usage authorize for each weapon and arsenal military gear reduced. proposed policy is missing requirements of state law and vital to the board get it right. please take the time to consider the proposed policy and incorporate these and other community concerns. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello. my name is paul briley and i live in san francisco in district 10. i'm also a proud member of all of us or none. i ask the board of supervisors to call for further amendment of the proposed military equipment use policy. i grew up in hunters point when it was once a naval shipyard and i had to witness armored vehicles and military equipment from that shipyard be used against the community.
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i'm frightened if this was to go forward the military equipment will be used against the community. this policy does not safeguard the public welfare, safety, civil rights or civil liberties. ab41 requires government bodies to only approve the use policy if it was safeguard the public welfare, safety, civilrectomies rights and civil liberties. that is all i have. thank you. >> thank you . >> i believe we have one more caller. >> yes. hello. my name is tatiana lewis with legal services for prisoners with children and proud member of all of us or none. i reside in hunters point, bayview district 10 and i ask the board of supervisors to call for further amendment
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of the proposed military equipment use policy to reduce the arsenal of military gear. we are a city and not a military. sfpd should not have so many weapons of war. it is important to me and the community to reduce sfpd military equipment because it is traumatizing to kids and adults to see this going on in their communities. we have winced a lot of violence from the police that resulted in police killing individuals in the community. this policy does not grant the safety of san francisco and i feel this equipment will be used against the community. that is all i have and thank you for listening to my public comment. >> thank you ms. lewis. >> that was our last caller. >> public comment on item 6 is closed. i will make a motion to continue this item one week to our meeting of
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october 31, halloween. on that motion, roll call, please. [on the motion to continue- [roll call] >> motion passes without objection. >> mrs. steves, we will be talking. next item please. >> item 7. ordinance amending the administrative code to revise the definitions of gender identity, sex, and sexual orientation, and add the definition of gender expression, in chapters 12b and 12c (ordinances prohibiting discrimination in contracting including property contracts); revise the definition of age in chapters 12a (the human rights commission ordinance) and 12b; and revise the definition of disability in chapters 12a, 12b, and 12c. >> thank you mr. young. colleagues we have been asked by the mayor's office, chief sponsor of this item to continue it as it is subject to meet and confer, so i intend to honor that and make a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair,
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hopefully will be heard on november 14 or there abouts. any members of the public who would like to speak to this item number 7? >> yes, members who are in the room and like to provide public comment can line up to speak at this time. listening remotely call 415-655-0001 and enter meeting id 24958778411 and pound and pound again. press star 3 to enter the speaker line. those in the queue please continue to wait until the system indicates you are unmuted and that is the queue to begin comment. nobody in the room for public comment at this time. and there is nobody on the phone line for public comment at this time. >> okay, public comment for item 7 is closed. colleagues i will make a motion to continue this item to call of the chair. on that motion a roll call, please. >> yes, on that motion-
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transit center, a lot of the note worthy projects. i'm second generation construction. my dad was in it and for me it just felt right. i was about 16 when i first started drafting home plans for people and working my way through college. in college i became a project engineer on the job, replacing others who were there previously and took over for them. the transit center project is about a million square feet. the entire floor is for commuter buses to come in and drop off, there will be five and a half acre city park accessible to everyone. it has an amputheater and water marsh that will filter it through to use it for landscaping. bay area council is big here in
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the area, and they have a gender equity group. i love going to the workshops. it's where i met jessica. >> we hit it off, we were both in the same field and the only two women in the same. >> through that friendship did we discover that our projects are interrelated. >> the projects provide the power from san jose to san francisco and end in the trans bay terminal where amanda was in charge of construction. >> without her project basically i have a fancy bus stop. she has headed up the women's network and i do, too. we have exchanged a lot of ideas on how to get groups to work together. it's been a good partnership for us. >> women can play leadership role in this field.
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>> i tell him that the schedule is behind, his work is crappy. he starts dropping f-bombs and i say if you're going to talk to me like that, the meeting is over. so these are the challenges that we face over and over again. the reality, okay, but it is getting better i think. >> it has been great to bond with other women in the field. we lack diversity and so we have to support each other and change the culture a bit so more women see it as a great field that they can succeed in. >> what drew me in, i could use more of my mind than my body to get the work done. >> it's important for women to network with each other, especially in construction. the percentage of women and men
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in construction is so different. it's hard to feel a part of something and you feel alone. >> it's fun to play a leadership role in an important project, this is important for the transportation of the entire peninsula. >> to have that person -- of women coming into construction, returning to construction from family leave and creating the network of women that can rely on each other. >> women are the main source of income in your household. show of hands. >> people are very charmed with the idea of the reverse role, that there's a dad at home instead of a mom. you won't have gender equity in the office until it's at home. >> whatever you do, be the best you can be. don't say i can't do it, you can excel and do whatever you want. just put your mind into it.
5:00 pm
good morning the meeting will come to order the thursday october 27, 2022 meeting of public safety and neighborhood service. supervisor mar the chair and i'm joined by stefani and melgar and joined by supervisor mandelman this morning. thank you to stefani cabrera for staffing this meet and like to thank matthew from sfgovtv for staffing as well. madam clerk do you have announcements. >> thank you the board of
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