tv Police Commission SFGTV November 18, 2022 5:00am-9:01am PST
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>> the chair called the meeting to order. if you could please rise if you are able for the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> president elias, if i can call roll. [roll call] >> you have a quorum. also here we have chief scott from it san francisco police department and diana
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roseensteen for the department of police accountability. >> thank you. call the first item. >> first item is going to be general public comment. at this time, the public is now welcome to address the commission up to two minutes on items not on the agenda but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the police commission. comments are opportunity to speak during public comment are via phone calling 415-655-0001 and enter access code, 24828007508. you may submit public comment e-mail the secretary of the police commission, sfpd
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commission@(inaudible) members who like to make public comment please approach the podium or press star 3. and president elias there is no public comment. >> great. next item. >> line item 7 will be taken which is presentation by the center of policing equity report and analysis on traffic stops. discussion. can you hear us? >> i could get us started. scarlet and are doing a dual presentation here. can we get our slides up or is that something we have to share?
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>> we have great technical support so they are on it as we speak. >> beautiful, beautiful. we are not tech geniuses. >> by tech support i mean sergeant youngblood. >> well, we appreciate sergeant youngblood. >> there you go thank you for joining us. we know you are on east coast time so why we are taking it out of order. >> thank you so much and thank you so much for having us. i'm sharelet resing, i'm the (inaudible) center for policing equity and scarlet is my colleague a policy research manager at center for policing equity and thank you for allowing to present on the fiendings from the recent white paper on traffic safety. these are recommendations to address racial disparities and traffic crashes as well as enforcement. if i can get the next
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slide, please. so, just overview of what we'll go over today. i'll introduce the organization for policing equity, we will go over holistic traffic safety recommendations. we will do a particular focus on stops since i think that is most of interest to the folks here, and then have time for questions at the end. next slide, please. so, a little about for center for policing equity. we are research action group that uses science and social science to research public safety system. we work to create sairf communities reducing the footprint of law enforcement and partnered with over 60 law enforcement agencies in 30 states in the united states. we really rely on science and that science says that situations predict bias much more then
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individual biases. so we developed these recommendations in the most scientific way we can. we use our social scientist on staff and did a significant amount of research into reforms happening all over the country. we developed the recommendations to address dual crisis that we are currently seeing in the country which are increases in crashes, and also racial disparities and crashes and enforcement. next slide, please. this is kind of a overview of what we will be talking about today more specifically in terms of the recommendations. we will talk about ending pretextual stops. scarlet will go into that more later. investing in public health approaches to road safety and this is really part of a
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holistic approach improving equity and road safety and that's important to us because we wantarve everyone to be safer in a equitable way. some examples are things extending yellow lights,b round abouts which are much safer as traditional intersections, limit the use of fines and fees which we'll get into and provide examples later. piloting alternative to armed enforcement. this includes civilian enforcement and traffic violations, which multiple jurisdictions around the country are look nothing to now and also can include things like photos and enforcement that doesn't involve pulling someone over and giving them a ticket but mailing them a ticket and lastly, improving data
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collection transparency. [audio cut out] is the only way that we have an ability to see what impacts any of our current initiatives have and also see where the issues lie. where are the dangerous intersections? how can we address those? what are the most impactful way to address those and finally transparency. just improving the way we communicate with communities and make it clear why we are instituteing different approaches and different initiatives. next slide, please. here is a little more about limiting fines and fees these are recommendations from the report. the first is repair vouchers. repair vourchers in case people not aware
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listening, provide people with a opportunity to go and get things on their car fixed without giving them a ticket. multiple jurisdictions around the country are utilizing repair vouchers including chasm county georgia as well as the state patrol of minnesota. both of which are partnering with a organization called lights on that help them basically actualize a voucher system where people can come get their car fixed and not have a fine or fee on top of whatever it cost to get the things fixed and this makes our roads safer because we have all these things fixed for people and it makes it easy for them. the second we have reminder notification or income base fee waver for expired registration. the reminder notification would just be a way for government like the government to essentially
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communicate with citizens about timing of registration being expired or anything else like that and income base fee waver for expired registration would essentially be a system in which we can address expired registration but in a way that is equitable. $50, hundred dollars means different things to people who make different amounts of money. here we have driver suspension restoration program. durum has a wonderful program that they have started called deer and it helps people resolve old traffic violations and traffic debt that caused long-term driver license suspensions. and so, those are important because driving in lots of communities is vitedal vital to get to work and pick up their kids and these programs can
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help people who have had suspension for long periods of time or even short period of time get back to day to day activities and solve some of these issues that get them caught in the system. next slide, please. what are pretextual stops? when police pull someone over for a miner traffic violation in order to investigate an unrelated offense for which the officer lacks reasonable suspicion. next slide, please. and this is just little diagram, very simple obviously. to short of show what pretext stops are and where a lot of disparities exist in pretext stops as well as non safety related stops. as you can see not every
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equipment license registration violation, sure everyone here is aware are pretext stops but some are and that intersection where there are non safety related issues or violations that are happening and folks are getting pulled over, that is where we see extremely high racial disparities and who gets stopped, and tend to be inefficient use of police department resources. i'll turn it over to scarlet to get into more of pretext stops. >> is my audio working now? wonderful. next slide, please. so, going to talk a little about who is effected by pretextual stops,er and we analyze policing data from dozens of jurisdictions nation wide and consistently over and over see that
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white drivers are more likely to be pulled over for safety related reasons such as speeding while black drivers are more likely to be pulled over for equipment license and registration violations that have a high likelihood of being a pretextual stop. we also consistently see black drivers are searched at higher rates at traffic stops but they are less likely to produce contraband as white drivers. there is research that sheds light on the extent to which pretextual stops have a crime fighting benefit and we see here in this data set from north carolina that the yield of all these stops producing meaningful contraband, enough to jen rate a arrest is very very
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low,.03 percent of all traffic stops analyzed over a time period. next slide, please. so, our recommendations to address this issue and limit pretextual stops come from a few different approaches, which i'll talk about in turn. we first recommend that police departments ban pretextual stops and then we also recommend that cities and states pass laws restricting low level traffic stops and kind of aligned fashion and then we also recommend that these reforms are enforced and monitored. next slide, please. so, first we recommend that police departments prohibit stops that are pretext for criminal investigations. and several police departments nation wide have done this to various degrees including oakland los angeles minneapolis
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and faytville north carolina to name a few. we are seeing evidence that this is effective at reducing racial disparities in traffic stops. one academic study of faytville shift away from pretextual stops. show the share of non safety related stops as a share of all traffic stops dropped from 56 percent to 32 percent. racial disparities reduced, traffic crashes reduced and crime was not measurebly effected. to be effective addressing the nature of pretextual stops though, we have a few recommendations for any policies that police departments are putting in place. first we recommend that the policy clearly state that it is banning all pretextual stops with no exceptions. we also recommend that
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the policy encourage compliance with this shift by also stating that officers are not allowed to ask investigative questions or conduct a consent based search without independent cause to do so. basically kind of defining the implications of the change on police behavior. finally, we recommend that law enforcement leadership communicate intent of this reform. why is it happening and that should center around limiting racial bias and unnecessary enforcement and that can really foster the necessary culture shift to see this change made in day to day practice. next slide, please. so, another approach to banning pretextual stops you might have heard of is legislative option to define certain categories of stops
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which police are no longer allowed to enforce as has been done in virginia and cities in pennsylvania. this can really help reinforce any police lead reform being made in the department as well as deincentivize pretextual stops where departments have not yet made that kind of shift. this change ending low level stops is also important for reprioritizing enforcement and are reducing the volume of stops that are made to black and brown people. and while evidence on this intervention is emerging, there has been a report out of virginia showing 7.5 percent reduction in total stop volume, however, the racial disparities in stops remained unchanged and so this really isn't a panacea to rooting out racial bias, but can
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be a significant step forward. next slide. so, to monitor compliance with any department policy changes we encourage a policy that officers are required to report narrative descriptions of the justification for each stop and search they conduct that details the reason for doing so, and research has shown this can help increase compliance with a policy change. those reports should be reviewed daily by a supervisor. we also encourage localities to track outcomes of reform made through data analysis to make sure it is a achieving its intended goal. fortunately california has strong data collection stanards that will be helpful in doing so. next slide. that is our
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brief overview, but for our full detailed white paper on these recommendations and examples and our evidence and rational for making each of these suggestions a link to the report here is provided and then you can also free to each out to us and we are happy to answer any questions you have right now. >> thank you again for being here and presenting this report. i am a huge fan of your work. i know the department engaged you in other services and it has been a very i think productive and fruitful engagement and you have been able to provide the department with great data analysis and recommendations and this is a along those lines as well. one question i had is based on research and
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experience in this field, do you think that banning pretext stops will pose a safety risk on the community? the reason i ask that is, in discussions while working on the policy there have been a lot of concerns from officers who feel that implementing a ban on pretext stops or specifically outlines which stops are going to be prohibited is taking away their tools and their ability to do their jobs and will eventually effect public safety and so hoping maybe you can speak more to that and address their concerns based on all of the work you have done in this field and the experience you have. >> yeah. absolutely. we certainly understand that concern and have heard it from many law enforcement officials we work with and understand that they
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obviously want to be able to continue doing the important work they do. our view is that the bar being set of having reasonable suspicion to make a stop is really not a high bar to clear and it sometimes when folks are describing situations that they are worried about not being able to make it is actually not what we are suggesting to this reform. it isn't actually a true pretextual stop. sometimes there is a little bit of maybe gut reaction there that would not be born out in the actual policy change, and i would just say that a lot of states through the courts have actually fully banned pretext stops for a number of years, and there was not any you know, i think it was a
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culture shift, but not any measurable negative effect on crime in those communities, so for example, washington state banned pretextual stops in their state supreme court from 1999-2012 and the studies that came out of that showed really a significant drops in racial disirpaties. >> have you been following los angeles? there was a article in the la times recently about some of the outcomes that have been found based on their policy that they implemented with respect to banning pretext stops. >> yes, i actually just read that article today and saw that i think the drop was from 21 percent of stops to 12 percent of
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stops being pretextual, which seems really promising. we haven't you know, worked with los angeles or followed that too too closely other then the public media reports but it does seem certainly a great step. >> it also seems in line with your other research and which you described earlier about it not-the ban on pretext stop not having significant effect on crime in terms of by having this ban, so i think that was also promising as well. >> absolutely. to the point of crime in addition to the-that study, the faytville study with no change in crime after the reform was made. there is also a big
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analysis out of nashville shows how rarely pretextual stops leads to discovery of drugs or weapons so this is taking place across the country and we are seeing kind of consistent patterns that indicate that there would not be a big impact on public safety that is (inaudible) >> i'll jump in quickly. i think (inaudible) being very low yield rates frequently for pretext stops, i think one of the focuses for cpe is really that we want police to be able to do their job s and clear homicide rates and protect people, and this is a area where based on research we don't believe that there will be an increase in crime as all these locations there haven't been and we
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are hoping that the volume of these stops being lowered gives police the opportunity to really do their jobs and protect people in communities. >> thank you. i appreciate that because as we are all and think every profession facing staffing shortages that is one of the issues we need to keep in mind about people being able to do their job with the limits resources they have. i will turn it over to colleagues. commissioner benedicto. thank you again. >> thank you president elias and thank you both for your time and this analysis. grateful for this work. i wanted to ask a little bit about looking at your recommendation with pretext stops you have officers (inaudible) pretext criminal investigation. you have ban stops for low level violations and collect data enforce reforms. why is it important all those be adopted as part of the holistic approach and
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are not just one or two of the three? >> i can jump in for this one. i where think the holistic approach is important because we want people to be safe on the roads. we want there to be increased safety and the holistic approach implements road safety measures that are evidence based and actually improve rates of crashes and rates of fatalities in crashes so having that two pronged approach really makes sure we reduce some of the disparities in enforcement we are seeing right now but while also making people safer and implementing things that are evidence based and really can improve rates of death fatalities and crashes as well as crashes themselves. >> thank you. i like to follow up and say look specifically at recommendation 2 ban
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stops for low level violations. you spoke how that can reinforce the prohibition. can you speak more about why you think that second component is a important part of your recommendation? >> yeah. i can take that. so, first of all, we saw in the little diagram earlier on not every pretextual stop is a low level violation and not every low level violation is a pretextual stop and i think the intent behind both of the reforms is cover as broad a swath as possible of those two kinds of stops that are driving racial disparities and traffic enforcement. and i think it is also recognition of the fact that departmental level change can be
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-there is 18 thousand police departments in the country, it can be incremental to suggest policy change one by one and when something like the state of virginia enacts this legislative reform that can really you know, have a immediate impact on a lot of people by taking a lot of kinds of stops off the table and then also incentivize police departments in that state to be reexamining their policies. so, it is two bites of the apple i think and the third recommendation we make about enforcing these changes and reinforcing them and monitoring them again speaks to these are complex issues, these are cultural shifts that will take time and it is important to
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make sure they are really happening, and we know it is not a light switch, if you will sometimes. >> that makes sense. sorry, please go ahead. >> i was going to quickly jump in and add the low level stops sometimes there is apprehension what low level stops mean. the report and recommendations are very clear on what we mean by low level stops and these are not safety infractions. these are not things that make people less safe on the road immediately and so we think that there are other ways that we can handle some of these infractions or violations that don't increase disparities and or can aid people to actually fix their cars get these things settled to make everyone safer on the roads. >> that makes sense. it sound like then i think it was described as this all the
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elements reinforce each other having each element in place. that is very helpful to know. do you think-i know president elias talked about the lapd policy which is focused more on providing articiable ezrooens for pretext stops but doesn't identify low level violations. is it important that those elements be done together to maximize the effect based on your research? >> which element? >> both the prohibition using stops and ban for low level violation. as i said the lapd policy for example doesn't have anything to say about low level violations, it simply requires information before conducting a stop. >> i think something is better then nothing. either of
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these reforms on their own are likely to decrease volumes of stop. we see across the country they do and that decreases the burden on black and brown drivers and discrease the disparities in which they get pulled over. doing both together i think would amplify results and disparities. >> thank you. i wanted to ask pretext stops and serious crimes. in the white paper you have a statement that says pretext stops do not improve traffic safety. would you mind speaking to that a little bit? >> yes. sure. so, pretext stops by definition is one in which an officer is pulling over someone with the ultimate goal of looking into more
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serious crime. a speeding violation can be a pretext stop and that would be related to traffic safety, but by in large majority of pretext stops are low level equipment, license, registration violations and by spending so much time enforcing those kind of violations and not doing the enforcement directly related to traffic safety, such as high visibility enforcement for drunk driving or speeding violations, the point is just that it is kind of shifting priorities in traffic safety that are not advancing the goals of
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dangerous driving and things that are really producing traffic crashes. does that answer your question? >> i can also jump in here as well. just-i'm harping on it, but again, the yield rates of contraband or arrest rates for pretext stops are extremely low and that is across the board, so in our minds this is not something that is really improving public safety to significant-not a significant amount but perhaps not much at all, and again, as scarlet said, there is other places where we think those resources could be deployed that actually vastly emprove improve public safety. >> thank you so much and thank you to you both for your work. i encourage members of the public, there isn't a lot of public discussion about this proposed policy to look at the supporting documents on the commission website and look at the full white paper that policing
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equity put out. it isn't long, 27 pages but quite reezable and has a lot of really great evidence based recommendations and it's reassuring to see already our draft policy is in the direction of the changes and i like something they said about amplifying the effect of reducing disparities by doing multiple recommendations. thank you again both. >> thank you so much for having us. >> thank you. turning it over to commissioner walker. >> thank you president elias and thank you for your presentation. i just have a couple of questions. i too was interested in the los angeles results because it seem to me they had pretty good results for doing what they are doing which is putting what they are doing on tape, becoming more conscious of that. i know that you are
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recommending kind of three different levels of action here and i wonder if you have the data that actually supports that using all three is bert then just using the first one or doing what los angeles is doing or whether-are there cities that have done pilot programs so they maybe look at what is happening by doing three different versions because i do feel like it is kind of like when i have a cold and take three different medications like two different vitamins and also a aspirin and feel better. i don't know which it was and these things as much as i hear that you-the data you have doesn't have
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consequences, i would not expect it would have consequences of increasing crime, but i worry that it might create different traffic consequences and maybe crime solving data. crime solving statistics. i also know you are using cities that are not san francisco, so i just-it is kind of all scattered here. it is kind of not separated. to the first question, do you have details that separate out all of these different approaches and which one works or do they work better in combination or is that just theoretic? >> i can take some of this. i think scarlet is more the numbers gal but we do have
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evidence based specifically for each individual reform. as far as i know there isn't a jurisdiction that currently is doing all of these. scarlet, is that correct? >> i don't know of any. i mean, there might be police departments in (inaudible) in line with the legislation passed. i don't know off the top of my head. >> for each individually we have seen results in cities that implemented. i love the multiple medicine during a cold analogy. for us each of these we have seen the bias and disproportionate impact that results or at least in terms of pretext stops and low level violation and so we know those individually are things that have a
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outside impact on black and brown people, and the-in terms of the general holistic traffic safety reforms those have significant evidence base and there are lots of jurisdictions implementing a lot of those reforms, but-and we can share-we do have more specifics, so we would be happy to share that with the commission if people want the statistics. >> like to see that. i feel like some of the issues we are seeing in some of the more crowded areas have to do with sharing sidewalks and different sort of traffic issues that might be effected by eliminating banning stops all together for low level that are actually being thought
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of here. it may not be what you all have done. i feel like-i'm interested in the los angeles data because i feel like it shows potential for really reducing the kind of things we are talking about here. i also really like the information about being able to help people solve the issues they have around these miner traffic issues of like registration and maybe getting insurance. having grants available, having help for that is really i think part of the solution. one concern i have, i don't believe we have infrastructure set up to do these mail in tickets for these kind of things. i don't think it is a good solution to not
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enforce it all together, but the concept of being able to send people tickets instead of pulling them over for things like registration and things like that makes sense to me. i feel like that's why i'm sort of interested in the concept of pilot programs to test what works and to make sure a system is sufficient to make it work efficiently. i think it would be really good to sort of think about that if other cities did pilots and then tested different things that might work in different areas or city specifically with our traffic things or traffic issues. >> absolutely every jurisdiction has unique needs and will need unique combination of
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solutions. i think obviously our report is aiming to seek to multiple communities and ideas for you all to (inaudible) and see what makes sense for you. i would just also say that the first reform we offer, the police lead banning of pretextual stops would be the most direct way to ban pretextual stops if you will, and that is what los angeles is doing and i think they are having good results because they are doing some accountability measures with asking the officers to document their reason for doing stops, which is what we recommend in the third
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recommendation we presented on. but again we know this is a tricky issue and a really big culture shift for some agencies and police have been used to having this as basically a crime fighting tool for a long time, so the legislative reform of low level stops is kind of like the second way to encourage and see this kind of change take place while also communicating that shifting enforcement priorities and traffic violations is also important, because there is a lot of deaths on the road, there is rising traffic fatalities now and pulling people over for these low level issues is not really what we want to be seeing police spend their valuable time on. (inaudible) we do think there is value
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in multiple approaches here. >> i'll jump in here. i think in particular in terms of not having systems set up that makes sense. we encourage jurisdictions we work with and talk to to have really robust dialogue with other agencies that can help set up these systems and can let people know what currently exists, what the capabilities are, and a lot of jurisdictions of various sizes have set up these new systems and i recognize that is not nothing, that could be a big ask also why we in our report specifically ask for investment in these alternative systems to make sure that these things are still getting taken care of, but in a effective and more equitable way. just one last thing on this, in terms of some of the particularly voucher repair voucher system, there are
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organizations out there that have been helping jurisdictions actualize this and make it happen, and i think it sounds like from initial implementation of some of these these jurisdictions find it sightly easier then they thought it would be. there is lots of unexpecting allies you can have in some of these. there is repair shops and larger car repair organizations and companies that are willing to kind of step in and help with this because of the intense racial disparities that come with classic enforcement of them. >> thank you. >> commissioner walker during our working group these were the ideas that came and i think chief and several officers monte were very informative to the group in terms of resources and what used to be available
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to residents for these type of violations so we have been working on that front as well. refreshing to know we will-our policy may be different and ground-breaking as similar past policy like 501 carter restraint and things like that so we are a pioneer of the group. >> good evening. thank you and thank you for the presentation. i have one quick comment or clarification i would like to ask on behalf of the public. i know your presentation mentions banning low level stops, but there is no specific explanation of what that universe is so wondering if you can point us or direct us in the public in the direction of what your universe for low level stops look like so we can juxtapose your
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research and the infractions or traffic violation that you researched and you talked about for our jurisdiction. >> i would actually say we would not come up with a list of categories of stops that all communities should not be making. i think we have some ideas based on what other jurisdictions have done. things like objects dangling from a rearview mirror, single broken taillight. the point being i think it is important that each jurisdiction who is thinking about this reform look at their data and their stops being made to identify the ones where they are not seeing a clear connection to public safety benefits in terms of traffic
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safety and they are also seeing high racial disparities as a initial set of stops to take off the table. >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioner yee. >> thank you very much president elias. i is a couple questions. looking at fines and fees. out of curiosity, what do you have set a budget or projected budget for the city of san francisco of our size in regards to the violations that do come through repairing equipment violations? base fee for expired registration and drivers license suspension and a host of others, because i think it pertains to
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the state mandate for the violations that set forth. i don't know if we do that here locally, add additional fines to that. just out of your investigation whether you have in california whether we have done that, limit the use of fines. >> maybe scarlet (inaudible) she is our numbers lady. i am not aware-i don't know specifically for california. i would definitely we can share these resources with the commission after this, but i would look at-there is a few organizations that focus on fines and fees, and there is one large coalition called freedom to drive, which essentially is a group of organizations and corporations that are looking to end license
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suspensions for fines and fees. >> (inaudible) >> okay. there you go. in terms of some of the other reforms, i am-scarlet are you aware? >> i don't obviously california is one of many states in the jurisdictions within california so not sure the exact nature of fines and fee system in san francisco, but i do know california is piloting a online tool that lets people look up their traffic ticket and request reduction in the amount owed. a payment plan, more time to pay or the option of doing community service instead of paying and that saved a significant amount of money and reduced fines and fees for participants mostly below the poverty line. that is a example we highlight
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in our report to minimize the burden of fines and fees for people who are (inaudible) >> do you have a idea about amount of funtding funding that would be required to address the issue regarding the fines and fees? >> it is a really good question and it is kind of tricky often to uncover the extent to which a city relies on fines and fees, so i don't know off hand, but we would be happy to direct you to organizations doing more specific work in that area who can probably shed light on the extent to which that has been mapped out in san francisco. >> i would also just flag that i think again one of the reasons we are asking for holistic reform is there a certain amount of savings that would
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be associated with stopping pretext stops and low level violations and i think this is not something that we have necessarily-actually again, scarlet might have more info, but we don't have any specific to san francisco, but we view those-there can be evening out and again, also for a functioning system, hopefully systems shouldn't be funded by fines and fees of people who are involved in the system. that hopefully would be something that would be funded by taxpayer money and by the city or jurisdiction. and i actually-to add on to that, i think one reason why we say that shouldn't be something relied on is because it creates an inverse
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incentive for jurisdictions to maintain fines and fees and to levy them without things like fee wavers or income based reductions and we don't really agree with that calculus. we like people to be assess fees in a way that they actually can be able to pay them and again, i think that is adding to our public safety concern of like $200 ticket for different people means different things and for some people that means that they cant buy groceries that week and that isn't a situation we believe people should be in. >> i'll follow-up with last question. alternative to (inaudible) enforcement is that individually civilians stopping vehicles or is that just they see
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a new technology i guess capturing the vehicles id or license plates? >> we have multiple options outlined in our report. we do have some apprehension about automated enforcement, specifically they have been rolled out in ways that are not necessarily equitable. lots of cities have seen many more automated traffic enforcement cameras in localities that have higher black and brown and lower income folks, and so that is something we caution. also, there is varying effectiveness in the automated enforcement, but it is something that i think if you can see-if it is evidence based, there is marked decrease in some sort of
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infraction that is actually a safety violation, and rolled out in a equitable way and also rolled out in a way that doesn't increase surveillance on folks that is something we talk about in the report but think there are other options. i am based in denver and one thing they do here-this avoids a lot of the surveillance issues that a lot of places see when they do automated enforcement through companies that they contract. we actually have folks in cars that take pictures of people speeding and that is something that is a option. they mail the tickets afterwards and that is alternative to armed enforce: . ment there is a few different areas and don't know if scarlet wants to add examples there. there is a few different. civilian enforcement is something we also talk about in the report and do find promising.
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i know in california currently that is not something that is allowed by state law, but in line with our-all our recommendations i think that is a option that places should be looking into. again, to decrease bias enforcement and disproportionate impacts and also maintain safety guidelines and enforcement. >> thank you very much. >> also to let you know commissioner yee in september 2022 this year the san francisco superior court eliminated 50 million in outstanding debt with late fees for traffic court and this was part of state-wide debt relief program under ab199 and signed into law by governor newsom so i think the effort to eliminate fines that are impacting low income
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and racial communities is there and something we are looking into. >> i hope the state has funding coming fiscal years. i think they may be short this year so hopefully we have the funds set aside for those people in need. appreciate it. thank you very much. >> thank you. commissioner yanez. >> thank you president elias and thank you for the presentation. this is really helpful and informative as we engage in this process of revising and addressing the disparities in pretext stops. as we kind of noticed with the recent election, safety and economy and cost are at the for efront of mind when we make decisions and it is helpful to hear those jurisdictions and states cities that started implementing this have not noticed increase in safety
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issues in their cities. along those lines, are you aware of any cost analysis of the implementation of piloting alternatives? there are various ones, but obviously san francisco things are going to cost more. we can make sure we modify, but is there an analysis of what this would cost to roll out if we were to implement those that 3 pronged holistic approach? >> that is a great question. i am not aware of any cost analysis of rolling out these changes. i think departmental level policy changes are pretty low cost thing to implement. it is just kind of a
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staff training and shifting the practice. it isn't like a lot of new staff is needed or what not. but i would just say on the cost question, we are talking-when we talk about the volume of potentially unnecessary traffic stops being made, traffic stops are the most common way police interact with members of the public. there is 20 million people stopped for traffic violation a year, so there is so much cost that goes into that would be saved by scaling it down. there is actually recent analysis of the san diego sheriff department data on officer initiated stops for the type of traffic violations most aligned with being pretextual, and they found a third of officer hours which they quantified at
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$43.9 million were spent on these kind of traffic stops that result in a warning or no action taken. not needing to be made at all. that is just a glimpse of some of the costs we are talking about here. >> i would also just flag that i think one of the options here in terms of fees is income based fees, which as a net was not necessarily result in any increased cost to communities. i also just want to flag here, there is more then just the financial cost here. one of the things that is the focus of this report and focus of a lot of our work. the cost emotionally and monetarily to members of the community who are stopped is huge number of people in the united states who
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get pulled over every year is difficult to quantify. again, this is something that we can see if we have any specifics on and can circulate after the meeting. >> thank you, i won't keep you up too much later but i have one other question. is there or are you aware of any other jurisdictions that started implementing or preventing or banning pretext stops and there being correlating improvement in clearance rates in other areas? in other words, we spend all this time on pretext stops or low level offense stops and our hope is that that level of effort will be invested in other areas of more severe crime. has that been done in any other jurisdiction as far as you know? >> the research on
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this is very limited unfortunately. that would be a fantastic study for someone to do because i would hope that it would show the benefits of reallocating officer time. only kind of related study is out of faytville where they are just looking at implications on traffic safety metric specifically and that shifting away from pretextual stops actually reduced collisions quite significantly in their jurisdiction because of the police ability to do more targeted and meaningful traffic enforcement. i'm not aware of any studies about the implications on other kinds of police activity. >> san francisco implements this reform or some of these reforms hopefully you could be the leader
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here. >> wouldn't be our first. chief can we do a study like that? the department keeps track of and has dat saw on increments of time based on their job. you use it for the staffing study when the staffing study they came and analyzed increment of time that officer does task 1, task 2 or task 3. >> workload study. >> correct. >> probably could be done. i thrink think it would be very involved. that workload study was huge lift as you all know. >> we can look at a week and extrapolate and make educated guesses. >> great question. >> thank you very much for your time and for your commitment to this effort. >> commissioner benedicto. >> just two quick points. one want to address the (inaudible) about the stops which is i
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(inaudible) as you look at the white foot note 26 and 27 have the list other jurisdictions have used in virginia and pennsylvania (inaudible) done a good job compiling those in 26-28. and then the second quick thing is just to reiterate something that just said about that we a lot of questions focus on the monetary cost of this, but there is important to be reminded of the human cost of this about the 20million people that experience stops and not just statistics you had (inaudible) who was stopped 47 times for routine stops before being killed in what was a routine stops so (inaudible) also not without human cost so i think it is important to remember
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that as we work towards this policy. thank you. >> thank you commissioner benedicto. before we let scarlet and charlotte go i want to give the chief a opportunity if you have questions or comments? >> no questions. i read the report and we have been working so want to thank them for coming on. i know they are on three hours time difference, but thank you for coming on and we'll be in touch. >> thank you so much. we really appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> on the topic for the chief i have a question. just with regards to providing a narrative description and justification. i know a while ago we talked about there are sometimes stops that officers make with no citation. there is admonishment and education there. are we-i ask whether we were capturing that. i don't know if we have a answer but do we have this kind of
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cross referencing process right now and if we don't how far away will that be to implement? >> the stops or citation isn't written. we still have to fill out the data that goes to the state so that is captured in that way. our internal systems-that is reported so how we capture it. i don't know if we have done any research to know if we are missing anything but any time we make those stops we have to report that data to the state. whether or not we cite. >> does that include a justification for the stop itself? (inaudible) >> it doesn't have that type of detail. those are things i think as we get better and dig into the things we are working on like dashboards and all that, that i think we will be able to build some of that
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out. that is the hope anyway. >> thank you. >> alright. thank you again. enjoy east coast time. we will turn it over to public comment, please. >> the public is welcome to make public comment regarding line item 7. please approach the podium or press star 3. good evening caller, you have 2 minutes. >> francisco decosta. normally we have a number of people (inaudible) about this pretext stops. i look at it in another way. we cannot compare la
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to san francisco. if you take the population. secondly, we should pay more attention to orientation of our officers where we bring the element of empathy rather then try to compare virginia, los angeles and all these other places. for example, they are not (inaudible) we have many hills. what is troubling is that the violence, the (inaudible) crazy people walking in the middle of the street and then we come here
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you know trying to regulate something using pretext stops. so, whether we like it or not, and our mayor is in charge of this, quality of life issues on our streets has gone to the hogs. even though we know that there is biasness with some of the officers, we can work on that. we can work on those things. but (inaudible) >> good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> hello. my name is gene bridges. commission you didn't start the phone participation on the meeting until 545 during the presentation. we have been waiting to comment every since. since 530 over a hour. we are volunteering
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our busy time to call into these meetings. you cut off general public comment tonight. i'm going to make my item 7cpe comment now. the cpe quotes racism and traffic stops. the study found over 99 percent of miner traffic stops did not produce contraband in searches. the federal department of justice doj cops report on sfpd called out the need to address racism in policing and stops and searches in several dozen of the report recommendations. the cpe propotes eliminating pretext stops stops for miner traffic infractions which turn into racist searches and violence is a tactic shown to reduce racial disparities in stops so why has sfpd been fighting this? do they not want to reduce racial disparities? is another doj reviewed call for and why are
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the commissioners allowing police resistance to dominate and derail the combinations in the dgo9.01 process? according to sfpd data a black san franciscans is 5 times more likely to be stopped as a white san franciscans. 10 times likely to be arrested and 15 times to experience use of force. this is why miner stops by police must cease. recommend officers be required to record narrative justification for each stop. we agree it should be required. they also recommend the enforcement of reforms through accountability. negative consequences for officers exhibitsing racism. we agree. accountability has (inaudible) >> good evening, you have two minutes. >> my name is susan (inaudible) as gene said we were not able to make general public comment so i begin my
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comment on the cpe report with our usual parrot talk. addressing (inaudible) call what it is, anti-blackness in terms of use of force (inaudible) by sfpd. tired to talking [difficulty hearing speaker due to audio quality] address the bias unjust certifies. (inaudible) as i said, i'm tired not tired enough to quit but tired of beating a dead horse and tired of concerns falling on deaf ears. (inaudible) i heard discussion about san francisco being unique and special and any recommendations from
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(inaudible) would not be a one size fits all. we need something special for san francisco. at the same time commissioners are asking for evidence that this works in other cities and other locations in the country. which is it, special are we waiting for other people to show us the way? i think we are special and need to take the lead on this. (inaudible) thank you. >> president elias that is end of public comment. >> thank you, next item, please. >> technical difficulty we had general public comment was not able to be done on webex, and will call one more time. if you like to make general public comment regarding line item 1 press star 3. good evening, you have
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2 minutes. >> sorry, i already made my comments. >> last call for general public comment, please press star 3. president elias, there is no public comment. >> thank you. >> item 2 adoption of minutes for october 19, 2022 and november 2, 2022. >> motion. >> moved. >> second. >> members of the public that like to make public comment dial star 3 or approach the podium. there is no public comment. on the
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motion- [roll call] >> you cannot ubstain under the charter. >> november 2 i wasn't present. >> correct so you can vote or ask for it to be put over for the next agenda meeting. >> it will be yes. >> commissioner yee is yes. president elias is yes. 6 yeses. >> next item. >> line item 3 consent calendar receive and file action. sfpd sb1421 and sb16 monthly report. collaborative reform initiative monthly update. quarterly document protocol third quarter 2022. >> motion? >> motion to receive and file the items.
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>> second? >> second. >> members of the public that like to make public comment regarding line item 3 consent calendar approach the podium or press star 3 now. good evening caller you have two minutes. >> hello, my name is susan buckman and volunteer with welths and disparities. california and sfpd has some of the worst racist outcomes of policing in the nation and up to (inaudible) california has been one of the worst in terms of not releasing critical information to the public. (inaudible) and now sb16 to release information on racist and violent policing outcomes must be honored. sfpd is required by law to release personnel information to the
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public. sfpd biggest issue is refusing to enact accountability measures and statistics around racial profiling via traffic stops use of force and arrest that remain as high as ever. in 2016 up to the present day, what is missing is accountability. accountability can't be achieved if sfpd is evading scrutiny (inaudible) problem officers in every turn. thank you. >> president elias no more public comment. on the motion- [roll call] 6 yeses. >> thank you. next item. >> item 4, chief
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report discussion. weekly crime trends and public safety concerns (provide an overview of offenses, incidents, or events occurring in san francisco having an impact on public safety. commission discussion on unplanned events and activities the chief describes will be limited to determining whether to calendar for a future meeting.) chief scott. >> thank you sergeant youngblood. >> (inaudible) >> good evening president elias and commission and mrs. roseensteen and public. i'll briefly with crime trends. violent crime is up overall 7 percent. the difference of 300 crimes, 311 crimes actually from this time last year. property crime up 6 percent, difference of about just short of 3,000 crimes this time last year. the leaders in each categories in terms of violent crime are robberies are up 5 percent and assaults are up 10 percent. in terms of property crimes, good news is
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burglars are down 21 percent but overall larceny up about 13 percent. auto burglaries remain steady at 9 percent. homicides violent crime homicides had 32 fire arm related homicides year to date down by 4 this time last year but overall the homicides are 2 percent up which is difference of 1 from this time last year. weapon seizures we are at 961 guns taken off the street year to date. of those, (inaudible) 163. i will spend more time on significant insdants but there is really good work i want to highlight sfpd officer s. we did have 3 homicides for the week. the first at third and la salle in the bayview a attempted robbery and the investigation revealed the female subject a overnight
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guest gave 3 suspects access to the complex. they entered the complex and one of the four suspects was shot and later succumb to injuries. our evidence at this point indicate that it was likely a robbery gone bad and the shooting was taken into custody in this case. the investigation is ongoing. second homicide to report was on november 11 at 949 p.m. 100 block of larken in the tinder loin in front of the main library. (inaudible) reported individual in front of the library who was on the ground and did not have a pulse. a witness later came forward and said he saw the victim arguing with male and female which ended up a fight. the female punched the victim
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causing him to fall to the ground where he lost consciousness. he was pronounced at the hospital. no arrest made but there is evidence to follow up on the case so will keep you posted as the investigation develops. th700 block of fulton in northern district on november 12, 858 p.m. responded to shot spotter activation. the victim was unresponsive and multiple gun shot wounds. officers rendered aid but the victim at the hospital succumb to injuries. there is video that captured a portion of the incident and there are numerous suspects in this incident and several guns involved. our investigators located some evidence and that evidence is being fallowed up on so no arrest at this time but a very active investigation is
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ongoing. we had a series of auto burglaries across the city on november 11 veteran day. the officer observed a stolen vehicle in the area that was believed to be involved in auto burgly. the vehicle stops the occupant tries to run away. three subjects taken into custody. a large amount of stolen profit recovered and multiple victims believe 9 in all were identified, so really good work by officers in that case. there is also a catalytic converter arrest that occurred. happened october 25. northern officers observed a vehicle lifted off the ground by floor jack and individuals near the vehicle were under the vehicle indicating a catalytic converting theft was taking
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place. (inaudible) evidence garthered included vehicle and equipment use and catalytic converts case acrauz the city. fire arm not ghost gun was located at the scene. three individuals booked on various charges including grand theft burglaries and second degree and tampering with a vehicle. one subject charged with possession of firearm. we had rash of catalytic converting thefts across the city and regional thing as well, so much work is being done on these cases. we do believe it is organized but this was a good arrest overnight by these officers from northern station. auto burglaries (inaudible) incorporated has reported that they have been victim of at least 8 auto burglaries between october 12 and october
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25 and we believe that involved one suspect. during these incident iphones attached to vehicle dashboard was taken. all were autonomous with no (inaudible) suspect vehicle provided by technology in the automated vehicle. suspect was identified and taken into custody near the (inaudible) on november 11, 2022 and charged with 8 counts of auto burgly and found to be on probation from alameda county for the same types of offenses. we also had a significant robbery and arrest. 300 block of bay shore. sorry, this is not a open arrest yet but the suspect will be arrested. the victim who is security guard observed two suspects attempting to
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steal alcohol. confronted the suspect and told them to leave and security guard attempted to stop one suspect as the person exited the store. at that time both bystanders began to join in and several witnesses began to assist (inaudible) these are good samaritans. a stabeing victim as a suspect arrived at san francisco general with multiple stab wounds. the stabbing victim stated he received the wound during the altercation video does not show the security guard or any other witnesses who joined in into help the security guard stabbing the suspect. we believe that we have identified that stabbing victim as a robbery suspect so once his medical condition is clear we plan to arrest that person. another
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incident to report and think has a up couple more minutes is robbery that result in arrest. this happened veterans day november 11. two victims and others performing inside the square when the subjects began to yell at them. the victims started recording one of the suspects who became angry and ran toward the victim and victim ran away. the suspect hit the victim in the back of his head and took his cell phone. the victim called 911 and was punched by the suspect. officers arrived quickly and basically were able to locate the suspect and arrest them very quickly, so this was a really good response and officer both victims were elderly and again this is just ridiculous and cannot be tolerated. central officers who worked at area were in the place they needed to be and resulted in a great
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arrest there. last thing i'll report is just our safe shopper strategy and deployment started. the macey tree lighting was last wednesday and union square is activated with the holiday festivities, the ice rink and deployment will be increased not only in union square about corridors across the city for the holiday season. we have ambassadors we rolled on the west side of incity and also ambassadors and officers deployed in union square. haze valley also, the foot beats are very very well received and their deployment resulted in significant robbery arrest this week as well but i know i'm out of time. just want to wish everybody a happy holiday, happy thanks sgiving and we will be out to do everything we can to make sure this is a safe holiday season. >> thank you. amazing 10 minutes.
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>> i know a couple weeks ago we approved donation of those small vehicles- >> we are get them outfitted so-we have to wait but excited-very mobile so they at add to effectiveness of the foot beat officers. >> thank you. >> commissioner yee. >> thank you. chief scott want to thank your team for your hard work over this week. it will be tougher going forward as we are down in staff. there is a incident that came out at palace of fine arts. over social media i saw too. just wonder if we have staff out in some of the hot spots maybe palace fine arts, coit towers, these are tourist destinations. seeing your thoughts. >> thank you
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commissioner for that. we do have a detail overtime detail for tourism deployment. we will up deployment at palace of fine arts. things have gotten better, but because (inaudible) as we saw with that case we need to be in that area because it goes up and down. places like coit tower, lumbard street, palace of fine arts deployment will be deployed there including north beach, fisherman warf and embarcadero so that will continue through the holiday season. it is good deployment and been able to be effective. in addition to that, some of the plain clothe details working some of the robberies and these car break-insologist also will be deployed across the city. >> thank you. >> sergeant. >> members that like to public comment regarding line item 4, the chief report
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approach the podium or press star 3. president elias, no public comment. >> thank you. acting director you have time to beat so maybe can get done in 9 minutes. >> thank you. good evening commissioners, chief scott. i will try to be quick. with respect to the statistics for this week, up to today in 2022, we have opened a dpa 601 cases. same time last year at 695. cases closed up to today this year, 636, last year 781. cases pending, currently 245, last year 274. cases sustained this
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year, 53, as opposed to 43 last year, and cases mediated this year, 18 as opposed to 36 same time last year. we do have 23 cases that are past the 270 day mark and 20 are told. in terms of weekly trends for the cases we are seeing, we received 15 cases and 36 percent of those cases the allegations, these are not substantiated we are in the process of investigating the allegations. the top allegation the officer behave or spoke in inappropriate manner and second is officer failed to take required action and the several others are tied for third place including officer failing to write a incident report, misrepresenting the truth and driving a city vehicle in a
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gross or negligent manner. the majority complaints came from mission station and second is taraval. with respect what we are doing in our office with outreach, dpa continues to provide information to the public at sfpd station community meetings. we expanded information to include information about the mediation program to boost those numbers. also, with us today is nicole armstrong along with sarah (inaudible) of our office provided a national representation for our office at the national association for civilian oversight law enforcement. they presented-they did a very well attended presentation over hundred members attended. it was the virtual annual conference and they
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provided training about upgrading oversight. how to use business analysis to improve civilian oversight operation. we are also full speed ahead in the audit department. last thursday dpa sent a draft of the first interim report about misconduct audit for sfpd review and on monday this week dpa and the controller office started the 24 month follow-up on recommendations made in the use of force audit. i will have several comments with respect to other agenda items but i like to end last but not least and let you know that sarah hawkins myself and our director of investigation eric baultzar attended the active shooter training with sfpd
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members. thank you chief for allowing us to attend. again, it was a excellent training that really hit home for me personally. i don't know how many of you have children here that are school age in san francisco, but i do, and it really helped me understand the amount of work and courage it takes for the officers to respond to active shooter situations and made me very appreciative of their work. i also wanted to let you know that we were welcomed by all of the different members and including the members of (inaudible) everyone from lieutenant mehan to sergeant (inaudible) there were tactical sergeant there that were gracious explaining the different scenarios to us and it was amazing because
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again, like cmcr these classes are full and these classes are volunteer based, so these are officers that are going out there and learning how to risk their lives on behalf of our children. i wanted to give them the recognition that they deserve and are to also give chief scott and everybody that puts on this complex scenario based training where officers are literally opening doors and getting shot, i wanted to give them a shout out. it is important to talk about it. i know they gave commissioner benedicto a shout out so i give them a shout out. i also-in that vain wanted to also give my personal opinion. i don't know if it is possible, but in terms of training these officers are asking for training and volunteering for training so i know there are a lot of questions and
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contverseries surrounding the budget for sfpd but to the extent funds can be earmarked to improve expand training for the officers they are ready willing and able to participate and i think it is important for us to keep that in mind. with that, i just wanted to say thank you and last but not least, say thank you for signing our certificates for our interns. i know it is a small gesture, but it really means a lot to them to receive the certificates from the commission. with that, i open up to any questions or comments that anybody may have. >> i think you wowed the crowd. doesn't look like there is any. >> i strongly urge everyone that is capable of going to go. it is one thing to think about how officers respond. monday morning quarter-backing
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opposed to the 1 to 3 second window they have to make these important decisions. i think it was a very valuable training for all to attend and we hope to send the rest of our investigators and attorneys to the trainings moving forward. >> scenario based trainings are very intense. i rememberm when i first joined and think i died in every single scenario. >> thank you. >> commissioner yanez. >> thank you president elias. one question, i was know there was dialogue around the mou development between dpa and the police department. is there any update or progress you can give us? >> we did write it. i wrote it, and i understand that director henderson sent a copy to chief scott and commissioner-president elias, but my understanding is we
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have not heard a response back. >> chief. yes. >> we did receive dpa's draft and we met with the district attorney this week and got input on the mou, because we have been directed to present at the same time, so based on what we now know as far as the mou recommendations from the da office, we will go back to this document and follow up with dpa. we probably have a few things we want to iron out but we have the document, it was turned around very quickly and we will be on it this week and hopefully get this done very quickly. >> chief, it was perfect. [laughter] >> thank you. >> thank you for the update and glad that is moving forward because that is a essential element of this transparency.
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thank you. >> sergeant. >> members that like to make public comment regarding dpa director report approach the podium or press star 3. there is no public comment. >> thank you, next item. >> 6, commission reports. dish cushion and possible action. (commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting.) - commission president's report - commissioners' reports - commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings (action) >> commissioner benedicto. >> couple things to report. first on dgo9.01. there were
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two (inaudible) took place last week with the collaboration of the human rights commission. i want to thank the human rights commission, director cheryl davis and dedicated staff and volunteers for helping to facilitate these excellent suggestions. there were two more this week including one wrapping up as we speak where vice president carter oberstone is as well. the sessions have been tremendous sources of valuable feedback. thank the members of the community that attended the sessions. there is a informative article written last week in mission local summarizing sessions last week. overall i think by my count there have been at least 9 or 10 sessions with these additional ones, which are all most durable the most we have done for department general order which 5.01 there were 4 with one commission meeting held so call that 5. the process hasn't been perfect. i guess my friends in wealth and disparities will point out in public
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comment i like to provide appreciation for wealth and disparities for attention and work on this process but i do think it has been a significant improvement and a lot of transparency and community feedback and so grateful to members of community to members of organizations who participated in this process. also last week i attended the cit awards which was a tremendous privilege (inaudible) tremendous behavior by officers adopting principles this commission is reinforcing for the last number of years. de-escalation. (inaudible) each of the 7 insdants lives were saved and you saw our policies working exactly the way they are supposed to so i want to commend all the officers and the awards both go to officers and public health practitioners
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of department of public health who receive awards for their role on the teams so i want to commend all the officers and public health practitioners both recognized in these awards. i was talking to chief and it is hard to recognize just the awardees because there are so many incident that resolve through the cip principles so i want to acknowledge (inaudible) called out and awarded these principles play a role in the policing. that's all. >> thank you commissioner benedicto. commissioner walker. >> thank you president elias. i had think all did have updates on the dgo list and everything on the list is moving forward. there is one in particular that we were discussing a working group. the hate crimes dgo that you assigned me. we are going to be moving that forward in the
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near future. i think because of the holidays a lot is being moved off a little bit but it was helpful to get everybody on board with that with the dpa and the department, so also i know there is a promotion list out and i sort of looked at how it might be moving us back on women in leadership in the department and just recruiting in general. things we talked about and made commitment with, so i had a conversation and there is a strong commitment to carry forward the 30/30 contract and get going and moving forward i think we need to all work on recruitment doing what we can do to get people to choose this as a career. i'm going to really be active in that moving that forward. i also had meetings with community folks
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business organizations to help with better coordination between all our efforts to make-help with law enforcement to make our streets safe. the ambassador programs the alchemy groups and discussing possible training partnerships to have these organizations really help us fill in the blanks we might have because of the fact we are down in officers. i'm excited about that. everybody is supportive of getting not just these groups but all the different departments to work as partners on the in the streets. there are things that really aren't prese jurisdiction but there is no one else to do it, so you know, again this is one of those things you asked me to look into and think there is a real interest from different departments and the supervisors and mayor and our department to really make that work better,
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so hopefully we can have more information to share. >> that would be great. >> thank you. >> interested in the training they receive. >> they don't very much but that is where we could. >> definitely. i know the 4th amendment civil rights type stuff is really important so we want them to be trained like our officers and held to the same standard and adhering the mission of the department which is safety with respect. >> great. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner yanez. >> thank you president elias. i have a quick report. i want to thank everyone on your team for setting up the ride along. i will go on a ride along on the 9 and excited about that. it will be my first ride along and heard exciting things about that. [laughter] that will take place. we did-commissioner benedicto might give a update but i will chime in, we had a
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work group meeting for the dgo701, the juvenile dgo and that is in-it is rolling. there was supposed to be a meeting this week but there was a need to postpone, so that is moving along and there we will have a robust conversations because there is work to do there. and lastly, i met with folks from the electronic frontier foundation and that prompted me to remind myself to ask where we are with regards to the development of the outreach plan and messaging around the or the request for video feeds from the community, and what that documentation looks like, because i know the last time we had a presentation on it, they indicated the paperwork was being developed but it would be great to understand
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what the roll out will look like and i love to agendize maybe at 6 month point maybe in may or june of next year for us to have like a data crunch on how many request, what the impact has been and hopefully can continue to avail of the impact hopefully positive impact that had on our safety outcomes. >> i think we did agendize-we were going to get the forms together with respect to how we track the data, especially the racial data around this and circumstances. >> yes. we do need to get it- >> okay. you think december or january? >> i like to do it in december. >> okay. alright. sergeant youngblood can take care of that and also do the 6 month. that is a great idea. >> lastly on community policing, the dgo just revised in 21. we will get involved in the development of the manual. i think that is a good way for us
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to chime in on best practices, so thank you very much. >> have fun on your ride along. commissioner yee. >> thank you president elias. just want to update you on the dgo. met with the staff this monday right after commissioner walker, so brought me up to speed. looks like they have done a terrific job. looks like most of these dgo has moved forward, so hopefully by the next meeting we can give you more detail status as they update me as well. also want to thank commissioner burns who worked on the cit award ceremonies that went out. we will meet thursday at 1 p.m. i believe to wrap up the final two recipients on there. on regards to commissioner walker's working with all the communities safety and public safety people in
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there, i am like you, strength in number like the warriors is watt we have to do. if we can put more eyes on the ground keep us informed and also public safety. looking forward to see it work here in san francisco moving forward. we have so much resource here-including police department we have the sheriff, traffic officers, ambassadors and even residents that can also be our eyes and ears that make it safer in the city so looking forward to that one day going forward. that's all where have to report. thank you madam president. >> thank you commissioner yee and commissioner benedicto walker and yanez for
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taking the dgo and running with it and giving update. commissioner burn, any updates? >> excuse me president elias. i gave a update at the last meeting and will be prepared to give another at the next meeting. >> thank you very much. >> members that like to make public comment approach the podium or press star 3. there is no public comment. >> thank you. next item. >> line item 8. prezendation of dpa quarterly report 1, 2 and third quarter 2022. discussion. >> good evening presidents elias and fellow commissioners and chief scott. i like to introduce our operations manager nicole arm strong who put this presentation together and she and i will address any issues you may have. but this will give a
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better overview of it statistical data opposed to weekly trends. these are trends that occurred over sev sl quarters. >> welcome mrs. armstrong. sergeant you want to start the clock when she is ready. said with you are ready. not going to cheat you out of 10. if you got it done in 9 (inaudible) >> she is rockstar you will want tohear what she has to say. >> no worries. welcome. >> (inaudible) my name is nicole armstrong. i sound like a frog. still recovering when i was sick from covid. i don't have it anymore but still sound like a frog. if i cough i apologize in advance. i will probably go quicker then normer normal because i don't want to sound like a frog very long. please be easy on me, this isn't
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my first one in person and might be nervous and might talk faster then i usually do and i say like a lot, i apologize. let me begin. i want to start with highlights because i believe in the bottom line up front give you things we look at specifically and things we are proud of. one as you know from my presentation we are (inaudible) we were able to dine 9 months. so excited it is working and people are using it, getting good feedback and amazing progress. me made 90 policy recommendations to improve policing. our number one improper conduct is failure to comply with general order or department bulletin and can dpa investigated 68 cases invents captured (inaudible) i don't know if you are familiar, basically we are big proponent on body worn camera because there are cases that we have
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where we can watch the camera and see the action the officer took was proper conduct and able to close on it face is what we call it so able to close those cases. we are huge proponent of body worn camera. cases open by quarter. as you note i always want to show comparison of a trend of a couple years what it looks like through the quarters and years and this is the same information presented differently because we have different ways of looking and able to read information. what you can see right now through the different quarters you can see really in 2020 huge spike in numbers when we (inaudible) covid violations as well as the protest cases we had and 2020 more balance and now seeing a slight trend downward but going back up as we go into the 4th quarter. close cases more of (inaudible) you see the way it goes down.
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at beginning of 2020 when we changed to new case management system and went remote we closed cases like crazy and wanted to get the numbers down (inaudible) you see the number settle until you get to 2022 where we close cases but a slower rate. this is one i'm excited to show. when we present numbers to the commission or anybody we never want to look at numbers from internally at dpa. one thing we wanted to look at because we noticed there was a downward trend in cases is is it just dpa having a downward trend and what i found when we look at the cases is that it is a national trend seeing cases going down. it was funny because we reached out to agencies and departments they were wondering why their numbers were going down and they are look you are looking nationally and we said we want to understand is it bigger picture across the nation or
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san francisco specific. we are still looking at the numbers but as what you see on the chart there is significant increase down for all the major kind of operations. you will see some with increase and we found there is increase in places where they had new legislation. creating organizations. like a recognition or brand recognition, so the people that had more name in the news or seeing more of that agency or what they were doing so a higher spike. we will keep looking at the numbers as we go, but this is just limited information but it is interesting to see and study and dive into the data. i want to remind is we are able to look from a certain level but because san francisco charter for dpa is so expensive so we investigate pretty much any case that gets brought to us other agencies don't but may not be able to compare the
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information in a robust micro level because some people only get use of cases or some cases that are referred from iad so it compares apples to oranges but will look at it data and compare and contrast and see what is going on. how did dpa receive complaints? we receive phone and online but we start to see a trend upward of people coming into our office and hoping as we continue that more people will come in and use our new facilities are feel are barely touched because the pandemic happened right after we moved in so excited to use it and have more come into the office to talk and tell what we do at dpa. you see a graph. this looks a little crazy. i want you to see who the complaintant are. the right hand size is ages and left you see
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our ethnisties. the one thing you notice is (inaudible) highest number on both charts. (inaudible) why we would have such a high number? because we make it so people can pick or choose if they want to provide demographic data, we do not force people to do it. we also found that sometimes our investigators feel uncomfortable asking questions. what do we do to fix this is how we move forward with these things. what we identified is if we have training opportunities for staff that help increase the numbers information we get and also refor matting how we write why we collect demographics online. we have a very stale -we use for (inaudible) if we change our messaging that makes it user friendly or people read it better and hope it increase the
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number of demo graphics. [speaker speaking too fast] we are also working on this and working on doing new outreach and targeting different communities. i know some of the new-really proud of the number of (inaudible) help specific groups target communities we are missing out on. excited to work on these programs and i know as we keep move forward we will find new areas we can increase and help get more people into dpa because we need the name recognition as we saw. we have to find a way to notify people we exist and if they come in we are here to help you. we will keep moving forward as we go along. alright. just want to give a snapshot of allegations. just to understand we have allegation levels which is macro approach how we look at cases and then a
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micro approach. our macro approach is like neglected (inaudible) micro we go into fine detail to find if it is body worn camera or 4th amendment violation. we look a macro and micro level. our allegations we received by type and quarter number one is neglect of duty. that is consistent across the board neglective duty. failure to take required action. failure to activate body worn (inaudible) conduct on becoming officers making rude comments or behaving in a inappropriate way. let me get to the case findings. as you look between our different quarters and this is quarter (inaudible) see the most recent all the way to quarter 1, you see that proper
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conduct is number one across the board for us. fallowed by insufficient evidence and-means we can't prove or disprove a case. proper conduct is the highest is something good. i like when we can identify things with cases and make sure we have evidence to prove one way or another. if i was a plaintiff it would suck to have insufficient goal so our true goal is to make sure we investigate (inaudible) to try to answer the questions to best of our ability. improper conduct, this is macro approach. in these quarters we did 46 improper conduct cases and had 145 improper conduct allegations. as you can see on here, the most common was neglect of duty and unwarranted actions. this is micro approach. we will look at details for what it is for the
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micro one so you notice neglect of duty i took a snapshot, the biggest we had. i want to see the top 3. it is failure to comply with department order or bulletin. next is failure to activate body worn camera and the other side is officer behave or spoke inappropriately or made a arrest without cause. mediation. we have 17 cases mediated. one thing to highlight is mediation team is going to roll calls and training the officers on mediation and we paid 80 officers so far and will continue to do that. policy. (inaudible) 10 department general orders analyze lots of-love working with her. 90 policy recommendations and are worked really hard on making sure all these different policy things have gone on. it does have the update so these numbers are a little off but just closed 68 cases. (inaudible) i have seen all the work and pages continue and they are probably some
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of the hard est working people in our office. audit. already covered those. the draft is out now so this is a little old but we are proud of the audit team and work they are doing and steve is an amazing person and great it bounce ideas off. internship. we hope have (inaudible) 400 hours of research this year. finally i know i'm out of time and you are looking at me like you better stop talking. excited to let you know again that we presented at (inaudible) it was really great and amazing and an amazing experience. we are now analyzing 5 year trends across national levels and excited to let you know our next project we did complainant portal and working to try to design officer portal to allow the officer tuesday look up cases because we want to make it transparent for everyone and they have access and can
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goal is make it so it does not cost a penny so waiting for the next bridge and hopefully able to get it for free. done. sorry. >> great job. i like the graphics. >> thank you. >> they were informative and loved the anolysis of the quarters and then-or years and then the quarters. i thought that was helpful so thank you. commissioner yanez. >> thank you president elias. congratulations on your successful presentation. seems there was a lot of interest so we are trailblazing in many areas. quick question around one of the slides had national trends data around complaints. are those sustained or allegations? >> the national trend is just cases received. >> received. >> part of the future is look at the sustained as well so we have asked for sustained. the number some of--it is apple to orange and try to
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get the data but because of the other ways the other site agencies review that data might not be able to compare so collecting the information and will let you know what we can do with it. >> with the decline to state, do you do any follow-up? do you inquire about reason for decline to state is there a comment box because there are many-we can speculate in many different ways about why that happens. i from experience know a lot of people who just fear retaliation. i know that doesn't happen anymore not with our current department but do we inquire about the reason? >> we have a long survey we send at the end. i'm looking to try to revamp it because i know from experience if someone gives me a long survey i will probably only make through the first 2 pages and it does cover data. i think i
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probably add a box on the online form and start doing that. it also is additional training but don't see why we can't. great idea. thank you. >> if i may-commissioner yanez. i think it is important to give our complainants a safe space to provide the information. it is already nerve-wracking for a lot people to contact us and why we want to give them the opportunity not to have to reveal their identity or information about their identity. for example, we at this point also take anonymous complaints. sometimes we do have complainants that provide us information and then ask not to contact them anymore. we think that generally speaking as a policy it is more important to provide that safe opportunity for people to make the complaint and follow-up and investigate then it is to force them to
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answer questions that may make them uncomfortable and worst case scenario with draw the complaint which is a option and does occur not often but does occur. i think that is the rational behind it and the reason why we don't stress or push very hard on that. >> thank you for the clarification. i think consumer driven approach is very important. and then the last question with regard to failure to activate body worn cameras, as you just said, this benefits everyone both the officers and the community in general and ultimately safety for all. do we have any idea of what the cost would be or what it would take for our department to just activatet their camera as soon as we go on? are there department s
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- >> i think that is question for chief scott. our office in conjunction with sfpd continues to provide training to officers and giving them trends and what to expect if they have a complaint from dpa and we give explanations watt what we see as biggest area where officers are getting in trouble and body worn camera is one. i think i said it before, i always tell officers when in doubt turn it on. i think the officers have legitimate concerns and do think there are some jurisdictions my understanding los angeles is one that makes officers turn it on all the time, but i would differ to chief scott on that. we are making every effort to convey to the officers how important it is to
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turn them on. i want to clarify one thing on that issue. there is the issue of them not turning it on at all, which i believe that issue has gone down. what we are seeing is the officers not turning it on fast enough, so i would just differ to chief scott on some of your questions. >> if i may, it is very (inaudible) there are privacy concerns with having the camera on all the time. officers have to take restrooms braked and things like that. administrative conversation in stations and things like that. i don't think la turns them on all the time. their policy is similar to ours in terms of when they turn them on. one of the things maybe for the future, this technology
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particularly in critical incidents (inaudible) fire arms or things that i think will be helpful. we don't have any of that yet but it is out there and something we need to explore. >> right. i think it is important and would just behoove us to explore that direction given how many of these come up and as she just pointed out, the majority of the time these are going to absolve officers of wrong-doing so as long as dpa is willing to put the time in to look at the footage i think that is a reasonable direction for us to take or that would be what i encourage. thank you. >> if i could stress, i think we can't stress it enough that the trend in our findings also reflects positively on body worn camera footage because since the footage has been instated we are much more likely to give the officers and
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community definitive answer such as whether the officer acted properly or improperly. our statistics with respect to insufficient evidence findings have gone down drastically since body worn camera has been implemented and we close cases-i don't remember what the exact number is, but we also stress the fact that there are man y cases now that are closed based on body worn camera footage alone. we kronet to ask officers questions because it is clear that what they did and it is clear that they did what we expect them to do. >> commissioner benedicto. >> thank you. couple questions. (inaudible) numbers vary quarter to quarter. it looks like looking at the case findings by quarter policy failures dropped off completely in third quarter. is there a
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particular reason? >> we are exploring what the trends are coming up with and what we find is it is really random how-one thing we wanted to look at is do our cases correlate to call of services or anything like that and what we are looking at so far we don't see a correlation, so it is really just the number of the type of cases that we get and when we are able to resolve the case. because you have to think we might have a case with (inaudible) or case 6 months so just depends when we get it and what evidence we are able to get and time period. the quarters it just rotates about this quarter have a couple more then this one or not. it isn't specific reason. >> got it. another question i had is, side benefit of these sessions (inaudible) members will talk about issues not just related to 9.01 and one thing interesting
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(inaudible) that have a lot of police interaction that don't know-it sounds like there is a good effort to line up and make sure that officers are aware of the role dpa plans. is there a plan to do community outreach? >> absolutely. >> i can also take that. i think that directorhanderson wanted to be here to provide you guys with a clearer picture of what we are doing but we are taking these numbers and taking these trends and using the national trends to figure out how we can better access the needs in our community and taylor outreach to address the specific needs of the community, so these numbers are not in vain. we are taking them, analyzing them, comparing them to the national trend and we
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will be using them to drive our outreach efforts moving forward. >> great. i also wanted for one question that we received at one of the working sessions was about the role of body worn cameras and want to reiterate everything said about the role they play. (inaudible) 68 cases in the period where body worn cameras (inaudible) that is strong endorsement of the positive benefit adoption of body worn cameras had for this department since adopted in 2016. that speaks strongly. earlier (inaudible) i think it is worth commending dpa for tremendous work and recognition. i am sure if paul were here on a shoestring budget dpa does incredible work and has received recognition from
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national organizations for its work in civilian oversight and that for those members of the public that want to know what dpa does this presentation is a great starting point and think dpa is to be commended for its great work. thank you. >> thank you. we appreciate it. i know i'm a (inaudible) for director henderson and his ability to pump us up, but it is definitely-we are here, we are available to the community and we welcome any questions and any complaints no matter how small or large we can be reached online over the phone and again in person, and we have investigators on staff that are able to drop everything at a moments notice and address complaints that the public has. thank you.
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>> you said shoestring budget? i like that. you got a (inaudible) >> we love doing the dpa (inaudible) i love doing the presentation and there is a lot of people in the office that enjoy talking to the community and interacting with them so if anybody in the public that wants a presentation or a copy of the presentation or learn about dpa, we are here and we want to do that. that's why we are in the positions. that is why we do what we do because we love our job ares. right? we want to educate people teach people let them know what they can do and how to reach the department. we are here and available. >> one final question i remembered after commissioner yanez. on the national trend slide you indicated overall downward trend nationally on oversight civilian agencies. is that due-you didn't speak to the reason but is
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it due to reform efforts made nationally and recognition because you said inverse is true. >> we are still looking at the data so don't want to say anything definitive at this time because we just started diving into it. that is suspicion but as we will look we will let you know the details but don't want to say something and find i'm wrong. if i ruin the surprise what will i talk about for the annual report? >> exactly. thank you, great job. >> thank you. >> sergeant. >> members that like to make public comment approach the podium or press star 3. there is no public comment. >> next item, please. >> line item 9 (inaudible) department of police accountability policy
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documents for the release of personnel records under california penal code -discussion and possible action. the police commission revising the existing policy to incorporate changes under the law. >> thank you. commissioner i think the title says it all. the city attorney drafted this policy to comport with sb16. as you are aware we took a great deal of effort when we drafted the sb1421 policy and it was a mirror of the state legislation in that vain sb16 or the edits done to include sb16 were also emirer mirror of the state policy. commissioner-direct henderson. >> wanted to say it would-i know this commission has a history of giving the sf pd and dpa
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opportunities to weigh in before promoting and accepting policies that effect our departments. it would have been great to see a copy to proof read it before it went to commission because we would have been happy to inform on page 3 we are listed as the department of public accountability, in fact the department of police accountability so it is great if we could make that change to this document in the future maybe at least get a heads up or opportunity to engage the commissioners city attorney office, sfpd and others in the drafting of documents that effect our protocol. >> if you didn't have a shoestring budget we would probably get your name right. >> on a shoestring budget i can proof read. >> i will ask to make that amendment on the pages you cited with that in mind make a
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motion to to adopt with the revisions discussed. can i get a second? >> second. >> sergeant. >> members that like to make public comment regarder regarding line item 9 approach the podium or press star 3. there is no public comment. on the motion- [roll call] >> you have 7 yeses. line item 10. early intervention system. 2022 second quarter prezbitation discussion. >> who do we have? we have big shoes to fill
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>> alright. good evening. so, (inaudible) risk managementophilus office and thanks for the opportunity to present to you the early intervention system which i'll refer to as eis and specifically talk about the second quarter 2022. first i like to give credit to the team because the content of this presentation has been provided by lieutenant william toomy. this is sergeant darwin nuvol who does the day to day work. there are two senior analyst wendy (inaudible) and stephanie (inaudible) answer two questions up front. why do we have a eis system and what are the goal snz they are to identify
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performance indicators. the mechanisms for insuring accountability that may cause liability. extra support during a stressful time and then capitalize underlined before adverse event and then finally to improve overall employee performance. i doopt to make a distinction eis is not discipline and that's a point we want to drive across to members too. we do not want eis equated in their minds with discipline because that's not the goal. the current performance indicators for eis are on the slide but i'll read them. use of force, officer involved shootings, officer involved discharges, fire arms discharges, (inaudible) civil suits, (inaudible)
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vehicle pursuits. i will move on. the current alert threshold. based on those events and performance irdicators the thresholds one officer involved shooting or one officer involved discharge so any (inaudible) three or more use of force insdants in a 3 month period. 3 or more depa complaints in 6 month period. any 5 or more indicators i read previously in a 6 month period. 4 or more dpa complaints 12 month period. any 6 or more indicators in a 12 month period. with all these thresholds these trigger review for closer look at patterns circumstances and really supervisor and member talk about what's causing this pattern with the officer. okay.
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quarter 2 is going to be very different from all the other quarters that i reported on. i think we should start with talking about our use of force policy and update on that. i know that this is the first quarter where the revision of 5.01 dgo was enacted that eis captures that data. there are three endicators that i will talk about. we believe drastically increased the eis alerts. one is the physical control reporting threshold. essentially with 5.01 that changed to lower reporting standard for physical control. with 5.01, firearm at low ready position is new reporting requirement. i want to mention also the third point, it is
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inefficiency that with the-during implementation we also implemented a new reporting program in cdw or crime data warehouse and that made more efficient in capturing the data. it is electronic and use said to have forms that had to be filled out and routed through the station to our office and we would move that data on to a database, so now we have the ability to do that in cdw and that is just streamlined and real time. next we will talk about alerts by type. i think what i want to point out in this is there is a outlier and the second quarter of 2022 there were 2 officer involved shootings, one involving one officer and one involving 9
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officers so that is very unusual for any quarter in recent history. the other indicators are pretty consistent with what we see in quarters previously. the members receiving alerts. 16.2 or 321 sworn members generated at least one report during the quarter. by comparison that number is usually closer to 3 or 4 percent so that is a significant increase. i will move to the next slide because that will show comparison and just kind of outlines increase during this quarter. here we have alerts by quarter and there was a 429.2 percent increase in alerts from quarter 1, 2022 to quarter 2. we have gone back over a year just to show.
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i'll start from the top. quarter 2 were 50eis alerts. quarter 3, 2021, 71. quarter 4, a hundred. quarter 1 of 2022, 89 and quarter 2 of 2022, 471 alerts. and then just a drilling down further, use of force for the second quarter 2022 there were 1945 indicator points in this quarter. as compared to the previous year during the same time period, only 267. what happens with these alerts? these alerts are generated every month sent to the stations and then let's talk what happens, the
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dispositions themselves, 132 emerge and that's-i'll let darwin explain. >> or alert system generate alerts every month and we send the alerts out every 2 months so it is if a member generate a alert, for example march and april and we were to send those alerts out we just send-merj merge the two alerts and snd out to the station rather then sending two alerts for the same person. we will merge those two alerts all the data is going to be still there, no data will be lost. we merge those two alerts to pretty much consolidate and send one alert to the station. >> thank you. and then the other thing i want ed to point out on the pie chart, there are 331, 70 percent active
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andpeneding review. that means they have been sent out to the various units or departments and supervisors are currently reviewing those reports and whatever is included in the package. okay. interventions. in quarter 1 of-this is for comparison. quarter 2, 2021 no active or new intervention but one intervention closed in the most current quarter and speaking to which is quarter 2022 there was one active-there is one active intervention, none that were open during the quarter and none completed. outside of natural intervention through sergeant (inaudible) engagement outside eis that include informal counseling, formal counseling and performance improvement plans. i
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asked for comparison q2021 to q22, 2022 and there is no significant pattern. they are similar enough. okay. and i am about to brap wrap up. i did want to give a update on benchmark and our work with merging our systems and then moving over to the benchmark system. i will turn this over to sergeant (inaudible) to speak to. >> currently in our current benchmark we are continuing with our data collection. we are gathering data from our aim system, from our use of force system, gathering data from the sheriff department so what benchmark is doing is gathering the data and pretty much validating the data, trying to make sure the data speaks well with their computer programs with algorithms and they
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are currently returning and assessing data model to see which model works best with our department and come with the best and most accurate results. the next phase with benchmark is set up meetings with the working group to (inaudible) dgo in line and created and we will be discussing roles and permissions. >> i offer in the future potentially we can have benchmark speak to your directly about the work they are doing. and then that concludes my-say one more thing. i do know the commission has-the department and commission reworked 5.o1 so there could be changes in the eis reporting in the future because of that also so thank you for that and that does conclude my presentation. >> i think that would be a good idea to have benchmark. i heard positive things about
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them and services they provide so happy to hear we were able to transition utilize them because i think it will be a easier system and easier to understand because it isn't easier to understand the eis system and how it really helps. >> more technically advanced, more complete and potentially backed by scientific analysis, so intuitively i think our indicators are valid and good,b if we have indicators backed by science and research think that would be improvement. >> we love evidence based practices. commissioner walker. >> thank you for this. i'm trying to understand this is new for me. i haven't been here long enough to see this before. i'm curious of the increase. is that because of a new dgo?
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is it sort of stricter evaluation? is that what the increase is about? >> you touched on it after 5.01 i asked to revise it because the feedback was the fact that under the prior 501 we revised there were too many categories the officer had to report so they were overreporting so the number is inflated because of the reason. the department said this isn't working for us, this is one reason why we went back to the table and changed the policy to create different criteria for reporting. >> right. you pretty much answered that. >> i was going to add the high level when
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5.01 was revised the threshold lowered so it captured a lot more of the (inaudible) >> that is what i assume about wanted to clarify. great. thank you. >> patterns of use of force are a driver of eis so any change to that policy will significantly effect eis. as i mentioned in the presentation, it is not disciplinary, officers really don't like being alerted and on eis so when that number went up that has effect on the entire system. >> seems like a very effective in what we are doing here. >> commissioner byrne. >> thank you president elias. it was the same question commissioner walker-what lead to the 472 percent increase and you are
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saying that there was a lower threshold to report things. saying nothing significant about that 472 increase, if i hear this correctly? >> the threshold for reportable use of force significantly changed with the old-well, without-the revised. now it has gone through another revision. the version that was in effect in 2-2-2022- >> you say this is a outlier? >> well it was a result of the new definitions and the new thresholds that were put out in 5.01, yes. >> so you expect to see drastic decline for quarter 3, 2022? >> i believe this commission just approved the newest version of 5.01 and
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that would effect quarter 4 of 2022. we should expect to see- >> it will actually the quarter 1 because we plan to activate december 8- >> they gave [multiple speakers] >> i believe it will normalize. it will still be higher because the threshold is lower then previously, but because we-feedback it will normalize. it will go down some. >> okay. we'll be back to hear about it. >> yes. >> commissioner yanez. >> thank you president elias. thank you commander. i think we are in contact around the eis system and potentially setting up a benchmark presentation. i think that will be beneficial to everyone. just two questions on this report. what does a intervention or closed intervention in-what
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does the intervention entail and what leads to closure of such intervention? >> i will let sergeant-because he is directly involved in the intervention. >> that is a great question commissioner. interventions is very unique to each individual, so the intervention plans are created in partnership with the member who received the alart. partnership with the sergeant and partnership with eis unit and we collaborate to work out the best plan to address what the issues are if the issues are time management, the intervention plan could be as simple as giving that member a calendar book and having the pip sergeant check it every month to make sure that schedules are written in that calendar book. it could be if it has to
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do with use of force the plan could entail setting up private lessens with the staff at the police academy along with taking online training on the post-learning portal. it could entail just simple as a check in with bsu behavioral science unit. each intervention unique to each individual. what happens is at the-there are checkmarks at 90 days, 180 days and 1 year, so at the 1 year mark the sergeant will conduct a final evaluation and determine if intervention was successful or unsuccessful. they will discuss intervention with the member, discuss with commanding officer and inform the eis unit. >> great. thank you. do these whether pip plans or actual interventions that are
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documented, do they inform performance evaluation in any way shape or form? >> every time a member receives a eis alert sergeant conducts a performance evaluation. not sure if that is the same performance evaluation- >> i am thinking more tradition sale set goals for the year, you use these to inform who gets a promotion. it is a system we have to insure that wree are doing a equitable administration of our duties. >> this is outside the normal performance appraisal system. this is in addition to-it doesn't replace it, it is more robust and it would be from the same supervisor, so it would be additional tool in addition to the
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regular performance appraisal. >> incorporated into the evaluation some way shape or form? >> they are related because both directly are speaking to the performance of the officer. >> that's the reason why i'm very interested in the issue. not just because i will be working oen the revision of the dgo. i know just the framing and conitation this discipline hasrectomy now it is a negative conitation. i think discipline is something that everyone in the department displays so further discipline doesn't have to have the negative conitation. it is raising awareness and insuring a senior officer or supervisor can help develop and improve performance of a officer. this is helpful and understanding the
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overall system and i'm excited to engage with you in this process further because i think these are practices that are tried and true all most in any field. bringing things to the attention of someone when there is a need to improve and it is helpful we know but when the alerts dont lead to performance improvement plans and sometimes the officers may not feel there is anything to improve, so i think it is all interconnected in one way shape or form. >> you hit the nail on the head. this program designed to identify indicators prior to the officer running into discipline issue. the department does spend a lot of effort and time and resources into trying to do exactly what you said. >> thank you commissioner yanez. sergeant. >> members of the public that like to make public comment regarding line item 10
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the eis presentation, approach the podium or press star 3. >> there is no pubplic comment. >> great. >> thank you. have a great evening. >> line item 11. if you like to make public comment approach the podium or press star 3 now. there is no public comment. >> thank you. next item. >> 12. vote on whether to hold item 13 in closed session. san francisco administratesive code section 67.10 action. >> i vote to hold itedm 13 in closed session. >> second. >> on the motion- [roll call]
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expecting sea level rise up to 7 feet by the year 2100. we also need to strengthen the wateren front gaest urblth quake risk. the waterfront resilience program is leading a city wide effort to adapt the waterfront kaess this unique combination of risks. what is at stake? small businesses nearby housing open spaces and attractions and initial historic district, mare i time and industrial use, transportation like bart and muni, critical drinking and wastewater utility and disaster response facility. guided by robust public engagement process since 2018, the port and city and federal agency partners have developed waterfront adaptation strategies for public review and engagement. adaptation strategies are a combinationf construction projethss and policies to defend san francisco against flood and earthquake riskbs to create a
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resilient sustainable equitalb waterfront for the next 100 years. we'll need to use different approaches dependling on the unique characteristics of each neighborhood and shoreline. continuing to defend locations against current and future flooding at the shoreline while defending further inland in other locations to create space for our expecting future fwluding. the port is committed to insure adaptation strategy create students for san francisco historically underserved communities. we want residents to engage in decision making and benefit directly. we have a once in a generation chance to defend waterfront jobs, housing and public spaces from floods and earthquakes and reiman jts with more pub luck open space, better access improved mobility somewhere enhanced ecology. join the port of san francisco and let your voice be heard on the future of our waterfront. learn more at
7:50 am the tenderloin is home to families, immigrants, seniors, merchants, workers and the housed and unhoused who all deserve a thriving neighborhood to call home. the tenderloin initiative was launched to improve safety, reduce crime, connect people to services and increase investments in the neighborhood. as city and community-based partners, we work daily to make these changes a reality. we invite you to the tenderloin history, inclusivity make this neighborhood special. >> we're all citizens of san francisco and we deserve food, water, shelter, all of those things that any system would.
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>> what i find the most fulfilling about being in the tenderloin is that it's really basically a big family here and i love working and living here. >> [speaking foreign language] >> my hopes and dreams for the tenderloin are what any other community organizer would want for their community, safe, clean streets for everyone and good operating conditions for small businesses. >> everything in the tenderloin is very good. the food is very good. if you go to any restaurant in san francisco, you will feel like oh, wow, the food is great. the people are nice. >> it is a place where it embraces all walks of life and
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>> good morning and welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for today, monday, november 14, 2022. i am aaron peskin the chair joined by supervisor mandelman and member supervisor chan. our clerk is there victor young. would you read the announcements. board of supervisors and committee are allowing in person attendance and public comment and remote via phone. board ecniezed public access is essential and take comment as follows. first on each item.
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those in person will speak first and then we will take those waiting on the phone line. for those watching 26, 28, 78 or 99 and the call in number is strolling across the screen it is 415-655-0001. access code: 2486 917 6560 ##. and press pound approximate pound again. you will hear the meeting discussions while mute and in listening mode only. >> when your item come up and public comment is called those in person should lineup to speak and those on the phone line dial star 3 to be added not line. if you are on the phone, remember to turn down your tv and all other listening device. as indicated public comment from those in person first and then to the public comment phone line. you may submit comment in writing e mail them to myself at
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victor. young tell be forwarded to the supervisors and part of the file. you may send written comments by mail to our office at city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244, san francisco, california that completes my comments. read the first item. >> yes, item one. ordinance amending the administrative code to establish the 706 mission fund to receive funds provided to the city under the 2013 sales agreement regarding the report at 706 mission to authorize the reshg and park and community development to expand money for specified purposes after receiving recommendations from the soma stableation advisory
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committee and rec and park department approximate mayor's office of housing and community development to prepare reports and regarding the expenditure from the fund. >> thank you, mr. young. there is history on this one goes back about a decade. bh the then supervisor district 6 jane kim, worked with south of market communities around the development of a purchase and sale agreement for 706 mission street. which you may know as a millennium project and the potential future home for the mexican museum. and after supervisor kim left members of the community reached out to her ultimately not
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getting a robust response wandered to my office for any number of reasons. one being that during supervisor kim's tenure there was we referred to our respective districts as combined district 36 or 633 because supervisor kim's former staff migrateed my office there was a point of contact there. the interim lack of responsiveness lead to a hearing that i conducted at land use and transportation committee where we were investigating what became of all of the fees that were in that purchase and sale agreement. and discovered that the developer as a result of that agreement if, had yet to pay over 3 million dollars in needed affordable housing fees.
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and we are working to delay the payment of that. they had succeeded in delaying the payment of it. in the midst of a housing crisis claiming that they were not able to sell their units fast enough, which counter intuitive. any rate, i'm pleaseed say that the successor redevelopment agency known as ocii is now after my suggesting we have a hearing about the payment of those fees and introducing this hearing. ocii is in receipt of a letter if the developer say they will pay those outstanding fee in full by the end of march. so that 3-1/2 million dollars is on the way. which i'm pleased with and we goat have one last hearing. we discovered that there were open space fees that had not gone through any of the intend
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community processes envisioned in the original negotiations over the 706 mission street project. and ultimately the community asked that the open space fees go through a formal community process as long been the dynamic in the south of market through which they have direct input. which is what lead to had you see here before you today. i'm very pleased and thankful that our colleague now from district 6 supervisor dorsey is a cosponsor with our colleague on the panel supervisor chan. this funds takes the funds cover a broad array of uses including antie vision displacement and codifies they go through the soma cac process. and takes open space funds
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intended to be allocated through rec and park and ensures they go through the soma cac. at the hearing i made it clear if departments are spending money for their own projects or without accountability to community that the benefits the board would step in and pass legislation like this, the south of market long strugyinged with issues of open space programming something district 6 and 3 have in common with the lowest amount of open space per capita. i think this legislation is appropriate and i'm happy to answer any questions. and with that, seeing nobody on the roster why don't we open item one to public comment. >> yes. members of the public who wish to provide comment on this item and in person line up to speak
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at this time. for those remote, call 415-655-0001 then access code: 2486 917 6560 ##. once connected you need to press star 3 to enter the speaker line. police continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted that is your queue to begin your comment. there is nobody in the room for comment. we have 2 callers on the line. >> first speaker, please. >> good morning this is allen low. the importance of this ordinance is really to establish the accounting and transparency. simple enough comment. concepts but it was difficult to get to this point. on accounting, we have to first
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establish how how much money collected. and where are those funds as well as are those funds extended for the purpose under the purchase special sale agreement. the ordinance establishes the accountability in for the collection of the funds. the second is transparency. the purchase and sale agreement does contemplate that the there will be a community review process. a commitment to work with existing community groups to az vice on expent tour of the funds. this ordinance establishes that transparency. provides account at to make sure the funds are collected. establishes the procedure in which to engage with groups. the expenditure of the funds make sure they are going to soma
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open space and programs. so this is a necessary ordinance to implement the mission funds there are 3 buckets of funds. there is an annual payment to the gardens and soma open space 500 thousand dollars that escalates each year. a one time, 1.8 million dollars payment plus there is a transfer fee this gets paid perpetuity. your time. >> keep wrap up mr. low. keep going. >> this ordinance is necessary to provide that accountsability and transparency. and i wanted to thank supervisor peskin for the 8 years in this
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pursuit as well as the unfish district 6 supervisor. thank you. >> thank you for sicking at it former rec and park commissioner allen low and for working with the unacknowledged who stuck with it all these years. next speaker, please. >> good morning spierzs i'm michelle with united [inaudible] i'm a soma resident and member of the friends of [inaudible] parks. [inaudible] can't believe it has been a decade for us to get here. i want to start by really saying that we cannot over state how much we value or relationship with the park and rec department because of our partnership, we were able to serve the young people that we serve
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uninterrupted during the pandemic we closed for night days and because we got out of the rec center we served kids that need it the most in san francisco. so that is part of why with allen, i have been trying to track dhoun money and make sure it guess to the community it is supposed to serve. we are super excited for the funds to renovate jean friends so we can have a new shiny facility. the service funds and stabilization funds, we have a need for recreation in our neighborhood as has been discussed. we have the least amount of open space. but when we advocated these funds planning was supporting the senior dancing or senior exercises or parent dangs. an amazing dance group that
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would love to be able to do more. so who i this development was created at a time when the city was not investing a lot in tenant support, that changed. because the funds are tied to open space i want to urge the funds stay connected to open space approximate recreation. and say that what has been the most sad to meet funds were lost in a time when our community needed them the most. housing funds were not paid but open space fees were paid and took a crazy process and e mails after e mails to electronic this money down. that should never have happened should not be the case with city government. i'm really excited for the funds to be available to the community. and just urge your support that they stay connect to the open space and rescue rigz they were entitled for. thank you.
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>> thank you for your advocacy all these years. other members to comment on item one >> we have additional callers. >> next speaker, please. good morning, supervisors i'm heather phillips. i work with united players approximate part of the friends of jean friend. and we have been working since this project was at planning. to see that the dollars do go toward open space and new sport's programming and so -- thank you, thank you to supervisor peskin's office and suny and allen low and folk who is continue to work to make sure the funds don't disappear. and so -- justmented give my support for the ordinance today making sure there is clarity and
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community process to make sure that the dollars support the community, they support youth and seniors and families. i think that the transparency and the account at that it brings will shine light on the work that they are doing in the soma. thank you very much. thank you. next caller. >> good morning i'm ann koppel a member of west bay and born in the south of market area. i support the 706 mission funds being advised by the soma stabilization fund to benefit residents. and so we have more recreational activities. for the youth and family in soma especially. our kidsment to join sports and
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moms dancing and there is little to no funds to have activitying like this in soma. i support funds used to the stabilization fund to ensure there is recreational activities and opportunity. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning i'm carla and the director of west bay filipino service center and friends of jean friend and wanted to so appreciation to supervisor peskin and the sponsor dorsey and chan and office and allen low and misha for making sure the funds advocates for almost 10 years ago don't get lost. the soma community those that are the most vulnerable and under represented. we serve folks in the soma youth and family zone and either some
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of the family members there are in the usually talked about but are the ones that as supervisor peskin mentioned have the least aim of open space. we appreciate rpd and the support over the years with united way to use jean friend so kids and families can go there and make sure the funds that we had advocates for 10 years ago used for the families so we have more activity at jean friend like lancing. as they mentiond and sports for kids approximate seniors as well to do recreational activities. many, i support the fund mission funds advised by the soma stabilization fund soez the community has a voice and you, supervisor peskin, your office and of course, [inaudible] for making sure that the funds stay for those members in the
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community that need it most. thank you very much. >> thank you. just checking to see if there are additional callers. that was our last phone caller >> okay. public comment for item 1 is closed. and supervisor mandelman. >> thanks for your work chair peskin approximate thank you supervisoran gullo and add me as a cosponsor. i will make a motion to sends item 1 to the full board with a positive recommendation a roll call, please. >> on that motion, supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> next item. >> next on the agenda is item 2, ordinance amending the administrative code to require board of supervisors approval of
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a policy covering the fudding and use of law enforcement equipment consistent with the criteria in state law and approving the police department's use of equipment policy. >> thank you, mr. young. colleagues, it is taken a few meetings i want to thank the police department for working with me approximate my office on continuing to hone the policy as a result of our recent conversations result in the the policy that is now in the packet and has been circulateed all of you as of thursday. and available has been available since then for the public to see. which i recommend to you, i'm happy to answer questions as to how we got here. and want to thank captain marina and lieutenant kim and osha
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steves for their work. and they are here to answer questions that we may have. any questions, colleagues? if not, why don't we go to public comment on item number 2 that has been heard in this committee 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times. >> yes, members of public wish to speak on this item and joining in person lineup to speak at this time. for those remote call 415-655-0001 then access code: 2486 917 6560 ## press story 3 to enter the queue. for those in the queue continue it wait until you have been unmute exclude that is your queue to begin your comment. we have member of the public in
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the chamber with us today. please, come forward. i'm arthur comp a small business owner with a store front and an artist live nothing district 9. hillary ronen is my supervisor i sent her a letter in participation of this going to the full board. i'm a member of the san francisco friends meeting serves on the peace and social concerns committee. a quaker meeting house a couple blocks away at 65 south ninth we are no strangers to city hall or the neighborhood this surrounds it. i want to thank you for the improvements to the proposed policy. i ask the board of supervisors to call for further improvements of the propose the military equipment use policy we thank the pd for improving the policy
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authorized use definitions. but more is need. the policy must describe the circumstances in which weapons are used and how the weapons are used and when they should not be used. we need clear limits to broad definitions of authorized use. san francisco should set a delivery date for annual reports alining with the budget process the weapons and the costs involving training on them and deploying them are poor physical choice for san francisco. san francisco pd proposed policy should allow to acquire equipment without board of supervisors approval if it runs low on the stock or wishes to replace the equipment, if this happen this is is a situation in which moreover site is needed not less. i appreciate that this proposed policy improved under chair
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peskin's leadership and i hope there will be improvements before the proposed policy is decided upon by the full board, thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. there are no further speakers in the chamber. we can move to our public comment call in line. first caller, please. hi. this is jennifer i w for [inaudible] first i wanted thank chair peskin for take the time to contract policies from sfpd. that work means the policy has improved. i think the counta a little off it has been agendized 6 times but not comment during all of the times there is one part of the proposed policy that i'm concerned with. and the exconclusion of 375 of
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608 assault rifles. this misleads the public think the police have over 200 rifles rather than over 600 assault rifles they have. the weapons need to be included in the policy in full for 2 reasons. first this year pd killed 3 people with assault rifles. one killed was suedal. the other 2 remember men who were killed on the ground arguing over a knife. all rifles need use policy describing when it is authorized to use. second, every type of equipment in the policy each them is required have an annual report. reports are required include a summary of the use and the fiscal impact. the impact includes not just the acquisition costs but on going
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costs. the law that includes no time including training and maintenance. we know that means all of the costs are going to be around personnel. public deserves to know the impact of the deadly weapons including all assault rifles addition not 15 machine guns and 64 machine guns. i hope the rules committee will consider pd's policy and ask how each may be used and what changes can safe guard the public. thank you very much for your work on this. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> um -- good morning supervisors this is reggina snowed a member of district 2 supervisor stefani's district. i wanted step become a bit approximate reminds us what
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ad-481 requires. the law passed in recognition that the public is deeply concerned with the militarization of the police. the law sets forth minimalize the equipment that is ownd and the associated costs and providing policy for the appropriate use of the equipment. and by requiring a report on its deployment and costs. this ordinance has gone through 6 iterations now. i want to thank the police department and supervisor peskin for their engagement to make this a better ordinance. i think it is getting there. i support comments med by the previous speaker about the assault weapons. i really think if is confusing to the public if you don't have the assault weapons all reported on in the same report even if
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standard use is not required to be included in that. and i wanted to to harken back to 2 of my previous comments i made. i really do think it really is important to have this ordinance tied to the budget process. i think it will allow the public and the board members an opportunity to really use that information that is going to be in this annual report to the public's benefit and make sure that we are engaging in the time discussion around what ab481 requires. i'm a fan of [inaudible] i mentioned it. your time elapsed. thank you. can we have our next caller, please?
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>> can you hear me okay. proceed. >> great. dave you'd pillpel. i wanted to appreciate the work that supervisor peskin and staff and others behind the scene and the police department have made on this policy. and improvements, fine tuning and checking so i support the policy and the ordinance as most reasonable amendd and a somewhat unrelated topic sad to learn that holings of the sheriff's department passed last week he was a wonderful person and will be missed. thank you very much for listening >> thank you. next caller. hello i'm paul brilly i live in san francisco in bayview.
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i represent all of us or none. i want to thank you for the improvements to the proposed policy but i do ask the board of supervisors to call for further improvements on the military equipment use policy to more fully define authorized use for all weapons. and including the 600 assault rifles the weapons are misused and the policy does not safe guard the public's welfare. i am [inaudible] and i realize that officers ride around with assault rifleis keep it defined the authorized use. i literally stop and frisked and [inaudible] for loitering. defund the authorize use because the weapons are misused. thank you. >> thank you. that was our last phone in commenter. >> thank you, we'll close public
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comment on item number 2. and in let me start by saying this has been an interesting exercise that has been forced upon us about our now city attorney. and his then colleagues in the california state legislator assembly bill 41 applying to san francisco and cities and counties are doing this around the state of california. and we i spent significant amount of time looking at other policies in different counties in oakland and the around the bay area. the speakers are right this . is an on going process. this will be done on an annual basis by this and future board of supervisors. approximate part of my thinking, i think part of the interaction i had with the department was trying to create the base line for future generations of boards
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to measure against and fine tuneful over time as it relates to synchronizing this process with the budget process, i would offer the following observations, which is everything is synchronized with the budget process. the budget process is pretty much an on going process every year. it is starting for next year right about now. so -- the way i envision third degree will be getting this report before a budget is adopted. we do it every 12 months. if there are needs to adjust things monetarily we will have that opportunity. as the private arrive action, there are certain rare instance where private rights of action are warranted as a matter of
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policy, they are few approximate far between. i don't think this this one rised to it. at least not yet. i think the fund ammal notion is to give an inspect oversight body in this case the san francisco board of supervisors, the ability to monitor and make ajustments as necessary. and i for one was not did not cotton to the notion of a private right of action at least not yet and hopeful low not ever. in this process it was really about balancing authorized use and purpose knowing that we live in a world this is full of january 6 insurrections and pretty crazy things that can happen that we need to be
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prepared for. in the same time, at the same time that we don't want to see nor frank low have we seen in quite a time, displays of militarization that are not necessary. i think the pd fundamental gets that but this process now and in the future will allow will the elected civilian body to over see that. so, with that colleagues, i'm prepared. supervisor chan, my apologies. >> thank you chair peskin i want to thank you for your leadershipom this and taking the timism think we have been having this discussion for a time now. i really appreciate also that sfpd working with our team and taking our feedback. we asked specifically you know in your annual report not just to include the time and purpose of use and if injuries
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sustained. that was the gospel understand the impact of the equipment have on san francisco or anyone being in the city and when any time incidents occur that require sfpd using military equipment what impact physical impacts on the people in the city. we appreciate the feedback that you have taken and willing to accept and so -- i look forward to supportive to the policy. but will continue to monitor the annual report and have an open dialogue and on going conversation about how to address and adjust the inventory and he whether it is necessary or you know how do we extend if necessary to balance the public safety goals that we have. and i do agree with chair peskin mentioning january 6. as a good example of seeing that we do need our police force to
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be ready in the events that we under attack physical attack as a city. thank you and thank you chair peskin. >> thank you supervisor chan. seeing no other names on the roster i will make a motion to sends the policy as revised with a positive recommendation to the full board of supervisoros this motion, a roll call >> on that motion supervisor chan. >> aye >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> and now we get to grapple with the sheriff's department. not today but soon. >> thank you mrs. steves and captain marina and to everybody at the department who participated in this, mr. clerk, next item, please. >> next on the agenda is item 3.
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ordinance amending the administrative code revise definitions of gender identity, sex and sexual orientation and gender description in 12b approximate c revise age in 12a. and 12b and resunrise the definition of disability in chapters 12a, b and c. >> okay. paulineo. the last we scheduled you said we had to continue because of a meet and conifer obligation what has happened to that? >> thank you. it seems dhr had taken a look at this item and they have no jurisdiction it applies to city contractors. >> got it, okay. meet and conifer going, gone. with that, we will go to jude
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from hrc. >> hi, thank you. so in reviewing our code the san francisco human right's commission involve rights identified definitions for protection out dated and a problem. some of the fixes were easier to identify removing the age gap from age discrimination aline to state law. sexual orientation required more work. i work with our former legal inturn lisa bottswelinterviewed experts. reviewed california laws and other jurisdictions, worked with the hrv lgbt subcommittee and approval prosecute the city attorney's office. we ask the proposals be approved so the ordinances we enforce the civil rights reflect the communities we protect. thank you. >> thank you.
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next speaker, please. hi. i'm matthew, i'm with the san francisco human right's commission civil right's division. want to add a bit of explanation as jude mentioned, this proposal is cleaning up problem definitions that currently exist in the code and to give you an example one of the definitions is the definition of age, currently our administrative code caps the definition of age for employment discrimination purposes at age 65. and that was it is case at the time this law of written that it was also capped ourndz state and federal law. since state and federal law evolved and increased the age gap and remove today entirely but remains in our ordinance so we want to e eliminate that. the definition for disability is currently alined with the narrower more restrictive under federal lu.
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rather than the broader definition under california state law. which does d not exist the time that the local law was written. and i wanted mention that we do have letter of support from director bone of the mayor's office on disability that i believe was sent to the supervisors this morning. and we would be happy to answer questions and the supervisors have about this proposal. >> we are in receipt of nicole's letter and i have no questions i read it left time and it is the same as this time. and i know that vice chair mandelman is a cosponsor i don't know if you have questions or comments? good ahead. >> thank you chair peskin. really only to express thanks and gratitude to the jefferson and he the mayor's office for sponsoring this. >> there we go. is there public comment on item 3? >> chair peskin before we move on i wanted to be sure that i
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heard correct low that meet and conifer is in the required >> that is correct. >> yes. >> members who wish to speak on this item and joining in person line up to speak. at this time. for those remote call 415-655-0001 then access code: 2486 917 6560 ## and press star 3 to enter the queue. for those in the queue continue to wait until the system indicated you are unmuted that is your queue to begin your comment. no one in the room for public comment and there is nobody on the phone line on this matter. >> okay. public comment on item 3 is closed. and supervisor mandelman would you like to dot honors? >> i will move we forward this to the full board with positive recommendation. >> roll call. >> to that motion supervisor chan.
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>> i don't want to be involved in the process after it happens. i want to be there at the front end to help people with something in my mind from a very early age. our community is the important way to look at things, even now. george floyd was huge. it opened up wounds and a discussion on something festering for a long time. before rodney king. you can look at all the instances where there are calls for change. i think we are involved in change right now in this moment
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that is going to be long lasting. it is very challenging. i was the victim of a crime when i was in middle school. some kids at recess came around at pe class and came to the locker room and tried to steal my watch and physically assaulted me. the officer that helped afterwards went out of his way to check the time to see how i was. that is the kind of work, the kind of perspective i like to have in our sheriff's office regardless of circumstance. that influenced me a lot. some of the storefronts have changed. what is mys is that i still see some things that trigger memories. the barbershop and the shoe store is another one that i remember buying shoestrings and getting my dad's old army boots
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fixed. we would see movies after the first run. my brother and i would go there. it is nice. if you keep walking down sacramento. the nice think about the city it takes you to japan town. that is where my grandparents were brought up. that is the traditional foods or movies. they were able to celebrate the culture in that community. my family also had a dry-cleaning business. very hard work. the family grew up with apartments above the business. we have a built-in work force. 19 had 1 as -- 1941 as soon as that happened the entire community was fixed. >> determined to do the job as democracy should with real consideration for the people involved. >> the decision to take every
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one of japan niece american o japanese from their homes. my family went to the mountains and experienced winter and summer and springs. they tried to make their home a home. the community came together to share. they tried to infuse each home are little things. they created things. i remember my grand mother saying they were very scared. they were worried. they also felt the great sense of pride. >> japanese americans. >> my granduncle joined the 442nd. when the opportunity came when
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the time that was not right. they were in the campaign in italy. they were there every step of the way. >> president truman pays tribute. >> that was the most decorated unit in the history of the united states army. commitment and loyal to to the country despite that their families were in the camp at that time. they chose to come back to san francisco even after all of that. my father was a civil servant as well and served the state of california workers' compensation attorney and judge and appellate board. my parents influenced me to look at civil service s.i applied to police, and sheriff's department at the same time.
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the sheriff's department grabbed me first. it was unique. it was not just me in that moment it was everyone. it wasn't me looking at the crowd. it was all of us being together. i was standing there alone. i felt everyone standing next to me. the only way to describe it. it is not about me. it is from my father. my father couldn't be there. he was sick. the first person i saw was him. i still sometimes am surprised by the fact i see my name as the sheriff. i am happy to be in the position i am in to honor their memory doing what i am doing now to help the larger comment. when i say that we want to be especially focused on
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marginalized communities that have been wronged. coming from my background and my family experienced what they did. that didn't happen in a vacuum. it was a decision made by the government. nobody raised their voice. now, i think we are in a better place as country and community. when we see something wrong we have change agents step up to help the community affected. that is a important thing to continue to do. you talk about change and being a leader in change and not knowing whether you have successes or results. the fact of the matter is by choosing to push for change you have already changed things. through inspiration for others, take up the matter or whether it is through actual functional change as a result of your voice being heard. i think you have already started on a path to change by choosing
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that path. in doing that in april of itself creates change. i continue in that type of service for my family. something i hope to see in my children. i have a pretty good chance with five children one will go into some sort of civil service. i hope that happens to continue that legacy. >> i am paul, sheriff of san francisco. [ music ]
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and land in the city hall and became a legislative aid to sophie maxwell. went through city departments when kamala harris was our district attorney i'm proud to represent the richmondad district supervisor. [music] we have great neighborhood commercial corridors that need to be protected. the reason why we launched the neighborhood business for supporting the [inaudible] for 15 years special more. we have the legacy business program the business around for 30 years or more and thought, you know, we gotta make sure the
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next generation contains for generations to come. am i'm ruth the owner of hamburger haven we came back on july 11. we were opened in 1968 at that time i believe one of the owners of mestart today went through a guy named andy in the early 70s and my father took it mid 70s. >> originally was just a burger joint. open late nights. then it changed over the years and became the breakfast staple. we specialize in breakfast, brunch come lunch now. i love this neighborhood. i grew up here. and it feels like home. i walk down the block and recognize people of people say hello. you say hello you talk and joke. has that familiar environment that is enjoyable and i have not experienced anywhere else.
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there are many things i would like to see improve ams the things we might see are making sure that our tenants stay housed our small business in tact and those are the solutions that will contain to push to make sure that you know our communities can take root, stay and thrive. >> i'm proud of you know, welcoming folks to the richmond. everyone loch its we got farmer's market every sunday there. the you see really business at the noaa. ice cream at toy folks and going to chop for book like green apple. and that's when you like the deal is pizza place haall families love. you will see a lot of great chinese shops that is readily available for everyone. >> and that is just thein are
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richmond there is more to do in the richmond. what is love is the theatre. >> i mean adam and with my wife jamie, own little company called cinema sf we operate the balboa theatre. the vocabularying theatre on sacramento and soon the 4 star on clement. >> balboa theatre opened in 1926 and servicing this outer richmond neighborhood since then. and close on the heels the 4 star opens since 1913. >> when you come in to a movie theatre, the rest of the world has to be left behind. but you get e mersed in the world that is film makers made for you. that is a special experience to very much we can all think of the movies that we saw in the big screen of with everybody screaming or laughing or crying.
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it is a shared human experience that you get when you go in to places that are gatherings and artist presented to you. >> a shared experience is the most precious. and the popcorn. [laughter]. at the balboa especially, we stroif to have movies for people of every generation from the pop corn palace movies on the weekend mornings, for families and kids. this is for everybody of all ages. >> what is great about the richmond is it is a neighborhood of the immigrants. belongs to immigrants not ap i immigrants you will see that there are also a huge population of rush wrans and ukrainian immigrants they stay united you am see that the support they
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lend to each other as a community. and cinderella bakery is another legacy business. if you go on the website it is known as a russian bakery. the first thing you see their pledge to support the ukrainian community. you will see the unity in the richmond i'm so proud of our immigrant community in the rich monthed. >> my dad immigrate friday iran the reason he stayed was because of the restaurant. has more centamential value it is the reasonable we are in this country. when he had an opportunity to take over the instruct he stayed that is why we are here part of our legacy and san francisco history and like to keep it going for years to come. >> another moment i'm proud to be supporting the richmond and the only asian american woman elect in the office and as an
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immigrant that is not happen nothing 3 decades. you see it is my ability to represent especially the asian-american community. in my case the chinese speaking elders in our community that really can allow me to communicate with them directly. i'm program director of adult day centers. i have been here for 7 years i love to help the communities and help and the people with disability. i foal a connection with them. i am anim grant i love helping our community and new immigrants and improvements. >> if you want nature, richmond
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is the neighborhood to go we are between ocean beach heights and golden gate park. >> i love the outer richmond. for me this is the single best neighborhood in san francisco. everybody knows each other. people have been living here forever. it is young and old. the ocean is really near by. and so there is that out doors ocean vibe to it. there are places to seat golden gate bridge it is amazing. businesses are all small mom and pop businesses. houses get passed down generation to generation. it has a small town feel but you know you are in a big city at the same time. it's got a unique flavor i don't see in other neighborhoods j. it is about being inclusive we are inclusive and welcome the communities, anybody should feel
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