tv Small Business Commission SFGTV November 23, 2022 12:00am-3:01am PST
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this meeting is live in porn broadcast on soft soft and available to view online or listen by calling 415-655-0001. by california government code and the mayor's 45th supplement to the emergency proclamation. it possible that some members of the small business commission may attend remote. those members will participate and vote by video the small business commission sfgovtv for televising the meeting on sfgovtv 2 or live streams on we welcome the public's participation during public comment.
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there will be an tounlt for general public comment at the end of the meet ands an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. more each item there will be public comment first from people in person then remote. members call nothing the number is 415-655-0001. access code: 2499 666 6371 ##. when connected you will mute exclude in listening mode only. when you were item come up dial star 3. if you dial star 3 before public comment is called you will be added to the queue. when you are called for comment mute the device you are listening on. when it is your time to speak you will be prompted to do so. public comment during the meeting is limited to 3 minute and an lateral will sound.
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speakers are requested but not required state their names. sfgovtv show the office of small business slide. today real reminds the small business commission is the forum to voice opinions and concerns about policies that affect the economic vitality of mall business in san francisco. the best accomplice to get answers about doing business during the local emergency if you need assistance at this time finds us on line ownership telephone and our services are free of charge. before item one i like to start by thanking media services and sfgovtv for coordinating this hearing and helping to run the meeting call item one. >> item 1 roll call yoochl commissioner carter. >> absent. >> commissioner dickerson. >> present. >> herbert. >> present.
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commissioner hue is absend >> laguana. >> here >> vice president zoup nits. >> gnaw business commission and staff acaged we are on the unceded home land of the ramaytush ohlone the original inhabitants of the san francisco pel anyone slam as stewards of the land and with their traditions the ramaytush ohlone never forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this accomplice as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory we benefit from living and working on their home lands. we wish to pay respects honoring the elders of the ramaytush ohlone and affirming their rights as first peoples. >> item 2, approval of legacy business registry application
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this is is a discussion and action item the commission the discuss to approve business registry applications we have rick, legacy business manager presenting. >> hello, rick. >> good afternoon. >> i would like to acknowledge michelle reynolds and marketing and communication for the office of small business. michelle was instrumental in reviewing and process the legacy business registry applications before you today. >> sfgovtv i have a power point presentation. there are 4 applications for your approval. each includes a staff report a resolution and the application itself and doumentdz everdocuments from the planning department. >> applications were submitted
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to planning on assessment 21 and heard boy historic commission on october 19th. >> black and blue it too found in the 95 the first women owned tattoo parlor in san francisco. black approximate blue tattoo feel and queer run and regarded a gender inclusive tattoo studio and welcome to all especially marginalized communities. the business has a solid reputation and treats styles and specials. hosted art openings in their own artists and from around the community. black and blue tattoo does not have a lease and the business is at risk of disaccomplice am. believes the landlord is agreeable to a 10 year lease if there were incentives.
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lists on the registry would assist them in securing a lease so they may continue their work within the community. the core feature tradition retain it remain on the registry is tattoo shop. item 2 b the condor. the business is an adult entertainment venue establish in the 1958. a trail blazing promoter of topless dancing in the 60s. a neighborhood tal afar everybody it had a renovation in 1961 expanded to the store front and elevated stage for performance. the business became a popular venue for live music and dance. in 1964, performer carol made headlines when she performed
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topless launching topless entertainment this swept across the nation. in 1965 the san francisco police department and abc rated the condor and other topless clubs. carol was arrested for exposure and condor owners arrested. the condor ordinance formed the businessman's association to work to defend artistic expression. they previl in the court and the victory establish today did not violate laws setting i president related to censorship. assessmenting san francisco's reputation of a city this celebrates freedom expression. the condor honors the legacy in the entertainment industry and i popular choice for parties attracting tourists, office workers and curiosity seek and ares active in the north beach community. the core feature tradition is
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bar. of item 2c is new lun ting cafe. business is a family owned restaurant establish in the 1930 specialized in chinese-american food. the cafe offered chow mane and fun. pot stickers. grilled irk if burger e steaks and more. traditional menu items pork chops or lamb and ox tail with beef tongue cabbage and corn informine the cafe changed ownership and interior redesigned. addition of boots and tables provided a welcoming environment for families and couples. features of the business exterior red oftening and red framed windows and a red framed entry way. boost entrance a sign haspans
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the corner that contains the logo pork chop house and write nothing chinese and english. the core feature tradition must maintain is restaurant featuring chinese food. >> item 2d royal bakery established in 1925 in the north beach neighborhood after 1935 had relocateed the present location in the excelsior. royal bakery known for classic issue french italian breads and pastary in a lands mark will building known for art deco design and usage of 2 large dutchorns in service since 1935. the murals on the outside are known to the excelsior the tradition must maintain is bakery. before we continue i will provide a refresher on the role
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listing businesses on the registry. administrative code 2a, 242b reads, for purposes of the section legacy business means a business that has been nominated by the member of the board of supervisors or mayor and at the small business commission after hearing determines, meets each the following. number one the businesses prits in san francisco for 30 or more years. in brick in san francisco bragzs exceeding 2 years. business may have operate in the more than one location. if the business is prit in the san francisco for more than 20 years approximate less than 30 it may satisfy the subsection if the business commission finds the business has significant low tributesed to the history or oyst a neighborhood or community. and if not in the rej tree it would face a risk of
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displacement. contributed to the history and identity of the neighborhood or community. prior to the hearing small business commission or director of office of small business, shall request a recommendation from the historic preservation commission whether the business meets the >> reporter: in this subsection. if the historic preservation does in the have i recommendation within 30 days of roach request the small business commission will tree it as a recommendation that the business meets the requirement in the subsection. number athlete business is committed to maintaining the features of the craft, culinary or art forms. if the commission makes all 3 it shall include the business in the registry as a legacy
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business. the kondzor had a different path than the, 3 on october 18h pc did in the vote but continue today to the november second meeting. prior to the decision i explained that their nonresponse boy october 21st, 30 days, would be an advisory recommendation. they understood. the november second h pc meeting a same was read and made this motion. recommend approval of the kondzor for the registry with the stipulation it include a statement commitment went nomination with the progressive time line to provide training and promotion of women those that are at the core of the business moss incorporating the h pc, department on status of women and small business commission the motion was not seconded by any of the other 5 commissioners in attendance had
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they stated the items were not went purview of historic preservation commission. they did not feel it was present for the h pc to suggest how a business should prit and open a box with regard to other legacy business registry applications. h pc approves it is condor's application with the condition they sends a recording of their conversation about the condor to the sbc and the commission on the status of women the sbc received it last week. staff all 4 met all required for listing on the registry and all 4 received a positive recommendation from the history commission. legacy staff recommended adding them and drafted 4 resolutions for your consideration. a motion in support of the business should be fripped a
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motion in favor of the resolutions. thank you. this concludes our presentation and happy to answer questions and i know the businesses representatives in the room and possible low on line withhold like to speak on behalf of the applications. >> thank you. members of the public have visited before we will check in with commissioners. witness we are done we will go to public comment. commissioners. do we have any comments or questions. i had occasion to become familiar with remarks made at the historical commission meeting regarding one of our legacy business nominees. i understand the res were med by just one commissioner and don't reflect the intent of the body. i did want top responded. we appreciate that the historic
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preservation commission. them and will always welcome input the commission may have to offer about the physical attributes of the business nominated for the registry. this is what the law asks us to consider from historic commission. the law this created the legacy business program allows us to consider the following criteria whether it is operate in the san francisco for 30 more years with no break. and operations exceeding 2 years. whether the business contributed to the neighborhood's history or identity of a neighborhood or community. and whether the businesses committed to maintaining the physical features or traditions this defind that business including craft, culinary approximate art forms. if our commission determines the business meets these 3 criteria we are required to include the
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business in the registry. we, as a commission or individual commissioners do not have the legal authority to establish our own separate criteria. even if we did have that authority, we could not execute it. without running afoul of our role under the city charter. voters create third degree body to be the champions of small business. not the critic wes are a counter weight to governmental presses that can lose site of how valuable or small businesses are to our community, culture and economy. when chris simple is necessary the city has departments and agencies who's role to investigate and adjudicate violations of law. resources to connect them fairly and due process. we don't. and that is not our will role.
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our role is a positive one and we do this with a positive mind set. we are here to celebrate and help our city small businesses and we strive to make them better through support, encourage and want advocacy. we appreciate the role that the historical preservation commission plays in the program and we electric forward to continuing our work with them in the future. with that, we'll hear public comment. >> if people want to upon lineup for public comment. you are not required state your name if you would like to that will be great. >> please. of commissioners good evening.
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member of the third generation of san francisco small business family i commends you for when you do. i see an old friend as past 3 time president of the mission merchant's association. commends you. and i'm extreme low proud to be here tonight to speak on behalf the contor. having grownup in san francisco in the 60s. with the you said you are require toed vote if we meet the 3 criteria. 30 years. found in the 19 impeachment number 2, has it had an influence on its neighborhood.
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the flagship of broadway and off broadway. over 2 dozen clubs went topless after the condor was the first in the united states to go topless and the third are the still in the business this they originally were in? i would say, not only in the business they are still best in the business with that i rest my kachls thank you, commissioners. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [applause]. good afternoon, commissioners i'm doctor alex i'm thrilled be
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here speaking on behalf the condor the past 20 years my work in san francisco focused on people working in adult entertainment including sex trades i conducted public health out roach to the strip club in san francisco. harm reduction counseling lead resxaefrp over saw surprised the study of graduate students. i like to rot us in history. the united states has a long history of debating the dangers of dance up until the mid 19'50s ballet was stigmatized and associated with people on the fringes of acceptable will society. tit lagz to dance continues presently in response to exotic dance. despite opposition to this form of dance the condor is a component of a vibrant night time economy and play a sxroel
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have a place in modern community. then shaferlet shuttle got this said she changed broadway and made news only in san francisco. we didn't mind people saying that. at the condor it is important to remember you have folks of all genders the patrons and among entertainers nonbinary and gender queer folks. have you hetero~ sexius. les biance'. pan, queer individuals. and the research wants to share with you all of the rigorous studies done there is in the time for that what i will say the w that i have done in san francisco reebb flecks it and learning are upon findings. dancers report liking the money they make the financial freedom. exercise, fun of their performance, freshmens they build with other entertainers club staff andpate rons.
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learning skills and the ability to explore sexual expression. come people who never worked at clubs as dancers or other roles will promote idea the women are exploit exclude oshg press when we listen to the dancers we hear a different narrative. like most people work out of economic necessity the same for dancers in the economic opportunity accessible most view their choice to dance comparable. a model and actsor or athletes they earn a living with their bodies. allows them to achieve other career goal and research shown the rate of ekz education increasing among danners indicative of something they do to further a situation or meet ambitions to wrap up the thing, though issue even if folks did not go to other professions their work is valuable and a
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legacy worthy of recognition a legacy that connects them to all who come before special all who will continue in footsteps. >> thank you. [applause]. next speaker. hi. i'm joe. i'm the owner of the condor. i want to thank the board mark. his staff entertainers and everybody this came today to support the condor. a background i have been in business in san francisco since 1976. i started my first small business. a little doughnut shop, happy doughnutos third and king. that is the. place i learned that if you were going to make money you need to give back itch worked with the
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down the street and mimisaid we fed them with our do nuts for 2 years. we always felt is important all the businesses that we had that we give become to the community that we are in. so the condor contributions is the formation of a nonprofit called beck at broadway entertainment cultural association. we fundsd that for years special used that for street cleaning, night time security, beautification projects. that eventually turned to the top of broadway the community benefit district in the broad way area. we worked with are marsha gar land a fantastic women. with north beach chamber. we worked for many years the
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formation with north beach citizens a homeless glum provides services to people in north beach. we also raised money and twice for the firefighter's toy programs for the last 25 years. there is more but i want to just talk a bit about the historical significance of the cond our. i think it it is difficult to measure. it was a transition point with burlesque and striptease. and it changed an industry. and -- but more than that, local low if you put string from the condor tell take you back to the coast take you back to international settlement.
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which was the original entertainment neighborhood in san francisco. the condor is an apex for san francisco and nationally. thanks you guys you are doing great work i appreciate t. thank you, joe. mruz mrauz. hello i'm owner of black and blue that too much happy and excited of the prospecific being part of the san francisco legacy business registration. my landlord and clients came and our artists. different people and last time came i had one of my first aprentices show up who their own business as a continuation of
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women owns tattoo shops. now not unusual in san francisco anymore. we were the first ones and very exciting to off stet the male dominated business. and it has changed a lot and we are just here now with less force and reluxuriation in our 30 years and it has been reward to have the history of people who have come through the shop and i would not have been able to develop it, grow it, hold on to it during covid without the people who have supported black and blue tattoo. thankful and thank you so much. [applause] thank you. >> hi.
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i'm jack nelson from oakland, california andil e loud to that after my talk here. i'm a patron at condor occasionally and many are my friends. and the business is run really well. i have been in education about 32 years and in some way its run better and better for the women in the servers there than in many schools i worked at. notice my current school but very well done. i would say is this. what many don't to about is carol lived in oak land hills around the corner from me. as a teenager. and i heard about her you know had not gone in there but -- we
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would wave and she would drive by with dark glasses and she waived back once in awhile we gave her the respect and hoping tonight you give the condor respect and make it an historical landmark. [applause] i'm warren chen. when i heard about this hearing i was surprised that the condor had not already been designated pimp be that growing up in san francisco as a teenager i knew history the first topless club in the u.s. and knew who carol was although i never diagonal goat see her i was not old enough before she retired. in any case, the kondzor was the first gem gentlemen's club i
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visited. when i was ~ifiablely old enough to do so but you know since this time i have been there many times for bachelor parties, birthday celebrations and in that time i come to know a lot of the staff and the management and you know i always impressed with professionalism and their hospitality and they made me feel welcome. when i'm in north beach i will stop by and say, hi. while the entertainers other main attraction tuesday be remiss if i did not mention the staff and the management thereupon do a great job. i think that you know they are well deserving of legacy business status in this city. thank you.
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the aim of time on stage and one on one i thought i would not be nervous. i have been at the condor since 2008 i can inspect low walk away from difficult situations, build new careers. i put a lot in miami mental health which was life atoring without needing assistance the schedule allowed me to put myself daily travel and have experience i may not have had otherwise. i have been upon given the opportunity to hold space for people struggling and listen to stories. and told my words and ideas saved relationships. i had the pleasure of working with a diversity of women with varieties of backgrounds and stories it has been created well rounded person in me. i'm always in control of how i
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work and would take the same path if given the choice to start over. thank you. hello. one of the managers at condor. something what makes it a special place you see condor is well represented we have a lot of employees and all areas the entertainers and bar tendsers we have former employees and guests are regulars that are part of the family. we have vender. buy product from for our business and she he is here. people care about this place in north beach it is an important part of the community. after we opened people came up and said thank god you reopened we were worried we don't want north beach without condor and being the manager i live in north beach, i walk the streets
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to work every day and you are a pseudocelebrity people that know me i have no idea not a week guess by. joe in 1983 i went to coloneledor and this happen and they are so excited share this moment of the past experience that meant something to them. think of cheers special make it a strip club and that's what we do. thank you. [applause]. you know joey i trained you well. [laughter]. you took everything i was going to say and said it.
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>> so -- joe semi i'm mark i'm general manager of condor and have been since 2013. really cannot speak on what what do you say is the truth. condor has been a special part of north beach. and i could imagine how special it has been since 1958. condor is for everyone. it does comdeal burlesque shows we support lbgtq+ as well as we have events for them as well. we are for everyone. and condor has been like that since the beginning. i had the pleasure to sit down with pete and gino the former owners in the 60s when all the historical events were taking
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place. i can't tell you the stories they had. for me. as i started to learn more and more about condor and the opportunity to work for others remember helped all of us. 25 former employees and staffs from every ethnic background. his support helped us all grow. so for me, i don't think there is i question about condor being given legacy business status. look behind you you will see why that is from the last 10 years imagine all the people who were around from the beginning. thank you very much. [applause]. good afternoon commissioners ooem meflorez.
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i work with the excelsior action sgroup live there as well and here to speak about royal bakery having heard what i heard royal bakery start in the north beach. and their delicious bread and other products are available at many restaurants and delys there. anyway i want to let you know how much we value and appreciate having royal bake row in our community. and being able to purchase directly from them their delicious products. without having traveled to north beach or other restaurants and delys in the bay area. so. they strugyinged during the closure for cori haved and would benefit great low from the legacy status. i would urge to you please,
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approve their legacy business registry. am i'm steven and speaking on behalf of my [inaudible] owns the cafe and my grand father started the restaurant he did when he did when he left china. saw an opportunity to improve his life and family as well. and through hard work he built that restaurant fruwhat it was. and started out as. a bachelor cafe serving single men in china town, over time my mom took it over she made it inclusive making more of a family style restaurant that served single people and the families of china town and san francisco at large and for
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myself and other people in san francisco and chinese-americans our childhood is associated with this restaurant and the food that what made their was and genuine care. and that restaurant is more than just the brick and the building or plastic menus. and great care and attention every day. it standses as a testament to the hard work that went in achiefing the american dream through hard work and dedication. i encourage to you accept this as a legacy business. dom very well is comment on line. we do not. >> commissioners do we have any comments or questions? commissioner ortiz.
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gi want to thank everybody for coming i'm opening and operator of a small business this is a hard time that shows the commitment and how you represent san francisco for the bay and i love it electric at us. you know only here in this part of the world can we have this flavor. joe, joey, mark. my first business out of north beach i had the privilege to meet carol when she was there in north beach. and you when the guys we get off we go to your joint not necessary low for show but to compress and get a smoil and a cold drink and decompress this is san francisco that is hospitality and love. upon royal bakery that shows you know how inclusive we are and how bee don't let cult urs divide us. italians start today and latino
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continue it. and black and blue from the neighborhood you started that joint when the neighborhood was not this gentified mission you were out there in the 90's when we rock approximate roll out there. you know that shows your smiment commitment i want to honor everybody here you make san francisco what it is and i appreciate you all. thank you. [applause]. commissioner dickerson. >> i want to first just give honor. whenever you near business i'm a mall business owner. i had a taste but, too first an honor and probably our favorite part of being on the commission is to celebrate businesses who have been going for 20-30 years. it is one thing i gotta do get it out. yo joey! i feel like you know he talked
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about cheers. you are like i wanted to say joey! you making me want to come to the condor. [applause]. everybody needs a joey. but i want to say -- that the condor, black and blue tattoo, by the way my hat goes off i'm an all woman business owner and in a male dominant field health and wellness personal training weight loss. i can relate with you i want to say thank you for being an example to us business owners and all women business owners i celebrate you. and the new lun ting cafe i'm coming. royal bakery, i'm coming. you know what it is like to own a small business you can't get out you live at your work when
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i'm not working i'm coming to you i want to say thank you for being amazing examples. we need you. of to continue to do what you do best and that is be consistent, purse veer and show us how to do it. thank you. >> i wanted to say quick, thank you for being here, i think this shows testament to the legacy business program itself, our staff. who i know are hands's on with the applicants and really care about small businesses. being reeverwarded for legacy thank you to my commissioners. and you know for emulating what you have all said to us tonight. yea. family and generational business
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keeps this city so special and it is our honor to have you before us today and thanks for the brave people who spoke. it is not easy sometimes. even when you feel strong low but having a pack the room makes us feel good about make the decision. thank you for showing up. [applause]. thank you vice president skroo zouzounis and commissioner herrer. this is a feel good evening. thank you for coming i'm a business owner, too and i understand what hard work it is i love seeing the diversity in the room and i sallow you and thank you for making us a melting pot of businesses we are in san francisco.
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thank you. so, i want to join my fellow commissioners first in thanking all of the nominees. for all of your contributions to the city. for everything you do that -- gives us culture and vibrance and he not like the rest of america. i'm very grateful to black and blue tattoo and new lun ting cafe and royal bakery. but tonight i -- think because of the history of this, i want to talk for a second how proud i am of the condor. and how grateful i am to be here tonight. you know, i am a form upper entertainer myself i know you see a guy in a suit when i was sleeping under park benches. and i dated some dancers a few
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actually. [laughter] and i don't know fiwould be here without them they made more money than i did. [laughter]. and i am very i learned alotted from being with them and -- i'm happily married now. 20 plus scombreers i run an accident. you know people grow but i think that the thing that the coming up for me here the most is -- i am now in my fourth year of serving on this commission. we get a lot of legacy business nominees as commissioner dickerson mentioned. it is our pleasure and our honor to be in the position of. of sanctioning theirents row in the legacy program. but what i'm struck by is how
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many of you all came out. not just the managers not just the owners but employees. former employees. customers. 5 customers. all right now. okay. venders holy smokes! we don't see that a lot up here that shows people really connected and loved and love your business. and so this commission in this commission we love and support you back. [applause]. with that make the motion to approve all of the nominees for the legacy business commission can i have a second. joy will second. >> seconded by vice president
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zouzounis and memory of form small business commissioner kathleen duly who would fully approve. >> i will read the rltd roll. commissioner dickerson. >> yes. >> commissioner herbert. >> yes. >> president laguana. >> >> >> commisioner william ortiz-cartagena:. 've yes. >> motion passes. congratulations. >> [applause] >> thank you all we appreciate you. next item, please. item 3 board of supervisors --
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file number 220971 planning code dates, rail and grill work, cannabis uses and existing nun residential use. this is a discussion and action item. tonight we have the commission will sdulgs discuss amending planning code to exempt gates, railings and grill works nonresidential from transparency requirements subject to noncomplying structures and cannabis retail use from transparency requirements for 3 years. presenting we have jeff buck low aid to supervisor safai. >> hi, jeff. >> hi, commissioners. losing your crowd. tough act. amazing it is great toing here for the presentations and the 1
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from the excelsior. you have not had the opportunity to go to royal bakery and get their gods it is amazing. so i'm before you to present an ordinance amending the planingly code to exempt cannabis retail for transparency requirements this ordinance came out of discussions with the cannabis retail industry. this ordinance allows the businesses to use what we call roll up gates a means of protecting themselves from break in's. the ordinance acknowledges city businesses with existing gets, railings and grill w this don't conform to transparency requirement this is is subjects those to provisions for noncomplying structures. so as i mention third degree came out of discussions they had. with concerns with the operational functions of scissor gets. able to protect them from robberies. and in the security gates that
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the planning code proviced were not adequate to meet needs. they had concerns the city was prioritizing aesthetics over public safety and leaving them targets on commercial corridors. we are not hear thanksgiving from the cannabis industry and from other small businesses that were on the corridor. we see this legislation is both being impactful for the individual businesses but impactful for the corridors in which the businesses are cited. and so as a planner supervisor safai knows we use our planning code to enhance public safety and really take away crimes of opportunity and so this ordinance does that. and but it also does add requirements that the business removed roll up gate when is vacate said an address that than i cannot have them down when not in operation seems logical but
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sometimes men times they would come down they need to be up when the business is open. and so we believe that these enhance ams will protect small businesses from crime and we are interested in hearing from you. about the ordinance. with that, i will step away and looking forward to hearing feedback. >> great. >> commissioners any questions or comments? commissioner ortiz. why thank you for the presentation and thank you this is like common sense stuff. sometimes you know in this stele that common sense stuff is hard to come up with. i appreciate you and the supervisor. they need this and all the other stuff is silliness. thank you for bringing this up and taking care of this. why thank you. >> vice president zouzounis. >> thank you for coming and explaining this if froefl us.
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also i think it is common sense and something we heard definitely since before the pandemic an issue with planning code and protective gates so i'm glad we are starting to look for solutions. i had a request about the planning code. if you can answer it that's great if not we can find out more later. but -- because the 77% transparency requirement, i heard it as an issue with window coverings as well not just the gates. so -- does it apply to businesses as they are opened or all the time? does not matter if -- this is talking about it -- the gate -- being -- all the way down bh closed and you are making allowance for it to be
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potentially partly covering or covering while the accident is open? where does the planning code require the 75% transparency at all times? as i understand at this time 75% requirement is for when the gate is put in place. my understandsings would be that is when the business is closed. in want open it would be the security gate removed and be you know more access for customers and people accessing it is business. it is about when it is the business is after hours.
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i know other businesses that have advertisements and other things on their windows have been -- also impacted by this planning code, so i love this we are look to solve for upon one industry's experience but i know that it is one this also. a lot of people in the small business world face. i'm curious, if -- there is still potential conversation we have with the planning department from here. and make sure may be the office is interested in discussing with other cash businesses that face similar issues that are not grandfather in the or in the cannabis industry. but. >> to answer your question, we after00 eye think these are issues we thought about prior
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but certainly heard from the small business community after we introduced the legislation to say, what about other businesses on a commercial corridor? we upon responded to the cannabis retail industry within this legislation. primary low now hearing from other members of community about it. and so i would say we are open to having the discussions. it is why we are here i'm here talking with you we want to hear from you about whether that is helpful for this small business communities. we have done out reach to the fire department and talked with the planning department of i think you know the planning department has strong feelings around the aesthetic quality of greater transparency fire department raised occurrence about having no transparency on roll down gates and how that
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impedes rescue operations. those are on going discussions. will i have to say the conversation has been agreement the flexibility from the fire department how we pursue something that works for all of the small business community. we have not made a decision yet to go beyond cannabis retail and noncomplying use. >> okay. the types of gates the grill work gates -- i have seen them and new are ones, too. i'm trying to understand where if some neighborhoodses are being more -- planning code or who is the enforce am body if
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they see a gate that is out of compliance. withhold be be it is one to say, business this is not the right gate. >> it depenced. there has been a lack of clarity arnold the issues. so what i say is this ordinance clayifies it you would be required pull if you are a cannabis business you pull i building permit within 3 years after the date of the ordinance. if you don't pull you a permit within that time you would subject to enforce am actionless. we are clarifying that this would require a building perimism when we gotten inquiries planning will not approve my gate. i don't know the gate to get.
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i'm trying to think how this is going on play out uniformly are with the enforcement piece. planning would have enforcement capacity on this as well it is a planning code amendment. very interesting, glad you are finding some dialogue with the department. upon thank you fr. supervisor safai's standpoint it is important to push so we have better public safety for the small business community. i was going to add cannabis clubs are targets for vandalism and i fully support the idea of them having the ability to have the gates and i think this if it is an aesthetic issue, business
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owners could be required min tain it or keep it up. i feel like that is a simple fix. so. i support. so. thank you. >> thank you. so, you menninged having conversations with fire, what are the occurrence they are raising with you? when is the base for the concern, and how is that being addressed? so i think they had concerns about firefighters able to access a completely nontransparent gate. i think we were able to work through the issues or the fire department is they have measures available to them to access to cut down gets to get in the areas if there was a fire. they mentioned they want their
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firefighters to be able to see in. so they are aware if there is smoke or something. visual low important to them so when they are assessing how to enters a small business if there is a fire they want some visual into this small business area. this resonates with us. and appreciating the fire department saying 30 or 40 or whatever. want to work with us to come up with what that number would be. allows something oshg pang.
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you know a roll downigate i feel like i have seen a lot in the ecstasy it was not clear that was allowed. what is it about we'll get to cannabis in a minute. what -- imagine a grill a translucent plastic, why would upon an oshg pang solution be superior. i say i understand it in the a question of oshg pangness it is a quest material used that does in the have that transparency. that metal gate is more of a deterrent as we heard to
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vandalism and robberies. creating a crime of opportunity they will move on from that location because they will will see there is a hardened gate entry that is less easy to get through. thinking about that, so, you know i guess my understanding is the background for the laws they are striving to make the street scape appealing but the visual appeal that is louering pep it vandalize or rob the businesses so -- i know etch supervisor has
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been active on the issue and begs the question why they go to this extent to give themselves that level protection. i would remiss to not point it out. what is it about cannabis in particular versus the other businesses. that attracted its own legislation? as i understands it, it is because of its for one i think the perception is high cash only business. the ability to have cash on hand. at the location i think make its susceptible. the second part is the perception it is also you know while it is you know go in california in the legal throughout the united states. it is an opportunity. it is a potential opportunity site to commit a robbery at a
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high cash business their ability to report may be more compromised by the difference with the state and the federal laws that governor it. what happens at the end of 3 years? nay take them down? >> they have to apply for a permit the time line is they get a permit within 3 years or they would not be able to do it. something we can consider instead future about extending out. that requirement. but won't wanted put more structure around the permitting process has been you noted, pret much wild west of permitting. >> society permit once obtained is as long as the business is in accomplice sns >> as language as they main taint business and in compliance
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can do maintenance, yes. is there have you gotten guidance from the city attorney or anybody at if the city wanted to change direction. say you know they wanted the gates to be decorated or -- look a certain way? anything about this that would restrict movement by future legislators on how to make they wanted the streets scape. >> you bring up this is a thing when you are involved you learn more than you expected to. what i learned is had there are pretty strict rowels that governor if you wanted do i mural or something on the gate, you have to be clear can't be an advertisement for the business this is another planning code issue. related that could bring a small business owner to an enforce familiarity action.
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now we want you to paint flours and want you to -- put up grass. give it a different look. anything that would keep a future policy maker from make decisions about these permits? it is would we are making a planning code amendment that would allow for use of the gates and the materials in that transparency level. if a policy make arements to make a change they reckon with the fact this legislation already took accomplice that would mean making it a nonconforming complying use.
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luthem to use a get not allowable and to legalize if you will the existing noncomplying uses out there. the future policy make are has to reckon with the one before them here. in conferrings with planning it mentions in our notes that the planning department enforcing on active businesses not on vacant store presents. does this seem backwards? should we focus on the vacant store fronts to make them look nice they are looking like that when everybody is opened for business. and it is 1s that are only rolled down when the businesses are closed should be low are priority? plus we want to support. i wonder if anybody spoke about
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this part television. it is enforce am priority. they sold evertold enforcement on the businesses that have existing noncomplying use. they are in the taking actions on the businesses for the moment pend thanksgiving legislation. but your points are good. it guess with the ab program and other issues like you know, should you be dog work allowing for things that occurred during vaccance that he are not of would be more disruptive when the business is open that is a policy call for the city and the agency. that was not the focus of the legislation except for the fact that if it tell this is enforce am action.
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so -- just thinking about the aesthetics. and the design consideration going forward. not i want to make clear i'm receptive to the legislation. come interested in but also interested in preserving future policy makers any needs they may have to address the aesthetic landscape. tht world's most beautiful ecstasy we want to i think now we are dealing with a set of problems and crisis but they could be different problems in the future. i wonder if you would be willing to convey to the supervisor an interest in language that something am -- not with
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standing the exemption, this legislation shall not be preventing future policy makers from making aesthetic suggestions or requirements with regards to the oshg pang materials and their visual display of. sergeant of for us the issue is not weather it is opaque whether it better protects the businesses from robberies. >> skwooe we want to protect businesses 100%. and you know i think that this commission would likely be supportive of expanding this to other business types but preserving options in the future. so we are not just looking the
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city in to gray after gray. the commission add have indicated for the city finding resources for the of abatement of graffiti there is so much to deploy we don't want to overwhelm them with a lot of stuff. i think a little clause in there to preserving optionality for future policy makers would be wise.
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noted. >> and -- you know -- how are -- am i right in that we were general low like to see this expanded more businesses beyond cannabis. >> yea, i just don't want to get in the position we make it more confusing for another type of business to protect themselves in the same way. i think i update just want to understand the enforce am would be. you know and -- i mean i think order of operation system when we need to figure out. because i know for a gate you need to get it approved before you install it. so people are getting flagged out like plan suggest telling people no. all the time.
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and i think we need to solve for that for businesses in general. like ease of how do we protect ourselves and the city is helping us instead of saying no, here are options and let's make sure that we are also not pigeonholing the options for some people and only types of gates. i think that is what we are getting toward. >> yes. >> that's right. >> commissioner herbert. >> how much does a gate run? i imagine it is expensive? so not everyone will be able to have a gate like that. you know. cannabis businesses do well and so i think they have more of a budget for this. you don't think we are in danger of having a city full of gates. but i wanted echo what you said
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great to open to other business and make the process more clear. not focus one type of business. >> yea. >> i guess the equity pos in mow i'm trying to avoid i seen corner store denied out of city programs or like not able to get in sf shines buzz they don't understand this planning code and something not in compliance. and so i don't want to be creating more barriers to people being in compliance i want to go with this and make it easier for people to get in compliance whether it is the city's codes you know shifting a bit or whether it is the department's making more accessible for people when they are trying to file for you know safety and front covering issues.
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yea. i think i don't want to i want to understand the repercussions are how planning are they going to start encoursing this more? commissioner ortiz. i think for this business i work with several of the businesses it is the only business that is they can't bank because of federal lus and criminals you know, they that's where the monse. supposed low.
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you can't catch a fed case on this because it is illegal. by not having gates and straight -- the windows the see through portions i could put hook and yank the gate out. right. >> so there is some time essense. with the tax laws in the state there is a perception you have a cannabis retail, they are dying. right and get robbed buzz it is easy to rob them now. because simple thing like a gate. so that is the only reason i'm with you i hate that we always have to sdpeel if i can plany people's legislation from the 80s and you fun wear a top hat you can put a fence up if you wir a suit i get it but this is one of those cases we have to expedite they are getting hit left and right and don't report
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it at this point. >> so. that's what i seat urgency as is and do it for this. they are an exception they other only 1s that can't put monnet bankch >> very good point they are uniquely vulnerable. appreciate that. commissioner dickerson. >> that is when i was going to share. also i have a question. i went through i got a roll down gate i'm not cannabis business i went through the experience. what i experienced there was this was years ago. permitting to the gate on the building. the per misting is not it is different if you have to have it done on the outside exterior part of the building.
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lim nit some of the conflict that is helping with you know but -- regardless, the cannabis businesses need the security that is the per this i want to support. >> thank you. director tang. why listening i wanted to clarify you can clarify the legislation applies to existing condition bills business and new businesses? and also not existing noncannabis businesses i want to make sure that was clear if not new noncannabis businesses. >> okay. all right. i'm a little. i didn't think i was confused now i am. >> so it exists applies to existing cannabis and new cannabis. and existing businesses but not new businesses. >> that is correct.
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>> yet carve outs for new businesses. >> the carve out is that i think there are the learninger occurrence around further in new businesses i think we have tong through about how we address those. you yourself president lag guana talked about those occurrence aesthetics. transparency needed for a new business. these are businesses that have already added a gate and we were simple low legalizing that -- what they have done. we do have to think through in the future how to approach new gates that could be established. and this ordinance does not do that. >> i want to clarify that the caveat the clause introducing preserving optionality. i did in the mean to suggest that -- they should have to
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change the materials or that appearance of the gate you know at some point we decide we want the street scape to look different, that there is something we could let's say we wanted the gates to be rainbow colored in the castro. or you know one can imagine different things we might want. you did not money to intend they rip the gates out and put in transparent gates or weaken the thrust of the legislation only that it should not constrain future policy makers about the aesthetics just the look and feel. with that said, i don't know seems to me that in it is okay
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for existing businesses should be okay for new businesses. upon i don't understand why we are disadvantaging the newest businesses which by definition will be the most vulnerable. i mention third degree is why we're here we want your feedback. about what you would like to see within the legislation. supervisor safai is having those discussions. having them with the fire department. we are going to planning i believe on december the eighth. a planning hearing then. we expect this will continuing to a discussion point. so -- you know i want to point this out that what you are raising now is something that has been raised by other diameters as well. >> sure. >> commissioner ortiz. >> i had a question. my head is spinning now. is it because may be harder to
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get legislation passed if we new accidents were included in is that the sentiment? >> the planning department raised concern busy it done for new businesses i think the fire department also raised similar concerns. so we went with what you know felt pitchers a compromise which is intent around cannabis businesses to beably to aluthe roll down gate list and we were confronted with the issue we have a lot of noncomplying uses within upon the city. so we decided to take them on in this legislation in legalize those uses so in the addressing that commissioners. zouzounis's issue if you do it for cannabis and have the other businesses nonconforming, won't don't want to create enforce am actions we made the choice to
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bring them in this legislation where we drew line now was the issue of on a go forward deys bases with new businesses that have not put the gate in place whether to include those. they are not included in this legislation. say there is a vacant stoesh front. i go in open a store front am i considering new business or the location is a new place what is the definition there. has know existing roll up gate but i'm a new business i registered j. perfect. permit. >> that would be the consideration. >> if this legislation is guess this affect in current form and you are occupying a business with an existing gate, that gate would be considered nonconforming and you would be able to use it.
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without enforcement actions. >> absolutely. the reason why i deal with this issue so much like it is crazy. gets complicated for a gate and gets to a point where i open a small business and they upon can't open their store because this is holding them up as they pay lose they don't want to get robbed. there is encroachment the historical bla, bla, bla, you know we see if mar system alined with jupiter. over gate stuff. i'm in support. any other thoughts before public comment.
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okay is there public comment. there is none. double checking, public comment? no. okay. close public comment. >> seeing no public issue public comment is closed. the synthetics was the mural. in new york they're phasing out the solid roll down gates they attract graffiti. parts of the city where graffiti is a significant problem. for all the reasons that commissioner ortiz brought up ip supportive of the legislation.
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i would not make that support conditional on my recommendation but i think i would like to include that recommendation. would everybody be amenable to the a motion that includes that as a recommendation but not as a condition? upon i mentioned there should be optionality for future policy makers. regarding the look and feel of it. i don't want to make it conditional on it like you gota do this or we don't support it. i hear had you say we near a you have a set of businesses very vulnerable and there is the other businesses we don't want to tell them -- you know if they get it and you don't. and seem to think they have the
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vote. i'd like to get the suggestion in there i don't want to make it conditional. >> all right. i will move that we approve the legislation as drafted with a recommendation you got that, right? >> yea. i might work withow wording but yes. >> that works. motion to support the resolution include a recommendation. >> not conditional. >> yea. >> seconded by commissioner dickerson. >> hang on before you do this -- du want to -- i just may be to include in our comments that the commission would love to keep aware of the conversations with the departments and any enforce am new enforcement that might be a result of this we would love
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to know. >> yea, i am interested in hearing from the planning department about the triage and on enforce am why they look in the way they are. i fracture approximate i would. like to hearow firements to solve for this. i think i want to know if the enforcement only happens buffer get the gate or after. i have heard businesses like etch getting ping the for this code for advertisements and not able to have access to programs and they don't know. in is around the gates now like zeal more of a closed eye on
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businesses in their signage or you know like windows and people are you know likeip want to understand how this planning code works in the wild. you know? so, we would love to know how those conversations go with. >> i'm happy to -- specifics. >> i would be happy to follow up with planning staff it get this information and through staff make sure that you can receive it. >> the top of my head in terms how they enforce elements i'm not 100% sure i don't want to state it but we will follow up on it. ready to read the roll? >> commissioner dickerson. >> yes. >> commissioner herbert? >> yes. >> president laguana. >> yes. >> commissioner ortiz. >> yes.
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>> vice president zouzounis. >> yes. >> motion passes. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next item, please. >> item 4 share the space program update a discussion item the commission will hear an update from the shared space program updated information on the transition from the pandemic to the legislative program. presenting today robin director of the shared spaces program. joined by monica of sfmta and we have gregory with dpw on the phone. >> great. >> we prepared a few visuals. >> great. >> good evening. robin with the share's spaces program. very wonder to feel be with you in person and back at the excision that has i think come out and supported us in the most
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engaged. we will start by giving an update on where the program is, how many caseses we have in with regard to the on going transition to a post pandemic program. a little bit on how we have been handling education and out reach. information on resources and grant and applications that are open. and questions and answers. we don't -- always acknowledge everyone on the team we wanted take a moment tonight to -- put faces to the names some commissioners, ortiz in peculiar are out in community all the time seeing them and helping us put together out reach events and so -- salutations from the team. >> so, earlier this summer program accepted permit applications for post pandemic
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legislative permits. we begun to eventualize the share of the case load that our team manages that are specific to those seeking pandemic post pandemic permits. received over 527 post pandemic per mists all in process. that comprises about close to sort of a third of applications of pandemic applications. a strong showing from folks letting us know than i want to continue with a shared space after the pandemic. >> can you go back a slide. help me what am i looking at here. >> yes. this is a week over week of the pandemic program. and the applications in the city's under the city's
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oversight or management. since the pandemic there have been more shared spaces on the street. key color is the red top. part of the chart. those are folk his have submitted an application for post pandemic permit. than i want to continue operating. on or after april first of 2023. >> in why what is the drop off in august and september? that is a data reporting issue this we are trying to rectify. we are up to 500 post permit?
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>> that's right. submitted not approved >> correct. teams are revowing the applications working with experiences to ensure their sights or proposed cites will meet the safety requirements. >> looks like 1600 i thought 1400 we had 1400 parklets before this. at peek 1260. will parklets. okay. you say parklets the permits include things besides plets . minority of the 527 applications we received are for sidewalk, tables and chairs and other applications. somewhere between a third and an
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and a half? >> thank you. there are also many active just add music permits. these are entertainment permits, folks to be activating shared space. these will be transitioning post pandemic to another a number of other permit types the entertainment commission has and we are also amended and brought in through the small business recovery act from earlier this year our team is working with operators in the parklet and shared spaces to keep those offerings at their cites >> talk about theed story telling campaign that shared spaces have put out through social media and when we are before you or others we would like to lift this and up invite
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nominations for shared space. one of the most incredible parts of the experience of steering the effort for the city are all of the stories that we hear from small business owners. >> incredible reasons and really compelling stories and. to celebrate folks who are doing this. if anyone who is listening tune nothing today and commissioners when are here if you have nominations e mail us we will go out and take a portrait and do story [inaudible]. likewise for shared spaces. and in general we love to highlight different ways that community groups, small business owners and others make use of the out doors. of course there are many parklets and other types of public space catharsis really providing an asset to communes.
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we love to share those stories. il talk about guarantees before i turn it over to moonmonica to take us through the presentation. we are still accepting applications for shared space completion or compliance grants. aimed at small business ordinance instend to operate a parklet and after the pandemic program sun sets in march. those who may need to make modifications and purchase more materials related to accessibility and safety changes. shared space remindser about the city considering how we mix
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elections for the grants. we are looking at neighborhoods and jog de feos that were hard hit by covid-19 as well as areas of vulnerability defined by public health. they are geographies where we have high density seniors, youth. isolated households and other populations. >> the shared space grants are not the only assistance available to small businesses as we know sf shines is another opportunity that small businesses aveil themselves of to address other issues or other needs they might have for example ad a accessible entrances. upon in concert with a shared spaces grant the city has a number of tools and programs in place to support folks.
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with this i will turn it over to monica program manager to take us throughout rest of the presentation. >> thank you, robin, good evening, commissioners. so, just to transition to time line and where we are in our process in transition to the codified program. this whole year we have been accepting applications, issuing notices or working with accidents on educating what they need to comwill plea and not until january 15th when they do tht new dead line. and a dead line we approach people to comply soon that is the lest time january 15th and then we will be work to issue those so they are ready when the pandemic permit ends merchandise 23. >> thank you.
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um -- to this is a new are graphic to dig in to what come after january or what happens after we receive an application. just to share the amounts of the work that we go through what that looks like and why we encourage people to apply as soon as possible. when we receive your application, we review completeness and site plan and get become to businesses if we need information. like updated site plan. once this is approved by the sfmta and public working both departments review every permit. you are given inspection and notice for 10 day notice you have to complete and the ends of the 10 dinotice if anything is okay you get a conditional permit to build.
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that happens after that point. you let us know when this is complete and we will do after construction. public works come out, visits your site. you met everything on paper. you built in the sdpeeld at that point you get your permit application. that everyone will get upon completion. so that's all the stuff this after we get it in hand. hope to avoid this avalanche in january to have that customer service to have that back and forth questions about site plans and design regulations. that both public works and mta are here. wanted wuk back through that happy to go back that is detail.
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i know you heard of this before. compliance advisories the document all businesses get that consolidates all in one documentful we are rolling these out every business will get a unique spoke to business enforce. document with this information. that way they have it and make an informed decision about their plans to transition to the codified program a quick shout out to that work and value add to businesses. this is exciting. we have the 2 public service announcements red and we were going to play them for you now. 2 ready. andanet communication's program deputy and wonderful team of folks helped put these together
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volunteered. >> ani's mom in one of them. >> >> we are keeping the royalties? >> did we get the release and all that stuff. >> yes. >> this is the v. i. p. party. they did excellent. >> thank you. and these are all available on line if you have not seen them share the links i think than i are a resource to digest information and more fun manner than us presenting all the time of with us presentlying a few last things we wanted share. heard we understood questions or an opportunity to clarify points around access ability and emergency fire access? park motors to go over these again. i think if you have not seen them before, the >> reporter:s for it must be went motor form even with the sidewalk. or equal ad a facility on the
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sidewalk perhaps not in the parklet itself. we need to see public works checks for one of the 2. happy to elaborate. on the propane heaters. they cannot be underwented i mr. foremanable structure. very dangerous. they must have a 5 foot clearance. this is not electric we are talking propane needs the clearance. . this is what that looks like. there is no officer. no 5 feet is clear. of fine of here is a photo of wournd the structure this would not be okay. and really electric heaters are the way to go well is great technology. easy to use. another site lines above 42 inches. this shoes the importance of emergency responder getting it i parklet and see clear to the
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sidewalk and see to the parklet and the building. so anything above 42 inches needs to be visible. and yes this is further e will be rites this point this difwram and other emergency access requirements like the 3 foot gap and in the middle has to be open to the sky. now robin will round us out with public education updates. >> thank you monica and commissioners for coined words about the psa's those can be seen at sfgovtv/space/psa. the accessibility one will be post third degree week. we recognize this it is a really
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important period in time to do very intensive public ejsz working directly with parklets parities to understand the rules. also to provide support upon how to prepare a site plan approximate appropriate a permit application. the submittal is vast low simplified compared to precovid. now it is digital web form this takes 10 minutes to fill out provided you have materials. the requirement for a draw suggest a simple site plan does not need to be to scale or prepared by an architect. precovid this was the expectations. we are endeavour to low are barriers to participation. part of this has ment we have been out in community we have been holding town halls as well as walks with supervisors in
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neighborhood to meet with operators, bring staff out in the field. we completed those site walks in the mission. outer mission the excelsior and north beach and other neighborhoods are scheduled and will continue on through the early calendar year. if any of the commissioners want shared spaces team to show up. we are here for this providing this support. we have been aiming issue trainings at builders, architects. general contractors the folk in our learning are business community who are making the shared space. this is the single learningest ways we can impact quality and consistency and safety for the parklet population at large moving forked. when we are doing after gc's and architects and designers attend a city responsiblesed trin suggest listing the names of folk who is completed a training
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on the website. so -- this is potential low one way to ensure this folks seeking expert ease if this the way they want to build their parklet can access a list of folk who is have gone against the training. so -- we have had 4 of these so far and we will continue to have had 3 and will continue to have the trainings through the year to help easy many as possible prepare. we have i large digital footprint as folks know. we have bulletins and through our social media and other digital channels are circulating information and resources. with this, this concludes our formal presentation and machine ca, gregory and i are available for questions. why commissioners?
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commissioner herbert. >> thank you for the presentation. well done. i had a question about the air flow issue. currently men you can spoke to this tell us when that regulation is at the moment? absolutely. so -- at present the county department of public health has let us know that air flow is no longer a strict requirement. so where as during the pandemic you know at least 2 sides of the parklet the sidewalk side and the street side we would want to see opened allow for that air flow and mitigation of transition of covid-19. so that is no longer a requirement. the visibility requirements are still very much in place and will continue to be a key
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requirement and ensuring our responders can do jobs. visibility is required that can mean no material at all but there are many creative alternatives. material strategies the fire department will inspect and sign off to help operators know tht material this they selected or they want to use will satisfy their visibility requirements above 42 inches. >> and with regards to the materials, is there anywhere this operators with seat list of materials that are acceptable? >> we have been think burglar that. we hesitate to prescribe materials or you know specify the material. there are a lot of different solutions and the reality is some materials might perform well for an amount of time.
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what we have seen with the plexiglass is that you know it is use over time and graffiti and scratching it does not a lot of the time performing all that well or consistent low over time. so, i think folks will have to be very diligent about keeping it clone. replacing panels that got super scratched. it is difficult material to keep clean a lot of cleaning products ends up moring and clouding it is surface of the plexi. i think that the objective is make sure you can see through at all times that may mean you have to replace if more often. society corrugated opaque is not
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allowed. >> we have seen in the fire marshall or and his team were not able to join us to speak to this. we seen tht fire marshalls office does not prefer the corrugated plastic material either it is in the as transparent as they would like it to be. it does blur site lines and if the objective is for a firefighter upon arriving on scene or paramedic to see building entrances to immediately be able to look through the parklet and see where the landings for fire escapes and are sprinklers are. you know corrugated plastic does not allow. typeset it is is let's light through it is not a transparent material. so for folks who are currently using it i would expect the fire
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marshall's office would ask you to switch it out. >> the 3 foot upon space in the parklet is that is an access point for the fire department? -s with visibility as well. why both of those are true, commissioner. the 3 foot wide clear to the sky emergency access gap or safety gap required if 20 feet or longer. not require federal you are less then and there 20 feet long. if you get in installations where they are longer the gaps are required. as we saw in the announcement to a plow gurneys and firefightering equip.
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i had a request about the guarantees and how accessible they are i think a lot of people have not applied yet. and operators are trying to become compliant. i make the suggestion that the permit fees defor youed for a clear to comply. it 2 it is 4500 can be prohibitive. it is on page 81 or is that. i'm sorry could you repeat the last question. on the whole -- pamphlet. page 80 to 81. the fee schedule is in shared space.
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well are no permit spooe fees associated the assessment fee would be a permit fee assessed in april of this year. and so this would probably go on your licensed bill for the coming year. for fees to be waived the board of supervisors need to take action to delay assess am of the fees beyond april of 23. i think a lot of parklets were built.
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tell be can have the low for most to -- build i'm saying good to have safe structures but will cost a lot. to have whatever it is felony upon huh human or 3,000 on top. my suggestion is defer the parklet fees >> director tang. why thank you. replaying questions from the community come clarify. i want to thank you for extending the dead listen for the applications to january. you mentioned the air flow guide lines and the county department of public health is no longer requiring the air flow above 42 inches. so -- is that going to be
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updated in the design guideline then? i think currently it says the old version where you need to have 2 sides clear above 42 inches? >> thank you for call thanksgiving out. we will look at the current version and ensure that is no long are in there. thank you. should not be if it is it needs to be modified >> great. >> i thank you i read the other day. that would be grit to update. the other thing is to clarify i appreciated your slide about accessibility. so if you have a shared space and you have sidewalk dining stable tables and chairs you don't need an accessible table or seating at both areas just pick one? >> that's the currently policy. >> okay. and lastly i heard questions about prosecute pain heaters.
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and based on experience i guess from inspectors. is there a limit per linear like distance for how many prosecute pain heaters a parklet can have or has anything changed? >> i regret i can't answer that question with confidence the prosecute pain heaters are a separate permit. each heater required a permit from an operational permit from the fire department. for operator when is have had prosecute hane pete heaters folks know this or thinking of including them in their shared spaces build out they need to get this advice from the fire department. i don't know if there is a specific like quota or per linear foot parameter i have to defer to fire marshalls on that.
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great if we could clarify that and if anything changed to make sure it is in the guidelines. thank you. >> also. president laguna crediting real from public w system dialing, is there anything in responses to the questions you might want to elaborate upon? >> good evening. for clarity, for the legislative program, this is occupancy april first, 23 and beyond, you need access believe seating for all parklets. and you need accessible for a sidewalk cafe table approximate chirp permit they allowed complimentary accessibility but per a permanent on going legislative permit you need to
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provide access abltd in both. that's all. >> not either or it is both. >> that's right. thank you for the clarification, greg. currently the currently policy is during the pandemic that the accessible facility can be on the sidewalk. within close prongimity to the plet code that requires on the parklet will kick in april. that was a >> reporter: hahas always been a part of the program for the 10 plus yers and was relaxed during the pandemic. >> got it. >> go ahead. >> if i may follow up then may i ask why is there a legal >> reporter: we have to have it in both spaces? because i think about fasilltation in general for buildingses and you can offer almost upon same service in a
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different format wonder why either/or would not work. >> this may be the pro dominating interception how ad a code applies by our city's coordinator. i can't speak to the legal state and federal ad a legalities but we can enengage mo did and the ad c if this is a topic we want to dig in a big. it it is a huge issue now but probably something worth having conversation about in the future. we can -- then and there one but i think if this is the expectation if people be cited we want to make sure there is consistency between the out reach in the video and the
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manual. it sounds like something that -- we can have a couple more conversations about before weave look it in. i have questions myself. so currently under the propane heater is there limit on the mack number of heaters they can have. >> again, i would not be able to answer that. the fire marshall and fire code may have but i'm not aware of them. >> will talk to the fire marshall. >> okay. >> and when you have that opportunity and may be we can set up a meeting and they can join us in the future final the time that works for everybody. but -- is there a difference with i have been in some restaurants they have a floor heater. i think those work better times.
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is -- you know one can -- like you can -- see why it being a problem to have a tall protain heater next to a wooden structure. may be less for a floor heater? i wonder if the fire marshall given thought to different types of heaters. gi understand it the key factor in the heating element whether it involved open flame. and the mire marshall's office reiterate third degree any open flame heating element can't be under a canopy or roof.
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respective to to the roof. like you can still be 5 feet away from the back wall? but perhaps within 5 feet of the roof now there is 5 feet of vertical clearance. so like -- i guess if are we envisioning the 5 foot as a sphere and if this is the case like perhaps lower prosecute pain heaters could be a good solution. if only in a 2 d access, i think
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the i'm articulating. i'm garbling in. i understand it i think it is a signal to lop back to the fire marshall fo to get more about the most common heaters out there commercial low available and distinguishing between them and putting that information out. >> you know one thing i want top say at the start is you know there is so much work and discussion and talk about all these thing and it just want to i should have said this i want to acknowledge and respect great to see i picture of your whole team. i really piwas glad that you nut in there. noise to see all of them. and i hope you will convey how grateful we are for all the work
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you do. will just you know -- it is i challenging program. it is a dense city. you know there is a lot of things. people get very intense about this stuff in different directions but we do have a legal program we are working through it. so. i want to like make sure that is top of mind for me. p.m. >> the gorgeous, beautiful one sheet compliance form. which it is a work of art that should be instituted, yes. there it it is there. that form on the left. should be instituted elsewhere throughout the city in my opinion. do we have eta on when its people can expect it see this? the sooner than i have a sense of when they are compliance requirements are the better?
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>> yes. probably north of 3 quarters of current pandemic operators have received a compliance as you know there is we have hundreds of these and manual operation to issue these. we are near to wrapping up getting everyone these and also working on making red low available upon request. we are exploring tech solutions to allow prirts to get themselves without requesting one. and the mass distribution would be wonderful if every mont you get an updated compliance. our team leader is working on distribution solutions for this moving forward. why grit. >> in terms of the 700 to 800 commissioner ortiz did you have something you wanted to say? >> okay. i was about to just sorry that's
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our relationship for 4 years. he was noticing me. he does not know my color ice. robin and monica, outstanding your staff i'm glad you put it there on the ground i w with them. i can't say enough. seriously i appreciate y'all. you make a city process just common sense. thank you. thank you. i had a question and an ask the waivers, right. around the communities i serve the permit fee runs 2500 with the waiver. usual low applies to retail the 2 million dollars the cutos this near restaurants in our neighborhood it is getting to the borderline with inflation. this is the reason i'm going, 2
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million with the businesses especially restaurants that we are helping. they are nefth about 50g's take home. when they go down restaurants are not netting and they held a lot of applications, thank you for the feed back i tell them just submit. 2500 will be i den think i will do it. i'm giving you feedback i don't know if we can wave the fees or raise the threshold. example for retail does in the merit in my area it is in the, restaurants hit 2 million with the inflation we have the perfect storm of costs and they center to make these decisions. i know 2500 does in the sounds like a lot now especially buzz hay have to redo will their parklet and there are grnlts and out reach phenomenonal, you know
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my constituents asks me to voice this i'm see when we can do there. thank you for that. so. about this fee waiver or half fee waiver would need to be things the board needs to consider and amend. if we torch raise the threshold for when i business could qualify to get the fees cut in half that is in the text of code. and as are the numbers. so i'm hearing that the across the commission this is a concern now. and -- yes. that would need to be escalated would a separate grant program
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keep this out of working with the existing park he legislation. introduce new slgz and new grant program the affect of half waiver. may be that might be an efficient way to get there without reopening a can of worms? it is something to explore and consider. stlft administration is it a reality. you know -- when we deal with volume and just for scale the current guarantee's program we have is if everyone were to get a full award would mean we could touch about may be 400 or 450 operators. so -- that's about a third over a third of current operators if we talk about a grant program
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that would be a very significant item in the budget. it is just you know -- in the budget the city's budget to put toward guarantees. we could do analysis about what might be more efficient and how we could have the best outcome whether had is revisiting the fee waiver threshold in code or setting up a grant's program. potentially pluses and minuses. >> yep. okay. got it. >> and then you know one suggestion -- i had was you know because we have to consider all the different item this is come up the machineual gets languager. but -- under shared spaces we
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have music, stable tables. street closures parklets anything other? vaccance lots or surface parking lots the number of shared space j. a recommendation i would have would be to break each out in separate manuals. so if i want to hope a parklet i don't need ton anything about just add music or vacant lots i can look later but it is overwhelming if you are english is a second language or reading skills are not great, to have like 100 plus page document. if we can widdle that down and break it in a separate chunk that would make it diiestable for people okay. here is the parklet and it is
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just the plet program. here is the vac an lot program. just a congratulation. i'm sorry. commissioner herbert. why hi, again. i am confused by the fees i wanted to clarify for commercial park lest that would be a restaurant? >> >> if the parklet is the size of 1 park space that is 3 thousand dollars. if it is 2 spaces it is 4500. >> that's correct. and knowual fee on top of that is 2,000 or 1500 so you could be paying 4500 out the door if you are taking 2 park space plus 2,000 every year.
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2,000 every year the fee is in the assessed again just the annual license fee. two space would be 4,000. correct that's right per parking space. 2,000 per park 4,000 annually if you gross over 2 million. it might be important to remember before covid account approach 8,000 dollars or more on your first g. part behalf we tried to do with the board sensitive about legislating is really coming up with a fee schedule more accessible than before. . from before the permit spooe fees driven boy cost recovery we are in the doing that. the city is subsidizing and
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investing heff low in the cost this it takes to monitor and trun and do the compliance work to keep it safe. so that's also additional context in case folksment to know where the numbers came will fr. seems liege you eliminate a lot of operators they will not be able to afford to do this. it it is i guess it works both ways you need to pay i guess to pay for the program and that's the fees are for. the parklets? >> they partial low subsidize the cost. but not fully. the city does not use a cost recovery calculation to set these. >> okay. it will cost a lot of money to comply and on top of that there are fees and then it seems like very expensive proposition that
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a lot of people probably may say i can't do this. especially the mom and pops. i know it seems like a deterrent from building a parklet. i'm saying. >> i have few thoughts. elaborate. total low it does not pencil out for everyone. i have been when we prosecute were discussing ranges and fees when we looked at like market value of land it was like woo space is one way of thinking how to charge for over 10 thousand dollars. it was much like a point to make this the one, 2 and 3 so it is not a barrier entry. i want to call out it is clear here the additional parking space is that in case is this second column. not 2,000 plus 2,000 it is or
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3,000 and 3,000 it is 3,000 and additional 1500. and the left point to clarify a plug for public parklets questions about restaurants i want to make sure you understood some could have a public park lest you are novelty dining or private dining but a restaurant could have that and have coffee or cookies. not have that can be the cheaper rate and may be a better option for a business may be you are an instruct and the 3,000 suspect too steep that is why it is cost third degree way we love public parklets and want to see them continue. i -- go ahead i will come become >> i had a quick question about public parklet and movable parklets have we gotten any
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permits along this? i don't know. upon president laguana. one. one is moveable. >> i would surmise that the vast majority are or all of them are commercial and that one is movable versus fixed. i'd like to see more the public as well. part of me wonders whether it is out roach or just not viable for the business. regarding the movable and fire restriction this is specific i think i had this conversation twrth street we have the approximate raids is it all good. was that testifies emergency thing? i need to know then our
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constituents should, play for mobile or not. i don't know, i'm asking. >> well, so -- commissioner ortiz, refer to the fact in some corridors there is a rich and vibrant seasonal parades and festivals and so this there is concern about fixed structures like what most parklets are like now. sort of compromise the ability for communities to hold and 3 the events. this is one of the reason this is this movable parklet option was created not an option before the opinion dem and i can some folks have chosen to do this it is lighter weight t. is less capitol intensive and less expensive to do and gives the city and neighborhoods more flex lblt 'veability around the use of the street. a moveable parklet is intended
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out during business and struck and brought back outside of business hours. outside of business hours that curb can be used for loading and used for short term ping there are needs we have on streets that then that movable parklet could be serving outside of business hours and you know on corridors there are alegality of parades i live in the castro. we shut down all the time to have party in the streets. it could be wise for merchant's associations or community benefit districts or groups to encourage may be more movable installations rather than fixed the city does not interfere that is for the the business to make it it is a good solution and good option that can help address a lot of issues and
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occurrence we have seen on if i canned parklet this is have come up i'm hopeful going forward with post pandemic program we see more and how they can be more adaptable and useful in different settings. >> i have a question. the fire department need a lane ownership something when you do the approximate raids. example if than i are not movable thissier they let us have the parades was that because under the covid temporary thing. my concern is okay they apply and everything is kosher as is and when the parade time come and they are enforcing the fire line they have to have a fire lane for the parade. they say we can't give you the permit because have you parklets.
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>> i don't know if you have permitted by or a shared space. if you know the approximate raids were they could function before covid and had this through upon that. that would tell me that -- would be fine. if boy a shared pace the road closures have different requirements. and will have like strict or requirement in post pandemic in that event i would not speak with confidence. may be in the we can follow up
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off line. i know you mentioned it before y. the fire department that way when ouiure in the corridor we tell people don't do per mist do mobile tell trig are down the road. you refer to one day parades or festivals we are permitted through the departmental staff for traffic and active and vital presence on the committee if it worked with the current fixed park hes it is prebl okay. yea. if they were for recurring street closures they were per misted through shared space if we are talking about one day thanks fire would assess if it could happen with fixed in
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accomplice if they happened i think that should be okay moving forward. >> great. >> commissioner herbert. of. this is a beautiful presentation i have to put this out there. thank you. on page 80 and 81 the permit approval process. do operators have to get their maces permission? a you in front of know apartment building like an 8 unit building do you have to get permission from who do you have to get permission from. i will wuk you through quickly the thresh sxhoeld who you need consent the threshold on a metered or marked block with spaces if this marked ping space
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is 50% or more in your neighbor's frontage that triggers the consent. block this is have no meters or ping t's 4 inches over you need consent. lower trigger. different triggers for meter block and a meter block and who you getting consent from is the tenant or the property owner. so either is fine with the legislation clarifies and a specific document that has to be submitted. we would keep take a letter and there was more former templet. the time line for getting an approval are we is it realistic this is here? 30 days.
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i think. um -- complete applications witness we have consent letter and sight plan with the information this is 30 days sort of starts. and then in terms of what happens after that is the certain time line of after that and part number tw it come least. 30 dis from here we issue a permit. that is ambition. there are caveats this is commit to mta approving public works and approving and we call
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approved/approved. then the steps after of like the public notice and getting at this time accomplice of getting your signage to extend pedestrian that. there are calf yets. i will explain if you are in i color curb and need to relect this color curb this goes through a legislative process witness an among hear and does in the follow in the 30 days. that's in the code and endeavour witness we have a complete application. 80 and 21 and 30-day posting and a public hearing and existing plets than i stay up until this it is finance. the existing plets everyone does. existing is i pandemic.
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if there is something there than i are stepping through the same press a 10 day public notice and submit an application we are telling like are you okay. do you shift or make modifications. and then the process from there. does this answer your question. thank you. >> sure. okay. i think we kept you long enough. so -- let's see if there is public comment. i don't see why. we have one commenter. please proceed. hi. good evening this is lori thomas from [inaudible] and i wanted to [inaudible] we in and thank everybody for time and effort and rob exhibit monica and your
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team. it hen grit to work with everybody and thank everyone for the january 15th extension there is a lot of confusion and questions in san francisco nothing is easy. thank you for this approximate we are hear to help. i want to i'm happy to work with the team this week we need to ask if we could get clarification on the air flow initiate manual and anything we and share oust point to the prosecute pain we get questions with the colder weather about changes to prosecute pain there is rumors. and anything on clarification would be helpful and we are happy to share it. it is case by case and one left thing we love the idea of businesses request or get a copy of compliance that is awe some and may take a lot of w off your team if we get it out of the data base if we and help we are
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behind that. thank you, i know it hen i long road but a critical program for many of our members to stay cash positive with the downturn potential low we need all the seats we have. thank you. >> other public comment? there is none. >> public comment is closed. i would be remiss if i did in the make one goofy suggestion. i made this before. our become yard gets cold and we put heat the blankets with extension cord and it works. like not even to cover you just to sit on. but -- it worked great. puffing restaurant people out there listening that is another possible solution if the
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prosecute pin heater is not and there is somebody when makes have you seen the benches that are heated? they are expensive i can't afford one but -- they are nice to sit on. they are cool. >> hot. >> yea >> yea >> super comfortable y. all right. thank you machine clear clear appreciate you and your team. >> next item. >> where approval of draft meeting minutes discussion and action item. >> anybody have questions on the minutes. >> i read them. does this money i can vote. >> okay. >> is she run has to recuse. you read them. why i'm impressed.
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>> she knew. i didn't. >> is there public comment on the minutes? there is none. >> public comment is closed. have a motion? yep we have a quorum. >> motion to yea. >> i megz we approve the minutes. do we have a second? there we go. il call the roll. commissioner dickerson. >> yes. commissioner herbert. >> yes. >> president laguana
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>> yes >> vice president zouzounis. >> yes. >> item sick general public comment a discussion item. >> are there members when would like to comment on items not in the agenda. anybody present >> there is one commenter. >> proceed. hello. commissioners i'm calling with regards to the castro theatre issue table in the august. this mary lou rettoned was brought before you by president laguana after discussions that he and executive director ting [inaudible].president laguana a discussions that he and executive director ting [inaudible]. this issue was brought up behest of president well guna 2 years
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later of the merchant's association voted not accept another planet entertainment's changes to the 100 year old castro theatre. earlier you spoke about the importance of the special part of the condor club part of the north beach community including there are lbgtq+ events it is important you realize the castro theatre is i vielth and cherished part of the queer community in the castro and president laguna able to pull together a resolution with less than 72 hours notice for the public it is important you consider given this cast remerupon chant's association does not support. you put simultaneous in the next meeting to support land americaing of interior the castro theatre. if you are moving and acting with community input and
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community concern and community support, you will act on this resolution that will be before the historic planning on december 7th to land mark the interior of the castro theatre. as one of the criteria to include the aspects and features of the business. this mote that criteria for the castro. not the job of president laguana to call anything but [inaudible] you are 3ing curve balls at the community when you only deal with another planet entertainment go above and beyond the community itself. thank you very much for your timer and support and i urge you to put a resolution before the small business commission before the historical planning commission on december 7th support of the land americaing
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infearior of the cast roast theatre our last cherished large oldsmobile movie house in san francisco and maintain a world clad venue in a world class city. >> thank you other public comment? there is none. >> seeing none. public comment is closed. why director's report. a discussion item. >> all right. good evening. i will start with a quick reminder we are not having a meeting on near 28 that is after thanksgiving. so don't show up here. and also approaching the holidays before thanksgiving we are hoping to drive more to go to our local businesses. small business in san francisco and support them. so we are might have familiar with shop and don't in the 49. we are engage nothing a slight rebranning shop dine sf. keeping it simple. and on message to when we are
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trying to do to support our economy. so we are collecting all the different activities in commercial corridors. all in one accomplice one website we plan to launch before thanksgiving. so be on the look out for that. and hopeful low we will see more folk in our small businesses. also mark calendars december 6. at city hall we will be holding a local makers holiday pop up. a fun time. and to shop for the holidays. december 6. and in terms of a legislative update the board adopted legislation to extend and expand the first year free program. quick reminder extends by a year, raises the threshold for gross receipts from tw to five million. it also businesses don't have to be located on the ground floor.
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that is also exciting. if you are also a mobile food or what not that this would apply to you. and also we worked with ronen's office and the treasure excerpt particular collector on expanding the types of permits questions of law foil for the fee waivers catering and mobile food. open flame those are a few examples. and for sidewalk sales during the holidays supervisor stefani legislation is pending to waist permit fees if you want to display on the sidewalk. between december 25-7, second and 4 and 9-11. and the mir visited westportal last week to announce the launch of community police ambassadors. this is made public through planning that supervisor melgar put in the budget for retired
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populars to help enforce public safety this is also in other neighborhoods and pending availability of staffing and also supervisor put in add back funding and lastly, we did do a merchant walk on leelan avenue. welcome any. you if you would like our office to joinow wuks and talk and help them with projects we are open. so, this is the end of my report. why and comments or questions on the report? commissioner herbert. >> thank you. >> that was a comment. >> [laughter]. awesome. is there public know comment on the director's report y. there
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is none >> public ment is closed. >> item 8 commissioner discussion and new business. do we have new business. >> commissioner dickerson. [inaudible]. [cannot hear commissioner]. >> i live in the your and ken and kelly the mission bay are dog a phenomenonal j.w.. i want it give i shout out mission -- of what is if? ken and kelly you knew i knew it was. [laughter]. shout out to mission and visitation valley for their w over there on leeland. and also bayview has been busy. want to give i did i'm not sure,
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sandra. beauty bar the grand opening 2 weeks ago and had a soft opening for what is the scoop ice cream shop on 5 -- third street. and they had their soft opening. i was truly impressed. the cutest little ice cream shop you gotta visit it. very quaint and cute. tality >> s is open. i get my americana with them. so yea. so, we have another but we have the grand opening this thursday for what's the scop we will have the ribbon cutting and the good stuff. excited about the visitors opening up in the bayview and third. yea. >> well, that -- [laughter].
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i'm fading. i just got back from hawaii with my son late last night. surfed out and sun burned. beat up and bruised. ready to go to bed. okay. commissioner ortiz. >> ment to report back last friday on vet republicany day the sudden fran low ride are counsel we through activation of plaza on 24th. a dj and we did, lot of social modia to engage the businesses from 23rd to 25th it was a huge success. we drove a ton of this and people were coming out the plaza to music and people jamming it was a family friend low event. a lot of little kids.
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it was fun it see space activated positive and boy activating spitz we got rid of the stuff plaguing our city. positive energy. shopping local and music. and have patrol there and they were part and enengage and drinking punch and it was fun. and it was fun and very low costing to do this. it was very low cost for 3 hours in the evening we had a safe issue fun space. and we upon [inaudible] so -- i wanted report and honored our vet republicans day. i didn't know you put i dish oust i done know like i learned something. similar to day of the dead you do it honest offered somebody this passed in service and that was cool i learned.
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it was just cultural and you know paying respect and our country row and the people who served and the privilege for when we get on do. it was cool. great. anybody else? public comment on the line. >> none. okay. seeing none. public comment is closed. next item. >> 9, adjournment. sfgovtv show the office of business slide. >> the official forum to voice opinions and occurrence about policies that ascii small business in san francisco. and tht office of small business is the best place to get answers during the local emergency. if you need assistance with matters reach out to the office of mall business. thank you. >> meeting adjourned.
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francisco. my background is one in which i have spent the entirety of my life committed to finding solution to poverty and addressing the issues of inequity so people and communities can have accesses to resources and financial freedom. one thing true anode dear to my heart was the power of business ownership in creating pathways to financial freedom. we have still in infancy. we had over 100 entrepreneurs come and start their businesses. some are food trucks. some are restaurants. some are in farmer's markets and so farther. that's an incredible legacy and record to build upon. this was the perfect opportunity for me to come back home, you know, come back to the neighborhood and take my skills and networks and resources and put it backseat in service of the community.
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given everything with racial reckoning and pandemic it was time for me and everyone else that had the opportunity to leave and get educated to come back home. we have a opportunity to grow our impact in terms of the number of people we serve and how we serve them. we grow our impact in taking the money we make with our entrepreneurs and circulate those resources back interview the community for community development. the third thing is we have a opportunity to have an impact on public policy in terms of the policies and practices the district has been notorious about interms of inequities. all of those are just the beginning of what is possible in terms of growth and
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impact. ♪ [ music ] ♪♪ november 15, 2022 hybrid virtual meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. we'll start with announcement. >> we would like to start to start the meeting with land acknowledgment. we the entertainment commission, acknowledge that we're on the ancestor homeland of the ramotisohloni. ne have never seeded lost nor forgotten their responsibility as care takers of this place.
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