tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV November 29, 2022 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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an army veteran subdued the gunman the 22 year old shooter acquired an ar rifle and handgun despite arrested for threat thing to kill members with a bomb injuries another 18 people some are still in the hospital. supervisor stefani pointed out on numerous occasions. these were entirely preventible senseless killings. >> that have shattered lives of families and harm to the colorado springs queer community. this is the predictable strajic result of a lack of adequate restriction who is can purchase a fireman and violence antiqueer rhetoric from the far right. the club q shooting occurred on the eve transgender dave
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remembrance. when we remembered and mourned the 32 transpeople kill in the the u.s. this year, and the hundreds killed globalally every year, club q was hosting a drag show with a drag brunch plan for the next day. it is no coincident that tuck are carlson concluded the segment about drag queen hours saying his viewers should arm themselves and lauren who represents colorado springs and the house of representatives spews the antiqueer hate. intooet tweeting take your children to church not to drag embarrass. and in california we are not immune to the vinyls. theatrists and marjorie green described our state senator as a
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communist groomer. and insighting her twitter follower to harass him, clear it is a -- the violence though is ultimate low a response to the fact i think that we are winning >> america is changing for the better. and every day this country becomes more welcome to queer people. some would scare back in the closet but from acts and patrons showed it will not work. upon the queers will fight for our lives. with our alis. in memory who lost their lives rest in peace and power. the rest i submit.
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thank you, supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mar. thank you. in dam clerk i have one item i'm introducing a resolution,ing inclusion of climb action plan in the updated bond schedule in the year of 21-22 through a city add back secured the general fund investment for d. environment that funding planted seeds for the city's climate equity hub. and it funded a long-term study on how to finance our climate action plan. that report was reles third degree mont by the berkeley center for law, energy and the environment. it includes many recommendations and one of the highest and urgent prior system ensuring we plan to use our general bond capacity to meet our climate goals. we cannot and will not meet targets without this step.
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resolution introducing today urges the capital plan to include the funds priorities for sustainable transportation and cleaner and greenir building in thes bond schedule. there is no silver bullet to funding the climate action plan. as financing report shows we need all options on the table to meet targets and preserve a liveable planet for the future. this step is insufficient but absolutely necessary. the rest i submit.
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we did an update to 12 b, thank you president walton for your leadership and to our city add administrator, carmen chew. but it is time to assess whether it is working. so even though prop 2 ties our hand in terms of contracting specific low. with women owned businesses and minority owned business we can ask the question and collect the data and see whether or not we
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can do better in terms of our contracting policies and procedures. as you know november is also vet republican's month. in honor of the service member who is risked lives to the country and san francisco is home to 20,000 veterans. through this endeavour. so in the despairrity study i'm requesting how many of the businesses we contract with the veteran owned businesses. has a designation for vet republican surprises that is validated by many municipalities across the state. ours is in the one we don't recognize that i want to look at whether or not we should explore that to take advantage of the system the state already maintains the second thing i'm introduce suggest an all right
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of inquiry. to department of public work. we all read about the famous noe valley counsel square toilets. sorry supervisor mandelman and the costings that were reported. the the costs sparked public outrage and lots of discussion amongst ourselves in ways we can reduce costs and increase efficiency and speed on infrastructure projects. since that happened i have learned several things. provided the rescue and park an estimate of the aushth and engineering costs. the number picked up the store seout throughout the country not just in our state.
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and it prompted the state pulling the leverage fund thanksgiving we had already secured. and these public toilets and civic amenities are necessary in order for you to maintain the crucial funds and services to our city. today i'm submit being this letter of inquiry. i would like to have a class comparison of the work that is being done by the department of public works. i want a historical analysis of how much work has been done in house or put out to bid and managed by the d. public works. in the total amount of projects last 5 bond cycles. commend the work of local 21 and thank them as public servants who dedicated their careers to good design and infrastructure and maintenance of our facilities. what i'm hoping for is more from
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our department leaders. and i fear that our ability to leverage state and federal funding will be compromised by the stories and i'm hope to shed light and put facts out and to -- you know the public. as to what actually happens and what it costs and how long it takes. so this we have a full public vetting of the activities. it is our role as lead torse advocate for strong labor practices and efficient delivery of service. transparency and facts go a language way to restoring public trust. from our taxpayers but our funding partners. lastly, i would like to close our meeting in honor of marsha fonty who passed on october 25th. marsha was a neighbor.
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engle side terrace where she raised 3 children. i devoted member of the westportal community. she focused on celebrating the life of the west side. she established 3 community newspapers. e illuminating local history. it was the priority of westportalan teagues the president of the merchant's association. made historical dares highlights rare photos the engle side race track. telless the last horse race a neighboring where i live. an appreciation of nature throughout her life. made preserves and wine. she grew olives in engle side
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terrace. and she shared it with friends neighbors. her and her husband frank raised their children in sudden front and will be grave low missed by her family including her now 9 grand children and 2 great grandchildren the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor peskin. >> thank you. clothes i have 3 resolutions for introduction today. one with regard to the ethicky commission backlog. of mandatory audits of public low financed local campaigns as well as lobbyist audits. it was revealed since 2014 the
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wh the campaign conduct code was amended by daved chiou requiring the commission to audit one lobbyist per year. they have audited 8 years later zero. to their credit 6 are under way. in the 2016 election cycle, the mandatory required audits of public low financed campaigns were finish in the 14 months in the 2018 cycle they were finished no later than 23 months after the campaign when it got to 2019, 2020 will not be complete their own submission. this is -- justice delayed it is
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justice denied supposed to be transparent i want to thank the cosponsored of the resolution urging ethices to get rid of their become log by working with the city controller's city service audit division. this is a core function i want to thank supervisor preston, chan, mandelman, ronen and safai for cosponsorship and safai for suggestion perhaps we need to amend their code to say they need them done in 24 months after the election has finished. i'm also introducing a resolution with regard to the decision pursuant to section 13 penalty within 04 of the charter by the election's commission.
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to -- at this point not renew the contract for a term director go out with a recruitment. for any number of reasons i think that -- 9 we thank you is a department that works this we have no need to change in the middle of the streamful said that, i had now a number of productive and hopeful low promising initial communications with members of the election's commission and made it/khrer that it is my inupon tent had is expressed in the resolution that i'm sprucing cosponsored by 9 of you this board of supervisors
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under powerhouse granted by the power has no intention and is declaring such funding said executive recruitment search. they must act by the 21st day of april. with a lack of funds i think this is a foregone conclusion, but, i do understand this they had they dhn different low and said a number of years ago that they would go sxout do this search it would be a different situation. so, i think it is incumbent on this board to work with them in good faith and also to acknowledge that in 5 year's time they will need funds to do such recruitment and sxaefrp that we as a matter of policy intent to funds that in 5 year's time. work in progress, thank you for your cosponsorship and finally
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i'm introducing a policy resolution with regard to automated vehicles in the city of san francisco. relative to very basic policies in and around the area of safety, transparency and accountability for all of the entrants from the field some things expressed you to by our staff at the san francisco transportation authority. and the san francisco municipal transportation agency. including but in the limited to the vehicles need to be able to pullover to drop passages off accommodate emergency vehicles. make their crash data transparent and public low available and available to government. as well as common sense policy statements.
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and then finally, colleagues i want to adjourn today's meeting in sadness for 2 truly san francisco characters. that hail friday district 3. one of them i think some of you might remember on the occasion of his hundredth birthday, supervisor safai and i actually visited with his survivor also known, ms. daze mc karther. the day that jon hider who celebrated his 101st birthday passed away during of the pandemic. half of central police station and the firefighter's from knob hill and station 41 came out to busch street on 900 block to wish him his happy hundredth.
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and a neighbor brought out a harm and he john road on that for a block. born in scarsdale, new york to michael and ana hider. and went on to scars dale high school. and became obsessed with following his father's foot steps as an artist. his father was a famous paint and johnmented follow suit and kind of did. became a house paint and i recall he went on to work for henry dolljefferpaint nothing daly city when the suburbs started in the 50s. john painted joe diimagine i don't's sister's home in the city. he told his neighbors about his brush with history and later returns to fainting homes before getting the urge to try his hand
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at being an author wrote for lovely newspapers. before his mother became sick in the upon hospital where he met his lifelong friends baiz daisy working at the hospital in new york at that time. john's mother passed at 1024 and he decided to move back to san francisco in the late 1980s. he and ms. daisy had become close friends and neighbors. his caretaker and taking care of many other folks not guilty neighborhood. for those who knew job he was a read and writer. loved politics and held about all quirks of history, like playing the ponies and gaming in reno. told neighbors stories the people he friendsed at city hall and the neighborhood.
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and earlier this month, john attended a public safety meeting of knob hill i attended with captain farm and city staff and everybodimented their picture taken with him and had our public works supervisor laughing as he told her stories growing up at the turn of the century. everybody marveled how sharp he was at the age of 101. i want to say that this neighborhood is so great because of people like john and ms. daze and he gar and he others who look out for their neighbors and i'm going to miss him and my heart goes out to ms. daze and he his community. colleagues you may have read in the chronicle date book of the passing of 74 tony bravo a legendary local artist,
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wonderful individual and friend. gotten allace mo-mo. i did not realize until after his passing his name was richard anderson. lived at the china town community development center on grant avenue and was a part of the north beach artist scene. he was born in new jersey to richard anderson and margaret oshg brian. attended boston university and move to the city after a stint and oregon commune. worked preschool taupe in the haight a perfect vocation for him. he was very muchave child himself in ways. created art from found tomorrows with his students before landing many souls ends up in the heart of north beach will where he would make art and scatter it upon about the neighborhoods lone it against hire hydrants
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and buildings for people to pick up. moment began patienting with our former poet city light's book store foundy and doochtd m-moin the 80's the surreal poets sids mo-mowas the king of fools. his appearances being be deceiving and not until you walked away from autopsy the cuff or nonsensical reaction had a deeper meaning might hit you like his art work. and this was another tough one for our community and folks in the neighborhood are broken up now. and our village lost an extraordinary and gentle soul with artistic voice.
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he was very funny but piece had sadness about loss and love and lone liness. he created simple and direct cartoons with bittersweet observations about life's tough realities. jesse james create aid documentary about him called american outsider king of the idiot this is captured his special character and extension the special character of the neighboring he chose, north beach when we lose a legend like this it is felt bee deeply and i extend condollences to daughter kate and peggy his 5 grandchildren, the north beach community and his dear friend and neighbor who took care of him and showered him with love suzanne and the rest i submit.
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>> thank you supervisor peskin. supervisor preston. colleagues today i'm offering an memory for lori jones neighbors. who passed away on november first, 20 twoochlt lori was 56. survived by her husband gordon, her children, and daughter in law. and grandson and siblings mike jones. preston lacy and lisa nicholson lacy. lori was a friend a social justice activist. and a dedicated public servant served on the sunshine ordinance task force in san francisco. she was born at a fort worth home for unwed mothers and given up for adoptionful raised by marvin and jimmie jones in
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lubbock texas and attendses texas tech quarter. 2 masters one in rhetoric and competition from texas tech and the other in sociology from university of california irvine. she became a professor for under resourced students in universities and college in texas. oregon and california. in the public health department of san francisco state university. focusing on public health. the senior director of strategic initiatives at urban habitat an organization in the behave area works to power and advance equal potts policies to create a just bay area for low income communities of color.
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among other things the architect of the boards and commissions leadership institute. a high low successful program kwoek focussed on preparing and placing resident leaders on local and regional boards and commissions. through this work i net lori over a decade ago. when she invited me to be a guest speaker on housing justice with her bcli cohort. loreef found and managed her own consulting company cities and people she specialized in developing programs and policies that transform barriers for those who lack public decisionmaking power. the group provided services to an impressive number of organizations across the state of california. recipient of teaching awards and in 2016 proud to be included on
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the living city's list of 25 disruptive leader w to improve out come for low income people. board member of transform a california policy organization promotes walkable community and equal transportation policy. lori was unanimously appointed in 2021 by the board of supervisors to of the san francisco sunshine ordinance. task force. for which served a member of the compliance and amendment committee in chair of rules committeeism know that she is already missed by member of the task force many reached out. in expressed their profound -- and loss of lori on the task force and her passing. lori's curiosity about her birth
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parents lead her on a search for information. not surprisingly her quest for information hit wall after wall but that did not stop her from continuing on her search for decades. until she found the information she was looking for. and through that experience became a strong advocate for a adoptee rights. her experience lead her to value and strife for gentleman transparency she put to use as a member of the sunshine ordinance task force. lori was a warm and loving person. a people loving introw vert and prolific artist enjoyed painting. ambiguity. photography, beading and many other crafts. she loveed bake are read. propagate plants. walks with dog and she was a huge, huge giant's fan. known as the imformal mayor of
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section 150. hoe and gordon had season tickets out there and lori took it upon herself to make sure that her section was welcoming and enjoyable for new faces and fans. ultimate low what made loreef a force was her kindness and infell jens, moral clairerity and relentless optimism. lori's life was no means easy on her own at a young age. a disability and never able to meet her birth mother. but as her husband gordon put it lori took the and despite everything lore never lost the sense a better world was possible. >> lori's passing is a true loss she was a light and beacon of hope for our community and i and
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others will miss her very much. extend my condolenses to her husband and all of her family and lived once. rest in peace and power lori jones neighbors. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor preston >> supervisor ronen. >> supervisor safai. >> thank you. colleagues early this among we held a hearing regarding to discuss nonproffer bake are accomplices and the issue of outside. ployment for public health employees. as you recall a senior public employee filed the request for outside level i have no problem
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employees earning outside income. i'm sending a letter asking weather ethics review in screening should be required in cases an employee is receiving compensation from a city contractor in their owen d. my hopes is they can provide an answer over the holiday break. and adopt procedures that prevent this activity from occurring in the future. just to remind folks that nonprofit city employee -- to -- supervisor stefani's point the head of jail house services and was then necessary to be on call 24 hours. the oitdz employment required on call 24 hours. there was not any way one could
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do 2 jobs on call 24 hours in the same time on top of the struggling entity we are now all having to deal with that provides vital services to our city. >> so, like to have a better knowing of the 22 additional employees what conflicts there may exist and get to the bottom when we talk about mental health services and other vital public health services in the city. the rest i submit >> thank you, mr. president. that concludes roll call. go to public comment. thank you. the board of supervisors welcomes your general public comment board will prioritize participation from the atendee in person after those who call in the to the remote system. meeting is airing live on channel 26 or the live stream at
5:34 pm if you participate remote the number and meeting id were on the agenda and streams on your screen. press pound twice and will heart discussions but you will be muted. press star 3 torn the queue. and that will be your queue to begin comments. during today's public comment you may speak on the minutes at the beginning. item 34 which is on consideration for consideration on the adoption without committee reference and general matters not on today's agenda but in the subject matter jurisdiction all other content will be reported by the board where the public comment requirement was full filled. item 28 the ordinance regarding police department equipment is in the eligible for public
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comments 6 hearings were held in committee. any member what mentioned police department equipment will be interruptd and asked to redirect comments or will be moving on to the next speaker. the board of supervisors accept your written comments u.s. mail at san francisco board of supervisors 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place city hall room 244, san francisco, california. or e mail at bos we are joined by our partners from civic engage and all invite them to provide instruction in language for members of the public we have agnus for chinese. arturo for spanish and raymond for filipino. [instruction in chinese]
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hello i'm brent turner. i'm some of you know me an advocate for open source election systems and applaud the board for voting 11-zero to move forward with the system. there has been and if you want to see me on amazon prime on a documentary featuring me with former ci adirector. documentary the real activist. the reason i'm here is because there has been a story on fox news with tuck are carlson attacking the president of the election's commission. and the commission. for mentioning the word equity in relationship to the executive sthaefrp supervisor peskin mentioned. we hope you reconsider and fund
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this search and don't kick can down the road 5 years, there has been a paper authored today boy california clean money that highlights the rational for the executeef search moving forward immediately and not for the reasons stated by the local press including the mission local folks. they mentioned that equity was the only reason and think that would be enough reality is that there is a list of indiscretions out in the paper by california clean money that show we need to strengthen the bench with the election's commission we hope you reconsider that and don't want you oshg lined with fox news or tuck are carlson. thank you very much. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> i'm daved submit a long time resident and i volunteer at san
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francisco coordinator for the california clean money campaign. i hope that you will revow letter sent today to you from the california clean money campaign. california association of voting officials and national voting right's task force. our letter raised 5 issues about the current director's actions the past 4 years. view of the occurrence we believe that a candidate search is necessary. and we note that voters which are equal to the election director and election director from other california counties face an election every 4 years in this case the director has been in office for 20 years. we ask the board of supervisors not impede funding for an executive search for elections director in which the current
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election's director is encouraged to be ape candidate. after 20 years san francisco should have a chance to sigh if there are other qualified candidates for elections director. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> i'm here about mission neighborhood center again. a mother and great mother the restraining order for fighting for the community. i will not be able to open my house for a xhield a teen nobody wants a teen. and imented to bring a teen to my home. i came from nobody helped mow in my community. district 10. but sad about it i don't know where the kick down going mission neighborhood and you guy's areas all your areas mission neighborhood centers are
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so what is it with the neap got so much lies they put on me to slanlder a black peurto rican mother? they slandered me and won across the street mented say, you can't come in orbit community and rob the community. poor and black and latin people. white poor people of that's all i did and that's what i got. was a restraining order i will be here every at this times and complain and ask you guy what is it is going on. what are you getting, is there a kick back you are getting guess when they keep winning and we keep losing. that's to you, too. mr. district 10. they scombin we keep losing you know that's okay to have i'm getting out i will be back and i will fight i'm a loving 62 year old mother that i am bayview.
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and i'm going to keep fighting. thank you i made it on time. >> thank you. do we have other speakers in person? seeing 99 we'll go ahead and move to the remote call in system. mr. kevin lamb from the clerk's office. >> i like to submit this letter. you can take it to the side and somebody will get it for you. mr. kevin lamb is check for example remote attendees if you have call in the press star 3 to enter the speaker's queue and wait for the system it indicate you have been unmuted that will be your knew to comment. can we get the first caller. >> supervisors, francisco decosta. i was listening to your deliberation. what i want to state to the
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supervisors you have a supervisor and i see his back. they never get temperature never get it. what i want to say is -- i'm interested in the quality of life issues that affect san francisco. what can happening at the [inaudible]. what is happening with the new whole foods? wla is happening the united nation plaza? the united nation's [inaudible] sign in san francisco. i am interested in quality life issues. streets, dirt. you see filthy needles. i am interested in helping our children. trying to have them am a new [inaudible] in am congregate
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situations that's what i'm interested inform thank you very much. >> thank you mr. decosta, next speaker, please. yea. i realize i'm at the wrong is ridiculous to give police a kill are robot. >> i'm mauz pausing, redirect your comments otherwise we'll move on to the next caller. >> no , i don't have other comments >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> hello. this is michael calling to remind the supervisors that you have only a 12% approval rating. i want to point to the oak land city council takes public
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comment at item one at their meetings. at the most recent meeting of the oak land city council they heard from 46 members of the public. before they got down to their business. and i am asking the san francisco board of supervisors to consider putting public comment as item number one. so that we don't have to wait 3 hours or longer for 2 minutes of public comment. just as you said a set time for when you engage political masturbation where you make introductions and hand out commendations and stop the meetings so you can take photos with constituents, we also need to say to everyone in san francisco that the board of supervisors will will respect
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the public bile giving us public comment as item number one. if you did this not only would the public be better respected but i suspect your approval ratings would rise up from a measly 12%. that you have now. finally, i am calling for a town hall meeting in the catch row neighborhood about the castro theatre. we must save the castro theatre and the seats inside and keep the castro theatre iconic. thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. hi. i have a procedural question and hypothetical question. so if the amendment on 28 does pass. this matter is not eligible for
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public comment. redirect your comment to another subject. i'm not giving public comment on the item i'm asking whether public comment. >> this is our time to hear if you if you like to provide comments we will take it. >> yes. i would like if you have comments call our front desk if you have questions call the office. i'm not making public comment about the content i'm asking whether public comment will be allowed at the second reading. no there will not be this is not a question and answer time. we will move on. i asked -- the supervisors to consider that. >> can we get the next caller, please.
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this might sound it is retort to earlier ruling i request being permitted to speak as a personal comment i was planning on sharing long before the items overnight holiday a made requests to government for law enforcement misconnect and a car was passing my home with a strange yellow light came up behind me and cameras and technology i wished i had the option to decline consent. google gathering my location or shelter. no scene option exists. in my experience with computers remote control by hackers or law enforcement. or both. nobody notified you so you can avert what command is put in your device. no life look. no updated operating system.
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no [inaudible] of complete control over your settings can ride the superior tech noveling hackers and law enforcement. when any future on wheels or stationary is remote low controlled boy hacker bad cop or good the steering wheel regardless of what your screen indicates the i const. special options. we are surrounded by robots with google cars and google has no contracts. not armed. what is the plan to subdue the first hacked computer robot programmed codes. or simple low witness tampering when the witness everwitnessed police misconduct. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please.
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[inaudible] disash pointed hear supervisor mandelman historic preservation commission for land marking moved january 7th [inaudible] it is a rough week for the queer community with the colorado springs and the mosconi murders this past [inaudible]. all [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker] thank you
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for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. good evening supervisors jill here i don't plan on call nothing i want to condemn a qualification michael that trellis mark an active self pleasure i appreciate if the board president said that in the presence of your comments member of the board you can direct your comments to the board as a whole. >> okay. i would like to with draw and rephrase my remark and ask the board reach out to mr. patrellis
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when there are 4 working mops on the board it is inappropriate to make references to sexual content of any kind i'm an open government advocate and deeply hurt about mr. patrellis comments and want to comdem them i sit at home watching you perform and you do what you do the thankless work do you so well. i want to thank the supervisor who is spoken out against gun violence i'm a gun violence survivor. and i also want to say very briefly i greatly appreciate the remote testimony i hope i have never abuse today and hope you will be reserve exclude did in the plan on call figure but the res by mr. patrellis have no accomplice in your chamber or around supervisor stefani or
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other working mom. thank you, have a great evening and be save. thank you for your service. >> thank you for sharing your comments. >> do we have other callers in the queue. >> we have no callers. >> thank you. mr. president. >> thank you madam clerk. public comment is closed. madam clerk let's go back to item 28. and for the record item 28 is the ordinance regarding the funding acquisition and use of police department equipment. >> thank you. supervisor peskin. >> thank you, president walton colleagues in consultation with the city attorney's office i offer the following modification to be set forth on page 8 of the ordinance at line 8 -- that would modify section 1.8.5
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replacing out weighs any other force option available to sfpd with the following:officers cannot subduty threat after using alternative force options for deescalation tactics options or conclude they will not be able to subduty threat after evaluating alternative force options and deescalation tactists the chaef, assist san or department chief may authorize the use of robots as a deadly force option. >> thank you, supervisor safai your second still in order >> supervisor ronen >> like to divide the question. >> thank you. >> madam clerk. supervisor ronen wishes to divide the question >> into the first and second sentence >> i will so for the first
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portion of the amendment offered by supervisor peskin. supervisor stefani. >> aye >> supervisor walton. >> no. >> supervisor chan. >> aye. >> supervisor dorse >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor preston. >> aye >> supervisor ronen. >> no >> supervisor safai >> aye. 9 aye's 2 no with supervisors walton and ronen in decent. >> thank you. 9-2 the motion to amend passes. on the remaining portion. >> second question supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> supervisor walton. >> aye. >> supervisor chan.
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>> aye. >> supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye >> supervisor melgar. >> aye >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor preston. >> aye. >> supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye >> there are 11 aye's. >> thank you on on the remaining motion the passes unanimously. madam clerk now on the amended item 28. >> on the ordinance as amended supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> supervisor walton. >> no. >> supervisor chan. >> aye. >> supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor mar. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin.
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>> aye. >> supervisor preston. >> no. >> supervisor ronen. >> no. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> there are 8 aye's and 3 no's with supervisors walton. preston and robe then decent. >> amended item 28 pass says boy a vote of 8 to 3 on first reading. >> madam clerk go to adoption without committee reference item 34. >> yes. of item there are was introduced for adoption without reference a unanimous vote is required for this first reading and interest supervisor may require residence tlougz go to committee. item 34 support human rights of people of iran human rights abuses in iran and the release of political prisoners and standing with the women and people of iran.
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>> thank you. supervisor safai. >> thank you. colleagues. so, it interesting things happen in the iran the last 2 months. but they all started unexpected leave when a woman was taken into custody by morality police near not covering her hair appropriately. she die custody it starred out pouring of support lead by and ushered in by the force of women. not guilty country. standing up for basic human rights. something i think that in many ways has not been seen in a
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language time in our history. young girls passovered a video channing at the principal to leave the schooliard t. means shame. and they were saying it over and over again. the people of country truly risen up and demanding basic human rights. thing that the beautiful nature is that it is lead by women, young, older. and -- middle aged all different ages. students. and it is in many ways a leader manslaughter movement there is no leader
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