tv Public Works Commission SFGTV December 2, 2022 10:00am-2:30pm PST
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>> 10. of the 02 a.m. secretary fuller call the roll. >> good morning. respond with here or present. newhouse-segal. >> present. >> lauren post. >> here. paul woolford has a planned absence. >> zoubi. >> present. >> with 3 members present we have quorum for public works commission. >> due to the covid-19 health emergency and given the health recommendations by the san francisco department of public health and the emergency orders of the governor and mayor concerning social distancing and lifting restrictions on
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teleconference this meeting is held via teleconference and streamed by sfgovtv. >> for those of you watching the live stream be aware that there is a brief time lag with the meeting and what is shown on sfgovtv. on behalf of the commission i would like to extend thanks to sfgovtv media services and building management staff for assistance in putting on this meeting. >> for members of the public who wish to comment on an item from outside the hearing room dial 415-655-0001 and use access code: 2489 845 4467 ## to raise your hand to speak press star 3. note you must limit comments to the topic of agenda item
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discussed. unless you are speak under the general public comment section. and to reminds you if you don't stay on the topic the chair may interrupt and you limit your comment to the agenda item. public comment made in a respectful manner and that you refrain from the use of profanity. address all remarks to the commission as a whole not individual commissioners or staff. madam chair. >> thank you. before calling the next item i would like to amend the agenda in 2 ways. first of all. i would like to postpone item 800 autopublic works director of hiring update. my understanding is that the city's hr department is moving the process along with the search firm this has been retaind and will have more information at the next meeting on december 16th.
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and there is nothing for them to tell us today i don't want to take time on the agenda. i am proposing we move that to december 16th meeting. and my second proposal i would like to pull one item from consent and move it to the regular calendar. this is item 3b the city hall elevator modernization construction of contract award. i would like to move that to the regular calendar and before i do that i would like to be sure that there are staff here that account answer a few questions about that project since they may not have anticipate third degree would not be on consent. yes, i believe we have staff here. lips that she is here and
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hopefully can address your questions. gi appreciate that. all right. those are my 2 proposed changes are there requests from the commission to further amend the order of our agenda today. >> great. thank you very much. hearing nothing further we'll move on to my announcements. i have a couple. i department to call the commission and public's attention to the issue of the department's news letter in the works. this is a regular news letter that come out and i find informative about the department's many projects as well as featuring various staff members. i it not only the visuals are informative picture worth a thouz anldz words butt text that accompanies the pictures i encourage reading over coffee when you can take a few minute its is well worth temperature i would like to commend rachael
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gordon and her team for xoous producing that news letter on a regular bases and it be informtive and the cross section of the many projects and activities dpw is involved. i did have one question for mrs. gordon or someone about that. it was about the nice information about parklets and the permitting deadline and the health information on how people learn about them putting one in and taking one out and maintaining one is this broadcast widely so that business owners will not see, i never heard of this. >> thank you, commissioner. rachael gordon public works communication director. well is a city wide communication's effort around the shared space program. there is a communication director through the planning department and we have weekly meetings with the mta, health department, mta, public works
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and planning around this. we hole workshops and work with the restaurant association. golden gate strunlt association on that. there are news letters bulletins and e mails that go out there is also people who go more or less door to door who gallon out and talk to the entered restaurant ordinance and existing ones. fire department is involved as well. so it hen a robust operation and isllow planning with the help of the other departments. agreement thank you very much will that sounds like comprehensive out reach and pleased to hear this is happening. thank you. the other item i had was to ask secretary fuller if he has announce ams we don't have a special accomplice on the agenda today. jot announcement i have for the commission is that we have our
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meeting on friday december 16th. before that date you should receive an approximately of availability for date in 2023. updated dates for the potential updated dates for the spring as well as dates for june through or july through december to complete the calendar year. look for that, commissioners, you should be receiving that by early next week. >> thank you that concludes or business. we'll move on to item 1. secretary fuller call that item. >> equip 1 is general public comment. members of the public may address the commission on topics that are within the subject matter of the commission but in the per of this agenda. comments specific toage item on
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the agenda may be heard when that is considered. and members of the public may address the commission for up to 3 minutes. general opinion comment may be continued if -- general -- speakers exceed 15 minutes of general public comment. members of the public who wish to make 3 machines of comment may lineup further from the door if present in the commission room. and if you are calling in use the phone number 415-655-0001, access code: 2489 845 4467 ## then press star 3 to enter the queue. i will set a time are for 15 minutes for when speakers beginful looking around the room
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it does not appear we have commenters here physically. sfgovtv, do we have? do we have any members of public in the queue calling in? we do have 2 members in the queue. please unmute the first call and caller you will have 3 minutes to speak and you will receive a 30 second notice when your time is about to expire. >> good morning, commissioners i'm richard grossman. i'm calling about 2 things, one is -- trying to get mta to make improvements and specific low putting speed radar signs on copeland street. i have been waiting 4 years special they keep telling me public work system holding it up. i wish you would have a hearing
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on the relationship between public works and sfmta and may be some of those functions need to be merged in one department? and why it is taking so long to get, this was before the pandemic. we can't blame it all on the pandemic i know it slowed things down and workers but this has been going on way before the pandemic. ands issue i'm a fan of the commission and hope when you have projects that will go before your committee and not happen what happened on 38th on balboa between 34th and 39th when they put in a project the people did not want. and if you want to know more you can ask gordon she knows about it. i hope they will not try to
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shove things down our athlete without there was a couple meetings and people does not want it and the representative from public works says i'm going to do it anyway. what attitude is that. i hope all projects in there will be notice of the meetings so we can have a say in the projects. approximate if we don't want them you need to listen to us. thank you. the second call e please. >> we can hear you it sounds a little garbled. is this better? >> a little better. >> okay. i will switch to the phone after this item of good morning david
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pillpel. several points on procedure. i don't object to the agenda changes that were announced and appreciate they were made at the beginning. i think postponing item 8 requires public comment and a motion. when you get there it is know agendized item and subject to comment and i think a simple motion from the commission to postpone at the next meeting will be in order. pulling item 3b requires no motion and i believe that item should be heard after the rest of the cal dash before item 4. that's my suggestion on procedure. i believe the dpw staff yesterday did a fine job with the issues resulting from the rain and rachael gordon was good
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on explaining the 3 issue around [inaudible] on mission between [inaudible]. also since your last meet iing connected with staff on an issue and we are headed administrative hearing on this. i think i mentioned before at the commission, would be helpful for me and that the commissioners and the public to have -- an item with administrative hearings and dpw director orders and now those prospects currently workd and to the extent they are [inaudible] there are changes to those procedures. but that has in the been explained well on the website or public. and having a little explanation about those [inaudible] would be great. those are my general public comments more later. thanks for listening.
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>> thank you, caller. >> and sfgovtv is indicating that new caller has come on. please unmute that caller and caller, you will have 3 minutes to speak general public comment. and i prom vied you with a 30 second notice. hello, good morning, commissioners. i'm harsh a student at san francisco state university. i wanted to bring to your attention some of the traffic dangers near 19th and hallway. a few classmate and myself had close calls by the passing traffic that is sometimes at speed and he not well montord or checked by the police or really
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anybody else. other attempts and at times in school where people have been run over or been harmed by caros that fast street when turning on 19th avenue toward [inaudible] toward north. somented bring that to your attention. that is our final commenter during general public comment. we'll move to item 2. call that item. >> item 2 is the director's report. carla short is here to present the report and this is an informational item.
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interim director carla short. there are a few issues i want to bring to your attention the first being the noe valley town square toilet. you may have heard built controversy surrounding proposed public toilet for the noe valley town square on 24th near sanchez there is miss information and i want to make sure that you all actually have the facts. it has been reported the toilet would cost conpublicity 7 million and this estimate came from public works. i would like to be clear that was not a public works estimate. nor is this a public works project. a little background in february of of 2020 a public works architect who worked on other p projects was asked by rec and park capitol team about the cost
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of the modular restroom for mc clarin park and a bedroom with a similar footprint would cost. we gave a rough estimate of 450,000 not including utility work for the entire construction cost. this was a very general unofficial estimate. did in the rely on site specific analysis. reshg p did not ask us to work on the noe valley town square project we did not go through our normal cost estimation process which is very thorough and takes in account the work scope, a renovation versus construction. materials to be used. utility hook ups which can be a big cost in the projects. labor analysis. what staff would be needed and how much time and then review of similar projects we delivered. if we are asked to give a formal
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estimate we go through all of those steps. in the case we were not asked, this was just a rough based on a similar size what it might be. again, saying it for the record, public work dids not develop the 1 opinion 7 million dollars budget. rec and park built the budget based on their assumptions and with the goal of making sure they had sufficient resources for the project it get done this came about because of matt hene secured a grant at the request on behalf of the community. i realment to emphasize the rec and park department is a great partner of ours we take great provide in the beautiful park play ground and rec center projects we delivered on their behalf. from providing design and engineering and construction management. the working relationship has
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benefited the people of san francisco and expect this partnership to continue for generations we are stronger together. unfortunately public works unfair low got caught up in this toilet controversy. at this week's board of supervisors supervisor melgar requested more information on our design and project delivery fees and asked for a cost comparison with the private sector. we started work on that report and look forward to the opportunity to discuss the professional public works and engineers, architects. lawned scapeers. project managers, construction managers and affair's experts bring to the delivery projects. >> i wanted think bring this issue to your attention and we will have further discussions moving forward. >> and speaking of toilets. we rolled out our new public
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toilet in partnership with the jc street furniture company public works having a new generation of public toilets the first at embarcadero plaza before thanksgiving. in time for the holiday the and pandemic rebirth of the city. public works made sure the 25 toilets come at no cost to the city. jc under writes the design, manufacturing, installation and daily maintenance of the public toilets and return their grant the right to insteal 114 sidewalk advertising kiosks throughout downtown, financial district and popular tourist areas this has been in existence since 1994 when the original art newo toilets and advertising can i of courses were placed on sidewalks and replacing one for
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one the aging ash menities with updated and more efficient designs. it is some asked why are we replacing it is important to note they have been out on the streets for decades now and really are starting to become difficult to repair. and the new ones have a lot of new efficiencies and more effective cleaning systems and have a sky light there the better lighting during the day and mechanical systems upgraded. the toilets self clean after every use and the hand washing system is strong and energy efficient. the new toileting will do a better job and cool to see that mech niche the whole toilet actually folds up and is cloned.
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as before the public toilets accessible to people with disabilities and connected to our city sewer, water and electric lines. in addition, jc will pay 2.2 million a year for staffing at 11 of the toilets part of our pit stop program they are designed to be self cloning but in order for them to feel safe and welcoming in some of the toilets will have this staff person there. they will be rolled out the next several years and build the new ones am it will tick time to get all of the 24 additional toilets replaced. i encourage to you check out the new one at embarcadero plaza. it is beautiful and -- it is neat and you should the newark menities are quite impressive. on to other topics i wanted let you know next week at 5:30 on
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thursday will have a ribbon cutting for the upper market street improvement project. we be joined by mayor breed and supervisor mandelman. the project runs along market from octavia to castro and the goal is to make the sfreet safer and more beautiful. work includes traffic signal upgrades, curb ramps, new bike lane buffer and bulb outs to shorten crossing for pedestrians and wider meadians, new bike racks andistry trees. it is unusual for us to have a ribbon cutting in the evening. but we wanted to show case a cool element up lighting of the palm trees on the market street median between gerero and castro the colors can be changed to reflect holidays and events. when the giants win next world series or if they sign a
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contract with aaron judge or -- we could up light with orange. multicolor rainbow colors during the pride celebrations. have red, white and blue for fourth of july. this project is in collaboration with the sfmta and the county transportation authority as well as the castro cbd. our team provided engineering and landscape work and public out reach and project and construction management service. we welcome you all there if you like to join us at 5:30 next thursday at the market, laguna and her man streets intersection. i also.ed give a big shout out to the sanitation and streets and soon to be our operations team for work responding to the first dig big storm on wednesday
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into thursday. yesterday evening we cleared 140 catch baseince. relieve flooding at 6 intersections. patched 15 potholes and responded half a dozen do you understand trees a couple across from our office at van ness. a fiek us tree fell and will ne.k over the over head muni thankfully no one was heard and no property judge. municipal he to reroute muni street bus. after that a second street shed a large limb and took down that entire tree and 2 others on the block. it was a significant impact. i remment to thank in addition to our own crews the sfmta and fire department they were helping keep the area safe and it was a long day but in the
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ends it is a safer spot. and lastly i wanted to wrap up with sobering but not unexpected news. we seen anup tick in covid case amongst staff and the community at large. i think we are reminding our staff to follow the best practices to reduce risk and prevent spread includes getting updated on boosters and getting a flu shot. and will that concludes my report. this evening >> this chair short. i have a couple of question and reminder i do this for myself and everybody that we if we have questions this will be the time then public comment and we make comments. we'll hold our comments for after public comment that this is the time for questionsil start off. a couple.
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yesterday i did see a crew out clearing a flooded storm drain in my neighborhood and i was about to go up and say hi to staff it looked like puc staff temperature is all hand's on deck in the situations and they assist with storm drain? >> yes. the puc supports our program to clear catch basins that is their infrastructure. so it is all hands on deck our crews go out first on see if it is surface blockage causing problems with catch base and i know we will clear this. if our crews are not able to clear it and the issue is further down we call out the puc to respond they have crews out looking for flooding in these events. we have aune 5ed storm response call we stands up when we know a storm is predicted. tell be i day or 2 before the
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storm and throughout the day on the storm and we have staff prosecute public works, puc and other agencies off the mta on there as well and we doll a follow up the day after the storm to debrief and get lessons learned. >> thank you that is helpful and will my other question for deputy city attorney topp this item is on the agenda in this location the correspondence log what is our commission's obligation, if any, to address matters that in the log. and what do other commission dos? deputy city attorney chris tom the materials have been posted and are available for public
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inspection. i think that commission can address or not specific low address the items that are in the log. >> thank you. and do all commissions have i log is it similar protocol. >> i believe that is the best practice that most commissions follow i will get become to you on the specific break down if i can find that information. that would be great i don't want to igin an obligation you may have and i don't want to take on one we don't require to take on since we have our plate full. i will look forward to getting more on that. thank you. >> those are my questions. >> for director short's report. any other questions before public comment. >> commissioner zoubi. >> thank you for your report. hopefully make it to the opening of upper market ribbon kuth.
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>> i did see that at the embarcadero but there were working on and it looks great. and -- hopefully tell be a success. jc for providing funding. my question is about the trees. and i always ask about the trees. it seems like those trees they caution a lot of problems and e signal my neighborhood in north beach. it is like crashed on a couple of cars. historically. what is being done and how was this scheduled the scheduling of maintaining those trees going?
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are we think burglar replacing them? i saw a video for dpw vo that you were talking about how when you cut one side the weight goes to the other side and that's why they crash when there is rain what is being done? i like to talk about proactive rather than reactive. i know thap spot where we pulled the tree off. is safer now but it was safer 5 minutes before that. what is being done here? >> thank you. commissioner. a number of things so our urban forestry inspectors go out inspect trees around the city. we try to do that in advance of our crews or contractors out to do maintenance work. when they inspect a tree they
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are look at whether that tree should be pruned or if it should be identified for removal p. we always try to maintain will mature trees as long as we can in the landscape and the streets of san francisco mature trees provide the greatest initial environmental benefit and ecosystem services to the city. but we have recognized for the last several years that some of the fiek us trees because of their structure and i could go to more but i will resist that urge. are prone to very large limb failure has those limbs get large there is less risk when the trees are younger. but as they become more mature their limbs are large and the way they are attached to the
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main stem they're prone to limb failures we developed criteria to evaluate ficus trees we do it with a detailed criteria allows us to look for factors that would make them a recommendation for removal rather than retention. wore proactive in looking at all of the street trees but ficua in particular. i want to note because we are stiff also looking for replace the trees and groat urban forest, there is a lot of public concern about removing trees and -- if we can't give a guaranteed time which we will replace them. and so -- in general we are always look to preserve mature trees about there are additional attention on every proposed tree
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removal and often go through public hearingseen if a tree we identified for removal. we are conservative in our prop to removals but public safety is our primary goal and if we have to we'll fight to remove a tree if we continuing is a safety concernful i want to note that while it it is a science and staff are trained, it can be difficult on predict certain tree failures. i think am we do our best and look at trees but when we look at the tree it is a moment in time. that we assessd that tree. conscience may change thereafter and may not have been able to predict it. i think we have done a good job of identifying tree and removing them you never prove you removed a tree before it failed. but our team is commit and i had
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think this they we encourage them to maintain their considerables in tree risk assessment. and so they are well train in the assessing the risk trees. >> yea. to follow up. so, a tree is inspect the, how long after that would there be another inspection or follow up and is there anywhere written that check mark or a tag thatting was inspected? there is in the a tag on the tree but maintain a data base and record inspections in the did thea base. in terms of the frequency that will dem pend on the circumstances. so if we get a call about a tree, we will try to go out and inspect that tree reactive low to that call. if someone says i'm worry body this tree. has a lean it was not there
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before. we will go and inspect that tree as a one off rather in preparation for crews. certain trees will put on a frequency inspection. we retain treeos 24th street as a condition of retaining them. other trees not in high risk if were to fail tell impact something and those might be the green space we manage.
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they are not used by the public but we are responsible for the changes and space and -- you know again a healthy fine tree in a space like that has low risk failure and low risk if a limb were to break off if not an area used by the public we may not have to look for many years our goal to inspect all the street trees like the pruning cycle. >> thank you. commissioner segal. >> say its is on. >> okay. so the next last discussion that
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you had, for [inaudible] what we have talked about at prior meetings which is i would -- especially now after the most recent vote on the 2022 prop b. i know we will learn to interact with sas in a new way. i stilled like to see the minutes of the sas meetings. i believe i requested that prior meetings. we don't get those and i think they should be sent to us so that because a lot of how they interact with the merchants and visitors it san francisco in terms of the responsibilities of sas they are dealing with the questions. it is my understandings at their meetings. i think that would help all of us your questions are excellent,
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commissioner zoubi. i know that people that we represent that know this we are on this commission ask us the questions about the most visible public works, works. and it is often it is not what we do it is things that sas deals with every day. can you make sure we get the minutes and the agendas if they are specific enough am i think that the minutes would be more when we want to see. >> commissioner, bob fuller. commission secretary for both commissions, the most recent november 21st sas commission meeting their minutes will be finished in draft form today and i will make sure you get those and i will pass ones along with them and the agendas that are located on their website i can make sure you get those. >> that would be great.
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would be helpful to me i don't know about the rest of the commission but could you send mow the minutes of all of past meetings since they start in the july so we know going forward had they have been working on and know in terms of how we work with them in the approximate future what -- might be helpful. >> thank you. open public comment. members of the public who wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item twot director's report. may lineup against the wall u mean are call nothing dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2489 845 4467 ## then press star 3 to enter the queue.
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no one risen or approached speak on this item. sfgovtv do we have members in the queue look to speak on this item. we have one member of the public wish to speak on this. caller have you 3 minutes to speak. great. daved again. i'm on the computer, [inaudible]. on item 2 responding in part to acting chair corresponding my experience to practice [inaudible] between commissions
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some don't publish a [inaudible] i think is bad. those that do, generally include it in the attachments. i think prior to the meeting, it is useful for the commission secretary to respond very briefly to the item of correspondence from the public and acknowledge it has been received and will be distributed to all members of commission. in some cases if it relates to an appeal or legal matter wore whatever it may be useful to -- >> and whatever appropriate for a type of core sponldance that clarify the commission's role. active meetings like today a member of the commission or the
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commission as a whole desires a response to an item. and to say may i see it from and there is this and [inaudible] objections from the commissioners that response goes from the commission secretary but in my experience commission respondses to the case of public correspondence. otherwise it is there to benefit the commission and the public and the on the record and available a good practice in my opinion and one should be careful to redact the materials prior to posting if redaction is in in order. i hope that helps. >> thank you. >> thank you. sfgovtv indicating we have no
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further public commenters on the item. >> thank you. i have a few comments on director short's report. and a quick follow up to commissioner newhouse segal. secretary fuller, perhaps after each sas meeting if you could sends all of us an e mail with the link to their meeting agendas and then minutes that will suffice. may be your newark cystant on his or heritor do list just an e mail with the link for those i would be grateful. also secretary fuller, i would be grill for an old fashion clipping service when dpw is mention in the a material way in the local press if you mean could sends to all of commissioners a link or pdh what is easiest forow that press coverage, because i think when
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is there significant coverage we may get asked what we thought did we read it. what did we think it would make sure we have all read it and had access. thank you very much and director short. thank you for your report. i was dismayed an upon under statement to read the press report about that issue. and had strong feelings because i disagreed with many of the statements made by various people. i appreciate your quick response and clarifying for the referred when dpw's role was. which was virtually none and in peculiar one statements regarding how dpw's project design and construction process is paraphrasing, a disaster. iee with like the record to show that. my experience with it, which has been limited the past 5 years on
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the oversight committee and so far to this commission it is heard low broken it is a highly performing operation, for the record i would like to state. we are all new and getting to know the department and strengths and weaknesses. to date department called out as being a problem in press report system not one of the problem this is we need to address. so thank you for your responding to both the city's elected xhshl and it is press regard thanksgiving issue i look forward to the city's elected officials roaching to us as new commissioners representing the public and are trying to carry out obligations to provide oversight to the department of public works to reach out to us if they have questions or problems with the department i hope we can be a partner with other commissions and the board
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of supervisors on continuing to elevate public works. i was delighted hear the new toilets they look very could feel i look forward to trying one out. no cost to the city and i think that is a win and thank you for that effort. i'd like to request a couple of updates and one actual presentation in the future. remindser that to update us on the affects of prop b of 2022 prop b. our commission on the sas and the department moving forward i know that election was an among ago and knowure working on this but be sure it continues to stay as a high priority for actual is for us, of course. and finally i would like to request a presentation next year toward the beginning of the year when it could be fit in the time
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to do it the next agenda item will have 10 as needed contracts. in all of these there is an lbe requirement. we'll see this a lot. virtualo every contract that dpw brings there will be an lbe >> reporter: this . race for issue i like to understand better and hoping that the department can make a presentation to this commission on all of the various city lagzs and requirements that dpw must meet and the regulations affect project delivery. i include in the original project cost. timing of project from conception to close out and the cost and logistics of maintaining projects upon completion. some of these could include the been on contracting and travel i know the city is looking into. the passed all electric
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requirement for projects the public art requirement. the lbe requirements and the monitoring this goes in ensuring they are met. that type of thing. all the different diameters that you all work with that dpw works with to meet requirements and regulation catharsis part of the city law. and again. i also would like to understand how the partnerships with other departments benefit -- project delivery for the public. hinder it or have no affect. i guess to conclude, i think it could be helpful to feel have a periodic check in to assess the goals of the regulations and requirements. i know some are recent like electric and some date further back to make sure they are still relevant and how are they being met? if meeting them is financial in the cost effective and beneficial american for the stele for employees and
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citizens. i know that is a lot i will let you decide how you want to address had if this fits several short 1is would not want this to intrefr of approving of the contracts and the business moving forward quickly. that will be helpful to me and the public because we all hear the terms and >> reporter: but i would like to understand the pro's and con's how they affect the project. it is obvious how a public art enhances a project. that's obvious not irrelevant what i'm trying to get at for to you state the obvious but i would like to know what that means for example nel terms of project delivery. thank you very much. other comments from the commission? for director short? commissioner zoubi. too slow. i would like to also when we
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have the regular item action items i would like to get more information about the nonprice. scoring. to break down of how that score came about. thank you. no further comments we'll move on to item 3. secretary fuller call this item. >> just wanted make sure i recorded commissioner zoubi's comment. consent calendar minutes from november 14th meeting.
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no longer includes the condition transact award for the city hall elevator modernization contract but does include 10 contract modifications of as needed contracts and before we proceed i wanted to hear from the commission, whether we should hash item 3b which is you in a regular item i than the project manager is here and available. to speak on it. we can hear that right after the consent calendar or wait until later in the regular. is there one way >> yes, thank you. i apologize for not stating that. hear it at the beginning, please first item after consent. thank you. >> one question to the chair are
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we supposed to vote on to regular as we heard earlier? or. i will yield to deputy city attorney tom to ensure. deputy city attorney i don't believe a vote is needed to move the item from consent to regular. >> thank you. >> okay. then, proceeding the as needed contracts modifications per the delegation policy adopted by this commission in september, designates all as needed contract modifications eligible for the consent calendar that is why we are hearing them in batch form. and all 10 as needed contract modifications are eligible for
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consent calendar. of course, they can be pulled to be heard individual low by the commission. staff or the public. adoption of the consent calendar and all resolutions contained in it is an action item. >> thank you secretary fuller. do i hear a motion to approve all on consent including all resolutions included part of the item? >> i will make a motion to approve all on consent. commissioner newhouse segal. >> i move. >> thank you. >> commissioner zoubi. >> i will second. >> thank you very much. given the motion we'll turb to public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item 3 the adoption of consentical dar. and the resolutions included excluding item 3b line up against the wall. if you are calling in dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2489
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may be an tainded line. sfgovtv let's move on to the next public commenter. can you hear me now? we can hear you. >> i moved to the phone and hope that is better in terms of audio. so on item 3a, the minutes on page 4 item 7, heard by the commission speaker laura -- and misspelled. i have this terrible problem of looking for spelling. i think it would be useful going forward to include the staff
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titles the record shows not just who spoke but if their staff what the sooilths title is or for example when sean from dhr spoke to indicate that he is with the city dhr and his title i think it might be useful to add clarifying abriefiations like the bruro of -- building design and construction but may be to add bbc so that people -- get more familiar with the shorthand but not to replace it but add -- and -- if i see anything else nonsubstantivil community that to second fuller off line. i have nothing on the add need and i have comments later on item 3 b. thank you for listening.
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thank you, caller. looks like the other call is unattended phone line. so -- sfgovtv let's give them a try and if they were having audio issues. unmou this caller we will see if they are able to speak to us. hello caller. i'm hearing an echo. please, mute them and this concludes public comment on consent. >> thank you. is there debit on this motion. commissioner zoubi? >> no, just a quick question. what happened when as needed contract runs out of funds before the 5 year contract ends.
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meaning we used up all of the -- so -- there are 2 possibilities one a contract will modification that would potentially there are limits by which we add fundses to a contract. if we exceedd that we cannot use that and issue another rfp. we try to track this and get a new one out before we run out of available capacity in as needed category. >> and the contract has a clause that gets the city out of it when -- run out of fund sns yea there is a max amount and we can close it out. >> thank you. one following up on what
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commissioner zoubi asked. there are questions in going through the consent contracts -- there were small notes i'm sure come up all the time. i was not going to bring this up. what happens in if for instance an lbe is in the met the requirements are not met. they had to go ahead with the one of the subsidiary the requirement was not met. is that what -- happens with these recuring issues with the
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as needed contracts? we are learning how to work with you and you all are learn to work with commission on this. jot contract monitoring division is the entity this sets the local business lb else goals. and if the contract has been awarded, and than i failed to meet the goal then that contract monitor division would work with the contractor and the project management staff to determine had the appropriate remedy is. in -- going out to during the bidding process. the contractors are obligated to make a good faith effort f. they are unable to find an lbe this they can include in their bid sometimes that >> reporter: can be reduced or
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waived. however there is a strong push to ensure that they have made a good faith effort and than i can meet the goals and many will times and opportunity to do a portion of the contract. traffic control. there are a lot of times with our engineering projects or street scape projects they do elements of traffic control this is the type of w this could be handled by an independent entity this . it is a good opportunity to subcontract out to meet your lbe mcgonigles. we work with our contract monitoring division to look for where are their opportunity to find appropriate lbe's to mote that goal >> my other question was to follow up on mr. ilpel.
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and also -- you said something about the name another addition for minutes that mr. pilpel mentioned that would be helpful. thank you. thank you. before we turn to the vote i will call on director short one more time. just and i hope will final time if you could just before we vote on these 10 contracts explain the general rule of the project control construction management service consultant. why they are needed and how they work with dpw staff. >> so generally, thank you, chair post. chara short. generally we use these
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consultants when either we have special item that we don't have expertise in within our staffing. or if we have -- they provide flexibility. if we have a number of staff out on leave for let's say family medical leave they may be out for an extended period of time of we would never hire someone to back fill them quickly enough it allows you to tap in to consultants to address those needs. all of chapter 6 departments use these and most have a similar contracting mechanism to supplement in house staff we will have talented staff in house as you are often hearing. but sometime there is is a special we may not have in staffing and very often if we have staff who are unavailable
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for whatever reason either may be busy on a time consuming project and we may need to turn to outside help or staff out on leave. thank you very much. >> no further debate. all in favor say, yes. >> anyone opposed? no abtensions. the motion passed. secretary fuller will publish the adopted resolutions and the minutes to the commission website. we will move on to item number 4. and as we noted this is the
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regular calendar and -- we will hear the item 3b first of all. >> secretary full are call that item. >> so we now turn to the regular calendar hearing 3 b first, the san francisco city hall elevator modernization construction contract award. and the project manager who will be discussing this contract is lisa who i believe is here and available to speak on this. this is an action item. hi. good morning. commissioners. not having our presentation this morning i have a floor plan of city hall i want to highlight
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where the elevators we are talking about we know where they are located. here is the copy of the first floor. at city hall. here are the 11 elevators there. there are 11 elevator in city hall. elevators 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are public, they remember traction elevators install instead 1960s. elevators 7, 8 and 9 are service and the historic 1930's elevators. they are not used by public they are used by staff and building engineers and as a freight elvirt. and elevators 10 scompleven are newer. instul instead 90's and the hide rollick type and staff elvirts also.
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in 2017 updated division required a consultant to assess the elevators to gain a before the understanding of the conscience of them and to see if there is work that are required. at the conclusion of that assess am report the consultant found all of them are operating safely, and they are somewhat below accepted standards. and to improve on performance and address like issues, safety issues and conform with code standards they need to be modernized. another finding from the consultant that the historic elevator 7, 8 and 9 in the 30s are too hold to be modernized there is little w that can be done to them any work needs to
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replace them. so, some parts are old and out dated and no long are manufactured if they fail they cannot be replaced. they are exclude from the contract of had work. and where need the repair possible to ensure they are safe to be used by staff. fast ford later the department secured the funds. and came to public works and hired an architect and consultant and finalized the bid document in john of 22 this year public works advertised in august and this year we received 4 bids. the project was advertised in a manner we asked the bidtory
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provide a choft for the work and also a separate cost for a 5 year on going maintenance service agreement with the department. after modernization work is completed. public works would award the contract for the modernization scope and the department would award the contract for the 5 year service agreement at the end of the mod everyonization work. 4 bids were compet tim. submitted a cost higher. and -- we review the bid peculiarage and believe the intreps with their cost and the other 3 bidders cost because they made a mistake and they fill out the bid form. we asked to provide an hourly rate to service the elevators for up to 300 hours.
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the other 3 provided a cost of 250 dollars per hour and contracting enters an hour low rate of 113, 400 per hour. add 300 hour in this 5 year term this number game 34 million and over. that's why their bid price was higher. i wanted to add a point the low bid was tomorrowed by the combined cost the modernization work for the 5 year term. i want to talk about the lbu. the project awarded to general contactor the majority of work
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will be performs by elevator contractor. there are no certified role contractors per the monitoring position. the local business it was behaved by the division. otherwise others are at a 20% dem pending on the scope. monitor division could increase @as a goal or decrease temperature for this project there are no certified contractor for the trade the requirement was waived. after reviewing the builder bid was the lowest and the lowest responsible and responsive bid. and so -- we are here to request
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approval to award the construction contract to clw builders to modernize the elvirts at city hall. any questions >> we did not expect to you have a presentation. i have a future more questions i want to you say the words one more time that elevator 7-9 which are now almost 100 years old are trurl safe for the staff to use. i realize the public does in the that does not guilty give me comfort regarding safety of the staff am they are checked every month. it good to hear. correct. i got reassurance that those 3
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are safe to use and being maintained regular low. any abnormalities would be detected and further actions taken to address it. >> thank you very much. >> i had a question about the original cost estimate versus the bids that came in. seems like it was under what the bids were. when accounts for this? the cost estimate that we provide at the time of the bid opening provided by the elevator consultant in 2017. and at this time the estimated that the cost to modernize is 300 thousand dollars. and so when we enter in the design phase the client decided not to engage with a prove cost estimator. because one of the benefits of having it on a project so we
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when we do projects we ensure the project is designed to meet the budgets we have and also to it is not over design or under design. when upon need when we over design. for this project decided that is cost estimated service would not be necessary because -- they have the funding and able to sort of -- package the bundle up the elevators to groups and advertise them as bids and sort of accomplish that goal by either awarding the base fit depending what the price point come or the base with plus one or all of the alternates. therefore the cost mate to the original question. there are off buzz they were a couple years old and not provided boy a professional cost
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estimator. i urge to use the cost mary lou retton. glad the funds are available for what it will cost but more accurate about what things cost going forward. i had a question it might be general. the high hourly fee for maintenance from the one bidder is like a mistake. if you get that far off and looks strange do you go back and say, is this really right or not allowed go back to the bidder
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yoochl if a mathematical error we correct this if it is techical and the bid is open it would be too late. those are my questions on this. supervisor zoubi. i promoted you. >> thank you. >> the share is not as comfortable. thank you for the presentation. links to my request earlier about getting more information beg your pardon how the contract and construction companies or contractors get approved. i noticed that the wing bidder here did not win the bid on a -- another item we will talk about
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later i don't see a price discount on this. might not know what the nonprice scoring is? that's why i ask for a break down of the nonprice i don't see that. and in that conciliation. can you explain when you mean by nonprice i'm not familiar. >> okay. thank you. i think i may understand the question. the weather we are considering nonprice factors depends on the project delivery methoded we use. some low bid selection. both base price and on going
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maintenance and it was based on a low bid delivery. we don't have a nonprice factor this go in this the selection process in this case. if we were using a best value, you see we would city criteria for the other elementsune that might be you know additional safety requirements or demonstrated -- proficiency in working in certain types of challenging locations. and then those would be evaluated by a panel. based on preestablished criteria and a waiting system this fact ours in the price versus nonprice scoring. >> i think we need more training on that. i would like more trin burglar what the details items and so
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far. one last question. the winning bidder list subcontractors that are lbe qualified. did they have to submit that information up front? would that be in the application? right n. their bid package they list their subcondition transactors they will hoir for this contract and after they submit the bid package the cmd division would review all of the package and the calculations where they fall in the subcondition tracting mcgonigles they have i list of the local buildings subcontractors.
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i was interested in this item as many are important and you can't hear this is better? we work in this building and we do many projects. would be helpful if we get an update a status update? annually about the conscience of the elvirts and doe we do that on other projects i don't feel this is the most important it is the most visible to me and i
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remembered the 89 earthquake and seeing our stairways held up with wooden beam and is worked across the street when city hall was closed. if there are other projects dpw is working on for stability like what is happen with those projects, too. >> yea, i think there are a couple of projects that are happening at city hall or about to start. you will be able to have you the opportunity to hear about those projects. i will come back to update you all on the progress of the elevator modernization when we are in construction.
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i do hear a motion and second to adopt this item? so moved. >> i will second. >> we will turn to public comment. >> thank you. members who wish to make 3 millions of comment on item 3b, the city hall elevator modernization construction contract award. may lineup against the wall if in the chamber to speak. if you are call nothing, dial
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415-655-0001 then access code: 2489 845 4467 ## and press star 3 to enter the speaker queue. does not appear there is anyone in bhorn want to peek on this item. sfgovtv, are there callers on the line? it appears we have 2 call whores would like to peek on this. unmute the first caller. and caller you have 3 minutes to speak and i will provide you with a 30 second warning.
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caller are you there? hello, caller? this is the same unattended line. move on to the second caller in the queue, please, sfgovtv. please unmute the second call and you will have 3 minutes to peek on this and i will provide you with a 30 second warning. you can hear me. >> we can hear you. i don't think i have been accused of being a mute caller. dave you'd pilpel again i support the project and the important work to modernize the elevators of city hall but i have occurrence about ceqa on this and a later agenda item n. this case the there is no ceqa case number. i could not find the exemption
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referred to on the city planning website. i question whether approximate the code chapter 31 section 31.08f agenda requirements have been met on the agenda itself and the sdaf report does not indicate it was an prove action or a prior approval action it appear this is may be the approval action and should be noted as such temperature is incrediblely important to include the ceqa exemption document as an attachment to staff report in the future and refer to the city planning case number and date in the staff report and the resolution. i would note on the resolution itself, page 4 of the packet at the baptist last where as is weird. it says where as builders, da,
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da, da. committed an amount to microlbe's and blank. that should be cloned up. on page 10 this is an administrative cl athe building is historic and referred on page 10 of the packet toot environmental review and the planning department determined but nowhere with that -- does it reference environmental case number or include were a determination with i planner vironmental status. so, i ask to you consult carefully with the department city attorney whether you can take action today. whether it meets chapter 1
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attorney i believe that the approval action occurred previously and the requirements code 31 have been met. i agree it would be useful to include all documents including -- exemptions in the material that would be a best practice. thank you for the question and comment and we want to adhere to best practices we will look forward to this being done in the future. other debate >> all in favor say, yes. >> yes. >> thank you, secretary fuller this motion passes and secretary fuller publish the adopted item on our website. weep move on to item 4.
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mr. full are cough that item. item 4 the contract award for mission branch library renovation r. this contract value is boost 5 million dollars threshold for modification. contract awards to be heard individual low on the regular calendar. this is an action item. and project manager andrew will present this item. >> can you hear me?
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good morning i'm andy sewn an architect and project manager. with san francisco public works. with the bureau of architecture. which is boa. and -- my pleasure to present the mission branch library renovation project. i'm joined today boy 2 representatives of the library. john the facility director approximate rebecca who is the chief of branch libraries. mission branch library has served generations of san francisco, 10 sick years old. it is a hugely important cultural institution for the
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neighborhood. a beautiful and significant building and worthy project. which has been a language time coming. we start fees at study in 2018. we had community engagement the whole time of endured a slow down for covid. we had many approvals and entitlements. and on the cusp of starting the project. >> the agenda item before sua request to award san francisco public works for the mission branch library renovation project the amount is 23 million and 20 thousand dollars. the construction duration is 730
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calendar days, 2 years to amrosa construction company llc. the project is the complete renovation and expansion of the mission branch library. it is t it is a carnagy library one of 7 in the city. it is one of 3 branches. not reason vatd during the improvement bond of 2,000 there are upon 27 branches in the system 3 were in the renovate in the this bond. the project drivers are worn out building systems and a lack of amenities and out dated library service -- features. the bodiesing the library is located at bartlett and 24th in the heart of the mission with mission and valencia.
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in district 9. >> this is in the 1940s the building designed by landsburg and funded by andrew carnagy. this image the building original and to the right the image to the right is theent row to the building which is on the front, that was fill in the in the 97 renovation and the event row was moved to the side you will see that later. this it is of the historic reading room and original, the main feature of the building and the middle. building you see the -- room you see the stair that had come up in the space in the center of the building that was fill in the in the 97 renovation as well. the upon windows are key features and to the left you see a central window with a clock
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that was fill in the the then renovation. there was a question this came about the flanking arched areas. those are original plat and never had windows. there are no high book shelves and perimeter shelving. in 97 there was a seismic upgrade. many features from this renovation are out of date. the service style is out of date. there were an electric of amenityis such az community room and restrooms. this project demolished many character defining features the main stair entry and the lecture room on the ground floor. this will provide updated building features the newark menities include 100% community
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room. new street and landscape and courtiard reploys the lost historic features. replacing all building system sustain abltd and resiliencey upgrades and restrooms and left low, there is public art component to the project. the next few are rendered views of the project. this is the community room. which is currently houses a circulation desk and offices and is the mainent row to the building our project tell come become to being a community room and the door you see to the right will go out to a fenced secure courtyard. the art work you see to the left of the image by emanuel montoya
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part of the san francisco art commission collection. in a well lit niche in this room. is this is the rendering of the restored reading room there will be renovated new finishes and new lighting and new low mobile shelving. flexible furnishings and in the middle you see there is 4 stools there will be a new stair this come up in the original location of the historic stair. to the right, you see the 2 arched plaster openings those remain now there is a back lit stain glass art piece. she was selected in a community process with the san francisco
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art's commission. this is a view of corner of bartlett and 24th similar to the historic view you see the courtiard that is ajaycent to the community room. new pedestrian light poles and behave paving and planters on the street and the facade will be restored. street strolls will remain. this is a front view on 24th to the left is the restored main entry this is a big feature the event real on the front of the building where it belongs. to the right the space chaufrpch church on valencia and orange alley the build suggest our addition special had is the front view. this this is a complete view. the materials are concrete.
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metal panels, large laced hope opening statements the proportionality is taken from the original building. it is a modern expression. this is in keep with historic standards for rehab. and the idea to give had material at that reflects the original building. there was community engagement in 2018 with community surveys. and open houses. we did numerous meetings over the years we present and heard what the publicmented in the design and came back to them later with design progress updates. we did -- done a lot of that the san francisco art's commission had a community driven art
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selection process. that selected one for the stained glass piece and the project was presented numerous times to the san francisco public library commission. the aesthetics were and historic preservation before historic preservation commission and the civic design review commissioner woolford had served on that panel at that time and contributed many good feedback. this is my favorite slide. this project is funded by the library. come from the library preservation fund. we are receiving 5.2 million from the california state library on their building forward grant, which was awarded
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to the library this year. bid amount is 23 million dollars higher than our budgeted amount. 16.9 million dollars. the library is aware of the bid amount and securing funding for the variance and supportive of the project. i would like to address the reasons why we are in this position with the bid overage. first, permitting was protracted due to late enforce am of the ordinance. last winter i will explain. this required unanticipated environmental evaluations and added months to our bid start. it is an environmental ordinance that governs hazzard ouz soil mitigation. we were exempt friday that ordinance from the people that did this in our department and
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outside of our department that changed during our bidding process. we did have to go back and do -- 2 different environmental evaluations of the soils including drilling in the and outside the building and soils. soils came back clean. this year well documented record high inflation in construction costs. last winter in advanced of the escalations since left spring. it is reported san francisco is the most expensive city in the world to build in.
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this is in the alone and getting estimates now in the 1400 dollars to 2 thousand dollars square foot range. this is where we are with the project. any questions on this slide and why we are here? >> thank you and thank you for draegsz the questions. what triggered the relook at soil conscience approximate possible why some suspect today may be hazardous. the ordinance i'm not an expert they are a map. there are rules about the amount of excavation we have done a plan and given of soils and stuff like that. we had approved site assessment remediation. and they had given us a waiver.
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this map changed during our permitting process or there was a misunderstanding and d ph plan checker at dbi made us go through this process. i would like follow up on this issue i presume this is for soil under the community room add-on there was a gas station there. i understand -- could be terrible thing in the soil. i just i want to make sure that the public was served by this what the department recommendation being changed by another group or city department. because it delayed this project and -- my understanding is the citizens of the missionment their library. redone and so i just not will
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hold approval but would not mind was this a one off or happen often? if it is soils were deemed clean by the experts someone decide they motive not be. and yet they were turned out they were clean want to be sure this does in the always happen and holdup projects in the future. thank you. we can do background and -- see if this happened before and why and also may have been a code if the maps changed may have been a legal requirement. we'll get that and brief you. >> sounds great. thank you i have 2 quick questions. first one. the building is in the deemed
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historical. i noticed that in the demolition portion of the presentation, it -- commissioner zoubi. should we let him finish his presentation. >> that slide. no let me finish i and the build suggest historical. >> what portion of that 6 million dollars difference was this? i don't know. if there was no finding and -- we did not have to do anything.
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process but qualification peculiarage and had a panel of professionals that were selected and approved by the monitoring division review the nonprice qualification packages and they were scored i think 7 huh human was the highest. we had a preestablished crip terwhere with historic architect. experienced digging deep are foundations. are urban projects and stuff like that. clw is microlbe they are entitleed a bid discount. on this form, amrosa was the low bidder accounting for clw bid discount. the 2 things factored the bid
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price and nonprice and making them the winner. does nod mean amrosa does not have local enterprise contracting in the requirement will is 20% which they have met. of has decades of building experience with numerous projects we have -- track referred with them in our department with the projects this are listed on the slide including the creek maintenance facility. they have real experience with rehab projects including the african town center and there was a request about construction
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oversight for historic portions of the project. that will be by our public works construction managers. and outside consultant historic preservation architect. the schedule are we received bid in mid august established our best value store. which is the same as a bid opening we hope to award today and 2 minutes we are assume to notice to proceed will take us to february with 2 years of construction. we do feel ha2 years is the right number for construction. there being be events that happen on site that would change that. but -- if the project is able to
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proceed we think that -- 2 year schedule is sufficientment that concludes my presentation we "aworried for the project for amrosa construction. happy to take questions >> therapy. i have comments i will wait on and i appreciate you answering my questions i'm grateful for that. does the commission have questions on this project. >> commissioner segal. i'd like to remine the commission -- that i asked this on prior meetings would be great if each we are looking at or construction projects if there
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is an address because i sit here during our meet and go on google maps. so what i did while you were reporting was i locked up the address and what it says does in the match your photographs that is 1234 valence enthusiasm i was going to say the address on the location. it is 300 bartlett. 1234 valence why is the temporary soit they moved out and preparation and had to do our -- class 2 soils and things like that. >> i did see that on the earlier slide and made a note i locked back. if all of your we are not familiar, lees, include the
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address it is simple and if we want to look at it prior to meetings or online it would be helpful. looks like a wonderful project you must be excite body starting temperature i want it say, good luck. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner zoubi. >> back to my historical question. the demolition of nonhistorical what parts other historical how is this going to be monstored. . the event and to demolition is given in drawings and monitored through conventional construction observation and inspection it is -- an odd thing to think you got a historic building but doing selected deming liz it is a rehab not restoration there are degrees
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what historic properties if there were monticello we would not be doing this. there will be on the west facade to allow for a new opening in the building addition that is the biggest piece where there is a loss of his fabric we maintain that stuff in storage we take off. others are where we put it back like the stair. that is in the historic now it was -- ma nip lit in the 97. so the stuffy was built in 97 and the old building already been demolished. so there is virtually no historic fabric or character features left on the first floor of the building.
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>> the clock? the clock is not going anywhere. tell stay where it is. yea. all of those features in the reading room will be maintaind and restored. there will be limitedent row in the walls to do work on the west side. in 1997 they opened the room up in many place and so it is its a careful dance with & we work the historic planners to come up with this we did a lot of due dill jenls. have a certificate of appropriateness for the project. the last question. after the 97 and the 2022 project, how much of historical part of that building we will have? >> the entire facade the structure of the building, the entire reading room on the
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interior. this buildings was landmark in 2002, and the one of the things interesting is that the insteer yors of the library the reading rooms are specific low landmarked. we have strict rowel when is we can and can't do with those rooms. >> thank you. thank you. do i hear a motion and second to adopt this item? >> we will turn to public comment. members of public who wish to comment on item 4 of the construction contract award for the mission branch library renovation, may lineup against the wall. if present in the chamber. if you are calling in, dial
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415-655-0001, access code: 2489 845 4467 ## then press star 3 to enter the speaker queue. and no member of the public are present. who are wish to speak on this item in the chamber. sfgovtv do we have callers in the queue? they are indicating we have one caller on this item. please unmute that caller. you will have 3 minutes to speak and i will provide you with a 30 second warning. >> can you hear me? >> we can i was unmuted. the magic of technology. dave you'd pilpel again. again i support the personal
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project i still have ceqa concerns. i think than i are -- not concerns that are fatal to approval today. the city planning case number here that was referred to somewhere on the staff report bottom of page low is the -- project application file which is not a typical ceqa determination. this was confusing to me. i think it is important to include the ceqa exemption document as an attachment and refer to the case number and date in the staff report.
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the library commission was to be on one moment. sorry. on page 4 of that document and indicates the project approval action to be the vote of the library commission. nowhere in the staff report today did i see that the library commission actually acted on this. on the b. page 2 it lists various approvals at -- planning commission, h pc regarding the art's commission on civic design review but does not include the library commission approved the project if than i did, great. and in general i think it is important these projects with complicated approval paths to
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indicate in the staff report not just that they were approved elsewhere but when dates they occurred the first approval but in -- probably all of the approval dates i'm sure staff has temperature i don't need to hear that i think going forward will be useful to say, thanks. useful to say planning approveod this date, thank you to the staff for their good work on this. thanks. >> i have the go to another thing and i will be back. >> okay. sfgovtv indicates there is one other caller who has joined.
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you have 3 minutes to speak on this item, the mission branch library renovation. i will give you a 30 warning. hello caller? no further callers. thank you, sfgovtv. that concludes public comment on this item. >> thank you. i have a couple comments. were you involved in the design? i like to thank you. >> you are welcome and commends you for beautiful work. and -- for your service to san francisco. >> thank you. i have to also chuckle the 1997 upgrade i'm not sure i would use
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upgrade to describe what was done. thank you for reversing the changes and for delivering the plans are a beautiful project. now dpw will do the hard work done i look forward to the department deliver thanksgiving project to your qualifications and your pleasure. you noted there were 2 other people who took the time and trouble to attends the meeting are they hear i would like to hear from them if than i are here? good afternoon, commissioners i'm rebecca and i'm the chief branch for the public library. submission our branches. i am so excited, pleased,
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gratified about this project and forward. i know the community members have been waiting for it. t they have been vocal in letting us know and will be good to say, here we go! we are doing this! and i have been a part of many of the community meeting when is we were in the design phase including the meeting in spanish for many of our care givers. tfgs easy to nap when they were asking for temperature has been a pleasure working with public works and their teamful on making sure that we are delivering. for the community. at the end of the day that is
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important. thank you. thank you for attending the meeting today. good morning i'm john i'm the newly appointed director of facilities for the public library. i have been in my position for 5 months but my first week i got to go to the commission of the temporary location for the mission branch. this is a project that new to me is dear it is something that a part of the process is happening as i happened with the library. i'm excited and want to echo your comments the plans are beautiful and i love the concept of going become to a helpful cal build and i'm looking forward being i part of t. >> thank you. i didn't think it sounds like you may have fun being able to assist in the process and participate.
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good for you. sounds terrific. why thank you those are my comments if there it is no further debate all in favor say, yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> the motion passes. secretary fuller will publish this to the commission website. >> prior to moving on to item 5 i would like to call for a short break. it is 12:08 convene at 12. . 20. thank you.
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needed architectural services for healing facilities. this contract's value is above the million dollars thresh hold for professional service contracts to be heard on the regular calendar. this is an action item. and bureau manager june will present this item. good afternoon are commissioners. thank you for this opportunity to present this request for award for professional services for architectural house facilities. this is for asy needed services. for healing facilities. there are a lot of poles we are maintaining my group is under
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the deputy director almeida and my bureau project consultant services manages all of the as needed professional services as well as the kruck services. contract. in addition, of forms we have an aushthure after service for house facilities only. these forms with expertise in hospitals. these are designed for those projects. and this contract we are asking for award is for 2 million dollars. and it is depend for 5 years. and the winning form is perkins eastman architects the scope of work in the rfq is providing
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services. and -- other special because they have subcontractors as well under their team. so depending on the need of the project for the house facilities they will prosecute void architectural and other special services. a quick back ground this is an -- scheduled each pool is about 3-4 years and every time we get to a dead liner the expiration of those pools we go out again and rfq this . is a snapshot of the previous pool. we had 4 contracts awarded. the total capacity was 9 million and we awarded contract service orders worth 6.3 million urined
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the 4 contracts for consultants. and projects included laguna honda projectd and chien that town public health center performed under the old contracts. and to renew that pool of consultants we put out an rfq left year september of 21. got 4 propose everies and we awarded 3 contracts one of the proposals was -- none -- not responsive did not qualify to the requirements of the rfq. out of the 3 we awarded 2 million each for a total of sick million. since we needed 4 contracts our
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consultants we advertised last year and that is what we are trying to award now. we advertised the rfq august of sorry. this year august 2022, and received 2 proposals. and they were evaluated by our panel members. and -- the number one rank is perkins architects. and the evaluation and the proposals monitoring as well and recommended award to the number one firm. we are proposing to award 2 million dollars as well. for the contract. that's all i want to say.
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thank you. commissioner zoubi. thank you for your presentation to get the math. together we have had a -- budget of 6 million dollars. right. we were supposed to -- get 4 contractors. have that correct? >> actually advertised for 4 contracts 2 million each. 8 million total. >> what happened is we had 4 -- 4 -- bidders one was not sponsive. we got 3 and now another 2 million dollars contract. >> yes. >> thank you.
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no further question system there a motion and second to adopt this item >> so moved. >> given the motion we will turn to public comment. member who is wish to make 3 machines of comment on item 5 the contract award for as needed aushthureal services for healing facilities lineup against the wall if you are in the chamber. if you are call nothing dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2489 845 4467 ## and press star 3 to enter the speaker queue. it does not appear we are members look to speak in the chamber. sfgovtv, do we have callers in the queue?
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they are indicating we don't have public commenters on this. that conclued public comment. >> thank you. debate on this motion? hearing none, all in favor of this motion say, yes. >> yes. yes, i don't hear, no's. the motion passes. secretary fuller will publish the adopted item to our website and thank you for attending the meeting. >> we move on to item number 6, mr. full are call that item. >> item 6 the over view of the public works department infrastructure design and construction bureau of engineering. bureau manager will present this item this is an informational item.
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good afternoon. acting bureau manager of bureau of engineering been with public works for 32 years. thank you for the opportunity to present to you the over view of the engineering. before i go in that, i would like to share with you brief history of bureau of engineering. created 123 years ago. as one of the 4 original bonjourose under public works. first was to organize and regulate construction and being projects. since then the bureau has been the forefront of helping san francisco evolve to meet the changing city and keep it safe and beautiful. to engineering and project delivery. examples of the key projects in
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the past never [inaudible] include construction and improvement of embarcadero market, octavia. stockton and lombard street. the bureau of engineer nothing public works has a great legacy of the old evaluate city departments. some of the functions that are performed today boy other departments were performed by public work engineering. construction of high pressure fire system. most of this early municipal railway and lines have related tunnel. and hetch hetchy damns reservoir and tunnels. and the pipeline to bring water to san francisco. where design and built under the leadership and guidance of the past city engineers. [inaudible] and water system was transferred to puc in 1932 with
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the formation of the new san francisco department puc. traffic engineering division, existed under public works until early 1990. then it was transferred to parking authority and became d. parking and traffic. though we continue to perform traffic work today. give you an idea where we fall in the organization i report to city engineer and we are one of the 4 burroughs under the infrastructure and design and construction division. with the total of 222 positions, bureau of engineering is the san francisco's largest design bureau. there are total of 8 sections in
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the bureau. 4 under each of the deputy managers. these are hide rollick, mechanical, electric, structure ral and engineering. regular affairs. record management and disability access code and intersections. for streets and highways mechanical and electrical have been approved they have been approved and the reway suspicions for record management is going through the press i'm working with human resources for recruitment and selection press
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we anticipate filling the positions over the next several months. >> thank you. the staff full range of professional services including program and master planning and studies conceptual and design for construction replacement and improve ams of range of right-of-way infrastructure budgets upgrade of public buildings and facilities as well as open space projects. engineering improve am techniques applied optimize the funds and deliver within a scope schedule and budget. the same time meeting the project objectives and ensure compliance with the code regulations and standards. now i will give you over view of each section. electrical engineering seck,
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electrical staff provides electric, controls and engineer in a wide range. infrastructure, public buildings and stability projects. electrical engineers perform energy and [inaudible] and electrical system studies and design for low and medium power deliberation system, lighting and liting control. safety, data and process. [speaking very fast] approximate upgrade of street lighting infrastructure to meet the mobility and transportation needs. this light shows examples of few projects i would like to highlight one of them. almeida creek watershed center. it was once originally nothing but an open space. with the water that significantified the joining of multiple water sources the water
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tempo was open to the public, which was general low not appealing and less like low for public to enjoy. this project created a welcoming community and education at center with landscaping that provides native plant and a man-made pond. it has education [inaudible] and aquarium housing native fish over look the pond. engineers provided support in developing the project including for utility power. sew solar for graen manager and designs for the lighting, telecommunication, security, emergency and fire alarm systems. next hydraulic engineering. the staff focuses on improving the wastewater collection infrastructure. cities sewer and treatment
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system under the jurisdiction of public works until 1997. when then mayor brown transferred to sfpuc. public works design teams work on the system remained at public works. the result. puc has a jurisdiction at over the system public works continued to remain the 73's team responsible to analyze and design the sewer system including making recommendations to meet the level of service and improve performance. the staff designs 15 miles of sue are facilitiesanualy. the team agreed to the [inaudible] for the city wide sewer network and continues to maintain it and update it on behalf of our about client sfpuc and credited a computer
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hydraulic model for the sewer system met work watch the knowledge and responsibles of the system, the staff continues to collaborate with puc in performing other engineering such as investigation of complaints and claims, responding to inquiries and reviewing the projects learning low all development projects for compliance with the design related to the sewer system. i would like to highlight a project --il take green infrastructure project. this project was in the mission neighborhood. just south of the caesar chavez street on mission and valencia corridor. the scope included instruction of 11 biodetention basins. also construction with a plaza and raised bike way. the intent was to manage the primary intent was to manage the
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storm water run off. it beautified streets and improved street for safety of pedestrianed and bicyclists. and to the advantage of the natural processes of pleasants to slow the water and go in the grounds. required [inaudible] of be conflicts during construction. the board successful low resolved and the project completed in a timely manner. this project required significant amount of coordination and collaboration with other agencies such as mta. st. lounge's hospital for sidewalk expansion project this need to connect to our elements. and the community for the activation of the plaza. and the bike coalition to the raised bike path way. of this project is estimateed
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reduce 1 and a half million gallons of storm water from entering the sewer system during a typical wet weather year. reducing the treatment cost as well as energy consumption at the treatment plant. next section is the mechanical engineering section. mechanical engineering provides full range services and public building and steel system facilities and right-of-way infrastructure projects. projects for public buildings and facilities involve planning, design other invasion and maintenance of mechanical systems that includes heating, ventilation, fire protection and plumbing. the projects range from small office building to a large scale like [inaudible] general hospital.
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and the involved design of complex mechanical processes and stele for the industrial waste pump station and process. the design to meet complex demands of efficiency, quality and projectivity of the mechanical systems and ensure safety and well being of those who work and operate the facilities. staff in the mechanical engineering prepared design for irrigation systems, and open spaces as well as cities of water supply system used for fire protection. i will highlight mission -- [inaudible] pump station located at the intersection of mariposa and illinois. this included complete wetreplacement of wastewater
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pump station and upgrade was necessary because of the improvement in the mission bay neighborhood. that include the ucsf children's hospital and the worryior warrior stadium. engineers collaborated with the design develops. hydraulic, electric, instrument and control engine and structural engineers hydraulic engineers and architectural and landscape staff. next is street design for cities over 900 miles of city streets.
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goal of the program to make sure streets are safe for people to walk, bike, drive and take transit and maintained accessible. our engineers design 500 city blocks per year related to this program to minimize the disturbances to the neighborhoods and excavation of new paved streets engineers coordinate and collaborate with other city programs. as a result, majority become multidevelop projects. team provides arrive way design services to land agency for their projects sfmta muni period of time and [inaudible] and design of streets that are under the jurisdiction of san francisco port as well as rec and park department.
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picture on the left is a paving project on clipper street. on the right a street construction project on actastia boulevard. streets on the intersection also have a design for street scape project and suburban and design. straight scape include street make overs and corridor beautification. ma sony avenue from gear tow fell was on high injury network there was detailed design -- for the [inaudible] project take nothing consideration the ideas received through the community engagement process. working with mta and puc we made it safer for drivers.
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for bicyclists and pedestrians with the corny bulb outs and the separated bike lane. and improving muni sufficient with the transit bulbs and the widen sidewalk and new infrastructure such as landscaping, street lighting, planters, trees and a plaza on the public art. example it is of other projects this section designed include jefferson street scape phase one and phase 2. and tree plaza and the second street project that is under construction you may have visited this project. try to move accessibility to make stan san francisco accessible for everyone. our program projects and
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[inaudible] projects in the right-of-way include improve ams of the carbon work. with contributions from the section we intend to project to construct 800 curb r.s during this year. next is structure ral. our team of structurural engineers deliver projects related construction and improvement of public buildings and infrastructure. including infrastructures. with the experience and knowledge of the soil conditions throughout san francisco the engineers provide design measures and engineer for structurural design work. some examples of the service of our structurural engineers
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design of buildings, bridges and infrastructure facilities under ground sewer. pump stations and the office structures. side evaluations assess ams and feasibility studies make risk analysis and evolutions construction engineering, seismic rehab and [inaudible]. ground improve am and -- mitigation. i would highlight my project useless this one. provided the design for the pump station. this was the first to utilize soil freezing and the shoring system for excavation next to the shore line and 30 feet deep. soil is frozen prior to excavation circulating chilled
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brian through freeze pipes creating a frozen wall. actually, puc is going to be hosting a celebration event next tuesday for the completion of this project. the other project i would like to highlight is monument stair case the interesting thing about this project is how it is being built. because it it is oi a steep terrain it is limited space most work is manual labor. next section is disability access code intersection. under the title 2 of the american disability act, any and public entity 50 or more employees required designate an
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individual who the coordinate the requirements pertaining to the ad a. accessibility requirements. major's office of disability is a city wide coordinator for the san francisco. we also have our departments. regular -- this coordinators -- dast with plans to title 2 of the ad a and other regulations. required accessibility for personal disability to fasill uts and right-of-ways. this team conducts design reviews for ensure the compliance with the accessibility requirements. compliance standards and procedures to implement
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accessibility requirements. evaluates alternates and solutions. and provide technical training to project and program managers, [inaudible] engineers and the inspectors pertaining to the accessibility requirements. next section is regular affair section. this section is responsible to ensure our compliance with the environmental laws and regulation as well as obtain environmental permits for projects quickly as possible. this unit serves the official link to the office of the environmental planning in the planning department and cal-trans office of local assistance. through the quality control program ensures the environmental project commitments are met. the next and last section is record's management section. this section is integral in management of project fold
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scombers do you remembers for archives and [inaudible] projects. to give you a sense we have an archive of 5 million documents, drawings, report and et cetera . and almost equal number of documents for the active projects. during here the interesting fact during the 1906 quake and fire we lost most our records. in 1908 public works inspection crews went street to street and inspected suers and man holes and documented finding in all right size books. weave have the books and they are still relevant and useful in our engineers use it today even designing the projects for the sewers. this slide provides an over view of wide range of -- client
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agencies we provide our service. and these are in addition to the services that the bureau provides our internal programs. the client agency projects involved from office buildings to hospital and health care facilities and police and fire stations and recreation, public libraries and infrastructure facilities in theerate of way like sewer, water system, traffic signal and street lighting, et cetera . this slide shows the active project of the active projects by client. we have total 286 projects. and you see the puc is our largest client. this slide shows the break down of active projects by phase.
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bureau of engineering staff provides services on all phases of the project. on many of our projects, our engineers collaborate with burroughs other burroughs in the department construction management and mapping and architect and landscape architecture and provide engineering consultations to our internal program and project managers and operation staff and to our client agencies as well as review large scale housing development to ensure that the proposed improvements recommended in the right-of-way meets the design standard and criteria and establish standards. and applicable codes and resolutions and requirements. mission rock, development south of the mission croak is one of
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the examples of the large scale housing development project. our section managers also take on the role of project manager on some of projects. i am like to answer the question of the maintenance project and the bowero's role after the close out. for every project the contract includes the warrant period and during this time contractors are responsible to correct the defects that are found within the warranty period. additional low projects like street scape and green infrastructure have a maintenance p.ed contractors -- also provide services to ensure
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the plant will be established. for our internal street improvement and street scape projects our operation crews maintain the frequent cites. other assets and facilities we provide the engineering services maintained by staff of the land agencies. a lot of them also hire public works operation to provide the services related maintenance and repair of facilities. bureau of engineering is available to provide consultation services to our program project managers and operation staff and client agencies when there is a need for it. if there are defects found --
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the projectses and -- our operation staff are -- the construction management staff meat needs consultation we provide the service related to those instance. this concludes my general over view of bureau of engine earring and thank you very much for your time and i will now try to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you very much. for this interesting and comprehensive presentation. . giving a lot of good background on hall do and what your colleagues dom i have a couple questions. one was -- your last point about project maintenance. after dpw delivers a love low
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public protect to a city client is that client involved in long the way in anticipating maintenance as i understands it is not in their gentleman you will notpate maintain it that will be the library in that package. i want to are sure there is no disconnect there is partnership long the way from the get go. that -- long-term maintenance and costs is all we a part of any and you are dog a lot of the real structural work that will have to be maintained may be behind the walls. and may be this is a larger credit for the director short for a future meeting. i want to be sure that once
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public projects are delivered that they don't go to seed to be blunt. i'm sorry that was not our responsibility we built it we are not responsible. that's true. it should not have been fwhlt way. whatever you see my found. i just would like to know that -- when all the projects are delivered and are going as planned and materials are chosen and you are working with many client agencies. long-term maintenance and costs and who will do it and this it is done right, et cetera, is all a part of delivering the very
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often complex and expensive projects we should get right the first time and not go back and regret the material choice was the wrong choice or a location was not the best location the people main point it out and the people planning and and doing it should have known. if i have me assurance. in general, then projects are going to planning and design fasz we have operations from the planning department participating through the progression of the planning phase laz as design phase. there are reports created. the input regards to what you like to see in the new facilities in we keep in mind the ease of maintenance and ease
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they are familiar because they have significant amount and daily i operations and maintenance staff that perform the maintenance work. >> greatest am thank you. anything to add there. i want to be sure that when a beautiful example pavement is chosen for a plaza that the end user did not come back later and say, we can't maintain temperature too expensive. you should not have done
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temperature if clients who will maintain and budget. budgeting proper low to maintain it can't come back and say you never asked us. we would have told you we can't budget that amount to maintain this project. i would like to be sure that is not happening. keep have those conversations the beauty we have our own maintenance and operation's starch it makes us aware of maintenance and needs. there have been times a clined or project lected chos something expensive too to min tain can cautionary tale we don't recommend this or cannot restore
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this in kind. i will tick a moment since i have a soap box to say as a city i think we need to do a better job sort of universal low within the city family of -- ensuring we have sufficient maintenance funds for new capitol projects. i think that it is easier to secure capitol funds. than to secure maintenance fund there is are different colors of money as my colleagues in the room will tell thank you is a personal crusade we need to ensure that we have sufficient maintenance funds for every capitol project and we are not where we mead to be with this in
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my personal opinion. joy value your person opinion and hope that will emphasize that when you are interviewed regarding the new permanent director this will be hired. that you will discuss that with the search firms doing search and should you be doing the candidates. what a great opportunity to start a preserve and make this a higher priority and change with when you described so it does not keep happening. thank you. commissioner segal. thank you so much. >> you are welcome. diprosecute nouns your name? >> yes. >> speaking of that, this highlights how important it is to have the staff person giving a comprehensive report and a critical report about what we
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do, to have their name especially where we are a diverse city with there, a lot of names from different languages and culture its is important to see their name printed. going forward, secretary fuller can you make sure that the names of the staff reporting are on the staff reports are listed? so -- so i want to thank you so much. i wish this had been at our first meeting although we had other things to deal with we were organized but this is what the public cease one of the huge questions for people where do we interact when director short said there was in her report there was press that was criticizing us but not us. so. this is people need ton this. i think i mention today and past meetings that it would be really
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helpful for us to have the website and i'm thinking may be possible and i don't know if this is your department or it. when they see a project to click on where they and are finds out what the project is and who is responsible for it. that would be so helpful. i think in all of us the way that we operate but this your report today was great. it was not just for the commission it was for the public. and that -- there is so many questions this they have about how we interact with other agencies and we are responsible for had they see. we are on the surface.
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the client's chart was interesting. thank you. i have one final question you may not know the answer to why are curb ramps that bright yellow color? >> for the disability purpose. changing the surface elevations and terrain. >> for people who are visual low impaired having a high contrast between the r. and the surrounding area, that's why they are the bright yellow it provides the high contrast. if you have a limited disability contrast is that signal to use.
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>> thank you. if 30 no further questions. excuse me, commissioner zoubi. >> thank you and it is great to know what you are doing and i'm visual i like the pictures, too. questions about -- why is it that type of material? what is special about that yellow material that the r. is made of? it has truncated dome it prevents you know -- it is not slippery. it is less slip row. it has truncated domes you may have -- seen it. or -- prevents slippage. >> thank you. i could add more as well.
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so, in addition to the yellow providing the high contrast the truncated zones are also if you are visual low imper se exclude using a cane the domes provides the indication this is where the curb r. is the combination of the contrast and the design of the domes. they meet slip codes it should not be slippery.
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it is the cost. so, all right. we will move to public comment on this item. >> members of public who wish to make comment on item 6 the bureau of engineering over view line up against the wall. if you are call nothing remote dial 415-655-0001 then access code: 2489 845 4467 ## and press story 3 to enter the speaker queue. stlr 9 in the hearing room wish to speak. sfgovtv, do we have member of the public wishing to speak? on the item there are indicating there is one caller.
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please unmute. have you 3 millions and i will provide you with a 30 second warning. it is david pilpel on item 6 the bureau of engineering on page 5 the chart, it -- not for today but in the future as the charts are presented i like the bottom line with the number of positions by section great thou have another line with initial positions vacant by section so we can see that even if it is a snapshot. i within become to the june first of 22 notify transfer of functions under charter section 4 opinion 132 had the bureau of
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street and sewer repair was broken and up sewer repair sent to puc and the street repair fujsz with dbr and created the whatever it is. i thought that sewer sdpien moved puc but did not. i'm currently of the view that positions that work only on mta and puc projects perhaps should be spun off to mta and puc. i recognize that is again a transfer of functions under charter section 4 opinion 1 there the mayor implement with the next year avenue budget and may have implications for indirect cost allocations. i'm thinking that otherwise well is over head at mta and puc and
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dpw and duplication of project management and design functions. i'm happy to learn more if i'm wrong. i may have comments on the organization structure during the budget process on consolidating administrative support functions. seems like record management that disability access section and affairs perhaps could be in admin support function rather than reporting up in the way they do. i'm open to changes and may be ways to cluster the functions with other elements -- thanks. with other elements. record avenue management might have stuff stored in the broadway tunnel and twin peeks. the main point is they are good projects. well designed and built serving the city well especially general
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fund departments and after the round of upon presentations you are finishing may be able to. thank you your time is expired. >> could i finish my sentence. >> please finish your sentence. thank you, i was trying to say after this presentation have an annual over view of the various functions in the department at the division level. thanks for listening. >> thank you. caller and -- sfgovtv do we have other callers on this item? we do not that concludes public comment for this over view. is there further discussion from the commission. again thank you for your presentation today it was very helpful. we will move on to item number 7
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secretary full are call that item. >> item 7 is the adoption of the proposed rules of order for the commission. commissioner new hughs-segal lead the sdufthz rules of order have been november fourth meeting of the commission. and on the november 14th meeting of this commission the body moved postpone this item to today for further consideration of suggestions made in public comment. since november 14th a working group of chair post and commissioner segal revised the rules of order with the city attorney's office. and commission staff. notice of the consideration of the rules was posted public low 10 days ahead of this hearing on november 22nd and a copy of rules were posted public low on
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november 29th. fulfilled the notice and posting requirements this is an action item. i want to note that there are 2 omissions in article 1 section 5. on page 3. will being correct in the the final draft the oshg mission of the word, conduct in 2 places in paragraphs 1 and 2. >> thank you secretary fuller i'd like to thank commissioner segal and date city attorney for work on this document and in good shape for us today. any questions from the commission on this item? do i hear a motion and second to adopt the item? i second. >> thank you. given the motion we'll turn to
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public comment. members of the public who wish to make 3 machines of comment on item 7 which is the adoption of the public works rules of order, may lineup against the wall if here in the chamber if you are calling in remote dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2489 845 4467 ##, press star 3 to enter the speaker queue. it does not appear we have members of the public in the chamber wish to speak on this item. sfgovtv is indicating we have one caller wish to speak on this item. who call in the. please unmute the caller and you have 3 machines to speak and 30 seconds of warning from me.
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>> great. daved pilpel on the resolution itself at the end of the fourth where as i think that is where it should say, and be it resolved. the first resolved can say and be it further resolved. there is a be it before the first resolved missing. some of my suggestions were incorporated and i appreciate that. others may be considered another time i would have a section on the director specify annual performance reviews for the secretary and director and change of the must and will language throughout to essential. i think it is more clear. it still a bit legalistic and wooden but can be softened up over time. may be and i suspect will be changes in commission practice
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perhaps other changes in law. changes in commission practice like the order of business you mifind that you want to move the director's report to a different accomplice in the agenda. this will be reflected in future amendments. there is a reference to the california political practices act. it it is the california political reform act the fair political practices commission they implement the reform act. thanks again for considering my suggestions i'm happy to do another pass of time familiar this helps no objection to adopting this today. i would encourage it be reviewed and updated periodically and i say, thank you. >> thank you, caller. and it appear we don't have any other callers wish to speak on this item. that concludes public comment.
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>> thank you, deputy city attorney tom, do you have changes you would like to make to the document in light of mr. pilpel's suggestion today if you need a moment before aroundingil turn to commissioner new hughs-segal who has a comment. . commissioner segal. i asked okay to pass it the mr. pilpel's suggestion about changing the name of act. that might be critical. but i would -- i would go with whatever we are advised by city attorney and i do want to thank everybody who is here mr. fuller, commissioner post, all of you for beering with us on work hard on this document,
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input. thank you commissioner segal we will take a pause until deputy city attorney gets the recommendation. thank you. thank you. commissioners. so, my recommendation would be to add one more correction of typo the reference on page 2. to the the now states california political practices act refer to california fair political practices commission regulations. >> thank you. mr. topp any other changeings to the document? from your point of view. >> i have no further recommendations. >> thank you very much. >> we have a motion but i would like to provide a new motion to adopt the rules of order amended by department city attorney tom. thank you. any debate?
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okay. hearing no debate all in favor of adopting the rules of order as amended say, yes. >> yes, yes, yes. i don't see abstentions. the motion passes. secretary fuller will publish our adopted rules of order to the website and thank mr. pilpel for diligence and bird dog thanksgiving document and making good suggestions he pointed out we did adoptful thank you. >> okay. now upon we'll move on to item the next item, item 9. we would need to for item 8 in order to postpone we need motion the postponement and take public comment. >> okay. >> thank you very much. is there a notion postpone what was item 8 the update on the
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hiring to the next meet nothing 2 weeks. >> i so move >> second. >> thank you. >> we'll open to public comment. this item, thank you. members of public who wish to make 3 machines of comment on the postponement of item 8 to the december 16th meeting may lineup. if you are calling in dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2489 845 4467 ## and press star 3 to enter the queue. there is no one coming forward.
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sfgovtv do we have callers? there are no caller that concludes public comment. >> thank you very much. it is -- any debit on the motion it post phone next meeting? all right. no further debate all in favor say, yes. >> yes, >> yes, >> i don't hear no's. the motion passes. thank you very much. and we look forward to an update at the next meeting now move on to item 9. secretary fuller, call that item >> new business initiated by commissioners and this is an informational item. >> does the commission have new business to initiate?
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hearing none we will now move on to item 10. secretary full are call this item. >> item 10 is general public comment if continued from item one if necessary. this item is in the necessary as we did not exceed the initial 15 minute period. >> thank you. mr. fuller do we have remaining business. >> there is nell further business on the agenda. >> hearing no objection i adjourn the meeting we meet on friday december 16th. it is 1:27 p.m. thank you.
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the tenderloin is home to families, immigrants, seniors, merchants, workers and the housed and unhoused who all deserve a thriving neighborhood to call home. the tenderloin initiative was launched to improve safety, reduce crime, connect people to services and increase investments in the neighborhood. as city and community-based partners, we work daily to make these changes a reality. we invite you to the tenderloin
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history, inclusivity make this neighborhood special. >> we're all citizens of san francisco and we deserve food, water, shelter, all of those things that any system would. >> what i find the most fulfilling about being in the tenderloin is that it's really basically a big family here and i love working and living here. >> [speaking foreign language] >> my hopes and dreams for the tenderloin are what any other community organizer would want for their community, safe, clean streets for everyone and good operating conditions for small businesses.
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>> everything in the tenderloin is very good. the food is very good. if you go to any restaurant in san francisco, you will feel like oh, wow, the food is great. the people are nice. >> it is a place where it embraces all walks of life and different cultures. so this is the soul of the tenderloin. it's really welcoming. the. >> the tenderloin is so full of color and so full of people. so with all of us being together and making it feel very safe is challenging, but we are working on it and we are getting there.
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coastal flooding due to climate change with expecting sea level rise up to 7 feet by the year 2100. we also need to strengthen the wateren front gaest urblth quake risk. the waterfront resilience program is leading a city wide effort to adapt the waterfront kaess this unique combination of risks. what is at stake? small businesses nearby housing open spaces and attractions and initial historic district, mare i time and industrial use, transportation like bart and muni, critical drinking and wastewater utility and disaster response facility. guided by robust public engagement process since 2018, the port and city and federal agency partners have developed waterfront adaptation strategies for public review and engagement. adaptation strategies are a combinationf construction projethss and policies to defend san francisco against
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flood and earthquake riskbs to create a resilient sustainable equitalb waterfront for the next 100 years. we'll need to use different approaches dependling on the unique characteristics of each neighborhood and shoreline. continuing to defend locations against current and future flooding at the shoreline while defending further inland in other locations to create space for our expecting future fwluding. the port is committed to insure adaptation strategy create students for san francisco historically underserved communities. we want residents to engage in decision making and benefit directly. we have a once in a generation chance to defend waterfront jobs, housing and public spaces from floods and earthquakes and reiman jts with more pub luck open space, better access improved mobility somewhere enhanced ecology. join the port of san francisco and let your voice be heard on the future of our waterfront. learn more at
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>> third thursdays at the commons is a monthly event series to really activate krisk krisk -- civic center, fulton mall, and other locations through social operation. >> in 2016, an initiative called the civic center progress initiative was launched, it was launched by a bunch of city agencies and community partners, so they really had to figure out how to program these places on a more frequent basis. i'm with the civic center community benefit district, and i'm program manager for the civic center commons. also, third thursdays will have music. that was really important in the planning of
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these events. >> we wanted to have an artist that appeals to a wide range of tastes. >> i'm the venue manager. good music, good music systems, and real bands with guitar players and drummers. >> we turned uc center and fulton street into a place where people want to be to meet, to laugh, and it's just an amazing place to be. there's a number of different exhibits. there's food, wine, cocktails, and the idea, again, is to give people an opportunity to enjoy what really is, you know, one of the great civic faces in america. when you look from the polk street steps, and you look all the way down the plaza, down
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market street, daniel burns' design, this was meant to be this way. it's really special. >> the city approached us off the grid to provide food and beverages at the event as kind of the core anchor to encourage people who leave a reason to stay. >> it's really vibrant. it's really great, just people walking around having a good time. >> this formula is great food, interesting music, and then, we wanted to have something a little more, so we partnered with noise pop, and they brought in some really fun games. we have skeeball, we also have roller skating lessons, and we've got a roller skating rink. >> if you're a passion jail
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skeeball player like me, and you're deciding whether you're just going to roll the ball up the middle or take a bank shot. >> our goal is to come out and have fun with their neighbors, but our goal is to really see in the comments that it's a place where people want to hold their own public event. >> i think this is a perfect example of all these people working together. everybody's kind of come together to provide this support and services that they can to activate this area. >> there's no one agency or organization that really can make this space come alive on its own, and it's really through the collective will, not just of the public sector, but both the public and our business partnerships, our nonprofits partnerships, you
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know, neighborhood activists. >> i really like it. it's, like, a great way to get people to find out about local things, cuisine, like, it's really great. >> it's a really good environment, really welcoming. like, we're having a great time. >> we want to inspire other people to do this, just using a part of the plaza, and it's also a good way to introduce people if they're having a large scale event or small scale event, we'll direct you to the right people at the commons so you can get your event planned. >> being a san francisco based company, it was really important to connect and engage with san franciscans. >> how great is it to come out from city hall and enjoy great music, and be able to enjoy a
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comtail, maybe throw a bocci ball or skee ball. i find third thursdays to be really reinriggating for me. >> whether you're in the city hall or financial district or anywhere, just come on down on third thursdays and enjoy the music, enjoy an adult beverage, enjoy the skee ball; enjoy an adult playground, if you
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civil rights for decades becoming a bedrock for the historical firsts. the first city with the first openly gay bar. the first pride parade. the first city to legalize gay marriage. the first place of the iconic gay pride flag. established to help cancel policy, programses, and initiatives to support trans and lgbtq communities in san francisco. >> we've created an opportunity to have a seat at the table. where trans can be part of city government and create more civic engagement through our trans advisory committee which advises our office and the mayor's office. we've also worked to really address where there's gaps across services to see where we can address things like housing
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and homelessness, low income, access to small businesses and employment and education. so we really worked across the board as well as meeting overall policies. >> among the priorities, the office of transgender initiatives also works locally to track lgbtq across the country. >> especially our young trans kids and students. so we do a lot of work to make sure we're addressing and naming those anti-trans policies and doing what we can to combat them. >> trans communities often have not been included at the policy levels at really any level whether that's local government, state government. we've always had to fend for ourselves and figure out how to care for our own communities. so an office like this can really show and become a model
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for the country on how to really help make sure that our entire community is served by the city and that we all get opportunities to participate because, in the end, our entire community is stronger. >> the pandemic underscored many of the inequities they experienced on a daily basis. nonetheless, this health crisis also highlighted the strength in the lgbtq and trans community. >> several of our team members were deployed as part of the work at the covid command center and they did incredit able work there both in terms of navigation and shelter-in-place hotels to other team members who led equity and lgbtq inclusion work to make sure we had pop-up testing and information sites across the city as well as making sure that data collection was happening.
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we had statewide legislation that required that we collected information on sexual orientation and our team worked so closely with d.p.h. to make sure those questions were included at testing site but also throughout the whole network of care. part of the work i've had a privilege to be apart of was to work with o.t.i. and a community organization to work together to create a coalition that met monthly to make sure we worked together and coordinated as much as we could to lgbtq communities in the city. >> partnering with community organizations is key to the success of this office ensuring lgbtq and gender nonconforming people have access to a wide range of services and places to go where they will be respected. o.t.i.'s trans advisory committee is committed to being that voice. >> the transgender advisory counsel is a group of amazing community leaders here in san
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francisco. i think we all come from all walks of life, very diverse, different backgrounds, different expertises, and i think it's just an amazing group of people that have a vision to make san francisco a true liberated city for transgender folks. >> being apart of the grou allows us to provide more information on the ground. we're allowed to get. and prior to the pandemic, there's always been an issue around language barriers and education access and workforce development. now, of course, the city has been more invested in to make sure our community is thriving and making sure we are
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mobilizing. >> all of the supervisors along with mayor london breed know that there's still a lot to be done and like i said before, i'm just so happy to live in a city where they see trans folks and recognize us of human beings and know that we deserve to live with dignity and respect just like everybody else. >> being part of the trans initiative has been just a great privilege for me and i feel so lucky to have been able to serve for it for so far over three years. it's the only office of its kind and i think it's a big opportunity for us to show the country or the world about things we can do when we really put a focus on transgender issues and transgender communities. and when you put transgender people in leadership positions. >> thank you, claire. and i just want to say to claire farly who is the leader of the office of transgender initiatives, she has really
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taken that role to a whole other level and is currently a grand marshal for this year's s.f. prize. so congratulations, claire. >> my dream is to really look at where we want san francisco to be in the future. how can we have a place where we have transliberation, quality, and inclusion, and equity across san francisco? and so when i look five years from now, ten years from now, i want us to make sure that we're continuing to lead the country in being the best that we can be. not only are we working to make sure we have jobs and equal opportunity and pathways to education, employment, and advancement, but we're making sure we're taking care of our most impacted communities, our trans communities of color, trans women of color, and black trans women. and we're making sure we're addressing the barriers of the access to health care and
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>> i'm maggie. >> i'm nick. >> we're coe-chairs of the national led organization. what food recovery does is recover and redistribute food that would go wasted and redistributing to people in the community. >> the moment that i became really engaged in the cause of fighting food waste was when i had just taken the food from the usf cafeteria and i saw four pans full size full of food perfectly fine to be eaten and made the day before and that would have gone into the trash that night if we didn't recover it the next day.
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i want to fight food waste because it hurts the economy, it's one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. if it was a nation, it would be the third largest nation behind china and the united states. america wastes about 40% of the food we create every year, $160 billion worth and that's made up in the higher cost of food for consumers. no matter where you view the line, you should be engaged with the issue of food waste. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ >> access edible food that we have throughout our lunch program in our center, i go ahead and collect it and i'll
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cool it down and every night i prep it up and the next day i'll heat it and ready for delivery. it's really natural for me, i love it, i'm passionate about it and it's just been great. i believe it's such a blessing to have the opportunity to actually feed people every day. no food should go wasted. there's someone who wants to eat, we have food, it's definitely hand in hand and it shouldn't be looked at as work or a task, we're feeding people and it really means so much to me. i come to work and they're like nora do you want this, do you want that? and it's so great and everyone is truly involved. every day, every night after
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every period of food, breakfast, lunch, dinner, i mean, people just throw it away. they don't even think twice about it and i think as a whole, as a community, as any community, if people just put a little effort, we could really help each other out. that's how it should be. that's what food is about basically. >> an organization that meets is the san francisco knight ministry we work with tuesday and thursday's. ♪♪♪ ♪ by the power ♪ ♪ of your name ♪
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>> i have faith to move mountains because i believe in jesus. >> i believe it's helpful to offer food to people because as you know, there's so much homelessness in san francisco and california and the united states. i really believe that food is important as well as our faith. >> the san francisco knight ministry has been around for 54 years. the core of the ministry, a group of ordain ministers, we go out in the middle of the night every single night of the year, so for 54 years we have never missed a night. i know it's difficult to believe maybe in the united states but a lot of our people will say this is the first meal they've had in two days.
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i really believe it is a time between life or death because i mean, we could be here and have church, but, you know, i don't know how much we could feed or how many we could feed and this way over 100 people get fed every single thursday out here. it's not solely the food, i tell you, believe me. they're extremely grateful. >> it's super awesome how welcoming they are. after one or two times they're like i recognize you. how are you doing, how is school? i have never been in the city, it's overwhelming. you get to know people and through the music and the food, you get to know people. >> we never know what impact we're going to have on folks. if you just practice love and
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kindness, it's a labor of love and that's what the food recovery network is and this is a huge -- i believe they salvage our mission. >> to me the most important part is it's about food waste and feeding people. the food recovery network national slogan is finding ways to feed people. it's property to bring the scientific and human element into the situation.
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>> welcome everyone to union square my name is marissa rodriguez and i'm executive director of union square alliance. what a beautiful, sunny welcoming day here in union square. [applause] we are in the heart of san francisco, the crown rule, union square where the holidays are synonymous with union square. i just want to take a moment to acknowledge all the folks behind me today. it takes a village to ensure that our community is safe vibrant and beautiful as it is today. this time last year,
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