tv Planning Commission SFGTV December 5, 2022 12:00am-2:31am PST
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco planning commission hearing for thursday, december first, difficult to believe i will remind everyone to silence mobile devices that may sound off. to enable public participation is streaming live and will receive comment for each item. comments and opportunity to speak are available by calling 415-655-0001. and entering access code: 2488 892 5464 ##. you may join us via web ex.
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we will take public comment from those in person first then open the remote line. speak clearly and slowly. if you care to state your name. each speaker allowed up to 3 minutes you will hear a chime reminding you your time is almost up. for those call nothing to submit testimony when we reach the item, speaking to press star 3 to be added to the queue or ebb ex, raise your hand. when you have been unmuted you can begin speak. call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and please mute the volume on your television or computer. for those in city hall. come forward approximate lineup on the screen side of the room. >> i will again ask that we silence our mobile device. i will take roll. president tanner.
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>> here. >> vice president moore. >> here. >> commissioner braun. >> here. >> commissioner diamond. >> here. >> commissioner imperial. >> here. >> commissioner koppel. >> commissioner ruiz will be absent. quiver continuance item 1, the 2022 hotel conversion ordinance amendment this is is a negative declaration appeal and it is proposed to be continued to january 26, 2023. commissioners issue under your dr review i'm pleased inform you item 15 at 88 winfield the dr has been with drawn. so it looks like. >> winfield. there is public comment on the
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item. at this time. >> i did in the need to jump over you. >> december and everybody it is raining and everybody issancey. >> you have 3 minutes. >> i will take a minute. >> i saw the with drawl in the packet the huge packet. i'm making a mess the huge packet like 1200 pages 110 pages from the end is a letter that was sent from the dr requestor. i think it is really important it is in the supporting documents. i think it is a good autopsy of a case study. gi will interrupt because we are only taking public comment on the continuance. i hope you read it. because it was not addressed to mr. winslow it would good to read to understand yet publicments dr. thank you very much. >> thank you.
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last call for public comment on the continuance. only on the matter of continuance. public comment is closed and your calendar is before you. >> commissioner imperial. >> move to condition item as proposed. >> second. >> thank you. on that motion commissioner braun >> aye >> dimonth. >> aye >> imperial. >> aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye. >> commissioner moore. >> aye. >> commissioner tanner. >> aye >> that passes unanimously 6-0. >> under consent all matters constitute a consent are considered to routine by planning and accounted upon by a roll call. there will be no discussion unless requested. the matter shall be removed and considered as a separate item at this or future hearing. item 2, 333 delores a cu
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authorization. item 3, are 245 valencia a cu authorization. will item 4, 428, 15th avenue a cu authorization. item 5, 944 irving a cu authorization. i will note commissioners and call to your attention i believe you received late amendments to items 3 and 4. on your consent. so, those motions and modifications should be under consideration when you consider the consent calendar. >> we should open up public comment this is your opportunity to request if any be remove friday consent, and considered later today.
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pardon me for my -- a question about the 15th avenue was that pulled from consent yet. >> it has not yet been pulled. i like to request. there you have it. >> item 4 for 15th avenue will be pulled off and considered later are today at the end or beginning? let's hear it at the end. >> that the be heard at the end of today's agenda. >> yes , sir. 15th avenue as well. i am familiar with all the rules here i'm trying to get clarification. [inaudible] we will hear it at the end of the agenda. >> thank you very much. jury room last call for public comment for request that any other items removed from consent. seeing no requests,
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commissioners, public comment on consent is closed. item 4 pulled off you have remaining before you items 2, 3 and 5. commissioner moore. >> imperial. >> move to approve items 23 and 5. >> second. >> thank you. >> on that motion to approve items 2, 3 and 5 on consent, commissioner braun. >> aye. >> commissioner diamond. >> aye. >> commissioner imperial. >> aye. >> commissioner koppel. >> aye >> commissioner moore. >> aye. >> commissioner tanner. >> that passes unanimously. and places under commission matterings item 6 the land acknowledgment. ramaytush ohlone acknowledgement the planning commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their
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responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples . >> thank you, commissioner braun. >> of item upon 7 consideration of option draft empties from november 10 and 17th, 2022. members of public this is your opportunity to address the commission on the minutes. need it come forward or join us via web ex or raise your hand by pressing star 3 on the phone. seeing no requests to speak. for members, public comment is closed and the minuteings are before you, commissioners.
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commissioner imperial. >> move to adopt the minutes. >> second. >> thank you, commissioners on that motion to adopt commissioner braun. >> aye >> commissioner diamond. >> air >> imperial. >> aye >> koppel. >> aye. >> commissioner moore. >> aye >> commissioner tanner. >> that passes unanimously item 8 commission comments and questions. >> comments or questions issue commissioners? >> not seeing any. >> thank you. >> no requests to speak we will move to department matters director's announcements item 9 >> just an update on the housing element schedule. so we have been working to addressy comments from the board of supervisors you and the public the last hearing. we got significant final comments from the public as well. it has been a fairly hectic
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time. we'll be before you next week on the eighth for informational hearing. you will not get a details packet before that about the changes we are working on changes to get to you on the so you can adopt on the 15th. we'll try to get you a summary of changes and the changes on the walk through the changes. that's the calendar we will look for any changes you want to make on the 15th and adoption on the 15th. >> thank you. whenever that does come on the eighth, if you can highlight the changes that's helpful. >> yes. tell be red lined. >> okay commissioners we can move to item 10. review of past week's events at the board of supervisor list is no report from the board of appeals or historic preservation. >> good afternoon, this week the land use committee took the
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mayor's automobile use housing density ordinance on the docket. unfortunately the item had to be continued should be back on monday. >> the committee was also able to hear the safety and resilience element this week you heard it on september 29th and recommended approval and it was presented at the committee on there was only one public commenter after which the committee forwarded it to board with positive recommendation. the turk and taylor landmark designation passed. if temporary no questions move on to general public comment. member may address on items
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within the subject jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with agenda items your opportunity will be when it is met in the meeting. each may address for up to 3 minutes when the number of speaks exceed the 15 minute limit it may be moved to the end of the agenda. >> good afternoon georgia, again, on tuesday i sent the commission staff an e mail with photos of a project in noe valley and a letter from the dr requestor at the time from the hear nothing 2017. i think 3 of you were up there now were hear for that hearing. and the house is empty. and the letter from the d rushgs requestor said it all as did the pictures. what i want to add is going back to why this probably happened. i think it has to do with the
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loophole in the demo cap. they were extremely close. and perhaps if they had been closed, between 2009 and sfaen when the project was heard may be a different out commit know the commission struggled with that project. as i said before, the intent of section 317 was not to have projects like that. that was the intended and that is why i think it was put this there so the commission and the staff at some point and the public could find a sweet spot of how to do an alteration without it veer nothing a demolition. so, what i want to talk about today are the different scenario how the commission can use the legislative authority to address it. and that is in the letter i
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attached. and i want to reminds the commission, please, that prior to the unaffordable clause for the neighborhoods e eliminated from the code the zoning add administrator adjusted the values in the rh81, 5 times. in the letter to deal with the rapid escalation in the housing prices throughout the city. not just noe valley which declared the epicenter de facto demolition by the staff. if the commission had used the legislative authority that they have, with the za's addressing the values that seems like that would have been good in concert to do that and more housing account have been preserved including residential flats. that are more affordable. >> finally attached is 2000 decision from the california
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court of appeal not published decision but logical and it is logical with regard to de facto demolition and affordable housing. and those are all issues in the housing element urgent. here is might have letter with the attachments and here is the minutes and here is if you could send one to commissioner ruiz. thank you very much. >> last call for general public commentful again if you are here you need to come forward if you are calling in remotely press star 3 or raise your hand. seeing no requests, commissioners, general public comment is closed. we can move on to the regular calendar. item 11. case the grocery store and polk street neighborhood commercial
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planning code amendment. >> good afternoon. veronica planning department staff. the item before you is an ordinance regarding the replacement of a general grocery use with subscent grocery use excess of 4,000 square feet in the polk street neighborhood commercial district. this was introduced by supervisor peskin. the ordinance would allow 3 things. the first is to allow the extension of existing general grocery use replacing a legacy business general grocery use to exceed 4,000 square feet. the second item would allow a merger of a general grocery related replacing a legacy business general grocery only if the expansion is in a building on the same lot. and lastly, the ordinance remove
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the cu authorization requirement if replacing a legacy business general grocery with a journey grocery use only if the existing general grocery is extended to a building on the same lot again. by right is currently operating the former real foods company this ordinance would be able to allow them to expand at the adjacent store front. the commercial space is at 2140 polk street. by right enter in the a long-term lease agreement with the property owner and is look to merge the 2 store fronts, which they are unable to do now under the current foek street neighborhood commercial district controls. 3 amendments i out lined the will allow them to expand to the adjacent vacant store front, which was a hair salon. the planning department has received one letter of support
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from mr. sip the owner of by right and emphasized the goal of retaining and expanding a general grocery went neighborhood. he shared by right health programs specific low designed to increase food security within san francisco and the greater bay area. i believe he is available today to answer specific questions. >> the department recognizes the importance of general grocery use in neighborhoods and efforts to further support general grocery we recommend the commission approve the proposed ordinance with the following modification. the first recommended modification is to printablely permit journey grocery use up to 5,000 square feet in all neighborhood cleshl districts. currently being nonresidential
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use size limits vary dependsoth neighborhood commercial or zoning district but the general grocery is universal. so the department believes 5 thousand square feet is appropriate to permit general groceries. the second recommended modification is to allow store front mergers for all proposed general grocery uses up to the 5,000 square feet i mentioned. and this recommendation remains a barrier for the potential grocery stores that may want to open up or expand. and lastly, the third recommended modification is to eliminate the cu authorization requirement for removing a legacy business general grocery if replaced by another general groefrnl whether a general grocery is legacy or not the use is the same. and the idea here is if a
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general grocery is going to replace a legacy business general grocery they should not request a c u authorization. and i want to highlight that real food company did close their business out of their own accord a decision they made. society cu authorization is not triggered here for by right to operate at 2140 polk. by right is already running the business at the premesis and if the ordinance were to go through they will close the store for 1-2 weeks in order to merge 2 store fronts and a deep clean but the intent is to minimize the closure for the grocery on polk street. the supervisor's office shared the first 2 recommend modifications regarding use size and stow 41 merger. ms. sunny was supposed to join us today i just learned she is
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out sick today. i did want to emphasize there is supporting of the first 2 recommended modifications and she requestedir highlight for you there will be a substance ordinance to include the section 302 findings went ordinance and i will allow the city attorney to fill in additional details as need this concludes the staff presentation and i'm available for questions. thank you. >> thank you. we should open up public comment. this is your opportunity to address the commission. come forward or press star 3 or raise your hand. what do i press. [laughter] i'm sorry. >> okay. you are good. >> go ahead.
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>> sorry. >> thank you for take the time to consider this. i did want to make a couple of clarifications we have not taken overnight real foods location it is being operated by the current owner of real foods. and the other clarification is that we are a legacy business we would be a legacy business replacing another. so there would be no loss of a legacy business in san francisco. and i want to just 3 this -- does this work. so so you get a sense of scale, the current real foods site is 35 feet wide and the hair salon 14 feet wide is the space we would like to expand into. and the current current actual market itself has been operating in a space that is excess of the
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3999 square foot since 1990. they actually got a permit in 1992 expanding to the lot behind temperature so it is operating 8200 square feet. expansion to the space moves up to 9800 square feet it is excess of the size but it is the merging of the 2 store fronts what we are after. i can show you diagrams around that as well. if you like. am the space here is the existing. >> i'm sorry you need to speak. >> space here is the existing store. and all of this is the support area in the back this is the property line. and this is lot 18 this is lot 18a. this is the salon, which is the
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14 foot space we would like to expand into. and there is an additional 500 square feet in the lot next to us we would like to expand into to relocate the refuse so we can maintain a sanitary condition for the grocery store. work sight the potential that -- we have at on polk street and -- my family has been operating by right in san francisco for 6 years. we have been intentional about the community we look to move into and look at them as long-term and impactful opportunity and think that we can benefit neighborhood and the rest of the commercial corridor in a significant way and hoping you will support project for us.
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thank you very much. >> thank you. other members of the public wish to speak. you need to come forward. seeing no questions, public comment is close third degree planning code amendment is before you. >> commissioner moore. >> without speak with conflict of interest i frequent the store it is in my neighborhood and delighted see it replaced the current store has been around forever and this is an anchor and staple of the neighborhood i'm delighted support it and look forward to going to the new facility. thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner diamond. >> i had one question. the owner of the store made a comment about expansion in the
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refuse area. garbage area in pink. is that which is not part of the salon is a part of property you already own? what is the pink area? >> the pink area is a property owned by the same landlord it is all one landlord. in the past, the pink area and the rest of that ground floor basement space was part of being also used by the family back when they had the plumbing company am and extend all the way to lot 18. and so all of that space was used as one space in historically we will seek a separate permit for that. it is not part of this i wanted to share with you the scope of what we remember doing. and improvements we wanted make are around improving the safety and the sanitation of the space as it is in pretty dire need of
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it. >> okay. >> thank you. >> follow up question for staff. that pink area is not part of this motion? >> correct. >> this ordinance only pertains to expansions in the same buildoth same lot. the adjacent former hair salon. whether or not they get approval or need approval for the pink area this is an independent action. >> correct. >> thank you. >> didn't seat pink in the motion i found that confusing okay. that's not on the agenda. thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> would you be able to shed more light in the absence of not being here why is the supervisor not supporting the modifications for point 3? >> yes. so in speaking with the supervisor's office they support
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first 2 but they did have occurrence regarding eliminating the cu authorization requirement. and the requirement concern related is a formula retail use were to come in there is not currently a formula retail ban in the polk street. i did explain that the former controls would still applych so if there is a proposed retail use they would appear through c u authorization. they would still with a public hearing related to it. but they were primarily concerned with formula retail uses. >> once you explained it there is an extra protection they are still want to maintain a cu for just in case. >> so, we were not able to finish the rest of that conversation. unfortunately -- out sick today we were not able to get to that final point.
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but she said that makes sense and it is clear but i did not get the final official green light for support on that last one i imagine with that additional explanation and they would be -- i will leave it there. >> thank you for explaining that. i personal low would like to hear from the supervisor. i only would like to reminds those commissioner who is were on the commission that a few years ago we had an outrageous battle about designer amazon trying to take over the former lombardi sport's store. which is now slated to be become a mound of stone. i would not want any of us including the department to be subjected anything similar to that. il with hold my spchlt department's modification for that one item. letting and you the board
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supervisors work it out. the supervisor peskin work it out. thank you. >> commissioner imperial. >> thank you, commissioner moore. my question was regarding that as well. i'm supportive of the legislation itself and also some of the modifications of the planning department as well. i believe in the item 3 is what commissioner moore. i would add in terms of if eliminating cua for this legacy business to general grocery use, that they would we would incorporate a racial, social equity aspect in consideration with the supervisor peskin's office as well. in general i'm supportive of this legislation. thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner braun. i will say when it come to the modifications i support them if the third modification is -- i
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think i'm okay with not approving that third modification today but regardless, i want to speak to a larger point raised in the packet. that referred to the possible need to restudy the neighborhood cleshl district controls broadly and generally. i'm curious if there is any if thap is proceed nothing any way or the current thinking on that from of director or staff? 2 things. when we as part of the housing element will look at commercial corridors on the west side of the city and take into account
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to the controls on the grounds floor for retail. it is not in our work program to look at the corridors in what is controlled now there was prop h? that passed recently, i think my props confused. but that did stream line and trying to regularize what the controls are on commercial corridors throughout the city. that was helpful. no, the short answer it is not in our work program except where we do rezoning. gi take the point what was raised in the item if an exception needs to carved out for this reasonable and modest neighborhood need replacing this legacy grocery with another legacy grocery business, that i imagine there are a lot of
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issues in the planning code we may need to look at. piencourage that process to continue moving forward. i think -- otherwise, yes, as far as today i'm supportive. >> i'm supportive of the [inaudible]. >> upon one more point when prop heart attack was adopted by voters mostly it was carved out. part of that issue that we have here is it did not the changes that were took affect in other xhshl corridors did not apply to north beach. >> yes. >> this area carved out. >> no >> this one included. >> i want to thank supervisor peskin and staff for bring thanksgiving forward and hopefully she feels better and may be watching even if she is recoverying. glad to see this legislation. thank you to buy right for is great to see legacy businesses thriving and continuing to grow.
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my comment is i support modifications. i don't know that cu are the best way to keep things businesses are coming and going of their own accord real estate and leasing is part of what keeps them in the city. i'm not sure a cu control is the best remedy for helping legacy businesses the programs to support businesses financially and help them to maintain competitiveness are more helpful toward retaining the businesses and formula retail we'll see smaller and inspect grocery yers opening. which is a small business and so helping them have accomplices to go of the right size seems important. on the 5,000 upon square feet is there a reason that is the appropriate size? or is that what we see? a nice round number? what makes that a good size?
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>> yes. thank you, president tanner. that size first the proposal for buy right we are look at once look it was around the average sizes we saw and not large for the use we felt it was an appropriate size especially considering the different neighborhoods and make sure neighborhoods have more than just a small corner store or. i hope we see more legislation like this. the challenges that for the legislation is this it is legislation that really is precipitated by one project which is not how we want to zone. we don't want one project that needs legislation. we want lots of businesses come and go as needed and be able to
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thrive without coming to planning to get special legislation passed. i hope we see loosening of restrictions. i'm supportive of this. i see commissioner moore and diamond? >> commissioner diamond. the answer on formula retail not provide was satisfy to me. i would like to move to approve the project with all 3 of the modifications. >> second. >> i'm sorry commissioner diamond. was that all 3 modifications. >> all 3 modifications. commissioners, to approve the propose amendments with all 3 of staff modifications commissioner
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braun. >> aye. >> commissioner diamond. >> aye >> commissioner imperial. >> aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye >> commissioner moore. >> aye >> and president tanner >> aye. >> that motion passes unanimously. item 12, 200 folsom street, transbay block twochlt this is a general plan conformity finding. >> good afternoon i'm matt schneider of department stamp general plan consistency findings for amendments to the redevelopment plan for the transbay redevelopment project area. they are proposed to enable a development project on transbay block 2, 200 folsom the last projects in the zone one of the transbay project area.
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i'm sorry. commissioner diamond you have a disclosure. i wanted to disclose i noticed that mercy housing california is the sponsor of the east project. i am a former board member of mers housing california. my board term ended 5 years ago. and i do not believe that prior affiliationville an ability or impact on my ability to be impartial in the deliberations and vote. >> for today i will provide a quick context of the amendments and specific low address what is before you. in staff's recommendation and then turn it over to kim of the office of community investment and infrastructure who will provide information on the back grounds of the transbay block project and its role in fulfilling the plan. and the architect on behalf the
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sponsor will walk throughout designs of the project for you. upon transbay a quick context, block 2 is located in zone one of the transbay redevelopment area. transbay redevelopment project composed of 2 zones. zone it the planning department and code has jurisdiction and entitlements and land use. zone one the role in as the agency to the san francisco redevelopment agency. ocii has jurisdiction over the land use and entitlements with the commission. and in fact, the commission on community investment and infrastructure did approve this project a month ago at the november 1 regular meeting the actions they took included ceqa findings, approving the ma'am to the redevelopment plan which the consistency findings are now before you.
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amendments to the trandz bay controls and design guide lines and the design approval of the 2 buildings associated with the project. what is before you are making general plan consistency findings for the ma'ams to the transbay redevelopment plan and only one amendment the one important one. and so the amendment is to enable a greater massing of 85 feet, the floor plates at the height between 85 and 144 feet increasing that limit from 75 huh human square feet to 11, 1 huh human square feet and the portion of the building 144 feet in height and the max heist 165 feet increasing it from 75 00 square feet 9200 square feet this . it is a 3d of what that difference means.
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the graphic on the left showing the entire project with east and west building as it would be enabled by existing controls in on -- on -- the -- on the right side the proposed building of current massing with additional floor plates per mitted for the redevelopment plan amendments. >> staff did an analysis of the amendments we looked at the increased floor plate size and what is meant for policies and objectives in the journey plan that are associated with urban design and the size of buildings and how it relates to other buildings. we also took in consideration it enabled the project in the entirety so we looked at the general plan. measured the entire project against the journey plan and found it consistent with elements such as rec and open space. urban design and most importantly the housing element
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will provide 345 affordable housing units. planning recommends you finds the ma'ams consistent with the general plan making that will enable the project and create 335 needed senior and family affordable units to the city's housing stock 2 will be downtown and a transit rich location. number three project is well designed with attention given to the grounds plain and public realm and broken you have the mass on the upper portions of the building. project will include street scape improvements fulfilling the public realm of transbay and down city council. it has been approved by the transbay community committee and again the community of the commission on community investment and infrastructure. the project will help fulfill the goals of transbay
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redevelopment project the goals of assuring 35% units in the area are affordable. commissioners this concludes my presentation. i will hand it over to kim of ocii to provide details on the project itself. thank you. >> good afternoon commission i'm kim the senior development specialit on ocii. happy to be here to discuss the project at transbay block twochl i will provide a brief background and over view of the aspect.s block 2 program and the environmental review finding and the experience and the architect is here and walk you through the designs.
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block 2 is the few remain in zone one of the project area. the proposed project on the site will further implementation and goals including contribute to the mixed use and item neighborhood. 35% afford at in the project area. >> ocii thought the team for block 2 through a competitive proposal. and since working with the team to develop the program. financing plan and design. the ocii commission and transbay citizen's committee have been informed key mile stones supportive of the project and approved actions to improve project the block 2 site with 2 and individual financed owned and operated buildings. design and construction will
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continue to be highly coordinated with the key designs working on both buildings and selection of a single general contractor. the 2 west will serve low income senior households for formerly homeless seniors. and the lead architect. 2 east, mercy housing is the sponsor and planning is the lead architect. >> over all block twol provide 335 residential rentals with 151 senior unitos 2 west and one 84 family on 2 east. on 2 west affordability levels from 15% to 60% of the ami. units a mix of stewed scombroes bedrooms. on 2 east. the affordability levels will range from 30% to 70% ami and a
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variety of unit types from studio to 3 bedroom the the building includes 2 retail spaces and childcare facility expected to serve 45 children. >> both buildings include bicycle parking. no vehicular parking on the site. >> on october 26ocii issued the 10th addendum to the downtown exception project environmental impact statement environmental impact report or eir. it concerned the amount development studied in the eir exceed says the amount now on block 2. includes wind and shadow analysis. and concludes the change from the redevelopment plan and the amendment as matt mentioned, would not create significant
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impacts with winds or shadow. the shadow study found the mapping changes add limited shadow on near by open space 0.8% on the transbay block park. finds the revisions to the project associated with the proposal would not cause new significant impacts not already identified in the eir nor the proposed project cause impacts become more severe. with your approval today the project team would seek approval of the plan amendment from the board supervisors. we anticipate beginning construction on both 2 west and 2 east in 2024 with completion expect in the 2026. i will turn it over to own who will speak on behalf of the experience and provide an over view of the design.
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[inaudible]. lead architect on transbay 2 east. family housing. >> good afternoon, commissioners. transbay block 2 is a keystone site in the master plan. and exciting opportunity to provide 335 new homes affordable to seniors and families. in a transit rich area and a park. >> we are honored work with mercy housing on block 2 family building we are working with ccdc the developer and architects of the senior building on block 2 west to create holistic approach. the focus of the efforts has been urban design and
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liveability for the residents and the neighbors for in an estate 2 cannot be divorced. the holistic approach starts with the site andattributes with the plan. and connection to the near park. the landscape design lead by landscape architects stitches with planting sidewalks and street stoops and retail entries. >> 6 retail space totalling 11,000 square feet will span the entire block ancientorth the corners and activate the sidewalks and pedestrian views down the middle. mercy housing managing the retail space. >> views of the 2 corny retail space on the family building and the right the corny of the. the left the ground floor of main and folsom. >> included in this retail is a
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sick,000 square foot childcare center that will serve neighborhood families. with capacity up to 47 children. activating mid block and corner and clementinea street with open play courtyard life. >> fronting the new park the childcare center and retail will augment 8 stoops and pat dwroes activate the park frontage. the family building rises 17 stores with 184 new homelessness. divided to 3 volumes. double height lobby. double height community space on level 6. and level 16 roof deck with amenity space that allow
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families to gather and form community in the building. 3 will be clad in material precast concrete with recessed windows. bring daylight so residents will be connected to the city and the views. we are excited by this vision for the new generational community and hope you are as well. thank you very much. >> >> that concludes the presentations open up public comment this is your opportunity to address the commission on this matter. if you are here come forward. if you are call nothing remotely, press star 3 or raise your upon hand. seeing no requests, commissioners. public comment i take that back. when you hear your line is unmuted, begin speaking. >> this is sue hester. i sent request and e mail for
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the project. we have had a lot of projects come through downtown. and they are mostly all market rate housing and extremelyup scale house thanksgiving is the first thing we seen large mound of low income housing for seniors and families and they are really needed in the midst of the housing element that you are struggling with, and they goals for affordable housing this is a big chunk of affordable. >> i ask you to unanimously support this and thankful the former redevelopment agency can do 100% affordable housing, thank you.
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all right. >> public comment is closed this matter is before you. excellent. want to thank staff and the project many folks clan is excite to see the project come buffers. excited to see no park the childcare up to 47 kids dmt range of affordable options that is dynamic and a bit of good news. as we are seeing things stall or our getting a sense we are excited. >> i will call on commissioner moore. >> supporting what president tanner said. to carry on. putting urban design and liveability in the center of the task at hand it is important.
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and then in the hand of the right architects and the right developers is a winning solution i'm in full support. >> commissioner koppel. great to see add being good density in the right location and full support. >> thank you. >> commissioner diamond. >> i, too, am supportive i have a highly technical question. staff and may be the city attorney. and that is, what is the project that we are approving because the middle where as on page 3 says the proposed project to construct 21 huh human % affordable with 335 unit its sounds like the project is both buildings but there are other parts of the motion that read as though the project is changing the massing just on the 2 east building. so could you provide clarification as to what is the
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exact amendment we are doog gooing. >> the increase in the floor plate size says affect the east building. i do and sometimes in the discussion and make the findings elude to the fact they are increase the massing and enables the project feasibility. i did include in some case, that -- the project in the entirety was enabled. that is why there might be back and forth. technically the redevelopment amendments that are before you are you making finings for is the east building that is the portion of the bodiesing for which the revised controls would apply. >>. can you look at where as on page 3.
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page 3 of the motion. >> page 3 of motion in the middle where as the proposed project is 100% affordable on 2 lots comprised of the 2 scombeft east projects. >> right. is that really what you mean. >> i guess you wanted provide clarity we could say the -- proposed amendments before planning enables the project in turn to construct to 100% affordable on an empty lot. it adds more clairerity to mey is that okay? >> deputy city attorney, that sounds fine. >> okay >> thank you. >> with that i would move to
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approve. >> second. >> that would include that modification. >> yes. >> absolutely. >> to adopt as amendd and read by staff commissioner braun. >> aye. >> commissioner diamond. >> aye >> commissioner imperial. >> aye >> commissioner koppel >> aye >> commissioner moore. >> aye >> president tanner >> that motion passes unanimously. items 13a and b for 749 grant avenue am you will consider the cu authorization while the zoning add administrator will consider request for variance. >> good afternoon claudine department staff.
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i'm speaking for rebecca who is sick today. before you a request for c u authorization to allow for a structure over 35 feet in height in a china town mixed use district. the zoning officer will consider the variance from the coverage in china town mixed use district. pursuant to code section 134.1. planning staff prepared a packet on november 29 with background information on the departmenty investigation to residential uses at the second floor of the property. this was e mail to the commissioner and publishod the website and hard copies are available for your review. the project site on the southwest corner of grant avenue and clay and in the cv r zoning district and the china town historic district. the project site is developed with commercial building constructed in 1907.
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that is 2 stories tall over basement with 7, 500 square feet. the building has served commercial uses since construction and is currently occupied by 3 retailers. >> to date the department has not receives letter in support or obsuspicion to the project. the department find its is on balance, consistent with objectives and policies of the general plan. the department finds the project to be necessary, desirable and compatible with the neighborhood. >> the project has been designed to report skaflt surrounding develop and want relate to buildings and the surrounding historic district. other lots are older mixed use structures contain ground level sales with residential use above and the project mixed retail and residential aline with the existing properties. >> add dwelling units of varying
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thank you for giving us an town to dot presentation. the proposed project is located in china town. the corner of clay and grant avenue. >> and of the neighborhood is high density. developments. many building occupy the entire lot. commercial the ground floor and apartment at the top floors. so, as you look at these -- these google map looking from the top, of this is the -- part of locations. and -- basically -- the project is surround with large buildings for-5 store and some are 3. and -- they are all taking the
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entire lots. there is no setback. no open areas. it is pret conpact dense neighborhood. currently, the building has only 2 stories. this is the buildings. there are 2 story the commercial, both floor are commercial area the basement near the ground floors. and it more like a small buildings compared to surroundings. with large buildings like 3-4 stories. so, this is a 3d rendering of
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the proposed project. we are keeping the same use of the buildings. with commercial at the ground floor but at the same time, we are adding 2 additional floor on the top. but 6 brand-new, two bedroom units. to -- 6 units and make up the lost open space a roof deck is also proposed. with the with the -- this is the roof deck. bum to 600 square feet.
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with the view of the sky of the city skyline. so -- if we are going to be a good use for the residents. following i will present that other floor plans. this is the basement floor. and this is the top, top use the grounds floor we are keeping the same amount units so -- and -- the main point is we are adding additional units to the project. that -- in line with the city policy.
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and new dwelling unit to the city people in overly developed areas. the proposed project is within walking distance to the shop. within this walking distance to the transit market and restaurant and open parks. i believe is a win/win case to my clant and to the people and the neighborhood. i hope you can get this project a chance and approve it today. thank you very much. okay. that concludes the upon presentation open up public comment under the public this is your opportunity to address the commission on this matter. if you are here come forward. if you are calling in press star 3. if youor web ex, raise your hand. seeing no requests to speak, commissioners, public comment is closed and this matter is before you.
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>> you need to come forward, sir. >> good upon afternoon will commissioner. i'm peter i'm representing the property 745 grant, which is the proposed project going to be. and i'm here to support the project because first of all, i don't know everybody know china town the busiest it has been hurt and -- as far as i remember for the last 25 or more year there is no development in china town for commercial and residential. and this is a great opportunity. this new building will not only enhance the china town and bringing in more commercial business coming in and we will help the business over all. and -- the owners very cooperate
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we made one small suggestion for the planning department to consider to make changes on the one of the sky light and they cooperate and we appreciate it. and i'm looking forward to the commissioner will allow go forked this project. i think china town and the chinese community need that new building for the community. thank you very much. >> last call for public comment. again if you are in the chambers come forward. if you are call nothing remote press story 3. if you are on web ex raise your hands. commissioners. we have one person coming forward now.
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some people [inaudible] we don't have our interpreter prepared could anyone from the public intercept for this woman. >> architect was able to do that for you. >> yes. >> thank you, sir. >> [speaking mandarin. >> a quick clarification. although i understand mandarin not good trandz layor if i got misleading i'm sorry. >> go ahead. >> >> [speak mandarin]
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>> there is has been a serious liking from the basement for the building. a number occasion. she have to pump out of the water from the basement and seconded of all she is worried about earthquake the building is really old and not retrofit she is worry body some day a big earthquake and come and destroy her buildings. [speaking mandarin]
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>> last thing is she says has been doing business in china town since 1982 and this is her last wish to make the building to be some significant to the china town. and -- thank you. >> thank you that is your time. >> thank you. >> okay. final, final last call >> anybody physically here and wants to speak you need to stand and up walk forward toward the microphone. if there are members of public who wish to speak come forward and line up on the screen side
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member of the public? i will try this one more time. public comment is closed and this matter is now before you, commissioners. >> thank you and thank you to the members speaking and sorry we were in the able to translate everyone in the future folks know they need interpretation you can request ahead of time. thank you for coming and providing your testimony. i will call on commissioner
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imperial and moore >> thank you for the public for speak. and -- hopefully the architect if you can translate what president tanner mentioned. i'm assuming the people who speak was in support of the project. i hope we got to understand that. first i would like to thank the staff for doing the work in terms of investigating during the drop off site visit and reaching out to the neighborhood as well in terms of the you know the nature of the second floor and i do find this this building a modest you know modest building. code compliant and think it would add character also in
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terms of what it is right now in that corn are lot. so i am in support of the project. ands yea. and thank you gwen for public for speaking. >> commissioner moore. >> creating an appropriate within chien town with the building and units that offer 2 bedrooms for families i think is a good move. i think it is sensitively done and it is up understated fit in what is the heart of china town. over all, i think this is a good solution and i hope that people in the neighborhood find the financial ability to occupy the units. i want to thank staff for asking the architect for last minute change. the dliniation of the roof deck is very appropriate. the previous version showed a roof that was roof deck.
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but talk with staff with size the roof deck to meet expectations what we typically do meets the square footage for the 6 units and modestly holds back from the edges of the build to not impact the street itself or ajoining neighbors. most neighborers sro occupied they are residential uses and i think we want to be careful about that how things plan. thank you very much and again i regret not hearing the translation but as president tanner said i assume that the people spoke were in support of the project. thank you. >> thank you. i want to second commissioner imperial's thanks to staff for the work. extend our thanks for the site visit and wing with the rent board and other in thes community to understand the history and nature of this second level is and agree with all comments.
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sdpien building will be a great addition to china town and good to see 2 bedroom units in a wonderful part of our city. excited support the project. >> commissioner koppel and braun. >> move to approve. >> second. >> i wanted add my thanks to doing the investigation. i noticed inspect plans that there was a reference in the earlier packet to the units on the second floor and whether they may have been residential. i appreciate her in responding to my concerns about that. otherwise. great project and great location. i agree wefrg the others shared. >> thank you. >> commissioners if there is nothing further a motion seconded approve with conditions on that motion commissioner braun. >> aye >> commissioner diamond. >> aye yooch commissioner imperial. >> aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye yoochl commissioner moore yoochl president tanner >> aye
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>> that motion passes unanimously. close the public hear on the variance and grant the standard conscience. >> thank you. >> commissioners, item 14, 26 twine taylor street for conditional use. >> i'm kevin guy with planning staff the question for c u authorization for a property at 26 twine taylor street. the project demolish 2 store commercial building and construct a new hotel with 4 stories over basement level. contain 136 rooms and 2,000 square feet of retail. and amenities fittedness center. breakfast air. employee shower area and roof deck. the commission grant cu which is required for you hotel use in
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the c2 zoning and the waterfront special use district which apply to the project site. in addition to the standard c u finding the commission make findings unique for hotel projects. they address market demand and potential impacts of employment generated and housing, transportation and social services. san francisco is the strongest markets for lodging in the united states with the whar as a top attraction in northern california. the out brasing covid suppressed travel expects recovery by 2025. within the context of over all city wide. am growth minor increase nod generate air substantial demand for housing or other social service. it has no on site parking.
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the project complies with all requirements of the planning code aside from 2 off street loading bays. alternatives on the loading base the project is proposing a 40 foot loading zone. project is requesting a modification of the off street loading requirement. the approval of the project will reenforce the whatever as the focal point of tourists and far enough from the merry time and fishing industries to avoid conflicts with those useings. no off street parking. the lob and he ground floor are retail will activate the tail lawyer and north point street frontages. staff recommends approval and i'm available for questions you may have. thank you. project sponsor, you have 5 minutes.
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>> good afternoon shalling i'm michael sannon the project architect for the proposed hotel. with me is [inaudible] wang my vana white but he is nile project aushth who has done a fine job. our client with the black ridge group is here. scott is an responsiblesed san francisco hotel developer. he and his partners developed over saw the development of the 701 third street hi at down by the ballpark and successful. i like to use our time to do 4 things. first a brief look at the location. as mr. guy said north upon point and taylor. the site is occupied by post second world war strip commercial in a variety of styles. here are a couple of views this is north point view. project we
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propose is explained in 2 drawings. first floor planful it is a doughnut shaped hotel with a courtyard in the center that is 50 by 50 a distance across 24th street from store front to store fran to give you scale. you will notice it is a high percentage of double rooms. double queens, 48 in the proposed in the hotel make this a visitor serving family hotel. mr. guy mentioned, there are no meeting rooms. no ball room this is it is a visitor serving towerist hotel. the queen rooms connect to the king so this allows flexibility for using the hotel for families. the section of the other drawing explains it. you see we have a continue us facade of retail along taylor street the major access from the
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cable car to the wharf and back. reenforcing the retail there and you see the courtyard and theed space between the units here. i like to point out a couple of other issues about the architecture. >> we are proposing a generous roof deck complieds with the roof requirements occupants for hotel only of passive recreation. no borrow or activity but it is going to be a fun place to get up and look out and enjoy the city. modifications to the roof plan will result from the implementation of the requirements for active solar in the current california building codes we will work those out at staff level. here are a couple of views of the hotel in the street context. one on north point and taylor. you see the design is consistent
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with the scale and rhythm of the rows of the streets. am the design itself is a combination of prefinished metal panels that give a strong here zantal background to the base of the building with the bay in assessment plaster it is an upon excellent material to execute the in's and out's of a bay yet that's not a roll that falls well. we are proposing the 2 materials. here are a couple of views. this is down taylor street. and the next view is along north point. and -- i received word couple of days commissioner diamond asked for additional information on the market demand study. and commissioner, in response to your request, i picked up on a couple days ago, here is the
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november 2020 report on holing market in san francisco. this is basically hot off the press the part that is key is this, these graphs here. these graphs show clearly that even factor nothing fully, which the original market study could guess it was appropriate in the 2020, factor covid in fully the projection is still that the kwooe key indicators of the hotel -- occupancy and average rate and revenue per room are all anticipated to be at or above the level set in 2017 a banner year by the time 2025 rolls along, which is when this holing will be likely opened in the summer of 25. so, i can get more for you but this is the most recent
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information we have on market demand. andil be happy to field questions after public comment that may come from each you. we look forward to your support of this project. thank you. >> members of public, this is your opportunity to address the commission if you are in the chamber come forward and lineup. if you are call nothing remote press story 3 if youor web ex, raise your hand. >> good afternoon president tan and members of planning. i'm steven a field representative for nor cal property union local 22 representing then,000 carp terse in northern california and 3,000 in the city of san francisco. there are zero labor starnsd. we reached out numerous times and told they are too busy to talk you to. in the past few months we have seen issues with hotel in the industry. hotels making a come back. they have violations wage
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violations are issues and don't want these to carry over to new construction. these issues don't arise with the commitment to the use of a union general contractor. we ask to you take us in consideration for approving this project. thank you for your time. seeing no other members of public not guilty chamber we go to the remote callers. when you hear your line is unmuted you can begin speaking. >> hello i'm dave, i'm with the un local 38 plumber and pipe fitter union of san francisco. i'm speak nothing support of the development at 2629 taylor. a new 4 story hotel with 136 rooms. grounds floor retail space located in the warembarcadero
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district the most popular tourist destination in the city tell benefit the tourism covering from the pan dem and i can it will support the surrounding businesses. we specific low vault project sponsor's commitment to using train and union plumbing. tell benefit job in efficient and quality construction project. we encourage the commissioners to join us in support of this needed project. thank you. good afternoon this is sing why gomez from local 2 hotel and hospitality workers. and in support of the project at 2629 taylor. we are concerned with whether new jobs created will serve to lift up the community providing
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living wages and working conscience for the hard working people in hotels. [inaudible] supported the quality jobs by [inaudible] neutral and presenting efforts by employees performing union the [inaudible] and also signed an agreement that will cover the building traits. we support the project. and we urge support for the approval. thank you. i'm dan calling to show support for the project at 2629 taylor street. in san francisco. and -- want to mention that you knows developer made a commitment to using union fitter we dot compliance and ensure
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that we have a union fitter on the job will ensure and they have proper wages and benefits for this project. i ask you for your support, thank you. i'm john wells. i'm a business representative for local 104 and represent 10,000 sheet metal workers i'm call nothing support of this project. not only will it benefit the member and get members back to work in a community back up and running; tell benefit the city in general. money made here and money spent here it come full circle. strongly suggest you support this and let's go.
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get it done. >> thank you. last call for public comment. again if you notoriety chambers come forward if you are call nothing remote press star 3. on web ex, raise your hand. commissioners issue public comment is closed this matter is now before you. >> i thank you for the project and explaining and catchings us up on the 2022 hotel report. seems like it was saying things are looking like recovery is a few years out i think we had some good news with tourism returning to the city. it it is good to see. i think the hotel is well designd and thoughtful. great location and happy to see no parking again encouraging our tourists to walk and bike. e signal this location it is not fun it drive anyway if you have a car. we are doing them a favor in
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that regard >> i will call on commissioner morand koppel >> in support of the project. this site looked for a new use for a few years. i remember a number of years there was an application that did not fit or the time was not right. glad to here we are moving forward with a hotel coupled with the encouraging forecast for the hotel industry for san francisco. i have one question and it is a curiosity for mr. staten temperature is unusual the ajoining building on the west has this acute angle innerfearing. how could that happen? curiosity question >> speaking throughout chair, i have no idea. the other block is perfect 137 and a half by 2137 and a half
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square except for the middle cut out. and the adjacent building is the same size. i have no idea. it did provide a challenge for the design of the building, requires us to return the facade on what would be a party wall in the same material we use on north point so we will not have that ugly transition from a good facade on the public street to something more minimal on the party wall. we are turning, i have no idea how we dot got that. looks interesting look at the history of the battles with the early days. i'm in full spchlt thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner koppel >> in support of the project. happy to hear local 2 calling to support not just the temporary construction of the building butt permanent employing of i deally san francisco residents
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making a good wage working in the hotel. appreciate the no parking and the efficiency done prioritizing the family style units. >> great. thank you. >> commissioner diamond. >> i can very much appreciate the responsiveness to my question about market demand. it was making me uncomfortable relying on a 2020 study. thank you for the information. you said november 22 was the deaf study? >> terrific. i have one -- yes, ma'am. >> i have one question. you have hotel room in what is the basement the front on the courtyard. can you describe what the windows are like, are they clear story or regular sized. >> again speaks through the chair. commissioner diamond those guest rooms on the courtyard which are down 5 will feast from the grade
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level. it is not a full basement they will have the same windows as the other guest rooms. there will be a landscaped screen 6-8 feet out. which will give the residents of the people using that guest room privacy from the breakfast patio and potentially people looking up or down they will have the same sized windows. >> floor of the room at the same level of the floor of the courtyard. >> yes. >> all right. thank you very much. >> commissioner moore? >> no. commissioner koppel. >> move to approve >> seconded. >> thank you commissioners on that motion to approve with conscience commissioner braun. >> aye >> commissioner dimon. >> aye yoochl commissioner imperial. aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye >> commissioner moore >> president tanner >> aye >> the motion passes unanimously
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. the dregzary review item 15 with drawn placing us on item 4 which was pulled off consent. for case 428, 15th avenue a conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon president tan and commissioners. department staff. the item before you is a request for conditional use authorization planning code 209 and 317 demo a 1 bedroom
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dwelling and construct a new development with 2 buildings consisting of 4 story building with 2, 3 bedroom family dwelling units in the front and a detached single story state adu at the rear at 428, 15th avenue. the site is located in the rh2 zoning and 40x height and bulk the lot has a parking lot with 4 cars parking space in thes front and single story one bedroom unit at the back as existing the. 2 family size units at the front each have 3 bedrooms and own open space in the form of a deck and roof deck. the garage consists of 3 vehicle parking and 2 bike parking spaces the detached state adu state program is located at the rear of the property with
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appropriate setbacks and it is compliant with the state law. sponsor conducted a preapplication meeting on may 10 of 21. as of today the department has received 2 inquiries about the project and the construction details from the neighbors. the department has also received e mails from 3 parties debating whether the existing building is an earthquake shack. the planning department values and supports the retention of earthquake shacks as pieces of history from the 190 sick quake. we share the enthusiasm of community members in both the identification and preservation of these buildings. 428, 15th avenue is a low scale building from 1907 and staff agrees that the building could fit the identifier of earthquake shacks and that additional investigation of the building was need.
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however, after careful evaluation, preservation staff did not find sufficient evidence to support a positive identification of eithered one shack or 2 shacks together. in brief the dimensions, heighters everand officer formation and construction method dids not fit the earthquake shack parameters and had a site visit yesterday. plan and historic documentation the building does not have a basement. which is a key indication it is not an earthquake shack. staff is comfortable that the building is not an earthquake shack and summary, this is a code compliant project. in line with zoning and policies of the general plan. it under utilized parcel to provide new family sized housing and maximizes the density on the lot. the department recommends approval this concludes my
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presentation i'm here for questions the applicant has a short presentation. also the most updated plans in the red line motion vg have been passed out to you. thank you. >> project sponsor you have 5 minutes. >> hello. i'm john the project sponsor. thank you for allowing you to present our project. joining me to help answer questions will be zack of demark and tera sullivan of rjr. 15th avenue is a family housing project. it has been designed with san francisco planning guidance received and compromise is given. will contain 2 family sized homes and after review and request we included a state
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complying adu. i personally have been building small family housing in san francisco since 1989. my 3 children were born here and raised south of market. i'm a devoteed my family, community and to my business and the city which i truly do love. my children went to school in soma and i helped entitle their school building with the support of our supervisor. as we walk down folsom street i tell my kids about the planning commission or planning department's master plan for south of market. for our neighborhood. and as teens they still believe me and i believe in it as well. and like most you, as well, i watched most of my friends move out of the city. over the years. there has been variety of reasons from easy commutes or
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better professional opportunity or less regulations and rules or more personal reasons like a desire for wukable and safe neighborhood or close to family to help them. or the desire for better schools or choices for their children. or home that is large enough to coexist with teenagers. and perhaps their parents. all good people and valid choices but each drifted away. the end result i have seen with this migration i have seen less children walking and less community engagement and longer drives for me for prearranged play dates and sports. from nadistance create my friend's children have been transformed visitors or tourists when they visit us. there is less connection with the city. and more criticalasmification given to the built in urban
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challenges. in conterritory what i seen from raising my kids in south of market and daily walking together as a family and being the active part of overhaul community is they identify san francisco and i suspect if i get my way they will for their lifetimes. since i started my business over 3 decades ago, i have been committed to creating and focused on building well designed family housing. this small family sized project before superson low sized and mass. well placed in relation to neighbors. maximizes the current allowed density and allows for multigenerational living. if done right and i will dot best i can, tell strengthen the personal connection to the city i ask for your approval. thank you very much.
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i'm zash i'm architect [inaudible]. sfgovtv can we have the commuter, please? we have a few slides to review. most focus on the addition of the adu we were asked to confirm the structure is not historical we had a few image there is was a site visit yesterday and that has been put to rest if you have questions, let me know. the site plan very small structure at the rear of the site with 4 parking surface spot in front of it. we took a bit of time to prepare a quick floor plan of the interior. you see the -- on the section of the site is flat. and that the building is low.
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this is a site plan that shows the location of the additional adu. we are locating in the rear yard. we are complying with the state requirements for set backs. the net result is 253 square feet. >> this is a level one floor planful one thing i note is that we have an easement to provide emergency egress for the adjacent property. joy will interrupt you your time is up. >> if there are questions let me know. >> commissioners may have follow up questions >> members of the public you can address the commission if you are here come forward if you mean are call nothing press star 3 or raise your hand.
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>> good afternoon i'm mark norton. i'm here for one reason and that it is to make sure you have a copy of a letter from jane krien the question whether or not the existing home is an earthquake shack. reason there was a site visit she raised questions i apologize this is happening late in the process. we found out about it a few days ago. we appreciate the fact there was a site visit yesterday but has asked for one thing to be done which has not been done that is to open up the sealing and look at the raft and take photographs according to jane, she is the expert on this, that would tell us for sure whether a part of the building is an earthquake shack. again i continue islet in the process. but perhaps the project sponsor could agree to have that done? in the next day or 2 to confirm
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and set everybody's minds at ease. thank you. >> i want to thank the staff for going out yesterday. i'm glad it was not raining yesterday and making sure it was not the basement that was struck me reading the expert on earthquake shacks that basements were required by the board of supervisors. i never knew and a house on my street taken down that people thought may have been one and had a basement but taken down. i appreciate that. i suppose this is a quest rafters, i don't know. i think you know may be this is a good outcome if it is not a shack now have you an adu and so that's -- allip want to say, thanks to the staff, very much for their hard work. thank you.
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>> is i'm chris. and [inaudible] we are the residence donees and owners of 426, 15th avenue next door to the building the -- building being -- built or -- so -- i guess as a person i'm not familiar with the processes and i was look negligent cqa -- and understand it is an environmental viewpoint. we are expressing today. and so i think the viewpoint that i want to express as the neighbor is that -- one of the things our house is 3 stories my father on or aboutd and i basement new owner through his
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passing. and one of the big occurrence we have is the sun being able to enjoy the sun that come from our sxrpt from the open area from that 423, 15th avenue. we are concerned about you know building this 4 story building next to ours how much enjoyment and loss we would incur by having that building next to us. we understand -- more house suggest needed but also looking at our concern about what will be lost for us. we use the pretty much go in the backyard every day. use it to dry our clothes. we do old fashion hanging clothes on clothes line. we also grow lemons and other vegetables we consume. we dry meat outside for our own
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home consumption. so there is a lot of usage we get from our location and we are concerned about that being impacted. in addition to it has been in our family for my parents and for and my family as well as my children. so we had bbq's there t. has been center roll place in our family for my current family and siblings for enjoyment. we're looking at really wham is the impact that this new building will create for us in terms of affecting our liveability, our enjoyment of the backyard we have. thank you very much. >> and concerned about the
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foundation of our house. >> thank you very much. i'm sorry. thank you very much. i think the -- thank you. >> last call for public comment. the chambers come forward if you are call nothing remote low press star 3. no additional requests, public comment is closed this matter is before you. >> thank you. i would like to share a bit more of the slides you were sharing about the adu and walk us through what is being proposed with the adu. >> sure. >> thank you.
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so where we left off was i was talking to the level one floor plan and you see at the rear of the property we provided a 253 square foot adu. upon one constraint is we have an emergency escape easement on the southern edge of the property. you see that there. and -- that factors in with the entrance the inspect entrance for the adu. they get to oourt lives the easement and have their own front door. so this is the second floor plan. reason why we include third degree preaching we had our open space on the rear yard and we carved back our second floor a
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bit. and in order to provide our 125 square foot usable open space for the ground floor unit. important thing on note we are considering a 16 foot or so height for the adu to try to provide easements. the top of that coordinates with the. you see the 4 foot setback from the rear. property line. additionally, should have mentioned earlier. that we are using a 5 foot separation with the 2 buildings. we neil is an appropriate way
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to -- maintain light and air for the main unit the adu will get a lot of natural light through the north, east and south side of the building. >> thank you. this answers my questions. i don't know if anyone else has questions about the adu. commissioner diamond. >> staff. the question for both of you. so, upon the depth of the rear yard, meets our requirements for how far back the main building can go? right. but for the state law they could not builted adu in the rear yard. we don't permit those buildings in the backyard? is that right? >> that is a fair statement. and under our local adu rules could this adu have been built in this location opposed to the state adu rules?
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>> the state adu gets open space and rear yard and can take away space from other dwellingos site. i don't think it is the same with the local adu program. >> okay. so -- i always happy we are adding more housing has e eliminated the backyard. it -- creates light and air from the second floor but has completely eliminated the use of the backyard with just a narrow passage way with the 2 buildings 5 feet. really does not create opportunity for light and air. du consider other place ams of the adu in in the rear yard that would allowed for more light to come to the rear of the main building use of the backyard by families that -- i'm thinking of future families that live there
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with children and the small deck on the second floor is in the a great play space for kids does not substitute for a rear yard we are trading our night for housing against rear yards. i get that and it is state adu we don't have much say but i'm curious if there were other ways to explore that would have allowed preservation of some space in the backyard? >> happy to talk to the constraints. we have the access ease am on the south eliminated the location we could put. >> that's the 7 foot wide easement. there may be legal low in the amendment but -- approximate. 44 inch easement and we tried to
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create proper space i believe we have 4 feet at this point. which is the state code. those -- figures worked. we looked at options and meet the requests for creating density and adding the adu. the same time not removing family housing option. look at on a plan i think it does look a bit too close. but -- we have to credit a trade off >> where did the request to add the adu come from. you use the third person? >> planning department request? >> the original proposal initial low in your packets for a 2 unit
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building. we received feedback from commissioners to further denseifiy the adu so they scrambled to figure out a way to add an additional adu to get that extra bit of density here and through their various iterations this was the way they could condition it throughout program. again the original proposal for a 2 unit building but my understanding is that the preferred alternative and happy to oshg blige and provide this if that what it takes to approve the project. >> i mean i'm keying update issue buz it say policy trade off for us as commissioners. one hand we want more housing and any way we increase density on the west side i heard commissioner koppel call it. i worry that we are creating
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looks appropriate for families it has 2 bedrooms really does in the meet the needs of families with children. i wanted to weigh in on this. >> thank you. commissioner moore? i thank you it is exactly yet questions were asked to have this commission to start talking about where is denseification appropriate and where not. it is a dwell request this lot is 29 feet shorter than the 25 by 100 lot we have. and the question arose that we are parking 3 cars when we park 3 cars we start to reduce parking in order to accommodate a small are unit. what struck me is is that both units are 2 store units and question the appropriateness of
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family housing in staggered units because of stairs. i was looking for the dmoigz debate it a large are policy question [inaudible] i would agree with you. the dimensions about the state adu are creating tight situations. i don't find them unlivable because they meet the standards of what is allowd that is where we need to start. we have standards and create whatted people are considering a liveability and air and light and sufficient standard this is it is a compliant project. and you get back and saying, okay why are we giving room for cars? when the issue is really housing and space occupied by people. i am interested in the discussion and i think it is interesting that you were able
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to create a code compliant resolution i'm in support of. and i think we together need to take this further. because we create a new subset of standards or we support the standards and ask the department to be aggressive and creative in applying the standards. that is the question i'm leaving it to you. i support what is in front of me and -- find the solution acceptable. upon one thing i like to add the discussion about the earthquake shack may require a slightly large are investigation. i briefly glanced overnight letter. could take us further because there is a historic preservation i would like the department themselves to sort out. as to whether or not the person mention in the the letter is
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available. i don't know. so perhaps someone could speak. >> our department expert personal low looked into this matter. for a bit of context in november 2021, the department issued a context statement on earthquake shacks authored by melanie bishop in our office adopted by the preservation commission. in addition to primary research she did also took in account research done may be a decade ago who is the referenced in this letter. he has not been working on this the last decade or so. but part of melanie's work and offering the statement incorporated that research did additional resoefrp a ton of site visits. the historic preservation adopted she is our expert on
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earthquake shacks. i argue potential low in the country on this topic. done multiple site visits to confirm including following receipt of the letter to double -check items we have 100% confidence this it is in the an earthquake shack. >> thank you. president tanner. i wanted to note that legality the project sponse filed an sv330 application when they submitted the application and under state luit says that determination whether a property is historic site shall remain valid during the development project. the project sponsor did submit the information for ceqa determination. it went through iterations of review. asked to and did provide report for the property it was decide in the may the building was not a historic resource. that sticks with the project due to the sb330 determination.
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>> we have crossed all i's and t's regarding that matter. >> i'm glad we can bring that to the record today. if people are link and not hear this we would be standing exposed. i'm in full support when is in front of me and make a motion to approve. >> second. >> i want to make comments. i think this is a good discussion around the 2 one is what we want to see as cu authorizations here as a commission. i think if we are going to make good on housing we need more items that remove the board removes c u requirements from certain projects or this body deems them on consent. i think this should have remainod consent. i don't support the adu i should
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say if the commission majority wants to have adu in the back i'm not going to i think it is fine and great. i think it highlights the conflict this we are seeing between one maintaining the roar yfrmd adding density and a discussion this we should agendize for earlier in the new year around wham we want to see on consent here and religion to what does maximizing density mean. mack myselfing the code density or add state programs to that so it is an adu expected if you have one do we expect typeset to have an ad toushgs be on consent with the c u required. i think in this case highlighted the trade off. this is a year yard adu. modest in size. that is in part because of the lot itself. and the requirements for the setbacks and my understanding is if i understand correct low part of having a state compliant adu
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the entire building located within the building the entire building set 4 feet off the property line is that accurate? the adu is located. which i think the intent of the state adu laws preis a rear yard behind a primary building in the front. would require the back of a building the front building the grounds floor set 4 feet back all the way around. >> i guess on the side where the path way limp is potential there there are 3 car parking but a 2 unit building i'm considering the bedrooms here. doesn't seem to be overly intense amount of park i think the adu is reducing the desirability of the project. 3 units more than 2.
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i can support it that way. we have a motion to include the adu i will invite others if they see policy issues they like addressed later on or that are irrelevant vabt here good to get them on the table to discuss later >> commissioner diamond. dpoi understand correct low you would prefer not to have the state adu. you are doing this you think you need to in order to get our approval. staff is telling you that's what the commissionments you to do? i'm fine building housing in san francisco. and i enjoy building house nothing san francisco. i anticipate when i am without children in my house i might live in a place this size i don't require much. so i'm fine building an adu in the backyard. why i'm uncomfortable with how
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we are approaching it a run off we are saying to get our approval to demolish a house and build 2 units have you to include a third. and i just think we should decide as a policy matter this will come up how we handle it and not on a one off basis with this project. if they wanted build an adu fine the state allows them but to tell them they have to build one to get our approval before we considered a policy matter how we will apply this rule going forward does not feel comfortable to me. i would not be in support of a motion that required the adu it is fine to have the option but not want to require them to. >> i will call on director. may want to respond and to you commissioner moore >> back when we had conversations about the 4 plex
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supervisor mandelman and safai's bills one of our recommendations was remove the cu requirement if not a historic building. woeful. to see the sponse maximize. we had debate as to what that is. and landed on it being a project that complied with zoning not also an adu but if there was the ability we would look at that. but i agree. a good discussion we need to have as we look in the district to add density. commissioner moore. the thing i appreciate is the response of applicant because that is exactly the type of trigger i want to instill in people. large unit and family units they need 3 cars how are we going to denseifiy the city everyone who wants to remain in the city can find a spot.
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for my eye its is not only building tall buildings when we are expecting appeals to live in them. but take a size 2 units and add a small modest small building to have one person live there is a perfect solution i do appreciate the example you gave. thank you. >> commissioner comb. i see the big are picture here. we heard informational item bottom stone town a couple weeks ago that is where i see the potential to be knocking out some high quantity unit when is we have all that space as opposed to things like nickel and diming. just -- the one offs even though it is an extra unit what is in the best interest of all of us residence dens and every person that lives in the city is taking
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more advantage of the opportunity cites and -- really mack miegz the density there. >> thank you. commissioner braun. gi think that the regardless of how we got to this point the fact there is an adu in the proposal makes me supportive of including it. i'm hearing this broader conversation we need have about implications for maximizing density on small are cites. makes sense but i think that as part of that conversation we do have we think about what it means in terms of making sure we have robust parkless and public amenities if we are losing the private open space. in favor of adding additional housing for folks. of the 5 feet setback with the distance with the adu and front
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building is tight but i say somebody going home today to a rear yard unit it is not small area it does i think it works. so -- i'm supportive of the proposal as proposed now. but i think yes let's have this conversation special keep going. >> great. >> commissioner imperial. >> i think in terms of the idea or the discussion of density i tried look back all of the discussions had in the housing element and if we are trying to you know try to look back in all of the discussions with the housing element and compare to this project, the discussions we had in housing element regarding in terms of liveable space. i remember we had a lot of questions to in term was architects what is the liveable size unit? when we talk about that, we don't necessary low talk about
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parking. although and then we also had discussion in terms of the real estate marketability of the family units and heard that parking attracts families. so we are also in the pickle in the city in terms of what are the needs of families other goals of denseification of the city. we have this policy that i support this terms of transit mobile and really it is a way of. changing the culture of the how we see and families living. it is integral part of family. so it is i see this a dynamic evolving and as of now i support this project.
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i hope when we look in the foreplex units as -- you know, as the are part of the city is that we are look to deliverable units and supporting the goal of the transit goals. the open space when i look in the project it is again in terms of the balcone size the balconsesmall. so, you know i do appreciate the units. the sizes of the bedrooms and itself. in terms of the adu it is okay. in general i'm supportive of the project but think when we start discussing about density i think we hone in the policy our housing element i think we have a good policies or standards we are trying to put in there. >> i can summarize the issues we deal with and think about this
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project and a couple others that could be good examples to takeum and look at the design and the layout and think about design guidelines for 4 mreks and small are density we will see and provide better guidance as a department when we want to see in the packet. i want to skshg you heard the neighbors talk about the foundation. could you describe have you talked with them or talk with them about other upon concerns burglar construction. >> i was gog talk to them after this meeting as well. and we will sit down and i will go over our structure. i built buildings in the city on the zero lot line condition often. and i will follow all rules and care to make surety occurrence are addressed.
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>> great. >> thank you. >> thank you. appreciate that. >> commissioner diamond. >> question for mr. strickland. the way i read this motion have you to build the adu. you want the rest the project. as written. do you want it approved that way or want an option. i want the project approveed move forward. i am fine with the ad u the more even though it has been a fast figuring out the place am and such, every one of you said something this is valuable and i love to go out one on one and talk to you about it. because so many good. >> we will have more. >> so many good points and concerns and i have been a living this life of building housing in the city for a long time. but yes as of now i would love
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to have it approved i don't i think it is the right thing to be able to move forward on building housing. >> i am very reluctant to disapprove a project for housing. i would have approved the project without the adu. i'm putting that. >> thank you and may be 4 of us would have. i don't know. that's a possibility. i also don't want to sends you away without an approval we can't get to 4 today i'm being blunt and honest about the situation we are in here and asking you what you want. >> commissioner, i think this will be cool. something i have not done before i'm excited about being building something successful here. tell be a neat project. >> thank you. you are a model. diplomacy. [laughter]. and my fellow commissioners persuaded me despite my concerns about the trade off it is the
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rear yard space and additional unist the additional unit is winning and his desire to move forward can be a good project with his experience in the city. i'm prepared support motion made. >> i message to staff, don't use this as a president for how you get adu's going forward i think i would have preferred this come to us with almost 2 options this is the project they wanted. they could add an adu we like to encourage that but until we adopt a policy that says in return for demolition on this size lot i don't like being put in this awkward position. >> fortunately we have the model of diplomacy happy to build temperature i will support it. but i am does not arise this way and we have a full discussion on how to deal with these going forward. >> commissioner moore.
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>> for historic reference we had hundreds of projects with fake adu's in front of us which were substandard and deplorable that this commission did not have the proper metrics to understand that those adu's were not approvableipment to not make it sound we twisted his arm i want to acknowledge the great attitude you are displaying for member says i will roll up my sleeves and do 2 good buildings because the way you architect described the height of the building relationships to parapit meeting the adjoining unit all of those other right subtle moves by which this can succeed what i encourage for the commission to take the challenge. really take the challenge when we have scam adu's we have many they are all over we say, no.
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and this is a harder task. together with the department i think we roll up our sleeves together it take the next step to liveable adu's and benefit to all. >> i agree. i guess i point out this adu is small are than the ones i'm assuming you referring to scams it is detach today is as much as a scam of any other in tefrms liveability it has great light and air it is detached if this same amount of space was in the building how would we have it be as suspect as the ones you are casting dispersion on in my opinion. >> i think we are ready to vote. >> very good. there is a motion and seconds to approve with conscience. on that motion commissioner braun >> aye >> commissioner diamond. >> aye. >> commissioner imperial >> aye >> commissioner koppel >> aye >> commissioner moore >> aye >> president tanner
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coastal flooding due to climate change with expecting sea level rise up to 7 feet by the year 2100. we also need to strengthen the wateren front gaest urblth quake risk. the waterfront resilience program is leading a city wide effort to adapt the waterfront kaess this unique combination of risks. what is at stake? small businesses nearby housing open spaces and attractions and initial historic district, mare i time and industrial use, transportation like bart and muni, critical drinking and wastewater utility and disaster response facility. guided by robust public engagement process since 2018, the port and city and federal agency partners have developed waterfront adaptation strategies for public review and engagement. adaptation strategies are a combinationf construction projethss and policies to defend san francisco against
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