tv Small Business Commission SFGTV December 20, 2022 9:00pm-12:01am PST
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>> welcome to the small business meeting. the meeting called to order at 4:upon 37 p.m. nelled city hall room 400 and available to view on line or listened by calling 415-655-0001. authorized by california government code mayor breed's supplement to her february 25, 2020 emergency proclamation it is possible some members may attends remote. that event they will participate and vote by video. the small business commission thanks sfgovtv for test vising
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the meeting. we welcome public's participation. there will be an opportunity for general public comment at the end of the meeting and an opportunity to comment on each item action item. the commission will take first from in personnel and then from people remote. members of the public call negligent number is 415-655-0001. access code: 2493 078 5218 ## password upon 7221. when connected you will be muted and in listening mode. when your item come up dial star 3. if you dial before comment called you will be added to the queue. when you are called mute the device when it is your time to speak you will be prompted. public comment is limited to 3
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machines per speaker and an lateral will sound once the time finished. speakers requested to state their name. sfgovtv show the office of small business slide >> small business commission is the public forum to voice opinions about policies that affect the vitality of small businesses in san francisco. the office of small business is the best place to get answers about doing business during a local emergency if you mean need assistance at this time you can find us online or via telephone and our serviceers free of charge. before item 1 i like to thank media services and sfgovtv for coordinating this hearing and helping to run the meeting. call item 1. >> one, roll call yoochl commissioner carter is absent. >> commissioner dickerson. >> absent. >> commissioner hughy. >> here.
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>> president laguana. >> the san francisco small business commission and staff acknowledge we are on the unseedan cest ral home land of the recommend ram the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions the recommend ram never seeded, lost nor forgot their responsibilities as caretakers as well as all who reside in there traditional territory. we recognize we benefit from living and working on their traditional home land we acknowledgean vest and relatives of the recommend ram community and by affirming their sofr reason rights at first peoples >> item 2 approval of legacy business registry and resolutions this is a discussion
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and action item. discuss and possible low take action to approve registry applications presenting richard carrillo. >> hello >> good afternoon. city staff and members. i'm richard carrillo legacy business program manager. michelle was helping review and process the legacy business registry applications before you today. sfgovtv i have a power point presently anticipation. there are 6 applications for your consideration for the legacy registry. each application includes a staff report a draft resolution the application and documents from planning document. the applications submitted to planning on october 19 and heard
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by historic preservation commission on november 16th. fwochl a is art sans of san francisco. the business located in outer sunset was establish in 1947. the artisans is a picture framing shop owned and operated by artists. specialize in service providing creative designs and maintaining attention it detail and needs of customers. >> they draw from the varied artistic backgrounds to sect best designs for art work. their shop is i space for artists to gather and share work. the core feature tradition pain tain to remain on the legacy business is picture frame store. item 2b is canton bazaar a
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souvenir store in the heart of china town. it was likely establish instead 1900's and has been confirmed the largest china town businesses to reopen after the 1906 earthquake and fire. at canton bazaar you can find art ranging from chop stick its a 7 foot buddha and everything in between. including ceramics, furniture and jewelry. well is a souvenir or art piece for all visitors. core feature must maintain is gift shop. item 2c is china town kite shop on grant avenue establish in 1971 by community leader albert chang. china town kite shop offers
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charm kites from child size to color fish to traditional hand painted chinese paper kites. they also offer a range of soufflé nears, gifts and special items including paintings. dragons, costumes. lanterns, animal hats and umbrellas. new year's decorations. art and mobile device case party items and more. and wo k s it is a staple of culture in san francisco. core feature tradition the business is kite store. item 2d is life the business is a gift shop in the lower haight steb in 1992. specializes in fragrance and essential oils, blylevening
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aroma therapy. clean beauty. home fragance local goods and vintage clothing and curating art shows with artists and offering astrology and readings. customers being neighbors, artists gather and all are welcome. will the feature tradition the business must tain is gift shop. item 2e is mary elizabeth inn a 92 unit residential holing if knob hill by lizzie glide and designed by julia morgan. mrs. glide lived dedicated to helping others. in effort to end the cycle of poverty for homeless and abused women used resources to build a facility for women to live fro of violence the mary elizabeth inn hero providing permanent
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housing, services and free meals to homeless, and survivors of domestic vinyls. mary e liz leth inn empowerhouse women to seek self sufficienty and secure the core feature is housing and services for women. item 2f is peiking restaurant a community hub in the outer sunset since it hoped in 1980. serves authentic chinese food at affordable prizes including street food. the generous lunch and fortune cook and orange slice with each meal. interior features traditional landscape scenes and buddhist art creating an atmosphere that
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is celebrating chinese art the tradition the business must maintain is restaurant featuring chinese kwu. all 6 accidents received a positive recommendation from the historic be preservation:a motion in spchlt buildingses should be fripped a megz in favor of the resolutions. thank you this concludes our presentation and happy to answer questions. before we go to public comment
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one of the business owners was not able top attend they asked me to read a short paragraph so commissioner secretary said that was okay and wanted make sure that was okay. >> okay. from peiking restaurant a family owned business in the outer sunset of san francisco that is proud and grateful for inclusion in the program. we thank everyone who supported or business and recognize contribution to the rich, local culture of immigrant and working class communities. we hope top strengthen the economy and celebrate the heritage in asianim grant community serving authentic food to neighbors to san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. commissioners. any comments or questions before we go to public comment? okay. is there any public comment? please. feel free to step up >> form a line you can come up. >> good evening i'mefa lee a long time member of the china town community. and i like to support the legacy
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businesses of both china town kite shop and can ton bazaar i worked at can ton bazaar as a teening and my family had 8 stores on grant and hired 100 employees and i learned to speak english at our shops and they went it work at maceys and other sdpoers had careers after. i tell you now both the kite shop and the bazaar have done well and being like anchors because like the kite shop is unique. and you can't find other places like that that carry those items. and for the bazaar one of the largest emporiums for china town to have unique gifts. it was fun working at can ton
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bazaar i would meet like you guys are too young jack benny. red skelton and even bari bonds came through. that was many years ago but centimental to me that thes what it brings are happy memories. and the fact they are on, big fat christmas and took a spot not much but film in the can ton bazaar when jack benny came in did he do. >> you know what i got his autograph and misplaced that book. >> great. thank you. >> thank you. go ahead. i'm albert chain the owner of
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china town kite sham i'm honored being named as a legacy and never thought about it after 51 years in the same location and one thing i feel very proud is working there long time sometimes come customer with kids. and this is when i first come to this store i'm this big. that's especially the people away from san francisco. they come back. i you are still here? [laughter]. so i do appreciate it for you guys consider legacy for this store. and good for san francisco community. thank you very much. >> thank you. go ahead.
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good evening commissioners. thank you very much. i'm dionne roberts i'm the executive director of the public nonprofit organization mary elizabeth inn owns and operates the mary elizabeth inn the inn is the oldsest and longest rung and possible low the only permanent supportive housing program only in san francisco. since 1996 partnership with the city and county agencies including the department of status of welch mayor's office of housing and communal develop and want department on homelessness and supportive housing and predecessor agencies supported the programs at the mary elizabeth inn it is permanent housing many stay an insure time until they over come their situations and move to
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more independent housing. thousands of women made their home at the mary elizabeth inn ending the cycle of homelessness and violence. where they achieve confidence, independence and self sufficienty. the 2022 san francisco upon point in time homeless count conducted in february identified 7, 754 persons being homeless of this 768 persons responded to specific survey questions. results revealed that 34% and 6% revealed that domestic violence was the primary event this lead to the homeless knows. lizzie glide who spent her adult life deveted helping others saw
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a need for safe and affordable housing for vulnerable women in 1914 san francisco. more than 100 years later that need still exists. what does this say about our society and what does it say about san francisco. that more than 100 years violence, inequality of women has not been e read indicated. there will always be a need for stable affordable and supportive housing for women in need. and that the mary elizabeth inn provides myself with the staff and voluntary members have signed up for this challenge and are committed to preserving this vital buildings:thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> good evening. commissioners i'm [inaudible] and i'm the owner of the life shop. it is an honor to be here with other great businesses that have been operating in san francisco for long are than 30 years. i would like to say a few thing wes are a boutique in the lower haight and celebrated our 30 year anniversary. known i don't know if you been to life what makes it unique is our custom fragrances and when we are known for. we have over 100 fragance and oils spanning a wall of our shop and over the years created thousands of custom blendses and a roma blends for customers. it is when we are passionate about and takes skill and experience it provide this service. we are also much loved community shop in the lower haight.
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we carry many local products hand made. and host seasonal art opens during the art walks. our customer base is diverse if all walks of life. we have regular customers shopping since we opened in the 90's. and as well as younger generation in the city and in between. life has been a place where all are welcome and hope to serve serving our community for more years. thank you for your consideration and for the opportunity. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i'm dan from the arts and frame shop. it opened in 47 original low we other fifth owners now and took over in september. we are quite new but have been frameers and artists ourselves.
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for a long time. mostly framed art the poster business is in the what it used to know we have some. we have taken on doing artist meet ups we do art shows every month in the community and really thankful to be there and continue thanksgiving and hope to make it grow and keep it going. we are a frame shop and that's what we will continue to be. >> thank you for your consideration. thank you very much. >> any callers online? >> there are none. >> public comment is closed. >> commissioners any comments? vice president. thank you for the small businesses that came tonight it
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is not easy taking time out of the busy day and thank you for the service you provide our cityism know that it has been am a long road to get here. i think mr. chang, i think your business had to deal with a nightmare ad a case? was that you. that's a precedent to mark you being here and having to go through all the business obstacles you had. and i love to steet continuity of generations and workers taking over. beautiful thing to have you here. thank you for joining us and looking forward to voting for it. thank you very much for coming
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and thank you very much for all of your efforts to become a legacy business. and and -- obviously for off the service you provide for all of our communities. so -- i guess you knowmented to share that when i was a kid i grew up in fremonth in like oak land, hayward in east bay and on the weekends we would generally go to oak land china town to buy groceries. probably twois a year our parents will take us to san francisco china town that was the most special thing ever. it felt like we went on vacation it was a whole weekend thing. and you know >> grant avenue was always where we would start. and i remember going into can ton bazaar and the kite shopince is i was a kid.
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and i still have trafrngets and things that i are in my father's garage, thankful low not mine now my dad kept everything and my kids both have kites of their own hang nothing their rooms so you know i think the trip its china town for me even show i didn't grow upon here in san francisco it was part of my real identity as like a chinese-american i felt that was my home and it was still -- like an adventure. a way to discover being chinese-americanful so -- i appreciate seeing you here in the legacy business. thank you very much for all of your efforts and supporting the
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community. and -- the other piece, too it was for life, i have actually been to your store. and i loved it. and i had in idea you would be a legacy business. i mean your shop is so fresh and so cool. like i love not to say that 30 years old would feel any different but you have now new vicinitiage items i love. and so -- thank you very much for continuing in the but toek retail space. i than is a challenging place to be. you have anchored yourself. thank you. and i'm going to try a custom fragrance i had no idea i will try that one day. i will smell better for everyone up here. [laughter]. and also wanted to recognize
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that -- i -- hearing the store bet mary elizabeth inn, so powerful to know this organization has been here for 100 years. knowing that you have been supporting women who probably really felt like they had no support at all. it is meaningful and congratulations on the work and you know i'm proud to have you in our city. thank you. that's about it. i think thank you for everybody this it is made a nice holiday legacy business piece for us. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner hue. and i have to say i have to agree. it feels very holiday ~esque. as a dad, we would go to china
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town all the time to shop and we have been in both the kite shop and the bazaar. i think that is when i taught my 3 year old we shall not shop lift. [laughter]. always walk off with stuff. and then the king restaurant i'm there was one christmas we are upon often out of town overnight holidays there was one christmas we had dinner there that was nice. there is at least 2 businesses here that are going to get business in the short run from us i have a couple pictures i need to frame. so timing is good. and my wife is obsessed with clean beauty. so when i heard that i'm like i'm going to text her and be
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like check this place out. i want to echo commissioner hue's comments about how now more than ever it stomach critical to be providing support to our unhoused community. it is, mazing that organization has been able to survive and speaks to the wisdom of elizabeth glide and everything she did for the city and suggests a path that perhaps we could use as a role model for ourselves. on when weave can pass to future communities. so -- a baptist its a wonderful life. all the businesses. like my colleagues i'd like to thank you all. for everything you do. . for this community. for our city. and we are privilege ed sit up
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here and get to listen to you tell your store and hes hear your history. it is fascinating it never stops being fascinating. thank you. woman that common ever somebody want to make a motion? >> i will motion to approve all of the legacy businesses for tonight. joy will second. >> moved and seconded by commissioner vice president zouzounis. commissioner carter is absent. commissioner herbert is absent. commissioner hue. >> yes. >> [laughter]. zouzounis. >> yes. >>. >> yes >> congratulationses >> thank you. next item. >> item 3 board of supervisor file number 220340 planning code
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neighborhood commercial and mixed use zoning a discussion and action item. the dmigz will discuss and possible low take action amending the planning to reorganize neighborhood/commercial and mixed use district controlless. including the accessory arts and production, wholesaling and processing of good to occupy a third of space in commercial downtown, eastern neighborhood, mixed use mission bay and residential, commercial districts. presenting we have erin starr with the san francisco planning department and madison tammy aid to supervisor dorsey. >> great. good afternoon i'm madison tammy aid for supervisor dorsey. i will give an over vow of the
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out roach we did and how this ordinance came to be. when supervisor dorsey took office this crossed our desks and a long time in the makes and masz pass friday hene and his upon staff. pleasures 2 things first extendings major compossiblies of prop h from 2020 to the eastern neighborhood zoning and second, reorganizing the mixed use tables and use defy nigz. our office intends to do we began an engagement process with community groups president d service office met with entertainment and business seconder leather, venue coalition. golden gate restaurants and others. they shared the mission to allow night time entertainment in more place its is more important we support our small businesses post pandemic. i want to thank staff for taking the lead on this per of the out reach we will had several meetings with soma filipino the
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cultural and comsan south of market action network. some home so bars and clubs also seniors and families. a diverse neighborhood with competing uses. after many meetings together all stake holders have agreed to allow night time use in soma and incorporated in the ordinance and also on file in a separate smaller ordinance. this will allow flexibility for borrows to go in parts of soma. many of them can use that flexibility now. there are birth conversations need to happen. and the supervisors office looks forward to discussions. we believe zoning reform is necessary to reshape downtown in post covid city. supporting snaul business outside of zoning reform is a high prior for the supervisor's office. we are excited for continuing community engage am as limp this ordinance was heard at planning weeks ago and received unanimous
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support. . i think by the time we are at land use hopefully i can put my blinds fold on and explain that is over view of the out reach now i will pass it to aaron starr. >> thank you. it is a long ordinance i will try to make it more give a broef over view and hopeful low you will not be too much. the item before you an ordinance amend the planning code to bring eastern neighborhoods in line with the code reorganization effort. i than katie tang knows about that she was on the board when i start today. >> and we make several amendments to the districts. >> society code resorption start in the 20s 14 intention of
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standardizing all use definition in one section of the code and standardsizing zoning control. articles 2, 7 and the china town districts are complete. and this ordinance will bring eastern neighborhoods and mixed use under the new format the final ordinance amend the downtown residential districts. and i say this because of the ordinance about 275 pages and the reason is because it is being those sections are reorganized. >> so beyond those nonsubstantial change its makes several changes i like to over vow of those by comprehending the first is accessory use maemdz the article 8 and 2 use control to aline with article 7 controls to consistency throughout the city. television allows accessory wholesaling, processing of gods to occupy more than a third of the restale space allow spall
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maneuvers to have oneness -- limited live performance and proposed to allow restaurantses to have limited catering like restaurants have now. >> for ground floor use eastern neighborhood mixed use projects that would be more than 10 thousand dollars square feet would have more than 10 thoubldz square feet of commercial space required commercial spaces in a range of sizes. for the entertainment arts and recreation uses allow arts, entertainment in the soma nct and eastern neighborhood. remove planning code good neighbor policy for night time entertainment and require compliance with the
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entertainment good neighbor policy. remove the 200 foot buffer around mx districts restricts animal services and liberalize the night time controls for most districts in eastern neighborhoods downtown residential are c d folsom and nct. >> for eating and drinking the ordinance would permit bar use on second floor in folsom and renalingial commercial districts and institutional uses job training communal facility, public, socialing service and philanthropic fasillis in the eastern neighborhoods and soma nct. it would allow arts activities community facility, public facility, school, social service and trade schools to be permit in the historic district in thes
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red and redmx because of the districts are residential this would allow nonresidential uses as long as the build suggest historic and remove the hours of fragz controls in the [inaudible] district most have been removed already. for autouses require automobile sale and rentals to be in closed buildings present public parking lots. probability public parking let in and garages and require cu authorization for private parking lot in redmx districts. for residential uses removes provision that allows sro to have smaller rear yard requirements. and also does a lot to aline with prop h passed last year. 2 years ago? so removes 311 notification for
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permitted use in eastern neighborhood districts allows the permit review time as nc districts and permits out door activity as long as they add here to the restrictions by prop h. and then just other uncategorized large scale urban a kper mitted in eastern neighborhood. far for the south park district red and mx amended allow far in other neighborhood districts based on height. react have an of lcu's to be approved by the za and they don't use cu to go to planning and the walk definition amended so living requirements added. so as madison mentioned the supervisor will amend so night
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time entertainment is on folsom 7th and division and propertyings fronting on 11th howard street and division street. the department was fine the amendments and then on november 17th, of this year the planning commission voted recommend the ordinance with the following modifications. first is rather amending the far ratios for south park districts exempt child carry and residential killer from the limits in the districts. remove language referencing lighting and the planning lighting guidelines from walk a facility. the dbi irrelevanting lays that. we are not the right agency to regulate that and remove the changes intament and the maps i
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showed you and encourage the entertainment commission to evaluate best how to mitigate the impacts from noise and other quality of life impacts related night time entertainment are located within 200 feet of those districts. and that is it. i'm happy to answer questions. >> great. commissioners, any questions. >> commissioner ortiz >> commisioner william ortiz-cartagena:. what was the feedback from filipino du receive opposition at the first planning hearing. >> i could let madison they were concern about the night time entertainment changes in the district and wanted they negotiated with the leather community and other members so the map i showed you was what they come together and decided on as together.
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>> vice president zouzounis. >> thank you both for presenting today. and for upgrading west soma to the codes that will allow for a healingy ecosystem of business. that's looking forward to that. clarity because it. west soma is an industrial district. and i want to understand the we have a big automotive presence in businesses there. i think they are already enclosed buildings. i wanted understand had exact low that term meant. and if there is existing private or public lots or facilities autofacilities that will be affected by this change? >> so anything existing does not
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impact they come in for a new permit to open an automobile sale facility. and has to be enclosed and most already do that. and same with parking lots and surface parking lots from now on they either would not be permitted or they would need to be get cu for the garage. existing knowledges. >> i want to follow occupy this question. familiar -- if there is you know i know like there is an enterprise on vaness. >> cross for planning y. exact low. if there was a change of control then presumable low they valid to switch it a covered. >> no. so planning department regulates
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land use on the prey property not the operator. that would not merit as language as it stays automobile rental place the rus would not change. >> i guess i'm saying it is uncoverd and grandfather fist there was a change of ownership would they cover it or the -- no the change of owner someplace does not impact the land use. we don't regulate the operator we regulate the land use. >> the use is grand fathers regardless of ownership. >> thank you. >> commissioner hue. >> thank you very much for your presentation. what is learning scale urban ag. i believe over an acre it is unlike low to ham in the eastern
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neighborhood it was not per misted it was something that was added lib rollize it. it just allows for agriculture activity to have heavy machinery to do saleos the side of prowse. if someonemented to they could land use prices it will not happen y. not like growing cannabis or hydro ponices. that would be stressful. we have 110 definitions. >> and that is growing everything industrial tomatoes to cannabis. >> okay. >> industrial agriculture verses large scale urban. it is more like a community garden on a large are scale. >> cool and then so with all the changes, do you have any like --
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insight to. well, i'm wondering what are your insights how the neighborhood would change should all of this go through what do you see for the neighborhood in like you know 4 years as things change? i'm not in the business of predictions i don't think anything especially since the community from together around an agreement with the night time entertainment the leather and lbgtq+ were look to openum more night clubs and entertainment commission was looking for more places to open night clubs and balance that with the residential use near by that will change. i think the green light they came up with is good. the traditional yours where you see night time entertainment. other ones are more just, lot are just good government and clean up. no reason to prohibit arts and entertainment in any district.
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a flouk it was in the allowed. a lot is rationalizing the controls and the code. >> okay. >> and then i'm sure, i don't know it was mentioned how long did it take to do all the clean up? >> start in the 2014 and -- i written every single one. >> [laughter]. and i upon we will have a presentation in a bit but who does make predictions with planning. whether or not things work or not and of -- ends up how we hoped only time will tell that. no one in the department is really the prediction business but looking for impacts that may
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occur and getting community feedback on changes we are prosecute posing. >> i guess am ip wondering since 2014, we have been cleaning up code toward a hope of an outcome we don't know what tell look like. makes me wonder like who is eventualizing the landscape of the city? >> there are 2 efforts one is the lib rollizing uses in eastern neighborhoodses that's what i'm not predicting i don't know how they will change and don't know what businesses will open up or you know institutions will settle in the eastern neighborhoods because of changes the code reorganization effort has worked out well so far. and makes we consolidated the use definitions to one section a restaurant in i
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neighborhood/commercial means a restaurant downtown. before we had 13 use definitions in the code that dealt with eating and drinking now 3. we are going to residentializing defy nigsz making consistent formats once you read one zoning table you can read one for every district. sounds basic but 4 or 5 formats in the planning code because we added so many the idea was to prosecute void one set of use definition and provide one format for tables to make it easy to implement and understand. and with that, because i'm the one that cape up with it and push it through i continuing it is going great. [laughter]. i also agree. we have it do community process and we are proud about that. and people are very suspicious of the planning department when we propose a large ordinance it
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has taken a lot of effort to sit down with community and explain. typically the code project does not have changes we try to maintain the controls and when we can't we highlight the upon difference and why we are making the policy call we are. >> i want to thank you very much for all of your work on trying to consolidate this. >> you are welcome. >> thank you. >> du have. >> i have one last question. just so i make sure i'm covering my bases. is the alcohol use the only revving well torrey licensed use that is being amended here in terms of like -- like out door activity area. extending on premise ash allowance. >> so prop h allowed out door
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activity as of right. so long as they did not serve alcohol in the out door area and closed by 10. before you had to get a cu no matter what. this lib respectizes that and sets guard rails so someone can't put a borrow out in the area and prit it until 2 am. if than imented they could but have to get c u authorization. the program terse that were set by prop h are per they don't need a c u authorization. >> is this the out door activity area is it for the backyards or talking about potentially like parklets. parklets are run by d. public work its is a different program if you have an out door activity area in the front on the street like you have a front back and
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put tables and chairs it it is permitted. you don't need to get a c u authorization. it was the out door activities in the rear yard that required cu authorization and prop heart attack lib rollized that. for the neighborhood commercial this is doing the same thing prop h did for eastern neighborhood. >> i'm making sure there is in like we are talking about on premise we did not talk about off premisech it does not change license or what people can which allows more uses. okay. is there other licenses that are or like license legal or to become or mensed. why no, just that the out door
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activity area >> thank you. ja aaron. thank you for all your hard work. i was a vigorous advocate for prop h and excited see that the expanded further. i think it hen helpful to the small business community. i have been on this commission now fourth yee and i don't think i seen a single line of regulation that affected my small business. there is a first time for everything. i run a van rental company. >> okay. >> and so i'm thinking about i gis can understand and -- even agree that -- the stealed not have an interest in open air
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lots. but may be because i'm so and i have no interest in opening a like downtown or any conflict that i could imagine. but because of my proximity to the industry and the customers i run into who run in with their advance into low hanging over hang and garages that are too mall to park them, i guess i have a question about are we being judicious in lumping automobile sales together with reason will where as automobile sales may be the city does not have as much as an interest in accommodating where there is an increasing need to increase the use of shared vehicle tall are
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vehicles like vans. could be challenging to find or operate or start's business competing with one of the big 3 if there is no accomplice to do temperature what is sharp beg your pardon this is that it is in a place where people would need to rent a vehicle they have place to park. a van will not fit a garage in building if they are building has one. so it is they have been for as language as i remember they are most ecstasy. >> i'm starting to wonder if we should split them apart i think there is the city probably rightful low have a separate policy interest because they are
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headed in 2 different ways. there are instance have you big trucks and hard it find a building for this. so it is something we can think about whether or not they need to be split upper or not. i'm weary of add being another definition to the code because there is a lot already. but your point is well taken it is a different beast. definition was thought of for downtown and neighborhood commercial districts not really in thinking. it as an autouse. it is like a trucks coming and going or new cars. it it is an autointensive use. joy know youure not in the future prediction buildings. as a business owner i am. and a couple things i'm aware of one, california by 2035 is going
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all ev. so i think it is i safe bet to say that everything else equal the acquisition costs of a car is likely to rise. that there is going to be a lot of infrastructure requirements and so i think -- the demand for able it move groups of people. in one swoop or car go i'm thinking about zip car and -- you know the ad hoc microrental rent by hour type businesses. >> there it is utility to having a place centralized they can maintain the vehicles versus just peer to peer operators where it is luck of the draw. so, pleasanting that seed i think there is an interest in
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increasing share usage of vehicles we don't appeal to that use at all. there are use cases where it will be tough to squirrel that with enclosed garage unless have you high roofs that is another matter. >> yes. >> thank you. >> yea. >> all right. du have. okay. is there public comment. >> no public commenters in the room. none on line >> first i want to thank the supervisor and mad son for the out roach and building the support and work the negotiations before hand. makes it easier and i think for everybody most important low the
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community i understand of the and the mood of the rest of you >> all right. i will make a motion to sppt the legislation. >> legislation. right? planning amendments. >> i second. >> moved by president and seconded by vice president. commissioner carter absent. >> commissioner dickerson is absent. commissioner hue. >> yes. >> president. >> yes. >> commissioner ortiz. why yes. >> vice president zouzounis. >> aye >> motion passes. thank you so much. thank you, aaron.
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within the department my work focuses on process improvement i managed prop h between the city departments. which you heard about. which was's voter initiative to stream line small business approvals andiel i'm here to give a brief over view what we do at planning in currently everconcern planning on permit review and lingo and summarize our small business efforts have been. >> document for planning is the general plan this serves as our future guide of the land use policies and decisions this men the prediction side of who is thinking of what where the steal be in 10 or 15 years. the general plan is required under state law and updated regular low consistents of the elements you see here and one you may be familiar with the
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housing element the city is updating now. and we submit in january. bridgeit? would it be okay to ask questions at the end of the slide >> so -- will i had one quiet general plan is updated and i believe this we are coming up for one? >> yea. each element is on a different schedule. how doing element is the major topic most know about that's when we are on now. it has been at planning mull pull times. and southern counties of the state have to do their's were due last year ours this year. the surrounding northern counties are working on their housing update. other elements have been updated at a regular kayed apps most on a 10 year schedule.
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which has the most nexus with small business is that commerce and industry. i amming so arts and community safety and transportation. they all connect but any time we make a decision with planning or internal low at the department we are on findings that aline with the general plan. >> and when is the commerce one when does this come up >>. i don't know i can find out >> just if you about. and commissioners i think for this part if you want to jump in, jump in. >> i was wandering for any of these piece how much i guess conversation do you give or get for regional like talking to other bay your municipalities safer housing. i would assume that -- we don't live in a scyllo.
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>> housing supply. >> a lot is inter~ connected especially with transportation we got the associated governments of the bay area region who work together because all of the mismatch transportation organizations do connect with housing temperature is the state has a regional housing need's assess am they take into account the needs. a lot of people who live in san francisco w in silicon valley. there is a mix there. yea. based on the state's rehave you they do a need's assessment of how much housing they need and break it dun boy counties. we are lop in the with the marin and northern county.
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within plan there are 200 of us that w there. concern plan signature most tanningable to the public and you where the permits are acquired and presses to see what is permitd and not. city wide planning does the long rage they are focused on the how doing leadership. we other body this does environmental review underwent will california environmental questions of law act. we have a large environmental planning dilg division and communal equity division and administration and our commission. viermdal plan suggest handling
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teley tubys. . it did look like that. so the planning code is really our most specific do you mean. this the ideas of general plan get put in specific objectives and criteria and revving ligzs in the planning code. 2,000 pages long and aaron said organized different low and then grouped together depending when areas became more interests and so then. soma got redeveloped it was, let of new code sections credited. and then as new uses come around, we add new things the planning code is always change thanksgiving is when we look to as the yes, no document.
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we have a bunch maps helps to understand where we are. the big way to know is zoning district and there are other layers height districts and special use and preservation districts. coastal zones in response to what happened. this is the over arching. >> i was the coastal zone does it apply to the bay and how deep? jot coastal zone is their over it is just probably 1 street or 2 in from the great highway. really mall and the idea does in the apply to the inland bay it is the coast there is a state california coastal commission. anything built on the ocean will get an approval from the coastal
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commission. if you have a single family home in the zone there is the an exemption the california commission says okay you can handle this lowly. fixing a window on a house if you mean ever building a structure or wastewater treatment plan update. you need their approval. this is the over all zoning map where the different districts are. the majority is yellow that is the residential zoning. and you can tell is lines up with most of awareness of the city. sunset and richmond. streets that have businesses on them and those are the -- strips of purple like tearville and things lect that and red is the downtown. blue is industrial. and yes the ledge ends is huge there are different zoning
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districts goal through the specifics of every one. most relevant for small business owners are usually the neighborhood commercial districts we have a few ones of just generic like nc1 and we have specific ones like the lower haight neighborhood commercial and things like that. in those districts as you can imagine give taraval you have small businesses on ground and residential above. that you are 2 to 3 stories. the commercial districts are downtown. we are looking at ways to redecide what we are doing with zoning but historically it has been commercial office and ground floor retail. residential ones should be
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residential uses and should not be other commercial or industrial uses what you see are these corn are grocery stores or markets or things that existed before the rules of an over play. an lcu some have that and may be it may be there core they near a rential zone they are allowed to operate. i don't know when the commerce section was left updated. i feel like it has been a general philosophy of the planning department to seek the 10 minute city or 15 minute city the idea you are necessary service like grocery issue laundry. and dentist would all be within
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a 10 to 15 minute walk. when i hear you tax about the lcu's and this we have -- you know some point at a later date designated the area rential. is are you aware of a thought and like -- i'm first. i imagine changing the zoning the require an ordinance? or legislation? i know the staff makes recommendations to policy makers and conversation this guess back and forth. i guess the question i'm asking is, do you think we are getting the mix on small business right in residential? or do you is there room to grow. people to start businesses in garages why kent we have a coffee shop in somebody's garage that is open on saturday and
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sunday? >> yea. great question. there are a few intanses. i'm saying. residential districts they are not like only residential there are opportunity to do other thanks they're most low residential oftentimes you extra prove from planning. some things we allow are at home businesses we group under cottage food operation. so people can register they business to the home and make jams at their home in their kitchen. registered the their residents and they are in the allowed put huge amount of signage and make it scroll like a business but dot things and employ another person to work there. there are options. with lcu some things we changed with prospect heart attack med it easier to switch the use in that lcu.
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used to be this was a market. only a market unless you go through a long process. now we made it so you can switch to another use in the zone district. you could switch it real estate office or whatever fits the neighborhood there. there are ways around the residential is in the hard core no option but yea. that is where we are at >> okay that is helpful. thank you. so on top of the baseline zoning districts we got special use districts they near response to neighborhood desires or occurrence. so, you know these are things like on taraval we limit amount restaurants there is a cap. and the mission there is a limit on the aim of alcohol related
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businesses. there was over concentration now to open a new business that you want to sell or will alcohol you acquire it within the mission so this amount of liquor license remains the same within the businesses. in haze valley we don't allow formula retail lights new store fronts opening statement first location in north beach to main taint fine grain neighborhood. they keep the small store fronts requires extra approval. those are some additional layers. within planning wore focused in religion to small business on the size of the business. there is a cap of somewhere 2500 square feet. the idea is they don'tment instead of that nice neighborhood to then become one store taking over the block.
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. depending on the location there is a limit on the size. you don't and in the mall and stones town or downtown there is in the the same limit on the size as in haze valetch we regulate formula retail the hours of prescription the use time liquor license the location they are in which story is the building. we require store front transparency we don't want them to be blocked off to the period of time. engaging experience and then street signage which come up. form well retail come up a lot. this is your chain stores. 11 or more locations worldwide if this is your first u.s.
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location. a majority of small business use are regulated by formula restale temperature is you know these are businesses that have standardsized features throughout. so. many locations limit form well retail. union square does not. you will see chain stores but not the same chain stores on the haight street and things like that. >> i have a question about this one. so, your picture is cute. yes. novelty mine it is from document we have from awhile ago. yea. makes me wonder, so we heard about interesting hard to say whether they are out lie are case or not but local small
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businesses with a regional presence who run afoul of this 11 or more locations rule. meanwhile the same time and had is something you heard about often from haze valley. woeful have the large businesses that have in excess of billion dollars in revenue. who -- buzz they only have 2 stores it is isn't a problem temperature is frust rit when you have a small, local business that -- came up locally and it is trying to expand. like may be mike's subsidiary that was a classic one. yea. it is frustrating local home grown businesses have a higher
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threshold to cross than the massive online businesses. something that businesses often say it mow when they are talking about this is kent we make it so that -- local businesses are not legislated by the furthermore laretail rule? i know you are not the city attorney i will not put you in the question of arounding what has been told to mow is we have to fifth amendment that you can't set a pair up in city you are from out of town tell cost you more.
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the answer came back as, no. because planning has to be visual. it is about the visual aspects of a business and in the about like it can't electric at how many employees work. i wanted i see you -- look at me questioningly. have you heard or seen otherwise from planning that can examine things nonvisual aspect.s business. >> i think i'm having the thought of -- the department does in the have a position i'm not here to convey positions.
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i think may be the visual explanation was about revving litting the land use. aaron was saying talking about the use not the operator. other programs used sales and gross receipts for things. and i think there is upon there could be an tounlt to mech a change i'm not sure what would fit the right legal way to make that work. we see this happen and do get questions about that. because ours is 11 or more and standardized features. yes, you could be a 12 like business. could you say -- if the square footage of the store is -- a
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we do use land use regulation this is is a conversation many people have, right in term was form well retail. i know am for me like in my experience in work with merchan associations and group this is is a large are question in terms of when did we want to see in our neighborhoods and corridors? i think that the answers vary. they like some residents don't mind form well retail they want their favorite shop down the street. you have the small business community this is in the help with that situation because our rents go up. situations where we are boxed out of function nothing small businesses because of scale of victim in the learning are business this is play mall.
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this a big are question in terms what does san francisco want to be and when businesses do we want to support it grow here >> yea. the accomplice i'm coming from is local home grown businesses and -- grow like that there is i way for them to without leaving town. i think it was frust ritting you go it seattle they did not say, star bucks get out. they were accomodating and the other per is as vice president zouzounis pointed out the learning are companies dpet around it anyway. >> haze valley. >> so -- i find the picture charming reminds me of new york
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where you know there is 2 or 3 layers of retail shops and you know might be a tiny -- place in the basement and pizza on the second that's right and hair salon on the third. i'm struck by this and the fact this we have a high vacancy rate now and is there a way to keep the intent while loosening things up that make its volleyball for the san francisco soup company or the ike subsidiary of the world. combas. i apologize for take us on the side quest this is something this for as a commission is something good to think about because it is like that i think
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that is key to why many of us are seated here how do we help businesses that want top grow in san francisco grow and how do we get them to be visible in the neighborhoods and how do we get them to the next step? this is know personal question and to learn more about possibilities, i think. >> yea >> am i mean also the thing about form well retail over the years from owning a retail business is scale is just defined different low. that's what weave are talking about in businesses vehicle large investments may be like their first store but they own much of the market share. i feel like we should evolve the conversation at some point and talk about formula retail. you think a lot of people are
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more willing to accommodate a larger formula retail space in the neighborhood if it is a small are footprint. y think they are i don't know if if everybody would be in agreement. >> when is everybody in agreement. [laughter] it is planning nobody is ever like total low in agreement. bridgeit i'm sorry. >> that's why i'm here >> yea. we had to talk about it [laughter]. mobile home of shock there. [laughter]. we have this dpool i'm sure you is sewn it. the map made by somebody in
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house. makes most desired parts of planning code. can you type in your address and a block lot example you can find out the information about that and find out the building permit this is happens in usually the mid 80s we get the requireds. what the last willful use. any referrals with plan and other agencies like healing or entertainment. if there is appeals or complaints or enforce am case. this is i great resource. when you use this website anything in orange is hyper linkd and bring you to the planning code. are can you trick tow figure out. click related document and get a list of the documents up loaded
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and public records. and on the far right side you can toggle on the map lay and ares make it learning exert play around with the different individual ways. >> go ahead. can you shout out who made this. we live and die by pin and it is the few things that works. thank you. why mike nguyen. he is great >> mike, we love you. >> can we make a future request. why we make changes all the time. >> so. . it may do this and i have to the played with it. apologies if it does. 2, one if you click on a property interpret well is a way
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to chick and shows you all allowed uses. defined by planning did snot go in detail. and the corollary should be a way to drop down in allowed use and mooib may be a different instance i understand rolls royce for software like real life. only so many things you spit on a screen. great if i want to open a barber shop. where can i open one. light will up like a man. more amation an apa that came out that folks like loop net and
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costar. so that i want to open a barber shop you go on the websites and show me the available reports that are zoned for barber shop. and -- you know i can go to town and make bids. i'm in a weird industry when we have locations in different ecstasy. trying to figure out what's available. what's available and zoned is always just -- seems like more work the easy is show us all the allowed uses the next one is show us the properties. and the goal is ap i that third party -- services could plug into to show you everything that is visible. >> yes.
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>> pin does not have that fewure as i think angela each zoning district is complex and it is in the just are you a hair salon it is you are in haze valley and form well retail is isn't allowed about what floor you are on and the size. there are layers we had a tool by a company and that does do what you are talking b. type in hair solon and it will give you a man everything green allows. there are new ajss to the tool uses are allowed in land mark buildings and some are newportance its is never perfect. is this on. it links on the website. does not show on this screen shot. i can show you.
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making me doubt myself i thought only for like -- action. the legislate of, though, right you are always. no. and did they stop for -- that's interesting. sorry. i'm happy to pause if you want to take a 5 or 10 minutes and go back. call the city attorney immediately. >> wherever he may be. >> hit the red button:willing questionism think we should keep going until we learn otherwise. somebody will spank us if we got it wrong >> sounds good. with the informational presentation. okay. so -- aaron eluded to there are
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a lot of definitions in the planning code. sometime its can be a fine grained as used to be cap boarding and had a use. many types of restaurants consolidate. but it is confusing for small business ordinance to figure out what use that you fit under. personal service is encomprehend when people are confused to decide where they can be liked we suggest they roach out to planning office of small business we are all available to answer and- classify. somewhere really new uses we never seen. we have the zshg amake a determination what is falls under if confusion. but in general everything should be called out and section 102. applicant could go in and find
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they want to make sure it is something the neighborhood supports and do the applicant we have to get out do out roach with the neighborhood and make sure that they near support and come to planning after approval. the planning commission is subjective body there is in guarantee on approval on those. but yea that's the 3 bikts you fall into as a use. then once you know your use, you go to pip or you find out which district you fit under and you come to the zoning tables these are scrolling tables and i have not figured out a way it get it o one page. but you see so if you wanted open art in this district you open on the first floor. then second floor and third and above.
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if it's got a number of well is a footnote and might be a specific borrow with specific alcohol licenses. gwen here is where you are p is permitd and p is in the permitd and c is a conditional use. if your business is in the listed but you know what your use is, you assume the use of the top. you roll up in that category. general retail sales and service.
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we are not like a city it is all in mallser upper floors. most of the active front is at street level. that's the name focuses on the regulations but i think this is why the new legislation is considering opening up more uses on upper floor in union square and downtown it has been restaurants are fine on the ground but not the second. don't have a good answer and thinking about a gym you see how much gyms are competing for other uses, and it seems like we
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have a lot of gyms but not as many i don't know. help me. you have more businesses competing for less space unintentional affect of raising the cost for everybody. they take example the table and cross it out and write the new one instance like will we allow a gym on second floor in more places that is in the as active as a frontage. people are going in and out not the same a clothing store is that active store front.
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neighborhood notice we do a 20 day. mail and are poster on the site and the newspaper there will be a public hearing. the other instances 311 that's when sometimes the change of use requires that 311 notice even if the use is permitted. if you are demom everybodies a home have you to do the 311 notice. it is varied but i say this preprop heart attack and the small business recovery act 311 required in most cases for change of use to a permitted use. if you were going from i gym to clothing store you do 311 notice. prop heart attack got rid of this for a lot of buildingses we seen a decrease in the amount of businesses processes. upon now it is more the business
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get approval over the counter and in the notify the neighbors. well is the opportunity to appellate building permit. but not that same 30-day notice and the filing of a d r brings them here. you think things that just the notice for the change of use promptd that. in some district its has gone away and a slide that show this is is no longer required. in alegality of i can't recall around soma it is required get the notice to ink you chesapeake bay the use. yea >> up to the discretion of the planning -- planning i don't know department to, too kind of hear the person who is like -- say there is one disgruntled neighbor. i mean at what point does the
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like -- does the decision have to be made. how long does the process. it sounds like the process goes and goes. but i mean, so. once the department is in support of i project is code compliant we will take our action. to approve or whatever. or require the hearing or whatever it is. with the change of use from a gym to clothing store we take our actions and sign off on the building permit. if that required the my and neighbor or residents whom ever group decide they wanted did not want that to happen or had want changes made they could file the dr and bring it to planning. we have at least 2 items urn the dr calendar every week. it is frequent and often it is one party. that is filing that appeal and in the a group. they do it joint low sometimes or guest signatures from the
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that once appealed has a standards way to file that process. the dregzary review the nishgd does not know unless we do our neighborhood notice. >> a sign on the back of the businesses pants. >> yea. >> that's how a look at it. >> yea we will have the other notification tool a block book notice some groups.
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compliant project it is easy to conducted review if not there may be back and forth the cb3 program is i way to speedup the cu for small business owners you are guaranteed to go in a hearing within 90 days of filing it is a great success, you can't do the bar can't benefit because we finds that use like a bar has more neighborhood input than a clothing store has on that opening. so there are things like that. but the furthermore well retail is in the there. if you want to go the zoning district say us go until 11 p.m. and offer until 4 a.m. you will not use temperature if you meet the criteria you use this program this hen a great resource. >> i just had a question about the cb3p we as a commission have
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made recommendations before to. one in particular corner stow because of the licenses they hold, i think that has been the barrier to have expedited processing. but, i money do we have economic mitigation recommendations sent to the department a few years back that mentioned that. i'm curious if there has been any conversation to bolster this program with more uses? >> yea. it was amended with prop h in small business recovery it was expanded a bit. massage uses her included there were changes this isorth thing we can this is a bit different. this is more of a policy document opposed actual piece of
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the planning code. because the under lying >> reporter: of the cu remains the same this policy is something this we do change from time to time. and have. so. >> would it be something that would have to come from outside of the department? to like since it is a policy change. i don't believe so. i think usually our like a change to something like this in consultation with you and other departments to see what is -- elected officials to see the over all desire of the change and proven it is something that you know we seen time and time again not one business that wants to get around and change. >> especially as we talk about theed limited commercial used and residential use >> i have seen corn are stores
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and neighborhoods like visitation valley that were needed in the residential areas and closed and took so long to reopen because of change of ownership of licenses and permits and all that stuff. i just this type of use is something i personally want to fight for because it is a wukable and accessible business and a lot of times remote parts town. so -- i don't know. as a priority for us i think that fell under racial equity recommendation to so -- i mean that is something we can talk about as a commission and how we get some of our planning priorities from our racial equity discussions back in the conversation. but if there is a way to expedite a change a small business reopen nothing a needed neighborhood especially like a
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food business. i would not like to see now become a prohibiting them. >> got t. >> yea >> there are opportunity to change and i think pican which the and see if there are conversation busy that. yea. >> thank you. >> i think that is a good point. i think it is a new environment postpandemic there is anning own us on trying to fill the vacancies and mac we should revisit should have perspectives that probably made sense when they were first put in accomplice and are not the best fit where we are now. >> i want to correct. i believe corn are store if you are have liquor sales you are eligible for this program.
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it is just and i don't total low read. >> also that is in the like i think it is more of a liquor store by itself. motive not be if you are a corner store and have 15 or 20% merchandise dedicated to alcohol you would be eligible. good to get that information so we can share it with the industry, too. so if they are not aware of this permitting. thank you. >> um this is just general the majority of the w we do at planning is the building permits. and it is cernel intutive a building permit when you need as a decision or action to change your use even if you are doing no building. no construction.
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so to switch from a restaurant that does in the sell alcohol you need a building permit to vest this change in use. building permits we see at the counter and intake but small business at the counter or with i planning can is like a c u authorization. why why is this? it is a part of most of the planning code points back to the building permit what is required. we have been looking at ways to timed other options for that. buzz there are alegality of no -- yea. a lot of projects not doing construction, no life safety changes and it is simple and a planning vest we are exploring opportunity and yea, it is probably a year down the line of a role new press that would give you planning approval but that is in the works.
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it is counter intuitive and confusing and one more thing that -- how to move forward. you are like i don't need a belling per mir or somebody is having problems and what are they dog in there? would be great if we stop calling them building permits and call them when they are which is planning permits. we upon foind everfound katie and i worked on ways to find a less intensive requirement. the new whatever planning approval is something we have to change in the code. it it is i prior and manage this the department is working on. as to reserve had we have been
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talking about we are at 45 south vaness every day and 3 people there all times history irk preservation plan and are other planers with can the cat staff as well and they're answer general questions or to sign off on your building permit or just to help you find locations that might work. in come in and say i'm considering the service addressd and want to know if i'm allowed operate. you don't always have to come in you can send an e mail. and katie team will answer questions. there are a few options. yea. now i will go into what we changed we have touchod that but if this is not news to you all. it is a city priority to support
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small businesses. like i hinted at before we made changes such as removing the 311 notice for the permitted changes of use. and shared spaces program and other programs expanding the and flex retail businesses the town to try out different things during covid. you know there are temp refer use authorizations you open up a different business in a night club that may be commolest low shut down and you really like no one was going in the places or not allowed operate. we made changes like this. we have also prop heart attack and small business recovery act were major changes. it is a ranom question. because we are with prop h allowing accessory uses more access row use and i saw there was a pop up 60 day pop up
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retail allow in the a closed vacant store front. something closed even closed off hours or vacant and can it be used as a private venue? yes. when a strun opened for din are only will rent out the kitchen during the day to prepare food off sight or a different business. we have tood an additional use. it is in the like we are a restaurant you can't be anything else you could be a restaurant and a box store. you know. >> only if trying to do a public offering if you rent for a private. >> is there a code triggered there. why if it is your own business
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and renting for private i think that is in the regulated. if you want a different use we have temp refer use authorizations for this to say, okay i'm usually a restaurant but want to host a nonprofit gallona or something that i'm not serving food or preparing but want to host them on when basis. our temporary use application we are down to america or o of options. but those are things that can happen irrelevant simple low they are quick approval but not they are hold over or something if you don't want to permanent low make that change. >> thank you. this is shows where the 311 neighborhood notices were change friday prop heart attack. you know it was never alued in
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blue or required in the areas of blue. in union square you were fin in the glirs yellow our neighborhood commercial you needed neighborhood notice to make that change. that was -- removed and prop heart attack. the your that remains received the most small business system the maked use districts and soma. and down in this area. >> and then we had some -- you know the small business trailed prop h. and then had first year free now extended. that these are all program this is are helping small businesses open quicker and cheaper and have a bit less hurdles to get through. yea. 1 of the big are changes prop h
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stream lining the permit process. previously applicants go to every department individual low and ask whshgs do i need from you how i do get approved. might be it is difficult to understand. one that building permit thing where you need to to change a use even though you got your health permit to serve you need one to sign off on the building permit. a lot get confused. i have healing approval. there are 2 avenues. we took all the >> reporter:s of the different city agencies and turn today to one stream line portal applicants go through questionnaire and answer things like what location are you? how big is your business? hum locations? . one if they are principlely
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permitted and give them the list of all the documents they need to submit. based on the answers to questions they will be sent the building permit number and furthermore than i fill out. plan submittal requirements. men than i need electric forms or leverage to healing or entertainment permits this is i success with applicants. am we will foind that out from homes in their business in off hours instead. coming in to ask everyone when they need to do to become official low legal established business. we can do them at the counter or
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online you cone have to come in. we doll it all online. this also previously all permits were in paper. had to be sesequential. you in we can look at the same time and give comments at the same time that sped up this process. and yes we had people use this service. all the permits that are eli didn't believe for the review are getting permits issued in 30 days the big time change the c u >> reporter: for business and gospeling them the town to do 47 days versus 6 it 9 months. that's all i have. happy to answer questions. yea. >> that was great. helpful. . i learned a lot. had a lot to learn. director tang?
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i will say i'm q.ed that bridgette presented today she has been a huge advocate for small businesses i think we talk multiple times a week. i want to thank bridgeit and her w you can tell show is passionate about supporting small businesses in san francisco. why great. commissioner. >> thank you very much for your presentation. one quick question in terms of like the vacant store fronts that are being offered now like pop ups and things, does anybody need a permit for anything like in this scenario? potential low if you are going approximate trying to go in a space the same use that was there before. you are fine. no permit would be needed. if you are trying to do something different you might
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need that temp refer use authorization if you are dpoog short term. longer tomorrow you dot building permit. iel. i would say check with planning first it make sure we give you the best on this location. >> thank you. >> commissioner ortiz. >> you triggered the question regarding that similar like the mission we will activate spaces with multiuse like for the big are learning retail spitz vacant. so -- is there a designation for a use like that that is multiuse? there is, yea a flexible retail use. katie had -- >> flexible retail. can you do a few things. there is a list of what is eligible you can switch between them. in addition to that we aluaccessories and this is a third of the floor area and do
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that without approval you can have a restaurant and have a box store. >> that was something prop h expanded y. thank you for the presentation i want to just thank planning in general growing up planning was my communities. it changed director hill sufficient shifting culture and hoping have a new plan 50 years from now. and the motorcycle row commissioners carter serve equity council for planning. having community at the birth of a lot of the planning ideas, i sense the change in culture and as a small business it is not as squirrel to come to planning. i know you were funded you don't get city budget but it is changing i want to say thank
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you. and i did have in the a question to be answered but i want to put this on the map. with the kitchen coming up and the complexity and what i call them abstraction of wealth. that's when they near my eyes let's work together off small business the pandemic we like stopped that process but i am concerned. down the line. >> commissioner. >> just speaking again to like culture. i wanted share that the small business commission has been working on the survey for small buildingses and i have been able to get the very preliminary data off of that and so. this is like a sneak peek to perhaps the thoughts that came
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out of it. is that -- small business owners you know we tends to be people who dream and think big or think or possibilities. we tend to be the people who are really excitedism they get to city hall and plan and wherever and hear, no's. the small business survey so far is this it is in the so much that you know personal low got stuck in planning for 3 months or 3 years whatever it is. it is irrelevant this centament that the city want its say, no. and before ever saying, yes, and so -- i figured i would take the
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town to share that with you since i don't know when i might see you after the survey results come out. with a possibility somebody who ask excited about manage this they with bring to the community. general low small business owners are not i have never met small business owners out for themselves they are bringing things to the community and want to share something with their nishgd and make the place better. i think keeping in mind these are people with hope and drolls and thinking of planning as a possibility versus the accomplice of like -- compliance.
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so. definitely. with the legislation changes things lossened up it is in longer say, yes. and having katie team. you know i can tell you this >> overnight office of small business and katie staff will foinld a location. plans drawn or whatever it is you need yea. tiis a lot more collaboration the past now years we know more what the healing department requires. yea. it is changing. yea. appreciate that. >> cool. thank you very much. >> just slide in and -- give them a drink.
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there with the towel. just reelectric. that's i foal like if we orient around that concept. our businesses. >> the city is i massage. >> [laughter]ism think this our businesses will have such an easier time and feel more welcomed and -- anyways. that's how i think about it. item all that. >> do we have we are all done. >> do we have public comment. >> we do one commenter on the phone. >> please proceed. >> hi. this is kristin. i wir a couple hats a small business owner. and the board the merchnt's
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association and merchant's association, thank you for the presentation i fund it helpful. i was curious, if you could touch the process of what -- happen when is i business opens and a space not known for the use. that is permitted. i want to confirm it is only when it is complaint based. is it possible for business to potential low prit in an unzoned space for their use for many months or years. and can it be remedied based on a complaint like year later. the second is -- you know is there an opportunity for the business to remedy if than i open in the wrong spot? are they allowed operate while
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they are remedying or forced closed and if you could talk about what type of punishment is out by planning business this is have opened the wrong space do they receive fines? what is enforce am look like. thanks. >> go ahead. >> that's a great question. yes. plan suggest most low complain driven welch don't have enough staff to go out and do active enforcement. our first goal with any complaint is to just get compliance. we are not in the business of meching money of the complaints. we send out first a notice of a complaint to let the applicant know or business owner know someone complained. we'll investigate it and see if this is a violation of the code
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or if it is not f. it is a violation of planning code we will issue a notice. and w with the owner to foind a way to legalize the use often getting the building permit and get the fees whistle exclude get that willing done simple low. could require a cu. if you are opened in the lect where you are not allowed to operate at all or like you need the cu and it does not make sense it continue it stay there, we usual low do witness you taken action to demonstrate you are making an effort to come in compliance, we will not assess penalties and fees. once you have taken that step of wing with us you filled sxout submitted a building permit we
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don't charge fees when it is our reason why you are not in compliance. but yea our goal is to work with smaller owners to come in compliance. and i think that katie is a resource to find out where a better fit if this location does in the work. andiel. usual low there is an option to get building permit simple low or may be use the program it get i quick conditional use. that was both questions. you got it. >> we will look back. i know kristin so. rick, did you have? richard carrillo i work if the was of small business i'm speaking as a residence i lived in san doing for felony years and thank you very much for the
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presentation we had community planning groups which was a great process. and i have a thing i will read from the website. our community planning groups formal mechanisms for community input in land use decision making process. they provide an opportunity for involvement and add voidzing the council like our board of supervisors the planning commission and other decision makers on development projects general or community plan amendments rezonings and public if facilities.
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. rick, so you if i understand you correct low the community planning group replaces all of the other like one stop shopping. like small business development center of commune groups. like you. why yes. >> you go in and talk to one group of people that's temperature you checked the box for your out roach. the question is on a practical level, you know usual low community groups have influence because they representative a lot of voters. i'm unclear how we make transition to these groups the community planning group replace
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being natural expressions of voters. why in san doing we had i worked for the north park improve am district and had a community group and they were all well approximate we have on the bye-byes district and planning group. we were so person in the business district this we asked them to come to us. but they did not have to if they did not want to. once we added our voice to the support in addition to the planning. the option is there for them tom go to the planning group and than i existed but a lot of the other nishgd groups came to the planning meeting and able to spoke y. yes. why it was good >> interesting concement. doesn't planning commission have i racial equity advadvisory. we can't talk about this item.
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>> okay. >> way off the reservation. >> i know. anymore public comment. >> no. >> sorry i to being a lib roll approach toward rowels of order tonight. seeing none. this is item is closed. thank you very much for teching time i learned a lot. and i believe we will skipping now -- yes. to number 6. >> go back to item 5. we will next item. >> item 5 approval draft meeting minutes to aproust november 24, 2022 meeting minutes. >> commissioners. any comments on the minutes?
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is there public comment y. well is none. >> public comment is closed. i move to approve the machines. >> i second. >> commissioner hue. >> yes. why president laguana. >> yes. >> and vice president. >> yes >> motion passes. why item 6 resolution making finalings to allow teleconferenced meeting this is a discussion and action item >> i don't see commissioner comments or questions is there public comment? >> there is none. >> public comment is closed. move to approve the motion. >> i second. motioned and seconded. commissioner hue. >> yes. >> president laguana.
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>> yes >> commissioner ortiz. why yes j. vice president zouzounis. >> yes >> general public comment a discussion item aluing the public to comment general low in the small business commission jurisdiction but not on today's calendar and suggest new items >> there are none. why public comment is closed. >> director's report a discussion item. why all right. good evening i will make this quick. wanted share the city launched a graffiti abatement pilot last among the pilots run trough november of 23 there was 4 million dollars allocated thanks to supervisor melgar. properties within neighborhood commercial districts approximate transit corridors.
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report owners sign off to opt in the program and the sejd a waiver to aluthe abate am. we want to thank supervisor melgar for woth legislation after all of you expressed concern this is small business ordinance often victims of certainlied limp it h to clone up or pay for it or loses require them instead of the property owner. third party delivery apps. if toed based business this is work with companies like door barb. grub hub. there was lawsuit against the city. and so there are new things that are coming in affect starting january 31. businesses this use the third party need to review the condition tracts. by january 30 of next year and businesses will likely need to enterern in a new green light if
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they want to take advantage of the 15% fee option moving forward. businesses don't do that they will be charged the fee stated in there agreement which could be higher then and there 15 percent starting january 31st. if you can help with the out reach to again toed based businesses or upon the serves that will be helpful we are trying to get the out roach at angles. thank you for your assistance and lastly for shared space the applications for the program are due january 15th of 23. also help spread the word the sooner businesses can enengage with the city on what the compliance requirements are the better we can come to solutions together. so i will keep my updates at that. thank you. why thank you. why commissioner comments or question sns >> commissioner ortiz. opt in i went at this time
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motion today. i found one page they signed to opt in. they will respond. in response. which there is graf teey you contact 311 it get in touch with dpw and before the graffiti would be abuyed the report owner sign i waiver. 2 forms you need to sign and submit to the city. >> today i sent one. that's from the -- opt in. is there graffiti on the property now. >> no. why at that upon point when well is you want to again submit a request to dpw through 311 and than i would ask you sign the waiver form prior to the city actually abating the graffiti. >> okay. >> you did see today there was
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crews out painting as a result of the legislation. so -- aside from thanking supervisor melgar. thank you. innerim director interim dpw director carla short was great at helping getting this going and would like to thank the dpw paint crufor fun and he friends low to hang out with in person. [laughter]. okay. any other comments or questions? >> is there public comment. why one caller on the line. >> okay. >> please proceed. hi this is kristin evans from the merchant's associating.
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i appreciate director tang's report. i did tuck with her early exert understood that the gr feety program does in the, ploy to parklets that was oversight i think it should have included plet and hope we would take that as a consideration once we evaluate the end of the completion of the pilot. additionally i understood not like a communication outside of her news letter, currently it explain the process small businesses and as a merchant association board member i look forward to seeingly the millionaires so i can provide out reach to our members. unclear on the contracts or the delivery fees if -- the
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businesses need to enter in new contracts what is there contract does in the yet expire is there a provision they are automatically open for renegotiation at the state? thank you. >> thank you. >> other public comment. why there is none. >> i -- director tang if you want to respond to the -- i will follow up with the public commenter one on one. >> okay. next item >> 9 commissioner discussion and new business. this is a discussion item >> commissioners? anything you want to bring up. >> yea i will bring something up. i realize we do we have something like a fee on
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ombudsman in our city or is there a channel where small businesses can express i know we other channel but specific fees that are burdens an strep and city and small businessesment to express feelings on it lect an annual increase the cigarette litter abatement de feo is this vote on? does this happen. where in time can a small business we in on something like that? >> good question. so litter abatement that is dpw. >> we can follow up.
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why buzz, i know for a small business sect are this does in the know of us, as a body or have time to make general comment, i would life to director public comment, to you know receptical to be houseod record. in regards to a fee schedule and i know i mention third degree there is a fee just project in ttx. i love to understand how it can relate to mall business now it is heavy on quality of life fees for individuals. and i would love to see if there was interest in that becoming it is receptacle for hearing this from the small business community. i wanted put this out there. prosecute as it is in the manage
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this is like -- you know there may not -- be a fee that everybody experiences. i think it would be better if small businesses could comment on this fee & instead of general comment. we could add it once we find out the legislation is. . in the administrative code. so. this body can listen to discussion and feedback however we can noted make change we can recommend changes after listening to comments but need a legislatedive experience to make any changes. >> when fees are renewed each year or increased if than i are delinquent in reporting or 96 us studies is there no public hearing? >> i mean many fees sub structured different low.
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what could be bake in the an ordinance that set i fee could say everyier tell increase or an adjustment automatically. so not necessary low would be a renewal of the ordinance every year it is baked in. again every fee is structured different. we can look into what the ordinance. >> we can look the how does the de feo increase and what is the schedule it it is on. and then what we can do to hymn precipitate funding if we could not just by talking to people. 6 it assume thering is interest.
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congratulations to her. wonderful event. it was fun. lets of desert and dancing. the other thing was. art walk in bay vow. we finished this year with several other walks this year and -- the last was in bay vow that was wonderful participation from all of the bayview groups the mershant's groups and happened at public glass. i don't know if you veteran about to blow glass. have you been there. we should go on a field tripful a huge glass blowing studio it is amazing. i believe one of the artists on that reality show, blown away >> we voted on them. >> or -- i don't remember.
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that was colto see the groups wing to prowse such a fantastic event. lastly i was going to mention i tour wintered are winner 1ed are land with marissa rodriguez. and she is amazing. she walked mow up and down the street and want today show me the possibilities and if you have in the been there yet i suggest taking i look and seeing. i believe they imperked all of the both biographies from the austria? they are booths for fendzing and
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there is like a cable coffee cart. well is know opportunity for i believe like liquor and bore. there is a stage. it is going to be a party this hell day season i suggest everybody going out temperature is in the powell street station. check it out. >> and those are a small business things i have been up to. commissioner ortiz. i want to dioat wonder land. show did i presentation. i was sick i did not attend. venders can go and set up for fro. >> than i get i stipend. >> the other way.
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>> and when she has done and the mir in youn square i took the kids and felt safe nile daughter felt safe. sheave is picky about safety and clean liness. show is 7 years old so. good job. on that. on the 16th on friday the 24th street bart. five to 9 p.m. will have mariachi. the covid center i blk away a santa and rain deers and snow machine. we want families to come to activate the commercial corridor. everything is free. enjoy yourself shop at businesses and the yea i will be there. there will be punch men spiked
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enjoy friday the 16th five to 9. great fr. 16th. >> yea. i will not be there. [laughter]. before we close, apparently it up to the city controller. and the fee has to produce revenues sufficient it support the services and activities which is lit or clean up. >> we don't need to go into it on the economic mitigation list we have the background i was mainly asking if there was for since we have a fee justice project that exists is there
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hear public comment about these. that was my question. >> no. yea. it is total low the controller. no. i think to change it an ordinance change. we would need to think. policy become. >> yep >> exactly. anybody else? okay. is there public comment. where there is none. >> public comment is closed. item 10 adjourn am. >> sfgovtv show the office small business slide. >> we'llen with reminder small business commission is the official public forum to voice opinion and concerns about policy this is affect the economic vitality of small businesses in san francisco and the office of small business is the best accomplice to get
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>> i started the o was with a financing and had a business partner all ended up wanting to start the business and retire and i did was very important to me so i bought them oust and two weeks later the pandemic h-4 one of the moments i thought to myself we have to have the worse business in a lifetime or the
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best. >> we created the oasis out of a need basically so other people bars and turning them into a space and when the last place we were performing wasn't used turned those buildings into condos so we decided to have a space. >> what the pandemic did for us is made us on of that we felt we had to do this immediately and created this. >> (unintelligible). >> where we would offer food delivery services with a
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curbside professionalism live music to bring spectacular to lives we are going through and as well as employ on the caterers and the performers and drivers very for that i think also for everyone to do something. we had ordinary on the roof and life performances and with a restaurant to support the system where we are and even with that had terribly initiative and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt had to pay our rent we decided to have an old-fashioned one we created club hours where you can watch to online and or be on the phone and raised over one quarter of a million dollar that
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of incredible and something that northbound thought we could do. >> we got ourselves back and made me realize how for that people will show up if i was blown away but also had the courage but the commitment now i can't let anyone down i have to make the space serviceable so while this is a full process business it became much more about a space that was used by the community. and it became less about starting up a business and more about the heart of what we're doing. this building used to be a- and one of the first one we started working on had we came out what
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a mural to wrap the building and took a while but able to raise the money and pay 5 artists to make a design around many this to represent what is happening on the side and also important this is who we are this is us putting it out there because satisfies other people we don't realize how much we affect the community around there when he i want to put that out there and show up and show ourselves outside of those walls more fabulous. and inspires other people to be more fabulous and everyone want to be more fabulous and less hatred and hostility and that is how we change the
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>> it's great to see everyone kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our culture is something that can be reckoned with. >> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy
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heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings
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back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and
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people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia,
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but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia.
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there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect
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with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little philippines, you're like where are the businesses, and that's one of the challenges we're trying to solve.
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>> undercover love wouldn't be possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture.
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i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy
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order call the roll. >> president ajami >> here yoochl vice president maxwell >> here >> commissioner stacy. >> here. >> and commissioner paulson is expected we have a quorum. do to the covid-19 health emergency and the recommendations issued by the d. public health and the emergency orders the mayor concerning social distancing and lifting restrictions on teleconference this is held teleconference and televised by sfgovtv. well is a brief time lapse with the meetings and what is viewed. i would like to thank sfgovtv staff and puc staff f
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