tv Public Utilities Commission SFGTV December 23, 2022 9:00am-1:28pm PST
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recommendations issued by the d. public health and the emergency orders the mayor concerning social distancing and lifting restrictions on teleconference this is held teleconference and televised by sfgovtv. well is a brief time lapse with the meetings and what is viewed. i would like to thank sfgovtv staff and puc staff f assistance. if you wish to comment dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2492 224 4495 ## and then press star 3 to enter the speaker queue. note you must limit your comment to the topic discussed and remind you if you don't stay on the topic the chair will interrupt you. >> we ask comment is silv and
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address your remarks to the commission as a whole. if have you not done so >> will i the san francisco pu c commission acknowledges owns and stursd of unseeded land in the territory of the troib and other sdendzants ofs historic mission san jose [inaudible]. the puc recognizes every citizen within the great bay area benefits from use and occupation of the tribes over which the landses before and after the commission founding in 1932. it is vitalally important. we recognize the trooil tribal
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land and acknowledge the fact the people have established a working partnership with puc commission and productive and flourishing members within the greater san francisco bay area communities today. madam secretary. first item 3 adopt finds happenings in legislation to allow in person meetings and direct the commission to agendize a resolution within the next 30 days. call for public comment. why member who is wish to make 2 minutes of star 3. >> do we have members public to comment on item 3?
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point out which is appropriate to comment on. thank you will. are there callers in the queue. >> callers can i have a motion and second on this item. >> move to approve. >> second. >> could you roll call. >> president ajami. >> aye yoochl maxwell. >> aye >> paulson. >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> yes. >> 4 aye's. >> item passes. could you call the next item. >> item 4 approval the minutes of november 8, 2022. comments on the minutes?
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. >> i think i need public comment. >> members who wish to make remote comment on item 4 press star 3. callers with hands raised for item for you. why there are no callers at this time. >> thank you. public comment is closed. >> can i have a motion and second on this item. >> move to approve >> second. >> thank you. item passes. call the next item >> roll call vote. >> yes. >> president ajami. >> yes. >> vice president maxwell. >> aye. >> commissioner paulson. >> aye. >> commissioner stacy. >> aye. >> perfect it passes. the next item.
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>> item 5 general public comment. members who wish to make 2 minutes. general public comment on matters within the jurisdiction and not on today's agenda press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. do we have anyone present for general public comment? do we have callers with hands raised? >> there are 8 callers in the queue. issue you have 2 minutes. i like to make a general comment with regards to the watershed below the hetch hetchy reservoir system. i would like to request that the puc begin to study on the
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sediment loss of sediments in the sister system between the hetch hetchy system and the don pedro reservoir system. if we look at the photos. post world war ii presence we see almost all the sediment accumulation has been washed away by clear water flooding from the industrial use of the river and the clear water scouring that happens from power generation and water management for irrigation contracts. we have in place in the hetch hetchy system yosemite national park below hetch hetchy in the national park and like to
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new year. i'm not speaking before you today i wanted it call to your attention e mail link for our completed i have been talking about this anticipated product for some time to you some. of course you will find interesting it represents 18 months of work with the 26 agencies throughout and a stake holder group and does present not just updated demand projections but also the result.s sensitivity analysis, thank you and see you next year. thank you.
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next calmer you have 2 minutes. hi. i would like to request item 8 from consent severed. to 10 ai'm requesting. thank you. >> thank you for your comment. caller i opened your line you have 2 minutes. >> commissioners, this it is our last meeting for the year of 2022. in the past year -- we have come with an open mind to ask the san francisco public utility's commission to address the
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concerns of the salmon. and you commissioners have failed us miserablely. i think we need have a hashing a special hearing what are we doing to address the adverse impacts of the salmon. on another benefit the diagonaleding 1515 evans street i asked y'all to see after the building was completed, it was signed. and should be a signature thing that everything is in place. that it met the standards.
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we need on gnaw on the agenda. commissioners, y'all have a responsibility. it looks like city wide the commissioners in san francisco are not serving the public. thank you very much. eileen coalition for san francisco neighborhoods speaking on my behalf. tomorrow be the one year mark when the draft firefighting system report was introduced at the commission. the so called draft report had pages with missing [inaudible]. in giant commission acknowledged the final report had been
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received. the final report has language for a year without an actual hearing. yesterday's planning committee meeting the staff gave a presentation on the extreme precipitation stchld however this does not appear to be agendized for today's commission meeting. and article has been forwarded to the commission secretary regarding a [inaudible] set to be launched this thursday which will monitor the waters. the sunlight is referred to as the surface water and ocean spacecraft. thank you. one more call are joined the queue.
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good afternoon. denise here from the center for biological diversity. first i wanted request you provide a recommend on the maintenance of the city's fire hydrants. is there a backlog for replace am it was [inaudible] in oak land the fire hydrant in my neighborhood are old and beat up, rust and he ugly i'm wondering since could not find anything online if you could provide a report. second low, i urge you to allow for increase fresh water flows to bay delta temporarily and the entire bay delta ecosystem the die off by bloom system unsustainable. even as we peek the united conference is grabbling with the
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astounding loss of biodiversity in decades the how fasts bay will delta is in your hands take action now to increase for fresh water flows even if only temporarily. thank you and happy holidays yoochl thank you. thank you and good afternoon this is peter, policy director for the twaul me river trust. climbing the delta plan could result in 188,000 jobs in 49 billion dollars. came from a study in 2009 the study was updated by same author
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too sad to cell brit. you state san francisco put benefit from all that existed when [inaudible] and action speaks louder than words. i want to ensure you hear the words in the guard yen's august 26 article they reflect my occurrence the state's gratitude builds on a system racism, bake in water system. there could not be a more glaring example. of water rights the rivers are drying up america was foundod genocide and removal of native people from lands. i used 26 gallons of water a day for 4 months i care.
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people care. stop faking the data. >> thank you. upon one more caller joined the queue. your line is open you have 2 minutes. >> i'm lawrence abbott and arborist in the bay area my life and i have been studying infurthermoraly and rescueerating around the delta and the bay and been watching the fish are strug scompling have really the populations reduced since my childhood. and as you know the cities grow and i understand how thement to look at your data and you want
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to have as much back up water as possible you don't want to run out of water. i understand all that clear. there has to be a balance and you don't have tos look at the data, if you get better at conserving water at using the recycled water. putting investments in the water infrastructure that we have. so that we can leave enough water to not destroy our efiaries or delta and all the fish that spawn and breed. you know, in this area that populates the entire coast or large percentage of the coastal region of central california. i understand the predicament you
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are in. look at the data fair low and leave water for the environment. no one will come to san francisco if they have the big dead fish every where. and you know basically no one be around. thank you. there are no more callers. >> thank you. general public comment is closed. >> the next item. >> item 6 communications. colleagues? any comments. on the communication item? i want to thank everyone there
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was a lot of work put in this. i want to thank you for your hard work and diligence and the reports thank you. >> i found them all to be useful and informative. thank you for all your hard work. could you call the public comment. thank you. minutes who wish to make 2 minutes of remote comment on item 6. press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. do we have callers with hands raised.
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i'm co-author with the letter you received regarding supply and demand upon occurrence in the alternative water supply report. figure one hoe obligations appear straightforward but t is not. to understand the water supply needed you understanding of obligations and it demands which figure one does not do we tried to improve transparency but with little success. not mentioned in the letter not the same as king arthur exists but a mystery. for years the state impact of the delta plan was 93 million gallons a day. the assumption is now it is 105, 12 million gallons a day higher.
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took sleuthing we asked and the best answer we received was something to do with the religion impact of the bay delta plan. my understanding the bay delta impacts limited to changes in water taken from the rifrment new and the other items in the letter need to be understood. for example, otherwise are we going to were of water supply for something not understoodful the same figure and explain it to others. thank you. thank you. next caller you have 2 minutes.
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thank you. tuolumne river trustism hope we get a chance 6e and m. the water supply need in the aisle water supply property are extreme low problematic. and you need to make sure they get corrected. there is an alternative water supply plan ref leased next july we have sick montes to get the numbers right. now they are inflated. which can lead to investing water we don't need which is expensive and raises rates and tell make rate payors upset. obvious one is had the rationing they used to determine how much of the water supply deficit there is was created in 2008 with the water system improve am program. what they found is, we can make
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it throughout design draught at 265mgd demand by imposing 10% ration nothing year 3 and 20 percent in year 6 and beyond. that would not work. now what would happen we upon crunch the number if implement exclude realize we gotta ration early and gota ramp itum faster. what that does the way that staff categories is religioning adds to supply. we out lines things they need to be addressed oidz this will be controversial for the next 6 monthses and beyond. we talked about the projections. we know the urban water management plan members are outside envelope projections. staff add 10mgd to those despite they are not in the management plan. please take a responsibility you
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need independent review of the numbers. thank you. >> 2 additional callers joined the queue. next carol. you have 2 minutes. >> commissioners. approximate we are fortunate during this commission hearings that we have others who speak through to power. one of y'all had the audacity. 2 of you to praise i don't know who for working very hard employs cannot praise anyone who does not provide empirical data. what is happening here.
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is mickey mouse. do you think the experts can [inaudible]. and empirical data, bring to your attention. we having workshops as many as 4. the last year. really for y'all san francisco puc [inaudible] and the person who is focused we have of the tribe. have your hearts in the right place if you don't you will not
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able to take gone a better place. thank you very much. thank you for your comments. next caller? this is bob stanley. the tuolumne below the hetch hetchy water and power system. i'd like to add to my previous comment that the june 2006 water environmental stewardship policy which requires protection rehab of ecosystem affected by the puc water system has not been study except for below. below the hetch hetchy reservoir and the other 2 residence virus
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eleanor and creek and larger cherry croak. and also below the confluence of those creeks with the tuolumne river remains unstudied. so the trip organization can would be mandated to study the entire system including below the confluence of cherry croak and the main tuolumne to don pedro reservoir that would meet the policy required in june of 2006. thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello this this is america
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gonzalez i'm concern body the low are tuolumne and the flows there. piknow you wanted voluntary agreements. increased flows meets the requirements that your vol they're agreements are trying to achieve. increase flood plain saturation and habitat you can't go by the salmon number upon even though they are low year after year, it is the health of the whole happen at that time that is improved. i heard it talked about for year and combloers nothing has been done. none of the agreements have been put in place they should be done by now. the flows are slow as ever. after last year's storm the flows up to 7,000 upon. the lower tuolumne they did not move. police consider this in your
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calculations what the environment needs following your statement at the beginning of your meeting and i am of ancestory. i multiple grand father the first spaniards married by native americans think of the river system then approximate what we have don it since. thank you. 2 additional caller joined the queue. >> before we open i reminds you the public comment is for communication item 6 keep your. items to the communication's portion of the agenda of the this evening >> next caller. >> peter.
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i spoke on item 6e i hope i'm entitleed you are limited to 2 minutes for the item. item 6 as a whole. >> thank you. thank you. caller. >> next caller. 2 minutes. hi. this is lawrence. yea. wanted make sure that it was line. i wanted to reminds folks item 6 we there are a large number of folks that are paying close attention to this and looking at the your data and comparing to your reporting and comparing it to, other reports that were less biassed and -- so wanted to
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reminds you all that we are not going away and the water delivery and the sfpuc service areas dropped 282 million gallons a day last year this is 8 years in a row deliveries below 200mgb but still expecting upon demand to meet 265mgb, i know the upon reason why you attempt to do that is because you want to have that buffer that you still have to follow science and am of course -- demand that -- that -- you are following at and the water environmental stewardship policy report provides an update what
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[inaudible] among other things. puc residence virus linked to [inaudible], watersheds to [inaudible] and system upon which [inaudible]. [reading very fast]. the sfpuc opposing the plan and the computing agreement with -- >> thank you. your time is expired. >> there are no more callers in the queue. >> thank you, public comment on item 6 is closed >> thank you. colleagues, any further discussion? please. i would like to comment on item 6 that of the reports and the updates that we received which come on at every commission meeting i want to say even
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though there was not a lot of comment that really those who are following the commission and the puc this really is an example of the great work and the a upon countability the department has in terms of making sure that not only we do when we say but give reports. this is a great exercise in public democracy. in terms of the things we see temperature is usually the first things i look at when i'm reviewing the agenda. and i want to commend as others the staff making sure that these are calendar events not like i will give a report. they are account at reports this commissioner appreciates from it. >> thank you. i want to add my wish to that and say in any given day i appreciate all the hard work this staff are doing here they
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are all public servients and providing daily making sure we have access to various resources we need and i'm personally grateful for all their hard work and any given day i appreciate them and commend them for their hard work employment to make sure i mention that. next item. >> item 7 the citizen's advisory annual r. good afternoon. pleasure to be with you to update you on the work of the add sunrise real committee. i joined the cac in 2018 in district 9 the mission and portola. i was ash pointed chair in 2019 and elected chair of the cac
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this year. the report you receive provides the make up of the cac does not reflect all of the work during the previous fiscal year. the role of chair i introduced a land acknowledgment with tribal leaders in the hopes to change our rules to ensurety acknowledgment remains. and serves to ground us that we reside on significant clanltds and benefit from the lands to provide san francisco and residents amel utilities. the cac meets month low i instituted a calendar to ensure we utilize our time as well as possible and to the follow up on previously passed resolutions. i introduced a privacy having practice introduce resolutions
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at different meetings from which we pass a resolution to allow time to digest the information and time for staff and community input. i'm proud of the resolutions the body passed. a resolution in support electric bridge rebe light on treasure island who worked with puc staff for months to prepare for the resolution. and awfuls the gravity of power outageos the island. we passed a resolution in spchlt water supply lead by the chair jennifer and ceo nicole urging the commission to include in its 2013 alternative water supply program. projects to meet the amount identified for supply short falls for the water system and reuse that is charged in the
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treatment plant. passed a resolution transition of clean power sf residential custody hearse use rates implement in the july of 2021. and happy to say that the puc staff provide an update at the power meeting to report become on the implementation and impacts on customers. a couple resolutions not included in the report but took months of work are les lugz of transparency, environmental and labor standards for california community power. i like to thank the director of research at san francisco electric industry for bringing this to our sdpaengz sending san francisco valtow joint power authority on environment and labor issues. we passed a resolution in. public power evidence lead by the committee chair. and mixture of reclaim our
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power. passed a resolution for assets and more work remains to ensure they are successful. the report you received highlights the committee priorities i like to mention our special and attention to affordability and customer assist analysis, racial equity efforts, hiring efforts and staff retention and issues do you to the shutering of the girl scouts camp at lake merced we look forward to engaging on these and other issues of the committee and working with the puc staff and commission. in the spirit of working together the cac inviting commissioners to meet with the cac. i want to thank vice president maxwell for coming in october and look forward to having commissioner paulson join us and welcome the rest to join us. cac members are active san
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francisco community members and voices should be of value to the commission. thank our members who dedicate time to serving and vice chair. water chair jennifer claire e. wastewater chair amy. power sf chair [inaudible] and our secretary. give expertise and we are better for having them. thanks to the liaceons. i'm happy to take questions. >> thank you so upon much will colleagues, any questions. >> yes. >> thank you so much and thank you all for your civic responsibility that is a lot of work. du mention closing of the girl scout camp at lake merced? >> sure. the attention by our member and
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we expressed concern to staff and are waiting to get more information on that. but my understanding the camp has been at lake merced for nearly 50 years. and do you to the some construction issues, either a portion of the camp is closed or going to be closed. and so that was a great concern to our members. and look forward to resolution it that issue that brought to light we would occurrence about how it is a public benefit. >> okay. and do you be whether that was due construction was supposed permanent or facilitate the work? >> i'm not certain. we had challenges getting a
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staff report on that >> thank you very much and i would like to ask our general manager if he has comments and get back to us on what is going on. thank you >> to be clear the information is accurate t. is not, not shattered or being shattered. we have been working with the girl scouts to ensure it does stay open and has to be acomdagsz of that space we need. it is not shattered that was there was misinformation going around and i would be happy to have steve give detail busy that. it is not shattering. we can have staff to make that clear. thank you for the update >> yea. staff update you asked for. >> yes, >> okay.
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>> i'm so glad that camp was not going to be closed. thank you. >> thank you very much. commissioner paulson has a question as well. >> not a question i was going comment. great work you are doing to again as a citizen advisory committee over look the issues and some of the issues you guys are address being around lovely hire and and account act with some of the work moving forward and making sure like many of the programs now there have been you know responsible contractors and local people hired and people trained. all the programs going on and the fact this committee put together not only a resolution butt hard work to put together statements is commendsable as
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this commissioner i hope we will support this when it come to the time of introduction and in front of us as an action item of thank you for the work. thank you. giment to add my voice. thank you for the work you are doing and the voluntary time and service you are providing i would be happy to join and learn more about your activities next year, thank you for taking the will time and reporting to us. >> thank you. public comment on this? thank you >> members when wish to make twop minutes of public comment on item seat advisory committee report. press star 3 to speak.
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go ahead. good afternoon. thank you for hearing me. i'm the research director for the electrical construction industry mr. garcia mentioned i'm here to speak to the residence loug the cac passd and mr. garcia discussed. this commission aproved membership in the california joint power's authority. at the team i spoke to incorporating environmental justice standardses and community participation measures into the procurement and government practice the commission agreed. the agency developed guidelines and applyed procurement projects. this is only a temporary
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solution. the board declineed adopt a permanent policy calling for more study there has been little progress. i'm joined on the phone by environmental justice climate and labor organizers from around the bay area and california. we are here to cue this to take the cac advice and pass a stand alone to address clean power sf staff to lead in permanent standards. dog so will more than empower barbara hail. it will reenforce the climate leadership and inspire communities and demonstrate that communities are at the core of a successful climate transition. thank you and we look for the to working with you and staff to make this a reality for the
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solar [inaudible]. thank you. thank you. i'm benge mint director of romero green california program of organization we spent year conducting out reach and education in support formation of promise grass roots and with officials and staff and others critical to the formation process. in this westerlied we launched central coast and san diego community power temperature it is an honor to work with many not only climate and environmental justice but labor unions and representing workers torforward the workforce environmental justice the cac took up. as a community choice grows we
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hope that clean power agencies meet and raise the borrow for workforce and environmental justice that honor working families. good paying energy careers. respect xhounlts and long standing injusticeings i ask that you agendaize this from the cac and hope that you will adopt typeset and lead the way in an industry standards met by peer organizations and california community power as well as jurisdictions still aiming to form or join programs. thank you very much. do we have callers on the phone? there are 3 callers. i'm 4 callers. i opened your line you have 2 minutes. >> i'm melissa [inaudible] today
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address the comments [inaudible] and hope that talk about [inaudible] a policy requires strong lead and environmental justice standards [inaudible]. we want to emphasize all projectses moving forward should mitigate a [inaudible] requires lands use entitle am projects permits and public [inaudible] in dwlars have not gone through review or don't have relevant land use approved. and [inaudible] said by instituting strong legal standardses for energy [inaudible] and targets hiring
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in disadvantaged communities and the clean energy workforce we need [inaudible] and create opportunities for families supporting careers special economic [inaudible] hope san francisco continues to be a leader. [inaudible] and help build [inaudible] corrects stloongding and create high quality [inaudible] in disadvantaged communities [inaudible] and protects [inaudible] health and environment. thank you. >> we had 4 additional callers join the queue. >> your line is open you have 2 minutes. >> good afternoon commissioner this is is joni. climate emergency coalition on behalf of the coalition i urge the. puc to adopt the workforce and
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environmental justice standards for clean power sf and california community power energy projects recommended by the cac, and a residents of d10 i support local hiring provision in the resolution. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next caller. you have 2 minutes. >> hi. this is j oshg representing mothers for peace. i'm call nothing support of the puc's adoption of the workforce and environmental justice standards clean power sf and approximate california community power energy projects. thank you. >> thank you firefighter hello i opened your line you have 2 minutes. >> hi, i'm emily calling from
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jobs to move america. i'm call nothing support of the puc adoption of the workforce and environmental justice standards for clean power sf and community power energy project. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. i opened your line, you have 2 minutes. >> good afternoon. thank you for your time i'm [inaudible] the environmental justice organizer [inaudible] california and i'm call nothing support of the pu c adoption of workforce and environmental justice standards resolution for clean power sf and california community power energy projects recommended by the cac. thank you for your time. thank you for sharing your comments. i opened your line you have 2
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minutes. >> i'm eric neil chair of climate co, ligz call nothing spchlt adoption of the workforce and vipiral justice standardses for clean power sf and california community energy projects. thank you. are >> thank you for sharing your comments. call are i opened your line you have 2 minutes. >> good afternoon i'm ross i'm the executive director of [inaudible] disced environmental justice. experience and i'm calling to support the agenda resolution for w force and environmental justice standards. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. hello, caller you have 2 minutes. >> am greetings commissioners
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i'm jason with ibw local 5 organizer, support of the puc adoption of the workforce and environmental justice standards for clean power sf and california community power energy projects. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. there are no more callers in the queue. thank you, public comment is closed. just a quick question. do you want to make your comment? go ahead. so -- familiar will we would like to look at these item and consider it does it needs to be agendize in a separate. >> yes. okay. that would be great. commissioner maxwell.
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>> will i would like to i see barbara hail is in the audience, could you -- please come up and i thought we had passed something like this but could you come up and tell us gives an idea as the resolution what we have been talking about where we near that conversation, please? >> barbara hail assistant general manager for power. the california community power jpa is the entity we are talking about in their procurement practice. jpa conducts its prosecute curement practice with policies or practices that have been advanced with the input from various stake holders. consistent with the resolution that the cac occurred.
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the stake holders asked for a brood policy adoption. the jpa said they would have workshops have yet to be calendared. the upon confect for that the jpa in the process of moving from an inter~im gm to an inte~- impart time jm to hiring a new one that will work full thyme is on the new work plan but noted impelemented yet. can we are in this pause period. i think the other context that i think is helpful for the commission to hear is that the jpa members like myself are
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sponive to local boards. and some of the jpa members about concerned about the dynamic of the commission. norred get us all in the same page for what a permanent policy would be. i think as i say what is important is the practice of theful jpa in procurement is consistent with the policies that the cac described.
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and the rest of the stake holders and community members spoken here inform practice we are moving in the right direction we need to get the full jpa in agreement are on what an over all policy would be. so then if you are practicing it, it does in the seem like a big stretch to make it in policy if it is practice? the -- the practice come to each of the jp aboards. so that's where the upon governing board gives its direction to the member voting.
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i think there is there is -- some additional steps hathrough a workshop process we can hear more of the sxrous make sure that the environmental justice and equity occurrence expressed are begin as much life as some of the labor and workforce issues are. and how you implement that in the procurement process and make surety evaluation of bids that come in and the contract language holds the binning bidder accountable to the policies. i'm looking forward to having a workshop process as a member representing sudden front interests. witness we have a general manager when can tlun process for us. knowing how we feel about this and seems like you mentioned there are other jurisdictions that feel the same way, do you
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all those of you representing us do you all have the strategy for going forward and making sure that those things are in policy? do you all have a strategy? >> i think part of the challenge is -- it is not a unified voice. right? and the concern that some of the members have that the direction they have been begin by their boards are not as consistent with the direction san francisco's board given san francisco member, myself. >> i thought you said there were a member who felt similar to us? >> yes k. >> so, my question is, are you all those of you who feel similar to us are you all strategyizing on how to move forward because -- this is not were a willie nil theis very serious stuff and what we do.
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i want to know if there is a plan that you all have in mind to make sure we are heard and not only heard buff that is the policy? >> yes consistent with the brown act ruleless we are a brown act board. yes. consistent with brown act rules. >> dwros your question are we strategizing and working together. >> yes. >> can i ask a follow up. just to clarify so -- does this mean after you guys dot workshoping then each one of those boards the policy boards have to vote on those you know whatever items we side on. we am sends our representatives and others come together to vote
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gean that. is that the process? or a different process? >> i think it could be that type of a press this is part behalf we need to work through. there some of the members have pressed concern policy adoptd and apply in the the jpa setting and adoptd and applied in individual setting that's where the concern come n. if there is a disconnect with the 2 or one changes and the other one has not caught up with the changes yet. because of the process for adopting changed policy. it is complicated but i'm -- encouraged to know we will come become as a jpa witness we have a general manager assigned on board that will lead us through that process and have an opportunity to discuss that. happy to bring the issues back when well is more clarity.
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>> commissioner paulson? >> okay. thank you. go ahead. please. on the topic of the cac report and questions about the report and i understand you know the initial question from commissioner maxwell i wanted reupon might beed everyone to stay focusod that is on the agenda the cac report. >> thank you. >> yes. >> okay. >> i did have one more question. is there a time line for us to be officially on board. it sounds like we are half on board with what the resolution time policies that the cac gwen us. do we have a time 39 pass this i continue goes not board of supervisors so the city is on board?
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barbara hail. i was consult to responded to your question. commissioner with -- the cac chair that resolution has not been brought to you yet. when you seat items that -- mr. garcia spoke to it is in the the attached resolutions. put thanksgiving before us or something similar torthat is there a time line on that. the answer is, no. i can't spoke for the cac chair. i can speak to the fact that i will be coming become when we have clarity through the jpa process. >> understanding the sentiment you expressed. not just what you expressed and the resolution you adopted when we joined the jpa.
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okay. -- being you police call the next item. >> next is report of the general manager. >> thank you. >> if we could have the slides, please. >> i'm going to give the drought condition's update. this is a report prepared last monday december fifth. and so there will be a baptist update to t. verbally i will present as you may have noticed things changed over the weekend. and the first of which in the storage actually the hetch hetchy numbers about the same. what is the sneaky number down at the bottom.
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calaveras 56,000 acre feet. it is a little luck and we manage to fill this year. there is in the a lot of inflow we saw they were generate said on december fourth. we might next presentation see a bit more there. people did see it throughout the system. the drought monitor has in the changed much. approximate in this most rent version we got yesterday has in
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the changed much from what did not start to change other precipitation and snow pack numbers inform this case it has followed this a bit above 10 inches hetch hetchy. about 3.4 inches in december. based on the last storm we are gone it 7 penalty 6 inches. testimony is above the median for just only about half the month. we will see if we can do better. . for local 1.97 left monday and yesterday it was 4.noop.
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boost median for december. any more storm in december will be gravy during the rest of the month. up country snow pack that jumped up. it is close to 50% you in than it was back earlier in december on this red line. we did get on the order of 6 plus in the high counsel row in terms of snow that was falling and many other yours. we got rain in some spots that represented prescriptional challenges we had to deal
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that is a bit above last year's number. the river is below last year it was 6 be,000 that shoes between years things change the numbers on the tuolumne are a bit up from where they were last year. i will be happy to answer questions. them up have anything to do with when we have done or did it just help? well, a lot of it just happens in the down stream area. emphasize that all of san francisco flows to don pedro
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when it down the districts provide they have control. >> have they provided anything different. >> we do provide summer flows boost required standard we have been doing that for years now that goes throughout water i don't think we are providing any above when we would do in our normal operation. jost so. it was not because anything that humans did it was because it just happened >> these numbers are what happened with the weather and releases that go along with normal reservoir operations. >> okay. >> what is had experienced before or after the storm is this manage we common law experience or because the storm of intense and -- caused that?
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>> what we often see is in will the am priest and moccasin reservoir watersheds is they get a bit more rain that mobilizes sediment that setiment is flow in priests and moccasin reservoirs. we put them on the bypass system tell carry the water through a pipe in what happened over the past weekend is we were ice litting both pipe supplies from the reds vires. and in this case there was leakage from the moccasin reservoir to a valve in the ploy and so it raised the supply and we had to manage that through the system. that's when we are doing now. it takes 2-3 days for water to flow through the system
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completely >> yes when it rains there is also an increase. >> i wondered if intensity of the rain when you have intense rainfall. is that something we think about more upon as you experience. will >> that is something we also pay close attention to and 've in fact the -- i saw a report just this morning showing what happened at moccasin over the weekend. and it is interesting you see a spike in precipitation and increases with that. >> thank you. and on the [inaudible] you said this was the first water we received >> for the last couple of years >> yea. >> when we complete today in 2019, that ffgs a good water year. we did get reasonable aim of
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water in. there are when you fill a reservoir for the first time there are hold points to make sure it is holding water back. we got to the 2029 on the way to the second and never got there since then, water levels have come down because we have not had anything. this inflow of water was the first serious water since 2019go in the reservoir. >> great. thank you very much. other comments or questions. >> thank you. in and so we have monitors inside the dam and it is water monitoring constant low? >> yea. we have monitors at various points through the the system. and then we are checking on that. again, the last weekend, i think that people does not notice the increase as early as they
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should. because there was something in the reading or on that on the highest meter. it was not not guilty water was down stream we said. an increase we need to dweel that. so -- any time we have a situation where it challenges our water supply we do after action review it make sure we take actions to correct problems. enemy this case, why did the valve like? and next thing is okay what about the instrumentation. and morton make sure they are working properly. tweaking things to get the right data at the right time and right way. >> great. thank you. other comments or questions. can we are public comment.
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members of the public who want to comment on 8a. press story 3. do we have members present who want to comment on 8a. do we have callers with hands raised? >> there are 2 callers in the queue. >> hello i opened your line you have 2 minutes to comment on 8a. >> this i want the recycling one. >> commissioners, on this issue of the. draught, there are other federal
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agencies that can provide us with maps and data. we need that information put on 99 this is a general manager's report. all the time that the general manager has been on this commission has not given a report as a general manager. because the mr. ritchie probably has to give make statements. i want the general norring have the tenacity and fortitude to tell us where we can get the sudden front pu c commission. you commissioners just on the item, the [inaudible] the longest time was not on the
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agenda. but [inaudible]. so you don't understand fundamentally what the difference with an ornament and a resolution a resolution is not binding an ordinance is. you must ask for an ordinance or present an ordinance to have the policy making. san francisco people watching this meeting and some sxaul ask me and i keep quiet. i'm not going to say when i say empirical data and facts i mean it.
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there are no more callers in the queue >> public comment on 8a is closed. >> quarterly budget report from will you evera bush. >> hi. everyone. i'm laura best of your ability budget director for the puc and here to present fy22-23 budget variance report of the i came bearing gifts. i handed out a copyright fy22-23 and 24 budget book which will make interesting reading. so -- over all here the tick aways at q1 we have positive operating results for water, wastewater and clean power and a
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small operating short fall [inaudible] in wart wastewater revenues up due to higher retail and sale this is is our conservative scombj empowering clean power the take away very high power purchase costs leading to short fall in budget. these are a setoff set by increased revenues and general reserve contributions. the end of the day our resulters projected meet or exceed targets. >> so in water, the net operating result of positive threat.3. this is learningly driven boy good news on the [inaudible]. total source up by thing million learning low driven by the better than expected revenues customers comfortable less twhn
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we budgeted. we also have 2 penalty 3 million in cost savings from saul row and benefits due to vacant positions. in wastewater we have a positive net operating result. on the source side we are up by 9.3 millionful again driven by better than expected demands. we are seeing 3 penalty 2 million dollars in projected benefit savings as well as 10 million dollars in dent service savings because of the postponed bond and refunding. in it power it is more complicated over all we have a small negative net operating result of minus 1.3 million there are lots of number this is go in this the sources side net
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negative.2 million. retail sales down boy 15.4 million this is not due to under performance. this is buzz the budget was cest too high because of the timing of the rate study adoption. . correct retail ref now in the adopted budget when the rate study was passed. and so the budget is set too high this does not affect our operations. we'll still collect revenues. them is erroneous short fall because the budget is higher than when we planned to collect in the rate study. >> whole sale, do you to highway are power price. we areum flatten 4 million or 73.1% greater than budget this is upon driven by high power prices which is because of the war in ukraine and other inflationary factors affecting this market.
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>> on the flip side the power price a significant 19.2 million sthort fall in power accident gas and steam costs because we are having to purchase power at an inflitted process this . is off set by 18 million dollars general reserve contribution this we plan to go and spend. can something to keep in mind due to the short fall caused boy high power prices, we may need a supplemental in the power to ensure we have expenditures to purchase power. we are watching it close low. clean power sf net operating prult are positive 21.1 million of on the sources side up by 2.3 million due to increased power
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sales. and on the use side again seeing a significant short fall in power purchase costs. and in addition projecting benefit savings off setting that as well as a 33 opinion 5 million dollars plan general reserves contribution we plan not to spend and off setting the negative number in power purchase costmentful lastly on track to meet and exceed all target policy ratios. any questions. >> thank you. >> colleagues. any questions. >> commissioner paulson. i have one question on slide 5 a 73% increase in power and you explained it saying the war and inflation? what do you mean inflation?
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we have to purchase bhour we don't generate enough to sell and we sell to the wholesale market when we have excess power. the price of power has been sky rocketing. far beyond projections and due to you seat same affects at the gas pump. do you to several inflationary factors including the worry in ukraine. >> how are you define inflation. oh. prices going up. how do you upon define you gave a reason the worry in ukraine and inflation. i was curious. >> what you meant >> inflation due to the war in ukraine and other factors. >> thank you.
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some dame but otherwise, great work on managing yet another challenging budgetier and we hear more in the next item for the development of the budget for next year. thank you for listening. your line is open. i like to say, the quarter low budget report [inaudible] and we all know that the because of the war in ukraine, we have -- gas,
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than relying on the old practices. and we were very late to implement solar. thank you very much. next. there are no more callers in the queue >> public comment on 8b is closed. please turn off roand tv's in the background when providing comment. otherwise we hear feedback. 8c fiscal 23-24 budget and 10 year plan development update. >> thank you. good afternoon president and commissioners i'm nancy ceo of business services. i have an over view of the current budget process and priorities.
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>> thank you. today iful provide you with ano view of budget express where we are at this time. we will walk through the budget context and discuss challenge and risk this is face our budget cycle. review our strategic priorities guide our budget develop and want detail a focus of the budget press this year which has been capitol planning. i will list our policy framework that guides our budget and finish with a review of time line of the next few months as the budget is adopted. before you here is a high level grant fiscal 23-24 operating budget this total 1.7 billion dollars. you notice the largest is represented by water. 675 million or 40%. this is followed by wastewater.
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hetch hetchy water and power and clean power sf26, 18 and 17% each. zee 2, 750 full time will. the column to the right breaks out by surprise and bureau staff is 2, 3000. gray represents the bonjourose providing critical support to the entire agency. represented by business service, external affairs, infrastructure, human resources and office of general manager. >> the costs are allocated to projects via over head allocation models. where are we now? you may know the puc follows a sick cal process in february this year the commission adopted the 22-23 and 23-24 operating budget and only a one year
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capitol budget for fiscal 22-23. after that we began new work on the current budget process with focus to update the capitol and 10 you're capitol plan. of january third, next year we will have a meeting of the commission where each agm provide a background on the 23-24 capitol dj budget and 10 year plans. you will have the upon tube top ask questions. >> more important low 2 weeks later on february 14 at regular session we ask to you vote and adopt budget before proposed to the mayor. 4 itemers the 23-24 capitol budget, 10 year capitol plan and mid cycle changes to 23-24 operating budget and the 10 you're financial plan. >> this year we take place challenges in factors that influence our budget development. we are on going drought this presents financial rescue in
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lower revenues as we comfortable more water and impacts the revenues and costs. second low, the economy remains uncertain and any recession will impact the ability to afford bills. inflation increased pritting and costs. created a higher borrow rate for capitol plans and challenging and construction environments. for water and wastewater we seek to adopt a multiyear rate package in early 23. we anticipate increased public interests and scrutiny of rates as we bring them forward. we must perform will do you dill johnson to ensurety capitol plan decisions are prudent. the ability to deliver capitol projects acted by under spending the capitol budget grows as balance are carried forward this lead to a misalignment with
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budgeting and deliverability driven by challenge in staffing, contracting, procurement and scheduling. against the back drop staff work heard to develop a bnlsd 10 year plan and fiscal 23-24 budget this addresses the following priorities listed. responsible management. what this means is thoughtful and transparent process with consideration to financial sustain ability and high standards to ensure public confidence in work. folk us on an fortunate budget to support our ability to deliver project this is leads access and afford at. efficient budget will result in long-term savings and affordable rates. we seek federal and state guarantee its assist those who fell behind during the pandemic.
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we received 20 million dollars. environmental stewardship with fordable. a legacy ofistrying to be responsible stewardship final prior is supporting our people and communities. one of the most visible ways that we intend to criminality to the post phan pandemic recovery through economic stimulus through capitol programs. will invest billions overnights capitol plant investments support jobs and buildingses improving the city avenue infrastructure. we continue our important work toward racial equity. more reasonable issued recruitment for equity competence inclusion officer. to provide senior leadership and support of the plan. and the lastly i neil is important. the height of the pan dig most were on the job.
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the cites ensure customers and residents had use to services when they need today most. we employ 2, 300fte's we face evolving latial market we have large vacancies that have been difficult to confucianism challenge in retention and recruit am. these are the most core priority as we enter the now fiscal year. . this table i like to share about our capitol planning goals. the plan is our largest cost driver and the most significant of rate growth for customers. a third of the budget sppth the expenditures through cash fund project and paying dent for debt fund projects. critical we have a capitol. budget at a tlefl meets infrastructure needs with consideration to affordability and delivery plan. on this table what you are
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looking at is last year avenue 10 year capitol plan. you see a total of 9 penalty 9 billion dollars and force of 8 penalty 6. leading to a within one penalty 3 million dollars imbalance from this spring. item does this happen. left year we attempted right size the plan considering deliverability and afford at. expend tours grew. costs due to increases and expanding scope and new investment needs if clear in the fall there was not time to develop a plan to delivery project in a time frip they were budgeted for and with consideration to afford at. instead of beens the plan by assuming long sterile rate increases, the decision was made to move forward with unbalanced capitol plan and prosecute pose a year budgeted budget for
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22-23. our commitment to the commission was to be visit both the budget this year and deliver a billions the 23-24 capitol budget for next fiscal year and the 10 year capitol plan. this is the capitol planning process we are embark upon now and we're near the middle. we began in the spring with a plan and deliver program of request with multiple phases to identify problem come divide the scope to improve delivery. we helped implement new tools spmth plan and budget w width budget team. the budget team issued instruction to the agm's and teams and included be analysis of prior year spending and deliverability. they included instructions
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focussed on proposals considering this information. in establishment, we had weekly steering committees where we held to delineate. staff are finalizing plans to review in january and continue work to support the planning deliver and he continue as a multiyear project for budget and pritting processes. here quick low is a list of our budget policy frame works you find on our website. these are what provide diamonds as we develop our budget lastly the calendar again. after today we will work with the enterprises to finalize plan and present to the city's capital plan nothing yen and the approximate special meeting of the commission. >> thank you. questions or comments commissioner maxwell.
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>> under spending of capitol budget? >> that means that. you may plan a capitol any knowledge the reasons the project may be delayed or taking or has not started so this will carries forward to the next year that budget you don't start from scratch it carries forward you are under spengdz carry forward sxads to the next budget in the following year. it seems like in almost every other line deliverability. and stow what can you flush that out a knit what are the 3 main things that we are not delivering? are we i think left year's thing was imagine something. so this year when you talk about deliverability, what does upon mean. you know -- easy to say because
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every other sloin this and we assume we know about in this term of when we are doing i want to know what that really, really means. >> this it is a great question and one we have been grabbling with since february since we commit to developing a deliverable and balanced plan for you. deliverability from a budget perspective mean budget the funds and period which you intend to spends them. and efficient low budget the mony we collect from rate payers in a way we are not before we wait to spends oia project. can so. since the spring we have been
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working intense low on figuring out how can we budget efficient low and budget this is deliverable and on the other side robinson can speak to how can we improve that deliverability? how can we make it easier for funds to -- get out the door? which come first. do you decide what you need can what you can deliver approximate
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get the money for it? or how does this work? intj your best guess how much money you need and how much can you spend. that come first and have the budget before you deliver the project. it is a jewel a jewel, jewel work the budget -- we do on annual basis the capitol plan is a 10 year view. those are changing every year we update our planning and have an understanding of project timing and costs. and we will come become to you periodically to ask for a new budget appropriation. as need. >> steven robinson like to compliment and add, you heard
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about the officials affordability the fiscal budgetary apartment now we are talking about the deliverability as well the question taken is all the resources and capacity we need to execute that to the plan to put that infrastructure in the ground and for me that is from staffing and the city side through the consultants and contractors the people part and the materials and resources and equipment and the condition tract execute by the impact about global supply chain issues and other thing this is may impact the pace we can deliver. which come first it isitytive a combination of both for the capitol plan to be effective. why they have to come together if you don't know when to budget >> correct. jury rooms has to work together. knowing the issue you fits exclude has in the been just this year you face the issues
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3-4 years. anyway. you know about the issues. when you when you do your plan and deliverable and knowing the environment they are in. how is that taken in consideration temperature is a benefit of having a ruling 10 year capitol plan not like every cycle we start from scratch. we think about what happened last go round and dot data driven assessment what happen exclude what has not and adjust the proisz we heard about study hen from what i have seen most robust effort to understand that and feed it forward to the process going forward. as you recall that was the
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reason we did the one year thing to delve in the issues to come become and to give you a realistic data driven approach about how we will make sure we were balanceed lineup with things that will you evera and stein are talking about. >> when we talk about deliverability dp things that come up, and i'm concerned i guess about our budgeting that we don't over look maintenance because we are spending a lot of money on some of the thing and gota put that money fourth to maintain it as well. but things come up. you know. i guess we are budgeting for it deliver being deliver on those as well. >> thank you. some strategy to move to holistic asset management. back in 2020 i think there is maintenance of assets but
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renewal and rehab sf capitol investment. we are raise the bar and think how we do better on going w to support our work >> i night, that was when i dmam last year that was the first meetings i had were from greg and steven talking about how the big infrastructure projectless not just about building them but maintaining them. management an am by word of upon steven.
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as part of our -- budget instructions and thinking through the process and a plan this makes sense we did look back 5 dwroers look how much spent and it was interesting look to see what is deliverable. and i have to say that just based on the numbers does not seem like the pandemic made a difference. there are factor there is. if you ask a project manager they will tell you it made it challenging to deliver work. it has been challenging to deliver work and now given the environment it is more challenging. it is just behooves us to look at when we budget and make sure we do right by rate payors and budget the right amount. >> thank you very much. i have 2 other comments and questions. one is you brought up draught as
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how it is like factor impacting our budget and rates and comments. i asked before and mentioned to general manager herrera, i do want to look not for power but also not just water but for power. and decoupling the rates i really continuing is going to be helpful to us to make sure we don't get impacted over and over again. and -- by the revenue short falls due to droughts. when worries mow the most is the cost the aging system and i don't want you to in any ways fall behind. i know we are president and i'm not saying we are i want to make sure we are running a healingy financial low healingy organization and i want to make sure we hand it off to the next
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generation. second -- so i know -- mr. herrera and you guys are talking and you know like working through this will be have you been and i appreciate that second thing is you brought up real crueltiment and retainment. that is not just only our problem it cost the industry when you electric at water and wastewater we are experiencing a lack of enter and y. for people to join puc or public water utilities and i think we really need to think more seriously about what is it we are missing? partly the way we run our business >> partly can be we don't advertise and make it exciting. students are driven in the
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are making more doyle hire people now this is something is that every agency is suffering from. i tell you you are right in terms of young people want to be involved in talent the people want to be involved in being involved in issues on the cutting edge the puc valved in all. if than i can't get hired because of a policy they are on to the next thing this is something the major's office is hearing about from all of us and convened a city wide working group to look at there are conversation this is have to happen with labor organizations and the like and employers to makure rules are done in the right way and people's right and this it is an arduous process
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butt major's office is taking seriously and we are participating in the meeting and commissions this are being shared by chief administrative officer now to look ats the things to see what can we do to stream 39 get people in. because it it is the number one issue this we are focusing our ability to attract and retain people. i also think this this is not the if fact that water and wastewater are not able to attract talent these day system not just our problem. yes, the city problems are adding but sometimes we go under the radar and people don't realize and approximate they can't engage.
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i am sort of cheering for mayor's office and of us to improve the krautment and i want us to be more exciting and highlight a lot of upon things we want. now we have chief information officer and we are doing alost dataance and all the kids prosecute my 13 year old and everybody who is on the campus wants to use data. now data writes your essays for you. i watch this and i'm like look we are struggling on the baseline of the service we provide and these kids are moving on to next thing without realizing the value that is provided. i think this is a double edged. effort weave should work on that both side at the same time of
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yes. i know we are getting off so -- i'm getting the feeling here on the side that -- yea. on the left side i'm getting -- so. i like to bring it up in another time. thank you. >> >> thank you. public comment. >> member who is wish it make public comment on item 8c press star 3 to raise your hand. do we have members present to provide comment on item 8c? do we have callers with hands raised. there are 3 callers. you have 2 minutes to comment on 8c >> can you hear me? >> excellent.
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daved pilpel. the special meeting contemplayed for january 30 the monday upon i don't know the time give me a time i will block that out. on the city budget over all, we are going to hear thursday afternoon about the mayor's budget instructions i participate the general fund deficit to be huge somewhere north of 100 million. i heard terror between 103 million. i suggest may be soft thenning of general fund source this is fiscal year i don't know that will require mid year changes but i believe there will be pressure from general fund departments publish prudent.
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realistic and right sized. prudent in maintenance and to the, realistic in how quick low people can be hire exclude projects deliver exclude right size in the terms of of staff, resource and programs. and this is slightly off topic i was not around i want to rescue noise magsz of mike hardman former member of the commission and suggest you adjourn today in his memory of thank you.
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thank you. peter, tuolumne river trust. i point made this young people might be eatingtory work for the puc because of innovation. but i say most environmentists and sustainability minded people don't want to work for the puc i then and there i talk to excuse me spoken with people who left buzz they are ashamed policy the exception is people who don't seat full picture they might think water conversation will protect the environment. good thing until they learn that the policies that the puc impelements [inaudible] and in a year like 2017, when there is a lot of water all that water was conserved gets dumped. for your system water conversation does in the bn benefit environment. it it is this problem in that
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the puc does in the attract environmentally minded people in the culture that we change because of that. how do you attract real environmentists and give them the power to influence policy? it needs to happen. thank you. next caller. >> good afternoon nicole [inaudible] i have everappreciate the updates you received from staff and the focused comments and discussion you had on this important topic. you recall when the [inaudible] and this issue of the beens of the budget and the deliver ability of the c ip was critical to us. and occurrence about it at that time. i'm wish looking forward to
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further discussion of from when people heard from staff and learned how to better develop and deliver a c ip. you have a lot of challenges ahead of you. and approximate deliverability ability to operate the new assets such as impelementing the asset management. all the things are things that they are very interested in engage with you on. representative for your learningest customer. thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments. next caller have you 2 millions >> commissioners. the reports given on this 10
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year capitol update is general in nature. it is [inaudible] it is now 12 billion. why are you not doing a need's assessment on why this has happened? when it bunkham to our resources any way you look at it it is [inaudible] they got it for free. now you want young people to participate. young people are very informed. right now, a big river in northern california the plymouth river dams will be demolished.
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you commissioners nightmight know some of y'all know those who are over 60 years old, that there was a movement [inaudible] this is what the young people. so. we and -- come up to planet will am to accommodate our young people and listen to lies, information and empirical data does not fly. they will not listen they are savvy. they are aconstitute. more important low young people are [inaudible] to power there you are. of thank you. your time expired.
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there are no more callers. >> i want to remind people who call and make comments be respectful i was from next time fisee people are being respectful it should the staff or the commission make sure their call does not get finished. issue respectful. make comments we love to hear your comments and use your knowledge and information to improve our processes but i don't appreciate disrespect. >> item 8e water capitol improve. program quarter low report from katie miller >> good afternoon. i'm katie mill are director of water capitol program and appreciated the discussion today and happy to be here to share a bit about how we do spends the capitol money. we'll update you on projects on
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water earnprize sept 30, 2022. at the beginning of this fiscal year, with the city's adoption of the fiscal year 22-23 budget the capitol promise will report based on project budget 2022 part of the fitsical 2310 year c ip. am note that. one of the project separate and essential low we have the same 25 -- the pipe lines the status
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with 23 billion dollars increase of 600 million dollars. note that all of the projects are continuing. the reporting period 974 million with 28ed million extended the last quarter. this table shoes program casts category forral okayive projects. note this starting this quarter we added a new column to the right side of the table shoes the variance during the quarter this . is in addition to the coupe welltive and the column to the left we reported in the past.
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the valley water treatment plan oh zone project the large of the in the program, completed 65% design. field investigation in testing completed to look at 2 facilities that are required for the program that will need upgrading and we will come become and report the upgrades in future discussions. >> the element of creek watershed center the construction includes completion of the building exterior work.
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including the landscape and many of the out door features you see in the photo. interior work continues in electric communication and continue into the spring to 23. we ever get thering it is beautiful and encourage you to get out and see it. the avenue bay park district new water system, we completed construction under budget and on schedule in august. you may recall that this was a mitigation project for the dam improve am project and about a sick million dollars project that we just completed. in the district shift to the local program this is the san francisco project. this shows the current budget
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for the upon 11 project in each phase of the program. you see that the majority of the program is multiphased projects which are projects with multiple construction contracts. there were no new variance for local projects. and for highlights the west side recycle water continuous. they finished work continued on buildings 580 and 81 at the ocean side treatment plant you seat green roofs added. for the pump station and golden gate park the start up plan was submitted. we are getting close. and the irrigation system retrofit completed the cross connection control testing. at college hill the installation of the connection pipe using a
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tunnelling method. and the valve control vault installed as well as 24 inch quake iron pipe to connect the valve vault to potable water pipeos courtland avenue. that completes my presentation and happy to answer questions. any comments or questions? >> thank you. members who wish to make 2 minutes of comment on item 8 d the water capitol improve. program quarter low report press story 3 do we have anyone present to provide comment. do you have callers with hands raised. >> thank you. public comment on 8d is closed.
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>> 8e is quarterly report update. [inaudible]. >> thank you. very much. and now i will provide a brief update on the status of water improvement program for fiscal 2-23 ending september 30th. over the past quarter, we implemented changes to the report format to make this consistent with the quarter low reports for, capitol promise. we hope you appreciate the changes to easily access the information. in addition, because the program only has flow and soon to be 2 projects remain nothing construction, we will no longer submit the quarterly status of construction change order memo to you under communications. please note we will share this and wering performance
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information with boska. and to assure continuance of the previously shared information. the pie chorts show it is 99% complete. same as last quarter with 3 projects remain nothing construction and one in close out. during of the quarter, 6 million spent on the program with 89 million remain nothing total budget. this table shoes the status of the 3 remaining active projects in the regional property alameda recapture variance of about 4 million dollars for [inaudible], costs. project high lights. i reported in previous quarters the alameda creek changing field conscience e range of motion of the quarrel competence corrosion on the pipe the pump station
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will connect tochlt team completed modifications to relocate about this inlet pipe and tie in location to the existing pipeline. these design changeers essential to provide a reliable connection to the water system. in addition design of repairs to the pipeline began and permit issues for road improve ams due to corrosion to the e range of motion of the banks. during the quarter, you approved 2.sick million to cover the cost increases. the project at the end of the quarter forecasted 4 million dollars budget increase when need third degree is visible in the director's reserve fund. >> during the last quarter for the ground water storage project the proirm contract is b that completed construction on september second. this contract was a value of 64
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million dollars installed 12 of 13 well system in the regional system. most transferred over to water enterprise for future operations and maintenance. also during of the quarter, contract c to mitigate corrosion damage and add other improve ams valued 7 million dollars. started field work rehab w on 2 of the well stations. the work at the south san francisco main well under contract d received a proposal for power service green light from pg & e which is progress and continued easement negotiations. and with being the end of year i like to wish you and your families happy holidays and happy to answer questions. >> thank you. any comments? questions? thank you so much. can we have public comment and help holidays to you >> member who is wish to make 2 minutes of remote comment on
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item 8 e press story 3 to speak. do we have anyone present comment. there is one caller in the queue. will i opened your line you have 2 minutes. >> the commissioners, i want you to have a hearing on the ballot measure that reports in the year 2002. where you were going to address the clean water and the sewer water and i want to know why we dropped the sewer water and addressed the clean water? had made that determination? how can you put a ballot measure [inaudible] the clean water and the sewer water and you drop the
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sewer water and address the clean water? then you give it a fancy name. sewer system -- the clean water project. and then the sewer system different will title. i want to know how can you have this accountability that drops down the year 2022 that the water system improvement project. i thought this program was ends 2 years ago. the water system improvement project.
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thank you very much. there are no more call are. public upon sxhent closed. >> ef is sudden front bay summer 22 bloom and the puc plans for you in trien reduction. amy will be presenting. >> good afternoon, commissioners. as general manager herrera compliance manager with wastewater and i will speak with you briefly today about the august algae bloom. thank you. is this better? both of you are familiar with this issue i appreciate speaking to you and appreciate your attention on this.
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i want it start with background. what are algae they are organisms occur natural low in the bay and like pleasants they need nitrogen and sunlight to grow when we talk about a harmfulal gee it is where it grows out of control resulting in to beingince this can be harmful to fish and mammals folks familiar have dogs know this well than i can cause dissolved oxygen levels to drop. this means marine life gets suffocate in the august of 2022, this past year san francisco bay experienced the worse bloom in 30 years. start in the the oak land alameda area but rapidly spread through the bay on the tliet is red that is eye concentrations
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of algae. caused oxygen levels to determine so low woo have the lowest number in history. and resulted in the death fish including sturgeon. so, at this time we have, lot of grit scientists who are studying this bloom and learning from it. we know 2 things. first we than nitrogen concentrations did in the trig are the blom they were stlor lowier than in the bay in previous years. however nitrogen is did not cause or trig terprovide fuel. we would not have expected a bloom of this size of this magnitude or these affects but for nitrogen concentrations in the bay. where is it coming from. all of us. so i don't mean that
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metaphorically. 2 thirds of nitrogen in the bay come from the 37 municipal wastewater treatment plans that discharge to the bay including it is southeast and treasure island plant. for a decade the wastewater agency are regulators at the san francisco bay water quality control board. scientists and nun profits collaborating on a science program top help us understand did we need to ruse nitrogen. if so, how much and by when? this effort has been recognized national low and state wide as a model for 17s based manage and collaboration enabled scientists to mobilize during this blom and get vessels out there and had censors throughout the bay funds this collected dast a. it was well studyd and large part due to this collaboration.
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this collaborateeration is codify in the when we call the you in trien watershed permit issues by the bay water quality control board and requirements today reflect our commitments to monitoring. support of studies and science funding. regional water board will reissue in 2024 and the wastewater treatment community, cities and utilities that manage the pleasants working with the water board to determine had protective requirements will be in that permit. because of the bloom, it is an interesting discussion and come our tbd. so. if we are the ones discharging night jens when can we remove it the answer is, yes. but it is complicated and also very expensive. this is a prim are on the basic
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wastewater process consisting of 3 steps. we have primary treatment, which includes removing fwrit and trash and regulars this is a physical process that removed solids. secondary a biological uses microorganisms to break the solids and lastly disinfection usualing leave a chemical press we kill bacteria and viruss to remove night jens we need a new plant with a different configuration whereor retrofit plants to add a new process. and very general low speaking there are 2 options for this. upon the first ever first is side stream treatment n. oranges box on the bottom left. it takes the war this come off treated biosolid this is is concentrate in the nitrogen.
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and it treat its using bacteria. this process can remove about 15-20% of the nitrogen before discharged to the bay. the second option called full stream treatment removed after the secondary process. it is full stream treatment. treating the stream this it is more expensive and more complicate in the terms of construction. takes up more space and it does remove 80% of the nitrogen we get a better removal rate. san francisco has 2 plans that discharge to the bay. southeast plant and treasure island neither plants removed nitrogen prior to discharge. one thing we started on early on were to do technology evidences. starting back i believe 2014 our
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engineering and operations groups piloting technologies available. to remove nitrogen through study stroll and this slide to show you how far back was from a 2016 conference presentation. a with that we have a unique opportunity to design to optimize this this plant estimated at construction in 206 will have nitrogen removal using a bioreactor and ensure we maintain low concentrations as ti grows with redevelopment.
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operate while constructing new ones. it has to happen at the same time. recognizing we'll raise we have ensured we have space. i struggle how valuable this is to the average person if you go you will get a sense how have you been that is and how many moving pieces are going on. we have protected space that makes sense it add a nutrient treatment process in the green box. there is a build nothing this site tell be demom everybodies in 2-25 and speaks to the complexity of w with small space. we ensure we are keeping our process updated.
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about 100 million dollars for southeast and full stream more than 1 billion. in the front everminutes since the bloom we have been stepping back and irrelevant trying to be very creative. and out of the box in terms of thinking about when we could do on a tame frame you know construction in the city does not happen fast. the site is a big construction zone. we ever not nimble. this requires infrastructure investment. we are taking a step back. got great leadership and asking heard questions. we don't have answers we are in the middle of the process we hope to come back to you with the results of our deep creative dive at a later date. i want to thank you all for your
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time. we look forward it making progress and appreciate your attention on this issue. thank you. commissioner stays and he maxwell. ? thank you for this presentation i this a question on the studies this you mentioned that are happening among many of the dischargers in the bay. i shalling soup we hope to have something before the permit in 2024. do you see a conclusion or recommendations will happen before this time? . commissioner a jam severseod this topic, too. feels lect a test to get it protect. i think that so i will explain the structure a bit. treatment plants form in the a joint power's grem in the 80s to form the bay area clean water
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agencies and so what they do is serves a clearing house for negotiations and funding of science with the water board and scientists. the negotiations around this permit and discussions about what it will look like are happen with all of the treatment plants in the area and not just the puc. the are part behalf we have done is fund and enters into. trying to think of the way to describe it. an agreement of collaboration with entities to develop a science program so there is literally like a big document that is refreshed regular low that what are the studies we want and also regular updates from the institute in terms of the progress we med on the studies. so far there is no silver bullet or clear answer this is a
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san jose because of shallow water discharge location they have more strict limits for amoney why to protect. so they had to build a process that -- reduces ammonia but does in the e eliminate nitrogen. what they have been able to do they built this process is make pretty low cost comper seed the scale we are talking about. they are never cheap improve ams to opt upon myself that process
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to then remove nitrogen. so it is a pretty different process like treatment chain they have. if othersment it we in. feel fro >> that's good. little green. the green, would that be in stream or side stream? is that what you are looking at the last >> yea. my understanding is that side that space could accommodate side stream or full stream and possible low a combination. now it is the site of the old wet weather head works. as we get a sense we will be able to refine the sense of how much space we need and how we would sequence things should be
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sufficient space i believe to accommodate when we need to put in. >> and then when we electric at what happened in the summer. you mentioned did than i go out and capture this >> they literally had thome get out there some day with them. >> they they have censors that are deployd that are continuing to take measurements of oxygen and ammonia and temperature. but they mobilized and able to dpo. trawls they are collecting in role time and including collecting samples and look at them under a technique. >> thank you very much and thank you for your report. i feel more hopeful than i did this at least we are getting there and have looking at we are
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doing something we have been doing something. thank you very much will >> thank you. >> will go ahead. >> a comment. i was on the board for 7 years. i near to my heart. i get excite body hearing about these things. one thing i say is -- the regional water quality, monitoring program this we have in the bay area is a real model that is being replicate in the the delta. we have data collected. this hen a collaborateeration by all the different wastewater agencies they have been collecting did thea for many years, it it is a great collaboration with scientists and agency to make sure we
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dpundz have a scientific body this takes that did thea andan tliez and provides information. it it is a well put together program. i commends for the w than i do. i think a lot of different options on the table. every utility has to do their own thing and look at approximate terrible low trading mechanisms that enable wastewater dischargers that -- these are the studies giving you an example of the broadness of the studies done. it it is one utility or discharge cannot do enough another one that will has more space may do more. more ungdz if available. they are like both technical and
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solutions. climb change is happening faster. if plague catch up. and hence this bloom we had this summer. many sunny days not winds and then on top of this the nutrients going to the bia combination not helpful. and obviously we saw. so. thank you, that was fantastic. >> you are say thering are censors and monitoring going on all the time in the bay >> yes. why all over the bay every where. >> yes >> what is the most studied ecosystem in north america if not the world. >> it is a really great model i'm not exaggerating. they are trying to take that model and san francisco snout
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and they are that's model is picked up to be done replicate in the the delta because they have figured out how to do it and what data to collect. another good thing they are always open to do more employs we are experiencing more complications or more samples need to be picked up. you know, they can add that to the list. i think it is a beautiful partnership with scientists. dischargers and the organization, quite unique. >> thank you amy for your presentation. and to i think the commissioner ajami focussed on the partnership in terms of our investments on the wastewater side i'm well aware of the importance of this issue and
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this highlight whatted happen third degree summer. in terms of our capitol infrastructure and our planning, our investments from are all driven by increasing water quality. in the bay. and in a way that is makes it meaningful impact and that is always affordable to rate payors. and as you are aware i made sure that green infrastructure is a part of how we move going forward and in terms of my conversations this we have with per ins, that is the met important thing i want to see progress on waechtd water in the bay and improve inspect you in trients that's our focus is going to be. laser beamed on.
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you remember, commissioner ajami back in 2016 when commissioned a high level study of all of the treatment plant and that additional in cost is manage we see for that was found in this study and trough for plants [inaudible] i'm sorry i can't upon answer why. >> that's fine. it is technological. probably why. >> i don't have the exact technology answer yes, a different treatment process. and side stroll is dealing with a smaller. [inaudible]. and we believe we can fit all in the same space. wee the technology is different. >> okay. and it does not matter if we do
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side stream or -- in terms of reduction side stroll is the felony to 20% rink. >> other was 80%. why yea a different project and meeting i different purpose that potential low might buy more capacity and more. >> and incremental if we commit when we need to do immediate impact in 1-3 year side stroll is a great option. and if we ultmitt low decide or need to do full stream treatment that will take long and cost more we need to be financial low appropriated and the 80 to deliver this in a time frame that is present >> some point good on look if there are mod lawyer solutions so we don't build a massive thing. the reduction in water waterfullies how does this impact the process. what does this meanwhile. i think we need to do internal low a bit more study it make
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sure we are not over sizing and under sizing and figure out the right size and mod lawyer solution adds or subtract y. and complex and difficult as it is having the mod lawyer solutions alus to gear up the science develops and learn more and work to solve the problem in the bay. >> and ti should help, too. the press we are doing in the treasure island will give us more information and give us an idea as well. >> taking advantage of the opportunity. to plan in the work and address the needs of the future. >> thank you. public comment. >> members of public approximate who wish to make 2 minutes of comment on item 8f press story 3 to raise your hand to speak.
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anyone present to provide comment. do we have callers? there is one caller in the queue. >> hello caller. 2 minutes to comment on 8f. commissioners i want to ask the expert i know focusing on the bloom and we have wind surfers in the bay and i'm getting reports on [inaudible] of of [inaudible] of the bay that have the [inaudible] in the bay. and why don't we have all this
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reporting on the [inaudible]. stlrm nothing new. [inaudible] that involves other universities are involved. so they know the universities know how efficient we are and when we do. and i remember some time ago there was a guy when came and talking and giving a presentation about the flow of the tuolumne river and never mentioned algae. he was talking about everything except that. now can we on behalf of the algae issue in the tuolumne river? can this be done? some fashion? when way to release water even
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if [inaudible]. but then the same experiments we done closer to the hetch hetchy reservoir. thank you very much. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next caller. your line is open you have 2 minutes. >> thank you, [inaudible] from restore hetch hetchy. i appreciate the attention you are pay to the science. this is a big deal. fixes can be rewarding. of and i caution it is just this san francisco as well as other folks east bay dischargers who operate water treatment plants look at the opportunity to recycle water and credit supply.
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nightmy suggestion is that the commission can invite somebody from san doing to give a presentation, san diego has clone up problem and decided to got what mile and recycle water to enhance their supply. san diego is different but there is a parallel here where you can both clean up your and increase supply and reliabilityism suggest you invite machine from san doing to come and talk about this process and how that worked and the decisions were made down there. thank you very much. there are no more callers in the queue >> public meant on 8f is closed. >> that concludes my report.
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>> excellent. thank you. madam secretary read the next item >> item 9 new commission business pu c rules to incorporate changes to lulaw and procedure. >> so, um this item just wanted to thank you for your comments before we further discuss this. there have been changes in the law that associate third degree for us to update rules of order. and in doing so we decided to improve some processes for commission. the meeting process and general low improust organization and readability of the rules there are 3 items that are important
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to mention. one is that we rule 10 meeting for revisions of rates to contoorm to legal requirements that are are included see we change that language a bit. rule 16 order of business. which moves the consent the consent and regular calendar items to the earlier part of the agenda. and we decided to move the communication and public comment to after that items. those like after the scene and regular items. and the last approximate of item was rule 22 related parent relief to comply with requirements of the new code that was put in place in chapter 67b to make surety commissioners
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are have access to possible parental leave if needed to make sure we can be comply with rules that are set in the. city. with that, i am happy to have a discussion or questions? i want to say thank you for your w on the rule and to our council cheryl who answered many questions i had about the rules. i think updating the rule system really important and stream lining them. this evening >> i should have mentioned ms. beckman spent many hours lynch to everybody to make sure we consider everybody's concerns or
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wherever to read and reduce duplication i thank beckmachine and others involved here the change to the order of business makes is injuring at first for united states in the public but we will figure it out. and you know when? we can change these again in the future i suspect this is not the left time the rules of order of this commission will be amended. i of course it is good to review the rules periodically and for example. for the next time i noticed that there is nothing they funds in the rules that discuss how the consent calendar works and who can pull from consent and may be have a few sentence in there about the consentical dar being routine. and will be discussed separate low. whatever. that's it. otherwise i support the amendments to the rowels of
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order. thank you. thank you. it looks like general public comment is moved close toesht end of the meeting. i think people will be upset about that. a lot of people want to share information and concern they have and not wait through a lot of items. and it seems to me like of the value of general public comment is put on the back burner. so. love to hear the commissioner's discuss this. thank you.
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>> there are no more callers in the queue >> thank you. public comment on 9a is closed. >> just wanted mention this is actually a common practice in other commissions and the board of supervisors we are not we were just not following the same model that's all we are doing to follow the same model other commissions and the board of supervisors are -- are under taking. so. any commissioner stacy, go ahead. i did want to comment on moving public comment to the end ofical dar. i think the public comment is for items in the on the agenda. they will not be action items we can take action on. i foind public comment valuable. in hearing issues this we may want to put on future agendas. i think near the public tell be
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a timing change that if somebodiments to make public they will tune in at a different time. it does not for me indicate any demotion of public comment. it is about the business we take action on this is on theical dar and hearing public ment on item this is are not on the calendar. i want to emphasize i don't see this as a demotion of the importance or priority of public comment. we are going to remain interested in when the public has to say. thank you. >> absolutely i think this is a very person point we had this conversation. it is not a demotion of public comment. we still have invite members to join us for every item on theical dar and actually the items people have spent time and studied them and like to make a comment and we. to make sure
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they have access and time to express themselves and items we would like to visit later can be brought up during public upon comment later and we can consider them for next meetings or meetings to follow. so not a denotion is more like making sure the process is stream line exclude make sure that -- we are following the same model every other commission and the board of supervisors is following. i don't think any of those other commissions or board of supervisors are looking public engage am upon due to having public comment at the end i hope we will still have involved member joining us for the public comment session.
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so -- motion and second. can we have roll call. >> president aiamy >> aye yoochl vice president maxwell >> aye yoochl commissioner paulson >> aye >> commissioner stacy >> aye. >> you have 4 aye's. >> colleagues other new business this you want to share? commissioner. >> thank you. yes , i think long with our conversation earlier today on vacancies i would like a report from the dr department on where we near vacancies according to the newspaper we are the city is 170 days and we are over 3 huh days the p uc i like to know when we are doing internally.
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understanding the entire city is going through changes. what are we doing. what is our retention and thinking about our plan and strategy for retention and recruitment. there has to be a reason the retention is the way it is and i think we are an exciting agency and people would be excited. i have gone to -- recrewment fairs and people were very excited about the puc do they still? that's something else. we can work on those before all of the other things happen when are we doing. so i like to see that report and meet our h r director and hear from her and what her thinking is show has been here now. or have been hr director for awhile. what does she see and what is
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her thinking and strategy and plan? do we need to have any other new business. >> okay. other business? >> okay. numbers of the public who wish to make comment on item 9 new commission business, press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. do we have members of public present to make comment on new business? are there callers in the queue? there are in callers in the queue. >> public comment on new business is closed. >> looking ford that discussion. could you call the next item. >> item 10 your consent calendar.
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so colleagues any comments or discussions and item this is you need to be pulled or? >> i guess we will go to public comment. please. where member who is wish to make comment on item 10 press star 3 to speak. any members present to speak on the consent calendar? mr. moderator do we have callers. >> there are 2 caller wish to recognized. your line is open you have 2 millions y. can you hear me okay? >> loud and clear. david pilpel. 2 items i want to discuss either need to be pulled p. 10c and and
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10c i am concerned that not only is this another 3 million in general i'm in favor of hiring more in staff to do work with like this or work in general rather than contractors to the extent we do. this is specialized or short term w that is -- better to be done with the contractor i understand that i did not see that fully justified in the write up and i'm wondering if any prospect j or civil service commission approval is require third degree seems like staff work than other consulting
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things as to 10j there is a map with the staff report. . not much of the streets. and page one. but not much there are no -- discussion of coordination or mitigation with the staff report. a little more complaination of the project. in the staff report itself. thank you. thank you for year comments. >> next caller. hi. i spoke earlier during public comment and asked 10 ato be suffered i will ask again. thank you. sorry we have hard time hearing
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you. you called earlier as well is there a way to repoe what you said or --00 is this better. a little better. >> it [inaudible] okay. i'm asking for 10 ato be severed? >> i think we have a process in for the members of the public asking for things to be remove third degree is in the the process, right? >> yes. i believe this is the process. >> yea if you want would like for you to move one of the items you have to let us know ahead of time. at this time only commissioners can ask to move the items from the list. okay. thank you. but you can make your comment if you have a specific comment we would love to hear it. >> no, no thank you.
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>> okay. thank you for your comment. there are no more callers in the queue >> public comment is closed. move to approve the consent calendar. could you please call the roll >> president ajami >> aye >> vice president mechanic wel >> aye >> paulon. >> aye >> commissioner stacy >> aye. >> item passes. read the next item. >> item 11 approve amendment one it contract and general manager to execute ma'am 1 with no change to the agreement duration or cost. steve ritchie general manager
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for water this . is a consider minor amendment to our mou with national ps service the core of establishing our rep with them. we pay them 8 opinion 3 million dollars a year over the 4-5 year life of this forwork done in the park and they do with us. it is basically amending the mou to clear up press and make sure it is clear between the amendment does in the change the upon funding nor the expiration date inlet 24 for this m oushgs u. happy to answer questions. >> thank you. any comments? >> public comment. >> members of public had wish to make remote comment on item 11 press story 3.
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there is one caller >> your line is open you have dwo minute 2 minutes. what i want to bring to your attention is the historical fact. about the buff low soldiers who lost the standard operating procedures of the federal land. which was continuous by initial park service. and i see that the puc should also in a way, embrace this historical history of the buffalo soldiers who [inaudible] the management of the yosemite park and the ceqa parks not the
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directly involved the historical fact. that embrace [inaudible] to know more about the national park and hetch hetchy. thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments. there are no more callers. >> opinion ment on item 11 is closed. >> any other discussions? otherwise can i have a motion and second. >> move to approve. >> second. >> in dam secretary. call the roll. >> president ajami. >> aye jofrm vice president maxwell >> aye >> commissioner paulson. >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> item passes. you read the next item. >> item 12 approve the use of p3 delivery recommend and recommend the board adopt an ordinance authorizing the puc to exempt
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certain design construction finance operation and maintenance service in related green lights for the development of the biogas utilization process it chapter 614b and 21 and section 23.3 of the administrative code and allocate the commission under charter 9.118 allow to contract with a single contract orb to finance and prit and min tain a gas facility connected not treatment plant. >> good afternoon. commissioners. i'm the project manager for the biosolids project. is this good? may i have the slides. i would like to start by giving you back ground to put in context why we are doing this.
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the biogas utilization project is subset of the biy solid's project. it is a subset ewe likewises all the guess that is prowse in the the new [inaudible]. the project ensures use of the biogas. it converts the bioguess to renewable gas. and respiratories the best economic and environmental value for the gas we produce. best value because it has a lot of value related the amount of credits we get and also the environmental benefits of reducing the local air e missions when you comper se to a combined power that produce power instead of renewable natural gas. and it is key to the biosolid project because it needs to be prescriptional to take the gas from the new digesters this is inupon trinzic to the operations
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of the new facilities. now let's talk about the public, private partnership delivery method. p3 i will controversy from this pin of the p3 is a competitive prosecute cure am process bringing patriot finance to public work project and other service this is we may want to include as part of the partnership. for this project, the benefits of the p3 are, we talked about capitol expenditure earlier. avoids orrouses the expenditure for the puc scouring private financing. the private entity would be seek repayment by utilizing the profits. the puv have no obligation to pay for the expenditure. it transferred the cost in the
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schedule over runs potential over runs to private entity and as language as the performance think of a performance based project tell be responsible for the performance of the that piece of the project. think ever p 3 as a delivery method. a way to deliver i project and because of the characteristic of the biogas equalization make its interesting. we have i slide that helps ill strit the per inship we have
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roles and responsibilities the condition sept with this slide it show you the rowel and responsibilities and the scope of the work. the puc would be responsible for providing the rugas that we gent rit to the private entity we are responsible for the volume and quality of the gas. we are responsible for operating the entire biosolid in the plant and we are responsible for min tang a permit from the district. and we will own the interconnection grem with pg and e the patriot partner provide the financing but the design construction of the biogas equalization project and operation and maintenance of the project. they will not be responsible for come ploy with the permit this we own. and they would be responsible
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for coordinating pg and e the injection point to an existing pipe line owned by pg and e and broke everiage of the fuel sale as well as the credit associated with it. this is here to see how we envision the partnership. now the ask why do we need an ordinance to deliver this project. we envisioned deliver thanksgiving under one project in the current code does not contemplate all the service under one contract. we ask exemptions or chapters listed here. of the code because as wren than i conflict with the pfully prop
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will however we intend to deliver the objectives of the chapter and that's what the ordinance would allow you to dochlt lbe >> reporter:s chapter 47 b are based on a contract price. there is no process for it buzz we are not making that investment. we are asking for nechlgz of the requirements that conflict with the p3 prop and we will worning with cmd to bring back l b >> reporter:s that are present for the p3. in addition. we have state law protection in accomplice that protectless the city and the commitments. so this is an example we are asking for exemptions but bring objectives become. i would like to had we are asking today is approval pedestrian p3 delivery method not the condition transact itself.
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we plan on returning to the commission before we, worried i contract to ask you it approve the project this it is to allow you to develop the project as a p3. have a quick table here to show the schedule. we are here today and if you approve the p3 as a delivery method and recommend the board of supervisor to adopt the ordinance we envision this ordinance to be in affect on april of 23. we intend to the introduce this to the clerk of the board of supervisors the end of the week and with that in accomplice we will be able to progress with the prosecute cure am. we are again it is the competitive prosecute cure am we papth we release the queue in
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march of 23 or april. and the rfp released later after of the ordinance in place. and we would ko come back in july of 24 asking actual award a contract. we are anticipating design build will take 2 years and the person date on that schedule ask october of 26 when we need approximate prescriptional to take the gas we produced by biosolids. with this i have it here our ask that you approve the use of the public private per inship method and recommend to the board authorizing the sudden fran puc to exempt design, construction other finance and maintenance services and related grems for the p3 development of the project.
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that's what i have. >> partnerships and the talks about we have some responsibles our responsibility making sure. we don't find that at the end we should have been monitoring what is in there to make sure that we are going to be monitor and can't think everything is to o them and than i will be right. we know there may not be where will i find this in the contract? is it in the if in the contract when you come become i like it to be well thought out so i don't have to electric for it
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because i'm doing this on the faith that you have learned from our past mistakes. our cost low past mistakes wrochl thank you for your comment and question. yes. the contract is the mechanism we will ensure that the objectives are met and i mentioned before therefore, the need for the special ordinance to allow you to do this right. if we fit in the code as we have today we would not succeed. gi understand this and i don't have a problem with that i have a problem with our tirnl low how we will make sure this is delivered the way it is supposed to be. >> yes. >> that's my currently our side of this. >> from infrastructure and the puc we are not only applying lessons learnd and also making an effort to get good at delivering projects ewe likewising alternative delivery.
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win we will see more of them not less there is one per of this, too. remember the patriot partner will seek payment to profit. testimony it is of their interest we succeed as a team and a group so they can get repaid. joy understand this. our interest is our interest. we are guesting pid to our delivery and we seen with this 10 billion dollars project we gone were newscast paying attention things happened that's when i'm talking about. when we were not paying attention web core was going side ways. that's when i'm talking about. you know. >> thank you. >> i continuing is important to remember the project is a construction management general contract offer alternative delivery like the partnership is
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but different this statute first p3. hence the rigor and research and opportunity to learn of the thing this is we have experienced in the past. and one of the slides showed our responsibilities as a city and the responsibilities of the p3 contractor. that against to dem strit the thought we are put nothing to try to answer your question. >> i saw that i did not see anything specifically and was not expecting this in our monitor to make sure severing going the way it is supposed to. i mean yes their incentive is to profit but oops we didn't we lost and may find another way. ours is we are trying to get the biogas. so -- i'm we have gone through this you when i'm talk dg about steve we talked and i'm so that to make sure we know our responsibility is to make sure they do what they are supposed
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to do. >> yes. >> thank you. commissioner paulson. i believe that with the public private partnership there is all code words that go in this the reason i think this is important is because i believe that because of the system that is set up boy a solids now this is a way to get those safety net things put in accomplice by spending the time to put together this delivery method that you have. so this is why i'm upon. i just and i'm again supporting it buzz i believe having people do thing in house is the best control we have but in some cases that is not possible.
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in my program in stan ford we did a study as a way of public financing. public/patriot is in the going to be solving all our problems the second thing is that's why i can't remember your name. tyson. you know there is a number of many issue men public/private partnerships through successful and some i problem and have i great set of data that we can
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built upon and tyson has some of this experience and i think to the discussions we heard here we would like to make sure we are not going to be the barriers of the risk and deliver all the profits. so -- and i know you all will make sure that that balance is med and have an everybody share everything. one thing i would say is i know we are not doing the contract now. but as you are thinking about the process ofip. and you know we are going through a lot of changes and part of that is the amount of solids and the flow that ends up in the treatment plants do you to resoiling and conversation. i think thereuponing it is a risk there this we need to be will account for.
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some of the risks on the public side and in the being accounted for the withins they don't anticipate. patriot sector participates all this they are dealing with this before. we need to be mart to anticipate the risks we are take to make sure we minimize them. spend time tong about all the different pieces and the uncertainties this goes in the process. and how can we minimize that. i then and there is not part of this discussion. and -- i'm a supporter and wanted to highlight that another is the mtsdz the public low now i can't remember the public/patriot partnership this is is another model. i want you to look into that as part of set thanksgiving up to make sure that piece of it is
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also public low considered to make sure we hire enough local and -- you know -- employees that we can participate in in project. >> with that any other comment sns otherwise, thank you can we have public comment on this item? >> member who is wish to make remote comment on item 12, press story 3 to speak. we have one call in queue. >> you have 2 minutes. >> great. can you hear me okay? >> loud and clear. >> great. david pilpel again i will be clear i have no issue with the p3 procurement method. i have other concerns the
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resolution on page 2 at the top, fifth word. nothing in this ordinance. this is referring to this subject. i substitute resolution for ordinance on that line in the resolution. further down in the resolved. cluz, ends of the sixth line reference to section 21.30 of the and code the staff report on page one refers to section 23.30 as i believe does the presentation. so i'm not sure which section. i have not had time but whatever is the appropriate section should be correct. and i'm surprised there was a
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discrepancy there. and finally, the proposed ordinance, which proports to delegate authority from the board of supervisors to this commission i have a huge issue with that 9.118 says in 3 places, shall be acted on by the board of supervisors by resolution. does not say by ordinance or does not give the board the authority to delegate that power or duty and i don't know how the city attorney could sign off on that. i believe this is a reserved purto the board not something that can be delegated and those green lights have to be approved by resolution by the board not delegated by ordinance. >> thank you for sharing your comments. there are no more callers. >> thank you. public comment is closed.
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>> is there anything we need to amend at this point or should we? >> there was a typo in the recital in the will second recital nothing in the ordinance should be nothing in this resolution. >> and on the second item that was mentioned by mr. pilpel. the 9.118 issue that is not an issue. not an issue that should needs to be addressed. thank you. just to say the word was coming easy public/patriot partnership. and with this is there no discussions. i want to thank staff. i think upon we learn we have learned and will work into the
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contract of the effective and proper monitoring. it is also interesting from environmental perspective. so. i appreciate the effort. >> excellent job. thank you. and if there are no discussion i appreciate a motion and second. >> so moved. >> second. >> [laughter] whatever order. works, thank you. both. >> can we have a roll call >> president ajami >> aye >> vice president maxwell >> aye >> commissioner paulon. >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> item passes. thank you. >> can you call the read the next item. >> approve plans and award ww723r15, 796, 272, 710 days to
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the responsible bid theory submitted the lowest bid. and authorize the general manager to execute an agreement with pacific gas and electric for pg and e for utility work and for work associated with embedding existing high vollage line in an under ground vault part of the project pge cost this . constitutes the action for the project the purposes of the environmental of equality act pursuant to 31.interior 4 heart attack the planning department determine third degree is exempt from ceqa the commission will relion that to make its decision. >> good afternoon i'm bes tammy a senior project manager at
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sfpuc. thank you this is about contract ww723r and today we have 2 resolutions before you we asking to you approve the contract and also authorize the general manager to enter in agreement with pg and e. the project when complete will increase the reliability of sewer system prosecute void operational flexibility and also allow you to future maintenance, inspection of a critical asset. it is i graphic from the fact sheet showing the location. quick backgrounds, the assets in question here are [inaudible] and you see in the slide it convase majority of the bay sidefully from the 3 of watershed basins to the
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southeast waste water treatment plant. lucky for us it is in location intersectless not but near by in other facility of ours the croak transfer storage box a gravity system. channel forcing you see was construct in the 1978 t. it is notoriety ends of useful life and in [inaudible] it it is an area of vulnerability. the purpose of the project is it credit a connection we call innertie. pipes to correct [inaudible] and allow you to divert thefully to the graphity system. in this next slide the purple line depicts the force and the green line zoom in area the green line is the storage box. majority of the work is of the
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intersection of caesar chavez and indiana where the new under ground valve pipeline would be installed. when this is red for prescription we need minor modifications to existing [inaudible] tom see long the existing aline is w this requires little to no ex cavagz to ensurety entire line be prigal and making improve amless in the transport storage box to divert thefully to the treatment plant when it will be operational. here is photos to show you the learning are picture is looking at caesar chavez the intersection of indiana this is staffing field work that shoes what the traffic condition may electric like when we do the work and on the lower right hand
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the only above ground installation tell install which it is the control panels. so it would the control panels allow wastewater to prit a valve remote low. with this, i'm open to questions you have. >> commissioner maxwell. is this subject to sea level rise orreen under was it every infill are left lane fill? and so -- >> this area is definite low in the fill area. but because we have the [inaudible] and the storage box we don't have concerns of sea level rise from the flow perspect you felt under ground valve we have done really extensive investigations.
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we have report the involveo will be sitting on top of piles. so then the force main will be in tact after an earthquake event >> great. thank you. excellents. other comments or questions. >> thank you. public comment, please? >> members who wish it make remote comment on item 13 press star 3 to speak. do we have caller. there is one caller in the queue. your sloin open you have 2 minutes to comment on item 13. >> can you hear me >> loud and clear. this is it for daved pilpel last comment of the year. comments and questions what have we learned about risk from past
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problems with the pg and e an item earlies at mta about a muni substation up great project this roared more team and delay. and cost another 2-1/2 million thanks to pg and e. the extent to which this requires its own special arrangement with them seems tloik it is a cost and risk issue and could challenge the project. i theme has been considered. i heard a bit now in response to question from commissioner maxwell but i did not hear much about coordination and mitigation in general. there are mta facilities there near the i280 and chavez and near third street. i get had it is in the, let of space but it is an irrelevant confined area and i'm concerned
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about coordination and mitigation of this project and work. those are my thoughts perhaps they could be addressed briefly. thank you and more fun next year help holidays. >> thank you. there are no more callers in the queue. thank you. public upon comment on item then is closed. >> any comments additional comments or questions in hearing none. so colleague this is is 2 items we need to vote on approving the contract and aproving the plan and the contract and the second is authorizing mr. herrera to deliver the agreement with pg and e. i will reverse the first one is first we want to approve authorize general manager and then. >> the first is resolution to
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execute the letter of agreement. >> the second is the resolution it approve the plans and award the contract. >> i was going through what we had here. >> move to approve >> first one. >> authorizing general manager to execute the letter of agreement. >> second. >> excellent. can we have the roll call >> president, gentlemeny >> aye >> maxwell. >> aye >> paulon >> aye >> stacy >> aye >> this one passes and the next approving the plan in the contract. >> second. >> can we have a roll call. president ajami. >> aye. >> vice president maxwell. aye >> commissioner paulson >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> aye. >> you have 4 aye's >> this item passes. read the next item.
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>> item 14 authorize general manager to execute mem randledum of green light with san jose and santa clara for a study for the potential pureified the water project 9 months noto exceed 300,000 to be shared with puc contribution not to exceed 100,000. >> steve ripy. this basically is an item to authorize an agreement with the city of san hose's and santa clara for the feasibility study for a potential purified water project duration of 9 months. shared among us 100 thousand dollars for each party. this project if constructed would create a new additional water supply that -- would be
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shared by san jose and the puc and prosecute void greater water supply reliability to all of us and criminality to our evaluation of whether or not we provide permanent stats to them long standing issue to deal with. the pureified water project would be the treatment of waste water to make this available for drinking water purposes this would be the initial feesant study. happy to answer question and staff is available for questions. any comments or questions? >> commissioner stacy. >> i wanted say how exciting it is to reading the alternative water supply report thinking about more opportunity to recycle and reuse water i think is a really important part of developing our water portfolio and i love seeing recycled
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encourage to you move forward cautiously. as the staff report mentioned san hose and he santa clara are temporary customer and the decision whether to make them permanent is in the expected until 2028. water supply report you heard earlier trees santa clara as obligations which they are not. staff is trying to make that decision for you this decision does in the get made until 2028. adding san hose and he santa clara increases 184 to 193mgd this is a big purpose of the project to create that extra 9. we are not putting stress on the water supply. this is i big deal it it is 100 thousand dollars for the puc once you get down the path, pervert vote gosh we sunk so
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much money we have to keep going. i encourage you strong low to ask 2 questions. first who will pay the sfpuc share. responsible for 2 thirds of this the discussion about beneficiary pay. and when this came up a couple months ago it does in the say it now does this mean the san francisco rate payor and is this allowed under prop 218. important questions. >> thank you very much. >> there are caller in the queue. public comment is closed. other comments?
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>> and can i have a motion and second. . move to approve. can we have call the roll. >> air >> commissioner stacy >> we have 4 aye's. >> could you read the next item? >> item 15 approve number foush with contare costa water district alameda flood control and water conversation district zone 7. alameda east bay utility grass fund water. and delta water authority in santa clara valley water for potential of [inaudible] reservoir and authorize the
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general manager amendment 4 not to exceed 7 million dollars to be the divide among 7 parties with the puc not to compete and agreement duration by sick monfistar contract not to exceed 22, 8. . steve rich general manager for water this . is a similar and different project per of the alternative water supply considerations that will we will bring to the commission this is a more large are complex project bauftz number of parties and involved the expansion of reservoir in eastern cannot are cost county. we are a member as commission
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approved last year a member of joint powerhouse authority created. however, we have not committed to participate in the project. i think the issue was raised well once you spends so much money you will say we can't go back this is not true. all this money we spent now in this case is 3 million dollars that would be in total spent for us on the planning part would need to answer all the questions as to wlo we should enter in the project. and can we do it on terms present for us this . loyals before the commission and i'm representative on the joint powerhouse board and throughout the process i made it clear it is an open question. we are not committed to the project yet. we need very person details to be worked out. how much water supply can we get had this? do we have the ability to get it
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in and out when you have many parties involved i run into circumstances of hearing rowels from outside parties like bowero of recolumnation say it might be a good idea but you can't move water now sorry about this. well we skraent that situation we need that certainty. we will be spending time over the next year and may be beyond to really nail do you think the details all the other parties are the same way this is really it it is a promising investment. it is a good project in a lot of senses but is it right for us we dope know and this plan is to get us to the end of the process to decide what we will put in more money that is the victim and the one we are trying to be prepared for. i recommend signing to on to extending the study period so we can goet that decision point
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down the road. >> thank you. any comments. i appreciate the difference with studying and implementation. i think we don't want to build manage there would be no water coming in. >> no. >> or not be able to take water out. it is like a question of how the change in precipitation and temperature and all that is impacting the aim of water in the extension of the reservoir and on top what you said the uncertainty on the governors. and i would say in this case this it is a storage project that is south of delta. the ovengzs to get water supply into it. and so we may enter in thinking we will use one water supply but buying storage in this location may have the potential to be so
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have you been down the road we may want more risks on the that twhiem it come up to invest. those other questions we need to ask and answer. >> appreciate that. thank you. >> public comment. thank you. members who wish to comment on item 15 press star 3 to raise your handle. there are 2 call are in the queue. >> i'm pleased to support this item buffer it is xoit to see the steps moving forward and i support them. thank you very much.
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next caller >> thank you. pirate, tuolumne river trust. don't have a strong opinion about most of it but i know the environmental community thinks it is the better projects i don't oppose it and i think the prop that mr. richef laid out makes sense. spreading out the cost makes sense. project would benefit 2 city and it is puc pia third of it. i'm shocked the commission did not ask does this money from from san francisco rate pay sxors can we use it to fund the project this does in the benefit them? and also extremely disappointed there was no discussion about alternative water supplies we identified problems with the water supply need s and no
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curiosity or discussion about it. basically i feel i'm the deliverer of invoent truth and wills you move long and there is no leadership at the sfpuc it is disapointing thank you. admissible comment is closed. >> other comments, colleagues. can i have a motion and second. >> move to approve. could you call the roll. >> president ajami >> aye >> vice president mechanic wel >> aye >> commissioner paulon. >> aye. >> commissioner stacy. >> aye >> item passes read the next item. word contract pro0183g.
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the highest rank green partner and general manager toure skoourt execute a grant agreement and the duration of 2 years. >> good afternoon. commissioners i'm will a watershed planner and today i'm policeed introduce a new pilot green infrastructure grant program. sfpuc offers a variety of grant programs. the existing provides funding to manage storm water this pilot will fill a gap we have at the residential kale and allow you to gather information on the interests and feasibility of managing storm water on residential properties the green grant program will expand the green infrastructure strategy providing construction fund to homeowners and renters for improve ams rain gardens.
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harvesting system and permeable pave am. we are piloting a new approach partnering with a third party. we are excited theft test this and anticipate tell increase efficiency. reduce barriers toents real. provide technical assistance and easy for residents to participate in the program. you will see on the agenda item there are 2 contracts a professional services contract and grant agreement. the professional service scope includes program out reach. property assess ams and program administration support. the grant agreement funding for the cost of construction distributeed papth residents. both were integrate in the a solicitation. today we are asking for approval to award and execute the grant agreement with the highest ranking green upon print partner the general manager has authority toern in the professional service contract with them. thank you for your time and
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happy to answer questions. >> thank you. any comments, colleagues? questions. >> thank you for bring thanksgiving up and this is excellent work. can we have public comment. >> members who wish to comment on item 16 press star 3 to speak. there are no call are in the queue. >> public comment on 16 is closed. if there is no more commentso questions i would appreciate a motion and second. move. >> the roll call. >> president ajami. >> aye >> vice president maxwell. aye >> commissioner paulon. >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> aye. >> looking forward to seeingly a
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lot of green infrastructure built. thank you. >> next item. >> item 17 award agreement number pro zsh 184 to alameda conversation district and general manager to execute a service agreement not to compete 8 million dollars and with the duration of 9 years. >> again steve assist an general manager for water this . is for an grem with the alameda resource conversation district. public agency that is very familiar with the aglands around our watershed and on good operating terms with the tenants we have. they are situateed carry out activity in the water shed listed on page 2 and i don't want to go through the whole list there are so many things they can bring to us in terms of
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water shed management actests they are urn contract to us to manage the agpark and this is just carrying out more responsibles out there. we are look figurar i long-term rep that's why it is 8 and a half million dollars for 9 years we recommend approval of the contract. >> thank you i want to note there was education element to this that was exciting. >> wonderful to seek. colleagues any comments or questions. >> public comment, please. >> member when is wish remote comment. press 3. to speak. >> do we have any callers with hands raised. why no kale are in the queue. >> public comment
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>> do i have a motion or second. >> second. >> take the roll call. >> commissioner pulson. >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> aye y. you have 4 aye's. >> wonderful. >> item passes. thank you so much. i now we have public comment on the items we are discussing during the closed session. >> yes. >> item 18, public comment on matters to be addressed. members when wish to comment on item 20 to be heard with closed session a litigated claim the water control board administrative liable against
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the city 236, 500 limitation violation the southeast and ocean side water pollution plants for discharges between october 2013-october of 21. subject to board of supervisor's approval. do woo have anyone present to comment on closed session item 20? >> there are in callers at this time. ia thank you. public comment on item 20 closed session is closed. why excellent. can i have a motion whether to acert the attorney/client privilege. move not to acert. >> move. >> move to acert and seconded. >> thank you. approximate president ajami. >> aye >> vice president maxwell. why aye >> commissioner paulson.
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why aye >> commissioner stacy. >> aye. >> 4 aye's. >> excellent. we go to closed session. >> s >> excellent. we are back. >> and -- so. 21. >> yes. >> so, we had a closed session and -- want to announce that commission recommended the board to approve the claim under closed session item 20. and -- do we need --
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>> whether. >> can we actually have a vote whether or not to disclose. moved. >> move not to disclose. >> can we have a vote that. >> president ajami. >> aye >> vice president maxwell >> aye >> commissioner paulson >> aye >> commissioner stacy. >> that was our last item. >> and -- this is our left meeting before the new year. wish everybody a happy hell day and happy now year and look forward to see you in the new year the meet suggest december 20th will be cancelled. the moting on december 27th is cancelled and this meeting is adjournd and see everybody on
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jellyfish. the way to speak to students and motivate them to take action, to save the planet, they do, they care and my job is to speak to them in a way that they can understand that touches their heart and makes them feel powerful with simple actions to take every day. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ >> i was born and raised in the desert of palm springs, california. my dad was the rabbi in the community there. what i got from watching my father on stage talking to the community was learning how to be in the public. and learning how to do public speaking and i remember the first time i got up to give my first school assembly, i felt my
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dad over my shoulder saying pause for drama, deliver your words. when i was a kid, i wanted to be a teacher. and then when i got into high school, i decided i wanted to get into advertising and do graphic art and taglines and stuff like that. by the time i was in college, i decided i wanted to be a decorator. but as i did more work, i realized working my way up meant a lot of physical labor. i only had so much energy to work with for the rest of my life and i could use that energy towards making a lot of money, helping someone else make a lot of money or doing something meaningful. i found the nonprofit working to save the rainforest was looking for volunteers. i went, volunteered and my life changed. suddenly everything i was doing had meaning. stuffing envelopes had meaning,
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faxing out requests had meaning. i eventually moved up to san francisco to work out of the office here, given a lot of assembly through los angeles county and then came up here and doing assemblies to kids about rainforest. one of my jobs was to teach about recycle, teaching students to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost, i'm teaching them they have the power, and that motivates them. it was satisfying for me to work with for the department of environment to create a message that gets to the heart of the issue. the san francisco department of environment is the only agency that has a full time educational team, we go into the schools to help teach children how to protect nature and the environment. we realized we needed animal mascot to spark excitement with
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the students. the city during the gold rush days, the phoenix became part of the city feel and i love the symbolism of the phoenix, about transformation and the message that the theme of the phoenix provides, we all have the power to transform our world for the better. we have to provide teachers with curriculum online, our curriculum is in two different languages and whether it's lesson plans or student fact sheets, teachers can use them and we've had great feedback. we have helped public and private schools in san francisco increase their waste use and students are working hard to sort waste at the end of the lunch and understand the power of reusing, reducing, recycling and composting.
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>> great job. >> i've been with the department for 15 years and an environmental educator for more than 23 years and i'm grateful for the work that i get to do, especially on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. i try to use my voice as intentionally as possible to support, i think of my grandmother who had a positive attitude and looked at things positively. try to do that as well in my work and with my words to be an uplifting force for myself and others. think of entering the job force as a treasure hunt. you can only go to your next clue and more will be revealed. follow your instincts, listen to your gut, follow your heart, do what makes you happy and pragmatic and see where it takes
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you and get to the next place. trust if you want to do good in this world, that >> we're the public works construction management team. >> so public works has been involved in the redevelopment of mission bay since its inception in the late 90s, which is almost 20 years. i've been here about four years, these guys have been here in several years, and there have been a lot of people who have been here before us to construct what you see today. about a block from here is the bay. most of mission bay was a cove, marshy land, and debris from the 1906 earthquake was brought here to fill in the land, part of what you see here today.
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>> our team is proud to be a part of the mission bay redevelopment project to help the city grow. >> when you come out to mission bay, you'll see parks of all kinds of. parks for kids, parks for dogs, and parks with a view. >> before long, you'll see one of the largest parks in mission bay. >> so before chase center development started, there were very little utilities, so some of the utilities that we constructed including low pressure reclaim mains, joint trench utilities, which enabled us to underground pg&es utilities, many things that used to be above ground. >> one of the things about mission bay, it's a separated
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system. in the city, everything is combined, so storm and sewer goes down to the treatment plant, but mission bay, the plan was to reduce the burden on the overall treatment system, so this kind of enabled the rain water flow to flow in the right direction and make it to our stormwater pump station which is about a block away. >> we will be demolishing all of what we're standing on now and the track ways and raising it to grades, and a couple of days from now, we'll be putting fresh asphalt on it. so what you're looking at is 16 street. and behind us is terra francois
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street. >> we manage a lot of different agencies between contractors, developers, and designers. we over came a variety of challenges to meet the chase center opening. >> central poles can't move too much because they have to be in the right position for drivers. right underneath me is a water supply for fire suppression, so it was scheduled to go right over where the pipe was going to sit, so various city agencies had to meet together to make sure there weren't any conflicts in the field. so next time you're in mission bay and you see city poles like this, you might think it was an easy installation, but there's
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seven different agencies building new construction here in mission bay to make sure. not only can it be built right, but it had to betelevision. >> in 1948 swensen's ice cream used to make ice cream in the navy and decided to open up an ice cream shop it it takes time for the parent to put money down and diane one of the managers at zen citizen in arena hills open and serve old-fashioned ice
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cream. >> over 20 years. >> yeah. >> had my own business i was a firefighter and came in- in 1969 her dad had ice cream and left here still the owner but shortly after um, in here became the inc. maker the manager and lead and branded the store from day to day and in the late 90s- was obvious choice he sold it to him and he called us up one night and said i'm going to sell the ice cream store what you you talking about diane came and looked at the store and something we want to do and had
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a history of her dad here and growing up here at the ice cream store we decided to take that business on. >> and have it in the family i didn't want to sell it. >> to keep it here in san francisco. >> and (unintelligible). >> share worked there and worked with all the people and a lot of customers come in. >> a round hill in the adjoining areas loved neither ice cream shop in this area and support russia hills and have clean up day and give them free ice cream because that is those are the people that keep us the opportunity to stick around here four so many years next generations have been coming her
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20 er thirty or 40 years and we have the ingredients something it sold and, you know, her dad said to treat the customers right and people will keep on coming back and 75 or 74 years, you know, that is quite an accomplishment i think of it as our first 75 years and like to see that, you know, going into the future um, that ice cream shop will be around used to be 4 hundred in the united states and all gone equipment for that one that is the first and last we're proud of that we're still standing and people people are you tell people it's been around in 50 years and don't plan on
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the first city with the first openly gay bar. the first pride parade. the first city to legalize gay marriage. the first place of the iconic gay pride flag. established to help cancel policy, programses, and initiatives to support trans and lgbtq communities in san francisco. >> we've created an opportunity to have a seat at the table. where trans can be part of city government and create more civic engagement through our trans advisory committee which advises our office and the mayor's office. we've also worked to really address where there's gaps across services to see where we can address things like housing and homelessness, low income,
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access to small businesses and employment and education. so we really worked across the board as well as meeting overall policies. >> among the priorities, the office of transgender initiatives also works locally to track lgbtq across the country. >> especially our young trans kids and students. so we do a lot of work to make sure we're addressing and naming those anti-trans policies and doing what we can to combat them. >> trans communities often have not been included at the policy levels at really any level whether that's local government, state government. we've always had to fend for ourselves and figure out how to care for our own communities. so an office like this can really show and become a model for the country on how to really help make sure that our entire community is served by the city and that we all get
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opportunities to participate because, in the end, our entire community is stronger. >> the pandemic underscored many of the inequities they experienced on a daily basis. nonetheless, this health crisis also highlighted the strength in the lgbtq and trans community. >> several of our team members were deployed as part of the work at the covid command center and they did incredit able work there both in terms of navigation and shelter-in-place hotels to other team members who led equity and lgbtq inclusion work to make sure we had pop-up testing and information sites across the city as well as making sure that data collection was happening. we had statewide legislation that required that we collected information on sexual
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orientation and our team worked so closely with d.p.h. to make sure those questions were included at testing site but also throughout the whole network of care. part of the work i've had a privilege to be apart of was to work with o.t.i. and a community organization to work together to create a coalition that met monthly to make sure we worked together and coordinated as much as we could to lgbtq communities in the city. >> partnering with community organizations is key to the success of this office ensuring lgbtq and gender nonconforming people have access to a wide range of services and places to go where they will be respected. o.t.i.'s trans advisory committee is committed to being that voice. >> the transgender advisory counsel is a group of amazing community leaders here in san francisco. i think we all come from all walks of life, very diverse,
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different backgrounds, different expertises, and i think it's just an amazing group of people that have a vision to make san francisco a true liberated city for transgender folks. >> being apart of the grou allows us to provide more information on the ground. we're allowed to get. and prior to the pandemic, there's always been an issue around language barriers and education access and workforce development. now, of course, the city has been more invested in to make sure our community is thriving and making sure we are mobilizing. >> all of the supervisors along with mayor london breed know
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that there's still a lot to be done and like i said before, i'm just so happy to live in a city where they see trans folks and recognize us of human beings and know that we deserve to live with dignity and respect just like everybody else. >> being part of the trans initiative has been just a great privilege for me and i feel so lucky to have been able to serve for it for so far over three years. it's the only office of its kind and i think it's a big opportunity for us to show the country or the world about things we can do when we really put a focus on transgender issues and transgender communities. and when you put transgender people in leadership positions. >> thank you, claire. and i just want to say to claire farly who is the leader of the office of transgender initiatives, she has really taken that role to a whole other level and is currently a
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grand marshal for this year's s.f. prize. so congratulations, claire. >> my dream is to really look at where we want san francisco to be in the future. how can we have a place where we have transliberation, quality, and inclusion, and equity across san francisco? and so when i look five years from now, ten years from now, i want us to make sure that we're continuing to lead the country in being the best that we can be. not only are we working to make sure we have jobs and equal opportunity and pathways to education, employment, and advancement, but we're making sure we're taking care of our most impacted communities, our trans communities of color, trans women of color, and black trans women. and we're making sure we're addressing the barriers of the access to health care and mental health services and we're supporting our seniors who've done the work and really
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be able to age in place and have access to the services and resources they deserve. so there's so much more work to do, but we're really proud of the work that we've done so far. [♪♪] >> welcome to union with square the petitioner of harvest of san francisco which is wllts go on it means- >> we're so excited to welcome the ring side for the 50 year in a row and excited about downtown
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>> when london breed came to out to the park and you know the mayor always has these events where she meets some of the people. but she started skated and she skated for like three hours. she has always been into skating. she came up with the idea and this is what people think is missing from the city, the energy that the city has. you cannot have this much fun for $15 as an adult. >> this will was awesome, really good deal, 5 bucks to skate, so it was a lot of fun for cheap.
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>> it cost more to go out, it cost more to go to the restaurant. it cost more to go to the nightclub. it cost less to go roller skating and have a funky time. >> are you coming back? >> yeah! >> okay. >> good morning i'm so honored to be with champions of-in the fight for civil rights and getting the bill across the finish line. the respect marriage act is affirmation the united states will stand up and protect the freedom for all americans to marry the
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