tv Fire Commission SFGTV December 24, 2022 2:00am-3:31am PST
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good morning, command evercommand staff am chief of the department. them is the san francisco fire commission meeting december 14, upon 2022 and the time is 9 o'clock. this meeting is held in person as authorized by california gentleman goad 54953e and the mayor's 45th supplement to february 25, 2020 emergency proclamation it is possible that some members of the san francisco fire commission may attend this meeting remote they will participate and vote by video. members of the public miattend
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the meeting to observe and provide public comment at the physical meeting election or online at the link on the posted agenda you may access looking on to the fire commission website and watch live at to participate during public comment dial 415-655-0001 use access code: 2491 323 1483 ## members will have opportunity to participate during public comment the public is asked if wait for the agenda item before commenting on that item. comments addressed in the order received. when the moderator announces the commission is take public comment. members can raise their hand by press being star 3 you will be
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queued. callers hear silence when waiting to speak. operator will unmute you. when prompted callers have the standard 3 minutes to provide comment. ensure you speak clearly and turn off tv's or radios around you. >> item one, roll call. president feinstein. >> madam president might be an issue with the president's volume or able to hear us. i'm indicated that might be an issue. >> can you hear us president feinstein. >> she cannot she texted me she cannot.
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or wait? ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgement the san francisco fire commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in acc ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgement the san francisco fire commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. ordance with
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should we go off line to get a hold of the president? >> we can. >> take a recess. can we do that for a minute or so while we. >> hello! >> there we are. >> okay. my apologies. i thinked not get volume i apologize i know there is a need to move our meeting along this morning. forgive me >> okay i called resolution 2022-16, adoption of resolution setting forth find happenings to allow telekwfrnsed meetings under california code section 54953e. >> and may i ask was the vice president able to take care of
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the land acknowledgment. >> thank you, mr. violent. much appreciated. >> you are welcome. so -- do we have public comment on resolution 2022-16? item 3. >> i don't see anybody in raised their hand. il give them one miles an hour chance to press star 3. nobody raised their hand. i'm going to go ahead unless you have comments and move that we adopt resolution. >> i second. >> second. >> thank you, is this commissioner morgan? >> yes, ma'am. >> good morning, sir!
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[laughter] good morning. >> and vice president nakajo? >> affirmative to accept. >> commissioner fraser. >> vote to accept. >> and commissioner collins. vote to accept. >> the motion is unanimousful item 4. general public comment. members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minuteos the matter in the jurisdiction that does not appear on the upon agenda. speakers shall address remarks to the commission as a whole and not individuals or department personnel. commissioners are admit to enter in debate or discussion with the speaker the lack of response by the commissioners or personnel does in the constitute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment of do we have public comment madam secretary? >> i don't see hands raised. >> anybody present in the
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hearing room that wishes to make public comment. why nobody has stepped forward to comment. >> all right. public comment will be closed. >> item 5 approval of the admissibility everminutes discussion and possible action to approve 3 meeting minutes the first is a special meeting on september 29th, 2022. >> all right, do we have public comment on those meeting minutes? >> there is nobody on the public comment line with hand raised or nobody approached the podium. >> all right. i am gog go ahead unless there is comments by the commissioners. and -- move that we adopt the special meeting minutes from december 29th. is well a second or a desire
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finding of the commissioners to make any comment >> this is commissionering morgan i'm going to abstain i was not present at that meeting. so. all right. thank you, sir. and i was not on the commissionil abstain as well. this is paula collins. >> of thank you. commissioner collins. according to the city attorney's office the commission needs a motion to excuse them from the vote >> something new and different that's good to know. thank you to our deputy city attorney. always on the job. okay. can it be done like okay we can combine them. to excuse commissioner morgan and commissioner collins. >> all right. i will so move if there is a
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second? il second it. >> all right this is commissioner fraser. thank you, commissionering fraser. and -- i think we need that vice president nakajo >> vice president to weigh in. >> affirmative. >> motion is unanimous. commissioner morgan and collins have been excused from voting on the september 29, 2022 minutes. we have still have a motion by president feinstein. we need a second. >> approval of the minutes. >> yes. >> so moved. >> and vice president nakajo? affirmative. the motion pass. >> we have admissibilities from a special meeting on october 19,
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2022. >> all right. and do we does anybody need to be excuse friday this meeting? yes, i do. >> you do, you are right >> motion to excuse. >> commissioner collins from the vote. gi will so move. >> second. thank you. >> vice president nakajo? >> yes. >> and commissioner fraser? >> yes. the motions passes. do we have a motion to adopt the minutes. >> madam president, motion to adopt >> thank you mr. vice president. and i'm going to second your motion. commissioner morgan? >> i vote, yes to adopt
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>> and commissioner fraser? >> the motion pass. >> and approve the minutes of the regular meeting on november 9 of 2022. all right. and do we have any public comment on those minute sns >> no, we do not. >> okay. >> so public comment will be closed. and is anybody does anybody need to excuse themselves or seek to be excused. >> hearing nothing. >> any questions or discussion by the commissioners? none? i move we adopt the regular meeting upon minutes of november
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9 of 2022. >> i was not here for that meeting. >> ah-hah. okay. i know you are there. jot regular meeting? >> yes. this is a new the regular? understand but [inaudible]. yes, there is >> same thing a notion recuse >> do we have a motion to excuse commissioner fraser from the vote? i move. >> second. >> thank you, commissioner morgan. and there is no public comment? that's correct. okay. public comment on that is
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closed. and let's make a vote on excusing commissioner fraser. >> vice president nakajo? >> yes. >> commissioner collins? >> i vote, yes. the motion passes. >> all right. then we need to vote on adopting the minutes. >> madam president, i move >> thank you mr. vice president. i will second your motion. >> commissioner morgan >> yes >> commissioner collins >> yes to adopt. >> motion passes. item 6 chief of department's reportful report from chief from jeanine nicholson on issues and events went department since the meeting on november 9 of 22 including budget, academy, special upon event,
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communication and out reach to other government agencies and the public and report from department chief o connor on the divisions facility status and updates finance other support services and home land security. >> greetings and salutations to all. chief jeanine nicholson. hello madam president and vice president. commissioners maureen. i just like to acknowledge that we lost michael this week a former fire commissioner. and familiar we could close the meet nothing honor of him at the ends that would be great. his service is today at 11. and i know some of my command staff will be attending. i went to the wake last night the service last night. and as we did last night we'll
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have an engine and truck there at the service. with firefighters. on a happier note like to introduce 2 newark cystant chiefs sean from diversity and inclusion and we have a new [inaudible] chief earthquake, safety and emergency response bond darius. welcome to them to the command staff am and they can say a few words next time as i know we are a little time constrained now. but welcome them to the command staff. >> since previous meeting we had the 130th graduation. on the 18th of november. we now have 45 new members in the field. which is good for over time.
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and we also this week had a city emt graduation 18 young people graduated and they will next be put nothing to do intern shps on our ambulances >> and too many events to talk about in terms of thanksgiving and christmas. but we have been attending many events glide, self help for elderly, salvation army, et cetera, et cetera . and tree lightings and the like. and so -- in addition i met with supervisor elect joel enguard >> from district 4 i think he will being a supporter of us and public safety. also met with the director of the hotel council alex sebastian a supporter of public safety am
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i believe tom chief o. connor will likely speak about the gallery cancer testing for our members. is this correct? i not go over that. and we'll getting budget instructions from the mayor's office tomorrow at a meeting of department heads and they will be asking for cuts. it is a, there is quite a deficit over the next 2 years. and so. the one thing that is good for us is that out of our budgetary prop f money is removed from the budget before they take the cuts that only leaves us with 60 million dollars or so to have a percentage taken out of that. but more to follow on nain the coming weeks. and that concludes my report for
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today. >> thank you. chief, very much. first is there public comment? >> there are no hands raised let me announce if you want to make comment on the chief's report please, press star 3 now. nobody raised their hands or came to the podium. public comment is closed. do commission members have questions or comments for the chief of the department? madam president? >> yes, mr. vice president. >> please. >> just a point of clarification in terms of information. thank you very much, chief nicholson for your report i wanted to congratulate chief
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beaufort in terms of his prosxhoegz position and again for clarity's sake what is that i want to say it wrong division of racial equity >> diversity, equity and inclusion, dei. and i also understand that there has been employment by battalion 2 chief and this unit as well? >> yes. julie mau will work with chief beaufort. i want to congratulate both of them. thank you, congratulations. and in terms of i wanted make sure i say his name. darius luttropp? or one p. >> 2p's. >> congratulate him as well.
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welcome to the department in terms of the command staff and chief, the title for. >> the assistant deputy chief over seeing theiser bond. emergency earthquake safety and emergency response bond interfacing with public works and over seeing the training facility build out, et cetera . >> that's what i wanted get clarity on in term was training center. is this unit this responsibility housed out of support services? or >> no. it is we are working with support service but separate due to the size of the project. and the importance of the project. and the training facility. it was just it way too much oversight and work for support
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service. >> okay. skwoo just as a point of clarity would that fall under chief of administration? jury yes >> thank you for that clarity. thank you very much, madam president, thank you >> thank you mr. vice president any further comments. >> i would like to i want to thank you, chief for your report and piggyback on what the vice president said congratulate assistant deputy chief beaufort on his new position i'm sure he doll a great job and julie and department chief. and -- and that's all i have to say. thank you for your report.
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those were nice comments. thank you. commissioner morgan. >> and i know echoed by all. >> any further comments or questions for the chief of the department? shall we move on to department chief o connor? >> good morning. >> handy assistant. >> [laughter]. good morning president feinstein, and vice president nakajo. commissioners morgan, fraser and collins, chief nicholson and fire secretary maureen. department chief tom oshg con30 is my report for october and november of 2022. october was breast cancer awareness month members wore pink shirts to heighten the awareness for october.
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you see nerve pink shirts. all proceeds went to charity and the firefighter cancer prevention foundation. >> its not up yet. >> can we get the screen up? i'm will happy that i'm not the own one having these troubles today. why i'm with you. sfgovtv has it up >> back one slide. there we are rocking the pink all of the members. and under our home land security aircraft brown we had a busy month. fleet week october 4-10. kicked off boy a press conference with the mayor and partners in the m. ems ride alongs partnering with brothers and sisters in branchs of the armed service. air to ground communication exercise. you see on the far left chief cannon from the comcenter who did work making sure all communications were in tact.
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we had initial problems from an earlier delay came up with solutions on the ground. we had our k-9 heros you see lieutenant mc gibes and catherine mill are with their search and rescue dogs. sfd and military urban search and rescue exercise truck 14 in treasure island and the most vibrant groups the san francisco veteran's association provide lunch for member who is participated. at the human tearian village ems and nert getting more members. on october 12 active shooter drill at city hall with home land security. that was theidate fire commission meeting had an actual call at washington high school thankfully was a false alarm. but all of us up and running
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that dame november 12, search k-9s complete final exams for fema certification. you see her with her dog barn and he bosko they passed with flying colors. >> and there are diversity, equity and he inclusion decision with sean beaufort we want to welcome him. continues his strong work in out reach recruit and want lieutenant julie helping and updated our career section of the website and including a new qr code. for those of us president feinstein that are technology challenged they scan this with the phone to get information they need to join the fire department. october and november saw a significant number of upon events for out reach and development the castro street firearm expo the academic school
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career fair. city college health care fair and sierra collins upon veteran's job fair. nert we had a light month after the october 19th drill and focused on equity response going to the bayview senior center and helling them with safety lessons in the communities upon under health safety wellness with matt bal we had our biggest month. october and november dedicated toward planning. this week the part nerd with the cancer foundation and sponsored the gallery multicancer early detection tests. we tested 1171 members with dna sequencing test that identified 50 cancer at early stage there is is an am amount of effort you see on the far left chief nicholson was the first to
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volunteer and the right is captain stefani with 2 hand some chiefs under the tent. and right now we are conduct our testing at headquarters at the airport and station 49 to make sure we get all members. but -- the largest part of this was fund by the diseased he was the former [inaudible] left his family fortune to charities in the firefighter the cancer foundation that funded the majority of this testing. we are excited get the result and probably leave leading in cancer research and testing. this is again your san francisco fire department and the cancer prevention found anticipation getting ahead of everyone in the fire service by ensuring and looking after the health of our members. under the office of employee health, we had approximate 10 return on duty exams and
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prosecute motional exams and probation exams. candidate screenings for the firefighter akamm cad me. october 6 talked about this last time the [inaudible] breast health seminar [inaudible]. finally back on track with tb. a cal ocea mandate we are having a hard time now testing all of the members for the mobile van. [speaking very fast] kroef covid numbers are [inaudible]. and our december news letter sdrnlted to the field. we had the office of employee health partner at the gallery cancer screening and did a know your numbers seminar the blood pressure, pulse and stat levels and waist -- under our investigative service bureau
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with the captain we had all breath livesers recertified returned to the field. change over to monitor portal 99% complete we're live and you wanted making sure all members are licensed drivers. we attentived the 400 training dints command system 400 and background investigations for 131st classes. . the monthful october we had 165 requests for service and 149 service orders completed. november 120 service requested with 110 completed. and asip mentioned my previous upon upon reports having supply chain issues getting out ahead to get clothing and equipment ordered and successful so far. the part we are lagging is dress
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jackets everything else conduct introduce for department plumb and waiting for interviews for an electricification as well. this is the big deal previous they repairs were done by dpw with expense and now we will cut down on costs. we had our meetings condition to the new training facility and commissioner nakajo if you questions about the chief i tell you the chief the save the bay we had hours of meetings with the new training facility. we started out doing a target hazzard survey every rolfe of every engine take 5 pictures of hazards in the district and send it to architects to show the hazards we face in san francisco and ajs of the study and had a workshop on the building where
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we nailed down how many classrooms and offices and computers and plugs and outlets and had a meeting with props and train fag sillity and the apparatus and shop's building. we are investing millions of dollars in the fire department for project that wills will last us 50 to 75 dwroers is critical we have this new place to over see and make sure that every dollar allocated by the voters is spent wisely. this was going to drain from support services and myself of half of our time. we are up and running with the new training facility. on to our ranldzom photo section. new gators at station 43. small vehicles for special events. we had congratulations to our members recognized by the san francisco police fire post 456. officer and firefighter of the year awards. we honored anderson and
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[inaudible]. and october fourth we weekend physician who is visited sudden fran to see our trauma centers. you see them there with various stations they got a tour of our various facilities station 49 and the fire how muches station 9. and 11, 9910 sxae graduates completed the division training the next is spending 500 hours on the fire department balance. the 9910 is a civil service classification a public safety training we take the community train and pay them for hours of training on the upon ambulance t. is our best programs we have a pipeline from the community into public safety t. is a fantastic program and we are proud behalf we have done you see the graduates with the team of instructors. on thanksgiving we had the mayor
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and chief nic lon and many vol tires the salvation army community center serving toed to the community. the day before we had a give away with the mayor, chief scott and the command staff for thanksgiving day give away on the 22nd. thoo that day supervisor safai, myself distributing socks to those in need. here is a great picture the 130th class pt training and next picture is them at the graduation dame in what will some notable about this graduation is that the influx of new people is getting us back to full staffing that with sick leave policy we had a notable drop in over time and manualed tormey over time. these new men and women could not come at a better time and welcomed out in the field and lastly local hero's night. at the chasten center on
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december second. i think you click on the picture of the chief we see her ringing the b. in action. [laughter] all right that is my report, commissioners for october and november. thank you. >> thank you. is there public comment. there are no members with hand raised on the public comment line and nobody approached the podium. >> all right. public comment will be closed k. and do we have any commissioners who might have questions to chief o connor? or comments. questions or comments? >> commissioner fraser? >> i have a couple questions. >> thank you, chief for your
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report. couple things i have a question about the gallery cancer screening. is this participation of our members part of a clinical trial the company is doing? or how did does this fit had with the corporation gallery? i'm not sure if is part of a clinical trial there was a partner kevin road the chief of staff and working with the company and we have worked together in the past am gallery gave a presentation to the occurrence foundation and did a few takes of the tires and talked to other cities. our conference false positives we did not want somebody go in a tail spin and the rate was less than 1 to 2% for false positives felt it was okay. i'm not sure if it is part of their over all. >> okay. >> my question is may be we can finds this out. what they will do with the dast
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after our members. ownership of it? what their publication plans are? you know i have a background in this work and i'm curious hatheir plans are with the private health dast after our members. and, how the results are going to be delivered to members. designated a physician to work with the team and will call members with result fist there are positives. >> so people members who test negative on this gallery get a letter. >> get a letter. >> correct. >> and individual member who is test positive will get a phone call from upon a doctor. >> department this we designateed work with gallery. cancer prevention foundation chose a doctor to work with the company. >> okay hum. >> okay. now i than they said that i know
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we are in a hurry. i'm sorry. i thank you is important to know and understand can how our members private health care data will be handled. and who owns it. >> i think this would be good to dig in to if possible. >> sure. may be that has been done and we don't know. if it is part of the trial or published all that thing. and i say that because in the paper this morning there is an anything article about pfizer raising the cost of price of charge people for the vaccine and a lot in a big way this is a gateway for pharma companies to get data, publish and make a lot of money. that's okay but i'd like to know what is happening with this if possible. >> and then -- i didn't see and
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may be it did not get mentioned or may be i blacked out, is the behavioral health unit participation i'm still curious about what is happening. seems like it was a busy couple months congratulations on that. community events and other fist there is information you can share about that? with us? >> i don't have anything but we have catherine who is on modified duty assisting with the behavioral health unit worked with the team in the past am she is organizing the unit and looking to develop a group of refef loov counsel cellars to work on days off to help with the case load we areerning the data on contacts we have the variety of contacts. our big concern mou is key we have 2 members addressing all of the behavioral health issues and believe we need more. how we thread that going forward
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with budget cuts will be the challenge we have one working with matt al ba. i hope in january we will have a report for you >> agreement i'm wondering wlat level participation is of the members for take those service. thank you for your report and the fun pictures. >> all right. any further questions or comments for chief oshg connor? >> madam president, 2 comments. >> please. mr. vice president. >> thank you very much. thank you very much, chief for your comprehensive report i want to acknowledge i sought title change to office of employee health. and i wanted acknowledge that. i think it it is appropriate in terms of what we are dealing with and in terms of your comments with forgive me if i
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say your name wrong. chief. >> i could not hear you. gimented make [inaudible] in terms of the diversity the new position and comments with the bond and oversight. the chief's name again? darius luttropp. >> i continuing is important you put the comments out there and all of the projects for me, the coordination with all of the city departments and with dpw and our d. i wanted to acknowledge that as well. welcome and appreciate the oversight and work. thank you. >> chief am thank you. >> thank you mr. vice president. chief issue don't go away, chief. don't go away. i had a couple quick comments. comment and a question. and first is i want to commends
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you and chief certon's for obtaining independence plumbing services to make some needs of our houses and station houses and other facilities. i think that is over due and will really -- something that needs to happen that can be discussed greater detail. at another meeting. so, thank you for doing that. of my other -- is -- more a question than combchlg you did mention that we are acquiring new like -- uniforms and -- dress uniforms, class a uniforms. i'm still a little bit fixated on the and i will remain so, on
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the turn out. i want to know if we made any progress in being able to -- to acquire what we believe to be both protective and safe turn out gear for will our firefighters and those others entering dangerous situations. >> we, acquired the healthiest turn outs in the nation there is one layer of protection that does have chemicals but not directly in contact with skin mem brains we're as close as we can get and hopeful low the next generation will be free. but our turn outs other healthiest in the nation for our members >> and how many members have that new turn on the equipment. >> we probably have to date, just shy of 100 the last 2
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classes and rolling out for the rest of the members. this will if we torch do this for the entire department the minutes of dollars out of the gate we have a dill time getting 1400 sets of new turn outs. what is the intent. when am the members who don't have it get it? what is the plan. the spln to get everyone their second set of turn outs to be free overnight next 3 years if we can. it is we are hostage to the budget and the supply chain, i can't answer with certainty. if i could whistle a wand i would. but i don't vice president that ability and especially going to such economic dire times in the next 2 years.
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>> okay. i thank you for that and perhaps we need to have further discussion on our budget priorities because. will you know having be been to the station and of course i can't remember the number and not in order the station where there was sauna and the bicycle and the shower and you know understanding what the danger of being in a fire is. and to think just of that alone you combine it with. the what the protective gear that our members are wearing perhaps or may be or definitely carsin gentis, that's a
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frightening thing. enemy my book that is really an important thing we address. we owe that to our members. and the city owe its to the members. so -- we'll take it from there. okay. >> thank you very much, chief >> thank you, commissioner. item 7. fire department administrative bulletins 2022. discussion and possible action to adopt the fire department administrative bulletins 2022 as presented >> all right. and do we have any public comment yet? >> there is yes, we do. caller would you like to make comment on item 7?
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caller? hi. . this is jeanine connor i'm ready to make public comment. your time starts now. thank you very much. thank you. for giving us the opportunity to speak on proposed bulletin 5.12. my company [inaudible] local owned solar and battery storage contracting company this is the work we do most work is in san francisco. and this -- bulletin cuts to the heart of when we do.
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battery storage solar battery energy storage is a pillar of the federal were and state and the local climate action plans. and in fact in front of the puc is the proposed decision that is anticipated to be finalized tomorrow which changes the market across california to incentivize solar paired bat row energy storage. timing of this could not being more mission critical. for san francisco addressing the issues that are most relevant. to battery energy storage and solar -- so -- one of what our request would be is that this bulletin not be adopted by the
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commission and instead that the commission move to have a summit meeting in which the manufactures and installers and trade organizations and members of [inaudible] committee have an opportunity to understand what sf fire's concerns are. there are a lot of provisions this deviate from the california fire code. and would like to have the opportunity to understand and work with the department to craft workable solutions that address the safety occurrence as well as the practical realities of installing the system in the city and county of san francisco. thank you.
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is there further public comment. would you like to make public comment? >> yes, good morning members of the fire commission. my snail is tessa sanchez speaking on behalf of tel asmarca. i'm tile nothing to provide tesla on the administrative bulletin 5.12 [inaudible]. the manufacture and installer of battery energy storage system including residential product [inaudible]. tesla installed more than 400,000 power walls across the globe in san francisco 189 power walls since 2017. all without incident. that is because the power wall design and manufactured to meet
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and exceed strict safety standards. the state fire codes developed through consensus know drip process with the fee and national fire service and take years to develop the code enables the installation of batteries and allows for you to install batteries at volume to limit the threat of climate change the result in code includes the requirements that are necessary from safety customers and purchasers alike. from when we can tell administrative bulletin was not developed through consensus or evidence backed process. we have several concerns with 1, 2 and 4 [inaudible] occupancies put construction that have no requirements under requirement
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for fire resistance readings at the time they were built. issues with 2 the language related quantities long with the new definition of energy storage system. under minds the intent of the code and guidance from the office of the state fire marshall on interpretation of aggregate capacity. and lastly take issue with clause 8 allows for e viv 11sy ask and not a substitution as a substantiation for reduced spacing. [inaudible]. have been established on which to base the reductions and should be accepted for review. >> tesla recommends the commission table this and direct the fire department to work with stake holders to clarify the
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spfblgs of the code language. thank you. your 3 minutes is up. >> thank you. that is all public comment. >> i like to -- sorry. well is somebody here. local sf contractor working in battery energy storage spachls i appreciate what s footwork fire done in the bulletin providing guidance on battery energy
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storage. however there are portions of bulletin 502 that go beyond guidance and amount to additional requirements above and beyond the california fire code. my ask is that bulletin 512 not adoptd and the requirements contained pursued through a code amendment process with appropriate stake holder feedback. >> thank you. >> thank you. i don't see anybody else approaching the podium. >> all right. then there will be no further comment and we will turn to the fire marshall. good morning. >> good morning vice president nakajo, commissioner morgan, colence and chief of
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departmentful fire marshall of san francisco. so the bulletin is our last piece of the codes. yesterday the fire code was passed by the board of supervisors. and i will give you an understanding about what they are it is the fire department is authorizeed issue bulletins establish or clarify requirements under this code. provide interpretations of the code and set policies and procedures of the bureau of fire prevention and we posted them on our website and had a public hearing on december 8 at fire department headquarters which was posted. i believe the first comments came to that and brought up occurrence regarding bulletin 512 and another bulletin. so i want to let you know, for this code cycle we added 4
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bulletins and removed 3 there is about 50 bulletins. these bulletins really they are meant to clarify. you know upon given presentations regarding the inter~ national fire code. california fire code and local fire code and we have standards in how things meet. as they grab things out of the codes and come together for a job it is easier we make an attempt to write a bulletin to gift public understanding about how we interpret the code. we interpret things very concern because san francisco does in the match anywhere else with california. we have more concern and cha tha is address in the this 512. some is ratings and walls. because we don't have that 5 to
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15 feet between the neighbors. i did take submit first person who called in, some comments locked deeper in the code and seen there was interpretations from the state fire marshall we wanted add in the code and put that actually bulletin inspect temperature the really intent of 512 seems to be the elephant in the room was that the state fire marshall requested a heat alarm for the garage. if you put the power walls in the garage, required heat detection. they have not made a certain requirement. they did not made one yet. until sthl device will be made the rest of it in the bulletin
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explains how we interpret it. one of the other conference that the aggregate totals. how much puryou can have in the homes and provide wayed bulletin this did not know existed an superstition 'll interpretation from march of 22. states how many power walls can you have throughout the home and we adjust today. i don't have concern if we hold 512 buzz we can hear it at the next hearing and i can work with additional stake holders i wish they would have been at the hearing and gave me that. there was only one person. who came and i think i'm fine with wing on it longer. so if you are okay with that i like to with draw 512
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temporarily and set up for hear nothing january or february. we could use the model code it is in the code and passed we were trying to make an team of an interpretation. we will i like to get back to you on that one if you don't mind. otherwise, the other bulletin that remember brought up or add regarding the emergency responded are communication system we want to clarify how to get certification. we also claireified sprinkler protection for ev charging stations the idea that electric vehicles, some garage will add places to charge a vehicle and increased sprinkler requirements because the bat res and the way to meet that requirement and one more with we set guide lines on demand fuels sites.
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3 others no need for interpretation. until you have questions i put them forth and hope you pass them. all right. did we have questions or comments from our commissioners? commissioner fraser. thank you for clarifying that. not having backgrounds in bat row storage or the need to understand it but this is great i appreciate your efforts to with draw and hold it and continue it but thank you very much. wanted to offer my gratitude.
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other comments or questions. for the fire marshall. >> madam president? >> yes, >> please. this is the vice president i would like to ask the fire marshall clarity what you are asking for is an action item today. of because bulletins need to be adopt third degree year as i understand it. >> what i heard you are suggesting that accommendation to the speakers that spoke today in terms of the issue of 512 so am i hear thanksgiving we adopt all of the bulletince and you will pull 512 until we are able to sdhied at the next fire commission meet something >> correct. >> ychls i'm asking we accept all the others and then 512 since it is a new bulletin we can hold that until future
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hearing. >> okay. does that not put jeppard in this adoption by the year for 512? >> no it does in the it it is a these are our interpretations of it. so it is also new bulletin did in the exist so it just will not still exist. >> okay. >> as a commissioner i wanted to say i appreciate the reenforcement this has been posted. and this there was a meeting. i also want to note that i appreciate w with the speakers in terms of concern and clarity for 512. so at this point turn to the spirit of the action i like to move madam president and colleagues the adoption of the bulletins save 512 to be removed for you fire marshall to go through your process and if you could bring it back in january when you think it is appropriate
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to the chief of the department. and we can deal with this that would be my motion madam president and colleagues. >> i think the fire marshall also very much for all the work that gone into these into the fire code and the bulletin and and -- for his understanding of all the content and i would second the vice president nakajo's motion with regard to adoption sept for 512. exception. i will take a vote. commissioner morgan? >> yea i agree. no need to rush uncharted waters with the new technology. so i agree i vote, yes.
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>> commissioner fraser? >> i vote, yes. >> and commissioner collins? >> i vote, yes. >> motion is unanimous. the administrative bulletin 2022 are adopted with the removal of bulletin 512 for further discussion. item 8 calendar 2023. discussion and possible action to adopt the 2023 fire commission regular meeting calendar and i'd like to announce our next meeting is january 11th 2023. >> all right. any comments on the calendar? there is nobody on the public comment line with their hand and up nobody approaching the
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podium. all right. is there a motion with regard to the calendar? >> madam president. >> please. may i ask the secretary of the department to clarify what was on the agenda on the next commission meeting in january now that we add this bulletin as limp >> >> well, possibly the administrative bulletin 512. as well as the election of officers for the fire commission. and the chief's reports. approval of the minutes and at the moment i don't have prosecute a lives anything else that may be. added. >> thank you very much. madam secretary. madam in the is an informational item not a vote action. >> no we need to adopt the meeting calendar for 2023.
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as present in the your packet. >> thank you for the clarification i move. >> >> all right. and i will second the motion. i vote, yes >> no public comment. >> so00 eye think we can take a roll call vote. >> commissioner morgan. >> yes. >> commissioner fraser. >> yes. >> and commissioner collins. >> yes. >> the motion pass. item 9 public comment on item 10. public comment on all matters pertaining to 10 below including public comment on whether to told 10 in closed session. item 10b is conference with legal council existing litigation. conference with legal council to discuss litigation pursuant to
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code section 54956.9acd and code section 67.nd1 and possible recommendation to the board of supervisors for settlement approval or take other action in existing litigation nicole spencer versus city of san francisco. superior court case 21-589457. >> public comment on item 10b. and there is nobody. >> i'm sorry. >> pardon me i did not hear you. du say that there is public comment. this item or is not. we are taking public comment and there is nobody on the public comment line. >> got it >> okay. public comment will be closed. and is there a motion as to
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whether to discuss this matter in closed session? >> madam president i move we move to closed session. >> and i will second your motion. mr. vice president. okay. i will take a vote this is pursuant to government code section 54957b and 67.10b to hold in closed session. commissioner morgan. >> yes >> commissioner fraser. >> yes. >> commissioner collins. >> yes. >> we will go into closed session at 10:10 a.m. >> madam president may i make a comment before closed session and regular session? >> fine with me.
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>> i wanted to take advantage this is the last commission meeting of the year to in terms of moiz with the thank the commissioners and command force all the members of the add sdpragz all of the members of the department uniformd and civil yen our city deputy attorney and our madam secretary. for all of your work and appreciation this last year. thank you very much. >> thank
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to disclose all discussions held in closed session. item 13 adjournment. >> if i may, madam secretary, i would am move to adjourn this session in memory of boy. not just fire commissioner and everything mike @al hardman. i read his obituaries in the chronicle i have known him since i was 10 he have been active in gentlemanal, labor, public service, sports, art and every
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of k everything you can think of for over 50 years. i think it it is a rare person who dedicates that much of their limp to serving the communities they live in. he. he was a gentlemen, he had a sense about him that really made him a rarity. and i didn't have the pleasure of sitting on the fire commission with him but had the pleasure of working with him in other situations for other causes. and he was a real loss to our community. and i really i know this commission feels it those this knew him in the commission or outside felt it. you know he smiled the laugh the work and everything about him.
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>> who doesn't love cable cars? charging emissions and we're free which we're proud of you know, it's not much free left in the world anymore so we managed to do that through donations and through our gift shops. you got a real look and real appreciation of what early transit systems are like. this was the transit of the day from about 1875 to about 1893 or later, you know. cable car museum is free, come on in. take a day. come down. rediscover the city. you can spend as time you want and you don't have to make reservations and it's important to be free because we want them to develop a love for cable cars so they do continue to support whether they live here or other places and people come in and say, yes, i have passed by and heard of this and never come in and they always enjoy themselves. people love cable cars and there's none left in the world so if you want to ride a cable car, you've got to come to san francisco. that
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what makes the city. without the cable cars, you lose part of that, you know, because people who come here and they love it and they love the history ask they can ride a cable car that has been running since 1888 or 1889. wow! that's something. can't do that with other historical museums. rarely, have i run into anybody from outside who didn't come in and didn't feel better from knowing something about the city. it's a true experience you'll remember. i hope they walk away with a greater appreciation for the history, with the mechanics with people are fascinated by the winding machine and i hope the appreciation, which is a part of our mission and these young kids will appreciate cable cars and the ones who live here and other places, they can make sure there will always be cable cars in san francisco because once they are gone, they are gone. it's the heartbeat of san francisco that founded the cable and the slot and without the cable cars,
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yeah, we would lose something in san francisco. we would lose part of its heart and soul. it wouldn't be san francisco without cable cars. [bell ringing] >> (clapping.) >> in san francisco the medical examiner performs the function of investigating medical and legal that occurs with the city and county of san francisco from a variety of circumstances in san francisco there is approximately 5 thousand deaths annually i'm christopher director for the chief mr.
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chairman the chief my best testimony a at the hall of justice on 870 drooint street that is dramatically updated and not sufficient for the medical chairman facility i've charles program manager public works should a earthquake of a major are proportion occurs we'll not continue to perform the services or otherwise inhabit the building before the earthquake. >> we're in a facility that was designs for a department that functions and in the mid 60s and friends scientific has significantly changed we've had significant problems with storage capacity for evidence items of property and also personal protective if you're doing a job on a daily
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basis current little storage for prirjs are frirnlsz we're in an aging facility the total project cost forever ever commercial is $65 million the funding was brought by a vote of go bond approved by the voters and the locations is in the neighborhood the awarded contract in 2013 and the i'm the executive director we broke ground in november 2015 and that started with the demolition of existing facility we moved into the foundation and january so pile foundation and then with second construction of the new facility. >> one of the ways that we keep our project on time on budget and we're having quality to have regular meeting and the variety of meetings with
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construction process meeting as well as cost of control meeting and i'm a project manager for public works the office of chief commercial we want walk the project site when we sign up and also with a contractor insinuates for a change over we need to verify what or what was instead of. >> the building is 42 feet tall so it is two stories and 46 thousand square feet roughly we're that's a great question to be on time and budget have the roof complete a the exterior moving with the site work. >> and as you can see we've got a lot of the interior finishes installed. >> in an effort of an differentiate the facility that designed to work for 72 hours. >> not taking into account there was a lot of structural updates made into this building
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not seen in other construction throughout san francisco or other barriers we have friday morning examiners from 8 to one public comment monday to friday because of air circulation we literally have to shut the doors and so the autopsy is done without staffing being able to come and go or exit the space and literally lock down the autopsy in the new facility we have bio build one door opens and closed behind you you can gown up and go through a second seizures of doors that has its own independent air supply and now in the exterior opt space having that middle space have greater flexibility of staff as they move in and out of the
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area. >> in the current facility investigative unit has small tiny, tiny place in the area of the new facility is almost doubled in all divisions from the current facility and the new facility. >> the planning we have here gives them the opportunity to have the pool needs to complete theirs jobs in a much more streamlined fashion. >> we're looking forward to have secured parking to minimize the egress of you know visiting and the members of the public but really to minimize the investigators remaining remains from our advancing and so the facility. >> we have a new visitors area we're building that is a little bit more friendly to families. >> one thing you may notice in
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the room no windows there is no natural light not good for most autopsy but in the new facility at new hall we made that an objective they want to insure we were able to look up in the middle of exam and see the sky and see natural lights. >> that's one of the things the architect did to draw in as much light as possible. >> we have staff here onsite we insure the design of the new design enables the investigators and other investigators skiefksz to consider to house on site this meant we needed to design and plan for locker room facilities and shower rooms the ability to sleep. >> third of the construction going into the building has been
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by contributions of small businesses. >> part of the project is also inclusive to the sidewalk have all new sidewalks and new curve cuts and landscaping around the building we'll have a syrup in front of the building and rain guardian. >> the medical examiner's office has been a several if in their contributions of the understanding the exception and needs. >> it's a building that the chief medical examiner has been looking forward to quite a few of the. >> it is extremely valuable contribution to the, neighborhood address san francisco as a whole. >> the building will allow is to have greater very much and serve the city and county of san francisco and the neighboring
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good upon afternoon. welcome to the san francisco health commission meeting of tuesday december 20 of 22. secretary morewitz can you call the roll. >> commissioner bernal. >> present. >> commissioner green. >> present. >> commissioner giraudo. >> present >> commissioner gameo. >> present >> commissioner chow. >> present >> welcome to the health commission meet thanksgiving meeting is in hybrid format in person at 101 grove street room 300 broadcast live on sfgovtv available via web ex or calling. before we begin you like
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