tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV December 25, 2022 7:30pm-10:01pm PST
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> hello my name is maria i work from the years a twitter and now without work. i'm in great need of medical insurance to have medical care see a doctor and without work and i need support and help. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> welcome. >> my name is- speaking foreign language. >> (crying).
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and work ended on december 5th and worked at twitter and now it is damaged physically and emotional we have no way to pay the rent or no way to take care of our medicaltions insurance insurance after the on any other matter, please sign the sheet, we'll call on you. if you're interested in serving on the board, the western we were hurt and so knocking at our doors no way to support ourselves and role sincerely asking the board of supervisors to do something about this injustice we're experiencing. >> thank you for your comments. >> here to comment on item 45 of the agenda regarding
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reappointment of the incompetent director of elections i'm david from the clean water campaign and going to election commission meetings since 2018 we supported to open up a fair and equitable search and sponsored beauties of concerns about how the director interacts with the commission and including open source voting system. we also believe that the commission was right after 80 years will be reasonable and fair to have a community search (rustling of papers.) and give candidates to change to complete by the understand the concerned others how subtly how
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a commissioner supervisor peskin said willing to amend the reds in 45 the policy of board of supervisors to fast forward future searches for elections director. that is a glad and avoid similar difficult situations for the future and everyone will know years in advance the commission may do a commitment search every 5 years we like to thank supervisor peskin for proposing this and urge you to please add it is to resolution and approve it. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors my name is brandy i've been attending the election commission meeting
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for i don't know 15 are 20 years and associate myself with with the previous speaker i'm confused every other jurisdiction in the country for the most part has competition for the director of elections i think everyone got freaked out over the word of equalities you know what that is the collapse of society in that moment and a caller jumped on that word and made that sound like we are doing something horrible and folks jump on that same family and cut they're calls was an embarrassing momentum by bad writing from the press and don't
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like to see this county- i appreciate we like the idea as of moving forward with some money allocated and in that is talk about the public raising the $50,000 to do a job search sooner rather than later the director has beenlessly honest with the commission and the commission is really smart when it comes to the national security matter especially open voting thank you for your time and indulgence today. >> thank you, brad turner thank you for your comments and thank you for that next speaker, please. welcome.
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>> i was employed by twitter a proud member of local 26 and years ago considered many years ago also considered clean up workers but clean up workers at the time of pandemic we worked with the snapshot and we've been disposed of as seems have to forgotten about us, we risked our lives during the pandemic and we did our work. and now this is a time of year when in december we are grateful and show our families what everyone is happy about how far this year we ask the supervisor from the
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forms elon musk shouldn't get away with that must follow the law he personally specifically ask for um, consideration to the medical insurance. my job was providing coverage for my entire family i myself i'm a diabetic so again, we ask the board of supervisors to do whatever you're able to do to consider the things we're thinking through. >> thank you very much. >> welcome.
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impacted by the situation from one today to day to the notice of determination we are dismissed hoped to bring hangar and that i can take our families out used to be essential workers and in one moment to the next we're dismissed we need to find a way to pay for rent and foods to our kids and families and, you know, we lost our insurance coverage medical and life insurance and um, we have to support that the insurance coverage will have for us during our life but have to look and we ask you to put your hands on our heart and feel what we're
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feeling such a huge way impacted our families. thank you very much. for you support. >> thank you welcome. >> (speaking spanish.) >> good afternoon. >> (speaking spanish.) >> the cough has gotten worse he and the emotion didn't have the strength i'm working at twitter and been told december 2nd i'm a local member of local 87 i'm a
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union working. i have three of us in our family my biggest concern besides my health insurance i don't have to a path to come back to a job. that was my medical insurance is helpful for the treatments i have and my biggest fear not knowing whether my child will have an emergency not fair that is happening in for someone has an enormous amount of the money but couldn't find it in his heart to take care of families thank you and i hope we can count on your
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>> . thank you. >> thank you. >> interpreter please. hello, i'm franco on december 2nd of this year and dismissed from twitter i supported my family and left with no insurance i peshl surf stress and anxiety and having no job all the issues are coming to my head. this time of year so until christmas comes around we blonth to the middle class but because of pandemic we have no resources. available to us. we were during the pandemic were
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considered social workers and worked hard to make sure that everything was rode if that building. twitter. however, put an end to all of this and to my families hopes. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you, welcome. >> hello, everyone. thank you for thank you for having us. here 340i78z i work at twitter until friday december 2nd and a union member of local 87 and have family and have three kids and my mom and dad living with me, i'm worried i'll be left without insurance and coworkers
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are asking the board of supervisors to support us and our families to make sure that elon musk don't get away with violating laws. >> tomb. >> thank you. >> i'm the president of local 87 and worked not just for the blebs me but also i have 3000 plus janitors out of work since 2020 and 2000 about are working barely holding on and i want to say we're coming to the board of supervisors not just asking for you support but also imploring you to make sure the laws are
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protected reset the nation for all industry how is it one billion year would not guided away of turning the department into an airbnb so telling us the law has to be respected we run to say that not just written because it is useful if it is on the books but not made sure that tenant can get away with what they have for i have to account for not just the families that are spoken banish for 1,000 more and folks that are listening and watching will probably question themselves about the luxury of working if home i say we're
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asking you to come to the office because that is important whether a private so he can't we're hard hit we understand it is lovely working from home but when you say black lives matter in your windows our choking us not enough hours to put food on our table i ask to make sure the law is respected in san francisco and from 8 clock and supervisor mar (bell ringing) thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you all thank you for your comments. >> welcome. >> um, my name is maria howard i'm here today to demand you the
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board of supervisors to keep up the oasis family shelter that is a shelter for families and people that have as a first family shelter in place i'm a resident of the san francisco and 14 mayor's of the honorablely discharged in the navy i found myself homeless and pregnant in san francisco in the winter with 2008 same season as now being homelessness feels like you are disposable to everyone in the public and um, mind i was also in any junior year in texas. my experience was
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not easy to survive and ask you to secure the oasis and help the families please reduce the drama those women and children need a save rouflg and let them know they matter. i was saved by the va and i hope you (bell ringing) to public service employees and officials save families. i served in homeless a positive recommendation and many are homeless i'm tired of having no where to send families because of federal government is now making women in the federal system punishable we need to
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the coalition. we understand we are this shelter is considered for a closure and want to let you know families are living there with nowhere else to go and the children will want to hear those children will not ask for toys or a family diner but give us a place to live where we can um, come in from the cold and for the soufr is from the weather outside and many family are there because of domestic violence effected emotionally physically children are unable
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to eat and put your hand on your hearts and think about the future that would be wonderful to do something families net affordable housing and live on minimum wage and if you're able to do something about all those issues and then have the children in the future we were the ones who got our actions together to solve the issued and provided housing for the families in need. thank you very much. >> thank you welcome. >> headlight my name is christian and i'm a member of coalition on homeless today we're before you to ask you not to close the oasis on december 15th with shelter for pregnant where people flee
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domestic violence a this is the middle of the winter and learned want people out the lease is up january 3rd and will in the be renewing every single day in the 59 room shelter will be gone the colder colderist time of year no family should be out on the streets no children or human being on the street without a home and no child to witness their home taken place away from them please do close is oasis homeless shelter. thank you for your time. >> thank you for your comments this afternoon. >> welcome. >> hi, good afternoon. outcome everything. supervisors my name is- i work in a homeless and he
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was (unintelligible) and i sown this continued how we families and children how we trio (unintelligible) which is important for the families so other folks have been out to moving the families (unintelligible) shelters to the hotels they give you very opportunities for the families they give you you for families and children now the mayor decided to close the shelters. and what happened what all families those children have suffered already suffered so much and receiving the letter from the mayor and wrote the
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letter (unintelligible) advertised not fair to do please keep open board of supervisors for the shelter assisting the families. because everything is closed we have our families and (unintelligible) (bell ringing) we have a voice for the families without opportunities living in cars and in the (inaudible) so there are families with children we need to think about that and a place to move (unintelligible) waiting for our shelters overnight we need to keep the shelters open thank you, board of supervisors (bell ringing) >> welcome.
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>> (speaking spanish.) >> tlumdz my name is sonya i work with the homeless we opened the agency have been very commit to the community to families especially outcome lower-income families always a struggle always a struggle. i'm a survivor of denying and went homelessness twice world war iii-year-old i don't want that for anyone my experience to do the work i'm altercated to the families and i come if from a
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country that is el salvador and so we know families should have to go on being homeless no woo holidays are coming what will the children say which is is joy of the holidays if you have to struggle to know where the hell outrageously to be sleeping that shouldn't happen and we should be you worried and really good something that role prevents (bell ringing) from becoming 0 homeless permanent housing is something by the need a struggling for that for years not just happening now thank you. i want to keep open or look for another solution a solution need to happen right away we can't have the families on the streets.
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>> thank you for your comments this evening welcome. >> hello. thank you supervisors can you hear me? >>. okay. my name is mr. dennis williams junior the chair of the merchants collaborate micro business owners. whose jobs to protect the latino community federal laws or broken citywide and no proper elections are to that to that and having a how this- related to housing over 55 housing go violations yet supervisors are awarded hundreds of millions of dollars and i hope supervisors passed a law with the paper i have continued
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a complaint letter for you review and support and developers and black contractors are excluded in our projects and prequalifications make it hashed for the blacks to gain and foot. so a few choices include a handful of contractors do represent the black potential in san francisco supervisors. back scares excuse me - demands that are buildings and ownership are need and control of those community that they live in. and the reason our blocks are lowering crimes and (bell ringing). the housing authority for the last decade have fulfill escrowed latino and black with a
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in favor that blacks mixed fair housing the department of building inspection allows us to be treated in unhabitable housing situations. since 02012 (bell ringing) >> my time is up. >> thank you thank you for your comments this evening. >> we'll have the clerk get those hear from the next speaker, please.. thank you. >> good evening board of supervisors non-complying a mary i'm with the services we are asking that the was family shelter not close on december 15th and to acquire the was to be a much needed family shelter the was a a low barrier shelter for pregnant women and people fleeing domestic violence
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an oasis for children and people in crises. the late data in february of 2022 points to nearly a quarter of unhoused youth facing eviction and further the respondents in the city were asked howled and 18 percent of the population in san francisco reported first experiencing homeless as a child under 18 and three 1 experienced homelessness between 18 and 24. while we always have our doors that open to serve youth and young adults we do want to see children with their families staying at the oasis being at our doors closing that will reduce- this is just an inhuman
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and i can't believe we're fighting to keep the was on a act avenue crises intervention and i can do that right now do the right thing and extend six months leaseed to keep families in shelter. >> thank you 34eg an welcome thvpt. >> hi supervisors i'm here with the street services i don't have much to add but to say this is and not just a inhad you seen thing but preservation for future homelessness for people in the shelters will be knocking on the doors the data show see that is true so, please doing everything we can to keep people in shelter and next speaker,
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please. good evening supervisors jamie formally chronicallyly homeless i was working on a bathroom, before that working at the family coordinated for 8 months that job was hard it became an ethic sitting with the pregnant mothers knowing the shelter are full and watching them collecting their belongings i couldn't live with that on my conscious and do you have children? >> i know some of you do. you probably not only want the best i know the tenants and oasis and is personalities on the wait list do domestic violence that there are 70 plus families on the shelter list and my family's
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leaving the oasis that's a will. and that's with the resources we currently have i can imagine that is not memgs the unsheltered and unhoused families not on the wait list and families need to be verified to be added to the wait list which is a barrier access for shelter one way to so verified access the only emergency shelter in san francisco. the oasis. let's keep the oasis open and secure another hotel that functions exactly the same way for 90s plus families. thank you. >> thank you. jamie lane for your comments and joanne hear from you next. >> first of all, it is crises
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primarily affected tread by opioids will save people from a horrific disease not a joke but something that is important a big issue, and, secondly, the oasis thing that is sros that takes care of the facial stuff have an environment that 234ur turns your face and what not as you can see people looked in it places and one of the few places it taken care of that that and made sure that was institutionalized that is mother place to close. in regards to a situation like this. there are all types of resources that come together don't shut that blast
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down it a tremendous political issue. and, you know, whatever you want to call it bigotry or for taking care of latino facials it is big deal. and gives people pride and keeps people safe so just continuation worth saving something our health. thank you. >> thank you for your comments (bell ringing) >> welcome. >> good evening supervisors beverly san francisco violence consortium before i was eliased out of san francisco i used to drive-up to the violence consortium and drove past the was and over the past years
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families in front of the was and learned pregnant people new babies and domestic violence saviors are living at a oasis and now tossed out on the street this middle of winter survivors of domestic violence have been marginalized and ignoreed and deprioritized and as you see they're everywhere not just the shelters and not just the services that the city ignores that oasis now ducks in a row i want to thank jennifer i want to thank supervisor preston and all of you in advance for doing everything we can for those families we don't want this to
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happen please don't let this happen. thank you. >> thank you for your comments this okay. >> hi good evening jennifer coalition only on, on homelessness before the pandemic had over thirty families pushed in the basement of a church that was dark and cold a couple of families shared mats and didn't shower had to take there 3 o'clock on and no space and not to mention couldn't get any food for babies and babies spilled all kinds of things so then and honorable thanks to
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supervisor peskin been touring people we can't do families like this in san francisco we can't and got them into the was was really on was the cores and closed and shoulders or showers and big rooms with a couple of beds not pushed together so much and play space for the kids in a great location public transportation and families are loving we celebrated and celebrated now we're going to do families like this again? hell, no the owners said they want to sell the was a i don't know the city didn't move then we get a letter from the (bell ringing) owner saying january 3rd the lease is up we ask the city to due diligence for ruby and got the money and 3i67d the story to
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the chronicle and private owners we have everything and owners are willing to do a six months extension we can't lose the was pass this resolution and fight like hell to get oig owners on board. >> thank you jen welcome. >> yes. the way is on and superintendent of schools theresa axford. the jarpt. >> please speak directly button microphone. >> thank you supervisor peskin i didn't make that here in time for our contribute to francis colorado lindsey but on the 5 r and we tuned in and there you were and we got to hear our
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beautiful contribute so others get to hear our beautiful contribute and francis will be beaming and can i play a song now and thank you, very much. francis collins plays an excellent. >> thank you for your comments this evening and chris. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm chris the executive director of the association and i'm here to speak on behalf of item number 45 this has to do with with the issue of not reappointing john anticipate looking to cross-out i know a new executive director i'm speaking in favor john has deny an incredible job and to have
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department heads to support him of the at last night's meeting one the issues that very well meeting we come to the commission and learn like everyone else but made a digestion not just it didn't just impact him but impacted the whole concept of racial equity based on the way this is done so i think what had is to happen it is he reappoint will have to work with him to not only rehabilitate the rock spring of that commission but also and racial equity was not meant to be controversial and that is the focus so together when i think the commission i think the gentleman will be able to um,
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correct this. i disagree with funding it for the next 5 years (bell ringing) because who want to take a job knowing they can be removed after 5 years that is problematic so i'm here to speak in favor of that and hope that passes. >> thank you christian. >> any other members of the public would like to address the board during a general public and on the remote system i believe 23 who are listening and 18 in the queue if you're one of the 23 >> public comment call-in 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting id: 2483 240 2124 # # press *3 to enter the speaker line all right. so mr. lamb from the first caller. >> welcome caller. >> it is ignoring first of
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all, the oasis i will sick and tired of this mayor deciding to close the services down by like the oasis families- i'm sick and tired of this how we don't - let the mayor do whatever the fuck she wanted i was at the rally needs to happen and someone who has just last week for the first time and third, i want to thank the supervisor mar and from the board and stood up for the community and unfortunately, he's paid did ultimate price and not 4:00
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o'clock happy that the- as a clear italian- american he is basically stood up for a school board member in the past election and you don't i want to encourage people to boot him and on this just the way those board meeting are structured disrespect the public i want to hear the commissioner right after roll call that was fucking rowed. >> your comments are out of order and not appreciate please. i yield my time fucking.
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>> can we hear from. >> welcome caller. >> okay. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm kelly live on district 9 and calling regarding agenda 46. >> and do not close the was homeless shelter it is set to close two days from now surely something you can do and complete the steps to acquire the was and make sure the was remains open and people fleeing domestic violence and families to enter and quickly in time of
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crises and oasis gives hope and peace of time for all families. the oasis is the last option making the name oasis. and housing pregnant people are who soufr will suffer from the closure of oasis and how that effects with the housing instability and increased preterm 3wir9 or birth and i've done lots of outreach to people living in neither vehicles or on the ground identifying seen pregnant women (bell ringing) who are in this situation let
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oust on the streets. make sure the was stays alive and well, thank you. >> thank you for your comments this evening and mr. lamb next speaker, please. >> (clearing throat) thank you, board my name is peter i'm a resident of district 8 and with senior and disability actions for free wifi before i get to that i'd like to support the was keeping it on. >> i'm calling i want to express my appreciation to supervisor preston for putting a stop to red lining in the community. >> thank you to the co-sponsorships and role landmarking to working with the
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full board to make sure the internet provider like comcast and at&t are insuring responsive wifi for free programs at a level that reflects the need in the bay air thank you for your comments and mr. lamb next speaker, please. >> can i reheard from a lot of hard working folks that are struggling during the holiday and people that are trying to be you productive members of the city the cost of living in the city is really how many um, but i started to think what is the cost of living in for treatment treating drug a dicks can get $680 a month free needle from a
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nonprofit and da you don't have any housing cost and lucky to get a free apartment and the drugs are cheap. so i had a college economic teacher said that the most compassionate thing to see to change the incentives for drug tourist and cash assistance thereby continual on sobriety and support drug treatment and we need shelter capacity to bring people off the streets. >> third-degree murders this offering. >> reporting to mayor breed a
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proud member we represent over wood hand local organizations united in our goals to end free text dot and many of the associated community sessions this revision represents unpresented outreach and unprecedented community support for this despite option for a false narrative that will negatively impacting and it is the harm three items from pretxdot that harms public safety and diminished that by racial profiling has been about the minimum wage and reducing enforcement of that txdot didn't increase the public dangers and ending pretech dot recognizes that is time for san francisco so join the other city and
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counties have implement similar effective data policies and the policing project where the mayor announced the city is working would go state of florida to look at the the traffic stop not reducing the crime and all parts of the country in adverse so looking at to the commission and successful implementations of this policy (bell ringing) and the no oasis a much noted reds and send the letter to the board. >> thank you supervisor peskin and others appreciate you. >> thank you for your comments. >> mr. lamb next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm- senior and
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action campaign thank supervisor peskin for uplifting the resolution and others for co-sponsorship it. >> thank you supervisor walton an others to name a few the reds for providing corporation to end the divide and stop at&t going beyond internet discount and thank you for taking a stand for that our community and also port of effort of people living to keep the shelter open and thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments another caller in the queue
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please. >> welcome caller. >> hi let's go to another caller please. all right. >> once again. >> welcome. >> hello. >> welcome. >> hello my name is a martha williams for the justice and again, i want to say that was quite alarming and disappointing to her in supervisors talking about before the under staffing the san francisco police department. >> ma'am, i have to interrupt your time i'm pausing you to redirect you, you're for the able to speak about the police commission appointments or any matters associated with commissioner president elicits so redirect our comments to
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something different we can continue with your comments. thank you. >> you have one minute. >> and the officers for i'll address the oasis i think that is responsibility of city and county of san francisco to provide adequate housing for those who are in those needs and clearly is to do something at this point i urge you all the supervisors to doing everything we can to make sure the housing is available for those in need especially, when the families are victims of domestic violence i yield the rest of my time. >> thank you thank you for your comments next speaker, please. >> can you hear me now? >> we can. >> great. david pilpel good evening first i recognize my let
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the record show lowered and former commission on his passing and support what i understand an in memoriam for him today and something in support of items 45 and 48 and 49 and 50 how have on item 49 i question two lines on page three lines 5 and 6. >> i building that the board of supervisors does not have the authority to declare the bart board results in the california section one 54 into zero zero under public utilities 874 point plus the bart board declares the results i don't see the deputy city attorney in chambers we hope she's listening or put a question to here her to dissolve
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i have nothing against janice lee but about powers and duties under state law. >> thank you pubically to gordon for representing me own this board i appreciate his service very much thanks. >> thank you for your comments thvpt next speaker, please. >> good evening supervisors paul an advocate from san francisco and wanted to discuss the welgs wellness and there are significant legal issues we need full transparent this time we need real trablt metrics and data not data we have to sunshine to get but how many
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overdose are occurred and how many human beings are over dosed not the same metric and must be neighborhood engagement no more steamrolling on this like with the tenderloin that just opened not one community meeting only opened and all of a sudden consumption that everyone denied existed for months and months and months until finally admitted it. >> and public safety around those sites need tobacco addressed prior to the site opening and finally need to be able other cities around the world with supervisor con assumption not just supervised con assumption if you want to look at that model with multiple sites in vancouver they- what
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they're doing it calvary (bell ringing) with the systems of care have full wrap around services and partnership within public health. >> public safety to bring it together under one umbrella and finally let's do it like new york we're in a facility inside a extent is not an inviting. >> we are providing two minutes next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors. my name is james the oregon director of coalition on homelessness. i'm here to call on cities to keep on goes goings-on and take every
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step necessary to acquire the building since day one of the oasis is incredible providing them with a safe stable and secure place and shelters i've connected families to the was otherwise forced to sleep on the streets and the city has for months the building was- now we're be local government 59 rooms by and families are sleeping in cars no excuse for securing those and i'm completely stunned this is an obvious opportunity allowed to turn into a crisis. thank you. >> thank you for your comments mr. lamb next speaker, please. hello.
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(dog barking) >> (speaking spanish.) >> hello my name is marseille and glad to speak about the coming schedule closing on the oasis shelter. and begging you to doing everything we can not to close the shelter and personally i have that children their very sick for the past three days and not fair this time of year to have mothers and
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their children on the street with various virus and so many viruses floating around the children can get sicker this is a time of the year when children looking forward to christmas and the time when they're supposed to find out a supervise now have to roof over your heads and outside in the cold so share christmas adorns and happiness and enjoy i'm asking you to do whatever it necessary not to put the people out in the cold with the children emotes this time of year please don't close the oasis shelter thank you, for you interpretation and if you are
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expecting to make a comment have not done which have been considered by a board committee. members of the public may address the board for up to three minutes. from the next caller mr. lamb please. hello, again evening it is toronto and happy hanukkah to those obvious the year-end holiday and first gordon the best supervisor since i've been calling and representing district four and wish him, i think unfortunately, the districts 6 and 8 with jerry meander to allow the outcome have resulted and want to shout out to- i think we need needed
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the ways to provide the services and closing the oasis will further perpetuate the problems and homelessness amongst poverty lower-income and last but not least i'm very much kindergarten or concerned allow the sfmta has handled and spent a lot of time on, on scooters enforcement than doing with the issue of making sure that people can get techniques in a reasonable time and the taxi destroy saviors they're worried about the purchase of medallion the techniques are not doing well and welcome new directives and unless they can derivative and came back the city is more
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dangerous to drive due to the rampant we'd like driving, etc. and ask the police department to enforce the traffic laws i know you don't want to do the pretext parking- traffic stops but more enforcement of the we'd like driving (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments. thank you. >> mr. lamb next speaker, please. >> welcome caller. >> next speaker, please. >> good evening supervisors. joe here. first, i wish supervisor peskin second i want you to get a new board president for public stability i think
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supervisor stefani with district and supervisor preston and supervisor stefani work with the market street and grabbing one hundred and plus governances off the streets. i had to grab a gun by a felon and so to quote my favorite lowered i'm appalled and baffled as supervisor stefani were- away from their families will need more- a family member (unintelligible) by grabbing over 120 guns off the street be oh, my god thank
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you for your bravery and also supervisor stefani an appropriate policy by tweet i wish to second every word from- i asked for supervisor stefani to be the next board president and please thong the cleshgdz for all the testimony very much appreciated and supervisor stefani thank you, for you public service. >> brerpg. >> thank you thank you for your comments this offering. >> mr. lamb next speaker, please. >> good evening supervisors i'm hernandez i work at coalition for homelessness we need do oasis open and families need to have a roof over their heads and at the supervisor stefani and supervisor peskin
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and others we have trust in you'll do the right thing. thank you. >> thank you for your comments this offering mr. lamb another caller in the queue please. i'm allen from district 8 my comments about reappointment of the. >> sorry before that your not to speak on this item can you speak to something completely different you have one minute plus 40 seconds. >> thank you for that. yeah, i'll make a comment just to piggyback on who the last caller mentioned i would support supervisor stefani for appointment to before president
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and with that, that's all i have. thank you. >> thank you. for you willingness to work with us appreciate it and mr. lamb another caller in the queue please. hi it is- in district one and hoping that the owners of oasis will listening in and they are few families that own the hotel will be sad to evict over 50 families and hernia that is or are nodding support and help hoping you're listening a doing the right thing that is difficult and waiting foreclosing sometimes but well worth that your helping families and hoping you're listening and heard all the families and i'm so sorry as a san franciscan we
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didn't prioritize outcome your needs your families need we caterer to twitter and they abandoned the us i'm so sad to hear all you are suffering during this time and hoping someone in the city will give you aid and with hetch hetchy's i know a long process and unfortunate i'm sad to hear all that before the new year and hope the board will step up and your 50 owners doing an extension four of months that leaves. thank you. >> thank you for your comments this evening. >> mr. lamb another caller in the queue please.
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>> interpreter has done that and interpreter has asked them to have a conversation in proliferate unless they want to speak if public for two minutes. >> they're not responding. >> okay. so mr. lamb other caller in the queue please. hello, good evening i'm tracey and work for the coalition a first generation second generation san franciscan and formally homeless mom and calling to speak out about the oasis it is visible that the oasis stays open and remember sloping on the mat and i was sick a whole lot with a cold i
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can imagine when covid 19 came out and grateful when the was opened and now the city ev the families are- i am polar the city to do the right thing and work with the owners of this building to keep this shelter open and leave you with that 18 years i retired and imlower the city could be out of work merry christmas and. thank you for your time. >> mr. lamb another caller in the queue please. all right. probably an unattended line next speaker,
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please. >> hello caller are you with us? >> yes, thank you hi. i said that's in resident and formerly district 4 shout out and- i think had a lot of humility. >> thank you for you service in district 4 where i used to live and say strongly support keeping the oasis open especially at that time of year it is cruel to be, you know, taking away people's place to sleep anyways yield the rest of my time. >> thank you for your comments. and mr. lamb another caller in the queue please.
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(bell ringing) >> hello supervisors my name is sheila a permanent housing supporter and to urge the board to keep open the oasis whatever it takes to stop policies for families and children and like so many folks pointed out we're sowing how this abrupt measure to close down and we could not and shouldn't let the was hotel close a beacon of homes for folks xrerps domestic violence not okay more should sit right with you all and the families with 59 rooms pushed on the streets knowing there is no shelter assess knowing there is
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no more shelter in place and over 70 pregnant people on the current wait list this is a time for some compassionate and care make sure the oasis is a shelter for all who need it a place to call home. thank you for your time. >> thank you for your comments this evening mr. lamb other casual. >> madam city clerk, no more callers. >> mr. president. >> thank you, madam clerk and the callers to come in and public comment is closed. (gavel) madam city clerk, call the adoption would the items 45 though 58 a unanimous vote is
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required oouflt member may require a resolution to go to committee. >> thank you. madam city clerk >> colleagues do you wish to separate any items. >> item 47 please. thank you so much and please add me as a co-sponsorship to item 46 and 48 thank you supervisor safai. >> supervisor mar a co-sponsorship to 46, 47 and 48. >> supervisor peskin severe item 45. >> sure. >> supervisor peskin you said 45. >> i'm sorry do you say supervisor preston. >> 45. >> thank you very much. and supervisor melgar severe 46. >> i got it and supervisor stefani add me to 47 and 48
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please. thank you, supervisor stefani and supervisor ronen as a co-sponsorship to 447 and 48 thank you supervisor mar that's on me. >> 0. >> add me to 46, 47 and 48 and councilmember bumgarner for 46 and 47. >> thank you very much. and i wanted to severe item number 50. are exceptions are 45 be, 46 and 47. >> item 49 and 51, 52, 5 three, 54, 55, 56 guess 57 guess
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and 58 and 5950 n. kendall drive 0 bhshlg mine is 59 a supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor mar, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor peskin, aye. >> and supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 11 i's how without objection this resolution is adopted and approved non-complying and item
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recruitment firm to engage in a search for a new director of elections, and urging the elections commission to reappoint the incumbent director >> thank you supervisor peskin. >> thank you, colleagues. each and every one of you for you're co-sponsorship as you probably heard it appears that the election commission has waved did white flag and coming to their citizens and will abandon this ill-fated notion of changing horses in the middle of stream with a short notice which i'm pleased as i said at the last meeting in an gender to have more cordial relations we continued the item to allow for
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them to they choose not to comment but took the action of scheduling a hearing in january to pronouncingly reappointment the incumbent direct director i like to make amendments i circulated to the clerk to indicate um, subject to future action by the board of supervisors and make that clear did our attention not to appropriate the funding is only for the fiscal year fy2022-23. the amendments are before you but that is what they set forth
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and happy to read into the record if you like and while i have the floor to mr. brent turner and ill consented notation by the privately fundraiser for an executive rourmentd for the elections commission of you were able to raise those and even if the election commissions was stakeholders let me state read into the record the board of supervisors before not allow those to mr. turner don't bother. >> thank you a motion to amend 45 a second. >> seconded by supervisor safai. >> motion to amend. >> on the motion to amend 45. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye.
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>> supervisor peskin, aye. >> supervisor mar, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> 11 i's. >> motion to amend 45 motion and madam city clerk, call the roll. >> item 45 as amended. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor mar, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye.
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>> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton and, aye. >> there are 11 i's thank you. this amended resolution it adopted unanimously (gavel) and madam city clerk, call item oasis inn (located at 900 franklin street);and to support efforts to acquire the oasis inn to safely house families experiencing homelessness. >> thank you. madam city clerk supervisor preston thank you, supervisor walton and all the co-sponsorships and the especially thank the folks who have reached out to the offices in support of keeping the oasis open and especially the
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residents former residents of oasis are all going through so much and time for many of them took time and waited hours that speaks to what think important and special place the oasis is for folks without a home. i want to make a few comments before we vote on that and talk about where we are on the oasis i want to start by observing what i think that really the cruelist of a system has this building on track to closure i want to sit with that a second; right? folks are trying to be good and
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are in the, you know, with a mission to do go and help people but have a system this is not- we have something that works and we have a system that will move forward to close that thing and make our homeless crisis work unless we raise hell; right? the intervention of our office along with the coalition on homelessness and organizing to say that cannot happen in san francisco can't allow it to happen shouldn't take that i local want to emphasize i don't understand with something like the was why hsh or others who are responsible for ore sowing will not come to a district
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supervisors office or the board accidents office to this body early in the process and say we need help to save this important place and save families from being displaced i learn this building was up for sale i shouldn't say that building up for sale i learned it is temporary i was absolutely stunned to learn how many months had gone by since the owners made the city aware through the department of homelessness and supportive housing to have the intent to sell. i mean essentially i mean at this point like approaching a why were where this should deal should have been done and unfortunately, this is not an aberration my experience had another one with 6 keys getting
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the contract a similar situation months and months and months of organizing and pressure and our office engaging to do an acquisition of something we should be eagerly approaching everyone one and working hsh working us with the district supervisors and figure out how to fund it or if we can't instead of this approach not moving forward and come to those crises moments. um, so, i say that to pubically beyond to urge the administration to jump at the opportunities in all the district supervisors and let's figure out instead of how we can acquire properties especially, when their important like the
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was last week, i talked about the tire of how it came to be oil talk for a minute about where we are at the present with the oasis but thrill we had a call on friday from capita at an the fire department who was out a couple with a four-year-old child and tried to go to other family shelter and told like the speakers told there is a long wait list you're not getting in today will take days and days and days we only have one to one thing that we could do for a
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four-year-old child is not sleeping on the street in the rain and the cold only option in the entire city to reach out to the oasis run before providence and moved if not sleeping on the street state the only place in the entire- the idea we'll think of that to close so just totally unacceptable. as folks have said this is a very important place for folks for pregnant famed families the message to and everyone will have to work together to the owner have a heart; right? it is cold out in the holiday and stop playing the hardball approach at a minimum give an
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extension we can see this happen that's where we're heated i'm cautiously optimistic but a date you'll throw everyone out is totally unacceptable not norwalk in good faith and kudos to the coalition of homelessness to publish in the chronicle the names of or owners and telling them this is not acceptable and agree to an executive and legislative committee as negotiated to the city look at to the department and act with urgency and more importantly update the resolution and stop move people out immediately don't move people out unless you're putting in the permanent housing we're going to make that happen in the (moment of silence.) don't cause more instability for families don't condition to move people out. two it is i guess
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the news for those of you asking light at the end of the tunnel to the donors a couple nonprofits who have emerged thanks to the organizing and public and thanks to the report in the newspaper all the organize the homeless to folks took note have come down have a need to acquire with an nonprofit and they're in serious negotiations happening this week. and so i want to thank them for the generosity and folks in the organization we're not there yet but lord to pubically celebrating new when this- if and when this deal is finalized and the property is acquired and lastly to the residents and coalition of homelessness i want to thank
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you, again, for all of our advocacy and i will say under no circumstances will this supervisor and i suspect i speak for the rest of the board though oil not presume to but in under no circumstances will this supervisor allow the oasis to be shut down under my watch and appreciate partnership like supervisor stefani and the other co-sponsorships on this resolution. >> thank you, mr. president. >> thank you supervisor preston and supervisor stefani. >> thank you supervisor walton thank you, supervisor preston for this reds now my district and lemon me taking the load i care deeply about the families that live inside the was and
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those in the prenatal program i served on the prosecutor natural program for 6 years years an issue i care doping about and doing everything we can we must do to save the was unfortunately, the owners have to sell it to us and putting pressure open in the the mayor is deciding to close is oasis that is in a narrative that is true the mayor's office in the executive branch is trying to secure the property for the shelter and something i've spoken and determined as
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supervisor preston to make sure it stays for the families been living there and future families as well so i said to thank you in the department of homelessness and supportive housing we care about those people that are in this hotel and sometimes they're humanized in a way they do i know many people care about making sure that we house our families that housing and the oasis hotel has been a successful because of supervisor preston efforts and support those the best i can and happy in this part of district and make sure those resident and families are taking care of so, thank you. >> thank you, ms. calvillo and
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madam city clerk, call the roll. >> 46. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> and supervisor dorsey, aye. >> and supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor mar, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> 11 i's. >> thank you this is unanimously and madam city clerk, call clerk, call provide opportunities for janitorial staff and security guards to continue employment. thank you so much madam city clerk. >> xhrnldz. >> (clearing throat) thank you, colleagues um, you all
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heard bridge heard from the janitors to think about to think about losing our jobs but this is the protection act it is written in the law that there must be a justify transition 90 days that's why we did what we did in the instance the employer twitter is choosing purchasing and we read the headline today choosing not to pay their rent not just from online workers but more gut everywhere this workforce every single one of us
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has been spending time with them but they're more often than not invisible and more often than not doing the work when people are asleep at night it is back breaking work you heard it today, i can attest with that working with folks for a decade and their impose and hips and neck it is reactive and one of the highest paid in the country with janitor to their testament and the best contracts still one the lowest paid jobs in the city. and so this resolution today calls on in to follow the
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law allows when the law is not followed so thank you, colleagues for your support thank you for supporting those gyrates in their time of need it is such a awful hard time of year to experience this so outcome, you know, i spoke with the head of flagship that was company employee folks not given any nose who was replacing them and come to find out might be one of the small restaurant owners in the market themselves and again, not aware of the law but going to be for the record by the workforce they're required to offer 90 day transition for the workers i know each and everyone one of
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you will continue to keep you updated i know many over on the front lions as we will follow through. on the with the place of protection act and doing everything we can to try to make sure the law is followed by just want to bring this to everyone's attention and thank you, for you support. >> thank you supervisor safai and tissue my comments to yours madam city clerk, call the roll. on item 47. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> and supervisor dorsey, aye. >> and supervisor mandelman, aye. >> and supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor melgar aids. >> supervisor peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye.
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>> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 11 i's how (gavel) madam city clerk, call 20 years as leader of the house democratic caucus, and 35 years of dedicated service to the city and county of san francisco and to the united states of america. madam city clerk. >> supervisor stefani like to continue this to the next meeting speaker pelosi office asked we continue it to iron from their office can be present. >> motion to january 5th
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supervisors and seconded by supervisor dorsey madam city clerk, on the motion. >> on the motion to january 10th fy23, supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor mar, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 11 i's how motion to continue unanimously (gavel) madam city clerk, please call item fairer and more just san francisco and his distinguished service on behalf of district 4 as a member of the san francisco board of supervisors >> thank
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you. madam city clerk and colleagues if you don't mind tonight i will kickoff this for xirdz one i want to say that? been an honor and privilege to work with you and side supervisors four years obviously worked hard and got elected together with a first term your work prior to coming on the board of supervisors fighting for workers rights and communities and as someone that is firm and strong but also works with folks he respect you, you are affairs and extremely decent human being so i'm definitely going to miss you and i want to give credit on our work on continuous to make sure
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we funded free city college and finance laws and over the course standing in solidarity and unity in a manner working to bring the community together so we can support each other to keep people safe thank you. we commend you the entire board of supervisors have a resolution that commended and honor your serve on the board of supervisors and hear from the colleagues but thank you, for you service and will be missed i know we're continuing to work together in the future thank you, supervisor mar. >> supervisor chan. >> thank you supervisor walton for kickoff the remarks and
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supervisor mar not just thank you for our services as our district four supervisor but a leader in the chinese community and since your days and director for the chinese progressive association and more importantly it is role our leadership for the workers the workers couldn't have a voice because they couldn't speak the language or culture barriers you've done that a 50 very long time for chinese immigrant and moving with your works for justice and continue to fight for our community and really is role the workers are most humble we're grateful and today is it is definitely better i wouldn't call it bitter but now not continuing to service with you
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on this board because i think that today with all this with the twitters and displacing and laying off the janitors and all the issues that came before us remind for me how critical your role on the board of supervisors and how much i was hoping to continue to serve with you and critical our vote and voice and leadership has been for me as most junior supervisor on this board i'm grateful to you for your friendship and our partnerships in serving chinese americans and asian-american when we faced hate and attacks you've shown especially for the community with our leadership and without doubt that your
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someone have been someone i can go to whenever challenges facing our community with the api equitable fund for our community we soufr with the minority mix and so many lower-income very lower-income families not just amongst the asian-american but with the asian american pacific islanders families that constantly are under attack because the minority mix but you stepping forward and supported the api equitability fund but our accomplishment are so many more and colleagues commending you so i'm grateful but also think i lord to seeing you all
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our accomplishment all have in many more years to come i don't think you're leadership ends here but not always have to run for office so serve and a leader i look forward to working with you. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor chan. >> supervisor melgar thank you, supervisor walton i share from my colleagues supervisor chan fairness you're leaving supervisor mar and have been a damn good supervisor for district four and our immediate neighbor to the west i see the routes of our labor from the sunset to the sunset, you know, farmer's market to see south to,
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you know, pedestrian safety in the neighborhood way i can go on and on mothering just that but small things just inner can have of your attention to the details and quality of life for your neighbors. and i so predictive of our effort and a.d. mri of our effort and have to say i really appreciated working with the staff in the chambers so also staff was no longer in- we love it we're wonderful and great to work when i on you and i have common each other and working together with the workers rights have no doubt all still be serving district 4 in fact, i'm counting on it still
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involved in serving district 4 so we can have a corrective agenda and keep on working for workers and community. >> legislative chamber, room 250 - city hall, 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place, san francisco, ca. and um, forum the rights of immigrants? important we have that iron on this board this reflect the population of san francisco and i have been grateful to serve on the board and have no doubt all be involved and thank you very much for given up four years of our life for the wonderful city. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor dorsey. >> supervisor mandelman i want to thank supervisor mar for four years ago for serving excellently for working along with the staff trying to do and
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doing tonight especially you made a mark around the city's commitment to the environment to advancing is environmental agenda around transportation and um, you know, often i observed some of the things you've be able to do i wish i was doing that so um, i outcome, you know, wanted to commend and thank you for that and being could i person and someone that i could in disagreement never been personal always been like that is okay. so i issue wish you all the best you'll continue to serve for the rest of our life. thank you. >> supervisor mandelman and .
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>> commissioner chan and supervisor dorsey express any growled four leadership on public safety and role my work with you and your office on those issues preceded my time during the couple of years with the police department and had the opportunity to work with you and appreciated the excellent questions and detail you brought to things like police staffing and violence during a time was, you know, joined the police department two weeks before covid 19 and watched had was happening and appreciated our living room on that as well as police staffing and some of the hate crimes in the district i remember in particular i think that was the first one with the board of supervisors when they while if you could detail the
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elective to be harmonized with it and now i don't work with the police department you have the permission to carry the day but you're leadership is valued and important i hope we have the opportunity if work with again thanks so much. >> thank you and supervisor ronen well a huge loss to it board of supervisors and how this gain to selling thrilled those jobs take our time and energy i think earned you're right to give to the family i remember you best from your days of executive director with the
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association when i was a baby lawyer and i, you know, that commitment to justice has never left you it has been part of you all the time. you've been consistent and i'm role excited to see how you took our energies and experience you're next endeavor i know we'll keep in touch and thank you, for you service. >> thank you supervisor ronen. >> supervisor preston i join so many of the comments i'll say i was thinking about your accomplishment on the board usually likely a few main things i had a list of 10 things were you've done multiple legislation in each one in love ways one of
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the more prolific supervisors in terms of the range of important issues you worked on for the boards and folks touched on a lot of them and in particular work you're workers rights and veterans elevating. >> free city and to name a few stood out for me, i think as i was or not on our roll on the board and i think enjoyed working with you, you thinking about where you came to the position from and organizing and like the background like supervisor ronen mentioned that brought a unique perspective to love your work and where i
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really noticed i know a lasting impact we see evidence in the work but don't talk about the origins in san francisco and the incredible power alliance between let the record show and affordable housing. so and a lot of that is the work your work getting some planting so many seeds in our work and very deliciously roeshgz that affordable housing and fair wages and the workers are to sides of coin and it has been years and continue to grow that relationship in the housing on workers reports you worked on but really shows up in every election and every issue that comes before us and part of
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outcome what the successes we have so around affordable housing. i think are in large part because of that labor and affordable housing you have had supervisors before a major hand in crafting that and suspect you'll continue to do so though our toilet of district four thank you, supervisor mar for you friendship and also just for really being in this work i think for all the rights reasons putting your heart and goal into that and pleasure to serve with you and our constituents and look forward to continuing to work with you on all the issues we worked on together. >> thank you supervisor
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preston. >> supervisor stefani thank you, supervisor walton we spent a lot of time together on that committee and um, you know, you've been one of the strongest advocates for seniors and veterans and i've been role happy to co-sponsorship and thank you for reaching out in presidio we've the only ones through it is important to see oath supervisor there and thank you, for your commitment to the veterans and gone about the veterans for affordable housing the fact you used the facilities on property for veterans and i in san francisco also, of course, what you've done with
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the actual people to make sure they're paid fairly their deployed that work is so important i alters want to echo thank you for being a could i decent nice man, you know, and i have not been on the side of the same issue identifying never believed and oh, my god he's such a jerky never thought that and jobs are stressful and people get passionate and i hope you stick around and wish you well with our family and a break
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from all this we'll missed you thank you, for you service. >> thank you supervisor stefani and supervisor safai. >> supervisor walton and supervisor dorsey i two have enjoyed working with you and been on the budget committee our time back to the jobs for judicious was there with the generated union and doing work with the work section act and prevailing wage all that work i think that was what was annoyed burglary working with you nice to have someone that came from the labor movement i saw each and he every time the legislation you're thinking about the workers working families was important how that works as ms. calvillo and others have said not someone on my time on the board a loud advocate for veterans and people that serve
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our country in that regard so thank you for allowing me to it was fun serving with you and enjoyed you're working together and we'll continue to have ways to find work to continue to advance those causes so thank you for all you do. >> thank you . thank you. >> first of all, thank you for all the roll could i and words that yeah means a lot to me and - but i'll try to keep it concise and brief that's my identical (laughter) and been a long meeting this
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commendation is the last between our winter recess i want to start by staying a tremendous, however, to serve with the board of supervisors and really just bold brilliant and could i and creative and generally cordial body and i've learned something from all of you and each of you and had the pleasure and the privilege of working with each of you in majestic meaningful ways and all supervisors and, you know, i was regulating reflecting on once in a
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generation the emergency, you know, board has the covid 19 pandemic defined so much of my time in this office and the all we have done over the past 4 years presented unprecedented challenges i think this body role truly rose to moot in protecting public safety and pretending eviction and 123gd the economy and the future of adopt we adopted to meet the needs and acted swiftly and bravely and together and proud of our collective work to store the city through a crisis. and if it board is remembered for nothing else we'll be remind for that and hoping also remember the silver city of lincoln that
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have come in the pandemic and proved positive this city can do things together from shared spaces to community ambassadors and more. and while the pandemic shaped our work we didn't loss so i get of other challenges we're facing the murder of george floyd and black lives exchanged us to think more deeply and to religious to lgbtq attracts to have a public safety in pertaining violence and aiding bigotry of any kind and our democracy is in a crisis and
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city must be a beacon for the democratic values and justice in the midst we have faced did ticking clock of climate change and climate crises and that board of supervisors have pushed posh to make climate change a reality so thank you, colleagues for all you've deposit plus a big and behold and flashy work with the everyday silent serviced virginia has been honor and privilege set the record straight with madam city clerk, and all the clerks officer and i
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had the honor to- a sfgov staff you guys are incredible with the professionalism and dedication and you allow us to do our work thank you to all of you and to deputy city attorney and the deputy city attorney that we worked on so many poise of legislation and helping us to take our policy ideas and turn it into policy legislation and why we couldn't do that and then really appreciate all the support for the budget and legislative analyst and harvey milk but campbell working on quite a few important policies and one will come out this week and dan and others for all the
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staff they provide staffing for the budget committee work. outcome and i want to thank all the public servants in the department we worked on a widow range of issues and too many to name but express my appreciation to the public servant in san francisco and then role to thank just to thanks to the organization advocates who have held us accountable and we saw some of them on critical issues tonight that is important that is where i came from that is incredibly part of my work over the last 4 years working with you all and finally wanted to outcome just thank my incredible district 4 team, you know, i had
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over the past four years i can't say enough i haven't acknowledged all the work incredible work you've done in the past four years i apologize for that but wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the staff and maybe starting with the current staff rambo the newest member and supervisor chan and just done incredible work especially supporting the small businesses and responding to our constituent acquires can be quite a lot of work you guys know and also our dedicated we really bend from dedicated policy- randolph and jeff who acted at volunteer in the office
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to roll appreciate that and then also low was important part of our staff team and important work particularly working with the communities that created the chinese district and baby quan lived in integrity 7 and grew up there an incredible part of our team and leading the work on affordable housing and development that we move forward significantly over the last four years in the sunset and allen yeah with the team from the beginning the incredible i think people have spoken about some of the major accomplishment supporting the veterans and the crime preservation through the policing act and free city college for 10 years. and then
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finally league of women voters edward wright has just yeah was my campaign manager my heros and then he's role just played an incredible roll in all the work and i did want to mention the nature policies that edward worked on because it is significant and has not gotten credit but edward with the the key political strategist for dark money and public financing 2.0 and the climate action plan work with the decarbonization and later the great highway park like a special role special and
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end by role thanking my family and starting with my brother the first real supervisor supervisor dorsey and incredible and any wifi and daughter lord to the unexpected opportunity to spend a lot of time with my family especially any daughter is graduating from high school optimums i want to make somehow closing remarks i reflected often this and graph to have the opportunity in the sunset and i started this journey start to run for district 4 a few members of the board told me what couldn't be done and a labor
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organizer and leader and we couldn't win and spent 4 years chief executive officer and changing the trajectory of the sunset and challenging has considered potential for this in the city and while we feel short of winning a second term we got done and i'm doping proud of our record and accomplishments and i did want to summarize in my own words when i took office had the worst housing production record losing more affordable housing than built and we spearheaded the first homelessness and supportive housing in the
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district and the first affordable housing perspective acquisition and broke ground 0 on the future housing property and had the vision to create the sunset chinese are culture and the great highway and outer sunset and climate action plan plan for district had their fair share of the money and the dark money disclosure nomination and free city college and let the record show rights for hundreds of thousand ever workers and community policing and report on hate crimes and pass groundbreaking policy and our time is not coming to a close sunset will help to forward the projects mobility study
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including a new community shuttle and our climate action plan plan will move forward and to join us on promenade on sunday to continuing the weekend walkway. >> continue the holiday season and we'll have e bicycle santa clause you want to end by saying i love this role and work more hopeful than ever. as an organizer and activist for decades i know it is owes to be generated to see government as a vehicle but i'm confident than i was four years ago in the ability of government to be a force and to curtail government overreach to write laws and i do having said that, want to
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acknowledge and thank the oasis shelter family twoertd janitor it showed up to share their stories and remind us of the challenges and clothes e colleagues, any work fighting formal working people in process began when i entered this office and not ending so for many, many years and i'm not going anywhere to i work for a economy and liveable planet and will continue thank you, been a great honor thank you,
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(clapping.) thank you, supervisor mar you are a class act and city clerk and 50 and then on item 50 and then take a picture in the well. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> and supervisor mar, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor peskin, aye. >> xheshgd, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 11 i's.
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>> (clapping) all right. madam city clerk, do we have any imperative items. >> none to present. >> please today's meeting many in memoriam of following individuals on behalf of supervisor mandelman for the lace co-counsels is on above the supervisor mar and supervisor peskin for michael and on behalf of supervisor peskin francis collins and supervisor mar for the last scott. >> madam city clerk, any more business before today? >> that concludes our business for the elective session. >> thank you. madam city clerk and may the spirit of holiday be
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