tv SFUSD Board Of Education SFGTV December 31, 2022 6:00am-10:01am PST
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>> the regular board meeting of tuesday, december 13, 2022. roll call, please. [roll call] >> okay. at this time, before the board goes into closed session, i call for any speakers to the closed session items listed in the agenda. there be a total of five minutes for speakers. are there any speakers for public comment? >> we have no in person public comment speakers. and i am
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seeing no virtual public comment speakers. >> thank you. and at this time, i'd like to closed session, in matrs, the board gave direction to general council in the matter of s darlene m, onya versus sfusd, superior case number, the board by vote of 6 ayes, one ab isn't to pay up to stipulated amount. opening items are land ak novemberments. we are acknowledge that we're on the unseated homeland of
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original inhabitants. they have never seeded lost or forgotten the responsibilities of the care takers of this place. as for all people who reside in their traditional territory. as guests we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ramotosh community and by affirming their soverne rights as first people. now you would like to move to the approval of first minutes october 25, 2022. >> so moved.
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>> second. >> sorry, november 15th, as soon as i said it i realized it was november 15th. it's been moved and seconded. roll call vote please. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander. >> yes. >> price president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner sanchez, wiseman ward. >> president lam. >> yes. >> 7 ayes, 6 ayes, sorry. >> thank you, i do want to note that i'll be moving action j to follow public comment. please note and i'll turn it
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over to dr. wade for superintendent report. >> fwaod evening, everyone. i want to start off talking about an important topic that the slides says health and safety but it's also about rebuilding and maintaining trust with our community. so we've been talking a lot in our last board meeting, we had a long discussion about our goals for student learning. but our foundation is to safe learning environment need to be healthy. and we, have been working hard to make sure that has happened. and i know over the years, the board has seen and addressed some of the issues. for example, point a vista, i know the community advocated for recognizing needs in a facilities and the board responded with being able to
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authorizing moving forward with mod modernization and to do that, we need to do work to assess the site. and there may be safety issues and that is incredibly learning when we have students at a school. because even though what prompts is our efforts to want to address student safety, we have students in the here and now and we need to take action whatever necessary to ensure that they're safe. i had a chance to talk to the community and hear where concerns and hear the keshz in a moment but also the concerns with what how we have addressed thaoz issues in the past. and so i shared with them, that what they should expect and the standards that i hold myself and our leadership team and the board of education is holding me to, is being transparent,
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accountable for following up the visible and responsive. and so, we have been working to do that in addressing these issues. so we're, buena vista wore doing soil testing where we found lead in the soil and we've been responding by fencing off the area and collaborating with the health department and implementing additional testing. and additional testing that's demonstrated we may need to take additional actions as well. so tonight we're bringing forward and you'll see later an emergency contract so we can move as quickly as possible. so i do want to recognize that when we're sharing information, when you're a parent and i'm a parent, and you hear there may be a safety issue at your school, all you want to hear is that tt going to be fixed. so wore doing our best to fix it can we're committed to that transparent communication about our progress and doing so. but i want to acknowledge how
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difficulty the situations are but share what you can and should expect from us as wore working to address them. let's see here. it didn't move the first time. okay, go to the next slide. so recently, last week recelebrated inclusive schools week. and this is such an important time to celebrate practices that are happening all year. when i introduced myself as a community, one of the first schools in new york that had an inclusion program. so i had special education students in my class rom examine know how important it is to provide the students the opportunities to be with their peers and be included. so each year in san francisco we have an annual event to
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celebrate the progress the schools have made. and our students recognize, and language preference and other factors. and in this year, schools include inclusivity, there were student wide events following sit in advocating for disability rights. so i'm proud that we use this week to celebrate our inclusiveness and recognize that it needs something that happens all year. so if you go to the next slide. i know there is been a lot of buzz around football in the area. and with the promise of championships but i'm not talking about the 49ers, we delivered on a promise for championship, our own lincoln high school won the 7-a championship it's their third state championship. let's give them a big round of applause. yeah.
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so they defeated the crenshaw cougars 54-6, did you say is that your. yeah, go mustang. and kids our city, we're really proud of their athletic accomplishments and also how they work together as a team to work together in success. and just want to end, we're in the holiday season and we know there is a lot of school activities but i was very appreciative, we're at the district office, they're choir came down to celebrate some of their holiday cheer and singer with us here at the district office. i want to share a brief excerpt of their performance. [music]
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answer was the hot chocolate and cookies but then i asked what they learned in choir. and they responded learning music and how to work with the conductor so i appreciate the teacher for leading the group and i wanted to bring some holiday cheer with the board, that concludes my report. >> thank you, dr. wayne. i would like to have our student delegate give their delegate report. >> thank you, president lam. we want to congratulate those who submitted applications. >> we know that a lot of seniors have more applications due to the new year but we hope that you have a restful break and good luck with their finals and congratulate everyone with making it through the fall
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semester, thank you. >> thank you. i would like to now go to the pay roll state of emergency update. dr. wayne. >> thank you, since declaring the state of emergency i committed to providing an update at every board of education meeting. i wanted to provide first an overview what is happening and highlight progress in a few key areas. as well as share where there is still concerns. and so, if you go to the next slide. you know, so a lot has happened since declaring the state of emergency, you can see the list here. i want to highlight first just the work our case managers are doing. we assigned staff recognizing we're in a state of emergency and this is a priority. they received training and really helping us to accelerate respond to go issues and closing, we've been able to
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close over 2000 tickets over the past 30 days. and also, we committed to providing on going communication. so we're doing weekly update with our staff and our power sf website. so you can see metrics of how wore doing and resolving tickets as well as in addressing the number of impacted employees. and there is a lot of work to be done at a stabilize the system. so we're mapping out what the next 90 days look like. i did want to speak to two issues of particular importance, there we go. and so one is, related to health benefit. every employee needs to have access to their health benefits. and we heard that people were not able to access their health benefits. and we don't administer the health benefits, the city service system is the one that
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administers it. so when we learned that people were not getting their health benefits, we were collaborated with them and met with them to identify the issue. and then address the interface issues that lead to that. however it has meant that there is still people who may not have access to their health benefits. so we've been meeting with the executive director and team to determine who those people are and really restart their benefits. they recognize that they're in a state of emergency. they created a dedicated phone line for sf u.s. d employees. so we have the number on the screen. and the director herself has been very supportive said, when you receive an email of somebody who does not have benefits, please forward it to us so we can investigate it right away. they understand our top
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priority is to restore benefit immediately. that's one issue, another issue frustrating for staff, is their ability to contribute to their retirement. that was an issue with our, with the software provider, you may have heard me say that sfp we got escalated to their global escalation team. so they have people onsite and working on our staff, we're able to resolve the system issue, we now have resolved the issue going forward but we know the people are negatively impacted. so we had a clinic and we're still allowing employees to contribute if they want to contribute anything before december. then lastly, in the spirit of transparency when i talk about we're making progress but there are still challenges. we're working at our end of year preparation. and this is important that
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we're, you know, getting, making sure the system is accurate information, pay and contributions and implementing and testing the system so when we mail out the tax information that people need, it's accurate. sol that way we we're going to need, we have a day-to-day plan for how to close the year out. but we're still going to be proactive in communicating what to expect from that and what to do. so these are definitely, these are three issues that are on top of mind for employees, so i wanted to provide an update. and you can look on our website on our dashboard to see how we're doing with our overall progress. and i'll conclude, to conclude, now it's not going again. can you go to the next slide?
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there we go, so i do want to say as we get to the end of before winter break, we moved up to the time for time sheets, we don't want anybody submitting time sheets after they go on break. they're due on december 16th and if people need support for understanding their pay stub, we have a portal for that. i did talk to employees and some staff about their pay stub, they were able to find some information they were asking for and for me to talk to the team how we can strengthen the communication around. here's how the pay stubs are work. we have others available and we'll continue communicating on this topic, that concludes my report. >> thank you, dr. wayne. and now i would like to go to advise recommittee reports and appointments. we are going to have the board
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of education appointment to election commission. dr. wayne? >> thank you, so the elections commission is a committees commission that the board has a seat that they can appoint to member. so in the past, they have appointed commissioners to this commission. and we looked into what the process had been and it was just a board member to share who they thought they were going to, might do well serving on this commission. so for this time, the appreciate the board leadership gave the whole board an opportunity to, to reach out to their network and consider who might be a good candidate to be a commissioner. we did make the application available on our website for anybody na is interested but this is a board nomination to
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committee that is a city commission. so it's not one that is going to impact district operations. so with that, i believe we received an applicant that is being broad forward for approval to be on the elections commission. >> so we recommend we appoint mitchel pork ir to the commission. i want to know if there is a second. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you so many, is there public comment?
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>> no in-person public comment. for virtual participants please share if you would like to share public comment on this item. le seeing two hands raised, so, seeing one hand raised. sarah? >> speaker: hi, i'm a substitute teacher at sfusd and do empower sf. >> i'm so sorry to interrupt you, right now we're on the elections commission item. >> speaker: my bad. >> we do need to take our public, i'm sorry, we didn't are we taking public comment? >> i will go back, sorry. >> okay, you will have one minute go ahead, please. >> speaker: hi >> go ahead. >> i'm so sorry, it was my
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error, i did not call for public comment after dr. wayne's presentation. so what we will do is we will finish this item on the agenda, we'll go through the advisory report and then i will go back and reopen public comment for the empower update. my sincere apology. >> seeing no public comment on this item. >> thank you, mr. boggess do you have a comment. >> i want to appreciate president lam and staff for pulling this process together. even though i did review the application and was in support of recommending moving this candidate forward, i woke up
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this morning with hesitation around the process and even though i did agree with this process and approve the candidate through this process, i think i just woke up with a change of heart seeing what has been happening with the election commission and decisions that are being made on that decision regarding with its leadership and it may be more helpful for us to have a broader process that really incorporates a little bit more of our school community into the decision of who we appoint for this. so i'm just in indicating that i will not be supporting the recommendation coming from board leadership. but also i want to indicate that it's not a reflection on the qualification of the candidate or their fit to serve on this role really related to our different processes we move forward. thank you.
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>> thank you, at this time roll call vote. >> some clarity, i'm confused about what was on going. i thought board leadership was recommending this candidate. i'm confused? are you all suggesting a different process? president boggess. >> so i'm not regularing a different process but i'm voting no on this recommendation even though i'm one of the people who made the recommendation and that is why it is confusing. yeah, no, let me clarify and i really as i woke up this morning, just kind of a change of heart as far as the process but not the candidate but i want today celebrate and explain my vote and my positioning.
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ms. hansen. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander. >> yes. >> vice president. >> no. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner matabni. >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. >> 5 ayes, 1nay. >> i would want to recognize, we don't want to make our educator and talkers wait longer, since that was my oversight. at this time, for public comment on the empower update. >> so we have no in-person, please raise your hand if you care to speak in the empower access, each speaker will have
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one minute and i will call speakers in groups of three. sarah? >> speaker: i hope this is right time to share this. i'm losing my health insurance because of power mistake i reached out and gotten no response. i reached out to the board of supervisors. and it had to do with last year of losing my cta district on them. so my husband had to pay $500 a month. health insurance and we don't have money. i'm working for the district now. nobody has reached out to me, and i'm heartbroken. i worked since 2001 for the
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district and i've had health insurance for a decade or more. >> thank you. >> can we get her contact information? can you give her your contact please. >> yes, sarah are you still there? >> speaker: i'm still here. >> i'm going to give you my email address and can you send me your contact information and we'll get you connected with folks, with the superintendent who can support, folks who can support. >> speaker: okay. >> b like boy, a like apple, r like red, i like indigo, ll, s like sam, a as apple as sf u.s.
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>> first name alicia last name is bariyas. b.a.r.l.i. r.a.s. >> speaker: appreciate that, thank you. it's giving my a contact number and i get no response. >> and i'll say, usually when people are making public comment. if you can say your full name we can find you at particularly if you've emailed, we can find the name. so-- >> speaker: my name is sarah aminof and the cta dues weren't paid. >> sorry to interrupt, that is helpful, we'll follow-up. >> speaker: thank you very much.
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>> thank you. >> sally sarah and virginia marshal. shelley, go ahead please. >> speaker: thank you, i'm going to speak very quickly. i'm showing shelley secretary of sfusd and senior court elementary. i'm calling in today while suffering from severe vertigo that benefits and labor is intolerable to not just me. >> i'm so sorry to interrupt, you cannot go that fast for interpretation, that is slaoully correct. >> speaker: to advise you that the situation with the command
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center dot, assume an resources benefits and labor is intolerable to not just me, not just sfusd but to all employees of sfusd of all the trouble tickets the emails my responses and unaccept responses which i received regarding the disposition most all of the tickets which i had placed and not on my behalf but on behalf of all the unions will be sent to the superintendent and all board members at the conclusion of this meeting for your reference. the rush to close tickets without solving the issue is appalling. we're given four days to respond about a trouble ticket. otherwise the ticket is closed out and the maker will have to make a new ticket and start over. i'm going to ask about one issue. >> i'm sorry to interrupt that is your time. thank you.
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sarah? >> speaker: hi i'm sarah masskin i'm a public school teacher i teach in a laboring districts and i have called many times to express my concern and outrage honestly over the empower fiasco while i appreciate what you're doing, i plea to the actual observer this is a litany of jargon and as teacher and parent, at this point people just want to know how this is going to be fixed. this has been, this has lasted so long and it just, it's begin
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to go be ridiculous at this point. when i'm hearing all of these stories of teachers suffering and not getting paid properly and having benefits messed around with, i appreciate the, i appreciate people trying to reach out. but i'm wondering of all the people who don't have time to get on this meeting and to ask for help. that's it thank you. >> thank you. >> ms. marshal? >> speaker: thank you so much, to president lam, vice president and super wayne, ladies and gentlemen, it's been almost a year since we the public have heard about this disaster with the pay roll. it has gotten any better. i don't know what you need to do but you need to do something, every week, a board meeting already hearing and hearing and here and nothing is solved.
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and thank you president lam, i was about to email or something whenever an educator comes to you all for help, stop the meeting and let them go as you just did. whenever a student comes down for help, let them go. without the students you have no job. please fix it, we need to go in the holiday season and still have folks who have not been paid. it's unacceptable it will be a year as soon as i start making these comments. and i'm just doing comments. this is me, not being paid as an educator. unacceptable. so please do something, do not go on your christmas winter break until you get everybody paid. they can be paid. >> thank you, ms. marshal, thank you. >> okay, next group is ms. b
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and ms. crisscross, go ahead please. >> speaker: hello good evening, can you hear me? >> yes, we can hear you. >> speaker: wonderful, i just wanted to amplify what one--the previous callers called in. for the last four months, i just been hearing people tell their stories and we treat them as their individual issues. if you have time how to sit in these meetings and tell your story, you will get support and perhaps, somebody will address your issue. you should not have to call in to tell your story publicly o to have help come to you. it's a systemic problem, it continues. i just got two tickets that were quote resolved from august and july. i don't know how they were
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resolved, apparently they're closed tickets, and i'm not sure which of the many tickets i have opened. and when people say, give us your name so we can help you, that's just putting people against each other. we all need help. thank you. >> thank you. >> speaker: hi i'm chris i'm a special education teacher at washington high school. i'm calling in because i have two help tickets that i received emails about, saying oh your request has been updated. and normally that happens, i get nosing and see what the update is in, and on both of these, all the update said your request has been updated. and i reply to both asking what the update is and i have received no response so i still
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don't know what is going on. i have not bothered to call the call center because i have had multiple colleagues come in and one come in while i have students working independently and they wanted to check in with me because they were on hold with the call center and it hung up with on them after less than a minute on hold multiple times. and i'm hearing stories from other people who are on hold for hours or don't get a sponsor answers by calling. so it's not something that i felt like devoting a lot of time to. and the last thing i wanted to say, for everyone who has called in to support the employees of sfusd and educators, thank you, it's not just educators it's everybody being impacted. >> thank you, that is your time. thank you. next group it will be charles,
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michael and malia. again that's charles, michael and malia. go ahead please. >> speaker: thank you, i'm curious if an audit will be conducted from outside group and to see what happened and to see what went wrong with empower. why this contract chosen? was didn't the system run parallel to the old system to make sure that it worked? please consider hiring an outside auditer so others don't have to suffer this again, thank you. >> thank you. >> michael. >> yes, hello i'm going to
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continue shelley wiener's comment. since april i asked that empower sf be fixed to reflect some of the requirement of the two unions approved by the board of ed in january 22 which confirmed that the district will provide five dis additional sick week and ten additional sick days for actually coming down with covid-19 or caring for a sick chide of covid for a total of 15 days. empower sf has only shown the ten days. employees have used sick time vacation time personal time or gone without pay because the five days were missing. who is going to audit all of these errors to make the employees whole? i was told that the ten sick days were all that were given. this is a direct contradictions to the mous.
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when i wanted to point out to the command folks to read the mous i noticed that they were all taken down from the website so they had no point of reference. that was unacceptable. >> thank you. malia. >> speaker: hi, my name is mali i'm a senior at the school for the orts. i wanted to express my support for the native american programming that we've been able to receive at our school. i've been able to participate in some of the summits and in the native american. thank you so much. >> thank you, malia. that does conclude the public comment.
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>> she can speak to that after, now that we're going toup community updates. >> that concludes public comment for the empower payroll state of emergency update. i would like to go to agenda f and now i would like to have the education program advisory report, i would like to call on helen p*edfor access and equity.
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>> good evening, thank you everyone for being here. we're going to be projecting in spanish, it looks like the english version is up. and we brought some translations, we also loaded them to board docs in english. so right now i'll just go ahead and introduce our panel, this is blanco gonzalez, here. >> hi my name is blanca gonzalez, i work in the san francisco unified school district. >> i work in migrant immigration program my name is blanca gonzalez. >> thank you. >> speaker: [speaking spanish]
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>> thank you. >> speaker: thank you, i want to congratulate my former supervisor and my old colleagues and especially special education colleagues. thank you for all that you do. going that extra step to reach our students who need the help the most. they're language barriers and job bearers for their parents but you go out and leave the bushes to find these students and not rolled in that program and that's a great program. i always tell our students, when you bite into the apple from the cafeteria and from youer home and many times,
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should be in the classroom. thank you for your great work. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you ms. marshal. that does conclude virtual comment for this item. >> thank you, commissioners? >> thank you all so much for being here and for your presentation i'm going to ask my questions in spanish and then in english. [spanish]
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the hay stack and parents tell us, we're parents, we're farmworkers. at different schools buddhist has changed so much. we're now the old lady who come to young people. so we're trying to rebuild contact. but it's very difficult to find our students and we only get eligibility for three years and every three years, they have to go again examine work in the field or lose their eligibility.
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>> that is suppose to be turned in to epc to every family that comes to the district and then they send the forms back to us and if there is, even the slightest hint that they have done some kind of work, blanca calls them and they goes through all the questionnaire and that's how we find families, is through that little piece of paper.
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>> we can only serve those families that do qualify through the migrant education program with a federal funds. right now we're fientding a lot of newcomers and they send them all to the migrant office. so we don't say no, we help them as much as we can refer them to programs. but we cannot work with them one on one.
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you should come to the office, it's like their house. blanca is the auntie and brenda on maternity leave, that tells us. we have grand a on the tn and then helen who just the best supervisor we can. >> sorry to cut you off, i just wanted to add that our services because it's a federal grant, we can't cut into the core of the regular school day, what the district offer. that's why we do after school summer school, breaks, things like that, other kinds of services too that we can help their experience overall.
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>> good evening, everybody. we're incredibly happy to be speaking with you today. thank you. our beautiful program was established in 1971 waz a title 6 program that supports the cultural needs of american indian alaskan native community. we offer tutoring, cultural workshops such as beating and making. none of which would be possible without the tremendous support of our community partners which include the american indian cultural center, the friendship youth program. the native american health center and the american indian cultural district. and most importantly, our parent advisory committee.
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>> good evening can i'm lisa miller and the chair for education parent advise row committee. to my left, is shama our secretary and we have a student representative that is miley dean and a parent representative that is also with us today, her name is britney bureaus. >> good evening, the american indian community has been dis en franchised historically continuinging with the establishment decide to kill the indian and save the man, as well as simulation programs. more recently we've seen increased in native american and alaska representation at the state and federal levels of government with active legislators, members of congress and secretary of
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interior and national park director chuck sams. locally the community has experienced the success of indian culture center in 2017, removal of both pioneer and columbian statue as well as somber success being designated as missing and martyred awareness day in san francisco. we've endured the challenge voting to remove or cover the racist murals in washington only to have the board that sits before us, reverse course when faced with a lawsuit and vote to overturn the decision in may of this year. without the desent see of resulting our top students or families. we had to find out in the media, next slide please. some of the challenges are student faith with regard to educational success included the highest suicide rate. the lowest graduation nationwide our families also
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suffer the highest unemployment rates and 17 more times to be homeless. in schools our school endure racism, loss of indigenous languages and lack of representation and ca rick luce and further insulting on a basic level our community does not get recognized from their schools and native american heritage month. they also experience closure erasure by not having--included. our program successes include an age development which was developed by our intern and approved by our inmate. this past summer, we had 35 in our programming called many weighs of knowing. we also had our first four week workshop. fourth great curriculum was approved and piloted to teachers in may.
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this year we also held our first native american month celebration which was a city wide events. we held 6 native culture workshops school of the arts for our celebration summit. we removed out reach to 40 schools informing them about november being native heritage month and what that means to us. thank you. thank you milli. >> native narrative was passed last january. resolution consist of 19 items and supports the native community. the first being a strategy for students and community help.
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followed bit agreement to remove all text and promise to update curriculums. this year, we made great strides in several items, the first being the initial meeting with the facilities team to identify the cost of displaying the land acknowledgment on every site as agreed upon on items 5 and 6. in the resolution, item 15 we made progress in identifying students. now having the 505 foamseder in the page. as well as our indian ed website page. this may we piloted, our approved history curriculum. and sadly we have not seen much improvement in the removal versus imagery of especially the george washington mural. that being said, i would love to introduce our youth intern samantha.
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>> hi my name is samantha and i'm a senior and my tribe is navajo and apache. to rewrite elementary schooler to better understand. it was voted to be displayed to schools resolution number 5 and 6 adopting and displaying the land acknowledgment. this should be at all schools. it's important that you learn this at a young age to they're educated about the land that they stand on. we indian program understand that san francisco is still the program of san francisco people. as a native american care takers, they have never given away, lost or forgotten the responsibility as care takers of this land. as bay area residents, we recognize we benefit from living and learning on the land. we like to recognize the entire community and the status of their first people.
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please support the acknowledgment and have it displayed at all schools. i would love to see this happen before i graduate. thank you. >> i'm gabriel, i'm in 9th grade and my tribe is pomol. >> my name is mitchell and my tribe is navajo we'll talk about heritage month, because of how they try to erase our culture and way of life. this will help the new generation experience a joy and importance of heritage. it's importance to practice our culture by dancing and making jewelry. up in, press farm, 1830s, residential schools are open and taking children and forcing
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them to give up all practices. >> and if shown defiant the children were met with brutal beatings causing generational trauma. >> even though we're at a point where we're more accepted. >> next year, we hope that all schools will celebrate native american heritage month, thank you. >> hell eye aim a raymond in sophomore in tribe high school my name is--in 2019, the edge racing board passed covering of
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the george washington mural. this year the board of education dismissed the removal without consulting sf u.s. d meeting in a closed door meeting. excuse me? the mural is still shown in george washington high school and walking inside the enter rabs of my school, show this image to young adolescent because it glorified genocide other people. this is mural is disrespectful for those who fought for our land that we're still on. i believe the mural should be taken down because it portrays white supremacy and disrespectful to indigenous people. i hope this is taken down before i graduate. thank you for your time. >> good evening, so our
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community is asking that there is a recommitment, we ask that there is a meeting with the superintendent to facilitate successful of the resolution item. we would like you to prioritize removal including the racist imagery and unwelcoming to our native children. we ask that there is an increase visibility and updated curriculum that prioritize the indian community. we ask that you provide advocacy and placement for native students, hiring examine retention of native american alaska native and californian native teachers in the school district. we ask for an immediate commitment to increase and sustain the education program. and to support and providing insurance for cultural barriers and program consultants. thank you.
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>> good evening, show me some way, my name is paloma flores, many have seen me in the past prior to my role with district established march 31, 2020. you heard the truth, none of this is new. the support that resolution of reclaiming american indian narrative, passed almost three years ago, yet of the 19 points much has yet to be made similar to the needs of this community. i'm here to also say, support the removal of that racist imagery, during the public hearings it said that it was used as a teaching tool, teach the truth, teach the curriculum
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required in california, as of october of this year, assembly bill 1703 establishes the indian act to encourage local educational agency to see form indian task forces with california indian tribes, local toll their region and establish reporting regardings applicable to the task force. the task forces are encouraged to discuss issues of mutual concern and to work to do the following. develop a thorough share of accurate high curriculum about the history culture and government of local tribes and use within educational agencies that include triebl experience and teach about the history and government of local tribes. support, events that honor american indian, culture celebrate the legacy and the truth.
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last year, december 2021, sota high school did what no other school site has ever done. they held the first-ever native american taj day that would not have been possible. it took the students and their courage to put that forward. support our students, we're still here and we're always going to be here, thank you. >> thank you. and each person will have one minute. >> rosio, i just wanted to say first of all, that i want to thank all the students who have been presenting tonight. it's very braid to present before elders. and i want it to say that all of our us, have responsibility
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to remember that the first nation people's poem, the first people of this land are still here. and one of the main goals of the pack and everything else is to make sure that teachers also are aware that we are still here. we are not a race and that's got to be taught to everyone. thank you. >> i'm papi i'm a past sfusd i graduated in 2020, i'm a third
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of university of california berkeley. i would not be at berkeley if it was not for the effort of indian education program coming to my life at a young age. really put in perspective what it means to be a urban native women, giving us opportunities, abilities to you know, be in contact with cultural activity, beading and art making. the programming that indian ed does is very important and also indigenous and native coaddition recruitment coordinator. i've been in contact about coordinating more programming since the native celebration where we brought an artist to perform. it's just a cool event to see interacting and knowing that yes, we're still here. thank you.
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>> hello i'm roggan, i'm here to talk to you about the clearly and blatant' macist murals that have been displayed in the george washington. i have not in-person, have seen he's murals but i've seen pictures and i'm shocked that they're still there. maybe it's naive but i thought we reached a point where we can recognize racism and not only refuse to take action but undo action already being taken. so i would like you to think about that. thank you. >> hello i'm a current senior and i would like to further adjust the mural. the mural are incredibly offensive.
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in position of power while putting down students of color. of removing or covering the mural prioritize money over the best interest of their students. that showcase their enslaved ancestors on the walls. this year, i founded the indigenous multi cultural club to create a safe place and stand up for issues that we face including the murals. when i imagine the programming that we have at existing at other schools in the district, i cannot imagine being taken seriously at washington high school when the murals sit proudly on their walls. they counter everything that we are fighting to accomplish and they must be taken down. thank you.
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>> speaker: hello, i'm malia, i want to express my support for the indian program to exist at my school. i hope this programming is expanding to schools in the district. it has been invaluable to see what it does for the community and indigenous community. the removal of mural at george washington high school. i think of the mural that exist in the school of arts which are colorful and express creativity, my heart goes out to students who have to walk every day. that does not create a welcoming and conducive environment to learning. there was a way to teach history. thank you.
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>> thank you. >> ms. marshal. again i want to commend my former colleagues, thank you to the new director, thank you to the old director paloma. paloma accountser the year that we created this program, your opening ceremony was phenomenal, spiritual, i can still feel it and see it. we did not have these programs. it was my honor to take the washington murals with you. and i'm sorry that the board retracted on what they were going to do. i hope they take the murals down. now i want to commend the stud
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entsds today who spoke tonight. excellent job, a shay and please continue the great work. >> thank you. >> ms. b. >> speaker: thank you, i want to appreciate and acknowledge the tremendous physical labor enacted over so many time by these young people and elders can go for something now decades. and having it taken away several times. my hope is that this board ends that a land acknowledge in solidarity with native
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communities is deeply embarrassing and offensive. thank you. thank you. that concludes. >> thank you so much, i would like to open for commissioners and questions and comments. commissioner hsu? >> thank you. i certainly was not here when all the discussion buzz the george washington murals had gone on and resolution was passed. but i was here to overturn or to draw up the washington murals. i would like to just convey that it's good to hear directly from the students. it's good to hear about your perspective and i want to highlight that people know about the washington murals. but maybe, not many people know
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that the artist painted in the african-american and native american images as a way to challenge the glorification of george washington, the artist sub mers i havely painted so tt not all about the glorification of george washington and tram pg over the native americans and african americans. and i also wonder if people know which is in the main entrance of washington high school, there are three response murals. each highlighting african-american and native american and asian americans. that was painted by an artist in the 70s. i believe it was the 1970s as a
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response to the george washington murals next door. and they do celebrate the native americans and asian americans and their role. so i would like people to know some context of the mural itself. and some history and i think it's very educational to have both of them up. if you take down the mirrors, the response murals make no sense fm it's an educational opportunity and we as a school district should really take this opportunity to educate not just the students but the community about those murals. >> commissioner boggess.
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>> thank you, thank you so much for your presentation. really appreciate you having you come and hearing the voices of the students and families who are part of our district. and important that the board take action. i think i also just want to acknowledge like the pain that people are feeling from the murals and i think from the lack of representation, if that they see at their school sites and the nations that they represent. and that we as a district can do better that we're struggling in a lot of areas when it comes to student groups. supporting them to be successful and seeing themselves in the district and just really want to be allied
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and figure out how we can continue to make this a point of emphasis and really engage as we try to make these improve manies as we move forward over the course of the year. so we don't have you waiting and thank you so much and a lot of appreciation and a lot of empathy for your what you're experiencing and going through. and the students that students are dealing with every day. >> commissioner wiseman ward. >> thank you all for the presentation especially thank you to the students that are here. i know tt the last day before holiday break and many of you are getting ready for holiday break. one of the points that vice
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president bogus mentioned back of representation. the data, the high level data. so i'm wondering what would it take for on our end us to understand what the numbers look like not just for our student body but also our staff? because we know representation matters. we know it matters, to be able to be in a building and see educators that may have similar lived experiences or similar experiences. i'm wondering what would it take for hr or data team to understand what our student provial looks like so we can be more intentional how we're supporting the work of the district.
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>> thank you that would be helpful. >> this is a complicated questions because there has been hundreds of years before us in which people have been removed from their land. and describes have ended, the same government that endorsed these murals that we know quite about and we did quite a bit of study on the campus to understand what the perspective was at that time and realizing that we're in a different time now. such as thed pioneer statute and that's how we feel as native people. now going back to the question about numbers. there are people who recognize through tribal a feelation that are still recognized by the
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state government and others who have not, that has been eliminated such as what happened in los angeles and tongan people their rights taken away from them for ideaologies and practices. it's complicated, they don't is a private or affiliation number anymore. this is to federal practices of removing indian people from themselves. i don't know if we want to get
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into a longer discussion about this, it's not so easy but we have people who have self identified and people who complete the 506 federal form who still have tribal names a feelation and numbers. so the last we saw we were 700 plus students self identified in the city. and i know that organization at the stow have a larger count of native people in the city who are not previously counted for the things that i shared with you previously. yeah, we're happy to talk more about this. tt been a process of removing the indian even from the indian, thank you. you're asking about when we share about the data around
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different metrics, aggregated. we do dis a greated data by native american and for our native american students on the achievement data. i'm not sure on the staffing data, can we rejust released our report. >> yes, there are numbers and numbers are told too small to be counted. so therefore not reported back to us. >> i'm looking so let me follow-up on this, i'm looking at the report, that we looked at the data report, we shared from last month in november, where we do report out on american indian ornate i have. >> from the level of the district? >> yeah. >> okay, that would be great to see. >> yeah, so we'll coordinate with that. >> i know in the past, when i looked at the school site level, there is total numbers that are not for, they're population, the students roll
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numbers that below numberses to report back and it shows like an asterisk, i don't know what that is. >> statistically, what they say, the numbers are not there to be counted. tt also privacy concerns. also part of the privacy. >> so maybe at the school level, is what we're talking about. we'll coordinate, we'll do what we can to make sure we're including folks that need to be part of the conversation. >> thank you, i'm glad you raised about the data reporting
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because similar how important this dis aggregation is and i look forward to superintendent report back around his meeting to be set up with the team. a couple of other things that i recognize from the resolution that i'll also be following up with the superintendent and working with you all is on the what the students had raised on the elementary as well as the heritage month and how we can incorporate that to our calendar to look the entire academic year and recognizing those cultural importance of our students in our communities. commissioner student delegate. >> yeah, so in the program successes, it mentioned that last may they piloted the fourth grade curriculum and i
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want to know if we have a full-time line. >> this is a question for the history team, this is we're not a curriculum team, we're a student base team here. >> let me check in with the history team. >> okay, thank you again for so much for the presentation. thank you for the students recognizing that you're just into finals and we really appreciate all your work. [applause] we will now, move to public comment on non agenda items. i wanted to also acknowledge i didn't open it up because we've had public comment as a
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reminder board rules in california law do not allow board members to discuss comments or attempt to answer questions during the public comment time. if appropriate the superintendent will ask that staff follow-up with speakers. please reframe from identifying staff or students by name. and if you have a complaint about a district employee, we ask that you file a written complaint using a complaint procedure. i also want to acknowledge that detorium in this board room is actually essential. as adults we have to model dequorum in order to have respectful dialogue. profanity, name calling, personal attacks and other offensive language violate our
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shared community expectation sxz causing harm. we ask our public speakers to be considerate and to keep in mind that our students and families are in audience. and i want to publicly recognize, i apologize at our last board meeting, i did not set the tone, i did not express these principles and values and i also want to extend my apologies to commissioner hsu because we had public commenters that break these norms. and as board president, and board chair it's important to name and call out the behaviors as being unacceptable. so with that, i'll see if there is public comment on non agenda items. >> we do have in-person speakers for non agenda items.
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thank as i understand, commissioner hsu, this may be the last month with us, and i want to thank you for serving in the last nine months, our district and students. we, you know, we appreciate, i appreciate your valuing the school districts, values, diversity, inclusion and equity. and i want to encourage to continue working. so i want to encourage that and again, thank you for your service, commissioner hsu, you will be missed.
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>> speaker: hi any name is cody my kid is a kinder garner. now the regular principal is retiring abruptly it seems like something is up. have any other school leaders or admin staff left or taken extended absences this year? please look into this? i hope that is no obvious pattern. we need a principal a lot of families would love to be a part of it. thank you for your time and attention. >> speaker: so i just want to thank the president jenny lam
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for announcing the policy regarding public comment. because my child which is 8-year-old third grade, he heard what the person said. that was not the first time and i appreciate that. i'm here today, i wanted to you know, say thank you to commissioner this is her last meeting and i believe i saw alita fisher. so i wish going forward, whenever there are resolutions for our talks among commissioners, please use data and evidence to support your resolutions. less of more assumption because we have seen a lot of assumption the last couple of years and it creates a lot of frustration because parents and families will discover the data and the information that was not told to us. and it's just, you have lost
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the trust and we you to reearn our trust. thank you. >> speaker: hello i'm hear that there are still a lot of payroll problem and i hope you are working on that. the second thing i want to talk about i want to say some words of grad constituted for commissioner anne hsu for your hard work. yeah i just want to say thank you and i really really appreciate your hard work. >> okay, we'll move on to virtual comment. please raise your hand if you
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i went to the complex this coming thursday baby opera house. they have a fantastic winter wonderland for our students. at the culture center, they have all kinds of things for our students including chu chu train. i en participated and i enjoy watching the kids run down the hill to the opera house. going the extra step for our students. when i was on the committee for washington mural, not completely correct. it's like saying to me, it was not, so we met the people who did the mural at washington, we got the real truth and you did not give us the real truth. thank you so much. >> thank you.
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>> i would like to ask to make a acceptable database or a spreadsheet that will have all the most resent lead testing done at all of sf u.s. d sites. this will help alleviate public concern. to think that lead exposure which can cost physical problems including damage to the brain and the nervous system, slow growth and development and learning behavior and hearing and speech problems to think that poison would be present at a school that we trust our children to is appealing. please provide the information
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easily for the public. and you know the sf standard reported that there was in the school also. please deal with this abruptly. thank you. >> thank you. >> jenny? >> thank you, can you hear me? >> hi, i'm jenny and i'm a parent, my son is 5 years old and in winder garden. i left work early to help the school tape off all the water fountains and although i'm a practical person and i thought this is something that needs to
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be done. the bagging of the water fountain with a garden behind me, rally got to me as i'm sure you can agree this is unacceptable for any school site. i'm grateful for how quickly the superintendent and others are moving with this. thank you for opening the meeting on this. i'm encouraged. it seems like there is a plan to remove the soil. >> thank you, i'm sorry to have to interrupt you, that is your time. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> shops local four and i'm here to comment on our recently ratified contract with the district. it's been months since we analyzed and it's been approved that nothing has been done in terms of administration acting on it and filling their end of it. i know all are in process at some point of fulfillment of contracts can renewal. no one has been replied and that leads to low morale and loss of faith. so i'm asking the board and superintendent to please follow through with what they promise and agree with us on and help us restore the communication that we basically have. in this leadership, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> okay being i'll call the next group. merideth go ahead please. >> speaker: thank you for taking my comment. this is a packed agenda and also parents could not help but items that topic directed to student learning and new board of education are mostly lacking from the agenda. we know leader in the evening, you'll hear the budget report. what we don't see is how we're adjusting our budget based on our new commitment in math and career examine college readiness. thank you for that. how can they be sure that these
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goals will be affected in decision making processes. we encourage you to fix that and how our budget is matching up, thank you. thank you. >> thank you. >> todd. >> i'm a science teacher. i'm appealed i'm across the hall from one of the water fountains that tested positive for lead. and i watched dozens of students drink from it daily. causing hearing loss, anemia and opportunitied growth. 3 of 11 tested positive for lead and we need to fix this.
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first grade students add me why they couldn't play in the garden, i did not have the heart to say it's not safe. i said because you're get iting ready for him. so please fix this as soon as possible. thank you. >> thank you. >> i didn't get to speak at the end of comment so i wanted to say that i'm in support of the american indian pack as in support of the work that they've done. i just want to congratulate and the mural will be taken down at george washington, i have seen it in-person in the past. and recently and so i think
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that this is, i think that this is really important for all of our students and hope that the board will go ahead and change their mind because people still seem that. also i would like to say that website has been hard to navigate to find things of that nature. is that a way that that can be mixed, thank you. >> thank you. >> student. >> speaker: so my name a annie and i don't like how the water has poison in it and i don't like how the garden closed, because the garden is my
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favorite place. and i love it because, raspberries and they're my favorite because there is plants there and little play houses, i go under, just the garden is my favorite because, it's my favorite and there is so much in there on there and there is a animal that we get to look at. and also, i let you i have fun in the garden and i want that back i want them bad little things that in the store you'll get out. so i can play back in the garden.
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>> thank you, thank you so much. >> eric and bern he's is the first group. general mary and bernice. ri anda? >> ri anda. sam? >> i got a call today for my children that my child was identified as one of three children in rsp class but bringing pretty much a lot every day from a faucet that was tainted with lead.
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that is a phone call i got today. they never would have tested the water if it was not for us families and teachers and staff demanding the district's test the water at the scc meeting. i'm so angry my both my children had to be blood test by lead. not provided by the city and district. and it's not a response to mass poisoning, arsonic in the ground and lead in the ground should automatically cause water testing. and you all avoid systematic of the air, water soil of all of your facilities. it's a void ans, shame. thank you.
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>> eric. >> speaker: hi i'm eric and like the previous speaker, i would like to visit one of the agenda pieces, for mia loted time, i would like to highlight the commitment that is demonstrated by indigenous students and the program. just this past month, i attended the celebration on november 5th as an didge news mexican person, i find it crucial to continue celebrating celebration especially during the heritage month. and that was extremely evident during the celebration as the event was welcome to all members, native and non native. moving into the future, i would hope to see more support for the indian education program to continue pursuing project and
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campuses like the native heritage celebration. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. mary? >> good afternoon, i attempted to speak on the last issue. i'm advisory bored president for the american indian culture district. i want to say that i'm in awe of the presentation that was given. but i need to response to remarks that was made afterwards in defense the decision for the murals that was inappropriate after presentation, it was demeaning to the presentation, it was district art for what was expressed. my community and to have that
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response made, it was de defense of the decision that was made. and when we talk about the conduct, that should be up too. lift the community. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. bernice >> speaker: good evening i'm bernniece i'm a parent of two, one is graduate bbhm and one still attends. superintendent dr. wayne it was very dis ingenuous of you to start the meeting about what the district has done. sfufc testing did not return
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any concerning results. which is not true. and absolutely not true. we explained through williams, it was not until local shaming photographs that the district responded. it's also not true that the district did inspections. those are based on advocacy by hillary ronan so just the previous speaker, it's dis en genuine to say you're helping this community when you are not. you should start by saying what you don't know, before parents like me will believe that you care about the children on this side of the city. >> thank you.
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>> next is alene. >> speaker: hi, can you hear me? >> yes. >> i'm alene and i'm a parent of a kindergartner. i'm concerned about how much time we spend on talking to topic not with topic. what do we doing are learning more student learning and teacher retention. and finally i want to thank commissioner hsu, your leadership will be sorely missed. >> thank you. >> monica.
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i want to 'em fa sides a mobile clinic onsite at our school so that members can be tested for lead poisoning. it's unacceptable that the it took the pressure for a response. for anything to be done with regards to testing the water after finding lead and then, they are providing bottled water. however that is just a band-aid on a much larger issue and i look forward to seeing the water getting fixed. and hopefully soon so community members can be tested. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. >> speaker: i'm here in solidarity with the indigenous people presentation. i would like to echo the sentiment that this board commit racial violence against others by making des pagering comments, it's not the first time that this community has been attacked and the board has failed to do that. especially president jenny lam who said this is not accepted behavior but the community which continues to be constant target while others communities are supported examine protected. that's disgusting. secondly, i would like to say we will not be dealing with the baby horse man, issues that other schools across this district from the southeast side if this district had actually monitored the cboc and ensured that the money was spent correctly.
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along with schools who are having similar issues. and i think the board needs to stop about student outcome. students are not safe or help, they cannot learn. when they're getting diseases because of arsonic and other things happening. this is where students are, this is where despairing students and their parents. >> thank you. >> hi my name is m, i'm the vice co-chair for the parent advisory council, not committee. some sfu keep calling us
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committee but i want to remind everybody the council. with that i want to also make a comments about commissioners who's i guess explanation i'm not sure what to call, what the remarks are. other than offensive, we did so much research, we had so much meeting talking about george washington examine the reason why we came to the conclusion, is because some months long of research that we did. so i hair when you're saying but tt offensive because you're talking to people who are there in person, who have done the research. we know all the response mural and that mural. so please hold that wisdom that people already have around that and that knowledge and to also
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remind other commissioners who actually have that in that position. when do you plan to listen to the students. >> thank you. sorry i have to cut you off, that is your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> the next group, gale. i'm speaking tonight as a plan. i believe if we truly seek to honor the native american people, having a mural was a negative decision should not be
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allowed. our students are amazing and more than capable. these rules are not needed to remind students of same shame associated with country. we have to do better, please honor the request to have the murals removed. thank you. >> thank you. and i initially was just going to call about the important conditions at our school and the fact that the water was not tested. but i want to address the comment on student outcomes and saying that nothing in the jaentd has been about student outcome. if students have lead
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poisoning, how will their testing be. how will their test be? that is good phober student outcome including the migrant program super attorney for student outcome. thank you. >> thank you that concludes our public comment. >> we're heading into the third hour, so at this time if we heard from students, i don't see any other students in the audience and in-person.
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i want to acknowledge we also had gene speak earlier. >> if you're student and care to share public comment, and participating online, please raise your hand. seeing no hands raised. >> okay, thank you. we will now go to agenda item j for action item, 13sf year report positive fiscal certification for sf u.s. d i would like to ask for a motion examine a second. >> so moved. >> second.
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>> dr. wayne. >> so we're presenting our first interim report. this is a required report that we submit every year to the state. and it is one in a series of reports that we do on our budget throughout the year. sol the budget is approved by the board of education in june. and then there is a we did a full revise this year, because we received additional revenue. and this is the first time where we check on how we're doing and looking at our revenue. meaning we can meet our obligation and qualify or negative certification. there are aspects of our budget
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to be aware of. with that, i'm going to turn it over to anne marie, our interim officer to present the first interim report. >> can i confirm that you all can hear me okay. >> yes, we can hear you. >> thank you. good evening, everybody. as dr. wayne said i'm anne-marie gordon i'm a financial officer and this evening we'll be going through, a review of both our county and district first interim financial report. i'll be speaking to the highlights major changes and take aways as we move forward. and start looking towards our budget development process for our upcoming school year. next slide please. so as dr. wayne shared this is
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the first of two interim reports part of our annual reporting requirements. and our interim report one in december and one in march. the first period focuses on july to october of the school year. and so, the focus of first interim in most cases is changes to revenue and budget since it's relatively early in the school year expenditure trends. as i go through this, i do want to note in advance that for anyone looking, you'll see that the expenditure are very low.
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as pay roll is processes. so we did receive confirmation from cde that we could report that our first interim without having that data available. but we will be prioritizing getting payroll expenditures posted for our second interim report. and as dr. wayne said, there are three possible certifications and first interim this year for both the county and the districts, we are bringing forward a positive certification that we anticipate being able to meet
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our financial obligations this year and in coming years. this is one of the and district reports to make sure that our obligation both is clear and so for the county, we're bringing forward a positive certification. next slide, you'll see a number of tables they're all formated, like this. where they go through our kind of a different step of how we do the map to see how we're looking in terms of our budget and expenditures over the course of the year. so looking at this, for this report, i compared to our adopted budget in june.
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and beginning fund balance that is our funds that are available from prior years accumulated when you start the year. for the county, we have improved funding balance compared to our original estimate. this data comes from our unaudited actuals. looking at the revenues and expenditures, there are really only minor updates compared to the adopted budget. one note if you're looking at the county budget compared to prior years is that, in continuing to stride to differential between our county and different functions, we
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have increased our county budget to better reflect our responsibilities at the county office. so our payroll department and legal department are part of the county office budget. and one final year, you can see that we are deficit spending in our county budget. you'll see, we'll talk about this with the district as well, but that because we start off in a better place this year, we anticipate ending in a better place despite the deficit spending.
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july see that as you go through, that we will remain balances over the next two years. but deficit spending does mean that we are drawing down our fund balance, we're using the funds that we have available. so we end up, balanced but really with no room to spare in the next two years. should our revenue and expenditures grow modestly over that time. next slide thank you. so now we'll move on to the district and what you'll see as we move forward.
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is similar patterns our district is larger than the county so the numbers are much bigger but the patterns and practices are similar. so here you see the districts, unrestricted general funds. the first interim budget highlighted compared to the budget in june. and you'll see starting at the top that we have improved beginning fund balance, of about 9 million dollars and 9 million dollars improvement from what we anticipated. as we look at revenue and expenditures, you can see that our revenue does represent a significant increase from our local control formula projections. that said the 40 million dollars increase revenue has
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been offset by 40 million dollars in our budget. and this is based on negotiated salary increases with our labor partner support with consultant from empower sf, most notably a & m and in addition temporary staffing support to address additional staffing needs and on going vacancies. almost done, sorry. that's okay. so as you look one note here. that is just looking within the current year. so that 22 million dollars in red is, is deficit spending in the current year without accounting for our fund balance. so down at the final section, you can see that we have an
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ending fund balance which consist of non spendable day our prop g litigation. a budget stabilization reserve which we'll see is going to help us over the next couple of years. and then our reserve which is aspect of all of our financial planning. and then that 8 million dollars is really the result of a stronger starting fund balance that we anticipated. next slide. this is the looking at the combination of unstricted can
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restricted general fund. when you incorporate the general fund into the picture, things look better and slightly more stable. this is partial due to the fact that, not all of our restricted revenue changes based on declining enrollment in the way that majority of our restricted general fund calculation forecast is developed. we do have to be deliberate and cautious in how we plan for restricted funding because it's unrestricted and we have to make sure we're a widing by requirement and understanding how the funds are intended to use. that said, state grantsds, new local measures, and now other
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sources of short-term funding, do present a new opportunity for sf u.s. d over the next couple of years for planning and prioritization to make sure that we are fully tapping into all of the funding sources that we have available to us. next slide. we're looking back to only unrestricted general funds. looking at the trend from first interim over the next two years, you'll see that our fund balance will be drawn down to the beginning balance line lessons each year.
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because we're still experiencing declining enrollment and there is uncertainty around the forecast around the state budget moving forward. our expenditure growth here is projected to be modest really growing for step and column increases and cost of living, really basic increases that we anticipate year over year. and again if you look down at the bottom, actually we can go to the next slide, down at the bottom here, you can see that similar to the county, the district is projected to remain balance but where that budget stabilization reserve was established to help avoid severe budget balancing measures and reductions in a short time frame.
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over the course of the years to appoint where, we'll need to be really thinking carefully about how we will balance the budget year over year and looking forward. so take away is positive recertification where we're in a position where over the next two years, we do meet our financial obligations, part of that, that we began a year in a stronger position than we anticipated. where our revenues have come in higher, we have matched that with higher budgeted expenditures.
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>> when we generate across all of our sources. >> next slide. so looking forward from here, in january in the middle of january, the governor will share a preliminary state budget for next year. and that provides the first look at california budget forecast which months sf u.s. d budget forecast. in the short-term, are state block grants, newly approved local and state measures do provide one time funding for us to consider emerging and unaddressed priority. but beyond that and as we move forward again, recognizing that there is a bit more stability in our restricted funding and
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acknowledging our pattern and deficit spending. there is a medium and long term opportunity to think how we're allocating resources to ensure that we are focusing on student, the support that they need and balancing our budget in a way that meets the financial obligations as well. so with that, i conclude my presentation and look forward to your questions. thank you. >> so moved, second. >> thank you. i want this, so i will now open for public comment.
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>> thank you so mer debting and liset and charles. merideth go ahead please. >> speaker: this is merideth and i thank you for the support and for the information that you're sharing here with the community. first i want to reiterate about the deficit spending that we're continuing, it's really trouble some to see and i hope that we can start to address that. we know that the federal funds are not going to continue on forever. and also, we're seeing that we still have no fiscal reserve. we're not a fiscal expert but i
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think we've seen information that best practices for districts for maintain a minimum of 5% reserve. and then also in the presentation, the anne marie gordon mentioned the short-term opportunities of the one time son for priorities, given that literacy math have been identified as board priority wondering if some of these one time funds can be used for the maps tutoring, and literacy tutoring and other distance needs and they're so many needs that our students have. >> sorry to have to interrupt you, that is your time. >> speaker: no problem, thanks.
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that is a really big concern for me, that money should be spent and it's being taken away from our reserve that we should be using to hire teachers and staff and to be able to deliver programs to our students in need. while i know that you continue to say that you're starting off the district at a strong point that a strong point is only because we fail to do hiring. and that's open position.
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so it's not accurate to say that we're in a strong position but we're in a strong position because of the deficit that is being experienced in the classroom. >> thank you, sorry i have to cut you off that is your time. thank you. charles? >> speaker: i also don't appreciate the deficit spending. please be bold and reduce expenditure by shrinking the size of the district to match the enrollment. so we should expect reduction. where is the money for raises and teachers and other school workers beinger there is
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minimum increases included in this budget. please, we need to restructure the district boldly so we can find funds to pay people appropriately, thank you. >> thank you. >> okay, and next i will call shelley and then ms. marshal. shelley go ahead please. >> i have only one qui, and that is when discussing entries and expenditure when mentioning, temporary or substitute workers for our deficit, when we have a stepping deficit that means the salary becomes available, it concerns me greatly that we're
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paying subs a considerable amount more than we would have paid the employees, perhaps at some point, we could have some more clarification on this item, thank you so much. >> thank you. ms. marshal. >> thank you for the report. my concerns would be like some of the other speakers, i'm still in awe about this two million dollars for this pay roll system that is not working. i suppose it's too late to get out of the contract. i just, i don't understand it and then from the public it will be good to hear since we're a unique city and through the county and what spent for the city for the school district. i don't know what they are. it would be nice to hear that. and where is the county office and what do they do? i know we're one of the unique
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theaters in the whole country, it would be nice to have that clarification, thank you. >> thank you. >> helen. >> speaker: hi, this is helen again, i want it reiterate my earlier point on focusing on college outcome. if we have retrust in families. without attracting and retaining families we will continue to be in this problem of deficit funding. education is a product, we need to think about how to get customers to fwie the product. private schools and other districts. thank you. >> thank you. >> president lam that concludes virtual comment for this item. >> thank you, i would like to
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open up to commissioners for questions and comments. >> commissioner alexander. >> thank you, i want to ask about restricted funds. and i think i raised this before but i think it's confusing when we have, the reports go back and forth between the unrestricted and then all of our funds and i think we really need to be, i think we should see both. i understand the unrestricted general fund is particularly piece our budget but the whole budget is bigger than that. so there is no multi year projections for the whole budget which i think is confusing. but my specific question right now is why was there a big increase in restricted fund balance. we went from 117 million dollars in the adopted budget of a projected fund balance, at the end of the year to almost
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170 million. so again, and i just think, we have not had, the board needs to understand what the restrictions funds are and why are we getting, 50 million dollars more dollars more than 50 million dollars and then, and not spending it this year? does that make sense? >> yes. yes, and i can speak to it in part. so, i believe from the unaudited actuals, one there is one component that is, in general spending less than we anticipated spending, that does not account for the full 50 million dollars but that is one contributing factor. another is, really due to the fact that as the received some of our restricted funds
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especially some of our short-term multi year funds like federal stimulus funds or learning recovery dollars that we first received beginning in the spring of 2021, we received those in one sometimes in one apportionate that we use in several years. as we intend to spread our funds over a couple of years, it means that they stay in the fund balance until we have programmed them out. and once specific example is, as we were developing our learning recovery plan, we received a combination of state and federal resources. and strategy we decided to use was to spend our state dollars first because they expired first. and hold on to the federal dollars to be able to spread those over the full daouration of the grand period which goes for years.
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that is one, that is one faktd or, the really timing of when the received funds and how we planned to use them over a multi year period. >> i think that's really helpful. i think what would be useful moving forward so the board can understand this, and the public is to really account for the restricted funds. so if that's a restriktd, we need to explain that in a transparent way so that folks understand what is happened here examine how it's aligned to our goals and being spent in our guard rails. as we move into the budget development, i would really like to ask that we to a much deeper dive on the restricted funds, please. >> we can do that. >> i appreciate that, commissioner alexander. >> commissioner matomoni.
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>> i just want to start with thank you to anne marie gordon, this is a real step in the right direction. i can tell you've put in a lot of time and effort and the presentation was very clear in conveying a lot of dense and complicated information, thank you very much and thank you for working so closely with our fiscal experts to get this to a place where we can have positive certification. i do also want to raise that, you know, this is the first interim pay row was not mentioned as you mentioned from public comment. it does not bring to labor negotiation sxz outcome for classified salaries. we anticipate more need in the system i think and it also impacts our budget stabilization three years out.
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there is some other areas around assumptions that i have questions about that i don't expect for you to answer, as we move forward, i just want to flag and that's around enrollment and also attendance. and pension and retirement coverage. we, i also do want, some more appreciations first though. i do really like the breaking out of the county operations, and our local education agency operations to really start to clarifying why what those, jobs are and what those responsibilities are so we can align ourselves as a district and better organize ourselves to conduct the work. i also want to appreciate the masters plan and how that affects our budgeting. in preparation i went to the report that we received on march third of last year, the
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financial health risk analysis where we were identified as high-risk and there is a lot of items that, i would like to get clarification and updates on especially as we come around to the corner to it being a year since we received that report and it will affect how we, our certainty around the budget. and our understanding of things like unrestricted versus restricted. and staffing ratios and whether or not we have fraud controls in place. i'm just putting a pin in a number, i know we're first interim and i see the huge progress that's been made but i also want to be mindful that there is a lot of assumptions and behaviors and practices that are still present in our work that we need to be transparent about how we're a
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dressing since they've been so clearly identified and we don't always as much as we, appreciate our department of education colleagues, the purpose is we're suppose to get on our footing and be responses to the findings that the map report and also what our department of education experts are telling us. so with that, i don't know if there is anything that you want to respond to regarding timing or awareness of these issues, you're welcome to but you're also welcome to listen to my monologue, i appreciate you. >> thank you, i'll just say that, it was really helpful to start looking back at some of those findings from the fiscal health assessment and we can do a comprehensive reviews and the steps that we have taken or we have limitations to address some of them.
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and i think that will help us, as we're looking at our picture and thinking what our plan will be moving forward. where we can been instructed to take steps and stabilize. >> vice president, i was going to ask if elliot and other folks wanted to add and/or give any perspective that will be kind of helpful for relevant for us to understand how potentially this date or other folks outside of the district are looking at where we're right now and our steps forward. >> i don't know if you want
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them before or after the commissioners have had an opportunity to speak, either way. >> well elliot, i was going to ask the session. >> first of all, have i to give a big, big thanks to ms. annary gordon. these just done a yell man's job with this budget and i have to say, sitting here, it's over a year that i've been sitting at these board meetings and this is a much better outlook both in terms of the budget and in terms of where the board is at in looking at the budget and taking your deficit seriously. i share with commissioner motamedi, with ms. gordon and i'm sure with my cohort, kevin lazone, the concern about deficit spending.
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there are two kinds of deficit spendings. there's purposeful, where you're spending down some of the things, like, like the restricted funds ms. gordon was talking about. sometimes they come in big chunks in the years you don't want them so you spend them in other years but when spending down reserves because your budget is still more than your revenue on your ongoing operations, that still is a serious concern. you're meeting your fiscal obligations but sooner or later, that world ends and we don't like to see the budget eroded. there's things i would like to point back to the fiscal health analysis, a risk analysis, and one of them is the deficit spending. the other is the lack of controls and
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procedures, which we are all working on and hoping to get in place much clearer and much sooner. they are necessary. they are urgent, and i think it will be difficult to balance the budget in the end without proper controls. the decliningen roomment is a majorish -- the declining enrollment is an issue and at the first meeting, even before i was assigned, i heard ms. gordon using the world true up. well, you're going to have to continue to true-up your resources with your expenditures. and that includes staffing resources and hopefully it's not a blessing to be understaffed but it might help trueing up the staff to the actual number of children enrolled so that has to be something that is interdepartmental in the district and look at very carefully. the other thing is, um, well, i see the board is
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much more stable than it was, i want to thank the team from the council great city schools. you still have instability in the district. you still have positions to fill. you have a superintendent that's five months in. you have a new board member coming on and from the outside, while, it may feel more stable to you, it is still unstable and i would caution the district to in any way you can, to continue on the road to stability. that is one of the things when you look at grade districts and fiscally solvent districts, there's ongoing stability, ongoing patterns of expenditure and revenue and those are the kinds of things that (indiscernible) in the fiscal health review analysis. i'm trying to think of what else i was going to say. the issue with posting, posting staffing
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expenditures, payment roll is clearly a major issue. it makes it very difficult to know before you stand at any given point. i think again, ms. gordon has done a great job in figuring out where we think we are. i feel like i'm, we, now, so you'll forgive me. i know ms. lazon is full in, but i think all have a long way to get to the point to where we can see this is an accurate picture of our budget to. all that being said, you know, ms. lazon may have comments. she's, as i said before, she's the brain on the (indiscernible). i want to graj late ann marie. given the circumstances and her staff -- they have been empowering and the other foot trying to get the
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budget done and you all are to be commended and i want to thank you all and the board and for your fiscal support from the staff. happy to answer any other questions. >> pam, did you have additional insights you would like to share? >> i just like to say that -- i feel very confident that ann marie gordon and also her executive director or interim deputy director, emily meyer, they did an outstanding job working through this report. this was probably the more, i would say the easier one to be doing, so we're already going to be starring right away on the second -- starting on the second interim report in january so we can present that information to you in march and i feel very confident that they are going to have a lot more information to share with you and more details especially moving towards the
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2023-2024 budget. they are doing a great job. >> thank you. thank you, ann marie. i had additional questions related to, while it has been over a year, with our fiscal experts and the tremendous work the fiscal experts have guided the budget team and the district overall, elliot spoke and commissioner month talked about the fiscal health risk, while it's not our role as the board to tell the superintendent the how, still one of the major concerns that i have in this next phase is around the fiscal operations, so i wanted to ask, you know, how does, to the fiscal experts, you know, how do we reconcile at the governing body level around now with some, you know,
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acknowledgement around a positive recommendation while needing to address the fiscal health, you know, and hearing from the superintendent, that commitment around that progress, but what are some things you would coach us on or advise us, particularly around the fiscal operations, which again is not directed the superintendent on the how but really at the board level. things we need to be monitoring closely around progress and understanding the risk? >> that's a short question if you're asking us. keeping the framework of the fr hr a is critical. we would tell you that. we would tell staff that. we look at that as a guideline
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because those -- they are not -- they are not criteria that are pulled out of a hat. they are ones that have been seriously concerned, he mean, seriously -- i mean seriously vetted over a number of years and predictive of a fiscal health. it's ironic to say in a way you can be meeting your responsibilities but not fiscally heathy. that's the condition, that's how i would phrase it because sooner or later on the road you're going, you're going to reach that place where you can't reach them, so i want to reiterate, the fiscal controls, making sure you're staffing that as your revenues. i recognize that you have a staffing issue, in terms of getting permanent staff. it probably doesn't help to know you're not alone but everyone in the state is encountering this and it has probably doubled down
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in san francisco for a number of things. and so, that's very important to continue on that staff -- staffing. i know the superintendent intends to bring an organizational plan that i think will lend greatly to stability in the district. and let's listen to ann marie. she's telling me the important things and i will say, i hope, along the line with your advisors from council great city schools, it may not be your role to dictate the how, you're talking about the what, but it's always your role to understand the how and i believe as board members, as we encourage staff to ask of us, you have every right to know what is being done to get to the -- i mean, what the how is to get to the what. boy, that's a mouth full. did that make sense? you have a right to know and where you're at in terms of the
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fiscal health risk analysis and i applaud those comments. so, again, i want to thank superintendent lan. he's come a long way. we're sitting in a much better position than we were a year ago. understand the issues within power, but i think declaring a state of emergency and repositioning staff while it has been painful for a number of people, it has been very crucial and i just encourage people to keep moving forward and not slowdown and not stop, so.... >> thank you. all right. i think that will -- yeah, dr. wayne. >> thank you for the discussion and i appreciate ann marie gordon for the presentation, but the work behind putting together the interim part and to appreciate the support and
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guidance from our cde advisor. although we didn't ask for it, i think originally, it has been very beneficial. so, i want to share having hear the discussion, i want to talk about where we're going. so, we already have on the schedule a february, actually, what date. let me make sure. the date, february 7th budget workshop. this will be our second budget workshop training. the first one was last week and it focused more on how to go about budgeting in light of newly or newly vision, goals, and guardrails. this second workshop is going to be much more focused on our budget and what we learned from the stay around the governor's budget proposal, so in planning that, we already have some areas that we know we need to discuss, like, how we're aligning our plan and process to begin aligning our budget to our
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goals, what we're doing to address deficit spending. so i'll also add on the question of how we're using restricted funds and that will provide a form for deeper explanation of that as well as an update on where we are with the ficmac recommendations as well as cde guidance we have received, too. so, that will come in february. i do want to share, you know, to elliot's point, we're deficit spending. to some extent, it's intentional in that we do have a large fund balance and we did have obligations to our employees and to do right by them, that we wanted to make sure we were meeting. what the fund balance does is gives us, you know, it gives us some time to be thoughtful about how we eliminate our deficit spending,
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but that's something we will need to do. and so that will be a focus of the conversation of how the near-term steps and then the long-term steps we need to take to eliminate the deficit spending, and so, that's it. we can start to look -- and so that's -- it won't all be answered february 7th. that's the next in depth budget conversation but it's a multiyear process to get on -- to have, you know, a balanced budget without deficit spending and kind of right size, you know, organization and making sure most importantly that our resources are supporting how we're addressing our goals for student learning, so that's what we can look far to in the next -- february feels like a long time, but it will be right around the corner and then we'll have, then we'll go through our budget process and bring forward our budget in june. >> thank you, dr. wayne. i'd like to call for a roll call
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vote. >> commissioner alexander? >> yes. >> commissioner boggess? >> yes. >> commissioner hsu? >> yes. >> commissioner motamedi? >> yes. >> commissioner weisman-weissman-ward? >> yes. >> president lam? >> yes. >> 6 ayes. >> thank you. action item no. two, 2012-13sp1. annual report relating to the collection expenditure of -- topography. >> this is fees to support our schools so i'll turn it over to the head of facilities, ms. collon. >> this will be a brief item and our recommendation action is the board review and adopt the attached impact fee annual and
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five-year reports for the fiscal year ending june 30, 2022. this is an annual requirement, developer impact fees are collected annually in 2022, we have collected about $10 million. and spent about $6 million, i'm rounding. the impact fees are constrained. quite narrowly in expenditures and they have to be expended for projects associated with the growth or demographic expansion of our student body. and so most commonly used for smaller projects around things like pourables when schools expand beyond their existing footprint and mission bay and potential schools and treasure islands and building enhancements being done to deal with the expansion of growth. >> i'm happy to take questions.
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>> actually, i'm going to go to public comment we open up for discussion. >> there's no in person public comment northbound this item. >> >> please, raise your hand if you care to share your comment for this item. can we please have -- each speaker will have one minute. can we have that repeated in spanish and chinese. are [foreign language] >> thank you. >> thank you. >> seeing no hands raised for this item. >> thank you. commissioners, vice-president, did you have a comment? becauser hsu.
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>> you mentioned that there's, we collected about ten million and spent about $6 million. the remainder of that, is that sitting for when we do have needs that sit -- >> yes. >> i forgot, do we have accumulated, how much with very accumulate. >> we do. we have about $20 million in accumulated fund balance right now. >> that's part of the budget of the restricted funds? is that -- >> it's not an operating funding stream. it is for capital expenditures only, so.... >> it might be -- i think that's outside of our general fund. >> yes. >> right. i don't think it's in that, but that's an example of a restricted fund that can be used for certain purposes but it's outside of our general fund. these funds then, when will they
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be accessed, i think that's what commissioner hsu -- >> we're using the funds to offset cost with mission bay and the construction of the building to impact the limit to the bond. as we contemplate expansions of facilities to support the student assignment policy potentially or the realignment of our portfolio that's an appropriate use of those funds ask as we're completing our southeast facility planning, that will drive projects that i think will benefit from the funding and we do have our former treasure island campus, which was, we closed in the early 2000s but we do now have an option to take at treasure island back, if we need it for instructional purposes and while we have about $5 million that's owed us for the development of that facility, should we pursue it, this developer impact fees is also exactly type of funding source we would use to complete any kind of upgrades or
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renovations needed to make that site useful for us at usd. >> i think ultimately, you shared, i think a -- i think you mentioned a month ago, they will lay the master plan. it's multi-billion dollars needs we won't have the needs for. we layout the different projects and funds can contribute, overall, it will be a part of our facilities master plan strategy, correct >> correct. >> we hear project in play but once we have the context of the full master plan, that will be part of, it will help support the projects for that. >> i have a follow up to that. so if this is not part of the general budget that we just saw in the last presentation, it's not part of the bond funds. this is i separate bucket. how many other separate buckets do we
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have? >> commissioner, i would just speak to capital funding. there are four major funding sources for the capital funding. there's the general obligation bond, developer impact fees and a mello-roos which is an annual tax we're collecting from residences for school and safety tax that yields around, you know, $7 million a year. and then we have the differed maintenance fund which is a 3% set aside of the overall general fund and that does provide funding for capital although most of the funding shows up in the operating budget, particularly for custodial services salaries. >> that's it. we don't have any other buckets somewhere else? >> i've got a few other random odds and ends that's not worth detailing at this time. >> it's capital. [multiple voices] >> those are major funding sources for the capital program and then we have the general budget. >> is that it? >> yeah. we have the general fund which is restricted and
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unrestricted but outside of that, there are other funds that fall out side general ed. early education is a different, there's a whole different fund that -- it's not a part of the general fund. usually, there's early ed, there's facilities, the cafeteria fund for food services, for student nutrition services so these are different funds. >> commissioner motamedi? >> thank you for update. i know we're doing the facilities master plan, but i also am just curious as we look at these different funds including this one, when we have compliance issues, like, ada compliance issues that are being flagged as immediate need or even public safety issues, recognizing that we want to have funds available for buffering much larger
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projects, how -- i mean, i know this is a larger discussion and i know i ask you about this regularly but when i see funding and i know that there are compliance issues and family request for projects, i'd like to understand how that all is coming together. >> commissioner, safety related -- let me step back for a minute. one, the amount of capital funding we have for those kinds of issues that come up, whether they are compliance related or again, just community driven to improve functionality of the site is very narrow, so again, it comes down to $7 million a year, maybe. and a portion of that is again being used for buildings and ground salaries out of the mellow
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views. so it's paying for the capital projects moving forward and it's tied up in the modernization program and s and s and dot so that's the challenge, is we have a very small amount of money available for us to, like, respond to emerging issues. with that being said, i have worked with my team to outline a set of priorities this year very much focusing on school site security so (indiscernible) and this is using a blend of bond dollars allocating knocked over 2021, the $11 million for school side security, that's not sufficient to cover everything we need so we're using that, plus deferred maintenance funding to try and prioritize again the delivery of columbine locks and the next is pa systems. and we're trying to use that narrow part of funding, that $5 million to round out the bond funding and also respond to other things like water intrusion issues, roofs that are failing, foundations, fencing, but a lot of it goes into a
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queue that you see in the facility condition assessment that years and years of that queue building result in deferred maintenance and the facility condition facility maintenance are capturing some sites are struggling under the maintenance ens that. >> one question, is ada compliance included in that? >> the district has a transition plan that again of the lopez settlement, we have clearly documented objectives about what we're going to suppose to accomplish a d.a., when we have a a d.a. complaints we have a officer who responds them they are funded and pushed to the top of the line. so when i have seen ada complaints they have been funded and addressed. >> thank you.
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i realize i didn't open up with a motion and a second. >> go ahead. >> and then also, i appreciate the questions, i just want to make a note. when there is a emergency needs we're going to respond and address them. and going back, i saw going back to your question as i saw commissioner hsu, you're still looking they're in the other interim reports. so in the first interim automatic the other funds are in there as well. we just don't highlight them because that's not part of the certification, when we come forward with a positive qualified or negative, it's based on our general fund, because they're a lot of funded. but, it's, it impacts but unrestricted funds that are transferred to the restricted funding of the general fund.
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so we present a general fund altogether but don't focus on the category funds or the bonds fund and all others but they're in the interim report. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. roll call vote, please. >> commissioner alexander. >> yes. >> vice president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner matomodi. >> yes. >> commissioner ward. >> yes. >> and president lam. >> yes. >> six ayes. >> okay, third time is a charm so action item number 23, sp3 emergency declaration and delegation to superintendent to in tern for emergency excavation removal of con tem natured soil and replacement with clean soil with buena vista, i would like to ask for a motion examine a second.
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>> second. --so moved. >> dr. wayne, before our discussion and any public comment, i want to ms. common an opportunity to explain. we know we have an emergency but why bring this forward. >> thank you, superintendent. this authorization allows us to buy pass typical bidding and prosecurement proceed oozeder. given that it's our intention to try to restore access and productive use of interior courtyard for students as soon as possible. winter break is the best time to do that work and with the least impact with the students community to the school community. our progress is depending on weather but if we can get the stretch that we need we do think that we can move forward
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and get this work done so we can restore as early as possible and we're happy to give you a update on the progress. we did want to take this step to be as aggressive as possible. >> thank you for that background. i would like to open for public comment. >> there is no in-person public comment for this item. for our virtual participants please raise your hand if you care to share your public comment. can we please have that repeated in spanish and chinese.
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>> okay, i do see speakers, ms. marshal, chris and bernice cassie. >> thank you, i guess i'll echo what you shared with us. the westbound appreciates hearing that you're going to expedite these favor. keep in mind what the little child said, they love the garden. and test it before the children can come back to school. >> thank you. you really am glad that you're moving swift leon this and
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community members at buena vista. most important. i am hoping that as you continue to work on this for this specific school fight, you consider other school sites that may also be impacted by similar problems and consider ways to confirm that all school sites in the district is especially those in the areas of our city that are often the most under served also get tested, before this becomes another problem and another site that gets released to the news media and cause all the trauma. be proactive, test now. start a new contract maybe for people to bid on to test all school sites, thank you. >> thank you. >> bernice.
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>> speaker: hello i'm bernice casey, i want to remind the superintendent and the board members that our school is also a homeless shelter. so the shelter is right by the garden area. the children of the shelter have been utilizing the garden in the past. i also when i read the motion you're not talking about the other dirt that is surrounds the school and so, it sounds like it would be a waste of limited resources if you're going to remove the soil, you should be ensuring they're all soil at buena vista, the soil along valencia and bartet, are also tested and removed. >> thank you. >> thank you. and vivet.
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>> speaker: i have two quick comments. one is we had issues with previous contracted in the district submitting inaccurate reports about mediation or other typesed of reports, wanting to know what type of oversight is going to be built in the contract to ensure that the work is being done and especially if it's going to be a no-bid contract so tt not going to be shoty work. and then number 2, also in agreement with other speakers who have spoken earlier about the importance of you guys doing this testing at other sites. as well as one of the issues that i've been hearing not just the soil but also the water. >> thank you. >> and we have one more m. >> speaker: this is 'em again, i am the covice chair of the advisory council.
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and i just want to remind you that the earlier this year, the parent advisory council in one of the report we supported the modernization effort and so i just want to really uplift that work and as an individual, i want to say that not only supporting but i think what happened if vvhn was not to be modernized. that makes me think about all the other school sites in the district. and i think about how often does this tested every school? the answer to the question. and it's like every four years, that's not often. we need to test all the water in every school right now? , where elts? --else? people are been requesting for modernization. so what do you think about all the school sites and i agree with the public who talks about
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the soil outside of the school, think about that soil as well. thank you so much and thank you for doing this resolution. >> thank you. >> that concludes virtual comment for this item. >> thank you. i'm going to open up for comments and questions from commissioners but first i wanted to just acknowledge how concerning, extremely concerning the situation is at bbhm and i wanted to also ask the question around, the items tonight is around 4, the emergency excavation removal does contaminate soils and how is that connected at the ddvhm with the contaminated soil and what our findings are in the water? >> commissioner, thank you for
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asking that question because i do think it's one that folks are asking who have exposure to this issue and when you are involved in routine construction. but the, at the bbhm community meeting we had our industrial millennium present and they described themselves that the typesed of lead that you see in soil, is largely the result of environmental contamination due to leaded gasoline and other products that are widely available and in use up to the early 90s so that becomes ground into the air and soil. the type typically, i should say in san francisco, not typically, in san francisco we are lucky that we have the reservoir so that we don't have to worry, like many other communities across the united states that the source of our
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water is inherently contaminated. when you get a water quality around lead it's more likely that the water as tt leaving the water distribution lead is leaching in the water in some way. so you ask yourselves, is it coming from the pipes or faucet? the fixture itself and the associated with the point of distribution, that particular sink? or water pauset. it is a common result that we have now seen not just in 2018 when we did our last round of comprehensive k through 12 water testing but even this early when we were doing our early edge gaysing sites, we have been testing water to comply with the new state law and when we've done that, we have very important to have results where if you do all the fixtures at a particular site
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of them come back with lead. detected. the protocol is then to take the faucet off line and either in 2018 was to flush the line and retest and now it's to replace it with a new fixture and make sure that the line is clear, and it's not just that there is sediment and then you retest. if it comes back clear, you have reimmediate ated the situation. so when we see results where you see, again some fought pictures coming back clean others coming back with a result that is 5 parts per billion that seems to strongly indicate that it's the fixtures themselves which are made of alloy metal which has lead. that gets on to the water.
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so really different stories about how the same elements can end up in water versus soil. >> thank you, thank you for sharing that. fick add on just a few thoughts. first, i think we need to acknowledge again from a parent perspective, if you feel there is lead at the school, and soil in the water, that's very concerning and all you want to know is you're on it and getting rid of it. secondly, i appreciate the explanation here and i think one of i want to be clear, in our efforts to rebuild trust, i said we need to be visible and transparent and you know, hold ourselves accountable can and in an effort to be spobs i have and responsive and transparent, we need to be clear in our communication. and so, already we heard comments tonight that there seems to be mixed messages. we did have, in an effort to
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move quickly on the testing, we had two different testers come in. and one tester did not find concerns around some particular issues and another tester did have concerns. can you speak to that. we need to be precise what to share. so parents and families and staff have the most accurate information to on what is happening. >> absolutely. so there were, two types of test being done. so we did ask our industrial hygienist millennium to complete water quality test that were focused on the presence of lead but we also asked a different part of the puc that does not work on lead testing but is focused on the presence of bacteria e. coli
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and also other chemicals in water. so there were two testing protocols that were run. sxibl the sfpuc said we checked it and it's okay on that chemical and bacterial screen. but so we did have the two separate testing run at the same time. we are also having sfpuc come back this weekend to complete the water quality testing focuses on the presence of lead and that's a separate team and that's a very specific protocol that we need to follow. so because of that, we have to schedule it for a saturday. >> vice president boggess. >> can you talk about what is the process, to get water fountain tested at school sites whether or not we have internal capability 20 do that and a third father group.
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and then the second question i have is, at what level of confidence are we that there are not similar issues that others across the district. and just kind of like what kind of reassurance can we get to families who are concerned or kind of worried that they may have a similar issue that has been identified at their schools? >> thank you, commissioner for the question. i think this is a good example of how heavily rerely on partnership and i want to acknowledge sf pc e who have been great partners and karen sullivan who our executive director has been in regular touch during the pandemic, there was a request to maybe pursue around a testing and that was derailed for a number of reasons. that was open to initiating a
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second round. so the pandemic, kind of foreclosed that option. and then now where we find ourselves is that the state law is about to change again. so they would like us to wait until 2024 to partner with them to do a full round of testing so we can be in compliance with what the law says, and the protocol. the district could pursue, our own round of testing but it would be based on earlier standards that we know are about to change, right. so we have to talk about it and it is a very labor intensive resource process. but we have a new state law that has come into affect that is said a set a specific standards and that's what we're doing this summer. the standard we were working with 15 parts per billion as
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our threshold and that's k through 12 sites. a separate law has come out for early education sites you need to have a five parts per billion and you need to do this testing so we started that so commissioner metabni's and we tested over 39 sites from the summer through the early fall. including early sites that were colocated with elementary schools. as we got those results, they were a number of results that came back again higher than the threshold. and in case five parts per billion but we have complied with that mandate and we have shut down the faucets and replaced the fixtures and tested and i believe so far have made, sufficient progress on reimmediate ating any issue that has come up. so we have been doing testing
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quite recently and i'm sorry i'm looking for my test out of 284 tests it was something like 12% came back with a test that is higher than 5 parts per billion. our recommended procedures and protocols, as we understand them are, we adhere to those and i'm, i apologize but i do not feel quft to speak in detail on how to translate that into health outcome. but we're in compliance about how to move as quickly as possible when we have nuclear guidance from the state about how to proceed. >> any other comments or questions. okay, so at this time, i would like to call for a roll call. >> commissioner alexander. >> yes.
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>> vice president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> mataboni. >> i didn'ts. >> commissioner ward. >> yes. >> and president lam. >> yes. >> we are overdue but i want a motion to extend beyond 10:00 o'clock please. >> so moved. >> second. >> do i have general consensus? yes. we'll continue to practice. 10:00 p.m., okay. we are now going into agenda item k, board members report. oh my see, i was getting a little ahead of myself. so i'm going to go back and
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we're going to consent item item h. is there a second and a motion on the consent calendar. >> so moved. >> second and public comment members of the public comment may comment on any matter but members of the public shall not be permitted to sever agenda items for discussion. any items withdrawn or connected by the superintendent? >> no. >> okay. and any items by the board or superintendent for discussion? thank you so ral call vote please. >> commissioner alexander. >> yes. >> vice president. >> yes. >>er hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner. >> yes. >> wiseman ward. >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. >> six ayes.
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>> thank you, consent calendar retroactive contracts for retroactive items, i would like for a motion examine a second. >> so moved. >> second. >> again members of the public may comment on any matter on retroactive members but members of the public should not be able to sever items for discussion. any items. supervisor? >>--superintendent. >> no. >> any items severed by the board for vote tonight? seeing none, roll call vote on retroactive contracts. >> commissioner alexander >> >> yes. >> vice president. >> yes. >> commission hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner. >> yes. >> commissioner ward. >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. >> 6 ayes. >> which brings us to agenda k
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board members reports, reports from board delegate to member organizations. commissioner motobani. oh, now, this is what happens after 10:00, i turn into a pumpkin. cdsba, so we attended a conference san diego, san francisco is hosting next year so no excuses, i was there for a part of it. president lam attended full on and it was a great opportunity to meet colleagues from other districts but also to look at best practices and what folks are doing especially around laxer-cap and community engagement and budget outlook for the state and so forth. and i also do want to
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acknowledge our soon to be new commissioner a lita fisher was also able to attend the new board member meeting, and it's great to see the governorance practice is continuing. i don't know if you wanted to add anything. >> overall the students, the delegate assembly was an opportunity for csb a to hear from their delegate throughout the state around the policy priorities where csb will be putting their efforts. so we look forward to colleagues, the material from highlights of the both workshop as well as the delegate assembly so you can all see the learningings there and happy to incorporate into our governorance calendar and practices in those highlights and with that, i also want to
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acknowledge that tonight is commissioner's hsu final full boyder meeting. and i want to give her an opportunity to share any words before we close out our evening. >> thank you president lam. as this is my last meeting, it has been an honor for me to serve on this board of education. i have learned a great deal of sf u.s. d, at times horrified by what i learned and other times delighted. i have enjoyed working with you all. and i'm proud to have accomplished a whole lot in the past several months together. namely, we hired our new superintendent, dr. wayne. we passed balance budget with virtually no layoffs.
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we restored criteria base to lower high school. we did drop a lawsuit and saved our district at least a million dollars or more and most recently we set goals and guard rails for our district. i'm also proud to have personally lead the effort from board members position and saved jrotc. and proud to have represented the immigrant community not just by being an immigrant on the board but also championing the values of hard work and academic excellence with the immigrant community really values and also shared by many many others in our san francisco community. i'm also proud to have brought common sense and business and management experience to the board so that we can have a more well run organization that serves our customers who are
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students family's and educators. i do also want to address the elephant in the room, which is that while unintentionally i provided some excitement and drama to this board over the summer. my answers to campaign questionnaire caused an uproar in parts of our community. it's unfortunately that some chose to focus on the political incorrectly for the first part, rather than whole statement that parent involvement is critical and if some parents are unable to provide the support that the students need whether due to systemic, or life si,z then our schools and our city need to step in and
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help support those students and families. i have gone into communities in our southeast neighborhoods and spoke with many people since the summer. many agreed with me with the problem and provided with more context which i very much appreciated. and that strengthened my believe that being politically correct would only perpetuate the problem examine hurt our students more. on a similar note i don't agree that it's solely the school and teachers responsibility to educate our students. in addition to parents having responsibilities, students have responsibility to put in the work of learning. just like if you want to succeed in the arts or athletic or anything, you have to put in the work to do well in school and that's what agency means to take it upon yourself to learn and not just expect to be
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taught. and lastly i believe our teachers need to ask and expect more from students, not always babely them and make things easier. when you expect more most students will rise to the challenge and surprise and delight everyone including themselves and that will help us close the achievement gap and bring to equity to all of our students and i hope we can have honest dialogue with that in the future. anyway, there is a lot of work yet to be done to turn sf u.s. d into a world class education system that our world class city deserves. and i implore as well as challenge to continue down the path on focusing on student outcome and work withing the superintendent on the outcome.
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and although, i will not sitting next to you, i will still be working along the goals. i wish you all your best as role with commissioners. the students of san francisco are counting on you and i with others will be holding accountable and next election is just two years away. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner hsu for your service. i know it has not been easy for when one lands into the seat of serving on the dais and all our students and this school district. so i want to thank you for your commitment to the district. and appreciate your service and with that, i wanted to say big thank you.
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>> what we're trying to approach is bringing more diversity to our food. it's not just the old european style food. we are seeing a lot of influences, and all of this is because of our students. all we ask is make it flavorful. [♪♪♪] >> we are the first two-year culinary hospitality school in the united states. the first year was 1936, and it was started by two graduates from cornell. i'm a graduate of this program, and very proud of that. so students can expect to learn under the three degrees. culinary arts management
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degree, food service management degree, and hotel management degree. we're not a cooking school. even though we're not teaching you how to cook, we're teaching you how to manage, how to supervise employees, how to manage a hotel, and plus you're getting an associate of science degree. >> my name is vince, and i'm a faculty member of the hospitality arts and culinary school here in san francisco. this is my 11th year. the program is very, very rich in what this industry demands. cooking, health, safety, and sanitation issues are included in it. it's quite a complete program to prepare them for what's happening out in the real world. >> the first time i heard about
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this program, i was working in a restaurant, and the sous chef had graduated from this program. he was very young to be a sous chef, and i want to be like him, basically, in the future. this program, it's awesome. >> it's another world when you're here. it's another world. you get to be who you are, a person get to be who they are. you get to explore different things, and then, you get to explore and they encourage you to bring your background to the kitchen, too. >> i've been in the program for about a year. two-year program, and i'm about halfway through. before, i was studying behavioral genetics and dance. i had few injuries, and i couldn't pursue the things that i needed to to dance, so i pursued my other passion,
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cooking. when i stopped dance, i was deprived of my creative outlet, and cooking has been that for me, specifically pastry. >> the good thing is we have students everywhere from places like the ritz to -- >> we have kids from every area. >> facebook and google. >> kids from everywhere. >> they are all over the bay area, and they're thriving. >> my name is jeff, and i'm a coowner of nopa restaurant, nopalito restaurant in san francisco. i attended city college of san francisco, the culinary arts program, where it was called hotel and restaurant back then in the early 90's.
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nopalito on broderick street, it's based on no specific region in mexico. all our masa is hand made. we cook our own corn in house. everything is pretty much hand made on a daily basis, so day and night, we're making hand made tortillas, carnitas, salsas. a lot of love put into this. [♪♪♪] >> used to be very easy to define casual dining, fine dining, quick service. now, it's shades of gray, and we're trying to define that experience through that spectrum of service. fine dining calls into white table cloths. the cafeteria is large production kitchen, understanding vast production
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kitchens, the googles and the facebooks of the world that have those types of kitchens. and the ideas that change every year, again, it's the notion and the venue. >> one of the things i love about vince is one of our outlets is a concept restaurant, and he changes the concept every year to show students how to do a startup restaurant. it's been a pizzeria, a taco bar. it's been a mediterranean bar, it's been a noodle bar. people choose ccsf over other hospitality programs because the industry recognizes that we instill the work ethic. we, again, serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. other culinary hospitality
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programs may open two days a week for breakfast service. we're open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner five days a week. >> the menu's always interesting. they change it every semester, maybe more. there's always a good variety of foods. the preparation is always beautiful. the students are really sincere, and they work so hard here, and they're so proud of their work. >> i've had people coming in to town, and i, like, bring them here for a special treat, so it's more, like, not so much every day, but as often as i can for a special treat. >> when i have my interns in their final semester of the program go out in the industry, 80 to 90% of the students get hired in the industry, well above the industry average in the culinary program.
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>> we do have internals continually coming into our restaurants from city college of san francisco, and most of the time that people doing internships with us realize this is what they want to do for a living. we hired many interns into employees from our restaurants. my partner is also a graduate of city college. >> so my goal is actually to travel and try to do some pastry in maybe italy or france, along those lines. i actually have developed a few connections through this program in italy, which i am excited to support. >> i'm thinking about going to go work on a cruise ship for about two, three year so i can save some money and then hopefully venture out on my
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>> it will be over 530,000 gross square feet plus two levels of basement. >> now the departments are across so many locations it is hard for them to work together and collaborate and hard for the customers to figure out the different locations and hours of operation. >> one of the main drivers is a one stopper mitt center for -- permit center. >> special events. we are a one stop shop for those three things. >> this has many different uses throughout if years. >> in 1940s it was coca-cola and the flagship as part of the construction project we are retaining the clock tower. the permit center is little working closely with the digital services team on how can we modernize and move away from the paper we use right now to move to a more digital world.
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>> the digital services team was created in 2017. it is 2.5 years. our job is to make it possible to get things done with the city online. >> one of the reasons permitting is so difficult in this city and county is really about the scale. we have 58 different department in the city and 18 of them involve permitting. >> we are expecting the residents to understand how the departments are structured to navigate through the permitting processes. it is difficult and we have heard that from many people we interviewed. our goal is you don't have to know the department. you are dealing with the city. >> now if you are trying to get construction or special events permit you might go to 13 locations to get the permit. here we are taking 13 locations into one floor of one location which is a huge improvement for the customer and staff trying to
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work together to make it easy to comply with the rules. >> there are more than 300 permitting processes in the city. there is a huge to do list that we are possessing digital. the first project is allowing people to apply online for the a.d.u. it is an accessory dwelling unit, away for people to add extra living space to their home, to convert a garage or add something to the back of the house. it is a very complicated permit. you have to speak to different departments to get it approved. we are trying to consolidate to one easy to due process. some of the next ones are windows and roofing. those are high volume permits. they are simple to issue. another one is restaurant permitting. while the overall volume is lower it is long and complicated business process. people struggle to open
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restaurants because the permitting process is hard to navigate. >> the city is going to roll out a digital curing system one that is being tested. >> when people arrive they canshay what they are here to. it helps them workout which cue they neat to be in. if they rant to run anker rapid she can do that. we say you are next in line make sure you are back ready for your appointment. >> we want it all-in-one location across the many departments involved. it is clear where customers go to play. >> on june 5, 2019 the ceremony was held to celebrate the placement of the last beam on top of the structures. six months later construction is complete. >> we will be moving next summer. >> the flu building -- the new
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building will be building. it was designed with light in mind. employees will appreciate these amenities. >> solar panels on the roof, electric vehicle chargers in the basement levels, benefiting from gray watery use and secured bicycle parking for 300 bicycles. when you are on the higher floors of the building you might catch the tip of the golden gate bridge on a clear day and good view of soma. >> it is so exciting for the team. it is a fiscal manifestation what we are trying to do. it is allowing the different departments to come together to issue permits to the residents. we hope people can digitally come to one website for permits. we are trying to make it digital
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