tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV January 7, 2023 2:05pm-3:01pm PST
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>> good morning and welcome to the ground breaking celebration of the hub. [applause] my name is axly hurst director of community life here at mercy housing california and the honor of leading the resident service team that provide program and support to sunnyvale and the greater visitation valley community. today we come together to celebrate the start of construction for the sunny dale community center and hurts recreation center. it is the heart of the revitalized neighborhood and provide faces and placing for young people to grow play and learn and excited to be here today. i have the honor comcing the event with friend community member star
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clark. [applause] >> good morning everyone. my name is star clark the club house director for sunny dale club house and visitation valley club house. honored to be here representing the youth sunnydale. humbled to be on stage with my partner ashley and community leaders. today groundbreaking is a huge milestone for all and excited about the future of sunnydale. [applause] >> the journey to get here today started decades ago and we wouldn't have been here without the vision and tenacity and dedication of community leaders and political leaders mptd today we like to kick off the groundbreaking celebration with the first guest speaker.
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>> thank you-sorry about that everybody. i like to invite mayor london breed the 45 member of the city and county of san francisco and fellow fillmore native. [applause] >> thank you. i'm so excited to be here today because this is a long time coming. and, i just are want to say taking a look back in terms of how the city has reenvisioned public housing in the past really makes me appreciate today even more because of the challenges and the mistakes of the past and how we redevelop our neighborhoods. often times when i talk about the challenges that exist in the city specifically with regards to public housing, i can't help but just remember when i grew up in plaza east and fillmore and how there were
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over 300 units and at that time hope sf was a program that was developed and introduced and in fact with plaza east, the units went from over 300 units to 200 and clearly with the expectation not everyone was going to be welcomed back to the community. it is really important because it reminds us of what we can't do. when we start to look at redeveloping or reenvisions and reimmadgeing what neighborhood can be and not just rebidding of 1 for 1 housing replacement like in sunnydale where over 700 units exist and our plans are to insure that at least 1700 units exist with a 1 for 1 replacement so that the people who actually live here are the ones benefiting from this new opportunity, but we
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also reimagine what amenities, what opportunities can be available based on what the community says they want. and that's why this project is super duper exciting, because it is really based on what the community wants to see. so many folks who make up the fabric of sunnydale, waiting far too long for the kinds of resources that exist in other parts of san francisco. this is one of the first of its kind in this neighborhood and when i say the first of its kind, $72 million project with about $27 million in philanthropic support including-including money from the developer related which basically said i will put my money where my mouth is. including support from mercy housing. they made
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this very personal. this is not just about developing the new housing units here, this is about supporting the community and i want to really appreciate bill whity and doug shoemaking for taking the leadership on helping to not only get state, federal and local resources together but to match from contributions from people all over the city to get the project over the finish line. what to expect? something amazing. rec and park and rebuild of the rec center is going to be extraordinary. the boys and girls club and their new club house that serves the community with workforce and support extraordinary. woo (inaudible) your children can be taken care of with 150 capacity child care center and reimagineing of the a space that support the
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people who actually live in this community. this is what we do best in san francisco. when we partner and work together and provide resources, listen to the community, when we come together to make beautiful things like this happen. i was here i think earlier this year or last year, i can't remember the time goes by so fast but we were here with speaker nancy pelosi and secretary of hud marsa fudge. we looked at older units and (inaudible) and some of the 222 units that have already been built and how significant this is going to be and what a game-chairfck for this community, and i got to say, it felt great for them to see it but more importantly felt great for them to want to do more to invest in it. that is what today is about. breaking ground on something that we have been able to get investments and support for to make sthis magic happen and i
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just really want to thank all you for being here today. the community, the people who work on this project, the folks who from day in and day out who had to endure the challenges that existed here and at this time i want to take an opportunity to recognize some of those people who have been a part of this community from day 1. more specifically, i want to recognize and acknowledge larry jones first of all. [applause] i first met larry back in the day and let me tell you, i can't be more proud of his work and his advocacy after growing up in this community during a very very challenging time, and wanting to be a part of the solution to make great things happen not just for him and his family and friends but for the entire community, so thank you larry jones for your work and-i want to ask you to
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come up as well as drew jenkins. [applause] drew is sending his life and his career not just because his mama made him, but because he loves the community, he supports the community, he is there for the young folks of this community, and the incredible thing about these two gentleman is there are a lot of folks who are part of the community and do great things, but these two individuals, they are not just here for a great event like this, they are for tough times and difficulties we know still continue in some cases in this neighborhood and we appreciate them and uplift them because they deserve the love and the support that we can provide to insure that when this hub is built, these two individuals are going to be such an important part of making sure that it is a success
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for this community. at this time i like to acknowledge you and also two of our young people, silas and cianna. if you can come up, they will be speaking a little bit later. [applause] because they are our future and we have to make sure that we nurture and prepare them for that. that is what it will take to insure that this community not only succeeds but it thrives. it thrives like never before, and i'm confident because of folks like this it will happen, so thank you all again and let's get this hub going. [applause]
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>> thank you mayor breed for showing up for sunnydale and community leaders showing up for sunnydale as well. next i like to introduce the president of the board of supervisors walton. >> good morning. welcome to district 10 and welcome to sunnydale. as you can see, the sun is out, it went away for a minute, but i like to remind folks that the sun is always shining in district 10 so they can understand and realize how beautiful our communitys are in the southeast sector of san francisco. not too long ago, we broke ground on
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another phase of housing right here in sunnydale. not too long ago we broke ground on pers playground behind us here in sunnydale and now we are fulfilling another promise by making sure that we break ground and bring the hub to this beautiful community. i are want to just start by saying thank you. i want to start by saying as you look around we see the training class here today that actually is being trained so they can build- [applause] right here in their community and when we fight in the budget process and we allocate resources to make sure that we can have trainings for folks and community to go right to work on projects in their own neighborhood it brings a sense of pride. it also demonstrates that we value residents and want to make sure that employment opportunities exist for everyone. from a
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long-term perspective, when you can walk through your community and say i was a part of building this, i was a part of making this, that does something for yourself esteem and it also does something in terms of making sure that the community understands that we can deliver in city hall. so, i'll proud to be a part of the very beginnings of this project. i'm proud of all the community organizations coming together, working together to make sure services are going to be provided in a different way. we know what a hub is. a hub a place where people can come together, receive support, participate in programs and activities and in this case, do it right in their own community with a state of the art facility. so, i want to thank you all for coming to see us break ground today but i want to thank all the folks that put the time in, the effort in, the work in to make sure
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this happen. thank you all the organizations. the mayor thanked the community and folks here. lot more work to do to fulfill promises about we will stay on top of it and do the things we said we are go toog do. that is our commitment to community. sunnydale keep it going and it is a exciting day here in district 10. thank you. [applause] i do want to acknowledge my colleague supervisor safai coming out together. leaving foggy district 11 to come to district 10. >> thank you president walton. for the invitation. so, so much of my history in this city began right here in sunnydale and a reason why i wanted to be
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here today. about 22 years ago there was tremendous violence happening in the city. a lot of young men being murdered. a lot of brown and black young men being murdered and the community came and met with mayor brown at the time and said we need to bring resources to this community. we need options for them to have a alternative way of life. so, i'm proud to have lead the reconstruction and building of the willy brown youth center and putting in one of the first recording studios designed to get young men off the streets and provide them a safe place that was a neutral location. that is where i met larry, where i met kim mitchell, where i met sharon hewitt rest in peace. they dedicated their lives to this community and
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there is generational families in this community that have been asking for more. this housing was built to be temporary working housing. at the end of world war ii. it was designed to last only a few years. some of these units don't even have showers in them to this day. so, talk ing about a promise broken promises, broken promises differed, this is truly the city giving back to generations and families that have been neglected for so long. this is what this community is owed. so, i'm so happy to be here today, so happy to be here as part of this groundbreaking and bringing these resources back. child care, job training, the boys and girls club always stepping up and for those that have questions about
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public private partnerships, this would not be done without private entities like related coming together with mercy housing. it would not happen. hope sf unique in the united states to san francisco. so, we should celebrate that and celebrate the great resources for this community. thank you again president walton inviting me today and thank you everyone. let's get it going. [applause] >> thank you supervisor. i like to take a moment to introduce senator scott wiener to the stage. [applause] >> thank you very much and apology for being a little behind. crazy day. so, i am so thrilled to be here
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today and budget this year we were able to in the state budget this year, we were able to deliver $5 million for this project to make sure that the hub was completed. [applause] when doug shoemaker my college classmate by the way, when we called me early in the year to say we are short these funds and can you help us out, to me it was a no-brainer. this project everything about it, the community center and everything about this housing is so incredibly important and inspirational for san francisco. this is a community that has been neglected by our city and by our state for so many years and as supervisor safai just discussed in graphic
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and important detail, how we allowed people to live and housing that wasn't supposed to last that long. in san francisco in this wealthy city allowing people to live in that substandard housing. feeling of abandonment by the city. we are now turning that around. by having great-not just good housing, but great housing for the community. showing the public housing the social housing the publicly owned housing can be really beautiful and great housing and showing that we can do that. making sure that all of the amenities that so many of us take for granted are here. that people have access to food. something that basic. that young people have the opportunity to play basketball or do
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something instead of just being cast out to fend for themselves which always doesn't work so well. this is deeply investing in a community that should have happened a long time ago but better late then never and grateful to everyone in the community and city hall that made this possible. very very exciting so congratulations to everyone. [applause] >> thank you so much senator wiener. i have to say, scott has been a supporter of this project and so much else-it is hard to imagine someone having a bigger impact on housing in the state of california then senator scott winer. it isn't just state wide but here. he is (inaudible) for mercy housing. really appreciate it.
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[applause] i want to thank from scott's office, peppercorn and (inaudible) hopefully i didn't butcher that too much. i got it? great. the supervisors and mayor, it is amazing when you turn to city hall for help and it comes. it is astonishing to have that experience and we are appreciative. there are so many that ugushers the project along. no more then ramey dare from mercy housing. nobody has kept the candle alive more then ramey but she has a great set of colleagues, elizabeth (inaudible) lead the capital campaign. (inaudible) the staff working on these
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buildings here. they are also incredible kick ball players as i recently discovered, some more then others. want to thank our fabulous architect from (inaudible) greg and team. the fabulous folks from niby brothers and (inaudible) working on two different projects out here. i see patrick and others. [applause] blessed to have great general contractors who understand the importance of community and working not just on the sticks and bricks but understanding the people part of this, so it is a really phenomenal team out here. as said earler i, there is a alat of folks that contributesed to the campaign. you will hear monica and rob in a minute, but it is my pleasure to be able to introduce a good friend when we said we needed to raise at the time $30 million, not 45 where we ended up, maybe if we told
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45 he might not have stepped up but he did. bill was the first person to step up. bill whity from related. he said this is not a very strong business decision, this is from the heart and something he thought as something of giving back to san francisco. some may know bill has a long history of service. deputy mayor to diane feinstein in 1907. [laughter] when ever that was. she is the longest serving senator and he was there for the gold rush and important events. all seriousness, for those that don't know bill, related is one of the great developers in san francisco and california. they build phenomenal stuff and that part is great. i would just say bill is a better human being then a developer and it has been a pleasure. i want to thank (inaudible) ann silverburg and
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(inaudible) it is my pleasure to introduce my friend and big donor to the project, bill whity. [applause] >> thank you doug. as far as my age, all i can say is flattery will get you no where. so, i am amazed and overjoy to be here today and on behalf of related and my partner ann silverburg and project manager (inaudible) we are doing all the work here. i can't thank enough people and thank you enough. i will say the mayor said it really well that for us it's personal, and i have to thank doug and mercy, ramey, david fernandez, elizabeth, the whole team, because along the way, they introduced me to larry and drew and others and it gave me personal insight what was going on here and how we could help. i
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thought initially i said they don't know me, they don't know us and they have ever right not to think that we get it. as larry knows we tried to work along the way quitely on some things at a personal level not just as doug said about the sticks and bricks and it opened my eye to things. the other thing i would say, this is the 5th public housing development that we've worked on redeveloping in california. first project i ever worked on when i left government was the redevelopment of a 400 unit public housing project in la when tom bradley was mayor. that is how old i am. the first on the west coast and we still own it 25 years later. but we learned lessens along the way and they had everything to do with the personal and social side. when the opportunity to work on the hub
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came along, it just made to us and we are long-term owners like mercy, but we are for profit company and what i think you don't-some of you realize is the effort that mercy put in over these past 12 plus years working with larry and drew and others on the social side, even before any development occurred. it is really-i have never seen a non profit do that to that extent. doug and your team, i can't thank you enough. it really is very inspiring and it enabled us to help raise the funds here today. i do have to say, because doug certainly knows this, we were doing okay on the-the cost kept going up, we were kind of getting depressed. no, after all this work-and are then the mayor stepped up with
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$11 million [applause] and it want just the money. it was the boost to the whole effort. it is like we are go toog get this done and then scott stepped up with $5 million. and then phil ginsburg and rec and park with support of supervisor walton and the mayor got $10 million out of the rec and park bond and all a sudden we are like we are going to get this done and it is because as doug said the city was behind this. larry and drew know this, the city didn't used to be behind visitation valley. out of sight, out of mind. it was really inspiring. i can't say enough about the effort. this is the 5th project we worked on. i didn't have to work with a mayor you didn't have to convince or explain what this is about. she got it, she always gets it and that's why
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we are here today. thank you to everybody who worked on this and going to continue. my friend bob nivy and all the contractors, designers and everything who worked on this. the last thing i will say, larry and drew i think you know this, i'm not done. this was a good first step and we are happy to make this contribution but it isn't the last you will see from us, so--i know you know that. anyway, thank you everybody and can't wait for the opening. [applause] >> thank you bill for the personal support and related investment in sunnyveil. your dedication and generosity will allow us to continue to provide opportunities. next up i like to introduce phil ginsburg. strong advocates for
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kids and families. since the beginning of it project phil has been a enthusiastic supporter. has a great opportunity to expand the footprint and impact of the rec and park department in sunnydale. please welcome phil ginsburg [applause] >> thank you so much star. phil ginsburg, the general manager rec and park department. i'm here with many many rec and park staff who are so excited to celebrate beall you today. let's give them a big round of applause too. [applause] we play a small role in much larger transformation, but we are so honored to be a part of this visionary project. shaped by this community and made possible through partnership. sunnyveil resident were very clear what you wanted. of course you want homes
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with dignity but you also wanted a inclusive safe and friendly place where youth and families and seniors could have fun, could exercise, connect with nature, connect with each other, play sports, compete, and be well. we are going to deliver on that vision with the state of the art rec center, with a professional size basketball court, fitness equipment. a brand new playground that is already under construction. new landscaping recollect lighting improvements, pathways to contribute to this renewed and rejuvinated community. a transformation like this takes a lot of partners and you are hearing from all them today and it is important and the best of what the city does. ment as many said today when we work together. we are so so grateful. i want to extend my thanks to mercy
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housing, related, boys and girls club, children services. i see marie sue from department of children youth and family. together we are working hard with you to provide a healthy and joyous and safe and well place for our kids. this also doesn't get done with all the elected leaders that you heard today who championed the project and helped deliver funds from speaker pelosi for rer leadership and recommending the project to lud so hud, the rec center got a grant from hud. it amazing watching our elected leaders all of them fight for housing and parks together is a joy. it is arection recognitions housing and parks go together. you can't build housing without parks. you can't do it. this is
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just really very rewarding and gratifying for us in the park community to see how this transpired. our mayor has a hard job but she made such progress during her term in office improving infrastructure, fighting for housing, fighting for the kids and quality of life in the neighborhood and fighting for parks. the senator who as mentioned secured state funding and one of the state if not the country leading housing advocate. supervisor walton and safai who had unwavered support for rec park and youth project this neighborhood and throughout the city and rec and park commission which guides us. this is really a tremendous win and to doug and bill the term that i describe the two of you are extraordinary. they are true (inaudible)-i have known them a long time and on this project
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they were not just (inaudible) there is two yitish words to look up. i want to also thank all of you not just as community residents but voters of isf who made this project possible by pazing the 2020 health recovery bond. park bonds matter. the truth is that quality recreation center and programming and parks are directly linked to mental and physical health, lower stress, help heal trauma, increase neighborhood cohesion and lower crime. they are absolutely essential and so i'm so grateful to san franciscans and all of the community leaders who really drove this thing and have san francisco chosen to invest in ourselves and each other so this is a big win for partnership and there community and we are honored to be here. thank you. [applause] >> thank you phil. we appreciate your vision
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and leadership and bringing for a full size basketball court and gym to sunnyvale. next i like to introduce the president boys girls club rob conally. [applause] >> thank you ashley. so, i am really really pleased to be here today. this project means a great deal to me personally. the last 23 years i served this community as a head of the boys and girls club and i stood near this site on many occasions and thought, we with the boys and girls club or city and non profit community need to do more for this community and especially for the young people in the community. fortunately through the hope sf
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initiative the possibility of this project came to life. the past 6 years the boys and girls club has been really proud to work alongside mercy housing and our partners wu yee rec and park and related california to do something profound for this community. i am so pleased and so proud to see us break ground today and start this long long overdue investment in high quality space for young people in this community. hundreds of them will have a place not only to set dreams, but to actively and passionately pursue and realize those dreams. i want to thank mayor breed for her steadfast leadership on behalf of the sunnydale community. she has been a consistent force for doing what's right and for honoring commitments. board president walton for his commitment to the
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people of district 10 where we have 5 boys and girls clubs. in particular, his dedication to this projbect and the people of this community. togethers the mayor and supervisor walton came together to get $11 million in the budget this year to make possible this project. senator wiener thank you for choosing this projec. there are so many worthy projebts in san francisco but you chose this project to invest your considerable clout in sacramento to secure the $5 million of funding that you heard about. supervisor sufia thank you. thank you phil ginsburg and rec and park. caring about the kids in the community and ready to build and staff a new gym for the young people here.
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want to recognize marie (inaudible) partner through the boy and girls club. a terrific department leader in the city. we are grateful everyone is grateful for your longivity. i want to recognize my friend john harris from the mayor office of housing community development for everything you have done around the city to build buildings and keep buildings up. kudos to you for a long great career at the city. specifically for the boys and girls club i want to thank my team in sunnydale. (inaudible) or star, patty, dedeand alma. thank maxine wilson, herald love, (inaudible) for all they do to support not just the club in sunnydale, but the club down the street in viz valley and 14 locations across san francisco. the heartfelt thank you to the
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board of the boys and girls club saying yes to embarking on this exciting project and giving and raising money to make it happen. i want to recognize dan springer trust of the club who leaned in on this project to give generously to the club and to mercy housing. i want to thank and call attention to michael morris and harriet have (inaudible) closing out our fundraising a very very significant gift. i finally want to recognize and thank doug shoemaker for courage and leadership on the project. together we hit a few home runs both in ideas and fundraising and struck out a lot. doug thank you for never giving up and leading with your heart. you deserve more recognition then you will likely ever get. [applause]
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i'm-pleaseed to recognize ramey ashley larry drew (inaudible) from the mercy team for your hard work and dedication to the people of sunnydale. [applause] watching this building come to life over the next 18 months is something i am really really looking forward to. thank you very much. [applause] >> i said he was the swagiest president in san francisco. thanks for your leadership and dedication to the youth in a sunnydale it is a honor and privilege to work with you the last 11 years. next up we have monica walter ceo of wu yee children service over 30 years of experience providing social service and advocacy
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to address chronic poverty domestic violence and economic equalityment passionate advancing equity because she believes everybody deserves the best possible. please welcome monica walters. [applause] >> thank you star and i are want to echo all the comments made before me because this truly has been a collaboration of partnership that was passion from the beginning and served us-it was helpful to have wonderful partners and collaborators like doug, phil, rob, phil, we were on the phone a lot together during the last few years talking bts how we are going to raise the money and we did it. we believe nothing is more essential then access for all children to a quality early education from the very start from the very beginning. that's why i am so proud to be part of this hub because the fact that
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we are building up to 150 new spaces for infants toddler and preschoolers so they get that early education that help them on their way to academic success and success in life is essential and such a powerful message we snd to the community. we are here for all of you. your babies, infants and toddlers and parents. parent shouldn't have to go alone. our parents especially during the pandemic had so much stress and so much on their plate. wu yee knows we want to partner with the parents and have the children thrive. special thank you to (inaudible) who gave us a leadership gift for this campaign to really set the mark to say that private flilanyopy is in on this as well. of course the sunnydale
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resident who partner as we enroll your kids get them started in our infant toddler preschool program and really allow them finally to have access long overdue access to beautiful safe spaces where they can play learn and grow together. sunnydale is a rezil znt resourceful community of people who want to prosper, parents want the best for their kids and we should stand up for them every day to make sure that happens. i have to tell you that san francisco has a real problem in terms of equity around early childhood education and school readiness. only about 40 to 50 percent of our black and brown children in san francisco enter kindergarten at the level they are supposed to be in order to really succeed and learn in k-12 grades. that is a discrase. we have to do something about that and we are committed to bring
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equity and to change that trajectory for all the children so they have the same opportunities and same access to resources as their white counterparts. i'm proud to join isthis collaboration because as star mentioned my career has been around helping people and trying to help people be the best they can be. i truly believe that starts as soon as a child is born. how we bring that child up. how we surround the parent and family with love and support is essential to making that child successful and the family prosper. again, without further ado i want to say thank you again. i especially want to thank mayor breed. she just left. if not for her contribution through the low income investment fund of $3 million to the project we would not have been able to
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build the project so she is our lifesaver as well as senator wiener and thank my partners holding hands with me along the way as we thought we will never make it but we did and so proud and generations to come because we signed a 30 year lease and it is going into perpetuity i believe we are not going anywhere, we are staying with the community and children and families, hold their hands, celebrate with you as your kids grow and learn and succeed in life so thank you again. [applause] j >> i didn't realize i only had one slice of the apple. i got back up. i want to thank andria brust who works behind the scenes for mayor breed. many may know andria, she is the person i call for everything for her,
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but on this particular project she has been shepherd in the background and much praise as the mayor and board of supervisors deserve it takes somebody traiking it and making sure we understand what going on and she is phenomenal partner. i saw tonia (inaudible) from the housing authority and all the great folks ken druand others t. is a really hard job to manage buildings this old with this little money. they bring a tremendous sense of decency and caring to the process so i want to thank them as well as our incredible colleagues eric shaw, (inaudible) mayor office of housing, sarah (inaudible) who is another of the guiding shepherds along the way. phenomenal moving forward. in your program you should see a list of been factors and donors and it is a long list. i want to because i screwed and dident do it take a moment to thank the board of directors of mercy housing along with
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bill the first people to step up and say we'll do this and raise $3 million and got to 3 and $3 and a half million. there are some over there. mercy house board member raise your hand for a second. appreciate it. [applause] i always forget to thank monica yang who puts together these events. they are incredibly hard. because we have tents it isn't raining. monica thank you so much for putting this together. i want to thank the mc. one thing about any work-you will get yours. it is really like one of these things like joking how old phil is but i'm getting up there and somebody wise told me community development is not a marathon or a sprint, it is a relay race and so it is so important that
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we sort of have people who are coming up in the next generation who have the leadership skill and vision and understanding and connection to people. i think it is so incredible. i look at james and others in the audience and have star and ashley and drew larry and others to be that generational change because these building are going to get built and brought to life by these folks so thank them as well as monica and rob for the kind words. i want to say i had never done a capital campaign and hope never to do one again. i really appreciate the wisdom that rob brought along the way and the energy and spirit that monica has brought as well in terms of making this happen so thank you very much for your partnership. now i completed my notes. [laughter] >> doug asked us to mc and took
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over. great. so, last but not least i like to introduce our team speakers from today from the boys and girls club, silas and kiani. [applause] >> hi, everyone. my name is kiani17 years and attends (inaudible) a member at sunnydale boys and girls club 10 years. >> my name is silas, 16 years old, high school. i have been member at the sunnydale club house for 8 years. [applause] >> our residents and club house members we understand the importance of today ground breaking of the community hub. this will be more resources to the neighborhood and allowing to live healthy productive lives. >> we are excited the new community hub include a brand new boys and girl club
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store front day care and much more. building a club house means more youth to access exciting innovative programs with staff that care to see them strive. >> the community hub will provide all youth and families in sunnydale with a sense of security and belonging. >> thank you to everyone who made this possible mayor breed, scott wiener, mercy housing boys and girl club of san francisco and countless others that invested in the future of sunnydale. >> thank you everyone. [applause] >> so excited. they do a good job. so happy. i'm so proud of them. the reason i'm so proud because i came to them like 3 days ago and i was like, silas i like you to speak, they are like okay, no problem. at the groundbreaking and
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they are like in front of everybody. they came up and killed and executed. we are coming to end and this is closing remarks. i want to thank silas and kiani representing the club. to conclude we would like to end with acknowledgments. i like to start by expressing gratitude to my team. [calling names] i hope i'm not forgetting anybody. i'm so grateful for you to all. staff leadership and amoizing board having the courage vision tenacity and fund raising ability to embark on the projingect more then 6 years ago. i like to
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thank the political leaders here today working to make the project gets done. [applause] >> and i also just want to-i'm new to the sunnydale team, only been here 7 monthss and want to take a moment to celebrate david hernandez. he retired and he really laid the groundwork for this project and also like to take a moment to shout out to our team on the ground resident service p.m. team of visitation valley. raise your hand. you are here every single day as well as the cbo leaders, thank you so much for advocating for the community and thank you to mercy housing board for advocating for this project. let's go ahead and break some grounds and get this thing built. thanks so much everyone. >> one, two, three!
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