tv Police Commission SFGTV January 22, 2023 6:00am-8:31am PST
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>> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> like to take roll. [roll call] >> president elias you have a quorum. (inaudible) department of police accountability. line
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item 1, general public comment. at this time the public is welcome to address the commission up to 2 minutes on items that do not appear on the agenda but within the subject matter jursh diction of the police commission. under rules of order neither police or personnel or commissioners are required to respond to the public about may provide a brief response. call 415-655-0001 and entering access code 24850073141. you may submit public comment on either following ways, e-mail secretary at (inaudible) sent u.s. postal service to public safety building at 245 3 street, san francisco california 94158. this time if you like to make public comment approach the podium or press star 3.
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>> good evening. my name is paulett brown, coming concerning my son aubrey murdered 2006, to this day his case isn't solved. i will continue to come here pleading for justice for my son and what do we do to change the laws about people coming forth? i know we have the meeting and everything concerning where the money was going as far as and how much is paid out. i have a $250 thousand reward. has not yet to be paid out to anyone that came forth. they have all the names of the perpetrators that
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murdered my son. this is what they left me with. me. standing over my son in a casket. no mother should have to do this. no mother should have to do this at all. i wouldn't wish this on the perpetrators that killed my son and hope my pleading every week and every wednesday is not going to deaf ears. i dont know what else i need to say anymore. if you have a family member, tell them you love them every day. you dont know when the last time you will see them and walk off the street and get hit by a car. you just grieve this grief. i'm going to pull this up and take it off of that--i want people to see my face. to let them know that this grief never ends. it
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never goes away. my son lives here in my heart. they took his body, but he still is with me. i still want justice for my child. >> good eke vening caller, you have two minutes. >> yes. this is david elliot lewis. can you hear me? >> yes. >> so, thank you very much. i am a 8 year member of the sfpd crisis intervention training team, a mental health working group. i'm a civilian member and done training in the past and helped write d dgo related to use of force and i'm here to
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talk about the staffing needs of this critical unit. ideally it unit should have at least 8 members, actually 10 members but minimum of 8. now it is down because as you know there is a staffing crisis at sfpd. the unit is down to 4 members, 3 active, one away so only 3 people doing this important work. the is model for the nation. the agency gets request from other departments around the country for training, for consulting to train their members. they can't do the work at 3 people, they just cant. half are assigned at field response to help with department of public health crisis response, half are assigned to training but at 3 members it isn't doable work. we'll be requesting a meeting with chief scott to discuss this further, but we are alerting the police commission that this critical unit is being kind of short-staffed and some of the
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problems of short staffing are resulting from the police department reassigning its patrol to other duties like standing around at union square for the theft prevention program. it is called something else. for (inaudible), for administrative type positions, for community engagement work and while all those things are important, dont mean to down-play the importance- >> good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> my name is susan buckman. i live in district 6 and volunteer with wealth and disparities thin black community. the song is a quote from the (inaudible) addressing injustice against black san franciscans is urgeen. i'm going to call what it is, anti-blackness in terms of use of force, arrest and racial profiling and traffic stops by sfpd. i have grown tired talking to the police commission,
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sfpd and board of supervisors. where is the urgency? the tables were turned and these stats represented white folks i know there would be a urgency. when you take responsibility to address the hars bias statistics? you took a oath to uphold the law. i'm tired, not tired enough to quit however tired of beating a dead horse and concerns falling on deaf ears. wealth disparities in the black community tracked quarterly data reports issued by sfpd since 2016. the reports long shown horrific anti-black disparities in use of force arrest and racial profiling. the second quarter 2022 reports published late last year shows sus suspicious chaipg in the data. quarter 1 to quarter 2 the disparity dropped from black people being 15 times more likely to be subject to use of force then white
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people to 9 times more likely but at the same time sfpd is reporting twice the number of people of unknown or other race being subjected to use of force. 4 percent to 10 percent. (inaudible) sfpd can not change the way of collecting and reporting data to manipulate statistics to avoid scrutiny from the public. thank you. >> good evening, you have two minutes. >> hi, my name is (inaudible) i'm community organizer (inaudible) oversee collaborative program and i'm speaking on behalf of the safety committee of central city collaborative. i'm here to express my concern and disappointment about how community has been ignored all this time. i know last year
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mayor did a emergency declaration and part of the declaration also included to address the open end drug market in tenderloin. we have seen little to very little improvement in that aspect. we have also asked for community policing. we asked for visibility which we have seen off and on, not consistently. i just want to take this opportunity to ask commissioners what is the plan for tenderloin to curtail the open air dealing? why tenderloin is considered a containment zone by the city and over the years demonstrated that is what is going on so i have not heard from commissioner requesting talking about what-i know there have been several meetings and presentations what is going on in tenderloin but not seen a clear concise plan and also engagement from the community as to how to curtail the open air
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dealings and i am urging and asking what is going to happen and asking commissioners to do something about it, because we have not seen anything yet. thank you. >> good evening, you have two minutes. >> yes. this is gloria barry district 10 calling to send a message to the san francisco pd to do due diligence and (inaudible) the evidence of the case on (inaudible) gwen the man that hold the homeless woman and not drop the ball and get it in on a timely manner and also execute the warrant and i also like to remind one of the commissioners that these commission meetings do not count as outreach to the community. commissioner walker stating that one time
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that this-we need commissioners to come out to the community and talk to the people, especially the black people to see what's really going on, versus data that doesn't always tell the full story. thank you. >> good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> commissioners, my name is francisco decosta and last time when you all were talking about giving the reward i was in a line and somehow i couldn't connect. (inaudible) the police chief knows about this incident. we had a shooting off (inaudible) known all over the city called (inaudible) and he
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died-he was shot right in front of his house and the killer was known. the first thing the police did is send a message out that he died. we found out (inaudible) he suffered for 10 days but shot in the leg. now this issue of saying reward for $25 thousand, you must find out why the community is [difficulty hearing speaker] received as much as $400 thousand, $200 thousand. not long ago, but in the last 5 years. we have to be very sensitive when
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these killings take place. in this case, the killer killed another person in the east bay and was arrested and is in jail now. i shouldn't be giving the details, but this is a very very serious case. it is-- >> good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> good evening, my name is (inaudible) volunteer with wealth and disparities thin black community calling to echo susan comments from earlier. [difficulty hearing speaker] there is history of (inaudible) urge commissioners to not assume the information they are getting is correct. i also want to point out that the
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(inaudible) police officers (inaudible) when we see it is usually just police officers standing in corners talking to one another and not doing community policing. if we invest community policing it needs to be done well, does not mean officers standing to each other in group s and not talking to people in the community. thank you. >> president elias, that is end of public comment. >> thank you. next item, please. >> line item 2, consenate calendar. receive and file. action. sfpd sb1421 and sb 16 report. >> motion to receive and file. >> second. >> on the motion- [roll call] >> members that like to make comment regarding line item 2,
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consent approach the podium or press star 3 now. there is no public comment. once again, sorry- [roll call] you have 7 yeses. >> thank you. next item. >> item 3, chief discussion. weekly crime trends and public safety concerns (provide an overview of offenses, incidents, or events occurring in san francisco having an impact on public safety. commission discussion on unplanned events and activities the chief describes will be limited to determining whether to calendar for a future meeting.) >> good evening. i want to before turning the floor over since we love change so much
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i asked the chief to present his chief report in a different manner. each week he provides us with stats, which the department provides in a sheet attached to our weekly agenda, which has all the stats with respect to the crime report or the crime trends from last week to year to date, and it is a beautiful i think piece of paper that has all of the stats so rather then waste the chief's time i will have sergeant youngblood post the states so the commissioners who already read the information in preparation for tonight know what the stats are and public can look at it so if we have any questions we can then ask the chief at the end but it also allows the chief more time to focus on substantive issues in terms of giving the commission and public updates of what is going on. we will try this out for a while and hopefully well received and ask dpa to follow suit in
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terms of providing stats on the screen and giving more substantive updates. chief- >> we are going right- >> going right into substantive. because i think both of your staff provide this information in a really concise well thought out presentation for us already, so--all about efficiency. chief. >> thank you president elias for those efficiencies. i'll make note of one thing in the report statistics and actually this was just caught by commissioner yee. when you see the robbery, the arrow is in the wrong direction. it should be increase and not decrease. i'll make the note. let me start with significant incident. from last week there were questions by the commission on the incident that happened with the person who was sprayed with a water house. that
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investigation is ongoing. we are working with the district attorney office and we will update you as that resolved. when we think that will be resolved but update on what the resolution is and when the appropriate time. the district attorney office has been working with the department on that issue and we were hoping to have some information before this meeting but that information has not transpired yet, so i need to wait until i get conformation on the investigation before i can make that public statement as to what those things are. i wanted to keep the commission updated because that was a item of commission and public interest. i will highlight a couple other significant insdants in the past week, starting with a incident last night and couple things and i will be brief, it voled a cat lit blg
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converter theft and that is a problem in the city and state, huge problem, and this particular case the officers responded to a theft in progress of catalytic converter, observed suspect and gave chase and one of the individuals actually fired several shots at the officers. thank goodness nobody either office or members of the public were hurt. there is one person in custody, two other suspects are being sought after, the escaped the perimeter and that is a ongoing investigation. one thing i want to point out, we made a lot off progress of tactical training, coordinated response and the fto unit field training and many other people in the department have
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invested a lot of time and energy to make sure that as best we can these type of situations have resolution that have successful outcomes and nobody is getting hurt. i just want to commend the officers for their restraint and professionalism in this particular case. obviously a very dangerous situation, but this is where our training and all the investment in the training pays off. again, we have one suspect in custody and we will pursue the evidence to get the other suspects in custody but i wanted to note that very dangerous situation. also, commissioner walker and i attend ed town hall meeting in the marina. one item of interest that came up, there was a rash of car break-ins in the northern district on filbert street at about just before midnight january 15 so couple days ago. 17 cars total had their
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windows shattered, some items stolen from some of the cars, other cars were just ransacked and glove compartments . we are investigating and have leads to follow up on to wake up in the middle of the night on a rainy day or next morning and find your window shattered or car interior soaking wet is frustrating for all particularly the victims so we are follow through with captain jackson was at the meeting and addressed the public on this and many other issues of public concerns. if anyone has tips about any cases i mentioned call 415-575-4444. that is our tip line and you can text the tip at tip411. you can text to tip and your information can remain anonymous. some of the other highlights i want to point out, there were no stunt
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driving events this week or side shows. we had three shootings incident one 19 and cap, 3100 block of 24th street in the mission district and other at third and harrison and all of those are being investigated. we have leads. some cases better then others, and hopefully can bring those to resolution as far as people involved being taken into custody. there was a robbery involving juvenile youths. this occurred mason and oferrule in the tenderloin on the 14th january at 831 p.m. while in the area of mason and oferrule. 3 people suroubded the victim and began to kick and punch the victim. the victim fell to the ground, lost consciousness and three people took the victim for the cell phone and bank cards. victim transported in stable condition. our officers responded, did search of the area, fallowed on evidence and located
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the people involved in the area of taylor and market. they were all taken into custody and the stolen property was recovered. so, this was a good piece of police work by responding officers and i know commissioner yanez had spoken about our crimes involving youth, so we will keep the commission and public updated on the trends we are seeing but we have seen a little of a spike in these type of crimes involving youth so hopefully can get that turned around and work with everybody that works with youth to see what to get a handle on this. just two other insdants i want to talk about. significant incidents couple burglaries the 400 block of gavin and bayview, the 1400 block of 24th avenue in the teravel and gavin street a witness saw 3 people with ski mask going in and out of the victim
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residents and fled in a black suv driven by a 4th suspect. a witness called 911 because the residents were a elderly cuper and unknown if they were home. officers conducted a protective sweep and determined no one was at home. the residents signed a burg laer occurred. home owner contacted responded to team, brief inventory revealed over $100 thousand worth of jewelry and thousands of dollars in cash were taken from the incident so that we are following up on. the issue being this was a residents of a elderly couple and it is a trnd also disturbing that we want to get a handle on so hopefully can get the leads to get people in custody that are responsible. the next one was 1400 block of 24th avenue. victim returned and found his residents front door forced open. he left home about 948 a.m. and
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returned at 305 finding that the forced entry occurred. quick inventory of the residents was done and there was large amount of cash, high end clothing items and accessories taken valuing over hundred thousand dollars. witness adviceed of a loud banging from the residents approximately noon and observed a car on the sidewalk. we have video footage we are following up on and again hopefully we can that will lead to the people responsible and i will keep the commission posted on that particular incident. trend being high end high value merchandise is being apparently sought after, so that should give leads as well. last thing, community engagement, a update on the community engagement and community liaison
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unit. during the week they offered outreach to 8 crime victims and one which was african american (inaudible) the past week our community liaison unit officer assisted in 4 incident including robbery 2 robberies with force and pretty significant incident at lincoln high school in which several victims were assaulted in that particular case. just reminder this unit was put up during the global pandemic with a tremendous spike in hate crimes and one of the responsibilities is provide more support to victims and families, so they do a tremendous amount of work, value added for delivery of service but the primary role is to prevent the crimes from happening. part of what they do is information about crime prevention and how to prevent these events happening again
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so we dont have repeat victims. that is my report. i heard the bell and thank you. >> you have time to spare. look how much time you have? you have a half minute. great job. so, we have the weekly crime trends up. any commissioners have questions with respect to weekly crime trends? put your name in the queue. commissioner benedicto. >> not for the trends. chief, it looks like while we were in session there was a arrest warrant made (inaudible) can you confirm that? >> sorry? >> the arrest warrant and officer made the arrest. is that right? >> that is what i was (inaudible) >> i see a video from the reporter so assume. >> my phone is on silent so waiting to confirm that. if that is the case that is the news i was waiting to confirm but that was the development in the case and thanks for letting me know we
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made the arrest. >> (inaudible) good to hear. i know that last week you noted you presented to the commission that the form for the live surveillance used under the new ordinance. i wanted to check and i mentioned so now that form is out are officers able to use that ordinance or still other details? >> (inaudible) president elias and i had the conversation and took it back to the team to make adjustment i need to present to president elias so that will be done and hopefully if we met what we are asked to do we'll get that agendized i hope and start that process. >> just confirming so far the live monitoring hasn't been used by the department? >> that is correct. >> i'll repeat the request once it becomes in use, but i ask that when it is used it include in the
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weekly report (inaudible) x number of times with information. >> happy to do that. >> i think we talked about the mou last week that there is further meetings and will hear back about it in the month of february rsh is that right? >> that is right. one meeting i referenced last week did occur this week with the district attorney to flush out the language. the next step is the meeting is scheduled for the judge the mediator. he was taken time off and when he gets back the meeting is scheduled. which i believe he won't back till the 28. >> dpa and the side deal as well? >> right. which once (inaudible) we do have some language to give to dpa. they gave us a draft and we have language to get to them to consider on this mou and once we finish the meeting with the mediator we can finalize the process and they will
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have concurrently as the commission directed. >> the current mou remains in force while the investigations continue? >> yes. >> okay. thank you very much. that's all. >> thank you. commissioner byrne. >> thank you. chief, last week i asked the question about and understand it is in litigation but the injunction preventing the city of san francisco from rounding up homeless people. i don't know has there been a change since i asked the question last week? the magistrate judge in oakland. >> no change as far as still in litigation so not at liberty to talk about the litigation but no change from last week. our city attorney office is working hard with all the involved departments and as we get the okay to disclose more i will do that on behalf of the department. >> are we to the city attorney, getting a briefing in closed
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session about this litigation? >> yes, we will. we are working with president elias to schedule it on the agenda. >> thank you. >> that it? great. commissioner yee. >> thank you president elias. chief i have a question looking at the stat sheet for shooting by district versus 2022 to 2023. looking at the mission district, this pops right out. there are 4 shootings compared to zero last year, and i know there's probably a high incidents of homicide that does follow the shooting. it is like a accident waiting to happen so after so many shootings you start having homicides that does happen. i
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wondering if there is a way to-you have the teams in what you call the crisis or violent crisis intervention team that go into certain neighborhoods where there is retaliatory strikes or shootings and stuff. i wonder if that applies to the mission district as well? >> this particular spike is actually one incident. last week there were 4 people shot in one incident and one of them passed away. yes, the answer is yes. we do have some significant progress in the case and those things will be done in that case in terms of try ing to mitigate the future-without disclosing to be much because we haven't made the-finalized the
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case yet or i'm not sure it applies in this particular case, but some of the factors that play it might, so we'll get our community violence response team, the unit that does that type of work on the department of behalf and bring all the resources together including scip and who ever else we need involved to mitigate and try to stop retaliation. if it does apply we will employ that in the case. >> as i understand it, it was right after closing of a bar. i was wondering if there's any strategy of having patrols coming outright after the bar close and maybe pay more attention to some of the locations, or go to the entertainment commission and making sure that the establishment has proper security as well. just want to see what your thoughts are. >> yes. at this point
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we don't believe the bar had anything to do with this investigation, i can say that much. to your question, if there are those type of situations where the location for whatever reason has a number of violent incidents in and around the location or over-service that causes people to drink more alcohol then what they should be served, we do work with the entertainment permitting and those entities to mitigate those circumstances. we don't believe that st. the case in this one, but i'm not ruling out it totally but we don't think that is the case in this particular ensdant. incident. >> thank you very much chief. >> thank you. sergeant. >> members of the public that like to comment regarding item 3 approach the podium or press star 3. >> sorry sergeant youngblood-i had my
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hand up. >> sorry commissioner yanez, sorry about that. >> it's okay. i want to take the opportunity to make an announcement i checked with the chief about a comment last week made about gun buy backs and considering this conversation is about shooting incidents i had inquiryed with the chief it was possible for members of the community to drop off guns at district stations confidentially, he confirmed that is a possibility so i want to make sure the community knows that is a option for people. it isn't gun buy back, but a way to get guns off it streets and support the department efforts removing guns from the community. i want to follow up, are there plans in the future to
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(inaudible) or extend or expand that program? >> united playas is the consistent entity that helps put-put on the gun buy backs and we support them actually, and they just had one a couple months ago, so i believe they do two a year commissioner. i will follow up on that but i believe do two a year. there was another entity a couple years ago pre-covid that went into the bayview. we haven't seen that entity doing anymore since then. but united playas they do good work in that regard and i'll follow up with them to see when their next one is. >> thank you. >> members that like to comment approach the podium or press star 3. >> the chief report,
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right? i'm back again. we are talking about the gun buy backs and how people are bringing in their gun. what about the ghost guns, there is no tracing of those. our children are killed with the ghost guns so something needs to be done about that. you can have all the gun buy back programs you want and people bringing in guns they don't but what about the guns being made with no tracing and our children are still dying from them? whether it is-i like to use the overhead again. it doesn't matter whether it is the police killing our kids or the community violence or black on black crime or however you want to call it. we were talking about the cases being solved and who is coming forth. you have all the names of the perpetrators that murdered my child
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hanble thomas, paris mauft, andrew budue, jason thompson, anthony hunter and marcus carter-oberstone. -carter. as i mentioned before, this is what they left me with, my son laying on a gurney, my son here look at his face. he is dead. i get tired looking at this sometimes. i get tired of it. my son had a father too. this wasn't a one family. he had a mother and father at home. he was raised well and i asked again-i know it didn't get mentioned but if anybody know they can come forth concerning my son. please i'm here every wednesday. speaking about my
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child. i shouldn't have to see my son face like this. >> members who have information about the murder of aubrey (inaudible) call the tip line (inaudible) good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> what i want to speak about today is, [difficulty hearing speaker] giving a report the entire nation heard. there was no representation from san francisco. there was representation from
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san jose and i think when we hire policy makers and we say we are going to better the situation, we need them to represent those forums because all the law enforcement entities are there, and they would like to hear the programs we make in san francisco. thank you very much. >> i'm rumona burden, my brother is mark anthony. i seek justice for my brother as always. again, i can't even formulate a sentence and not
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usually shy. i'm not usually shy to talk to people, but her passion and she is coaching me on the proper protocol for this meeting and so again, i emplore you to try something different then what you are doing. all of the nice programs are not effective so we need to try something else. i would suggest i would like to see more-the tip process revisited so that there could be tips or rewards for tips that lead to more action towards a case. i think that that would be beneficial and i also think that more cameras that are workable around these sharp shooter things, i guess that measure the gun shots, there are no cameras there-thank you. maybe cameras in those areas so when the police actually arrive and there is nobody there they can look at
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the footage of the persons or persons or whatever the shots, where they came from. i would like to see something like that. i love to be a part of some sort of committee that is grounds roots in the community. again, i think more community involvement is necessary and whatever i could do to support that i would be very hap py to do so. thank you. >> good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> hi. gloria berry district 10 again. i want to point out at the top of the meeting the access code on the sfgovtv was wrong and that isn't the first time, however it has been corrected since we have been calling in and the website was correct and maybe dpa can relate to the sheriff oversight they are having the same
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problem. (inaudible) it was mention of the arrest of the guy that hosed the homeless woman or don't know if she is homeless. i want to (inaudible) treats homeless people and the rhetoric that folks refuse service needs to stop. (inaudible) i was sent to next door shelter, it was unsafe. someone (inaudible) calling me the b word throughout the night. i left there and they sent me to rehab and i don't know use drugs but it was the only shelter bed for a woman in san francisco and i refuse to stay there because they treat you like you are in jail there, and transitional housing is also unsafe because a lot of times people want their own room. they dont want a room mate so they an
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tagonize you and do things do you, threaten you and damage your property to discourage you from staying there, so i really hope we don't move towards someone refuse the service and then police or public works or who ever can take people's property and also let that start being a way to arrest people if that is in the future because i'm sure, i can't tell. thank you. >> that is the end of public comment. >> thank you. next item. >> item 4, dpa director report. report on recent dpa activities, and announcements (dpa's report will be limited to a brief description of dpa activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to
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calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting.) >> i commend the chief and department and commission on the new reporting with the department information. i think having that kind of parody elevates the whole conversation. not only that but gives a real opportunity to see beyond just the stats and numbers. some of the work being done and good work being done for the public safety. i just-it is a very big deal for everybody in the room to have information like this that makes policing more publicly accessible for our conversations and makes it less esoteric, more readily available and i think it is a good thing. it is also not lost on me that it gives context to the information that dpa presents every week and makes it that much more relevant because it compared to what is going on with the policing staff. i didn't want to let it go without acknowledging what a big deal i think it will make specifically for the public in terms of what we do here on a weekly basis. that said, now i will give my report.
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so, i have 17 cases opened so far this year. this time last year i opened 21 cases. i closed 17 cases as well so far this year. in terms of cases that are pending and open, i have 271 cases that are open in the agency now and we have not sustained any cases so far this year. nor have we mediated any cases so far this year: in terms of cases who's investigations have gone beyond 9 months so far, again not triggering or losing cases to 3304 which i have not done since taking over, we have 31 cases and of those 21 cases are told meaning the time is not running out on those cases because there's ancillary litigation eerfth civil or criminal associated. 9 cases pending with the commission and 84
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cases that are pending resolution with the chief and with the department. in terms of the weekly trend, again, my statistics are published so not going to read all, i give the top 2 to give a-25 percent of the allegations that come in have been referred to department or agency. that is typically a high number. i want to explain it again to make sure what it is. even if you google police reform you will get dpa and so we get frequent calls from a lot of places just looking for information about incident that may have happened to them. my staff is specifically trained to try and make referrals to other agencies or other places and for instance in san francisco, we will get calls about jurisdiction thingz from the chp or park police or any other kind of jurisdictions
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so what this number is reflective of are people having narratives not necessarily associated with sfpd and/or the sheriff department which dpa is involved as well so that is what the number is and what it represents. the other highest allegation that came this week is 17 percent or of allegations of officer failure to take required action. frequently those are cases where people have demanded or wanted a police report taken and or action taken by an officer, say they see something and say this person should be arrested and they engage in behavior or something like that. i am over explaining this week but because we bring it up so often i want to explain what the stats mean even though the records are on the website in case people have questions about them. in terms of the district breakdown which we started doing earlier this year, and again, only going to focus on the top 2 and
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not go at nauseam to every department. the top 2 allegations of complaints this week were from bayview and tenderloin station and bayview there were calls for officers about people fixing cars on the street and folks wanted the officers to get involved in that situation. in thetened loin there are two allegations where folks wanting the officers to make an arrest on specific individuals. these cases again are allegations not necessarily cases that are being investigated, but allegations coming in just to give everyone a sense of the kind of cases coming into the agency. also, the full list is on the website in case folks have more questions or want to know what the allegations look like. outreach, tuesday
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january 17dpa hosted a know your rights training session. this is the first time we have done this. this is for approximately 40 students and the student came in as request from the school district and the student were from john oconnell high school and a teacher there coordinated all of it. we also last week coordinated and conference with the hrc with the department and with dpa on the karen act in terms of how to move forward in interpreting that legislation to make it more efficient for the city and i'll have more information on that as that collaboration unfolds. audit this week, dpa and office of controller completed preliminary review of sfpd24 month response to the recommendations made in 2020. that
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was use of force audit and just to make sure everyone knows and understands, once you do a audit there are follow-up requirements, so the agency being audited has follow-up questions and actions that need to take place and everything 6 monthss i give a report on what the follow-ups are. that is why we are still talking about the audit from 2020. those responses will be published and you will see them and continue to receive information on this and the other audits as well. on the 13dpa and controller office sent the results of those reviews back to sfpd with required clarification on some of the recommended responses that were given by the department. those responses are coming back from sfpd on january 20there will be a publication of what those responses are, so everyone will see and hear this in the ongoing audit. just explaining it
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more so people know what they are looking for and how to understand how the process works. today we do have one of the cases that are in closed session. also current in the room today are senior investigator matt stonecipher and chief of staff sarah hawkins in case there are issues in today's meeting they can address the situations with the public or audience here today. in terms of a little foreshadow what we will be doing throughout the year, future reports from dpr a also now going to start including outstanding issues related to san francisco police department in terms of late filings or late responses and three areas. they are investigations, audit and policy. so we are about to start rolling that and explaining what it is will have a
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deeper explanation is when we roll out the guide lines. these are in the dgo agreed to ahead of time and now i will start revealing how those results play out. if anyone has questions for dpa you can contact us at or 415-241-7711 and that concludes my report. i have other comments on some of the items but will wait till the item s are called before i give input comments suggestions and advice. >> thank you director henderson and appreciate your willingness to adapt to the new format style. i think people-i think you and department do a great job putting together the data so i think it will save time and allow you to be more substantive telling all the great things dpa did.
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>> looking forward to it. i think this is such a good deal. also for people that want to dive deeper into the things myself or the chief is saying to be go to the website and look at the information themselves follow their own stats, look at the trends themselves-i think it is a big deal for the public. i hope it isn't lost on folks how much more they are able to understand the process, whether you agree or disagree, you can't fix what you don't talk about and can't talk about what you don't understand. i think the reports really help and go a long way for the public specifically and understanding policing and understanding the role of dpa and the issues we deal with regularly during the week. it really is a big deal. i don't want it lost on folks. >> thank you director henderson. i don't see names in the queue but commissioner yanez, questions for director henderson? >> members that like to make public comment
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for line item 4, approach the podium or press star 3. no public comment. item 5 commission reports. discussion and possible action. commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting.) - commission president's report - commissioners' reports - commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings (action) >> thank you. commissioner benedicto. >> thank you president elias. a few things from my report. i want to provide a update on-last week commissioner yee and i mentioned i would be attendeding the chinese (inaudible) on january 20 based on the conversation with commissioner yee before the meeting started with
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(inaudible) meeting later date as they have other things to attend to but i (inaudible) in order to provide information to those important organizations about our pre-text stop policy. a few updates on the department general orders that i'm responsible for, after a few months of productive meetings between the chief and stakeholders on dgo5.16 regarding search warrant we have reached as far as we will get (inaudible) i will check with the chief after the meeting and stakeholder tuesday see if there is a chance they can agree on language, otherwise i'll ask that to be agendize said in the month of february with flagged areas where-happy to report on most areas and might be 3 or 4 as a commission we need to break and make decisions on those. on 5.16-(inaudible)
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>> we have a draft that's pretty much ready so if you want to meet again we'll work on that. >> one last chance for a miracle and then we'll see. >> okay. >> wear them down. >> yes. tomorrow commissioner yanez and i have been having meetings on 7.o1 regarding juveniles so the working group will continue to meet tomorrow. we are making progress on the department general order and working group and i want to thank the members of the community that made themselves available for that working group. continue to advance department general order 10.11 regarding body cameras with the help of dpa on that one. finally, i know the last-late last year at a meeting vice president carter oberstone had a conversation about missed dead lines (inaudible) tomorrow have call with (inaudible) to make
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sure the department is staying on task and meeting those commission deadlines under 3.01. finally, we are not only updating the department orderse i'm working with the city attorney to update our commission rules of order which also are out of date so we will be updating those and hope to present those in the coming months with revision for vote as well and that concludes my report. >> thank you commissioner benedicto, i think you have done enough for all of us. vice president carter oberstone. >> thank you president elias, this is something i meant to bring up last meeting but neglected to. want to recognize former deputy city attorney zack (inaudible) who recently left the office. zack adviceed the commission on disciplinary matters held in closed session so wasn't always public facing, but zack departure is a huge loss for the
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commission and city. he was a outstanding city attorney. his analysis was always really thorough, well reasoned and well articulated and he always respected that we as clients had to make the ultimate decision and it was his role as the attorney to provide his best analysis. he never treated us like passive consumers, he always empowered us to make the best decision we could make. of course not following zack's advice you did that at your peril because he always seemed to be right, and just before the holidays i was talking to zack at one of the meetings and discovered for the first time that he had like half a dozen other clients. he was the general counsel for fire commission, and i just never thought to ask if he had ort clients because he had such a high volume of work for us and always done so well i just assumed
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we had to be his only client but i was very wrong. the last thing i say about zack is you could always go to him to ask what the right answer was or how the process worked, but zack was always very willing to question the system and process itself and was a incredible thought partner in terms of thinking about how to make the system work better then it was work ing. i will miss him a lot. it is a huge loss to the commission, city and me personally and just really want to wish him the best and thank for his service to the commission and city. >> thank you vice precedent carter oberstone. i appreciate you raising or acknowledging-he was a huge loss and the other thing he did well is keep us in line. he provided us guidance on how to
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handle certain situations and insured that when we didn't follow the recommended guidance that there were-he made sure we were well aware of why it probably a bad idea not to follow his advice so he will be greatly missed. commissioner yee. >> thank you president elias. my report for this period is that i had a chance to go down to ingleside station to meet with captain derrick lou. i committed two years ago to meet with rick (inaudible) from the asian civic american community center. able to go down there, captain lou and myself and his staff to meet up with apacc and his some of the community members. also got to talk to mar lean tran and also jenny mack, so it was a great
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conversation, because rex he has access to ingleside station, if staff is not there the staff is available. they are looking for a substation out there and visitation valley, which probably-because from the distance from ingleside to visitation valley, i found it to be about 10 to 15 minutes. i talk with them, they are here today. the rain is coming through. if you hear it--there is also a large population of hispanics out there, so next chance i get i'll probably hopefully be able to meet with them with rex. i guess the number one concern out there for mono lingual
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speaker is reporting of crime. after the third incident of having these crimes happen on them, (inaudible) nothing happening. i stress they report the crime so that it's goes up the chain and making sure additional resources added there. hopefully we can have more resources found there. maybe-i don't know if district supervisor will provide funding for the san francisco police ambassador, so i did talk to i'll put him on record, safia and he said he is looking forward doing that. sorry about
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that commissioner benedicto for friday, but the chinese (inaudible) wanted to address other issues and maybe the program is rolling out in the chinese community in the chinese lunar new year, so that's their concern. they say (inaudible) it will probably follow up once it get cleared up going forward. welcome you there. end of report. >> thank you. >> name a time and i'll be there. >> commissioner yanez. >> thank you president elias. i will make a quick report back. i do want to take the opportunity to clarify, my wife asked me to remind people that my name is spelled yanez, we
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can't add the diacritical symbol about the n, but i just want to make sure that folks can try to pronounce the name the way it was intended. my report is going to be brief. we have had as commissioner benedicto mentioned, couple meetings on juvenile dgo. the early intervention system dgo, there is a meeting scheduled tomorrow to discuss some of the early findings and tranition from early intervention system to benchmark system so have a conversation how to move forward with that. have been meeting with policy director (inaudible) around the social media dgo which we will begin to initiate or gather names for work group on.
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lastly, we are janelle from dpa and myself are in contact with nob (inaudible) around community policing dgo which isn't up for revision but there is a process right now in revising the community policing manual, which has been shared with us in draft form so we can look at that and provide feedback as necessary. those are my main updates, and thank you for the time. >> thank you. one thing to report, i want to thank richmond station captain (inaudible) for allow ing me to attend one of the trainings that was hosted by dpa and ia regarding the discipline. i know that dpa and ia have been providing the trainings to district stations and done about half a dozen so far and plan to do more with respect to
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the remaining stations and different shifts. i want to tell you chief that lieutenant willhelm and staff did an amazing job being there and providing officers the forum and ability to ask questions about the process and how discipline works both with ia and dpa. executive director henderson and i also want to commend chief of staff mrs. roseensteen on her presentation. both did a tremendous job and and was happy to see because we believed a lot of positive feedback but seeing first hand showed why all the positive feedback is happening because it was a great presentation the way they co-presented and really were focused on educating officers on the disciplinary process, what you all look for and how this works, because you would be amazed how man y officer do not understand or aware of the process when it comes to discipline and we have not
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provided a forum in real time allowing them to ask real time questions about discipline, about the process and what it is that you all look forward, how this system plays out. the officers had great questions i thought and both of your teams were not only well prepared but answered everything single question and i really felt like the officers appreciated it so i thank you both and really happy that this training is happening and look forward to having it finish with the rest of the stations and rest of the-the rest of the line-ups because there are different shifts. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. commissioner walker. >> thank you president elias. a couple of the dgo i'm working on specifically the bsu which is lingering for quite a while. edits have gone from dpa to
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the chief. i think it is really good to have that on calendar to get a update on that and also, 6.3 i think mrs. haywood has updated that the dpa again has edited and sent the edits to the chief so they are resting over there so hopefully those will be before us in some form. i also want to just comment on the-i did attend the marina town hall. there was-it was a packed audience and people are concerned about sort of the crimes that are occurring there. the break-ins and property theft. a lot of frustrated folks. the department really presented well. i think that it was interesting because department of health was there, the
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homeless service outreach sam dodge was there. these are issues i are have been talking about with the community a lot in talking about how to coordinate, collaborate with all the different entities and -there was a question about the patrol special status which the chief and i are talking about all of which can be part of the solution for bringing a lot more community attention and community policing out in the community. i also met with some folks on the cart group community alternative responses who are making recommendations around homeless and providing assistance and help for that. it fits in really well. i think everybody is really interested collaborated between
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departments and identifies solutions. placing where people can go for help and not focus on policing as a solution for some of the mental health and substance abuse issues that occur on the street and homeless issues. i'm excited about that and hope we can have some sort of discussion to get commissioner feedback on those thingz, but thank you for the meetings we attended together chief. i think there is good opportunities for real issues we are having and number of officers out there and how do we fill the gaps as it were. that's my update. thank you. >> sergeant. >> members that like to comment on item 5 please approach the podium or press star 3. no public comment.
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>> item 6. >> item 6 discussion and possible action taapprove revised department order 3.13 field training program. discussion and possible action. >> i will just be very brief on this particular dgo. this dgo is long time coming. the fto program is really the cornerstone of the future of this department in that, this is where our incoming officers are trained and where they receive the foundational training that carries them throughout their career. this was a collaborative effort with dpa input and just want to highlight lieutenant lisa springer and her team who provided subject
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matter expertise on this particular dgo. i think the revisions are definitely in the right direction to address some of the evolutions in policing since the last time the dgo was revised. i would ask the commission-i won't belabor the point but ask commission to move this forward to the respective labor associations for meet and confer for those within the scope-the issues within scope. >> thank you president elias. i want to see if dpa had comments. okay. in that case, i also think this is a strong improvement. if you look at the red line the old was bear bones and this is more comprehensive. this is another since that hadn't been updated since the 90 and expressed the strong desire to move the
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number to zero last updated in 1998, so very glad to see this come through. i would be happy to make a motion to approve the revised general order for use and meet conferring with the effective bargaining units. i ask we include the same instruction i did for dgo9.07 last week which i ask going forward which is that department direct to only bargain on matters within the scope not bargain outside the scope and also prepare guideliness within and without the scope of representation. >> i know i said no, but i was look ing at the wrong dgo note. sorry. something to say but i promise i will be brief because you addressed most-i want to acknowledge-don't typically talk about
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the policy team and work they do in a lot of the dgo and a lot is janelle kaywood but for this in particular i want to acknowledge germane jones and work he did on this particular dgo. just like you said, this one has been a long time coming. part of what made this one more relevant or also relevant but a factor in taking so long is it requires update to the manual as well and that requires a lot more work, a lot more writing and lot more detail to be included to make sure not just we make these policies but we make policies that the department and officers individually can understand to know what the expectations are for their staff. i just wanted to thank everyone for the hard work specifically the folks on my staff that did writing and collaboration. they don't do it in a vacuum or by themselves and also a shout of appreciation on the limitation for meet and confer. not
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just as a back and forth but in terms of addressing the efficiency and how fast we move forward to get the reforms in place for everyone, for the public specifically, also for the department to make it more efficient. that's all i wanted to say. >> and it was a dgo on the list of 26 that was languishing so we are knocking that down so i appreciate that. sergeant. commissioner-- >> thank you president elias and i want to go ahead and second the motion. i do have one suggestion. not sure if it is a edit, might be a point of clarification the chief can address right now. in 3.13, 2b, it references the first line, sergeant to be (inaudible) field training
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coordinator, and the second other point, represent-(inaudible) members returning to patrol to stations, field training officers which makes it plural. i want to clarify is there a single station field training officer or are there multiple ones to maintain consistency in the language the way it is described at the out-set of the paragraph. >> there are multiple field training officers in each station. there is one sargeent but multiple officers so that is written because it is written plural speaking of members. >> got it. >> who ever they get assigned to out of the pool of officers is what that refers to. >> okay. with that clarification, i will second the commission benedicto motion to approve. >> thank you. sergeant can we do public comment? >> members that like
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to comment regarding line item 6- >> i don't see anything here with- >> one second. he has to finish reading. >> approach the podium or star 3 if you have comment. >> thank you. i don't see any community interaction in this field training program. we talked a lot about that last week and so i'm wondering if i'm just not seeing it and if there is any plans to incorporate how to interact with the community in this field training program. thank you. >> that is end of public comment. >> commissioner benedicto, point of clarification. >> i wanted to since i know we will get ask to clarify the instructions in the motion which is to approve the revised general order 3.13 for the department to use in meeting conferring
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with effective bargaining units as required by law with the following 2 strucks to direct sfpd and dhr to meet and confer on matter related to working conditions subject to collective bargaining on california law and not (inaudible) not subject to collective bargaining. direct sfpd to set clear boundaries on meet and confer process to insure no unreasonable delays on reformants for matters within the scope of representation. >> commissioner walker. >> i just have a question if that wasn't part of the agenda, is that a significant amendment >> it is not a change to the dgo, we did it last week as well. it is just instructions for use with moving forward. >> be included in the agenda when these are presented because i think the public needs to know what we are
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instrucktsing. >> i'm not sure what we would include in the agenda since it is just- >> you request that the in addition to the action item you want the language that with respect to how to proceed with respect to meet and confer also be on the agenda? >> yeah. if we are voting on it. it just seems--i'm supportive of it but i think we need to let the public know we include that in the instructions. that would be my--suggestion. >> i think it is-the point of the agenda is to give the public fair notice so they know in advance what we discuss and vote on, and it is clear we are voting on a dgo that have to go to meet and confer, so providing instructions on how to proceed in meet and confer is well within the scope of what was agendized. i certainly wouldn't
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oppose adding more language to the agenda but don't think it is legally required. others might disagree, but i don't think-i think we are well in compliance with the law here since it is clear we are voting on something to meet and confer. >> commissioner yee. >> i guess you are going to regards to the additional language meet and confer and is that going to be i guess i would ask the city attorney if that's how we do the policy of meet and confer? >> if i can potentially answer first. this was a similar issue that came up last week raised in the letter from the bar association which is simply directing the sfpd labor negotiator
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to insure that there are guidelines and only meet and conferring within the scope of representation to insure we are within the scope of the law. there was a time on this commission i think a 3 year stretch under both presidency of loftus and (inaudible) where the instructions were added to every past dgo. they don't change the nature of the dgo or any law, all they are are instructions so that our designated labor negotiator has the will of the commission we need to move these expeditiously and are quickly through meet and confer. >> i guess i was looking for that with the-i guess with there support of commission to go forward with that with our labor lawyer. >> it is it same language president cohen we include in it in exertion. it is
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direction of commission tell thg labor negotiator to just negotiate those items subject to negotiation and that's it. >> perfect. >> that is what he is saying. he is just saying it in a- >> needed clarification when a lawyer talks to me. >> i'll send you a bill commissioner. >> there you go. >> send the city a bill. >> does it make sense to just add it to it like it was in the past? >> it was never put on the agenda, but what would happen is the motion would be made with the instructions and then we pass the motion. what i'll do is-every week the agenda is posted, the city attorney reviews to make sure it is legally compliant and meet all the requirements so i'm told that we are legally compliant and good so i will address with the city attorney and if there is other advice that we should follow i will handle it. >> might i make a offer president elias, if it is something this commission is agreed upon and it seems it is we want to
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continue past commissions have done and include language to the effect if we agendize happy to draft a resolution that states it is policy of commission that when it comes to meet and confer we do these things and if we pass that that is posted on website and say pursuant to resolution 21-1 these are the instructions and i don't have to repeat it every single time. >> that works for me. you know the new rule with respect to agendizing. oral and written. >> i have my purple folder now. >> i appreciate it. commissioner byrne. >> just-i'm confused. so, to the city attorney, since i have been on the commission there was only commissioner (inaudible) added the language that language was put in. is there
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a legal distinction between the previous dgo we voted to meet and confer and adding that language? >> from a legal standpoint the notice on the agenda is sufficient. what we are asking is direction to the labor negotiators and that has been done. i can't say consistently for all dgo but done in the past. but for purposes of what is being voted on, i understand that commissioner walker is asking for the specific motion to be placed on the agenda and that is a policy decision, it isn't a legal requirement. >> okay. i got that part. now, the second part is, if-when i heard president elias say, the two points commissioner benedicto brought up- >> benedicto. >> excuse me, benedicto brought up, is there a material change including the
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language versus not including the language? >> no. there not a material change for purposes of whether or not you can vote on it tonight. that is what i understand you asking. >> is there a material change to what the directions for the labor negotiator are for the city? >> a change from what? >> from not having the language in? in other words, does it have a legal effect that not putting the language in would? >> from a legal standpoint it is clearer if you provide direction. >> i get that but is there a legal effect of not putting the language in? >> i think that's a policy call in terms of whether or not you give clear direction to your labor negotiators. there is a difference between giving clear direction in terms how you want negotiations to be handled opposed to a legal requirement. >> thank you. thank you. >> thank you. can we
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is patrick leon, the chief financial officer for the san francisco police department. >> 27 pages, sir. >> we'll keep it within the 10 minutes. >> alright. >> the following table describes the budget process timeline. for tonight's discussion, this will be the first of two presentations. the next presentation is scheduled for february 8. tonight we will focus on the budget process and budget priorities. prior to this presentation, i had a meeting with commissioner byrne and we had some constructive feedback, we also went through the previous slide decks and with commissioner questions from those sessions and we hope to address it within this presentation. given the number of slides i'll for the sake of time will be prioritizing the important highlights. mayor office budget
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instructions. departments have been structed to reduce 5 percent of the general fund support and additional 3 percent for the following year. departments prioritize vacancies to fulfill core functions to look for efficiencies and prepare for uncertain economic outlook. mayor policy priorities. the mayor priorities are recovery of the local economy, improving public safety and street conditions, reduce homeless and improve mental health service delivery and advance accountability and equity in services. department priorities. our budget priorities are divided into 5 areas. hiring and recruitment to help address our sworn staffing short-falls, overtime to also help address staffing shortage, technology resources to help department migrate to new rms system, management and analytical support to
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help improve analytics and work on unfunded mandates such as sb1421, 19b ordinance, prop e. lastly, the department is looking for additional opportunities for civilianization. within these core areas, the department hopes to continue with collaborative reform efforts to help advance accountability, community policing and transparency. budget comparison. the following table shows the department total budget over the last 4 years compared to fiscal year 24. please note the fiscal year 24 number is there base figure and carried from the board adopted two year fiscal year 23 budget process. comparing 22 with 23 the general fund annual operating budget increased by approximately $45 million. majority of this difference is attributable to cost of living adjustment for wages, it also
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includes retention pay premiums fringe benefit cost and interdepartment work order increases. these costs are beyond the department control. some are determined by the collective bargaining process and some are pass-through cost from other city departments. collectively these categories don't result in a increase in public safety services but do represent increase cost in doing business. our general fund budget comparison. in this table we break down the general fund supported budget among major categories. overtime is sub-set of personnel cost and we have broken it out separately here. what the data shows is that our overtime budget allocated for the department while flucuated we will see it isn't efficient to meet service demands. in this slide we show breakdown of the
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actual cost for each fiscal year. one important note is that the total responding listed may not always align with approved budget year due to carry forward. this is partly due to timing and partly due to the way the city financial system operates. to try to simplify this explanation and analg would be if somebody works a swing shift they might start at 3 p.m. and get off 1 a.m. tomorrow morning. their entire shift is recorded for today even though it overlaps for two days. department full time equivalent positions. within the table we have comparison of the funded positions and highering thort over the past 5 years for each category. this includes recruits. the city has approximately 2045 (inaudible) we had 200
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sworn employees who are other then full duty status and they are denoted within the table. please note for budgeting purpose other then (inaudible) inclusive of officers on modified duty administrative leave and medical leave. for fiscal year 24, the city has a total of 2089 sworn fte. looking deeper into our sworn attrition details, we lost a great number of officers over the last 3 years and rate of attrition steadily increased. officers latering to other agencies have become a recent trend and approximately 1 in 4 officers are eligible to retire. some officers are choosing to leave prior to maxing out the tenure. sworn retirement eligibility. within the table we show a breakdown of the number of officers eligible to retire and years of service. the
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city has 384 officers that are eligible to retire and airport has 89. city sworn staffing. within this graph the purple line shows recommended staffing levels as determined by the prop e staffing analysis studies. as of late december, we have 1788 sworn officers as shown in red. this include 28 recruits. also 115 members on disability leave and 1537 full duty sworn. a low point we have not experienced since 2014. there is 108 members on other full duty status and in response to prior commission question, there are 103 sworn members who are on the brady list. please note that number will fluxuate based on separation and any new investigations. when we look at full duty officers and other
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officers with other then full duty status, we are now at 537 below the 2021 staffing analysis recommendation of 21 paith 2182 sworn and from the (inaudible) 828 are district stations. the sworn staff continued to decline and city lost 331 officerss in the last 3 years. vacancy funding or overtime feeds. we looked at the budgeted positions and have approximately 2045. the sworn staffing of 1788. vacancy savings generated from the vacancy are set by increased overtime and department use of prop f hires. the department has approximately 123 prop h hires. additionally, because of the significant short fall in the
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sworn officers the department has needed to use overtime to help backfill vac agencies and address service demands. overtime comparison. last year the department expended $47.2 million in overtime versus budget of $14.6 million. during the fiscal year 23 budget process, $10.8 million moved from overtime from position vacancies as back fill. i anticipate a similar scenario occurring during the fiscal year 24 budget process. for the current year, the department already exhausted its overtime budget and currently using vacancy savings to help off-set the overtime overerages. back-fill to meet minimum staffing is the biggest driver of over time. city initiative to help support recovery of local economy (inaudible) also play
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a role. increases in gun violence and due to the lack of jail ward at general hospital also contributed to higher over time usage and these areas we expect to double in usage compared to last year. what this has impact to are response times. the significant short fall in staffing contributed to deteriorating response time. priority a calls exceed it 9 minute mark compared to 8 minute mark. priority b (inaudible) c calls are approaching 76 compared to 60 minute target. when we look at the call for service, we had a reduction of 38 percent in 2022 compared to 2019. when we look deeper to details (inaudible) twice the rate of public calls to 911 and represent majority
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of drop in call volumes. (inaudible) to law enforcement. and while the ratio of calls responded improved the department still took on more then 60 percent of calls in 2022. we do hope this ratio improves in 2023. part 1 crime comparison, we can see that compared to 2021 for calendar year 2022 violent crimes are up 6.2 percent and total (inaudible) up 5 percent over the prior year. lastly, with the gun violence
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comparison. when we look at the numbers the total shooting victims remain much higher in 2022 compared to several years ago in 2019. we have achieved some areas of success with violence reduction strategy. total shoot ings down (inaudible) in bayview and 11 percent in ingle side. staffing remains number one priority. department had to rely on overtime to supplement existing staffjug this will continue to the next year. we have a consorted effort to retain existing staff for each sworn officer that leaves it takes 1.25 recruits to replace each person that leaves when you factor the wash-out rate at the academy. we are at 537 officers below the recommended staffing level and have another 384 officers eligible to leave. recruitment and retention will be
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a major focus during this budget process. i apologize for running a little over. if any commissioners have any questions i would be happy to answer them. >> 22 slides was not too good to be true but that's okay. i want to give you a second to breathe. >> thank you. i was within the 10 minutes during practice and- >> i know. he slowed you down. he is touching your powerpoint. vice president carter oberstone. >> thank you president elias. thank you director leung. just two questions for me. on page 11, which outlines retirement eligibility among current staff, there is this note that says does not include service time served in other agencies. i assume there is some type of reciprocity between agencies such if you have few years somewhere else and years here you can combine and retire.
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do we have a sense what eligibility looks like once we take in other agencies? is it vastly different or--? >> that's not something that-i have to circle back on that. it is true that -and >> it isn't vastly different. >> okay. do you have a sense why that is because i feel there is a lot of officers who have worked at other agencies and i would think that might be effect the numbers in a significant way. >> i think just overall there are not enough officer tuesday off set it. we do get lateral officers but not droves and droves, so i think that contribute to the problem overall. we can circle back and get numbers of what that would look like factoring in service but dont think it will make a dramatic impact. >> thank you, that is helpful. and then, my other question is about response times.
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that's slide 15. so, it looks like from 2019, 2020 response times generally get slower. at the same time, calls are all decreasing, particularly among priority b and c calls which are bulk of calls. wonder if you can provide color how we should think about increase in the response time. obviously staffing is part of it but calls for service are going down. i wonder if you have thoughts on what the main drivers are of the increase in response time. >> to me, the main driver of the deterioration of response times is really associated with the lack of staffing. the dip we see
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between-within the early part of 2020 was when the city was on a lock-down because of the pandemic. there was a lot less traffic and i was able to drive from one end to the city to the other in less then 15 minutes and we've-traffic returned more towards back to normal and because there is more traffic within the streets coupled with the lack of officers that we have compared to just two years ago--it definitely has a impact to our ability to respond to the calls for service. >> okay, that makes sense. i'm just asking because total calls for service in 2019 are 690 thousand roughly and in 2022 it is 430 thousand so that is a pretty significant drop. the staffing dropped as a percentage not as much
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as the calls. granted, a lot of the drop is priority calls, but i guess i was curious if there was something else going on here other then staffing because the drop in calls is so much more precipitous then drop in staff sng >> here is important note on that slide. there is a big decrease from 2019 to 2022, but the majority of that decrease is because of reduction on on view calls which is part of the officer is from proactive time. he's driving his sector and he encounters an incident in progress and stops--the reduction in on view calls is like 2/3 of the total. of the reduction from 2019 to 2022. so- >> sorry, just to clarify, maybe i need to ask a more basic
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question since i may not understand. i assume call for service is a non-officer puts in a call asking for assistance. not a officer observing something. you are saying in instances a officer observing something is included as call for service? >> as it is shown from the cad system the city cad system, it's a part of is 911 calls and the other part is on view calls. officer self-initiated calls. the breakdown is the last two rows within that chart. >> got you. okay. perfect. thanks so much. >> i had a follow-up question on that because today when i was at the richmond station i heard officers expressing concern about the percentage and how many calls they get called out to
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regarding civil disputes and that majority of the calls they are dispatched are civil disputes that have no business having police intervention where someone calls and says i don't like my landlord, we got into a verbal argument. come do something. officers, they are in training taught to handle civil disputes nor should they because we want them to focus on criminal situations so wondering if there is a way to break up these statistics to show how many civil disputes they respond versus the criminal a, b rfx , c calls because according to the officer the majority of time is focused on civil disputes and takes away to handle the a and b calls. >> the calls for
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service, they do separate the different call codes. i don't know if there's a call code specific to that category. >> i got you. >> so, we would be able to parse out some but not all. typically in the situation you just described that would come as 418 which is a fight. there would be no call code that indicate that was a fight because of civil dispute so that where it is hard to parse the data. there are call codes thatland themselves to be more easily targeted as something that would be civil, but not all of them are quite so easily--so, it would be tricky. we can parse all the call codes out and let you know how many of this we responded and that and the priorities but sometimes there is nuances. a lot of information is coded into the notes which are harder to pull.
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>> chief maybe that is something we can explore about the civil disputes and how much time it takes away from the officers able to respond to criminal complaints and things they should be responding to. >> yes, we can. a lot of those calls are calls to keep the peace and we do have some procedures how officers should handle those calls. the ones they need to stay and keep the peace and the ones they need to disengage because there is nothing they can do so there is training on that. >> the officer today i think were voicing concern and frustration over the fact the second category there is nothing they can do and protocols dont apply to the situations they are called out to, which i think is very frustrated and problematic for them. >> we'll dig into it. >> thank you. commissioner byrne. >> thank you. just a few points of clarification. can you tell the
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commission and public what percentage of the police budget goes to wages? >> if you factor in the salaries that other performing departments provide on behalf of the department, meaning our work orders, it is approximately 90 percent. >> and the vast majority is covered by labor contracts such as the police officer association? >> correct. >> so, basically approximately 90 percent of the budget has to do with the number of officers allocate in a given fiscal year? >> officers and also our professional staff, correct. >> okay, thank you. and then, just to some of the slides you didn't get to, the sort of outside vendors, so, the public may be interested in why over
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$3 million goes in rent. can you explain where that money is going to and what it's for? >> sure. for all facilities we do work with the department of real estate. they are actually have-they are responsible for negotiating all the lease agreements on behalf of all city departments and for some of the facilities, actually a lot of our facilities, some are managed centrally by department of real estate and we will pay them via interdepartmental work order but there are other agreements if it is a space for the police department the city practice is we pay the vendor directly. in this instance, 16th street associates for 3 $3.3 million is annual cost for one facility over
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on 17th street. >> can you tell for the public what that facility is? >> the facility is for our department operation center. >> okay. the last item that i wanted to call the public attention to is, that the department gets billed by other city departments for the use of services. and that after the wages is the most significant line item in the police budget, is that correct? >> that is correct. we do break out some of the categories and that's on slide >> 27. >> slide 7. it is approximately-it varies year to year. it is between 10 and 11 percent of the total budget. >> and, again the department has no control over that because it isn't negotiated. the other
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city departments simply bills the police department for those items? >> correct. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioner yee. >> thank you president cindy elias. first thing i wanted to ask is hiring and recruitment. this year california passed sb960, non citizen right to be employed. is that part of hiring process you have looked into? >> yes, that is new and we are currently in discussion now how the department will handle that. we have a meeting scheduled in the next month with the city attorney's office and dhr so everybody can come to the table but we are definitely aware of it, exploring the options and we should have update soon. >> okay, so it should be part of the city-police department
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policy as well is that-and, the way that is structured the department can elect to opt in, and move forward with hiring non u.s. citizens and can also elect not to opt in so we are just making sure we understand all the information before the department makes a decision. >> okay. second question i have on technology, we talked about the body worn cameras where officers have to activate it. i know it is a department that has host trigger that once it is removed from the host it triggers the body worn camera. do we have-are you aware of that >> we are aware but do not have the technology. >> the question is why? >> because commissioner walker is looking into and we haven't done anything yet commissioner yee but she is on it so
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will report back. >> the body worn- >> i want to see what the chief says. >> that is technology we are aware of it. (inaudible) deputy jones (inaudible) couple things, including the cost and the availability of that technology when we first acquired this technology body worn cameras we were not ready for that type of technology, so in the-i don't think it was available then, but in the future that is something that we have may discuss. there is a lot that goes into that in terms of cost versus whether we can afford it and whether it will be value added to the police department so we haven't set lds on the issues but will keep you posted about technology continue to move forward. >> thank you chief. last one, question on the budget. does it include-what is
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percentage of the budget includes our related to training? i know we will have tons of dgo and have to have updates, so i know that is time off the clock in the field and that may impact the load. >> i do have a slide on that. >> if you have it, if not-i'll take if next time. >> we do have several units that are directly involved with training. most of them are with our academy unit. there is approximately 49 fte that range from administrative report, (inaudible) field training tactics, emergency vehicle operation course, those total
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approximately 49fte. woo outside the positions we have training budget of approximately $1.7 million to cover everything else. >> i'll reserve it for next meeting. thank you very much. >> thank you commissioner yee. commissioner yanez. >> thank you president elias. thank you for the effort. few questions about this budget. one of the-so, how many new fte or attrition from the previous year, how many new hires do we have in calendar year 2022? >> currently we have 64. >> 6 4 new hires. part of the mayor
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budget instructions are to figure how to maybe reclassify positions and we had the cuneversation here at the commission around increasing or finding non-sworn staff, civilianizing certain positions and i notice that in your report here it sounds like there were efforts to civilianize positions, but i only see maybe i think about 30 that were reflected in the difference between fiscal year 2023. what is the process department is currently undertaking to determine what types of positions or what type of activity can be civilianized? >> i think a lot has to do with the scope of work, so one of the major areas we are invested in now is transition to the new
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system. that is -national incident based reporting system, a fbi standard. we have rfp negotiated, we have a vendor for a new rms system but it is a heavy lift to transition from the old system to the new standard. many of those positions helping to support that transition are professional staff in the past we've had to use sworn officers to help supplement our technology division and for those-that's an example of a area we are looking at. as far as other civilianization opportunities it is dependent upon the scope of work and whether it involves functions that require a sworn member to perform specific functions. >> commissioner we
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started to meet as command staff regarding this issue exploring the professional staff hiring needs, what can be used to civilianize if not entirely a position at least a portion of the position that free up that officer for duties that would be more (inaudible) so we made a concerted effort to address that. what we are looking at now is a pass through the departments and are again trying to put professional staff in place in this budget cycle that will prevent us from having to bring any sworn officers into do any of this work and also to be able to potentially put officers back on the street who may be doing the work already. >> thank you for that deputy chief jones. my other question is, i understand that you indicated a large percentage of the calls that are going to the-i believe srt
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team are also requiring police response, right? department response in addition to the team response even though they are lower priority calls. my understanding is there are some certain type of calls or certain situations with the teams don't feel they can respond to it as effectively without department support. is there any type of cross-training that is taking place to be able to better equip those teams to respond to those priority a and b calls yet? >> i'm not sure about cross training if we have done anything specific related to that but sure we had conversations. >> are we talking about with other
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departments? >> yes. so, whether it is--well, i believe they are called the (inaudible) my understanding is sometimes maybe there is a response for someone in the mental health condition or having a episode, they get there and may find there is a weapon or believe there is a weapon and then they require police department response support also, right? >> definitely a lot of discussion on that very type of issue, and it is a evolving conversation. in terms of training with the fire department, there is some training, not particularly on that specific type of example you gave, it is higher level like the tactical incident, barricade suspect where we train or have trained in the past with the fire department. the day to day stuff is more
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conversations of how we would respond when we can support them,b when it is appropriate for the fire department or service providers to call us when they need us to respond to try to help protect their safety. there is a lot of those conversations. not necessarily training exercise but so we are all clear on the rules and protocols what we are doing so there is a whole lot of that. >> is training the department offers available to some of the other entities starting to pick up and do some of this work that is for those non-priority calls for a and b calls? >> we actually given training like cit training to entities like urban alchemy and there are others but urban alchemy we have done it. cyc as well i believe. yes, we do
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offer training and we daget request for those types of collaborative training opportunities and it does help. i think we all trying to get to the same place in terms of response that is appropriate or de-escalate getting things out of control or turning into bad outcome so we have done it and will continue. >> if i may just add, on slide 17, we do break out calls there is a designation of the number of calls that get referred back to us as pd and it is a relatively small number, so in 2022 there was 10.895 calls from scrt and 252 were referred back to a police department and it is a small number of calls that get referred back. >> good to know. the
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other question i wanted to ask is, in the area of overtime, i know your first slide indicate some of this overtime is also utilized for writing reports, administrative elements of the work, is there a cap for how much overtime in the field people are allowed to utilize? i can imagine you know based on previous testimony from officers when they are running call to call to call, obviously the paperwork isn't the priority, it is keeping the community safe, but at some point you know, we are all human and there is a threshold for how much we can hold and how much we can work without getting to be stressed or to begin to make mistakes. how do we monitor this not necessarily for the resource but for the wellbeing of the
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individual officers? >> sure. i'll answer that in a couple parts. we do have the department does have overtime policy that dictates how many hours an officer may work within a 24 hour period. there is administrative cap by the city of 520 hours in a fiscal year that a person can work overtime. because of the significant staffing shortages we did make a request to dhr to lift that cap. i can't recall what number that is, but we do have a exception to exceed that cap for this fiscal year. >> got it. chief, are there any plans to support i guess staff with the documentation
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because i think another commissioner mentioned it earlier with the changes in dgo, is this training that should complement some of the new expectations? is that something that is part of your budget right now increase in training or is that a conversation that has taken place at the department? >> let me answer that--back to what director leung said, the training particularly for dgo we work in a period we train on changes in dgo and depending on the complexity of that it could be shorter or longer. where that rears its head is officers away from assignments if it is form al training, they are away from assignments so we have to factor in those absences and we feel the cars and stations
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in terms of back-fills so it really kind of surfaces with overtime. overtime you have to factor officers call in sick, leave due to disability type issues, militarily, all those things, training, and the bottom line is, all these things are happening those assignments have to be completed and sector cars filled, so that is where you see it, because it is factored into our equation. we know we will have absences. there is a pretty consistent percentage of any police department that not fl for those type of reasons and you have to factor that in. when you are short staffed like we are and face the challenges we are facing, we back-fill those positions so overtime is where usee that, not necessarily increasing the training budget but increasing the overtime budget so people can be away to train. hope that makes sense. >> thank you for the
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clarification there. those were my main questions. i am going to just piggy back on what commissioner yee said. i would hope we will be opting in to hiring non-citizens in whatever capacity whether non sworn staff or administrative. i think anything to contribute filling those vacancies. thank you very much for your report. >> thank you. sergeant. >> members that like to make public comment for item 7 approach the podium or press star 3. >> i was going to try not to say anything but the attrition rate is--i work for a truck company and we talk about attrition all the time and plan for it. i'm confused so i would think addressing the attrition rate
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should be top of mind here. it also keeps our officers safe when there are lots of officers available to support each other so the safety is number 1 concern. if they feel safe they can fight crime and find my brothers killer. i want to throw that in. seriously, i think the attrition rate needs to be addressed by this commission in whatever can be done to support chief scott and his team. thank you. >> from the public. >> caller, you have two minutes. >> commissioners, this budget needs adjustment. with input from the officers. so, the mayor and some of you
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all think these 2,000 officers, (inaudible) 900, a thousand, a thousand 200, you have no clue. you need to do a needs assessment and focus on the (inaudible) wellness of the officers. from which all the problems come from. and the mayor doesn't know this because she cannot do a needs assessment. the commissioners must step up and look after our officers and don't rely on some mickey mouse non profit and other entities that come from la and some other areas, new york with models of this
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and that (inaudible) how to do our work. and then, the mickey mouse operations get our police involved in this that and the other. wake up. we need standards. (inaudible) thank you very much. >> there is no more public comment. item 8 collaborative reform initiative. quarterly update presentation. discussion. >> (inaudible) [microphone not on]
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>> did they break it? >> i'm sure i broke it. >> see why we need our it budget? [laughter] >> good evening commissioner president elias, commissioners, chief scott and director henderson. my name is sergeants rivera and will give the update for the collaborative reform initiative. as a baseline this is where our initiatives stands so far. there are 272 recommendations that came from this assessment, 245 of
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which are deemed substantially compliant. leaving with 27 recommendations to work on. much oof the work done over the past year is sustainability of the reforms we have completed while also developing further plans for the remaining 27 recommendations. slide 3 and 4 are reflective of how be establish and work towards sustainability during year 2022. as we moved through the year we incorporated additional sustainability efforts including sharing an a weekly basis the documents with cal doj and jensen hughes formally known as hillard hines. we begin the new year the captsen and professional standsards do review of sustainability with it goal of identifying effectiveness, efficiency and areas for improvement. the outcome of that review
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will be presented to chief scott mid-next month. in addition to sustainability work continues towards completion of 27 recommendations. including contract negotiation and entering into contract with jenson (inaudible) work done over the past year as well as proposed project plan and key project milestones moving forward. we'll begin our guidance calls and working sessions with the cra partners next month. i are apologize the slide reading next week, the calls begin next month. many remaining recommendations are related and have shared work efforts to that end. project plans developed to best address the
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completion of these recommendations. those planerize shown here in the following slides will go into more detail of each. you'll see this slide is representative of slides you have seen in other presentations. focus attention to the milestones sections. for this one there are two areas of progress made for this project. the use of force data collection and arrest dat a. use of force data collection with the new dgo5.01 update technology division integrated use of force data collection to incident reporting system. also vendser identified to build improved data collection tool that will be integrated with new records management system. with regards to arrest data the new system will house improved sfpd arrest data for
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improved analysis. data informed personnel development. working with our vendor this partnership has been developing metrix capturing data from different systems to inform the project. a important aspect is keeping our collaborative partners the cal doj and jensen hughes team informed to reaffirm our approach to make sure we are still on the right track and reaffirm their level of involvement. milestone is budget proposal to enhance our existing contract with the vendors, and to further refine and develop the scope of work. the department engages in weekly meetings to identify these refinement scopes and analytical review. these community policing recommendations continue to make progress. recently the early drafts of
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the chief advicery manual and community policing problem solving manual have been shared with our cri partners and department of police accountability. additionally, division unit and district level annual community policing plans are under development for the second year. milestones we look forward looks towards working for center for policing equity to gain independent look at process to development of community policing plans and recommended improvements to those processes. the department also looks to sharing the advisory forum and community policing manual on a broader scale. management tools and discipline metrics. milestones committee has been identified to help fulfill this project plan. the goal is address fair impartial discipline specifically with focus in variance in
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the application of discipline and trend identification. upcoming milestones looks towards budget proposal for additional analyst and expanded review of organizational trends, and any trends identified in findings help inform improvement in plaining and officer performance. the objectives here are to use technology to make real time data driven decisions for officer performance and have a community review discipline for fairness and impartialty. among remaining recommend aizs there are what we call stand alone recommendations, meaning the recommendation isn't tied to others there isn't a lot 06 overlap so stand alone. recommendation 55.2 is to develop report aggregate data regarding complains gaens department members. the effort currently is to
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acquire analyst for internal affairs and identifying current organizational trends with regards to complaints and developing process for capturing data to inform internal as well as external publication. recommendation 39.1 calls to develop comprehensive strategic plan. and 41.1 is to develop community policing problem solving manual. the current direction for that is engage with partners to explore the utilization of the utilization of strategic plan and manuals to address these two recommendations. recommendation 1.1 is to review understand the reasons for the disparent use of deadly force. as preparations for the analytical scope of work commence legal review research board and additional guidance became clear so the timeline on 1.1 is extended to accommodate the review
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iews and participation. as the department we will look at budget proposals to include additional analyst project funding such as funding for records management for years 2 and 3. our partners will monitor this what is hoped to be the final stage through partner calls monthly working sessions and site visits from the jensen hughes team. we will have our finalized timeline, the scope and project metric for the final report and that report is expected towards the end of year 2024. that point i will pause and answer any questions as what i can and best i can. >> thank you. i just wanted to say thank you for the
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presentation. i wanted to flag. you talked about transitioning the meetings into the jensen hughes process but i want to affirm for folks in case there was a issue or question the dpa is also included in this in the new meetings and new format so we continue to working with the process as a collaboration and thank you. that's it. >> can we go to public comment sergeant? >> members that like to make public comment regarding item 8 approach the podium or press star 3. vice president carter oberstone, there is no public comment. >> next iletm. >> item 9,. if you like to make public comment approach the podium or press star
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3. there is no public comment. line item 10, vote on whether to hold item 11 in closed session including vote whether to assert the attorney client privilege with regard to 11a san francisco administrative code 67.10. action. >> can i get a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> on the motion- [roll call] you have 6 yeses. we will go into [meeting reconvened]
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>> we are back in open session. item 12, vote to elect whether to disclose discussion held in closed session. action. >> can i get a motion ? >> i want to be recognized. thank you. on october 12 of 2022 this commission did something very notable and positive for transparency around negotiations with the police officer association and our continued progress repolice reform erfts and voted tonanimously to disclose regarding use of force that the commission determined fell outside of the bounds of strictly working conditions and therefore entitled to be seen by the public and that was at the time the first time in
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record i find the commission has done that. you had multiple outside organizations in police accountability commending that action. executive dreckderhanderson commending that and action and positive all around. the poa was a productive partner in the negotiations and it was i think a positive thing members of the public were able to see them working with the commission. i think that situation has arisen and hope the commission will act in a similar way so i make a motion to not disclose item 11 with exceptions of 11c and 11d because it is my view that the discussion on items 11c and d fall outside the working conditions and no reason those
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negotiations couldn't be held before the public so i move it not disclose item 11 with exception of 11c and d which will be disclosed to the public. >> i like to second the motion and the only thing i add is that making iletms 11c and d public is not optional. we have a legal obligation. the only reason we can have discussions in closed in the first instance is when those discussions are about iletms within the scope of representation and if they are not in the scope of representation then under public disclosure laws including the brown act and sunshine law we are required to make those items public so for that reason i think we are legally mandated to do so and second the motion. >> members of the public that like to comment on item 12
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