tv Planning Comission SFGTV January 31, 2023 4:00am-9:00am PST
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>> good upon afternoon and welcome to the san francisco plan commission thursday, january 26, 2023. to enable public commission is streaming live and we will receive comment for each item. each speaker allowed up to 3 machines when you have 30 seconded you will hear a chime when your time is roached we will take the next person. we will take public comment from
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in person first, then the access line. participating web ex raise your hand had public comment is called for item you are good in. call nothing to submit testimony follow these instructions. you need to call phone font then access code: 2491 866 4539 ## you need to enter the password it is 01226 then pound again. you should be able to listen live. you need to wait for the item you are interested in speaking to and for comment to be announced and press star 3 then you will hear a prompt. wait until the host calls on
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you. you need to wait for your turn when you hear the prompt you are asked to unmou yourself to unmute press star 6, you must enter star 6 when you hear you are unmuted that is your indication to speak. commissioners for your knowledge, starting today sfgovtv will helping us out with remote caller >> call from a quiet location and mute the volume on television or computer. in person, line up on the screen side of the room. speak clearly and slowly and if you kay to state your name. il ask we silence mobile devices that may sounds off. i like to take roll. president tanner y. here >> vice president moore. >> here. >> commissioner braun. >> here. >> commissioner diamond. >> here >> commissioner imperial >> here. >> commissioner koppel. >> here >> commissioner ruiz. >> here >> consideration of items
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proposed for continuance and upon currently there are no items proposed we can move on to consent. all matters listed here are considered to be routine by planning. and men acted upon by a vote of the commission. no separate discussion. unless a member or staff requested tell be removed and considered as a separate item at this or future hearing. item one sea way, 110 franklin street a cu authorization. >> this would be your town to request this be removed from consent. no questions to peek, public comment is closed. and item 1 is before you,
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commissioners. why commissioner braun. >> move to approve. >> second. >> thank you. on this motion to approve item 1 under consent commissioner braun >> aye >> commissioner ruiz >> aye >> commissioner diamond. why aye >> commissioner improll y. aye. >> commissioner koppel and tanner. >> aye. aye. >> that motion passes 7-zero. commission matters for item 2. ramaytush ohlone acknowledgement the planning commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by
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acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples >> thank you. y. 3 consideration of adoption of draft minutes january 12 of 23. members of the public this is your tune to address the commission on the minutes. public comment is closed the minutes are before you. why commissioner improll y. move to adopt the minutes. why second. why on that motion to adopt. commissioner braun. >> aye >> commissioner ruiz. >> aye. >> commissioner upon diamond. >> aye. >> commissioner imperial. >> aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye >> commissioner moore. >> and president tanner >> aye. >> that motion passes upon 7-0
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and we are on item 4 comments and questions. >> commissioner moore? >> i have a question, we are executing the house being element we will have to look for cites and opportunity cites for land banking, today and on february 23rd we have [inaudible] where we are extending the use parking for another 5 years. is the department able to look at the cites primary to asking the commission to garnt this extensions in and when criteria are we using to do so? >>you want us to -- include it in our analysis when we. it would be interesting for the commission to know because we are here to support consent but without having your metrics or understand why you do it and what is the backgrounds including extending it to for more than 5 years.
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>> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioner moore. >> commissioners i want to start out and not upon planning related notes happy lunar new year and hopeful low folks are enjoying themselves and in a serious note i was in monterey park on saturday. in the daytime enjoying the festival and in the evening the shooting at the dance hall there. i wanted to take a mobile home to rescue noise the victims of the shotting in mont ripark, half moon bay and oak lan. not the way we want to start the year but present in 94 community. i want to pause and take a few moments of silence in honor of the victims and survivors, their families and friends and really our community that is suffering this time of pause for a moment, i appreciate it.
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thank you all. i don't see other comments or questions. why very good. that will place us on department matters director's announcements. >> no announce ams >> 6, review the board of supervisors i have no report. >> good afternoon airstar legislative affairs at land use this week supervisors considered dorsey's ordinance that would permit night time entertainment on properties fronting folsom street and fronting 11th between howard and division. commissioners you heard this twice. most recent on january 12 you voted approval with clarifying amendments. this week's hearing supervisor dorse made a request to add the amendments the city attorney
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deemed them substantive continues another week. >> opening of by right in the polk neighborhood commercial district would allow 3 things. first allow the expansion of existing general grocery use replacing a legacy to exceed 4,000 square feet. merger of general grocery related to replacing a legacy if it is in a building on the same lot. and it would remove the cu requirement if replacing the legacy business, general geeshl with a be grocery store use only if the existing is expanded a building on the same lot. the planning heard this on december first and recommended approval with the following modifications one to permit general grocery use up to 5,000 square feet.
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allow store front mergers for proposed general grocery use up to 5,000 square feet. eliminate the cu requirement for removing the legacy business general grocery store if replaced with original general grocery and staff read in the record the draft ordinance amended include section 302 missing from the ordinance. our understanding was this supervisor peskin's office was open to making the amendments that would have made this ordinance widely applicable. however during the hearing president peskin noted he did not have resources to conduct out roach to the city and will not take the commission's recommended modifications. he emphasized the desire to move this quickly so pie right could open as soon as possible. well is a caller in support after public comment president peskin moved amend the ordinance and to sends it recommend agsz committee report and both of
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those passed unanimously. lastly, the commune took up the housing element update. youar proved it on discipline 15th. you know the board does not have the ability to amend if once transmitted they accept or reject with up or down vote. planning staff gave a presentation on the update and available to answer questions. supervisor praised planning highlighting the community out reach done and the wellingness to listen to occurrence throughout the process. supervisors reserved most of questions for the director of the mayor's office of house and communal development. vice president vice chair preston directed questions whether the city has a land strategy and whether we are on track can affordable housing projects. resource contrains and where additional funding could come from. pest pest alined with preston's
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comments. chair melgar, high resource area and this we need to invest in infrastructure on the west side. she mentioned the need to improve electric infrastructure and economy to address climate change. commented she heard from her consit wents than i see a need for hozing at all income levels on the west side there are few apartments andments to make room for the nextieneration of nurse and teachers. public comment was are bust but most of the callers call manage and few were in the chambers. men praised and noted that was the first step and take the phase seriously. others said the plan was lacking with regards with affordable housing but pass it for a compliant housing leadership. rare when both sidesmented the same out xhchlt the committee excused president peskin he was call nothing from home due to an
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imhave beens and voted recommend the housing element to the full board on 2-0 vote. heard the appeal for mission street for cannabis retail use. commissioners you heard this on september 29 and voted, prove. the appellate appealed on the grounds the project violated the sunshine public notice requirements. the project near balboa high school and not in the required 600 foot buffer and over saturation of similar businesses in the area. public comment was similar to what was said at planning hearings and typical for can bills after comment supervisor safai asked the experience commit to good neighbor policies and recommend the board look at cap on cannabis retail. supervisor stefani said she is look to legislation to do that.
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the board unanimously voted uphold the planning decision and reject the appeal. >> and also on the gone was supervisor peskin's grocery store and polk street neighborhood commercial ordinance passed the first read and the housing element passed without a peep from combvenl so. that's my report. >> i note on that we are expecting hcd certification after approval we got a precertification letter from them that said the housing element remains few approved it. they could certify. we expect that to happen. hopeful the next day. >> well done. >> thank you. >> there are no questions for mr. star we move on to public comment. members of the public may dress on items of interest to the
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public in the jurisdiction of the commission. except agenda items with respect to gr understand everagenda items your opportunity will be when the item is roached in the meeting. general public may be moved to the ends of the agenda. >> >> good afternoon, commissioners georgia, here is a hand out i mentioned during item 8 on manning code enforce am a series of elevations for the cua approving the illegal demolition on 21st a guide to a hand out. at the hearing on enforcement.
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more mindsful to try to dot right thing. i also view adjusting the [inaudible] incentive to do the right thing or mindsful of trying to dot right thing. at the january 18th historic preservation hearoth code enforcement commissioner asked a question about adjusting it. the exchange can be vowod sfgovtv at 53 minutes on january 18th. i urge the commission and everyone interested in demolition approximate house to watch. one point that was made he and the director and the zoning add administrator have a disagreement with me about the policy of adjusting it because it would not have affect on the out come in part because developers go to the edge of new
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threshold. >> actually, the disagreement is not with me. but with the commission's legislative authority to adjust it. is that the point of adjusting the threshold making them strict and reducing them up to 20% and incentivize developers to preserve sound housing which was and still is the policy of the city? in the meantime, while the new housing element is implemented over the next several years it is important to have a discussion on the pair dime shift this is possible by adjusting thank you very much. here is the upon hand out for you. >> people wish to speak seeing 91 we'll go to remote callers.
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they are recognized and this is very important for you'll to note. in the early 80s we made sure that this was noted in the general management plan of the san francisco very important document. what i feel is as much as you try to include the first people, into the housing element and the order document, y'all do nothing what so ever. having said that, you enough remember this this land was
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stolen. and -- the way planning has been done in our city is one of the worse. and in order to understand it, you must travel to other cities. but not -- in europe and other places. i had a lot of patience with y'all. because you don't do your home work. you are not sensitive to indigenous people and the time has come to put you on notice. we sent you a letter. there are a number firefighter press releases that we be doing. and will have a conference in
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berkeley on saturday. and y'all should come or send representation so y'all are educated on issues. this commission is pathetic. when it come to the indigenous people. if is not about is about action. it is not compassion, it it is empathy. you have no tenacity and no fortitude. thank you very much. last call for public comment. if you are call manage remote press star 3. >> commissioners, general public comment is closed. we can move on to the regular calendar for item 7.
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the fiscal year 23-25 proposed department budget and work program. this is an informational presentation and the budget work program will be coming back in a few weeks for adoption. >> we look forward to the discussion and your input on this. we face a challenging budget. our ref nows were declining prepandemic and ref nows make up 70% our budget. hay declined at an accel ritted pace during the pandemic. we are not seeing a recovery in revenues. you know the gerund fundings getting less. >> so you will see from the number its isa challenging budget environment. we are being asked to do some intense work around the housing
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element. comwhich -- is done but implementing it, which is a major portion of our work program going forward. we have been able to allocate resources to ensure that your priorities are staffed but we will talk more and look forward to discussion. >> okay other thank you. commissioners i'm deb are landis the deputy direct of planning. and we are coming here with today's presentation for the next 2 year budget. am for the planning upon did the we have a rolling budgetful once wey ghet through the the first year will be fixed and back next year to discuss changes.
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i have my lovely assistant who is all my boss helping move the slides. so tom our director of administration is also here and we have our other senior managers in case you have questions about program specifics. i will go through am some backgrounds and you know the mayor's instructions. >> could you speak closer to the microphone. thank you. >> is this better. >> okay. >> background and then the mayor's instructions. volume and revenue trends. and i will review the revenue and expenditures a bit with the work program and we also have our director who has graciously been volunteered go through a
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few slides around the equity specific portion of the work program example then i will jump become in for a review of the calendar. but you know it is the same as every year that we come before you. hopeful low nothing too shocking. if there are we are happy to take questions and answer those when we come become on february ninth. >> okay. so -- as the director mentioned we are -- in a downturn of economic cycles. we had -- we had many years of very, very large growth unpress denltd growth and the entire city and counsel row and in the planning upon dealt. that started to plateau. around 2018. and we have been decrease since then. so.
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the upon current year is somewhat similar but it is sloit low lower. >> in terms of -- the general fund and over all revenue picture we are looking to reduce our fees by about 2 million dollars. the mayor's office has begin instructions this we should reduce our general fund 500,000 in the current year. additional 300,000 in the out year and no additional fund requests. we answer a 22 year defy cyst 728 million dollars. over the next 2 years. budget year and out year. the mayor's office asked all
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departments to prioritize the recovery of the local community. and to focus on accountability and equity and he services and spending. and so in terms of our equity work, we have this focus on centering equity in our work program. they automatic00 tools the budget tool create by that division. i think it was 2 years or last year >> 2 years or last year. has been updated. and -- we are upon continuing to focus and center in that area. . so looking at the volume, you see a slightly different picture from the revenue the following slide. you can see that we were up over 16,000 different building permit and planning application case and review for a few years and
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that came downful obviously 1920 and 2021, we had a hit because of the pandemic and we are higher than the 2 years last year and projecting highure this year again but not where we were a few years before that. in terms of revenue trendses, you see that a few years back we were at 40 million dollars. in terms of fees and revenue and we are looking at if you go by projection the far right, or that's not the projection or actuals. we would be 30 millionful if that trends continues for the second half of the fiscal year. we wanted point this out it is a 10 million dollars shift over just a few years. so if you look at the revenue
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budget. this it is all funds. we are going from the current year about 64 million. we take that down it 58. in the next year and 55 the following year. so, again, the big are changes we are reducing our fees. by 2 million dollars. and then one thing that is always different in the out year is don't know yet what our grants will be. we don't know the funding opportunities of the that out rear number is always lower every year. we don't know what the impact fee if it plan will be for that year until the capitol planning committee approved that plan. the out year is always a little lower than the budget year. other ways the budget year and out year are almost identical.
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and then the big change you are probably noticing here with the general fund support suspect we got one time funding of approximately 4 million dollars. for the current year. that was one time funding we did not have at this time year before we will not next year. it is in the like it it is a huge change that we are making. that would be making. expend tours director hill mentioned at the staff costs are again the bulk of the costs of the department. and this continues to be true yearly. and the over head is a number that the controller's office will set. later so that number will change. we not know wham that number will look like until probably -- may or so. may be april.
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but this is nothing we have control over. so -- always a head's up that will change it it is not up to us. the nonperform service we are holding stead. we are keeping our budget around software and contracts and you know the very exciting things like paying for loses for printers and holding those stead. materials and supplies we are holding up stead. in terms of projects, the projects are where we put funding this is either a special ref now or upon the 4 million we got left year. so could be grants, impact fees. or this one time funding that when we got it we did not know how it would be spent. that's the project's line and you see a decrease there because we had that one time funding. the departmental services on the
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expenditure side is when we paid other departments for what they give us. our big ones are some of our guests. but really rent, d. technology and city attorney are big top 3. >> so in terms of the work program over view. you can see we are novelty at this point proposing a lot of change. i do expect we come back to you proposing cuts of vacant position so when we come back at the next hearing we'll have more detail they have not been determined yet. but we are only looking at vacancies i want to make that clear. so no need to panic. and something that we also like
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to remind people about is that in 10 years ago we had i don't know 100 fewer position than now. i think it does make sense in the time bringing down the ref now we would look at the size of the department and -- being able to make adjustments with a little pain as possible. and so we will when we're back on the ninth have more detail on what we propose to make that happen. and with that i will hand it over to our director. jowl know obviously. the budget in am reviewing the any knowledge is in the just a time to look at revenues but where we are work program is. expect where we are allocating the resources. those of you on the commission in 2020.
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director trousd do is this part of your resolution and look at where we are allocating resources in through this we developed a budget tool in 2021 but we resunrised it as we moved through this and engaged with our entire staff. in discussions around our work program and how we can transform some of the work we are doing. we are doing the w we do is regulartory driven will office of racial equity used ours as a model for other department in analysis of budget and work promise. shows broad low how we do this and where we may upon finds the [inaudible] equity until 2 broad
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criteria. focused on equity priority issue area and focused on an equity geography or population. our work which we expanded with community planning in cultural districts whether soma or jeopardy an upon town. it is work we increased overnight last couple years that would be w we would classify as centering on equity. you go to the next slide. you know this shows 63 of our 228 existing fte's, are dedicated to work programs focused. i think it is less important had that number it is. that work contivities and how we look at our work and shift our work in that we are increasing the work program. in our resources that we are focused on. the housing element is a good
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example. our goal is to continue to question when we do to engage with staff and community on that and with you and hear your thoughts. in shifts that number. to have a larger piece of our work. focused on equity. >> thank you. so -- to wrap it up. and i'm -- very happy to see you all seem to be awake. we are hearing at the hearing today presenting to you. we will be with historic preservation next week and become to you on the ninth the budget to the mayor's office on february 21st. and then the mayor's office has it for a few months publish the entire city budget on june first. at which point the board takes over and we wrap up by the end of june. and then we start all over again
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in october. so if you have questions, i would be happy to answer anything about numbers and programs we have the experts in the recommend to address those questions. >> if you don't have questions you want to get on with the rest of your agenda. >> thank you. we will take public comment and everywhere questions for you. >> members of the public this is your opportunity to address the commission. if you here come forward and lineup. if you are calling in press star 3. seeing no speakers, public comment is closed. and the budget and work program informational is before you. >> great. thank you for bringing that. we proernlt the time and energy it took to create it and got a commissioner hands up. commissioner ruiz. >> thank you for the presentation. i have one question i'm sorry
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fimissed this. the additional 4 million dollars this was granted in a previous was that for the tenderloin action plan. >> yes. >> and that is not funding that we are expecting to get again or is this funding we could get again through budget. >> we could. >> okay >> we don't know. >> okay employmented claire foil that. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner diamond. >> thank you. there are a couple of other yours that come to mind as very high priority addition to racial and social equity could you give us an idea how many dedicated to implementation was housing element? and to the downtown recovery effort? . when you say it is challenge to
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say how many fte's are socialitied with this. we can talk about rezoning. you know how many may be socialitied with this. certainly the i view the work implementing the housing element crossing all divisions. the team are involved with constraints reduction and our environmental planning team. there are fte's allocated there. we established a new program went city wide division to electric at rezoning. increased our xhiet planning work in cultural districts. that is a direct rust recommendation in thes housing element as well as we are working with oc deshgs to identify strategy for funding and implementation of affordable housing we have. in the housing element. so, specific numbers i think our
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challenging but i can ask ms. rogers she wants talk about specifics dedicated to rezoning and on to if you want to talk about specific fte's dedicated to the community planning work and affordable housing work >> and in addition perhaps you could add the creation of the objective design standards and all of the other goals and objectives we included in the plan. not the actual rezoning but ways to expedite permit that was important in giving us a temporary letter of certification. >> good afternoon. and to the commissioner's question i can sill we have i good staff of 6 quality people on the project. the fte amount per se is i think
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long the lines of the best laid plans of planners. we have a robust set of deliverables and time frame that i can describe if you are interested. and are i think as time guess along with the project we will be in communication with you and the director about adopting to that. if you want to talk about what's on tap for the w we are red to deliver i am help to do so. >> great. >> as you know this is the director said not just the planning department's housing leadership the city's housing elements tell take the city to implement the 350 plus actions that are involved. leadership within the department working for months how we will reorient our work program and the staff to accomplish this under the responsibility of the department of went city wide
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division we will focus closely on what it takes to deliver rezoning and the associated policy changes that might mead to come from that. we are gearingum to launch a public engagement campaign this spring. and the work will initial low focus on high ends density on the commercial and transit corridors. the how doing element seek mid rise develop thes. we participate doing 2 pushes for out reach. in early upon 2023. and our target would be to work with the community on a compliance zoning proposal red for adoption early 2024. >> i can tell you more about the out reach, >> i don't think we need to use this hearing i'm hoping that short low you will schedule a matter where you go into detailol that as a separate item i wanted a sense over all.
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i needed to be satisfied that we are dedicating resources to actually do what we said we would do in the housing element. >> that is the concern. i want if make sure have you enough resources and it is is significant that is an area of the mayor kcetted should be a priority but without this it is something we are facing every day economic engine. i don't know how we funds when we are doing. i want to make sure whatever you proposing to us next mont, is a significant effort and the
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budget reflects the fte's necessary to accomplish that. i can't ask questions i don't know what you are proposing. it it is an effort as to what is the proposal will be. but certainly we will play a role. right. questions about reusing vacant office pace and analyzing how long we expect or how much vacant office space we expect the analysis portion and the action portion to address the occurrence. including what incentives it might take to encourage existing or new businesses to remain. why correct we are surveying the response cross it is nation what cities are doing plan and zoning and to create change. >> thank you. >> thank you. why commissioner moore.
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>> [inaudible]. upbeat presentation last week about enforcement. i want to ask where enforcement is cited and what our fundings are. the program out line last week left me encouraged we are on the right road. however, as we know enforcement is difficult and -- so i want to naik make sure we deliver what was promised last week. >> absolutely. in your packet around page 41 in the more detailed upon analysis the code enforcement under 7 b increase the fte counts from current to next year which is given climate not something we are doing on most line items but from 8.5 to 10. i think important know distinction to make for our own staff and you all, we have a code enforcement team that is
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smaller but their goal is investigating complaint and determining whether well is an active complaint and the tracking. many of the resolution of complaints are handled by staff on development review team its is a division effort in resolving that. the allocation of staff dealing with enforcement at large is going to increase next year to 10fte. does this include collaboration with dbi and account to each other >> absolutely. that collaboration is less about quantity but quality. with the new code enforcement manager who presented here kelly, is taking that on in addition to the leadership changes at dbi making a receptive environment for the collaboratetive conversations. they are both working about the joint effort of enforcement. absolutely that it is a part of an on going process to improve
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our over all enforcement for the city. >> commissioner braun. i'm curious about the positions that are vacant and eliminated in order to address the budget reduvenlgz i want to make sure i'm understanding that. so is -- that sounds like the case. there will be a presentation with reductions in budgeted positions? >> yes. when we come become on february 9 we'll have detail busy that. >> is there a sense now of what the magnitude of those losses might be. i say i'm trying to square this with what is in the work program's page 39 of the item. there is indication of your change of the total fte's.
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i guess i'm figure out where this sits to that and what will is the magnitude might be. >> well i think we need to if still need to figure it out. i don't have an answer for you today. you know definitely work program don't reflect this yet. the over all budgeted fte don't reflect this yet. i would say i of course you know it is probably most likely that we will be taking vacant positions that -- have multiple job class thafkz has multiple of that job classification. for example. you know we have -- one payroll person. i would -- doubt that we would remove a position like that because we only vice president one. let's say we have 10 or 30 or 50
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of a job classification. this is most likely where we will look to cut. it is possible for a job class where we are one we may they this has been vacant we got long without it. may be we go this route. but until we really harsh it out. it will be premature to answer that today. >> i appreciate that. thank you. >> curious to see huthis plays out. i notice in the in the document there is a reference to on the schedule page to performance measures discussed at today's hearing the only time it is referenced may be it was a typo i'm not sure. when was the reference of performance measures supposed to be know. that was likely in there from a
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previous year the schedule for the performance measures for the controller's office is later in spring. they stopped checking those for a couple years. not checking but asking for them. so -- we no city department provided for a couple years. i would guess that is just an oversight but because it is a long document i did not notice the phrases. so. s i believe it it is around may or june. this they request those. okay. and this is my first budget cycle on this commission, does it come for planning for review. >> no. they are internal performance measures? >> we can. >> bring them to you.
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we shifted although we do track performance measures like time it takes to you know review up a permit. it is difficult on a department level given different nature of permits coming up with an average. so i will be honest i don't think useful at the level we had them. but different divisions utilize performance measures in planning and where we are going to we got a function. okay. thank you. on the whole, i had the 2 question and think that having said this is my first time going around with the budget on this commission, i have been interested to have this moment to understand the entire scope of the department's work and everything it is touching the priorities and allocations.
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and it is an enormous amount of work of the department takes on. in looking at this document, it is is impressive and appreciate 55 and grit to see it laid out and i do see the priorities reflected in the documentful thank you. commissioner imperial. >> i agree with commissioner braun, a lot of discussions we had in planning from the previous year are reflected here in the document i do have a request when come to contracts. and it looks like which i'm will very, i think i'm glad it is allocating a chunk of money 650,000. can you explain -- talking about contract and this is the commute
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engagement guidance. how do we bid on this contract? or how do we make sure the contract for this one community engage am strategies and i'm think thanksgiving guidance is in response for the housing element implementation. we are we are working with ocd to issue an rfp to get responses to do this work which hoe can explain more. >> good afternoon, commissioners. with the planning d. the community engage am funding started last year. and this is based on the resolutions that you adopted 2
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years ago and guidance from the equity council we need to add resources for community to fully payment. and in our planning process. in terms of some of that has supported the housing element and going in the equity communities you have prioritized. the cultural districts and the fillmore and originally the tenderloin before it received the for you million dollars. we are working on the contracting to figure out the easiest path for a communicates to actually get the funding and resources. they have -- well designed structure to allocate grants for community organizations. we are propotion a fellowship
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program. so to have members of the american indian, black and latino community to join and be at the planning at the planning department a day a week and figure out how we clan rit in the drafting of the strategies for the community. but this is an on going process we'll allocate the resources according to the needs and the drivers we hear from you and our community leaders. >> thank you very much. that's really will will putting the dotos what the contracts. yea. can you follow up how their priorities reflect instead budget we are looking at? >> there are 4 yours they have identified. at this point.
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the housing stability. the -- economic and well being. housing stability is a big task the impelementation of the housing element. and in terms of community disability part of the work that we are gaejing with the equity council and as well as this fellowship program in the community. the -- economic and well being is an area that we are coordinating with oewd. and the integrated community strategies that is a big task and -- it it is part of the
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contruck of our work program the tenderloin is an example where we are working with the usual performance ocd and with public helling and police and fire. it is created those network and the same thing applied to the cultural districts where we have planning ocd, oewd and art's commission. so we think we are equipped but the basic level to address those priorities. there will be a discussion will be having in the next couple weeks about what will be the focus for 2023. twhn framework >> look forward it hearing that and where they are focusing energy and hopeful low to keep the connection strong and think about ways to make sure we are getting their feedback carries out our work in the budget a big part.
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i want to pick up on housing leadership staffing. and pick up commissioner braun's comment on performance measures being be a conversation around we have a focus on housing that we did in the half previously in a previous housing element cycle. so we are thinking the measures themselves and the housing this gets built. permits like the highest level the housing permits pulled or don't. but thinking about our per myth strep i think lo and the time how we can electronic those or been when we care about with our housing production and huwe want
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to track if our out put on the other housing goals. there are tunes to think about what performance looks like and we have our study of our policy and practices approximate this migive us more opportunity to give out measure and reporting out. no shortage of w for sure. and everyone thatting the staff for putting together the budgetful got a lot of w to do and i guess director with the cuts, do you see occurrence need to make choices regarding when programs we do or don't move forward with. and men it relates to on going manage management punish as staff turn over making sure we move around to priority projects and projects have to go to the back burn are from time to time. >> i think this is the biggest issue.
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cutting the vacant positions we keep positions available as the budget may grow. so, i'm not concerned about the vacant po sipgsz. you are right, if our ref now goes down and can't fill positions our work program adjusts by who may leave and gotta shift resources around or you know petition the major's office to back fill the positions which they have been not anxious to approve. we gotta make those cases for work programs housing element and filling the positions and making adjustments as we need to if staff shifts early. you are right that is the challenge going forward and in managingoir work program to
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focus on the work and needing to shift resource. >> and one another may be big in scope this i think planning diameters across the state and country think about this a balance between you know long rink and community planning which is important expect when we are investing monnechl and our revenue from our permit application fee and environmental review we do. you know there is the debate de feo and how much funds by general fund the citiments to do. there are arguments to justify the fees you need your long range plan to have the policy and therefore you gotta invest in the future with a portion of the fees going toward that i wonder if you are aware of other ways cities are funding long range planning. the general upon if you believed upon or other opportunities for us to look at how. >> yes t it is that split. right. general fund for more city wide
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community planning work and fee revenue for permit review and environmental planning. i think we seen a reduction as a percentage of our budget for will general funds. ref now in our budget. we maid the last year the tenderloin work was general fund, funded we saw an increase that was targeted that specific work. i think we continued to highlight that. our percentage of our budget that is funded by general fund it is improved a bit the last couple of years you look at the trend the last 20 years it hen reduced. >> reflection of things few are public dollars to go to more. we near that as well. i don't see other commissioner hands up. i think we may be ready to
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conclude this item. a couple weeks we will seat budget for approval. item 8. >> actually i like to take item 10 out of order and call that item next >> very good. >> was in this case we will take 10a and b out of order. for the village special use planning code and zoning monopoly amendments and a c u authorization. >> good afternoon members of planning alex department staff. before i start i would like to introduce andrea brous from mayor broed's office to provide opening remarks. of i'm in a proud and excite
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third degree is the item that brings us here today. society proposal buffer sponsored by mayor breed is a special use district enable the village public use enable the project which irrelevant is the result of a tremendous amount of community and city collaboration. and you know san francisco and the bay area has an increditedicly vibrant american indian community but often invisible even to those of us in city government. and irrelevant is the lack of visibility and acknowledgment this lead to disparity and allocation of resources or the lack of in10ingality and focus on what types of services and support are needed to support this
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diverse community. >> part of the work due in no small part to the tremendous community leaders and nonprofits, directors and staff and the american indian cultural district is change thanksgiving in our city and this project presents opportunity for the city to support a community lead effort this is going to build a full service integrated cultural physical pace and hub in our city that will provide a diverse range of services from transitional housing. work force development, youth service. supporting women and family in our city as well as cultural and ceremonyial gathering pace and officer top for cult vision and phoning us of traditional food and medicine. that is intgravel on part of the work that this all of the operators and individuals and --
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community members visiting it is space will partake inform i have no doubt tha this project will serve as a national model for how to do this work upon with community through the the country. you will hear more from planning staff and a lot more from the community but i wanted take the opportunity to just stress the importance and support of this project to the mayor and to the entire city. and i'm happy to stick arnold with questions one not about the budget process or approval of acquisition. but did not want to that i can this opportunity to make sure you knew this project as our support and we are prud to be the experiences of this legislation. why thank you, we are thankful to the mir for bringing this forward. >> thank you. once again alex westhoff
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department staff. there are 2 items irrelevant haven't top this project. with the parsal block 3547 and let 52. the first is an ordinance amending the planning code and zoning map toad the special use district the lot zoning district is valencia neighborhood commercial transit in a 45x height and bulk district. would allow through a c u authorization exceptions from specific planning code requirements including floor area ratio. height, bulk. rear yard. use size limit. obstructions. xoegzure. set becomes and select fee requirements. through this ordinance the subject lot height and bulk change friday 45x to 80x. and the second item a c u
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authorization per sewn pending planning sections 249 penalty 2 and 303 and file number 22126 within to allow exceptions to planning code section 121 penalty 2. nonresidential use size. 124 floor area ratio. 1 upon 34, rear yard. 140 dwelling unit. 141 active use, 261 penalty 1 setbacks on narrow streets and impact fee requirements of planning code sections 411 a. for the projected at the property. the project itself is a 6 story, 79 foot tall, 41, 608 squire foot mixed use building a village. to be constructed on a vac an lot. it is well served by existing transit and the project includes
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20 bicycle parking spitzes and in automobile work ping the new building includes a basement level youth recreation and development centers. youth programs and other social services on the second flower. first floor elder center and community gathering spachls dent will clinic on the third floor. and medical on the fourth and 21 group housing units included on floors 5 and 6 specific low for currently participates of the graduates of the friendship house association of american indian substance use disorder program. the fifth floor motherses with their children. the building roof deck will have open space vegetable gardens and the project will serve as the administrative headquarters for american indian district
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established in 2020 the first district in the united states pacific low dedicated to rescue noising and honoring american indian history and culture. since the pub laboring of the report letters of support have been received from the quality row latino district. the latino task force. mission housing development corporation nor cal carpenter's and native american health center. cultural nativea. the american indian cultural district and center latina san francisco. through providing a community space for san francisco's vulnerable populations the proposal alines with planning efforts to advance social equity the department rrmeds approval of the ordinance through adoption of the resolution in the case report. the department recommends approval of the cu authorization
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with conditions. the project experience will now make ape presentation. and i'm available to answer questions. >> you have 5 minutes. >> good evening. commissioners. i'm peter brat. i'm from the people in san francisco. i'm here representing the friendship house association of american inldzians an organization i have been a part of for over 30 years. gentlemen mentioned friendship house is drug and alcohol treatment center serving american indians. we are the oldest social service agency in the united states run by and for american ibd yens and nextier we turn 60 years old.
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the village project was division of hel 18 walkzoo. it will offer medical issue dental and cultural gathering space and youth program and elder program and officer top farm i menning hel inn you can't understand it without understanding hers. as a child helen was taken from or family on the navajo. reservation in utah. under the federal termination act to e race the culture and enforce asimulation helen was relocated to san francisco. dropped off in the mission assured of housing and services and employment. she arrived and nothing. of the from this experience that hel sxen 3, native women built friendship house.
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this afternoon, myself and relatives. we are here to ask to you approve helen's vision to build the social service and hub for american indians in san francisco. the village a place where native peoples can access supportive service but more than that it will be a place where people can gather in community to enjoy safety, connection, acceptance, belonging and we all need i place to call home. >> we are asking for commission's approval today. we are also many ways asking for justice. because before there was a federal government before there was a state of california and before this was the municipality. san francisco this was native land. and california colonial expansion was brutal and as in other parts american indians were murdered and e raced.
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i believe and irrelevant tifs behind me believe the village sf will move us in i direction to reconcile our painful past and help move us forward to human it. with this i thank you for your attention and turn it over to my good sister. >> great. thank you. >> i'm with architects and the project america and we are honored work with the village team. >> next slide here is coming. ult see the map of the american ibd yen cultural district the wellness center is and directly,
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jayceant to the friendship house. zoning in on the site it is border by julian. felonith street and 14th street. the site is 66 by 100 feet. 6600 square feet. the blgdz mechanic myselves the square footy sight a vertical village culture, health and wellness and housing with roof top and farm. the vision for the village program suggest to be a hub of home, health, culture and community and come together. diving in more of the building the program and the use takes advantage of the site. the basement and second floor home to rescue rigzal basketball
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court. community hall and office for friendship and the cultural district. 3 and for you to the health center. home to general clinic on 3 approximate medical on 4. levels five and 6 are housing. 5 will house graduate interns from friendship house and level sick the woman's lodge for women and families. the officer everybodies is an open space. >> you will get an additional 3 minutes y. the officer service open space for the build and residence denials and hem to agcultural farm. village communities the values and voice of the community captured through the design process. the village an expression of american indian value echoing the use of natural materials. form and east facing prominence the warmth is interyour and exterior. the facade text urd tercota
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panel and vertical baguettes. it is east facing entrance along jewel yen and highlighted boy a stair that connects the basement to the second level. this south facing facade illustrated a large mural and place making for the community and cultural district. zooming if in you see the structure and the tercota panels, baguettes and glazing. focusing on the site plan you see how the building expands to the footprint. you see friendship house to the right. as the design perspect you have we pay attention to the existing courtyard and the future opportunity for gathering and activities for the existing courtyard to connect and comfortables a gathering accomplice for the community. painted art in the street light on the site plan are all ideas
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to further the presentlies of the community within the neighborhood. our village team is here to answer your questions. builders and friendship house and urban planning will responded to questions and look forward to approval and recommendations. thank you. >> thank you very much. commissioner diamond. i have a question for the first speaker. i'm struck boy the gorgeous red shawl you are wear and wondering if it has cultural significant and if it does could you explain so we can take that in mind as we think about your project. >> thank you. it does have spiritual and cultural significant cans. we wear these blankets represent our mothers are grand mothers and eternal grand mothers.
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women have high regard considered sacred we represent our mothers when we wear these and has to be earned usually in community to grour people. given by our spiritual leaders. only wear them for special occasions. thank you. thank you. >> thank you. i think goal to public comment. this is your opportunity to address the commission on this matter. if you are in the chambers line up to the screen side of the room. call nothing press star 3 and if youor web ex raise your hand. >> good afternoon. i'm executive director for the american indian cultural district. you read a land acknowledgment and publish things on racial equity in 2018 why you
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established the cultural districts land use and preservation. you know to think about the history and a tool to fight gent restriction. if you electric at the data and statistics with you question american inldz yens the lowest homeownership rates and highest rental rates and lowest work and graduation rates and highest suicide rates where do we go to look and feel pride? i'm asking to you take this work that has been done by our sister organization of friendship hours association of american indians and think about justice and visibility and when's land you are on. this is a small step for you all but manage this is voilg for our community what they have been provide thanksgiving story peter provide. i want to let you know you know this is it is right move to make. as the planning commission. this is racial equity in the
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making by the people for the people because that is how we believe that should happen in the city. i could not be more proud to support our sister organizations and when this could upon represent and mean for our people. make the right choice. don't let it where are the american inld yens don't let people ask are we still here. i'm madeline aguilar a member of the choctaw try and chief administrative officer. i had the pleasure of working there for 17 years. we are a xhounl health clinic and prosecute void services in
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'll meda, san francisco and contra costa close to 14,000 members. we don't provide medical and dental we provide a robust social service componentful we know health is not upon a medical visit. for ksdz did we provide service, youth programming, and important low traditional heeling component to service. and more reason we initiated workforce development program and supported the city and providing 1.2 million dollars for rental assistance. i'm here to upon support friendship house and the projected and the variances the requesting. this stories will allow project to move forward and aluthe space needed for person community service like the ones we provide through the health center.
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we are excited part in with the friendship house. we plan to occupy 2 stories of the building. and providing the health care services and to be close to our community to the friendship house and many who are members of the health clinic and the cultural district to provide that care in one building in the village. additional low, i want to acknowledge we have been providing services for 50 years. 2022 is our 50th anniversary and peter acknowledged the reason san francisco is thome so many native americans due to the government relocation program. and organizations like friendship house native health centers stepped up of the broken promises from the federal government. and when we opened our doors our clinic was open in the 1972 in the mission district in san francisco 56 jowlian where the current friendship is it is full
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circle to move back where we started. thank you for your time. look forward to you approving the project. i'm a member of bands of indz indians i came to friendship house 10 years ago. when i came through the program it felt like i was coming home. i had a sense of belonging. through hai was actuality well approximate my keep nothing condition tact with them and alumni i sustained 10 and a half years of refer and now employed by the friendship house. the community out reach worker well approximate i'm so blessed to be here to speak to you about
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the village and what it means to me and other indigenous from you will over to have i spot for us a safe spot for us to gather. and then for them to come through our program and to be able to transition over to it services that are right there. you know alegality of our clines they come from residence visions that are oust state and cross the country and for them to come approximate feel safe and have this opportunity to transition into another safe space means everything. i'm honored to be here and thank you for your time. >> good morning. i'm pamela florez i'm
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representing beautiful community in san francisco of the pit river nation. northern california tribe. as well as my father's people. here in my official role with the american indian cultural district. supporting this project that was once an idea, a thought a conversation a vision. by someone helen who dedicated her life to serving the people. you today you have an opportunity to create a lasting change to make an impact a real impact in the lives of the people here that call this space home in san francisco.
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over looked unseen it takes efforts of many to put forth that idea in motion of project one that will serve the greater community here in san francisco as well as the people that have targeting. support this project by supporting this project and when they are asking you are supporting the people you are creating opportunity for heeling. ure supporting the efforts of bring truth in a city that would not be had not been for the lives of the people. i come to you as a former youth worker. see it play out in real time. imagine a young person growing up in the city and never season. going through your existence and
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learn burglar yourself but untruths. calling a place home in the many centers native american friendship house programs and final low seeing yourself this is what the village has the potential to bring forth as well as supporting the anchoring of the american indian cultural district. one this is here will always be here. thank you. good afternoon i'm brendza garcia i'm navajo. i have been with friendship house for 10 years and i -- am decentant of helen that was my last name. i have a lot of emotions regard
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handwriting we are doing today. she wanted bring back families together and this is the opportunity for us to do that. and being here 10 years and working with the lodge over seeing the lodge and women and children i seen the progress and families come become and this is what our droll is. for us to expand and go nationwide we are here in san francisco and that will be history for us. key seen them come in broken and leave happy. like kathy she is a great worker and we love her there and we are family. and for providing this -- this
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town for us? we have we will have more extended family. have more resources to help our community and bring back families back together again and i'm prud to be a part television and hope you consider being proud with us. >> hello i'm karen. i'm currently an innerim project director at friendship house. i worked there off and on all my life. the village is and was a dream of my mother's helen.
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her goal is to have services at one location. working together as a village. and when mom and aunts and her favorite grandma. short effortless low to bring families together. and sobriety, spirituality and health. in the village will do this. and i want to say how thankful i am for your support, i'm nervous, too. and i hope you will continue to support the village project. and this is something this she would do when we would drive by a building she would say, that could be the village inform that could be the village.
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you kids need to get together and built this. you know it is coming and starting to happen. it is important facility with necessary programs for our community. the first occupants of land and will be one of the only kind in california. i look forward to your approval of the project and thank you. for listening today. >> good upon afternoon, commissioners i'm sequoia and i'm navajo and lacoata. the village would mean honor to the american indian community. bring along just new opportunity, resources and over all huge step forward for the native american community.
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i have grownup around this community my whole life. so, i never seen anything like this. you know there are many after school programs but then there is never a youth center. and i have grownup in the youth center and love to see it grow in the village. the village will only help residents butt youth and families have i part of friendship house as well. >> the village allow for us to be closer. as a village would continue a woman's lodge, elder center, youth and other resources. this dream of the village came from my grand mother helen who said that heeling our community starts with heeling the
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families. she dedicated hear life to friendship house and her grooem dream of the village. help her dream become a reality. thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm very, very extremely nervous. i'm randy shirley my troebs in navajo born in san francisco and grew up with my brother i appreciate you asking questions about when he was wearing. part of our identity. i have been working at friendship house since john of 98. i'm clinical director of the program. when i work with clients, living in the western world, western medicine. we lost our identity. we lose our identity. we will continue to lose it helen's dream will help us heel,
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recover. and you are a part of this you make this decision and part you will be part of our recovery here. it is in the easy being native in the city. growingum in city and going to schools i was laughed at and taunted. long hair. being different i was called indian boy. and so on. i was embarrassed. i was ashamed growing up then i was told by other adults. she will be proud. it was confusing for me. it was mixed message. hollywood played a part. approximately tigzs in the past played i part. we then and there and still today. they still do that. they rather come to me. wipe us away. put us away. somewhere else. don't want to deal with that.
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again, growingum i had guilt and shame for being when i am. being clinget and navajo. i ginned the army in 86 it kwoin when i was serving i was still med fun of. it is challenging. the mission grew up i grew up in the mission where doggie diner was around. 25 her doughnutos 20th and mission. i remember when i was little bart was being constructed. and we see today homeless people. will we see homeless people dominating it. and upon [inaudible] things are being done but very little. to me, the village, helen's
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droll will build this community stronger. and unite the community. and make us better people. again i thank you sue diamond for your question. i will do a quick i see i'm out of time i like to talk. when i got clean and sober, 28 plus years ago july 29 -- that is your time can you wrap it up in a sentence. >> yea. >> i wanted you to repeat, this is navajo words. that's a song. it means my people i love my people.
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singing. you can sing with me. that is a navajo song or leader was from navajo nation. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you for allowing me to speak. i'm gabrielle i'm honest tored to follow in the steps of a strong leader. follow nothing helen's footsteps is a huge task. the reason i took this task because of the people i was serving. it is a great honor to finish her vision. to complete the notion this she
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set out to do 6 decades ago. which was to help her people. when you look at when we have here when we have done for the past 6 decades it is ultmitt low we help native americans in this community but that help upon reaches far more than the tribal community. we reach the community as a whole. when we are asking is for you to consider and accept this in building project. it is more than just a building t. it is a means of peeling. a means of community. . it it is a community pace for the community. thank you. >> additional commenters in the chambers, pleas, come forward.
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>> i'm [inaudible] hernandez a native of the mission born and raised here lived here my life, organizer of service it my community. it is an honor to be here to support my brothers and sisters. i got involved with the american indian center when it was on valencia street. i can't remember the year it has been decades. growing up here if you are from san francisco, you see the changes. you know i seen the making of the daves symphony hall and the making of the. giant's stadium. and then the big ole rocket sales force tower. and in the making of all those buildings, all the exemptions were made.
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right. i know most of you were not commissioners i came it those hearings. and we said why is it they get exemptions? and than i did. it was about money. so today here we are about a village. and a long time over due village. and sister helen i had the honor to work with and my brother peter and so many, it is an honor for me as a latino representing my community to be here today. to support and see what is just and what is right. but to let you know this should be the beginning of what more needs to be done for our native american brothers and sisters. when i mean the beginning, i'm talking about than i talk about homelessness. we will come become to you and get red. we need to have housing.
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so they are not homeless. this is their land. it was stolen from them. stolen from them. and we have a lot of w to do. not only housing but recovery. and workforce. and farming so this we can go back as native and well tino and go to our indigenous ways of cost 10 dollars for a dozen eggs today. we need to go back. to indigenous ways. >> if there are no additional commenter we will go to remote callers. we have no remote callers there was one earlier. left call for public comment on this merit you mode to press star 3 if you are call nothing
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on your phone or raise your hand via web ex. commissioners public comment is close exclude this -- there is one. >> commissioners. approximatelied be remiss me on behalf of the people to thank all the brother and sisters who so eloquently request to you to put [inaudible] aspirations. on saturday there would be a conference in berkeley. [inaudible]. i will [inaudible] about the
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situation. you don't need to beg for this building. you request and it will be given to you. this is a left lane of the indigenous people. our planning commission has to be educated on issues. than i can make promises we are not about promises. we are about action. early on -- the friendship homes they planted the seed. today you are pleasanting the seed that will grow in a big tree. and that tree will bear fruit.
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ands long as you have life we will fight for what is right. by going it standing rock. 10,000 people. we fought for right and we won. you will fight for right and you will win. in san francisco. does that conclude your comments in >> okay. looks like it does. final last call for public comment. seeing no requests, public comment is closed this merit is before you. >> thank you. thifrng whefrn spoke today. for friendship house and bringing this project forward.
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only thing i'm more excited about voting yes would be to see it coming out of the ground and folks inhabiting and visiting the centers i don't know -- who from friendship house would like to tell us about the future of the project when we may see it and the path forward looks like we are eager to know when weigh may see thing and share the platform to shart support you are looking forward to and resources to bring this project to fruition. >> thank you i'm susan brown we other development manager for friendship house. we are planning start pg and e work this year in q3 and for you and ground breaking at this time and the building will be going up starring early next year. >> fantastic.
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completion late 25. >> thank you. >> i want to thank commissioner ruiz for reading the left-hand side acknowledgment. as you read this and begin our planning hearings are we doing a performance or doing manage this is meaningful. i'm excited that friendship house is bring thanksgiving vision here we get to be a small part of it and look forward to the city w the american indian groups to consider how we further your presence here movement build and veterans and support communities here in the city. in ways are meaningful and substantive. i have been doing learning blnld move ams there is great work in oakland that hopeful low we can learn from and planning is part of that. looking forward it working with the mayor and board and others to think how we do more than
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give lip service but put meaning behind our efforts with our native community. thank you for being here i'm excited support this project andment to give it a left comment. it is a beautiful building. well designd and thoughtful and the communication of that through the packet prosecute voided med it easy to read and understand exactly what will happen and understand the impact tell have in the community. thank you very much for this. >> i will call on commissioner improll and koppel, moore and diamond. >> thank you. first i was -- thank you for all the people who worked on this. you deserve this. and don't thank us thank yourself, too. because you never gave up. your community never gave up. i was overwhelmed. and until now of what this
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building means to you. approximate to the communities that have been pressed. the p by this government. i have often never seen so many exemptions this the most meaningful exemption. it is well worth it. [laughter]. and sometimes -- hear in the commission we see exceptions i think mr. hearn diz dez says stands for the growed or money. but this one is very a place of belonging and i hope typeset becomes i boekon for the communities that have been left behind and thank you for keep fighting on don't stop fighting. your community -- owns this land.
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you own it, thank you. i passport this projec [applause] thank you. commissioner koppel y. thank each one of you for showing up in person today. because you could have called in or participated but in the brought the life you did today here for us. we sit here every thursday and rare low are the seats filled. rare low filled with people as passionate as you are and i then and there hem helen is looking down on you saying thank you. mural sticks out to me. i'm thrilled see that. i help people will see it from miles away hopefully there is light to see it at night. but i'm thrilled to be a part of this and thank you for coming up and making this important statement today.
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why commissioner moore. thank you the best way to quiet my reaction is touched, moved and inspired. by all you said coming together and takes a village. takes a village to ask and could not be anybody to better express my sentiment than commissioner imperial. i'm in full support of when is in front of me and i appreciate that you had the courage and help and guidance from people who know how will to which learn how to roadway the rapids with the exceptions and the project is so beautifully put together there is in the a moment where any of us would argue the exceptions are not well justified. thank you. thank you, commissioner diamond. >> i want to start by thanks all
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of the people who showed up with a passion to advocacy on part of the project. it touched a runerve among all of us. and we appreciate your showing up in personful and commissioner koppel said, second is i want to acknowledge how much work it takes to get i project like this. to become a reality. it is in the only the vision but it it is the persistence of the community to carry it forward. to insist while compromises have to be made to insist tht elements stay part of the project. find the land. raise funds, hire the consultants necessary to work with the planning department. and it show up here that is the beginning. hareally matter system to reality. so i want to pause for a moment
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and acknowledge how much work it took to get to that point. third is i don't think so manying exceptions it is a one off project and unusual away of communal uses we don't zone for this stuff. use are one offs that's why we have special use district its has been used many times in the code before. generally for projects like this i can't think of a better way to have special use directs to enable projects like this to move forward. i think it is one of the greatest honors hi in serving on the commission is to be able to approve a project like this. it it is an incredible privilege. thank you exit would make a motion to approve. but i den want to cut of other speakers. i will second. commissioner braun? >> i don't have a lot to say
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besides echoing the other commissioners thanks and acknowledgment of the heard work of, lot of people that it took and to thank whoefrn in to speak. i'm really touch exclude appreciate it. and i'm excited separate vain this is a mass timber project construction this we are starting to see more of and more fleckable applications i'm excited see this building come up. this has my full support. why thank you. why thank you. >> other comments? >> commissioner diamond? no further deliberations. >> there is the motion and seconded to approve the amendments and cu with conditionos this motion commissioner braun >> aye >> commissioner ruiz. >> aye >> dimon. >> aye >> imperial y. aye >> koppel
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>> aye >> commissioner mor. >> aye >> president tanner >> this motion passes. [applause]. very excited! thank you all again for coming and we're excited to do our mall part. commissioners this is back on item 8. the san francisco environmental justice framework and general plan introduction. a request for consideration of a resolution to initiate amendments to the journey plan.
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wore pleased be here to initiate the related metropolitans to the yes or no plan. the amendments comprise first city policy in addressing environmental justice across all agencies. i misay it is i know it hen a long day and thank you very much for having this hearing and it is wonderful to follow an embody am of environmental justice.
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i want to express gratitude to the commune members and organizations that contributed time and shared experiences, needs and challenge bunkham solutions to us over the past few years. thank you for challenging xus holding gentleman, countriable and hope that you see your idea and aspoirations translateed the framework. we are grateful to the many agency per ins who contributed to the press. several are here today. they helped us design process and work along side plan to hear communities concerns and as per norse codevelop policies with community members. we want to thank the former staff and interns had worked to make this possible.
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we launched w in and a half march 2020 and watched as the pandemic magified economic and health disparities in the communicates etch impacted. we than the updates to the yes or no plan are long over due and important step to sense urg policy and social equity. tell take a collective effort and resources and, countriability to ensure we will achieve our vision. after the amendments buffer today we invited our agencies partners to describe how they are plan to aline work with environmental justice. we see this as a step in a long journal and he hope the framework will be a resource to guide us.
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>> hello everyone town nothing. i'm danielle i'm a senior planner with the department. jop so. we will start worry goals. give you a crash course on community engagement and environmental justice. feature framework. describe next steps and the yes or no plan introduction. >> for some this is repoed others now to the conversation we are happy to share this work. this work begins with policy mandates from the state and local levels. sb100 requires to analyze data on disadvantaged community we are relaying this environmental justice communities and include policies in the general plan to
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address the u nobodying and compounted health risk. locally resolutions from this commission and the historic preservation commission called upon the department to address racial and social equity through general plan policies. will we chosen to address this through an integrated prop an environmental justice framework rather than stand alone elements. tell be a guide post for all city agency and include an environmental justice community map to highlight neighborhoods of concern. there are also ej and equity policies in the updated element in housing element and there are future updates planned with the transportation element coming up next and other scopes for future elements like the environmental protection and air quality element. as we garner support to narcotic
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the amendment, we propose that the framework including the community map will be incorporated in the updated general plan instructions. inside the framework you will find a set of high level vision and priority statements. the potts topics adopted throughout state guidance and municipals to think about healthy communities. not just the environmental burden the next will share about our process to enengage the community. again. encouraged us to involve the community in local decisionmaking. we designed out roach to uplift the voices of residents, work and community leaders most impacted by environmental injustices this aims to elevate environmental justice to a
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dialogue across neighborhoods and left low aim to acknowledge the past harms commit in the the neighborhoods as well as identify solutions where city government can step in. for over 2 years, we conducted out reach accysts. met leave virtual. and so from there, we pulled common themes for solutions and opportunity for the city to step in. the starting in fall 2020 we did youth engagement second gridders malcolm x, second degree mow and an open house, survey, interviews and 8 months environment at justice wing group and focus groups. the working group reached consensus on a 28 page do you mean of policy recommendations. these informed the development of the framework and posted on
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line as supplementals. part of today's packet you can find the sum row of out roach in exhibit f and includes a details record of with we heard from the community. our team looks forward to expanding the impact of the feedback through general plan updates and partnership with other city agencies. with this last slide we wanted celebrate the community based organizations who partnered with us. we are grateful for the relationship we felt along the way. as well as a community member who shared with us frank and honest commentary about living and working conscience. we are grateful for trust in us to incorporate this to city wide policy and action. now to the environmental justice community map. to highlight the city facing environmental burden. >> so.
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sb1,000 a starting place to identify environmentally sensitive yours. it is a state wide mapping to go from cal upa using 20, socioeconomic indicators used to determined @allocation of cap and trade funding. there are policy and community advocates that critique for eccluding areas in the city. it highlights areas of treasure island, the tenderloin, soma and bayview. which you see in the bottom right map. so in our analysis of environmental justice communities we refined the monopoly in an analysis and so you will see in the next few slides how it alines with maps from the partner agencies and also reflects the community feedback on areas of high need. >> our team reviewed 100 data
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sets and landed on this methodology. using cal screen the base we over laid 3 layers of local data to as well a high resolution of environmental justice. there is household incriminal air pollution and yours vulnerability a number of economic indicators race, education and linguistic ability. here is the final map that you can see in full and exhibit p. and saw the map out of the informational hearing we updated to enhumans had the communities are in red. so compared to the state map on the right you see ours is inclusive. areas of bayview. china town, jeopardy an town, mission. omi, out are mission, por.
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it is these yours policies priorize attention and resources. through our out reach we received positive feedback from agencies and public. people appreciated the opportunity to think about all neighborhoods in the city theory facing the health and economic challenges. and we are proud to say it is incorporated by other agencies you can hear from in a mobile home. as an example, rec and p adopted the commission the methodology as part of equity zones last year and puc using it to determine guarantees for green infrastructure. so, finally we dive in the policy language of the framework you can read in full as exhibit
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c. okay. so in the draft for initiation are destruction everintroductions historical context in the city. it difficult but we gave an attempt to set the context of the work. the second portion explains the definition of environmental yesterday and the monopoly and the third and final portion out lines the vision statements and priority statements to guide all city agencies. in the following slides i will share our priority statements on the right side within each topic i will nod read all but you can seat work. . for your judgment. and there is an example on the left side to celebrate a victory in the community. starting with hellingy environments. in addition to limiting and protecting against pollution. the framework prioritizes a
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public utility system in aline am with human rights to water. power and sanitation. for physical activity and public facility the encourages sill verse set of flexible programming so all people can practice physical and mental health and cultural and community practices as well. for healthy food access the frame w afurthermores healthy food as a human right. affordable, accessible. culturally promote. for save, health and affordable homes housing that export supports public health. building materials, air kwult and other safety considerations. for this section i wanted note that the full set of priorities approximate developed with the housing leadership. so you will see narrowing policy
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intentions. for are equal and green jobs encourages an are bust network entrepreneurship so jobs benefit community and the workers themselves. and lastly empowder neighborhoods encourage centering environmental justice efforts in collaborate rigz with american upon indian communities and ecological knowledge. previously what is next we are looking forward to working with the agency part mers on implementation and coordination of this work. pending adoption of this framework you can see how there is alignment with the existing accomplishments that are just a bridge sum re. another presentation to talk about their work. as mentioned, agencies are already refer to the map and the poor policy intentions. and phase 2 of the general plan
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efforts. and we can hear from them after this presentation and grateful for partnership. >> so after this initiation hearing we hope to return for adoption in early march. and then see the board of supervisors in april and may. at this point i will pass to my colleague so you can hear about the generaling plan introduction. >> good afternoon. i'm with planning staff. and -- this is an opportunity to refresh and modernize the front door to the general plan. an opportunity to highlight planning including the safety leadership. the housing element and an opportunity to highlight environmental justice. and your resolution of 20 affirms planning centered in
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equity. an introduction informative and inclusive will invite san franciscans to participate in planning. a few worrieds on the introduction. the structure of the general plan is up to local jurisdictions. in san francisco the introduction create in the 1987. following prop m. the introduction defiance components of the plan. clsd objectives some dating to the 50s. and recites priority policy the priority policy live in section 101 of the planning code. the current version was adopt in the 1996. following the amendmentless to the city charter. keeps the 1987 condition tent and adds a sum row of intent and purpose of the plan.
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this sum row features the early settlers. and the people here already and everyone else. >> what will is in the update. the land acknowledgment follows the model set in the hearing the history and physical context of the assistant district attorney and this is updateed be current and inclusive. the introduction describes the journey plan's permit willful context and policy context. and hear the introduction will site the commission's resolution and racial and social equity and acknowledge and apologize for the history of inequity okay planning policies and actions. the introduction includes an
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updated vision from recent planning efforts this is a vision for a city equitable, inclusive, sustainable, economically vital and with accountable engaged communities. this vision sum rises high level globe from thes housing environmental justice frame w and other mile stones including the resolution on equity. vision draws from connect sf press this was workshops and focus groups had a vision for the city and sets the stage for the transportation element. the updated introduction will incorporate the environment am justice framework into the general plan of one last point, right now the introduction
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duplicates priority policies from the planning code. that is the priority policies are in section 101 and also duplicated in the introduction. the update remove period the duplication butt planning code will not change the priority policy remain effective. they will be part of the case reports and findings of consistency with the general plan and there will be no change there. thank you. >> to wraput resolution in your packet would initiate a material for adoption on or after march second. includes updating the journey plan introduction and incorporating the vipiral framework by reference. we welcome your passport so this the introduction is more useful, inclusive and inviting and so we add environmental justice and racial and social ecequity in
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the plan for the first time. we want to close with quote from hazel johnson the mother of the environmental justice move am. if we want a safe environment for our children and grandchildren, we must clone up our act no matter how hard a task it might be. thank you, commissioner and everyone for your attention today this concludes our staff presentation. and i'm happy to pass the mic to a handful of city partners intgradual to the development of this work. am >> happy to be here mia small. representing mta i'm planning direct. i'm glad to be joined in spchlt environmental justice framework and recommendations.
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critical to the work we do at sfmta making streets and sidewalks safe and inviting. thank you to planning for inviting us to be a part television and the lead planner upon in our staff was senior transportation planner keith tanner i believe is online. working with community members and other staff as part of this environmental justice working group. of president city has inflicted environmental harm in the transportation sector. on our american indian, black and communities responsiblesed racial wragz and low incriminal rescue noise and repair the injustices and move forward working through press to prioritize future investments. work is under way. the muni service strategy updated every 2 years. an active press that focuses transit investments. our community based transportation plans which have been serving the bayview. and our active communities upon
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plan launch thanksgiving week, serving those who roll or bike and working through community based organizations and key communes to listen, understand the needs and experience related all forms of transportation. we are centering environmental justice in the work program we advance transportation and development agreements and support growth amounted from the adoption of the updates to the husbanding element. we urge the commission to adopt this framework and support it in the coming months tell support the on going future project planning. we will work with plan and other per ins to advance environmental justice and committed to shape when we deliver, how we deliver it and who we deliver it for. joo >> taylor emerson on planning
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side of the rec and park's department. here to thank you so much for to the staff really i don't know if you heard danielle say a 28 page document with unanimous support n from over 50 community members plus city staff. it was an astounding and skillful campaign. and i learned so much and took lessons back to my home department where after our own research on, methodologies for defining environmental justice under served communes all the way us might say our neighbors and residence denial this is need more. and ultmitt low we adopted our staff and bruto our commission and have adopted the methodology to define equity zones giving
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you guys full credit. because in the rec and park department we have a charterer mandate to measure and quantify and calculate equity the first sufficient it define where the element of this, where are we talking about? so we have adopted this methodology. called it our equity zones and the remembers we now measure the allocation and discretionary allocation of rec and p resource in these areas compapered to the city as a whole exactly do this annual and he the extent any deficiency are identified those then are xezed and we begin to address them. thank you for this tool and i look forward to the cohesion of
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the city family very fractionalized in san francisco. this is an opportunity to use the same definition i think will lead to good government of the thank you. and diane is here in person and we can go to public comment. thank you. >> we are here. >> good afternoon. president tanner and members of planning commission i'm diane i work on special projects with the port of san francisco. and i was able to sit in on some but not all of the community
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sessions to develop this ej framework and -- it was so impressive the depth and the thoughtfulness of all of the community members put the recommendations together. and it is work of the planning staff to be able to distill and sum raise it in a way so there is a standing statement in the general plan i think had i would say because i'm still in the process of learning to understand a number of the concepts this were brought up through that process. this framework really has its benefit. fuller benefit in a daily tool. so this we can share it with the city departments and incorporate in our work because i think this there is a step needed to try to socialize some of concepts that are described in here so we
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confirm we have a common base of understanding so this if we want to will implement projects carrying out objectives we have greater certainty. alegality of the information in there is still open to quite a bit offing interpretation. this is a level community enengage am that can be we come together as limp and i think the per has found have you in the timing in all of this coming together because we are just finishing our mast are update of the water phenotype plan a long range plan for the per's properties and there is environmental sustainability.
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equity. resilience policy and communities engage am policy i see here are well integrated and extended to the puerto rican adaptation planning throughout water front programs. the flow typesetting the ribbon andfully through the layers of w that will continue on a language term basis i think is irrelevant penalty for us to keep focus on. and i want to applaud. lisa and danielle and all of their predecessors on this work. it was quite impressive. congratulations special we stand red to help you in any way. thank you. >> jury room good afternoon. commissioners and the public i'm am [inaudible] senior
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environmental justice coordinator at the san francisco environment department. san francisco environment climate protection and the environmental sustainability mcgonigles for the city. we have prospects in zero waste. to beingics redysfunctionful ecosystem, energy, climate action and environmental justice. and while we had an environmental justice program for 20 years community leaders have been fighting for environmental injustices many of which were caused boy government decision for longer. and one critical component of ej is recognize and support the work of community leaders and include them in decisionmaking. i had the opportunity to participate in the environmental justice working group. and appreciated the planning department's inclusive and consensus building press that included both community leaders
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with deep historical knowledge and experience. and city departments who guide resources services and policies. the and the framework helped bring diameters together so there are more w the alignment with the work and the climate action plan. including that priorities expanding nature based solutions for healthy environment. and empoushg communities to plan for climate injustice. and ensure streets are safe for all. expanding housing choices and providing green jobs. one helpful aspect is the ej community map a robust tool
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captures data around racial and social disparities in san francisco and useful when prioritizing e judiciarying communities and the distribution of resources and service. and our department has used the communities map to describe the focus of our environmental justice grant's program. i like to thank the planning department staff for coordinate thanksgiving work. also our sister stele agency and for all the community leaders when participated for their dedication look forward it impelement the priors identified in the framework. thank you. good afternoon.
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i'm the environmental justice director of the population healing division in the sudden fran san francisco public health. i was part of this project and the staff was developing the process that was goingused. i going it speak on the process not the content. although i think the content of the final project is wonderful and unanimously adopted. the reason i will focus on the process that's when environmental justice is about. we need to emplay environmental justice press to our work.
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so. begin that i do want to point out earlier today there was a discussion about community involvement and conclusion and iment to suggest this planning staff look at what was done and the project because except for one criticism this we had00 autocommunity and that i agree with 100%. they were invite in the late. we need the community at the table as we are beginning to discuss the project and help with the design of the process. given that -- the process was the most incredible environmental justice project i wed on with city agencies the staff needs to be applauded. they were -- the most -- looked
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productive the most organized and focused and they were absolutely committed to will the prince pels of environmental justice to this work. as a result we have a document that was unanimously [inaudible] adopted which is something i never worninged on in the past. i have been [inaudible] includes the minority report that puts out where we within wrong. i want you to encourage the planning department to take a look and replicate this. and to follow the add voice of diane. it is the process. society environmental justice effort needs to be referred to every day. it needs to be a part of the
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work that is done by the department. and congratulations to lisa and danielle and all of the other staff in the department that worked on this. that concludes staff presentation. we had take public meant this is your town to address the commission. come forward and line up on the screen side. and if you are call nothing you need to press star 3. >> me again. upon i'm [inaudible] the executive director for american indian cultural district. we partnered with the [inaudible] and the conservancey for the work you know [inaudible]. of wed for over 2 yers in the
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climate action plan and environmental justice framework without purpose that you see things in focusing on knowledge. i was shockd and a bit sad this liberal cities and there were zero policy. not event minimal even mentioned in previous plans 2 years a clan ritted and saw a mission plan and were not out reached. it is legislated by planning. this is i good example of starting early and making sure that the policies that reflect
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our needs and intention to work with the american indian community. of the land which prune successful by epa, state and federal it is important of we put work in this and i encourage you all to take the time to look forward and adopt it. because there was a lot of work the left 2 years or the year with us combient climate action plan language over lap employment to say, it was a huge community process. grill to the nobodying in planning who worked with us. with a lot of good intention. thank you.
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>> thanks director for that. and it is wonderful to be here today reminds me how much i love sudden fran. we are trying to dot right hing and there is alegality of people who know when they are doing. i want to applaud the team that brought this to light. i'm casey reel executive director of the demonstration gardens cochair of the tenderloin people's congress. i work on environmental justice with the congress. i was honored be a cochair on the environmental justice framework. i upon found planning responsive and empathic and deliberate. took the -- time to got xr mile to bring people in.
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the communities map is brillian. it hen a needed innovation. and the inclusion in the moment of building the framework is exactly correct. when we need and i want to echo director and pierce in their res we mode to treat this as a working living document. and i encourage you, commission and planners to think in terms of how do we build on going participation institutionalize this from the community so this
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we are not recreating over and over again and forget and remembering and having to reinvest the resources. keep it going now that we got it going. and i am irrelevant grafively to be part of the work and thank you for centering approximate environmental improvements for our community. inform. authentic community engage am this is the most important prince pelf virmental justice. thank you. >> thank you. seeing no members of the public in the chambers we will go to remote callers. greetings planning staff i like to acknowledgment the committee members for committed work approximate planning department
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staff for collaboration and excellent support. i'm a bayview residence dependent advocate [inaudible] xhoont leaders engage, complin respond to needs of the bay vow community. bay vow alliance have representatives and allis that work on violent resill yens and environmental justice for health, wellness issue safety and support of human services.
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it is e stheshl contact is included in the framework. the draft inner agency part anywhere the department of environment, rec and park, d ph and puc this will be responsible for the policies and priorities. at present the know fran human right's commission is in the noted as a resource it is an essential body environmental j. accountability. the san francisco african reparation council released a plan draft the bayview contributed recommendations that aline with framework priorities. we presented america's addressing environmental health
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and environmental injustices in our black communities. based on health impact research and evidence detailing harm, findings and implications to individuals and in aggregate. bay vow alliance proposes objections adopted in the reparation's plan. health section action 4. include the humonopoly right's commission as a co resource environmental justice is a human right's matter. thank you for your time and effort. jury room can you hear me. >> yes, we can.
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>> yes. maulty. i think this is an important chapter this the city is gone through as far as planning for the environment. there has been a host of people in the past coming to planning and other bodies of city talking about equity and a lot of time it is we are not heard because of other issues that are at play when trying to plan things for the community. and just foible low we have a framework and it is important that this does not just silt somewhere. it gets used by the city departments when future developments and other environmental planning happens. in our communities.
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thank you very much. >> thank you. left call for public comments in the chambers come forward. call nothing remote press star 3. seeing no requests to speak. public comment is closed this merit is before you. >> thank you. want to thank those who call immediate and here giving testimony for the city staffs and haa great process. with a tremendous outcome. and so i wanted to recognize the great work i'm excited have been kept aware and see it come here today and get got one more mile stone on the way. one thing that is valuable and that rec and park mentioned the mapping project. getting the map was not easy. butt result is manage we can update and see literally how are we able to turn the dial in the
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environmental justice out come. you hope the areas red and yellow turning greener over time discipline have accountability. when we have big problems we are trying to solve are we making progress? where are we making progress? how can we see the intentions and actestifies are adding up to the out come we want in our community. great example rec and park using that. and other agencies also think what does tht monopoly tell them where than i should be policing the resources and upon communities they should be serving and huthymic victims. it instructor:s mow that if you have thoughts how we can or should socialize this as it gets adopted among agencies. i get the sense well is a tight dedicated group wing on it and have been for 2 years i don't want this to get adoptd and be
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sill 11 in terms of approximate terrible impact for other when is did in the need to be at the table but use this in their work. attach is at mile high mrefl make surety plan are not sitting and using them living documents. of so i would say you know there hen a tremendous experience humble for us on staff side to think how do we co develop with municipal members. you heard from the city members and community members there is appetite for that and we would like it see more like that. through our work there is models
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we can build off of this w. of then the actual document itself. we really see this as a phase one of the work and we know well is many elements of journey plan we have not updated and that need a refresh we hope to take the foundation and build on it. and i think we have a great set of recommendations from the working group and many which we were not able to get detailed we wanted i think there is next steps, too. jury room look forward on seeing that coming forward. and intersection with our racial equity tool and what we use it what piece of this can be lifted up and used to understand projects that are coming forward and potts and things like this that are brought forward. great work. and i will call on commissioner braun then commissioner moore. >> my comments on the same lines
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as president tanner. thank you for developing this. and the municipality members and organizations involved. i think that for those of us had work on general plans like myself, there is a worry this they will be plans this sit on the shelf. it seems like this prop is i can't think of anything better in terms of really engaging with the communities that implementation that process there are people holding that process ash counselable and the different departments accountable an awareness of the community. and so i appreciate that. to ensure this is implement exclude the level inneragency cordmation and the departmental coordination is grit to see you know the planning department is responsible for crediting the plan elements. it is the plan for the city.
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and so -- including all the departments that are going to have to implement this plan and follow it. it seems like a no brainer and yet this was does not go as far as as it needs to. thank you so much exit appreciate it and i do i'm appreciative of the approach of sort of incorporating environment at justice framework and that way to serve as an element that can be necessary low a line for the whole thing and updates the introduction as well. because i could not believe it had i saw the olds introduction that. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner moore? thank you to an incredible group of planners large members dedicated to quality of had is in front of us testifies to
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hayou can do. thank you all to tall city agencies. seem to the have engage in the a major effort but also really contributed success of when we are seeing today. i like to suggest that keep are moving immediately in phase 2. and we will be asking direct to find ways to budget that we have sufficient resources so that the document can help us create moving in the housing element this will be an town to refocus the physical virm we engage on building as it involves changeless in the city and with this framework we will be able to accounts to ourselves what were we are proving. we'll not only pushed by numbers but will be pushed by data which will force us to responsible low
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weigh every decision we make and each us will not be voting based on preconreceived notions but honest acounterability what needs to be done. we had opportunity today to hear in different presentations hatell take to be socially and racially equitable but understanding our decisions on the environment. this is a fabulous moment and i hope that director hill will be able to push and help get us budget allocations for the department to do that. thank you. i want to passport this comment there are yours owen looking at the power point it is like base solution green infrastructure. community planning. that is in line with housing element and lit irrelevant how the housing is built or curbs
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recreated and sidewalks reconstructed part of a new building those are opportunity to do greening and the benefits. so much alignment you mentioned with the housing leadership and the work another chance to bring this forward. why thank you for the comments. we struggle like to make sure that document living and continues to have impacts on decisionmaking policies from all agencies. i think what was important here and you heard it in comments was not just the content of when was in the document i think was bold. in set us on a course and how we got there and the process of that. it was. you know a great process that participated in the middle eastings and they deserve tremendous credit this will approximate help carry this document and make it relevant
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how we did it and who was included. and the fact that it was of city agencies and community but a process where we everybody bought in to it. it does d not water down the document it was bold. we gotta continue this work and we sthet as an example how we do that future planning. gi think for the members had helped participate and lynching or not here i think being enengaged with staff and again i think the challenges the beginning of the project. so what does it money to carry it forward and who's work plan, what does this no one have that be per of their work.
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i had a question for mrs. chen about the caller talking about reparations layering with other agencies. i know this we do mention upon undoing past harms is a direct connection. can you speak whether or not it present or look to how to better connect this document to the work this will be continuing? in another realm but basic to the work that is at the heart of the framework itself. >> i think this public comment is well taken. you know we had the hrc one of the members of our working fwrum. but i think this is an example of documents this were developed at different times and agencies and so tler direct references to the reparation committee in the frame w now.
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we can look to make those adjustments for the draft and want this frame w to be supportive >> and could reference because that document is a draft and referencing that body of work lead by agency will take its shape yet to be determined how that will continue i know may be not exact. i want today comment beg your pardon putting on my coat this is in the a disrespectful to you i'm not leaving it is extremely cold up here and it is for this reason that i asked for your understanding for my coat y. thank you, commissioner moore. >> commissioner braun. i want to move to approve the initiation. and may be adding in guidance
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there is consideration of the intinauguration of the work around reparations or how it may be included for the draft. >> second. no further deliberation. there is a motion and seconded. to initiate recommendation to examine reparations. on that motion american braun. >> aye >> commissioner ruiz. why aye >> commissioner diamond. >> aye >> commissioner imperial. why aye >> koppel. >> aye. >> moore. >> aye >> president tanner >> aye >> that motion passes unanimously 7-zero. and places us on item 9 >> the 2022 hotel conversion ordinance amendments a negative declaration appeal. would you like to take a
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>> okay. good afternoon and welcome become to the san francisco planning commission regular hearing for thursday, january 26. we left off on regular calendar for item 9. case 2020-where are 05491env the 2022 holing conversion ordinance amendment an appeal of the negative declaration. >> excuse me. may a give a few remarks before michael begins? >> thank you. president.
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tanner. why before i would note this will be his final planning hearing as planning staff. after 18 iaries at the deputy he will transfer to bureau of planning and environmental affairs at the international airport. tomorrow is his last day with us. yep. michael started as an intern and worked his way up to a senior planner. as -- in the northeast quadrant and after 10 years he went to work as a private environmental consultant for 6 years approximate came back. returned worked for the left 8 year in environmental planning. among his many contributions micheal has been our departmenty top wind and shadow technical specialist.
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he has been environmental coordinator for many projects the mixed use project eir and to airport eir's the san francisco shore line protection plan. and a residence den expert on all things star warriors and legos. will be missed. at least we can take comfort knowing he is working for the city and a bart roadway or airline roadway away. thank you, michael. >> before you begin we want to thank you for your service to the city. and to thank you lisa for bring a sum row of his great career. you can come become in the future if you ever need. thank you for your service and being with us here today. >> thank you. one thing i know if your flight is delayed or cancelled i the not be able to help you.
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[laughter] president tan and the commission michael lee from environmental planning. this item is an appeal of a preliminary negative declaration for the 22 holing conversion ordinance amendments the legislation is being sponsored by board prierzs president peskin. the planning commission is in the rivered take action on the legislation because it is know amendment to the administrative code and not the planning code. in 2017, the board of proirzs adopted a legislation to amend the holing conversion ordinance. the legislation changed the length of tenancy for tourists and transiant use under the ordinance from 7 days to 32 days. the planning department determined that the 2017 legislation did in the stout a project urined ceqa and that determination was the subject of
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a lawsuit foil boyd the an fran sro hotel coalition. in assessment of 2019, the san francisco court issued a court order avoiding the city's adoption of legislation. the court found the 2017 legislation institutes a project under ceqa and requires the stele to conjunctive environmental review prior to proceeding with amendments to the hotel conversion ordinance. the original 2017 legislation has been resunrised and the 2022 legislation would amend the hotel conversion ordinance as follows:would add a definition of tourist or transiant use which does not exist today. it would set the laning of tenancy for use as less than 7 days but only for the first 2 years after the effective date of the ordinance. it would set the length for such
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use less than 30 days following the initial two-year period. it would provide amortization positive applicable to hotels under this ordinance the mentioned 2 year period. it would provide a process for owners and operators of revving litted hotels to apply for an extension of amortization period and it would amend the definition of a permanent resident from i person had occupies a room for 32 days to a person when occupies a room for 30 days. no physical development projects are proposed. in compliance with the court order the department conducted environmental review for the 22 legislation and published a negative declaration. on october 19 of 22. upon the pnd concluded the project would not result in
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environmental impacts. it was circulated for public review period of 20 days. and it was pelod november 8 of 22. the appeal states it does in the address the projecty impacts related to the following topics:housing affordable for low income. land use. displacement, homelessness, urbeen decay and blight and economic impacts the appellate submitted an appeal yesterday but no new issues were raised. in addition to the appeal, the department received 3 inkwoirys requesting more information about the legislation and they did in the raise environmental concerns. as stated in the pel of response, they analyzes all topic in the ceqa check list including analysis of impacts
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related to how doing affordable. land use and population and housing the last of which addresses displace am. the court orders rejected the argument that displacement result in homelessness or urban decay and blight. an analysis of impacts related to the topics not required. the department did not find the project approximatelied result in physical changes therefore an analysis of economic impacts not required in the pnd. through the appeal response the department has dressed all issues raised in the appeal. the analyzes as you topics and the appellate has not provided evidence supporting i fair argument that the project would result in significant environmental impacts and would require an environmental impact report. the department's recommendation you reject the pel and uphold
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the pnd and i'm available to answer questions. related to ceqa that you might have. in addition sunny representing board president peskin is here. she can answer questions about the proposal and the intent. earlier matt lutein from department of building inspection was with us. i'm not sure if he is still available now. if hoe is hoe with answer questions about how the holing conversion ordinance is impelements. one note is this we submitted minor revisions to the negative declaration. this is a 3 sentence sum reabout the appeal proceeding and if you decide to reject the appeal and uphold the declaration should be in the final document. thank you.
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>> thank you. the appellate? pickup have 5 minutes. >> good afternoon i'm brian o'neil and represent the appellate the hotel. you heard the amendments evaluates will increase the day for sro from 7 dis to 30 days. the proposal is similar to 2017 amendments that increased from 7 to there days. the amendments were over turned boy a court. fund it was foreseeable the amendments would cause owners to charge among low rent and security deposits lead to displacement. negative declaration is proper if there is in evidence that amendment may have a significant affect. otherwise, an eir is required the pnd rather than abutt corn
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firmed than i will lead to displacement of occupant and contribute directly to impacts blight and urban decay >> it obvious courts found increasing the stay requirement will because owners to charge among low instead of weekly rent and require deposits. the idea this sro i don't knows give the right to stay for a month but not ask for payment defies common sense. remember the pnd ignore its will put units out of retch forrive nird of all households who can't afford a monthly payment and deposit this the impact a greater percentage of occupants. the city repeated low acknowledges units are person par of the solution to homelessness and provide a
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temporary stepping stone. rent and private low owns sro is 650 and 700 a month. we already know this sro occupants have difficult cover thanksgiving expense. left 3 years i quarter of all court orderses evictions were informs srou nitses bir leave 1% of reasoner reside in sro's. data shows a major of even emplayed homeless earn less than the mont's sro rent. we've beeningly so oh , units not ideal if they go in affect a person willville no other option but the street. the pnd assumes ocpantses of 64 units city wide will be displaced. this is based on responses this dbi received to the unit usage
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report identified the 2017 amendments as a reason for vick vacancy there it is a low response rate it usage report survey and the did the does in the reflect the sro units. the pnd acknowledges many were in the complying with the 32 day minimum. owners will not identify the 2017 ma'ams as a reason for vacancy when the city was not enforcing and the sro's not complying with the 32 day minimum. and the dba reporting form asked sro owners to provide a reason had 50% of the units are vacant the 64 reported vacancies are based on a fraction of theful sro owners who submitted reports and even small are be fraction of reporting them this comply
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with the 2017 amendments and mull are fraction of reporting complying sro's more then and there a 50% vacancy rate the idea this 64unists is the top end number is erroneous. and 99 of the under loyaling dast relied upon made visible. we submitted a disclosure sunshine skw on december first and this morning 2 months after the request on the day of the hearing we received over a thouz an pages of documents and response to our request. ceqa guide lines states that document is by reference the document shall be made available to the public. despite references to the usage reports that information has not been shown to the commission or the public. it is/khrer on the face the
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assumptions in the pnd are inaccurate and evidence in the record to require an e oishgs r the fact it was with held is reason not to adopt pnd today. >> thank you. members this is you're opportunity to address the commission. if you are calling press star 3 on web ex, raise your handled. no requests. commissioners -- i take it become. there is a remote caller. . i'm program director. [inaudible] maid upon of sro's throughout the city. i like to seat commission with hold the appeal with the regards to the pnd. i think there is enough evidence
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to prove there continue the item if there is a need, too. thank you. >> thank you. >> other public commenters. >> left call for public comment. public ment is clez period this is before you. why i like if you can share a bit about the origin of the legislation there are merits before us one is the pnd and under liing that the legislation and if you could shed light the intention and when is the outcome that is part of this. this legislation and -- council had let me know, this legislation -- was essentially an effort on the part of the
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city to irrelevant try to i think mitt gift and address the concerns that the appellates who are also the have also the appellates not just of this negative deck this morning butt original 2017 holing conversion update. over the course of many deputy city attorneys represented us in the courts and before the young this was hearing both sides. we have done our due diligence in trying to address occurrence around ceqa. i have my own feels whether or not this is a legislation needed under go ceqa the judge felt it was appropriate. we did this. the conversations you know continued the judge i think at one upon point and council can
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correct me brought up have you thought about amortization? is this manage the city would be open to? irrelevant this legislation is an effort to try to just put like move on. police get this legislation into. there is a lot the focus has been irrelevant on the tenancy the terms and there is more in this update this was irrelevant trito bring our holing conversion ordinance out of the dark ages and update it for a modern era. and i think there is a lot of really useful things that certainly the d. building and around reporting this are very important. important to get this legislation you know done and implemented and so this is irrelevant an attempt to try to roach a compromise.
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you know 2 years is you know -- i -- i felt like it should be shorter but this you know this is the comp moiz. this was our way of saying this is reason and i reason aim of time for to you recoup the alleged loss of rrevenue. >> thank you so much and thank you for working. >> yes. >> and i want to say to my fellow commissioners i see a couple issues. there is legislation itself before us it is wlo the city performed the level of environmental review as i understand ordered by the court. which it seems to be we have and in particular what i looking in the reports -- the impacts this are concerned about that this will lead to displacement of tenants and then than i will be
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unhoused and contribute to the upon environmental challenge in the areas where hi are displaced seems to mow and staff ceqa that it is a socioeconomic impact. we don't want legislation this would veterans displacement or lead to more as a rule but under ceqa the analysis of the environmental impactless of the legislation addicate. that's where i not knowing the details of the history of legislation in the record. i think that the negative declaration is adequate. i would ask about the comment the visibility of documents. this was concerning. i don't know if staff has insight in the availability med in a timely manner. why we did receiveave public record's request for this information.
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internal low we provide all of the records to our internal staff who handle those requests and than i 10 work with the city attorney's office to review all of the documents. and -- anything this was considered attorney/client privilegeor confidential was not shared. the delay itself, that was the tirnl vetting process. >> than i were justice transmitted today to the pelt? >> i think it was yesterday or today. why this morning. >> that is concerning in terms of time i'm not sure if how this bear in our decision to make a decision today or in the future. that is concerning to have documents transmitted a day before the hearing for someone trying to appropriate to make an argument before public. i will turn to commissioner imperial and dimonday.
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why thank you for asking about the holing condition version legislation. as i was per of the upon committee then. i believe00 autointent of the legislation of to prevent displacement of sro low income people living there and replacement for tourist use. there was a lot of trends where e responsive in some of the low insome sro's used where community members noticing that um -- part of a from homeless to finding a temporary space tourists are starting to move in t. that was like the the -- i believe that was the in10ing of the legislation is to prevenn homelessness.
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as the tourists were booming the that time. in that case for this holing conversion many community members support thanksgiving legislation. this is had i say in the community perspective. in this pnd the city also finds adequate in when we are how will this create an impact housing impact? land use and planning empicture and for urbeen decay. these were theorn intent of the legislation to prevent urban decay to prevery well further homelessness. why thank you.
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is it a concern the doufrments were made today does this you know hurt the appellate and give them more time to respond? thank you for this question. commissioner diamond. i did in the review the documents myself i don't think what was in them this matter has been litigated for years noted already. i understand this most of the documents that were prowsed were probably documents that were already available on the referred if the previous litigation. i don't know what was other then and there or in addition to documents they have seen in the past. ir can't answer whether than i might have wanted rely on anything in this what i tell you is this the city prowsed those quick low the public record's request was received prior to a hell day. people go on vacation and sick leave the work was done quick
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low and no intent to delay them. why i'm not concerned how much time i understand this can take time i want to make sure from your perspectives and of environmental planning -- that you foal like we don't need to give more time. the answer weave don't? i don't believe we need to give them more time. no. >> thank you for this. it feels like it is heard to get your, we are not looking at the legislation we are looking at the ceqa documents and the argument is close low related the argument the appellates are raising in the ceqa documents it is separate the 2. total low get and understand the intent of the legislation it preserve the sro's for longer
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term residence denial and in the short tails. it is feels like they fall in the category of socioeconomic impacts as i read i'm in supportive of the as written. and -- any of you saw it different low. i will say it was -- you know. a -- not about the validity of the -- the under loyaling legislation we are tucking about whether we like it or not it is does with whether or not we think the impacts have been
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analyzed. the issue i have for staff is instructor:s mow that one of the impacts of legislation is there are now fewer tourist rooms available. few are tourist rooms is the way to look at it pacific low in an your we have a lot of vacancies and hotels. michael lee. based on recent city data there is a tourist hotel vacancy range friday 47 to 3%. if tourists not able to stay in the rooms there are vickanceies elsewhere admit holing market that could accommodate them.
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thank you. thank you. commissioner mor? thank you for your thoughtful comments commissioner improll and diamond it helps us to understand the questions however, have trust in the environmental w and begin the fact this project hen lit gaitted before nothing changes other than covid shifting numbers in the ends it it is inspect questions about tourist occupied lower fee hotels versus our urgent homeless preponder lithe or sro population being securely housed i'm comfortable will what is in front of us and make a motion to uphold the -- >> second. >>
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>> no further deliberations there is i motion and seconded do we need to read the addition. >> thank you. includes the amendment and,ditions to the document. >> there is a motion that has been seconded toup hold the negative declaration. on this motion commissioner braun y. aye >> commissioner ruiz. why aye >> commissioner diamond. why aye >> commissioner improll. why aye >> koppel, moore, aye. where tanner. >> aye. >> that motion passes items 10a and b were considered out of ordon item 3 this is a cu authorization. i need to make a. >> commissioner diamond needs to make a disclosure.
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i wanted let you know that mr. gladstone is the attorney for the applicant and this one of the other lawyers at his firm and someone i retained for a personal merit novelty related rivera that relationship ended 2 years ago i can be impartial in my evaluation at this time. why thank you, commissioner diamond. >> good afternoon president tan and commissioners jeff worrien planning staff. the item is a request for cu authorization. upon remember planning code 303 to legal ice demolition legal az a demolition of a 2, knife 62 square foot proposal with udu that occurred during the
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construction of 1, 192 square feet of additions to allow for a 14, 154 square not 2 family dwelling the main 14073 bedroom unist expanded to and unpermitted unit now legalized through planning process would be extended 659 square feet. the 895 square foot ground floor common areas, 2 bicycle parking pace and one vehicle garage. the project is on the south side of rivera between 14th and remainder of rivera street leads to the hot hill open space. the site of the 25 foot ouied by 100 foot deep sloping lot containing the residential build
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thanksgiving is in a state of suspended construction. the project received department president trump for vertical edition and @rigzs including the legalization of unauthorized dwelling including a dr hearing at planning on october for you of 2018 and determined this exception will and extraordinary circumstances existed and modifications to the project were necessary it conform to the design guide lines scale and proportions. and the changes included tht second floor height should berousd and window and other elements better proportioned in size comat that timable with the upon neighbor. some response the experience resunrised designrousing the hoyt by 2 feet. result in the also a too foot reduction at the hoyt of the building the height of the front window the seck flower
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facaderousd and wood panel balcons added the plans today are the same as proposed the sameace plans approved by department. october 29 of 21 the department opened a complaint for suspected demolition without permit. horizontal and vertical elements removed from the african-american approved work exceeded the building permit and planning approvals. the building permit applications were suspended for the experience torch rerise the scope of w and allow planning time to review the here zontal removal. the department confirmed during a site visit this all elements and 50% of horizontal had been removed and removal xoeded the thresholds cu was required which
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is her before you today. the department received concerns relate today demolition. and provided photographs of the building prefer to construction and the state of the construction state of the stye. approximate one file note. staff omitted the liaison condition of approval which it is a standard condition for all projects we request this it be added to the megz and continue of approval number 15. >> therefore staff ask you, pruf with modifications to add the community liaison condition of approval on the basis the project is unbillionsed, consistent with intent and goals pedestrian zoning district and policies of the general plan. the project proposed to legalize a demolition includes legalization of unpermitted unit
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and family sized unit the project is necessary and desirable with surrounding niche and in the detrimental to persons or the properties in the your. the project responsibles will make ape presentation and i'm visible for questions. thank you. >> you have 5 minutes. >> hello good evening. brett gladstone land use attorney. ful first thank you toiest row for handling the merit for this last year. you heard television it is a 29, 0 skwoo square feet nonhistoric building increase of 4154 square feet addition of third floor and 2-1/2 baths and home opposite and up gridding the illegal unit and enlearning all bedrooms for
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sufficient clzet pits it was filed 7 years ago. there was a dr at the hearing october 4 commissioner moore agreed with the neighbor. the top floor was too tall and objections to the volume and [inaudible] and objections to the windows for privacy reasons the changes were made pursuant to staff to follow up. and i motion made to work with staff to refine -- took a year and a half for dbi and the department to approve the revisions and the alteration permit issued in 2020 there were in appeals means the design became final. during the renovation process inspectors call in the to dot inspections before items were covered up. do you to covid this slowed the renovation project for a year.
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because the inspectors were in the visible the a lot of people left this department. neighbors complained about over demolition in assessment of 21. work stop october 2021. 3 of 17 application made over a year ago and taken a year for that to roach you. due to i think lower priors at planning for project this is don't create housing for the first lower priors if you don't create housing the first time. during the reason vision they advised due to waters introugz and unsuspend large foundation cracks more elements had to be removed then and there paymented and he started that process of obtaining revisions to show that the actual amount of removal was going to be greater. contractor should have done all
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this before. he started removing vertical units and many contractors know better i'm not sure they all do i may have a comment about this later and i made a comment about in in my written presentation how we might chink that in the future and let condition transactors know. my client was not in the country he wishes he was during the time revisions were made. there was a request for nov this was issues my cline has been unable to live here for for you years electric at condition 6 in your motion states commissioners and staff can reviz the design combr and this was in the dr decision the commission changed no appeals were 10 from this design change. it became final.
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. except for minor revisions staff had to follow through on commissioner moore's comments. no appeal was made so it seems to meet odd this there can still be changes i ask you look and whether that is appropriate and, luthe second unit to be occupied bia member of the public for the first upon time in 10 year it was instuled with you permits and not up to code and the client's application up grid this is and legalize it. so not money to excuse work beyond scope of permit my client paid his dues. he paid fines for the notice of violation for the work. he had a holding cost for additional years. he paid dues he has been unable
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to ocpoint of view we have a housing crisis. perform. stlchl a fine now for owners who don't rent out units. i ask to you take that in account and hope you approve this tonight. thank you for your time. stlr no questions we should take public comment this . is your town top address the commission. if you notoriety chambers come forward, remotely press star 3. can we go to the cam. i was hear near general public comment and october fourth of
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2018 exit talked about the demo [inaudible] and the projects this were on a conditionium of demolition. and i want to say for this project should in the just electric at one project the but look at all of them. this happened this continuing the years i have been tucking about it like the one on 21st street a few weeks ago. i watched the dr hearing and said this has all the characteristic of a demolition. and it turned out it did and i would say, too, that this it is an interesting street there are 2 structures on this side this is one of 2. let's look at the over head this project did have demo
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[inaudible]. what is interesting of that the huelectric at these comparg the original that is interesting is it was hit one in each of the thresh helds hit b within approximate hit c2. and -- now is hit all of them. so had i look at this i think, well, men is this prove it was a demolition. men. is this prove the should have been adjusted would you have caught it in 2018 and outcome happened we don't know. would it have been better. you look at the original house is looks liveable.
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>> this is anatasia member [inaudible]. i believe this the category of an sb330 type of revision you know being that there is a udu. and in that case, i would think this the unit should know deed restricted. that means put on the deed. thank you. upon final last call for public mental. in forward. call nothing remote press star 3. seeing no requests to speak public comment is closed and this merit is before you.
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>> thank you. staff. for i think bring this i will make a few comments. star with saying i'm supportive of staff recommendation to approve with conditions. including ensure the liaison is included in the conditions. i think this project for me demonstrates challenges and the thing this is i would life to talk with you. around the role that this policy plays or does in the play and achieving the out come. to me when i think about that and what is intended in out in to preserve existing housing, prevent demolition and min tain affordable of housing it is old exert smaller. reasons why it is lower cost and also the design character preserve housing look and foal this a neighborhood and prevent displace am. it strikes mow it makes hearder
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except if you are wealth tow improve the house versus easier near everyone to modify homes we have other policy in accomplice can better, chief the out come then and there a complicated construction system that people are calculating and finaling damage and things that normal in an old house and having this process year later and have this case. of and further think about this budget how do we want planners to spends time. looking at absurd ridiculous detailed table and years bring thanksgiving project before us that is now how i want planners it it is a waste and absolute just waste of human capitol to spend time on our side or architect side or lawyer to have to come here with this. if we have a talk to stream line
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we need to look at this. i don't know what proportion of staff time this makes up the commission a lot it men like it it is out sized we see this it is a mall fraction. may be the work is look at it i people think of a worse way top spend time. commissioner. i like to ask a different question. i'm wondering why again and again and again we are run nothing these types of circumstances you sat here long enough this is case 20 or 40 all of the sudden there was a very clear process of this commission revowing the project and going through minor modifications now the building dis, pored. why is this happening? i'm sick and tired of sitting
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here as commissioner president tan upper sum rised you are wasting time. approximate i ultimate low don't believe this commission is the mere and we will all make it all all right boy approving something should have caught earlier and this would be different accountable. >> i agree i ask mr. horn if we take the applicant's word that they took down more walls the project is in the changing it it is a matter of a calculation i understand if i,000 better or a comeination of work beyond scope and the removal of walls or the removal of walls that lead to the beyond scope typeset is the same project. just with new walls instead of old walls the same wallless >> jeff horn that is correct. the amount of removal that occurred did not match the amount of remove the plans showed they would going to
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occur. the building the plan are the same as hawere proposed. if the developer had known the amount of removed they could have shown down the plans and men had this process weres hearing occur 3-4 years ago or constructed the project according to hat plans showed this was in the anticipating the infield devils that could have been found at the building site. we have a press for this. of project experience when they do run into dry rot and water damage in the field you are poseed contact the building department. the diagonaled 'll building department issue a violation and 317 said if you have a violation for the damage they don't count toward the calculations of 6317 that is how the process is laid
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out. over all correct the building that would be reconstructed or constructed based on the plans are the same building this was approved by planning and seen by the planning commission. thank you. i will say i just my personal opinion not the subject of the case is like that it is absurd level of demolition intention that others don't require if we build 82,000 plus hodz negligent stele we have to dial this in. the other reason at planning we don't see construction documents. we see architectural level of plans most jurisdiction and every other project not subject to 317 no one dictates means and methods of construction this is up to the contractors to figure out how they will build
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according to codes butt way they prop the construction is in the typically dictated by stele this is the sliver we upon do dictate it but in the dictate nothing in the building code it is planning. that's where the disconnect is helping we dictate means without construction documents. at an early teenage in the game and this game of reeling the information of this needs to translated at construction document and an often don't get relayed become to planning unless there is a change in scope. and then roling that from the folks doing the plan development and building the subcontractor this is is where the diskicked happens this is when would. after this project it looks like the permit was issued in the early spring of 2019 the building department had manualed
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torrey site inspections to explain to the people building in the field the control in sudden front and keep the wallless. and so this is an construction takes long in san francisco this we are seeing today and the left few week project this is experience the approval and problem many year ago and it takes a high school to remedy them we put thing in place we are not help in 2022 projects breaking ground. we hear your point commissioner tan and share the same sentiments. commissioner imperial then commissioner diamond. >> i mean look nothing the section 317 and what is trying to obtain this was back in 2009?
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becomes like enforcement or violation of kruck. that's where it is a problem to us in the plan being department when i feel like you should be more in the building. inspection commission not us. but -- i think in this sense president tanner, i share a sentiment in terms of revisiting. the goals of the connection 317. when i see here is in the violation side not in the ford annual of the housing itself because when it is renovate today is not never became afford annual at this point. in that sense -- we look in the housing element we have tried of course there will be demolition
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in this but in the essense as well of let's say you know udu there are unauthorized dwelling units in it. i think we need to think about what do we do in terms of you know -- there is a preservation of affordable. i think is as well in the housing element. i'm trying to look forward, how are we moving forward in the housing element with the goal of section 370 and how is it actually being relayed on the ground as well. and whether you know -- there should be more of a more of a straightforward check. you know. but in terms of ad you gos those are things we were discussing. i think it it is convollowed but we will get there. i think we need a special hearing on this on 370 in
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connection to housing element in connection to what is going on as we see in the daily. because like -- vice president moore i'm getting sick and tired. i think to president tanner that it is a waste of energy of the planning department. for us to come become approximate legalize i think has been more complicated then and there what is posed to be doing. iel. >> thank you, commissioner diamond then commissioner koppel. i will pile on and agree with commissioner tanner. >> i don't know what the in10 was in 09 when we are seeing now is this it is slowing down um00 autoproduction of housing especially when we are getting legalization of the udu. the costs and uncertainty we live in a city with 100 year old houses they will find dry are
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the and water damage and mote. and critics in foundation there is in way anybody will prowse a construction did you want they want the projects to be approved whatever logic exist in the where are 9 is not playing out in a fashion now. given our need to produce 82,000 units we had be doing everything we can to make it really clear and fit in how conttractors do work in our city. and i think i recall one of the objectives in the housing element take another look at 317. we should eli have that i hope that was early things we would take on. it does in the make sense we are seeing too many cases that takes you have staff time, permission time. they are not exceeding the scope of the project theyer replacing walls and it add the vasts amount of process on it exceeded
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what would exist before they opened the walls is not good pop3 in our world today where we need more housing and we want to encourage people to dot w this is helping to prowse more housing. so, i guess the second question is the continue tht attorney was referring to a standard condition did we need to retain the able. why a standard condition of approval we have on every project. we don't see the details it gives the opportunity to refind it had we get it referred to us. commissioner koppel this is in the worse we have seen but -- just like and over arching
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how are people allowed to continue? ultimate low the inspector identify its issues a notice of rilithe. i think this goes become to the monies and methods condition transactor and other cities are in the as not as prescriptive. and than i are not told, you have to keep this wall or not that wall in not in a historic district. a lot of timeless they see plans the project and they know how to build this project. and i think -- that's the problem. i think this issue is we are not see thanksgiving help at this point we seat project this is happened before we put new back stop in place. i'm not concerned we the see
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projects that happen in the 2022 or 23. but -- it hen a big problem. i see mr. gladstone i will call on director hill us and bring this issue to a close soon wrochlt it is on our short term list we can come up with procedures to when end. i think we agree not achieveingly the objective and to make or retain affordable you can expand.
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we can bring this become to you relative low quick low to try to resolve you are right. it is in the the anthropologist objective and when is happening don't connect. >> okay. any other commissioners questions or comments motions? move to approve. >> second. >> that's with the'd added condition? >> yea. very good on that motion to approve with conditions by staff to include the standard community liaison commissioner braun. why aye >> commissioner ruiz. why aye >> commissioner diamond. >> aye >> improll >> aye >> koppel. >> aye >> commissioner mory. aye >> and president tanner y. aye >> that motion passes 7 to of
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zero we are on item 121500, felonith street a large project authorization. upon all right. good autobiography commissioners planning staff. the item before you is a large project theorying to permit a project grirt than 25,000 square feet and over 75 feet in height in the umu zoning district. the project will ewe likewise the bonus program and question for waivers incentives and concessions from the development stoornsd the proposal includes the demolition of the existing autosale facility and new construction of 11 story 120
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foot tall building with 29 huh human square feet of commercial use. 189 group housing bedroom and 64 class one and 6 class 2 bicycle parking space. will include the merger of 2 parcels. urn the state density bonus program it requested 2 waiver from thes planning code including rear yard and height to achieve the 50% density bonus and concession for open space. the project will provide 32 affordable group housing bedrooms. the inclusionary housing fee to the bonus portion of the project. and the the residential floors. in terms of the out reach the project experience started out roach in november 2016 and has
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worked with usm and other community organizations in the mission neighborhood. since the project was continued left november the project experience enter in the i settlement agreement that will provide a number of community benefits. as well as mou with the carpenter's youn as well. also in working with the community the design rerised to include additional murals. street landscape. public seating, et cetera . so far the department received 3 letter in passport approximate then in opposition at this time project. opposition is centered on the building height. shadow impact on building and neighborhood character and no on site parking spaces provided. enemy sum row the department finds the project is unbalance consistents with the mission plan and objectives and policies of the general plan the tell
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construct a new 11 story over basement mixed use with ground floor retail and close to transportation, commercial corridor and jobs. additional low, of the project will increase the city's housing stock providing 189 new group housing bedrooms. 32 of which will be designed affordable rooms. this concludes staff's presentation and available for questions the experience is also here and has appropriated a presentation. thank you. >> good evening if i can have the screen, please. i'm chris elsey the steward or owner of the prime company. we are a development company we have in husband architect and build our own project and general condition transactor and we have our own property
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management. we have projects building in los angeles we do develop thes through the the country and building in los angeles, san diego and denver. of we are excited about the property here in the mission district. you mentioned i i have brandt community and a surface parking let acorn are lot. we are leasing it to a bye-byes up the street and they are using it for are parking for their business. our design objective was affordable by design. we have a 25% affordable component. but as -- through our out roach this is had we went to the community with. and we have been working and pounding out the mou agreement for a significant time.
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we ended up on going to offer the remaining units first right of refusal to the san francisco housing authority and where they can utilize the housing choice voucher program. to help facilitate affordable housing. and so usm, united to safety mission and different organizations they have been made aware and supportive of this and they can that's the funding mechanism behind those. in addition to the m. ou agreement and the housing choice vouch are program we worked with them on the physical design of the project as well. and you see, in there is what was the left what we brought them and then we think i'm happy with what our architects and the
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community worked with there. we had a reduction in unit count. added murals. there is a parking lot of our grem we are offering will reduced rent for you active ground floor retail spaces. and so that is there is murals around there. but those would be community usm help sends us a list of businesses that we can select from for this. you see the 2 murals on the facade long 15th and south vaness. and the community open space requirement. we have 3 full levels of community space about 10 times that the required amount is. and well is also am communal kitchens full kitchenos each
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floor. this is actually eye vow toward dun town. there will be this is the community space. these these other individual units they are own bathroom and have a kitchen thet has a convection microwave and stove top. this building has, menities beyond the typical apartment building as chris mention third degree is more than the units the project is eligible for 50% density and either 63 to be
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built. the project seeking the roar yard and height waivers. the open space concession 5,000 is required. 3600 on the roof and another 1200 this is open out doors does in the meet the sun plain angle priorities not code compliant you add them we are 100 short of the actual requirements we are close as is. and gwen we got a significant amount of community space. so thank you we are here if you have questions. >> thank you. we should open up public comment this is your xunt everopportunity to address the commission if you are in the chambers line up on the screen side of the room. if you are calling in you med to
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press star 3 on web ex raise your handled. good evening president tan and the planning commission. i'm guillermo a lifetime residents of san francisco. went to net dame elementary school. mission delores and grut federal arch bishop hik in her in support of the project. as a court reporter teri was fortune to have excellent journey men and persons to instill good w hahn and growing every day with building knowledge and foible loyal eventual low learning how to intercept blueprint and using that alloyd method to commolest the beautiful projects we work on as carpenters.
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as i gained the skills i have been a carpenter for 7 years building the skills. working steady, you know. . i was proud of w i was a good provider for my family xu know -- upon i will calm dun a bit. i have aon with special needs but being i carpenter it was in the a problem i had excellent benefits. but merchandise 16 of 2020 came and i got laid off with, legality of other carpenters. being i was i was unable to provide for my family. my marriage started to become strickened and recently it failed. i leave my home to aleaveiate
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the tension in my home. my wife is a single mother and i'm squatting with an inluin district 10. employees i look forward it gang one of construction jobs an opportunity to work in the community where i live. and were where i can participate with my family. as a resident i encourage to you move forward with this project quick low. thank you. good afternoon president tan and fellow commissioners. thank you for allowing mow to peek. i'm christian i'm a resident born and raised and a carpenter
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with local 22 i'm on the the rated w list speak nothing favorite project. partners are committed to bring condition tractors union work for people you know the city. and we have been having a problem with you know, you know, just make happening money as the middle class. we have been losing the middle class with this project this would bring this become in the right direct. and come on a thousand a mont this is amazing for role this is off script. machine. all right. on track. this will provide me with amazing training i need this. i'm out of work give me work and i can get these from my retirement and build up skills amazing for me. i'm in full support of the project and you know my other carpenters with mow are in full support and like you to be with
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mow in that study. come on we need this! you'll have an amazing day. thank you. good afternoon president tan exert mission. it hen a long day i'm denica johnson a carpenter apprentice. i was grateful to be a part of the first all woman aprentice program and graduate of that. i know it suspect in the no other women here but i respiratory all of us i have been out of work list. i'm a san francisco native and full support of this. you know i know how it is to be homeless i lived in the veteran with my husband. and i got happened to get a low income accomplice on 16th and mission i understand when this
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would mean to machine like me who has been through that and the rent is the same a thousand it is a blessing. it it is a blessing i would love to put the skills i learn today use. to say i built this i was a part of helping people get off the streets and helping people have affordable housing i life to be a part of building this. you know to show my skills i been on the out of work list since i gruted last september. there are good carpenters and we have skills and red to put them to use and life to be a part of this. you know. i emmrer you to get approve this project. tell help alegality of people and san francisco and per of the homeless. so. thank you. jury room good evening president tan and planning commission.
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upon i'm upon danielle greg the senior organizer in local 22 representing 4,000 court reporter terse in san francisco and thenned through the northern california the local 22 in san francisco and bay area support the development at 1500, felonith. tell create jobs pay wage and benefits and opportunity for local aprentices to continue career in construction. the use at 1500, 15th is a parking lot this is critical to create spaces to work ownership live and done right will add to san francisco's identity. this development the bring 189 workforce housing with 25% affordable. the prime company is willing to invest in the city. they have not only made a
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commitment for a general contractor but made the decision to partner with nor cal in recognition of quality and standards the company intends to achoef in san francisco and a union contractor can deliver. now we are merging from a pandemic and a significant downturn in the economy. construction is the second learningest strep in the world next to health care temperature is important we support developers who support labor and the community. the local will 22 is excited support the development of 1500, 15th for dedication to san francisco, community and union labor. thank you. we ask you approve this project. >> left call for public ment on this item. public comment is closed this merit is now before you. >> thank you.
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i did have a few questions for project experience i'm one thing i was course about in the project when i guess built other similar project in terms of group housing you mentioned? >> we have a students housing back fwrund and we have -- probably our most similar project a 258 unit in columbus, ohio. >> i'm course about the design team we seen a fair number of group housing proposals here. but the gym space is large and i wondered if you finds that to be amenity this folks most want versus living space or storage or other things this you decided to program with the gym space. curious about this. >> if i mean in pooling our residence denialses we found that is to be trough that everybody is work oust crazed
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and this has been the most if you go boy any even our swimming pol and those things like the thing this gets used the most is a gym space feign it is simple. >> cool. thank you very much. are there other questions commissioner ruiz. i saw the out roach to the community groups included mercy housing and hoping you could speak more to the right of first refusal exactly how would that work. when were the discussions? is there a separate agreement on how that will work just to get an insight on this. why there is in the a specific. so, the mou is with usm they deacceptinates to to who make
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them awave wear and than i can effectively source residence dens that when we are committing to is accepting the houseings choice vouchers through the san francisco housing authority and so they are free to recommend and so every unit this come up we will send it on usm and sends it to various organizations like neighbors of native american folks we are talking to. the to -- different organizations that they know. and then not only this, so if once they -- live well and witness they somebody potential low move out it guess in perpetuity we go and give the first right of refusal to them >> thank you. other comments or a motion. >>
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>> commissioner moore. >> [inaudible]. i think this project has gained an tractiveness buzz of the strategy community involvement and concessions and happy you were able top stand inspect thap battle and in to an agreeable solution. i'm appropriateed make a motion to approve the project with conditions >> second. >> seeing no deliberations commissioners there is a motion and seconded to approve the conscience on that motion commissioner braun. why aye >> commissioner ruiz. why aye >> commissioner diamond. >> aye >> commissioner improll y. aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye >> commissioner mor >> aye >> and president tanner >> aye >> that motion passes 7-zero. [applause] commissioners this will place us urn your drical dar. for your final item on the agenda item then.
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1564 graen street dr. again, as requested if you could leave quiet low we would appreciate it. >> good evening commissioners david of staff architect. the item is a public initiated request for discretionary review of building permit application. to construct a fourth story horizontal addition to a 2 family building. existing building a category b historic resource built in 1924. the dr requestor of 1570 green street the property to the east of the project is concerned the project will affect views, light and privacy and maintain the
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current height and eliminate the kitchen and window on the west side the department received no letter in support or opsignificant. staff support its is complies with guide lines of the planning code. 10 not front set become and low ceiling height to render it virtually minimally visible from the street. with a 4 and a half foot set become on the west. the dr requestor has a similar fourth story with windows facing the fourth floor ensuring privacy the like of the windows in relation to the requestor are privacy is min tained staff does in the see exceptional or extraordinary circumstances and
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drawn a collage and what i'm trying the elevations are this way it projects the plans proper low properly what i'm trying to display is a window a 7 foot window by sick foot high. and it directly views into the bedroom and his bathroom. so -- had we are suggesting also do we have the other plan in other picture. the photos. this one shows the same view. where we are sitting from the
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window look nothing the bedroom and the bathroom which is in the back. so, what we are hoping is this window can be 10 away. they still have the vow commolest low to the bay and the bridge and all that. and this whole back wall of the nerth side is glsz. so -- this window projects to the west. and as i say the privacy of the neighbor. thank you. >> that concludes your presentation? >> yes. project experience you have 5 minutes i can make a few more comments there is affect on shouldedo and lit and privacy and general noise and other concerns and kitchen and the third floor.
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thank you. does this conclude your presentation. >> yes. for you in y. project sponsor you have 5 minutes. i'm alec project experience and designer. hello thank you for hearing us. >> reel we hear concerns about privacy when is in the represented in the diagram you have to have your head up against the winnow and looking toward the bedroom in order for this to be accurate that's not what we want to see we want to see the golden gate bridge the window is at the very edge of the property. and it is unlike low anyone will stand at this window and
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electric back at his property. we -- asked our designer to take his privacy and vow sight in account when we designed this project. we this was not. the frequent was not a result of going back and forth with the permitting. we proactive low scaled the project back. we observed the set become and didn't include an entire wall of glsz to be respectful of niche. this per mist application of the result of alegality of proactive and conscious about the neighborhood. we have no in10ing of being noisy this is also the project experience we are 2 professional his bout a build nothing disreper se and trying to make it our home that concludes our pregnancy we don't have much to
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stay. >> i prepare a draw being i don't know if this can be projected. the windows are 15 feet away and the most person thing to understand is class becomes a mirror any fourth of 45 degrees especially the class used in his window on the photo provided by him looking in the window you cannot see inside it is
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reflective. so -- if we look at the -- look at the collectional view. these 2 represent when it would be our corner of the building right here. our window would be right here. and at this anxiety teleis impublic to see in his house. novelty this we will ever want this. i think that yea. hello thank you for your time. i think this you know as alex said we were conscious and trying to be good niche and enjoy the view of water and bridge we all love in san francisco. and we will answer questions from here. of >> very good.
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thank you very much. that concludes your presentation the members of the public this it is your upon opportunity to address the commission. then in the chambers if there is come forward there was then on our remote line so dr requestor you have a 2 minute rebuttal. >> it has been ape long day and i don't want to extend it further. but hai want to say the photo taken from where the gentlemen showed the [inaudible] it was directly in my bedroom of the first helpful of the bedroom is visible and it shoes the toilets from that space. 2 photographs and all those 3 angles you can so in my private space but private bathroom i'm
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asking to respect the privacy and not a window that destroys the privacy raise the windows if than i want sunlight i'm not opposed i'm oh posed to the large wind open that is destroying my privacy. iot thing i add is picture this i just saw from the story poles is taken further become in the room. if you are further become from the room it makes the glass playing of the adjoining property, skew. if you are up against the window your angle is in the as askew and looking straight on the picture we took from the window looks directly in the bedroom and in the bathroom. you have a 2 minute rebuttal if you need it.
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i think i hear correctum say we see your bathroom. so those are photos the interior of his bedroom. i think if you look at the proportion it different to had they show the bed is for back and the bathroom is in this back. upon nowhere we can seat bedroom notteen if than i leave the door open. and also the reason the photo is taken back so i can show this fiput the come rathere. in reference. but it is 57. he had have more transz paraphernalias electric at us then and there we would look to his. that's physics it is impublic to see in his house. i don't know what else to add. thank you.
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>> thank you. with this commissioners this concludes this discussion. discretionary review. >> [laughter] winnows work both ways get kurt anxiety. commissioner koppel >> motion to not take dr and, prove >> second. >> seeing no deliberation commissioners there is a motion to not dshgs tick dr and approve commissioner brun y. aye. >> commissioner ruiz y. aye >> commissioner diamond. why aye >> commissioner improll >> aye >> commissioner koppel >> aye >> commissioner moore >> aye >> president tanner >> aye. >> that motion passes. we are adjourned.
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>> good morning everyone. my name is nuvia (inaudible) depdy director at department of public health. before we begin i like to do the land acknowledgeism we are on uncedeed unsesteral home land of the ramaytush oholone. as indigenous studered of the lands and accordance with tradition, the ramaytush oholone never cedeed lost or forgotten their responsibility of the care takers och thais place and all peoples who reside in their tor tore. we benefit from living and
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working on their home land. by affirming sovereign rights as first people. welcome avenue wn. this is new health resource center named after our long time beloved colleague department of public health leader marie martinez. i thank you mayor breed for your leadership that helped make this day realty. thank you for being a champion for san francisco most vulnerable residents. i am thrilled to be joined by marie's daughter polama and friends and families and dph colleagues and staff. thank you to dr. berry (inaudible) for guidance and (inaudible) director of marie martinez health resource center and staff of the marie for their tireless work. i want to take a moment to say this sentser a incredble
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accomplishment and directly speaks to the vision and leadership that marie x provided. i cannot think of a more fitting tribute to her legacy then a place where integrated multiagency approach provides care and resources to the people experiencing homelessness as well as to the medically vulnerable san franciscans. marie always found a way to do more. to serve more, to do better. and i know her presence here will inspire all of us to do the same. many of us continue to morn her passing and i when i look what has been created in her memory i find inspiration and strength. as the former director of whole person care, marie knew the value integrating efforts across the city. i want to recognize city department partners in this effort. the department of homelessness and supportive housing. the human service agency. the department of emergency management. the mayor's office of
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community-housing and community development. the fire department. the sheriff department. as well as mercy housing and episcicul community service. everyone played a key role opening the community and insuring we provide first rate care to the community. now i like to welcome mayor breed to say a few words. [applause] >> thank you so much, and it is really great to be here. already just walking through the doors, just thinking about the people that this clinic is going to serve, it is absolutely extraordinary. but i do want to start by really thanking the staff and people who work here every single day. today i know it feels great. we have this new facility but this work is hard, and the challenges that exist in our city have been very very difficult. when the public makes demands for us to deal with some of those challenges and to provide the appropriate systems of
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care, they don't just happen because people want them to happen, they happen because there are people who are dedicated to making them happenism there are people showing up every single day despite the challenges, disspite beal called names because they understand the challenges with people who struggle with mental illness and substance use disorder who need to have care and support to make sure that they are getting what they need to survive and to thrive in san francisco and it is not easy. and today as we dedicate this facility in honor of marie x martinez we are reminded of advocate that worked for department of public health and dedicated her life to this mission over the last 20 years understanding it is just not one thing. there are a number of things that happen and people who have tremendous needs. the whole person from the
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(inaudible) basic physical needs as well mental health and those challenges stem from so many things from dementia to people who suffer with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and so many issues. you know, when i think about our country and our society and the challenges that we face, i think about when we-it is easy to do deal with some of the physical issues like you break a foot or a leg or something and there is doctors who specialize in those things, but we have really i think failed as a society to realize that substance use disorder and mental health challenges people have sit in a category too where they need specialist and support and compassion, and this clinic is going to provide that holistic support. this place offers treatment on demand.
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it offers a opportunity when someone wants to get clean and sober, they have the resources to do that. and this is a location where not only the street medicine is housed, the people who are out there on the streets providing the narcan and support and help and assistance to people in need, but also our homeless outreach team, the partnership that exist between these entities to help people who are truly the most vulnerable in san francisco is what this clinic in particular represents all most more then any other clinic that we have throughout the sit a eand county of san francisco. so, again, i want to really thank the doctors and the staff and the nurses, the counselors, the clinicians, the people who show up every single day and put their heart into this work, because you have to love this work in order to really muster up the strength to come to work every single day and to support this community, your work
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is appreciated. i also want to take this opportunity to thank all the various departments and agencies who helped to deliver this project on budget and not over budget. it is a over $13 million project, supported in so many different ways including by the voters of san francisco when they support public health bonds, they support clinics like this. they support the opportunity to provide healthcare to san franciscans regardless of whether or not they have health insurance. that's what places like this provide an opportunity to help make sure that people are able to get the support that they need, and so again, i want to thank you all so much for being here today. thank you to it great departments and everyone who played a role in this. it is a lot of work and it does take a village. thank you again to marie x family and her friends and people who knew
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her. i know when she passed away in 2020 it was really devastated for the public health community and so i know that you know, as much as some of you miss her, i know especially her daughter paloma today missing her because you know her work and advocacy for social justice, push for creative solutions and change and as a result of naming this clinic in her honor it really cements her leg acy of work in the city and county of san francisco so thank you so much for being here and at this time i like to introduce dr. hammer in charge of all the various clinics that serve the public in our city. we had a number of opening including maxine hall. my grandmother used to use maxine hall. so many african american seniors and clinics in the bayview and mission and think of
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the extraordinary histraphy of the clinics and what they provided when people in these communities had no alternative. this clinic first opened in 1917 and has been serving the community through the aids epidemic, through the fentanyl crisis and now all of the things we have to deal with and so we are really grateful for her leadership so ladies and gentlemen, please welcome dr. hammer. [applause] >> good morning madam mayor and gathered guest. holly hammer director of ambulatory care for the department of public health. it is a honor to welcome you to our beautiful new marie x martinez health resource center. this brand new space, this space for healing and connection is the embodyment of a vision and culmination of years of hard work and community investment to bring the vision to realty. this new space already had a huge impact on capacity to provide
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humane and high quality care for our patients. the vast nujrt of whom are experiencing homelessness. we serve people in our community who face so many challenges and felt devalued and unseen especially when dhai try to access healthcare. many patients we see have serious health issues. they need an accessible welcoming and manageable place to come for healing. this new facility and the extraordinary staff who work here are our local experts in healthcare for people experiencing homelessness and this is where-this st. the space we provided where they can provide the compassionate care people need. when talking about the incredible work we do here, dr. barry zeven memedical director describes the model of care based on access, excellence and our own special sauce. our special sauce includes
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making our patients feel welcome and cared for. we aim to provide as much as we can in a one stop shop model including drop in urgent care, transitional primary care, mental health and substance use services, podiatry and dental care as mayor breed mentioned. and i hope all of you get a chance to look at our big beautiful new dental suite while quou are here. this is why we chose to call this a health resource center. this is truly whole person integrated care. we also partner here with staff from other city agencies who join us in serving the community. especially staff from department of homelessness and supportive housing and our long time partners the homeless outreach team. in planning this project we are grateful for the important partnership of mercy housing, apiscicul community service, the mayor office of housing
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community development, human service agency, all agencies so important bringing this project to fruition. before i introduce our next speaker i do want to take the opportunity to thank some of the many people who worked tirelessly on this monumental project. huge appreciation to whole person integrated care leadership team (inaudible) berry zeven, les (inaudible) john grimes, (inaudible) and then also our facility partners from the department of public health lead by cathy (inaudible) and many many others. for those who have the honor of working with marie x martinez and morn the loss of our beloved colleague, friend and mentor, celebrating the opening of this beautiful place of healing named in honor of marie is both comfortable and gratifying. it is also so fitting our
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final speaker this morning is marie's beloved daughter polama. i remember marie telling about puloma soon after we started working closely today. she showed her picture and shined with pride as she told about poloma decision to pursue a career in social work. she will make an amazing social worker and i know you are already serving people at unlock another of our community partners. polama this beautiful healing space named to acknowledge your mother vision of compassionate welcoming care for people experiencing homelessness and other social vulnerabilities is part of her legacy . thank you for being here today to help celebrate the health resource center which remind all who enter of marie's vision and collective work to achieve that vision. i am proud we got to
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this point of opening this beautiful new place of healing. we are already seeing lots and lots of people here, which is so incredibly gratifying but marie would have been the first to say we have much more to do. this isn't the end of the effort but the beginning. i like to interdue you poloma martinez. [applause] >> thank you holly and mayor breed. i am very honored to be here at the official opening of this health resource center that now bears my mother's name. my family and i are so proud of the beautiful result of her hard work, dedication and commitment. i wish she could be here to see this. she was my example of how to improve the lives of those who were not being taken care of, so thank you to everyone who helped make one of her dreams a realty.
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was founded in 1977 by community activist and artist who are seeking equity. there was no place where people of color could exhibit their art work. and there was a need to create a cultural space where latino artist could promote and show their work. so this is what came out of that effort. we have a historical landmark theater, a historic gallery and we have the historic mission graphica, a print shop where much of our history has been documented through art. through the center, we have been able to develop and promote emerging artist that have become amazing established artist. so we have established traditional programming that the community can count on year after year such as the day of the dead, carnival and the solo
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mujeres show. during this 45th anniversary, we're also faced with challenge, the city has requested that we have a temporary relocation due to seismic retrofit, that is going to be close to a million dollars. and that's a big challenge for us. >> the 45th is important not just because of the number of years but it reflects the continuity of the center. and it reflects the fact that we continue to exist and thrive and provide our programming to the community. the challenge going forward, is not only the relocation but it is the diversification of funding so that the center is no longer dependent on single sources of revenue. so going forward one of our efforts and the board particularly is going to
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concentrate on seek ising alternative funding for the center, so that we don't end up only having one exclusive source, which would be the art commission. >> what we are doing between now and june is having a series of event to raise money, right now, we are asking for the public to support us in our long term sustainability. we need to raise money to continue our legacy for another 50 years or more and in order for us to be here for our community and to continue and vessel and promote latino art, we need everyone's support. we're going to have amazing shows by established artist. we are privileged in exhibiting the pa lo buy in collection and that's a huge gift for a community. >> [speaking spanish]
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january 24 meeting of the county transportation authority board. i'm rafael mandelman i serve as chair. melgar is our vice chair. i want to thank michael with sfgovtv our clerk is elijia saunders. will you call the roll y. commissioner chan. why present. why commissioner dorsey. >> present. why commissioner engardio. why present. why commissioner machine man. why present. why commissioner melgar. >> es
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