tv Fire Commission SFGTV February 2, 2023 4:00pm-6:01pm PST
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>> the time is 5 o'clock in person authorized boy california code section 54953e and the mayor's 45th supplement to february 25, 2020 emergency prosecute columnation temperature public that some members of the fire commission miattends remote low. those members will participate and vote boy video. members of public may attends the mote to observe and prosecute void comment in the physical meeting location or on line as the link on the posted
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agenda you miaccess boy logging on to the fire commission website. you may watch live at sfgovtv to participate during public comment dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2499615 3735 ## >> members will have an town to participate during comment the public asked to wait for an ghnd item before making a comment on that item. comments will be addressed instead order received. when the moderator announces the commission is taking comment. members can raise hundred by pressing star 3 xu will be queued. callers will hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. operator will unmute you. when prompted, callers will have the 3 minutes to provide
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comment. ensure you near a quiet location. speak clearly approximate turn off tv's or radios. item 1 roll call. president nakajo. >> present. >> vice president morgan. >> present. >> commissioner feinstein. >> present. >> commissioner fraser. >> present and commissioner paula collins who is attending virtually. >> present. >> and chief of department jeanine nicholson. >> present. >> president nakajo will read the land acknowledge am. ramaytush ohlone land 11acknowledgement the san francisco fire commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the
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indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples >> the public i will take out of order the following items. i will move item 6 on you were agenda to follow item 4. so with this, change, in dam secretary. >> [inaudible]. [cannot hear secretary].
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>> members may address the commission up to 3 minutes within the commission's jurisdiction this does in the a pore on the agenda. speakers address to the commission and in the to individuals. commissioners are in the to enter in debate or discussion with the speaker. the electric of i pregnancy boy the commissioners or department personnel does in the necessary low constitute with or agreement w. this is general public comment. if you would like to make general public comment. please, press star 3 now. >> there is nobody approaching the podium and nobody has their hand raised on the public comment line. >> thank you very much. madam secretary with nobody on the virtual line and in person, public comment is closed. why item 3 approval the minutes. discussion and possible action to approve the meeting minutes
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of january 11, 2023. >> thank you very much. any public meant on the minutes in >> there is nobody with hand raised on the comment line and nobody propping the podium. >> is there questions from the commissioners? >> i move weave adopt the minutes. >> second. why thank you very much. >> commissioner feinstein and the second commissioner morgan. >> president nakajo? >> aye. >> commissioner fraser. >> aye. >> and collins? >> aye. >> the motion is unanimous. >> item 4 chooefr of department's report from chief of department jeanine nicholson on current issues, activity and events in the department since the meeting on january 11 issue 2023, including budget are academy. events issue communication and out roach to other gentleman agencies in the public.
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and report from administration deputy chief tom oshg connor on float and facility. status and updates. finance, support services and home land security. jury rooms good evening chief nicholson >> good evening president nakajo. vice president morgan. commissioners. command staff and maureen. chief jeanine nicholson this it is my report since the last commission meeting. i did send you a text today about a fire that our folks went to approximate and chief postel and i took a ride out there and of it was a really tough fire and folks did a great job. and i'm really proud of the members of our department and --
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chief nicole who is here was the ic. and our folks did a wonderful job. so. very proud of them. very sad about the individual that died. since our last meeting i went to swearing of the new da. and i have been to search efrntss for martin luther king junior day. and you know, a concert the labor breakfast and the march. and we had a really great turn out of members at the march. and at the breakfast. and it was just -- yea. nice to see so many members there. >> >> the city has reupped the funding for00 autocity emt
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program and 9910 program. chief beautford lead the way. thank you very much, chief. so this it is a successful program this we are proud of and the funding was going to be up july first am we are squared away. >> we had a labor management meeting and then i have since met with the new president of 798 floyd raulins we had a meeting yesterday. went very well. and i look forward to working with him and the new folks there we addressed the 131st academy. which is now out at treasure
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island. and you know, basically want to instill in them a culture of ownership and responsibility. and so -- they near the second week out there. i also attended the swearing in of the new supervisors and there was i dinner for president peskin in china town that i attended. that was a super spreader event. he got covid. so -- it was -- a nice event. um -- i attended the racial equity plan check in with director doctor cheryl davis of human right's commission and all about making really -- setting attainable goals for ourselves and other departments.
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that -- that we talked about and so, i know the chief is doing a lot of work on that. there was an initial schein chinese new year event parade and chinese new year's event. and we have the actual parade on the fourth. at 5 p.m. you have all been invited to. hope to see some if in the all of you there. it is a wonderful approximate raid. >> i went to a couple of irrelevant nice events this we set up. we often our members often upon don't get to meet up with people they help and people who lives they stave. we had a meeting with a surfer. who was pulled out of the water unconscious. and he was walk and talking and just fine with his family and
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wife and son. and will met the dispatchers and our people, medics emt's and firefighters. and rescue captain ain't. it was nice. dweent always get to do that. and had a meeting this weekend with you may remember the 10 month old who beingally came in contact with fentanyl. and we responded and saved that child's life. and so the familimented to meet with everybody and thank them and he and his twin brother turned combon they are great. really will -- it is nice we get to that our folks got to do that as we don't often know what happens with people. good stuff. as you know, the command staff, we visit different fire stations we are asigned every couple months and i have been visiting
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our fire prevention and investigation teams. and have -- another one or 2 to go. but -- just thank them for critical role in firefighter and public safety and they get -- forgotten about sometimes they are critical to the department. i had meeting with supervisors as we have budget coming up. and will the budget president -- committee assignments have come out. so -- i believe i forwarded them if in the i will. you know, the public safety one we got some wonderful -- supportive people on there. supervisor stefani and engardio and dorsey who are all propublic safety and budget approximate finance it it is supervisor
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chan, mandelman and safai. we have great relationships with all 3 of them. and then on budget approximate appropriations those 3 as well as supervisors ronen and -- so -- we'll be having many happening conversations our budget is due on february 21st. i thank you, commissioners for your support in this sf -- get to the sproirz's offices as well. i said upcoming the choin ease new year parade on february fourth and the black history month kickoff is february of third. we will go to that as well. that concludes my report for today. thank you very much. >> thank you very much.
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is there a mfbt public for the chief's report y. nobody on the public comment line with hand raised. and nobody approaching the podium. >> >> commissioner collins is there questions you like to give the chief. >> none, thank you for asking. >> thank you very much, commissioner. there is in questions i will hold chief for the comment i have until we go to cd3. >> thank you.
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commissioner collins is virtual here. >> sfgovtv can we go to the laptop? >> all right. again of deputy chief of administration report for 202. home land security division real had a busy month. the chief brown on the far left of the picture setting up emergency prescription with the mayor and dennis herrera and carol from dem. and the eoc set up from january 4 to 14th. and i was great way to organize the chaos we saw from the storm this is damaged san francisco. we saw a prepositioned strike team of 5 engines something we worked out with the state oes we
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set up enemy the upon event of traveller crisis. 5 engines set up in san francisco alone to deploy for the storm damage. >> under diversity inclusion office with chief sean beautford dei office cord nayed the academy and liver moore and the dei office for class presentation. which was done on january 18th. of will you see on the left we have chief mou in the center we have sean beaufort andelson addressing the academy class. >> we sought community out reach team with the sheriff's office providing holiday safety tips. we see lieutenant julie called
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storm and pio officer baxter in union square and lastly the out roach a basketball tournament on friday november 25th 1 huh human teams participating. it is a way to roach out to youth and recruit them to a path way to the middle class. under health, safety and wellness with matthew alpha~ balwe had our monumental testing of 1450 active and retired firefighters for cancer screen thanksgiving is a video we have i will play now.
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from the beginning it was i rush of excitement and i fwt to be of service to people approximate help people. this is monumentous event for us. >> firefighters [inaudible] every day of their life to keep us safe. we learn more about the associated cancer risks due to the toxins they are exposed to. >> i start in the 1974 we did
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not talk about cancer on the job that evolved the last 40 years to the point where it is statute leading cause. death in firefighters >> many get it on the job like i did. ip the like once i able came become to work exitment everybody else to be one of the lucky ones. i was like a smoke detector there to help you find cancer earlier because it is a multicancer early detection test finds cancers prior to symptoms. >> this is revolutionary. we never seen this in medicine before am we have so much to learn, yes. is it getting better in >> yes >> this takes the next step and helps me where i should be looking in their bodies -- [inaudible]. the hope for this is have this be a regular part of our health
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check. moving forward. >> other fire departments jump on board and bring this to their firefighters as a service throughout the room we are the individuals who are coming to you during your worse moment. we are asking you come to us before our potential low worse mobile home. gi hope nobody tests positive but if they do i hope that we catch it earliful early enough to continue on and live a productive and good life y. this is going to transform cancer care. we'll be able to be on the offense >> does not make sense to wait to be diagnosed and we can catch this disease early. this type of screening will make
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a difference >> want our firefighters to be safer and 30 glorious and 30 out. 30 years of service and 30 years of retirement. i want this toast enable us to not need [inaudible] of cancer but empower. this is why early detection we will prevent the horrible [inaudible]. and continued research. we are going to win this fight. [inaudible]. >> on a positive note we had roughly 78% compliance rate eli didn't believe and 2 more make up sessions we hope to approach 90% the measures excite exclude a great partnership with cancer prevention foundation and the physician's office and us working together to reach oust and get aggressive and test members. and i was able to catch chief storedy he almost fainted from
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the needle and assist him to a chair we doll a video for the next presentation. >> under officer and employee health we had another busy among. 40 probation exams. felony returned duty exams the last 10131st academy. will take place in problem. a covid boost and flu clinic. oft 13th and 15th and partnered to set up know your nobody's event. there are 250 members swing by that to get numbers. under investigative service bureau, we discoverd that our rigid testing for the fire boat was unnecessary we were following standards this we don't need to the cargo on on a
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municipal mission does in the fall under d. transportation guide lines the coast guard advises us back to normal testing program save phi 5,000 a month. that was good news. tested 49 for random drug and alcohol all negative am breath likewisers returned to the field. training lieutenant tibbitts system with isb and the backgrounds for 131st completeod december second. with chief serrano we had 137 requests for service in december. 95 completed and saw the cher oat final touches for station froin you see the san francisco art's commission installation that was put up and did a terrific job everything does and the members in the field dom we are trying to get together grand
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unvilling for the commissioners welreach out regarding that. >> under our feel good section. we have the holiday decoration of 2022. station 39 our winner. and the boe last year's winner fell to third place. when they truck in the snow from tahoe a performance enhancing deck rigz and bumped them down to the eye of the judges see if than i bounce back for next year. toy program we had partnership with local 798 and toy program foundation and various give away and collections throughout the city. you see chief beaufort and the chief nicholson and olds time are there in union square. you give back and reach out to kid in need and give back and san francisco are more than
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generous with toys throughout the city we will gave away toys to everybody and the u noticed fiber service women's group. that is per of ethnic toy drive we get dolls that match the ethnic composition of san francisco everyone gets a toy that looks or feels like them. we had our city cohort on december 12 and applications are open for city emt program. had the chief mentioned a local surfer rescued, and care workis met and staff at station 23. and lastly took our holiday photo and that wraps up our report for the month of december of thank you. >> thank you very much. chief. at this time any public ment on chief o connor's report? nobody with hand raised on the line and nobody approaching the
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podium. >> thank you very much. commissioners is there comment or questions that you have for chief o connor and chief nicholson. >> commissioner fraser. >> thank you. had a month. heard to imagine and the storms on top of everything. congratulations a good report and interesting and i thank you for following up on the cancer screening test am i appreciate that. i did tick a tour with a friends of the deck ritted fire stations and we started at the snow pile and only went up from there. a legality of great stations. this was fun. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioner. american feinstein. >> just to follow up on
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commissioner fraser. i don't be what the rules are for the stations christmas decorations or holiday decorations. . will i don't believed why member who was creative enough to bring down snow from lake tahoe was penalized. piwould suggest that rules be adopted so that member that goes to that effort not be set station back. that is a big effort. >> i will address it. iment top of the prior list. >> please. >> [laughter]. you have a year. >> that's all my comment. very good report and now you can feel the holiday season in your report. >> thank you. why i really commend everybody who will gets out there there
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approximate makes the department so much a part of the community and -- put in the effort that is put in. i think it it is why people love firefighters. and paramedics and -- so my hat is off to everybody who participated. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. vice president morgan? >> thank you chief o connor and nicholson. i was looking at the graph on the covid and felt optimistic. we are coming out of it. [laughter] and chief nicholson tells us about the dinner i was at this dinner. i feel fine i feel great.
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the flu test is that the same as a flu should the. giving them to members we do that every year. >> you reminded me of an incidents on the nows a few weeks eulogy talk about the storms. i don't know if you heard about it. golden gate park branch foal a lady and killed her and never reported on it again. a prom nanlt member of sudden front or good citizen and who is it hopeful low i did not lose a fellow commissioner. did anybody finds out who it was y. i will get it to you. she was a residents bernal
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heights. did a lot in the community and there was an article today? in the paper today? about her? >> yea. >> behalf of the fire commission i'm sure my fellow commissioners we offer our condolences to the family that was tragic. you know. out for a walk and boom. you know. >> just that storm we have been through a lot lately with the half moon bay thing and everything else. yep. beautiful weather this weekend and thanks for your report. that's all i got. >> thank you very much. vice president morgan. commissioner collins questions or comments with chief o connor's report >> excellent report i was not at the super spreader dinner but tested positive for covid this morning. i don't know what to say.
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and super careful at my house. what you are going to do. i must say at the december i tried to get commissioner fraser encourage mod tow get to as many fire departments as i could to see the decorations. and after that ended i to being a walk on embarcadero fascinated by the port's fire station there. i'm looking forward to getting out with the chief and seeing more of the facilities. that's going to be terrific. and also give me a better understanding of how inadd way the budget is. that we need to maintain and those this we need to build. so. hat's off to all of you. for incredible, literally life saving work.
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very proud of the cancer screening. that is a must and i'm sure we are this department is a forerun in that. all good things. very happy to be a commissioner with this department. >> thank you very much. commissioner collins. you look good as well and hope you get a speedy recovery and glad you are not [inaudible]. at all. i got 3 areas i will comment on and ask a question. i will make a comment health, safety and wellness employment to make an upon comment on the assignment office sxf support services. in terms of health, safety and wellness. i was a guest today many times we get ini havetations from groups to join their activities or events, i was a guest
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approximate employees arab yen firefighters with the first journey meeting of the year and introducing their new president and board stan lee. with the board and part of that meeting today there was a presentation by matt al ba. and also he was with last name hither. >> and commissioners i wanted to let you know i was bench and lynching i was impress with the presentation of health, safety, wellness. but in terms of the peer group. in the stage of time we are health and wellness. and again to you chief of department i think it would be a benefit for the commissioners
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presentation fromllow lute will matt alb on healing, wellness and safety commit each chief nicholson i will make a referral. ha. miosis about it i said this this it it is noise n from a commissioner's point of vow to have a pack and he see matthew alba, but see someone live in person makes a difference to me perform will i was pleased to put the face with the name but able to be art part of that. today at the meeting was not the first time but opportunity for mow to meet captain chew special per of the package planning assignment office that is a challenging position. and i wanted to thank him for
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this and some point perhaps part of the continuing education the commissioners we can get a bit more detail how complex it is and the pressures in that office. my last is for support service. tell mow what this -- [inaudible] there was an incident of a stolen ambulance. and i wanted to know what the status is if this is present to hear? i think the nows in terms of the media was. it was left in oak land. i understand the chatszy exported to know the affect it has and information if appropriate. >> i can give you a bit it was stole sxen the chp was able to follow it due to the tracking
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device. and it did a bit of a tour on the bay area extended up in oakland. and was there some damage to the ambulance it was towed to the police forensics unit. and i believe there were am tire damage and other stuff but we -- if stomach in the already we should get it become in service. >> and the other per of the question with the curiosity this was an ambulance that was stolen while membership was trying to help a patient. we had a backup ambulance to take care of this patient but perhaps the commissioners can hear that. >> yes. so the members were caring for a patient and i believe when they were carrying her down stairs the ambulance was stolen.
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they got outside. no ambulance we called for another ambulance and the patient was in the critical. so but we were able to get her transported in a timely manner. and -- yea. so. item let's see 5 it is the fire department add administrative bullin. 5.en 12 discussion and possible action to adopt fire department administrative bulletin 5.12 as presented. >> good evening fire marshall.
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good evening. >> fire marshall of san francisco. on january fourth the fire marshall met with the solar industry. to discuss occurrence regarding this bulletin. each had ray chance to discuss occurrence long with suggested changes. the following importance were part of the conversation. 3 member there was [inaudible]. we had the director or president of the california solar storage association. 2 from tel asmar well. one from sun run and one from simplify power. we brought in the people from the different industry. to discuss. in addition to the january 4 meeting the fire marshall met with charles pickard to discuss fire code approved ul9540 report. as an alternative to the code's
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blanket separation of individual energy storage unit requirement. the fire code allows to use this ul tested distance to be inllow of the 3 feet separation. the fire emotional's office agreed on use when presented and updated ab5.12 to state that when they approved the listing and esf installation showing the separation other than the 3 applicants permitted to place the units closer together. this small change will allow installers to install more ess units as designed within a limited space san francisco homes without hazzard. a separate meeting conduct today address the heat alarm >> reporter: in garages. bulletince was explained to
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clarify requirements. >> i like to state this we were fortunate this company its tel asmar well shared confidential ul9540 testing documents. the documents alloweds to conclude ul approved units can be installed less are distance than said in code. the revision addresses the initial intent it clarify requirements of instealation and needs of storage system industry. i recommend the fire commission approve bulletin ab5.12 the issue of current codes you put about the rows in the wall they had to be separated boy 3 feet. they said we have test exclude fund out we can put them in closer allowing them to add more units. we worked to better clarify we will accept i ul tefth whatever
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that distance is 6 inches or 10 that will allow them to install it. if they don't have the testing, than i have to stick with the standard 3 feet. 3 feet or whether additional documentation you give us that was the big of the concern. now they can install near unit in thes zero lot line homes >> thank you fire marshall. is there public comment on this item? >> yes, there is. >> ben daves [inaudible]. i was unmuted i will wait until
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called upon. >> you can go ahead. why thank you. >> good evening. i'm ben davis with california storage association. we are some serious occurrence with the proposed bullet pin. thank you very much for the opportunity to provide comment. solar bat rows are safe. manufacturerser purposeful low design them so they don't pose threats to occupants or property i about the row must have test to receive a 9540 listing many don't excel flames but gases released are not hot enough to burn. the fuel load on a bat row is comp republic to that of a [inaudible]. and despite requirements in the bulletin will prevent bat rows
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from being install exclude combat climate change we need source of clean energy when the sun guess down. bat rows charged by the sun in the day are important. to provide that clean energy at night. we had 2 conversations with fire marshall and we made changeless to the bulletin and appreciate the fire marshall more time is needed. as the fire marshall shared happened their occurrence are buzz they don't know how [inaudible] will shoot out during thermal run, way. many don't shoot flames. the fire department should ask diligence meet with manufactures and make a determination. section 3 of the bulletin on exposures is not code
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interpretation it would be new code. there is a process for that. that is ignored here. if the fire department went through that process, would be more time for the department to conduct a resxaefrp get this right. i can talks with 2 batly manufactures the fire marshall reviewed documents but not talked to them nor accepted invitation to visit a plant. to be clear i'm not assigning motives heater conversation for the fire marshall have been product and i have feel the marshalling evermarshalling is trying to work together but we have really scraped the surface on the discussions the batteries and having a formal rule making process for developing new code which is what part of the bulletin is doing will give us the time for that.
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is this is mark. thank you. i'm director of [inaudible] energy and i have been revowing the do you means that have been put forward by fire commission. i want it actual i support the idea this looking at a reviewing 9540 areports. for consideration of reduce spacing. that important. and of course the isd or california the crc [inaudible] test to considered forrous spacing. i applaud you for changing your code. i think that there are other aspects of your
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>> hello. can you hear me? >> yes. >> great. thanks. i'm jeanine cotter. solar and battery storage contractor in san francisco and we were cofound 2 decades ago i want to acknowledge the hard w that fire marshall and [inaudible] have put in the bullin sdinls the 2022 meeting. we agree that a fire bulletin prosecute voids guidance and clarifies requirements of the 22 fire code section 120711 and informational bulletin 2104 is not necessary. since 2019 the state plan review in san francisco is better than some and believe it would be
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helpful. that said, standards in the tech untiling is changing in the your. and we have a massively changed new solar policy by the state of california encourages solar paritied bat row storage system over solar systems. now in the resunrised form the bulletin will continue san francisco practice of sustainability of san francisco install solar bat row storage systems many are free occupancy will not have a like they need restrictions in the bulletin. those that do would have significant cannotly increased expense and making bat row energy storage accessible to the [inaudible]. we appreciate the work put in and ask this the commission if they approve the fire bulletin
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we do it for 6 months to revisit it once we have data that will show the impact on the ability of san fran to be able to install solar bat row energy storage system. thank you. and that are all the hands that have been raised have been called on. anyone in the chamber. >> nobody propping the podium. >> thank you very much. commissioners? this is am fire marshall an action item. so any questionser comment in
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terms of commissioners and if you give a feeling directors to the fire marshall. commissioner fraser. i do have a question. thank you. interesting. with my admitted understanding of of this issue you are not saying no battery storage you are saying it is distance between the batteries in type of structure where there are people? >> yes. clarifying the separation distance and what was spoken boy a couple people the distance of property lines or e egress path ways. >> okay yoochl and then the other thing there were some studies therapy talked about and the call eshs talked about that are conducted now about the state or the -- am ul
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laboratories. the companies used a national recognized laboratory to test based on requirements and what was stateside yes than i can be closer. they don't put off a lot of heat. and that is when allowed us to see that instead of the 3 feet. you can use 3 feet or testing. that's what the test the standard they are using. >> went from 3 feet to what? >> depends on the merchandise, as low as some were down to sick inches apart. i knowledge tel asmar tesla tested 6 inches than i say install 10 inches we will go by instructions and not by the
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tested. we ask that of each. i appreciate your report and investigation. thank you very much. >> commissioner fraser. commissioner feinstein. >> thank you. president and thank you for the [inaudible]. fire marshall coughlin. i will admit that a good portion. this order was heard for mow to understand. it was more technical than -- my mind would allow me to embrace.
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i understand. i think the jist of it of this. and -- i understand what the risks are. and what your occurrence are. out of curiosity because i don't think i have a handle on it. how many sump bat rows have already been installed and are in use in san francisco today in i'm aware unaware of the total. the industry was not installing many. of them of because of were the restrictions and prior to the policy changing the state's policy changing. regarding of selling back power that is why this it is becoming a concern or will be more installed. currently when you gent rit power and you are not home it guess back and they pay you and
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night you take power from pg and e the exchange is the level goes down is has a need for bat rows to hold that power for you. and use that at night to reduce your bill increases the industry would like to put more in the home it is. to which make the system useful or pay for itself. >> and presumes that you don't live within the fog bank. correct in why i'm not sure. >> limp the reality is we are in an your that does in the warm where half the city is very often cover in the fog. i wonder whether solar power gets generated when you live
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where i live i spend 3 months a year pray to seat sun once. the western part of the city is foggy. and i don't know. is solar generated? i don't know. >> okay. fair enough. and i like ton, what type of permit currently is required. because i you sa the references in here to both -- design sxrn can be sign off on something. or it looks like a general contractor could sign off. on the installation and heat monitors. may be i misread that or did not understand. what right now fimented to put this on out in the fog on top of
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my roof, or puff solar panels and the battery packs. what permitting process would i go through? the companies design the system and go through building department and pull a building permit. wore a station at the building department you may go through the electrical. we focus on electrical division and fire. and building. building would see how the panels are attached to the roof. electrical keep an eye on wires and fire would be safety of the installation and separation of what the are mounltsed on, where and the spacing. testimony is a building permit. that has to be pulled for this. and the requirements for statements, licensing and everything is on the plans. it is submitted to us in i package we are grifg a rooted match of what we expect so plans
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can be approved quickly in time. as of now we don't have kidnap real number in terms of knowing how much excess electricity is generated? >> or night says to be stored. >> no. >> thank you. i want to commend you and thank you for meeting with everybody and it is clear they appreciate it and you have done a lot of w on this. and we will continue to do so as the technology evolves and we'll see what the codeses mandate us to do. thank you for your effort. on this. i know it was a lot. thank you. thank you. vice president morgan.
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no audio. >> city space is limited and you know lead to being challenging already. you know with upon some of the revving ligzs as far as the spacing and the you mentioned hopeful low that will not present problems more than you know. the not. you know. approximate but um -- the stuff was technical but um -- um -- looks like you did your home work approximate um, um, yep. i have fake in a lot of your um -- aloment of your recommendations. thank you. >> >> thank you very much vice president morgan. commissioner collins would you like to comment? >> i think you are to be
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applauded. as you know in the building industry there are growing incentives for installationef solar and homes and multifamily bodiesings and i think this helps there are benefits to solar does yield a benefit. i think this is a good step to keep the permitting process and the fire marshall requirements up to speed with a growing industry. so. good work. >> thank you very much. fire marijuana. this is. an action item. last time we met we asked we adopted the pulled this out. the question they asked was does it deter the program in terms of
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when we are present low talking about if we pull it in negotiate our discussion you decide your meetings. you heard public comment as well. i'm interested in terms of the amount of time we spentom this and what you are bring to us. because as a commissioner it is being supportive be the cop sept of solar panels and energy and safety. and the home ordinance and costs. as i understand it if we adopt this nothing stops but clarity in terms what the program terse are versus comments made. >> this bulletin not creates new code is it to better explain the code in the book and how we interpret it. a comment how we create new code because of the distance from
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property lines. we don't vice president that anywhere pels else. we are asking previously to the new code cycle we require the battery storage units 5 feet from property lines. due to the information we received based on testing laboratories. we reduced it down to tloi feet. we think what happens with yours this unit your neighbor should have 3 feet of protection from that. . there was mention about trial period, 6 mont period. if things change in industry. the building department working with the fire department heads a way to address that. the state fire marshall the change the code mid cycle. not something we vote on.
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does not meet lever code but the intent it provides back up do you meanation and the building and fire department can sthaep ab and let plans go through. there is room in the coved adopt with the industry. and if well is enough this come through, we can modify the code or this bulletin. and come become to the commission again you make additional changes or, >> okay. >> i appreciate it. because again, point of informing we pull third degree item a mock fire marshall? yes. >> and intention was to have
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dialogue and again appreciate public comment the right of the individuals who wanted to make that comment but as i understand and appreciate the explanation that industry and evolving industry, changes that there is a process which one can modify the code. to what is promote. is that what i understand? >> you the code can adopt or, ploy if it changes we change with it. yes. >> this code this is san francisco fire code how long does this left a year or? >> they are every 3 years. thank you very much. fire marshall. commissioners we have an action item on the table. and i like to see where your feelings are. commissioners this is referred
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back to you for action. >> make a motion to adopt. >> thank you very much. a motion to adopt by the vice president morgan. >> second. >> thank you very much commissioner feinstein. madam secretary. >> president nakajo. >> aye. >> commissioner fraser. >> aye. >> commissioner collins. >> aye. >> the motion is unanimous department bulletin has been adopted. >> thank you fire marshall and colleagues. call the next item >> item sick. fire department operating budget fiscal year 23/24 and 24-25. presentation from mark department director of finance and planning on the fire department's operating budget for commission review and discussion. discussion of sfd base budget and structure and issues and
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priorities. >> good evening. mark finance and plan to give a little additional context and discussion for our budget due in february. this is a discussion only. over view. a few things we touchod approximate get nothing a bit about our base budget an explanation and additional discussions on the challenges and priorities we have. the next of the few slides are high level over view and recap of budget and time lines. upon briefly, the city's 5 year financial plan was updated from the mayor's office and control and board of supervisors analyst. they out lined the city's
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financial picture the next 5 years and the projections are released to departments or high level version for budget instruction in december and the reports in january. as a result of the report, and the economic projections, the city's projecting a material budget deficit of upon 728 million over 2 years and grows after that. >> this it is in comparison to left year when budget instructions and a budget surmras prosecute jerkd and instructions did not request manualed torrey reductions from departments. thissier is different. all diameters are requested to reduce their general upon fund support from the city boy 5% in the first fiscal and 8 in the second fiscal the 5 percent equal it sick.9 million and 8%
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to 11 million dollars. they are intended be on going to not be one time savings but result in stavings going forward. and as part of over all budget and communication regarding the deficits the one thing emphasized the projections don'ts include assumptions of a recession. for department its plan for the will outcome that will be monitored. there will be an adjustment or update upon to the 5 year financial plan or next 2 years later in march and april taking in account potential savings or budget deficit in thes current fiscal year. am fire were going through the 6 mont reporting. so the projections and the 9 month and end of march. those will be incorporate exclude that budget deficit number will be updated.
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over view on the city budget time line. we are obviously preparing for our submittal to the mayor's office february 21st. after that time we are locked out of the budget and changes would be xhukdedllow the mayor's office and to the board. june first is this day where the date the major's office submit a balanced budget to the board. and will budget out of control of the mayor's office and at the board level and then during june the budget hearings, and that would for all departments and that results in approved budget usually late july or early august. >> for the departments, this is the second budget meeting. related to our current process this is before the commission. the last was a very high level discussion on time lines and
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instructions. this is a continuation getting in the budget a bit here and potential low on february 8 meeting an floo you feel civil a nrm an early time line on 21st. we can discuss. significant amount of time that will be between that meeting but the documentation needed and had we submit. that will move forward to the board and after that to the maritime the process will provide updates as needed or requested. in >> our base budget that is pacific low last year. we not each year in the city in the rolling 2 year budget press we are looking at next 2 years
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going out the first is implement exclude this second year the basis for the first year of next year's budget process the base budget includes when was approved as the second year last year's process with any changes and any health and benefit changes. salary and mou changes et cetera . and includes initiatives we will talk to hor low. but those are things that are rolled in the budget that's what the department upon access to, to update, modify, request and that's what gets modified and changed and submitted to the mayor's office on february 21. there are high level summaries on use, source. will where we get revenues. the upon different types of ref now and the use side. how it is broken up by fund and division. high level if there are
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questions request let me know the next meeting we will fullfollow you believe with a detailed budgetful how it is broken out and the other piece there is -- remember expense by type approximate we will talk to a bit. i mentioned the base budget includes initiatesives approved in the current year and the second year of left year. we have some information regarding salaries and the currently the obviously uniform saul row and those final rates are going through union negotiations. there were assumptions related includings an accomplice holder. that will not be ironed out until we are closer to the john first time frame. they will not be held against us than i will be incorporate exclude make sure we work with
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the controller and mayor's office to make sure any are impacts from the agreed negotiations are factored in the budget and accounted for. >> last year, we work with the per se avenue office. there were issues we had in the budget where we felt those changes and other impacts were in the reflect in the the budget. and there was a significant cantz upgrade of our budgetary amount 20 million dollars. to assess those issues. and that in looking at the current year that has been done correct low and working out correct low. those adjustments are carried forward yearly that is good for us. and then in addition we are machine torg assumptions with regards to increases in leave as we recovery from the pandemic. we'll work with the mayor's office over the next few monthses we iron out detail and provide data on those.
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what assumptions are there in our budget? as far as hire thanksgiving is a big piece. everybodiness we have hiring issues or electric of hiring issues during covid. a number of separations and retirements we are adding in chipping away at the staffing deficit. an assumption for hoiring 2 firefighter academy in each of the 2 fiscal year in 22-23 and 23-24. a bit over 100h2 firefighters and we have an is up elemental budget appropriation that increased our over all number of emta approximate paramedics on ambulance those level and pair medicine staffing levels. we are working close with the controller and major's office on going capacity and related the budget to add haveicate for
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staffing or changes that come in the over all policy discussions. any other staffing level changes are consistent. administration and prescriptional staffing no other changes if there were that would roll through to the budget years. for item and apparatus that is manage that is up for negotiation every year and the budget is reevaluated we advocate to increase the number depending on funding determine how successful that is our priors as well.
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>> half a billion budget here and obviously we have to balance the source, revenues coming in and the expend tours going out. and on the source portion, we are very heavy real reline on general fund support. aloft tax ref nows they are supporting our front line operations. we have some allocation for revenues that off set the costs. and in addition we have nongeneral funds here the anticipate. that also supports our operations for the 350 million is general fund support.
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we have revenues somewhere de feo and somewhere particular revenues the next is public safeticallies tax from state sales tax. and there is a portion of this set aside for public safety throughout the state and san francisco gets an allocation that is split with police and fire and this makesum 50 million dollars of our source. we have ems revenues and approved years ago for charging for ambulance transport and medical calls and that is update does not fully support the cost of ems but a revenue source for the department. fire prevention ref nows support the personnel. functions and some don'ts most are fee based and recover the costs through were billing for service. permits. plan review and special events we bill for those hours this we
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out liand get revenues. recoveries are for general low for service prosecute voided to other diameters and the biggest recoveries we have are with the port. in addition they pay for fire prevention services for plan review on the port and along embarcadero and oversight. those are billed we provide the services and billed port and they reimburse us. the other per is community paramedicine programs are funded through work order with d ph. the street crisis response team. we provide the services and have the costs and bill department of public healing for reimbursement. charges for services than i are
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related to the of cooperative agreements to provide services to the precylinderiel with the trust and initial ps service. there are techical transfers here. ref now fund project it is are projectless we have krszed out and later reimbursed outside of the department. and for here -- these are 2 projects one is commission meeting last time a presentation on city college. we have a project there we out lay costs for enrolling students and paying fees for recruits and later get reimbursement on this front and the bigef the mutual aid we need a cost center to charge when we responded to wild fires. we have a number out lay exclude later get reimbursed by state. other revenues, rentals and odd fee and then the airport where we provide the staffing at 3
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stations at the airport. we provide the personnel. they are san francisco fire department employees and charge to the airport the airport handles nonpersonnel equipment, facilities will and that's we don't have visibility that is their budget we bill for our charge directly the personnel costs for the airport. on the upon flip side is expenditures. you see here that the vast majority of our budget goes to front line saul row and benefits for employees for front line ems and fire suppression services. . that is required for minimum staffing i daily staffing requirement through prop f and a vert of mandates related to ambulance call and response types. we have a slim administrative
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structure for personnel the invest majority of salary and benefits are front line service. outside of this we have limited flexibility. remaining costs are out lined for supporting the front line emergency response. the big piece here is the work order threat million dollars. but within this we have no flexibility. 18 million of this is set, side for worker's comp. we can't say we like to save 5 milling off worker's comp. it is we can't dom that. in addition. am costs was 5 or 6 million. upon department of tech untiling for it infrastructure and way have 7 million dollars in repair and maintenance at central shops. this is a learninger number we have e eliminated flexibility there.
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>> a brief over view about how our budget is broken up in funds. . over all 5 huh million the biggest is the general fund operating fund this is about 450 million dollars. them is the daily activities of the department. we will get into it briefly it entails from operations to train and fire prevention and investigation. them is where the vast majority of our budget allocation is focussed. we have general fund annual and continuing project this is includes our personal protective equipment, uniforms. muttial aid. the work order and reimbursement for performing w. technical transfer and have the airport fund. is this the brick down of the
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general fund pritting fund this statute daily activities and the units in that fund are various prescriptional divisions. prescriptions, administration. support services in charge of float. fire prevention. community response team. this is the our street wellness team. for community paramedicine programs. and training divichlgz fire investigation. communication center we vice president personnel represented at radio. that assist in dispatch ems and fire calls. . this it is the daily prescriptions of the department. our largest challenge we talked about before and at previous meeting we have very limited lack of flexibility with our am
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budget due the fact on the external nonpersonnel side they are used to the support directly or indirectly front line operation the personnel that are required for staffing that staff of your emergency response and you have the materials and supplies costs to support medical supplies and fuel. you have the facility costs. utility costs all directly support our front line mission. and without making material impact there, you can't dom this without impact operations over all that is the over all main budgetary challenges we have. me we have mandatory minimum staffing. they have a total number of employees over all minimum staffing number. ours is daily. we have a number of 310 or 15
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positions per day we need to staff every day example if there is somebody that calls sick or absent. we need to back fill them. we don't have the ability to reassign people or assign personnel to a project or something because well is a fiscal impact. if we take somebody out of the field we need to back fill them that costs budget challenges for us. >> so. we are triaging daily facility other than. health and safety. our members live nothing many of the facilities we have over 50 and over all general farm sillity maintenance allocation is a million dollars. thot not getting far with over
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50 facilities. we are support service division triaging that. but we have a lot of need and issues that get deferred kaz other issues during of the storms we had we saw a lot of that through water like and intrusion. highlighting the issues we have and putting upon stopgaps in order to resolve them but our backlog issues are large. maintaining our workforce is not a challenge but lodgistally it is. it it is not as if we hire 250 people a year. there are challenges as far as industry wide. we work on recruitment and work to support our hiring functions.
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and over all, in general impacts on ref nows for the city. both directly and indirectly. our fire prevention bowero is working with plan review for construction as that environment changes that has an impact on the department expect over all the city recovers from covid and the economic recovery is delayed a bit, that impact over all general fund as we are reline on that, creates competition for the dollars. and then highlighted before, the potential for recession or impacts and as we recover operationally and economically from covid monor the impact there. i mentioned during covid real saw with the impact of the virus
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higher use of leave and sick pay. as we return it precovid levels hopeful low the worse of the pandemic as far as are quarantine and missing work is behind us. we issue working onning that as we formulate our budget. . for all the departments the messageingly from the mayor any changes aline with mayoral priorities and the priors are supporting public safety and street conscience. recovery of local economy. reducing homelessness and mental health service and equity. given the variety of w we do as a department aline with upon exclusive with those priorities. we need to be very clear and advocate for our funding. but have a base in alignment with the mayoral priorities.
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we have from our perspective, the main prior is protecting and enhancing front line service. including community paramedicine. expand exclude continue its enhance inclusion initiatives hiring for future employee and current as well. supporting the infrastructure of daily operations. advocate for money to assist with those problems. and left low as far as where we are with the budget we meet discussing and developing priors based on needs submitted and benched. we will work the major's office we meet regular low throughout the current year come related to the budget. we have a few as we review our
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concern budget and base budget we make modifications. we are evaluate and update the staffing model every year. electric at projects retirement and timing of new hires and incourt reporter rit that to changes that would be required. that is moving things around as far as saul row and over time and premiumless we want to make sure impacts are then reflect instead budget. ems ref nows there are programs kinds of going forward at the state level there is confusion on the roll out we are monitoring those as to the anticipate them having positive impact on our budget and we are looking at projections of call volume increase as the city is recovering from covid and the
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added staffing we will monitor that and updating the prosecute jections for the next year. like to open up for questions or discussion. thank you very much. this is a discussion item. commissioners at this point i want to entertain questions you wish to ask the director of finance. commissioner fraser. >> thank you for the earlier presentation this week that commissioner morgan and i found it helpful. i the one thing i got my attention here is the >> reporter: for public input on the budget and how is this met through our meetings here. >> okay. >> everything else was clear. and helped to hear it twice.
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>> appreciate it >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioner feinstein. i appreciate this you have done an excellent job organizing the impossible from the different sources and costs and vipirs. i -- i guess may be testimony is in the appropriate to address this to you. but budget priorities. and -- our need to a line to departmental priorities with mayoral priorities. this is the san francisco fire department. and it provides emergency medical services and providing
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service and the things in the community that are really important. i wander yet second important prior is recovery economy and how is the fire department going to weave into achieving recovery of the local economy? so, i would first say i don't think they are rink in the order. keep are involved with that with regards a lot of times with fire prevention and small businesses and reviewing applications we had turn over in the business side. but being able to do inspections and involved with the shared space we are involved in a lot of that activity.
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>> thank you. >> vice president morgan. thanks for your report. and -- i agree with the reductions and just the thing how we'll make the decision it what iaries we make the cuts. that's what i was kinds of -- spin nothing my head. there is no flexibility like you say. and tell be challenging. other than that. i total low agree with your assessments here. and that's what i was concerned about the no flexibility at all.
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why will be changing but we gotta do it. that's all i have. no questions now. >> thank you. vice president morgan this is discussion commissioner collins. >> thank you. i want to thank you also, mr. corso for this review today. i appreciate it and since we talked, i was on the fact that so mum of the budget department on the general fund. and imagining what arguments are the most forceful for -- and
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holding back to our general know fund. approximate we said i guess the left commission meeting. we did more than prevent things from happening. we bench value. especially in city built space. so -- there may be an exodus of businesses and people from the city but that does in the decrease the work of the fire department. and in fact, i imagine, it makes it more difficult because blgdzs without people in them, spaces not inhabited have to be protect exclude it is more of an issue. i was thinking of that as may be a current to the argument you know -- few issue people here and in this city.
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your general fund allocation is function of taxes and the other you are, you know think about reducing your allocation. the work of the department is greater. this it is my uneducated argument that -- i present. but -- you know i just i think it it is critical because you said in your -- presentations to all of us this cost are the fixed costs well is in the a lot of wiggle room. just a thought. >> thank you commissioner collins. director corso? >> i have comments, in the spirit of discussion on this agenda item. i might go a bit tr one drift to the other but on the same
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subject matter. in it material comprehensive material there is, let of points of information and for myself, the critical data is presented with the mayor's any knowledge for kneel me it is july august dead listen with the board of supervisors. the process of the budget has to be balance exclude presented it the mir and the month the board of prierzs. . typeset is important with the question this you are asking. how do you deal with the task of cuts 7 million. 11%. 7% 11 million 2 year cycle? when you present this scenar >> the answer come become to me is that the reduction in
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terms of what is asked is operational unrealistic. for me a question of safetier on ferms if he weres of the priors of major's office lined up which will be the priorities that i hope that we can get to support. the local reducing homeless and improving mentalal health services and equity is with we do. we do all of this well. homeless or helping folks with mental healing.
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we are the front line the mayor needs to support us in doing when we need to do. that is one point of perspective. is this the thishd or fourth time dealing with deficit in our commission. it takes ahighly to understand how much it has grown. with the wellness and crisis. one time back in the day when we were inspect administration we tried to deal with the budget deficit internally by selling property. old fire stations and -- yard of maintenance on 19th avenue. i mean i was a commissioner that look exclude said if that is the revenue source, my god dimake an error. in terms of standards of value
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we have and that was like produce the budget in endefers. another period of time we tried to be a good sold and tried to cooperate. for me this priorities of major's office with the supervisors is to advocate on the areas of priorities they understand to be able to operate. you know in terms of -- concepts -- unrealistic it is in the feasible if they want us to
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dot services this we do, which we do services are result of what we will understand. >> let me ask you a question. i wanted to get a straight up feasibility of the yes or no if i'm drifting. i'm at over view page. i don't have a number. are you with me? and you report out that percentages that are there for example ems5%. 1 vennes 3%. recovery 3%. change of service 1%. in terms of cost sxf may not be a popular solution but are we in the position i don't know if this is a way of saying this. in a position of increasing
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charges for services to where there is always a goal thattage minimum increase each category ems down from within 1 to 2%. when i electric at revenue funded projects i don't know what that it is. 0 penalty 4 and 1. i'm just asking if there is feasibility. it it is tough to ask there is a side we are charging citizens for increase in service but the cost of service are we all know am has increased i'm schedule that as an internal discussion may be in yours miyield that goal. the answer circumstance yes.
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so. the department generally internal low the 2 areas with fee increases are ems and fire prevention revenues the refers where we do work order services and cost of services go up we do get reimbursed for that. charges for services the condition transacts ~esque later included. there are increases but you see given small percentage of that impacting the department them is a min medical change to over all source amount. ens and fire prevention there are impacts will be using for example we have in the legislation that was passed at the board there is a medical cpi escalator we apply every year increase our fees. it does in the to an extent given the way insurances are and
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the insurance make up is you are increasing your fees not thatture getting additional revenue from providers. medicare and med exam. increase in fees not resulting in additional revenue. there it is a small impact there. fire prevention a similar inflater we include cpi to increase fees it will be over 5% increase cross the board there. given the scope of service provide compared to the over all operational front line operation its is a small portion. there will be fee increases and ref now increases. fargz make a dent in the 7 million dollars or 11 million dollars number that to be determined but not a huge impact.
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an attempt to find ref now source outside of norm. department of health or behavioral commission or services rolled the things that are priorities. if there is a revenue source at the airport even 5% manage can chip away at some point [inaudible]. so my comments at this point. other comments for mr. corso. at this time? can i add a couple comments to the commissioners. clarify to your question about priorities and fooin commissioner feinstein, i did not mean to represent we are focussed on the mayoral priority and conforming projects with it. i ment typeset to say anything i believe we would be requesting as a budgetary enhance am would fit in one of those buzz of the
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vast scope of work we do. anything we would request enhancement or additional supplement we could justify by beings a mayoral priority. second one was along the lines of violent morgan and commissioner collins about kinds of -- how do we do that or how do we push back but how do we address the issue of our increasing responsibility and increasing scope of services on one hand and i request for reduction for pritting those increasing on the other. and as far as strategy, this is when we have done in the past. the dmigz supported to make thecasion material changes to the degree requested would have a front line operational impact on the department and with that in mind shalling we would not be able to fulfill hafull amount without impacting the services
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and we are looking across under in every couch cushion for savings or revenue. given size of requested it may not be feasible. we will talk with the chief about and how to present that to the commission but coming out of the covid pandemic and budget reduction a lot of those low hanging fruit and things that were easily susceptible to reductions cross the city. equipment, cap tool, at love of those have been taken already. we are reduced further in daily operations for those additional potential solutions. during covid we had equipment items and other things cut. to mote a deficit the city had that furtherrouses that flex at we have going forward.
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i believe the commissioners appreciate your reaching out to us in terms of information. and also in terms huyou sum raised this this evening. why thank you. why thank you very much. nobody on the public comment line or approaching the podium. >> public ment is closed. next item. adjournment. commissioners. a motion. >> commissioner feinstein and commissioner fraser seconded that. thank you very much. in dam secretary. president nakajo >> aye. >> vice president morgan. >> aye. >> commissioner collins. >> aye. >> this meeting is adjourned at
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>> we really wanted to find a way to support women entrepreneurs in particular in san francisco. it was very important for the mayor, as well as the safety support the dreams that people want to realize, and provide them with an opportunity to receive funding to support improvements for their business so they could grow and thrive in their neighborhoods and in their industry. >> three, two, one! >> because i am one of the consultants for two nonprofits here for entrepreneurship, i knew about the grand through the renaissance entrepreneur center, and through the small business development center. i thought they were going to be perfect candidate because of their strong values in the community. they really give back to the
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neighborhood. they are from this neighborhood, and they care about the kids in the community here. >> when molly -- molly first told us about the grant because she works with small businesses. she has been a tremendous help for us here. she brought us to the attention of the grand just because a lot of things here were outdated, and need to be up-to-date and redone totally. >> hands in front. recite the creed. >> my oldest is jt, he is seven, and my youngest is ryan, he is almost six. it instills discipline and the boys, but they show a lot of care. we think it is great. the moves are fantastic. the women both are great teachers. >> what is the next one? >> my son goes to fd k. he has been attending for about two years now. they also have a summer program,
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and last summer was our first year participating in it. they took the kids everywhere around san francisco. this year, owner talking about placing them in summer camps, all he wanted to do was spend the entire summer with them. >> he has strong women in his life, so he really appreciates it. i think that carries through and i appreciate the fact that there are more strong women in the world like that. >> i met d'andrea 25 years ago, and we met through our interest in karate. our professor started on cortland years ago, so we grew up here at this location, we out -- he outgrew the space and he moved ten years later. he decided to reopen this location after he moved. initially, i came back to say, hey, because it might have been 15 years since i even put on a
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uniform. my business partner was here basically by herself, and the person she was supposed to run the studio with said great, you are here, i started new -- nursing school so you can take over. and she said wait, that is not what i am here for i was by myself before -- for a month before she came through. she was technically here as a secretary, but we insisted, just put on the uniform, and help her teach. i was struggling a little bit. and she has been here. one thing led to another and now we are co-owners. you think a lot more about safety after having children and i wanted to not live in fear so much, and so i just took advantage of the opportunity, and i found it very powerful to hit something, to get some relief, but also having the knowledge one you might be in a situation of how to take care of yourself. >> the self-defence class is a new thing that we are doing.
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we started with a group of women last year as a trial run to see how it felt. there's a difference between self-defence and doing a karate class. we didn't want them to do an actual karate class. we wanted to learn the fundamentals of how to defend yourself versus, you know, going through all the forms and techniques that we teaching a karate class and how to break that down. then i was approached by my old high school. one -- once a semester, the kids get to pick an extra curricular activity to take outside of the school walls. my old biology teacher is now the principle. she approached us into doing a self-defence class. the girls have been really proactive and really sweet. they step out of of the comfort zone, but they have been willing to step out and that hasn't been any pushback. it is really great. >> it is respect. you have to learn it. when we first came in, they knew us as those girls. they didn't know who we were.
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finally, we came enough for them to realize, okay, they are in the business now. it took a while for us to gain that respect from our peers, our male peers. >> since receiving the grant, it has ignited us even more, and put a fire underneath our butts even more. >> we were doing our summer camp and we are in a movie theatre, and we just finished watching a film and she stepped out to receive a phone call. she came in and she screamed, hey, we got the grant. and i said what? >> martial arts is a passion for us. it is passion driven. there are days where we are dead tired and the kids come and they have the biggest smiles on their faces and it is contagious. >> we have been operating this program for a little over a year all women entrepreneurs. it is an extraordinary benefit for us. we have had the mayor's office investing in our program so we can continue doing this work.
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it has been so impactful across a diversity of communities throughout the city. >> we hope that we are making some type of impact in these kids' lives outside of just learning karate. having self-confidence, having discipline, learning to know when it's okay to stand up for yourself versus you just being a bully in school. these are the values we want the kids to take away from this. not just, i learned how to kick and i learned how to punch. we want the kids to have more values when they walk outside of these doors. >> van ness avenue runs from market street to bay street in san francisco. south vanness runs from south of market to cesar chavez street.
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originally residential after the 1906 earthquake it was used as a fire break. many car dealerships and businesses exist on vanness today with expansion of bus lanes. originally marlet street was named after james vanness, seventh mayor of san francisco from 1855 to 1856. vanness heavy are streets in santa cruz, los angeles and fresno in his honor. in 1915 streetcars started the opening of the expo. in 1950s it was removed and replaced by a tree-lined median. it was part of the central freeway from bayshore to hayes valley. it is part of uses 101. it was damaged during the 1989 earthquake. in 1992 the elevator part of the roadway was removed. it was developed into a surface
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