tv Planning Commission SFGTV February 3, 2023 8:00pm-1:01am PST
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second, 2023. to enable public participation sfgovtv is stream thanksgiving hearing live. we will receive public comment on each item. each speaker aloud 3 minutes when you have 30 seconds you will hear a chime. when your time is reachedil announce your time is up. we will take public ment if person in city hall first and then open remote access line. for those participating web ex raise your understand what when public comment is called for the item. for those call nothing to will submit testimony you need to call 415-554-0001 then
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i will ask that we silence mobile devices i would like to take hell. president tanner >> vice president mor >> here >> commissioner braun >> hee >> commissioner diamond. >>ey >> commissioner imperial. >> here >> commissioner koppel and ruiz. >> here >> items for continuance. a cu authorization to february 23ed, 2023. under the regular calendar i received a late request from staff to continue item 11, for the waterfront plan environmental impact report certification a week to february ninth of 2023. i have nothing other to be continued. take public comment, member this
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is is your opportunity to peek to items proposed to be continued in the chambers come forward. commissioner braun >> aye yooch commissioner ruiz. >> aye. >> commissioner diamond. why aye >> commissioner impirrelevant >> aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye. >> commissioner moore >> i aye. >> commissioner tanner >> now we are under consent calendar. all matters are considered to be routine by theed planning commission and may be acted upon
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by a vote of the commission there will be no sprit discussion unless the commission or staff requests the matter removed and considered as aid separate item this or a future hearing. item 2, the property 3936 through 393824th a cu authorization. 3a and b for property of 361 upper terrace a cu authorization and variance. and item 4, 855 geary a c u authorization. members this is your opportunity to request that any of the items removed from consent calendar. come forward if you are horror press star 3 if you are calling
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in. >> yes. i want to be clear you had asked if we wanted one of the items remove third degree is regarding upper terrace we hope we can speak on that. in order to you need to ask it be removes and you have justice done so we will have upper terrace remove friday consent and heard under the regular calendar. >> very unusual. >> good. sir items 3a and b are removed from consent and will be considered under the regular calendar. >> and last call for members to
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request other items removed. seeing none. public comment is closed and your consent calendar is before you commissioners only items 2 and 4. commissioner. >> motion to approve 2 and 4 >> second. >> well, we received an e mail this morning about amending one of the conscience of approval on item 4. we valid to remove from consent. >> if you would like to you can q. i like to remove item 4 from consent. okay. removed. i take actual amend your motion it item 2. >> i will second that. commissioners, on this motion to
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approve item 2 on consent commissioner braun y. aye >> ruiz. >> aye >> commissioner diamond. why aye >> commissioner imperial. >> aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye yoochl commissioner moore >> aye yofrm commissioner tanner. >> aye. >> that passes 7-zero. will place us under commissioners matters the land acknowledgment. ramaytush ohlone acknowledgement the planning commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working
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on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples >> thank you. item 6 adoption of draft minutes of january 19 of 23. >> members, this is your opportunity to address the minutes you need to come forward. and press star 3 if you are call nothing and raise your hand on web ex. when can we comment on upper
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terrace. i feel i was watch thanksgiving i missed that opportunity. >> you have not missed opportunity, that item was pulled off of consent and considered in the regular calendar coming up shortly. >> okay. >> today. or in the future >> today. >> you raise your hand again. >> last call for public comment on the minutes. no requests, commissioners. public comment is closed. >> commissioner braun. >> move to adopt the minutes. >> second. >> thank you, on this motion to adopt the minutes commissioner braun. >> aye >> commissioner ruiz. >> aye. why commissioner diamond. >> aye. >> commissioner imperial. >> aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye >> commissioner moore. >> aye >> commissioner tanner. >> aye y. this passes upon 7-0. item upon 7. comments and questions. >> before we open up, i want to
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make sure for those listening the agenda changed for having not that many item when is we started for folks listening we'll hear items 3a and b then 4 on consent 55 gear and he the dr and 800 taraval and not hearing item 11 if you mean are here for upper terrace or geary those will be heard on the regular calendar. i want to make comments. we sign said the housing element and submitted to the state. we got a certificate from hcd makes it official we got the housing element. >> correct. >> they certified the housing element. >> that is great.
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it was a lot of work but it is irrelevant quite exciting. commissioner diamond i have a tour yesterday at stones town mall. it was great to be out there and get more thorough walk through of the plans. i encourage others if you want to learn about the project tell come back later this spring. i want to have a tour it was worthwhile to seat areas where things are planned to change. and then lastly. 2 things one business item we scheduled a closed session for left week the mayor's state of city, 12-1. i wonder federal we might move
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closed session to the following thursday instead of next thursday if commissioners are visible if it it is a challenge we can keep the ninth. if folks can dot 16th and the city attorney has a fling wonder federal could begin on 10 a.m. giving us time for lunch and start the hearing on time. >> does that work for everyone? >> i don't have a problem. >> 10 a.m.? >> bright and early y. making sure i order this correctly. commissioner ruiz does this work. ? >> yes >> final comments you know this yesterday was february first marks black history month. excited cell brit this this year. there will be events celebrating
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and some the [inaudible] community and black community coming together. excited have that. and come just this hearing a week after. video was released of nichols who died ever beat by police in tennessee. so many of us have been troubled boy whether you watches or not. knowing what happened is traumatic. we want to acknowledge the loss of life and family and relatives. but the fifteen many in our community in memphis approximate here suffering and bring update challenges we have around racial justice in our nation. as this commission after the murder of george floyd this had our residence lugz in the department on racial equity. we are committed to racial and social equity and he his mother really tremendous woman helping that something from his death,
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positive come out. she can't imagine there will be a reason taken other than change to come out of his death temperature it is on us to make sure that happens in our professional lives here or in our will professional lives i hope you recommit to that work in honor of him and all those suffered at the hands of police but racial injustice in this country. thank you. >> commissioner moore. imented to take a second to thank you for your thoughtful words and want to see that it each day racial equity we could this morning other inequity in washington, d.c. and government and they point in the wrong direction. what you said is when we need to focus. i appreciate the work of the implementing the housing leadership will be a major challenge and require everybody in planning to walk around with
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the sleeves rolled up every day. wore here to passport happen and hope we can work with each other to really deliver. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner moore. >> other comments or questions? future items? >> commissioners if you indulge me to discuss a future hearing item. i will get into the preservation hearing yesterday that talk the cast retheatre and under commission merits we discussed about the possibility of i joint hearing for the castro theatre entitlements. and due to conflicts by may be a member or 2 of historic preservation that is scheduled to be heard on march 15th and for to you hear it on march 16th, i believe is the correct
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dates. but yes, that's right. we wanted to hold a join hearing for those to be heard together. we locked at april 13th if you could look and i will get clarity from you all later weapon don't vice president to today. buff if you could look at april 13th a 10 a.m. start time and would be amount clearing the agenda for just that matter. so. >> would this be in lou of the march hearings >> in lieu of. >> yes. march 15th the historic commission continue this to april and you do the same on march >> thank you. >> no further questions or comments we can go -- move off to item 8 case 2021-009977 for remote hearings. this will be the left time we request this you adopt this
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resolution that would allow remote hearings if necessary. march first we will be going back to the future. and regardless, of covid illness or other illness, you will not being able to attend remotely, if you are out of town. the same of you are all able to submit to the department of human resources and request for if you have i disability for what is it called. accommendation, but -- beside its is expected for you to attends in person >> so. public comment on item 8 remote hearings. seeing no members of the public requesting, public ment is close
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comed this is before you now. >> one question may be, when we go where we are all in person, will we use web ex for members to call in or old fashion phone y. so the platform is still available you to. the interesting thing is each commission can decide on its own whether to continue the able for members to attends remote. so, you could decide starting march first to require all members attends in person to submit testimony. >> i leave it to you. >> i think it would be difficult to take that back. >> i would agree. despite improvements web ex is working good >> knock to good. i'm shocked we have not had it crash once. >> now you said that you. >> knock on wood.
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>> i knocked on wood. [laughter]. >> all right. i continuing grit to continue public comment via remote access. motions on this or other question sns commissioner improll imperial. just a moment to approve >> to adopt to allow remote hearing. commissioner braun. why aye >> commissioner ruiz. >> aye. why commissioner diamond. >> aye >> commissioner improll. why aye y. commissioner koppel. >> aye >> commissioner moore. >> aye >> commissioner upon tanner >> aye >> so moved unanimously 7-zero. i would not surprise mow if legislation ma'ammeded the brown act and allow for that to happen in the future. it seems to make sense. moving right along, commissioners department matters i have 9 announcements. >> on housing element to follow up you may read that we did get
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certified but had a project come in to attempt a remedy the one you heard in the past on 17th street. we had a certified housing element. builder's remedy was not irrelevant voluntary. we were one of a handful of jurisdictions that did get certify in the time thank you all for adopting and modifying the time line and leadership on that. thank you. >> >> item 10 review of the past events at board of proirsz i don't believe then and there is a report from board of appeal and preservation commission. >> good afternoon. department upon staff here. on behalf of aaron star it has been 16 years since i gave a board report for give me if i'm rustef monday at land use an
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ordinance by dorsey, machine man and guard guard was heard. you heard on the 12th of last among. an ordinance allow entertainment on properties on 11th and folsom general low in the leather lbgtq+ cultural district. monday's hearing the second and financial land use hearing on this it went to the full board with positive recommendation. 3 items from tuesday's full board meeting. supervisor peskin ordinance to allow a new grocery store on polk street use size in that neighborhood passod second read. secondlys mayor's reappointment of lydia so to the historic preservation passed congratulations. lastly the director mentioned. we now have a certified housing
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leadership. the board did upon prove this on second read and trans mitted hcd on wednesday morning we upper informed our how doing element is certified. >> that is all i have for you, commissioners. happy to answer questions. >> commissioner moore. >> could you give us a run down of who new committee appointees, i think when the board changes the president changed you make new appointments. is there anything to share? >> we will share that later. the land use committee is chaired by supervisor melgar and supervisors peskin and preston. the rest we will get to you later today. >> and land use the same. >> the same group that was there before. >> consistent.
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>> thank you. will there is in report from board of appeals and historic preservation met yesterday. i blame moiz for not starting senior. took update matter of the castro theatre landmark feesures. we had to switch rooms but we got through the hearing and took the public comment and the commissioners historic preservation adopted to the board of proirzs to land mark the character defining features including the slopped floor and the affixed chairs. or seats. >> if there are no questions we can move on to general public comment. members of the comment may address the commission on items
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of interest to the public under the jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be when the item suspect roached. each upon member may address for up to 3 minutes. when the number of speakers exceed the limit general public comment may be moved to the end of the agenda. >> good afternoon georgia. i want to respond to the comments during the rivera hearing from last week. the demo matrix is a way to translate the drawings of the designs on the plan show. are the purview of planning and show the scope of a project including what of the existing structure will be remove exclude retained for alteration projects. it is mass and given that architects and engineers are professionals, who need to be good in math to get the licenses
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that allow them to put stamp on the plans for an alteration that the planning department reviews. department should assume that the information provided on the plans in the drawings and translated by the matrix is trust worth and he reliable. not absurd. not complicated. it should be a straightforward and honest process. one thing to review a project. when it come to the department as a demolition the project on the back end may be waste of everyone's time but the loss of existing sound housing. how would the commission reacted over 50 projects a mrooi plying as demolitions in noe valley. at least 50 alteration project it is that should have been reviewed by the commission as
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demolitions in the past decade some with 2 units like on 21st. that sold for millions of dollars, caution the loss of financially accessible housing and rental housing. how many @rigzs that are demolitions the same losses found in other neighborhoods like the one on rivera street. how would neighbors reacted if projects had applied as dem ligsz rather than @rigzs metly projects that were rarely dr'd. it is unfortunate the calculations were not adjusted since upon 2009 to make it more straightforward as intended. thank you and here is my 150 words of when i said for the minutes. thank you very much. happy groundhog day. take care.
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last tao call for yes or no public comment. seeing no requests to speak. general public comment is closed. move on to the regular calendar. 11 is continued to february ninth. we have 2 items pulled off of consent first being items 3a and b for 2022-000908. for the property 361 upper terrace. you will contract cu authorization and the za will consider the request for variance. >> commissioners. this is the first time that brandon is before the commission. wvenlg hoe joined us as an intern in summer of 2021. went to school in clemson where
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he graduate student in historic preservation and authored theseis on water front development in charleston, south carolina joined us in june of 22 as 8 preservation tech specialist and serves in the planning division in districts 1 and 2. welcome. >> thank you. commissioners nice to meet you all. brandson dunn with planning staff the item before surequest for cu theorys everauthorization to allow increase in officer height and expansion of rear deck that result in the a roar yard less than 45% went current height large resident special use district. the property is on the west side of upper terrace in the height's neighborhood. property is a steeply downward sloping lot, 25% with the width of 29 feet and depth of the 85
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feet. at the front the site is developed with a garage for 2 vehicle in a small courtyard to the north 365 upper terrace. mass of the building in the remaining portion of the lot contains natural vegetation the lot is 2, 425 square feet and located in rh3, residential house, 3 family zoning district and 40x height and bulk. neighborhoods consists of 1, 2 and 3 story buildings. containing 1-2 units. the parcel to the north or 365 upper terrace is a 1 stormy single family that is on a similar lot with the building depth of 60 feet. property to the suthp south 357 is 1 storm of residential building depth of
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46 feet. the project proposed to raise the roof thai height lie 3 feet and reconstruct the rear decks expand happening the lore deck by 4 feet to the rear yard wrchl interior reason vapgzs are proposed. since submittal and response to department comments the project made the following modifications. at the roar of the property, the project experience removed the addition that would have resulted in a 350 square foot increase. long with the enlearningment of the ground floor rear deck. as far as support the department received letters from 2 niche in support of the project with none against it is on balance and consistent with policies of the general plan. the aterations upon have been designed with regard to site specific ness and improve access
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to open space to a rear yard that is unusable. scale, design and urms it are consistent with the block and compliment character with the design. the department upon finds the property necessary, desirable and compatible with the neighborhood and not detrimental to importance or adjacent properties. thank you. project experience you have 5 minutes. >> good afternoon. upon i was not expecting to speak apol gees. i'm amy lee and we have been working with the owners. and the project architect kevin zelar on the project. an degreea and allen purchased the home to which have a family and for the parents to stay when they visit. i will try to do just like doing
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temperature it is construction date existing building respondeds to had portion of the block pattern. street scapeful miscellaneous and scale and dwelling counts the experience proposed the system up grid and remodel to a single family dwelling. design intent of the project clsd, develop a usable and rear yard open space with architect. draw from and reenforce the context and min myself [inaudible] adjacent buildings and the slopped rear yard. project required a cu the
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increase the roar height of the building of xifth legal noncomplying portion by 3 feet. of the currents deck is 110 squirrel feet of unusable space as well as a backyard that is unused given slope. net increase of the new deck 60 scare feet on use more for family friendly uses. project requires a variance because from the z adieu to work being within the rear yard the property is already in with the deck out 4 feet in the rear yard as it is. the project is necessary and desirable and compatible. project does not expand the
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liveable area so well is no net gain of building square footage. per planning code. the building is already legally noncomplying. the policy intent of the threshold in the residence to regulate monster home this is is in the a concern here. the architect and design contemp refer the building miscellaneous system unchanged. and continues the existing neighbor character the lots pose sloped roar yards with structures facing upper terrace or down slopped projects. the. properties are separated by up or down sloping rear yards the build and miscellaneousing and impact is reduced to the employment of a modest scale development we worked with the team to achieve and thank
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planning for this work. 3 neighbors support and we are in the aware of opposition the owners met with neighbors and as well as upper terrace neighborhood group and the architect also conducted a meeting we hope that this commission will approve this project and believe it is necessary and desirable. it will certainly allow for a family a growing family to remain in san francisco. thank you. why we are here to answer questions. >> members, this is your opportunity to address the commission on this matter. . if you are in the chambers come forward if you mean are call nothing you need to press star 3. upon seeing no -- members in the which i am ber we will go to remote callers.
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no audio.... press star 6 to unmute yourself. >> hello? >> yes. >> hi. i'm jelly sutherupon land cross the street from 361. and first i want it say we have an active neighborhood group. and there was several us on the call now that will be comment and asking questions. the first i heard about this in december. excuse mow in january. and -- i didn't see anything milled out this there were meetings. sorry if wore late on this i hear you have some support.
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and no response hathere is negative comment. but my view will be affected boy that 3 foot increase. i know we cannot protect views. my question for the architects and of the owners in the building, is this originally a 2600 square foot house? and you are going to excuse me the upon 2400 square foot house and you are going to i think 33 or 3400? that sounds like because you are i looked at the plan you are adding this whole upper level. its -- the level that was there before was a lot of space. my question is, is this xhg something that the owners of the
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property really mode to do? and add that additional 1,,000 square feet the height is something that i question. next speaker, please. >> yes. good afternoon. am i being heard? >> you are. >> great. thank you. commissioners, thank you for giving us time to voice our opinions and thoughts and questions. and to shelly sutherland's point i don't recall getting anything in the mail it is water under the bridge of talk about that is put forward. there has been construction in the neighborhoodsletly.
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stairway cross the street. this house has been under construction at least twho previous times. no owners that moved in. the project the first owner had it 6 years. i don't know dignitary that never planned to move in. woad and treasure and everything was against the house. then it came for remodel. somebody bought it. nobody moved n. same problem this house is become the eye sore of the neighborhood. architect -- lee i appreciate your thoughts opt to make it more beautiful we appreciate that. additional 3 foot height asip understand it is a variance. and variances as i understand it go against regulations. and as i looked at the plans, you were thinking of living room
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vow that had 10 foot window and making them 14 feet. i can't imagine that will enhandles their situation and it is going detransact from hose of us that live here and look at that. what you may not know is that a key part of the purchase decisions and ron, you are on the phone you will get to speak next. people have purchased the houses on the other side of the street where we live, this because we have a view, a special view of the golden gate bridge. by raising thisum 3 feet. we will lose that view in some place all together and diminish that vow in other place. it has been great president family sounds lovely and can't wait to meet them but become to shelly's question is it really nose go up to 3 feet?
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the deck in the back does not affect us on this side. but have fun with that. but the 3 feet going up really is detrimental to those of us that live there i lived 29 years i bought that house because of the view. thank you for your time. sdwlochl is i was november 3. 42 upper terrace across the street from the property. and i would like to echo the comments and sentiments that you know i know that 3 feet sounds small and incremental. it was e eliminate the
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significant part of my vow of the haight and. one of the challenges that the property so close that is really creates a view of the big officers instead of -- the neighborhood. which is where i bought the house for which i bought the house in august. and so -- to be the house [inaudible] significant cannot low altered so soonld be well at all is -- realist something [inaudible] i would -- like to recommend that not be [inaudible]. i know [inaudible] marginal but has an affect because. proximateimity to my house.
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so, with that i ask that the variance look at other alternatives to achieve the time feeling. i looked at the plan and they are attractive. i appreciate that. but -- if there is another creative way you know i will challenge the architect to creatively to create similar affect without impact the [inaudible]. thank you. last call for public comment. if you are here exactly forward. calling remote press star 3. or raise your hand via web ex. public comment is closed. and this matter is before you. commissioner koppel. >> yea i don't see circumstances to warranty not approve iing make a motion to
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approve. >> second. >> >> comments i will make one thank you to the architect for working with the neighborhoods. we appreciate that and wish you support. those who call in the these are novelty protected by this body. private views i will second a motion supporting this motion. thank you. >> seeing no requests to peek from commissioners, there is a motion seconded to approve with conditions commissioner braun. >> aye. >> commissioner ruiz. >> aye. why commissioner diamond. >> aye >> commissioner improll >> aye >> commissioner koppel >> aye >> commissioner moore. >> aye >> commissioner tanner. >> aye >> that motion passes unanimously. >> thank you, good afternoon president tan and commission i'm tina tammy acting za. i will close public hearing for this item and based upon the plans i grant the variance of
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approval. thank you. >> thank you. >> very good. thank you. commissioners that will place us on item 4 case 2022-005541, 8 whistle fweery a cu authorization that was pulled from consent. jury room hello planning commission. charles, planning staff. i like to start with the e mail your commission receive third degree morning. to clarify that e mail included a revised motion deleting condition 7. and thap condition was related to occur share parking. earlier today we received word from the za's office that car
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share spaces are not applicable to ev charging locations or float charging uses. such as would apply to your typical parking use or accessory parking. which is why you received this motion. >> would the commission like a presentation or -- is that enough clarification. >> i think commissionersment to refresh and just to further clarify the requested change. >> yes. so -- >> so. 2022-005541cu ah, cu authorization for fleet charging use. this is a change of use limited
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to the second floor of an existing parking garage and the change of use is from public parking and autouse retail to fleet charging. autouse nonretail. and the existing parking space will remain unchanged. the private parking garage at the basement and upper levels will not change in parking count. planning department staff has found the project qualifies for a common sense exemption do you to mow change in the parking requirements. as the commission is, wear. planning coated amendments were approved by your commission on november 10th. those amendments are pending and committee. we don't have a date for when those amendments will go in affect. in application was submitted in
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june 2022. and it has been red for the planning commission which is why we decide to add it to your calendar. if you have questions, i'm here and the applicant rjr is also here. >> great. thank you. >> you have a 5 minute presentation. >> justin from rubin junior here on behalf of the applicant. we are here for questions zev a presentation if you are like or we are ready and available for questions regarding that. >> commissioners are interested we can have it but let them know otherwise we look at the amended information received. don't see anyone.
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>> thank you. public comments. if you are here come forward and call nothing press star 3 on web ex raise your hand. no requests, public comment is close said. and this merit is before you. >> thank you. commissioner braun. >> i move to approve with the amendments to the conditions. >> second. >> very good on that motion to approve with conscience as amended commissioner braun. why aye >> ruiz. >> aye >> commissioner diamond. why aye >> commissioner imperial. >> aye >> commissioner koppel. >> aye >> commissioner moore. >> aye yoofrm commissioner tanner. >> aye >> that passes 7-zero. that will accomplice us on dr calendar. item 12.
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for the property 379 eureka a request for dregz discretionary review. good afternoon david staff architect the item is a public narcotic narcoticed question for dr building application number 2021-1217-4651 to construct a 3 story roar addition to a 3 story 1 family building. the existing building is a category b. age eligible resource. built in 1914. the dr requestor of 4142, 21st to the south is concerned the project will affect light, air and his privacy and block access to the mid block only space. his alternatives are to scale back the 2 store and hes provide
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side setbacks in the residential design guidelineos page 27. to date, the department has received no letter in support and none opposing the project. staff supports it conforms to the planning code as well as residentialing design guidelines. massing of the addition the scale per guidelines and -- examples of that are on page 25-27 a 5 foot side setback at second floor and 7 foot at the third floor against the southern neighbor faith the dr requestor. the rear wall of the of proposed project does not extend beyond the rear wall of the neighbor toft negotiate the third floor is accept stepped back 5 and a half feet from the second floor and the first level at or below the existing fence height 40
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feet to the north and downhill of the dr requestor neither light nor privacy will be affected the massing transitions between the niches and the lot condition and the deep are neighboring buildings. staff cease no extraordinary circumstances and recommends not taking dr and approving. >> d error requestor you have a 5 minute presentation. are you with us? i sent you an unmute request.
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>> someone raised their hand. >> you need to press star 6 to unmute yourself, sir. >> yes. a apology gees there was in a bit of a lag there. i'm [inaudible] thank you to david and the planning commission for their time. i have lived at 4142, 21st since 2004 my property is perpendicular to the project. i share a fence with the project and would be impacted. at the foreupon front of concerns the scale of the house and how tell impact my family's privacy, light and air. the expansion of the bodiesing on the second and third floor change the light we received and the decks on first and second floor and addition of new
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windows take away our privacy the size, and a position of the expansion will create an oshg pressive presence and locked in feeling. it has been my understanding that the city allowance for expanding a home back and up equally average of the neighboring property m. this case, 385 eureka and 333 and 339 exceeds those. 379 position on the block and rep to the neighboring properties. it would require mid block open space considerations for light and air which the proposal does not seem to account for. i hope the commission will consider concerns and require the expansion of 339 in line with the average of the macing homes and respect the mid block open spachls thank you.
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that concludes your presentation? protect experience you have 5 minutes. >> good afternoon i'm richard. and this is my wife janet. we are the property ordinance at 379 eureka. we lived the past 26 years. we are proposing a rear addition to splint details that i like to introduce our designer. i'm catherine carr and i'm project designer. thank you.
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>> speak up a little. >> thank you. i will take this off. >> thank you for expressing your occurrence and thank you david. david did a great description so some of it might be repetitive we philidelphia mrnlg process and condition formed to planning guide lines the clients met both neighbors and then a project review meeting with the planning department and adjusted the plan per their guide lines. after the adjustments were made there were meetings with niche and later a prean and held zoom meeting for all the neighbors lastly requested a mediation with the dr filer who just spoke. and i'd like to state for the referred that he did not reach out or express occurrence any point until filing the dr. i like to walk you through the
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slides. eureka and 21 are slopingum hill. dr filer who has adjacent neighbor patrick uphill the dr filer is a floor higher and the. eureka is a floor higher. >> >> show there are no shaddose or loss of light cast on neighbors. the 21st street neighbor has a clear rear yard view. the proposed seconded floor is 5 feet past his property line not past neighbor to the north. think of it has a first floor due to property a floor higher.
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his roar yard provides light, air and access to mid block space. the uphill neighbor adjacent to the property, has an extra wide 32 foot wide clear unobstructed roar yard for over 135 feet this . rear yard provides light, air and access to mid block open space. we addressed privacy concerns with clear story windows on the third floor and back 2 feet more than suggested. >> that's just a brief section and shoes that changing grade and the proposed set backs. >> this slide that the propoedz
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project is not extending in the 45 year rear yard setback. while there is discussion perform the second floor setback from the additional 18 feet past beyond the what is rivered for the 45%. we are beyond we have not reached that point. >> here is a rough massing sketch the and shoes the uphill neighbor is one the -- uphill neighbor is half floor higher. the proposed addition -- so -- let's see and here is one. we have designed the project in responsible manner. philidelphia all planning
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guidelines and further adjusted the plans to address concerns. we have been told this project conforms with guideline and maintains the mid block open space. thank you for your time. >> agreement thank you. >> members this is your opportunity to address the commission. if you are here come forward if you are call nothing press star 3 or web ~esques raise your hand. >> seeing no request we will go to remote callers. >> no requests in the chambers. >> >> this is richard kradock i'm a neighbor to the [inaudible] i'm here with my wife. i did -- submit an e mail yesterday to the commission. which i hope in support of the project exported it comment
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briefly. we are fans of the project we lived in our house for 12 years. it seems like a great improvement to the home and neighborhood. they have done a good job of being transupon parent with their plans. seek meetings with neighbors. seeking comments and concerns. come -- addressing one-two concerns early on >> once again i want to express our support for the project. thank you very much. last call for public comment. no requests to speak. dr requestor you have a 2 minute rebuttal.
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press star 6 to unmute yourself. >> i have no further comment. thank you. >> thank you. >> project experience you have a 2 minute rebuttal. >> fantastic. commissioners closes the public hearing portion and this is now before you. >> thank you. why commissioner moore. >> given thoughtful presentation i don't see anything exceptional and extraordinary. i like to actually let the commissioners see how thoughtful. anybody whoments to see this even as a layperson on the web understand had is imployed i want to express my thank you of the architect spending this xr time and move to approve yoochl second. well is a motion seconded to approve the project. commissioner braun. why aye yooch commissioner ruiz. why aye. >> commissioner dimonday. >> aye yoch commissioner
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imperial. >> aye. >> commissioner koppel >> aye >> commissioner mor >> aye >> commissioner tanner. >> this passes 7-wherevero we needed the 2 items pulled off to get us to the 2 o'clock calendar. so -- our 2 o'clock calendar item 13. the property 8 huh human taraval. a c u authorization. and commissioners if you bear with me for a moment we received a request to intercept this item in cantonese, mandarin and spanish. if you are remote and like top listen to item 13 for 800 taraval, in know cabnies call
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and to watch it bitlyplanning0202spanish. head sets are available boy the door in person. sfgovtv will scroll the numbers and url's on the bottom of their sven for the duration of this item. >> i request we speak clearly and low to allow translation in role time when it is time for comment the importance listening in will need to call in the web ex number to submit public testimony. i will now does that this information translitted in mandarin, correspondnies and spanish there is a microphone here if you could could approach here and read translate this --
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you very much. we will hear from staff and open public upon comment. so -- again if you need well, it was said. head phones on the table there for real time interpretation. >> good afternoon i'm christie alexander with department staff. and buffer a c u authorization to establish a cannabis retail use green mirror. the project requires the authorization to establish the retail use in the first tw stories in the taraval commercial zoning district. tenant space measures 977 square feet within an existing vacant mezzanine xhshl space.
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alcohol be converted to a mule enclosed seconded floor within a 2 story commercial building at 800 taraval. project does not include on sight consumption and as you remember from the office of cannabis presentation 2 weeks ago, off site consumption is prohibited public complies with 600 footed real you had a discussion on 2 weeks ago. no schools or other cannabis use in 600 foot radius. closest k-12 school is 1, 584 feet away and closest cannabis is sunset pipeline which is at 2161 irving street. and approximately 8, 876 feet
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away. the project come ploys with the planning code section 303 w findings. which are additional final beings for the mission to consider had reviewing proposals for new cannabis establish. the distribution of retail uses throughout the city. concentration of cannabis retail and dispensary uses and balance of other goods and service within the proximateimity of the proposed cannabis retail use and any increase in access and exposure to cannabis that serve youth and measures to counter balance such increase. regarding geographic distribution the project contributes to the balance of cannabis uses in the staechl most of the cannabis retailers located went eastern neighborhoods. and leaving the western
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neighborhoods without many cannabis retailers. this would help with the clustering that other neighborhoods suchace so ma and the mission have been experiences and further the city's racial approximate social equity goals. >> regarding the concentration of cannabis retail service the taraval commercial district is comprise said of rential with limited ground floor commercial located in buildings on taraval and medical facilities. and other active use concentrated on corner lotos 18th and 19th avenue and in the vicinity. the permit range retail and service use from personal service uses to limited instructs and restaurants and such and the project would activate a commercial space and provide a new retail service in
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the visible in the neighborhood. and cannabis retail and the few businesses that is expanding following the pandemic induced economic crisis. crediting a now retail use, project can support the development of retail and services in the neighborhood. access and exposure cannabis retail fasill uts are revving lit in the san francisco. it is more likely youth gain easy access to cannabis products through the market which it is a large force newscast market of san francisco partial low do you to the ease of cultivating cannabis product miss a home and the slow rate of permitting of license, locations in the city. by providing a legal market in the neighborhood the project would further defer unregulated making youth access more
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restricted. the your around the location is traversed by a population with many age groups any exposure to can lips cannabis by ambassadors. no visibility products it is on the second floor. and 3, staff is monitoring the entrance and 50 feet in either direction of the store. noirnd 21 is,llowed within the store. . with the exception of persons age 18 and above possessing a doctor's recommendation. for public comment. the project experience who is also an equity applicant conducted an out roach boy office of condition bills good neighbor policy. includes providing a mailed notice of the project. all property owners.
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approximate occupant in 300 feet and conducting out reach meetingos february 22 of 22. october 18 of 22 and december 7 of 22. to date the department received 18 letters in support. and 8 in opposition to the project. project response secured 1 thing signatures on a petition in support of the project. a additional low the permit staffs made, wear of the petition garnering 1,000 signatures in opsichlthz opposition and pel tigsz cited occurrence over crime, parking, safety of children and [inaudible] proposed land use in the neighborhood. one housekeeping item based on feedback the staff requested an updated plan set to include the first level floor plan passed
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out to you and 2 drawings to show the relationship between the existing restaurant and the cannabis retail space. planning is supportive of the project and recommends approval with conditions. for the reasons out line instead draft motion. department cites the project is on bes consistent objectives and policies of the city's general plan. and is necessary come patable with the neighborhood. from an object itch position the project come ploys with strict requirements of the planning code. and afirms requirements related it cannabis [inaudible]. thank you, commissioners. the sponsor would like to make ape presentation and staff will be available for questions.
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project experience you have 10 millions y. i'm angel daves [inaudible]. [inaudible] [i'm sorry i will ask you to slow down a bit. we are trying to translate in role time. i know. >> -- okay. start over? >> start your time. >> i'm angel davis i'm part of the [inaudible] family. we initial wine bar for 10 scombroers our partner owns the cannabis store with us. blocks away from the commune center where mike spent his time running a youth tennis program in western addition the neighborhood impacted boy war on drugs. this is the neighborhood mike grew xup lives inform although it is only over 2 years opening of the dispensary allowed mike to make steps to start a nonprofit organization dedicated
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to helping the youth of the community hall of fame of help with trauma of neighborhood andments to gift youth in the community the same opportunity to [inaudible]. o [inaudible] a family business that open in the sf in the 40's and moved to the current location in the 50s. all this to say entire team deep roots went city and share a passion and love for san francisco why we have chosen to work together. >> we hope to open a cannabis location in the mezzanine of gold mirror tell be walled, separated from the restaurant and accessible through an entrance on 18th avenue. we know there will be members of the community that will benefit from having a place to access cannabis went neighborhood. we -- when it come to cannabis including the negative sigma [inaudible]. we hope through out reach.
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community involvement and education we help reduce the stilling in and aleaveiate fear caused by lack of understanding of the positive aspects of cannabis use for many people. the good neighboring policy meeting we held 4 meeting [inaudible] in case neighbors had questions ormented seat space. we are asking for the city to give a small local shop the opportunity to open. we proven ourselves through actions throughout the years as responsible business prirts that participate in the community. the grande family mike hall and the [inaudible] family has managed main taint well run cannabis buildings of we worked hard to ghoet this point and i do believe you could not ask for a better partnership to make sure this is done the right way for the community.
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thank you for your time. >> thank you. guys for [inaudible]. allowing us to speak regard thanksgiving. i grew up in san francisco western edition. at the time was filled with crime. i was able to different opportunity. went astray and then due to equity promise i was able to change my life with my partners. and able to open up a successful business in our neighborhood and give become to my community. i also finished at a commune center after school program. i started my own nonprofit to help kids in the community. and i love that we were presented with an opportunity with mr. grande to extendoir business further our business opportunity. and i just wanted to say i'm
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looking forward and i hope you will consider letting us open up to help not only the community over there but the retail space with san francisco needs now. and -- thank you. >> that concludes the project sponsor's presentation. open up public comment. again. if you could bear with me. one more time. while i read the instructions. we will now open the item for public comment. in the interpreters don't need to upon say this i will ask to you speak this interpret it again. we'll open the item for public comment. experimenters are present for cannednies, mandarin and spanish. each speaker allowed 2 minute
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when is you 30 seconds you will hear a chime. then i will announce that is take the next person. we will take comment from importance in city hall first and open up remote access line. for those participating via web ex raise your hand when public comment is called for the item you are interested in speaking to. for those importance call nothing to submit approximate testimony you need to call 415-554-0001 and access code: 480 349 2149 press pound. and enter 0202 then press pound. you should be able to hear our listen live and -- you will wait for the item you are interested to speak to and for public ment to be announce said. enter star 3 to raise your hand. once you raise your hand you will hear, you have raised your
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hand. wait to speak until the host callsow. wait for your turn to speak. when you hear the prompt you are asked to unmute yourself press star 6 and [inaudible] when you are unmoued can begin speak. if you need translation submit your testimony in [inaudible]. [garbled audio]. speak clearly and slowly and state your name for the record. i will ask that the instructions translate in the mandarin, cantonese and spanish.
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used marijuana and motor vehicle today since a young capabling felt negative affects from that. and negative social constructs of it tide against me. at 18 i smoked weed every day in college. and i saw my grades go from a 4.0 and continue to drrt deteriorate. i had friends drop oust school special as somebody with anxiety disorder i began smoking woad to reduce my anxiety but i used so much they felt i needy weed in order to feel okay and you know being that i was young and all the schools are around this where this dispensary is trying to be built tell have a negative affect and considering that children now are 18 and still in high school they give their friends these things which have
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a negative affect. i feel like social influence is present in this community. it is legally 600 away there is a preschool about 200 feet within distance. i do work for the pediatric dental office across the street and parents removed children from our care they feel it is not right to introduce upon children to marijuana or expose them. i have nothing the against the use marijuana but feel had is the wrong location to victims this cannabis dispensary and for myself i have stop smoking and don't think tell be fir to myself to have it across the street. i have been clone and don't feel i need woad to motor vehicle for my anxiety. yea. so. >> thank you. i will reupon mind members to
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end? >> i'm sorry. can you speak in short intervals so you can interpret? >> sorry. i know when they are interrupted it gives us anxiety, [cannot hear interpreter] the challenge is the interpreter will forget what she is saying we understand her full testimony and you are in the authorized to speak but i thank you for your input. i thank you. if the interpreter will start this woman's time over. ask her to trade back and forth you don't have to try to
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remember everything she is saying and you may forget piece. have that conversation. >> yes. to that point. your point is taken but it it is impossible for something to interpret 2 minutes of interpretation and remember everything they said. >> >> federal define marijuana is the first class drug. >> and you see immediate center this study the marijuana if smoke marijuana for long-term you will affect the cognitive learning in our brain.
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and also now legalize the marijuana can help to decrease the crime rate in the city. i don't know if it is true or not. in this taraval nishgd, well is a lot of preschooled and also pediatric dentist office and have kung fu, cad me. it is a lot of youth and young people in this neighborhood. if you let this project open on
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marijuana store here, it hurt the safety in our neighborhood because people they smoke marijuana and cause a lot of car accident. it is danger to our neighborhoods. now, you can purchase online why you need to let open so many marijuana store in our city? thank you that concludes your time for person hos need assistance i set the time for 4 millions >> hello i'm helena. and you have heard the lady who
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had experienced american and a victim hoe is clone mou. listen to here and speak with the neighbors and victims around. than i can it is not -- it it is a business. [inaudible] [inaudible] equity issue you provide acseltsz to children we will have ways to become entrepreneur does in the have to be a dispensary on the block with many businesses servicing young children. check the cdc website. i will share facts with you. in 2019 every 10 high school students reported using marijuana in their lifetimeful marijuana used permanent affects on developing brain and use begins in [inaudible] regular use or heavy use. compared with teens who don't use marijuana teens who are likely to quit high school or not get a college degree, if you
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have in the been to the site, police, dochlt 800 taraval there is a preschool and a caraty school. a pediatric dentistry. a middle school and high school. i was there yesterday. i saw over 20 a dozen high schoolers from lincoln high school walking up on taraval toward safe way well to buy lunch and there and heard us. they were surprised. and she asked me the ladies asked can i make a poster i want to say no on weed. i have to picture here you see temperature they were there to speak up and we have small businesses here to speak up also. if i can please, please i'm live in that district. i live there i go there all the time. and i'm letting you then and there is the wrong accomplice for that. there are [inaudible] they can
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deliver to your door step. can i have the people in support stand? >> thank you >> thank you all. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm do min cathe owner of the gold marry restaurant. i'm here seek approval on permit to convert the upstairs portion to a separate >> as the owner of the space you have a financial interest and you are part of the sponsor team
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and you should have spoken during the presentation time:thank you. i know commissioners have questions thank you for being here and visible to answer questions. >> >> good afternoon issue commissioners i'm george rush, i was a head football coach at city college in san francisco for 38 years and the athlete director for 25. story of the grand family is the american story. parents immigrated to the united states in 1964 and 70. they worked hard. saved monetch started family and bought a home. after years they purchased the restaurant which is just 2 blocks from their home of. retirement their sons took overnight business. this day the grand family and the restaurant are with the park side district. good deesd, kindness and
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commitment to nashers known by all. i know them for 30 years since i recruited dom make to play for me for the 1993-94 science the qualities don make exhibited are the same that possess today honesty, integrity, compassion and empathy, social responsible are a few that come to mind to which sum it up, hoe is a really good personal he is exactly the person who should be open a dispensary. he is and always has been a part of the community and serve the community with understanding, transparency and good will. upon san francisco is a city in transition and change. and change come to the acceptance of marijuana. the legal sale is no different than marks, pharmacies mom and
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pops and tal afar erns line taraval who sell liquor and tobacco. the ideal persons that should be granted the responsibility to over seat dispensary because they have been vested in the am neighborhood for over 50 years and care about the district the families there is and the long-term vibrancy. >> thank you. >> i'm marrise wong i'm one of the owner of happy preday school across the street of the site. i have nothing against the owner or the restaurant but just the cannabis business is in the suitable for that place. first use xifth of the restaurant that does in the full fit empty store vacancy.
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does not help the taraval street. it already has a let of empty store already. also the business part is questionable and unfair to the community. they plan to keep the [inaudible] go the restaurant does not leaves occupancy. they use the extra mezzanine area to build another business for their business gain. this is not good for the community. and also they did not help the community by solving the parking issues. they still keep the project there is less parking space already. the area is already so child 7ric and busy and chaotic. so -- i don't deny the medical use the affect of marijuana
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still under research. we don't know what the affect. so why are we so rushed open so many dispensary right now. like cigarette. later on need to ban it and limit it. commissioner, you guys are planning commissioner, you set the direction of huwe live in the neighborhood. what is the plan for our children? had is the plan for our neighborhood? what is the plan for our city? enough is enough. we already have so many dispense easier for the people who need. this one is child neighborhood this . it is not suitable. thank you. dear commissioners mindy lou i own the happy day preschool i
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oppose the opening of the cannabis dispensary because it is directly across my preschool temperature is a serve the preschool did not come in the 600 feet zone at this time impact our students. most of the students have older siblings some will walk to the preschool to pick up their younger siblings the teenagers will be curious of the store if they opened. the proposal location is not suitable for cannabis dispensary lots of children walk by the corner every day for different activities. as a business and property owner, myself, the value of our business and property impact and go down in sfraul they open some
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parent it is already told me they raised concerns they will take their children out to our presdoo will go somewhere else if there some dispensary there cross our school. not only we are going to lost students resource will impact, too the parking situation is getting worse. so as for security of the cannabis dispensary, they say there is have got to guide the store but it will not help other store. to look for to guide the neighborhood. so i ask -- the commissioner to please, consider not let them open. >> thank you that is your time. >> thank you.
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>> hello i'm retired senior living 18th avenue for the past [inaudible] i'm a retired senior and i live in 18th avenue for 47 years. and hopefully i will die there peacefully. and i'm against the putting of the cannabis dispensary in the gold mirror. i'm [inaudible] and when i heard about the news the plan of putting the cannabis dispensary you know, i was alarmed and i asked my you know people that [inaudible] i see every day and the parents of the people that
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go to the school and we are all alarm exclude worried. now the parents are all worried with the dispensary parents will always worry where the kids that gets out of their house and worry about safety on the street. with people high with marijuana. they are driving. that goes for the retired people like me who then are a prisoner in homes for fear of what will happen to us. yes, now i'm scared of the future. i can talk about my car from the garage due to traffic because people using 18th avenue as an alternative for the 19th avenue whf there is traffic. how much more >> approximate would you exchange this pleasant life of community in favor of one profit financial low when there are many business dispense easier
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around san francisco will you approve this because citiments more ref now regardless what happened to the future of children support peace in the communities? i pray you hear the voices and grant our request not to approve the putting of cannabis dispensary in gold mirror. thank you. >> i'm woody fong. my house is on 19 avenue, in district 7. and i go to safe way to buy groceries with my san francisco i used to work for the school district and i saw a lot of different thing. i w for the district for 29 years. i had student the parent use drugs. they didn't pay attention to their children.
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and not just like education and also their physical health and safety they don't really care so much like will people who -- they don't take drugs. they don't pay more attention to the children education and physical need and also came to pick up children on time of and i also have student who wasup set by parent his took drugs and marijuana. the children, they affect the children. they learning disability and also they have were could not concentrate well x. they could climate on the furniture preschool furniture they climb on that. they went out the door they climb on the heaters the old style heater climb on that.
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they tap on the wind organism as a regular preschool teacher it is hard to handle those kids. that's from my experience i work for the district for 29 year and i saw a lot and especially parent really affect the children. we need a will good safety for our children. please, please, please, consider our next generation. i will take it but my grandchildren could be. >> thank you. >> please, please. hello good afternoon combvenl i'm theresa. today i came here to against the marijuana store open at 1800 taraval street. please don't tell us how the people need it. we all know the people with
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problem can order it online. restaurant owner and marijuana owner care of only about their business. how to make them big money in the pocket. so that is why they are open the store near the school market and popular place. they are rushing to stretch for the next young people to buildum their business. to be their many donator. they never care about our community. our kids. passed by -- the every day and see the things that are not legal eligible for that age. they may say they are only selling inside a kid can't see tiwill say, it is wrong. buzz they can't control the people use marijuana all overnight street after they get it. i know they have security with
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gun and stands by door but there is only -- protect the business. it is not our community. they will make this area dangerous and not safe. finally i hope all of the officers -- please, 39 our voice. our true voice from the heart. thank you. >> hello, everyone i'm nina and i'm also speaking as part of the community. my purpose here today is to talk about the stigma a lot of it is what we all have been hearing and experiencing. is the fear that come out of what would nap this was close in your community. fill read very quickly a list of
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schools that are near the dispensary that i currently operate and i'm the manager of. [inaudible] within a mile we have the boy's and girl's club. sacred heart. maker studio for kids, stewart hall, millennium high school, case a china american emersion school 3 campuses within a mile. sorry. ma'am you are saying you work. >> i do. address the stigma. >> yea you are part of the project team we can ask questions during the time we have. thank you very much. ure surety manager can speak we have done this before am city
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attorney you can opine. ma'am, you are also a commune member and not governing proceedings the city attorney can gives advice if managers that work at an establishment who don't own it are permitted speak during public comment would be helpful. >> sure. deputy city attorneyful a manager is an individual that has a financial interest they are paid by the project experience they are a part of the team and under the commission's rowels their time is within the allotted project sponsor time of >> thank you. >> interpretation... my name is
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chow mae chen. >> i live in the district and take a bus to the 18th street. i am opposed to opening the dispensary. because there are schools preschools and a high school close by. there are many children there. >> thank you >> thank you. >> hello. commissioners. good afternoon thank you. i'm dorothy pang. i'm a board certified dentist
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had specialize in the care of children and young adults with special neats i robbery in the sunset your for 30 years. my husband an organize do nottist who owns a separate office we employ 20 people in the neighborhood for more than 25 years. our practices are directly across from the gold mirror. i will say it in out set, i have upon nothing against the use marijuana for medicinal purposes or in those individual hos deratify benefits using it in private easy i'm good friends of the grande family i love the restaurants they are always packd and the mezzanine level is in the vacant it is always packed with customers. my objection is at this time location of the dispensary there
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is an appropriate place and inappropriate place for a business. just because park side does not have a dispensary does not make it right to have one there. my neighbors stated repeatedly. there are too many commissioner this neighborhood. walking and being drop off at that corner. just because the children could be getting illegal marijuana we should not promote it legally temperature goes against the policy of the office of cannabis. them is to prevenn exposure of cannabis to youth and minimize social harm as parent and health care providers we must look out for the welfare of our children while following law make ethical and morally sound decisions to protect our children. i trust approving this dispensary at this child centric
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location is legal but need consideration for the wishes of community. you recommend people not touch microphone when making presentations get a lot of static. >> i'm france premesis i live within 200 feet of the golden mirror the dispensary will sell cannabis edables. and according to the san francisco d. public health, it recommended prohibiting cannabis cannedys and it newt legalization would lead to increase cannabis use due to exposure to cannabis and normalization of use. this was found out in the 2023 american academy of pediatrics they reported that the legalization eating edables increased 1, 375%.
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and they that would there is a significant increase in icu and nonicu admissions. 98% of the children found the edibles at home. and so this is in the about the stigma of cannabis these are of the facts. okay. according to the cdc in san francisco there have been increase in high school consumption of cannabis according to california department of education after legalization. sfusd had reported a 15% increase in suspensions due to cannabis possession. san francisco department of health recommended youth serving facilities not just schools. a buffer zone. i'm concerned about the crime in the your. there was a liquor store on gold
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mirror and it had been robbed. so i don't want thpt to occur with a cannabis store. how much suspect too much? currently, there are 212 cannabis businesses authorized to operate in san francisco and 27700 i urge you guys to deny this. >> thank you this , is your time. in >> interpretation... my name is
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doris and i live in this neighborhoods. and every day i will take a walk in this neighborhood. a lot of time i smell very strong marijuana smell. yea. i don't understand why people they want to motor vehicle xharn they can do whatever they want. but it is the price of our right to get fresh air in our neighborhood.
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>> yea. actually it it is in the only just in our neighborhood, many area in our city in san francisco, there is a lot of area have marijuana store. like the golden gate park the marijuana event. yea. if we walk through that park, yea make us suffocate because the marijuana smell. >> actually i live in san
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francisco the [inaudible] is a big concern and if especially if we open marijuana store in the neighborhood, the neighborhood with highly populated and with a lot of commercial business and then i think it would deeply affect the safety in our neighborhood and in increase the crime rate. like i go to safe way every day for grocery shopping, so if the store open in our neighborhood i think every day if i go to the safe way make me very scared.
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young population. i don't think it is appropriate to open a marijuana store here. >> that's it. >> so i oppose to open marijuana store in our neighborhood. >> thank you. >> hi. i'm hillary. so --y uses to live between 17 and 18, near the neighborhood. my kids went to westportal elementary, hoover middle school and lowell. i know kids hang ashed after school in that area. and so -- year and a half ago i move away because remodeled the house and all the sudden my
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property tax go up i could not ford it. hoping that i move away and rent this house out so you know can pay for it. and also that a little income at my age after un. am i could not find another job yet. however it has been 18 montes and i still have not rent the house out yet t. is prebl not because of them yet buzz they are not open yet. however it is going become to normal again then the property will be a prime tloekz is outside westportal tunnel. but if they open and i don't think my rent can be enough for me to support a house. let, lone like helping my
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income. and i know that the restaurant, they also have other financial means to hosting events to make none money i hope you will consider other present ordinance besides them. but they don't vice president to do this business they can do other business that does in the affect other property owners. so, please put this in consideration. >> hello i'm sherri. i'm not against marijuana that machine might need it. like the cancer people or some people it is very sick and painful. but those people are majority. we are the majority. people. why we have to suffer that smell and no good for our lungs.
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my friends lives in china town that is across building where people smoke marijuana in the morning throughout the day and in the middle of the night. and smell even wakes her up she cannot breathe and fall become to sleep. she went to the building manager and complain about it. butt manager said this is out of his control. so she cannot do anything to help. . my question is, why must upon majority of us have to suffer because a fewments to motor vehicle marijuana. i have a grand kid she is 14 now. i don't want her to be exposed
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[inaudible]. i oppose to open marijuana store in my neighborhood. literally a live across the street of that store. and i have -- i have kids going to hoover school and a lot. student they take the bus on the -- on the 19 avenue. and also that is a lot of kids they go to the kung fu academy to take classes.
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don't need to have store open in our neighborhood. so, i oppose to open marijuana store in my neighborhood. >> so given we walk on the street, if the marijuana store open there we mestrong marijuana smell the smell will affect the air quality in our neighborhood. so i oppose to open a store here. that's it. thank you.
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>> the proposed location of the marijuana store is highly populated area, and there is 4 3 bus stop around that corner. i live on 20th avenue right at the bus stop on 20th avenue that is a lot of students they are taking the bus at that bus stop. and around the neighborhood there is lincoln high school.
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marijuana is no good for our health. and so i think yea, everybody should teach kids not to smoke marijuana. actually, right now, well is a lot of marijuana store in our city. and smoking marijuana can [inaudible] for taking the marijuana. so if they have no money to buy marijuana, they will go and rob people. yea. so -- at this neighborhood the
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800 taraval, there is a lot of young people and also there is -- upon dentist, clinic and also there is kung fu academy for little kids. so i don't want to open a marijuana in my neighborhood. people can beach marijuana online. and actually -- by doing so it is already hurt our a lot of people. am you should consider the health of our community so am i insist to stop to open a
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i came from hong kong. i live around that area and my grandchildren always i take them to the park around that area. and my son goes to school always pass by and take 19th avenue. so when i heard this proposal of having the this in the yash 800 taraval it makes me worried i heard about the traffic accidents and all the incidents
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happen. >> when i was in hong kong i heard about the news in the u.s. about the legalize of marijuana and also the accident that cause after the marijuana. >> again, the marijuana is being legalize anded you can people can order buy from on line why they need so meant stores of marijuana? i strongly oppose having the marijuana place on 800 taraval.
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[garbled audio] >> being a retired early retired i enjoy the neighborhood so i could be volunteered in anything that is happen nothing my neighborhood. now that if it happens i'm against t. how can i enjoy walking and dealing with the neighborhood i like to visit the elderlies. but then fibecome home bounds, i'm afraid to go out, i see out the window that is hymning in the street t. is accountability traffic i'm in the house but fiwalk out approximate the crazy driver who are taking that marijuana i will be scared. what do i do? do i sell the house and the prices going to -- for the
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[inaudible]. i heard all this things but i'm concerned of myself. thank you. jury room good upon afternoon. i'm leanne a residence devon san francisco since 1979ful am i'm a mother of 2 limp is a time and accomplice for everything. i'm happy for the brother doing well and achievement and happy for gold mirror success story. i [inaudible] good things for community and themselves. not at expense of children's future. nor the expense public safety in the area. speakers before me voiced concerns about public traffic safety issues. there are 2 cannabis dispense easier within 5 minute in either direction 800 taraval. the community and concern and take them in consideration.
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the young lady who has experience with marijuana already explained her experience versus the stigma. that was mentioned by the parties earlier. a group of us are here to oppose cannabis shops because we are good neighbors. we demand respect for the community. i'm a mother of a child who is at an [inaudible] of 17. i oppose the proposed shop at this location fwaupz it is too close where children pass and go to school to get to medical and dentsal, bakery and major [inaudible]. which is across the street. [inaudible]. not exposed to cannabis daily. many affects of marijuana on growing children. i understand you want to make money and [inaudible]. this it is not the place to open
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arlington cannabis store. plus we are protesting at this location yesterday approximate a man driving buy said, today i'm 3 months sober from marijuana. keep fighting for us. give our children a chance to grow without mind altering substance. please, vote no. thank you. >> additional members of public in the chambers with testimony? we gallon to remote callers. >> you need to press star 6 to unmute yourself. one person in the room and one in the mandarin room if you need to submit your testimony you need to call in.
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to the number on the screen. sorry. the virtual rooms. there are. >> yes. >> quickly >> [inaudible]. [garbled audio]. go ahead press star 6 to unmute yourself. can you hear me? >> we can. okay thank you, commissioners for allowing me to speak [inaudible] am i'm [inaudible] neighbors and myself don't [inaudible]. [audio very bad cannot speaker]
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[audio garbled] december not allow anyone below 21 to enter. if you are influenced and directly or indirectly stir the curiosity of developing children to cannabis. [inaudible] the product of [inaudible] direct access to the [inaudible]. number 2, the [inaudible] have stated the following cannabis is the most common law used [inaudible] [inaudible] a high
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potential of abuse and detrimental consequences leading to poor learning and [inaudible]. [cannot make out speaker's words] they don't follow the rule and regulations they have been inside selling it cheaper possible low selling to minors and bringing unwanted elements. the 99 and appeared the next day >> thank you, that is your time. jury room good afternoon, commissioners. . upon i was not able to appear in
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person i'm speaking today with concern regarding the cannabis retail for 800 taraval. my property is close to the location. the past 40 years i have been working to [inaudible] retrofit [inaudible] and i had zero income as a result. when i attempted to les my commercial spaces, resistance as a result of the cannabis location i'm a retired city employee [inaudible]. loss businesses and [inaudible] heightened vehicles double parked. individuals self medicating had they leave. people hanging out and robberies and street crimes. you heard there was a variety that 15 businesses children and
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family oriented. there is a safe way store which creates traffic with the large deliver truck and vehicles. removed many park spaces [inaudible] it is impacted significant conditional low created a hardship for residence den and business ordinance adding a dispensary will exacerbate the problems in the neighborhood. my family and i reside here. 32 years in the san francisco police department and my family owned property on taraval for 60 plus years i'm engage instead city and community and care about what go on especially with public safety. i ask for your consideration for everything i have address when it is time to vote on this issue, thank you.
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>> my name is josephine i oppose the marijuana shop at this location. my kids went to [inaudible] middle school this area of taraval is used for hang out after school. now one of them is still lincoln high school this area of taraval where they hang out. and i don't think it is [inaudible] when you talk about stilling in you don't opening statement store in order to remove the stilling mall open the store when the stilling in is removed. this is not a welcomed and desirable business. on top of that, had you go to approve this business, think
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about where your [inaudible] spoinlting at are you pointing at the safe machiney 3 people trying to make testimony for the project because their project sponsor paid by the project sponsor are you going to lending on the side of big money or against the neighbors and the children? i think with 3 people only trying to peek and the rest 10 times more here in person versus handled times thousands of people online. trying to oppose this we know the life of the green mirror will be the downfall of the gold mirror and you will bring shame to gold mirror, please oppose, thank you.
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. >> good afternoon. everybody. i'm jane, i'm a nurse, i have been a resident here for over 50 years the time that gold mirror opened. my family has been here and live in the sunset. i'm working on my nurse practitioner certification. they are sales people not qualified to medicate or sell herbal medicine or projects to the public. i'm opposed to their opening of the business. across the sfroet my house. the business is meant to enrich the owner only and the 73 koifrs has nothing to do to enrich our
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has been said today. the people that know the wagz that live there experience the life there are against it. but unfortunately the city has a financial stake the vote for the permit which i find hyper critical because the commission did not allow a couple of projects financial low involved. why is the city different? this is a clear disfunction in our government and the commissioner vs a part today you will, prove because you will keep financial interests from the dispensary next year time for reelection the tables will turn and will be changes med and i hope board of supervisorers listening. thank you very much.
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>> hello. i'm stephen i lived in san finish for 26 years i live in twin peeks. i watched do min co and roberta's daughter and sons grow up the past 12 years of my customer friendship with them. relationship. gold mirror is a staple of san dpran has been run by genterations italian family [inaudible]. which fulfillment of a [inaudible] as for [inaudible] business itself. it it is accessible by public transportation, which i think is important for disabled persons had use these products as limp
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public transportation does not take up parking. although although00 i myself don't utilize marijuana on any continuing base i, i can however highlight the rethrow has given my 80 year old father for back campaign surgeries and my elderly exlandlord of 89 years old for insymptom mia and bladder cancer. so -- in conclusion the city of san francisco brought in a lot of tax dollars to marijuana ask the state of california in 2021 alone 1.2 billion. i want to say thank you for allowing me to speak which is democracy in action and like to thank the city of san francisco staff and workers here on the
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but this will be [inaudible] [bad audio] you need to be 21 and older like bar and liquor stores and markets lining in the surrounding neighborhood. let the stigma go and vote, yes. thank you. >> hi i'm amy i called against opening the this -- [inaudible]. because as you can hear from the other people, once the store is
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>> my name is james i'm 32 and a native of san francisco. my friends areim guarantees from vietnam and my family does care [inaudible] we shared marijuana being bad for kids and the community. but i'm here to be in support because marijuana products proven to be a benefit for depression, mental health and anxiety. in a community and culture where insurance can be hard to come back marijuana products can help you [inaudible]. and again marijuana does require a 21 year old and up to purchase like alcohol and at the liquor store i'm in support of the green mirror it it is important that we do have the stigma
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against marijuana and open yourself to the possibilities of alternative medication when our community can benefit. thank you. i'm surgery. i'm comborn raise in the san francisco. born this kaiser hospital on geary i live 4 blocks away from the golden mirror in the house i grew up in i'm a graduate class of 89. i grew up in anti-drug house. never smoked marijuana i'm a customer and watching this project which is why i'm here today.
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i have 2 minutes i'm not going to actual my life story and i don't wish anyone harm but sometimes have you to suffer in life a little to have emathy for others there are desperate people that are hurting out there. and folks are focusing on marijuana. but as you should know, there are creams for pain, cbd's for sleep, et cetera, and so i don't understand why people are denying others from safe medical alternatives. children will not be allow instead store they will be allowed to buy canned frethe liquor stores on taraval like dihad i was a kid like the one from golden mirror for decades i walk past. if kidsment marijuana don't kid yourself they will get but not from this location. folks are talking about right or wrong and quoting website the bottom line is, it is legal.
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the script did not make the lus to legalize marijuana i would have this group open a location here than any other group they care about the community. they have children themselves. they plan on opening the site in a tasteful naern has the community in mind. why should nay not be allowed open a business i'm for the proposal. thank you. >> hello. >> yes. [inaudible]. [correspond .... ....
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>> hello? >> yes, go ahead. >> hi. i'm amy i was fwhorn san francisco. i now live in [inaudible] and i do drive to san francisco to purchase marijuana regularly i would like to point out that anyone who [inaudible] dispensary this is is not a cheap thing and [inaudible] you condition just walk in a nondesirable crowd. they are [inaudible] and they cost a lot of money. and people who tend on go there are responsible than people aon the street. and i would like to point out that any time i do visit i'm more likely patronize the
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marijuana shop on taraval. i have 3 kids and want to westportal and cooper. they hang around a lot on safe way this is not the right location for the marijuana shop. protect our commissioner not money, money. thank you. members of the commission. [inaudible] and i represent over 50 friend in thes sunset your most [inaudible].
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many of them unfortunately have to work today. but [inaudible] and research and [inaudible] they are already [inaudible] for this week they open another one. 5 -- dispensary in sunset. ocean, i have not heard that is true. marijuana to my knowledge in research is not an office like some claim. as a researcher it is affecting our [inaudible]. attention. coordination and reaction. and by the way, do you believe someone under 21 has no way to get marijuana from the
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dispensary in if there is a will there is a way. 2 days ago there was a survey that tells 2 thirds of american are living paycheck to paycheck. the honest belief that these folks could afford [inaudible]. it it is a fact cannabis is addictive temperature is a gateway drug. we hope that you will not go all how the to approve so many dispensary in a short time because it might hawned you some day. time will show you voted today on the right side of history. thank you.
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>> hello >> yes. hello i'm diane and i work a few belling down from the gold mirror and cannabis club has not opened and the things we are exposed is ridiculous. we are exposed to needles every day. exposed people sleeping in the door way we pick up feces and my son went and walked by marijuana droppings and there is a lot of thing and i don't think this is a good place the golden mirror
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has plenty of money but they don't care about the people. really. thank you. i hope upon that does not approximate pass. hello. >> yes. i'man frank and i'm chinese-american and speak myself and my neighborhood. i am native to san francisco for 50 years in forest hillism know for a fact my neighborhoods will fwrf a regulated safe place to purwhich is cannabis for medical and recreational needs. i of patronize dispense easier and know how safe they are and
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invested in the block. they are heavily regulated in san francisco the signage and no products are visible are visible. there was no way comburnd 21 is gaining access to a dispensary. current california id is required and security is strict. anyone under 21 who wants can bills get it on the street. we pay 30% tax on the dispensary purchases which is high. the security is tight and guards are friends low and engaging. my 86 year old mother take its for stress and sleep of the cbd are helpful for sleep, stress and appetite. if you want to close i will the of national institutes of health people experienceue foreia and
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sense of reelectrication. other common affects may of very includes censory perceptions. bright are colors. laughter:there is inspecting dangerous from a bunch of cannabis consumers and you can't consume it on the street. that's all. last call for public ment in the chambers in forward if you are call nothing remote press star 3. if you are on web ex, raise your hand. >> at this time i want to pause because i want to give americans i break there are hands went up on line when you did left call i was trying to wait but we will go on for a bit
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of cleats start taking our remote callers. >> good ahead. caller. caller, appearsure unmuted but we don't hear anything. >> hello. >> sorry. can you hear me. >> thank you. >> okay. hi this is i'm against the opening of cannabis digs penceary at this location many mentioned the occurrence due to increase in [inaudible] the neighborhood. which might affect the people and teen health and increasing
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crime and high traffic area in the 800 block of taraval i agree and will not repeat. as a residents for over 20 years i'm frustrateed see how we make changes to make the neighborhood easy to public transportation. minimize ascii accidents taking parking pace to replace the sidewalk and islands you boe now the complete opposite and put neighborhood in danger putting more dispensary in the area and make it unsafe. more congested and for a baptist of tax money we forgot about the future try to resolve the drug issues. the homelessness issues and the -- like may be the education and there is other issues that come in place.
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so, i hope the commission as well as others carefully consider the decision before allow to build. thank you. my name is lisa no cannabis dispensary on 800 it it is too close to school and children. special everyone knows there are so many on line you can order from. in america, we always emphasize privacy. it is easier and all the privacy you want. up to now, much more residents oppose this dispensary.
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>> hole will i'm a 42 combreer old born and raised in san francisco. i love to have a cannabis club near me i'm a business owner on westportal. cannabis clubs a part of san francisco for years it is ridiculous it is is [inaudible] to block anybody's open up a business in san francisco. upon i vote yes on this. and -- if you want to change stop voting for democrats. why don't we take the next
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this the be an addition to the neighborhood. arguments about this being negative for children or for drug addicts or homelessness that is base and wills cernel productive to what we are trying to build as a city. i think that even entertaining the notion is a waste of time. ask my neighbors to please, pay attention to what is help nothing your neighborhoods and recognize this is not going to cause harm.
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this location. >> this is ming chu i'm a residence dents of san francisco for over 40 years and live in the sunset district. you know -- this is in the about whether marijuana is okay to be used we are talking about marijuana for medicine. marijuana for adults. we are talking built location whether this is appropriate or not. when we are hear thanksgiving is family and we are talking about
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use not promote in the neighborhood. we have to be honest, do we need this at this location. we got location in other accomplices that have public transportation and lots of ping. do we want it? no. you heard the neighborhood say, we don't want this. >> and to be honest if you look at the elevation of the store front. it is not on taraval it is the side street a couple feet away from residential building. and this is a back door location temperature is not supporting street retail either. let's be honest. neighborhood does in the want it and i don't support it. and it should not be there. thank you.
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press star 6. mithis is manna young i'm a long time san franciscans i have 2 kids and a family near the taraval location. and they are school aged kids and i would not want the kids to be exposed to too many of these drug locations. it is body influence for our kids. i would much rather see more constructive activities around the communities to -- you know beat out the bad influences. so, please, reconsider.
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and look for a more constructive activities for kids and community. thank you. 90 last call. commissioners we might have got to the ends. i see no requests to speak. public ment is close third degree merit is before you. around important issue we heard from folked today and in line and in the room no longer here. i want to note for building we will have a couple questions if he is here. we heard about the fierce what cannabis can do instead
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neighborhood. and certainly those are rooted more in the challenges we have in our city now. people using drug and needles you know clean streets they are not caused by people using cannabis they are beyond and need to be address exclude we don't want to make it worse it is not my opinion the dispensary will make it worse. i live in the building cross the street from i dispensary and have a preschool in our building. i can understand want to think about proks imity of use. one thing in important is preventing exposure with signage and visibility the visibility in the shop. of the product and it is limited and you have to get in the store to see what is there. especially the loeshgz at this one on the second landfall the visibility in the shop from the kid passing by will be none to i
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don't know how they would see temperature they could see the sign for the dispensary but not the projects. i hope this gives you confidence and what is going to be physically happening the last thing i will say is going become to earlier comments when we think about the history of the war on drugs and condition bills out lud and legal that is rooted in racism and specific and targeted lus that were targeting black american and mexican american and calling marijuana was used to prosecute mote it as a drug used by folks undesirable. lead to laws leading to incarceration per possession of american and now we are trying to undo through programs to ensure we can try to turn back time. we can't totally but make up for
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the errors in the nation. i want to say i thank you is part of our city's effort to consider and understand dispensary and our job to look at the fact and it is see if we make findings to grant the cu permit. i want to say i think i heard a lot that is harpening from racism and of lies and approximate misinformation that is spread about cannabis and targeted communities i hope you get more information and understand the history of where the ideas about when cannabis does to individuals came from which i love to hear more from the store owner golden mirror how you see this fitted nothing your business and how this partnership came to be to understand the dynamics this
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will happen. >> okay. anyone amike and angel, known temfor 20 years. [inaudible] nan's husband is my best friend. mike for about 20 years. you can faces microphone. tennis coach and ancient is i good person i'm the business owner. and family's property owner. we have been in business for 54 years. was an idea during covid and -- and [inaudible] was involved and approached newy and said i have a space upstairs i'm using two-low times a week and 7 dimiss i week and operate 5 days a week.
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see if we could generate business making it in a dispensary. so that's why we are here. why thank you. i want to ask. does anybody have a question for the property owner in >> thank you. i want to -- i'm familiar with your restaurant. [laughter] i live african-american the area as well. and there are times after planning i go to your restaurant. i'm the chef. >> so i'm -- i -- do have question in terms of i'm familiar to the parklets in the restaurants. and i see that there are also a separate entrance on the side. 18th avenue. >> so what would happen to the parklets with these the separate
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entrance? >> tell be taken down. >> you will remove the parklet or reorient. >> yea. >> i am familiar with the second floor. and it looks like from the drawings you have looks like there will be a war >> yes >> going to the wall and -- i'm curious in terms of the access to air or venn ligz in this that restaurant is can get packed. and loud and the second floor if there is a wall. i see there are >> there was -- a wall there remodeled and there was a war there not a second egress from the top floor at this point. >> so. the wall was taken down when we remodeled it was in our plans. it will be put up.
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>> yea. built back up. >> and in terms for i'm not sure equity applicant, again, every time there is a cannabis business that come here they would give out the good neighbor policy. >> yes. security. can you elaborate or describe your good neighbor policy? >> can i ask when -- angela. >> hi, basically for the good neighbor policy we followed the guide lines of the office of cannabis and met all requirements. we had a good neighbor meeting and i did 4 meeting where is i came to the space on saturday and sundays and sat 11 to 2. in -- january or december.
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december. time has been weird for me lately. i think 4 neighbors came. and checked out the space and asked questions and the occurrence other then and there about children or people curious was parking. >> so that's something that will we talked about with parklets and until that's the bandwidth concern i had heard. they have the space next door and well is a space like in front of the parklets or people can park there to a 10 minute access zone. people preorder i feel confident the way our team operates now 3 years ago i would not say the things like with confidence now the way the team is rung i know we can do the same we are here to listen. most of the neighbors have my
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phone number we are here to talk and show it is not a bad thing. >> there are determine offs like delivery. so i'm anticipating the kind of people that would access to green mirror whether they drop off or need park. i upon don't anticipate that they would need parking but i'm wonder figure that is hayou are trying to target as well? >> people do drive because well are people that walk and live in the neighborhood the thing that is interesting gone through the press many times had people are okay with manage they are like xool they stop they don't realize they should call
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in and show support. with the parking i think it is something the city started interzone parking deliver drivers and everyone go in so keeps double parking off the streets and helps with deliveries and loading and dropping stuff off. i will have more later >> thank you very much. >> commissioner koppel and imperial and diamond. reference an existing location we had comments to which this is regarding the irving street store. lot of concerned residence denials manage in. and residential. and a chinese neighborhood.
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churches in obsuspicion. i think people are still demon iegz the dispense easier. if you look if walking down the street it is just a store that people go in and buy stuff and leave temperature is a store like any other store on taraval. and -- don't think that we rubber stamp all of these. commissioner morand i have been up here for every cannabis dispensary we heard and when we look at is the operators. we shot one down. and we were not satisfied with the answers that the operator was giving us. they had no experience. they were not able to answer simple questions did in the feel they were ready to run the business so we denied them. don't think we are up here rubber stamping theseen though they are legal and essential businesses but we do take the
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neighborhoods in account and all locations there have not been incidents that certain people claim will happen. again, i feel good this is an existing already operating operator that has experience in san francisco. with good neighbor polzs and neighborhood ambassador. it will make the neighborhood safer i'm in support. and we are liking to see these more spread out. they have been in the mission. or in south of market in the eastern neighborhood and we want to see them spread out through the city if possible. thank you. >> commissioner imperial. >> yea. >> and again thank you for all the neighbors i'm one of the neighbors i live around the area. here at the planning commission there has been what commissioner koppel mentioned a lot of
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dispense easier approved in market the mission and bayview. north beach, marina area. and your occurrence access to drugs or as you call it, it again harkening in terms of back in the 1980s when the complaints against drugs. it important and perhaps i realize should be per of recommendation to the office of cannabis in terms of education of american in itself. of course, there are just like alcohol. you know you need to use it in moderation. but in terms of the affect of marijuana to the crimes i think there has been data it has been little affect. so i think the big stigma is
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still role real and whether it is the office of cannabis to have that education about marijuana in its and include the drug war. for had project i hope tell be in the grounds floor area. i'm glad that have funds i partnership with gold mirror. in this the 19th avenue there are vickant retail areas over there. and i thought it would be more appropriate if this is in the ground floor rather than the second floor where it will be more noticeable. i would say. and the same time more niyamasable security or or
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any kindses of you know [inaudible]. i think for me this is i think it would add to the community. i think the fear of around community the access i think again that should be part of the education that i hope they -- equity part of good neighbor policy i'm in full support of this andiel. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner, commissioner diamond. why thank you. wanted to make general observations and then had one suggestion for word changeo the conditions. >> so the arguments we heard are very similar to ones all over
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the city. families with kids live all over the city and all are concerned about preschools and youth activity and children who walk by. and we are making an effort as a city to ensure that cannabis shops are not concentrate in the one part of the city but spread equally throughout. we have rowels about buffer zones the city chosen not to have preschools as part of that consideration. ir rescue noise there are preschools across the street that is not the rules what we are following at the moment. i will say that there is one dharn was raised today and it it is a concern i raised the left time we had this, which is when it is just a store, which is what it is supposed to be like a store like any other store. i do have a concern had people
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leave and smoke on the streets. which is illegal and in response to that left time we added a condition which appear to now a standard condition. condition 47 which is that at the point of the transaction the clerks in the store need to remind the purchasers they are not permitted motor vehicle when they leave the stores. at the time that i raised this issue i had suggested it would be helpful to feel have a sign as you leave the store. the reminding people you can't smoke on the streets. and i think it would be helpful if we addd that language in condition 14. i like to ask staff if they might have language that you could read to the commission or suggest to the commission so we can see if well is agreement about adding that condition 14? i do think that is a legitimate concern and we need to make sure that people who are purchasing
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are made away they can't smoke in the neighborhood. we don't have language we could have something adding after informing customers and adding visible signage. >> yes. >> visible signage as you exit the store. i don't want to be a store as you leave i like there another reminder. add that and signage? >> grit. why that i would be supportive of thank you very much with this amendment to the conscience. i will put i motion out to approve this cannabis store with the conditions as proposed with modification regarding signage that was read in the record by staff. >> second. >> >> commissioner braun and moore. >> i want to share a few small comments.
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i witnessed the growth of the cannabis stores in neighborhoods which i live exclude seen they are responsible than i have a minimal impact on the conditions in the neighborhood. and that -- they eventual low quickly -- blend in the land scape of the retail stores. i never purchased the products but wuk by and barely notice they there are and don't cause trouble. and take heart in the fact for concerns about children exposed. you know the stores had responsible low operated, it is not like children can go in the stores not like there are large advertisements on the outside of them. i'm not concerned about the impacts of the store and i think that unique about this one is that it is in the second floor. means to me the street presence of the store is likely to be smaller than usual.
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i wish the presence was on taraval but this will be a small addition to the scape and people have to continue is well to come to the store. i think there is a lot of believe and i support amendment for the signage. >> yea. >> thank you >> commissioner moore. >> participated in discussions about dispensaries for a few years, i think that when we come to our out lying neighborhoods the opposition is strong and more verbal. large are numbers of people showing up. i appreciate you taking a stand. i do appreciate you reflecting on that is in front of us. however had you think more deeply about equity and he opportunity for all there are 2 sides to the store. there is a toll low upon some
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support and equal number totally against. we sit her to deal with rules which apply equal low to all. and the place occurs the coincidental the location is already regulated and considered by many factors we have to accept as base conscience. thap is distance from schools. distance from here and well and everybody where including the didn't from dispensaries from each other. when you spend enough time up here making decision in the city we sometimes are challenged by the dips pence easier zoning minimaly separated by that is the mixture mum distance. that is had it gets complicated and we have in the city which are stressed by too many dispensaries in too close distanceful i'm not sure if you had the tune to look at the
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distribution of dispense easier across the city? in some areas a significant burden on the entire population with upon close. i will jump to another topic. this is my entire career the second dispensary on a second floor. the majority of them are on the grounds floor. and if i would imagine given opposition i heard from you today and it is appreciated if this dispensary would be grounds floor in your neighborhood you would be more opposed than that is in front of you. i think we need to be clear about that. this dispensary will be hard low noticeable and people who know about it gallon there. and do what they need to do and that is their choice and legal in california. for you as a general by passer you will heard low notice it.
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and i'm not making an excuse. but i believe that tuck it away in the neighborhood is need by the best way of doing it. the one question i had -- is that i don't upon understand the circulation. of how that is going to work. is the architect he were in and is the operator here? in most dispense easier and all of them, we always have a person on the grounds floor. who is watching the coming and goings including those in front of the dispensary and know consumption will be adding in our conditions. had question does not be clear for mow in this application. and nobody talked about it.
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where is the morn watches the door the entrance mou there is a stair well and ad a. on your 82.0 passed out today. there is the stair well and there is the ad a access point. and i feel like i was not sure i heard become and fourth where the ambassador would be some want them outside or within had space. we're open to like suggestions and discussion of where the best place would be like because they could be in the middle point to greet both parties come up. it does not take space and they would check people had and allow them to go to the rest of the space. rather than outside. >> would the person outside of the doors or at the top of the stairs. >> yea. >> i'm glad you pulled the door
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inside it was a door that opened to the outside which has other consequences public works that was changed i'm glad to see that otherwise it would be encroachment on the walk a discussion i had with staff this morning. and said if that works need a public permission for encroach am on the public sidewalk. original set was out swing door this is inswinging the checkpoint would be easy your i think you should speak to that including cameras so we making this operation has transparent and fortified as we are and in terms of -- right. not like anybody can wuk in. you have to prove you are allowed go well and in a manner that gives the surrounding neighborhoods a comfort. >> we had our ambassadors in haze valley they were more
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official looking. and some of the neighbors are like it seems like a lot we talked to the service provide and people dressed down now they know the names of every neighbor. some come and don't come to theship they hang outside and talk to the people greeting everybody. so -- that person is important upon person for us this is the first point of contract and make sure everybody feels comfortable and safe. and assuming that person would help the person in the wheel hair to access the mrichlt >> yea. and like an unencumbered moment from the outside to the inside. why wield have a screen allow them on see people coming from both sides if they felt member had a problem or looked lost they come outside and say hi and check them in and show them
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upstairs. >> i think those were my questions i believe it is doable and i think ultimate low the success of the operation will fly in how you interact with the community. >> yea and in reference to commissioner diamond's point. right you in we have signs all over the place about not motor vehicling and neighbors across the street and they are visual and everybody is involved and cigarette smoking we told people not to in the alley you don't know it is hard to this will is ha. and because of the dispensary we had less cigarette smoking we're able to enforce this and if somebody doesn't we take them off the list and they are not allowed come in we have a record of everybody and litering we have gone after people if they litter we know our customers will not i know you through this on the ground and give it become to them. they apologize if that does
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help. with other business i opened i never have been able to do that. so -- we do have, lot of signs and operating the same way on 18th and taraval. >> commissioner diamond yoochlt commissioner moore >> that is the charity component that we often ask about had application did not talk about it would you mind talking about it? >> i do just nonprofit for attentives can i help the kids in my community with tennis and i also work with after school program with them in the community so --. i wanted to actually ask about the operation of the dispensary we have many dispense easier talk about a charity component there are allowing neighbors of
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lesser means who have medical conditions to help with a price break. >> yes, discounts. and i have not heard that. >> nina can speak to this approximate we are involved with haze valley neighborhood and merchant association we sponsor this volkswagen christmas photos during the holiday fair had that need anything from us or wine bar weave donate as muchs we can including a space to neat is always sxoep we are discounts for access. >> i think it would be in this neighborhood great to find something addresses the nishgd that concerns. and their needs. i think to leave that open i'm not going to pin you dwhun it is is to be open the niching like any neighborhood may have a need and an accommendation that need
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football made i like you to be open. there is hurdles to over come and it was clear in the testimony but to leave yourself open to manage had is had i like to see >> absolutely. we are open to it. i think so many peep are here buzz they care and you know -- we are here to address and help every way we can. um right now in operations we do have veterans discount. we also have a part of the compassion project. that -- donates to those in need and we support other equity brands within our store as well. and yea. thank you. >> thank you. for speaking to that. imented say i'm open to working with the community and seeing when they want to see in a cannabis store when than i don't
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want to see that will make it work better. why absolutely. i appreciate you saying that. >> thank you. >> commissioner diamond. >> >> i'm having trouble hearing today because of this trans layors which were useful but the background is causing me not to hear exactly the point that commissioner moore raised i care deeply about which is where is the commune ambassador standing is that person at street level i hope and not above >> what i heard them saying they were deciding and open it a direction whether the person was at the top or on the street level. >> i don't know if you know this, if the person downstairs if there is another thing. >> i don't know. issue i had is the eyes on the street and having somebody down there and in the door way or outside the
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door way is not as person but having them down there so they see if people are litter and motor vehicle and regulate walking before they get up the stairs. so i don't know whether the exact location is inside or outside about i carrot ground floor where they see on the street there is a cannabis shop that opened near my house and the guy stand in front and he is great it adds security to the street. it is in the just a guy sometimes a woman. you know. >> the street and like regulating activity and friends low. i believe that is a wonderful feature. xu know can you confirm unless that is different than what you said >> commissioner moore asked where they were and they said not decided yet. >> we thought we couldn't have people -- heard conflicting
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things we prefer to have member on street level and because we heard it impedes the walk but nay don't need to stand an i pad screen they have may be if adult have a stool because it it is a lot of hours. >> yea. >>iel. that is manage we would be okay with. >> question for staff. you know is this regulated the commune ambassador stands? >> no. >> thank you. matthew, department staff representing on behalf of the department the liaison with the office of cannabis and per fitting. over all they can stand on the street if directed to or a desired. there has been direction based
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on the location in past projects. there is nothing that would present them from standing on the streets and also just want to mention that well is the office of cannabis has that part of the permitting press they will have a security plan that will be reviewd and then -- okay. i wanted express the strong preference be at street level not the second floor level. i support this i see nodding from the commission to have that part of the security plan southboundeds like that is a coming phase of your application. get machine at the grounds floor. >> okay. we have a motion i don't see other handles up. i think we are ready to vote. >> very good. there is a motion seconded approve project with conditions amended include. signage condition read in the record by staff.
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we recommendation that the ambassador at the street level. commissioner braun. >> aye >> commissioner ruiz. >> aye >> commissioner diamond. >> aye >> commissioner imperial >> aye yoochl commissioner koppel. >> aye yoochl commissioner moore yoochl aye >> commissioner tanner >> aye >> that motion passes and concludes. >> we are adjourned. thank you.
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our clerk is mr. victor young and it has been a pleasure working with you colleagues and clerk young the last couple of years as chair of ruleless. thank you for your service and your work. our -- same goes for deputy city attorney ann pierson. >> clerk, do you have announcements. >> yes it is board and committees hybrid meetings. while providing remote access via phone. the board recognizes equal access is essential and take public comment first will be taken on each item. those in person allowed to speak first then those waiting on the phone. watching 26, 28, 78 or 99 and the call in number is streaming. the number is 415-554-0001 then
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access code: 2481 9318934 ## you will hear the meeting discussions but muted and in listening mode onliful when your item come up. and public comment is called those in person lineup to speak and those on the line dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. >> if you submit by e mail tell be forwarded to the supervisors and part of the official file. you may sxhentds u.s. mail to
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city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244, san francisco, california 94102. >> thank you. mr. young. our deputy city attorney is reviewing the latest version of the military equipment policy why don't we call items 3-6 together out of order. >> item 3, motion appointing engardio to the golden gate highway and transportation district board of directors. item 4 is a motion apointing engardio term ending december first of 23 as alternate to the california state association of counties. item 5 is a motion appointing hilary ronen termening june 30 of 23 to the bay area government executive board. item 6 is a motion appointing
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supervisor preston term ending february 4, 2026 to the local agency formation commission. item 7 is motion appointing connie chan as an alternate to the san francisco local agency formation commission. i did not call for 7 this is okay, mr. young. is there public comment on any of these appointments of members of the board of supervisors tonies various bodies of california state association of counties the bay area government. lafco, the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district. anybody in chambers who would like to comment. is there remote comment on items 3-7. >> members of the public who are on the phone line, listening remote call 415-554-0001, access code: 2481 9318934 ##.
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forthose in the queue wait until the system indicated have been unmuted that may begin your comments we have one caller. >> first speaker. please. >> david pilpel 2 comments on item 3. not clear to me why this would be a committee report the next meeting of the bridge district board is not until end of february i did not seat urgency for this to go as a committee report for tomorrow and in the sure if supervisor chan can participate in item 7. other then and there that i have no objection to the proposed appointments and -- possible low reappointments. thanks. >> public comment is closed.
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why i did not originally call it we will not vote on it where supervisor chan present. with that i will make a couple of housekeeping amendments. on item 3 -- we need to conform the in title with language within the motion. and so i will move to amend as line 9. the date 2023 to 2025. on that motion a roll call, please? >> yes. on that motion. supervisor chan? >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> and then item 5.
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i will make a motion to remove the word in the long title at line 3 as an alternate. replace with the letter, a, a member and line 9 to turn seat 3 into seat 2 and strike the word, alternate. so this it is clear that supervisor ronen is being appointed seat 2 not an alternate seat but permanent seat. i'm informs that is in the a substantive change a roll call, please. >> on that motion. supervisor chan? >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. the motion passes without objection. okay. and then i want to thank the
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clerk of the board of supervisors for putting out the survey of supervisors to serve on the outside board and commissions. and for the individual members who have aplied filling a number of long-term vacancies i want to thank supervisor engardio for stepping up to joiz supervisor mandelman in a number of outside bodies abag and the association of counties as well as supervisor ronen. approximate with those amendments can we take items 3-6 together. and sends them with recommendation as committee reports? as amended in the cases 3 and 5 on that multifaceted motion mr. clerk a roll call, please.
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>> one moment. if you don't mind i have been getting i -- sorry my apologies. there were indications that supervisor ronen was going to step down in favor of supervisor melgar. >> i have not heard a word of that and i have no e mails to that affect and i know nothing of it. i had my staff meet thanksgiving morning i'm up-to-date on my e mails as of 9:58 in morning. and this it is news to me. and if they would like to do that they can make that suggestion at the full board tomorrow and we can be send it become if this is the case. >> yes. why my apologies i was trying to -- not heard a word until this moment and the show is going on. >> okay. >> i believe item 3 will be upon recommend as amended committee
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report. item 4, will be recommend as a committee report. item 5 will be recommend as a report and item 6 will be recommended as committee report. on those motions, supervisor chan. >> aye. >> my apol joes i vote while there is -- discussion going on. one minute. we will recess for 2 >> we'll reconvene rules for today january 30, 2023. and let me start by rescinding my motion that we were just
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about to vote on. and -- i would like to offer an amendment to item 5 already amended once. to replace rumor was true, mr. young, supervisor hillary ronen with supervisor melgar for seat number 2 to the association of bay area governments. why don't and then i once we vote on i will do this the same motion i would like to make that motion and continue item 5 to the next meeting of the rowels committee alcohol be chaired by supervisor dorsey. on that motion to substitute supervisor melgar for supervisor ronen for the appointment to abag item 5 a roll call, please.
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>> and this is also vote for the others. why only an amendment to item 5 and congress that item to this committee >> item 5, to amend and continue to the next meeting of rowels committee, on that motion supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> now i will make a motion to sends item 3 as amended as i committee report, item 4 as a committee report. item 6 as a committee report with recommendation for tomorrow's board of supervisor's meeting. on that motion a roll call, please. >> yes, on that motion, supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye.
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>> the motion passes without objection. >> and while item 7 has been called we'll go to that later on this morning's agenda. mr. clerk this should be quick. lieutenant and council from the sheriff's department. could you read item 2. >> yes, item 2 an ordinance amending the administrative code a city policy against seek sez iingination letters from importance seeking or being considered for appointment or reappointment to city boards and commissions and other city bodies. >> thank you, mr. young. this ordinance is sponsored chiefly by supervisor preston and cosponsored by a number of other supervisors including myself. and with that supervisor preston the floor is yours. >> thank you so much, chair
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peskin and vice chair mandelman and supervisor chan for hear thanksgiving today. thank you chair peskin for your cosponsorship of this. approximate we don't have a formal presentation on the item but i have remarks. colleagues, i introduced this ordinance in response to last year's revelation that the mayor was requesting undated resignation letters from a number of appointed commissioners as her discretion. max carter blew the whistle on this practice approximate thanks to him the letters collected by mayor's office were deemed unenforceable. when this came to light, i believe that the practice was a problem. on various levels including some later highlighted by the city attorney's office and the public memo issued in this matter. first, requiring a commissioner to sign an undate letter that can be filed any time.
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places appointed commissioners at risk of undue it influence by appointing authority. regardless what the mayor and representatives have said regarding their plans to use these letters there is in reason we should leave the decision whether to use undated resignation letter to the whims of an appointing authority. for the police mission and others this contradicted the city charter. which states specific low that the board of supervisors must approve00 autoremoval of any police commissioners even police commissioners appointed by the mayor. and this is not spelled out in the city attorney's memo. i found the practice a problem because it underminds the purposes of many of our commissions. commissioners and other
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appointees should feel empowered provide meaningful oversight and guidance to our departments. otherwise, what is point? so, in order to address the issues the legislation before you will set forth as city policy that an appointing authority may not ask or require a person's seeking appointment to a mission or other city body to prepare or submit a letter of residence ignition prior to our as a condition of their appointment. it clarifies the decision whether to resign from a committee or city body rests with the appointee even if the authority asks resignation. my hopes the ordinance will help avoid situations like what we saw unfold last september. and prevent this from coming up in the future x. that tell top about appointing authority
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requesting undated residence ignition letters from their commissioners in an attempt to exert control over them. as i wrap up on this, i would be remiss not to recognize that the circumstances giving raise to this legislation or related the extremely personal changes that were being occurred to ban pretext stops the police commission passed a few weeks ago this come left week as you all know the memphis police department released vo of police officers beating a black man to death after a pretext stop it is important we ban pretext stops here in san francisco and the police mission come commissioner cart or to enact the policy banning pretext stop in san francisco in spite of the political pressure he was facing
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exetch foils why it is crucial to make sure commissioners use independent judgment as they w with community with stake hold and city diameters and elected officials to credit nuance but transformational policies. with that, happy to answer questions our city attorney is also here if there are legal quos temperature i thank deputy city attorney an pierson for their work in putting this together. thank my cosponsors president peskin and also supervisors walton and ronen and also. to rescue noise and thank my legislative aid for her work on that. thank you. >> thank you supervisor preston, supervisor mandelman. >> thank you chair peskin. it sometimeless the case on this
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body have a dprn view and will not support the ordinance today. i question whether it is necessary. in that -- the letters that were requested appear to have been ineffective and appear to have been a protection that the -- several mayoral administrations have sought in error about whether the letters many anything at all. my take away is different from some off body i'm not oshg felonieded the mayor's office and this area and others have sought some way of ensure a mechanism to remove more easy low remove appointees not doing
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that the executive wanted those appointees doing on commissions where the mayor may have a narrow majority. i think -- there are commissions and commissions there are commissions this have you quasi ajudeicate function and policy and hiring and firing functions and i think my feeling about what the mayor's authority to try to pull out one of her appointise dependses on what the different functions of the commission are. the police department case and police commission case, public safety now is i think if not the issue of the concern it san franciscans. they look to the mayor to set policy and run hear police department in a way that
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advances criminal yesterday reform and keeps francescas save. because of the way our charter works she no longer apores to be alined with the majority of the commission over seeing a department that in some version of a chart is above. >> that is challenging and i think when i think about the problem with san francisco i'm not seeing excess of executive mirrial authority i see a government disuneified. run through a number of commissions that you know that
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seem to independent. it took chair peskin a lot of work and effort to rairn in one commission that probably ought to be most low independent. it is not setting policy. general low should be insulated from us unless until they are doing things that are insane. so i thought this was an interesting issue a complicated one and was in the deeply oshg fenldzed by what the mayor's office was trying to do even though it was ineffectivism don't feel the mead to vote and will not be today. >> thank you for sharing that
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view, supervisor mandelman. and it is a thorny concept within i'm not speaking pacific he about resignations in the larger context of the diffuse gentlemanal structures we have with an executive and legislative branch and devolved 4 and authority to a number of commissions. having said that, and this come from my view and experience with a breadth of different commissions in the city and outside the city. the notion of the exercise particular low in quasi judicial bodies. of independence is pair mount. i was chagrinned a number of years ago as a member of the california state coastal commission. when i found out that one of my colleagues having trouble in vast political pressure over what was to my mind and a major of commissioner's mind a fair and just application of the california coastal act as related a project. this individual confided in me that the reason this commissioner was having trouble come least low agreed ha -- i was right on the issue. was because she had signed such a residence ignition letter i found to be profound low
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troubling. she ultmitt low did cast her vote for the right thing and was not fired or undated residence ignition letter was in the used against her. it was high prosecute file project on california's coast. which -- you know was going to i think harm the interest of californians and i have seen the same thing on san francisco's planning commission which is when lead to the passage of prop d in 2003 when then mayor brown would tell his commissioners how to vote on items. and the public manage in for fair impartial hearings on the application of the law, were getting screwed and lead to a distrust in san francisco's gentleman and that is why we created the charter provisions
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the voters voted for in the face of a wave of money that allowed those commissioners to actually vote their conscious pursuant to the law. and i would say that -- the trust and confident in the planning commission has increased great low since those days. for all of those reasons, and i understand supervisor mandelman's larger concerns about the role of the executive that people vote for, i am a proud cosponsor of item 2. and i will not belabor it why don't we open public comment on this, oops sorry, victor. supervisor preston you want to say something. >> okay. why don't we open up public ment on item 2 and get back to ab481. >> yes. members of the public had wish
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to speak and join nothing person line up to speak at this time. for those remote call 415-554-0001, access code: 2481 9318934 ##. >> we have one person for public meant at this time. >> please, come forward >> good morning member of the board of prierzs thank you so much for the time for public comment on this. i'm michael a district 9 resident. a mont okay launchedage anticaucus and proud of this mission. everything you said president peskin thank you very much. for your comments this is the reason i'm here to support item
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twom and passage. but thank you all for the time to listen to me. have a good morning >> thank you. >> are there remote speakers for this item? >> we have 4 persons not guilty line for remote public comment. >> first caller? thank you, good morning why the organization seek preempive resignations and bodies credits limitations on the individuals ability to make decisions. people seeking appointment or reappointment should not being forced give the authority collateral like a resignation all right to be ash pointed. city commission and boards meant top have oversight duties and take input. the individuals have residence
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ignition letters can prevent inspect decisionmaking based on data and public concern and lead to bend to the will of authorities or face extreme pressure that under mines the function of commissions and city bodies to fulfill duty and responsibilities. porcommissioner burton former chair called it, horse shit. the pressure residence ignition can condition strain commissioners and, pointes from meeting with members of the public. we witnessed this play out with mayoral appointise for the police commission through the mayor's unsuccessful attempt its derail the review process. leverage in this influence. [inaudible] attempt to deriwhat commissioner carter was lookinga the and the other appointise refuse to meet with community
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members and [inaudible] from very misleading statements about the dgo and derail and under mine that process. the city structure can trust they are making decisions based on evidence and feedback and pressure and threats. we ask yes on this ordinance. thank you. >> this is chad i strategyly support this ordinance. undated residence ignition letter system contrary to accountability. our commissioners approximate board members are to be autonomous and to intercept and over see city guidelines that nobody else should be interfearing w. pass this ordinance this is basic ethics
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of government of thank you so much. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning i'm brent turner i'm speaking on [inaudible] the behalf of the [inaudible] lgbt lgbt anticorruption caucus express full support with sproirz preston regard thanksgiving matter the events rerolled the past few months forcing predated residence ignition letters on appointees is another case of corrupting forces, controlling the san francisco county government. the equation of the overly clever mayor and clever city attorney and now all powerful board president work nothing tandem to circumvent the charter and public interests left the public exaceerated we theed the
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political players use the resignation letters part of the [inaudible] to control appointees. to note the severity nancy pelosi's chief of staff [inaudible] from the power and intimidation of the current mir there were 20 victims as well as the publics. woe real noted [inaudible] and stacking of this commission by supervisor peskin working with mir breed. the public [inaudible] and [inaudible] we are better than this. we can do better than this. the public rejects the sentiment others have done this dirty deed therefore it is acceptable. thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> hey this . is chris i want to call in put my 2 cents appointed to a city commission. this ordinance is absolutely necessary. it is i basic matter. ethic in how our city works the point of, pointing people to commissions they have expertise or sfrns that is useful not for them to be proxy of the elected official who appointed them. there should be independence there. and i think the [inaudible] brought up it is like in addition to the mayor appointing police commissioner and the chief and to have this and have the commissioners with the threat of resignation any moment. this is not a billions in the government. i think the ordinance is necessary. and would like to [inaudible]. thank you very much. >> thank you. why can we have the next caller?
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>> good morning allen calling and i'm calling to support the comments of my supervisor, supervisor mandelman. to hear supervisor preston talk about how this will help guard undue influence on commissions seems absurd to the public. we just watch third degree board 5 months before [inaudible] her appointment was expired watched this board shove her through and so, we think that undue influence this is i bad thing we need to avoid it but you need to look inworried not out ward when you are trying to correct this. that's my comments. thank you, supervisors. >> thank you. can we have the next caller?
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hi i'm edward i live and work in san francisco the last 10 years and organize and tech worker coalition sad to hear the board believes this is positive mechanician for appointmenting commissions and. and not the mayor's department and responsible for everyone time the p d killed someone. responding where the victim and person attacking the victim escalate the situation. be clear sfpd is in the a model of reform the not foolish to say they don't appear antipolice those antipolice violence and create public safety for all. this ordinance is absolutely necessary and i support it.
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thank you. can we have our caller. great. david pilpel you thank you is a good approach in law this discipline not cover busied created by resolution. there men a few bodies that advise the board that were created by resolution i don't think we are doing that anymore. nor does it cover passive meeting bodies in the sunshine. i would suggest that you consider dub indicating the file. and amend it in the future. were make it explicit. defined in this legislation that are appointed by the board of supervisors arbitrate of submit resignation letters to the clerk of the board. so it is clear.
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this that is where the residence ignition letters should be directed and final low, i would encourage to you ask the city attorney to rescueicize this with 1.57 the online data base of piments to bodies. it is important to keep that data base updated so any resignation letter should be prompt low trig are an update to that data base so this vacancy can be known. along with the maddy act and other vac analysisy posting and timing requirements. so. there is a small but important area of law related appointments resignations and vickanceies for various bodies not just boards and commissions but add sunrise row body and wanted to suggest all of that be harmonized.
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thank you very much for listening. >> thank you. that was our last remote caller. public comment is closed and final comments supervisor preston. >> thank you chair peskin i want to thank everyone who called in. i will say that i thought we had really come together to in agreement of the under lying practice here was a problem. i think upon even the mayor's office representatives when they came before the gao committee on these practices vowed not to condition them. the city attorney's memo i referenced earlier made clear. and so i will say i'm disappointed hear any defense of this practice. i think this is the kind of back room approaches and potential
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manipulation of commissioners that stands in the way of change and leads people to lose faith in government. i do want to note that you know this is today the first time i'm hearing at my office heard concerns from any colleagues about this ordinance. again i thought this was something we come together and decided it would be good to be moving forward with clarity and make sure this does not happen again. on the issue -- around the mayor's power. i want to issue clear and don't anyone to wuk away thinking the mayor lacks the power to remove a commissioner. you know the mayor has the power to remove someone she ash pointses she has to follow the chart exert go through the process. that is set fourth and follow the law.
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that dependses on the commission and appointment hat rules are. when we don't get to do is circumvent the rowels whether the board president or the mayor or whatever the a pointing authorities you don't ignore the rowels. require an undated resignation letter this sits on your desk you can file when a commissioner does something you don't, prove of. the other thing is this ordinance does not bar an appointing authority from ask for a resignation. to the extent that the mayor or whoever the authority is displeased with the conduct of an appointed commissioner, they are fro and it is in the ordinance, they are still fro to ask for a resignation. when they can't do is require an undated residence ignition letter to hold on and hang over the head of commissioners who are supposed to be engaged in
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inspect in exercise of their judgment. so. i will just close by saying that -- if people believe there is a problem with the removal procedures something that needs to be addressed. you than is a conversation we can have bring forward a principle. we can't have a situation where apointing authority the mayor this mayor or future mayor board of president, future board presidents come up with these type of ways to circumvent the system of removing lay outside in the charter. i urge support, thank you very much. >> thank you. and with that -- why don't we have a roll call on a motion to send item 2 to the full board with a positive recommendation mr. young call the roll. >> yes. on that motion. supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman.
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>> no. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes with supervisor mandelman dissenting in committee. could you read item 1. yes. an ordinance amending the if an apology needs of law enforcement equipment the sheriff's consistent with the crip tear naacp why in state law and the use of equipment policy. >> the sheriff's department not for that little procedural hiccup before the meeting started i would have taken you in the order that were on the agenda as item 1. thank you for your patience. moreover and important low thank you to sheriff and his staff. and counsel for hai think has been a really model process
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around our implementation of bill 481. which this committee well knows was quite electy and difficult. in the case of the previous ab481 policy. that the police department brought that -- ended up with initial headlines and not only a half a dozen different hearing in this committee but appearances at the board of supervisors that has not marked the case with the sheriff's department -- that with little w on mine and my staff's part. ir thank and acknowledge my staff for his work on this. was a model in so farz the sheriff's department work directly and clantive with the american friends's service committee and did so and
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listened and there was a back and forth. which resulted in the updated equipment will list policies that are before us this morning that were amended as early as 5:50 a.m. today. and while i will not speak on behalf ofien fer tu, i'm in receipt of e mills from her i think share the sentiment that ronnie singh at the sheriff's office andllow lute coons have listened and adjusted accordingly. having said that, i don't think that there is totalune millenniumity but close and i will repeat the words that weutters relating to the police department's military equipment policies. which is this this it is the baseline first time out.
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these policies will come become to this board of supervisors as required under law. each year, so there are opportunity to do that. and now i will drill down in irrelevant when i think is the only remaining issue having to do with a half dozen unused submachine guns. that the heckler submachine guns the mp5 policy in the possession of the department. i think they have not been used and not operable. the sheriff's office can put in their word fist they desire that come next year i the make a slight amendment the end of calendar year. i want to line up as i said and the sheriff was fine with the police department and sheriff's
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department policies they come to this committee in the bull board at the same time and not over i period of time. that if you will come forward with additional training should you unmoth ball that weaponry. with that, colleagues, i have circulated a few amendments that i spoke to to the actual ordinance itself. one was -- to just bring the recitals on page 2 up-to-date. because a lot of things happened since this was first introduced. those strike outs on page 2 from lines 5 to 15. and then there the insertion of the fact on december 13th, the board of supervisors adopted the police department's equipment
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policy. and then based on that date, and our desire to lineup the reporting, rather than it being a year from when the board approves this policy. next week or there were, that they the report be at the board of supervisors every year by december 13th. and then we also public low discussed in the sheriff was supportive of the notion that the public public meeting held that amendment is on page 4. all of those are not substantive and for the purpose should this committee see fit, of sends thanksgiving to the full board, mr. clerk, it would include the
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policy that was submitted this morning has one deletion as it relates to chemical launchers and otherwise is the same as what has been on the department's website. and is i part of our committee package. with that, it is my pleasure to again thank and publicly acknowledge the sheriff's department for their collaborative work. may you be a model to the police department next year. and with this, lieutenant or councillor singh or if you want to say anything. the floor is yours. thank you, sheriff. >> i want to say thank you on behalf of the sheriff's office for this rules committee patience. its collaboration.
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the sheriff is present today but is upstairs viewing by teams and available if there are other questions. but i think the presentation left week and the on going commitment by our office of to engage with all the supervisors as well as you, chair, peskin and the public; highlights our sense of responsibility. in this area. of the work that we do and i think that it is very important to -- continue that collaboration and we do invite suggestions next year when we -- blow off the dust of equipment we intends to potential low reinstate and open to comments from the board but the full board and the public. >> thank you. are there members of public had would like to speak to item 1 and thank you for your patience, my apol joe this is was in the called at the beginning of our agenda as schedules.
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first speaker. >> if i make my announcement. members who wish to speak and join nothing person lineup now. if call nothing dial 415-554-0001 and access code: 2481 9318934 ##. >> request we have our in person speaker? >> thank you. good morning i'm arthur. i live in san francisco. district 9. i'm a mfbt san francisco friend's meeting otherwise known the quakers. serveos peace and social concerns committee. we believe noni have 11 confranation of injustices and peaceful reconciliation are
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superior to the use of force. law enforcement and the military also apply noni have 11 means before use of force and firearms. only if other means remain ineffective or without promise of achieving the result. we have more in common then and there differences. i'm here to support with you and work with you. thank you to the rowels mittee and the sheriff's department for your collaboration with advocates on this policy and commitment to improvement in transparency. as a quaker committed to nonviolence and human rights i'm concerned how weapons authorized for the use in san francisco jails and how use in such condition fined space. i'm interested in hearing what increased risk of injury there men for people in san francisco jails or a risk of unnecessary force on innocent bystanders may
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be detained there. interested in information on deployment and uses in the annual report location and deploy am and [inaudible]. i add haveicate per inclusion of private ratify action which means people in san francisco are affected by violations and the policies can file a civil lawsuit. decommissioning or putting real controlless on the deployment of automatic assault weapons pistols and the submachine gun and prohibition on aiming chemical agents launchers at people of >> work on this issue. where thank you. >> time is up. >> thank you. german to remote public meant wrchlt can we have the first caller. >> upon good morning. this is regina a resident of
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district 2. can you hear me? >> yes. >> thank you. i'm pleased to be able to support this ordinance. with all of the work that members of the rules committee. the american friend's service committee. the police department and the sheriffy department staff. i have in the seen today's early 550 a.m. draft but the description provided by supervisor peskin reassures me that and the sheriff's department listened very well to the community. about the needs the ordinance. i sent an e mail with resource that could be useful in the years coming. from other approximate belonging institute. which is the part of hov institute at uc beshg low
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berkeley on policing issues relevant to the ab481. and am main purpose. i recommend hato staff. my supervisor stefani staff already roached out to me and thanked mow for this restowers. it appear to be relevant and useful. i want upon to thank the sheriff's department for provide nothing their presentation pictures of objects of the rifles and the equipment that will be helpful for the be public. i want to recommend reading the letters i sent contain further comments about the annual report process. and transparency and the need for the public involvement and that. and -- i was pleased hear about the amendments and re, linement or the 2 reports will be
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>> thank you your time elapsed. >> can we get our next caller, please. >> can you hear me >> yes. >> i'm with the american friends service committee. extraordinary engage of the sheriff's office with our organization. and the development of the proposed military equipment policy. all components required for law enforcement agency principle for considering boy a body.
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>> these were very little restriction on the diployment of the submachine gun this is is a real concern to us. the department states the machine guns the primary for swat in the 80s and phased out. the weapons are being maintained and no one is authorizeed deploy. we propose to be commission the machine gun the department can in become to the board if it wishes to phase the weapon become in. short of the commissioning we propose one not deploy in the crowds. deployment respond it obstruct the light or series body low your and that variables considered prior to deploying the mp5 deter its deployment including the presence of elderly, children individuals
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with mental and physical disabilitieds. medically comprehend myselves and non-english speaking persons. and finally we have not seen that removeod chemical agent launch and ensure that the launchers are in the aimed directly. >> time elapsed. >> thank you very much. this was our last remote public call in. public comment is closed the i note the comment.s left peeshg approximate one of policy changes relative to the launchers was adopted in part at least by the sheriff's department this morning. and the submachine gun issue i spoke to earlier, and with that i will like to make ail motion to adopt the amendments that i
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discussed proposal and distributed to you nonsubstantive according to the city attorney in nature. and can be voted on today and sent at this time full board on that motion a roll call, please. >> on that motion, supervisor chan. why aye >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. i would like to make a motion to send the item as amended to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> on that motion supervisor chan. why aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> motion passes without objection. >> thank you colleagues, thank you again to sheriff and his staff. mr. clerk please read item. you read item 7. so -- i will make a motion to excuse supervisor chan for the
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rest of this meeting. >> on the motion to excuse supervisor chan. supervisor chan. excused. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion to excuse supervisor chan is approved. without objection. i will pick a motion to sends item 7 with recommendation to the full board as a mittee report for hearing tomorrow, january 31st on that motion? >> you like to confirm we have no callers on the line for item 7. >> we took public comment already. why yes. i wanted to double -check to be sure. >> item 7, supervisor chan. excused. vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you, colleagues it hen
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