tv Public Works Commission SFGTV February 11, 2023 1:30pm-4:01pm PST
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february third, 2023 the meeting at 9:34. call the roll. >> good morning. respond with her or present. newhouse-segal. >> present. why lauren post. >> here. >> paul woolford. >> front. >> and commissioner zoubi is out with know excused absence we have 3 members present. we have quorum for the public works commission due to the covid-19 health emergency and given the recommendations issued by the san francisco d. public health, and the emergency orders of the govern and the mayor concerning social distancing and lifting restrictions on
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teleconference this is via teleconference and streamed by sfgovtv. for those of you watching live stream. there is a brief time lag with the live meeting when that is shown. on behalf of the commission i like to thank the staff sfgovtv media services and building management are if assist asbestos putting on this meeting. >> for members of the public wish to make comment on an item you will be able to do that by dialing 415-554-0001 and access code: 2499 996 2299 ## note
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that you must limit your comments to the topic on the agenda of the agenda item discusses unless under the general public comment. if you don't stay on topic the chair may interrupt and ask to you limit your comment to the item. >> we ask this public comment be made in a civil and respectful sxhaern refingerprint from profanity. address remarks to the xhikz not to commissioners or staff. madam chair. >> thank you. before the next item are there requests to amend the order of today's agenda? no requests we will move on to announcements by the chair. will not surprise you i have several. first i'd like to recognize as the department has that this is
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black history month and the department is sending to the staff daily e mail profiling black san franciscans through history i find them inspiring. and thank you to those who are researching and writing them. >> i like to call out as i do, each month to the addition of the news letter. the public's attention, there are dramatic storm mitigation videos, photos and excellent text. highlights the storm recovery include prepping china town for the weekend's lounar new year celebration and the 2023 first love our city beautification workday as well as rescue niz.
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i would like to note in the work's staff how helpful it is to include the locations with the videos and photos as you are doing. the news letter is professional low produced and i like to request director gordon to come to the podium for a few remarks, please. nobody's called me directors, beforement i gotta tell my familism it know you did this on our first day we convened now that we have been here and have context for temperature if you thinked give us an over view of your department and the new letter production. >> okay, i have the public affair's communication team, half the team 10 people does construction out reach. so we make surety public is
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notified of construction projects if they have questions they can troubleshoot that. the other half is the creative team am where we do social media. we have twitter, facebook. tick to my knowledge linked in you tube are the main once we use. the annual report. we do production of will my stone events. when the left steel beam is raised we do those evans. coordinate with the mayor's office and city departments on joint projects and handle press inquiries. for the news letter come out the last dave month. distribution of 25,000 goes out. you opt in but we feet on our website and social modia. you click in that way. we try to talk about what we did
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over the past month and have it diverse for the department not just the operation's often is the one i will catch people's attention and do it the new street scapes finished. new civic buildinges floating fire station or traffic company they get highlighted for the production of it. my team is is amazing the work he does started as an intern 12-then years ago before i started here and we are looking how to improve t. from almost like a news letter that went out now it is embedded with vos and photos and dynamic news letter. some do, legality of writing but it it is a collaborative project. i do most of the writing others as well and sit next to each other and go over it. the great thing about this program we are using is you can
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make because it is digital we can make edits any time. after it is post federal someone says that's not what happened. orment to add something we can. a wonderful thing about the program. we add vos to the love our city story you mentioned the neighborhood beautification day that chris from urban forestry talking to aville tear and stars they came in later. we were able to add those yesterday t. is a dynamic project that we are working of i don't know if you have questions. thank you, it is our very favorite things to do. thank you very much. i find the news letter valuable for a couple reasons which is why i like to call it out not
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for shining a spotlight on dpw's activities but also it demonstrates the department's frungzs and professionalism. and i think it is taxpayer indication of how their funds are spent. general fund and other revenues are spent i think it serves many purposes i thank the department for it. >> i have several meetings one with be racial alonzo from the city add administrator's office about our commission and the sanitation and street communication and coordination going forward. you will see the results of this meeting in the weeks and months ahead i and secretary fuller try to incorporate the offices suggestions. i started the first among low meeting with the chair of sanitation and streets to be
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aware of the respective commission business we are involved with and share information of mutual interests. the first month low meeting with interrim director insure to go over projects and inquiries with her. and further, i had an informative consultation with deputy city attorneys regarding requests i had i needed clarification regarding our protocols such as open and closed session. committee formation and membership. things like that. again, we are all learning as we g. i am and we may see slight changes to what we are able to do and like to do but deputy city attorney tom is creative and helpful in guidance i'm not worry body us performing our function as citizens of the staechl upon finally, i will
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work with secretary fuller and director short on our commissioner requests for information. which i asked for the most. and how we best incorporate these requests in our meeting schedule and consolidate them with, department presentations given our full calendar and all the items that get planned some will never be postponed due to time contrants our calendar is now a working document for secretary full and short and i to set agendas for meetings rather than set in stone. that concludes my announcements. item 1. secretary fuller call that item. >> the item 1 is the commission secretary's report. and the 2 main items i have on the secretary's report is that
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the fairness and hiring training has been distributed to commissioners. last week. this is an important train to prepare for the impending interviews the commissioners will hold with department director candidates. and it should be helpful in making sure we have a fair and open process for each those candidates. later this spring. jot second item is an announce am about our meeting calendar that is at the march third meeting official low rescheduled to march first at 9 a.m. in room 400. tell run we have a brief meeting planned from 9-11 due to room availability. i like to thank the commissioners, staff and all of the support staff for
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responsiveness in getting this meeting schedule so we have a meeting in early march where we can make quorum and dot business. that concludes my report i'm theme take questions. >> thank you. any questions? all right. thank you very much. please open public comment on this item. >> members of the public had wish to comment on item 1 the secretary's report may line up against the wall if present. if you are calling in dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2499 996 2299 ##. to raise your handled press star
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3. in the hearing room no one approached to be heard on this item. sfgovtv, do we have members who have expressed interest in speaking on this item? >> am we don't have any members of public wish to speak on this item. this concludes public comment. >> thank you. we will move on to item 2. secretary fuller call this item. >> item 2, general public comment, and members of the public may address the commission on topics within the subject matter of the commission but in the part of any agenda item today. comments specific to an item on the agenda may be heard when
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that item is considered. members of the public may address at this time commission for up to 3 minutes and general public comment may be continued to the end of the agenda if speakers xoed 15 minutes of general public comment. members of the public had wish to comment milineup against the wall. if in the chamber. if you are calling in, ghaen number is 415-554-0001, access code: 2499 996 2299 ##. press star 3 to raise your hand. no members of public have shown an interest in speak nothing general public comment. sfgovtv do we have callers
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wishing to speak? it appear we don't have callers there is no public comment. general public comment. >> thank you. now move on to item 3 secretary fuller call that item. >> item 3. the director's report. interrim director chara short is here to present and this is an informational item. >> good morning. carla short. well are a hand full of topics today. as mentioned by chair post and the left time we meet the chinese new year parade will take place tomorrow evening the first float from second and market streets at 5:15 they weave through the financial district and union square and at
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jackson and kearney around 8 p.m. san francisco the biggest lunar new year parade outside of asia and the biggest of the year we are involved. with clean up before and after. we will have 50 people on the job street cleaners and struck drivers working a core graphed operation involve being manual work and truck worse the last in the parade. we wrap it up. with following the marching bands and floats. we'll activate our department operation center allows us to practice and train staff in emergency to prepare us for upcoming emergencies. and we did act i have last touring the storm evenly if you watch the parid in person i hope you will stick arnold to see the final float in form of our cleaners. >> as chair post mentioned we kicked off our neighborhood
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beautification daych the 23 season of love our citizen. workday brought out over 100 community participates including high schoolers and young kids. we were joined by supervisor safai and the chair sanitation and streets commission and public ws employees who helped on their day off i'm proud to see our staff who choose to work on a saturday with colleagues. it was a good event. a lot of great energy and good work done in district 11 neighborhoods. you are able, we would love to seeow february 11, in the mission and bernal heights the kickoff is 9 a.m. at john o'connell high school. there has been press about neighbor installed sidewalk benches in bernal heights. the interest stem from street
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inspection team the fronting property ordinance notices of violation because of the benches put in without permits. interesting situation. am i think in light of chair post requests for a report how to make it easy for community members seek to improve their neighborhood whether with murals street furnishing or other thing and to novemberigate the press. bernal bench issue was through a 311 complaint on mirbell avenue. inspectors remember cop peled responded. city codes approved by the board of supervisors are requiring the permit for any sidewalk installation. it is a have a lagz of sounds we notified the property owner and explained how to be in compliance and alert them to penalty fist than i don't comply. the 311 complaint was one address our inebb sentor had
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other like violations near by and took action. we had to address the complaint we understand the benefit this is benches can bring to a neighborhood. we are now working with supervisor ronen's staff to bring the bench in comlines. the property owners to scour a minor encroach am permit that costs 1400 dollars the board can wave the fee and electric at carvingor an exception for public benches. we are exploring other options issue analysis of director's order. an internal in house pass to legitimize the beverages with guide lines. we create the guideline and publish them and as long as you install them in the guidelines a separate per mitt would not be required. we get guidance from the city attorneyos that option and if there are other options to
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explore. adding a bench to the right-of-way may not seem like an ambiguous deal wo have to make sure it does not conflict with ad a or pose hazards. we need to make sure that legal liability is ape fine to the sponsor of the bench and not the city and understanding that the bench may need to be remove federal in the way of utility w or sidewalk reper ses. what happens if the bench becomes a blight. who is responsible for that maintenance or removal. there are other consideration. we had a lot of cases where people built benches around street trees we need to make sure the bench will not harm the health of the tree. it is fascinating when something that is simple like installing a sidewalk bench layers with the need of the issues. watch that said we are eating and willing to work with the
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community and think for these notices of violation we are giving more time to come in compliance with the hope we have a solution for everyone. we given them an april 30 dead line and hopeful low will have a solution before then. >> as chair post noted black history month kicked off this past wchldz those du know daily e mails are created boy staff for staff. so it is a really empowering process for our staff who vanish involved with this committee. they noted in one of the first e mails we come a long way in public works to foster an environment with inclusion. black history among provides an opportunity to develop better understanding of our culture and others and prosecute mote environment of tolerance. as well as home and the
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community. and with this, that's my director's report. let me know if you have questions. >> thank you very much. and thank you for the explanation about the upon bench situation. i think i will address this when mr. hub is buffers later in the meeting. i think time upon is what concerns a lot of people. if is not necessary low department responsiveness as much as the time it takes to get permits. so i appreciate anything you can do in this neighborhood's situation. to help them get their benches a. s. a. p. all of the considerations one must have before solemning a new bench up makes sense and all in the public interests. so, to the billions but i guess we think it is you said in the months ahead as we look at and how we can speedup permitting for things that the community
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has a need for and desire for that are reason. thank you. questions or comments before we open to the public? >> secretary fuller, open public comment. >> members of the public had wish to make comment on item threat director's report may line up against the wall. if in the chamber. if you are call nothing dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2499 996 2299 ## press star 3 to raise your hand.
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there is no one wish toing speak we have no further public comment. thank you very much. anything else? secretary fuller call the next item 4. >> item 4 is the consent calendar of routine matters. it includes the upon machines from january 20, 2023 meeting of the commission. a contract modification and a contract award. the minutes have been corrected clarify the chair's announcements the director's report and elements of special around commissioner requests for item 3. 6 and 7 and 9.
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and related to the contract modification item 4b and the contract award item 4c. the contracts values are above the 1 million dollars threshold for xhrgz everconsideration by commission is below the 5 million dollars to be heard individually. in this is with the contract delegation policy adopted by this commission. >> of course all scene calendar items can be heard upon request. adoption of the consent calendar and all resolutions contained is an action item. >> thank you. i wanted thank mr. romero for answering some questions you sent head regarding 4b the kitchen renovation and hoping he may be here for a couple more
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questions or someone who works with him could answer a couple more questions. iot project manager romero is available over web ex to answer any questions but not able to be physically here today. why thank you. good morning mr. romero. he is present. mr. romerover could up unmute yourself to show we have a connection.
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a pierce he is unmuted but i'm not hearing a signal, unfortunately. okay. my questions are general. for mr. [inaudible] [inaudible] [laughter] i will make them more general. >> deputy director of building for public works [inaudible] and city architect. apologize for inability to connect with i van romero the architect and i heard that dennis who is out in the field who is going to make his way here but i don't see him yet. i will do my best >> okay. il cast them generally.
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one was this regards why the project was delayed. will not be completed when everybodimented it to be. but given the age of the kitchen it was 10 years, i question had we have expected unforeseen conscience such as moisture damage and seismic up grid and increase budgeting for this or is budgeting so tight that luxury like unforeseen circumstances have to be narrowly defined >> the budgets are always time we do our best to explore ahead of time to uncover these anticipated or unanticipated conscience out in the field, we are challenged in the justice sector in terms of access because of the occupants. and a lot of times things are
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that far buried into the fabric of the building so. often we will have unforeseen all be it may be not unpaymented you about unforeseen in terms of uncovered during the abatement phase or demo phase i'm sure that is hatranspyred here in terms of adding to the scope. >> thank you. my other question you may not know this but it was why the sheriff's scope expansion was requested so late in the process and perhaps lessons learnod the project on working with cliendzs earlier and often throughout the project to ensure that last minute requests have a significant impact don't
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surprise the dpw project team. >> i don't know the particulars of this one there are different stake holders and a measure of that i remember walking throughout site a time ago and seeing and the spill over of inspirational affects that -- may or may not got in the scope. i think as we got in the construction and some of the other impacts prebl put more pressure on incorporating those additional scopes. it is forever tension to go back and forth on that is in and out in terms of had will be within the budget. and some of those tension points break through during construction. i imagine that it is had was
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going on. and then given all the regular requirements, you know once you take that first step inspect this direction you have ad a requirements that ripple through and mush room and -- the scope. we do our best to engage and do have consistent engagement with stake hold and try to understand the priorities. sometimes those precious break through in times during construction. >> okay. thank you i understand dpw is put in an approximate suspicion of saying no and -- which is not an easy position to be in. okay. thank you very much. this is in the the first time the questions have been asked and in the the left t. is other than commissioner wolf ford who is between us his whole career.
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i am still learn and appreciate this you pointing out. i want to understands why delays help this is means the cost guess up and few are dollars for another project a have you to the public. why yes, and i do really appreciate your requests because it affords an opportunity to daylight the nuance this is get burr ed in the activity we live with and the general public may not know we can highlight challenge and how we address them. i appreciate every one of your questions. why that is gracious. thank you. why and thank you to mr. romero for answering earlier questions. that completes my questions other. >> commissioner segal? >> yes, so this is a question
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about prefer not you. as far as i'm concerned can you sit down. so it is my experience this if we want have questions or discussion about something from on the consentical dar at the beginning of the meeting it is always pulled. and put it on the general calendar. and that way your questions lead to questions from the public or publicly they did and it is tree in the this way. does not have to be a huge agenda item but to me this is it does not electric like a consent calendar item. >> i see. i know there will be public comment on this consent calendar before we have a vet to approve it. and i do appreciate your thoughts. i want to try to avoid pulling
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things to regular if it is just questions -- i love like to keep it on consent. deputy city attorney are we skirting the rowels for consent if we ask these questions of a consent calendar item? >> good morning. deputy city attorney tom. i think there is in the a scientific answer to the question but i think the pin is that well taken that the more discussion you have on an item in the consent calendar the more perhaps could be viewed a nonconsentical dar item. there is probably the hard to identify a black letter or rule on that. segal are you comfortable keep thanksgiving on consent today. why i'm not suggesting we remove
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it i'm speak burglar in the future that we give notice to the public at the beginning of the meet thanksgiving is removed and you know. sometimes a commission or body as made the 40 things on consent and they are just a list that's how they get on consent. it is efficient and the public knows that there will not be how they will be handled. there are many things on regular calendar that can go really fast. does in the money there has to be huge report and discussion on the general calendar >> thank you. i will work on item this is are on consent we had have on the regular calendar i appreciate your question and we will think about that, thank you y. this
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the first time i've seen this here. you are doing fine. >> we are all doing upon fine. >> all right. i think now if there are no further questions or comments we will open public comment. a motion, please first to approve the consent calendar. >> so moved to approve. woolford. >> second. >> thank you we take public comment, please. >> before we go to public comment i want to let the public than the response from the project manager about item 4b was distributed to the commission and published in the log for our next meeting. but members of the public had wish to make comment on item 4 the adoption of consentical dar may lineup now. if calling in dial 415-554-0001,
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we return to the regular cal dart first item, item if i have is the resolution to approve the operating budget and priors for fitsical years 23-24. and 24-25. and this will be presented by deputy director of financial management and administration brous robertson this budget was present immediate a public hearing at the january 20th meeting of this commissions an informational item. and
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approval of this the budget resolution today is afternoon action item. >> good morning, commissioners. upon pinch hit fairing talented budget manager who could not be here today. as mission secretary fuller said we did a deep dive in previous meetings i the highway light on a few new slides to clarify questions asked and the commissioners opportunity for additional questions you may have. i will go to a budget time line we appropriated. this shores where we are in the time line. and the red arrow shoes today. 2023 highlights presenting in the budget for considering of approval before we do a final submission. the arrows on the top are snapshot in time they reflect
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dates. you see range figure the far left the mayor's budget instructions in early december to the final mayoral signature day in august. you see the the bottom staff in public works and department manager and department directors to development budget identify initiatives and identify cost savings because of the economic downturn. and we will submit it on february 21st and goes to the mayor's office for reruand consideration. and then per the city charter a june first submittal date is required and then before the board of supervisors for their consideration. really, an interesting time table we never appropriated this and we are surprised to see it
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on paper how long a froesz is this is my 23rd budget. it if you in perspective. commissioners,il snap on this snapshot photo and i will focus on response to a question. you see if you look at the proposed fitsical 23-24 budget of 392 million dollars. i want to highlight a small component in that 392 million dollars of just over 100 upon thousand dollars. commissioner post asked about how much money we put in the budget for employee appreciation and for other staff related events in that 392 million dollars is this 100 thousand dollars figure. and this is primary low used for a few items. one main reasons director short mentioned we had a beautification last weekend. we have one in february. one of the items out of 1 huh
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human thousand dollars are food, beverages. supplies for the neighborhood. community members that visit and participate expect help with the beautification event and for staff that come give breakfast and light snacks, coffee and tea that it is an item we use there. the other thing we to employee appreciation. in live investigations with city departments we worked with controller's office and was a process developed you include if you highlight efrnlts wovnl events is the public work's week not just san francisco but nationwide. that is something helping for democracied. i don't the entire time but it is manage it is staff appreciation type of events within all public work's organizations. some of the organizations we do we'll have pin ceremonies for employees reached 5, 10 other 15
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year mile stones. had one left year employee had fourthletan verse row. we take time to appreciate this. approximate celebrate achievements if we have high potential employee. employee of the year. team awards and breakfast and events to celebrate and recognize our great stamp another example was there was a partnering, worried ceremony. with the contractors and staff and stake holders receive, worrieds through the partnering organization. this is another event we dottanual was last friday. i wanted put this out there. we meet all controller office
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requirements a food policy to procuring the food or services from an approved vender this is one thing this is a result of the integrity audits in the city. as you and not you did on the previous consent. bush are many items for contract awards the money does not come from public work its come from clients that is had you see who this table. so. if you electric at the director over head and the pid time off. those are the 3 compoens of indirect cost plan the architects, engineer, street cloning staff for public works provide direct services to the community to the capitol projects.
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and that item is also nonlabor. all of the construction condition tracts you approve those payments are included in those items. and then over head, that is all of the indirect costs those are, countables and it professionals the interim director and executive team the commission. all of those expense are in had is the over head. and the paid time off that is the machine that he staff received for the holidays than i receive. christmas, now year's, thanksgiving. as well as other verification or sick time they may use. so -- as you see i will start from the top line down. you see we go from fitsical then to 22. and you see it stars with the director labor of 608 fiscal year 19 come decreases down to
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411. and then if you look down you see the over head and paid time off. that is an interesting table that tells a couple stories. i love numbers they tell stories. i will highlight the paid time off. left to right you see 4% being 5% and this jump to 7%? if you want a represent anticipation of the impact on the public work's budget if the pandemic, that's had you see there. that jump to 7% impacts the time off approximate out of the office that staff had result if the pandemic. >> if you look at the bottom this the operating budget this gets approved by board and mayor annually. it is dramatic. look at the direct labor and nonlabor. the over head and the paid time off, you will see 2.8 million
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dollars number if you look hahen approved you see 1 penalty 5 billion dollars and one.5 billionful that means public works over thank you very much time period has performed 1.4 billion dollars worth of w for city diameters and the city in yes or no. men from clients of the sheriff's department we saw earlier. or may be money from bonds or guarantees if the federal state or local level this is all of the additional work that public works provides. it is interesting, you see the impact of the pandemic on the direct labor work of 21 and 22 is lower than prior years. commissioners i hope this dresses your questions. how big the public worky intj because so much of funding for the work we perform miss from other departments or source. answer questions on this slide
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or keep going. who counts for the 200 million dollars reduction. normal staff reductions in in the early days of the pandemic, there was a tremendous uncertainty in term of had the economic future would look like and wing with the major's office the controller's office and others, many of the to the projects were put on hold. and there was, let of work. no one was sure work environment. safety and the capitol plan the challenges were significant cannot lowrousd and many projects were put on pause. i suspect and got 6 months worth of data we can update this going
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forward i suspect welsee an increase in 22-23 and going on. that should continue. it really is the impact was again fitsical 22 is directly the impact of the pandemic. i have a question. can you say again the last row. >> the last row on the table. yet bottom. >> yep y. before you is what guess before this commission today and then submitted by mayor and the board of supervisors. is that is the budget tech dhael is an ordinance. it is the annual appropriation >> those other machine taer figures. yes that are directly the public w's budget the numbers above of this 1.4 billion dollars, this is money manage prosecute other
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city departments or through is up elemental appropriations. this is the delta. hagoes before this body is that bottom line the annual appropriation ordinance we'll submit to the mir and show will submit to the board of supervisors. >> okay. when you were speak of additional service and work by the department above and beyond budget it is part of the department's job to funds it from different pots of money >> yes. >> the kitchen reasonination for number 2 is an example. that was not public w fund thanksgiving came from the sheriff's department and we as the clients provider of service help our client the sheriff's department and the funding from this is in their department. why thank you. this gets to had i mention in
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the budget presentation 2 weeks ago how can we capture what ron and albert's governments how they are funded. just to give us a full ifrjt approximate as we said during director gordon's presentation the department does a pluthera of things but a portion is funded through this budget of it is right for citizens to understand. >> if you were to look at our client departments budget, you might be seeing work orders that would come to us. >> so even though it is in the reflect nothing our budget yet. everything has not been approved you will seat proposed work order in other client budget or the capitol budgetful when we discussed is we will provide you a letter that out lines the
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final approved budget once we have that and we can agenda something if you have more questions. >> thank you. >> that is very clear. one last slide we talked how public works fit in thes dinapeck of challenges we face. i know we provided with the mirrial budget instructions went out to all city departments. this out look and you never want to see numbers below the line you see here. this does show how the mayor's office and the controller's office came to that 728 million dollars deficit and this monies to public works. one time federal sources and ref now if the insablt. as well as higher costs the commissioner will say the previous meeting and the driver
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is pension costs and contributions needed and the cost living adjustments many of the staff with recent labor negotiations. a 3 penalty 5 million dollars reduction and this increases to five.8 million dollars reduction in fiscal 23-24. we were able to meet the arlingtond and will submit on february 21st. those other 3 slides we updated. with this i am available for questions and thank you for your time and consideration. i think the updates were valuable. thank you for dog this. i fund them useful particularly the budget time line slide you
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produced. can you influential that up again page 5 the slide deck. my question -- is -- my knowing the city's on a july first-june 30 fiscal year the budget does in the get approved until later by the fwoord. >> correct. can you comment on that? >> explain that more >> from july first until the mayor signs the budget well is the interim fwhaj is a stopgap that funds the safely level until the mayor signs the budget in early august. it is a common practice -- other jurisdictions have an upon different process or title but you have a continuation. you are allowed to sxendz hire and keep the city functions -- the dj budget is approved. i say it is that month any 5
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week time period it is short. jop and san francisco city and county fitsical year is. >> july 1-june 30. okay. furthers questions before we go to public ment? open public comment. members of public had wish to make comment on item 50 approval of the 23-24 and 24-25 fiscal years operating budget and priorities, miline up against the wall. if here in the chamber. if you are calling in, dial 415-554-0001. access code: 2499 996 2299 ## then star 3 to enter theue.
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>> i apologize for not following prosecute colhere s. there a motion and second to adopt the department's fiscal 23-24 budget and priorities? so moved >> i will second this. why now we will have public comment. thank you. thank you, chair. again members wish to make comment on this item you are still able to do that. thank you for the motion. looking in the chamber we don't are members wish to speak on the motion to approve this budget. sfgovtv, do we have callers who have raised hand to speak? and they are indicating there is one caller. please unmute that call and
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caller you will have 3 machines to speak. i will provide you with a 30 second warning. this is my name is francisco decosta. this commission was formed in order to follow certain policies. you in upon rein before the public makes i comment, they you have approved y'all have taken a measure to approve. i don't think this is the way to do temperature you need hear from the public. and as it is, there are only about 3 people that i noticed
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who speak during public comment of the d. public works is now being total low upgrade exclude we need the taxpayers have also accountability and transparency. we had the storm the deliberations were nonstop. you see a lot of what commissioners [inaudible] maintenance and operations. which y'all have no response you are listening it a third party the other thing that the citizens and taxpayers need is an audit.
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a transparent odd toilet give our input. harf it is. we, astutely people who know about maintenance and operations, some do quality assurance. the other people who ghaf input. i have a let of experience in construction, vertical, horizont al y'all need a lot of orientation. how to run the city. 30 seconds. >> and this come natural low lie listening to the staff that reviewing the audits. and then brain storming among yourself so that y'all can be
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real policy makers. and represent the city and county of san francisco and the taxpayers. and not [inaudible]. your time expired. thank you very much. >> thank you, caller. and look it does not appear we have further callers on the approval of the fwhaj concludes public comment. is there deby this motion? hearing none, all in favor of adopting the fiscal year 23-24 budget and 24-25 operating budget. beg your pardon. >> so -- as i was going over this our left caller mentioned this is the first time we had a commission lookinga the this. and i would love ton the process
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was before but wore going forward in the back but are there any other big department budgets that don't have commission this is don't have this transparency? we are brand-new. i can think of 2 i don't believe the controller's office or the city add administrator's office. i'm looking at deputy city attorney those other 2 i can think of. most large departments do have a commission the voters approved a commission for the housing and homelessness department as well. at this point those are the 2 i
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think of. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> no further debit or questions all in favor of doopth the department budget say, yes. >> ychls >> i believe it is unanimous. and the motion is adopted and congratulations to the staff for the heard work this goes to this every iary. >> thank you. appreciate your time and support in the budget. y continuing is helpful to feel have that preliminary meeting in january for the public to have a hearing and the commission get a first pachltsz and we will write a memo that can go in the log this provides an update where we are once the mayor's office signs the budget in early august >> yes, thank you very much. >> all righty.
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>> we'll move on to item 6. call that item. >> item 6, the approval of the trash can steam cleaning grant agreement modification. value of this grant agreement is boost 1 million dollars threshold for guarantees to be considered individual low on the regular calendar. and the approval of this grant agreement modification is an action item. warren hill is present to present this item. >> good morning, commissioners. worrien hill, san francisco public works bureau of operations.
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>> i am here today to recommend the extension of trash can steam cleaning guarantee in the amount of 1, 797 thousand dollars. this duration for an additional year, 366 calendar days. this would be for the cyc center. commune you youth centers of san francisco. the reason for this guarantee is it train workforce and steam clean and pressure wash to clean lit exert other waste and public spaces and the right of way. >> a bit of background the trash can program provides staff train
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and w force opportunity. ensures streets remain safe and inviting this is job training program this operates city wide. supports the efforts to provide safe, clone approximate inviting public space with steam cleaning and pressure wash to clean litter. the grant amount is within, 697, 528. the current term runs from march of 22 to february 28 of 23. the ma'am to extend for i year until february 29 of 24. and to increase the funding by 117, 472. the director's recommendation is to approve an increase of that same amount of 117, 472, to the
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trash can steam clean grant and extend the term for i year and authorize the director of public works to approve a grant amount of 1, 797 thousand dollars. there are a few pictures of cyc steam cleaning our treasure cans throughout the city. and once again i'm recommending that we extend the steam clean grants 1, 797 thousand dollars for a year and this is to train the workforce and stream clean and pressure washing. any questions? >> thank you very much. >> thank you. and thank you for incorporating
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answers to questions hi in your presentationis was in the clear it was a city wide program. in china town. >>ed and why do we have the program rather than department staff performing this work. >> the 13 we have this program is to assist the agency. as much as we would like to do everything we can we need a helping hand expect cyc stepped up and offered this guarantee to provide the services throughout the city. >> and do -- the opportunity for youth center participate in this program, are there real opportunity for them for thez this chos it and questions of law foil to secure employment at dpw when they are of age is this
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a pipe line to employment or a youth program? >> so. even the cyc remember are a youth program it is in the only open to youth they do service all pop ligsz exit opportunity is available to come in as a 9916 trainee or exit out to apprenticeship program a press they apply and interview and be selected for. >> currently, cyc has 20 participates. the left year they had 29. unfortunately none with the department than i have exited from cyc to employment opportunity. >> thank you very much. >> other questions or comments. of mr. hill? >> thank you. >> chair post could i add one. >> thank you.
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>> one other note, sometimes if we have inconsistent funding, so if we always do provide the service in house and will look to staff if you mean we can but if we have limited funding opportunity we look for other ways to upon snaendz and workforce development get services we need and credit that pipe liven the >> i agree. sounds exactly right. sounds valuable. i should have asked mr. hill but did the suddentation and streets relief this proposal and if so can you recap their thoughts y. thank you they did review this proposal. had questions about why weeds work with nun prefer rather then and there in house we tried to explain here. and also empsiegs they can provide an employment and mr.
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hill manages the program for, prentices within public works and after the explanations the commission was comfortable moving forward with positive recommendation. is there a motion to renew the grant agreement for this program. i move. >> thank you. we open public meant on the motion. >> >> members of the public who wish to make comment on item 6 the trash can steam cleaning grant agreement may lineup. if you are calling dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2499 996 2299 ## and star 3 to enter the queue.
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looking in the chamber there is no one who wishes to speak on this item. sfgovtv, i believe is indicating we have one speaker who has raised their hand on the queue. police unmute that call and you will have 3 minutes to speak. >> hello caller? >> yes. again, let me enlighten the commissioneros this issue. this organization is to be
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called the chinese youth center. now commune youth center. one of you commissioners asked the gentlemen to give the presentation where are they headquartered. he said china town that may be true. they have one on chest nut street and one in the bay vow. now you know ricology and the garbage in the bayview area. and real have nonprofits in the bayview who would, would --ment to have some participation in workforce. this is when we do. we don't even know the real operations of this community. if you go to the bayview, 95% of
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the time the door is closed. and you don't have a diversity of people who can visit the office. and here you have go and give a grant not of a million dollars but a million dollars 750 +. this is diversity? and you heard the director of the d. public works yes, yes, the sanitation and streets. this is all the way to treat our taxpayers, please. we have to give [inaudible] to all the nonprofits i have a nun
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profit. [inaudible]. i'm not going to tolerating this mickey mouse [inaudible] few people. 30 seconds. >> well is no real transparency approximate acounsel act like the other commissioner asked on the agendaful about transparency and accountability. and the other gentlemen yudz know we are in the controller's office and other office. that will have it all the,s, no, you commissioners are dpoog what the dpw was doing before exact low! your time is expired. thank you, caller. sfgovtv do we have other callers wish to speak? we don't have further commenter. this concludes public comment. why thank you.
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is there deby this motion? all in favor of passing the motion to extend the cleaning grant agreement say, yes. why yes. >> i don't hear opposition. motion passed and secretary fuller will publish it to our website. mr. hill, thank you for coming to today's meeting we look forward to seeing you in the future. >> secretary fuller call 7 y. item 7 the public works department infrastructure design and construction street use and mapping performance measure report. and bureau manager nikolas hough will present this . it is an informational item.
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>> good morning. manager for bureau street, use and mapping for the statistic for -- [inaudible]. so, something lead into it the first slide is a reflects the volume of inspections we performed. they are complaint based not proactive. and for the most part they are 311 complaints we received. so it does not cover active permits we do inspections for programmatic. when i was hereof 5 weeks ago i misspoke i said we did 1200 and 1500 per quarter we actually do
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them per month. these are complaint fist 311 they are susceptible to environmental changes. 20 season high because i don't know if you recall the scooter epidemic. when the sidewalks were flood. that's why that is high. and then in 2021 it was low because the shelter in place conditions. the next shows i break down how the among low complaints are handled. there are signs in the 3 categories of district inspeksz site utilities and street improvements. to were answer chair post questions give examples of each inspection hone in the pie chart for district inspections that
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handled commercial complaints. if a business is not keeping the space tidy we get called for this. if a warehouse when they are loading destroys the sidewalk we get called for this. and if machine either one of the high rises downtown or one of the large are house in thes neighborhood has a brick pattern sidewalk and gets settling we get called for that. why thank you sdchlt not a term >> no. okay. >> it does it is by district but we handle the complaints by zip code. so we have reporting capabilities per district. >> does not refer the type of inspection. >> no. >> street improve and utilities. so some 311 complaints come in about projects we permitted. for street improvements, if a developer is downtown and than i
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are not keeping work space or they have taken up more space than allowed to we would handle that. that complaint gets tied to the permit number. and so that inspector, signd that project and permit would handle temperature for utility inspections if pg and e doing a gas main replacement and not performing the way they should and taking up spacech not min tang house keep happening. the complaint would get tieed that permit for pg and e and the inspector address those issues. >> this shoes the complaints over time and the volume for utility and street is steady. with learning are fluct wigz in
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district category. this is a product of the district being broader folk us and absorbing types of inspections and promise. new programs that absorbed are shared space during the pan dem and i can sidewalk. the spike in the 2018 district inspection, on the right s.ed that was primarily due to the scooters in the city. and the reason the bike spell if you go director attention to the other category, so other was not ewe likewise in the 2018 until april temperature guess up as the spike goes down. we used the other category to capture the robots so like bikes and the bike share, scooters and then news racks got used to capture or the other got used to capture news ridiculous
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complaints. far right side. 2018 and 19 are high because had was the economy was good there were construction project and with, left construction projects you get, lot of complaints. so the next slide it shoes the volume of complaints by section and ability to respond within times by service level agreement. there was question about service level agreementsil define that next this . ill strits how sections real mained level and new types have impacted the district category. so. chair post you had a request explain fluctuations in 22 for district inspeksz the 2018 ditches for scooters the 22 dip
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was staffing. so -- in december we hired 19 new inspectors only 4 of those were brand now in the budgetary other 15 were hires to replace people who left from retirement, prosecute motions or transfers to other diameters. the other thing this affected it was we had when everyone else was able to work from home inspectors were in office 100%- we had covid issues that would flair up not like the flu. covid take out a group of inspector 4 or 5 people at a time for 2 weeks. being down in staff and 5 or 6 out for 2 weeks hit our ability to respond within the sla's.
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the weird spike on others we have not figured out that. and the dip on other at the ends for 2022 that is because of staffing issues. so this chart sthoes we have been able to meet for the most part our service level agreements over the years. so. sla's were bench marks that set for itself 2 decades ago. 311 asked departments to set what would be a reasonable amount of time for staff based on department commitment and it is penalty >> and let's see. chair post you wanted to ask about why we were unable to meet our target in 22 and it was staffing. we were hit hard with covid.
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>> just to get clarification on service levels. temperature is the bench mark set by bureau for itself. so it is snot an agreement with anybody but. why 311. is. >> right. can you again will i'm sorry i'm trying to understands 311 is separate. right? so any issues with 311 that's not address we think about that dpw addressing this with 311 not in dpw. we meet with 311 if there are changes to service level green lights we notify them. they are the goal is the agreement is sort of with the public.
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will department expects to get to this within 48 hers or history that service level green light is t. is trying to set expectations for the public had they will see an action taken by the department and also for you to make sure we are setting roach you know reasonable but we want to make sure we are always improve and reaching for the goals. >> and who runs 3 sfleven who has bottom line responsibility? >> they are. department under the authority of the city administrator. city department. thank you. the next shoes the categories of inspections associated with our sla's and varying by type the largest aline with bread and bulleter. utility issues and sidewalk. the then this is not a more
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parbollic had you go in 3 upon eleven it is a draw down menu to select how you want to categorize your complaints. most just pick utility or sidewalk defects they are high categories. so. you have another question chair bheeft does sla group sneen that is the field name so we, sign the sla to each of the categories. you have there is the title heading sla aging group you asked about that. your other questions give your pon san francisco continued use of news ridiculouses habenefits they serve and you support the removal as an enhance am to the right of way and cost savings to public works.
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had i started the board wanted to relook at the agreement that the city has with clear channel. and when i came to understand is the city in the late noinlt's tried to ban nows arrive. it lost a lawsuit. there is a president we are required allow them in the right of way and right now if we have an issue with any of the box that are out there, we could call clear channel they will address within 24-48 hours, they're pretty good about t. if you asked me this question acum years i'm going would say, get rid of them. now they understand it better, one things i in to realize is if remove these we were opening ourselves up to having free publications and those box and
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would have to set up a system of notifiying the people who put them out there. probably a hearing, seizing them and calling sas to impound, store them and return them to the owner. that is a huger loss of and have some framework now when i took over, i changed who was manage the program. we were able to negotiate with clear channel to rus the footprint by 2-3 pedestals and we have the cluster boxes and pedestals 8 or 12 and able to use those in size as well. to answer your question my opinion is deep buzz we can w with what we have and he might lose money itself on the
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programful the losdz and the headaches that come with getting rid of the entire program and rewith i wild west thome is in the desirable. does that answer your question? >> yes. and this is probably in the purview of sanitation and streets i don't want to over step our jurisdiction. i look forward to understanding more about this as we go i heard complaints about news ridiculouses from community activists had feel they don't enhumans neighborhoods. thank you for explaining that. >> mou negotiated. we could northern a bert worn the one negotiated with clear channel from a point of weakness had publications were strong, that has changed. >> this chart shoes theville um of ref active inspections and
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highlights that districts the district category addresses and handles the majority of complaints. the street improvement and inspections do a lot more than what is shown here. i will gift example of pg and e gas main when pg and e gets a permit our inspector has a preconstruction mote and expectations for how they are supposed to perform. and ask for the mile stone date when is they star demo and excavation and back dpil repaving. those proactive scheduling items and inspection items are not addressed in this. you had another question. the question for inspection in fitsical 21 and 22 are lower the rate of inspection system lower,
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explain the down worried trends. a lot is due to environmental factors. 2018 high because of scooters that is billed over to 2019. 2020 high because of shared space a lot of ad a complaints. 20 ton was a bit lower because [inaudible] and 22 we are returning to where we were before. like a new normal and the ratio is because of staffing. >> and this is just the map showing inspections throughout the city. next permits. prettet straightforward, fiscal 21 the increase in permits due to the pan dek demmic and shirred space the decrease in 22 is due to the delays of the upon pandemic project. earlier we heard that a loment
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of the projects were put on hold that is affected 22. nothing interesting here fiscal 21 unable to determine why occupancy permits were so high. 2021 the increase for commercial permits was due gwen on shared space and the drop you have in 2022 for commercial permits was the automated extension. board put a year long extension and this was an action on our part with no fees we extended all of them. >> i will star with the question
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for this . had statute upon deficiency between first, final decision versus final decision. it is a clunky name, it means approval or denial of a permit. so i think in the 3 years i have been here we were denied 2 permits irrelevant it moneys approval. to mrin this. if you look at fiscal 22 grand total of 14, 866. that means we a proved 14, 866 that number does in the match slide 10. like 16, 500 permits because 2,000 of them are in a form of back with the applicant. other mta and -- with drawn or voided. and this is just the break down
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for fiscal 22 of our permits. these are not at the permit center with dbi. so. there were 2 questions on this. the first one was explain why day its process construction trendses up. so, i have to go become to what was happen nothing 2020. for construction related permits. we lost five or 6 engineers in 12 months. and -- by the time the end ofical dar 2021. it takes 18 montes to change on the complicated permits the construction related permits. that impacted delays. and up tick in capitol projects
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it had an affect on ability to responded. in the amount of time we had been responding. second question was explain or give examples of others. so other types of permits are banners like on poles. surface amount. we do issue for those. and gas blow off and relief involve in the street. or sidewalk. and emergency permits which we seldom issue. >> >> so -- this is i feel our vindication slide. majorities of the time a permit spendses before approved with the applicant. it verse in fiscal 2020 from 2-3
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months and 22 about almost 3 months. so one questions was, the question for the site is police explain why construction right-of-way permits take so long to process. construction permits are permits major encroach diameter minor encroachment and [inaudible]. but m remarks p's take the majority. reason s ip's take majority of time i had a flow chart that showed it has to be circumstantial lited other department and coordinate those comments. sends them become to the applicant. but typically -- the complexity that may approximate contribute to the length of time is because when someone is building they don't care about the sidewalk
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until they end that's why they have it before they realize they have the consultant follow and up sends the comments back. that is most of the reason they don't care about the sidewalk until the end of the project. at the end than i scram goal get caught up and get things approved. that's it. >> thank you very much. your presentation as mr. dom us did irrelevant cuts to the chase of why the commission is here to perform the metrics and to dpw is dog an outstanding job. but w to get or whatever the case may be employs well as to provide the department on how you are doing yours of strength and needing improvement.
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again i view it as a work in progress. i found it useful how i can assess the performance marginal. i'm grappling with what the how to measure success. it seems to me time e lapse when someone asked for i permit and received one the paperwork the process. i know i asked you for i report on operations for this summer i hope that will be part of it. really getting to performance metrics in other divisions that tell us something. you said verbally something on
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one slide a number of permit requests and number award this would be great on one slide. request and reworried if not the same why not? that would be useful information. >> i have thoughts about comments i received about staffing. some of your employees are stretched sdmin may not be enough. regarding illegal dumping. again i really do appreciate your effort in presenting this but i think in the months ahead as we get our arms around performance i think that they can be made more um. if you are going through the trouble of electronic thanksgiving data and presenting
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it is where the rubber hits the road. so again it important for you in terms of your staffing level and had you ask for in your budget or cut the budget and it it is of course important for the public to get an idea of the department's success to talk to the public about that the department does. i have other questions but i will hold off on that. and thank you for clarifying final approval versus first approval and first/foible we need to lose those. i don't care how long they were used. i assume this meant not from request to final and no it is request to final. i understand you inherited a complex division that has been
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there a long time with ways of doing things i look forward it your creative thinking and suggestions on how to make changes and benefit you and your staff as well as the public. >> thank you. i think staffing has been upon a major challenge. there is some positive notes to highlight. as the bureau manager mentioned we have reason completed hiring inspector positions that was a major need. we are turning toward hiring a lot of the analyst positions that evaluate, legality of the permits. that's in progress we will see new staff that is encouraging i hope the challenges that we have
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will improve. we are working with staff and -- rachael's staff to put out lack of more creative term faq's about the public had to expect and haapplicants can do to stream line their process. for example, you know someone, you heard if someone submits i permit application and we provide feed become and they soy it they go to the b. queue we have to respect people have been submitting. if they turn it quick low we look at again quickly. we want to make sure people than if they have time you know -- if you are building a vertical building you get huneed in veterans and you got time before
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you go to the permit. it may be fine for them to go to the bottom of the queue. if you are small property and you don't have the long lead time buffer be complete you may not realize fisat on this for two months because i'm busy you in i have i long are wait time. so that's one other thing i wanted mention and just a side net. i could be wrong but i don't know if the city attorney [inaudible]. i think the first, final decision related the fact most permits are appealable. so it is the decision had is made will we issue or deny. but it may not be final, if there is aninally come in this could change that sdichgz but i agree it is clunk and he we can look at changing the terms to
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make them clearer >> thank you very much. and i hope to learn more in the months ahead on how your bureau and permitting agencies in the city and permits to other city department and if than i are making dpw's life easy or difficult. now there is a commission we can poke to clothe and others and have our wait behind dpw and improve the press over all. approximate how dpw fit in. thank you very much. commissioner newhouse-segal. >> like to know how sas commission is do we report to them like this regular low? >> no. okay. they are responsible for a lot of this work? >> no.
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so this thank you commissioner segal you reminds mead of another thing, the one team the out reach team is actually part of the cents roll operation's bureau at the operation's yard. the street inspector who is deal with right-of-way permits under street use and mapping part of infrastructure, design and construction. sometimes they are similar on sometimes the needs are similar but we do have a distinction between the 2 units. >> they receive reports on other complaints that do with what they do. >> that's right. occasionally upon often times you know the streets and mapping is a gate keeper. it it is someone enters the request themselves, in a 311 app rather than calling it does not get manualy triaged.
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based on the information they enter. so it is not uncommon for come mrinlts to end up at bureau and mapping it should go to out reach and enforcement. the staff will forward this request to the proper division within public ws. than i get a lot of complaints that come in and many of them should reside with them. but if it should go to another division they doll this triageing and sends it to the right place. thank you. >> when we get the 311's we refer some items to operations to reper se but also issue forward, lot of them to mta or puc and other case utilities like pg and e and the telecoms. so we get, lot of case where the box are broken and it is a
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tripping hassard. and usual low they are pg and e ownership the water department. we'll sends those and follow up with them and to get them to take care of it. and do have cases where we have long standing issues we can't figure out the owner. and those take, lot of research and time. >> okay. thank you. also -- i mention third degree at other commission meetings, there must be a way for people passing by in this age of technology, isn't there a way to connect to have an app about what is going on for the location. if there is something that you see. upon even if it is your block where you live or place the lot you know the address and you
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can -- look up. and finds out that is the first step. what the work is being sdmn if you are move nothing a car or walking or passing by on public transportation. our phones know our location. say, you know what -- couldn't we partner with some tech am company that to have this included so it is easy to know when the permitted s. and how long tell being? it would connect to our system? answer questions that is going
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on at is this moment. that is a 311 is for i used 311 had i see manage this seems amiss. or whatever. the gammet. i used the 311 app and that -- and the benefit of this it goes to the city data base and starts a record. if i say my neighbor is disgusting no yours as the fewest. gives the city can give and respond to community members. i also think permits issues and the work had is in the in our viewer. >> and made a xhesz doing renovation i don't think that is up to dpw. that's my opinion.
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we have a qr code on no stopping signs will not help driving by a car but the 311 app will. that does electronic where you note at this time 311 has geolocation. one problem if you are standing at one side and there is some -- play there. can be tricky for us if there are 2 confer and we don't know if you are come mrin burglar this or 3 feet away it will show a general location. our qr code you scan that and it will tell you who the permittee is. some basic information about the
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permit and contact information we provide why you can't park on that no parking sign. and it is one way to finish it is an appropriate no parking it does not have the qr code and public works logo and may be somebody made no parking sign that is it, i asked about this at other meetings that more obvious. what and i think we discussed qr codes. what agency is responsible for them. it is in the/khrer to the public and the workers that are doing the work if you ask they don't know who the ultimate client is. commissioner, if i may add something rachael gordon communication at public works we have on our website the puc and mta on the front page the website of a map of active construction projects in the public right of way.
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it may not be of the specific the street use permit for private property but a project or utility work or new traffic signals going in the map on there you click on the icon and give you the permit and scope of work. miff not tell you like that is happening on a monday or tuesday but have a general time line and the project limits. so the information getys fed in there regular low and the agencies are coordinating on that. it is the website based work. >> thank you. that is the information i'd like to see. thank you. >> thank you. of other questions before we go to public comment on this item?
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open public comment. >> members of public who wish to make 3 machines of comment on item 7 the infrastructure design and construction. street use and mapping performance measure report. of lineup against the wall. if you are calling in dial 415-554-0001 access code: 2499 996 2299 ## then star 3 to enter the queue. no one has prochd. sfgovtv is indicating we have 2 callers on this item. sfgovtv unmute the first caller. you will have 3 minutes to
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speak. thank you, commissioners i'm jillian and i work with [inaudible] we do many construction projects went city and i want to thank mr. huff for proviing this information. dpw is doing an amazing job if there is a way we get the improvement team additional staffing. it would irrelevant help our permits to move forward faster. there are situations where we have building permits theory not released because of the review has not been able to take place. this creates a problem when we have basically where you have a construction permit this is
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waiting for reles from the dpw planner. to allow that permit to move forward. in the past there was a furthermore we could have the project experience sign. that would allow the work within the property lines. released at risk. on the owner's behalf they have to redesign if anything later in the review of the public work was conflicting. that form is not always honored. and would be noise to see it put become in play. on the whole i want to thank mr. huff and his team buzz they are doing a tremendous job with a reduced staff. thank you. >> thank you, caller. >> sfgovtv unmute the next caller. and caller, you will have 3
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minutes to speak. >> good morning, commissioners i'm eric jake obvious residents and developer, planning consultant and applicant to dpw for permitting. i'd like to express appreciation for the w than i do to steward the public right of way. however despite dpw's efforts the stewardship odds with the development community to secure permits time low and understand the scope of work and scope of per misting required as a part of the approval process. on learninger projects dpw begins in the early planning phases providing a general over vow timing of agencies detailed revows occur later. does not afford teams the ability to navigate the process in i manner that alines with other processes.
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construction. this is when mrs. allen is a difficulty obtaining relesos permits. it can take 6-18 months to secure release of construction permits. and long upper to complete complex mrksz like legislation can lead to construction delay and costs up as well as difficulties in clezing out projects until long after project completion. i understands there is staffing issues. and stressful w load on staff. i understand that the plan reviewers given a task quarter becoming outside agencies resxrous referral and seek them falls back on the applicant. i ask this dpw provide a tracking internal plan check and
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outside agency referral press and rerowel portal that other agencyers using. the adopted such all commentses and response and w flow seen by applicants and reviewers alike this would cultivate transparency on the time. document version control and allow experiences and dpw planners i window to where their permits are held up and stream lining rehave yous in yes or no. i understand upon the pressure dpw is experiencing i ask this dp wushgs a response time to applicant out roach and mandatory time line for first permit reviews with comments provided. i have i concern and interest in alining permits with projects in the field and thank you for your time. y >> thank you.
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caller and sfgovtv indicating there are no more callers. that concludes public comment. >> thank you. as the commission will continue is not my practice to comment on public comments i will make an exception to my rule now. i thought that second culler had much to contribute to our discussion about the close look at operations. in preparation for report we receive this summer i encourage that caltory contact mr. huff since we are lookingow can be strengthened and make sure we get hacaller's suggestions considered. thank you very much.
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>> thank you for your presentation and call the next item. item 8 the director hiring update. and chair warren post will provide this which is an informational item. >> yes. why don't we take a break we are almost at the ends i bet we be out by noon may be we'll take a 5 minute break i have a brief update and i have xoiting nows the search firm by the city berkley search post third degree position. it is now active. and [laughter] and out in the worlds example we are looking forward to seeing had come
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through. at one. our march meeting i guess the second but no promises we will have that job postings on the agenda expect gift commissioner and public a chance to look at that and expressing pregnancy they may have on how they seat candidate for the director of the department fitting in this role. so i said one of the future meeting in the next 6 to 8 weeks we have discussion about the yen pest and receive public ment on it. some changes to once we have identified group of candidates that -- until we get well to inform the process the search firm will conduct group introduce in the intf time and
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open meeting protocols. also -- details of the upon final confagz of public works commission panel and the mayor's panel are worked out under city attorney guidance for open and closed session and i will report become on our next meeting. in terms of timing we are hoping we have i correspondidate pulled boy late march or early april and present at this time commission for consideration and us to interview. that concludes my u. are there questions. open public ment on this item. members of public had wish on ment on item 6 the department or item 8 the director hiring update may lineup.
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item. i have sort of new business. i mentioned earlier i will w with secretary if you meaner and short to consolidate requests and put them in other presentations that the department is planning. one thing i want to note is something featured in the work's mules letter and the san francisco chronicle article the performance of landscape at the new southeast community center and how well it did in the january storms temperature is terrific vo in the works but noise to see it in the chronicle. i thought it might be helpful that at some point we have jennifer cooper return and describe more combrrnl low the city's rain gardens and projects theory under wyatt dpw,
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opportunity for new ones and what it would take it seize those opportunity. approximate if in her opinion there were problems to expanding the city biosoils exist and how it fix them. not urgent but 40 presentation piggyback with manage i like to learn more about the efforts it seems the southeast community center performance survived the storms electric at other cites for storm water drainage. >> ychls absolutely we would love to set that up for and i recall would note i will ask secretary fulltory send you a link to the state of the bay interview that jennifer cooper did along side john doing talk about the community center and the rain gardens there. >> good, thank you.
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commissioner segal. i'd like to know -- the storm and reaction to the storm has been -- the papers. which is great. one thing that has been publicicized is what the city's doing to address homelessness and people on the street and -- dangerous activity or nuisance activity on the street might not be connected to homeless. so -- i know that dpw is involved and i have been to meetingos this subject. and people from other diameters will -- say, well, that's dpw. and -- i think it would being grit if we have a report on what
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dpw's involvement in addressing this complex problem and where does the department fit in the city's over all efforts in had are like it hear more about our street cloning initiatives on the operation side and encampments and the work of departments architects. engineers. landscape architects. project managers. contribution managers. when are we doing to design and build shelter fer for the unhoused. and -- why of the reason court decision, what are we doing in i love to have an update if this is present by april meeting?
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>> thank you. commissioner. i would defer to chair post on scheduling but we can provide you with the work that we do and how that fits in the city's over arching efforts. also, we'll be getting up to ped had used to be the purvow of antation, strepts and remains for setting policy. and this is tall falling in their jurisdiction but as citizens we need answer the questions this you have, american. and so -- i will put my thinking cap on with carla heart and secretary fuller to get your questions answered. may be ape joint presentation from the department of homeless.
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we'll work with deputy city attorney tom on jurisdictional issues. but get your [inaudible]. we have to hear from the 99 by city attorney with the lawsuit? right? >> commissioner woolford? >>mented take know opportunity to thank everyone after our last hearings i mentioned this the architects are convocabularying here in scombroun several land marks. and everyone rallied around and between city architect and other folks we lined up the landmarks. thanks. i look forward to your report. after that event on how it went. no other comments or questions
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we open to public comment. members who wish to make 3 minutes on item 9 lineup if you are remote dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2499 996 2299 ## and star 3 to enter the queue. don't see anyone approaching to comment in person. sfgovtv, do we have callers in the queue? there are no callers. we have no public comment.
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>> shared spaces have transformed san francisco's adjacent sidewalks, local business communities are more resilient and their neighborhood centers are more vibrant and mildly. sidewalks and parking lanes can be used for outdoor seating, dining, merchandising, and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are safe and accessible for all. people with disabilities enjoy all types of spaces. please provide at least 8 feet of open uninterrupted sidewalk so everyone can get through. sidewalk diverter let those who have low vision navigate through dining and other activity areas on the sidewalk. these devices are rectangular planters or boxes that are placed on the sidewalk at the ends of each shared space and need to be at least 12 inches wide and 24 inches long and 30 inches tall. they can be
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on wheels to make it easy to bring in and out at the start and the end of each day. but during business hours, they should be stationary and secure. please provide at least one wheelchair accessible dining table in your shared space so the disability people can patronize your business. to ensure that wheelchair users can get to the wheelchair accessible area in the park area, provide an adequate ramp or parklet ramps are even with the curb. nobody wants to trip or get stuck. cable covers or cable ramps can create tripping hazards and difficulties for wheelchair users so they are not permitted on sidewalks. instead, electrical cables should run overhead at least ten feet above
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sidewalk. these updates to the shared spaces program will help to ensure safety and accessibility for everyone, so that we can all enjoy these public spaces. more information is available at sf.govt/shared spaces. sustainability mission, even though the bikes are very minimal energy use. it still matters where the energy comes from and also part of the mission in sustainability is how we run everything, run our business. so having the lights come on with clean energy is important to us as well. we heard about cleanpowersf and learned they had commercial rates and signed up for that.
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it was super easy to sign up. our bookkeeper signed up online, it was like 15 minutes. nothing has changed, except now we have cleaner energy. it's an easy way to align your environmental proclivities and goals around climate change and it's so easy that it's hard to not want to do it, and it doesn't really add anything to the bill. [♪♪♪] >> i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world, you shouldn't just be something in museums, and i love that the people can just go there and it is there for everyone. [♪♪♪]
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>> i would say i am a multidimensional artist. i came out of painting, but have also really enjoyed tactile properties of artwork and tile work. i always have an interest in public art. i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world. you shouldn't just be something in museums. i love that people can just go there, and it is there for everyone. public art is art with a job to do. it is a place where the architecture meets the public. where the artist takes the meaning of the site, and gives a voice to its. we commission culture, murals, mosaics, black pieces, cut to mental, different types of material. it is not just downtown, or the big sculptures you see, we are in the neighborhood.
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those are some of the most beloved kinds of projects that really give our libraries and recreation centers a sense of uniqueness, and being specific to that neighborhood. colette test on a number of those projects for its. one of my favorites is the oceanview library, as well as several parks, and the steps. >> mosaics are created with tile that is either broken or cut in some way, and rearranged to make a pattern. you need to use a tool, nippers, as they are called, to actually shape the tiles of it so you can
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get them to fit incorrectly. i glued them to mash, and then they are taken, now usually installed by someone who is not to me, and they put cement on the wall, and they pick up the mash with the tiles attached to it, and they stick it to the wall, and then they groped it afterwards. [♪♪♪] >> we had never really seen artwork done on a stairway of the kinds that we were thinking of because our idea was very just barely pictorial, and to have a picture broken up like that, we were not sure if it would visually work. so we just took paper that size and drew what our idea was, and cut it into strips, and took it down there and taped it to the steps, and stepped back and looked around, and walked up and down and figured out how it would really work visually. [♪♪♪] >> my theme was chinese heights
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because i find them very beautiful. and also because mosaic is such a heavy, dens, static medium, and i always like to try and incorporate movement into its, and i work with the theme of water a lot, with wind, with clouds, just because i like movements and lightness, so i liked the contrast of making kites out of very heavy, hard material. so one side is a dragon kite, and then there are several different kites in the sky with the clouds, and a little girl below flying it. [♪♪♪] >> there are pieces that are
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particularly meaningful to me. during the time that we were working on it, my son was a disaffected, unhappy high school student. there was a day where i was on the way to take them to school, and he was looking glum, as usual, and so halfway to school, i turned around and said, how about if i tell the school you are sick and you come make tiles with us, so there is a tile that he made to. it is a little bird. the relationship with a work of art is something that develops over time, and if you have memories connected with a place from when you are a child, and you come back and you see it again with the eyes of an adult, it is a different thing, and is just part of what makes the city an exciting place. [♪♪♪]
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>> my name is alan schumer. i am a fourth generation san franciscan. in december, this building will be 103 years of age. it is an incredibly rich, rich history. [♪♪♪] >> my core responsibility as city hall historian is to keep the history of this building alive. i am also the tour program manager, and i chair the city
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advisory commission. i have two ways of looking at my life. i want it to be -- i wanted to be a fashion designer for the movies, and the other one, a political figure because i had some force from family members, so it was a constant battle between both. i ended up, for many years, doing the fashion, not for the movies, but for for san franciscan his and then in turn, big changes, and now i am here. the work that i do at city hall makes my life a broader, a richer, more fulfilling than if i was doing something in the
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garment industry. i had the opportunity to develop relationships with my docents. it is almost like an extended family. i have formed incredible relationships with them, and also some of the people that come to take a tour. she was a dressmaker of the first order. i would go visit her, and it was a special treat. i was a tiny little girl. i would go with my wool coat on and my special little dress because at that period in time, girls did not wear pants. the garment industry had the -- at the time that i was in it and i was a retailer, as well as the designer, was not particularly favourable to women. you will see the predominant designers, owners of huge
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complexes are huge stores were all male. women were sort of relegated to a lesser position, so that, you reached a point where it was a difficult to survive and survive financially. there was a woman by the name of diana. she was editor of the bazaar, and evoke, and went on and she was a miraculous individual, but she had something that was a very unique. she classified it as a third i. will lewis brown junior, who was mayor of san francisco, and was the champion of reopening this building on january 5th of 1999. i believe he has not a third eye , but some kind of antenna
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attached to his head because he had the ability to go through this building almost on a daily basis during the restoration and corrects everything so that it would appear as it was when it opened in december of 1915. >> the board of supervisors approved that, i signed it into law. jeffrey heller, the city and county of san francisco oh, and and your band of architects a great thing, just a great thing. >> to impart to the history of this building is remarkable. to see a person who comes in with a gloomy look on their face , and all of a sudden you start talking about this building, the gloomy look disappears and a smile registers across their face.
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with children, and i do mainly all of the children's tours, that is a totally different feeling because you are imparting knowledge that they have no idea where it came from, how it was developed, and you can start talking about how things were before we had computer screens, cell phones, lake in 1915, the mayor of san francisco used to answer the telephone and he would say, good morning, this is the mayor. >> at times, my clothes make me feel powerful. powerful in a different sense. i am not the biggest person in the world, so therefore, i have to have something that would draw your eye to me. usually i do that through color,
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or just the simplicity of the look, or sometimes the complication of the look. i have had people say, do those shoes really match that outfit? retirement to me is a very strange words. i don't really ever want to retire because i would like to be able to impart the knowledge that i have, the knowledge that i have learned and the ongoing honor of working in the people's palace. you want a long-term career, and you truly want to give something to do whatever you do, so long as you know that you are giving to someone or something you're
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in the return more meeting of january 19th 2023 at this time. um i will start as vice president and wait. we're expecting president supply any moment, but um, album, turn it over to the board secretary. pleased to, um do the introduction and notifications. very good. good morning and welcome to the retirement board meeting. this meeting is being held in hybrid format with the meeting occurring in person and live on s f t v. before we begin . i would like to remind all individuals present and attending the meeting in person today that all health and safety protocols and building rules must be adhered to at all times. failure to adhere to these rules and requirements may result in the removal.
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