tv Retirement Board SFGTV February 11, 2023 4:00pm-5:31pm PST
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in the return more meeting of january 19th 2023 at this time. um i will start as vice president and wait. we're expecting president supply any moment, but um, album, turn it over to the board secretary. pleased to, um do the introduction and notifications. very good. good morning and welcome to the retirement board meeting. this meeting is being held in hybrid format with the meeting occurring in person and live on s f t v. before we begin . i would like to remind all individuals present and attending the meeting in person today that all health and safety protocols and building rules must be adhered to at all times. failure to adhere to these rules and requirements may result in the removal. from this room. we
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appreciate your cooperation with these important rules and requirements in the interests of everyone's health and safety. there's also note that hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the building and at each elevator and mass are available upon request at the front desk. we will take roll call commissioner bridges. the bridges were taking roll call. present. mr driscoll. mr gandhi, president. mr halphen present. present supplies on his way. mr stansbury is absent and commissioner thomas present. thank you. we have a quorum. thank you. um madam secretary kim cold. next item, please. item number two communications.
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we welcome the public's participation during public comment periods. there will be an opportunity for general public comment at this meeting after closed session and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to minutes. public comment will be taking both in person and remotely by video or call in free child. um, the board will take public comment first from people attending the meeting in person , and then people attending the meeting remotely. comments or opportunities to speak during the public comment period are available via phone by calling for 15655. access code 2489272. and found them found again. when connected. you will hear the meeting discussions, but you will be muted and then listening mode only. when your item of interest comes up press star
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three to be added to the speaker line. practices are to call from the location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your tv or radio. please note that city policies along with federal, state and local law, prohibit discriminatory or harassing conduct against city employees and others during public meetings and will not be tolerated. moreover, public comment is permitted only on matters within the jurisdiction of this meeting body. we thank you for joining us. mr alphen. thank you. amanda, secretary. there is no. we're coming after communications. can you call the next item? yes i remember three action item review and approval of january 2023 board resolution to continue to meet in person, with some members, possibly attending remotely for at least 30 days pursuant to california government, so put section 54953 e e. thank you. can you also
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read the action item? action is to adopt the january 2023 resolution recommending the retirement board continue to meet in person, with some members, possibly attending remotely for at least the next 30 days, adopt findings under new state urgency legislation codified government code section 54953 e a. b 361. including that the state and the city remains in a state of emergency to the covid 19 pandemic and conducting meetings of the retirement board and its committees in person without allowing certain members of this body to attend, remotely would present imminent risk to the health and safety of certain attendees to covid 19. and providing that all meetings of the retirement board and its committees will provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the body and will otherwise occur in a manner
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that protects the statutory and constitutional rights of parties and the members of the public attending. and the meeting in person or via teleconferencing. it's emotional was made by the chair. um is there a second 2nd 2nd and by sure, thomas. we'll take comment. public honor. thank you. callers if you have not every already done so please press star three to be added to the queue for those already on hold. please continue to wait until the system indicates that you have been muted. moderator. do we have any colors on the line? madam secretary. we have no colors on the line. thank you here, no calls. public comment is now closed. okay from motion made by the chair and seconded by commissioner thomas. i'm secretary will have a role called thank you, commissioner bridges. by mr drizzle. hi. mr
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gandhi. i mr halphen. i and commissioner thomas hi. thank you. we have five eyes motion passes. had one. this one. this covid thing mandate stuff that gets rid of two pages of script. okay homosexual. you want to call him next item? i didn't know. item number four closed session. okay? so we will, um. you get a motion to go into closed session? no. we are going to go to close session and, um, there will be. how long do you think we have an allocated an hour. an hour. okay, so we'll reassemble in an hour. and all
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commissioners. we should go back now to the closed session and. we are back in open session. roll call commissioner bridges. >> present. >> thank you. commissioner driscoll. >> present. >> commissioner gandhi. she has not arrived back yet. du say commissioner heldfond. thank you. >> president safai. >> present. why commissioner thomas. >> present. >> we have a quorum. i'm back. >> thank you. commissioner gandhi. we have a quorum.
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okay motion in order to vote to disclose the discussion in closed session aurnd the code section 67.12 a. can i have a motion? i move we do not disclose. >> second. motion by commissioner bridges and seconded by commissioner thomas. before we take the vote take in person public comment. >> no in person comment. madam secretary open the phone lines. >> thank you. >> callers. if you have not done so press star 3 to be added to the queue. >> do we have callers on the line? >> there are no callers on the line. >> thank you. public comment is closed.
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great. public comment is closed. there has been a motion and seconded by commissioner thomas. call the roll. >> commissioner bridges. >> aye. >> commissioner driscoll. >> aye. >> commissioner gandhi. >> aye. >> commissioner heldfond. >> aye. >> commissioner safai. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> thank you, motion passes. >> okay. let's see. i guess we go to general public comment. >> yes. >> yes. item 5, general public comment. >> um. seeing no in person comment. can you open up the phone lines. >> thank you. reminder to callers press star 3 to be added to the queue. moderator, do we have callers on
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the line. >> there are no callers on the line. >> thank you. public comment is now closed. >> great. call the next item. >> item 6. action. approval of the minutes of the december 15, 2022 retirement board meeting. >> move to aprove minutes. >> is there need for a presentation on that item. >> nope. >> second. >> adopt minutes. why a motion made by commissioner heldfond for approval of the minutes of the retirement board meeting seconded by commissioner bridges. take public comment before we take that vote. why no in person public comment. please opening statement phone lines? >> thank you. reminder to callers to press star 3 to be added to the queue.
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moderator, are there callers? >> there are no callers on the line. >> thank you. there are no calls. public comment is now closed. >> a motion by commissioner bridges and seconded by commissioner heldfond. call the roll. >> commissioner bridges. >> aye. >> commissionering driscoll. >> aye >> commissioner gandhi. >> aye. why commissioner heldfond. >> president safai. >> aye. >> commissioner toms. >> aye >> we have 6 aye's. motion pass. >> wait a minute the next item. >> item upon 7 action item consent calendar. >> wait. looks like well is a motion. move to approve. >> second. >> so there has been a motion to approve the consent calendar by commissioner heldfond and seconded by commissioner thomas.
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before we take a vote, madam secretary, take comment. first in person seeing no in person comment. open up the phone lines. >> thank you. callers if have you not done so, press star 3 to be acided to the queue. are there callers on the line? >> pladam secretary we have no callers on the line yoochl thank you. public comment is now closed. >> great. >> please call the roll there is a motion made by commissioner heldfond and seconded by commissioner thomas. >> commissioner bridges. >> aye. >> commissioner driscoll. >> aye. >> commissioner gandhi. >> aye. >> commissioner heldfond. >> aye. >> president safai. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> thank you we have 6 aye's. motion passes.
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>> wait. call the next item. >> item 8 action item. approval of refinements to spurs policy statement and guidelines and manager monitor policies. >> okay. presentation by? is that you madam cio >> commissioner heldfond, [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker]. >> investment city map. last week. some personal comments -- i'd like to make in terms of the way it proceed and hopefulfully a templet for other committees that continue what our workmanidate is. that -- it is just a lot of
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paper. and i commend our new [inaudible]. cio/ceo. [inaudible] the way they presented the subject at hand. for us to deal with. exactly it it is rather like -- and -- it is rather historical. the rots got -- goes way back. and -- the result of the what we will talk about today is while it was -- wrapped in history. so to speak. which was. sometimes hard to do with. have new commissioners that are working like this. and we have other [inaudible]. and [inaudible] the [inaudible]
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and alison to modernize it clarity by clarity and transparency, which is the ends result and we will get alison will present that. i what i like about it is that it -- okay together and -- educated -- this is not -- the changes are not substantive, that will be continued in the rest of our [inaudible] the rest of the year when we address the actual under lying >> investment allocations.
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so, i think the [inaudible] the whole and as the meeting and [inaudible] and responding to alison [inaudible]. [hard to understand speaker]. we have taken a monumental of historical documents and come out with a -- recommended changes that are for clarity and transparency. and not doing -- [inaudible]. alison. >> commissioner heldfond, i also want to thank the committee for your thorough review of the] cannot understand speaker]
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>> i think together [inaudible] to clear to comp upon hencive and current guidance investment policies so that staff is on the same page with the board in terms of what the directives are and how we investment [inaudible] >> so again thank you for the [inaudible] i think today we have an opportunity to evolve our processes here. we are asking for today is your approval of the [inaudible] to guide our investment [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] all the asset classes with the exception of our [inaudible] class we will come back with guidelines there that are parallel the guide
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lines putting forth the other classes have not prevented that [inaudible] the guidelines were [inaudible] and we wanted to [inaudible] not delay the process in getting this through. a way to be clear [inaudible] the investment policy statement. [inaudible] that absolutely applied [inaudible] and absolutely turned operate under the current guidelines and under if approved this [inaudible]. since the investment committee as a whole [inaudible] will highlight what we have changed based on the investment committee provided in the last week. there are a number of items that had added. first was added the plan level of constraints and the
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constrabts we put in the document are the same we [inaudible] and part of a report discussion. second, [speaker muffled, hard to understand]. we have a manager on the under review list because a performance [inaudible] not performing outside of expectations and not doing anything different. under performing because it is a market environment [inaudible] in that case, have the ability to allocate a capitol plan [inaudible] viewed as a good decision to generate return that has been in there and should do
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that would be conveyed. the next point we add in the and whereof to staff. connection with qualifying how we design risk and consider guard rails. i think it is an excellent point and go hundred in hand with the discussions we will have the az set liability study and the importance of the topic [inaudible] we recommend that be addressed through the future investment committee and board [inaudible] have guard rails in we can enhance those as needed
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based on the outcome of liability in the study. >> those are the key points. i [inaudible] an opportunity for to ask questions [inaudible] address your questions you may have. >> any questions issue commissioners? commissioner driscoll. >> i look forward to voting for the draft proposed. i want to make 2 major points and the motion is made i will ask for a small amendment. sending us again. the way it was broken up and those changes that are eliminated in the direction. 1, 2 and 3 on the memo the changes put in thank you. thank you for adding the changes. under review adding capitol that was tricky to read i had to read
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this many times i support it but made sure the words reflected when we agreed on. thank you. item 4, we have a lot of work in the return and total portfolio that will be a better time to make additional items like i -- my issue there the definitions have risks. i will wait until the motion has been made. >> what? what was the last thing you said? you wait to what? >> i want to make an amendment. proposer of the motion cannot make an amendment to their motion. i'm holding that. [inaudible]. >> can i comment? >> sure. >> i personal low this is personal. i showed what i believe the board has to deal with they [inaudible] instead committees
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structure. that [inaudible] this is a good templet. i have to call out joe. joe, is a part of history we are luck tow have. and alison coming on board as a new person with a [inaudible] good past. and the 2 with those 2 there is [inaudible] this board member that the this is the -- this subject has been dealt with. really. well. the staff is just a think it has taken a big step forward. so. i just [inaudible]. thank you. >> it is really nice. >> [inaudible] commissioner thomas? >> thank you. i wanted to express my gratitude to commissioner heldfond and to
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staff for all of the work y'all have done. in the preparation of this document. as a new commissioner who was absorbing the information as we reviewed changes made. it was helpful to have both commissioner heldfond and the staff education on it and that and going through the process i agree with the commissioner that i think that is a good way to pursue work general low and saw the results with this. >> okay. >> thank you. >> make a slight amendment? we put i motion in. >> a motion? >>ip don't think it is promote. >> commissioner brurjs. make a motion?
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>> commissioner brirjs. turn your mic on. >> i move this we adopt that recommendation for approval of the [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]. [inaudible] >> great. >> thank you. second? >> second. >> commissioner thomas? >> so need to take public comment. >> go ahead, commissioner. >> make an amendment to the motion. amendment [cannot hear speaker]. upon changes would be in the investment policy statement which is item 4 if you follow the packet. but the amendment then i will
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explain it. under investment goals we will see item 3 be to change the legislate to add and there by add value as the total fund level. the way the clause would read now reads exceeds the bench mark based on allocation policy and asset class component upon bench mark overruling 5 year period. that's the way it it is now. i'm recommending adding. and there by add value at the total fund level. the first amendment. the second one, this is the capture [inaudible] under duties of the investment staff, one duty is carrying out rebeens activity. i wish to add the clause within
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and across clatsdzs including leverage to reduce risk return add value and maintain allocations within guard rails. all in accordance to the policies in this document those other 2. and i will explain the second. yes. do you have a response to that? >> the language that they suggested is consistent with sxroesz what we do is adding language to clarify that. so certainly in our effort to exceed the policy bench mark adding excess percentage return. if we do that, we will be adding value of the total fund level. why you are okay. >> that change and likewise with the other change it is how we
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rebalance the [inaudible]. >> okay. >> did you have anything else? >> she is in agreement with that. everyone is fine du want to add. gi would, to show more things. i did ask romachineo to help with wording one it did not conflict with what has been done and also understood. she mentioned clarity. if you have clarity in the decision make process it has to start with clarity in the rowel s and rolls royce. the issue addings value i asked to be added is not just about hitting the bench mark and meeting returns butt concept. other on the value we don't control. i want to make it understood that there is a reason why we are investing and taking on risks. adding value.
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that is a decision policy. you will hear decision quality not today it is different that adds to governors when they talk about that. that is why i'm proposing the 2 amendments yoochlt good to know you did if in partnership. helpful [inaudible]. motion. gi think, yes , i think what you say is you want to put forward approve the management monitor policy inform as amended. >> yes. made by commissioner bridges and seconded while commissioner. >> second. >> thomas. >> before we do roll call will we will go to public comment. seeing no in person public comment. can you open up the phone lines? >> thank you. remiamieder to callers to press star 3 to be added to the queue.
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moderator, are there callers? >> we have no callers. >> thank you. >> no calls, public comment is now closed. >> okay. >> so motion made by commissioner bridges and seconded by commissioner thomas. as amended. call the roll. >> commissioner bridges. why aye. >> commissioner driscoll. >> aye. >> commissioner gandhi. >> aye. >> commissioner heldfond. >> aye. >> doing a good thing here. >> president safai. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> thank you we have 6, motion passes. >> in you want to -- president safai is taking -- take care of something. >> so. okay we have the motion passed we will move call item 10.
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>> item 9 is next. >> 9. >> yes. >> sorry. >> item 9, discussion item of chief investment officers. >> [laughter] sorry about that. >> efficiency. >> right. >> okay. thank you, commissioner heldfond. >> i'm [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker]. where i wanted to have a quick snapshot for upon 2022. met monthly and know it was not the prettiest pictures included in the [inaudible] you know
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but it is you see [inaudible] market is not there why it is hard to do it and being short term does not make sense we get the [inaudible]. they have individual managers that take care of the things but we will not do that on a larger level. >> performance calendar year to date for the total and this is an estimate, i emphasize this they are an estimate. we have lag numbers and make adjustments estimated number is down. you see improvements reports that the diversification benefit
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of having in private having [inaudible] correlation with fixed income and public equity. >> end of the year 32.6 million. i will skip ahead to an update on the initiatives. may be with the slide identical to the [inaudible]. i was in the sure i was able to present i wanted go through this. because it is important in individual manager selection is important. how structure is important the strategic initiatives is equal low important. i want to highlight a few things we are working on. focused on utilizing technology to enhance information and data sharing we will implement a system this year to better manage our data.
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and in relationship to building and working with the managers. and last our system tos collaborate, share ideas and share the investments and in that nature to make sure we are talking across the classes. and all of those are things that are incorporated as we think about our budget. for the coming few years. >> second low [inaudible] process. i shared cases that introduced cio review earlier in the diligence process the team generates [inaudible] sometimes [inaudible] comprehensive. an opportunity for other members of the staff to review the work that is being done and comment to the board.
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an opportunity to say we have issues and due dill yens and focussed on and make sure we have an opportunity to review that in advanced and we issues. . >> and -- and will it is decisionmaking. at the end and we are looking to make sure timely operations due diligence. and something that we were also incorporating in what we consider our markets. >> and you know about that of and we ask that the guideline. condition to evaluate the things that would have focused on in the past.
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[inaudible] making sure current market conditions and based on expectations of future market conditions we have a measure there. we are focussed on recruiting and retaining talent. we have [inaudible] thank you for the support in -- and the head count to fix resources. [inaudible]. and finally on the slides i have been working with the [inaudible]. [inaudible] the pandemic, travel is coming back. and it is very important for our team to have the flexibility to be on the move and do on site due diligence to attend conferences and get best ideas, exchange ideas. with peers, et cetera . so -- we are [inaudible] about
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traveling. we upon spend the monwhen he we need to but the money and that is part of our duty selecting a manager and [inaudible] [inaudible]. i think we got probably update on the investments unless there are questions. >> i have a question. >> in our quest to use technology and enhance that process, all the process updated management. how much do we rely on the city and d it? right? and how much interim. >> um -- >> it is a good relationship
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platform tools microsoft product and others to benefit [inaudible]. with respect to specific related to investments [inaudible] [inaudible]. >> thank you. >> thank you. i have one question. you mentioned the searches that are running regarding adding offers to a listing. the position that i believe we approved a managing director for the director investing, is that under way? >> is that included? >> it is [inaudible] that is added here we are evaluating the prior plan had been to have a separate [inaudible] i think we
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request from the staff side to do it. 10 positions? >> 5. >> staged, 5, 3 and 2. there was a plan. that has been partially altered? >> focussing on that one position. that's why i asked. >> [inaudible] of the organization and the investment statement. so [inaudible] the decision [inaudible] but i think
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[inaudible] good decisions with respect to [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] make good decisions. >> thank you for this explanation. >> [inaudible]. i will piggyback on that, i'm glad that we made the recommendations and approval for staff and you feel comfortable where we are. what about on the consulting side you have the support you need on the consulting side? how is this working being on board at this point? do you have the support you need? >> um -- first if [inaudible] giving the [inaudible] to be able to [inaudible] on the consulting my experience that --
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different perrise to put together the best interest of the plan and we have that here. working relationships with all our consultants. you know, you make the decision to go ahead and forward the search for general consultance and up with the [inaudible]. may be it is to [inaudible] take an opportunity to search process to the landscape. we have the resources we need and the support. >> that's important. thank you. >> okay >> okay. [inaudible] i will get in the record the update on the board approved investment. so as december 15, 2022, the board approval and investment up
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to 75 million in excel partners [inaudible] investment was approved and excel k k r closed on december 16th. next, at -- in our [inaudible] the board approved in full session a commitment up to 50 million. capitol partners [inaudible]. commitment of [inaudible] [speaker muffled] on november 17 of 22 the board approved [inaudible] and opportunity,
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too. the v. 50 million [inaudible] on december 30 of 22. classified opportunity they are private [inaudible]. and finally [inaudible]. november 17th of 2022 the board approved investment [inaudible] >> by the san francisco investors [inaudible]. 21 in on january 1, 2023. a global microinvestment. and that concludes my remarks for the report and unless there are additional questions. >> any questions? if not this is discussion item so we will not have public
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comment. call number 10. >> we need public comment. >> right. >> we have no -- no in person public comment at the time. reminder to callers press story 3 to be added to the queue. moderator, do we have callers on the line? >> madam secretary, there are no callers on the line. >> thank you. >> public comment is now closed. >> call number 10, please. >> yes. item 10. discussion item. san francisco deferred compensation plan manager report. >> good afternoon, everyone. i'm steve mill are i'm the deferred compensation program manager. i will fill in for diane. diane will present the report during next month i wanted provide you with updates. the first is the stable value credit rate. the annualized credit rate for the stable value fund of 23 is
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2.56% which is a 35 point increase from the 2.21%. with the on going rise in interest rates the stable value rate increasing for 4 straight quarters. next thing was the secure act 2.0 on december 29 biden signed in law as part of the appropriation act of 2023. first secure act was sign in the law in 2019. and that act increased the required minimum distribution from [inaudible] and also updated [inaudible] beneficiaries and offered provisions for in service [inaudible]. the secure act 2.2 've expanded by further extending the divisions and created additional optional dill vigsz. i want to mention a now that
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were applicable to the [inaudible]. the regarding the distributions in 2023 the age will increase from 72 to 73 then 75 in 2033. starting in 2024, the roth acounsel will not be subject during the lifetime. which allows the individuals for [inaudible]. updates from reduce the [inaudible] and update the rowels for beneficiaries. and that includes optional divisions for contributions and in service distribution in the plan. >> amendments to satisfy the secure [inaudible] the adopting no later the end of 2027. also xepdzed the dead lines for the original secure act and the care's act so they coincide the end of 2027.
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starch attended secured 2.0 [inaudible] and another one from [inaudible]. we are waiting guidance from the irs regarding language that require clarification. in the upcoming weeks, we will have further discussions with boya and [inaudible] to obtain more on the act and how to implement the [inaudible] in the plan. once you receive this information and verification we will provide an indepth report. more to come on this. where lastly, we provided the [inaudible] report for november of 22. . next mont we will provide the full 22 end of the year report of the i did want to share end of year statistics. from the initial reports the number of participates with a balance contribution dollars and roll overs increased year over
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year from 21 to 22. also increased over 14% year over year attributed to the gradual return of employees back in the office. we will have more with the next month when the final [inaudible] is available. >> those were the main highlights i wanted cover. if you have questions let me know. otherwise, thank you for the time. >> questions from commissioners? >> okay. thank you for your presentation. take public comment. >> thank you. we have no in person public comment. at this time. remindser to callers press story 3 to be added to the queue. moderator do we have callers on the line. >> we don't have callers on the line. >> thank you. hearing no callers public
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[inaudible]. [inaudible]. sit down. am [inaudible] scent and 68 [inaudible] are to improve financial reporting by state and local pension plans approximate sponsors. consistent and disclosures and schedule the supplementary information. ask the board sept report. >> i'm happy to answer questions. >> commissioners? >> i move adoption to sept report. >> second. >> commissioner driscoll and seconded by wait. go ahead. >> i like to ask a question
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about the report. >> yea. >> do you plan on telling us more about it. jury room that is optional to the board. why okay. of because pilisten to the audio version last might and suggest that some of us will not do that today is it technically possible to add that audio 4 minutes to the minutes? so in case the publicments to look up. the report is difficult to read. but with the audio presentation explaining the points it is useful. >> that is a question. >> [inaudible]. a link? yes. >> yes. >> the document is on site. [inaudible]. do that. >> thank you. >> i can do that. >> it has been moved by commissioner driscoll and
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seconded by commissioner bridges. you want to take a role call? >> public comment. >> i'm sorry. >> we have no in person comment at this time. reminder to callers press star 3 to be added the queue. are there calm callers to the line. >> there are no caller. >> public comment is now closed. >> just for everybody's information my failure public comment on agendas guess back 20 years. [laughter]. all right. >> let's call the chief report [inaudible]. >> no. [inaudible]. >> roll call vote. >> okay. >> commissioner bridges. >> aye >> commissioner driscoll. >> aye. >> commissioner gandhi.
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>> aye. >> commissioner heldfond. >> aye. >> commissioner safai has not returned. commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> thank you we have five aye's motion passes. >> thank you. >> call the next item, please. >> yes. item 12 discussion item update on 2023 committee schedule. >> commissioner. >> please. i have a [inaudible] agenda item update on the progress on committee meetings. i wanted keep it [inaudible]. assign everyone or [inaudible] making progress and getting meetings scheduled. we discussed earlier had a productive investment committee meeting. we have progress we can continue to make. but the government committee on the calendar. and our policies are [inaudible] that would be an important task at hand for the committee.
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>> we [inaudible] the meetings scheduled the second half of the year i focussed on the first half of the year schedule for the items that required your attention. and would like to highlight 2 meetings. the personnel committee meeting and the budget meeting and the budget meeting is important because we need the operational committee to approve that so it goes to the board for approval and get that done in advance of when we submit to the city. i emphasize because the committees are small and so [inaudible]. of tell be a conflict or issue or or we will not be here in person i ask the member to community that to us. as early as possible. and committed to trying to get them on the calendar as far as in advanced so you can plan. so, i have included the new
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format and internal low hopefully it is helpful to you. [inaudible]. >> thank you. >> i'm sure i'm looking at commissioners safai. -- encourage everybody when we get the requests to which fill out the proper -- name, time, date we all have it in timely approximate quickly and commit to doing it. and i will just fill out the investment committee the way that went. down as a templet that hopeful low we can have to do and turn it out like we did with investment committee. >> okay. any public ment on this. >> thank you. >> we have no in person public comment at this time.
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reminder to callers press star 3 to be added to the queue. moderator, do we have callers? >> we have no callers on the line. >> thank you there are no callers, public comment is now closed. >> i have a comment about the committee schedule. >> yeach >> i'm not the chair of a committee which is okay. a request make. -- make it better for me if the mittees were in the week following the board meeting because we do it the second and fourth week it breaks update month it makes me awkward to do other things. >> thursday is new i don't know how long tell continue. spags the meeting make its awkward to do planning with travel. that's a request. the others will have to. when whether or not that fits in with the preparation for the meetings done by staff. not trying to change meetings
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now. we have alegality of other committee meetings not yet scheduled. that is a request. >> can you locate the [inaudible] make sure you are -- [inaudible]. >> repeat the process [inaudible]. subject to the other. >> that's a committee meeting would be the week before or after the full board meeting. >> and will do take into account staff ability to meet the dead line and get this to you. the meetings that have been on the calendar and scheduled, a variety of options and that has landed on the calendar where we can get a quorum. take into account and other board members reference and scheduling going forward. why thank you. >> all the more important if we respond when we are asked by the
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staff as to what our preferences are or ability to [inaudible]. okay. >> thanks. >> thanks. i'm sure that will be take into account. >> okay. so -- we are at did we take -- public comment? >> we are on item 13. >> please. >> item 13 discussion item chief executive officer's report. >> a couple of items to share. i think it is in the discussion earlier to [inaudible] put together the board materials to facilitate your [inaudible] separating the documents [inaudible] will figure that in a way that is not [inaudible] helpful for you so we have feedback or want things roach
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out to [inaudible]. so a reminder blackout period for 3 stijs. the [inaudible] [speaker muffled]s i want to turn it over [inaudible] changes with the ability to meet virtual and in person. >> yes. thank you. romano. good afternoon, commissioners. for -- okay. 3 years we have been operating under special rules for policy bodies by the pandemic. the governor declared a state of
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emergency on march fourth of 2020. that state of emergency is going to end on february 28, tent 23 and we anticipate that the mayor's emergency orders pertaining to covid will for the most part sunset on that date that means as of march first, the board will be operating under rules very much like had they were before covid. will be required to attends in person. we will not have exceptions available. such as membership in a vulnerable population. so -- there are a few exceptions this will apply for committee mite meetings. they are narrow. and can only be used twice a dwreer. i will be circulating a memo if you have not seen the details and the changes that will be in affect on march first. and once you had a chance to
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review that memo i'm happy to answer questions you may have. >> at any other meeting that we are having, not this [inaudible]. >> well, so we would not need to do this hybrid meeting format unless somebody is remote. under one of those narrow exceptions. if this happens we permit remote public comment and would be in the setting againful i don't anticipate that would happen often with full board meetings exceptions are so narrow. may come often with committee meetings. >> okay. question. can you tell me the date when the sun sets? i did not catch that. february 28 of 2023. as of march first we are under the new rules.
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>> thank you. >> sure. >> we'll be back to the sfgovtv operating and recording all our meetings. i imagine it would be the case. have you heard anything. where we will work through. >> i think -- i would imagine we have to. >> one thing that is normal. >> we go back to how we operated before. >> before. >> before covid. again somebody has an anywhereo exceptions and find that somebody is remote, we would be back in the hybrid format for that limited meeting. >> the law was about the recording why we put our meetings on sfgovtv. i think it was an exemption. we will figure it out. >> there is a cost. >> [inaudible]. the ceo regarding the services
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blacked out. parts 2 and 3. the general consultant and -- public market investment consultant. the rfp is closed? correct? and staff. when will they be viewable and the rowels about they can be viewed in site. can you view them before staff makes recommendation. >> if i may get back to you. [inaudible] >> okay. >> thank you. >> okay. on the ceo report? nope. >> okay. any public comment in >> thank you we have no in person comment. >> reminder to press star 3 to be added to the queue. moderator, do we have callers.
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>> there are no callers on the line >> thank you. public comment is closed. >> okay. want to call the item. >> item 14 discussion item. board [inaudible] executive order [inaudible]. >> commissioners have any comments? >> requests. or order items? >> okay. we shall adjourn. do we have public comment? >> we have no in person comment. >> mod rartd, there are callers? >> madam secretary, there are no callers on the line. >> thank you, public comment is now closed. >> thank you. >> you want to call the item
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the wag brigade is a partnership between the airport and the san francisco therapy animal assistant program to bring therapy animals into the airport, into the terminals to make passenger travel more enjoyable. i amgen fer casarian and i work here at san francisco international airport. the idea for therapy dogs got started the day after 9/11. an employee brought his therapy dog to work after 9/11 and he was able to see how his dog was able to relieve passenger's jitter. when we first launched the program back in 2013, our main goal was to destress our passengers however what we quickly found is that our animals were helping us find a way to connect with our pang.
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passengers. we find there are a lot of people traveling through the airport who are missing their pets and who are on their road a lot and can't have pets and we have come in contact with a lot of people recently who have lost pet. >> i love the wag brigade. >> one of my favorite parts is walking into the terminals and seeing everybody look up from their device, today everybody is interacting on their cell phone or laptop and we can walk into the terminal with a dog or a pig and people start to interact with each other again and it's on a different level. more of an emotional level. >> i just got off an 11.5 hour flight and nice to have this
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distraction in the middle of it. >> we look for wag brigade handlers who are comfortable in stressful situations. >> i like coming to airport it's a lot of fun and the people you talk to are generally people who are missing their dogs. >> they are required to compete a certification process. and they are also required to complete a k9 good citizen test and we look for animals who have experienced working with other organizations such as hospitals and pediatric units and we want to be sure that the animals we are bringing into the airport are good with children and also good with some of our senior travelers. i think toby really likes meeting kids. that is his favorite thing. he likes to have them pet him and come up to him and he really
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loves the kids. >> our wag brigade animals can be spotted wearing custom vets and they have custom patches. >> there is never a day that repeats itself and there is never and encounter that repeats itself. we get to do maximum good in a small stretch of time and i have met amazing people who have been thrilled to have the interaction. >> the dogs are here seven days a week, we have 20 dogs and they each come for a two hour shift. >> there is a lot of stress when people have traveling so to from these animals around to ease the stress and help people relax a little bit. i think it's great. >> one of our dogs has special need and that is tristine.
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he wears a wheel around. >> he has special shoes and a harness and we get it together in the parking lot and then we get on the air train. he loves it. little kids love him because he is a little lower to the ground so easy to reach and he has this big furry head they get to pet and he loves that. >> he doesn't seem to mind at all. probably one of the happiest dogs in the world. >> many people are nervous when they travel but seeing the dogs is just a wonderful relief. >> what i absolutely love most about it is the look on people's faces, so whenever they are stressed and flying is stressful these days you get these wonderful smile. >> i am the mom of lilo the pig
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and she is san francisco's first therapy pig. >> lilo joined the wag brigade as our first pig. >> wag brigade invited us to join the program here and we have done it about a year-and-a-half ago. our visits last 1.5 to 2 hours and it does take a little bit longer to get out of the terminal because we still get a lot of attention and a lot of people that want to interact with lilo. >> i feel honored to be part of the wag brigade. it's very special to meet so many people and make so many feel happy and people that work here. it's been a great experience for me and a great experience for to
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our debts are not for sale. >> a piece about sanctuary and how his whole family served in the army and it's a long family tradition and these people that look at us as foreigners, we have been here and we are part of america, you know, and we had to reinforce that. i have been cure rating here for about 18 year. we started with a table top, candle, flowers, and a picture and people reacted to that like it was the monna lisa. >> the most important tradition as it relates to the show is idea of making offering. in traditional mexican alters,
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you see food, candy, drinks, cigarettes, the things that the person that the offerings where being made to can take with them into the next word, the next life. >> keeps us connects to the people who have passed and because family is so important to us, that community dynamic makes it stick and makes it visible and it humanizes it and makes it present again. ♪♪ >> when i first started doing it back in '71, i wanted to do something with ritual, ceremony and history and you know i talked to my partner ross about the research and we opened and it hit a cord and people loved it. >> i think the line between engaging everyone with our
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culture and appropriating it. i think it goes back to asking people to bring their visions of what it means to honor the dead, and so for us it's not asking us to make mexican altars if they are not mexican, it's really to share and expand our vision of what it means to honor the dead. >> people are very respectful. i can show you this year alone of people who call tol ask is it okay if we come, we are hawaii or asian or we are this. what should we wear? what do you recommend that we do? >> they say oh, you know, we want a four day of the dead and it's all hybrid in this country. what has happened are paper cuts, it's so hybrid.
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it has spread to mexico from the bay area. we have influence on a lot of people, and i'm proud of it. >> a lot of times they don't represent we represent a lot of cultures with a lot of different perspectives and beliefs. >> i can see the city changes and it's scary. >> when we first started a lot of people freaked out thinking we were a cult and things like that, but we went out of our way to also make it educational through outreach and that is why we started doing the prosession in 1979. >> as someone who grew up attending the yearly processions and who has seen them change incrementally every year into kind of what they are now, i
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feel in many ways that the cat is out of the bag and there is no putting the genie back into the bottle in how the wider public accesses the day of the dead. >> i have been through three different generations of children who were brought to the procession when they were very young that are now bringing their children or grandchildren. >> in the '80s, the processions were just kind of electric. families with their homemade visuals walking down the street in san francisco. service so much more intimate and personal and so much more rooted in kind of a family practice of a very strong cultural practice. it kind of is what it is now and it has gone off in many different directions but i will always love the early days in the '80s where it was so
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intimate and sofa millial. >> our goal is to rescue a part of the culture that was a part that we could invite others to join in there there by where we invite the person to come help us rescue it also. that's what makes it unique. >> you have to know how to approach this changing situation, it's exhausting and i have seen how it has affected everybody. >> what's happening in mission and the relationship with the police, well it's relevant and it's relevant that people think about it that day of the dead is not just sugar skulls and paper flowers and candles, but it's
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become a nondenominational tradition that people celebrate. >> our culture is about color and family and if that is not present in your life, there is just no meaning to it you know? >> we have artists as black and brown people that are in direct danger of the direct policies of the trump administration and i think how each of the artists has responded so that call is interesting. the common. >> shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services we help san francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the
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49. >> my name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if san francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both national chains and neighborhoods by the neighborhood stores where coming you don't want to - one of the
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great things of san francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own- that's >> [door opening] >> okay, kids. our next guest speaker for career day is the sheriff from san francisco. >> hi, everyone. does anybody know what a deputy does? >> they involve the law. >> you know what, let me show you what it takes to be a
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deputy. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> at the san francisco sheriff's office, we're looking for a few good deputies. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> we need people who aren't afraid to push themselves. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> who are willing to go the distance. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> men and women who is up for a challenge. >> who love it as much as we do. >> [foreign language]
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>> you'll probably drink coffee with us. >> [foreign language] keeping it real, this job is challenging. >> when one door closes -- >> we make sure another one opens. >> we protect san francisco courts. >> court is now in session. [gavel] >> helping justice to be serve. >> during election season, we make sure every vote is counted. >> we wet people where they -- we get people to where they need to go. >> and forward our city's hospitals. >> it's important we can keep you safe. >> whether you're celebrating
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your quinceanera or getting married >> congratulations! >> we'll stand up for you so your voices can be heard. >> protecting your first amendment rights. [cheers and applause] >> (indiscernible) in uniform. [cheers and applause] >> go warriors >> we train hard to get to where we are. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> [whistle] >> we offer a competitive salary. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> and average of more than $100,000 a year to start. >> (indiscernible).
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>> including great medical coverage. >> and a pension you can actually retire on. >> [foreign language] >> this folds really good. >> we're looking for those who think outside the box. >> and people who want to save lives. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> for people who want to change lives. >> for those who want to serve our city. >> we need you. >> we're committed. >> you bring something to our team that no one else can. >> you! >> all right. now, who wants to be a deputy? ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> three, two one. >> top notch benefits. >> is that too much.
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is >> good afternoon this meeting will come to order. welcome to the february 6, 2023 regular meeting of upon land use transportation committee of the board of supervisors i'm supervisor melgar chair joined by vice chair supervisor preston and board president aaron peskin the clerk today is erika major. i would like to acknowledge matthew at sfgovtv for staffing this meeting. doyo
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