tv Ethics Commission SFGTV February 17, 2023 2:35am-5:01am PST
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today's meeting is live on sfgovtv 2 and streaming live online at members may attend in person or by phone or the men ex platform. approximate moderator, can you explain how the remote comment will be handled today. opinion comment available on each item. allowed 3 minutes to speak. those in person opportunity to speak during the public comment period will be meated available in room 400 of city hall. remotely public ment via phone call by calling 415-554-0001. access code: 2488 117 8422 ##.
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again access code: 2488 117 8422 ## you will hear a beep when you are connected. you will be muted and listening mode only. when your item come up dial star 3 to be added to the public comment lineful you will hear, you have raised your hand, wait until the host callous. the line will be silent as you wait. ensure you are in a quiet location before you speak are mute the upon sound of equip urnld including television, roor computer. it is important you mute your computer if you are watching via the web link. when the system message says, your line has been unmute third degree is your turn. you will hear, welcome, caller
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we encourage to you state your name. when you speak have you 3 machines to provide comment. sick minute fist have an interpreter you will hear i bell off when you have 30 seconds remain will if you wish to with draw from the line press star 318. once your 3 millions expired staff will headquarter and mou you. you will hear, your line has been muted. attendees who wish to speak may stay on the line and listen for the next public comment opportunity and raise your hands by pressing star 3 when the next item of interest come up. may be submitted in wroiting and shared with the commission after the moting and include as part of the meeting time written comments sent to ecices. commission
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thank you. i call the meeting to order. roll call >> indicate your presence by saying, aye after your name is called. commissioner bush. >> commissioner bush? >> commissioner feng. >> aye >> commissioner finlev. >> aye y. chair lee. >> aye. >> commissioner romano. >> aye >> commissioner bush. >> yes. chair liwith 5 members present have you a quorum. >> thank you and let the record reflect this commissioner bush is participating remotely for the rules exemptions. with that agenda item 2 which is public comment on matters not appearing on the agenda.
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do we have anyone? my apologies we have one person who want to speak. go ahead. >> you will have 3 minutes. >> thank you. >> i'm winship hill i can't recall i realize you had 50 complaints dumpod you from a member of the publicy regarding the sunshine ordinance. and my complaint is similar to those but different. i submitted it on december 31st of last year exit still don't have a determination of whether you have jurisdiction over it. and i was contacted by mr. eric willard who told me the case number was 2223-049. >> he would work on this. but it has been 40 days that is
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a bit long to determine whether you have jurisdiction. back to you, madam chair. >> thank you. we will make sure mr. willard gets in contact with you to follow up. mr. moderator. anyone waiting in queue? thank you. for remote participate fist you joined to listen now is the time to get in line to speak. members who are on the line and wish to comment on matters not appears on the agenda under item 2 dial star 3. once you are in the queue the will prompt you to speak. address your extents to the commission as a whole and not individual members. we have one caller in the queue.
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>> welcome. you were 3 minutes begins announcement >> great. can you hear me now. >> yes. why good morning david pilpel. on item 2, general public comment, i have a brief question is item 12e the closed session probable cause determination still being heard today. il have other comments later. if you could address that that is afternoon agenda change if it is in the heard. thank you for listening. >> thank you, caller. >> if i may respond i think that item has been tabled to march meeting.
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>> thank you. public comment is closed. we go to upon agenda item 3. which is consent 3, 4, 5 and 6 consent calendar. as noted there will be no discussions on the consent calendar item unless a request is med by a commission member or a member of the public in attendance. which everyone the matter should be remove friday consent and considered as a separate item. if commissioner asked to discuss item. that item be taken up following action on consent items on the regular calendar for discussion and action. does any member wish to discuss an item on consent? i see, none. does any member of the public or in person which to provide
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comment on the consent calendar? if not. mr. moderator do we have members of the public wait nothing queue for this comment? thank you, please, stand by. we have one caller in the queue. >> welcome. your 3 machines begins now. >> david pilpel again. so one thing i noticed in the minutes and because i had to pdf the minutes, i can't give the page reference. this is on the january 13th minutes item 7. just before public comment. refers to commissioner romano as commission romano. changing that word prosecute commission to commissioner. and then in general, on the minutes i have in the looked at
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them, it is in my experience unusual to not a problem to make a first reference to someone with their full name but subsequent references to just someone by their last name without a title or full name or reference to genteder is odd. so by way of example on that same page wong made an introduction statement to the commission it strikes me as unusual the way the city does minutes at various bodies. i don't think there is nothing illegal or wrong i ask you staff tong about how to characterize subscent references to an individual. i'm noticing under public comment related item 8 the closed session.
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gary webeck the attorney is spelled winuc. if i notice anything else i will bring that up to staff so not to take up more time of the meeting might run along anyway. thank you for listening. >> thank you. >> public comment on the consent calendar is closed. commissioners, there are no further discussion i entertain a motion it adopt consent first. item 3 resolution on continuation of remote meetings. item 4.
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minutes of ethic's january 13th, 23 regular meeting. item 5, draft manslaughter of commission january 20, 2023 special meeting. and item 6, executive director's report highlighting departmental programs, operations and staff news. >> do i have a motion? i move. item 6 is discussion only i move to adopt 3, 4 and 5 and number 4 the draft machines for january 13. i confirm we have the correct spelling of the gem's name. i move to adopt. >> as amended. >> second. >> roll call. >> opt motion to adopt the consent, commissioner bush. >> aye. >> commissioner feng. >> aye. >> commissioner finlev. >> aye. >> chair li.
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>> aye. >> commissioner romano. >> aye >> with 5 in affirmative the motion is approved unanimously >> now we go to goodnighted item 7. which is election of commission officers who are 2023 for ethic's by laws articles 4 section one. i ask executive director to provide an over view of the process for the nominating and electing officers for the coming year. the commissions by laws don't have a specific method. the commission has employed the following. chirp will open nominations for chair. a mission who wishes to nominate will state the name of the person if this person aggress that person is nominated.
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commissioners may self nominate. the chair will close the nominations and take a vote in which each commissioner shall state the name he and she is working. if an elected for a year term starting march first. if none are nominated proceed to another vote. this process shall repeat until one nominee have received 3 or more votes. the chair will then open nominations for vice chair which will follow the same process. a commissioner who nominated for vice chair state the name of the person. if that person aggress had person is nominated. commissioners may self nominate for vice chair. when there are no nominations they will close and take a vote
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each commissioner usual state for whom they are voting. if a nominate receives 3 or more that person is elected vice chair if no one does the commission may have further discussion and proceed this will repeat until one nominee received 3-more votes. i wish to self nominate myself. i had no intent until a few days ago. as we know. this commission is facing a couple of important champions. we must find the next executive
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director. to lead the commission. we are also facing a possible budget issue that we may have to lose up to a third of the current staffment these would severely impact our current task to carry out our vision and mission. given to us by the people of san francisco. i feel very seriously the next few minutes we need to continue on the path we have been on the last -- few months. we -- should not could not have a disruption to when we are doing, for this reason, make
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surety next few months we would able to deal with the 2 challenges and for these 2 reasons alone i nominate myself to lead the commission for the next year. any other nominations. >> i ask commissioner bush if he would like to remain vice chair. >> yes. do we dotted chirp first and then do we do the public comment and vote. >> brad russy. the president the chair question is first addressd and voted on.
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so you should take public comment on the chirp and then resolve that question and move on to vice chair. >> okay. let's open up if there are no other nominations to the the chair position open up for public comment, please. we are checking to see if there are callers wishing to comment on item 7, election of chair. >> there are no callers in the queue. >> okay. >> vote first and go to vice chair. >> i like to make a comment. >> i like the lack of druma we have in our selection process. i think that is important. but madam chair since you will
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be the remaining chair i like to point out have an opportunity to have the other commissions way in more on the agenda setting. it is in the a requirement but nice to build this in the rest of us are involved in that as well. >> if i could ask the city attorney, my understanding is the agenda is set by the chair in but every meeting at the end of the upon agenda the ends of the agenda, members of the commission can suggest items that they would want to be included in the future commission meetings. and i know that for myself, i have been very forthright when i meet with the executive director to make sure that awful those suggestions are included if it
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is appropriate. if it is timely. i do take your suggestions very seriously and that is something i believe what this is a commission that should reflect each of the 5 members. areas of interest. expertise and moving forward. i do take that seriously and thank you for bringing that up. >> i agree. commissioner. the other commissioners opportunity to propose items for the agenda the commission's consideration is on the agenda at every molting and provide input at that time. >> thank you. >> so do we take a vote now or go for the nomination. >> you should take a vote on the nomination depending on the floor for chair. >> if i may. chair lee. >> commissioner bush.
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>> i know we are taking comments from the partial i was in the sure we had a specific time for commissioners to comment? and i would like to comment on the nomination of chair lee. because this is a critical period for the ethic's commission. this come on the heels of a series of reports by the controller and endorsed by city attorney about correction issues and in our city government. it is also a time of change. since -- leanne decided to leave as executive director. and we have 3 of the 5 commissioners who have arrived
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fairly recently. we don't have the longevity. in addition, commissioner lee offers something that we seriously need and that's facility with parts of the san francisco voters who not conversing in english or conversive with the political process. and i think somewhere 35 and 40% of all san francisco voters are asian-americans. it is important we have representation at the top of the commission at this point that
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brings more equity to that process. i'm delighted that chair lee is willing to stay on. thank you. >> thank you, roll call, please. >> commissioners as i call your name please vote by stating the name of the individual you will be casting your vote to serve as chair for the ethic's commission for the coming year beginning march first. commissioner bush. >> chair lee. >> commissioner feng. >> chair lee. >> commissioner finlev. why chair lee. >> chair lee. >> myself. >> commissioner romachineo. >> chair lee. >> madam chair 5-0 commission elected you to serve as chair
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for a year term beginning march first of 23, congratulations. >> thank you and i want to thank my colleagues for your trust. not only in me but in this commission. that we are we have a very important task and it takes all 5 of us we come with different perspective and each one of our experience is important especially now as we move forward. thank you for your trust and we need to really proceed to make sure that we have the new leadership in place. and the necessary resource to support the work that we want the commission to move. thank you very much. now, let's go to nomination for vice chair.
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i do hear a motion to -- to nominate i would nominate vice chair bush. to continue on as the vice chair. as we all know, vice chair bush, has an institutional relationship with this commission. he worked on the community level that created this commission. and throughout as members of friends of ethics. as a community advocate and until a couple years ago and now as the vice chair member and vice chair of this commission. he is on institutional knowledge. the experience and importantly.
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upon even though we do not agree on everything but our difference of perspectives add to the vibrance of our discussion and there by really enrich the outcome of what this commission is set to do. i nominate vice chair bush. to the new term as vice chair. >> thank you. i accept. do i entertain other nominations? >> no. nomination is closed. let's go to public comment, please. moderator? >> we are checking to see if there are callers who wish to comment on item 7, election of vice hair. chair.
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there are no callers in the queue >> let us go to the vote for the vice chair. can you dot roll call in >> thank you. commissioners as i call your name state the name for whom you will cast your vote to serve as vice chair for ethics commission beginning march first. commissioner bush. >> i vote for me. if i may also, as a privilege of making a comment, each are appointed by different parts of city government. mine miss from the board of supervisors and one of 2 appointments made with an eye toward greater public participation. and involvement.
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to me, that's [inaudible] of are all the things this commission does being an over seer or monitor for behavioral issues is the least of it. the most important thing i see the commission doing is encouraging greater participation in the part of the people of san francisco so they participate in decisions that affect their lives. i have to believe the decisions in their [inaudible]. makes a difference. and i think that part of our job is to able to connect with them. so they can see that takes place. and in the periods which i serve as chair, that is the most important contribution that i can make.
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thank you. >> thank you, vice chair. roll call, please. >> continue with the roll call. commissioner feng. why commissioner bush. why commissioner finlev. >> commissioner bush. >> chair lee. >> commissioner bush. >> commissioner romano. >> commissioner bush. why 5-0 the commission elected commissioner bush it serve at the vice chair for a year term beginning march first of 23. congratulations, commissioner bush. >> congratulations vice chair bush. we look forward to seeing you at the next meeting in person. >> i look forward to that, too. >> now let us go to agenda item
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8. which is discussion of possible action on the executive director recruitment process. may include participation by a representative from the executive search firm and i'm happy to report that miss tammy of the and i think is that let me just give an update to my fellow commissioners. where we are at. first i want to thank the acting director and dhr representative our liaison with dhr, they work diligent low with cps. and they will during the last few weeks. because their hard workexperien
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work with members of the public of stake holders so theyville a chance to meet with us. to share with us what issues they realliment the next ed to be aware of. their interests. the idea originally, and again, i'm open to any amendments, the idea when we discuss third degree was through the search committee that was formed by the chair and the vice chair; the search committee will be able to carry out much of the activities. including meetings with the public, the stake holders. however, there are also opportunity for other members of the commission on who wish to
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join in certain stake holder meetings that we can make this a formal commission meeting if there are more than 3 members. or we can continue as a search committee with the chair appointing another person or 2 others to replace the chair to replace the existing 2 member of the search committee. as you know, the search committee is also required to notice the meetings and i think it is very important we do so the members of the public will know they have an opportunity to i think as long as we have 2 members of the of the commission to meet meet the public.
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that is currently something we had agreed on. any of the commissioners who are not currently on the committee but do want to say we have a stake holder meeting with members of the of the campaign managers they can certainly put participate the the 2 members and i will make sure that, that happens because if there are more than 2, we would need to do the normal. and as you know we have a very tight time line. >> with this backgrounds, and now that we are heading to the second phase, which is public engagement, i want to turn it over to our acting director to
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see if she has anything to ad before we ask to give us an update. >> thank you, madam chair. . the staff is looking in eye few aspects to help schedule the sessions. essential low, we will need to determine if the sessions will be in person as well as remote if we want the public to participate in person and participate virtually. we will need to conduct them in meeting spaces that provide for technology to conduct hybrid meetings. options are that we could conduct them in meetings that we use for the commission meetings at city hall. there are already equipped with the technology. the office has a small meeting
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space which is also fully equipped and red to go. however, the meeting space in the ethic's office has limited seating up to 10 or so in person attendees. we may be able to do virtual meetings in that space. which will be accommodate a larger number of attendees. so the meeting space we are looking at a few other considerations we could possible low conduct in person meetings in a larger room. without the online component and conduct separate online meetings. the way to plan the meetings so this something staff is looking into, we would need to consider meeting requirements with respect to a public noticing.
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if the out reach sessions will be attended by 2 commissioners i will need to be noticed 72 hours ahead like the regular meetings. i understand the end of the month some of those rowels may be relaxed. we also know that effective march first meeting rules will be back to prepandemic time rules. so there are additional lodgist cal considerations this will need to be considered if we are scheduling them after march first. >> may i before i -- ask my fellow commissioners comments. i want to add that now we are looking at conducting these listening sessions before that deadline of the submission of march 9. the idea is even though we have
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put out the qualifications and of of everything. it is important for the to weigh in before we go through the evaluation of the application and final step of interviewing finalists. now i'm looking at a minimum given everyone's busy schedule. a minimum of 2 listening sessions. first one will be grouped by folks who have direct responsibility to engage with this commission. such as regular reporting. filing of reports and everything. those are the campaign consultants. lobbyists. and what have you. that will be first meeting. again they are proposals.
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and love to hear your thoughts. the second meeting will be involving the community based organizations. those other folks we heard often they are also engaged with us, may be not directly but whatever rules and regulations we pass would impact them as nonprofits and cbo's. now i'm looking at the minimum of 2 to start. and then let's see what the -- interest iaries and time commitments we have amount commissioners. now i want to turn it over to ms. derby tow update us before we have questions for you. >> good morning. >> good morning, chirp approximate members thank you
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for having me. >> a pleasure to see you i have a quick power point to share. >> i wanted give an update today of where we are in the current process. the first thing i wanted show you is this we have updated our time line. person of conversations we had with you. since my last appearance at your meetings. as you see issue currently, we are started the access phase of recruitment. the chair mentions the brochure went live last week live on our website and the commission's website. and the final filing date is march ninth. and so we have the next 30-days to go out and finds candidates. after that march ninth final filing date, we'll do résumé
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rerowels and screening interviews with candidates that meet qualifications. it is anticipated we will meet with you on march 24 to do a candidate rerue meeting with the selection committee. at that point, we would those are potential dates from the therein to april 19th for interviews with the selection committee and april 20 to may 12 or potential dates for second interviews with the full commission. giving you a final decision and employment offer the first part of may. we need to be able to put some time in this process in the selection process, it is very probable you will make an offer some time in late april. but those are conversations will are with the selection committee and the chirp as we move forward.
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next the adds are appearing now on all of these cites. sometimes it takes a couple days. first the hispanic national bar association. seconded, california lawyer's association. we chose to use that is the bar association for all california members. they do then e mail it to more than 65,000 of their members. feel that we get a good broad swath of individuals through that add. the california district attorney's association. the american bar association. which then e mails it to tons of thousands of law professionals around the country. capitol morning report is a state publication. and we want to make sure we advertise there to hit individuals at the attorney
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general's office. for example, also we are sending it to individuals directly as with many individuals but we want to make sure we have advertising there. then also with the society of corporate compliance and ethices and ethic's compliance initiative. we also then have very active social media campaigns happening. using zoom and linked in recruiter to identify professionals in the pace to contact as referral sources or potential correspondidates. we are using source techniques include roaching out to neighborhood associations and many of the organizations that the chair mentioned in doing your listening engagement situations. but we will do director out roach to the individuals include cold calling and e mail. we will schedule informal
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screening sessions often times we encourage them to apply. one of the things that has happened is our initial e mails blast gone out to sick,000 individuals from our data base around the country to inform them of the position. but then over the next 30 days tell be the targeted out reach activities we will conduct. we'll assist the acting director to help set up the discussions. and we will be contacting a list of potential candidates that was identified to us by leanne. we have a very robust 4 weeks in front of us we will be contacting the referral sources and potential candidates. as i mentioned, the selection process after that march 9 is for us to do our screening interviews to then do an upon
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cabbedidate review meeting and doing introduce, client introduce the full commission. those other 3 process steps. the final selection we'll assist in the candidate offer and help with negotiations. we'll be doing reference and background check assessments. be helping solidify a start date. i will answer questions at this points. >> any questions or comments to nell fellow commissioners. i have a few questions. >> go ahead. >>
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>> you are good. >> okay. in terms of the proposed no we would not share that information that is the pleasure of the commission. if that is something you desire the commission shoes we would share that information with the commission, obviously. commissioner bush repeat your question? >> what is the potential candidates who are being proposed by others, will be identified in terms of who will make the proposal, they be
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considered. in the past my experience was that we wanted give additional weight in some case. lee an was not a candidate on the first list. but she came in as the result of the former chair of the ftcc who knew her very well and convinced her she should apply, so she did. and she blew away the position. and paul was the chair at that time. gave due weight. and came in. and she trumped the candidates
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many of us thought were the lead exerts rightfully so. i think it would be helpful to know because it tells you something about the back grounds of the candidates they were able to enlist that type of support. and in general, it is in the unusual for a candidate to list the names of people who endorse the candy. that is one factor. another factor is whether you are doing an out roach to groups like [inaudible]. it is association of ethic's organizations throughout california. and they do annual meetings and have -- forums. where things are discussed. and it is respected.
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and if someone is -- acting participate, that would tell us something about their familiarity with the way ethics is being handled. across the state and not just within the context of san francisco. if i may ad we want to make sure this process is completely fair and transparent. i think that it is okay for individual members to ask someone to apply for this job but as we go forward with this proisz, it would not be for nearbying it would not public confidence if some candidates
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come in and rmdzed by somebody. and of course, résumé and reference checks that information will come through as they go forward. i personal low like to hear from colleagues, but i would prefer that you do not include those information as we review the first rounds of applicants. any comments? that makes sense. i have a question. thank you for your brief and -- helpful presentation. the idea that my right is that you will bring a couple candidates to the full mittee? >> correct. >> the full commission i anticipate 2-3 finalists >> that seems right to me. i think this process has been i trust that you and the
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subcommittee have done a thorough job. that is evidence to us. i don't think the rest of us should be part of every detail about the brochures and meeting room and who -- i do trust the chair special vice chair. this is the points of the subcommittee. i suggest that we reserve the full commission time for when we have the finalists otherwise i trust you guys to finds those finalists for us. >> i like to comment on the presentation. i fund it helpful. noise to see on out reach, there were intention to include
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diverse candidates. i worn how i go about helping add. you have begin opportunity to offer different bar associations or organizations that may be we can -- reach out to. is that something that i should speak to you about or the chair special vice chair at this stage? >> if i can answer that, first. i think a couple of us had submitted a list that included the ad a, nba. alphabet soupful american and national and asian bar association the congressional starer association. california staffer's association. to name a few. that was submitted. and i hope that cps would reach
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out to the groups even though some of us i personal low had sent out the brochure. if you have other organizations that you want them to include, just for experience sake, may be you can sends it to me. >> great >> and make sure that is the whole list they dot second blast. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> company quick comments. thank you, i'm sorry commissioner bush? >> i wanted to suggest that when people are writing up their interest in serving as executive director that they include whether they attended an ethic commission meeting or involved in a campaigner lobby effort so they have hand's on experience. with those identities. that they would be over seeing
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as executive director. >> not a factor that would preclude someone from being considered but a factor that might play a role in their consideration. >> >> thank you for your presentation. i agree with commissioner romano the details save for the subcommittee. i would like to have access to résumés as they come inform not to discuss them or credit a meetingly but whether you can at the time up something electronic if we wish we can look at the résumés not in a meeting or discussion just to access them. and in terms of issue that commissioner bush raised about names or references, since we're pick a candidate on merit it is
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wored had we bake in who referred them at the initial step. i agree with chair lee that would make me uncomfortable. that said, of course people should list their reference and where they workd and i imagine that the search firm would follow up with the folks. this is the appropriate way to address that issue. >> thank you. >> thank you. there is no other questions, comments if the commissioners open up for public comment. moderator. >> we are checking to see if there are caller hos wish to ment on item 8, director recruitment process. we have one caller in the queue. >> great. dave you'd pilpel, again. it was a short presentation from the executive search firm.
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if you could post that power point presentation on the website, in relation to this item that would be great. i appreciate that. if you hold public out reach sessions to discuss candidate not specific candidates but questions of law ifkdzs and et cetera i encourage to you hold those sessions as remote or at least hybrid so relative to the next item that public participation is encouraged but people should in the have to go down to a site to do that. they should participate just as i am now. today. also if you could post the link to the brochure itself. that was reference med. i don't want to go find it if there is a way to include the link to that. also if you are updating the
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agenda page for today and i was going to refer to [inaudible] but commissioner -- bush already referenced it. which of course i thought was a jewish cooking group. anyway. those are my thoughts on the recruitment process. thank you for listening. >> thank you and can you please make sure your contact and the staff your contact information we want you to know about the best public engage am session. and if i could askow executive director if you can put a separate site in the website on the executive search page so the public can follow. with us.
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with the updates and then questions at they may have that would be great. i don't know technology. i don't know if this is public but it would be great if we do that as a separate page. >> great. thank you. other public comment? >> there are no further callers in the queue. >> one more thing i want to brief my fellow commissioners. we have a stantlying, weekly meeting with our dhr liaison as well as our cps, hr represent to make sure we troubleshoot the, come up and that we are staying on schedule. so -- thank you for your continued engagement. and again, each one of us are prix to reach out to talk to
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stake holders and friends as we go forward until march ninth. and i will be working with cps and hr to make sure that the first round applications will be reviewed. so that they may be a jam in that group. they may not meet so called minimum qualifications if well is someone to span out from the group. we make sure that on behalf of the commission we be able to review. every application that come through. yea. so we will work the city attorneys to make sure hathat process will -- be available at the same time protecting the privacy of these individuals.
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if we are dealing with making it available to all of us. may be some confidentiality issues to abide by >> with respect to commissioner finlev's request to have the applications available for commissioners. don't see an issue i assume where they are stored is in a secure location. we will work on this one. thank you. >> with no more public comment on item 8 now closed. no action is required. thank you mr. -- >> thank you. >> and we will see you at the next meeting. >> thank you. are we having an update every meeting? >> i move we don't have anymore until we are 2-3 finalists.
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>> okay. the purpose of the update is to keep the public engaged. i suggest we publish manage we don't need to take the time to go through this. i trust you guys that ask the purpose of this subcommittee. okay. that's my. >> preference. >> the commission? i think if there are specific, that is different but i don't see why unless we are at this stage. >> we will not see you. in march. >> we appreciate your work. honest. >> i would say that most organizations as your size do try to have a week page dedicated to the search the public can see it daily if there are updates, et cetera . and so i high low encourage that if it
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is possible. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. now let's go to item 9. the discussion and possible action regarding the impact of termination of the governor's emergency proclamation and mayor's emergency order on ethic's hybrid meeting and operations whether to continue to resource and provide online and phone conferences to facilitate remote public comment. i think this it is pretty self explain tory i don't think we need to have. >> i agree. i was going to say i suspect everyone would like to offer remote comment i move we do that and i think that is unless there is nothing else that should resolve it.
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>> just the brief informational update the memo was published recommending continuation of public comment we learned the city add administrator will be releasing guidance in the near future for commissions and boards but i believe that does not change the recommendation to continue for you time being and evaluated based on the recommendations when they are available. >> okay. >> public comments y. we are checking to see if there are callers who wish to comment on item 9. stand by. we have 2 caller in the queue. >> welcome. your 3 machines begins now. >> great david pilpel again. one thing i forgot on the last item there was discussion about external candidates i don't want to lose the possibility there
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are internal candidates the city not just at the commission but elsewhere within the city service. anyway. i'm sure there will be appropriate out roach there. on item 9, absolutely there's allow remote public comment at meetings. it increases out roach, tunes for engagement and hopefully meaningful public participation which is long been my goal special that of others. as language as all documents are available on the web and anyone can participate from anywhere. and they can hopefully -- sorry. people can make pointed and useful public comments if i try to do i think that helps the process. so, i very much support the motion and appreciate the efforts remote comment at
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meetings. thank you very much. stand by. >> welcome. your 3 minutes begins now. >> good morning, this debbie with the san francisco human services network. i want to support and appreciate the staff's recommendation to continue with remote public comment at your meetings. this has been a true advance in accessible democracy for a lot of people who have never participated before upon requiring in person participation excludes a lot of people. people who work. care givers. disabilities. no transportation and people at
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higher risk from covid. with the impact falling on communities of color and even those of us who have what i consider a privilege to come down in person. have to spends hours of our day waiting for our 2-3 machines of public comment. it will sends a signal to other commissions you value public participation and urge you to continue engaging the community in this way. thank you very much. >> thank you. no further caller. >> public comment on item 9 is closed.
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do i entertain a motion to continue the commission hybrid meeting operations and to continue public engagement through the continuation of resources and online phone conferencing services to facilitate remote public comment. >> so moved. >> second. >> okay. >> and second. >> roll call. >> on the motion to continue hybrid engagement commissioner bush. why aye. >> commissioner feng. >> aye. >> commissioner finlev. >> aye. >> chair lee. >> aye. >> commissioner romano. >> aye. >> with 5 votes, the motion is approved unanimously. >> thank you. now let's go to item 10. which is the discussion of the board of sproirz's resolution file 221211 urging the ethic's
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commission to complete backlog of outstanding audits and updates from the audit program. >> i think we have a do we have linda fong here? to gives an update mrs. among? welcome. >> chair lee. >> sure. my apologies. >> a brief update. i want to provide context that this was an item we added to the agenda as the combhigz requested an update o regarding the audits in the last meeting. also as you know the board had issued adopted a resolution in december urging the commission to complete the backlog. we have linda fong audit and compliance manager to provide a
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brief over view of the update. >> thank you. go ahead, ms. fong. >> thank you. go morning. talk directly in the mic. >> can you hear me. >> better. >> good morning chair lee and commissioner romano, finlev, feng and bush. as last we sum rised we received a resolution from the board of supervisors last month urging audit division to timely work through the backlog. and specific low, to create 4 components of a long-term, sustainable audit function. and to seek assistance, if possible to help with the timely completion. either through external audit firm or through the controller
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audit division. >> so before i provide an update to the program of you know the current status of things with the audit division. i want to provide a baptist background for what the division does in general. this men familiar information to some. am but in case well are people when don't know what the audit division does. want to provide a quick over view. under the city charter, the commission has duty and responsibility to audit campaign statements filed with the commission to ensure compliance with state and city law and urn the conduct code. candidate committees that receive public financing, they are subjeb to audit. and committee this is don't
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receive public financing they may be selected for audit at the discretion of the executive director. also the commission needs to conduct at least one lobbyist audit. one or more. andanualy. besides conducting audits and the lobby audits. we also have the independent of developing a post -- filing compliance review program for electronically filed statements of mechanic interest or form 700. this was recommended by the controller's public integrity review in july. of 2020 or june of 2020.
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in addition to audits and reviews during election years, the commission is the audit division is responsible for giving the city's public financing program. where we review eligibility and review cord nay the public dispursement of funds for candidates when run for supervisor or mayor. to do all that work, we have a staff of 4. one audit and compliance review manager and 3 auditors. currently. um -- not too long ago as we sent april in 21. the audit division was operating at 25% capacity.
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and that was due to staff vacancies and disaster service worker assignments. due to the city's covid-19 response. once we are 100% the staff focused on evidence of existing compliance the campaign finance audit program and a lobby program as am recommended by the bla audit in 2020. we dp that before new audits we needed to address the recommendations and also builted
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foundation of a long-term and sustainable audit function. made science to do that before newadits. we acknowledge there was a backlog due to the shell in place. it made sense to the evaluate the program approximate make surety program was going to be -- sustainable going forward and there would be effective and fortunate. a loyal ploy to campaign finance and lobby audits and the new compliance program for the form 700. once we reached 100% capacity the 15 months we have been at
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100% capacity, we were able to develop the lobby audit program. initiated and completed 6 lobby audits. and -- the lobbyist selected are identified in the memo and the audit report. for the completed audits are available online now. on the campaign finance side rescue noising there was a backlog and the more time went on the backlog increase, we roached out to the controller's office in july of 21 -- to seek assistance to secure audit services that help us. to seek the service. we were referred to office of contract add tragz and working with them and continue to secure external help who are working on
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and as i mentioned earlier, we are commencing development of the form upon 700 compliance program. which upon given the bla office conflict of interest audit that is going out now. that is a priority. to make sure that anything implement that it is consistent with the focus on conflict of interests merits. so, i wanted provide that over rowel and happy to answer questions. at this point. >> thank you. questions or comments? >> colleagues? >> thank you ms. fong. the plan now to cover the backlog with existing resources
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and external support? >> right now because we don't vice president a contract yet, we are trying to initiate audit in house. we started 2 of the 2, 2019 audits and started 2 of the 16, 2020 audits. we are on track to starting a third 2020 audit. and so we not knowing had we are going to scour a contract with a firm. we planned to take on in house 6 of the 2020 audits in addition to the two, 2019. and resource and time we want to get through those. if the contract is -- established, soon. the remaining 2020 we want to negotiate and have them help with that. du say you were trying for 2
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years to get the external contract. >> yes. >> yea. the process started back in july of 21. and it has been a long on going process. but i think we made with the help of the [inaudible] we made a lot of progress or steps forward. why if this does in the happen does the commission have resources internal low to get out of the backlog? >> i think we do now. since we got back to 100% capacity and with evaluation of the current process, building that foundation that is why it was penitentiary to build this foundation so witness we did that, knowing that we have i backlog now it is just getting to work on the backlog and executing it. and with the new process, i think that compared to how
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audits done before, i think they can be completed more timely. regarding commissioner felony level's question about the process, that we have been engaged in receiving the contracting support. reason is they take this long when we attempted to scour a contract previously, we were started the office and they were willing to allow us to use a prequalified list at that time. however, that list was expiring senior than we were able to establish the contract with the vender on that list. they were supported, that was not feasible. and we also internal low did not
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have the band width for the step its dot contract work. that time they guided us to work with the department of office of contract administration, we engaged with them and established a work order with them they had to estimate and include as a part of the budgeting process and got the funds allocated from the election campaign fund. all of those step in making funds available and the resourcing available in office of contract. all of those test of time now we are engaged with office of contract administration. the phase we are in now is different from what we have been engaged with the last year and a half or so. which is why we are optimistic now we are working on the process of initiating the necessary steps for contracting and the controller's office has
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refreshed the lists of venders. we should use this list gwen this time. so it was that was the reason there was a delay. >> great. thank you. and sounds like help is on the way and to a ms. fong, thank you. >> you are welcome. >> i have questions. why commissioner are machineo. i have questions in general not the backlog i hope. if you are in the prepared i understand. there is basic 2 types campaign finance and lobbyist audit. is this correct. why yes. how many did we do this past year. upon we focus on the lobby audits and completed 6 since
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developing the program. over 6 over haperiod of time. >> >> it started the program development started last february. from last february to now. >> a year >> yes. we developed the program and come leasted 6 lobby audits >> the past 5 years how many combined you have been able to. 5 years. that predates me. i don't know i can go back and. >> when did you start with the commission? april of 21. >> since you started how many have we completed. >> the 6. >> no other. no other. >> just like i shared we when i joined that was when we just got the bla recommendations in august of 2020 and when i joined
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audits stops at this point and then it was needed evaluate the process. why 6 looky audits out of how many lobbyists? i said have this, bear with me. we did the audit of 2021 activity. so -- on file, during that review period there were 253 lobbyists of which to 47 were contact and 6 expen tour lobbyists. >> and are the 6 random? >> yes. >> do we have a percentage how many are randomly selected i thought you said at least one?
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>> the law requires that commissions one >> haare we targeting? >> do we have a target percentage. how much? how many of the random. 250 lobbyists the law requires audit one. which is absurd. what are we -- hasilent mcgonigle for the commission to. i appreciate we can't audit everybody. do you have a goal? roughly how many you like to be part of the right-handom audit. y think because we just did this initial round of audits where the law requires only one we wanted the audit to remain representative. so going forward, depending on the audit population, again, based on activity we see. the number of lobbyists on foil for next year, for example, 2022, it dependses ona we see. the population.
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>> say it is 250 lobbyists, what is the goal? >> again. to ensure that the activity that is captured well is no guarantee that the same activity in 21 will happen in 22. we it dependsos that activity we see. >> and -- looking for a number. >> you want ittadit 5, 10, 20. 15. 10%. the idea here the idea of an audit is so people make sure the government is making sure they are complying with rowels. if we audit one person, the law. that is not existent. >> right. do we have a general goal. i would like you -- as the director i would like to see that 10%, 20% of activity is audits. not when we are doing now. i understand we are ramping up.
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what is the goal what should be the goal? >> i think without knowing what activity we will see. the goal of the audit is to ensure the results are representative of the sample. of the population. i mean. >> population 250 now. >> right. >> 5 representative of 250? >> no. just like the law says only one that is ridiculous. i don't want one. what is representative. it dependses you can't give a straight answer for every type of audit you willadit the same sample size it dependses on the population for that given audit period and the that activity level for this audit period. it could change every cycle.
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but given this we were able to audit 6 and have a representative sample all things being equal if we see the same next year i would say at least 6 next year. resources permitting. why of course. i wanted to know had the city's target had be and ideal circumstance. how many -- campaign committees are subjected audit. i realize there had not been any done. why any committee campaign committee sees public financing must be audits. >> correct. how many is that. dependses on how many. how many in the last year. >> 20. or 2022? i'm trying to get a sense. in 2019 there were 2 received public financing. in 2020 there were 16.
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and in the most recent election there were 5. others are random auditing? een if you did not receive public financing. it is at the discretionst executive director. since 20 upon 19, there have not been discretionary audits. >> how many candidates -- >> are there in a last election cycle. not that didn't receive public financing. i don't have that information. >> what's your guess. is it 50. how many did not receive. >> yea. you said 2 and how many did not receive. how many committees there were. why if they have to apply for it. >> i understand. how many in the last cycle. >> government funding, correct. right. right. there were 2 that in 2019. how many candidate committees
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were there total? >> if i can just clarify. number one, there auditing not just lobbyists you campaign mittees there is on the political in my humble opinion is based on the political environment. for instance if you have a trump running may have a lot of committees. we know what happen in the the pedestrian i'm not look nothing the future. how many committees were in the 2019 election. i can get that. why can you guess. a dozen. a can't give you a number i don't know. >> also there were election years where we have 2 special elections last year. so that created a lot more committee. why my point suspect to get a universe number of committees subject to audit.
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i understand there are mandatory audit fist you receive government finance. i like to see to know the universe of potential campaigns subject and what percentage we do audit. >> right. >> we can provide that information. and there are other committees that are noncandidate committees journey purpose and bell on the measure committees that is what. >> that, too. i would be curious hamp is in the universe and had are we auditing? >> right. we can get that information. >> i think you made an important point and an important fact it is in the just candidate its is doz edge. >> that's fine. i my guess close to 100 than 10. why helpful to be broken down. those are not campaigns. why right. out of 250.
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why prior to 2018 they audited noncandidate committees that would include the committees you are interested in now. >> thank you. >> i do have search of the 6 du find concerns? >> most of the yes we found findings but most of them related to late disclosure. but nothing nothing -- earth shattering. >> technical -- bookkeeping. >> book keeping and. >> clerical errors? >> yea and one lobbyist we -- that result that lobbyist was determined not to have complied with the lobby disclosure
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requirements. for the most part. >> sorry. that one. intentional or clerical. >> i think it was unin10ingal and lobbyist was in the with the firm that long. but the plans reporting firm is insisting on aboyding boy the law. reporting and --. sure. request i have a quick question. for the external oddis the. is there are we machine torg is there a training, here this is our process. follow our process. and how do we had we account time for their training process for the audit or is it self complaining that is per whf we are evaluating and the firms we
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select. we are in the process of deciding whether we want external firm to follow the new developed internal process or allow the external firm to follow their own process to conduct the audits. and this is manage we are evaluating now. >> would we be worried about inconsistencies? >> that is had we are thinking about. we have developed a standard process and approach to conductingor audits and worked hard on that. what would it electric like if we got external help and they did something different. so that is something we are really thinking hard b. when we are selecting the firm. is it something we be told or i should follow up about the choice we made. i understand it is your discretion. i'm having a hard triumph
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hearing y. whether we will be informed of your choice? >> yea, we could. i think when the contract negotiation process is complete and the firm is selected that information will be provided to the commission as part of our planned update. about the program. >> thank you. i hope to have manage to report the next time we provide a program update. hopefully the contract process will be faster than it has been. >> sounds promising thank you. why commissioner, i would like to add manage to that. >> yes, thank you. why in the past, when we have used external auditors we provide them the procedures for completing the audit this is came from us they followed our procedures. why yea. we'll go this route y. this makes sense. i you know -- i wonder whether
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they will follow. you know they could say, thanks for your document and follow their own progress. instead condition transact we will have many check pointses. where our staff will check on them that is the process in the past and we will work with contract administration as well to get guidance to set up the agreements. thank you. commissioner bush in i may not have a correct memory. buoy believe that the law that directored there be at least one audit of a lobbyist was passed in 2015 and several years that ethic's commission put that to
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the side. explain why well is a lag and the board was impatient with us. in addition, begone to under think our on behalf of local governments. and started with southern california. 2 years ago the legislator amended the law to allow the [inaudible] to accept requests from any local government. to do audits of local campaigns. base on the resume in that committee.
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there is another option besides the controller. this is worthy exploring. there is the option of going back to the folks at the election's commission. the election's commission got a benefitted people who are theirville tears who act in lieu of them. on behalf of over seeing the performance with the rules or filing at the commission. many of you know, the election's commission has jurisdiction over issues that the ethic's commission leaves alone. like -- slate mailers.
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the difference is that a lot of money goes to slate mail and not tracked except at election and elections don't track it electronically but puts them in a file folder and then puts in a form. so what we are seeing is a part of what is available and a part of the resources that we might have available to us. better having audits based on how recently the come pains operated. if you don't the to sit well and audit a campaign from 2012. because who knows if they wouldeen lay their hands on the
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cancelled checks. and tell you what it is. this they got done. and not fair to them or you. and we are not -- imposing any fees to pay for the audits that have to be done. and it would be lodgical we would do that. so -- i see all of that as a way out of this. without burdening the staff. let's go to public comments. why i think you can sit. thank you. why thank you.
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>> we are checking to see if there are callers in the queue who wish to comment on item 10. we have 2 callers. first caller, stand by. >> welcome, you have 3 minutes. >> great. david pilpel again. unfortunately i have a long memory on this and all other issues related the commission. this is not a new issue at all. i would consider requesting a short audit update within the machining low executive director's report. and in addition to the report in the written report today. and for 7 huh human resxrus
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other type of audit at work. i don't quite and in the sure i heard about not contacting with the controllers audits or other group in the controller left lane rather than external firm to avoid outside no reason why an outside firm would use their own procedures they should use procedures developed and audit work book by the staff. and i'm not sure that audit work and audit work papers should be held by an outside firm. i think that had be city work whether it is done by commission staff or controller. and anyway. i'm not yet with the idea of an external firm helping. i think targeted audits are
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mutual and prosecute portional each type that are being reviewed and over all the resources needed for the audit function should address the important public need for timely audits. audits as commissioner bush indicated from 2012 are in the useful. the people may not be around records not available, et cetera. it is upon important audits happen timely and resources should be there. there is more i could say but i think this is enough for the moment. thank you very much. >> thank you. your 3 minutes begins you in. >> commissioners, i have been
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listen to y'all. and this is how i look at it. san franciscans believe in accountability and transparency. we have the sunshine task force, dh is not working. we have the ethic's commission. and you know how you are performing. we have the controller's office, and with all the articles in the sf standard we know this they have failed. how can nonprofits get monnet millions when the certification is not in order in now the ethic's commission, for the longest time ever y'all don't have resources.
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if you don't have resources, how will you perform? don't be talking about staff in generalities. we have standard operating procedures in place but you don't have time lines and goals you are useless. the ethic a commission failed us. the controller's office has failed us miserabley. the sunshine task force does not know what to do. they were supposed to represent the people to do some due diligence and turn it to ethic's commission. that is not happening. the world is looking at us. how many people corrupt people are being indicted?
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not boy ethic's commission or the work of the controller. not the city attorney, by the federal bureau of investigation. some of you know a bit about it. so -- represent the people. please, this is a corrupt city and now more and more reached saturation point. you commissioners have to really work very hard to establish standard operating procedures with resources. and don't look to the audits it does in the work. thank you very much. >> thank you. if there is no other public comment, let's close public comment for agenda item number 10. and since there is no action
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required, this item is closed. thank you ms. fong and we look forward to the data you will provide in the future. thank you. >> let's go to item 11. which is discussion of the ethic's commission fiscal 24-25 budget proposal. director? >> thank you. bring up my present agdz i have a brief presentation. hello, commissionerings this is a follow up discussion to the meeting on january 20th. when we went over the budget
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priorities. you know the city requires departments to conduct to public hearing on the budget proposals. before the budget can be finalize exclude submitted. january 20 was the first meeting this is the second public hearing. where we will be hearing feedback from you and the public on our budget proposal. and you will see -- a lot of the details regarding the proposal is included in the memo. in this presentation i'm going to keep it high level. i'm happy to answer questions at the end. this is a reminder, the budget is due on february 21st. and the mayor is expected to submitted hers by june first. and the board is balance the budget and sunday it today mayor by august first. those are the time lines and
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again, the instructions to city departments from the major's office is propose a budget with 5% reduction in the first year and 8% in the second year. and we have been asked it look at vacancies and prioritize work to help achieve these targets. well is a quick snapshot of the funding. the same as presented left time. will not go to details. but we are lookingament the current baseline for 24 is 6.9 million and base line for 25 is 5.4 million look to increase that which i will get to. i want to point out that -- the commission admin sters an election fund with a separate if our departmental operating budget. and then a balance of 3 opinion
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5 million and provide estimates to the mayor's office based on elections. they use that to make allocations to the funds. here is a summary of all of the positions hawhich funding will expire during the period. during the next 2 years. you will see details about the positions and the justification of the in fact of impact on operations the positions were not upon extended beyond the time frames. 2 positions funding xoir in fy2 and 8 will expire in 25. also this total of 375 thousand dollars in 5-24 we ask for and about 1.9 million in fy25. >> this is a sum row of our
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ask. we are looking at a proposed budget 7.4 million for fy24 a 6% increase. and because of all of the positions that expire in the the following year we are asking for 7.5 million in the second year an increase of then.6%. >> now moving on what the mayor's office is requested the departments to do. the target for our department for fy245% cut is 339 thousand dollars and the target for 25 is 543 thousand dollars. in order to achieve that target, in addition to the impact of not being able top support the additional 10 positions i talked about we need to keep several
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other positions opened during this period. and identified positions the first is the 1844 senior management assistant this is a key 3 has been helping confidential vacant but help happening with the providing guidance and filing assistance and training and support. and not fill thanksgiving role in the upcoming years will have an impact on ability to support these file irs for the 2024 election. >> the other position is executive secretary approximate suspicion got added in this budget. the function system distributed cross [inaudible] there are program impacts baudz of that work which will continue if we dpointd. and the third po silgdz is investigator.
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in the enforcement division. not filling this limit this team's ability to provide conduct detailed investigations. which again will help reduce case resolution times and increase the validity of cases we investigate. so, finally this is to sum rise the impact of having to take the mayor's target cuts and the expiration of positions will impact cross the board in our department and will see impact on the ability to enforcement. the ability to support the campaign filers and committees. form 700 filers the po silgzs identified in the -- funding expires, is support form 700 filers that will be affected.
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we are asking for feedback the next steps the be to, with your feed become and the public's feedback to finalize the budget submission for the dead line. staff is working on a draft budget statement. bazed on the feedback of the commission from the last meeting we hope to circulate that in a day or so to the commissioners for your feedback to finalize the statement next week and include that publish that on the website and include that as a part of the budget submission. with that, i will like to hear if you have questions.
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>> thank you, director. is there any members of the commissionment to comment on anything new from your previous comments from last month? commissioner bush, i see you. commissioner bush do you are new comments or recommendations afrom had you said last meeting? >> no. i think it will be helpful in yes or no to have a run down of the top 10 lobbyists. and what it is they seek to accomplish in dollar value. i think that we need a better picture. of how much gentleman decisions affect the economy of city. and that's one way. >> okay. >> perhaps that would be for the
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next commission meeting. outside of the budget discussion. and let's go to public hearing. public comment. please. >> thank you. we are checking to see if there are callers who wish to ment on item 11. >> there are 2 callers in the queue. welcome caller >> this presentation given by the person who is in charge of this budget, is very general in nature. it does not incorporate time lines and goals. and clearly tells you you don't have the resources.
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so how are y'all going to fulfill your obligation had it come to the backlog? who is doing the quality control? of this audit? are y'all going to hood wink the public saying, we don't have resources. in the first year we have to cut resources by 5% in the second year by 8%. if you are going to serve the citizens of san francisco the taxpayers; you have to have acountability and transparency. approximate since it is a cruel thing for having standards, ethics, morals, y'all should be
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asking for the mayor to give y'all the resource. however, which way should decide. the mayor talks too much. she is making a fool of herself. you commissioners, have to stand up and say y'all don't need the cut. because we people have suffered for 3 decades. with the ethic's xhig. failing us. some great citizen trying to rescue the ethic's commission y'all have failed us. kick the can down the street. general presentation is just that. a presentation. but it does not have goals. does not have time lines has no
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standards and there is no quality control report given every quarter low. thank you very much. thank you. stand by for the second caller in the queue. >> can you hear me? >> yes >> great. dave you'd pilpel. hopeful low the last time today. just to few quick things. the agenda item description for today with this as public men approximate possible action regarding budget for twis cal 24 begins july 1 of 23. that is nice except that this actually covered 2 years and both the fiscal 24 and 25.
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budget. submission. i don't being it it is a fatal error but would encourage staff to be careful in the future on agenda item descriptions. thank you very much for hearing my comments last meeting. i will not repeat those. and i hope the mir and the board of supervisors will engage with and you staff on the budget proposals because there are significant short falls in the budget year and the second year on positions that expire and if staff goes or the approximate suspicions are not funded it will contrain the commission and staff's ability to fulfill your mandates and do the things you want to do. some have been talked b. i
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support the budget of i hope the mir and board will engage. i want to thank you for listen to my various comments at today's moting and think i'm done for today. thank you. why thank you. other callers. >> public comment to item 10 is closed. i think this we do need to take action. to authorize the director to submit the budget to the major's office. do we. may be the city attorney can way in. i didn't see this has an actions item. do we mead to take action. >> the commission is rivered approve the proposal of the department and before it goes to the mayor. >> i move to submit the budget principle to the mayor.
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>> second. >> let's call the roll. >> on the motion to submit the budget to the mayor i will call the r. commissioner bush. >> aye. >> commissioner feng. >> aye. why commissioner finlev. >> aye. why chair lee. >> aye >> commissioner romano. >> aye. >> the motion is approved unanimously. >> thank you and i want to thank our acting director for her really, really dillien work in putting this together now item 11. sorry. 12. potential closed session. i will finds it. first know this the agenda item 12e in the matter of probable
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cause is continued to march 10th, 2023 meeting. there is no further discussion or action will be taken on this matter at this time. today's agenda includes a proposed closed session under 12d for update with labor negotiator regarding the negotiations. this item has been scheduled for the commission's discussion and possible accident. staff from dhr and city attorney have been inviteed be with us today and i do see we have a representative present. the anticipated issue under the negotiation is the scientists meeting conifer with employee [inaudible] organization san francisco mea regarding the ethic's commission's recommendation for city law. for purposes of the item, there are 4 steps that are involved.
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first, item 12a will receive public comment on all merits pertaining to item 12 including whether to meet in closed session. second vet on whether to meet in closed session under california code section 54957.6 and sunshine ordinance 67 opinion 10e. to discuss labor negotiations this will be an action yt item as noted in item 12 c. third if closed session is held will narcotic a closed session to mote with labor negotiator and following we will reconvene in open session. fourths, brown act and the sunshine ordinance and shoirndz agenda item we discuss and vote on the motion regarding whether
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or not to disclose action taken or discussions held in closed session regarding the labor negotiations. and any questions? no questions. does our city attorneyment to add anything to the closed session process? >> no, nothing, thank you. >> thank you. >> if not let us prosecute seed to public comment. >> we are checking to see if there are callers, stand by. we have one caller in the queue. stand by. welcome, your 3 minutes begins now. >> welcome caller your 3 inutes
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begins you in. that call are disconnected. stand by. there are no further callers. >> public ment for item 12 is closed. colleagues do i have a motion to proceed to closed session? >> i move. >> moved. >> second. >> roll call. >> a motion made and secondeded proceed to closed session. commissioner bush. >> aye. >> commissioner feng. >> aye. why commissioner finlev. >> aye >> chair lee. why aye >> commissioner romano. >> aye >> 5 votes in affirmative it is approved unanimously. okay. thank you. and we will now move to closed session for update with labor negotiator.
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discussion and possible action. update with the regarding the employee organization the sfmea and anticipated issues under negotiations status of meet and conifer. concerning the ethic's commission proposed gift ethic's recommendations for city law. and for our members of the public and on screen the commission is meeting in closed session we will remain on for the duration of our closed session. the audio and visuals resume live once we reconvene in open session. we thank you for your patience and thank you for your thank y patience. we now resume our open session meeting. i do have i motion whether or not not -- not to disclose
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actions or discussions held in closed session? >> i move not to disclose the content of the closed session. >> second. >> seconded. >> okay. >> motion was made and seconded take the roll call, please. why on the motion to not disclose, closed session and call the roll commissioner bush. >> not present. why commissioner feng. why aye. >> commissioner finlev. where aye >> chair lee. >> aye >> commissioner romano. >> aye. >> with 4 votes in the affirmative the motion is approved unanimously >> now number 13 discussion and possible action on items for future meetings. any suggestions?
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>> got inspired. it might be helpful to have an over view of the political committees in the city. how many. who they represent. audit discussion would be helpful to know the universe we are in and who is out there as a nonurgent educational item on a light day. if we have any light days. i was going to try to i don't know how to say this i hope we can make our daves lighter there is a lot of nat can be trimmed from the hearings. i urge you and staff to i mean every word that does in the need to be said, i think these being be more efficiently handled. and i would encourage everybody to try to be more efficient presenters, ourselves, i think
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thereupon can be make these move swifter. >> yes. >> how is that for efficiency. why realizing my own comment was recommendbling on a bit. >> agreed. >> okay on all accounts. >> any other recommendations for future gone items? >> okay. go to public comments. madam chair we are checking to see if there are callers in the queue. stand by. there are no callers. >> public comment for 13 is closed. 14 additional opportunity for public comment on matters not on the agenda. is that when we just did.
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[♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] >> i had a break when i was on a major label for my musical career. i took a seven year break. and then i came back. i worked in the library for a long time. when i started working the san francisco history centre, i noticed they had the hippie collection. i thought, if they have a hippie collection, they really need to have a punk collection as well. so i talked to the city archivist who is my boss. she was very interested.
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one of the things that i wanted to get to the library was the avengers collection. this is definitely a valuable poster. because it is petty bone. it has that weird look because it was framed. it had something acid on it and something not acid framing it. we had to bring all of this stuff that had been piling up in my life here and make sure that the important parts of it got archived. it wasn't a big stretch for them to start collecting in the area of punk. we have a lot of great photos and flyers from that area and that. that i could donate myself. from they're, i decided, you know, why not pursue other people and other bands and get them to donate as well? the historic moments in san francisco, punk history, is the sex pistols concert which was at winterland. [♪♪♪] it brought all of the punks on
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the web -- west coast to san francisco to see this show. the sex pistols played the east coast and then they play texas and a few places in the south and then they came directly to san francisco. they skipped l.a. and they skipped most of the media centres. san francisco was really the biggest show for them pick it was their biggest show ever. their tour manager was interested in managing the adventures, my band. we were asked to open to support the pistols way to that show. and the nuns were also asked to open the show. it was certainly the biggest crowd that we had ever played to. it was kind of terrifying but it did bring people all the way from vancouver, tee seattle, portland, san diego, all up and down the coast, and l.a., obviously. to san francisco to see this show. there are a lot of people who say that after they saw this show they thought they would start their own band. it was a great jumping off point for a lot of west coast punk.
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it was also, the pistols' last show. in a way, it was the end of one era of punk and the beginning of a new one. the city of san francisco didn't necessarily support punk rock. [♪♪♪] >> last, but certainly not least is a jell-o be opera. they are the punk rock candidate of the lead singer called the dead kennedys. >> if we are blaming anybody in san francisco, we will just blame the dead kennedys. >> there you go. >> we had situations where concerts were cancelled due to flyers, obscene flyers that the city was thought -- that he thought was obscene that had been put up. the city of san francisco has come around to embrace it's musicians. when they have the centennial for city hall, they brought in all kinds of local musicians and
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i got to perform at that. that was, at -- in a way, and appreciation from the city of san francisco for the musical legends. i feel like a lot of people in san francisco don't realize what resources there are at the library. we had a film series, the s.f. punk film series that i put together. it was nearly sold out every single night. people were so appreciative that someone was bringing this for them. it is free. everything in the library is free. >> it it is also a film producer who has a film coming out. maybe in 2018 about crime. what is the title of it? >> it is called san francisco first and only rock 'n' roll movie. crime, 1978. [laughter] >> when i first went to the art institute before the adventures were formed in 77, i was going to be a painter. i did not know i would turn into a punk singer. i got back into painting and i mostly do portraiture and
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figurative painting. one of the things about this job here is i discovered some great resources for images for my painting. i was looking through these mug shot books that we have here that are from the 1920s. i did a whole series of a mug shot paintings from those books. they are in the san francisco history centre's s.f. police department records. there are so many different things that the library provides for san franciscans that i feel like a lot of people are like, oh, i don't have a library card. i've never been there. they need to come down and check it out and find out what we have. the people who are hiding stuff in their sellers and wondering what to do with these old photos or old junk, whether it is hippie stuff or punk stuff, or stuff from their grandparents, if they bring it here to us, we can preserve it and archive it and make it available to the
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public in the future. [♪♪♪] >> i just don't know that you can find a neighborhood in the city where you can hear music stands and take a ride on the low rider down the street. it is an experience that you can't have anywhere else in san francisco. [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] >> district nine is a in the southeast portion of the city. we have four neighborhoods that i represent. st. mary's park has a completely unique architecture. very distinct feel, and it is a very close to holly park which
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is another beautiful park in san francisco. the bernal heights district is unique in that we have the hell which has one of the best views in all of san francisco. there is a swinging hanging from a tree at the top. it is as if you are swinging over the entire city. there are two unique aspects. it is considered the fourth chinatown in san francisco. sixty% of the residents are of chinese ancestry. the second unique, and fun aspect about this area is it is the garden district. there is a lot of urban agriculture and it was where the city grew the majority of the flowers. not only for san francisco but for the region. and of course, it is the location in mclaren park which is the city's second biggest park after golden gate. many people don't know the neighborhood in the first place if they haven't been there. we call it the best neighborhood nobody has ever heard our. every neighborhood in district nine has a very special aspect.
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where we are right now is the mission district. the mission district is a very special part of our city. you smell the tacos at the [speaking spanish] and they have the best latin pastries. they have these shortbread cookies with caramel in the middle. and then you walk further down and you have sunrise café. it is a place that you come for the incredible food, but also to learn about what is happening in the neighborhood and how you can help and support your community. >> twenty-fourth street is the birthplace of the movement. we have over 620 murals. it is the largest outdoor public gallery in the country and possibly the world. >> you can find so much political engagement park next to so much incredible art. it's another reason why we think this is a cultural district that we must preserve. [♪♪♪]
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>> it was formed in 2014. we had been an organization that had been around for over 20 years. we worked a lot in the neighborhood around life issues. most recently, in 2012, there were issues around gentrification in the neighborhood. so the idea of forming the cultural district was to help preserve the history and the culture that is in this neighborhood for the future of families and generations. >> in the past decade, 8,000 latino residents in the mission district have been displaced from their community. we all know that the rising cost of living in san francisco has led to many people being displaced. lower and middle income all over the city. because it there is richness in this neighborhood that i also mentioned the fact it is flat and so accessible by trip public transportation, has, has made it very popular. >> it's a struggle for us right
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now, you know, when you get a lot of development coming to an area, a lot of new people coming to the area with different sets of values and different culture. there is a lot of struggle between the existing community and the newness coming in. there are some things that we do to try to slow it down so it doesn't completely erase the communities. we try to have developments that is more in tune with the community and more equitable development in the area. >> you need to meet with and gain the support and find out the needs of the neighborhoods. the people on the businesses that came before you. you need to dialogue and show respect. and then figure out how to bring in the new, without displacing the old. [♪♪♪] >> i hope we can reset a lot of the mission that we have lost in the last 20 years. so we will be bringing in a lot of folks into the neighborhoods pick when we do that, there is a
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demand or, you know, certain types of services that pertain more to the local community and working-class. >> back in the day, we looked at mission street, and now it does not look and feel anything like mission street. this is the last stand of the latino concentrated arts, culture and cuisine and people. we created a cultural district to do our best to conserve that feeling. that is what makes our city so cosmopolitan and diverse and makes us the envy of the world. we have these unique neighborhoods with so much cultural presence and learnings, that we want to preserve. [♪♪♪]
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