tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV February 18, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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this meeting is held in a hybrid format with the meeting occurring in person at city hall, room 416, broadcast on sfgovtv and available to view on zoom or to listen to by calling 669-900-6833. using meeting id87440503159. we welcome the public's participation during public comment periods. there will be an opportunity for general public comment at the beginning of the meeting. and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to three minutes. public comment will be taken both in person and remotely by video or call in. for each item, the commission will take public comment first from people attending the meeting in person. and then from people attending the meeting remotely. for those attending in person, please fill out a speaker card located at the side table or podium, come up to the podium during public comment,
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state your name and affiliations and your comment. you'll have three minutes. once finished, hand your speaker card to the commission staff behind the podium. if using zoom, select the raise hand options. if calling by phone, dial star nine to be added to the speaker line. when your item of interest comes up. when asked to speak, unmute yourself by hitting star six. please call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television and radio. if viewing on sfgovtv, mute before speaking. while we recommend you use zoom audio or telephone for public comment, you may submit a written comment through the chat function on zoom. please note commissioners and staff are not allowed to respond to comments or questions during public comment. thank you, sfgovtv and media services for sharing this meeting with the public. >> all right. mr. rice, let's do the roll call. >> i'll be doing that tonight.
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okay. [roll call] i like to note that vice-chair caminong is absent. commissioner perez? >> here. >> commissioner thomas? >> here. >> commissioner wong? >> here. >> commissioner torres. >> here. >> commissioner falzon? >> here. >> all right. thank you. the first order of business is consideration and possible action to adopt a resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under california government code section 54953(e). do we have a motion to adopt that resolution? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. is there any public comment on that agenda item? >> yes! >> public comment on this. which is -- >> all right. please speak into the microphone if you can, thank you. >> please state your name and you have three minutes. >> hi. is this being broadcast
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live? >> it is. that's the feed. >> terrific. hi. my name is michael batrelis and i'm here to talk about public comment and teleconferencing. i'm asking this body to take a stand to retain remote public comment. unfortunately, there is an effort by a supervisor to end remote public comment. this motion that he's made before the rules committee would require handicap people, working people, a lot of people with health challenges to force them to come here to city hall. i have just
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rushed into this meeting room because muni is not reliable. and i think this panel needs to say that you will continue to take remote public comment from people who cannot attend the meetings. it is really important that every commission take a stand allowing everyone to make comment on telephone. the other thing that's related to this is i would like for this body to consider calling for sfgovtv, the board of sups and all the responsibility parties to allow the public to make remote public comment via zoom. we live in
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tech america and it's a shame that it took hundreds of deaths from covid and this pandemic of the coronavirus before the board of sups and the mayor finally allowed telephone remote public comment. before that, people would have to spend a good hour or so to get to city hall and then we have to sit around and wait for the public comment and it's a real burden on us. >> 30 seconds. >> so, if we were able to, not only call in on telephone, but also to use new technology like zoom to show our beautiful faces, i think that would be terrific and i hope this panel will be the first to support all
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of that. thank you. >> thank you very much. is there further public comment on this agenda item? >> there's none. >> all right. we'll close public comment and we can vote. [gavel] >> okay. president bleiman? >> aye. >> commissioner perez? >> aye. >> commissioner thomas? >> aye. >> commissioner wong? >> aye. >> commissioner torres >> aye. >> commissioner falzon. >> the next agenda item are general public. does anybody want to speak on items not listed on tonight's agenda. >> i would -- >> i would like to show an image on tv. is that possible here to use this computer? >> ask our tech staff. >> you know what's better, is it
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-- >> no. it's -- it's a still image on you tube. >> i need to get that ready. it's going to take me time to get that set up. >> well, you're doing that, i'll see about turning this on and showing something on the overhead, if i may. >> yeah. you have -- the timer started. let me switch to -- >> there's not an on or off button. >> i'm working on this right now called document camera. >> there you go. >> you have the magic touch, my friend. let me try zooming, ah. there we go. can you stop the
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clock and i will begin my public comment. please stop the clock of and i want to have my three minutes. >> all right. so it's starting now. ready. >> okay. hi. any name is michael again. -- my name is michael again. what i'm showing on the overhead is a letter, an e-mail that steven torres used in his capacity as head of the castro lgbt cultural district. he used city infrastructure to dehumanize me. he is complaining in this e-mail about activities i took to save the castro theater. and torres, in this e-mail, which was sent to a lot of people is complaining that there were going to be
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teleconferences about saving the castro and at the very end, he talks about a rally that i was organized, the proposed demonstration on the 28th, also feels similarly unfocused and a waste of resources and momentum. okay. sfgovtv, please come back to me and leave that letter. what i'm here to complain about is, what we call in the gay community, control queens. sfgovtv, come back to me, please. steven torres here needs to be called out. because my resources were used to have this rally that was outside the castro theater and i wanted to show you an image of hundreds of people exiting the castro theater on that day and my message of save the seats. there
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was only one person who on theed to a rally i organized to save the seats and torres needs to be called out about this. he says that my action was unfocused. here's the message he found unfocused. save the seats. it is not okay that torres wants to serve as a gate keeper. both with the cultural district and as head of the friends of the castro theater stakeholders coalition of friends of the stakeholder coalition. he wears two hats in this role and he's wearing a third hat on this commission. it is not okay what he has done to undermined cultural activism in the castro to save the castro theater. i'm asking this body to debate
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saving the castro theater. let's have a discussion at this commission about saving the castro theater and having a multiplicities of approaches. >> that's your time. >> thank you very much. >> it is important to say save the seats regardless of what torres has to say. >> please have a seat. >> i know my time is up but i have waited almost a month to call him out. >> -- sir, i'm going to ask you to please sit down. thank you. >> i'll sit down if you'll tell me you'll hold torres accountable and schedule a seating at the castro. >> this isn't give and take. this is general public comment. i'm going to ask you to sit down or call the sheriff out.
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>> you're going to call the law out. >> sit down. >> i'm here to demand accountability of steven torres. >> thank you very much. >> i have -- >> thank you. >> is there any more, are there any more general public comment items for tonight? >> yeah. i will be back. now that i know where to hold steven accountable, i'll be back. >> is there any more public comment senior analyst rice? >> there is none. >> all right. we'll close general public comment and we'll move onto item number four which is approval of the january 17, 2023, minutes. do we have a motion on to approve january 17, 2023, minutes for the commission hearing. >> so moved. >> second it. >> is there any, do we want to make changes to the minute, is there public comment on the meeting minutes? >> i'm checking and there is
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none. >> we'll close public comment on the meeting minutes and we can vote. [gavel] >> okay. [roll call] >> all right. the meeting minutes are approved and we'll onto number five which is a report from director wyland, i believe. >> yes, thank you president bleiman. good evening, commissioners. it's a shame michael left early because i'm going to be updating on our new public policy body meetings rules beginning march 1, 2023. so, this is my only update for tonight and i just wanted to do this in a public setting. we're going to be sending this to, if we haven't already, i believe may have sent it your way. the mayor is ending the declaration of the emergency on february 28th. this is following the governor's announcement that the statewide emergency is
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ending on that same date. therefore, all orders regarding the conduct the meetings of policy bodies during this time will also end. so, this new memo sets forth general legal rules that will govern meetings of policy bodies and they will be going back to do where we were in place pre-pandemic. there are a few distinctions to that, so generally in person, physical presence is now required for all commission members to attend meetings. there are narrow exceptions to the physical requirement as stipulated in the new "brown act" teleconference previsions enacted in 2022. they are as follows, subcommittees of the larger policy body can still teleconference. members taking parental leave or certain childcare responsibilities may be excused. members with a disability subject to a reasonable accommodation. so,
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when a member of a policy body attends meeting remotely under this rule with the above exceptions, the policy body must allow members of the public to attend remotely and offer public comment remotely. otherwise, there is neither a requirement for no near -- nor a prohibition on allowing members of the public to attend meetings of a policy body remotely. essentially, the only thing that's going to change is that all of us have to now be here, but members of the public, those that are in our ada community can certainly attend online and our hybrid format bill, so we'll keep that going. obviously, there's no mechanism for enforcement there, so anybody that does join remotely, we would have to allow them to present public comment to us in that format. because we're obviously not going to be asking. we may just have a
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disclaimer in the chat each time at the beginning to note that this is specifically for these reasons that you can be joining remotely. so, you'll be seeing everybody in person but luckily, i think we're already at that place so this shouldn't be a huge leap. let me know if you have any questions. >> questions? >> yeah. >> i may have missed it but any exceptions for commissioners to appear remotely >> not as previously used, so -- yep. >> anymore questions? >> just a comment in the vain of transparency, folks -- if you didn't know already, i sit on the cultural district advisory board and we'll continue to have public comment and the ability to attend our meetings virtually as we have throughout so that will continue as well.
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>> great. no further questions here, is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> there's none. >> all right. we will move onto number six which is report from deputy director azevedo. >> thanks, president bleiman. and commissioners. we received 24 311 complaints since our last hearing and updates for you and ask questions if you have any. my first update it this evening is about adobe books at 2130 30 street. it holds an lpp permit from our office. friday january 13th, the business hosted events called total (indiscernible) chaos. after reviewing e-mails i spoke with santiago from supervisor ronen's office, captain and officer ortiz from mission station and the manager of adobe books to
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learn about the incident and in reviewing the reports from the business and sfpd, the parties may have been attending the event at the bookstore that night but there was no nexus for us to take enforcement on the entertainment permit. since they hold an llp permit, a security plan is not a requirement of the permit conditions and further, the event on january 13th did not include entertainment so their llp permit was not activated and we didn't have grounds to take enforcement because there was no enterment and because llp permits do not require submit and security plans but i want to bring their to your attention because you have the ability to call the permit holder into a future hearing date for possible reconditioning of their permit to include security conditions. a couple of our concerns are the fact that the coopt does not have paid staff for their events and they use volunteers to oversee the bookstore. also, their events are well attended and likely exceed their 49 -- 49
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person capacity. we believe they can benefit from security while holding enterment events with entertainment. advise if you would like them to come to our next hear and i'll follow protocol to sent the permit holder a former request to appear. the next update is about the lookout at 3600 16th street and the lookout holds a poe permit from our office and we have received 12 complaints. from july to october, we received nine complaints and then things quieted down until january. when the complaints have started wrapping up again. in response to the complaints in sectors found that sound was leaking from their balcony, as their sliding gloor door was open and they had an outdated sound limit. in august they purchased new retractable sliding glass doors for the balcony and sound meter and they
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were set a new sound arena. we have received six more complaints and visited the business six times and they have been operating in full compliant. sound measurements showed the business operating under their approved sound limit and their balcony doors were closed and staff are recommending that the commission direct inspectors to deprioritize complaints at the lookout as they have demonstrated on going compliance. the last this evening is about 2443 mission street. they were approved for a permit in july of 2022 and i issued the permit in july '22 after they finished inspections and for their poe permit there were strong opposition from next door and they had complaints to abc about big bob sound. between september 28, 2022, and february 7, 2023, we have received 12 311 sound complaints and in response to the 12 complaints, our inspectors
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visited the business ten times and all site visits, they have been in compliance with permits and sound limits and i want to go on the record to state this information and give you an update. >> i also want to note for the record that vice-president caminong arrived during your item. >> questions? >> i like to propose that we have a discussion about the coopt store. i pass a motion we have them come in. >> it's not an agenda item so we're limiting in what we can say but you feel like -- we can direct staff. got it. [multiple voices] >> it still needs to be agreed by everybody? >> no. >> i can just make that? [laughter] >> any other thoughts while you're at it. [laughter] >> i think they should come before us. that's my recommendation to staff. thank you. >> i just had a question about
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adobe. this is not the first incident that has been reported to us there, is that correct or -- >> that's correct. of this magnitude but there's been other incidents during other entertainment agreements. >> agree with commissioner falzon. due to the kind of loose volunteer in nature of how things are going that certainly when they are having entertainment, we need to make sure they are buttoned up and we're doing our part. i second that, not officially second it. i just say that. >> i appreciate -- the full support. [laughter] >> great. i just had a question about the lookout. was there, these complaints, you may have said it, are there anonymous? >> they are anonymous. i didn't mention that. thanks for pointing that out. we received three in january that were responded to virtually in realtime and compliance is
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demonstrated. >> yeah. i'm also very content with de-prioritizing that. >> great. >> from our inspectors, they have enough to do. >> this is past practice? >> correct. >> all right. anymore questions? is there public comment on the deputy director's report? >> there's none. >> okay. i'll close public comment. we'll onto number seven which is discussion and possible action to adopt criteria for the entertainment commission staff review and agenda setting of permit applications for eligible businesses transitioning from just add music and permit to brick-and-mortar. >> the jam permit was created on the 27 supplemental to the mayoral -- dated february 25, 2020. the jam permit created -- the program created a streamline process for businesses -- for businesses to administratively obtain a permit to host outdoor
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entertainment and or amplified sound under the shared spaces. on march 31, 2023, the jam permit will sunset and under the supplemental, there's a wind down period for businesses to operate under their jam permit before the program officially terminated. once the emergency program concludes, businesses that wish to continue operating outdoor sound and or entertainment must apply for a brick-and-mortar permit for the activity and businesses may apply for a new brick-and-mortar permit or if they hold an indoor permit, they may attend to include indoor. this is call jack to bam or add music to brick-and-mortar permit. before the pandemic, brick-and-mortar pandemic permits which was outdoor sound was uncommonly but as we transition, we anticipate anticipate a volume. business
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owners will go through our codified process to ensure that current outdoor programming continues to follow city's requirements. commission staff are seeking feedback from the commission tonight regarding adopting criteria for agenda setting of permit applications for businesses, transitioning from jam to band. as with all brick-and-mortar permit applications, jam to band will require the submission of a new application, attending an intake meeting and posting to the public for 30 days, conducting neighborhood outreach and attending an ec hearing. the existing staff protocol is to reflect any permit application without directivity on the permit during a commission hearing but moving forward, staff are proposing that jam to band permit applications to meet certain criteria be reflected on the permit agenda. during, excuse me, the change in protocol will not override the commission's ability to vote to move a permit application off the consent agenda and to the regular agenda nor would it remove the opportunity for
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public comment. it would be, it would be allowing for streamlining applications and commission hearings as we anticipate high volume of applications and staff are recommending that the commission adopt criteria that aid staff in distinguishing between -- staff are proposing that permit applications be place on the regular permit agenda, and proposed enhanced and different programming that's permitted under the jam permit. if there's a neighborhood opposition in response to the permit application, three, if there's, if there's unresolved compliance issues or if staff determines the application needs further review. staff are recommending that permit applications that propose a continued operating under the exact same outdoor program as the jam allows, that do not receive opposition in this application and to not have current compliance issues placed on the consent permit agenda.
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yep. >> and at the end of your memo, you'll see the formal language there that we would post online for the public to understand better what that criteria specifically is, kaitlyn outlined it very briefly as four major points but we outline what would qualify it to be put on the consent agenda alternatively, so it's very spelled out, if you want to change anything, we can change the wording you see on the member - change wording in the specific criteria agenda. >> thank you to the staff for putting this together. i think this makes a lot of sense. i think streamlining this as much as possible especially for permit holders that's continuing
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with what they've been doing and minimizing the amount of time they need to spend here is great. so, thank you staff for putting this together. sounds good. >> people changing the business model and rolling over, is there a filing fee for this application? >> currently, yes. we're seeking to institute a waiver program. it hasn't been implemented yet. >> yeah. we're hoping we can get a little more public with that soon but we have identified dollars. we just need to potentially pass some legislation to actually be able to make it happen. so anybody that's applying now that's qualified to, there's only a few set of businesses that kaitlyn has been working hard to understand their circumstances, really they are private outdoor areas, you're going to see those coming to the hearing march 7th. those are actually paying
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upfront, so we would be looking to reimburse in the future which is a little messy and not what we wanted for this but it should happen. >> i just think anything we can do to help with the burden. >> absolutely! >> thank you for undermining the spirit of what we're about if we're compounding it. >> agreed. >> so these sound reasonable to me. i think there's, there's a knee jerk reaction to over describe things like this. and i would like these, they are more broad. the only thing, it's not a cautious. if staff deems it necessary which i think is the perfect language that it's just -- then it puts a little more onerous on you to keep track of these places, if you've had incidents recently and anything that rises up that i have full confidence in. yeah. i suppose
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we could, is there -- is it, can you remind me, does staff fills it or the commission or staff fills? >> the commission always has the capacity to move anything. >> you don't need to -- >> yeah. [multiple voices] >> but we have language, i think, specifically that says the director or their designee. >> got it! okay. i'm totally fine with it. >> okay. >> i just want to echo thanks for putting this together and making this -- i mean, especially now as people are just grappling with different ways of trying to just stay open, i think this will make a huge difference so i appreciate that. >> yeah. one more thing to piggyback on that, on commissioner torres and falzon's comments is we essentially made the potential to have hundreds of new mini venues around the city and each one is an opportunity for an artist to get paid to perform, a musician,
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standup comedian so it's a passion project of mine, as you know, to push leaders to fund this because what i don't want to do is lose it because they don't have the filing fee. that's the worst case scenario that everybody is squeaking by so hopefully the powers that be will hear that and waive this -- >> progress. >> exactly! [laughter] >> that's what i'm talking about, yeah. >> wow! >> the board is meeting right now, so -- >> they are at work. >> i think it's really important. we don't want -- we don't want to create all these new places for artist and have them disappear because we're charging them. that's crazy. all right. anything else on that -- we need a motion. is there a motion to adopt staff's recommendation. >> so moved. >> seconded it. >> is there public on this agenda item -- is there public comment on this agenda item? >> they're is none. >> all right. we can vote.
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>> all right. [roll call] >> all right. it has been adopted. and the next agenda item is number eight which is hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. i think deputy director (indiscernible) is introducing this. >> this is for bar part time located at 496 14th street and part time has held an llp permit from our office since july of 2021 they are applying for the permit to have the ability to hold dj's after 11:00 p.m. they don't have any plans to change their current programming and already have an internal sound limit which they know can mown tore closely during live entertainment and they have invested in sound continuation and suspended their speakers from the ceilings to reduce
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traveling sound frequencies. the business is located in a zoning district that does not allow new poe permits, so bar time is located at a premise that has an existing cu approval from -- making them eligible to apply for this permit. if approved for the poe permit tonight, bar part time will comply with the permits for motion 17618 which states that entertainment should be allowed between 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. monday through thursday and 6:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. on friday and saturdays and the planning motion did not comtestimony plate hours for sunday. the owners conduct a neighborhood outreach by mailing the letter that's included in your file to their immediate residential and commercial neighbors and total they sent 16 letters out and there's no opposition submitted
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for their application. sfpd station has no added conditions and here to speak with you are owners justin, jeremy and dan. >> thank you. [laughter] >> hi, everyone. >> good evening. i'm turn on the pc so we can get the camera unless you want me to wait. >> whatever is better for you. >> do you want your faces or do you want the slides on tv right now. >> put it -- >> okay. [laughter] >> i'll do live feed right now and when -- >> i'm very sharp, guys. >> ready for the presentation -- when you're ready for the presentation, let me know. >> thank you again for hearing us tonight. should i go. cool. bar part time, we opened in september of 2021, focused on natural wine and great music. owned and operated by friends of business partners, justin, that's me, jeremy castillo and daniel small. we employ a staff
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of seven, san francisco residents. business has generated $160,000 in cdtfa sales tax since opening. we're operating with an llp permit to host regular dj programming until 11:00 p.m. and vinyl records on a sound system. we're requesting to extend friday and saturday and midnight on monday and thursday. >> sound treatment and proofing, so as kayla mentioned, soundproofing measures have been taken to ensure sound is kept within the premise. this cleared the addition of a secondary wall so the fiberglass batting and sheath rock and this fitted to the interior and exterior doors and sound grade caulking. base traps and acoustic paneling to
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keep the sound within the walls and they absorb sound waves and base. silicon sound gaskets for the doors, ceiling that lead to the back of our bar. and then a double set of soundproof doors leading toward the rear exterior. i raised questions, again, as mentioned on january 7th, we mailed out letters to the two adjoining businesses as well as to the 14 nearby residences closest to our premise. we have notified and spoke with the office of supervisor ronen. that's all we have. i'll open it up to questions from you if you have them. >> questions? >> no questions, just a general comment and i wanted to commend you all for the investment and due diligence you have made in
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your soundproofing and for me, it looks like you have responsibly been operating under your llp. i'm very excited to see how this space develops as a poe if approved and very supportive of everything you all are doing and huge natural lion fan. >> thank you very much. >> i just wanted to say thank you for of course, employing the 7 san franciscans that you do, that's super important in terms of local workforce. i saw in your outreach that you had originally reached out to the castro merchants association, is that correct? >> yes. >> i was wondering if you reached out to the castro cultural district or america-indian cultural district? >> i don't believe we have, no, but we would be open to doing that. >> i would -- i would encourage you to do so. you fall within the america-indian cultural district footprint but adjoin the castro cultural district and i can help facilitate making
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that connection if you wish. that's basis you're aware of. it has a clear history. it was called screw at one point and then the hush hush and screw i believe was the site of a very famous easter theme performance piece in 1990, so i think we can set you up with connections over there. >> thank you very much. that would be great. [laughter] >> hello. thanks for coming in. during your community neighborhood outreach, did you get feedback from your neighbors? >> we didn't receive any feedback from neighbors during that process, no. >> okay. and in the event there might be a complaint, what's your policy in resolving them in realtime? >> of course, we have a phone number that's on our website, available on our instagram, it goes to each of our phones, people can call us, text us at any point. they definitely do. and we've made it a policy across three of us to be diligent about answering those
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complaints and a justing to levels and -- and adjusting levels and to address them as best we can. >> thank you. >> of course. >> do you serve hard alcohol or just wine and beer? >> just beer and wine. >> normally, i think that was good so things don't get too rowdy. at an a going away -- at a going away party, we drank wine and it was super rowdy. [laughter] >> maybe we should restrict hours longer. [laughter] i don't have any further questions. does anybody? >> that's a lot of -- >> it's one of our best friends. >> it's going to be straight dj's and your dance floor? >> yes. [multiple voices] >> okay. >> yeah. yeah. >> it's a cool spot. we should all go. >> yeah. >> please, anytime. >> i don't see anymore questions so you can have a seat and we'll open it up for public comment
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and see if anybody is here. i don't see anybody, but maybe on the line. >> there's no comment. >> all right. we'll close public comment. [gavel] and we can entertain motions. >> i move to approve with staff recommendations. >> i'll second. >> all right. we can vote. >> okay. [roll call] >> congratulations, guys, you've been approved. please just follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience for next steps. >> thank you. >> and the next one. >> great. >> second permit on our regular agenda is for poe for mother
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located at 3079 16th street. this location was previously bond bar and held a poe permit from our office since 2015. mother is a newly opened gay bar that will use the poe permit to most drag shows and dj's and they have events in san francisco and including the park side venue and they had the poe permit with us since 2010. there was outreach clerks passed out and conversation with those living and work nothing the immediate vicinity. there were no added conditions and hear to speak is the owner malia spanyol. >> get this up here.
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>> hi. a little bit about myself. the venue, the place we're talking about is mothers at 3079 16th street. i'm the owner and, i used to own pops bar for ten years. i currently own the park side where we have live music, 3 to 5 nights a week. and i've lived in the mission for 29 years and this is me outside of the now shuttered lexington club which is our last women's gay bar. closed in 2014.
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this is i believe 1996. it's very small. and i have a dog, her name is scotty. [laughter] so, the space we're looking at is on the corner of 16th and randall which is an alley. it's, if you've been here long enough, you know it as estanoche and it was a bar and now i have it. and i would like to bring it back to being gay. [laughter] the women don't have any bars in this town. not since 2014 and so, i was feeling like we needed a space and so that is why i'm taking this venture on. and my plan is, i don't ever want to charge a cover. i'm not a club. i'm not a venue. i'm a neighborhood bar. i can have trivia, bingo, dj's and drag
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nights and karaoke, just a place you can go and you never have to worry about paying anything or nothing too obnoxious going on and very open. the space itself, i have five speakers along the wall there. they are facing inward. that's in the front half of the bar. the second half of the bar, i have four speakers in each corner. and this is a little diagram you can see. my outreach included, i work the door for, i think, four of the four nights we've been open for at least an hour. the door staff has been there for four years and his name is august and he introduced me to everybody. i have met all merchants up the street and across the street and met residents down the alley and became familiar with three of
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them. it's a small alley. i've reached out to the supervisor and sfpd. and so, that's my plan. >> beautiful. >> can you go back to the outreach page because i was still -- >> sure. [laughter] >> oh, if you have been on that corner, you know. >> i know exactly where you're at. (indiscernible). >> he's like -- he's the corner guy. institution. >> he is. >> i know he is. i like -- i've tagged him. >> definitely the best outreach page i've seen so far. i mean -- there's no lie there. it's just very specific, yeah. [laughter] >> might due diligence. >> and more people everyday. >> i think we found our template
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for all presentations. >> yeah, going forward. >> did you talk to the guy on the corner? >> what -- i'm curious design changes inside, anything -- >> no. >> just going -- it's quite nice. yeah. >> it's gorgeous. >> it's always a nice place inside. >> i just want to say, i've been by a couple of times already and it's beautiful. >> i got -- [multiple voices] >> full disclosure to my colleagues, i left a card in my capacity as one of the executive cochairs of the cultural district. we wanted to welcome with gratitude, you taking over that space. it has resonated with the members of the advisory board in a big way and i think with our community at-large. from the perspective of queer night life workers your commitment to reaching out amongst the community and
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access, like, letting everyone know in the way that you did was beautiful and i just thank you so much. and also, yeah. like, i would say, feel free to reach out to the castro cultural district. i want to say in the -- this past saturday, the dedication that you've done to exhibiting both the present and the past in the digital, in the graphics you had was pretty amazing. i almost -- i got a little misty eyed, actually. and also i would very much encourage reaching out to the america-indian cultural district. you're in their footprint and i think it's important to do that as well and i can help facilitate in whatever way. >> absolutely. >> thank you so much. >> yeah. thank you. >> i want to ducktail on that and say how monumental it is that you're bringing this space back to its clear roots and what spaces we have for queer women
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and identified folks in this city, it is important this is happening, i wouldn't be more supportive, so thank you for doing this. >> thank you. >> it's about time. >> i'll add my words to saying thank you as a queer woman, thank you for bringing this space back. i miss estanoches and this isn't that but we need queer women spaces as well. so thank you for doing this. i look forward to visiting. i haven't been there yet but i'm excited to go by and i saw the photos from opening night and go on instagram and it looks like you're starting off with a bang and i'm really excited so delighted -- [multiple voices] >> everyone is excited about this much yeah. we're ready for it. >> yeah. >> yeah, we are. so thank you. >> great. i don't have any questions, i'm excited for this as well. you can have a seat and
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we'll open up to public comment. >> there's no public comment. >> all right. we'll close public comment and we can entertain motions. [gavel] >> i move approval with staff recommendations. >> second it. >> all right. we can vote. >> okay. [roll call] >> all right. congratulations. you are approved and please follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience. i believe that's the last permit application so we're onto number nine which is commissioner comments and questions. >> nothing. >> i just want to say happy african american history month.
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this month to pay tribute to the generations of african americans who struggled with adversity and triumph through, in spite of the adversities and i remembering significant events in the african (indiscernible). happen african american month. >> we'll we be here before valentine's day. >> no. >> happy valentine's day. >> he's a big valentine's day. >> giving roses and flowers. >> i want to flag a piece of legislation i've been working on with supervisor, assembly person haynie's office, assembly member so i was introduced this week. it is to allow cannabis lounges to offer more than just prepackaged food and prepackaged drinks so it will allow them to serve coffee, serve sandwiches that are made, even be a
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restaurant in some cases, no alcohol will be allowed. it will also allow and we're -- we're trying really hard for this that it -- they can charge a cover if they need to do turn it into a mini venue that supports musicians. the issue is that currently, having a cannabis lounge makes no worldly sense from a financial position, so for example, i have a business that has a vacant storefront directly next door to my dispensary. it will be a fantastic lounge but there's no reason in the world that i would pay rent on a space that i can't do anything with. so this gives the opportunity for lounges all over the city that's detached to dispensaries and that's our role to have -- to offer different products that isn't just prepackages and not lunch lunchables. i want to flag everybody. it's a new place for
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concert in late 2014. it was demolished in 2015. mlb team the san francisco giants played at candlestick from 1960-1999. fans came to see players such a willie mays and barry bonds, over 38 seasons in the open ballpark. an upper deck expansion was added in the 1970s. there are two world series played at the stick in 1962 and in 198 9. during the 1989 world series against the oakland as they were shook by an earthquake. candlestick's enclosure had minor damages from the quake but its design saved thousands of lives. nfl team the san francisco 49ers played at candlestick from feign 71-2013. it was home to five-time super bowl champion teams and hall of
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fame players by joe montana, jerry rice and steve jones. in 1982, the game-winning touchdown pass from joe montana to dwight clark was known as "the catch." leading the niners to their first super bowl. the 49ers hosted eight n.f.c. championship games including the 2001 season that ended with a loss to the new york giants. in 201, the last event held at candlestick park was a concert by paul mccartney who played with the beatles in 1966, the stadium's first concert. demolition of the stick began in late 2014 and it was completed in september 2015. the giants had moved to pacific rail park in 2000 while the 49ers moved to santa clara in 2014. with structural claims and numerous name changes, many have passed through and will remember candlestick park as home to the
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legendary athletes and entertainment. these memorable moments will live on in a place called the stick. (♪♪♪) [♪♪♪] >> i just wanted to say a few words. one is to the parents and to all of the kids. thank you for supporting this program and for trusting us to create a soccer program in the bayview. >> soccer is the world's game, and everybody plays, but in the united states, this is a sport that struggles with access for certain communities. >> i coached basketball in a coached football for years, it is the same thing. it is about motivating kids and keeping them together, and giving them new opportunities. >> when the kids came out, they had no idea really what the game
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was. only one or two of them had played soccer before. we gave the kids very simple lessons every day and made sure that they had fun while they were doing it, and you really could see them evolve into a team over the course of the season. >> i think this is a great opportunity to be part of the community and be part of programs like this. >> i get to run around with my other teammates and pass the ball. >> this is new to me. i've always played basketball or football. i am adjusting to be a soccer mom. >> the bayview is like my favorite team. even though we lose it is still fine. >> right on. >> i have lots of favorite memories, but i think one of them is just watching the kids enjoy themselves. >> my favorite memory was just having fun and playing. >> bayview united will be in soccer camp all summer long. they are going to be at civic centre for two different
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weeklong sessions with america scores, then they will will have their own soccer camp later in the summer right here, and then they will be back on the pitch next fall. >> now we know a little bit more about soccer, we are learning more, and the kids are really enjoying the program. >> we want to be united in the bayview. that is why this was appropriate >> this guy is the limit. the kids are already athletic, you know, they just need to learn the game. we have some potential college-bound kids, definitely. >> today was the last practice of the season, and the sweetest moment was coming out here while , you know, we were setting up the barbecue and folding their uniforms, and looking out onto the field, and seven or eight of the kids were playing. >> this year we have first and second grade. we are going to expand to third, forth, and fifth grade next year bring them out and if you have middle school kids, we are starting a team for middle school. >> you know why? >> why? because we are? >> bayview united. >> that's right.
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>> good morning today is wednesday, february 14, 2023. this it is a regular meeting of bic. please mute yourself if you are not speak the first item is roll call. will president bito. >> here. >> vice president tam. >> here >> commissioner alexander-tut. >> here >> commissioner shaddix. >> here yoochl commissioner sommer. >> here. >> and we have i quorum.
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