tv Building Inspection Commission SFGTV February 18, 2023 1:00pm-4:01pm PST
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>> good morning today is wednesday, february 14, 2023. this it is a regular meeting of bic. please mute yourself if you are not speak the first item is roll call. will president bito. >> here. >> vice president tam. >> here >> commissioner alexander-tut. >> here >> commissioner shaddix. >> here yoochl commissioner sommer. >> here. >> and we have i quorum.
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and next is our land acknowledgment. ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgement the building inspection commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> thank you. for the public who are listening in the public comment call in number is 415-554-0001. access code: 2494 195 9642 ## to
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raise your hand press star 3. also the web ex password is 0214. next we have item 3 president's opening remarks. 2. >> findings to allow teleconference meeting under code section 54953. discussion and possible action will discussion and adopt a resolution findings under bill 361 allow for meetings remote. according to the modified brown act teleconferencing in ab361. is there a motion to continue.
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>> second. >> well is a motion and second. are all in favor? >> aye. why any opposed >> the motion carries unanimously. and mixture is item 3. president's opening remarks. >> good morning, commissioners special the public and dbi. i want to thank my fellow commissioners for serving in 20 twoochl it was my first year as president. my focus this here has been to understand how dbi is stream lining the permit process. and helping the building community to dp process to the recovery and housing stock. my second and primary focus is bringing mchlgz to the bic to inform their deliberation and question. i want to keep this opening remark short and open up to the
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rest of the agenda. >> thank you simple there public comment on item 3? we are item 4. general public comment. the bic will tick comment on matters in the jurisdiction that are not part of the agenda. good morning i'm jerry grant ler. each commissioner should have received a cap of my january e mail on the treatment supervisor safai and construction development received from dbi. on 2 projects. 497 valley street and 29 joy street. [inaudible] family construction consulting and development, [inaudible] [inaudible].
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180 thousand dollars upon loan to senior will building inspector bernard kaern. both are examples y where dbi did not follow their standard construction protocol. they understand had new controls need to be implemented by dbi to prevent other inspectors from providing the same treatment. recommendations in september of 2021 controller's report, would have flagged probabilitied behaviors. what presents the bic from insisting dbi implement all the recommendations and the controller's board. dbi inspector donald sumace should be required explain why he issued a certificate of final completion for 4 upon 97 very well after conducting to unscheduled field inspections.
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it is unusual for db oishgs to only conduct 2 field inspections on a new home that required foundation work. >> the second project 29 joy street is one of the 119 tier one projects. that projects associated with sentos and kaern that are under rerowel by dbi. 29 joy street appears to be the many improper final inspections mr. kern performed. are there other dbi inspectors finaling jobs outside their district? 14 valley street and 29 joy demonstrate the absence of proper internal controls at dbi. the bic members need to insist on the implementation of vigorous internal controls at
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dbi to prevent inspection failures. thank you. is there other general comment for items not on the agenda? general public comment not the budget item yet. caller, you are unmuted. hello, good morning this is audrey. can you hear me? >> yes. >> thank you. i will have to second with the last gentlemen said is i had the same situation, actually i'm an analyst and i work for the d. defense i'm retired i'm disabled
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and i have been analyzing the dbi and i found what the situation is. i probably have to do with a lot of new agents. but the situation is that they probably do have too much work and feel terrible for that the swigz is the documentation is being hid even from the public view. i have discoverd that is a major discovery i did make i callered 311 and asked questions about an address. and name low, the address i'm living at this being my lawyer called capitol improvement but say its is not. dbi is as an extensive overhaul this landlord is refusing to
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pay. dbi stood at my door and locked like she hugged him and put manage in his pocket. when you have a person standing so close that their lips are next to somebody's ear that is highway low unregular. and along with hat last gentlemen just said. well is a lot here that are not become of the dbi. and that has to do with the agents. i had one agent walk upon and said posted a letter over my security camera with his smirk electric he thought that was funny. that is because i undermined their agenda of over looking everything and not documenting it and hiding it in the documentation i see is part of your agenda that the disclosure of information is in the
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happening. also, the disclosure of the permit press is in the happening because they are not getting the required documentation to even issue a permit with issued to a contractor huh and that gentlemen did in the have a license for [inaudible]. and he was submitted an officering contract. permit. after he had failed to get a permit for windows he went become to get, which is fine. fact is so -- the discrepancy are continuing and since i'm an analyst i think i have dug deeper than most can with their documentation because the 311 that -- next item 5.
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discussion and possible action to elect bic president and vice president. i would like to make a suggestion to the commissioners to move this to next month according to the bic rules we have that capacity to do that. and given this commissioner new schmandle not available and in march we are required to be here in person i thought it would be a good idea to have all of us in the same room to discuss 2023. there was a second? >> motion.
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a motion by. mine was not necessarily a motion i wanted the feedback if the commission feels or agrees, like member to make a motion to move the election to march. >> that would include moving the subcommittee appointments. we are sticking to agenda 5 now. we will move the others as they in. >> motion to maust it to next mont. >> second. is there public comment? seeing 91 i will do a roll call vote on this item. president bito. >> yes. >> vice president tam. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander-tut. >> yes. >> commissioner shaddix. >> yes. >> commissioner sommer.
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>> yes. >> that motion carries. item 6 discussion and action to appoint commissioners on litigation subcommittee >> similar to agenda 5, the litigation committee is an important committee all the committees are. the same reason having all the americans present in person i think could be a benefit to making the nominations. >> motion to move the committee item 6 to next month in march. >> second. >> well is a motion and a second to continue this the item regarding litigation subcommittee. is there public comment on this motion? i doll a roll call vote. >> president bito. >> yes. >> vice president tam. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander-tut.
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>> yes. >> commissioner shaddix. >> yes. >> commissioner sommer. >> yes. >> that carries unanimously. >> and next we have item 7, discussion and possible action to appoint commissioners to serve on the nomination subcommittee. >> like to make a motion to move to march meeting as well. >> second. >> there is a motion and second. any public comment regarding continuing this item to next meeting? >> seeing none. i doll a roll call vote. president bito. >> yes. >> vice president tam. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander-tut. >> yes. >> commissioner shaddix. >> yes. why commissioner sommer. >> yes. why that motion carries unanimously. next we have item 8. the nomination subcommittee. 8a. update for the submittee. i don't necessarily want to move
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all to next month there are items on here that can we -- for a, b and c can we capture that >> this is quick this is an appointment this item should be brief. okay. but i'm asking just from a protocol standpoint we can peek to a, b and c together. >> yes they can. i like to defer to my fellow commissioner sommer on the nomination's committee i believe you have taken i leadership role could you provide an update. wroo i'm sorry if we read take them together let me read both. >> for 8b, discussion and possible action to appoint a member to the access appeal's commission. term to expire november first, 2026. member seeking appointment john [inaudible] for a personal
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experience in construction seat. >> thank you. nomination committee met last month. special we did have applicants to our opening on the access appeal's commission which was great. we decided to nominate or seek appointment for john t has to fill the experience in construction seat on the access appeal's commission. he is a licensed contractor and does work in san francisco. that is in the a requirement per se, of the seat to be licensed but we agreed that was a good fulfillment of the position. he has experience with ad a, access issues through a family member who is disabled. which is not a requirement but was irrelevant and thought he would fill this position well. that is the nomination subcommittee's recommendation to appoint him to this position.
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>> before we go to a motion i like to thank all the people that have benefited john and volunteered to join the submittee. or this, this what do we nominate. >> yes. sorry. for their service. so. motion to appoint john to the access appeal's commission. >> second. >> there is a motion by president bito and second by vice president tam. is there public money this motion? seeing none i doll a roll call vote. >> president bito. >> yes. >> vice president tam. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander-tut. >> yes. >> commissioner shaddix. >> yes. >> commissioner sommer. >> yes. >> that motion carries
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unanimously. thank you. congratulations to john, not sure if he is here >> is he present. why yes. >> is he here. why is he on the call. >> let me see, just a moment. may may have had a scheduling conflict but he will appear at our next meeting. thank you, everyone for the nomination. item 9, discussion and possible action on a proposed budget of bic. fiscal year 23-24 and 24-25. >> good morning and members of the partial alex deputy director of administration. if you could pull up the
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presentation. here is the schedule of budget process this is unchanged from the first meeting we are in the second of 2 special budget meetings and we are one week from the official submission of the department's 2 year budget proposal to the mayor's office. and in this presentification we will provide revenue and expenditure and position figures for your review. so on the revenue side. you can see that the budget was in the prior year. what we are proposing for the first year of the 2 year, fiscal 24 the change from 23. when we
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are proposing for the second year. fiscal 25 and the change from fiscal 24. so -- notable items on this slide are -- interest investment insome. may seem strange interest would go up had it is tieed fund balance, which is going down this is controlled by the controller's office. they will be reducing this. later on in the budget process but we were unable to change it for now. the next line is the met important charge for services. this is the majority of the department's revenue. again as discussed prior, we are projecting a reduction in our revenue of about 18%. we feel like had is conservative in the event of a recession, we expect revenues to fall.
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we hope this will not be the case and a worse case scenario but felt like it was appropriate to budget and plan for a significant decrease in revenue. the last line i will talk about in more detail is use of fund bvenls you see how much we have been using in prior year 34.5 million. proposed fiscal 24 almost 34 million. fiscal give it looks like a reduction this is the remainder of the fund balance. in the enough to balance the budget on its own that will be discussed later in the presentation.
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here are highlights no policy decisions made. we are waiting for the results of our fee study to conclude naacp in april before making revenue decisions. fee increase decisions and we will review with the commission and the mayor's office and adust and decrease use of funds balance in a few months. >> next slide. i will show 2 views a high level division of the department's expenditure budget. the next slide expend tours by category may be a better view to
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look at. many large items were moved between divigsz. in inspection services a change 14 million dollars reduction in the first year of the budget. that is not a reduction in inspection services wore moving those to administration. most useful is the grand total and the over all change. we are dog our best to be stewards of public dollar and redoings expend tours 6.5 million dollars the first year. in the second year you will see a learning reduction, 7 mission
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that somewhat misleading buzz we have i one time deappropriation of conditioning funds this is is a negative expenditure of 9 million dollars. accounting for that, the true the hai consider the true change with fiscal 24 and 25 is this negative 7 + 9. expenditures are expected to grow by 2 million dollars this is almost all a result of mandatory cola changes that the city negotiated in its labor agreements. we'll see this on the next page. >> here is the same expenditure for our budget proposal by category instead of division. we see the categories the
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department use salaries and benefits. this is representative view behalf is happening. we see that -- labor our labor costs are growing of not proposing to cut staff. we are as you will see in the next highlight slide we are substituting positions and making permit tech 2's to 3's to meet the mayor's office directive to reduce permit approval times by 50%. we are proposing to'da a few new positions. in code and to manage the programs that have started will start soonful abe. concrete building. board, et cetera. we are proposing a few code enforcement positions and really a business analyst to help us
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continue to put our services online. make our services accessible. stream line our business processes in an effort to reduce service delivery times and improve access to service. in nonpersonnel services. these are the department's discretionary spending. we are making reduction androusing when we can sf putting off spending on various things as muchs we can. am the replacement of computers and office equipment. until the economic situation improves. one highlight the members of public and the commission is interested in is the city grant program. various communicating based
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organization services, budget that the department has. we are leaving that untouched and asouling dbi will fund full net same am amount the service this we have been providing. services of other departments we are working with the per se's office and other city departments to reevaluate the services that other departments are providing to dbi and making wee reductions where appropriate. we have reduced that in the first year. the last line are excesses from old projects or work the department can put off to further dates. we are going to deappropriate
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it. it shows as a negative expenditure in the budget. it is the same as a revenue but may disstart. in fiscal 25 the budget is best to think of that has 88.2 million dollars. that is a one time reduction and in fiscal 26, that will not be there. the expenditure will return to that amount. next slide. highlights include a 1.3 million dollars as i discussed material and supplies nonpersonal service reduction. these are professional services and physical small -- supplies. keep have a 4.4 million dollars increase in labor.
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of which 3 million dollars is mandatory cola increases. i will provide more detail in further future slides. >> again the 5.2 million dollars of community based organization grants are still assumed to be funds by dbi the amount is unchanged. 3.1 million dollars reduction in service of other departments assessor, fire accident mayor's office of disability. we are working with the city administrator who is our largest provider of service. we pay them rent for the build and permits and services and we are evaluating dbi's share of those costs and try to reduce where we comprehend move to positions. here are the slide shoes the fte
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and dollar budget for our 3 divisions. you seat changes and once gaerning significant clean up happened. so positions this may have been budgeted in one division that we are working there many years ago were never changed. so we are moving. we moved positions to the appropriate divichlgz you will see that and admin service. is reducing by 21fte. and this is we are not losing 21 people of no labor reductions this is a technical change.
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we are increasing our budgeted and funded fte. so the amount hiring authority that the department has is in the changing. and is increasing butt amount of funds fte is going down what this means is that we have it is to reflect the fact we have fewer people working and they are more expensive. per person than in the previous year's budget that reflects the reality of today at dbi. in the past, things like premium pay were under budgeted.
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instead of having 10 people working at 100 thbld a person we have 8 at 125,000 per person the number of staff is in the going downful however, the dollar amount is going up. assil discuss in the next slide. some substitutions that are required are happening that will make the average position at dbi more expensive. as i mentioned, the primary change is substituting upwards 8 permit tech 2s. 2 permit tech 3's. this was described as a union issue, where one classification of workers in the past was changed from clerical, role into
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permit tech 2's. and in that change permit tech two's. those employees lost the ability to supervisor staff. so the previous classification. able to supervisor. permit tek twos lead but cannot supervisor per their mou's. so, in order to maintain the same organizational structure we have and to keep the number of staff per supervisor manageable we are proposing to substitute upwards the 8 permit tech two's to 3's. the next new change is 2 new certified access specialists inspectors. and i'd like to point out that
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there is no new costs to these 2 new positions because this was used to be a work order with the mayor's office of disability. we were paying them for the these employees were or -- mayor's office of disability had inspectors and we paid them the mayor's office of disability. paying their saul row and major's office of disability was doing inspections and collecting ref now. so, it is required by the building code that dbi has a disability access unit. so we are prosecute posing to add inspectors to dbi's budget. eliminate the work order and the machiney we paid to mayor's office of disability. and then the revenue that they were mayor's office was collecting now coming to dbi the
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positions should not come as no net new cost. and upon we are proposing to add new positions. these are an inspector. a permit tech and associate engineer and a senior analyst. these are to help us administer programs abe. plumbing, plan review. this is a function this currently is not under staffed in the department and causes delays. for the analyst to stream line the permit press bunkham review our business processes we are working with the add administrator and digital services to maker paper forms tron and i can put them on line.
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make those accessible online and in an effort to increase transparency and increase accessibility and decrease service times. we feel had is very important and the only way we'll be able to meet the mayor's directive to reduce permit issuance and approval times by 50%. we are also converting some temporary positions to permanent positions. 3 permit tech 2's and one h r analyst position. so, we endeavour to use permanent staff and to have pc s civil service hiring processes when possible. this is the best thing for the city and for the staff at dbi to have protected statuses. it is the best thing for
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transparency to have open hiring processes that are open to everybody. and so the public and everybody in the public has a chance to apply and this is i part of our reform measures. and the last item as i mentioned before, there is a technical change where we are increasing atrician to pay for other changes. for example, promotium pay we were under budgeted in promotium pace. these are things like longevity pay. bilingual pay. these were not acount for in previous budgets the department is paying. we increased the budget to realistic amounts we are seeing.
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and off setting the expense of this by increasing atrician so there is no dollar impact butt fund fte's drops. next sliechlt expanding on use of fund balanceful in the first year of the budget is 33.8 million dollars that's how much we need to balance to add to revenues to balance expend tours. the second year, well is in the enough remaining funds balance to balance the budget we had to make 2 changes 36.1 was needed to balance of the assuming we use 3.8 in the first year, there is 12.9 remaining for the second year. so to cover that gap with the 12.9 and 36.1, we did 2 things.
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depropertied 9 million dollars of continuing projects that money returns to fund balance and close the gap. and assuming as discussed in the first budget meeting 14.2 million dollars of revenue that we currently have no plans for but assuming that the results of the fee study am increase the department revenues. this it is really a beens number and this will be revised in the major's phase after the results of the fee study are known. the submission is due next tuesday after the holiday and we are currently making our best of my knowledge rows now. we are translating this
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presentation into the budget system. there are various changes that may need to happen and technical things with revenue transfers and there may be requirements from controller's office. things will look slightly different but this presentation shows everything that is currently known. we'll continue working with the controller, mayor's office throughout mayor phase and all phases of the budget especially when the results of the fee study are known, that will be a major discussion point and time for change and analysis. last of slide, please. i will be happy to answer questions. >> thank you. deputy direct and we'll have public comment first and then the commissioner discussion.
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for members of the public this are present we have a candace meez approximate manned rain interpreter available as needed and public ment will be for 2 minutes it appear we have a good amount of speakers. thank you. >> good morning i'm jerry. i want to thank you for the excellent budget presentation. we have a clearer understanding of the financial challenges facing dbi. the mayor announced strategies to accelerate construction in san francisco eliminating unnecessary fees. this will make dbi's fee problem years. the changes are scheduled for may one temperature is unrolistic to basketball the mayor will allow substantial increase in permit fees that are required balance budget. expenses of 34 million dollars
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exceeds the 19 million dollars that are spent on plan checking and the 33 million inspection service expense. permit fees of 43 million dollars can't support 34 million dollars of administrative expenses. director o'riordan and the bic need to reengineer the operating process and systems at dbi. dbi and the bic unwilling to make these changes over the last 10 years. fighting change is no longer an option. thank you. >> next speaker. how much time wouldo are approximate we. >> talk in the microphone. how much time if we have interpretation. it is 4 minutes. 2 minutes per person.
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dbi's budget and not reduce the budget for sro families. because dbi funding is essential to support the families. i have lived in the [inaudible] this had major maintenance issues for 4 years through the- organizers, other tenant and i learned we can ask left-hand side alreadies to make reper ses and deserve the right to remain in a safe build and contact city inspectors this was empowering experience. i have been an organizer for 7 years and every week single room occupancy organize and eye go door to door to learn building conscience, document violation and address the issues for mince and repair services. it takes a lot of time for families to trust us to actuals the problems in the build and a
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budget and not cut the budget because the work of it has been doing is important you to. people living in sro's and low income and minimal english proficiency. 2 months ago the water heater was damaged no had the water for a month. we called the landlord he immediately hung occupy us when he heard the word water heat and did not pick upon our calls later had we try to call back. we got the help from the collaborative and through the organizes, help and cord nigz with the landlord. the landlord changed his attitude. the landlord eventually contact maintenance people to replace the old heat weir a new one. everyone could live a normal life again. the families u night the
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collaborative does not only provide services to help us understand building regulations, organizers and visit us every week to learn more about building conditions. we also learn a lot about building codes through education at workshops. the collaborative given our families hope and support. so this is impossible for me to list everything they have done in the 2 minutes. left low, i hope all commissioners can let sro families united to stay in the dbi budget and don't cut the budget of your support is important to us. thank you.
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hole i'm [inaudible] i hope sro families collaboratetive can stay in dbi's budget and our budget will not get cuty have been live nothing chien town for 6 years sro is not ideal for children. my kids barely have room for home work. besides cross examined buildings often have building problems. the sro building i live in had a maintenance issue. the hallway floor had broken tiles for a long time. told our landlord about this multiple times the landlord did not sends anyone to fix this issue and the problem cost a lot of invoens and not safe for all. we have elderly people and children live nothing this build
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and this problem is a serious safety hazzard. community organizes from sro families united communicated with the landlord and the property management company. through their help the landlord sent someone to if i can the floor and solve our building problem. i hope dbi please don't cut our budget and allow sro families united to stay in your budget all of our sro family and it is populations live nothing sro's need the collaborative service because our language barrier we need organizations like sro to help us community to solve building problems. please support us thank you.
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hi. i'm an sro community organizer from china town development centerful i hope the collaborative can stay within dbi's budget and don't cut our budget. i followed up on 4sro belling issue and able to solve 87 of them through direct communication with the report owner. the department of building inspection to solve 17 of the building cases. during our regular weekly
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building visits we report building hassards or ash menity, educate tenants about safety codes and report any issues and also encourage them to community with the landlord. besides regular homelessness we provide activities for families. we have successful low built a trusting relationship with sro families through years of working together. buzz we are located in the same neighborhood and speak the same languageful sro families can access our services without language barriers. dbi and sro families collaboratetive have formed a soland i had effective partnership improving living conditions for low income fells in the community. i hope sro families u noticed can continue to stay in the
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collaboratetive to be a part of dbi's budget and don't cut the budget. because we share communal bathroom and showers. are i often seek help from the community organizers. the organizers frequent our build and w with us to follow up on building issue and community with our building manager. this has helped to solve building issue and safety
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hazards promptly. not only helps us improve our poor living conditions but always provides a lot of trinning that helped me understand tenant's rights, building codes and disaster appropriatedness as a new immigrant. i learned so much about american history and cult another and the collaborative this helps us to better adapt to life here. helped families tremendous low. it gives us hope if our every day lives i'm here to urge commissioners not to cut united collaborative's budget and let the collaborative to stay in the budget.
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a safety hazzard the building does in the have good lighting to begin with if the lights were out everything will be dark. a lot of seniors and children are live nothing this building. my mother in law has eyesight problems. one time she almost tripped walking update stair case it was dangerous. we tried to contact the landlord and received no response we got help from the commune development center because i anyhow they had chinese speaking staff to help us and they office location was close by. the coordinate with the landlord about belling issue and staff followed through until our problem was solved. they learned more about our building issue regular low to see if we need any help. through the help of staff our building lights got fixed. i'm thankful for the help of
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support and help from the sro collaborative. building where i live is dilapidated well are problem this is need to be repaired. we ask the management company for repairs. the management company responds slowly. oftentimes takes a long time before than i follow up on problems. before there was a period of rainy days my unit developed water likage i had to use a bucket to catch the water and i have 3 mall children they want to play with the water i was a nowed at the time. i got help from the organizers and the problem was quick low resolved. during visits to the building the organizers check and document conscience of building. when they discover problem says they will make asks with the management company for reper se exclude offer community resource, program and training opportunity to us. i'm grateful for their help. i hope that the sr oshg family
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owners will not independent it maintenance requests. look for excuses to delay reper ses. this is heardly acceptable. we help residents with mold and likage problems in units. visits to residents allow sharing of information with everyone. checking the services are have you been for sro projects. ooze everher children dug handses in the hole causing dust to fly. impact on healing was significant. she reported the land lord the landlord was slow to respond. after i communitied with the landlord the land lord dealt with the problem. at the building at pine street the kitchen basin was liking
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>> good morning, i'm young an organizer from the chinese progressive association. i urge the committee not to cut funding for the sro family collaborative program. my job is to follow up on complaints, conripardon families regarding maintenance and other problems such as moldy ceiling in showers, no hot water. kitchen stoves in the repaired. i had i can is stoves not reper se in the reason time the family reported the problem to management. management was slow to repair. they conveyed the merit to me. i helped them recording the problem and went to the build to take pictures related to the problem. i reached out to the management. with my coordination and communication with building management, the problem was resolved. i also visit and check building conscience regular low and document continues discoverd and
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follow up as well. i aim to get problems resolved with communication with management problems resolved faster. our work helps to improve the quality of life for sro families we min tain regular communication with those families as well. our rep is like family members and families are supportive of our work. i hope the committee will not cut out our funding and continue to keep our program in the damage consideration. thank you.
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i have been in chien town the past 3 years i like to urge the mittee not to cut funding for the property sro family collaborative and keep it under the management of the dbi. i say this because i'm grateful for their help in the building where i live the kitchen stove is often broken i report it and the owner delays in repair. i have 2 children i use the stove frequently i get help from the out roach organizers. i am a new immigrant and feel heart warming received from the collaborative the organizers and i speak the same language and everyone in china town it is easy to community. the organizers will inspect and do you mean the continue of our buildings example than i will report to the owner asking things to be repaired. than i regular low come for visit and talk with us. our quality of life improved
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today i urge the committee not to cut the funding the sro building has a communal kitchen shared boy 10 families the stove frequently malfunctions sometimes a burn are stops and 2 burn out. we notice management the wait time is very long. lengthning the time families wait for tournament use the kitchen temperature brought us inconvenience in our daily lives. report the situation to an organizer of the sro photocopy
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chienys progressive association and like to thank db oishg for support and help to the work of our families united collaborative. during our work we visit families to understands conscience of buildings. and build reps with families through 27 communication. families get access to information throughout united collaborative. i remember i called and learned it was raining for days one family had water leakage in their unit. the woman residents called the management company several times the company had not arranged for repair. the, nit is small and not sufficient in space adding in the water likage you imagine the situation. i ask the family for the number of the management company to follow up. i introduced moiz to the
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management company as anning organizer of the u noticed collaborative, told them the number and reported them the water leakage and the the extent of impact of the unit. and the staff member responded saying they would arrange it to come to the door to perform the reper se immediately. our family united collaborative is important to the family and i hope that sro families collaborative will remain in the funding plan and the funding will not be cut. thank you.
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my building i give a head's up than i come and let us know about the community news issue even, information, phone calls. i will then tell my neighbor and friends we can be more enengaging in the community. i can speak up for moiz in the [inaudible] city hull this is all experience i never have before i yoined this program. i hope more join the program this is helping the sro tenants to learn the fire safety and
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realize we can contribute to the society and i hope this program could stay in the dbi. thank you. good morning i'm jack and he i will be representatives [inaudible] senior sro building 144 power street. she want to apologize she is not able to upon attends this public ment she has dbi task force inspection today. state that in the 2014 the ownership change [inaudible] and
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the landlord refuse to respond to tenant requests such as repair and prosecute voiding month low pest control. with the program. seek the system without the language barrier to file step by step petition from the rent board and dbi and happened today with the task force inspection with the city attorney. helping assisting the attentives in the building. last time i state that mr. lou have a statement. a comfortable living condition is had we are looking for we want the respect and get the response with the land lord but without the assistance we will not do so. so again mr. lou want to urge all the commission to have the program helping more residents in different communities and support more tenants in the
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future. thank you. is there virtual comment. hello. thank you. commissioners. and i have like [inaudible]. i'm audrey and i w for the department of i'm -- worked in san diego on a document tracking system. and a problems that they had on [inaudible] and i was going to [inaudible] that strategy to your problem. had i was thinking was needs to happen the lands lords can put up the money and ash count had they decide they will have a
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building for rent. money will be there to if i can the thing and tell be a credit worthy situation. and therefore people will not be left hanging in the way. what that is, is condition super fraud. those lands lord and corporations are committing consumer fraud this is not manage this dbi should be accommodating. i think that the -- dbi not assessing fees on the going throughout [inaudible] of the documentation and all the things this they skipped ahead to make surety jobs got done. so with that thought i was thinking automated system wherewith multilevel upon plans.
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you know the landlord is -- put thanksgiving documentation via photos in a dataent row system and a dataent row system for each address the tenants put in the quotations and the land lord. because as it is now it is -- a one side document on the dbi website. accommodating landlord and not tenants. thank you for your comment. thank you. >> one additional person. hi. i'm becky. i'm the contract services director at [inaudible] i want to thank you for keeping the community based organization in your budget and encourage this commission to recommend
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[inaudible] to pay for [inaudible] full services of the department so that you can continue on pifor community based organizations in the future. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you for everyone in attendance and our public comment is closed for item 9. >> i like to suggest to the commission to take a 5 minute break and we come become and talk about agenda item 8. 9. >> 9. >> sorry. >> thank you. we will take a >> weer agenda item number 9.
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and have our commissioner discussion and deliberation. youmented to i think commissioner tam wanted to say somebody. i wish the party would have stayed i want to in cantonese our native tongue. i thanked everybody for being here and sharing their experience be us and we appreciate that. hope they are watch and listening. i wanted open up the discussion to the commission. i'd like to say it hard to hear instance after instance of all of the violations but so, having
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an elderly mother in the thing that i want to highlight about the comments is the people this can't speak which were elderly people could make it here today. i wanted to thank them for input. on this note. i wanted to of clarify. if you could step up. just to be absolutelies clear about it, is dbi cutting the program. >> no. so i don't know how the misinformation that dbi is doing so. and you know that is not happening you made it clear admit last meet and in this meeting. i want to applaud dbi for it is
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difficult to deal with money on any eleven whether person or professional. but the lengths and the steps and detail you provide in the your left presentation and this one, is lotable. you out lined that even though the fte reduced over the years you projected not a reduction in staff temperature is about increasing or elevating certain staff capacities. than i are able to serve the community better and dbi. i want to highlight as part of your presentation. and balancing a difficult budget based on what is happening now in the city. so that upon you know opening i want to open this up to the commissioner's for discussion or questions.
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commissioner alexander-tut. should be on now. it is on now. on now. that is why. what do i do. >> you are good. >> no , i have a code. >> you need to give her a code. i can log in we can hear her. >> you hear me. that's fine. thank you. thank you for this budget. and thank you for the presentation. i wanted say for anyone has knowledge we get a budget show this says like all the information that is here is in a one pager and i are double checked the line items with the presentation it trough every line item in that sheet is in here. we have all the information that we have had. it is in i different presentation i wanted to if
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anyone is thinking about this. i was curious about this myself. thank you for this. it is the follow budget in a slide show. which is -- and it it is well documented and explained. i recognize that the there is a new way of reflecting i'm looking on page 8. the fte's. i want to confirm is that this does not mean there are not an imployed hiring froze. there will not be layoffs as a result of this line items is this correct? >> correct this . is a technical change to reflect budgeted and funded fte. hiring authority remains the same and will increase with the new positions. >> thank you.
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i -- have no further questions. i have a comment. of. i previously worked for the organization chaffs funded boy code enforce am through dbi and maintain personal and relationships with the people who received the services from the program and also provide those services and i want to thank the folks who came here to and presented their stories and to thank the staff for including this in the budget. and highlighting that for the public to understand it is included in the budget. thank you. >> commissioner sommer. i want to thank you for the presentation it was clear the way you upon explained was helpful. and i money i think the difficulty as the receiver of the information and perhaps the public has is obviously, you know there are issues shown
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reflected in the budget this are not resolvable this moment. approximate you know everybodiments to resolve things this moment. so that's not happening because it cannot and we will stay tune exclude hear from you in future meetings how that evolved. i appreciate your presentation and the way you presented this information and explained to us the process. thank you. commissioner shaddix. >> thank you, president bito. i wanted sill thank you for the presentation spot of i get t. i got it. you did a very good job of explaining it all and thank you for clarifying not cutting that inspection program out of the budget i thought we were not i'm happy to hear that and thank everyone that showed up to advocate keeping this funding.
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thank you for the presentation. >> i would like to make a request of commissioner to, because of your close association with the nonprofits community to them these are not being cut. i think your disclosure speaks volumes. you had close relationship with the people in the past. making sure they understand that the information that they are getting. and that also i balance that out that part of this effort for db oishgs to responsibly balance their budget but has not include today is cutting the cbo. on that final note, i think that listening to the feedback from the sro's it is difficult to hear but i would surmise it probably gives dbi greater resolve to dpeel with the
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violations and the notices we receive i presume that would being not falling on deaf ears but they would continue to make that a priority to work with the organizations. i have no further questions. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. is there no further questions then anyone like to make a motion regarding adopting the department's budget? i will make a motion to aproof the budget is that -- seconded. or -- deputy stele attorney. i think the motion would be motion to recommend submitting the proposed budget to the mir. >> i like to make a motion to recommend submitting the budget
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to the mayor's office. >> second that motion. >> there is a motion by president bito and second by vice president tam. i will do a vote on this motion. president bito. >> yes. >> vice president tam. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander-tut. >> yes. >> commissioner sommer. >> yes. >> commissioner shaddix. >> yes. jot motion carry unanimously. next we are item 10, update regarding the client service subcommittee. >> good morning and the commission.
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i'm nevel per era the department director of over seeing permit service. i'm here to give you a bry over view of the project we has no name. the side permit reform process for now. it is ever evolving. happening talk about today is a broef over vow of had the project mile stones and then going to detail on the process changes we are proposing. the goal of this project is to dliniation between the high level design environmental and entitle am process that we aelectron to the planning departmentful and then and the construction document review
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process. create a stream lined process gored to the planning department of the we will have studied best practice of similar jurisdictions. we looked at them and in the process of adopting them. the planning department will cert fight project prior to construction review. all of those dr's and zoning checks and all of this. from a massing will be done prior to an individual applying for a building permit.
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in order to do this we need to look at current codes, san francisco building codes. planning codes and other legislative changes to make this happen. so the last time i spoke about this, we were in the phase one stage of current project where we went out and surveyed other jurisdictions than i are listed here. assistant district attorney of oak land, san jose, sacramento, los angeles issue long beach and san diego. these are jurisdictions that have the similar population or building inventory in their jurisdictions. tall buildings. high density housing and suburb an housing. locked the concern practices. and locked to adopt the best
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practice out of those ecstasy we concluded that effort around november left year. approximate we began phase 2 looking at legislate legislation, technology, stake holder out reach. internal policies and procedures and training. we are in the process of coloring the lines we developed the framework of phase 2. this out lines the improvements you see for simple and moderate projects, these are projects this are over the counter that otc. improvements with no change of use. like kitchen remodels and these are simple projects sometimes no plans associated with them and
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other more complex projects or moderate projects. come which don't have a high planning -- review. these -- state programs or remodeling where planning does not guilty have a high stake in the game and review is relatively brief. those types of projects simple and moderate remain the same as than i are today. complex projects, these are projects that have a high dependsance on planning review for massing, environmental and discretionary review. that process will change. to hopeful low stream line and get simpler. in may be difficult to read.
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from a macro perspective you see that the top line represents the current process. with several stage in it. 10 steps. in temperature simplified. and it is we are showing -- portions of that procedure being either combined or cancelled all together. to reach the proposed process which is the seconded line has about 8 step in it. i will briefly go over the concern prefer can had we are proposing. currently, this entire process is with the building permit process. or the the building -- permit itself. we intake the plan and application and immediately sends it over to planning who goes through the exact same
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process of logging it in and entering it in their system. the duplicate press we are looking to e eliminate that. or the -- the -- redid you understandance. planning goes through their rerowel cycle. and they render a decision. at the same time, there is a light or preliminary agency review by other agencies. including building, fire and public works. this is known the site permit review. a high level review from the other agencies and planning goes in it dope low. the ends of this process, they make a decision as to whether to approve or deny the site permit.
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hahappens then, if they -- approve or approve the permit process it got appeal's period. where appealed to the board of appeals. and essentially that is the end of the permit press. a permit to entitle the project but not a permit to build. the applicant miss in with we called a construction draw and go through building permit review with a light touch of plan to make sure the building continues with the design intent. detailed rerowel by other agencies. eventual low cull monating in the approval of those. that process itself is not
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always appealed. from had i understand, it is sometimes appealed but people understand that the construction aspect of the project and the not appealed. i don't show an appeal the end of this. the proposed process looks to completely bifurcate the this. administrateively and from a rerowel perspective. instead of dbi regular ail builteding permit the planning department take in the application and process it. review. and own shop.
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they'll go through their rerowel a detailed planning review, and make a decision either to approve or denotice this application. we have not determined what to call this, it is a discrete and upon finite process that gives the applicant the golden ticket to move forward to the construction permitting side of things.
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they will then issue i building permit at the ends. >> we are work out logistics of this with the help of the city attorney's office about the appeal's period. we have not figured that out. that's my update on the site permit reform process. i'm here for questions. >> i'd like to start off by thanking deputy director nevel for putting a conicize slide deck together this issan a project that you robbery working on with planning that could go to so much detail.
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but to serve prime the commission on understanding which we had discussions about this in client services is that it is counter intuitive to think that one process a site permit go through building would be take long are than a process this you are bifurcating. the confusion about the site permit process now in getting a planning approval, is that it is under a building permit not planning permit. i want to be clear with the commission about that you are irrelevant proposing here the very basic thing he proposing is that a planning permit is going to be stand alone process. and the big piece to that is that is i discretionary project it affected by design and zoning. a host of issues that are related to planning.
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planning is review. when it is completed with plan and receives an approval goes through the appeal period and that applicant can move in a building permit. that building permit is hadbi is participate and plan and the state is looking to make that process ministerial. that will not be discretionary any longer and it is a clearer path for people processing a building permit to understand this is i building permit. the part that is confusing a planning permit under site permit goes throughout building department expect it is a building permit not a planning permit. you know just to keep the commission informed we discussed this at length at client
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services meeting to get a number of commissioners up to ped on the discussions that i had with president tanner on their prior and updates or status and asking questions where we are in the process. this is manage that you know, we participate and hope this in the next month or 2 we have a joint commission trying to understand had we want to get out of the commission. and still needs to be discussd and good to hear from my fellow commissioners had they like to get out of that as well. i think this it is an agenda item and something they would want to continue -- i should not say that now that is the next agenda. to keep the commission aprized of the information because i think if we have a joint mission and you are flown this
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information at once typeset is hard to get beerings without understanding basic things. thing that deputy director nevel has done is credit i baseline of hathat process would look like. am i speak out of turn. why that is perfect. joy said my opening remarkos that piece i want to open this to other commissioners for questions. a question to the process when the other agencies have input, is this shared with the stake holder? >> it is. yes. originally when the site permit process was created, years ago
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it really -- it really helped and over time, i think it evolved to something it was in the meant to be in this like or ie it was a detailed review. became a duplicate review. the one time and get a duplicate detailed review that is the things that we try to change. i had gone through planning. i'm excited. thank you. commissioner sommer. >> i have a question. at hapoint in the current process versus the proposes does the building code get locked in. >> i had a conversation with my
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counterpart in planning. last time. i just yesterday -- and that's one of the concerns about from the industry. my take on this is that it should be at the building permit proesz process the per spepgz from the industry is wait a minute, you have a light review at planning what are you basing that on. and i'm talking without the city attorney and sounds like he may have something to add to this? rob kapla you can see that it it is a complicated with local building code, charter and the california building code this mandates we have going forward. the fact that the site permit
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has been a building permit to kick it off. there are advantages this we are trying to make sure we maintain. and don't stop. so now the site permit under the current process would be the look in point for the building code. if we bifurcate this, well is a chance of adding additional appeals ever. and of course which building code do you, ploy with the permit application opposed to the site or planning permit is the kickoff date. there are moving poses to determine. but we need to determine what the departmentsment to do. that the stake holder input. primarily this will be driven boy the potential for adding an appeal upon ponent this does not exist or that is necessary under our charter. i have a question to this question. in other jurisdictions is standard practice in the standard practice to have the
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building code locked at the point of building permit and not the entitle am process. there are expectations and other jurisdictions if you have i complex project running for years that the building code that your project studied that project or design and project description could chink in the next code cycle. because unless you submit a permit at this time, which is in the likely if you are processing a planning permit, it is locked in at a building permit the time you apply and pay fees. >> that's correct. and i characterize this as when you go throughout entitlement process the environmental rerue and that, you are talking about the building as a mass. of a block of harf stone in the middle of the property. you are look at aesthetics and the impact on traffic and this
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stuff. and so the impact of the building code is really based on openings on the property lines and the proximity to other buildings. it is a holistic vow of the building. those provisions in the code don't change or have not changed in decades. buzz they are locked in. and so, designers who may be concerned about, well, looking in the building code. should be a sured to the fact that the massing of the build and you will of that is really almost guaranteed not to change in code cycle. adjustments made during the construction permitting phase are on the microlevel not the macro level.
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over all imintrigued by press. i have one question, related to slide 6 in terms of where youow projects and the same the complex if they adopt. that is the thul if there is anything like a gray your that people might have to there motorbike decisions you made. it is clear. and one of my questions. is it always clear additional unit >> i will review last >> adu's and other jurisdictions the right of the genesis of
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this. and it was clear building department got together and tried figure this out early on. that happened here and e involved into something a bit different in that i -- understand how -- here an adu is additional unit it is recorded as such will changes told the building department upon that it is not just an additional unit it is something else. we are making adjustments for this now in our system. regarding the first part of your question when somebody walks in building department upon is it clear hatype of project would have a simple, moderate or complex project, all of these have element of planning touching them. like the moderate projects if they are over the counter and
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submitted always have someone in planning guiding that applicant from the beginning. whether this they'll have a heavy review or light touch. that will continue. and so all of these projects applicants will have guidance. very clear guidance as to where they stands the moderate projects are -- very easy low identified. if there is expansion of the appearance of the building that means it it is more detailed review boy planning. i have a follow up. we know we are seen in permits add up to -- you know
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nontechnical experience. the had -- if there can be mull pull permits if you look they look go through a process if you look at them hol ~ically they go to a higher level of review process. upon the so is there an is that manage this happens in the process or halved help if you had a series of is it possible you have a series of permit and the fourth permit you say. should have gone through a different review process. headline happen there >> that's highly unlike low because the planning department are really the switch. yes. this involved a bit or no it does in the involve us the stage in between they look at it and finds it right away.
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you are going. dwelling units when those come in, they are like flashing lights. you need to submit because of the expel tighted nature of the review of everyone looks at it at the same time so -- is there a possibility of that happening. there is always a possibility where you get down the road and you realize, gosh, this should be a different process. the possibility could happen on the applicant's or will change the nature of your review. it is not entirely on dbi's discretion to say something is more complex or simple temperature is also based on the
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size and the description of the process, >> that's true. we built in measures commissioner alexander-tut to have real plan checkers look at it at the point of application. so they are organisming the plans instead of somebody take nothing plan and 3 monthses later or 6 weeks later say, we had not take that. we are looking at it immediately. upon submittal. with plan check to make sure it does not happen. and if there is a change.
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the moderate process starts with planning. they are the switch -- either they will approve it there for processing. they will make the dwdmation, no, it needs to be taken in. not like moderate projects apply for building permit and move in. and move down the track. they have to stop at the planning information counter. to move forward. commissioner, do you are further questions. commissioner tam. you want to touch on this. for hacommissioner alexander-tut is asking is if there is a revision that gets reviewed at the same time. say they started the project. they get a revision, triggers
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manage in planning at this time the revision it gets planning review as well. this will require us at this point. >> that's correct. a good example about that is we got a building a conversion of existing part of a house a garage. to an access row dwelling they got approval from planning they came in with the revision to demolish the garage and rebuild an adu. we know to send that become to planning. yea. >> thank you. >> department director, thank you. one thing i think is important about this presentation and also the joint commission is having a baseline understanding for the commission and the public about this bifurcated process. buzz that base lining of the bifurcated process allows going
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forward allow applicants, public a better understanding of the nuances. there are just. a host of different ways can process an application or the issues how you press it. but a number of issues that affect your application from a design standpoint having an understanding of the bifurcated process. then, moving odz of that you know as time goos. understanding the nuance differences when other projects or issues that come up, i think that baseline now is when we want to get to and i appreciate the questions but there is a lot of other baseline questions this moving forward i'm hoping we are also getting to through the kline service as we lead up to that joint commission. that there is -- really productive discussion with both commissions buzz they have a very solid understanding of the changes.
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but also some of the details that the public are about the process. things you out line on slide 6 i have questions about you don't have to answer this now but you know, what is going to be included in the legislation. the technology you use to process a building permit jefferson us planning. questions i'm getting or what are the fee says with both and people have occurrence the duplication of fees. planning is that going to be different. and also the -- procedures and training with a review that building the part that is supposed to help an applicant is mrag really big issues. the questions this you know commissioner alexander-tut had when you look in the building
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code the big pieces to that the big are piece you spoke to are thing in a review the planning process address so an applicant will see those early in in a preliminary level. >> our staff remain always available for consultation along the way. at this point we from my experience we scrutinized site permit election too heavy low on the building department side. and we need to -- reluxury a bit. >> planning permit. the aim they review a building permit that's the point in how you will train staff to expedite
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a planning review. it is part of our response the major's director on dbi as well as upon planning to conreceive idea of getting comments in this first 30 days from again. volume will determine whether it was able to meet that. that is the intent gotta are that goal that's the goal we have. do other commissioners have other questions they like to field?
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any public ment on item 10. >> we'll go to item 11. commissioner question and matters. 11a is staff at this time commissioners may make inquiries regarding do you means, fee and practices of interest to the commission. 40 meetings or agendas. and other future meetings of bic commission. the next regular meeting on march 15th. and so did the commissioners want to address a or b. i like to address 11b. pending our discussion on agenda 10. by proposing to have this site
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reform permit process. brought back. we discussed this at the submittee level and go to a bit more and bring it become to the commission as i stated it is process that building upon knowledge. bring back that item. others have any possible agenda items? >> okay. reach out to prior to the next meeting. anything come up. so if there is no other discussion for 11a and b is there public ment on this item? no public meant. the next is item 12 director's reports. director's update. thank you, members of bic commission. i'm patrick o'riordan the
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director of d. building inspection. thissier we are focused on stream line and speeding up permit review and issuance i'm proud to report our efforts for stream line for solar permits launched. upon instant online electric permits for some solar arrays workers' comp gave you a preview last month dbi hosted a small launch event with u.s. department of energy. several times rolled in the narcoticive i want to thifrng the project manager james, and his group in permit services.
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chief inspector ken and bruce and raymond from information service team. moving on. i like to share passages of a note sent boy a homeowner richard chu to chief inspector praising them for excellent customer service. >> i was lucky to talk to inspector mark sympathetic about my situation and said he would consult with his senior inspector. he showed up hor low after and like a god send rescuer able to update the sticker. and i believe this would be the sticker on the service to the building. i'm grateful that dbi team are
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plaintiff and caring. and go says on to state i work in a busy hospital we talk about care experience. i thank you this was an excellent care experience about your team that guess beyond. and making a positive impact on the community. thank you, mr. chu for your mice note and thank you, america and bench min for dedication and your topnotch service to the public. i'd like to close on a somber note. this week we saw terrible transgender deal in turkey. and syria when the earthquake was 7.8. caused death and destruction in both of the countries the building collapsing are horrifying. as a building official it drives
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the upon importance what we we do in the building department every day. with your support the building safety reenforce every day, forms the front lines of the defense against this tragedy ever happening in san francisco. and we upgrade program and ratify code compliance in building plan and the field as we do inspections. we do this every day to safe guard our community now and the future. and to make sure our neighbor's homes are secure, schools and businesses and high rise buildings they are sound. we get criticized short cuts miseem good if the consequences are not considered. the one thing we know is that san francisco will experience a significant earthquake that will put our city to the test at some
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point. i want to take this mobile home for us to acknowledge the importance of our work in protecting our city from natural sdaft and recommit to you dbi will ensure building in our city are constructed to the required safety standards. it is ourion when we take it seriously. this concludes my report 1950
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improve am 345 spear street. and lastly, dbi finaled 2 high value projects they have a construction evaluation of 94 million dollars. and they have added to 15 new hozing units to the housing stock. one of the projects a 215 unit senior assisted living approximate sillity at 1001 van ness other another seismic and upgrades at 101 utah street. i'm available for questions. i have one short question. all of the projects above the 5 million that would constitute the third category that -- director nevel out lines.
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>> these are. >> yes. they would. the complex projects that would fall in that category. >> thank you. update on dbi finances. hello, commissioners. move to the next page of the presentation. this is an update of the monthly finance report. we are 58 pvrts way through the year and on the revenue side we collected 54% of that budget. based on the first 7 months of the year our revenue same as last month remains 54.7 million dollars. sick % lower than budgeted. that is we are hoping a
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conservative estimate well is 4% with elapsed and actual ref now collected. the only difference in this slide with this month and last is of course, the year to date actual and year to date percentage we are monitoring this. against our sick month projections. and they appear to still be on track. we'll be updating this next month forrure 9 mont projections and will report the results there but things are not worsening. in our budget presentation we assume an 18 percent drop in ref now. we are only experience a 4% drop this year. we remain cautiously optimist that i can our projections are
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conservative and things will improve. on the ecspend tour side. we are -- only 42% pent had is difficult to project out because a lot of our spending is encumbered but not paid out. we have open purchase order and in the invoiced yet. however, our projections remain in apore to be on track about 4% low are than budgeted. next slide, please. >> again the difference is between this month's presentation and last. are the year to date actuals and percentage columns. we still, pore to be on track to meet our projections from last machining. we want update them again next among for our 6 month report to
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the mayor's office and controller's office. on the not too much changed on the permit side. number of permits are the same as last mont 10% low are than the same number of permits left year the evaluation remains higher than last year. not as high as it was last month. and here are the -- numbers and the evaluations of the permits in the various tiers. i will be happy to answer questions. i don't have questions about the budget. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> 12d. update on proposed or state or local legislation.
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>> good morning president bito and commissioners i'm carl legislative affairs manager beef update on local and state legislation affecting the department. the first peeves legislation i'd like to bring is a clean up bill. to help operationalize the wage theft ordinance passed last year and racketive of june of 22. the proposed ordinance amends the police and building code to require owners of residential construction projects producing 10 or more units of house to maintain a labor compliance bond the time of issuance of the of first construction document. and also clarifies that bond requirement applies to projects submitted an application or preliminary on or after june 6 of 22.
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the 2 piece of this ordinance clarify that date of june 6 of 22 so we compliant with sb330 enacted in january of 2020 limited jurisdictions on placing new requirements once a project application has been submitted. and then the second piece, exempts site permits from the bond requirement. and focusos this first construction document. when there would be construction work on that. w whore need protection. the next i like to bring to your attention what you heard at the last bic meeting to amend the plan and building code for fines and penalties for violations. you know, you recommend third degree at the last meeting and the planning commission heard that come recommended it with modifications. couple of weeks ago this will go back to the land use mittee at the board of supervisors.
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today at the board of proirzs president peskin is introducing a resolution urging the planning department to report on po serb conditionaledidates for reuse in the downtown core sxurjing planning department and dbi to issue public criteria for the public and stake holder property owners. on potential conversions. i said president peskin proposed this resolution and referred it to the full board tell be heard at the board meeting this afternoon. and also moving to hearings. a hearing introduced to review the budget and legislative analyst policy report on repurposing commercial rolls royce for residential use. to address our affordable and market rate house and commercial vacancy needs. you see a theme here. this hearing was introduced last week and assigned left-hand side use and transportation and has not been scheduled. another hearing not scheduled
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for your information is the hearing with the planning department and dbi and olse office of labor standard and human rights commission for potential riligzs at twitter headquarters. 1355 market street. again that was a hearing of land use but has in the been scheduled. >> and moving over to the stateside, legislateors have until this friday, february 17th to introduce bills for consideration. in your supports documents of the list of proposed bill this is california builder's officials organization is tracking. and i do want to call out 3 here. that we are looking at there are more and expect more by this friday. ab529 add expansion of reuse projects to the lives prohousing
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for local policies. ab548, require local enforcement agencies to develop policy and procedures inspecting i bodies with multiple units if an inspector determined this a unit is substandards or in violation of the state housing law that would have potential to affect the other units in this building. and sb83. that's my update. happy to answer questions. >> i don't have questions i do appreciate this one of the sum rows had hyper links to the bill which is really i appreciate this. the state bills from
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[inaudible]. why good. i think this is grit. and the sum row that is provided is on the table this is readable. i have a request to make that when the transportation meeting has not happened yet on conversion, in dam secretary, could you alert us when that would help i miss those despite wanting to upon listen in on them. could you let us know when this could take place to listen in. >> yes. i will notify everyone. >> commissioner alexander-tut. welcome this is a fantastic presentation and yea, very easy to understand. and you have a lot of exciting work. i look forward to hearing more about progress. why thank you, commissioner. >> welcome. >> i don't think we gave you a proper welcome the left time. [laughter] glad to be here. >> thank you.
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>> thank you, everyone. next we have item 12e update on inspection services. . good morning. commissioners i'm joe duffy deputy director for inspection services. give you an update on some of our inspection activities for january. in january, the building and electronical and plumbing conducts 94 inspections 96% of those were conducted within 2 business days of the date requested this was meeting target of 9%. in the same month housing inspection conducted 1, 073 inspections, 169 routine of multifamily housing. the building plumbing divisions
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receives 663 complaint and responded it 95% in 3 business days exceeding the target of 85%. our how doing inspection services received 55 safety and complaints and respond today 96 percent within a business day. they received 531 other complaint and responded to over 91% of them within 3 business days. housing inspection abated 371 cases with notice of violation and sent 38 cases to the director's hearing. i want to thank our staff inspection staff for january with the storm it is we were busy and had a stands boy inspector and both of them are there 24/7. a lot of retaining wall issues. mud slides and in the mode why and also housing inspection services was anup tick in the commrinltss i want to thank
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staff for work during the storms. i'm available near questions. thank you. >> i have one comment, i guess a question. based on the director you always efficient report i appreciate. but of the public comments this we heard today where you hear of issues and if this is reported to dbi, of the time lines that you are providing in the slide deck are very responsive so i presume that would fall in the same time line as well. why yes we get the complaintses and received within the time limits within a day and depending on the schedule they are there in i couple days. they are responded to. sometimes with complaints there is the problem we go and kent get in and dragos i week. than i do update that so we independent to them we always
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don't get the action we can't force our way in a report it takes working out. that's the delay on complaints over all the team does a great job on responding in time limits >> do you work with the nonprofit this is presented today. if well is language, or add haveicate. >> absolutely. we have encourages staff as well. we [inaudible] language help. and you know the housing inspection service deal with this and we are well staff in the that regard. >> thank you i don't have further questions. >> thank you. >> commissioners tam. >> real quick with regards to the multiunit routine inspections thshg is a requirement. are these property owners are they roaching out for the inspections or do you do an out reach ru10 low? >> good question. it is that is not by the san
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francisco housing code every 5 years. sometimes we do it works both ways sometimes tell come through a come plain and when we investigate the complaint we dot routine. there is a schedule where the housing inspection services will set that appointment. the housing inspector shows up but you know sometimes there is like before hundred there is a complex bid. we are looking at upgrading and updating the technology on that program to make it more efficient. but it come both ways they are scheduled and the inspectors follow through and property owners are glad because it does identify issues like with things that are they may not think about what the staff are experienced to -- be able to point them out. and my experience if we do issue
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like a notice, than i are for maintenance item this is are taken off quickly. rarely we see those moving to a hearing stage. and as well, say you have a notice of violation and out there and seat property. or they pull the permit and work. that inspection would this reset that 5 year requirement? that you have been -- yes. >> yes. >> it would. unless we got a complaint on the property in the meantime. that would take it there again. >> okay. thank you very much. >> for the a lot of the buildings professionally managed those are scheduled in advance. >> that's right. >> and the fire department do their inspectionsanualy on buildings on the high rise buildings. they are checking their stuff as well. >> any other questions. >> i have a question.
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have we -- there is alegality of work. has there been out roach or education, the storms and right, and this we may see permits and see bypassing of the system. i wonder how would you approach illegal construction. is there education around illegal construction to look out for when someone should have a permit or not the tenant community does not have that but the people living and seeing that happen. >> yes. thank you.
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i say people know they can file a complaint for us doing out roach and have information on the website of the complaints when, how, why. 311 that's when that came in that was a catch all for any complaints and they sends those to us as well. can you do better. and men we can look at that and see if there is something else to do. the most part people are aware. neighbors are more aware. i think with the advent of phones and people can tick a photo and sends i video. what do you think is this something you can investigate? we get a lot of noise complaints from neighbors and stuff like that. and i -- that's like i know you asked for tenants i think our housing inspection service and it is work done with nonprofits are aware of like the complaint
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investigations. the press. why fimay, add to that. one thing we discussed at the last commission meeting is dbi would walk through the website exit think that could be something we can add, to your presentation or an agenda item. i was scanning the website for complaint and i think the up grid in the website is clearer. in the forms you fill out. walking us through that would be a great way to educate the commission as well and public how easy it is to file that. >> certainly. great idea i will go for that. >> yea. i think you know i'd like to develop thinking but tenants come plain had a problem is in the addressed or outside of the correct process had people may not know. may be i should call because
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this is not actually a good this is going around the system. may be not up to code. things like that. yea. i love to seat website and from a tenant's perspective make suggestions there are response but not in the correct way we want to protect. this is something you think about all the time not new thing for you. >> i can tell you it has been discussed with patrick and communication team about adding features to the website. may be we are always lookinga the that and exploring ideas that like for anything like we talked eighty-one time i know we will not got there yet but putting vos on there. potential low like a you tube video on how to deal with that. there is a lot to do that was talked about the last year we have not got to it yet. great idea and more we out roach to the public and tenants this don't know and told by someone it is fine up don't need to
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complain. those are the people we need to help, absolutely. >> thank you. thank you. is there public comment on the director's report items 12a-e? >> none. virtually? >> next is item then. review and approval of the minutes of the meeting of january 18, 2023. >> motion to approve the previous machine minutes. why is there public mental. >> all american in first? >> aye >> any opposed? the minutes are approved. next 14 adjournment. motion to adjourn. >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> we are now ash journaled it is 11:40 a.m.
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we get about 10,000 a year. they can be injured, lost, victims of abuse or violence, and we take them all in and we care for them. >> i felt really passionate about getting the spca a new building. i had personally seen first hand when my family was searching for our first rescue dog what conditions a lot of the animals and the staff from a.c.c. where working in. >> we were really excited to be moving into this new shelter. our current physical plant is in terrible shape. i like to describe it as the building is working against us rather than for us. this shelter was put together in six months, 30 years ago, in a building that is now 80 years old. our staff and our volunteers are amazing and wonderful, and they are warm, but the space makes it difficult for people to connect with the pets because we have families coming into adopt, we have families surrendering their animals, people looking for their lost dogs, and they are
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all crammed together in a very small, emotionally fraught space our heating and ventilation system is very poor. right now, our shelter is not capable of good ventilation to prevent the spread of disease. we have no security features. our veterinary suite is cramped into one room. we can only perform one procedure at a time. >> one of the main lessons learned from hurricane katrina is people were reluctant to evacuate. if they were fearing that their pets were going to be left behind and not cared for. >> in the event of an earthquake , we need to be off the grid for 72 hours. it is unlikely that we would be able to fulfil our mission to take in domestic pets that need to be temporary looked at while parents are out of their home. in a new building, we will be able to meet those earthquake standards.
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[♪♪♪] >> we are standing at the site of the future animal care and control facility. that is the beautiful brick building you see in the background behind me. this building is part of the showplace square historic district which is a collection of brick warehouses and factories that was built in the late 19th century. this was built in 1893 as the original coal-fired power plant for the first street car in san francisco and has been owned and operated by munimobile ever since. >> we chose this building for the project for a number of reasons. one is we are not far from the existing animal care and control facility, san francisco spca is nearby, and it is a nice nexus to have in the center of the city. [♪♪♪] >> what we are doing is we are going seismic upgrading the building. it is un- -- and unreinforced masonry building. we are going to be installing
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floor prate -- floor plates across the space to put in all of the animal housing. >> we will be able to get our -- give our animals adequate space. we will also be separating our small animals into different rooms. right now we have reptiles and bunnies and birds, everyone all crammed in together. >> the tricky part of it is to find open space in this existing urban environment. we did that by inserting an open air courtyard, and also using the roof deck for another dog in small animal run. [♪♪♪] >> three, two, one! [cheering] [cheers and applause] >> when the new a.c.c. opens and two years, it will be incredible and we will finally have the world-class facility that our animal shelter needs in the city >> shared spaces have transformed san francisco's adjacent sidewalks, local business communities are more
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resilient and their neighborhood centers are more vibrant and mildly. sidewalks and parking lanes can be used for outdoor seating, dining, merchandising, and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are safe and accessible for all. people with disabilities enjoy all types of spaces. please provide at least 8 feet of open uninterrupted sidewalk so everyone can get through. sidewalk diverter let those who have low vision navigate through dining and other activity areas on the sidewalk. these devices are rectangular planters or boxes that are placed on the sidewalk at the ends of each shared space and need to be at least 12 inches wide and 24 inches long and 30 inches tall. they can be on wheels to make it easy to bring in and out at the start and the end of each day. but during business hours, they
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should be stationary and secure. please provide at least one wheelchair accessible dining table in your shared space so the disability people can patronize your business. to ensure that wheelchair users can get to the wheelchair accessible area in the park area, provide an adequate ramp or parklet ramps are even with the curb. nobody wants to trip or get stuck. cable covers or cable ramps can create tripping hazards and difficulties for wheelchair users so they are not permitted on sidewalks. instead, electrical cables should run overhead at least ten feet above sidewalk. these updates to the shared spaces program will help to ensure safety and accessibility for everyone, so
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[♪♪♪] >> i had a break when i was on a major label for my musical career. i took a seven year break. and then i came back. i worked in the library for a long time. when i started working the san francisco history centre, i noticed they had the hippie collection. i thought, if they have a hippie collection, they really need to have a punk collection as well. so i talked to the city archivist who is my boss. she was very interested. one of the things that i wanted to get to the library was the avengers collection. this is definitely a valuable poster. because it is petty bone. it has that weird look because it was framed. it had something acid on it and something not acid framing it. we had to bring all of this
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stuff that had been piling up in my life here and make sure that the important parts of it got archived. it wasn't a big stretch for them to start collecting in the area of punk. we have a lot of great photos and flyers from that area and that. that i could donate myself. from they're, i decided, you know, why not pursue other people and other bands and get them to donate as well? the historic moments in san francisco, punk history, is the sex pistols concert which was at winterland. [♪♪♪] it brought all of the punks on the web -- west coast to san francisco to see this show. the sex pistols played the east coast and then they play texas and a few places in the south and then they came directly to san francisco. they skipped l.a. and they skipped most of the media centres. san francisco was really the biggest show for them pick it was their biggest show ever. their tour manager was interested in managing the
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adventures, my band. we were asked to open to support the pistols way to that show. and the nuns were also asked to open the show. it was certainly the biggest crowd that we had ever played to. it was kind of terrifying but it did bring people all the way from vancouver, tee seattle, portland, san diego, all up and down the coast, and l.a., obviously. to san francisco to see this show. there are a lot of people who say that after they saw this show they thought they would start their own band. it was a great jumping off point for a lot of west coast punk. it was also, the pistols' last show. in a way, it was the end of one era of punk and the beginning of a new one. the city of san francisco didn't necessarily support punk rock. [♪♪♪] >> last, but certainly not least is a jell-o be opera. they are the punk rock candidate of the lead singer called the
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dead kennedys. >> if we are blaming anybody in san francisco, we will just blame the dead kennedys. >> there you go. >> we had situations where concerts were cancelled due to flyers, obscene flyers that the city was thought -- that he thought was obscene that had been put up. the city of san francisco has come around to embrace it's musicians. when they have the centennial for city hall, they brought in all kinds of local musicians and i got to perform at that. that was, at -- in a way, and appreciation from the city of san francisco for the musical legends. i feel like a lot of people in san francisco don't realize what resources there are at the library. we had a film series, the s.f. punk film series that i put together. it was nearly sold out every single night. people were so appreciative that someone was bringing this for them.
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it is free. everything in the library is free. >> it it is also a film producer who has a film coming out. maybe in 2018 about crime. what is the title of it? >> it is called san francisco first and only rock 'n' roll movie. crime, 1978. [laughter] >> when i first went to the art institute before the adventures were formed in 77, i was going to be a painter. i did not know i would turn into a punk singer. i got back into painting and i mostly do portraiture and figurative painting. one of the things about this job here is i discovered some great resources for images for my painting. i was looking through these mug shot books that we have here that are from the 1920s. i did a whole series of a mug shot paintings from those books. they are in the san francisco
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history centre's s.f. police department records. there are so many different things that the library provides for san franciscans that i feel like a lot of people are like, oh, i don't have a library card. i've never been there. they need to come down and check it out and find out what we have. the people who are hiding stuff in their sellers and wondering what to do with these old photos or old junk, whether it is hippie stuff or punk stuff, or stuff from their grandparents, if they bring it here to us, we can preserve it and archive it and make it available to the public in the future. sustainability mission, even though the bikes are very minimal energy use. it still matters where the energy comes from and also part of the mission in sustainability
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is how we run everything, run our business. so having the lights come on with clean energy is important to us as well. we heard about cleanpowersf and learned they had commercial rates and signed up for that. it was super easy to sign up. our bookkeeper signed up online, it was like 15 minutes. nothing has changed, except now we have cleaner energy. it's an easy way to align your environmental proclivities and goals around climate change and it's so easy that it's hard to not want to do it, and it doesn't really add anything to the bill.
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