tv Police Commission SFGTV February 26, 2023 12:00am-3:01am PST
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called the meeting to order. if you could rise for the "pledge of allegiance." ["pledge of allegiance"] >> all right. if i can take roll. [roll call] >> president elias is in route. with us tonight, we have chief scott from the san francisco police department. and executive director paul henderson from the department of police
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accountability. >> sergeant, could you call the first item. >> line item one. presentation of certificate of appreciation, ms. angela jenkins from the bias working group and mr. roam jones from the bias working group. [gavel] >> good evening, vice-president, carter-oberstone, commissioner and the public. thank you for putting this first on the agenda. i want to acknowledge two community members who have been very, very engaged with this police department and policing in san francisco and i know one other thing we always try to do is get people to be engaged with this police department and our policy making and the commissions policy
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making and for the public, i want to just say that, this is what that looks like and i know they aren't the only two because we have many i'm in our city -- we have many people in our city who participate. but i want to gifrng than -- i want to give thanks to be ms. jenkins and rome jones. our bio took a long time for us to develop and there was a lot of community input it. there were workgroups and it was a lot of conversations, commissioner elias, and at the time taylor were the commission leads but what ms. jenkins and mr. jones did, they really started the conversation about the bias buy proxy and ended up in the policy and ended up being a big part of having a policy that actually the state of california and the ripa board held as a model and for those of
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you that aren't familiar with bio bi proxy, this is when a person calls the police and their biases are then transmitted to dispatcher and it causes a reaction that sometimes can lead to very bad consequences, so ms. jenkins and mr. jones were the two community members that really raised that issue and we responded and we ended up getting it in our policy and we really appreciate your work. this is long overdue. i think that was like, three, four years ago when those conversations were happening, but it's not too late to appreciate the good work. and their leadership in this process so i want to acknowledge them and i will read their certificates one at a time. first march ms. an -- first, ms. jenkins and you have family here. if you don't mind standing up and there's photos. certificate of appreciation from the san francisco police department in recognition of ms. angela jenkins and gratitude
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for her work and contributions in the bias working group, these contributions helped the department move forward. such an example is worthy of the highest sustained by the san francisco police department. awarded on the 15th day of february, 2023. signed by me. [applause] >> i would like to say something. >> ms. jenkins would like -- >> i'll take this off. i think it was -- (indiscernible) saying i was usually at home watching family feud, but my name was inside here, so i what going to come on down and look at this. i'm very, very, i love to see the recognition for people who
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risk being labeled as snitch to come to the working group. that's very difficult for me. i'm one of the people who would not really sit in a room with cops for a while and it's contradictory that my brother has a four-year career, over four years in law enforcement and he's nationally recognized, but he gave me a challenge. he said, you know, renee, he uses my baby name, renee and you may be more bias against cops than cops are bias against you so i took on his challenge and the challenge is easy by meeting sergeant williams and officers for justice. they seem to be black first and then cops second and that's really, really hard to do. so, through their (indiscernible), i attended the meetings and still not feeling that policing is really
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legitimate. i still think policing may be residual slavery and i hope to see the sunset of -- not legitimate, but i did want to just say that the bias bi proxy that everyone is looking at and talking about, it's something i pitched to the chief and then commander la sdar, we had one working group dealing with bias and one group looking at the community, our community policing, but no one was looking at how -- at how the community and non-police person actually commits a lot of bias policing, having your body launched into wood chipping of policing because someone doesn't like you like in new york. we saw that. someone is going to call the police on the birder, the person who was watching birds in new york and also, here in san francisco, we remember
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there was a young man who was, just opened up a lemonade, gourmet lemonade stand and he himself had become a person that they were calling unnecessarily 911 on him, while he was checking on the security system at his own gourmet lemonade shop and he, him receive, he testified here not long ago that he felt the call itself was based on bias. that it was bogus. there were many times we can see people are using policing or using the police to actually launch their prejudice against african americans and many other people, but i'm glad the police, i'm glad that the community looked at that and they see it. i believe the karen act is a manifestation of how we can quail that type of bias
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bi-proxy, but i really appreciate it, being recognized here today. thank you chief scott for working with me and my on -- thank you for the tenacity and challenging you on the things i see. thank you. [applause] >> okay. and i won't read it again, rome, yours says the same thing but i want to say a few words about rome jones and speaking of challenging, rome is a young man who has been involved, i think he was on the youth commission when i first met him and he's been before this commission several times to discuss policing issues and get his perspective and his perspective is valuable because it's really hard to get people from his age demographic involved in this type of process and rome has been really, really, instrumental in bringing his perspective and i think his perspective shaped some of our
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policies and he's been involved in recent ddo development including 9.07. so i really appreciate you, rome, i through you have a tremendously bright future and we're hiring. i want to recognize you for your work and i won't read it again but you brought a lot of value to this process with the bias ggo that we got passed through the commission and your contributions, along with ms. jenkins and others were recognized by the state of california because i think we were the first department to have that language in our policy and that's a big deal. so thank you, and without further ado, i'll present you with your certificate of appreciation as well. [cheers and applause]
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>> okay. again, i'm not on the youth commission anymore, so i don't really like saying stuff anymore. [laughter] okay. yeah, working with law enforcement, i did not think would be my thing. it's very uncomfortable for me to be, like, in a room full of cops, personally because my brother was killed by the police in '09. not sfpd. i think it was richberg. those are my sisters, they know, so.... actually, one of my sisters talked me into some of these things but i'm like man, sitting in a room full of police, i don't know how that's going to go, but i did it because i think it's really easy to be judgemental from outside the room instead of getting involved in the process and as i'm comfortable at some of those meetings, i appreciate the
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people who made it easier and more understandable. commissioners, chief, and i think i've built good relationships and i think me and the chief have a good relationship. he seems to like me, right. [laughter] you know, i appreciate the opportunity to grow as an individual, but also i like the opportunity to be acknowledged because i don't think i'm acknowledged enough, actually. i think i'm an amazing person. [laughter] and yeah. thanks! to be very clear, this does not mean i like agreed with sfpd at every turn. but i was working with them, so hopefully the work continues regardless of who is in the room and things continue to grow and head in a better direction. >> oh, no, no, no. [applause]
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>> rome, you've got to stay up here so we can talk to you for a minute. don't think you getaway that fast. >> i'm like, what do we do? >> i want to say thank you. i had the pleasure of meeting you in the bias working group, it was our first interaction. you bring an amazing commonsense approach. we get in the room and lawyers and i think police officers and people who really dig into the policy, we mess things up and over complicate things over the time and that would happen both in the bias working group. you were also in the 1107 one and also in the traffic stop, and then all of a sudden in the corner of the room, you would be like, hey, what about this and you would say it so simplistically and commonsense and we over complicated it and when you said what you said, it put it into perspective and brought us back to making things uncomplicated so you're a huge asset, i think to the working groups and to
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making policy because you're real world experience and your perspective which is unique is needed in these rooms, so now that you're not on the youth commission, you have more time to hang out with us, i hope. so i want to thank you because you really are an invaluable member, i think, to these things because you come into the room and you don't always agree and you bring a very unique perspective. so, commissioner benedicto. >> thank you so much, president elias. i also want to echo the chief on behalf of the commission. really congratulate and thank both angela and rome for your incredible service to your community and the role you have played in these groups and i was talking to angela before and we were both on the taser working group way back in 2016 and use of force in 2016 and before working groups in total and for all the reasons we have talked about, what you all given to the community, what you both have given, it's hard and it's
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time-consuming and it's painstaking and uncomfortable and that's true on so many different levels, whether that's your feeling like a snitch or it's just the time asking of you or being stuck in the room with lawyers and cops, and sounds like most people nightmare and you did it willingly and repeatedly and the discussions and policies were made better by your participation and i hope that you know that. we all have heard, like, angela said, sfpd bias policy has been held as a model for being the first policy to have bias bi-proxy and being a leading policy and it's not enough to just say that sfpd policy. because of the role you played, that's the community's policy, that's the san francisco policy that was shaped and applies to sfpd and it's not just their policy but because of your ideas, it's a model and
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like president elias said, you don't always agree with everything going on or should you be expected to, but you're willing to listen and willing to speak and willing to really dig in and that's so invaluable. our system isn't perfect or the department isn't perfect, the structure isn't perfect, but it can always be perfected and you two have played such a significant part in perfecting that system and it's the best way to improve our system is to take part in it and you have done that, so thank you very much. [applause] >> there's more. stay. there's more. >> hold on, mr. rome. thank you very much, president elias and i really, really appreciate your contribution, your sacrifice, your dedication and commitment
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to helping us improve your department. this is everyone's department. these are our taxpayer dollars, so you do deserve a voice. you should have a voice and i started this work really young. i wasn't on a young commission but i was a young person working with youth commissioners and you have a lot potential young man and i hope you push people into that direction and your voice is powerful and your voice should be at the center of the conversations and thank you for taking that risk because sometimes when you walk into these spaces, ms. jenkins made a comment that i shared at one point, i didn't think i would be able to sit in spaces with people that have historically oppressed communities and some of the ones i represent but without that voice, we're not going to improve things and so i really, really thank you from the bottom of my heart. >> thank you. [applause] >> vice-president. >> thank you, president elias. just really want to congratulate
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ms. jenkins and rome on this incredible award and this honor. the bias working group predated my time on this commission, but i had the pleasure of working with both rome and ms. jenkins on dj9.07, the pretax traffic stop. djo, so it's no surprise to hear this praise today because it applied with -- the same if not more force to their participation. ms. jenkins and rome were selective in terms of when they spoke, but when they spoke, everybody listened because they always said something that hasn't been said before and that nobody else would have said, if they hadn't spoken up. every comment they made was incredibly value added to the process and they were both, kind of totally unafraid
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to express views that perhaps made some people uncomfortable or perhaps may have been controversial to some, but they are thoughtful and always value added and they are totally nondogmatic. they never repeated a talking point we never heard before but it was personal and kind of innovative. i'll say a couple of comments. i remember ms. jenkins raised an issue about deficiencies in our traffic data and broadening the pool of data we looked at. i think that was really insightful that no one else had thought about. rome, a cup of things you brought up that i recall, you brought up certain social dynamics around tented windows on cars and the implications of
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-- de-prioritizing that and brought up how the policy may affect those with disabilities. those were comments i remembered off the top of my head but there's many more, so i want to acknowledge you both for your work on that dgo and willing to donate your time to this important work because it's really left an important mark, so thank you. [applause] >> commissioner walker. >> i want to thank you both. i'm relatively new so i haven't had a chance to work with you directly, but -- we have had the opportunity to see the results of the input from both of you and the rest of the community in how we're doing reform. of course, it takes a chief who is committed to it but it also
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takes folks from the public who can sit and input in a way that moves people and you know, i know that we think it's -- he was kidding when he said he's hiring but he is hiring. and, you know, we need people from the community who have not had trust in our law enforcement to step up and make the changes like you're doing. but also to be out there, so it's a time for a new day in how we keep our streets safe for all of us and for all of us. i mean, that's where the reform part comes in, so it's so important and it's important that we -- it hits us in a way where we can move forward together, all of us, the officers and the public, so i really appreciate your contribution to that, both of you, because we've seen the results. i mean, we have seen what is able to come through, so
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thank you. >> commissioner yee. >> thank you very much, president, cindy elias. i want to take the opportunity to thank both of you for your, i guess, courage coming up and being a voice for your community. sometimes it's difficult to come out there and say it, say what you see and say what you feel, so again, i wasn't in the working group, but chief has given his certificate of appreciation, that means something to us all, so thank you both, and continue to work and making it safe for us, thank you. [applause] >> commissioner byrne. >> thank you. i want to commend your, let alone your giving of your time but your courage to come forward. it's most appreciated and recognized. thank you. [applause]
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>> ms. jenkins, i'm sorry i was late. i'm a huge fan of yours and i appreciate your work ask all of your contribution and every time i walk into a working group and see you, i know it's going to be okay. so.... thank you both, we're done. we're finished. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] >> do you want to take a picture with the chief or something? >> yeah, we can. can we to that while we do general public comment? >> sure. >> thanks. >> members of the public who would like to make public comment for item line number one, approach the podium or press star three. >> hi. i'm otis sister, rome
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jones and kind of a little bit of a community activist here in san francisco. i want to thank you all for honoring rome. he's his own man and he's done an amazing job, especially, i don't think he emphasized our brother's passing in 2009 when he was just 16 years old and rome was about 8. he could have been very hateful to the police, but he started to be a change-agent from a very young age to try to make it more equitable and deserving for black men, whether or not you're on the right side of the law. so, i appreciate you all for honoring him and he's such an amazing person. wise beyond his years, thank you. [applause] >> hi. i'm julie. i've had the
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pleasure of working with both of these people. i think angela and i have been on every single working group together. we attended the dave lazar working group school where we welcomed everybody. i recruited rome to the working bias group and it was met with resistance from the executive sponsor for that working group and i had to go straight to the chief to get rome onto that working group, so i think we should take this as an opportunity to remind ourselves that we need to reach out to community members. we need to make them feel included. we need to invite them and to celebrate them and the best way to celebrate these two and their contributions and i want to remind us, it was rome who brought everyone's attention to the mugshots being released by the tenderloin twitter feed, that was him and we said, what, really, show us. we looked at it and the chief, you know, issued
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a departmental bulletin immediately but in the community working group, our strategic plan calls for the cpac to reach out to communities. one of the members of our community working group joined one of the cpap's to say what's going on, as a commander once told me, they are made up of the people who love us. those groups, these working groups really need to be inclusive of community people. thank you for celebrating them. but let's make it systemic, not just a one-time award, but let's learn from the contributions of these amazing people and i personally want to thank them because i've stayed friends with both of them, so thank you. [applause] >> i had a really good idea that if maybe if we found the department getting $27 million, we still -- i don't know, we
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could think of one, maybe that could be like the sb2 position that we could collaborate as a liaison and a bridge with some of the oversights and the state needs and community driven things, just as a great idea for us to maybe follow up on. >> see, rome, they have a windfall of money so now is the time to work for the department. >> i've got ideas and i've got plans. >> sergeant? >> that's the end of public comment. >> next item. >> line item two. general item two. (the public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or dpa personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment, neither police or dpa personnel, nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but, may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and dpa
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personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment.) >> you can call 415-655-0001. enter the access code 24906549275. e-mail sfpd -- written comments may be sent u.s. postal service at third street. if you would like to make public comment, approach the podium or press star three. >> good evening, executive director, and members of the commission. i know one person one person. my name is greg johnson, i'm a resident of the tenderloin and i'm a member of ccs, which is central city, so collaborative and we're known as the collaborative. i'm a member of their safety committee. and
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we spend tons of hours addressing safety issues as they relate to the tenderloin area and now have partnered outside with other agencies to address the matters that ultimately plague the entire city. i want to say first of all, thank you for the recent responses in the tenderloin. we have a seen a difference night and day in that area. that's to be commended. our concern now and moving forward would be the sustainability of that. you know, is that possible? you know, while we continue to do our work and reach out to residents in our community, that's going to be very important. it's going to be very important. thank you.
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>> good evening, commissioners. i want to say thank you for the opportunity to address you. so my name is clifford gilmore. i'm with the tender loin clinic and i'm a manager at the clinic. as greg said, we have a resident-led safety committee and we've been working with a lot of city agencies on this public safety matter and yes, absolutely. there's something to be said about when you see people are radiance emit something different. what we have seen recently is people seem to be in a happier mood. you talk about the children who go to school in the tenderloin
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and they are nltsing something different and this gives them hope and that's what we're seeing now with the changes that are happening with public safety in recent times, it gives a deeper hope and we appreciate the work that's been put in. we support that work. and sustainability is going to be key because it advances improvements that we're making if we don't have sustainability, we'll lose those gains. and so, we appreciate it and lastly to the president, i know we've reached out to you a few times, so we're looking forward to having you meet with our safety committee members and so, there was an e-mail that came today so we're looking forward to communicating with you. thank you! [applause] >> hello. my name is susie and
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i'm also with the safety committee at central city collaborative. this is the first time speaking in public. so i'll make it short and sweet. i want to thank the tenderloin police for stepping up and doing this with the community. we appreciate it. we have noticed a difference. it makes it easier to walk even from walking from ellis to here, it was a better walk and that makes it much nicer for a lot of people that are there that live there and that work there, so i want to thank you for doing this for us, thank you! [applause] >> hello, commissioners. thank you for allowing me a minute to speak. my name is steven tennis and the people before me, i work for san francisco so collaborative on a safety commission. when we left our office to come here and we're on ellis street and we walked down to hyde and made a left on hyde and on the eastside walking down
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and last year or two, three, four, five years ago, you cannot see down the street. now, this afternoon when we walked down here, i mean, it was clean and that impressed me. it wasn't the fact there were hardly any drug dealers out there, although there were a few but it's one of those things where it's in the past, there's no doubt because there were so many. so, i don't know what's going on, why it's going on, but please, whatever you're doing, continue it because it's working and i haven't seen it like this and i've been here -- i was born here but been here under 40 years and this is the -- i have been here for 40 years and the best i have seen it. i usually come here and talk but it's never a positive thing and this is a positive statement because it looks great and i would love, as they said, sustainability and i think that's so important and i wanted to thank you all. whoever and whatever is going
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on, continue, please. and foot patrols, chief. that's the only negative. i still don't see that and i wish i would. thank you, all. [applause] >> good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi, this is gloria berry calling. representing -- not representing district tennis where i live, but however i wanted to encourage one of the commenters earlier and what the commenter said about outreach to the community. she was spot on. the young man you gave the award to, there's a lot of young men like that out in the community and (indiscernible) president elias out in district ten last week and i took her
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recommendation on what is going on tonight, which i know we're not speaking on agenda items at this time, but i wanted to emphasize, it's a lot of data and a lot of information and very difficult for the average person to consume and i would hope that more community outreach is done so that some of this can be open bound to where even in layman's terms. and other than that, happy belated valentine's. >> president elias, that's the end of public comment. >> thank you. next item, please. >> line item three, consent
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calendar. sfpd 1421 & sb 16 report - dpa 1421 & sb 16 report - sfpd 2022 4q document protocol report - dpa 2022 4q document protocol report - sfpd fourth quarter 2022 audit of electronic communication devices for bias - family code 6228 incident report release quarterly report 2022 q4: oct 1, 2022-dec 31, 2022 - semi-annual report and resolution sexual assault evidence kit (saek) july 1 - dec 31, 2022 - annual report dgo 11.02, secondary employment, calendar year 2022 >> can i get a motion for action? >> motion to receive and file. >> second. >> >> thank you. for members of the public who would like to make public comment regarding item no. three, approach the podium or star press star three. >> there's no public comment on the motion, commissioner walker, how do you vote? >> yes. >> commissioner walker is yes. commissioner benedicto? >> yes. >> commissioner january he is. >> yes. commissioner byrne? >> yes. >> commissioner yee is yes. >> vice-president carter? >> yes. >> president elias.
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>> yes. >> you have 7 yeses. >> line item four, chief's report, discussion. >> [reading item 4] >> chief scott. >> evening, president elias and the public and vice-president carter. highlights on the crime trends, which you'll see. overall, things are trending very well the first two months, the first six weeks of the year, across the board, property crime is down 21 pern and violent crime is down 2%. also, i want to give thanks to homicide unit.
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we have homicide clearance rate that exceeds 100% at this part of the year. that's because they solved some prior year homicides, so a lot of good work being done. a lot of good work still needs to be done on our unsolved cases. but i do want to say thank you to them. incidents for the week, a number of (indiscernible) to report. however, there was a death case and we're waiting for a determination by the medical examiners office and this was for an incident that occurred february 12th, so once we get that determination, i'll up date the commission and the public on that. on yesterday, unfortunately, there was an incident in the tenderloin and a person was located at 1:00 in the morning and the officer located this person with extensive injuries and the person had extensive injuries.
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officers rendered aid until medics arrived but the victim was pronounced dead at the scene and a crime scene including a knife was located nearby and surveillance footage shows the assault and the suspect staffed the victim and the suspect fled and others were seen going into a tent nearby and that person was located with a stab wound and transported and was in stable condition so this is ongoing and a lot to sort out and i'll keep the public and commission informed. 700 block farrell street on the 12th at 9:25 a.m., sf, fire department personnel intended to a victim who had swelling and blood in the facial area and declared that victim decease and medical
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examiners conducted an investigation. we don't know if it was injuries not by the hands of an individual. there were two shootings during this reporting period. one on the 8th of february at 8:00. in the block of harbor road in the bay view ask the victim standing near his vehicle when he heard a gunshot and he was hit. he was transported with nonlife-threatening injuries and the witnesses did see a possible suspect running away from the location and that case is under investigate. no a reference. the second shooting was on the 11th of february at 6:05 p.m. at cashmere in the bay view district. officers responded to multiple 911 calls and located a 17 year old victim who had multiple gunshot wounds. the victim and his friends were walking in the area when they heard four gunshots and they did not see who fired the shots. the victim was transported and is in
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stable condition. the incident is still under investigation at this point, no arrest made. a couple of significant arrests, i want to talk about at least one significant arrest. this was on a residential burglary series and the arrest made on the 4th of february and an investigation into a series of at least 7 burglaries throughout the mission district that occurred in december of 2022 led to the identification of one of the suspects. in the event, the suspects with call boxes of residential buildings entered the building and stealing u.s. mail and other property. on 2/4, officers located and identified the suspect. the vehicle had a doj hold issue by san pueblo police department and had been identified as the suspect in a residential burglary in san pueblo and during the search of the vehicle, u.s. mail from burglary that occurred an hour
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earlier was located and the suspect was charged with five counts of burglary and five counts -- thank you to the officers for putting this together and the greater a rest and we believe these individuals or this individual is connected to more and that is still under investigation. a couple of crime trends that we are seeing include burglary that involved suspects ramming a business or a store front of whatever business that they intend to burglarize, driving a car through the door and then they good in and take whatever they can and they flee in another car, so we have seen a number of those in our sit and these are happening outside of -- those in our city and those happening outside of our city. we had an incident past week and with the help of alameda police department, one suspect was arrested in the city of alameda. we think these are connected to
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a series of these types of burglaries and that investigation is ongoing but one suspect is in custody in alameda connected to the san francisco burglary. property from that big lary was recovered -- burglary was retrieved. information was received by our stunt driving response unit that sideshows were or side driving events were going to happen in san francisco so the stunt driving response unit was activated from southern and central stations and they were on the lookout. at approximately 1:00 a.m., an event begun at fremont and howard. multiple units responded to that location and disbursed the group fairly quickly. causing the group to go in different directions. units from several stations across the city were called in or called from their stations and used to
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locate these splinter groups and in the mission district, it was believed a participant in this stunt event discharged a firearm. they disbursed the vehicles and it moved into the bay view and then to an area behind chase center. the participants went back onto the freeway after our response, on to the pay bridge where they committed another stunt driving act which the chp intervened and requested the assistance of san francisco police units and the vehicles were disbursed without further incident and one person was arrested by chp for dui. this effort took a tremendous amount of staffing from several stations but officers did an excellent job in responding quickly, breaking up these events and actually assisting the chp. so, hats off to that response. lastly, in tenderloin, as you heard from a number of residents, we have tweaked our
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strategy and we want to arrest the drug dealers selling trucks on the street and we want to disrupt that activity so our officers, this has taken a while and we have trained officers on plain-clothed officer so we're deploying them in differ ways and if we make arrest or -- one thing we're doing in trying to sustain is we come in with our uniform presence to hold our ground so the dope dealers and narcotics dealers don't reoccupy that block or corner after we make a bunch arrests, so many members of the public commented, we need to sustain this. another thing new we started this week today on certain days of the
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week, we are rallying resources from around the city to do operations and it's a combination of visibility presence and disruption, and today we had 16 additional officers from around the city who were working the tenderloin and really they were there for that purpose, so we're going to do everything we can to sustain, as you heard from many community members tonight and that's a sample of the good comments we have gotten since we started this a couple of weeks ago. we want to sustain it, so it's a combination of arrests much it's a combination of dealing with buyers and the users and let me just be clear with the users, we understand that services are out there and we want to get people the help if we can, but we also have to address the behavior that's ruining businesses and have people scared to walk the block and that's on the youth side so we'll address that as well. i'm very pleased to report the progress in this and i want
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to thank publicly our command staff, assistant chief lazar, deputy chief sullivan and commander fong and miran and sergio chan who did a good job looking at things with fresh eyes and addressing our strategies and we are committed to trying to sustain these efforts, so they know that's an ongoing topic, not only with the public but this commission as well. we'll keep you posted and the last thing on that strategy, the arrest increased and fentanyl seizures increased across the board and part of what we want to do as best we can is get the fentanyl off the street. this is helping in that regard as well and we'll continue to do that and one other thing, i think i'm at my time. but in the mission, a lot of community concern about the prostitution activity on kaft street. another new initiative is really dedicating resources
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there and a lot of resources. motorcycle officers who are citing the people that are soliciting prostitution. we have officers assigned to work the cap street at night when this is happening and we've had really good feedback on that initiative as well, but again, it's a matter of sustainability. so, we're working a lot of over time to sustain this but it's worthwhile and we need to address these concerns because they are, the community is concerned about the two areas. thank you. >> thank you, chief. two quick questions. you said there were operations happening by the officers, what does that mean is this >> operations means to disrupt in the tenderloin in particular part of what they do, as i've just mentioned, if we go and do a bust operation or make -- or in uniform officers make arrest with drug dealers and what happens when the officers book
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and process the a reference, there's void in the community. we had to get consistent, when the arrest were made we need to put officers in those locations to the drug dealers don't come back so part of the additional deployment today, the officers who are being brought from the city are handling calls and those who nope the players and community member, they are going to focus on what i just described and that gives us really more bang for our buck because the officers knows who they are dealing with, in terms of the drug dealers and the community members who are making these complaints against the drug dealers. >> they are not patrolling the tenderloins but doing these operations, is that what they are doing? >> it's a combination and we do by bust and visibility. one community member asked for foot
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beats but foot beats, whatever operations we're doing that leads to arrest, those officers are off the street for hours as they process the arrestee into evidence and often times, it looks like we would never there. so, one of the things that we are committed to doing is holding ground. if we arrest, you know, five or six drug dealers from a corner and the corner is clean, if we leave they come back or others come back rather, so we hold the ground to not let that happen. >> i think it's interesting the next time in your chief's report to provide us the numbers, if you can provide us the number of arrest from the operations we've been conducting and the tile frame in which the a references have been happening. >> 23 arrest over the past six days from this type of operation and the other thing we're doing, we have identified who the sellers are. we seek warrants and then we go back and serve warrants, arrest warrants so that's another strategy. five
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arrest warrants are in the works from this past week from doing these types of operations, in addition to the arrest that have already been made. >> okay. and my second question is, i was reading in sf (indiscernible), there's an article and it had your photo and supervisor dorsey and commissioner yee and the title was da jenkins and dorsey are requesting carveout to the sanctuary policy which is a 34-year policy. i didn't know if that was recent or a photo prior or what your position is on those requests and what the department is doing with respect to the sanctuary city policy. >> i saw that photo too. the department has nothing to do with that at all. that's a stock photo and i'm sure they have hundreds of photos of me and they happened to pick that one. so the department has nothing to do with that. when that article got sent to me, i saw the photo as well.
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>> you looked good in the photo. i'm happy for you but it was -- >> the department has nothing to do with that and it's a stock photo they help -- whatever media source that printed the article first just happened to put that photo in there. >> i want to make sure we're ad hering to a monthly see. >> we have nothing to do with that. >> great. i feel reassured. commissioner walker. >> i just want to acknowledge the work that has been done in the tenderloin and i'm hearing from folks it's making a difference, you know. i think we all hear from folks who live and work in the tenderloin who have to sort of feel the brunt of our lack of progress there, so this is a really good indicator of the work that
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you're doing count there and the coordinating efforts. i think it's really clear, too, that there's a lot of support for collaborating with all the front end groups that are doing things, which i think helps. having foot traffic that, at least before 7:00 p.m. right now, is the alcamy group and ambassadors and police ambassadors, especially as we have really, we have 600, 500 officers short, it's really, it's impressive we can coordinate like you're doing and i think it's really important. i've been doing ride-alongs when there's been arrest, like, two or three arrest within a period of time and it takes all the officers because they have to book all the evidence and do all the reports so i think that's a real important point of filling in those gaps because both
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activities are important, so it's one of the things that as we talked about freeing the time of the officers from doing some traffic stops, there are things that could be done by some other groups and freeing up officers to really make these arrests that are really affecting the street, so i appreciate that we're in conversation about a lot of that collaboration, too, with other departments so good work and thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> commissioner benedicto. >> thank you, president elias. a couple of things, chief. last week, you provided a status update on the mou with the da, it was a new language so i want to confirm that you expect to have that for the commission at
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our early march meetings, is that correct? >> that's correct. just a quick update. i reported last week we have an agreement with the district attorney's office and the mediator was a part of that conversation and gave advice as well and today, we've sent our proposed language to director henderson. i know if he received it but it was sent today with the agreement, the side agreement with ddpa, so once they read it and get feedback, if there's anything to resolve, we can get that resolved quickly. >> both the updated language and the side agreement with dpa, you expect to bring up at the same time in march? >> that's the plan and in fairness to director henderson, we sent it to him today so he has too have time to read it and if there's issues he wants to discuss with, we'll do that. we'll try to do it quickly. >> okay. and for members of the public, that language will be posted in advance of the
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commission meeting so you'll be able -- that will be posted for you to see and then, has there been an extension between the existing one in place and if so, what date? >> february 28th and being that we won't have an opportunity to get before the commission before that date, we'll extend it. >> okay. it expires the 28th and extended again, do you know how long? >> i had talked about this with the district attorney but probably until the end of march to make sure we have time to get it to the commission if there's anything to resolve, we can get it resolved quickly. >> i think vice-president carter asked this, since we won't meet until the 28th, maybe you can have it down. i know we had a presentation last week on the updated form on the surveillance ordinance and we thank the department for providing that. i
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understand, now that the presentation is complete, the department started rolling out the training for the ordinance? >> we haven't trained the entities yet. that's going to be a rollout. but we haven't done it nor have we done operations yet so that's in the works. >> okay. you anticipated my next question. the community reached out to me about sfpd vehicles being parked in bike lanes or in bus lanes or places where members of the general public aren't allowed to park in. i wonder if you might provide what the actual policy is and what circumstances officers can do that? >> we have to follow parking rules like anyone else. in emergency situations, officers will park, double park or park in red zones or what not. normally, they will turn their
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flashers on or the emergency equipment on. not always, you normally. but they do and the department is supportive of that when we need to get to a location quick lead and it's an emergency call for service, we don't want officers riding around the block looking for parking. >> sure. >> but if you're going to launch or some routine matter court, those things you need to legally park. >> okay. that's all. if a member of the public would see a vehicle that doesn't have his lights on for an extended period of time and not in operation, is that out of policy? >> i would suggest report it and we can see what the circumstances are and if there's a policy, we can address it. if the member of the public believes it's a violation, report it. it's a dpa complaint. >> microphone --
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>> how will they go about that, director henderson in >> they can report it during police commission because there's an investigator to talk to them live at every police commission and contact the office at 241-7711. i had to think. they can send an e-mail directly through the website and again, those, that type of information can come in anonymously. goggle san francisco department of police accountability. >> okay. >> hopefully that clears everything up. >> or you can go into any station because there's information there to contact us directly. >> commissioner -- >> thank you, president elias. and thank you chief for the report. and i really want to actually applaud all the
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implementation of the strategies in the tenderloin and san francisco. it's good to have community members echo the sentiment that they appreciate the work, right. and it's having an impact because perception is so important. i want to thank all the officers and commanders and folks making, that are leading this charge, right. i wanted to ask you about the sustainability kind of plan for some of the efforts that have taken place in the mission district around cap street because last week there was enforcement ask a lot of motorcycles -- and a lot of motorcycles out there. is there a plan to continue that during the weekend or is it a month long strategy? >> we plan to continue it throughout this month. we'll reassess, i mean, we have to sustain it and we're working on what that looks like as far as
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sustainability. it has been reported to this commission, to the public that the staffing has touched our solo unit. they have far few officers than two years ago so we have to work out what sustainability looks like, however, i'll say this, if we can get it somewhat in a better place, then it's easier to sustain. i mean, i think part of what i was hearing and many others from community members is they felt like people just (indiscernible) addressed at all. in terms of that behavior, that leads to all kinds of things in their community that they just could not stomach anymore, so if we can get some progress on calming things down a little bit, then we'll sustain, come up with how we're going to sustain it but at least this month, we're committed to doing if and the same thing with the tenderloin. we have to figure out a way to sustain it. there's only so much overtime
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officers can work but we're going to do what we can. we had a supplemental introduced to the board and if that gets passed, that part won't be an issue but we'll sustain it in one way or another. >> in addition to the communication with community, is there coordination as commissioner walker has been suggesting with community based organizations? laugh week mentioned the missy organization and lyric works with sex people, that have been sex trafficked, is there formal agreements with these organizations to is mother your efforts or is there a plan to incorporate that? >> nothing formal i'm aware of yet, but we have to work with community organizations. a lot of the advocates for some of the sex workers who we have worked with in the past, we had to have
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them in this conversation because i believe some solutions can be had that go outside of enforcement and that type of thing but no formal agreement yet. we plan -- we plan to do that. there's an uproar to make things better, it put the officers there, let's do wha we need to do with enforcement and citing some of the people soliciting and then we'll do the other things once we get things calmed down a little bit so that's in the works. nothing formal yet. >> thank you. and the last thing i will say, i know president elias mentioned this, you know, all our officers read papers and we engage or everyone runs across headlines and i want to promote the fact that as a sanctuary city, the reason why that ordinance is placed is to
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improve communication between the police department and communities that need that support, right. and at any time we are unfortunately in this situation, this sounds like a line with a position that will interfere with that on going effort to improve communication, it does actually derail some of those efforts and really contribute to that lack of confidence or trust, especially that immigrant communities have and obviously this is out of our hands. this is at the board of supervisors but i really believe once we start making these decisions as a city, it's a slippery slope much once we make exceptions for certain communities and i hope the department continues to adhere to the expectations that the sanctuary city ordinance has for us and i know you support it so thank you for clarifying that. >> thank you, commissioner. >> commissioner yee.
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>> thank you very much, there president, elias. i want want to go through the crime report you presented and look from last week to this week. looks like both violent crimes and property crimes has decreased. overall, year-to-date, total crime dropped so i know that your team and also i guess the work of a few operations and it's doing a great job. i hear it from our community members who stated to me -- i guess for over a month and during the christmas holiday, and during the chinese new year, it trended down so thank you and your members and staff for that, especially the tenderloin. me and byrne were talking about this a year and a half ago, right. and finally, we
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were able to see this through and it looks great. i remember seeing this in december, i think the lighting came on. i thought i was in the wrong neighborhood when i was going down late at night, so congratulations to the city and to the police department putting the resources forward and i know the community in the tenderloin is feeling very relieved on that. my question comes back to this new drug that's out there called iso. i don't know if you know about it but i'm hearing it's ten times more deadly than fentanyl. are you prepared to, i guess, add additional resource to tackle that >> so i believe you're referring to trank. for the public, it's basically an animal tranquilizer sedative and other parts of the done free, other parts of the
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world, it's causing a spike in overdoses. we do believe that that is starting to hit the streets of san francisco. we do have, i think about six cases that we know about where they have caused or contributed to an overdose situation. it's something to be alarmed about because one of the issues with that particular drug, if that's what you're referring to is narcan has -- it doesn't work for this particular drug, so if it's mixed with fentanyl or whatever else it could be mixed with, we had to do some training with our officers to recognize. there are some things we need to be looking for but it doesn't, narcan has no affect on it so the reversal we've had -- that we've had success with, with fentanyl, it won't work. >> so it is something to be aware of. we are going to work with public health to do some
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messaging and some public education and internal education about this drug. we haven't seen a lot of it yet, but in the east coast of the united states, they are having more of an issue with this in some cities in the ways trend over the years, i think we'll see it in our city so we have to be prepared for it. >> thank you very much, chief. from thank you. >> at this time, the public is welcome to make public comment regarding line item four. if you would like to make public comment, approach the podium or press star three. there's no public comment. >> thank you. next item. >> line item five, dpa director's report. report on recent dpa activities,
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and announcements (dpa's report will be limited to a brief description of dpa activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting.) >> director henderson. >> i'm not reporting but the statistical numbers and they are online and from the normal information i used to track regularly, that's available, and i'm making it clear i'm not going to read all things and our -- i'll start off, however, with the cases that are being told and there's 17 cases that are being told. there are nine cases that are still pending with the commission. and still 88 cases that are pending decisions with the chief's office. this week, we have a number of cases, 13 percent of the cases that came into the office this week fo allegations for officers behaving badly or speaking badly to the public and others were officers arresting a person without cause. for the full
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breakdown, one hundred percent will be listed on the website. in terms of the district, allegations and complaints came to the agency and the highest precinct this week was the mission with five complaints that came in. most of which centered around allegations that officers were rioting -- writing inaccurate police reports and we behaving inappropriately and not taking appropriate action for illegal break-ins and the highest number of allegations came from northern station. there were three complaints that came from northern with allegations of an officer misusing their emergency lights and failing to take required action related to making a police report. in terms of outreach this week, on the tenth, several members of the dpa participated in a panelists
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for the northern california public interest, public service day. this was a career fair for students to meet and interview with public interest and public sector, legal organizations and we are in the middle of preparing for our big summer program, so i'll have more updates for you about that program and what we're doing in the future. on february 18th, we plan on taking part in the national lgbtq task force creating change conference. it's a nonprofit organization focused on advancing freedom, justice and equity specifically for the lgbtq community. on the 13th, i spoke at alice democratic club, that asked us, dpa to come and represent to speak about concerns in the lgbtq community and policing addressing -- so we're clear, a lot of the concerns that were raised or issues -- they are issues
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addressed in san francisco, but talking about it gives activist and community members an opportunity to share the solutions that we've come up with here, both with the rest of the state and with the rest of the nation as well. so that was outreach this week. in terms of audit, we are drafting our next interim report right now as part of the misconduct audit and so this report is on san francisco police department's monitoring department communications and there's a draft of this report to the department by february t. go to the department first before it comes to the commission so we get feedback before it's made public but i'm tracking it so folks know what we're doing and what's happening with the audit department. in terms of operations, we're excited to announce the development of a new online complaint form. we made the
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improvements and i am panneded the program for -- and improved and expanded program but we have expanded it for the police department. the new complaint norm can allow officers to complaint received from compliants online instead of filling out a paper norm and the new form will streamline the process and ensure that complaints are received in realtime as they come in. so it eliminates part of the process that we've been having problems with and burdens and inconsistencies in making those complaints; getting those complaints to dpa and the old method required officers to fill out a paper form and scan it and send it to dpa e-mail or department mail which increased the risk of error and delayed the receipt of the complaint so we use available resources and by resources, i mean things that are free, just so we're clear in case anyone wants to give money
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to the department of dpa. and develop and launch new efficiencies and accessibilities. and improve transparency and improve record-keeping and we want to create a guidance for spd officer and a video to staff knows how to use the new complaint form. we'll update the commission once the new form is available and it's launched, but i want to thank my technology team, erica ho and it analyst, oscar, for his hard work and nicole armstrong who helped to put these together and drafted the notes to tell me what to say. tonight, we do have a case in closed session. we also have here in the courtroom, senior investigator, chris. also our director of policy, janel kay wood and my chief of staff,
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sarah hawkins. and for folks that are interested and would like to get in contact with dpa, i mentioned this earlier before but find us at sf gov dot org forward slash dpa or contact the office at 415-241-7711. i have some further comments but they are tracking with upcoming agenda items so i'll reserve my comments until those items are called. >> thank you, director henderson. two things. you said the audit was going to be sent to the department end of february, when do you think the commission will get it? >> i don't remember the time that the department has to hold onto it. i think it's two weeks. >> okay. >> whatever the -- the audit stuff as you know is so regulated. they are is a designated period of time when it gets sent and i believe it's a reasonable period of time. i think it's two weeks and it says here's what's going to be
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published and let us know if you think there's mistakes and sometimes there's back and forth but sometimes not and it gets published. >> okay. second thing you mentioned 88 cases with the chief. how is the -- we addressed this earlier about getting the cases moving and decreasing that number because it seems like a lot. where are we on that? >> well the number has gone down from the initial presentation when i started tracking and counting numbers because it was 90 something, 944, 99 -- 94, 99. it's not just going down quickly but like i said, i just received the information when it's resolved and i don't know what's going on in terms of what the process look like. >> chief? >> a lot of the cases are being appealed and i think, not think, we report it to the commission and we have revamped those and the appeals are moving quickly and the older appeals are being
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heard and cleared out, so i think once we get caught up, we'll see this flow of cases move a lot faster but ashley orstrom and folks in internal affairs done a lot of work to speed up the process with the appeals and a lot of it which the commission can appreciate it, people cancelling at the last minute and that type of thing so we had processes in place to try to discourage, and if people have to cancel, they cancel but we had to tighten up processes. >> when can we see double digit decreases? >> you'll see them quickly because i'm getting a lot more cases that are being heard and resolved quickly, so some of them have been resolved but the flow of those cases are increasing and it's a lot more consistent. >> okay. i think i told you this
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last time, director armstrong did a great job on the budget presentation and she did a good job making it simple and director >> there's a lot on her plate but you're likely to see more of her this year. >> great. i look forward to it. all right. no one is in the queue so we better hurry, up, sergeant. >> members of the public who would like to make public comment regarding line item five, approach the podium or press star three. >> no public comment. >> next item. line item 6. (commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting.) - commission president's report - commissioners' reports - commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings (action) >> thank you, fellow commissioners. since everyone else is on a ten-minute timer, we're going to try and aim for that ourselves. so, this is the
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first week we'll try it and hopefully it works out and hopefully the chief and director henderson's time. i'm going to start with vice-president carter-oberstone. >> we get ten minutes total for all. >> you want total? >> i'm asking. we're always under ten per person. >> two each. >> okay. >> all right. none of this counted towards my time. okay. [laughter] on january 11th, this commission passed dg9.7, this curtails preopts and the day before chief -- chief scott sent the commission some language that he suggested to amend the policy, to emphasize what the policy was doing, which was de-prioritizing certain discrete categories of low-level traffic offenses and
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since then, chief scott and i have been working on crafting some language that affect, i gave an update last meeting and since the last meeting, we've gone back and forth a few more times and i'm glad to report that we've found language that, at least the chief and i agree on and i want to thank the chief for working with me on this. we've sent e-mails back and forth over the weekend so i appreciate the weekend time and doing -- greating this done quickly and i'm -- and getting this done quickly and i'm eager to share the language with my colleagues on the commission and members of the public, so i'm hoping to get that circulated to commissions and posted to the website soon. >> thank you. all right. commissioner benedicto, are you going to beat his time? >> i think so. proo fwres was made on the dgo's i've been assigned but i want inform focus
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on one part -- which is dgo7.1 which is the department's policy on how it deals with juveniles and youth and commissioner yanez and i are on that meeting and i want to thank the participants for coming to that meeting with an openness to collaboration and i've seen a lot of progress made. i want to call out the executive sponsor, rachel miran and sergeant herald for your great work and director of policy, dpa, ms. kaywood. we got a lot done. it was a really productive meeting and looking forward to continuing to advance that dgo and move that forward to present to the commission later this year. >> you did. good job! no one else in the queue, maybe. right. all right. commissioner yee,
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you've got to beat his time. let's see. >> i want to report, today we had aapi summit in victoria hall in china town in the heart of it. i want to thank commander julianne ying for putting it together. joining us was our police chief, william scott, city attorney, david chiu and district attorney brook jenkins. i guess the goal was -- the goal of the summit was to educate our community in china town because many of the victims, they tend not to report the crimes that happened to them. they figure, well, it's okay. i don't want to report it. it's too much red tape and what the community san
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francisco police department -- the department liaison say we have translators to report it if you want to. city attorney offers victim service information to the community and one in particular is the california, was is it? california community or victims community board where there's funding available for victims that crime has happened to you and, you know, they should look into that, so again, i want to thank the police department for coming out. our community felt this was very well spent time to pass the message and they felt reassured safety -- public safety is number one for all in
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the city of san francisco. that's all i have to report. thank you. >> thank you for the district attorney update. sad to report you didn't beat director benedicto's time but maybe next week. >> for those who want to make public comment for line item 6, please approach the podium. no public comment. >> next item please. >> line item 7, sfpd25022 third quarter disciplinary review board discussion. >> hello. >> hi, welcome. >> good evening. >> do you have the report. >> or the drive. >> we'll be under ten minutes. >> now this one is combined. we're not doing ten minutes >> oh, no. we have seven slides.
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>> it should be animated. >> maybe nine slides. >> good evening president elias and scott and henderson. it's my pleasure to be with chief of staff, sarah hawkins this evening to present to you and report back the results of the disciplinary review board third quarter for '22. the aggregate trends we saw was discourteous to members of the public as well as failure to write an incident report, a failure to certainly investigate and finally a failure to title multiple body worn camera videos. in dpa's trend were failure to take required action, failure to activate pwuc and this was a smaller number than the other two but there was an uptick and
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failure to provide star number. >> whether we look at policy failures, we had two for the san francisco police department during this timeframe and the first was a supplemental incident report wasn't assigned to the proper unit. and bulletin-273 speaks to that specifically. and the second one we had was, we were attempting to locate a department vehicle after a collision was brought to mind. what we found out in our investigation is that very small unit did not have a sign-out and sign-in log for the vehicle and that has been remedied. >> dpa had one in the fourth quarter but the chief asked to be discussed in the third quarter meeting of the drb and it had to do with social media. and ac -- we have had meetings and spoke separately and commissioner yanez, you're revamping the social media policy and the particular case
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and recommendation we had was really to station social media and should that be centralized in the department, maybe, maybe not but at the end of the day, the department ruled out the social media department, there needs to be training about how to manage the accounts. >> and the third department, the police department had no failure training. >> same with dpa. no training failures either. >> so then we get down to the recommendations made by the board. the first one was to update department bulletin 12-273 as it relates to a signing unit, excuse me, ports to investigative units. this week i spoke with the written directives unit to discuss where we're at with updating that but there's a component and it relates to the second recommendation and it's to end sure the incident titles are being auto populated within our system because when it comes to
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an officer writing a police report based on title, the system will auto populate where it's supposed to go so we need to make sure that there's an i-t issue so we want the codes to be correct and department bulletin so the two recommendations come together. the third one was in relation to training members for their use of social media accounts with the department. this is an interesting topic because there are three buckets, there's personal use of social media covered on 2.09. there's department affiliated use such as the district sessions and each one will have a carveout of its policy and there will be training attached to each one of those, so all the recommendations are being worked on and addressed and i'm happy to report that. >> one thing that's not in this presentation that i just thought was important to follow up on, this represents what came out of the third quarter and we follow up on recommendations from previous quarters and it finds
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its way to djo and one meeting we had last week was related to property and that's come up a few times in various dpa cases, for example, property for safe keeping, what are the perimeters around that and i spoke with, was it commander jones? >> acting deputy chief. >> acting deputy chief jones, on monday to talk about dpa's specific recommendations and issues around timelines and property processing. and she explained how much work had been done on her side and we have made progress there. i don't want to forget while this is a snapshot of one quarter, work from the previous quarters is continuing all the time. >> at this time, we don't have a meeting set for the fourth quarter, disciplinary review board and that concludes our presentation. >> wow! a little over five. i'm impressed. under five. yes. thank you. just real quick, i was able to attend several weeks ago, one of the trainings that
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came from the drb at the stations that dpa and i put on and i know that i -- i notified director henderson and chief scott, but it's worth mentioning that lieutenant willhelm and chief of staff rosen stein did a phenomenal job and i watched them put ongoing the presentation to the officers and really showing or walking them through the process because it's amazing to me how many officers are familiar with the disciplinary process and how it works and they were able to ask questions and get a lot of information in realtime and i thought it was really, really, such a great training and education piece and i really hope that it continues and i want to say that, director henderson and chief, that was a great combination and i know that the commissioner office extended the invitation to other
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commissioners to check out that training and i would encourage you to do it because it's interesting to see some of the questions that the officers raise in the process and the misinformation that's out there and the correct information that's being disseminated by both dpa and ia. >> thank you for attending because it's a big deal because i think it was a joint project both from dpa and the department to do that and it did address, as surprised as you were, but it was consistent and we committed to do the presentation at every precinct to do the presentation but because of the misinformation that people have fundamental misunderstanding about discipline and the process, it might be worth maybe publishing something jointly that goes to the department that answers a lot of the frequently asked questions that came up from that process. i don't know
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how they'll disseminate it but i'm happy to work that out if folks think it's a good idea. my big take away from dpa is there's a clear misunderstanding about what the process is, who is doing what and how the process works so i -- >> it was tough. i mean, some of the questions and some of the comments were not -- they weren't easy. but lieutenant welm and ms. rosen stein did a good job because i think some of the comments are from rumor mills and misinformation. >> there are two more coming up, it will be done by the end of march and they are a combination of tenderloin and (indiscernible) and if the commissioners wanted to go, they would get a lot of insight. >> yeah. >> i just want to say as well, those presentations are being well received by officers and i think it's important for our officers to trust in the process to be educated to the process that it's being done fairly and
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equitably so we're thankful for the partnership with dpa and our members >> commissioner benedicto. >> i had a question about the miss titling and labeling of the body camera footage. what's the effect of that if it's not taught? >> so, it's really difficult when it comes to investigations. it's part of the policy they have to do this. this came from an audit out of the body worn camera and we found members had multiple offenses in it, so that's the problem, if they don't title it. >> so it's not titled correctly, wouldn't it make it harder to be turned over with respect to a public defender in the case in an investigation? >> ults matly, we would be able to -- ultimately, we can turn it over but as a part of our policy and to be in compliance with our policy, this is what we expect from officers so when they are out of policy, it rises to our
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-- it rises to our attention. >> thanks. >> a couple of questions around the social media policy. i believe i heard you say that they, you're thinking about three policy statements and trainings attached to them. would you elaborate on that? >> yeah. what i said was, there would be policy specific to address each one of those, for example, 2.0 the focuses only focuses on personal use of social media as it's drafted. when we look at areas as discussed, there has to be training for how our members are using our department affiliated ones as well and the third conversation which we've had at length is how can social media be used in investigation? so three different buckets trying to decipher, do you go with three different individuals like
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three different dgo's but there has to be individual training for each of those and we'll develop that. >> the training element makes sense. i know that once we started the clock on the social media dgo revision, because it's so skimmed the way it stands but it covers different spheres and dives into different media and i think we should collapse this because once you have experts that have this background, it will make it easier to inform all elements of it and my recommendation stands we should collapse all three and it will limit the amount of energy put forth to come up with a good policy and i hope we can figure out what the best way to work in that direction will be. >> yeah. the 90-day deadline for 2.09 is march 7th so i have no doubt after that deadline comes and the draft goes to the next steps, the conversations will continue.
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>> great, thank you. >> >> thank you, commissioner, thank you for acknowledging lieutenant william. i did convey our conversation and told her how i am policed you were with her presentation along with rosen stein from dpa, so thank you for that. it's really important, i think for our officers, our members, both professional staff and sworn to hear those type of comments. i know we have talked about morale several months ago but these things are helpful so i want to highlight that and i want to make one more comment about the reformative issue we have been engaged in since 2016. this is a product of that and i'm going to go a little deeper than that and not too longwinded and director henderson and i struggled getting money to built infrastructure. the two positions are part of infrastructure, rebuilding for both of our agencies and i just want to point out to the public, these things do not happen without the proper
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infrastructure. i don't think paul had a chief of staff like ms. hawkins when he took the position six years ago and we changed our structure. i want people to know what reform looks like but there's work that goes into building that infrastructure and this is a perfect example of what can be when we do it the right way. >> thank you. sergeant. >> thank you. >> at this time the public is welcome to make public comment regarding line item seven. if you would like to make public comment, approach the podium or press star three. there's no public comment. >> thank you. next item. >> line item 8, discussion and possible action to approve dgo 11.13, “directed and recommended referrals to the sfpd behavioral science unit,” for the department to use in meet & confer with the effected bargaining units as required by law discussion and possible action. >> hello, welcome.
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>> thank you. good evening, president elias, vice-president carter-oberstone, commissioners, director henderson, chief scoot. i'm acting deputy chief my coal, the administration buresh your and i'm here to present on dgo3.01 which is written communication -- it's under my command and i would like to point out this is a brand-new dgo and not revision and this is a pool see we haven't had previously. it creates a mechanism for sfpd to get emply mental health -- to get mental health that an employee may not recognize they need and we didn't have this before. for this policy, commanding officers macon tact behavior concerning behavior of an employee and it will be a directed referral or recommended referral approach
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dwrat based on the circumstances from that discussion. directed referrals are mandatory requirements and the employee has to meet with bsu and recommended referrals are volunteer and encouraged but not required and confidentiality is a key tenant of this policy given the nature of the discussion that are being had. additionally, a referral is not meant to be punitive or disciplinary. so compliance with this policy is required. so, the procedure are laid out in the policy but i want to acknowledge how important this is to have in our toolkit. we have a way to address concerns before problems exacerbate and lead to potentially more severe professional and personal consequences. and with that, i'd be happy to answer any questions. >> i will say too, i think that the bso is an important unit because our dispolice naturely cases require -- our -- we have
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referral for counseling or other services in connection with what bsu offers so i think that's important to have that continuing monitoring. >> absolutely! i think what's so nice is it doesn't have to be as a result of discipline. we have this mechanism to get it on the front end and try and snake that impact before it heads down that road. >> thank you. commissioner byrne? >> thank you, president elias. maybe i'm a bit naive and i'm sure members of the public, who exactly is in the we -- behavior science. >> it's officers selected to provide a variety of different services but they are connecting people with treatment, counseling and professional help
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as it relays to mental health and substance abuse. i have one sergeant and three officers and they work with clinicians and they have networks, et cetera. it's the first jumping off point where they would meet with bso, it could lead to other treatment whether it's counseling services, therapy, substance abuse, you know, after that. >> do you have physiologist and psychiatrist to refer them to? >> yes. there's a mental health network and they are specifically trained to deal with law enforcement and law enforcement issues so we have those connections available and they don't have to come as a result of this. this is a service we offer across the board regardless so anybody could reach out at any time to request this but as mentioned previously, sometimes people don't recognize that they may
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need help and we do and discuss the help. >> we lack a certain amount of self-awareness. >> absolutely! >> okay. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. >> commissioner yanez. >> thank you. >> i'm happy this is out and i commend the department to create someony -- to give the impression that the work you do is so -- exposes folks to trauma and sometimes actual trauma. vicarious trauma is a form of trauma but i'm happy that this is onboard. i just have one question about, i know -- i understand the need for confidentiality and hipaa but
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section 1133c, if says there won't be written records of the directed or a recommended referral so the only question i have, how do we capture when we are being successful with the referrals for training purposes and i know the director referrals are captured in some way, shape or form, so is there a way to be able to -- when it's not directed but is advised to have a point of data there? it doesn't have to be a consent form or anything like that but i think that incident can be reported somehow? >> so no. there isn't and that is one of the keys i think to the success is that this isn't written down, so people really feel comfortable reaching out because they know there's not a documentation attached with it and so, we've -- our behavior
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science unit don't log the number of calls they take, but they are on the phone all the time, basically, 24/7 and i think that lack -- not the lack but the choice not to document that has been the keys to its success. >> and when there are directed referrals or self referrals, the system that you're using right now is specific to san francisco, is there interface between that and the private providers that people have access to? >> yes. the network is, like, private providers so they are not city agency providers. they are from all over and so they have access to anything that might be useful to them. >> great! thank you! >> thank you! >> commissioner walker. >> thank you so much for this
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presentation. i agree one hundred percent. this is really an important piece for providing support for folks, for officers on the street. i mean, a lot of us have been in ride-alongs and experienced just in a very limited way and abbreviated moment of time, it's a very stressful job and i just want to acknowledge that. the times i've been doing ride-alongs for a few hours, it's pretty emotionally exhausting and so, i'm really glad we're doing this. i do (indiscernible) work and it's part of the same kind of position where you're not counting people calling in that you were there to try and help move things that need to be moved forward and one of the
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things i want to suggest because this reinforces how we need this for our officers. i was coming through mission and 9th and ran across the ambassador groups and al camacho meet groups who had to do a cpr response to somebody and the person was just really upset. and rightfully and so properly not trained and there's nowhere to go. i was wondering if we could encourage this kind of response too, for the other folks doing, you know, helping us on the street, they especially don't have anywhere to turn either, so it may be something we want to really think about expanding to our partners out there in the
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street, too, because as much as our officers go through academy and get trained for that kind of engagement, it's a lot. so i just want to, in saying that i really support it. i think we could do a lot to think about who else might need it. >> definitely. i think it's really important to point out we have -- a host of professional staff members in our department who are often exposed to a lot of these same traumas. they wear body worn camera footage and this is available to all employees in the san francisco police department not just officers and i think that's important to point out. >> yeah. really good work. >> thank you. vice-president carter-oberstone. >> thank you, president elias. one question, which is, how does
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this policy affect, if at all, interactions between eis and biu. >> this is a different parcel from eis so this isn't prescribed by eis unless perhaps in the course of a commanding officer's review of the eis, you know, that this could come into play, but i mean, that's definitely something we can take a look into a little bit more but really, like, the concerning behavior we're talking about is job performance related, does this person appears to be a danger to them receives or a danger to others? but i think that's an intersection that we can absolutely look at and -- >> i guess i'm asking, maybe i should have -- i assume sometimes in the course of an eis alert, the remedy for that is to recommend that an officer reach out to bsu.
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>> yes. >> i guess i'm wondering if this dto changes the way that process happens, if there's an eis alert, there's a conveniently appropriate people, there's a decision made inform, let's just say, recommend to the officer to reach out to bsu at their ultimate design, does that dgo change that or reaching out to bsu or is that eis is on its own separate track in following a separate process? >> it doesn't change anything and if the commanding officer was going to reach out to bsu previously, they can do so in the same way now. what this policy does is provide a mechanism to, if bsu in review of all the circumstances that is provided by the commanding officer require that they talk to bsu because right now, that would be voluntary and then with the institution of this policy,
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there could be more teeth to say, no, no. it's not going to be voluntary. and that would be, i would think the one change. >> great. thank you! >> thank you! >> thank you. commissioner yee. >> thank you very much there, president cindy elias. again, this is a great tool, i guess, for the members that on a daily base have stress out there. i'm looking at one part and that will be 11.13.04sf regarding, i guess, you can make a recommendation with time off on an fmla. i know it's short-term you what about long-term, does it exceed a certain amount of hours or days? is it allowed to go past -- onto long-term. what's your short-term, eight
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workdays or something like that? >> for fmla, there's a certain amounts of hours and it's far beyond that. it's due to employee illness or circumstances where the employee will need protected leave while they are off. but we also have instances when people come in with doctor's notes and that can be long-term leave and including the hours but beyond with certain notes. >> okay. if it goes past a certain amount of hours, it goes into long-term fmla? is there an impact on their employment? meaning that are they still on the books or are they put on long-term disability? does that happen? >> all of these things can happen and there's nuances whether it's work related, not related but fmla says they are remain on the books. it is protected leave. there cannot be
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changes in employment. and disability is a little different. disability has different time limits but you can have injuries that aren't work related that you're able to take leave for. >> yeah. okay. thank you very much. >> thank you! >> thank you, great job. >> thank you. >> at this point, we're going to take public comment and i'm going to take a motion for action. >> or a motion first, whatever you want. >> i'll make a motion. >> second. >> without my instructions. i'm going to make a motion we adopt the -- the 11.13 for use in the bargaining unit and the following instructions to direct -- old version.
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>> we're going to have a written version soon. >> i'm working on it. follow instructions and the commission hereby directs the san francisco police department and urges the san francisco department of human resources set clear boundaries to the process with the effective bargaining units so make sure there's no delay s items within the scope of representation and second, meeting confer with the bargaining units on matters related to working conditions, subject to collective bargaining under california law and not meet and confer with the effected bargaining unit that constitutes matters not subject to collective bargaining under california law. >> second. >> members of the public who would like to make public comment regarding line item eight, approach the podium or press star three. there's no public comment. on the
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motion.... [roll call] >> you have 7 yeses. >> line item 9, discussion of deadlines per dgo 3.01, written communications system, for revisions of dgo 8.10 [guidelines or first amendment activity], at the request of the commission. (discussion) >> good evening. president elias and vice-president carter obamaer stone and henderson, members of the commission and members of the community watching, especially i just -- those members that came from the tenderloin, that means a lot to our investigators. my name is deputy chief sweeny from investigations and what i'd like
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to do is just, if i can do a quick presentation or, vice-president, how would you like me to proceed. >> my understanding is the department has a presentation on the broader director units process. my thought was we could start with specific questions about 8.10 and if the department does have a presentation, the department could do that after we get through the 8.10 specific issues. >> sure. i actually am here for 8.10. i was going to give kind of an overview of how sme and sid is setup, 8.10 and some -- give you an idea of my input but we can start that way. >> the way we structure this, i have specific questions. i imagine a lot of what you're going to say is responsive to what i was going to ask and if there are things i didn't ask
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about that you think is relevant, then certainly, you should have the opportunity to raise them. >> perfect! >> before we get into it, i want to provide context for the public for those who tuned in last week, it will sound repetitive because we did cover this same issue last week. but just to recap, a few months, director henderson brought to the commissions attention there were 36 dgo in the revision process sitting with the department for a long time. i think over a year and some two years and these are dgo's where dpa provided the department with recommendations on revision and yet they were not moving forward. this is a bad thing, obviously. this is a bad thing for officers, it's a bad thing for members of the public because officers are bound by policies where in many cases they haven't been revised since the mid 90s. the state of the law has changed and so the dgo
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may be out of compliance with the law. certainly evidence-based best practices have changed so the policy doesn't reflect those. and so, in response to this, president elias took the step of assigning to each commissioner a cluster, each one of us, kind of owns a cluster of these 26 dgo's and it's each commissioner's job to make sure the dgo's are shepherds through the process and nothing kind of sits the way it had been sitting previously. related the commission enabled dgo 3.01 which sets strict timelines and sets out a specific process for revisions of dgo's. and while there are timelines for or i should say deadlines for each step of the process, 3.10 is not totally flexible. it allows dma or the department to seek a request for
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extension of time if either dpa or the department feels as though they can't meet a deadline and they have to write to the commission and explain the circumstances and why there's good caution for granting an extension. and so, as it relates to dgo 8.10 which relates to surveillance and first amended first protected activity, it seems that or seem that some -- an important deadline and 3.101 process lapsed and there wasn't a request for extension of time. as i've said before, ultimately, it's the commissions responsibility to ensure that monthly see revision happens in a timely fashion and so, when we have lapsed deadlines under 3.10, we need to have a public conversation about it for two reasons. one to inform the public and two, to inform the commission to understand what's
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going on. this is not meant to be punitive but it is meant to shine a light on what exactly is happening at a nuts and bolts level so that we can make sure that this process is working for everyone. so, just wanted to provide that context. sergeant, would you lined putting up the timeline graphic. great. this is a timeline of the relevant events as it relates to dgo8.10. on october 27th, dpa e-mailed the department requesting certain documents it felt it needed to make its phase i recommendations. it did not
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receive response. on november 3rd, dpa sent its phase i recommendations to the department and notified the department that those recommendations, sending those recommendations triggered a december 6th deadline for the department to respond to the recommendation grid. the department did respond and acknowledged receipt of the recommendation grid and acknowledged the deadline. on november 22nd, dpa e-mailed the department following up on its october 27th e-mail requesting certain documents. no response was, there's no response as far as i can tell. then the december 6th deadline to respond, dpa's recommendation grid came in and went with no response from the department. on december 8th, three things happened. dpa e-mailed the department requesting an update en light of the deadline. there was an e-mail regarding the
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deadline and deputy eswani replayed he was vacation and returning december 12th and december 12th, they did speak. december 14th i e-mailed the chief asking for an update regarding deadlines and lieutenant o'connor, did, c swanny made internal request to seek an extension of time and on december 20th, chief scott did in fact submit an extension of time to the commission, so before we actually -- before we start, i had a couple of questions for ms. kaywood, if you wouldn't mind coming up. >> good evening. >> good evening, ms. kaywood. this process was kicked off by dpa sending its, is it phase i
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or stage one? >> stage one. >> stage one recommendation grids, could you explain to the public what a stage one recommendation grid is? >> sure much a stage one recommendation grid is, basically an excel spreadsheet and has four columns and the first column, dpa's recommendations are listed numerical order and the second column is the date we submitted the recommendations, the third column is sfpd's response, whether they agree with our recommendation or not. and the fourth column is just a brief explanation of sfpd's decision. stage one recommendations are pre-drafting recommendations so they are high-level recommendations that we sent to the department to let them know the topics that we're interested this. once we get a draft from the dgo department, we submit stage two recommendations and those are recommendations based on the actual updated dgo where
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we go line-by-line. >> great, thank you. and in this particular case, how many recommendations did dpa make? >> i believe it was four. >> if i recall, one of those four was the request for documents. >> correct. >> there were three steps for recommendations into the dgo? >> yes. >> okay. so the department, once you sent the recommendation was due to respond, wha does a response to a recommendation grid looks like generally? >> it's usually a couple of sentences. >> okay. >> per recommendation. >> and i know that, you don't know exactly what goes on perhaps in written directives on the other side, but do you have a sense in this particular case, given those three substantive recommendations how long you think it would have taken to respond to them? >> less than an hour. the
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documents probably took some time to compile but the actual recommendations were very high level, like, one of them was update, the dgo to take into account into technologies like the internet. that's basic. it wasn't very complicated or granular. >> okay. and i just wanted to confirm, did you receive any response to your october 27th e-mail or your november 22nd e-mail to the department? >> no. not until january after this issue was raised at the commission. >> great! thank you so much, ms. -- thank you, ms. kaywood. >> thank you. >> so, deputy chief, can you explain your role as it relates to the role of -- >> i'm the executive sponsor for this dgo and i think a total of 13 dgo we touch in
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investigations and some are sitting with written directives that might have been moved from investigations to another bureau, but we started on it or we have a specialty input into it. i would definitely like to respond to the timeline and i do appreciate janel coming up here and providing insight on the grid. >> oh, certainly. we'll get to that. >> okay. >> do i have it right and ms. kay wood right, there was no response to her october 27th and november 22nd e-mail? >> yes, that's correct. >> why was there no response? >> so, there was an internal discussion on the grid at a later time. the 27th, october 27th, that e-mail that came in, the 28th at 2:23 in the
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morning, we had the pelosi incident so after 2/23, isd was the primarily lead on that. i was notified around 3:00 a.m., from that day on, that case would have easily taken about a week just to stabilize and that's just doing -- dealing with different facets of the case, without going into it, we never reconnected, when i mean, we, as in my subject matter expert, lieutenant connor and us about this. this took the back-burner as everything else did. that case literately took up the whole office. and i mean the whole office, it's a small unit. there's only five general investigators and three arson investigators and the other are specialized people that don't
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investigate the cases. >> thank you. that's helpful. you're not saying there wasn't time to sent an e-mail saying, hey, we're very busy working on this extremely high profile matter? there was time to do that? >> i don't know if the e-mail was looked at between the night of the 28th and what day it was looked at. >> you didn't open the e-mail on october 27th? >> many e-mails, if i'm not cc' d on it and i get e-mails directed towards me, which i'll read first. >> so you did or not? >> i did not. >> you're sure you didn't open the e-mail? >> i don't know for sure. >> you're not sure? >> yeah, i'm not. >> okay. >> but we did have a discussion at a later point regarding that dgo and that came, that was triggered by written directives reaching out and saying, hey, what is the status of the grid and that's when the had the
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conversation with dave o'connor. >> great, thank you. ms. kay wood said three recommendation were high levels such as updating the dgo to confirm with the internet and other intervening technologies and it would take around an hour to respond, is that -- do you think that's right? >> i do think it's fair they were high level but it also involved the audit, right, so there was an audit done in 2021 that was completed in november of 2021 and so there were still some action items on that that were being accomplished, so i asked him, i said, can you give me an update on what's going on with? the main -- the main part of it was some of the documents that were requested, i asked, i said can you look at what we have, what we don't have? but we also need to have an internal discussion about that.
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>> right. but setting aside the documents and the audit, which were separate. i'm asking the response to the three substantive recommendations and the recommendation grid. was it accurate that it would take an hour to do that. >> it would take longer. >> what's your ball park? >> it would involve other parts of the department, like, i would have -- >> you have responded by now, right. the department sent -- >> yeah. >> you know how long it takes. >> by the time we're done, it does require some due diligence on our part. i know it said the draft stage and discussion stage but internally, it's important for us as an organization to have a discussion about how we go about our policies and procedures that impact our officers every single day. >> how long did it take roughly?
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>> after the -- [multiple voices] >> to the recommendation grid? >> two, three hours. >> okay. >> that's just crafting language back and forth, et cetera. >> that's helpful. who is charged with drafting those responses? >> so, unfortunately, with the said item, i don't have the luxury of being able to have multiple subject matter experts because on that policy because it's so specific, it's just the one lieutenant and even that, with the amount of other stuff that he has on his plate, i asked if there were someway we can find somebody else that we might have the bandwidth and there wasn't. in his unit, he was low on staffing. everybody has not only, do they investigate high profile cases
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like that, they are handling hate crimes and handling threats of potential shootings at schools, workplace violence, et cetera. so he didn't want, he took ownership of it and i appreciate that, but he literately said, i go -- is there somebody and then what we did decide on is to get help from written directives which they helped us out tremendously and get some help from internally just to have an attorney assist us. >> okay. i think the answer is principally lieutenant o'connor but he was busy with the pelosi incident so you reached out to get help from others? >> yes. >> okay. great. why is it, why didn't the department meet the december 6th deadline? is there a reason other than the, than the pelosi investigation?
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>> i felt that this was an important enough dgo. you agree with that. i mean, this dgo impacts freedom of religion, press, assembly. it gives some guidelines to our investigators of -- and rightly so and also protecting people's civil rights and freedom of assembly that we need to have a conversation at a high level. some of that conversation might involve attorneys, it might -- in looking at best practices, director henderson's office, his audit was helpful but the chicago policy, that was the research done by dave o'connor and his discussion with the dpa attorney who did the audit and i
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think, i believe it was steve parody who did the audit so i wanted to look at the chicago policy. i asked him. i said, hey, can i take a look at the chicago policy and then i asked him, like, i go, could the santa cruz and metro dc policy, what are your thoughts on that? internally, i know it looks simple and -- >> if i could, so i do understand, i had a more specific question, which is judge did you not meet the december 6th deadline? you said there's the pelosi investigation that required a lot of time. are there any other specific things that led to that and the reason i'm asking, there are 20 business days that elapsed and you've just said now that it takes around in your view, two to three hours, dpa said one hour. were there two to three
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hours in that business take to respond to this grid saying, yes, i agree we should update the dpa to -- are you saying there weren't two to three hours? >> there are two to three hours to write that specific response, but it's not just the response. it's the collaboration internally. it's discussing how we're going to move forward. >> you said the collaboration, everything takes two to three hours. >> no, no, what i'm saying is writing and responding to the four actual responses. i looked at it and a -- agreed with the title. i said that's a good point and i didn't -- it's not like i had an objection to anything outright but it's not just -- the policy is more than just me and the subject matter expert. >> okay. i guess i'm asking
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because if somebody works eight hours a day, 20 business days, it's 160 hours and it's hard to understand why -- we have experienced times in our jobs where we have an influx of more work than we can handle so i understand that, but in all that time, there weren't two to three hours out of 160 working hours is just, that's the piece that is not evident why that wasn't possible. if there's anything else -- if you can provide clarity. >> there's a lot else because ultimately, everyday there's literately things that the sid unit and many other units in investigations in the police department handle. to give you an example on the 8th and 9th and the reason i didn't respond to janel's e-mail, i only took that thursday, friday off but i
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couldn't connect with o'connor because there was a vice-president, former vice-president, i'm sorry, former first lady visit on 9th, 10th, 11th and he was busy planning for that so i wanted to talk to him and go over it. we couldn't connect and we connected right after i got back and then that weekend, he worked the weekend, so it's way more than the 40 hours a week. i'm calling in at 11 at night, midnight, 1:00 sometimes. to answer your questions, of course. in the 20 days, is there three hours? of course, there is but there's literately, we've had three officers shot at in the last couple of weeks and two officers are from my command and
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one from sid. just to give an example of something like that happening, i'm driving to oakland, i'm going out to the scene, i'm going out to, where -- and literately everything else stops for me or for whoever the lieutenant or captain that works for me and we literately drop everything and handle that. >> all right. can i ask a separate question, which is, why didn't you seek an extension of time before the december 6th deadline? it sounded like you were very busy. at a certain point it was clear you weren't going to make the december 6th deadline. why wasn't there a request for an extension made? >> you're completely right. i should asked for an extension. >> why didn't you? >> i do not know. i've been going back and forth with, like, of how we should proceed on it
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and you know, i think it was oversight on my part. >> but you knew the december 6th deadline was pending and -- i guess i'm just, i'm not sure what the answer is. you knew it was pending. you decided not to seek an extension. [multiple voices] >> you don't know why you didn't seek an extension. >> we just needed more work on it. and again, the extension, i didn't realize it was as simple as an e-mail or letter. i wanted to make sure that i wasn't the only one that -- i wanted to get some input on how much more work we had to do on it. >> so you're saying you didn't have time to send an extension? >> i didn't have time. >> you didn't have time to send
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an extension request? >> i should have done the extension request and like i said, i think it was oversight on my part. >> okay. do you have a personal twitter account? >> i do. >> okay. and you tweet a lot? >> i do. >> okay. and a lot of it is about sfpd work? >> it's about community issues, sfpd. it's about highlighting the good work of our officers going out there and making our community safer, out there conducting the work of public safety, yes. >> okay. between the first e-mail you received from ms. kaywood and the december 6th deadline, how many tweets did you send is this >> i have no idea. >> how many do you think i have too much time s my hands. you sent 129 tweets so you had time to send 129 tweets but you
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didn't have time to send, write a five-minute e-mail saying we're not going -- we can't meet deadline because we have these important matters? >> the tweets don't require any kind of collaboration. it's just a retweet. >> some of them aren't re-tweeted like the day after after ms. kaywood's deadline, you said i leave my office and there's tweets with you with selfies. some were original. >> that was a really good one. that was -- [multiple voices] >> that was a tenderloin, i think, community event and it was, i thought it was a positive tweet about going out to, attending a community event. i think it hits home when i put a tweet like that to the fact that i'm stuck in my office so much that sometimes, it's nice to go out. i try to go out to search warrants when i can. i try to go
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out to crime scenes when i can because i think it's important for the investigators to see out there when they are working and they appreciate it. i've been told personally that they appreciate it. >> no, i think a lot of them are really great content and highlights and important work being done but my point is, you had time to send nearly 200 tweets but now you're telling us you didn't have five minutes to request an extension of time. you didn't have two hours in all of that time to respond to the recommendation grid. it's a little bit difficult to accept that, if there's time for, i think, something we would all agree is clearly less urgent than that, so it's a little tough to accept that representation. we'll just say, the commission has charter authority to set policy for the department, right. >> yes.
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>> okay. so whether we passed dgo's they have the -- when we pass dgo's they have the force of laws? >> yes. >> when dgo's is violated, it's a violation of the law? >> yes. >> right. it seems like you were aware of the deadline. you willfully decided not to seek an extension. >> commissioner, if we're going to go down accusing this -- >> no, no. okay. that's not where i'm going. >> if you're going to accuse deputy chief of a violation -- >> i will not stand here and allow that to happen in public. >> that's not what i'm doing. >> you're already doing it. >> okay. well, can i just finish up. as we know, the commission has no role in initiating disciplinary proceedings.
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>> yes, but this deputy chief has rights to not have a disciplinary inquiry in public. >> okay. this is not -- this is not a disciplinary inquiry but a policy. the reason i bring that up is because i think we ask a lot of our officers and in the disciplinary context, we, you know, the job is very difficult and sometimes the department has disciplined cases where there isn't a willful -- i'm concerned it sets a double standard when you have someone in a very senior position that appears to be willfully disregarding the commissions policies and so, i want to say i'm troubled by
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that. and i will leave it at that. and if there's anything, i know you said the outset, there's certain issues you wanted to cover. if there's anything i didn't cover that you would like to address, then i would certainly welcome that. but that's everything for me. >> commissioner walker, oh. >> i would like to respond. i do think it's important. i know the role of the commission. i realize how important it is to not only our department but to the community and please don't get me wrong, i don't -- i'm not showing disrespect. it's just, there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes. i didn't know how else i would satisfy your answer, so i said, okay. i didn't send the extension but ultimately, you have to also realize that our day is very fluid. as i'm sitting here today, not only looking at this outline, there's a shooting going on at hunters point so i'm
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texting, like, three different units right now to be able to manage that, so i mean, should i have not tweeted, maybe. i don't know what to tell you regarding that but i apologize if you think i'm disrespecting you or the commission or the commissioners and i hope i didn't come across that way because ultimately, like, there's a lot of value -- the police commission was established in the 1870s. it's an important body for the city government, for the public. it's a very -- it's critical in our role and i hope that our relationship, when i mean our and police department and the officers, we have a lot on our plate and i'm not saying me much
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i didn't mean to make it sound like that. what i mean is most of the units are spread really thin but they do awesome work. they are constantly doing more than we even ask them to at many times and at times, there are times when i need information or collaboration but i don't control other people's schedules, times, and information. also, and i don't want to sit there and send an e-mail asking for an extension when i'm not sure if that's what i should be doing and ultimately, part of that, maybe i should have called the commission secretary or written directors and said, hey, do we send something formal or do they know -- i know -- we, as in gpa
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and i connected after the fact, so it wasn't before that 6th and i didn't actually even know that, assumed there were some conversation going on at a different level, so i didn't realize that dpa didn't get any response. >> okay. thank you. commissioner walker. >> i want to thank you for coming and answering questions and i have concerns about just tone of this because it does feel a bit harassing and i think that we all are sort of committing to an accelerated finishing of some of these dgo's and it behooves us to meet the objectives. you have a set of expectations, commissioner, and the department has a lot on
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their plate, so i feel like all of these duties and we have our job and i appreciate your reaching out to others to get input on these things because it's the whole department that has to do it, not just you, so i feel like this has been on now for second time as an agenda item and hopefully, we all understand it's serious and we want to get these done, so maybe we need to reiterate what the schedule is in the -- in the communication in the e-mails and if there's an expectation to get back, maybe we need to include that in the e-mail. thank you for being here and i agree, chief, i think it's not our job to discipline anyone, to initiate discipline, so thank you. >> thank you. chief, before you begin, i do want to say that i think that we just implemented
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3.01 and there's a learning curve but it comes from a place where since 2016, when the doj said, look, you have dgo's that's decades old and they really are harmful to both the officers and to the community and they really got on us about getting these dgo's revised and it was a big chunk of the 272 recommendations and when i started in 2018 on this commission, there had only been a handful of recommendations that had been fulfilled and another complaint or criticism was the fact we weren't getting our dgo's done and that was in 2018. we made some progress, the board of supervisors, supervisor feur at the time wasn't happy with the progress we were making with fulfilling these djo's recommendations and fast forward to the '22 and it has been
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sitting with the department for two years so you can understand the frustration or our desire to get these things moving because while we appreciate the efforts that you all make, the department does have a larger policy department in terms of moving these things along, verses dpa who has a party of one and so, you know, when we see that, it just -- we have a lot of questions, i think, and i think everyone knows that the goal and that's why i assigned dgo's to commissioners because we as commissioners need to be held accountable for why these aren't moving because the department had them for such a long time and nothing was done and so since they didn't get anything done, as a commission, we need to step in and make sure that they get done, so i think that's where we're coming from and i'm, you know, i'm hopeful that 3.01, once we work out the
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kinks will be a smoother process to get the dgo's completed in a more timely fashion. go ahead, chief. >> thank you, vice-president. i do understand the public inquiry as a form of accountability and i believe deputy chief swanny understanding how busy he is, did say that this was an oversight on his part. we had to find time to respond and we need to take responsibility when we don't. i understand all of that. i just want to say, moving forward, i believe we have worked out many of the issues that got us to this point, this conversation, but i would like to ask if we have members of this police department in front of this commission that we do not put them in this position again where we're asking questions and making statements, like, violations of the law and talking about things that may be
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disciplinary because this isn't the venue for that in my opinion. i would ask for that support from the commission and again, we own what we own. we should have responded. i think we've fixed those issues and we'll make sure we get our extensions in on time and we have a path moving forward. >> thank you, chief. commissioner benedicto. >> thank you, president elias. thank you, chief for saying that. i first wanted to say that i don't believe that any behavior was harassing. i take issue with that interpretation. i think there were tough questions asked and deputy chief, i hope you appreciate these were policy questions and i don't believe, to your point, chief, i appreciate we shouldn't be making disciplinary, it's not something we do, but i don't think that was done. the argument was -- we have a
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responsibility to comply with general orders and that goes from the institution to all members. i think vice-president carter-oberstone was making a policy point we ask of our members and we should ask from the institution all the way down that we're in agreement on. no one on this commission disputes the tremendous amount that we ask of the department and the officers from command staff all the way down. it's a tremendous amount of responsibility and you're put under immense burden especially with staffing short arranges and that's something that's recognized. i made this point last week and we've had this on the agenda two weeks, we've had deputy chief (indiscernible), deputy sullivan last week and now deputy chief swanee and the conversations can be difficult and uncomfortable
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like chief said. a public inquiry is a form of accountability and so, i do think it's important to the members of the public who we serve that we have these discussions even when they are and can be uncomfortable. i also expressed this last week, but as president ely as said, 3 -- president elias said, 3.01 new. now that we have had these uncomfortable and important conversations before the public, it can be something that's, we see it as (indiscernible) moving forward and this process gets ironed out and i'm confident it is. i recognize the department is working and the commission and dpa is working hard and we'll continue to move forward, so i would like to thank all the deputy chiefs and chief for their accountability and i hope
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this is the last time we have to agendized this. thank you. >> thank you, sergeant. >> at this time the public is welcome to make public comment regarding line item nine. if you would like to make public comment, approach the podium or press star three. there's no public comment. >> thank you. next item. >> line item ten, public comment on all matters pertaining to item 12 below, closed session, including public comment on item 11, vote whether to hold item 12 in closed session. >> >> there's no public comment. line item 11, vote on whether to hold item 12 in closed session including vote on whether to assert the attorney-client privilege with regards to item 12 (a) (san francisco administrative code section
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. action. >> i'm make a motion. >> thank you. >> i'll second. >> on the motion.... [roll call] you have seven yeses, we'll go >> item no. 13, open session -vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussion on item 12 held in closed session including vote on whether to assert the attorney-client privilege with regards to item 12 (a) (s.f. administrative code section 67.12(a)) (action). >> i'll make a motion to not disclose items 12b, 12c, and 12d to a certificate the
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client/attorney privilege for item 12e with the exception of factual updates by the labor relations director regarding the schedule of upcoming bargaining sessions with the poa and the mea. >> second. >> for members of the public that would like to make public comment for line time 13, approach the podium or press star three now. there's no public comment. on the motion, commissioner walker, how do you vote? >> yes. [roll call] >> you have seven yeses. >> line time 13, adjournment. >> thank you.
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the show that's about restarting rebuilding and re imagining our city. i guess today is david chiu, the city attorney for the city and county of san francisco , and he's here today to talk to us about the opioid crisis, reproductive rights and the non citizen voting program. mr chu, welcome to the show. thanks for having me on happy to talk about whatever you want me to talk about, so can we start by explaining the difference between the city attorney's office and the district attorney's office? i think it could be slightly confused. that is a very common fusion with members of the public so um, if you get arrested in san francisco by the san francisco police department, all criminal matters are dealt with by the san francisco district attorney . we handle all civil matters on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. what that means is a number of things. we provide advice and counsel to all actors within city government from our mayor. every member of the board of supervisors to the 100 plus departments, commissions boards
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that represent the city and county of san francisco. we also defend the city against thousands of lawsuits. so if you slip and fall in front of city hall if there's a bus accident if there is an incident involving the san francisco police department, we defend those matters. we also bring lawsuits on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, where most famous for litigating and obtaining the constitutional right to marry for lgbtq couples have sued gun manufacturers, payday lenders, oil companies, you name it, who are undercutting the rights of san franciscans and the city and county of san francisco. so now moving on to the opioid crisis. i understand you've had some success in court, um, dealing with manufacturers, distributors and pharmacies. could you elaborate a little bit on that for us, so the opioid industry and by that i refer to the legal industry that prescribes pain pills. um over years. uh,
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deceived americans and resulted in literally thousands upon thousands of deaths and tragedies that we see on our streets every day when it comes to the addictions that folks are experiencing. many of the addictions really stemmed from what happened over a decade plus period where the prescription pain industry marketed prescription pills in ways that were false. we were one of thousands of jurisdictions around america that brought a lawsuit against the opioid industry. but we've had a particular set of successes that others have not. ah we initially brought a lawsuit a few years ago against every part of the opioid supply chain, and that included manufacturers, distributors and retailers, including pharmacies over the course of four plus years. a number of these corporate defendants settled with us. we've as of this moment brought in over $120 million of cash and
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services. to the city to help address the root causes of what we're talking about. but a few months ago, we had a really historic verdict against the pharmacy, walgreens and their role walgreens was responsible for literally over 100 million pills, flooding the streets of san francisco over a period of years where they flouted federal law that require them to track where they're pills were going to. they had a what? what we refer to as a phil phil phil. pharmacy culture where folks would bring in their prescriptions, and the pharmacist would just fill them without checking why someone was coming in multiple times without checking why certain doctors were seen a 100 fold increase in the number of opioid prescriptions that they were prescribing. so we had a historic judgment against walgreens recently, but it's been a very intense lawsuit. and we know that will never bring back the lives that we have lost
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to opioid addictions. but it's critical for us that we get the resources that we need. maybe one other thing i'll mention because it's often confusion. a large percentage of folks who are addicted to street level drugs say heroin or fentanyl started their addictions. with painkillers, opioid medications that were prescribed through doctors provided through pharmacies and so literally the suffering that we're seeing on our streets was caused by the opioid industry over many, many years and has created the significant crisis that we are dealing with right now. right right now moving on. i understand after the recent supreme court ruling, striking down robust as wade that you've put together an organization that's designed to help mm. provide free services to people who are both. seeking abortions and providing them can you tell us about the organization? sure so, um, before the dobbs decision came down, but after we
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learned about the leak from the supreme court about the draft that suggested the decision would be as bad as it has turned out to be, um, i reached out to leadership from the bar association of san francisco because we knew that if that decision came down there would be tens of thousands of patients around the country as well as providers whose legal situation would be in jeopardy. women doctors, nurses who could be subjected to lawsuits who could be arrested who could be prosecuted, particularly in red states? 26 states where rights are being rolled back or in the process or have already been rolled back because of the dobbs decision. so we put out a call to lawyers all over the bay and frankly, all over the country, and as of this moment there have been over 70 law firms that have answered our call to be part of the legal alliance for reproductive rights who have committed to reviewing cases and providing pro bono assistance to patients and providers who are at legal risk. we also are
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looking at potential cases that these lawyers can bring against various states. in these areas that are looking to deprive women and patients and providers of their of their rights. um it is a very dark time in america, and i'm really proud that that barrier attorneys, the legal community care have stepped up to answer the call. it's very important that's great. so now the non citizen voting program that was passed by voters just for school boards has faced them court challenges recently, but it was in place for the most recent election that we've had. how do you see that situation panning out? in fact, it's been in place for now. five school board elections. um so a little bit of background in our san francisco schools over one out of three kids. has a parent who is a non citizen who doesn't have a say in the election of the policy makers that dictate the future of our san francisco
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public schools, and so over a number of years, there has been a movement to allow immigrant parents to vote in school board elections. few things i'll mention about that is our country has a very long history when it comes to allowing immigrants to vote. from 17 76 for 100 and 50 years until after world war. one immigrants were allowed to vote in most states in our country on the theory that we want to assimilate immigrants in american democratic values and institutions, and it wasn't until an anti immigrant backlash in world war one that that sort of ended. but in recent years, um cities across america have allowed this to happen. in fact, at this moment, believe there are over a dozen cities that have voted to allow non citizens to vote in a number of context. now, this is particularly important in our schools just given how challenge our schools are, and given that we know that when we engage more parents in her school system, regardless of their citizenship it helps to
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lift up our schools for all parents. and so in 2016 the voters of san francisco past about measure that allowed this to happen. unfortunately earlier this year, there were conservative organizations that came to san francisco to bring a lawsuit to try to overturn this , and i should also mention it is obviously the perspective of our office and our city that this is constitutional. nothing in the constitution prohibits non citizens from voting. and in fact, there's an explicit provision in the constitution that allows chartered cities like san francisco when it comes to school board elections to be able to dictate the time and manner of those elections. and so, uh, we are involved in litigation on this issue. there was an initial ruling that was not good for us that essentially said at the trial court level. we shouldn't allow this. um we appealed it up to the appellate level. the appellate court made an initial decision to allow this past november election to
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proceed as it has for the last previous four elections. we're going to be in front of that court soon. stay tuned. we'll see what happens. it was good to hear that the city was able to reach a settlement with the center for medicare and medicaid services are meant laguna honda could still operate. how did you manage to reach that agreement? it was not an easy conversation . just a little bit of background. so laguna honda has been an incredibly important institution in san francisco for 150 years, taking care of our most vulnerable patients are frail, very elderly patients, many of whom are at end of life. and a few years ago, there were some issues in that hospital. some violations of rules that we very much want to make sure don't get violated. there were folks that weren't using proper ppe, who are bringing cigarette lighters into the facility, who might have brought some contraband into the facilities. we have zero tolerance for that and have made that very clear. we self reported some of these violations to the federal
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authorities. and unfortunately from our perspective, they took the very disproportionate step of ordering the closure. the permanent closure of lugano, honda. problematic on a number of reasons. first and foremost, there are just no skilled nursing facility beds not just in california but around the country. after their order came down. we literally were putting 1000 calls a day to skilled nursing facilities around california and around the country and could find nowhere to move the 700 patients that we had had in the gonna honda but just as disturbingly as we were forced to start moving some of these patients, a number of them died. there's a concept in medicine known as transfer trauma. when you move someone who is that frail and unfortunately, folks folks died and we were at a point where we were five weeks away from the deadline for the federal government. that they had provided to us to close the facility. so uh and we have been trying for months to get the
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federal government to reconsider their action, so i was compelled to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the city and county of san francisco and very pleased and appreciate that we were able to come to a settlement whereby transfers will be delayed at least until next year. we're going to have at least a year of funding. to keep the facility open, and hopefully we can get back up on our feet and ensure that no future violations occur because this is an institution that has to stay open for the good of these patients. quite right, quite right. so finally, congratulations on winning an important public power service dispute with pg and e. um why is it important that the city's rights as a local power provider maintained well, so san francisco has been a local power provider for decades. we are fortunate to have access through our hedge hetchy hydroelectric system to provide electricity to a number of providers, particularly public recipients of that. and unfortunately, pg
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any has used its monopoly when it comes to private electricity to try to stop that, and to block that, and from our perspective, they violated federal law in adding literally tens of millions of dollars of expenses to san francisco and institutions that we're trying to ensure um, public power infrastructure. put years of delays on our ability to do this, and so we had to bring a number of appeals in the federal commission. ah we were successful in those appeals, and there was a decision recently that basically held the pg and e could not use its monopoly to unfairly delay or add tens of millions of dollars of cost. to the city and county of san francisco, as we are trying to move forward with our vision of public power. clearly pgd has not been able to serve not just san francisco but northern california. well we all know that with the wildfires with its bankruptcies, with all the issues that they've had, we
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think there is a different model to move forward on and we are grateful to the court. and providing a ruling that allows us to move forward. well thank you so much for coming on the show. i really appreciate the time you've given us here today. i appreciate and thanks for your thanks for your questions. thank you. well that's it. for this episode, we'll be back with another one shortly for sf gov t v. i'm chris manners. thanks for watching. yeah. [music] my name is husheem anderson a lieutenant with the san francisco fire department born and raised in san francisco, grew up in western addition. both my parents worked for the city. my dad was a custodian with san francisco school district and mom a muni driver. when i grew up in san francisco i never thought of the fire service as a career. not because i didn't want to be a firefighter, i just didn't know anything about it and it
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was literally the experience of trying to figure what i was going to do with the next part of my life where i decided to go to city college and take a couple classes. that is when i discovered there was actually a fire science program program emt program and paramedic program. if it wasn't for that opportunity to get the education training and meet several mentors that are some of my grood friends today, i don't think i ever would are have pursued this career. i was interested in becoming a paramedic so i did work experience at the ems division when it was actually in the presidio, completed that program, did my paramedic internship at the same time i volunteered with san francisco fire reserve and able to learn a lot of hands on skills associated with becoming a firefighter. san francisco went through a period of 7 years without hiring, so we
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hired about a 130 people off of the 2001 test which is the first fire test that and ever sat for, so i took that test, did pretty well on it test, interviewed, didn't do as well as i liked so they hired 130 people off that list and didn't hire again for another 7 years, so here i was training to do a job where i was really excited, but there were no jobs after 911 so things slowed down and once the fire department started hiring again i was in the second class hired full time in 2012. because of the experience i had here at city college, it was always really important for me to be able to give back. so, when i got to the fire department, i didn't have a college degree, and in order to teach at a community college you need a college degree, so quhile i while working as a firefighter i got my degree from saint
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mary college so i got a bachelor degree. i teach firefighter 1 and 2 curriculum for the program at the college. after i promoted to lieutenant, then i applied to be a instructor down at the training academy because i always loved to teach. my past experience is really helpful in terms of how i'm able to break down information and pass it alodge to brand new firefighters. so, for myself, i didn't know very many people of color who worked in the san francisco fire department. as african american working in this department i always felt a obligation to be that example, to provide a roadmap for folks who look like me, who come from communities that i came from to make sure they have the same opportunities. now as a san francisco firefighter i can tell you if you work
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hard, you get along with people, you will be welcomed into this department but we can also do a better job of representation. to me as a company officer when i'm on the fire engine or truck it is so helpful to have a rig where members can relate to the public we respond to. to me that cultural diversity of the members on our fire engines, on the ladder trucks is important because if we can do a better job of representing the community that we are serving, i think we do a better job of relating to the community that we are serving, and to me that is something that is really important.
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>> february 22, 2023, and the time is 5:00 p.m. this meeting is being held in person, as authorized by california government code section 54953e and the mayor and mayor breed's 45th supplement to her february 25th, 2020, emergency proclamation. it is possible that members of the san francisco fire commission may attend this meeting remotely. and in that event, members will participate and vote by video. members of the public may attend the meeting to observe and provide public comment at the physical meeting location or online at the link on the posted agenda which you may access by logging on to the fire commission
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