tv Public Works Commission SFGTV February 26, 2023 4:30am-7:01am PST
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today it is friday, february 17th and it ask 9:33 a.m. >> secretary fuller call the role. >> good morning. respond with here or present. segal. >> commissioner post. >> here. >> commissioner woolford. >> present. >> commissioner zoubi. >> present. >> with 4 members present we have forum for public works commission. due to the covid-19 health emergency and recommendations issued by the san francisco d. public health and the emergency orders of the govern and mayor concerning socialing distancing
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and lifting restrictions on cell krfrns this meet suggest held via teleconference and streamed by sfgovtvment for those watching live, well is a time lag with the live meet and that is shown on sfgovtv. on behalf of the commission i like to thank sfgovtv, media services and building management for assistance putting on this meeting. the rules regarding hybrid and remote participation will change march first, 2023. which will go in affect at this commission's next meeting. see the hybrid meeting memo attached to the january 20 of 23 agenda of this commission for more information. >> remote call in will be an option for members of the public seeking accommendation of
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disabilities and for commissioners only if on leave and accommendation is requested an accommendation for a disability. moring information to criminal for the public wish to make comment on an item outside of the hearing room they would dial 415-554-0001. and the meeting id of access code: 2492 790 4783 ## to raise your hand press star 3. note that you must limit your comments to the topic of agenda item discussd and unless you are speak under the general public comment. >> we don't stay on topic the chair may interrupt and you ask to you limit your comment to the
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item. public may comment in a civil and respectful manner and refrain from profanity. address remarks on the commission and avoid speaking to commissioners or staff. in your comments that concludes my comments. >> thank you. before calling the next item are there requests to amend the order of today's agenda? we the move on to the next item which are my announcements as chair. i'd like to note that in the materials posted for our meeting today was the department's quarter low earthquake safety and emergency response report. it it is an excellent report i became familiar when i was on the oversight committee for the city's general obligation bonds. i called the public's attention
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to it. it is worth a read and there are summary templets for reporting out on projects i think may work with modifications to assist our commission in tracking capitol projects, scope, budget and timing. i discuss third degree with director short and work with her team on developing a system to track the project its is i huge portion of the staff professional time of i had meetings i met as i do monthly with chair mogannam regarding mentor and proper protocols for our 2 commissions i would like to reminds our commission, if you have questions for the sanitation and streets commission for the presentations they receive at their monthly
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meetings are the third monday, do send your questions ahead of the meeting to secretary fuller. heel work with chair mogannam on incorporating our questions and comments into the sas commission meetings as the chair choose. i consulted with deputy city attorney tom to due dill gent protocols and i have a better understanding of that, thank you. of and i d. have a meeting with director short. had a long discussion of the calendar for presentations to this commission. and she and i are working with secretary fulltory ensure the requested information we ask for and the important things the department needs to report and wants to report get put on a calendar. i like to turn to press reports.
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there was an article regarding downtown revitalization. and board president peskin expressed frustration at the lack of stream lining the city bureaucracy. and sluggishness in permits with building projects. i do look forward to working with our street use and mapping on their report this summer on address thanksgiving and other operational issues so president peskin will change his upon emmunicipaled of the i will be meeting with staff to work with them on addressing the issues. there was another article this week regarding a city attorney's report indicating that san francisco law ban and contract businesses in employees travel to states with san franciscans opposed may be modified or appealed. we mention third degree and asked the department if the department increases costs and
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thus spends more taxpayer money than taxpayers mightment. director short, i like to ask, did the department payment in the city attorney's study? and will the department provide information to the board of supervisors to shape a proposed legislation? thank you. carla short, i don't believe we participated in the city attorney's study but know that we have been working with the city add administrator's office and responding to their inquiries about this same issue and they have just released a report with findings about the impacts of these 12x -- have the department had a chance to review it yet and see if it cammured what the department's concerns or am questions might
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be? >> yes. i have reviewed the report our cfo has reviewed the report. it does cammure the concerns we raised. i will see if he agrees with that assessment appears he does. >> thank you very much. and follow up for department city attorney tom, can the commission take a position on legislation had it it is introduced at the board of supervisors? deputy city attorney crist tertom? yes. it does does need to but can. >> thank you very much. it might be useful for us to take positions on issues we feel are important for dpw and up to am help dpw fulfill tells mandate better. good to know.
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thank you very much. the city is making changes to public comment profit cos. we have the option to limit remote comment for those requiring special accommendation. for now we will continue to make remote comment available to all who prefer to call in rather than to come to city hall. the 22 annual report is an excellent over view i recommend it to the public. i upon found the letter by director short to be inspiring. the report as graphics, text and
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a note i thought the qr codes that on every project and program profile so if a citizen wants more information it is easy to get more on programs or projects that may interest you. i send congratulationses to gordon and robertson for together you find the annual report on the public works home page. one thing i like to request for the 22-23 report is more financial information. more on ref now and expenditure and other data with text, of interest and helpful to the public. i look forward to working with department treshth gordon and robertson on this year's annual report. so we can beef up the financial section. i wanted to thank the many professionals here at the city that make these meetings
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function smoothly. there are many involved and in particular i like to point out sfgovtv and media services and building management for all they do to ensure these meetings are open to the public and easy to access. if you miss a meeting can you finds them easy low at and watch a video or scroll to the one item you are interested inform it is easy and i recommend this we do this with the sanitation and streets meetings. thank you for city staff for these biweekly meetings. that concludes my comments. we'll move to item 1. or -- yes. secretary. >> yes, please. thank you.
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interesting request to our city attorney whether we can offer input to the board of supervisors or other agencies or departments about legislation that is up manage or their policy. i would like to have that clarified not at this moment but how would we as a commission or as a department form naopinionful would it come before us at the public meeting like this and vote on it. or is it just an executive decision made by somebody without public input or without discussion? because sunshine we can't discuss this. and you know is anyone person here? able to peek for the department? and may be our executive director could? ir would like ton how we do
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this. i don't thank you is an answer now but and it it is a question, is it us or sas commission? >> good morning. i think if this commission were to take a position as a commission the commission would act on it as i think you are suspicion is correct if you take an approximate suspicion it would result from a discussion. of this it commission before taking an action to take a position on it. a specific matter. in public meeting? that's correct. >> thank you. other questions or comments before we? secretary fuller, next item.
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>> item 1 is the secretary's report for this commission. and i have a number of items, one that i will lead william be a regular part of this secretary's report that is a summary of action taken by the sas commission sanitation and streets commission. they met this past monday for their february meeting. and then00 automatic the recording of it and as chair post mentioned the recording and the transcript is available at sfgovtv i will give you a brief description of the meeting. and the minutes will be pub labored ahead of the march 20 meeting for this commission. the sanitation and streets commission heard a performance measure report from the bureau
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of central operations. as well as the bureau of street and environmental service. and then they had, heard a report on current and likely grants that public works engages with engages nonprofits for workforce development and to supplement service. the final report they heard on monday a discussion oh , less of a more of a discussion of the min mum standards of cleanliness for public right of way and setting base lines of standard in fulfillment of the prop b mandate they set those standards on. and so i'm happy to take questions on what the sanitation and streets commission did this past monday. their next meeting will be on
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march 20. we also moving on in my report wanted to give everyone a reminder form 700 your annual ethic's reporting to the steal be due on monday, april third. and more information will follow from the ethic's commission and i will also be helping to ensure that members of the commission have the information necessary to be able to complete that form. at least from the city side. and we -- the third item i want to speak on is we should be receiving guidance on to follow 4 remote participation at commission meetings from the city attorney's office and the city administrator's office. because that is still it a work in progress. we are making this change to
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different stoornsd. but many ways this commission can continue in its present course the birth changes are for some of our other boards and commissions this have been entirelyly remote for the past 3 years where as this commission has been in hybrid mode since the beginning. a bit less work for us to do. and then i wanted to remind the commission that our next meeting is a bit off calendar we had to reschedule. it will be wednesday, march first at 9 a.m. and not in this hearing room. it will be room 400 down the hallway. and we will considering a short agenda that day. includes one contract on consent. one on the regular calendar and then a report from the human resources team about hiring and vacancy and an introduction of
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their team since they are new to the departmentful i also.ed to note that the meeting will not be broadcast live on sfgovtv because of scheduling conflict but the public can watch and listen from outside the hearing room by following instructions included on the agenda for that meeting. i'm happy to take questions on any of the items this i reported on today. the meeting the same time 9:30. the meeting on march first will be 9 a.m. yes. and i will sends many remindsers
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about that time. location change. and date. and i had chaired i will be absent from that meeting because of work travel. other questions or comments on the secretary's report? all right. we will mufr on to item 2. secretary fuller >> first public comment on the secretary's report. i beg your pardon. members who wish to make public comment on the secretary's report line upper in the chamber if you mean are calling in dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2492 790 4783 ## then star 3 to enter the queue.
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we don't have members in the chamber. who approached to speak on this item. sfgovtv, is indicating we are one caller who raised their hand. go ahead and and -- unmute that caller and caller, you will have 3 minutes to speak and i will provide you with a 30 second 30 second warning when your time is about to expire. >> great. david pilpel. can you hear mow? >> yes. >> excellent. my only comment on item one commission secretary's report the advanced calendar is missing from today's materials. i'm hoping this in the future
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we'll have the advanced calendar with the regular meetings or rescheduled regular meetings, important to track where things are. thank you very much. thank you. >> thank you, caller. that appear to be our last caller for public comment. >> thank you. we will move on to item 2. secretary fuller, call that item >> item 2 is general public upon comment of and members of public may address the commission on topics went subject matter of the commission but not part of this agenda. comments specific to an agenda item may be heard had this item is considered. members of public may address the commission for 3 minutes and general public comment may be continued to the end if speakers
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exceed 15 minutes. members of public who wish it make 3 minutes of general public comment may lineup against the wall. if calling in dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2492 790 4783 ##, star 3 to enter the queue. >> we don't have anyone wish to make general public comment. sfgovtv, is indicating we have one caller in the queue. please, unmou that caller and caller you will have 3 minutes and a 30 second notice.
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>> david pilpel i assume you hear me. 3 items under general public comment. thank you for continuing remote public comment. so i and others don't vice president to go down there to the meetings. i think we shown and proven the last 3 years during corid and the last 6 months of this body that public participation works well it is grit and hope you will continue to. the ethic's commission voted last week to continue doing so. board of supervisors is considering hato do and has different views on it. and well is guidance from the city administrator coming to a city near us. but thank you for continuing to have remote comment until further notice i appreciate it
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and hope it continuous. may be foreman might be a long time. next item, the chair's report that you heard earlier, i found informative as always but i note that it is not currently a numbered agenda item. and i think it would be useful to convert this to a numbered agenda item so you take public comment on it. there were some announcements and dialogue become and forth and think it merits having an opportunity for public upon comment as a numbered agenda item. and related to that i not had a chance to get in the annual report and i will and thank you for calling my attention to the annual reportful that's all i have for this item. happening thank you for listening. >> thank you, caller. that is our only caller for
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general public comment that concludes this item >> commissioner segal. mr. pilpel for your comments and i agree, i think the chair's report is we have a very active and knowledgeable chair and she is working very hard. i think that having her having the public then and there is an agenda item and have it on the agenda is very good idea. i would make that -- make that i don't know if i have to do this as a request i agree it is a great idea so that our the public knows how to find what we will be discussing. >> thank you. i have no objection to that. deputy city attorney, tom, does this run afoul of best practices making the announcements by a commission xhar open to public
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comment? >> good morning, deputy city attorney thom. there is a variety of approaches different commissions taken to this portion of an agenda of the and they are different names for this section. i think it would be you could do that and you could have this be a numbered item. that is subject to public comment that is something the commission could do. other commissions have chosen not to and others have chosen to do that. thank you very much. tell be an agenda topic does that require a vote by the commission?
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>> i think there is discretion rules you adopted to for the chair to work with the secretary and the director to on certain aspects setting the agendaful i think well is in the quite a rowel on this issue, so i think the commission could choose to vote. but i would need to think about if this is a legal requirement. do you have objection make thanksgiving open to public comment >> i don't. >> director short, do you -- questions about? secretary fuller do you have problems making this? the only thing that we may run afoul of is that the order of business in the rules of order for this commission specific low state what is included.
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and so -- we may want in the 40 to amend that if we wanted the chair's announcements to be a numbered item we might want to amend the rules of order in the future. >> commissioner zoubi. >> my question is, also to chris, would be entire agenda be in an authority of the chair. to her authority and her she can create agenda the way she. repeat the question. >> the question is, i think that -- i feel that the agenda itself is created by the chair. secretary and director. and i'm not sure if it needs commission motion to do that. it is just it is the agenda.
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department city attorney, looking at the rules section 6 talks about the order of business and agenda. it is a bit ambiguous as to designation of each of the items or parts of the agenda. that are identified it goes from a-j. and certainly someplace of these items, some of the parts of the agenda are not items. call to order. roll call. that's -- a and that section. i think there is ambigutey. i don't know best practices are in question here whether you choose to or not make this a numbered item. >> choosing to make it a
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numbered item. discussion is concluding and secretary fuller if you think we need to amendoir by laws i would be grateful to bring that to the march first meeting. thank you very much. >> now turn to the next item call that item. >> item 3 is the director's report. and interim director carla short is here to present this is know informational item. >> good morning remember carla short interim director. there are several topics i want to bring to your attention today. the first is the house explosion last week. 3 alarm fireplace followed a bad house explosion on 22nd avenue in the sunset the cause related a drug lab that operated with
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combustible materials. on friday police arrested a 53 year old suspect who faces manslaughter and arson charges. the blast feld 2 miles away occurred the morning of february 9 on 22nd avenue, destroying the house. 2 neighboring homes were damaged and i dozen more impacts. public works has been on the front line assisting the fire and police departments. our crews swept up glass, littered throughout the neighborhood. set up barricades and hauled debris when the fire department asked for a special equipment needed to search for survivors and or busied our engineering division team quickly reached out to our contractors to see if they had equipment available. upon the construction and paving came through. city engineer and team remained
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late in the evening. they were tracking the work of the contractor to make surety job was being done sxafl to compln coordinate our response. our bureau of building and street repair removed piles of debris from the collapsed house. coordination with the upon fire department the d. emergency management and other city agencies extended in to this week this was a tragic upon effect rot in the criminal activity in which one person lost their life and another hurt and firefighter sustained minor injuries. many were displaced and had to leave their homes. i'm thankful for our teams who jump in the action to assist in this big operation from cleaningum and securing the area to make sure the equipment was on hand. as we always do we sfepd up without hesitation and wanted make sure you were aware of our
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role. on to a cheerful topic. neighborhood beautification day we held the second event of the season this past saturday in district 9. planting trees, sprucing you know the stairs guard sxen pick up litter in bernal heights, mission and portola neighborhoods. i'm speaking quickly i have a lot of topics. i will try to slow down a bit. we launched the second neighborhoods dutyification day in district 9. planted trees. spruced up the pumpkin stairs guard extent picked up lit intermissions, burn heights and portola. the rain kept our volunteers home. but drew a few dozen folks who
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dawned the panchos and braved the soggy weather than i had energy and great work got diagonal volunteers of all ages showed up including high schoolers. tz freezing they got to work and warmed up. big thanks to the many public works employee who is came out on their day off to pitch. in community partnerships mean a lot to us. the volunteer events are staffed by community engagement team and urban forest and street and environmental service. next month on march 11 will be the bandwidth beautification day events of the year we celebrate arbor day we will plant more thon 100 fleece south of market. giving tours of the street tree nursery and have a fair for kids. bikt roadways, information group and focus on environment at
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sustainability. we expect to be joined by the mayor. senator wean and supervisor dorsey. this is an annual event we did have to put on pandemic pause. we are excited to be starting back up. of both volunteer day and arbor day at 9 a.m. at bets carmichael elementary 375, 7th street. i hope you might join us. >> as i mentioned your meeting 2 weeks ago black history month was february first accept sdmrs daily informational e mails have been incredible. on tuesday of this week we had a lunchtime q and a. we had a number folk in person at the operation's yard and live streamed over zoom with ref rendz towns end. corey jackson a zone captain with street and environmental service, hosted that upon event it was a powerful sduchlgz the
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ref rendz navigated through his experiences with the civil right's move am began with birth in a tribal hospital in arizona 80 years ago when his black mother could not get in the special hospital she need in the segregated oklahoma. his move west to san francisco after service in the army. spoke about the student strike at sf state he was a student in 68 and how this experience catapulted him to a life of civil right's activism. his message was clear. don't let the ruling class separate those fighting for social justice. work together for the common good and don't fall in the word divisions that dilute the power of those fightingly for change. a lotted public works for the diversity of our workforce and encouraged us to do bfrment he and corey were inspiring as has been the black history month content a thanks to employee
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lead black history month committee. switching, last month the plummers called to the main library after vandals stuffed objects down a fourth floor toilet resulting in over flow of sewage on the floors before impacting staff space and public use and the braille service everything the water touched had to be replaced. the remediation work continues. and some yours are off limits the main library is open for business. working with the library's facility staff it was challenging for plumbers to pinpoint location of the clog they snaked down 75 feet before finding at this time public works registration team worked
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with library staff it declare an emergency and contract with bell forrestoration services to provide remead service the library does not have authority to issue construction condition transacts and rely on public works to do so. estimated cost of services and removal of damaged materials repair and reconstruction is 350 thousand dollars. if the amount of the emergency xeesd 250,000 public works and library seek board of supervisor approval. >> illegal ventzing. i reported about the city street ventzing permit. we started enforcement of the permits in assessment. the goal of the program is to create illegal paths for venders to make moncompetence bring order to that is chaotic in some neighborhoods overwhelmed with blocked walks and sale of stolen
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gchldz our inspectors with mapping taken the lead on out roach and now enforce am. 13 fall in public works we're the right-of-way permitting agency the intent top provide a path to manage and ensurety right-of-way is accessible. law allows us to issue notices of violation result in fines and take goods solds without permits. i want to note a state law make its legal to vend on streets and cannot prohibit it out right. due to that law we are trying to upon manage for public access and safety. so for we issued 122 street ventzing permits. 112 in the michlgz 5 downtown and 2 in china town and eighty-one each in the haight, north beach and richmond. we have inspectors checking for permits every day with the biggest focus mission between 16 and 24th. we seen progress there in terms of taming the unwanted street
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sale when is inspectors are out there. it is in the unusual for unpermitted peddlers to show up had the inspectors leave. we don't have resources for 24 hour enforcement and inspectors have been attacked. no serious injuries but arm grabs a shoulder check, bump to the head and concerningly a stomach punch will i don't want to down play the seriousness of any of this. any attack is unacceptable. we have been working with the police department to make sure officers are on the scene when inspectors are conducting operations. police have been working with us since the start there are instance when is they got pull exclude making clear they should not conduct enforce am without police back up. police officials have assured me
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and the mayor's office they are committed to providing the support we need and stepped up this week as promgsed. ventzes enforcement is one compoevenlts improving conditions in the most challenging neighborhoodses. of course does not address drug dealing or open drug use or other behaviors. however the mayor made it clear in the state of the city the challenges must be addressed on myriad of fronts with more policing, out reach, community ambassadors and positive activation of are space sfreet cleaning the list is long but doable thank to the mayor's attention. i want to share a portion of the mayor's remarks that stuck with me i vehicle quoting her all week. i want to say something to the media talking heads and critics the men when point how the
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strong man struggles. you can write us off but you better be using pencil we have proved you wrong every time before and will do it again temperature is when we do. we endure, adopt and lead. great marching order and public works is ready. i wanted to bring to your attention had week at bhoord of supervisors president peskin said he was working with the city controller on a mid year budget boost for public works to get city cleaner. his sum is 25 million. a number this can and likely will change. just to put this in perspective our annual budget is around 100 million. i want to be up front we are excited about the prospect of funding we are under no illusion this is say slam dunk and more of a longshot. we are putting together an is up elemental budget looking at
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extra steam clean nothing every district and ramped up graffiti abatement to bring this back to a place where we can manage it moving forward. residentsment a clean are san francisco and so do we. supervisor peskin's budget ask is in the early stages. we will have to wait and see. i will be do you recall to keep you in the loop. chair post after reading astery on the online news site looked at grant recipients out of compliance with state attorney general annual recommending requirements you asked, which if any public work grant recipients are out of compliance. today. civic pit stop is the delinquent on the tracking site they are work to remedy this status even while they plan to winds down the organization the end of this fiscal year.
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provides staffing at pit stop public toilet locations. guidance from city controller allows paymented city nonprofessionals for service under this condition transact through june 30 of 2023. for all new solicitation agreements or amendments to contracts any nonprofit supply are must attest required under a new clause to be included in all city condition tracts it has current or probationary status with the attorney general's tracking and will notify the city if it becomes delinquent or revoked. i want to note the controller's office, loud them to proceed as long as they working toward compliance status through the end of this fiscal year. chair post you noted the community youth center's annual audit by the controller was not complete at the last meeting i
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wanted to explain. community youth was part of the monitor and capacity building program stream lines fiscal monitoring for participating city department and nonprofit contractors. inspection, nonprofits provided with training, tools and support to build internal capacity this . program is different from a financial audit then and there an inspect auditor completes incomplete monitoring throughout capacity building program during the pan dem may have happened for several reasons and does in the prohibit's guarantee, ward. public w cfo was an admissible of monsdporg capacity building program and public works grant administrator robin is currently an active member.
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we have done work on crediting a new plan but delayed finalizing given uncertainty of the feat with the 2 prop b ballot measures the first in 2020 and the second left year. the 3 goals of our current strategy plan are these:be a great place to work. provide exceptional service and improve and inspire stewardship of public space. they drive what we do the goals aline with the major's priors and the stele's operating budget and capitol plan. the department strategy planning resunrised on a 3-5 year cycle and informed by city wide priorities the economic out loovenlg findings of engagement survey. local, state and federal pomps the equity plan expect now
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commissioner input. using that portfolio the development is driven by the executive team with support from performance management grouch it is important to note because the new plan has not been implemented the progress is not on hold. i'm excited announce we filled manager of leadership develop and want racial equity for public works racial equity action plan for operation's division. items include leveredship development, team blgdz, process and procedure improve ams, trin to support promotional opportunity. strengthening communication anding succession planning alined with our strategic plan and based on the feedback from employees as part of racial ecquit competence employee engagement survey. guillermo perys a senior
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supervisor 2 in street and environmental services and take the new role. working with kelly and he nancey chin in training section and jada durredon the department direct of separations. we'll brief the commission on next steps as it moves forward. why i'm almost diagonal chair post you asked you heard a member of the public mention that he attended the successful public works director's hearing and curious about the purchase those hearings. public works holds hearingos a variety of items most involve an appeal of a decision about whether or not to grant a tree permit or other type of permit. a notice of violation by street use and mapping or illegal pruning or removing of a street tree. a hearing officer will hear from the appellate. public works representatives and the public to adjudicate the pel and make a recommendation. director then reviewed the
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decision and tomorrows whether it should stands or revised or rejected. most of the administrative citation decision are final and most permit decisions appeal to the board of appeals. and many of these public hearings the director hearings are code requirements. okay. as i with respect up what was a lengthy report i wanted are bring your attention that i misspoke about the status of grant review at the last hearing i realize after the meeting and wanted to clarify. i was asked whether sanitation and streets reviewed the grant amendment for trash can steam cleaning you were contractualing. i said they had and i was mistaken that grant did not go before them they had a similar one and i upon inflated the twochl i checked with the city
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attorney to see if your vote of approval was valid and i told the vote would not be impacted. on that note, let me know if you have questions, thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. interim direct short for a long and informative report and answering my questions i'm grateful. i'd like to the commission i thank the department's role in helping the city wide multidepartment effort in addressing the housing explosion in the sunset. thank you for letting us know when dpw had done. grit to hear. and for dpw's irrelevant in the library flooding mentioned in the press and curious how we could help. this was very interesting. and thank you for the update on strategic plan. th and explaining more with the director's hearing and clarifying your the grant vote.
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a couple if you means. and of course wonderful news about supervisor peskin's mid year ask. and given that on monday the sanitation and streets commission heard a lot from various operations divisions on staffing shortages. some cases severe it seemed to me. and you see, perhaps in it is if we get f. postmoney would that be a priority, do you think? we will not hold you to on this. how where would this money be targeted. ychls thank you. chair post. certainly, we a lot of the staffing shortages we have funds vacancies we need to fill. because you will hear at your next meeting from our new hr director who has an ambitious plan to fill positions we have a
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great opportunity. some of the positions we want to ad are already in progress to be filled. my hope is we can instead of hiring 20 laborers we hire 40. we have an opportunity top make good use if wore able to get this funds being. looking at a number of different proposals. including additionaling staffing. but laborers, truck drivers and corridor workers who are the really the boots on the grounds and every commercial district and looking at increasing that. throughout the city. that is low barrier to entry job. meant to be a pipeline for apprenticeship programs and hits grit targets for yous. we are looking at potentially issues contracts for graffiti
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abatement and graffiti street inspectors who can dot out reach and get people opt in the and work with contracts and our in house crews to abate as much as graffiti as possible the more people in if we get supplemental funding the more quickly we abate that. and we are also look at illegal dumping cameras. illegal dump negligent bay vow and district 11 is a huge and parts of china town is a huge problem for us. we gotten the required authority to use license plate reading cam ares that can capture license plate it is safer than stake outs which is when we tried in the past. we are hoping if we can install more of the cameras, around the hot spots that they can serve as a deterrent and allow us to
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identify the bad actors and -- if you mean with enforcement. so that's the high level ideas we are going to propose, staffing will be a component for sure. >> thank you. >> i appreciate your calmness about the permit program. i found the chronicle article alarming. and while i'm pleaseed hear that dpw staff will not do this without sfpd, i will reserve the right it say see how this goes. my reaction. when i read that article i thought should dpw be number this business. sounds like a law enforcement matter to me. so i appreciate what you said that ventzing is permitted by state luand this is dpw's role because public realm issues.
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putting dpw at risk ain't part of the deal here. and we know what the problems are with be ventzing we want to go away. you mentioned the contract for the pit stop is winding down, do we have a replacement organization keyed up for july first or when it expires? >> we'll put out an rfp. and i hope we will get qualified applicants to that. i will say they delivered good service, i think we are all disash pointed hear they will winds down but we will put out an rfp for that to seek an alternative provider. >> thank you.
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i hope deputy director robert son could step to the podium? >> this morning there were more press reportos this issue. . and one thing i noted some of the grant recipients of city grants not dpw guarantees but the city. said that comply with city requirements can be a nightmare. there are inconsistent requirements, inconsistent reporting every department may have a way of monitoring the recipients and that the controller's office and of course makes sense feels we need city standardses for grant recipients. and a more efficient press for
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city and grants. how does the department monitor grantee performance. should we roach out to the board of sproirzs to be a part of the city wide solution? >> sure. commissioner post, public works. i think that is a very short question with a lengthy answer. the purpose and the goal that nonprofit monitoring was twofold. one to help nonprofit partners to help financial administrative functions they don't have a robust administrative side of
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operations they are leevenlt focus was to do that. and as well with to review the site visit or remoted. some of the over vow and oversight of the nonprofit entities prosecute voiding service. that was lead by controller's office and the key department this is have large amounts of grant funds are part of this task force. hsh. public health. dcyf, public works and the grant program expanded over time of i think the legislation that is going before the board i think was introduced it is potentially supervisor safai introduced a plan would formalize the work done. and i think by formal and having it codified in the code orb elsewhere, that would provide more of a backbone and strengthen the over site.
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part of the issue that is in the prisz was a direct result from the pandemic. you know there was a lot of uncertainty around funding. a let of uncertainty whether the nonprofits would surviv and make it throughout economy around the covid-19 pandemic. and for the task for the staff to review i think bauftz pandemic there was shifts and rules and responsibilities and people were in mosconi helping with the response. i think cod and butt nothing stronger safe guards this will be something had is just that. one time item. will be good.
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there will be a better review of the partners. in terms of monitoring, it is twofold. this will handle the financial part make sure the forms and documents are adhereed and completed with the state or local or federal to be a nonprofit have you to be registered 501z3. there are a lot of requirements for anyone to do work with the stele and there canning as well t. it is done boy departments. you know warren hill from operations side at this time oversight of the partners we work watch he is w with them to make sure the furthermores and they are delivering that is in line with their contract and make sure they are meeting our needs and requirements. and the pit stop program one of our prime examples. interim director short know it well we are monitoring them and
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seeing the w they do for us. >> thank you. i just urge you upon personal low or the department to lends dpw's expertise to the city in crafting this legislation. we are we do monitor guarantee and have suggestions because it just seemed from the press article it was accurate that there is a tangle of requirement nonprofits meet, and to, we can be part of the solution of standardizing what nonprofits have to report and do to meet their requirements. guided by dpw and part of the solution to this. that's all. thank you. >> we will look in the details of the legislation which we have not done yet. >> thank you very much >> thank you very much. >> commissioner woolford?
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>> thank you. director short. thank you. i like to ecoat comment this is director made about the mayor's speech of the state of the city address. many of us had the opportunity to be there. and for all ofs who think of this exercise that in democracy we call san francisco to heard from the mayor, to have the mayor truly provide the lerredship and an xoord message to not just us in san francisco butt world. i wonder familiar it is public to put a link on our news letter we send out to everyone. she spoke about the importance of the place and of the public realm and the public work this is happen in the city and county. i wanted to thank the mile per hour for this message. thank you. commissioner woolford. >> commissioner zoubi. >> thank you, upon director
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short for your report. it was lengthy but you were clear about temperature i have 3 questions. i like the procedural and one an update and may be part of the dpw. about house explosion i know that the fire department and police department all come and do a great stuff i know dpw does the clean up part. which is important for all of the departments. and the neighborhood. but at the point had you said this we had to go roach out to a contractors to help with that; as the process, is that company esq. valdo they have a current as needed contract and were there mull pull company this is have as needed contracts with dpw or only them?
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>> thank you. carla short, real reached out to contractors currently working with us the ask was for an excavator. i want to note we sent our own heavy equip we have back hoes and big trucks and 18 wheelers and we first sent our own equipment out. but in order to unfortunately determine whether there were survivors or recovering body, they wanted the excavator which has the treads that drive up in the debris. so in this case we reached out to our contractors currently working on a project with us. and said do you have an excavator available and operator available. we reached out to those so we would not enter in a new contracting service order. the fastest way to get them.
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and of course we be tracking that time and payment be separate from our other contract work. we don't have like as need excavator. >> that's right. >> about the street vending. it it is a big thing going on with the city and thank you for your support and i agree -- that dpw inspectors should in the be attacked. not only to get the police officers to protect them it should not happen in the first place. i know you mentioned that dpw's focus is right away and sidewalk when you gift to venders had point does community and small business out reach is -- put in
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the creation. we are not seeing venders. sometimes they will be outside a business and the business owner which a mom's and pop's that are paying high rent. just for them to have the opportunity to sell their product and the venders come out and get the permits. what is the process with this. refresher. . >> thank you zoubi. so. the -- state law so we did talk about this before and i mentioned when there are mobile food truck there is is a press to make sure that they are not bisqually in direct competition with brick and mortar businesses around them. unfortunately, this state law presents approximate us from considering the adjacent brick approximate mortar businesses.
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we focus on ensure accessible safe. right of way. we have guide lines that relate to placement of venders with -- sidewalk width. access. so if a sidewalk is narrow and there is not room to allow for a vender to be there we would in the permit it. if the sidewalk is wide then you know we can allow them with guide lines how much of that sidewalk space they can take and up we generally we exceed the bear minimum for the ad a if someone has a table someone may be stop in the fronts of temperature you can't aform you have for you feet we try to have 6. for example. with this permit, there is not a mechanism for the adjacent
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business input. but we have been wing closely with local cultural organizations and some case business organizations to try to get the right get people in compliance. so they we have done out reach generally with the community including local buildingses but we are not allowed to consider the adjacent business use and law prohibits this. which is i will say -- crazy to me. i can get your in the jewelry store and get a table and sell it there and get a permit from
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dpw. if the other site conditions grant that. the next is the wharf do we have authority at the wharf because i hear a lot of small businesses talking about alcohol sales. food sales that are not compliant with the public health. and so forth. do we enforce that. on the list you mentioned, it was in the there. >> we don't enfers that. thank you for bringing that up. this is a nuance a lot are not clear on. we don't enforce nor issue permits for prepared food sales. this is under the d. public health's jurisdiction for obvious reasons they hahn can be done safely or not. if someonemented to sell packaged foods like chips, they
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could come to us for a permit. prepared foods so -- any type of hot dog cart or similar prepared foods we don't have issue those permits. we do assist d. public health who don't have the types of large vehicle with gates that we do. if they do enforce and want need to confiscate a food courteous we'll assist them with providing the materials they may need. >> wharf have you given out any permits. >> we have not for vending at the wharf so far. there are hundreds now. the port. this under this new permitting law we work with with the port the port issued permits in the past. if you are talk about the food
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venders i know the challenges there. we would have to check with public health >> thank you other questions before public comment on this item. >> we'll open public comment. members of the public had wish to make 3 millions of comment on item 3 the director's report. lineup against the wall in the chamber. if you are calling in dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2492 790 4783 ## then star 3 to enter the queue. we don't have members here wish
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to speak and sfgovtv, is indicating there are no callers on this item either. no public comments. >> thank you we will take >> item 4 is the consent, no audio. >> item 4 is the consent calendar. includes findings the state legislation to allow for hybrid meetings. corrected millions from the january 20 of 23 meeting. and draft machines from the february third, 23 meeting of the commission. adopting the corrected minutes from the january 20 meeting will supercede the minute this is had been adopted at last the last
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meeting on february third. and all consentical dar items can be heard upon request from a commissioner, staff or the approximately. and adoption of this scenical dar and all resolutions in it is afternoon action item i'm help to take questions or corrections to the minutes. is tla motion and second to approve everything on scene including resolutions as part of an item y. so moved, >> seconded. >> we will turn it public comment. >> members of public had wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item 4 the adoption of the con7 calendar milineup notoriety door in the chamber if you mean are call nothing dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2492 790 4783 ##, star 3 to enter the queue.
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. no members of the public are approaching to speak on this item. sfgovtv, do we have callers on the consentical dar to spoke? they are indicating there are no callers that concludes public comments. >> any debit on this motion? all in favor doopth consent agenda say, yes. >> yes. >> i believe it it is unanimous. and the motion passes and secretary fuller will publish the adopted minutes and the resolution to the commission's website. we will move on to item 4 secretary fuller. y. 5, call this item.
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>> we turn to the regular calendar of items to be occurred. item 5 is the general as needed contract for g24 concrete slicing. and it is a contract award. and this will be presented by acting manager of bureau of the urban forest 3 nikolas crawford this is an action enemy. >> good morning i have a presentation i can share my screen. nikolas crawford. the regular superintendent is our interim director. and i would not be present thanksgiving it would be by our grant's manager not able to be here today that is john, he appropriate third degree presentation with us. >> i want to introduce what this it is. and explain a bit about our
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program and how this is a key part. when we are asking is for you to approve after considering what i'm sharing the contract for temperature the amount of it is shy of 7.5 million dollars and the term is for 2 years. the contractor who has being considered for award is precision enterprise llc the request for a contract with a seoul bid are requires commission approval for contract and negotiation. and i will explain when we money by negotiation. >> so, to introduce our program, we have what we call street tree sf. public works management of street trees city wide. this was created through a voter approved proposition sets aside
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funding for street trees that began in 2016 and the program started 6 months after. the city charter was also changed transferring the responsibility of street trees if the property owners over to the city. and they included damage it walks tree related and extensionment liability associated with this, too. so, our program has street tree sidewalk tree related sidewalk repairs as a core element. on the left we had an example urban forecement shop they have a crew dedicated to tree repairs can contractors on the right our slicing programful so, what is
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condition cree slicing. guess by a couple of different name and am you can use those. but slicing or shaving or grinding. use the equipment this shaves down the raised or bucketed walk its get rid of the tripping hassard. as the trees grow there are rots popping up square or section of concrete. and it credits a tripping hassard. the prop with slicing as fast and cost effective approach. it is something than i can do in a single visit. they show up. could be a car in the way. it does in the require a lot of plashing ahead. they can just a ratify on scene and shave down that uplift. than i have i specification the uplift as much too extreme they
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note they can't repair and report become and we go become and do a full repair. which is more involved and expensive. but if than i can come in and do this slicing it is less destructive to folks. it is noisy while they do it but guess faster then and there a regular repair. to give examples-it looks like. they were done in the photos. you see that it leaves a little different colored edge long the corners where they were working. but it credits the affect it is compliant with the sidewalk standards. and leaves a safe condition immediately. and that the discoloration fades over time the important part it it is made safe. you see where they are working it goes across the path of travel.
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involve a driveway impacted or up against the curb. this can be apply in the a number of ways. >> to give you have history on this. in 2018 we awarded the contract to precision and this is the same company. and they proceeded do work they got 84,000 sidewalk panels repaired, which is incredible to me that you see the work was all over the city. i believe the upon different colors report different years they worked there. we gave them both high priority locations and also entire key map and grids where they fix every location that met their criteria. enemy 20 twoot contract expire period neighborhood the process to credit a new contract brings
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us to today where we are presenting to you. you can see i will comparity 2. you see that focal area. and the upper right part of the map that lines up with this grid map or key mpls. and we came up with a prioritization criteria based on the different inputs on the right. and we color code today based on how many urgent cites were located. the highest priority was red and orange and we are worked through all of those locations and are moving to the yellow locations. so unfortunately were trees keep grow and liftingum sidewalks we have to go back to the high priority key maps again but the goal is it work through the city
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to work through from the worse first and we are moving to the yellow and green area. fortunately, we think the worse is behind us and we have lower priority areas meaning there might be 20 site in thes key map we apply to that quickly versus thousands and the worse of them and all the different levels of repair in between. so to describe the impact of this program on our budget. the contractor has provided the
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estimate. i would just put an asterisk. we should use critical loans they categoried we saved 48 million dollars or about 90% compared to a traditional removal can replacement. and the precision condition crow cutting is their better thanned in precision earnprize charged us less 5.7 million. we would not have done a full repair perhaps these are cites we would have approached differently and expanded the tree basin rather then and there a full repair. but it does give you a sense of scale hait would be come paired to the full repair. the reason why this is less for like the reasons i mentioned, just to highlight there is the material labor cost. the mull pull trips required
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with larger equipment. you need a back hoe to break this up versus the smaller tools they grind watch an environmental impact. we are aware of this but the work of installing new concrow is intensive from a carbon cost perspective if we can do this in a way that extends the life of the concrete it is better for the environment and we support that. to give you a time line of happened to date to me coming today. in september of 22 we advertised the bid. we have a comprehensive way to get the message out to people had might be interested. cent it tout on every person with a license and the qualified license to do this. and we had a prebid meeting to answer questions. and then in october we received
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one bid. the bid came in higher than our engineer's estimate. gave us pause exit will go over some of the reasons why i think this happened. and any time we have a single bid in excess of the estimate we need come to you for approval and provide that justification. so -- today we are at the commission hearing. to give some comparrisons of the contract bid become inspect 2018 versus today. you see on the first line the site inspection and americaing they quoted us a cent per site. like a nominal price i thought, in my minds why is this low? the reason is they are there doing the reper se it does in the take extra effort for them to share their findings of had they discovered there. this is why they add today on for you an upon cent.
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a nominal item this time they quote 9.93 a site it it is in the a lot but multiply natimes tens of thousands of locations it adds up. andil share, we thank you is something wield like to negotiate on and tell them will we'll accept for 2 cents or something like that or 3 this out entirely. we get this information become in our invoicing from them. we require detailed fwhachlgz did you do and what du encounter there. how big of a repair did you perform? we may be getting that information not worth spending. and have limited funding for street tree program and don't want to burn it up doing things that don't provide value for us. then the next item is the condition cree slicing. this is driving the cost
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increase behind it. they went from quoting for 31 dollars per inch foot the wing bid in 2018 nought single low bid 49.66. i had the same question when is an inch foot. how much needs to be grounds down based on the inch of the uplift and overnight distance that it is it is uplifted. if it it is minor uplift it reduces the number and if it is over a short distance a few inches they gotta grind off the corner versus something that may run for 20 feet down the sidewalk or back of a curb it would driveway this price up. there is an emergency allowance. we found the allowance component to be useful and say we got a bunch high priority cites we need you to knock this out. i think that is something we
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could use at our discretion approximate we found value. point for us was the inch foot price and considering why than i had gone up so much will you see the engineer's estimate, we republican this out at a cost of living increase based on the previous pricing. emeven with the cost of living increases the new bid out paces that. so our estimate was based on a 10% increase from 2018 to today. then the age of the contract, there health care rise in inflation, perhaps. our engineer's cost did in the consider how quickly the costs in the role world. we acthanking could have been higher. still their bid came in.
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and much higher than what i think we said was estimated with higher inflation. i would like to work with the contracted folks to negotiate on this and find a way to bring down the cost savings. can't negotiate on the inch foot price but if there is an another way we find savings, we will. so. i mention third degree earlier we e mailed the contractors in the cities the data base trying to get as many bids as povenl we advertised in the newspaperful how bad low we need sidewalk repair we don't want to scale back on the scope of work. folks have been waiting for us to respond to sidewalk repair requests. and we need an active contract to stay on top of that.
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we believe that upon connecticut cree slicing is a good solution and less expensive than the alternative and our contractor pool is limited for this. if you gave me more time i don't think i could find new people interested in bidding. the folks that are qualified were aware and passed on it. i think that brings us to today. i'm asking to you pass a resolution approve thanksgiving contract to authorize us to enter in contract negotiations with the bidder precision enterprise. i will leave this information up for questions [inaudible]. i will leave this up while you have questions. thank you. >> thank you. mr. crawford. i have a couple of questions. one thing you mentioned which is trees continue it grow. which made me think are there
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species the city plants that cause more problems than other species that cause sidewalks to lift. and should we over time replacing them with different species. sho we be replacing the worse offenders that pushup sidewalks. i'm glad you asked the tree question i'm a tree guy. ir have been on the urban forest council for 7 years. and in that group we work on the approved street tree scompls do talk about the to sidewalks and should reflas with something
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else. our goal to have the greatest climate impact with the most can open. the best thing for us. many come with the all of the things this help them goat that large stature with fast growing roots and can be more disruptive to the sidewalk. that has been tricky to assess if it has disruptive rots and in the a lot of canopy it is easy answer to deprioritize and put it further down on the list. we put a note saying it disrupts the sidewalk. not just us pleasanting trees there are develop and home ordinance who plant trees. they seat note and say i will plant something else i don't want it deal with that, either. we try to enwill koirj large
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stature trees as much as possible. one thing that happened over the last 10 years there has been a loosening of the haopposition was out there about tree basin sizes. whatever reason folks put them back as close low to the trunk as possible. and over time for other reasons arborists say this and others say large are basins are better and allows more storm water percolation and less run off. we should have larger tree baseince. as a result gives trees more growing room before tla run in the sidewalk and causing that uplift. i think that is in our favor. broodly. but we have irrelevant challenging locations where we have narrow sidewalks and want the tree there and in the a lot of buffer am so if we can do a
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repair or slice a couple of times before the tree repair that is -- one of the tools we want. >> thank you. that will makes sense, well is a trade off between canoms butt negative impact of the work. if you could bring want cost slide. have you learned why yet the they are charging 10 times the amount for site inspection. did than i 3 it in for free before? is there real work involved with the task that does cost 10
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dollars her site. anymore insight on this? i want to hesitate not to analyze their reason but i did feel like 1 cent was nominal pricing in the past and representative it is not much work to do that. weather or not they felt like the real costs behind that were greater to take photos and provide that communication with us. that factored in? i don't know. i do feel that that jump is unjustify in the our opinion. and we don't put value on this not 10 dollars per site. >> and same for the concrete slicing. my concern is -- it it is not i
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will vote against approve thanksgivingact but i'm not approving if you are negotiating the process down i need to make peace with the thought you may be unsuccessful in negotiating the price down a penny. are we all right proceeding with this then. we may be but again i'm curious they may have good reasons for the higher costs now. or not. i guess this you will find out. in the future be great to bring contracts this don't require we don't have torque prove before you may have successful low or unsuccessfully negotiated the bid price. commissioner segal. >> mreechls would you like me to pass that to our director? >> yes, please.
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>> thank you. carla short. i think that in this case, i adopt to note we had 3 bidders on the previous bid and they were the lowest bid on the previous contract we submitted. i think one option if we are not able it negotiate the price for the inspection we can choose not to use them for the inspections. we don't as -- acting superintendent crawford said we don't feel it is worth spending 10 dollars for inspections we can leave those out. but we do feel like it it is the that this service is worth having them perform in terms of concrete slicing. we are not i don't know if i can reassure you we are in the moving forward with all of the cites at 10 dollars a site we all agree that is in the a good use of resource fist we can't negotiate, we'll say we are not
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oozing that service. okay. as long as there is a sect service we can use. i want to clarify we would not use that insmekz service keep the contract for slicing but not for inspections. the department can do the sooirt inspections in house? >> yes. we have our urban forestry inspection team. and they do a lot to both create the work scope and to be there if we want them for follow up. the i think this for tupps, it is allocation of resource do we want to use our staff time?
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commissioner segal. there is a lot i'm glad you asked this a lot were part of mine to follow up. i think we really the love to have a report by your department on -- how we make the judgments expensive to the city and a big it is -- affects the lives of our citizens and visitors. i noticed the yours not high priority.
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and i was thinking are these the priors we want because we got commercial districts are high priority. butt residential streets are often the ones that are the worse that are -- in the green area. had find, i know we are in the middle not in the middle of the transition but still early in this policy. city is responsible for the trees. and -- in the past i heard had it was individual property ordinance responsible. who had gotten -- sited and need to make sidewalk recompares pay
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a lot of money and requested to remove the tree. with the big roots and replant no you cannot dom that. i don't think today is the answer. we like to know more about the discussion of tree basins. i was not familiar with ma that meant. when and what are the factors we use to determine when the tree is just too big in terms of the root system and we love the canopies but we know this a lot of the big trees we have problems and fine our citizens for trimming trees blocking the view of the entrance. they can't see who is ringing their bell. so -- we love our trees and they are necessary for noise abatement and the environment.
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you will see a report of we are working with director short to have presentations from the operation's department and burroughs that will include urban forestry that is not under our jurisdiction as today we are approving a contract it is irrelevant haven't we get an update and have an opportunity to ask the burroughs questions. we'll get nain the next few months. why great. we ask questions by the public.
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than i feel we are responsible and -- of course what we can do is sends questions head of time to be sure that the bureau will address them in the that presentation. >> great. commissioner zoubi. thank you for your presentation. i seen these contractors working. they are loud but they are quick. and it is effective. i see that around the staechl so some questions about so, the ask today is to approve a contract that has not been fuely negotiated. >> we are in the position we need to wait to engage with them. so this is why we are here if we could have negotiated before handled we would have but we were waiting for today first.
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yet reason is so far all the contracts we approve have been through our fee process and negotiated and that met criterias and everything and funding is done. i would not feel comfortable with 58% increase on the contract. but -- today. we are going if we vote on this item. the next 2 years is this correct? with you a final number >> correct. >> okay. >> so -- my next question. why the 2 years:the previous why are we renowing the as needed condition tract for 2 instead of 4. >> this is guidance we received
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for the duration of the contract. >> also going moving forward as needed contracts a 2 year note i 4 year? >> at a bureau tlefl gives us flex be at having a long are contract. weave have been work width contract folks and based on guidance how long we create these we set it up as a 2 year contract. okay. i could get more information but i don't have that now. >> we -- the bureau of forestry has a schedule. of inspection of all trees in the city. >> i can peek to that. so, we had an inventory done prior to the creation of the program they contractor visited
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every tree added that to our inventory. there is an on going inspection had we get called out to a tree we log that as an action saying we inspected that or created a recommendation for the tree temperature it is a living did thea base where adding information as we make our inspections. our goal is to visit every tree annually. given our under staffing the inspection team, it has been a challenge for us to have that fully staffed and i think part of it is this we get folks and then they move on to other positions and excited for them i wish we could holds on to them forever. with that turn over we have been
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challengeed mote that goal of annual inspections for every tree. through the tools like 311 and the input we gechlt we are made aware quickly of the tree issues and respond to those. >> the reason why i started with the question because of the 993% increase. we have our inspectors look xup we need machine to look different to look downful that was so would the [inaudible] inspectors are they qualified inspect the tree and the sidewalk? >> yes. the same inspection team that does both. would not require a separate visit. sometimes we are in the neighborhood upon to look at something and got 10 places to be that day we can't look at all of the surrounding issues. but we do key map inspections we
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walk the block and look at every tree and add tree to a contract or delete it or say this tree needs pruned or skipped. and that gives us an opportunity to be comprehensive buts some are something we don't have the time to do a complete evaluation if we are trying to triage high priority requests. if we approve we'll have 2 inspectors one from the company that we hire and one from our inspectors. right. >> the inspection. if we give them a key map to do off the site in an area, they will repairo say they can't. and there are other times where we ask them to go to an additional site that came in as
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a high priority request. perhaps a trip and fall sdpopt be there in a week to make it say sewe don't have more trips. if they go out there and say, i can't 96 this. your crew should make the reper se they may be look to charge us for this inspection time and i think that is part of our negotiation figure out what when they want to incure this. i'm confidence whf they perform work we can get detailed information. you are sending an invoice we need justification for what you d. this is more for when they did not dot work and they are providing an inspection of a report what they discovered. >> i see. >> thank you. carla short. to clarify, the inspections. the inspections they dolled provide information about the
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sidewalk that than i cannot slice and repair. which make its faster for us to put together information for our own clubhouse might do the removal and replace familiar we have more information because they were there. slicing bucked not do everything they tell us there are 3 more panels that have an uplift of 3 inches on this block those need to be removed. and then detailed information we provide our crew or a different condition tractor. the tree inspections happening in other places because if these guys are working we not look at the trees. those tree inspectors look at the sidewalks and will identify some information for us so that we will update the data base. that says where we have damage in the city. the current wing from the information we got from the tree census locked at uplift to give
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information to commissioner segal's question. that map of hot spots was not based on commercial districts versus residential, it is based where there is uplift in the sidewalk and over laying the, factors. to try get and worked with the stele's risk manager on this to get the best bank for our buck when it came to where we mobilized to repair if it is green does not fleen is no damage it moneys there is less damage per area than the others. we plan to work through the whole city. just wanted to clarify the inspeksz not sending people to the same loeksz and in the past, they gaves that information for free because they were there making the reper se but rivered additional notations.
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i think that example that mr. crawford gave is good. we ask them can you make a quick repair we got a report that it may not be in our hot spot but there is dhj is body. they can't always make that repair that it is an inspection fair to pay them for p. other thing i want to note we needed the commission approval to negotiate this was a single bidder on this. we are coming to ask approval of the contract and authorize to negotiate. so i understand when you are asking for approval and to negotiate. because it is a single bidder. if there were more than one that
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you still propertied to choose this one and negotiate. it would be a different request today in it would and it would we would depending huwe issued rfp we are required go with the low bidder unless a best have you contract and we would take other factors being considered. if we don't give you the go ahead you cannot negotiate? >> that is my understanding. >> i see. commissioner zoubi. >> since we are on the same subject would it be proper to amend the request to vote to approve the negotiation before approving the contract itself?
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i would defer on chris. >> so, i think this the clarification is helpful because under our contracting ordinance that the approval of this commission was required negotiate. the contract due to the low number of bids received. i thank you does not preclude you from awarding the contract and while public works continues to negotiate the price. >> butt questions -- can we amend it and approve the negotiation and then bring the award back to approve? you may do this. and i would defer to director short as to the impact on
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operations. does dpw have the capacity and equipment to do that the jobs or don't have equipment that we can w on sidewalks? we have equipment. but we don't have the specialized equipment to slice the concrow and don't have the capacity to do this work. in house. how urgent is this -- i know you are not going to award it until you negotiate and get the number you want. 58% increase. that was not that is in the triple inflation rate the highest point we had. now, would we don't have equipment or the capacity?
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that's right. fiit could provide more detail will help explain the big cost increase. the previous contract we had 3 bidders and both of the other bidders were significant low higher. so precision came in the 31 dollars the other 2 were actually i believe over precision's current bid. in this previous bid. i think precision saw market pricing is higher than what they were charging us. this time they came in still below the 2 bids were but higher than their original bid to us. all that will to say we did not have other bidders we don't know what the market pricing would have been. i feel like they may have had an artificial low low they were able to dot work for this price but lower than the market of dictating at that time with the previous bid.
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hadid the engineer's estimate. how would they make the estimate if they had the market value. based on the previous bid from precision. we escalated by 10%. which is fair. although with current i think with current pressures that may have been a low escalation but thought it was reasonable. and what is your dream number. again if we were to approve it now what is this number you will say will let's sign dotted line. i would say this is still a cost effective way to repair sidewalks. it is cheaper then and there renewal and replacement and quicklies addresses hazards at the current price i don't think their inspection process is
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worth paying for. so i would say i think. we and fringe low if we had the other 2 bid irs and in the precision we would have had based on the previous bids some cost around this cost at least. so -- i think my perspective it is worthy approve thanksgiving contract but it is in the worst using the inspection services unless they bring this cost significantly downful >> yes. commissioner woolford. >> the all the construction and pricing is is that in the left since 2018 escalation of 30%? so -- it is the unfortunate side of the westerlied we live inform
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i move to approve that is contract approves and enter in negotiations. and per innerim drushth sure's recommendation should the bureau decide that the inspections are not worthy it they can exclude this from the pricing and we are optimistic they'll come to terms with precision. >> thank you. i will second this motion. >> any i guess we will turn it public comment on this. thank you. >> members of the public had wish to make comment on items 5. the award of general as needed contract for g24 concrete slicing lineup against the wall. if call nothing dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2492 790 4783 ##, star 3 to enter the queue.
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in the chamber we don't have anyone present. sfgovtv indicating there is one caller interested. go head and unmou this caller and you will have 3 machines to speak. >> this is david pilpel can you hear mow. where we can hear you. why excellent. sorry i was distracted for a few manslaughter. i have a minor comment on 4b. i will finish item 5 first i support staff recommendation. i think you remember there was
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an ordinance or change in policy years back that e eliminated dry cutting as an option for concrete work. so that specialized who could do concrete work with equipment. anyway, the 13 staff is reporting the combination of low bid andmenting to negotiate that makes senseful i thank you is on going as needed work. and will be subject to task orders or the equivalent. i'm not sure why staff is prosecute pose to use the better street's plan documentation for this. i don't think it it is on points but i'm not going to contest temperature i think there is clearly you know some impact but no significant environmental impact regardless of how you
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slice it in terms of ceqa. i'm fine with this. base on the discussion and looking at the resolution, if you could turn to the final resolve clause i think i would word this different low to say, san francisco public works commission awarders a general as needed g24 concrete slicing contract to precision in an amount not to exceed -- with a total duration of 2 years. it is clear you are in the approving this as the final amount but not to exceed amount given the previous resolve you are approving if i were may be authorizes a negotiation with
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the bid are. and that is a contract not the contract. and anyway some word smithing. on 4 best of my recollection miss that mohammed was misspelled. and if i see anythingil communicate to staff. this minor may not be it for mow side. of thanks. >> thank you, caller. that concludes public money this item. thank you. the call are raisedir point about the final wording of the resolution deputy city attorney topp do you have guidance should we proseeds as is or amended in
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your opinion? i like to hear from deputy city attorney first. thank you. >> i believe it would be helpful. clarify to insert the word contract it is a typo after slicing. and i don't think it would have a material affect to include not to exceed and would not hurt to add that. >> thank you. i would like to ask director short if she is comfortable with not to exceed language? >> yes, i don't see a reason why we couldn't include that. >> thank you. commissioner zoubi.
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i was going to ask to amend or table it to next meeting but mr. pilpel got up to a good point as needed. so i would like commissioner woolford to amend your motion to add a in the contract but at least not to exceed that amount or up to. all in favor of adopting the -- thank you, >> i'm sorry. deputy city attorney you may need a second for the amended
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megz. >> thank you very much. is there a second. >> i will second. >> okay. >> [laughter]. all right. good. thank you now hearing no further debate all in favor of the motion say, yes. >> yes. >> of yes. >> it is unanimous and the motion passes. and secretary fuller will pub labor amended and adopted resolution to the commission website. thank you. we move on to item number 6. secretary full are call that item and thank you mr. crawford, it was interesting we look forward to seeing you again. item 6 the public works director hiring update. and commission staff provided the public works director job description. this job description hen
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publicicized throughout search firm that has been engaged for this process. and commissioners have the opportunity during this item to discuss how this might inform their future consideration of candidates. this will be lead by chair post. this is an informational item. >> thank you very much. i help you had a chance to review temperature i want to update everybody on the hiring process. we have a biweekly meeting with the hr team and the search firm of the search firm in the process of completing the stake holder interviews and introduce top city executive was including director short. and other managers in dpw. to inform their search for the permanent director. they reported become that the
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introduce to date have been very helpful. and that they will be making any recommendations when they completed them to adjustingment job description of the job post. nothing so far to extraordinary that would warrant something material. there have been a fume nibbles to the national job posting. and the search firm once completed the introduce first before it starts approaching people that typesets to call the job to the attention of. early days but things are happening. i want to clarify how the interview process would wofrj because it is different then and there we discussed before. we the public works commission we really have seoul jurisdiction for hiring and firing the director but for recommending the new director to
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candidates the new director to the mayor. the san station streets commission does not have a role. however, we would like their input on how they see in the ideal candidate for the next director and so how tell work is this when the search firm (s us with finalists for our commission to interview, we'll have the option of inviting sas commission chair mogannam to the interviews with us. he can payment. and express his opinion. and he will need to leave our closed session so only we conifer and make our recommendations to the mayor. i want to clarify they think i said something different earlier. >> that concludes my remark where is we are in the process and a few more on logistics does anybody have questions or comments on the job posting?
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commissioner zoubi. >> it says the candidates must apply by march 20th is there like a charter that has -- make its a time thing. however it does in the get closed it remains open but we will work with the candidates that have come in the 20th is the dead line thoons what the firm will tell people of the job posting remains open until a new director is hired. is my understanding.
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do you have comments? that's my understanding they wanted give a dead line to assess how things are looking at this stage but if for a reason they are not a sufficient number they can continue it. and provide a new date. but as chair post note today will not be closed until a selection is made. even say while finalists are interviewed, people still being be applying. the job will remain open until someone is filled. >> okay. >> other questions or comments from the commission. >> we'll open public comment, please. >> members had wish to make comment on item 6 the public works director hiring update, may lineup in the chamber. if you are calling in dial
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415-554-0001, access code: 2492 790 4783 ##, star 3 to enter the queue. no one in the chamber proped speak. sfgovtv indicates well is one caller. please do -- open up or unmute their line and you have 3 minutes to speak. david pilpel again i was wrong i did have thoughts on item 6. in the future if you could have either a very short staff report
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of one page or the slide with the key dates and status on the hirings. when you determine there was a vacancy. you know the beginning. when the job posting was made available. when the dead line to apply was. no names butt number of candidates when you anticipate interviews and a list visible to the mayor. those dates and status i think would i would be interested in know thanksgiving and the public might be interested and it would probably be helpful for staff for the department of to be aware. in term it is of the job posting, i read through that and
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no, i'm not applying i think public agency experience is desired. i'm not sure if that should be required but desirable could be current or past. there are people who have gone from the public sector to private firm for contractor. and understands and appreciates public agency work. and i would also say, not necessary low -- directly in public works. as we are defining it there may be individuals that work or worked at mta, puc. rec park. or another agency. caltrain. golden gate bridge and other cal
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trans that might be interested and people within the department of the so, i would trying to expansive of that idea of public agency experience with progressive supervisory experience and those being qualified candidated. 30 seconds. >> thanks. and it would be up to the search firm and the commission to witsdz down the pool and conduct interviews and recommend the -- free qualified project applicantings to the mayor. those are my thoughts and i hope that is helpful i'm sorry if there is not broader public interest in the [inaudible]. thank you. >> thank you. caller that is our final public ment on this item.
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>> thank you. are there further comments or discussions if the commission? we will move on to item 7 secretary fuller call this item. >> item 7, the new business initiated by commissioners. this is an informational item. >> thank you. i have one item of new business for the future. it was brought to my attention by someone outside dpw to be clear about that. that the sunshine task force consumes a lot of the department's time and thus taxpayer money. i would in the future like to request this we have a hearing to better understand wham is asked of dpw in needing sunshine task force request and requirements and also start to
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solicit dpw's input and thoughts on how to improust current process. identified problems, solutions and put together suggestions we as a commission presents on the sunshine task force that will be a benefit to dpw and other city departments. we will unless there is objection put that on the calendar for a later date to pursue that. again. this did not in from within dpw. are there other requestless for new business? >> all right. we will open public comment on this item. >> members who wish to make 3 machines of comment on item 7 now bye-byes initiated boy commissioners lineup or call 415-554-0001, access code: 2492 790 4783 ##, star 3 to enter the
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force for 12 envelope years of 30 year existence in the being a concern member of this body but knowing the xoerns how it works pretty inside out. i agree that there is some inefficiency over there. and a lot of staff time committed to it. and i would be happy to work with anyone public low or privately on that effort. thanks. >> thank you, caller. and that's our last public caller or commenter on this item. thank you. i mention today is in the my habit to respond to public comment. i will make an exception for this item. and say they will hope that mr. pilpel will volunteer his services to assist the department in how it can solve
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problems this the sunshine task force creates for dpw and other department and prosecute pose efficiency and solutions so this dpw can be part of the problem solving team. i thank you for this offer. >> all right. if there are no other comments we move to the next enemy adjournment. i would like to reminds the commission that our next meeting is a different schedule. on a wednesday. march first. different time, 9 o'clock. in room 400. not 408. and with that it is 12:03 and we are adjourned. thank you.
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[♪♪♪] [laughter] >> i build muscle. a lot of people don't know this, but we have a full team of architects that designed specific buildings and public safety. sometimes it is creating a brand-new building from the ground up. other times it is giving new life to one of our historic structures. [♪♪♪] >> i had to have some degree of artistic skill from a handcraft point of view to become an architect at that time. it is an incredible amount of loss, in my opinion, to not draw by hand. that skill of having to manipulate a pencil or a pen to make line wait and to make the drawing we've. i have seen this development of
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technology and this huge transformation in the world his that you do leave some things behind that have beauty to them. [♪♪♪] >> now a day, technologies a completely different. we're not using paper, we are not using paint pencils, but we are using computers to model our buildings to produce drawings, it is different craftsmanship. >> in addition to the beautiful drawings, the person who was taking care of our file for almost 30 years was the one who organized those drawings and listed all of them in big binders with all the name of the projects, and they were still using these which is amazing. >> 840. we are building an electronic archive of all the drawings for future use. the scanning project started back in march, 2018.
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we have scans about 36,000 sheets of paper and there's the remaining balance of 93,981. we can do about 100 sheets per day. hopefully by february 2020, it will be completed. >> we feel that our collection of historical drawings represents san francisco's a rich history. not only do we help make history , we also preserve it for the benefit of future generations.television.
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>> in 1948 swensen's ice cream used to make ice cream in the navy and decided to open up an ice cream shop it it takes time for the parent to put money down and diane one of the managers at zen citizen in arena hills open and serve old-fashioned ice cream. >> over 20 years. >> yeah. >> had my own business i was a firefighter and came in- in
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1969 her dad had ice cream and left here still the owner but shortly after um, in here became the inc. maker the manager and lead and branded the store from day to day and in the late 90s- was obvious choice he sold it to him and he called us up one night and said i'm going to sell the ice cream store what you you talking about diane came and looked at the store and something we want to do and had a history of her dad here and growing up here at the ice cream store we decided to take that
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business on. >> and have it in the family i didn't want to sell it. >> to keep it here in san francisco. >> and (unintelligible). >> share worked there and worked with all the people and a lot of customers come in. >> a round hill in the adjoining areas loved neither ice cream shop in this area and support russia hills and have clean up day and give them free ice cream because that is those are the people that keep us the opportunity to stick around here four so many years next generations have been coming her 20 er thirty or 40 years and we have the ingredients something it sold and, you know, her dad
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said to treat the customers right and people will keep on coming back and 75 or 74 years, you know, that is quite an accomplishment i think of it as our first 75 years and like to see that, you know, going into the future um, that ice cream shop will be around used to be 4 hundred in the united states and all gone equipment for that one that is the first and last we're proud of that we're still standing and people people are you tell people it's been around in 50 years and don't plan on
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