tv Police Commission SFGTV March 4, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST
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liberty and justice for all. >> thank you very much, start with the roll call, sergeant reynolds. >> i'm here. >> hi commissioner walker. >> here. >> commissioner benedicto. >> here. >> commissioner yanez. >> here. >> commissioner oberstone is on his way. and we have chief over la czar from the san francisco police department. >> thank you, let's go with item number 1. >> at this time the public is now welcomed to address the commission for up to 2 minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but within the jurisdiction of the police commission.
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neither police or dpa personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to the public. alternatively you may submit public comment in either ways. our written comments may be sent via postal service to the postal building 35rd street san francisco california, if would you like to make public comment, please appropriate the podium. >> is this on? >> i'm here to concerning my son as always. who was murdered august 14, 2006. i have not used for
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it--[indiscernible] okay. this is my son who was murdered august 14, 2006. today his case is not solved. i'm here to give the names of all the perpetrator who murdered my son. thomas, hannibal tomas, andrew vardu, jason thompson, acne hunter, marcus maurice carter one of them is deceased. you have all the names of the perpetrators who murdered my son. what do we do about solving these unsolved homicides. i just met, they took the overhead away. i just met with a, with a victim in pack panel in boca tee for first responders and all of that and i'm trying to get on the board to help other mothers and fathers like myself.
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again, my son's case is not solved. i'm all scambled over the place today and i'm very emotional today because of a bad meeting. and it brings back memories but i need to get involved concerning unsolved homicides. how do we find another way to solve these cases? what are the ways there besides the 250,000 where no nobody is coming forward to handle our sons cases. we have the verdict, i have not heard from my ver yet. maybe somebody can find out for me. i just don't have the energy to do it anymore. thank you, i'll be back. >> to anybody that has informed on the aubrey, you can call us.
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if there is any public comment, please approach the podium. xwhitioners that is the end of public comment. >> okay, let's go to item number 2, sergeant. >> line item 2, consent calendar receive and file action. review report and in custody debt report for quarter. >> i'll make a motion to receive and file the report. >> second. >> second. >> on the motion commissioner walker. >> yes. >> commissioner walker yes. >> commissioner benedicto? >> yes. >> excuse me a second, if anybody would like to make a comment online item number 2. please approach the podium. seeing none, go back to the vote. commissioner walker. >> yes. >> benedicto. >> yes. >> commissioner yanez. >> yes >> commissioner byrne. >> yes.
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>> commissioner yee? >> yes. >> you have five yeses. >> thank you very much, let's go to item number 3, adoption of minutes. >> line item 3, adoption of minutes action for the fub of february 1, 18 and 23, 2023. i need a motion first. >> motion to adopt. >> second. >> members of the public that would like to make a public comment online item 3, please approach the podium. and there are no public comment. on the motion, commissioner walker, how do you vote? >> yes. >> commissioner walker yes. >> commissioner benedicto. >> yes. >> commissioner yanez. >> yes. >> commissioner byrne. >> yes. >> commissioner yee. >> yes. >> commissioner yee is yes, you have five yeses. >> thank you very much. let's go to item number 4. >> chief discussion, public safety concerns provide an
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overview of events occurring in san francisco that have an impact on public safety. commissioner safety described will be limited to whether to counter for future meeting. >> good evening, commissioners. director henderson, members of the public, members of the public i'm assistant chief lieutenant bar, i'm filling in for chief scott. i'll start off with homicides, let you know that we have had 7 homicides during this reporting period, which is a 17% from 6 homicides from this time last year. thankfully we have a clearance rate of 100% from the homicide unit year to date. and we're doing well there. we have to continue to work on that. we have had no homicides during this rating period during this review period within the last week. our sexual assaults are down, year to date, we had 26 year to date, it's a 43 percent
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decrease. our aggravated assaults are staying within the same, versus 352 3* and our gun violence is down by 4%. there is two shootings that i would like to bring to your attention this evening. the first was on 21 of february in mcclairen park where an unknown suspect approached the victim from behind, the suspect shot the victim and fled. that suspect was eventually taken into custody. we had a second shooting, at 3 .26 in the morning. the subject tried to take the property of the victim. there was no arrest in this case, i stand corrected there was no arrest yet in the mcklairn.
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the third incident there was a hate crime on the 400 block of china basin where on the 22nd of february an individual called another person a very derogatory name, several times before striking the victim well a cane, that person was placed under arrest by southern officer they did a great job there. the next event was our attempt to arrest fentanyl sellers, one of our officer engaged in a foot pursuit, he hurt his ankle and foot in the process. thankfully that suspect was taken into custody, there was an arrest there. and the third and final incident, i want to share this evening, we've seen a up take in burglary in cannabis dispensary. in this case, on the 26th about 12:46 in the morning on the 500
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block of brandon, they kidnapped one of the employees brought them over to oakland and brought them back and about 5 suspects accompanied the victim where a robbery took place. i know we encourage our captain to be connected with dispensary owners and have on going conversation about safety and i'm going to ensure that we continue the conversations. it's very important to continue the relationship. thankfully, overall, overall crime is staying steady property crime being down, unfortunately violent crime is up by 4%. in terms of property crime, i just want to mention that burglary we're seeing a decline, we're seeing a decline in 2022 versus 2021, we're continue to go see a decline in burglar, 800 burglary year to date. our auto debt is 19% increase.
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we're starting to see more auto thefts and theft in general is 16% down, even though we have been working with retail establishment and others to make more efficient our reporting of organized retail. we still see that number down. all right, the other thing i would like to see with you, we continue to see stunt driver take place at night. we have a stunt driving unit but we saw one on 24th and mission on the 24th and 5th and we saw that in the 5th in embarcadero. in ternlz of enforcement, we're still continuing our operations and disruptions very klaesed in the last week or two about the work we're doing there. and then cap street, we're dealing with prostitution working closely with supervisor ronen's office to deal with the community what is out there.
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this evening depending on what time the commission ends, i'll be on a cop and residents coffee night, to talk about some of our strategies, that is taking place today. we have the polar plunge event where the chief and i and some command staff members will be jumping in san francisco bay. very excited to do that, you're more than welcome to join us. we do that to raise money for special olympics. yes, director henderson, hopefully we'll be jumping together. we enjoy doing that and we enjoy raising money and other agency sxz special olympics. and would i like to conclude with one item i saved the best for last, to talk about the work that the staff is doing.
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the chief and is have the opportunity to read captain complimentary reports, this is where the lieutenants and captains write-up on reports on great police work that is performed in the field. and our zap tins are very really good about recognizing our members. the one that i would like to share is only the 249ing of january around midnight, there was a shot spoter activation, we have the technology where we hear gunshot detection and it happened just up the street on the 1500 block of goenld gate. so officers from the northern station responded to this location and they found shell casing and a suspect who had was armed and hiding behind a vehicle. what the officer decide today use do* is use their vehicles as a blockade. they decided to create time and distance, they start today work
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on decalation, negotiations, they had all the safety equipment that they needed and eventually they talked to people into the custody. and this sentence, had the responder deescalation and planning this would have resulted in a officer involved shooting as as a result of rushing to arrest. this exemplifies the work that happens here and by the leadership of our chief, assistant chief, acting assistant chief flaherty are all doing these things to change the work and i thought i would end with that, thank you. >> thank you for that report. could you just clarify what the outcome was of the two stunt incidents that you discussed?
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>> yes, so for the two stunt driving events, the first one in 24th and mission was disbursed, we had the helicopter assist us, we're fortunate to have the helicopter. and what happens is we find that it starts up again, they made their way to the 46th00 block of mission. and then a few violators were attached to the event, were stopped but the rest of the group went to richmond california. we have a unit that does a lot of follow-up after the fact. so that's the first one. the second one was between 1:30 and 2:30. officers responded, they disbursed the group and we prevented them from setting up in san francisco again. >> great, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> vice president, do you want to take it away as chair.
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>> i will likely take over. i don't see anybody else in the queue. with that, sergeant can you take us to public comment, please. >> members of the public that would like to make public comment, please approach the podium. >> speaker: good evening, again. i was just linsing to chief la czar that saying doing a fundraiser for the special olympics. and i was wondering about fundraiser for unsolved homicides to solve unsolved homicides for families like myself. this boy did not deserve to die. he died saving somebody else's life. somebody shot my child. i don't care how many years it's been, it still hurts.
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thed body keeps the score, have you read that book? the body keeps the score. i keep the score. people think i should be over this but i'm not. i was a no nonsense mom p he had a mother and a father living in a good neighborhood, i raised well and somebody took him from me. and i refuse to let the system and people forget about my child. his name was aubrey habercasa. that's what i named him.
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i was at the schools. even though i went from hurting, to healing to helping, i'm helping other mothers but, the helper needs help. i still grief for my son. he was full of life! full of life! and they took him from me. >> that is the end of public comment. >> i just wanted to respond quickly so ms. brown. as always, we appreciate you so much coming to our meetings and/or speaking so passionately not just about your own son but all the families. who have been affected by unsolved murders. we, you know as we know we did agendize the issue a few weeks
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ago. and i'll just speaking for myself, i think the next step will be when the commission has policy staff person on board which should be very soon. i think tasking that person with the role of looking at other jurisdictions approaches to rewards. as we heard at the presentation the last time, there are a lot of ways to do this. and seeing if there is best practices elsewhere that we can adopt here so that people are more likely to seek out reward. i just want to let you know that we have not forgotten about this issue and something that is very much on our minds and hoping that we can continue to make progress. thank you. >> next item please. >> report on bp as and actions. whether to calendar any of the
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future he's raised director henderson. >> it was not turned on. my microphone was not turned on. we currently have 235 cases pending. and of those cases 26 cases who's investigation have gone beyond the 9-month investigation period. again there is still time on the 3304 deadline which is a year, of those cases 17 of those cases are blocked. this in terms of the enumerated cases through the week can be found on the website but i will not go through all of them. i will report that there is still nine cases that are pending with the commission and
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there are still 88 case that's are pending with the departments with the chief's office. and just to clarify those 88 cases are counted based on the excel from the department that are still awaiting a chief's hearing, one of the concerns that we have, is and start to go toll the cases and we will continue making them more clear moving forward, 28 of those cases are more than two years old that are waiting a resolution. in terms of the cases that have come in this week into the department, 17% of them have been of the allegations from the public having for allegations involving an officer failing to take required action and 12% of them involved allegations regarding an officer behaving or speaking inappropriately to the public. again the full break down of
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the full 100% can be found on the website. in terms of the types of cases, there are also listed on the website. we try to track as much as that stuff as possible and to make it as transparent as we can. in terms of precinct and i just report the top 2 allegations, the top 2 came from tenderloin which had 6 allegations and mission district which had 5 allegations. the allegations in the tenderloin involved predominantly failure to take action and inappropriate comment wz the public. and in the mission, the allegations involved arresting somebody without cause and properly issuing a citation and failure to respond to a
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domestic violence call. again these are allegations, the full break down of the allegations can be found on our website regarding all of the allegations that have come in this week. in terms of out reach, last week, dpa hosted the ccoa, that's california coalition and oversight agencies, the organization founded at dpa. we had a two-day state conference to discuss best practices on police reform throughout the state. the first day, we had a keynote address, a cle training provided by dpa staff and jermaine johnson, jermaine jones. i caught it though. on the second day, we provide
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the training so a big thank you for that. this is the first time that an oversight agency has participated in the training. i think it goes a long way and changed a lot of perspective for the folks to see and understand better the day-to-day operations of officers making decision sxz then evaluating use of force circumstances. really went a long way and again this is the first time that something like this has been provided. i wanted to acknowledge sfpd and the role that they played. i think it's going fob helpful moving forward. those speakers included our own president elias chief scott and representative who was
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represented by damon brown and myself. it was a great conference and i was glad that so many folks came to be part of it and learn and see what we're doing in san francisco and share their ideas to develop best practices. moving forward, dpa will be presenting this week at the haze valley neighborhood association. that's on monday at 6:00. this is also open to the public in case people wanted to hear that presentation via zoom and its roll and how to contact dpa. it's basically our dpa101 for more information you can visit haze valley chief organize, dia na rosenstein participated in the panel discussion for the national council of jewish women about the national approaching police reform.
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that panel was done with civil rights attorney john and retired san mateo chief of police, susan that was on february 27 of this year. in terms of the audit, dr psd, is prepared to send the draft on monitoring of communication that will be the final step, the input for that review before it gets published with through the commission. we can expect that shortly. and there are no outstanding information request related to the audit division. again, i'll continue to report on that as we move forward. from our legal team, we're seeing a disturbing uptick and department denial for two reasons. these are questions that have
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been provided routinely and two the focus is on the officer involved shooting cases. so i will continue track thating and reporting out on that as we move forward. i'm hoping that the on going conversation that i'm having directly with the chief are going to address that but i'm raising the issue as a concern in something that we're noticing in-house. we have no cases in closed session this evening. also present in the audience in case there are issues that need to be addressed is senior investigator brey and chief of staff sarah hawkins and i will reserve my comments to issue the rest of the issues as they come up in the agenda so as to address them in order. that concludes my presentation. >> commissioner benedicto. >> thank you, mr. oberstone.
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>> i don't know if it's right yet for the commission for public conversation about the actual cases but like i said, my concerns were raised immediately because these were the type of requests that were presented to us. i hope that this is they're solved. >> these conversations have been going on with the chief directly, i just don't know that know, specifically. >> okay. that makes sense.
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okay, keep us posted on that. >> oh don't you worry about t you'll hear about it. i'll have specific details. >> all right, thank you director henderson. seeing no one else in the queue, sergeant can you take us to public comment. >> members of the public that would like to make public comment regarding line item 5, please approach the podium. and there is no public comment. >> okay, next please. >> line 6 commission report will be limited to brief description and announcements. will be limiting whether any of the issues raised will be raised for commissioner meeting and schedule of items identified for consideration in the future commission meeting.
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>> commissioner benedicto. >> thank you, vice president oberstone. just a couple of quick things for my report. and the privilege of attending the black history brunch that was put on, it's safe to celebrate as many black leaders as we have in our community. we have to, i got to sit and i got to see commissioner yee and it was, it was the first time that has been held in the community and a great, a great community event there. last week commissioner walker and i attended the internal affairs dpa training for officers that was put on by dpa and internal affairs. and that was, i was really glad we got to go to that. it was really helpful to see
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the questions officers asked on the process to dispel some of the misconceptions that may exist about the disciplinary process. i thank ia and dpa for putting on those training. commissioner yanez and i had another productive on 7.01 which covers the sfpd procedures around juvenile. and we did a lot of progress. we're hoping that the working work process will wrap up in the spring and will go into the next stage of developing process and will be before the commission as soon as possible and making progress there. i also did meetings with on develop order 10.11 which is an update to our body the sfpd body policy and working groups are also starting in the spring. and that concludes my report.
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>> commissioner yanez. >> thank you, vice president oberstone, ac lasar and the community in general. my report has commissioner benedicto says, we've been having a lot, making a lot of progress with the juvenile dgl division and in request and coordination with chief scott, i've also had some additional conversations with partners that offer convergences, the the sent ne la organization in los angeles which does a restorage prebooking program. and that wuz a very very inform tiff and helpful conversation as we are embark in a process to develop additional capacity and diversion efforts, right. and the beauty about the program that they're offering
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in los angeles is that it's a prebooking diversion effort that is actually run by the police department in conjunction with some community partners. so welt be having a commission request meet ing, who reached out and we are scheduling the meeting for april 12 to talk about best practices and juvenile diversion in general and how the probation department can better coordinate efforts to ensure that we're on the same page. in addition to that, i did receive some information from the city's important's office, thank you very much alicia for providing us a summary of use of force settlement that the city has made in the last few years. and i do want to agendize this
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for a future conversation. i did request that that information be shared with the rest of the commissioners so we can discuss how the city, and dpa, and dpa of course, how it is that we can communicate to our partners and to our community the impacts that some of the settlements have on policing in general and what it is that we can do to have a formula to improve the to improve in general i think in our department and not having to put ourselves in that position to enter into settlements with people who make certain allegations. thank you very much. >> commissioner yee. >> thank you very much, vice president carter oberstone. i just want to follow-up on
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what commissioner benedicto said. it was great to join the sunday brunch and our chief william scott. pretty much, officers in uniform and district attorney in their suits and ties and the community members out there, really blissful sunday brunch. i really enjoyed including the custard tart that was down there and a lot of good food and people. it's a first in the city here. i hope to see many more that follow. it does not have to be in black history month, it could be every day of the year. thank you very much, that's all i have to say. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner walker?
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>> thank you, vice president carter-oberstone. we had a, we had a zoom meeting the other day about 6. 1-d g.o. 6.1 missing persons and that's in the update process. it's been a while since that's been updated. it's one of those on the long time list of at looking at reforming them, i also met with dpa the other day and professional technology that is working standardize and auto mate maintaining camera data also it's an interesting process of auto mating all the
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cameras but also streamlining getting it downloaded and tags. so we're going to be setting up a meeting with whoever in the staff that we need to talk about technology, there is an interest in moving this forward with somebody who has a patent on the effort and can get grants and we can really do something that is meaningful on the reform of managing data in a better way, especially around cameras. there is so much tension around cameras that it's important to get it right, to get it very affective and efficient and transparent. so i'm really excited about that. it's going to be a good thing. on going meetings with, with folks in the the community around mental health and responses both with homeless as well as housed folks. you know, there is so much
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conversation and how our departments are working together. and there is so much need to work better together and collaborate on these things. and on going meetings with scheduled with the department as well as the folks still involved in the patrol specials to get an assessment, the city attorney is going to be meeting with me on those meetings with the both the community as well as the staff to sort of figure out where we are so that we're able to have an agenda item to discuss and figure out if there is a good way to fill out possible gaps. i appreciate the efforts and communication going on about that. so that's my report, thank you. >> thank you, sergeant can you take us to the public comment please. >> those with public comment,
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please approach the podium. and there is no public comment. >> great, line item 7 please. >> sfpd demonstration of the 30-day public portal, discussion. >> commissioners we have captain dennis strategic management who is here to support our team from technology, technology division that will provide the overview. so thank you.
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>> good evening, president elias vice president carter-oberstone, commissioners and of course members of the public. i'm a civilian member of sfpd within the technology division. tonight i'll demonstrate the new process for collecting and responding public comment regarding new department orders, d g.o.s. the process consist of three main parts. one a public facing web pages that allow anyone to read draft dgos and submit comment within the 30-day public comment. two an internal system where police accountability will read all public comment sxz compose a joint response to each. and 3, the subsequent public
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release of all comments and their associated to joint responses. skem. excuse me. the first part of the system begins here within sfpd public facing website. this page will contain a list of draft dgos that are available for public comment. click on them and will bring up the documents full text. for example. clicking on this link brings up the public comment form page. the explanations and the description and form in which anyone may submit their comments. the dgo is available for public comment are listed in the drop down here.
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users have the option of specifying which section of the d g.o. they're commenting on. the comment right side typed in here. their name organization and email address can be submitted here although it's not necessary. and then upon completing the capture and pressing submit. they will receive a success page that restates their commission and give them a unique comment id.
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part two of the system where the police accountability read each public comment and respond to each and state whether the out outcome of the comment will be included in the dgo and in the new draft dgo or will not be included. the third and final part of the system take place after each dgo comment period has ended and all comment period will be processed. the comment and their response will be publicly posted and anyone who submitted the comment can look it up using their unique comment id. that is the system. many thanks to the commission, dpa and my demand staff and the public for allowing me to introduce this new comment system. i'll be able to answer any
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questions, for anyone involving dgo3.0. thank you very much. >> great thank you very much, for bringing us this presentation. this brings back memory where our staff uploaded every comment and letter that we got to our website or email. so i'm not the only one that is excite beside this streamline process and thank you for taking the time to present it. >> thank you. >> commissioner benedicto. >> quick question, at what point, i know the comments are put to the system and internally, does internally mean commissioners see them. at what stage are the commissioners able to see the
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comments? >> good evening, right now, the comments will not be available to anyone except for internal until the 30 days are up. that's our process as we know it now. and as we're anticipating and after the 30 days, then you'll see it as well. >> okay, so under the current system the commissioners will have access until sfpd, until after the 30 days are up, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> do you want to? >> according to 3.0, we have a joint with the dpa and police department and submit that back to the public. there is no provision for the commission to see it prior to that. >> okay. that's very helpful, thank you. >> okay.
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>> great, i don't see any other questions, thanks for the presentation. sergeant can we go to public comment, please. >> for members of the public that would like to make public comment online item 7, please approach the podium. okay and there is no public comment. >> all right, item number 8, please. >> public comment on all matters pertaining to lines below closed session, including item 9 vote whether or not to hold 9 in closed session. if would you like to make a comment, please approach the podium. all right, and there is no public comment. so line item 9, vote to hold item 10 in closed session.
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>> move to go into closed session. >> second. le >> on the motion, commissioner walker, how do you vote. >> yes. >> commissioner benedicto. >> yes. >> commissioner yanez. >> yes. >> commissioner byrne. >> yes. >> commissioner yee. >> yes. >> vice president carter-oberstone. >> yes. >> you have six yeses and we will go into clo >> we're back in open session. >> can we recall item number 3. >> adoption of minutes for.
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february -- ~>> commissioner benedicto. >> my fellow commissioners, i noticed a small, oversight in our february 15th minutes that require a minor revision, february 15 minutes on 12-a, this commission voted unanimously to disclose some factual information regarding the upcoming negotiations between sfpd and affective bargaining units that was not subject to attorney-client privilege. on my part i neglected that we included some of the details in particular the upcoming dates. and so i would like to make a motion to a assume the approval of february 15 minutes and we'll bring that back up but keep approval of february 1 and 8th minutes. >> is there a second?
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>> i'll second the motion. >> on the motion to resinned commissioner walker, how do you vote? n.yes. >> commissioner benedicto. >> yes. >> commissioner yanez. >> yes. >> commissioner byrne. >> yes. >> commissioner byrne is yes, commissioner yee. >> yes. >> and vice president carter-oberstone? >> yes. >> you have six yeses. >> can you, do we have have to go to public comment again? can you take us to public comment. >> members of the public if would you like to make public comment on recalling line item 3, please approach the podium and no public comment. one more time for the vote,
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commissioner walker. >> yes. >> commissioner yanez. >> yes. >> commissioner byrne >> yes. >> commissioner yee. >> yells. >> cartero fehr stone. >> yes. >> six yeses. >> item number 1, discussion vote on session san francisco administration code section 67.12 action. >> motion to not disclose and sert the attorney-client privilege. >> second. >> members of the podium, if you would like to make a public comment, please approach the podium. and there is in public comment. commissioner walker how do you vote. >> yes. >> commissioner benedicto. >> yes. >> commissioner yanez. >> yes. >> commissioner byrne. >> yes. >> commissioner yee. >> yes.
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sustainability mission, even though the bikes are very minimal energy use. it still matters where the energy comes from and also part of the mission in sustainability is how we run everything, run our business. so having the lights come on with clean energy is important to us as well. we heard about cleanpowersf and learned they had commercial rates and signed up for that. it was super easy to sign up.
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our bookkeeper signed up online, it was like 15 minutes. nothing has changed, except now we have cleaner energy. it's an easy way to align your environmental proclivities and goals around climate change and it's so easy that it's hard to not want to do it, and it doesn't really add anything to >> still a lot of people wonder since the trees have a lot of issues, why did we plant them in the first place? >> trees are widely planted in san francisco. with good reason. they are workhorses when it comes to urban forestry. we have begun to see our ficustrees are too big and dangerous in san francisco. we have a lot of tree failures with this species in particular.
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this is a perfect example of the challenges with the structure of the ficustrees. you can see four very large stems that are all coming from the same main truck. you can see the two branches attached to one another at a really sharp angle. in between you can't it is a lot of strong wood. they are attached so sharply together. this is a much weaker union of a branch than if you had a wide angel. this is what it looks like after the fi c.u. resolution s limb l. >> we see decline. you can see the patches where there aren't any leaves at all. that is a sign the tree is in decline. the other big challenge is the
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root system of the tree are aggressive and can impact nearby utilities, and we can fix the sidewalk around the tree in many cases. we don't want to cuts the roots too severely because we can destabilize the tree. >> in a city like san francisco our walks are not that wide. we have had to clear the branches away from the properties. most of the canopy is on the street side and that is heavyweight on those branches out over the street. that can be a factor in tree limb failures. a lot of people wonder since these trees have a lot of issues. why did we plant them in the first place? they provided the city with benefits for decades. they are big and provide storage for carbon which is important to fight climate change and they
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provide shade and really i think many people think they are a beautiful asset. >> when we identify trees like this for removal and people protest our decision, we really understand where they are coming from. i got into this job because i love trees. it just breaks my heart to cut down trees, particularly if they are healthy and the issue is a structural flaw. i have also seen first hand what happens when we have failures. we have had a couple of injuries due to tree failures. that is something we can't live with either. it is a challenging situation. we hate to lose mature trees, but public safety has to always
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>> good evening member to march first san francisco board of appeals. president rick swig will preside and joined by jose lopez. commissioner lemberg. trs vina and epileer and deputy city attorney hol provide needed legal advice. and i'm julie rosenberg the executive director we be joined by the city departments that will know presentlying before the board this evening. tina tammy the department za representing plan and matthew green chief building
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