tv Public Works Commission SFGTV March 6, 2023 8:30am-10:01am PST
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know the rules of the public works commission has changed. please see the hybrid meeting memo attached to the 2023 agenda of this commission for more information. remote calling will continue to be an option for members of the public wishing to make comments on agenda items and remote by commissioners will still be an option if only if the commissioner is on leave. public comment call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # #
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if you do not stay on topic, the chair may interrupt you and ask you to make comment to the agenda item. we ask that you address the commission as a whole and not individual or staff. madam chair. >> thank you. are there any request to change the order of the agenda? seeing none. i have one brief announcement today, one is i would like to point out the issue of the newsletter of public works is out. again, as always, i found it very
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informative and inspiring. there was a very interesting presentation on the county 58er surveyor of the teams work and as well as another very interesting report from the department indicating the services that this department of public works provides to the city. second, in april, we will be hearing a presentation from operations, deputy director and i would encourage my fellow commissioners before she comes to speak to us that you take a look at the operations bureau presentations that were made to the sanitation and streets commission over the past few months so that way we will have more background and our questions and conversations can be more useful for her and for us. so, again, it's very easy to
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bureau and those presentations can be shorter for us. so i encourage you to look at those. those are my announcements. are there any questions on my announcement? commissioner segal? >> thank you very much. i watched the meeting on occasion and i have not been able to find their printed minutes. so it would be great if somebody from the staff. no rush. at some point before that briefing for us if they could flag them and send them to us, that would be
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very helpful. the printed minutes with the operation issues, and it easier for me to find the recordings. >> thank you. all right. hearing no further questions, please open public comment on this item. >> >>clerk: members of the public wishing to make public comment on item 1, please lineup at the door. if calling in, dial public comment call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # #
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>> i'm not seeing any members of the public in person to come to speak on this item. is indicating that we have one caller in the queue requesting to speak on this item. please up mute that caller. you have three minutes to speak and i will provide you a 30 second warning when your time is about to expire. public speaker: just three brief items. one, i appreciate that this item is now a numbered agenda item for public comment. two, i appreciate the content that the chair shared with all of us, and three, i'm not getting video on webex. if there is a way that the commissioner or sf govtv folks can get video on webex, that is helpful. thank
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you very much. i appreciate it. >> thank you, caller. that is our only call on the chair's announcements. >> thank you. may we request that the volume of the public comment be turned down a bit, is that what you were asking for? it was quite loud. thank you very much. please call on item no. 2. >> >> we have this room until 11:00
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this morning. if we don't finish, we will have to continue as our time expires. your sf training is due by april 3rd. you should have received information from the ethics commission and i will follow up with that in the coming weeks. i want to note that the advanced calendar is included in today's attachments and in the future, we'll provide a longer term advanced calendar of a 12 month plan of action for the commission. the f as commission has not met this month. their meeting will be march 20th, after the next public works commission meeting on the 17. so i will provide an update to this commission at this commission's april 7th meeting. the march 25th,
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sanitation commission hearing and will hear on the refuse rate by the department of public environment and public works staff. that concludes my report. i'm happy to take any questions on it. >> thank you. please open public comment on this item. >> for members of the public wishing to call to speak on this
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item, please call public comment call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # # >> we do not have anyone wishing to speak. >> thank you. please call item 3. >> item 3. 3. general public comment members of the public may address the commission(s) on topics that are within the subject matter of the commission(s) but are not part of this agenda. comments specific to an item on the agenda may be heard when that item is
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considered. members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. general public comment may be continued to the end of the agenda if speakers exceed 15 minutes of general public comment. public comment call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # # >> press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. looking in the hearing room, we do not have any members of the public wishing to speak on this item in person. sf govtv, do we have any callers wishing to speak during the general public comment? >> they are indicating there are no callers. so that concludes public comment on this. >> thank you. please call the next item on the agenda, item 4.
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>>clerk: 4. director's re port and communications informational director short is here. >> i have a relatively short report for you today. i wanted to start with some storm updates. as we discussed the pounding storms that started new year's eve dumped 7 inches of rain in san francisco and had our crews working around-the-clock. we responded to nearly 1700 requests for down street trees and after this, the rains picked up in february causing additional damage to the city's urban forest that
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resulted in more than 300 related request, 30 were deemed significant meaning they impacted overhead wires, damaged cars and blocked roads. with more blustery weather in the forecast adding to the wettest winter in san francisco, they are ready to respond. i want to thank them publicly for responding quickly and with great skill. a new topic as you may be aware public works issues permits for the public right-of-way. what you may not know is that one of the permits allows organizations to place banners on the san francisco public utilities commission on the light poles. they have been in sort of a limbo. as of july, they confirmed that wind loads caused by the banners on the poles
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could lead to structural failures. then a light was decommissioned on mission bay and they are no longer allowing banners on the light poles. after a meeting and careful consideration, the sf puc decided to lift the ban and the only locations are a no go are on the mission bay and any light poles that sit on top of the basement. we have 41 active utility pole permits and each of them covers multiple locations. the banners are intended for non-profits, neighborhood organizations, schools and the like to promote their events, and history. they are a highly
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popular event for groups. i want to note that the pole in mission bay, it's not clear whether the banners had anything to do with that and no history of failure at any other location. i think the puc decided to allow them in these other locations. all right. black history month. we wrapped up a wonderful long series of black history events with a potluck at our operations yard yesterday. there was a lot of delicious food and spirited camaraderie. i want to thank the in-house black history committee for making these activities a success. it was truly an impressive, i feel like we've gotten better every year and they did a wonderful job this year. now we have staff led planning already underway for asian pacific american heritage month which takes place in may. finally, i wanted to wrap up
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with a reminder that our arbor day celebration will take place saturday march 11th. we will be planting 1100 trees in the south of market and developing nursing tree site and urban day fair. this will take place at 9:00 a.m. at carmichael school. we are joined by senator reed and weiner. many of them will come from our ranks. i hope you can join us. that concludes my report. >> thank you, director short. a couple of comments and thank you for briefing us on the department's on going work on the winter storms. after looking at the bureau report from the commission, i was concerned to
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see a staffing shortage from the bureau. i hope to hear a report on today's meeting on how we can plug that gap and add more people to that bureau. clearly there is a big need especially in emergency situations. secondly, i want to say that i'm relieved that the banner issue is resolved and it is near and dear to my heart as it involves community groups and relieved that the puc is getting out of the way of preventing that. thank you for that report. commissioner segal? >> yes, i have a question about how is there any review or judgment on the actual content of the banner because these days there are so many dog whistles and secret messages that we can't keep up with that can be
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understood by a very small minority of people that could be critical. so how is that content determined? who reviews it. >> commissioner, this is something that has come up in the past and i think there are concerns about the first amendment. the banners are limited to these types of organizations, non-profits but they can't promote items but it has a controlled content because of first amendment considerations. >> who does review this, there is no control of content. it goes to some just, how is this review granted. is it based on
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who submits it? there has to be someway. i understand the first amendment issues, but today there is so many secret messages that manage to be passed by the use of one word or spelling of something or misspelling of something. >> do you want to follow up? >> yeah, i will briefly kind of describe the process that exist now, but then i will, thank you, i will get back to you in terms of the language review. there is
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an application process and the organizations have to submit details certifying that they meet the criteria to be able to to be an applicant for the banner. our staff reviews that, but in terms of the content of the banner, i don't believe that we have been reviewing the content of the banner. i will confirm and look into whether there is any parameters that we might be able to impose on that. >> perhaps checking with the city attorney on what the best practices on that would be. they probably do that with other departments. thank you. >> commissioner zoubi? yes, thank you, carla for the report. and i keep also getting the
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e-mails about the events that dwp has for the team and employees. i want to take the opportunity to wish all the women a happy national women's month. the next one is in may according to the report. >> we have not any planned events that i'm aware of. i'm being corrected by our communication director. we have the director. >> thank you, communication director at public works. we have a breakfast plan for our public works. we did the first one this year and the next podcast released every week during the month of march. it was really quite interesting talking with women leaders. in
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the public works administration and the next one is construction manager employee out of public works is the first one that is going to be released this month. >> thank you. >> hearing no further questions on the directors report, please open public comment on this item. >> >>clerk: members of the public wishing to make public comment on this item, please lineup. for those callers,public comment
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call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # # and press star 3 to be recognized. i'm not seeing any members of the public approaching to speak on this item. sf govtv, do we have any callers wishing to speak on this item? >> okay, there are no callers wishing to make comment on this. that concludes public comment. thank you. are there any further comments or questions for director short? all right. hearing none, we will move to the next item. please call item no. 5. >>clerk: 5. consent calendar of routine matters a. adopt minutes from the
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february 17, 2023 meeting minutes action corrections were made to items 3, 4 and 6. for all modifications of as needed contracts are eligible for the consent calendar in accordance with the contract delegation policy adopted by this commission. all consent calendar items can be heard individually by request of the commissioner, staff or the public. adoption of the consent calendar and all resolutions contained in it is an action item. i'm happy to take any questions or corrections at this time. shelf thank you. i had a question about the water
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department -- >> there is a written response. i did not get it in finalized written draft form. >> all right. interim director short, i will get someone who can answer it. i don't want to take it off consent but i have a question and perhaps someone can answer it. my question was this contract was awarded about a year ago last april in 2022 and now asked to increase the cost by 50%, and my question is why didn't we anticipate this cost a year ago. it's a five year contract. i'm curious why we didn't get it right. it was only a year ago and i was hoping it would be more accurate. >> thank you, chair. i can
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address it or allow our director to address it. >> good morning, deputy director for buildings in the city architect. yes, i did review that question and did address it. typically with these as needed and jobs particularly with the as needed we were monitoring the burn rate if you will. so it starts off at a lower number. if we are seeing the utilization is high, an adjustment is made. the team tries to minimize the number of cycles of changing the amount and in this particular case, i presume that olivia had noticed that the burn rate was rather high and made an adjustment after the first year as opposed
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to further down into that cycle. it's part of their management of the overall pool and paying attention to the burn rate. >> thank you, that makes sense and going forward your team tries to anticipate going up and next time during the contract we inflate it a little bit more to be cautious. >> yes, that is a factor played more into the inflationary rate as well kind of where the needs come from and when. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i'm going to move to approve the items on the consent calendar. is there a second to this motion? >> i will second. >> given the motion, we'll now
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turn to public comment. >> for the record, chair, who was the second on that? okay. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 5, the adoption of the consent calendar which was motion by chair post and seconded by commissioner new house segal, if you would like to make comment on it, please lineup on the wall against the door if you are in chambers. if you are calling, please dial --public comment call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # # and press star 3 to be recognized.
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>> it appears we do not have any members of the public wishing to speak on this item. sf govtv, do we have any callers wishing to speak on this? and they are indicating one caller. please unmute them. caller, you have three minutes to speak. can you hear me? >> yes. >> the first item on 5a, the minutes, i don't have anything substantive. i can communicate those to secretary forward as referenced to the sunshine ordinance that came through in
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the minutes as sunshine task force with task force as one word. i think we can perhaps clean that up after the meeting. and on 5b, i appreciate the chair's question. there was no explanation in the staff report of those burn rates that ron spoke to. so perhaps in the future staff reports that either extend this term or increase this value of contract if that's based on the use having some understanding in the staff report of how much of the contract not to exceed amount has been extended would be helpful of the commission and the public. i also noted in the resolution itself, i was a little confused
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by the approval past that the service commission had in february of 22 and hr increased the amount december 5, 2022, i assume that was within their purview to do, but the original -- sorry, the vhr approval of the increase is in the third whereas but says the increased amount by 50,000, and the original service approval is not in the whereas clause. so again, in the future, i don't know if you need to amend this resolution today, but in the future, i think it would be useful to have a whereas clause stating when this civil service commission approved the original csv and to modify it. i think
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that is useful as well. i think that's all i need to say at the moment. i have no objection to the proposed increase and i support 5b as amended or as it is now. thanks for listening. >> thank you, caller. that is our final public comment on this item. all right. is there any debate on this motion? hearing no debate, all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? that is unanimous and the motion passes. the corrected minutes and the resolution will be posted to the commission's website.
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i also want to on a prior matter on commissioner newhouse segal's question on the banner and did speak with someone from the district. he said the guidance on the banners can be found on 1.78 of the code. the comment will be within dp -- dwp. all right. we are onto the next item. >> we will now go to regular items of the calendar.
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regular items for consideration 6. various locations pavement renovation no. 59 & sewer replacement - contract award this item is about the $5 million threshold. this is an action item. >> good morning commissioners, paul, public works. we will go over the sewer replacement. i have ten slides for your review today. our commission action request is we recommend the award of san francisco public works contract at various locations no. 59 and sewer replacement in the amount of $7,691 to --
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replacement contract to michael o'shaughnessy construction, inc. in the amount of $7,691,096.34 with $769,109.63 for contingency and a contract duration of 300 consecutive calendar days with 60 consecutive calendar days of contingency to perform pavement resurfacing, curb ramp upgrades, sewer replacement, traffic control improvements, and other associated infrastructure work on specified streets in the city this is a contract that contributes to the overall goal in the works of retaining the overall average condition of public works maintaining streets in san francisco. san francisco public works maintained
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approximately 9,000 streets. in all of 11 san francisco districts and neighborhoods, the department of public works worked on pavement of the streets and available funding when planning and issuing contracts. the infrastructure work will be performed at various predefined locations throughout san francisco and consist of pavement resurfacing, traffic control improvement and sewer improvement and other infrastructure work. locations of work. the far left small pictures depicts where the locations are within the city with the located highlighted in
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blue. the far right box are the 16 locations where we plan to do pavement work. this is in the twin peaks and bayview neighborhoods. approximately 16 slides are shown with 40 blocks of paving. some locations are a few blocks in a row. there are 56 curb ramp upgrades and 18 locations of sewer work or 8,000 feet of sewer replacement. >> mr. broadus, would you like to move to the higher microphone? >> sure. >> i think you will be more comfortable. >> there you go. project schedule. starting at the very top, these are the calendar years. underneath are
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are quarters. each quarter is three months and we have five phases on the project. the box colored in blue are phases that have been completed already with the green line moving to the right where we are today and the boxes shaded in gray where we plan to be in the future. the design phase was about two years from early quarter 1 to 2022 quarter 3. the project advertised in quarters, 2022, quarter 4. received bids in 2022, quarter 4 december 7, 2022, and currently in the contract procurement which is basically now 2023 quarter 1 to
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2023 quarter 3. we expect construction to last one year starting summer of this year to summer of 2024, and then have our project close out phase for a few months here. what is not shown here is two years of planning before the design phase where we have this project in the queue an everyone that needs to coordinate with us to coordinate with this project. these are the bid results from december 7, 2022, we received five bids from five contractors. the average bid was $826,550, it was meant that the percent to the engineer's estimate was
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101.5% and the low bid was 92 percent. we have very good estimated bids on this project and 5 bidders is a good indication we got good numbers here. there was a question and i can see how it is confusing. you can see at the top of the contract where there is $7,614,596.84. and the one below is $7,691,096.34. the contract monitoring division helps us determine the low bid based on the discount claim. the
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first column is the five contractors that bid on the project, the second column is their bid, the third column is their big discount claimed. when you take the bid discount claim and multiply it against the bid, there is a bid discount number. that's the discount column. you subtract the discount column from the big column to get the total with the discount. an when you do the math, the low bid is michael oh shaughnessy which is $6,921,986.71. project funding. the top row here is michael oh shaughnessy construction inc. low bid number
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. the table here shows how we will be funding this project to bid. the left side is the two agencies that are funding this project. public works. we are using the second column, the fund source of maintenance and rehabilitation account which is state funding in the amount of $386,700,716 our partners at the commission, those will add up the equal bid for michael oh
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shaughnessy. we also set aside a contingency for each project. as a result we are requesting approval for the work for the sewer replacement in the amount of $7,691,096.34 for the construction. for michael oh shaughnessy construction. >> thank you for entering that new slide with the bid presentation with the slide. that will be a great slide to include in presentations. i thought your slides were excellent. they hit the right note of summary. we don't want to be here all day on a project, but the right note of funding sources, project costs, bids, timeline, some pictures of what
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it in -- details and the map. thank you. really big improvement and nice template for the project. i appreciate the work that went into that and the extra slides you were able to pull together in a short time this week. commissioner zoubi? >> i have to agree. great presentation. my only question, looking at the enterprise status claims, who claims that, and how does that process go. who determines the 10 and 5 and so forth. >> i believe the general contractor and they claim their number. >> when they claim, on what basis. if they found a
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contractor and everyone else is claiming 10, do they say, let me claim 5. how does that work? >> i think there is various categories. i think you can claim a different discount based on the category. for example the first one lbe and then if you are a micro lbe, you will get a 10 percent. >> where can i read about the sba and micro and small? >> i can find out. >> that would be great. that would be interesting to me. appreciate the presentation. >> commissioner segal? >> thank you, chair. i had similar questions. we are all kind of new to this and i would
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like to know more about what those categories are if somebody could tell us. so again, we are using initials that we are not familiar with. it would be great to have. that's one comment. the other is, this is a joint funded project with us and sf puc. do they approve the contract as well? >> they do not. so somehow they communicate to us that it's already approved by us and if they have questions they would come before us with that and we would consider that in our consideration of the contract? >> i believe so. they get their
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project cleared through their ceqa process, and we combine our two projects into one contract and we execute the contract. public works being the lead agency to execute the contract. there is other contracts that reverse and we joined the puc contract as well. >> thank you. will we get involved with multiple agencies, the questions often come up for me and i'm sure the public and some of us are new commissions, not just new commissioners, but it helps a lot. thank you. >> sure. >> commissioner zoubi? >> i'm assuming that we know that no other partner or company or anyone owns anything under the ground, and that project is 100 percent puc and dwp wants
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from my understanding to confirm it that will be for five years. any other companies that own anything underground on those streets? >> yes, during our planning phase which is not shown on the chart here, we send out multiple notices to all the utilities underneath the roadway to inform them of the paving and that's when puc noticed of we are doing paving and they wanted to rejoin to relocate their sewer lines. pg & e, comcast, everyone else gets notice as well. we actually give two or three notices out to the agencies. that is called a notice of intent and we have a final transmittal of preliminary plans once the plans are fully flushed out giving them ample time to join the contractor not
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because after the roads are paved, we put in a five year moratorium to not be cut unless it is new service or emergencies. >> thank you. could you bring up that slide again on the timeline. >> sure. >> thank you. so i'm thinking in the future, please do show the planning phase. i think it will give the taxpayers an appreciation for how long these projects take and of course we are going to ask you why it takes so long. i'm setting you up. but it just part of educating and i'm confident the answers will always be satisfactory. but let's go ahead
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and include planning on our project schedule slides, and then, i think it wouldn't hurt. i don't want to clutter slides, but perhaps just a few bullets on what each phase does include, for example, it's very interesting and important that in planning you do reach out to everybody that may have lines under the ground because that's of course the question is why didn't we know that puc had a line or pg & e had a line there and the project is now delayed a year etc and in an effort to avoid those delays, just a bullet point that might be obvious. you know what i'm saying, just some color on any categories that would deliver more information and help the public understand why these projects do take a number of years just to repave a few city blocks. it's a lot more to it than that. thank you very much
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for considering that. thank you. >> sure. >> all right. do i hear a motion and second to award this contract? >> so moved.. >> second. >> thank you. given the motion, we will now turn to public comment. >> >>clerk: members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 6, motion to approve by vice-chair zoubi and segal, the award of pavement relocation and sewer replacement contract, may lineup against the wall near the door from the chambers. if you are calling in,public comment call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # #
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and then press star 3 to raise your hand to be recognized. it does not look there are any members of the public wishing to speak on this item. sf govtv indicates there is one caller in the queue. you have three minutes to make your public comment. public speaker: david. on this i appreciate the list of three segments and the maps in the staff report in the presentation. in the future, i would try to have the total number of streets segments that are covered by this contractor
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or this sort of contract because i didn't count them up. it looks like 300 total streets in the city. i was trying to think about how many this was and what the percentage is. relatively small number, but i think having that number would be useful. an then either refer to the actual street segments by name which is a bit of a long list or at least that total number on the list and list on the resolution and staff report and the districts involved which appear 8 and 10. i have no issues with this action. i would like to take a moment to emphasize that staff do a good job and no change for
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corruption on this contract and what public works does, in fact i am proud that the public works department does and the department. i wanted to make that very clear that i support the work that public works does. thanks for listening. >>clerk: thank you, caller. that concludes public comment for this item. >> thank you. are there anymore comment from the commission? hearing nothing further, all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? it is unanimous and the motion passes and this item will be on the public works
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commission website. please call the next item. 7. department of public works hiring and vacancy report staff will introduce the new human resources section of public works, provide an overview of filled positions and vacancies, and share their plan to fill vacant positions. staff report, presentation informational >> good morning, commissioners. my name is karen hill. i have a presentation for you which is seven slides and we will start with the agenda. i have three main points i will be discussing this morning which is the hr introduction, position overview and the action plan to fill positions. the first slide is where we fit
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hr department currently under our deputy director of financial management and administration, bruce robertson. next slide is our work chart for the department which shows a total of staff of 45. i currently have my deputy director of employee labor relations here that i would like to introduce to us. >> good morning commissioners. my name is sherrie neisha, the new employee relation manager in the newly formed hr department. >> thank you. for the record karen hill, hr director. the next slide, we have 1088
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filled positions as the february 2023. of those 1388, 1,000 are permanent civil service employees which is 74% of the filled positions. in filled positions 366, which equates to 26% and we expect that number to be increasing as we plan to higher hire # -- over the next couple months. next slide is vacancies. we have a total of 28.8 percent that include our current hires we are currently on boarding and positions due to prop b 2.0 and
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positions that are the difference which is a difference of 24.8% and 20.8% vacancy. we are currently at the 20.8 is nearly double to where we were back in 2019 which is prepandemic. the goal is to get us back to where we were before the pandemic. since 2020, the numbers have significantly increased each year which is not just a public works problem, but it has been a citywide problem since the pandemic. but our goal is to address nearly half of these vacancies which is nearly about 400 plus over the next couple of months, and our goal to get there and our plan to get there is to fill, we needed to
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have the hr department staffed. for the past couple months we fully staffed the hr department for public works which is a total of 45 employees. we are looking to fill 250 positions by june 30th. a way to do that, we are going to speed up our hiring by hiring provisional hires to speed up hiring and we speed line the process to hiring timelines, as well as train our hr staff and hr managers into the new hiring process. we trained close to 140 hiring managers. we are excited about that. as well improving our
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tracking for hiring activities process for hiring administration -- managers and we can provide a report to you as we are filling our positions. this concludes my presentation. i'm available for questions. >> thank you, director hill and welcome. we look forward to seeing you again. a couple things, do you have the resources needed to get the job done. it looks like you have the staffing and that's a relief. how about software and things like that, those sorts of resources, i.t. resources to help you out? >> we are currently partnering with i.t. now to expand out the current system that they use to track positions. so we are looking at a short-term goal to
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create a system that will help increase transparency to the hiring managers as well as provide the system to track the hiring status for the staff. we are looking to have a system in place by june 30th. >> great. thank you. your goals are ambitious and admirable. are you getting the cooperation you need from the department? >> yes, i am. >> okay, that's great to hear, thank you. >> commissioner zoubi? >> thank you, congratulations on the hr position and department of public works. i want to be sure that hr and department of public works does not work with the city hr department. it's totally independent, correct? >> well, we are the hr department for the public works but we partner and get client services from the department of human resources. we still have to collaborate with the city's human resources department as
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the over arch for the city, not just public works but for all city departments. we collaborate with them to get our positions approved. it's minimal resources we need for decision making but we use their support to get positions approved and support for some exams created for hiring permanently. >> if someone wants to apply for a position for the department of public works, do they go to the city's hr and then to public works, or do they go directly to you? >> yes, they go directly to us. >> one more question about the provisional appointment, how does that work? >> provisional appointments are
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similar to permanent appointments but they don't have to go through the exam process at the beginning of recruitment. so, exams for a permanent recruitment, we go through the exam process first, and then there is a list that is established and we make an appointment from that list. but the exam process takes time because they have to apply for the position, take a test, and be placed on a list. that can sometimes take anywhere between 3-6 months. so what we are doing is hiring provisionally which allows us to appoint the applicants faster, and then we have up to three years to conduct that exam, and then we put the exam at the back end of the selection process so the applicant or candidate at the time will need to successfully pass that exam and we can transition them to a permanent appointment. >> great, thank you.
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>> commissioner newhouse segal? >> thank you very much. these are questions that i have had since i have been on the commission. i still have a lot left and i want to thank you commissioner zoubi because you frequently asked and i will try not to repeat this. so what was the process in setting up your department. it's not clear to me and people from the public know that i'm a public works commissioner have said to me, well, why do you have it. i don't expect you to answer this. why do you have your own hr department? and also the question is what was the process before this? did we reevaluate all these 1300 employees that we have already to see that they meet these --
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are they now on some kind of a directory of what their status is about our requirements? i'm throwing out just theoretical questions. i don't expect you to answer them, but it is confusing to the public, to taxpayers why we have a separate department and how we interact with the others. so i would love to hear what was involved with setting up our department. was that done through the city administrators, what was that decision, was it done by the board of supervisors, the mayor, why do we have a separate department? >> i'm going to interrupt, if you will forgive me to ask director short to answer that question as to why the department felt it needed that separate department. >> thank you. interim director
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of public works. most have their own human resources department. the department of human resources is a citywide they ensure that as a city we are following the civil service rules, they provide exam services for citywide positions, but most departments have their own human resources department. prior to our own, we contracted with the city administrators office. they as you know are an umbrella organization for mostly smaller departments, and so public works, some years ago basically merged with the city administrators office for hr to try to gain some economy but we found we weren't getting the level of service that we needed. we are paying for the hr services that we got for the city administrators office prior to this. when we were looking at
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the prop b split up of the department and we were being removed from the city administrator's umbrella, we advocated strongly for our own hr department because basically they have worked very hard to provide service, but they are providing to i think it's another 13 or 14 other departments that also need human resources. so we pushed to build a new human resources department for public works, and so director hill and her team will do the exams that are not considered citywide exams. so if public works is the department that either has the greatest number of positions to fill or in some cases, other departments don't even use that same classification we use, we have to actually perform those exams. but if it's a widely used position, some of the administrative support positions, some of the analyst
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positions, then those exams are run by dhr, they establish a citywide list and we basically invite candidates who are already approved, are you interested in public works, we have this position and we can go from there to hire. director hill works collaboratively with the department of human resources, but it was i think fair to say that it was rather unusual for a department of our size not to have had our own division service before now. i hope that helps. >> that makes it very simple. thank you very much. >> thank you, director hill. i think given the importance of your work, given a year from now, i would like to request that you come back in september and update how you are meeting
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the goals for june and your thoughts ahead and you will be in it a quarter and we would love to see you in september if we may? >> sure. that sounds great thank you. >> maybe june or july. >> i don't think things will change that much. >> i would like to see a success if we meet those positions by june 30th. >> i'm comfortable with semi annual. >> we can provide this update to you and hopefully we'll be celebrating the achievement of the 250 positions. i have been widely broadcasting that
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ambitious goal. we can certainly give you an update at the beginning of july and potentially have another presentation a little bit later. >> because we were talking monthly if they moved it to quarter, are we doing it semi annually? >> i would like it semi annually, i would but as suggested we can do it quarterly for this time. >> thank you. >> if there are no other questions, we can open this item to public comment, please. >>clerk: members of the public wishing to make 3 minutes of public comment on item 7 in the report. if you are in chambers, you can lineup against the wall near the door, if you are calling in,public comment call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/
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meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # # and then press star 3 to raise your hand to be recognized. i'm not seeing any members of the public approaching to make comment in person. sf govtv, do we have any callers in the queue? they are indicating we have one caller. please unmute that caller. caller, you have 3 minutes to speak and i will provide you a 30 seconds notice when it's time to expire. >> public speaker: david, i reviewed the chart and there are new names and new people. i like the operations and non-operations within each unit. i hope and can assume that they
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are working with each other on their own individual hr needs and issues. i would suggest some attention to not just hiring but also separation, badges, exit interviews, keys, phones, any other issues related to the separation. i understand that ms. hill did amazing work under covid for another city department. i wanted to thank her for that and welcome her to dpw. i agree the goals are ambitious but i am hopeful about the upcoming performance of the staffing and looking forward to the next presentation in september understanding that there could be a written update between now and then. thanks again very much for listening. >> thank you, caller.
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that is our only caller on this item. that concludes public comment. >> are there any further comments or questions from the commission? hearing none, we will move on to the next item. director hill, thank you and your team for coming today and we wish you the best of luck. thank you. >> please call the next item 8. 8. public works director hiring update informational 9. new business initiated by commissioners informational >> thank you. do we have that slide? thank you very much. as you can see from the slide, this is where we are. nothing much to report today. we are starting to get applicants for the permanent director position, but we have about another month
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or so to go, maybe a little less than a month for the process to see what else comes in and the search firm hasn't really geared up yet in its active recruitment efforts. it's reported that its completed the stakeholder interviews and so now it can go forward with confidence in speaking to potential candidates, speaking to them intelligently about the department and about the city and about the position. so, my view is that things are moving along on the timetable as was set at the beginning of the year and i will take any questions or comments. that's about it. a reminder that i hope in april we will be noticed that there are candidates for us to interview and we will interview this candidate at the same time the mayor panel indicates. >> who are the stakeholder
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interviewers? >> they were primarily city executives. the cao's office, interim director short, the mayor's chief of staff, and the senior managers in the department of public works itself. >> they are interviewing? >> no, search firm interviewed them to get their input on what qualifications they should be looking for when they sift through candidates and when they actively look for candidates. >> thank you. >> all right. hearing no further comments or questions, we will open to public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make 3 minutes on public comment on item 8, the public works director hiring update lineup at the door if you are in
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>> we have one caller. public speaker: david calling again. this is the one slide i was asking for. i appreciate it. i hope you use something like it for the future to update this status going forward when the deadline closes, the number of candidates and when you widdle that down. perhaps this is something you can use. thank you again for the work that we have seen publically and what is going on behind-the-scenes to get a new permanent director. thanks very much for listening. >> thank you, caller. that concludes public comment on this item. >> thank you, secretary fuller.
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we will move on to the next item. please call that item. 9. new business initiated by commissioners informational >> thank you. my notes are that we'll ask for information on the categories that affects construction contracts, the more thorough and i will work with secretary fuller and interim director short on what makes sense for explaining all of those to us so we have a better understanding going forward. that's the only business i have from my notes. is there any other commissioner business at this time? all right. hearing none, i believe this is also a public comment item. >> >>clerk: members of the public
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wishing to make three minutes of comment on item 9 new business initiated by commissioners, please lineup against the wall near the door in chamber, if you are calling in,public comment call-in: 1 (415) 655-0001/ meeting no.: 2498 820 2396 # # and then press star 3 to raise your hand to be recognized. >> no members of the public are approaching to speak on this item in person, sf govtv, do we have callers in the queue? they are indicating no. we have no public comment on this item. >> thank you. i understand we don't need item 10. is that correct? >> that's correct.
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[♪♪♪] >> at san francisco animal care and control, we care for all animals, any species. we get about 10,000 a year. they can be injured, lost, victims of abuse or violence, and we take them all in and we care for them. >> i felt really passionate about getting the spca a new building. i had personally seen first hand when my family was searching for our first rescue dog what conditions a lot of the animals and the staff from a.c.c. where working in. >> we were really excited to be moving into this new shelter.
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our current physical plant is in terrible shape. i like to describe it as the building is working against us rather than for us. this shelter was put together in six months, 30 years ago, in a building that is now 80 years old. our staff and our volunteers are amazing and wonderful, and they are warm, but the space mas it difficult for people to connect with the pets because we have families coming into adopt, we have families surrendering their animals, people looking for their lost dogs, and they are all crammed together in a very small, emotionally fraught space our heating and ventilation system is very poor. right now, our shelter is not capable of good ventilation to prevent the spread of disease. we have no security features. our veterinary suite is cramped into one room. we can only perform one procedure at a time.
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>> one of the main lessons learned from hurricane katrina is people were reluctant to evacuate. if they were fearing that their pets were going to be left behind and not cared for. >> in the event of an earthquake , we need to be off the grid for 72 hours. it is unlikely that we would be able to fulfil our mission to take in domestic pets that need to be temporary looked at while parents are out of their home. in a new building, we will be able to meet those earthquake standards. [♪♪♪] >> we are standing at the site of the future animal care and control facility. that is the beautiful brick building you see in the background behind me. this building is part of the showplace square historic district which is a collection of brick warehouses and factories that was built in the late 19th century. this was built in 1893 as the original coal-fired power plant
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for the first street car in san francisco and has been owned and operated by munimobile ever since. >> we chose this building for the project for a number of reasons. one is we are not far from the existing animal care and control facility, san francisco spca is nearby, and it is a nice nexus to have in the center of the city. [♪♪♪] >> what we are doing is we are going seismic upgrading the building. it is un- -- and unreinforced masonry building. we are going to be installing floor prate -- floor plates across the space to put in all of the animal housing. >> we will be able to get our -- give our animals adequate space. we will also be separating our small animals into different rooms. right now we have reptiles and bunnies and birds, everyone all crammed in together. >> the tricky part of it is to find open space in this existing urban environment. we did that by inserting an open air courtyard, and also using the roof deck for another dog in
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is >> the meeting will come to order. welcome to upon monday february 27, 2023 meeting of the rules committee of the board of supervisors i'm mat dorsey chair of the committee and joined boy my colleagues vice chair walton and committee member safai. i want to express gratitude to victor young and michael and the mire team at sfgovtv the board
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