tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV March 25, 2023 12:00pm-1:34pm PDT
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>> welcome to the tuesday, march 21, 2023, hybrid in-person and virtual meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. my name is dor caminong and i'm the commission vice-president. we'll start with announcements. >> we would like to start the meeting with the land acknowledgement. >> we the san francisco entertainment commission, we recognize that the ramaytush ohlone understand the interconnectedness of all things and have maintained harmony with nature for millennia. we honor the ramaytush ohlone peoples for their enduring commitment to mother earth. as the indigenous protectors of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. we recognize that we benefit from living and working
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on their traditional homeland. as uninvited guests, we affirm their sovereign rights as first peoples and wish to pay our respects to the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ramaytush community. we recognize to respectfully honor ramaytush peoples we must embrace and collaborate meaningfully to record indigenous knowledge in how we care for san francisco and all its people. there be meeting is being held in hybrid format with the meeting occurring in person in city hall, room 4416 and broadcast live and available on zoom or listened to by calling 669-900-6833. using meeting id89492002470. we whack the public's participation during public comment period. there will be an opportunity for general public comment at the beginning of the meeting and thb will are an opportunity to comment on each action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to three minutes. for those attending remotely, the commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote public comment total for each agenda item. because of the 20-minute time limit, it's possible that not every person in the queue will
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have an opportunity to provide remote public comment. remote public comment from people who received an accommodation due to disability will not count towards the 20-minute limit. public comment will be taken both in person and remotely by video or call in. for each item, the commission will take public comment first from people attending the meeting in person and from people attending the meeting remotely. for those attending in person, fill out a speaker card located at the side table or podium. come up to the podium during public comment. state your name and any affiliations and your comment. you will have three minutes. once finished, hand your speaker card to the commission staff behind the podium. if using zoom platform to speak, select the raise hand option when it's time for public comment. if calling by phone, dial star nine to be added to the speaker line when your item of interest comes up. when you're asked to speak, unmute yourself by hitting star six. call from a quiet location, speak clearly ask slowly and turn down your television or radio. if you're viewing on
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sfgovtv, unmute before speaking. while we recommend you use zoom audio or telephone for public comment, you may submit through the chat menu on storm. staff and commission aren't allowed to respond during public comment. thank you to sf dove tv and media services -- thank you sfgovtv for sharing this meeting with the public. >> thank you, commission secretary lang. back at you. it's time for roll call. [roll call] >> okay. the next item on the agenda is agenda item no. two. general public comment. is there any public comment on items not listed on the agenda? >> there are no public comment.
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>> is there anyone in the queue? >> no. >> okay. public comment is closed. [gavel] okay. the next item on the agenda is item three, approval of the minutes for february 21, 2023, commission meeting. >> okay. is there any discussion? do we have a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> is there any public comment on the minutes? no. >> there are no public comments. >> thank you. seeing none, public comment is closed. okay. let's take a vote. [roll call] >> the meeting minutes have been approved. [gavel] the next item on the agenda is agenda item no. four, report from the executive director. >> good evening, commissioners.
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happy tuesday. nice to see your faces here. instead of having deputy director avito kick this off, she'll go second but she'll provide an update this evening around our new brick-and-mortar permit application because you may have noticed that things look a little different on the back-end now and that's because we're processing all of our brick-and-mortar applications through an online portal, that's really easy and simple to use. we're very ex excitemented about it, social share that with you and show how it looks different than the previous applications you're reviewing in advance of hearing. one of our updates this evening is just to save the date for all of you for annual summit, which is going to be held on monday, june 5th at 49 south van ness. we will be announcing topics soon, but we would love, welcome any ideas
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that commissioners have. we will be having an initial staff call tomorrow and then bringing this to our executive working group next week with an outline of what we're proposing, so if you have ideas between now and then, this is a great time to submit those, via e-mail to us. you can just e-mail me directly. aside from those two items, i just wanted to provide legislative updates for you all. one is around our jam permit program. as you may be aware, the expiration date is coming right up. recent legislation impacts that transition from jam permits to brick-and-mortar permits, aka, jam to bam. as anticipated, our program will expire on march 31st and this is in line with the pandemic shared spaces program expiration, so this means that starting april 1st, we will no longer be issuing jam permits, so for temporary
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outdoor events taking place on april 1st and beyond, we have already been issuing and will continue to issue our one-time out door event permit, which was the pre-pandemic permit that we used. to date we have issued five one-time out door events permits for april and beyond and you will see some applicants here this evening that are on both the consent and regular agenda for this transition. one more update for you, is legislation passed for the jam program grace period extension, so in february, the board passed legislation to create a 180-day grace period for ongoing jam periods and park lesses ask pandemic shared -- parklet and -- the final end date of september 27th for jams in parklets is what we'll be following. and this extension will help prevent a gap in operations for our brick-and-mortar businesses that
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need more time to transition their parklet to a brick-and-mortar entertainment permit. it is important to note that this legislation doesn't extend the grace period for jam permits and street closures and on private property. those locations are still subject to the 60-day grace period and the 27th supplemental that created this program, which brings their final end date to march 30th. and deputy director azavito is working diligently to by those folks over into brick-and-mortar permit as possible. and from there, you can just take the podium and give us your update. thank you. [gavel] >> good evening, commissioners. i thought i would go old school and show you something on the overhead projector this evening. so, this is all included in your digital folder tonight, but i wanted to run through what our new digital brick-and-mortar application looks for. we transitioned into january to our digital format. since then, we have received 17 online
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submissions, which is super exciting and we are completely transitioned and no longer doing the paper application, so in your folder, you're going to see there's a -- the application itself is very long. it's 30 pages, but i'm going through each application and i'm removing sections that are not applicable to the application type. so for example, if front of you and in your folder, you'll see this 1215 sections. those are all going to apply to say an llp permit that doesn't require a security plan or billiard permit, it doesn't require a security plan, so you'll see the sections relevant to the permit type that's being -- being applied for. so, just to show you, there's -- it's a totally new format you're going to see verses what was previously the application. we're using check boxes so text is filled in with black checkmarks. there's going to be
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notes over on the side sections, for example, you'll see under entertainment hours and i'm still figuring out where things are within the pages, but over here, you'll see examples that will have notes, so make sure to take a peek at the left side column for notes about say, business hours or entertainment type. it's pretty straightforward but i'm open to feedback if you have any and i know it will take a minute to get used to this format, but feel free to ask questions or let me know if you have suggestions. one other thing that i wanted to mention is we're now collecting demographic information, which we were not previously doing for brick-and-mortar permit applications so that will not be included in your application since it's confidential information, but it's great to see data -- it's great to see data and statistics. any questions. >> i don't know if it's me and
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trying to scroll through, is there a section here for neighborhood outreach? >> there is, yes. >> okay. >> it's probably the last section, but let me point you to where it is on here. yes there is. i have to find it, commissioner, but i'll point it out to you on what page it's on. i'll find that for you. >> okay. no rush. >> i will. [laughter] i also want -- >> just in case -- >> of course, there's a section for it. i have to figure out what page it is on. i also wanted to just mention we have our first two jam to bam permit application utilizing this application. tonight, you'll see those on your, in your folder. >> are we hearing feedback from our permit holders? >> all positive so far. no news is good news as far as
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constructive feedback, but i haven't had feedback, negative feedback from the approval agencies, the ones i refer the applications too either. it's a seamless transition both for applicants and referral agencies reviewing them. >> that's excellent. thank you. deputy director azavito, thank you. am i returning the mic back to -- >> sure. >> to you. okay. >> the only thing i forgot to mention just relevant to the summit is just that we will be cancelling the hearing following day. normally, we have the summit on a tuesday, but the location for it was booked up for quite some time. so, we always do this in lieu of a hearing. note that, but we'll send something official. >> okay. commissioners, any other questions or discussion points? all right. let's go to public comment. is there public
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comment for this item? >> no public comment for this item. >> i like how you're swivelling around to the left and right. okay. public comment is closed. [gavel] the next item on this agenda is item three, approval of minutes for february 21st -- i did do that already? did i skip? my bad, you guys. okay. the next item on the agenda is item no. five, report from deputy director. >> thank you, vice-president caminong. okay. i have a pretty hefty enforcement update this evening. there were 83 complaints that we received since our last hearing which was a month ago. you'll notice that many of the complaints are repeat so neighbors were filing multiple complaints in a short period of time about the same business in some instances. so,
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plan to run through a few enforcement actions taken, as always, feel free to ask any questions if you have them. i first, want to note that adobe books won't be at our hearing tonight, but they will come back to hearing on april 18th and president bleiman is aware of this change. the firsten forman update is sf mix at 4086 18th street. since our last hearing, we received 8 announcement 311 complaints about the prerecorded music on their outdoor patio and complaints stating the music was offensive and others noted the heavy base presence and inspectors continued to respond to the mix to check on the compliance with the outdoor sound levels and they continued to be in compliance. i do want to note with guidance from you all, we measured compliance of their outdoor sound base on a certain output of their speakers as displayed as a percentage on their system's i pad to ex cued the sound reading so this worked
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well. recent visit let us understand there was a misunderstanding between the permit holder and inspectors on which display to monitor. the business has been operating in compliance but after a meeting on the site manager, everyone is on the same page and we know to mown tore the speaker gain speaker which is not to exceed 75%. they confirmed they were in confirmed with the allowable sound limits during her visit. next update is recording white rabbit which is located at 313 fillmore street. we received four complaints about the business since our last hearing and three came sunday, february 19th when we no longer had an inspector in the field. the inspeak tore responded on february 24th. when he arrived at 9:45 p.m. he observed the front door opened during entertainment and he spoke with the manager about the complaints and reminded him the door must be closed during entertainment and the manager stated he or the other manager were onsite on the
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19th and the inspector reminded him someone must always be onsite who is familiar with the permit conditions and they were reminded and inspector left. we received another 311 complaint he responded at 1:30 a.m. and the front door was prompted open and someone closed it as he was approaching and he took a sound measurement and they were operating above the sound noise. the manager attempted to have the dj turn the volume down by unsuccessful in reaching compliance and it's unclear why he couldn't bring the sound down. i note we've measured them in compliance during previous visits so it's possible for them to operate in compliance. by this time it was 2:00 a.m. and the business was closing. so we did issue a citation for violating their sound limit and operating entertainment with the
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door open. next update is about emperor palace at 818 washington street. this business holds a permit from the office. we received numerous tips about this business operating as an after hours club. february 4th, the insper sector and there was loud music and the front door was open and there was a long line of patrons going to the second floor of the restaurant. inspector tried gaining access but identifying himself as a city employee, he was denied entry. the promoter spoke with inspector furentino and no one was onsite from palace. we issued a permit holder for -- it's a codified rule at all prel says we issue permits to. myself and city attorney followed up in writing describing the ramifications that having an un-permitted event could cause
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for the business and property owner and february 26th, the inspector returned at 2:30 after you received a tip about another late-night event. he was granted entry into the business with no issues and when he got inside, there was a party with a dj and approximately 150 patrons and he spoke with the same promoters and she confirmed the event concluded at 4:00 a.m. and tickets were sold online in advance of the event and that the open bar was provided by imperial palace. as the inspector was leaving, he saw the promoter speaking with two sf officers and we issued another citation and city attorney has written -- i've also since learned the property is in a zoning district that doesn't allow an extended hours premise or ehp permit and there's been a change in ownership that appears the business is under the same corporate entity. i connected
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with the manager about these updates and explained they can't get an one time permit and they need a new application. it seems that he understood that, so i'm awaiting that submission of the application. the next update for you is about northern duck at 1355 market street. this business holds a poe permit but we received a tip they were host aring after hour events so the inspector visited at 2:15 and the dj was performing and he spoke to the manager around 2:30 and the manager said he people were from the industry and with the dj. but i, we still issued a citation for having entertainment after 2:00 a.m. because i explained to the owner, it doesn't matter if the people are from the industry. they can't host an event after 2:00 a.m. since they don't have
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a permit. the city attorney issued citation -- i educated the owner about late-night events and they applied for an upcoming event so they are following that instruction. next update is about the brick at 2140 union street. they hold an llp office from our property and the inspector responded to a 311 complaint at 11:45 p.m. when he arrived the, a dj was performing. he spoke to the manager about his visit and the dj had to turn the volume down which brought them into compliance but there's no indication they were ending their entertainment anytime soon although their llp permit says they end at 11:00. there was a citation and this is the sired citation we have issued them for operating entertainment after 11 since may of '22. the next
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update, there's just three more. [laughter] the next update is about maze at 1233 poke street. we received a 311 complaint friday 17 at 9:13 p.m. and when inspector fewer teen know arrived at 11:15, the front door was closed but the tj muse i can was clear from outside. the side waug was packed with patrons and no clear of travel for pedestrians. when inspector went inside the business he took a sound measurement that showed their volumes at 111 but the limit is 107. so he spoke with the owner and explained the reason for this visit and they were operating above their sound limit and the inspector said the owner directed the dj to turn base levels down bringing the volume into compliance and he spoke to his security about managing the line and pedestrian traffic. there was an issuance of mov for exceeding sound limit. next up limit is 127
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poke. we received a complaint at 9:15 march 17th and inspector was able to respond at 11:30. he observed the front door was open and there was loud dj music audible from across the street. he spoke with their manager about the reason for the, his visit and for mr. llp permit, they are supposed to end entertainment by 10:00 p.m. the manager had the dj stop and close the door. we issued a notice of violation and we have heard from the manager today apologizing and letting us know it won't happen again. it was an oversight and busy on st. patrick's day. the final update for you tonight is hazion, a complaint has been reaching out to us. the last enforcement action we took against the business was november of 2022 when the neighbor complaints they were operating entertainment after 4:00 a.m. and the confirmed said their dj did play before 10 so we issued
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an nov. -- there must be timestamped video surveillance of the interior of their premise to check on adherence of their permitted hours of entertainment. when we received this surveillance foot arrange from the owner, we observed the music appeared to end at 4:00 a.m. and 50 seconds and the venue was cleared out by 4:03 a.m. director weiland did not issue a regulatory action for this because the discrepancy of the time was negligible. but we plan to work with the permit holder to set up a time to check out their surveillance system to ensure the clock is set correctly. in the meantime, director weiland is setting up a meeting to respond them their permit commitment and it's for 4:00 a.m. and the violation of this condition could result in disciplinary re-- we'll continue
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monitoring complaints about this business and keep you informed of our findings. thank you. >> thank you, deputy director. that was epic. [laughter] are there any discussion points? any questions from commissioners? >> yes. it's definitely troubling to see a few of these venues justen en /* engaging in flouting their permit conditions. with imperial palace, at least they have to come in because they have to submit an updated application with the new ownership, right and that northern duck has applied for one-time permit, but based on what i saw from the complaint and what i have seen on social media, they've regularly hold these late-night events, so i would like to keep an eye on them and if that's continuing to happen, i would like to bring them in.
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>> may i respond to that, commissioner? >> yeah. >> so clarify regarding imperial palace, although they have to submit a new application, it's end the same corporate entity. from what i understand, a brother sold it to his sister and so it won't require, unless you choose to bring them in, however, this would trigger a minor amendment so it would be an administrative change where we'll get updated paper on file. but it's under the same corporate entity and business account so it's bringing them up to speed with their current programming. >> okay. in that case, i think their situation does merit having them brought in again. >> we have in the past, but it has been a wise, we can agendized an amendment before the commission. perhaps, that's the way to do it because it will give you the ability to condition and talk to them and all of that. >> that definitely makes since
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to me for imperial palace. for ducks, they submitted this one-time thing but it seems to be very regular. >> we do receive, we have received numerous tips from an individual, stating there are potentially late-night events occurring after 2:00 a.m. at this location, in addition to other locations and we have visited and this is the first of the allegations we have substantiated, at least in the last, you know, two years, that there was a late-night event occurring after the fact, but we do receive numerous allegations of the late-night parties there, that's true. >> okay. let's keep an eye on them and make sure the inspectors are going out. >> uh-huh. >> okay. commissioner perez. >> thank you for your report. my question is also with imperial palace. did we know why our inspector was denied entry? >> they told them it was a private event and he couldn't come in. that was the end of it.
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>> all right. >> yeah. >> even after identifying himself with a city badge. they still said no. >> okay. when they do come back, will you be able to share this report as part of the attachment to that, to their permit -- >> you mean this enforcement report as a supplemental document? >> a reminder that this happened. >> legislature. >> and then rock has five complaints, they are in my neighborhood and they just applied for a permit. maybe you can share a summary of these -- these complaints so we can remember and ask them about these things. >> sure. oh, sure, yes. they have already done some sound since that occurred and senior inspector sabrina went there to set a sound limit and it's a step in the right direction, but we haven't received complaints since they applied for the llp permit. it was a matter of getting insolation in there and
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they weren't hosting entertainment. it was a juke box causing complaints. >> they just moved. all right. thank you. >> sure. >> commissioner torres. >> i just wanted to clarify, with northern ducks, they had a violation or i think it might have been my first hearing, maybe it was the -- a noise, the decibel reading. they had -- i remember them being on your report, i think. >> that's right. i'm not sure, i can't tell you off the top of my head what the date was. inspector fewer incontinue know visited and they were exceeding their sound limit and the dj wasn't brought into compliance. there was no oversight. we returned to a new sound limit because they changed their sound equipment and so the last visit
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did not result in a sound violation. and we've also, since gone out and educated on meter using their meter correctly and syncing ours with theirs. that has occurred. >> that's resulted in them being able to bring, like, their meter reading into compliance? >> you mean, are they operating their volume in a compliant level? >> yes. since you have went out there? >> yes, that's right. we haven't received a sound complaint about them since that time. just the late-night party allegations. >> okay. thank you. okay. let's go to public comment. >> no public comment for this item. >> okay. all right. seeing none. public comment is closed. [gavel] next item is six, updates on
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night life business assistance from our vvip, van, the business development manager of night life in the entertainment sector with the office of economic and workforce development, aka the beard. >> thank you and good evening, commissioners. i should pull up the slides. >> have i to fill in for bleiman. >> that's great. >> does this one work? >> they all work. >> wonderful. good evening, commissioners, ben van houten, business development workforce development. happy to bring an update to all of you. i'm going to kickoff with some state legislative updates. there are several night life and
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entertainment bills, currently in the state legislature. i'm going to switch this. it's a comfortable height for me. [laughter] the first is ab24, introduced by assembly member haynie around narcan distribution and it would require the distribution, require businesses including bars to acquire opioid antagonist kits. that little was recently amended to, i think, soften the requirement a little bit. if there's not an available supply of free opioid antagonist kits for these businesses but certainly something to watch and i should say that separately, we've been working with the department of public health on some efforts around narcan, education and outreach that hopefully we'll talk about more in the coming months. second bill, currently percolating, ab374 by assembly member haney and this will allow dispensary
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to sell nonprepackaged food and drinks and sell tickets to the entertainment events and the state law prevent dispensaries from selling non-prepackaged cup of coffee made onsite or foot item onsite and also, again, this issue of ticketing, two entertainment events and there was a few dispensaries that get involved in the live permit process. and i think it's an exciting potential opportunity to expand the universe of entertainment spaces in cities like san francisco. the bill would require local governments to opt in and develop some requirements around that process. final legislative, piece of legislation we're monitoring is sb76 from senator wiener. this will bring back the idea of entertainment zones from
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last year. it was in sb793 last year until it wasn't. but it's back again and this is the idea that it would empower local governments to define areas in which called entertainment zones but in which restaurants and bars in that area could sell alcoholic beverages in conjunction with street closures and street fairs and outdoor activities. this is a tool that has been deployed in a number of states and this bill would help california cities get access to that. i think there's, this was identified in the mayor's downtown recovery strategy as a potential tool for downtown, street fairs and street closures and outdoor events so something we're watching. that bill also makes some technical improvements to the music venue for a license that was adopted last year. another item on this slide is the abc has been for
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now a number of months developing regulations around the permitted licensing of parklets and other, what they are calling non-contiguous areas, so that businesses will at some point have to expand or amend their existing premise to expand into the parklet areas, currently businesses are operating under temporary pandemic permits that are -- for abc purchases, the permits will continue until march of next year, but in that interim time, businesses will need to apply to amend their existing permits to expand into this parklets. we've been monitoring the regulations and offered comments during both comment periods. the latest round of draft regulations responded significantly to the concerns of industry leaders so i think it's a step in the right direction, but abc hasn't yet published its permanent rules on expanding alcohol service
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permanently in parklets. on a related, slightly related note, we have been hearing a little of feedback from operators with some concerns around conditions being recommended, proposed by abc around outdoor space and sound, which is, i don't have, i think more than that at this point, but it's something we're continuing to monitor giving that -- and the entertainment plays a role. this contradicts permit applications is something that would put businesses in a challenging place and how to comply with all of their different permits. as i've mentioned, the music venue liquor license is a new license that was adopted in state legislation last year and they
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became available starting on january 1st. it's the type 90 liquor license that allows alcohol service before, during and after music performances. it's not subject to the cap on full liquor licenses, so it doesn't require food service and allows businesses to admit minors, so there are a lot of ways to which it's an improvement for music venues on getting a restaurant license or a bar license on the secondary market. this, several businesses have applied for the venue liquor license. we're at the earliest stages of industry outreach. the state venue association is holding a webinar tomorrow. the entertainment commission promoted it in the newsletter last week. i through that should be a good opportunity to hear from abc stakeholders about how this new license works and for an opportunity for, either existing venues or perspective venue
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operators to get their questions answered good my understanding is it will be recorded as well, so it will be an available resource in the future. a couple of local updates. we've been talking, i think, for a few updates now on the south of market legislation that supervisor dorsey has authored. this legislation will do planning code reorganization and is entertainment and other business users south of market. it has been continued to the call of the chair of the land use committee due to some technical elements that need to be figured out, but that's something we're monitoring. some of the reforms that would be part of this legislation, extending some of the patio reforms from proposition h and expanding 30-day permits and increasing limited live permits and more districts, so certainly
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some night life and entertainment. director -- shared spaces was mentioned but encouraging operators to submit their parklet permits and shared space par lets by march 31st so they can operate thereafter while moving toward compliance with the permitted program. that's it for the standard update. but i know that we wanted to discuss the mayor's downtown recovery roadmap, which she released at the state of city. the full roadmap is online, but there's? significant night life and entertainment intersections and we've been working closely with director weiland and dylan and kaitlyn on a number of these pieces, so i will keep it relatively brief, but the full roadmap is, again, available on the website. there are nine
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strategies but really, i'm going to focus on the strategy to transform downtown into a leader, arts, culture and night life destination which has a number of different components identified and designating an arts and culture entertainment downtown, this is a process that we are really at the very beginning of, first involving collecting a better sense of information about what are the existing arts, culture and entertainment assets downtown. what are the different areas or concentrated nodes of activity downtown? and then, we'll proceed to identify what are the potential incentives that could be deployed to support existing arts, culture and entertainment activities downtown to foster new arts and culture and entertainment downtown. not much more to report at this point, but we'll be working with the
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planning department and others and i'm sure you'll hear more about this as we move forward on that project in the coming months. secondly, continuing to support public space, events and activations downtown. our office has put out or held a recent fp to support activations in the downtown core. theirs the -- we're working on developing for to pair music venues with outdoor entertainment. i hope to have an update soon. moreover, we are working to support permitting improvements for community events to support neighborhood festivals and street fairs. again, collaborated with the entertainment commission and a number of other stakeholders on some special events, process improvement work a few years ago and looking forward to carrying that across the finish line
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through this effort. as i've mentioned before, the entertainment zones concept is a piece of this downtown strategy as well and then additionally, thinking about how to leverage the moscone visitor center as a part of the visitor's center downtown. those are the core arts, culture, and night life entertainment pieces of the strategy. there aren't all the possibilities contemplated but they are the key pieces that's moving forward right now. i have the rest of the slides on the other pieces of the downtown recovery plan, but candidly, it would make sense to come back with -- somebody from our economic recovery team to talk through those more, but i would say we're thinking about how night life and entertainment intersects with downtown recovery. with that, i'm
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available for any questions. >> hi. just a quick question about the entertainment zone and alcohol consumption. does that mean when they purchase alcohol at one venue, they can walk around and continue consuming on the streets? >> that's right. it would be subject to any conditions imposed by the local government, so in a number of other states that have similar sort of programs, there could be an identifiable branded cup for the district that would be, you know, clearly, it would be -- that would be the alcoholic beverage that can be consumed within the zone as opposed to something else. that's the idea to allow -- in the present, when you have a street closure, the businesses that are participating or businesses that are along the street closure can't really, you know, they can serve beverages inside their business or on the outside table and chairs but really, the opportunity to integrate the
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businesses along the corridor with outdoor programming on the corridor, it creates interesting new opportunities and business models. it directly deliver benefit to those businesses. >> thank you. >> sure. >> fellow commissioners, any comments, questions? business development manager, ben van houten? well, i did have a question, in terms of the sf live initiative that was launched a couple of years back? >> yes. >> has that rolled out and is it part of some of the programming that will be launched at eighth >> it is definitely a parallel effort to the ace zone. we're currently ramping up our brand development and building out some of our programming
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architecture for how the program is actually going to be deployed. so, and i hope to have more updates soon. in terms of the timeline for the ace zone, we are doing -- we're working this as fast as we can, but we want to be thoughtful and have plenty of time for community outreach as we think about what the zone looks like. >> okay. go ahead. >> in the community outreach component, are you -- are you engaging with all of the community stakeholder o organizations, cultural districts, that kind of stuff? >> we certainly will. we're so early in this process that we are still building our outreach plan right now, so i think that's a great, that's a great component of it, and but yeah. it's very -- we're kicking off. >> okay. commissioner perez. >> i think i actually speak for
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-- when you say downtown, was that encompasses up to fisherman's wharf. >> in terms of how we think about downtown, we, for purposes of our exercise, we're thinking broadly in terms of data collection, and obviously when it comes to how, you know, i think we want to, we want to right now just gather as much data as possible about where the night life and entertainment opportunities are and where things are happening downtown in the broader downtown of the region. i think once we move more toward identifying what resources incentive support will look like, think about how to focus those efforts to deliver impact is going to be, you know, thinking about a more defined geography will be more appropriate then, but again, we're -- this is all very early for where we are. i look forward to sharing updates over the
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coming months. >> thank you. >> okay. thank you. okay. let's go onto public comment. is there any public comment on this item? >> you can come up. >> this is my -- item no. six, is that correct? >> yes. >> so, i apologize if i don't understand the entertainment zone concept, being proposed in part by senator wiener and vibed in response to commissioner perez question. the entertainment zone concept is that, during special events, since the north beach fair, the bars in north beach will be permitted to sell off premise, alcohol, so that somebody attending the north beach festival or north beach fair can go into the local bars and walk out with a designated cup, buying alcohol from the existing bar and walk around the neighborhood with it. i believe that's the concept, is it? yeah. nothing was mentioned in
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that discussion and it needs to be mentioned. i'm neither for or against that idea but as somebody who was instrumental on helping with the north beach -- the nonprofit element. fair itself, it actually goes to many nonprofits in the neighborhood. it's based on selling alcohol, as we know in these fairs, regardless of outside the bars and restaurants that exist there. so again, when you establish the north beach fair, how do the producers who do it from are the bay area and charge little and how they can charge little to the stalls that allow crafts people to sell their goods. it's because they are making tremendous amount of money on the alcohol. the formula you have to come up with is not easy because it's not fair to the existing bars and restaurants to have them a public fair and they can't sell off premise alcohol only on premise. but there has to be consideration for those producers and nonprofits who are putting together the fair. so in
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our case, the north beach fair is put on by a business association that supports my group, i'm a volunteer with saint vincent policy society, we work with the homeless and many nonprofits derive income from these fairs so have you to come up with something that helps everybody and that's not easy to do. i don't envy you doing that. thank you for your time. >> thank you, sir. thank you for raising that point. okay. are there any other public comment folks? >> no further public comment. >> public comment is now closed. [gavel] the next item on our agenda is number seven. hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. i'll start us off. >> i wanted to note that tonight's permit agenda will
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read different in that both myself, may and dylan will be reading from the memo here, so before y'all vote on the consent agenda, dylan will read his piece, so letting you know there will be a hand off here. so we have three limited live performance on consent tonight. one of these is for a new indoor llp permit and the other to or for jam to bam llp permits for indoor and outdoor entertainment and amplified sound and the jam to bam permit is for existing jam permit holders in good standing to formalize their outdoor activities under an lpp permit. in both cases there's no change to their outdoor programming from the jam to bam application. but in addition, both permit applicants have added indoor entertainment as a component of their llp permit applications. note that due to their zoning controls pizza pellegrini are allowed -- all
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three applicants conducted outreach and there was no opposition for permit. mission station had no added conditions for rudy's and central station included the standard calendaring and condition for both jam to bam llp permit applications so the staff recommendation is for the commission to vote to approve the consent agenda with the staff recommendations below. >> thank you, deputy director. good evening, commissioner. dylan wright, senior analyst. also on the agenda is street closures applying for a one time out door event permit to host outdoor entertainment with extended duration starting april 2023 and in some cases up to 12 months. these events are community markets and festivals that are previously held jam permits and in good standing. the applicants conducted neighborhood outreach, there was no opposition to these permits and sfpd had no recommendations.
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and the staff recommendation is for the commission to vote to approve the consent agenda, pardon me, with the staff recommendations listed below. i want to make a note that the three of these events at farmer's market, soul for sundays and the line dancing performances are waiting to receive their final approval for the street closure from sftm on march 23rd. we're recommending we approve to prevent a gap in operations and require that the permit be valid contingent on getting the street closure permit approved and i want to make a note for ferm alan music, there will be limits for them in compliance with municipal police code article 1060.16 and take into account the nearest sensitive receptors so you'll see the staff recommendations underneath each item below.
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>> okay. is there a third read along? [laughter] >> not until the regular agenda. >> okay. all right. do we want to entertain a motion for the consent agenda? >> i would like to move to approve the consent agenda with staff recommendations. >> i'll second. >> okay. oh! i forgot to do public comment. okay. i can do it now. all right. is there public comment on the consent agenda? >> there's no zoom. >> no public comments for this item. >> okay. >> i have a quick question. i don't remember us doing, adding outdoor events on the consent agenda. is that new? >> yes. and so, also attached in
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your packet and which is in your ipad, it's the criteria in which we use to transition jam to bam, so what would require a hearing, what would require a consent agenda verses regular agenda, so that's how we place these on here. >> okay. thank you. >> yeah. >> okay. so public comment was closed. and is there any other commissioner questions, discussion points? okay. and then we had motions. so, are we ready for roll call? okay. let's do it. >> [roll call vote] >> okay. your permit applications are conditionally granted and follow up with
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deputy director azavado there next steps. thank you. all right. back to you, deputy director. >> regular agenda. >> yes. >> okay, good. the first permit on our regular agenda is limited live permit that includes both indoor and outdoor entertainment and outdoor amplified sound for shipyard trust for the arts. which is located in hunters point at 101 horn avenue. the applicant is seeking the llp permit to host indoor entertainment and jazz and play readings and small performances, and they hope to activate their outdoor private lot such as live bands and amplified bands and the space doesn't have nearby residential neighbors so ec staff is developing that they adhere to police code article 29 for indoor entertainment and article 2016 for outdoor entertainment and amplified sound and the applicant had
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outreach by posting their permit to town square which is a platform for folks in the area along with sending out a newsletter to 300 artist who have studios at the shipyard and no opposition to the permit and the permit was approved with the standard calendar and condition. here to speak with you this evening is their director, barbara okle. >> pulling up my presentation. >> yes. hello, commissioners and i wanted to give a shout-out to deputy director azavito and she
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as was helpful in supporting me in outreach and all the things that needed to be done. thank you. we're at the punt hunters point shipyard. you have been out there for the studio event. we're the only living thing in the shipyard and we expect to continue to be the only living, except a few coyotes that roam around for a while to come. and so, we're trying to promote the artist, our organizations and promote the artist business. there's 300 artists out there. recently, we also have a new gallery that was a result of a recent renovation of one of our buildings and so i wanted to show you some pictures going with that. thank you, may. how
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do we project that? yeah. so, we're at the southeast end of san francisco at the hunters point shipyard and the middle insert on the left which -- anyway. it's basically, you know where it is. it's north of candle stick court. it's a landmark for people. it's surrounded by water on three sides and the only residence anywhere nearby are the condos on the hill that were developed in the last ten years, but they are still pretty far away. you see that the white building, i don't know if you can -- right here, that's where our gallery is and that's where we plan to have entertainment when we have art openings, we'll have jazz and that kind of thing and also for open studios right outside that building. how do you advance this? >> scroll down.
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>> oh, okay. scroll down. >> this is the main building and the gallery is indicated there and in that area outside of the gallery, we have food service for open studio and also music. all that other waste land is construction site that was supposed to be for a new artist building that was going to be built but shutdown in 2018 with all the scandal and we don't expect changes in the foreseeable future, unfortunately. before we had that construction, you see we had open studios events. we had food areas there and we would love to have entertainment as well. it attracts more people and people can relax out there. this is the other, there's five other artist buildings besides that in the so-called parcel b
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which is the area that -- the owner was supposed to move into the big building that was built on that construction site but they can't because it's not going to be built, so we have food service and entertainment, basically, out on the street. yeah. outside those buildings so we have an attraction for the public, also for those artist in those buildings that are a little bit more off the beat and path. and this is just a picture of our new art gallery. that was still empty. we have an exhibit in there already and it has been well attended and we've had a couple of events there and people come and really enjoy the space and the music really, you know, would add to the attraction for our customers. so, pretty much that's all i have to present. if you have any
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questions -- >> thank you. okay. commissioners, do we have any comments, questions for our guest? >> thank you for the work you're doing there. it looks like it's enriching the community. it's a hub for arts there and i have no concerns at all. some of the reasons we exist to mitigate sound complaints and things like that, it doesn't look like they apply in any way to where you're operating. i couldn't be more supportive. thank you. [laughter] >> >> i have a comment. thank you for all your work. it's not easy and so, i'm grateful for all your efforts to bring entertainment and art and culture in that part of town so thank you to you. >> we're happy to do it. >> okay. all right. well, thank you. go ahead and have a seat.
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is there any public comment on this item? >> there's no public comment on this item. >> okay. okay. do we have a motion to approve the permit? >> i would like to make a motion to approve this permit with staff recommendations. >> thank you. is there a second? >> second. >> okay. all right. roll call. [roll call vote] >> okay. thank you. okay. your permit, your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with deputy director azevedo. okay. okay. >> it's my turn now. so, the second permit on the regular agenda is another farmer's market that's applying for one-time out door event permit to host outdoor entertainment with extended duration. the north beach farmer's market is a
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501c nonprofit in operation for five years and held a jam permit for weekly outdoor performances on saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30. and they want to continue this activity for this coming year. the reason they are on the regular agenda is because we have received 6 complaints about this markets live entertainment starting back in april 2022. please note that of the six complaints, five were anonymous so the complainant, so the applicant nor the ec staff have been able to reach out to the complaint to discuss their concerns and inspectors went to the field march 11th to do the prereported music which includes speakers and limits are included in the staff recommendation below and the applicant conducted outreach in advance of this hearing which included passing out an outreach letter to the residents between powell and stockton and powell between lumbard and (indiscernible). no complaints came from the outreach. and one neighbor asked that the alley be capped clear
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for residents. as a pd central station had no additional recommendations and here to speak with you this evening over zoom is the applicant nick farris. >> i'll bring in mr. farris right now. >> hi there, you can you hear me >> yes, we can, thank you. i'm trying to get you on the screen here. there you are. great. >> okay. hello. wonderful. hello commissioners, thank you for your time. my name is nick ferris and i'm a cofounder of the north beach farmers market and i apologize i can't be in person. i just had a newborn and leaving is sometimes very difficult for my wife. regarding the market and we're operating
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at our sixth year and we're applying to continue playing this music for all the points may alluded to already. their standard music that you have probably seen at a market yourself, but to acknowledge what may mentioned. we've had complaints over the years and both these, we have discussed with may and kaitlyn in the past and we have taken a variety of steps to do our best to mitigate any concerns because we, too, take it very seriously. my fellow commission may be good to hear about what we have done, so some things we have done to mitigate this, we have aimed the musicians and speakers away from the residential units, so the residential units are behind the speakers. we don't allow any speakers that aim in multiple directions. we have moved the band or performer further down the block where we understood to
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be away from the residential complaint. there's one person that we were aware or pretty sure we're confident where they were so we moved them further down the block. now, we've put the music to the very end of the market and in front of a used office building, so music aimed away from the building. the music literately can't be heard at the other end of the market and we're a small market. recently, this is the result of a conversation, may and dylan, we purchased a sound meter and we are training staff to periodically monitor the music for decibel levels and they are in power to turn down the music at any time and i have a session with andrew, one of the inspectors to go through a lot of this. that's it about the market. i want to open it up for questions. >> okay. thank you, mr. ferris and congratulations on your newborn. okay. commissioners,
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commissioner perez. >> thank you. hi, nick. thank you so much for presenting your project to us. also, congratulations to your baby. question for you, does the music start at 9:00 and i see your market starts from 9:00 to 1:30. does the music start at 9:00 or later? >> it starts later. i think on the permit, we applied to start to 9:30. that's when the musician arrives. and so, they arrive at 9:30 and will setup and play somewhere between 9:30 and 9:45 on average. >> okay. so the music starts around 9:30. until 1:30 or -- >> no. the market ends at 1:00. the musician will stop at 12:30. and then take down. >> okay. i got it. thank you. and then, when there are complaints, how are you able to address them in realtime?
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>> we can turn down music immediately. we've got, the speakers can be turned down immediately. >> okay. and then, how are people able to connect with you if they have a concern or complaint? do they call the phone number that you're able to -- that you're able to answer or your staff? >> yeah. at every market, we have staff onsite. there's a dedicated booth for market info and there will always be one or two people there at the market. so they can go directly to that individual and solve it in realtime or they can go to our website, north beach farmers market dot com and we have -- they can reach out to us through there through e-mail. >> okay. got it. just one more question. are you using a microphone sound system or are they performing without amplification? >> there is. yeah. typically, musicians will bring a small
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speaker and we'll have a microphone as well. >> okay. all right. thank you, nick and good luck. >> thank you. >> okay. other commissioners? okay. all right. thank you. let's go to public comment. >> to the right, to the left. no. >> no public comment for this item. >> okay. all right. public comment is closed. do we have a motion? >> i would like to make a motion to approve this application with staff recommendations. >> second it. >> okay, thank you. can we have a roll call, please. >> yes. [roll call vote] >> okay. mr. ferris, your permit application is conditionally granted and follow up with the permit administrator for next
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steps. >> okay. thank you all for so much. >> thank you. >> all right. great. the third item on the regular agenda is for the moscone center to host four small performance areas outside within the boundaries of their private property. so these areas include two on howard between 3 and fourth street. one on the corner of fourth and mena and one on third between howard and folsom. there be activated during conventions and events happening at the moscone center. when they want to activate these spaces at three days per week and maximum of four hours each day between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. starting april 14, 2023, and going to april 13, 2024. a full 12 months. they will be partnering with local musicians, dancers and artists to create diverse programming that will enhance the experience for convention visitors and the applicant conducted outreach in advance of this hearing, that
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include posting the notice on their website, sending e-mails to neighbors and handing out 30 letters in person to the neighborhood around the performance areas. san francisco police department southern station had no additional recommendations. here to speak with you this evening over zoom again is ryan coate, the convention services coordinator for the moscone center. >> mr. coate, i'll bringing you in as a panelists. >> hello everyone. good evening. thank you, commissioners for having me today to communicate what we're looking to do on behalf of the moscone center starting as soon as next april. we are excited to work with our partners in the buena district and beyond that to solicit artists to add to the expansion
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from the union square from the vista buena district to have something district around public art and areas around the moscone center. we're working closely with our partners thank you vista buena conserve vent see district. we're working with artist to see what's available and identifying which conventions we would like to add programming to, so it will be as small as a tree -- (indiscernible) and as long as a 40-person (indiscernible). we're looking to add those -- we've gone around, we've talked to all partners in the entertainment district and offering -- helping to connect performers to the program, so the first experiment we're doing with this program is going to be for the rsa convention which is at the end of the april. that's a huge
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convention coming to san francisco, so we're really excited to make something special for them and thank you for your time. we've gone around and talked to all of our neighbors and communicated to them since this past january and everyone is welcomed to this idea and hopefully, we'll have room to grow in the future. >> okay. thank you, mr. coat dgs -- coate. i'm surprised it's called small moscone when it's so big. commissioners. commissioner perez. >> thank you for your presentation. can you help me understand where the performances will be on howard, is it on the sidewalk or between fought and howard? can you explain -- can you help me understand where? >> sure. the area we like to use is an area next to the missouri
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center which will open toward the end of this year coming off forest street, and making a left. there's a well landscaped patio and it's seating for up to 50 people that can enjoy a small program so that's one area, which is marked on the map. across the street, there's two areas (indiscernible) and south (indiscernible) installation and the patio there and it's a good idea to add street performers there as well. >> okay. sounds great. thank you. >> you're welcome, thank you. >> okay. commissioner torres. >> i just wanted to ask if you can speak a little bit, for your programming, if you had reached out to legacy businesses that have history of robust performance and also other
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groups within the area that advocate for cultural programming? yeah. >> yeah, we've done outreach. we're always willing to add to our list. we're not completely set on one list but we have worked with production companies that have worked with the moscone for years and (indiscernible) museum is an example i had a conversation about programming. also, the yorba buena art center and reaching out to other community production companies and (indiscernible). so we're in the discovery phase right now, so everybody's welcome to have conversations about adding their program into the moscone center. >> may i follow up? i might recommend to just have a fully representative programming in this opportunity which seems
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like a great opportunity, maybe reaching out to long time legacy cultural institutions, like, bindle stiff or counter pulse or legacy businesses like ain't charlie's or the cultural districts that are adjacent or overlap the area of trends and cultural districts and filipinos and lgbtq. >> absolutely, thank you. we will. >> okay. is there any other comments? questions? okay. let's move onto, oh, public comment. we have someone walking up. come on. >> good evening, commissioners. i just was recently at a warrior game and i got to the stadium early and i was waiting for the other people and they had music around the stadium, which helped me pass the time and i was really, really enjoyable. before i even got to see the doves
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play. go i do the fancy food shows and other conventions that take place there and a lot of times, people are coming and going, but there's people that have to wait around. what better way than to promote the surrounding area to let people take on a san francisco experience. born and raised here in san francisco. it was big time music scene. we also saw a lot of our musicians exit out of san francisco because of affordability. at any time we can give opportunity for our musicians to play in an organized manner, we need to -- we need to move in that direction so i applaud this gentleman for expanding a little bit around the moscone county center and now maybe we'll have more of a positive moscone experience, so i'm all for it. >> okay. thank you. is there
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additional public comment? >> no more additional comments for this item. >> okay, public comment is closed. do i have a motion? >> actually, can i ask another question to mr. coate? >> okay. >> sorry. just a follow-up question. >> >> coate, come back. >> i'm here. >> another question that popped up in my head. is the permit for entire block or for fixed locations that you're asking for? >> i think the performer -- if it's okay with you, we would like them to roam in front of the moscone center if the permit allows that, but in the map, i made (indiscernible) where they can setup their music equipment or artist backdrop, but if possible, we would like them to roam in and interact with the goers on the north and south side as possible. >> sounds good. you wanted to clarify, thank you.
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>> thank you. >> okay, thank you. do we have a motion >> yes, just to clarify, director, if we move to approve this with the staff recommendations now, does that include the roaming ability because i would like to authorize that if we can? [laughter] >> yeah. absolutely. >> okay. so moved then. >> can i ask for clarification, sorry, about this roaming idea. just roaming on private property of moscone between the, that block, just that block, so can we be specific about the block? i'm asking -- i think the commissioners were wanting to add this as a condition. >> mr. coate, can you specify the desired perimeters? >> i think the entrance doors to any of the moscone center so the physical building where there's doors where people may be going
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in or out of or congregated in front of, either at moscone or themselves, i would like them to roam, so it's pretty much the entire block but it doesn't include -- the building doesn't take up the entire city block, so if possible, can we do the areas directly in front of our physical building? >> may, is that location not included on the staff recommendations? are we requesting an amendment. >> under the staff recommendations, it doesn't talk about that roaming aspect of it. we just have the map that's included in the permit application and those are the four locations that they originally are asking for, so i'm wondering if we're expanding it, so it includes basically howard between third and fourth. >> yeah. i think that was always the intention. i think you all need to make an amendment to the
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staff recommendations to include that. >> okay. i would like to move to approve this item with one amendment to the staff recommendation to allow outdoor performances outside of the front of the moscone center on that block, on howard. sounds great. >> i'll second. >> okay. can we have a vote, please. >> all right. [roll call vote] >> okay. mr. coate your permit application is conditionally granted and follow up with permit administrator lee hang for next steps. >> thank you very much.
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>> okay. and for fourth and final permit application, senior analyst rice. >> yes, good evening. so, the last item tonight on the regular agenda is for sf marin food bank to host outdoor amplified sound at mr. pop up pantries where they dispute food to communities in need at 15 locations around the city. permit would allow fem there to provide am beautiful znswer and music for their volunteers to enjoy while they work on daily basis monday to saturday from april of march of in year. they are gooding an 8:00 or 8:30 start time and requesting 11:00 a.m. start time not to exceed 5 and a half hours at each location. the food bank has been doing the activations during the past couple of years. the applicant informed me that the locations will need to change every two or three months, so i'm recommending tonight we add a condition to
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their permit that requires them to notify us 14 days before any location change so we can amend their permit administratively. in your folder, the permit location and schedule for amplified sound and their property approvals. there was no opposition to this permit. there were no concerns from bay view and southern stations and we did not receive any recommendation from the other police stations within the response window so we assume they have no issues with the amendment. excuse me, with the permit. here to speak with you tonight is louise from sf marin food bank. >> hi. thanks, dylan, for the introduction. my name is louise from san francisco marin food bank. i'm the senior program manager running the program, which is one of our direct service programs. the pop upstarted during covid response.
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we passed our three-year anniversary yesterday. we started the day after shelter-in-place went into effect in san francisco when our conventionally pantries had to close because they were indoors and the need of our services were about to increase rapidly. the pop-up pantries continued and become a permanent part of our programming. we have no plans to stop operating in this manner in the outdoor locations. the pop-up pantries, 15 is on this application serves 1500 households in san francisco a week. the demand for our services has not decreased but increased to reasons you're familiar with. the staff run program is a staff run program and groups of volunteers come. we literately have two, three,
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four trucks from our 900 pennsylvania warehouse filled with food and all supplies we need to setup a big project distribution to serve between 500 and -- groups of volunteers do the labor that has during the pandemic which was prepacking groceries they are rapidly transitioning over to farmer's markets style distribution but we rely on volunteers and rely on volunteers to have a good time including on things like that and weather like this. and we use, or we have been using handheld battery bluetooth speakers playing, some music in the background, for the volunteers and participants to make it good. we were alerted that we needed a permit when we went to the hearing for our street closure site last month. so, i've been working with dylan who has been amazing over the last month to bring this permit
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to you. as he mentioned, it has been a little tricky to fit them into the kind of structure of the application due to the need. our locations need to change. we don't really know when. three months is a long time in our world so contacts, we started is this sfusd spaces when the schools were closed and the schools reopened so we're in a mixture of faith-based organizations, parking lot, sf mta street closure sites, pretty much any space we can get that has the capacity and happy for us to be there. we don't have any knowledge of any changes due to location that hasn't been communicated in these materials, but i can't promise you i won't get a phone call tomorrow saying we won't need to find a new location. we tried to get a longer permits, somewhere like
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(indiscernible) has been amazing. but they just don't issue permits for longer than three months and they will renew it every three months, so i haven't been able to provide anything longer than the dates listed for our permission to be there. we, as dylan mentioned, we've been operating in most of these spaces, some since early 2020. some, most recent move was three months ago. to our knowledge, we haven't received complaints about the music that we're using except for one very local neighbor complaint, which was part of a larger, more philosophical complaint about our operation. and since we received that complaint, we haven't used a speaker in that location within audible distance from that neighbor's address. having said that, we're staff led and we have a supervisor onsite who takes action if there's any complaint or problem with what we're doing by noise or in eye complaints about
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taking over a street block or parking space for a morning a week or afternoon a week. and yeah. i just -- we're here to ask if there's a way if you can issue us a way to use music. it's something that our volunteers have felt very strongly about and we really like to work with you to see if there's a way we can continue using music at these site locations to make them a better, more fun environment and welcoming place to be for everyone who is coming by. >> thank you. thank you, ms. cantwell and this is very close to me heart in terms of food programs here in san francisco. fighting food insecurity throughout the city and to see a program that came out of our covid response become part of your programming is amazing. and to get a sound permit for this is amazing as well. and i was hoping that you would be doing the food
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distribution and having music playing too, because that would be amazing as well. let's start here. commissioners? >> i also would like to thank you for meeting this need, as we come out of -- as we came out of lockdown and come out of the pandemic, especially i know for members of the night life industry and entertainment industry, just things have not returned to the way that they were before and programs like yours are saving people's lives. let's be honest. so thank you very much for that. i have a sort logistical question, just out of curiosity, how much for your site -- for your distribution sites, what kind of square footage are you looking for in terms of size?
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>> it depends on the number of people who are enrolled to pickup at that location. most of our sites, in effect, we mold or shape to whatever space is available to us, so in terms of some of our smaller ones can operate in a parking lot, maybe 15 to 20 parking stalls. if you're familiar with the sf mta parking lot in richmond, we operate on a compact site. if we have a larger space, we use quite a lot of stone town parking lot by the old movie theater as well and enjoy the luxury of being able to spread out but it's subject to what our neighbors and the land controller are happy with us using for that part of the week. >> thank you. >> okay. commissioner perez. >> hello. i also would like to thank you and your volunteers for the work that you do. i think this pop-up pantries are important, necessarily life
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saving service for our community and entirely reasonable to have some music while volunteers are working and while folks are in line and have a little joy and entertainment, i think that's very reasonable. so i totally am for this application, so thank you. >> thank you. >> just thank you for doing this critically important work and serving our most vulnerable in the community. i think it's silly you have to be here to ask for our permission to do this, so i think you're not going to find any opposition up here. [laughter] >> let's go to public comment. >> no public comment for this item. >> okay. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. do i have a motion? >> so moved with staff condition. >> second. >> thank you. can we have a vote, please. >> yes.
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[roll call vote] >> okay. ms. cantwell, your permit application is conditionally granted and follow up with permit administrator lee ang for next steps. >> item no. eight is the last agenda item. commissioner comments and questions, which i'll have to say. go ahead. come on, please. really? no conversation, no shout outs? no weather report? okay. all right. quiet bunch. all right. [laughter] is there public comment on this last item? >> there are no public comment for this item.
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>> look at all of these beautiful people. before we get started, i just want to get a shout out to all our women. [cheers and applause]. women's history month, we've got to represent. hello i'm dr. llena miller. i'm a third generation san franciscan. and i am the ceo and cofounder along with the fabulous bayron wilson of urban alkamy. who is urban al chamy. we're 400
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