tv Sherrifs Department Oversight Board SFGTV April 16, 2023 4:00am-7:01am PDT
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role. calling role. member afuhaamango is not with us. member brookter. why year >> vice president carrion yoochl present >> member nguyen >> front. >> member palmer member soo. >> present. the first item y. item 1. general public comment. at this time the public is welcome to address the board for 2 minutes that don't appear on the agenda but within the jurisdiction of the sheriff's department board. board members are not subject
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to. members of the public present lining up at the podium and those not present phone calling 415-655-0001. you will hear a beep when you entered when public ment is, nounsed press star and this will add sunrise the moderator you wish to speak. had you hear, good afternoon you have 2 minute this is is your opportunity to comment. you will have 2 minutes to provide your comments witness your 2 minutes ended you will be moved in listening as a participate unless you disconnect. members may stay on the meet and listen for had another item is
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called in order to comment by pressing star 3 to be entered become in the queue. one commenter. [inaudible]. [no microphone] [cannot hear speaker] include information how it file a complaint. i talked with paul henderson about this and complained on twriter that this information was not available. paul explained to file a complaint against the sheriff's deputy i have to file it with
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the sheriff. there is a real problem with that. i feel like why should i complain to the superior of the deputy i want to complain against. i would like for the system to be set up where the information is visible on your website. give a phone number we can call special e mail address for more information. so the complaint come to you. and not the sheriff's department. now, i intends to file a complaint against date andrew m. martinez the third. his star number is 1245. this deputy i have it on camera, tried prevent my speech on tuesday at the entertainment commission. this department martinez also followed me when i come to city
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hall. i foal this is intimidation. and i would like the board and sheriff to investigate why he is behaving this way toward me. thank you. >> thank you. no callers on the queue. calling line item 2 >> mr. clerk. can you also confirm this information now hen updated in our website. that, yes. that was added this morning when we were made aware of it. >> yes. >> thank you for your comments. >> those are investigated by department of police ash countability and i see senior investigator beigeon at the rear of the room. i believe he can advise you about their process for accepting complaints and
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investigating them. >> there are 2 links on the web page one to the sheriff's office and one is to the dpa complaint form. >> next item. item 2. adoption of minutes. rekosovo and approve the minutes from sheriff's board regular meeting on march third of 23 in the community meetings on march 14, 2023 and march 28 of 23. >> i just had a couple of minor changes. the original draft. i did not think the second draft we needed to go in detail it is
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commentary we don't go in so much detail. i have the page i can read it and hundred it to you. >> we are looking at page 2 under recruitment of inspector general. the third paragraph i put the worried manage punishment after 5 years of experience. am i know that was shorthand for to you put but use her surname afuhaamango and after public meant afuhaamango again there is reference to member obova and put nicole credential prosecute
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vision. >> thank you. i submitted some more details to the minutes. make a motion we adopt the revise the minutes that i had submitted to you with the additions in red. and commissioner soo's ment our goal is in the to make commentary but to give a complete picture of the megz and tasks. i would object to that motion.
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i done think it was mentary it was being specific had my motion had been. about changing the requirement from 5 years of management of experience to 2 years approximate your motion about removing the from the possession of practitioner of oversight is the desirable qualifications i was being more specific to the actual motion had been and when we voted on. is there a second for my motion. 've none. move to adopt the initial draft with changes by commissioner soo. >> second. can you clarify adopting moving to adopt all 3 or just the just the original with my additions.
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>> allowed do it all together if you want to. do you have comments. that first and the others we can adopt as is. anyone have comments on the others. she said we can do one. i would guess. send the amendment. and the other special community meetings as is. for members of the public had would like to make comment on item 2 lineup or call 415-655-0001 and enter the access code. press 3 to be added to the queue >> michael patrellis again. there are no minutes available for the public it inspect.
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i'm at a disadvantage not having the information you are looking at. i hope you will in the future have a few copies printed for the public to view when we show up here. and i'm interested in seeing the minutes from march 14 and march 28 to see if there were any members of the public when were here to speak up or for, thank you. or for those who -- might have called in. and i'm sorry i don't know who you are. >> i'm sorry. januarya with the city attorney's office. >> i just handed the draft minutes from the city attorney's office and thank you very much. and i don't see public comment.
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for general public comment for march 28 there was no public comment. for tuesday march 14th, good. you did have general public comment and also public comment was made on the recruitment of the inspector general. i think it is important to know that the members of public are addressing this body in person or remotely on phone. i want to know had they are saying and i think that you can also consider having different times for your meetings so that people who cannot either come here on a friday afternoon or take time off of w or childcare, to call in, they may be able to do this if you meet at 5 p.m.
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take into consideration, thank you for the draft minutes. thank you. >> thank you. >> could you rep minds people if they want to submit comments through e mail. we meet based on availability of staff and sfgovtv. so 2 on a friday might not be the best for members but we have a duty so we make every effort to be here we are bringing city hall to the community through our community meetings. thank you for your comments. >> one caller on the phone. >> >> good evening you have 2 minutes. they put their hand down. on the motion to accept the
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meeting minutes march 3 of 22 with the amendment by member soo and the community meeting held on march 47 approximate 28. i will take the vote. member book trevor ter. >> aye. >> vice president carrion. >> aye yoochl member nguyen. >> yate. aye. >> member soo. >> aye. >> bunkham wechter. >> no. >> majority votes are cast and the motion passes the minutes from march third of 23 regular meeting with member soo amendments and the community meeting minutes held on march 14 and 28 meetings are adopted. call the next item. >> item 3 recruitment of
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inspector general possible action item. >> presentation by michelle phillips from the oak land police department. updates on sponses to the job postings, answer question and time line. further discussion on the recruitment process and discuss march community meetings and april approximate may community meeting. ms. phillips? >> thank you so much. [inaudible] good afternoon to you all [inaudible]. vice president and members of the public. if it is okay [inaudible] share my screen. do a power point. >> ms. phillips for our audience can you introduce yourself and say something about your position and your history and qualifications that brought
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to you that position. >> absolutely. i do apologize [inaudible]. i am [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker] oversight of the police department during and after exit out of the agreement. [inaudible]. [inaudible]. ms. phillips it seems we are having difficulty hearing. i'm not sure if it is on your side or our tech side i wanted let you be aware of this in case it is on your side i'm not sure if we can do anything. we do have captions but sometimes the captions seem not to be able to pick up when you are saying. i wanted to let you know if
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political in the city [inaudible]. i came from baltimore as a deputy inspector general for the city of built more that jurisdiction was the entire city. we investigated frud,bus, public corruption and misconduct. [inaudible]. and all of the office. within the [inaudible] police department. and [inaudible] condition tractors join business. i have background in criminal justice. both of my degrees as well as former correction's officer. i'm training and i have be certified duty association of inspector's general. why do you have questions if in the i will share my screen. >> no, thank you.
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>> i put together a quick power point had my process was [inaudible] can you see the screen? >> yes. >> wonderful, thank you. imented to talk about the press i went through being selected as the [inaudible] oak lands. some of the knowledge and leadership i think is important when selecting an inspector general [inaudible]. [echo, muffled [words breaking up]. the office of the inspector general here with the [inaudible] to where there were 3 interviews 2 of those
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interviews were with the -- the commission go through a national search and through candidate [inaudible]. inspector general background the oversight background nationally. 2 of the interviews were [inaudible] public. and then the last where the public forum i went head and put the public forum notification for members of the public to view. [inaudible] candaceidates i think [inaudible]. the police [inaudible]. [choppy] sum row regarding the
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settlement [inaudible]. so that prompted -- to explain about, prior to the [inaudible]. in the city of oakland and -- issue and concerns -- to identify were not [inaudible] miss phillips it is hard to hear like parts of words are dropping off. so i don't know if this is your microponent we are not hearing everything you are saying. >> i don't know. let me -- approximate is it better? speaking too quickly should i [inaudible] or it is choppy? >> i think it is choppy. i don't know [inaudible]. sfgovtv says she turns off her
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deliverables that was asked during the press we were asked to provide an organizational chart that we thought would be feasible. to help the office of inspector general move forward. >> now miss phillips you said there was i first deliverable i did not hear good had that first deliverable was. a one page sum row but i'm not sure what can you reiterate that, please. >> yes, ma'am. so the one page deliverable was specific to the state of policing. this video opened and everyone negotiated the settlement agreement for 20 years our first was i one page sum row regarding what we thought were the
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challenges regarding the [inaudible] in the city of oakland and [inaudible] in police [inaudible] you have 100% compliance with [inaudible]. the second deliverable was organizational chart accompanied boy a plan. when our vision was, what our mission will potential low be regarding account at and transparency in the office inspector yes or no and how we are implementing that [inaudible]. we wanted to provide to the commission with this [inaudible]. mystery feedback that i have given to the police commission during that process and love to give [inaudible] intentional about the questions if you elect
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a public firm. in of the questions had to do broadly [inaudible] and would have been more important not only [inaudible] in your [inaudible] as to how we would implement and stand up in office in san francisco which for my position was not a let of the questions were broad about general [inaudible]. so. that's [inaudible] a lot of the members of the public could not understands when you would bring to our jurisdiction here in oak [inaudible] [choppy] approximate
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community [inaudible]. i would [inaudible] transport knowledge and vision. what policy is important in the inspector general position is [inaudible] it is amaze thering is already a model in san francisco the department of police accountability. already came [inaudible] you have the several [inaudible] that gives leadership you don't have to start everything from the grounds up. there has to be a level of awe ton mow and independence regarding your mission and vision and making sure it is in line with the sheriff's oversight board and establishing a good working rep with the sheriff as well as the city
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stake holders went sheriff's department and the city. confidence and oversight, knowledge is also extremely important. what this means is for the residents of san francisco, [inaudible] being the sheriff's department is very [inaudible] for the deputies working in [inaudible] understanding the challenges in the interactions with the residents on the outside as well as the individuals inoccurserated on the inside. relationships and transparency. in showing the community is a part of the process, the board the commission, utilizing the community input as well as now i think a great platform in allowing the community to have a
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safe zone as this particular organization [inaudible] what -- sheriff oversight should electric like if [inaudible]. and i think upon 39 not only the sheriff but and individuals this are dealing with an interactive [inaudible] approach and listening [inaudible] for a well rounded [inaudible]. i also think it is extremely important to have these conversations early on with i candidate. what investigative and audit stoorngd would they like to adopt in their office of the inspector general. it is important to provide credibility to the work. so there are things of course,
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you dropped off toward the end it is heard to hear the last 3 words. >> the association of inspector general [inaudible]. as well which provides -- auditing and investigations roach and inspection and options with the sheriff's department and [inaudible]. have knowledge of the standards i think in -- but -- oversight looks like and accountability. i would also ask if they are understanding the -- authority for the establishment -- of the office of inspector general for sheriff's department in san francisco. understanding what governs your authority and how you work that is home work for anyone who is look to do this job. the first thing you need to do is read. what know governs are create exclude how can be dismanualed. that is our guiding principal and your jurisdiction will meet
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moving forward and appropriate direction. a question i thought was [inaudible] after the d. police accountability independent, are they sharing staff. these are the questions i would have. as a candidate i don't know if they are questions that have been asked of the commission as of yet. i think that is something interesting because you have a [inaudible] and oversight [inaudible] and as it stands now where will the office of inspector general have [inaudible] becoming [inaudible]. have the same [inaudible] as the dpa and how will they work -- that suspect the role in the --
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in the organizational -- organizational structure. [inaudible] there is administrative work, a lot of community work and a lot of information such as expertise should also be and -- the inspector -- [inaudible]. the reason i bring this up this is one [inaudible] i said they gave me [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker] i had no funds for training, software or hardware i'm [inaudible] helped to put a robust [inaudible] with just be mindsful as you recruit the plan is [inaudible] are you -- colleges to recruit are
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you using internal auditors. there are several oversight entities the counsel for inspector general. there are places what is your recruitment plans the appropriate skill set. and professional development plan is important as you are building an [inaudible]. i will make it quick. access to the [inaudible] or will the sheriff -- upon request. and if that -- there need to be a policy established what that looks like for formal requests. from the office of inspector general to the sheriff's d. under the charter the office of
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inspector general shall not be [inaudible]. i want to know if the commission thought about conceptualizing exactly what law enforcement is and are there positions talking about, sworn only or corrections. are we talking about investigators for the da's office as well. >> and how can the inspector general be from their to suspicion. with cause, without cause? if it is with cause, hajustifies cause? and how does the oig interact
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with the commission. -- able to provide facts as members of the community. i just want to be a policy on what that would look like or toed for thought how the interaction would be i think you are in great shape and have the director there so you all have already thought about this. i'm here for questions and i'm sorry for the technical difficulty. >> thank you, so much ms. phillips. does the board have questions >>00 do. thank you miss phillips for being here this is member soo. grit to hear from you and you object have a lot of depth with your experience. so i think one thing that is concerning for me is of excluding candidate who is had
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been employed by law enforcement temperature is i broad category. what do you see in terms of impedaments from excluding those types of possible candidates and explain what you think having your experience as a department sheriff or probation officer brought to your understanding of the job that you have today? >> great, questions, commissioner soo. thank you for the opportunity. i do think it would limit the candidate pool. i think that we could definitely [inaudible] that [inaudible]. individuals that sworn law enforcement or [inaudible] officers could potential low in the state of california or jurisdiction around an area, i think that may help to widen
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your span. i honestly i'm passionate about corrections work. behind the wall it helps mow to understand. as well and understanding the plight of what a sheriff will [inaudible] [inaudible] that techical assistance and seeing the up side of how individuals [inaudible] viewed that authority. and being a void for individuals incarcerated. [inaudible]. i think having the understanding and this will give [inaudible] working with [inaudible] is very difficult [choppy] it is heard when you have not heard
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[inaudible] and you have to let the experience not the only experience there are amazing practitioners this have no law enforcement experience. that has to you have to invest in training. and professional development to ensure there is understanding in the comprehension. and so finally could you make your presentation available through our secretary? >> absolutely. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> yes, ma'am. >> other board members have questions? you were talking about how you set upper your office and i sent you materials including the budget for the oig.
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when areas do you feel inspector general needs to as well autonomy in terms of setting up is this new office. based on your experience establishing your agency in oakland? >> i think important [inaudible] understand the vision this you have you all select candidates and you have [inaudible] enough support and believe enough in this individual and when they can bring to this position they should have [inaudible]. the office how they see fit with and staffing of the office this they -- [inaudible] i think it was a great start and then i said i had i think [inaudible].
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bringing that commitment and why than i set up the office they way they want it mix them to feel there is ownership of their vision and structure and taught me independence and important they are being handcuffed for electric of i word doing something they don't have interests [inaudible]. was? the end of your last of the answer. i think it is really [inaudible] isn't the inspector general should have a vision in the best interest of the city and county
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of san francisco as well as ensure effective and efficient civilian over site of the sheriff's department. so having the independence. >> and can i ask you when you were w nothing balmore how did you learn about the job open nothing oakland? the association of inspector's general, posted openings. so i don't know if you know much about it there is a western state chapter of the association of inspector's general in california. in positions regarding inspector's general they post there the [inaudible] go to or for certified inspector's general, investigators, auditors and a national organization of similar of the broad are jurisdiction as [inaudible]. that's where i heard about the
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position. >> and how long did it take you to decide to apply and submit the application? i was -- upward mobilitied in my career i was ready to apply but the actual process took 8 to 9 months. they decided not to use [inaudible] and they did the national search themselves. so as you all know volunteer your time is limited we understood it a bit [inaudible] it took about 8-9 months from submitting my application to actually getting an offer of employment. i know you talked about the oakland police department being under a federal consent decree
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and settlement agreement i assume you did research regarding that, which informed you about a lot of the issues facing the oakland police department. thankfully our sheriff's department is in the under consent decree. what information would a potential candidate want to know about our sheriff's department? so they could have i sense of the tasks observe them and how they would approach them? >> absolutely. [inaudible] the structure of the sheriffy department jurisdiction. of the sheriff's department. the department has relative to the authority of the police department. as well as if there had been -- how many use of force, and come
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plains. and -- [inaudible]. were there huge federal lawsuits with the sheriff's department. [inaudible]. kind of understand and look at the union contracts as well. what types of protections than i have. and how they operate policies, procedures. early on and see if [inaudible]. you can provide technical assistanceor recommendations to the commissioner or board. okay. thank you very much for that. any other questions from board members? okay. thank you so much ms. phillips and the effort you put in this presentation, it is very
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helpful. >> you are welcome. i can stay on if members have a question for me. that would be great. thank you. that was very helpful and valuable for us to consider your points. >> absolutely. dorm we have a member of public when would -- members of public withhold like to make public comment for item 3, on the presentation by ms. phillips line up at the podium or call 415-655-0001 enter the access code then star 3 to enter the queue. mr. patrellis. >> hi, michael patrellis fwen it was very difficult to understand when was being said and trying to follow the closed
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captioning was not better it was saying [inaudible]. i want to suggest this um the next time you have a presentation of remote low that before the meeting you do a rehearsal with the presenter and iron out the tech differences. excuse meet tech problems. you know i'm proudly low tech. and um -- i have learned that before getting on family zoom calls that it is irrelevant to my advantage to practice to rehearse with my sister and it irrelevant keeps things smooth. so, please, in the future, do a rehearsal before the meeting. thank you. >> thank you. why oh , by the way you are going to make michelle philip's presentation visible on the web so we can look at the slides
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that she made, right? yo yes, that's correct. >> and ms. phillips thank you for crediting the slides and your presentation and look forward to following them on the web later tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> my apologies. >> there are no callers in the queue. >> regarding miss philipe' comment about the section h in the charter, this says, no sd ob or oig staff shall have been employed previously by a law enforcement agency or labor organization representing law enforcement employees. i think we may need an opinion from the city attorney's office on how we are defining employee previously by a law enforcement agency. and does this mean only sworn
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personnel or a civilian employee of a law enforcement agency? because dhr revows it would be useful for them to know which applicants that could not consider because of the charter. i will say that when this was drafted, barbara and i remove third degree from it and somehow between the time we saw and on the ballot it was reinserted. we thought it was not useful to have this prohibition i have known many skilled former law enforcement individual who is work in over site and contribute greatly to it. simple this something we could get from the city attorney's office in >> certainly. i think it goes to the legislative history of the intent of original authors. i don't know if it is captured. i'm one who worked on it. >> better we don't have to
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guess. >> thank you. i mean it does not distinguish between looking at it quickly between worn and nonsworn. >> right. i believe we have a presentation from dhr, is this correct? >> yes, mr. green. how are we doing >> good. >> [laughter]. >> good afternoon a pleasure to be back in front you have i'm paul green department of human resource here to give you an of brief update on the recruit am efforts. the announcement went live on march 27 on smart recruiter website. it is also on dhr main web page. give it more visibility. and thanks to your commission secretary dan he got it posted
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the free sites that the members provide dan has gone through most of them and contacted the organizations and posted to those. and we are in the process of finalizing the contract with the vender so those organizations that charge a fee we get those posted very, very soon. and i will provide chairman soo an update on the contracts had it is complete. . testimony close to april 24 due to delay on getting it posted paid cites it is possible we can extend that deadline. and then the next steps will be the job announcement on paid cites. we will in the process of screening the applicants as we receive them. and following that it will be divideed new categories qualified or not qualifyd and then we will work with the board and come up with the recruit am
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steps on the candidates. >> have we receive the anything? >> i don't have the numbers i know, yes we received at least numbers of candidates. >> okay. >> [laughter] they are not all local we have some out of state and throughout the country. and they have come from various websites not just our job posting but other cites posted already and i hope this number will increase witness it goes to targeted organizations we will get it up on shortly >> thank you for making everything seamless. everything in a pot, stirred and refined everything very well. >> i'm glad it appear this way on the outside. >> the paddle furiously under the water. >> other questions for mr. green. i wanted to note that myself i
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think also commissioner soo i'm not sure if other members did, there was specific organizations that were focussed on historically disadvantaged communities. judges and past prosecutors of bipoc, black, latino and people of color and lbgtq+ judges. there is an effort to make sure that those minorities were being targeted throughout specific organizations and list. 25-30 plus organizations not including the minority council here in san francisco that has april 15 plus minority local organizations. i want to make sure the public knew that. those efforts in addition to the efforts of sending sxoel other industry specific -- associations have also been out reached to. >> so i have the list you sent
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of the places posted. the ones outstanding that charge are -- california lawyer's association. american bar association. american society of criminology and national bar association. idealist. org. the bar association of san francisco. and naco. >> i had a question on the national bar association the american bar association? i thank you is listed here as national bar association. >> i'm not sure. >> must be an error. >> looking for national asian pacific bar association and i had the american bar association not national bar association.
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url is jobs. nation alb. org/employers. not one i heard of. yes. those are the 1s that still need to be posted. i believe we are waiting for free organizations we contacted respond to out reach as well. why you know i posted the 3 organizations which i'm a member through their list serves. any other questions? of >> i have a question q. ms. phillips talked about the international organization she heard it from. >> yes. have we post today to them support is that on our list. it is. it is on our list. >> wonderful just making sure, >> thank you. why thank you for your w we appreciate it. >> thank you, have a good day.
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public comment? >> is there further discussion on the matters? related dhr's presentation. >> no , i think we should have discussion about future community meetings. >> all right. i mean hold public comment until after that. sure. >> brief? >> thank you for doing a great job in getting the meetings we had the board thought we would do 4 now we are how many in? scheduled? we have 4 more scheduled. right we have now a total of 6.
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which is wonder and will they are representative of the different districts and in place accessible to community all of san francisco communities so we are on board worry when we had initial low as the board decide to make sure that all different san franciscans of different communities had access and we went to them versus them coming to us. thank you for this work and the other commissioners. i know each us played a role in some ways. i think this we are on board to what we had initially said that was one of our values and missions -- so it is grit to see that the community members are coming to the meeting and giving comment. >> we had 2 community meeting and each one had one member of the public added. they have not been well attended. i like to suggest we broaden the scope of the meetings. i can't recall the woman from
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league of women voters asked about the duties and responsibilities of sheriff's department. we felt someone from the sheriff's department could better explain that. i suggest we from the future meetings have someone from the sheriff's department describe what they do. ask for public comment about any concerns or questions or issues they have regarding the sheriff's department. this will settle way to our role and the role of office of inspector general so people put it in better context. and perhaps provide more comment. might draw more people if we have i general meeting with the sheriff's department it is clear many people are not aware of the things they do. and this will be a good opportunity tolet them know about that. joy think we could have a hand out as i was planning for the meetings on the west side in
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speaking with a supervisor staff, he had mentioned it would be helpful to have the duties lined out and we are city and county we are unique as well. in the designation of the sheriff's role versus the upon police department's role. also we want to make sure we have interpreters if we have on our website if well is a need we are it there. the staff at the with the supervisor's office are capable of providing language interpretation and also have the d. civic engagement who can after interpreters as well. >> our next community meeting is scheduled for next tuesday april lefrn the crocker amazon club house 7999 moscow street 6 to 8 p.m. is it too late to change the agenda to make it
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broader? >> you have to post 42 hours ahead of time i think you are still went outside of the 72 hours >> chief is it possible from someone from the sheriff's department to come to that meeting to talk the duties and responsibilities of the sheriff's department? >> >> okay. and then the one after that is on friday april 21st at mission art center 745 treat avenue 6 to 8 p.m. if we could have someone there. dan the ones in may. the richmond and sunset. >> i reached out to supervisor robe sxen supervisor safai's office the next are in their
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district. and asked them to try to publicize the meetings through constituent and news letter if anyone knows of a community organizations that we can inform about this, we would love to have that information get it to dan so he can send that out. >> final low we do need to have a community meeting that meeting encompasses china town, nerth beach. tenderloin and soma. that's a good idea >> that would be president peskin and supervisor dorsey's districts. >> i think you mentioned something about publicly a meeting at glide church? >> yes. i have a meeting with them on monday. >> okay. >> that is a long truck from china town for elderly residents
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do we think we could have a meeting at glide and a separate meet nothing china town. joy recommend a separate meeting. >> yes. >> look for a meeting location in the china town neighborhood. >> yes. >> you think this glide would be sufficient for south of mission. >> uh-huh. >> yes this is pretty close. dan the schein chinese benevolent association the chinese 6 companies can offer up victor memorial hall on stockton as a community garthing place. we can work on it together i will give you a contact name. any further discussion on item 3? >> dan, call the next item on
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the agenda. why public comment. why i'm sorry. yes. >> sorry. >> did you go to item 5. we are not there yet. >> this is the sheriff's item 4. >> sorry. >> no worries >> number 3. >> members who would like to comment for item 3 the presentation and discussion of the community meeting fist you are present line up otherwise, call 415-655-0001, enter the access code and star 3 to enter the queue. there is no one for public comment. >> calling line item 4 sheriff'sy choov report informational item.
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presentation by sheriff's office on data on complaint and internal investigation cases including types of complaints, numbers and dispositions. >> hello, members. good to see you again >> related cases we have and coming from the years of 2019-22. 22 is not the full year it is up until about august or september. we are working on other data now as far as to update later on down the line. upon advises the investigations are reenlisted here are combined with the dpa investigations. it is our end of the dpa. the specifics i can not get into related results under the
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details to cases due to this is a public forum and usually it has to be a request related to the specific deputies. to go over the rules of the disclosure and retention of representing covered by the penal code 832.7 and 832.5 of the penal code and evidence code of 1043, the evidence code and sb16, helps modify some of these codes here which is protection for the officers and the deputies related to this the peace bill of rights. >> next slide. we sum rised everything related this. going to the next now. in 2019 we had total
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investigations of 68 investigations on which related to citizen complaints. and administrative complaints. you see there are 68. on the right sustained were 21. not sustained was 26. exonerated 6. unfounded was 47 and at that time one open case under investigation. on the bottom we broke it up on use of force. 16 investigations. one sustained. 10 were not, 3 exonerated, one unfound exclude one open investigation. moving on to 2020. >> i had i question so the use of force investigations is that part of the number above or in addition. why this is part of the numbers above and broke it down so you see the use of force the
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difference from the other cases. >> do you break down complaints by category? at dpa we have a warranted action or neglect of duty. it broken down to misconduct and use of force not you know policy and procedures and not following policies or procedures. or related to insubordination. again our technology is not the best. we have to dot machineual per of it. so -- it it is difficult now to retrieve each information per case on that. why these include cases handled by d. police accountability. >> this is all combined the police department the dp ado their investigations but don't make the final decision than i make the recommendation that is
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up to the sheriff to decide on that. or to agree with dpa in that respect. but in addition to it that's all related to our data because the sheriff is make thanksgiving decision. dpa recordkeeping did than i brick down allegations by category the types you described. >> you have to talk to them i'm sure they do i'm not with them so you will have to discuss this with dpa representatives. i know you den want to look at total number of complaints you want to see what they are about, some being be minor. >> that's correct. so -- again the report handed it me i'm not one of the investigators i'm here to report the numbers to you. is there a break down of what types of cases go with the different findings and what allegations were sustained oh or exonerated. they do have that that is more
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for the discussion off closed session. >> why? >> so --. there were cases like i say when we talk about it goes out these case are really deputies and so -- they goes to pr and other things. so that's in respect to that. >> okay. >> and does the sheriffy department make this information public low accessible? >> the data is on our website. sfsheriff. gov. you have number of cases resulted in fine or -- i have
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not a second time familiar with it y. on many law enforcement agency in california do publish this data. and in a format. i'm not familiar i have to talk to thome get more specifics:public from my aid in the next meeting. i'm trying we will try to get machine to be more specific related to your question. it is ms. phillips someone doing research would want to look at know everything they can about the sheriff's department including the rink of complaints the number and type of complaints to know what the office would be doing. i think more information to provide the better. >> we'll of bring one of the investigators on the next round
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>> thank you. >> please, continue y. move to 2020, the total investigations 49. sworn. 12 sustained. 18 were not sustained. 9 were exonerated and 9 unfound exclude there was one open case. the first cases 13. one sustained. 4 not sustained. 5 exonerated and 3 unfounded. so. move on to the next slide. 2021 there were 51 total investigations. complaints for 37. administratively 14. 47 were sustained. 13 not sustained. 15 exonerated and 8 unfounded.
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18, 2 sustained. they went in i hearing. it is actually the deputy's entitleed a hearing. 2 not sustained. 12 exonerated and 2 unfounded. that covers 21 and 20 it woo is in the the full numbers yet. we have 36 total investigations. 22 came from the citizen's, 47 from administrative. one sustained. 6 not sustained. 3 exonerated one unfoundd and 25 open cases. 14 of those were use of force. right now one was not sustained. 2 exonerated and the rest were open cases being investigated. >> on my final slide it add to when we had asked for number of
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assaults on deputies this covers 5 years. if you look at the total here and year 2018, 58 assaults. 2019 there was 64 assaults. and 2020 was 63. 2021 was 52 and 2022 was 50. these assaults consistent with spitting, gassing, than i have been urinate. feces, that includes this. unwanted physical touching and other acts of violence on deputies this covers from 2018 to 2022. for 2022, how many officers were active? in 2022? we have a total of 735, i believe. >> okay. >> do do you have a break down
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of type of assault like they range level of severity. >> it ranges in different levels they are reports they do make reports they should be broken down this way. this covers everything the deputies had encountered so far. why could we get this more detailed break down to see if any trends and types of assaults increases or decreases? >> i can try. i will have to talk to the division and see if they have those numbers. and i am this is had i was begin to me. >> how long did it take to acquire and compile this information. how many resources were used to sheriff resources or d ph resources internal affairs to compile. one thing we are focussing on is making sure we are looking at issues and we are prioritizing
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them. so i want to make approximate sure is that the resource and it is time of the history is being used in i manner that you know -- these reports result in something. right. i would rather not have a report for reporting we are looking at an issue and there is going to be work on that. so it would be helpful to get an understanding of when is i level of work that it takes to dot presentations and requests for information. . and -- secondly, that goes in a future agenda items i would like to discuss and i will give you prevow of setting priorities that we discussed. so this way, those priorities can be alined with when reporting we are asking the sheriff to do. we can have more structure on the requests and getting this information. it is time consuming we are not tech savvy.
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we get the data down. i go to at least 2 units or 3. to put sources to get on there and related the dpa we call them to see what they have and related to getting this data it is time consuming and takes them away from investigations? >> yes. >> we are not a big unit compared to sfpd than i have 1800 personnel. we are there is one-two people in the unit doing multitasking. it does not come up with the push of i button. "multiple information related. we have to go and scramble and call the people who have the knowledge and resources. >> and then i think i wanted to add. it is no surprise you said that i wanted to make sure the sheriff's office it appropriate technology. i think this the police department is up on their second
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or third up grid of their technology and so much with the sheriff is done boy hand and you said chief, having to use other deputies and different deputies to compile the reports. i wanted to this guess into the well being of the deputies and those who work in the sheriff's office because i then and there they are taxing without having automation with technology that is first a prior that goes to budgeting as well and the number of investigators also right now coinsides with the number of deputies. based on staffing. may be tap in to see the numbers of actual sheriff's investigation versus the other dp ainvestigations. but i want to make sure there is budget not just for the office of inspector yes or no but for
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the sheriff's office so they have the technology and personnel and deputy nguyen shared before what we have the training. the staffing within the jails a lot of those charts are done boy hand. we want to make sure we free up more personnel to do the w that is a prior for our citizens as vice president carrion said. >> besides worn we typeset in professional staff, too. that is another thing we tap into when our sheriffs are overwhelmed. >> of course once the oig is established you will prosecute void this information on a regular basis, too, because that will be an essential per of their work. to look at this. >> we need all the help we can get. >> is there by the way to bring up our policy is going to be
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live we have updated the policy effective april 15th tell be on our website. and it is our policies now. so all that will be be available for the public to review. >> i wanted acknowledge on a separate note that the sheriff just had this incredible event of women in law enforcement breaking barriers. it was an exceptional event this brought law enforcement leaders initial low to talk about the experiences of women, very diverse. i was per of a panel of women in the law. and i wanted to acknowledge this and say that was an exceptional sxevent it was wonderful to see the sheriff taking the initiative of the 30 by 30 to
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get 30% of the employees in to be women of combh further diversify our diverse agency. i want to acknowledge had and thank you and the team for doing the work and the participates >> thank you. why thank you for participating. >> it was empowering. i want to mention with board member palmer, he has been support i of the sheriff's office related to our visiting center we had opening cj2 he participated in designing the center. want to thank the board member palmer. why before i forget in the chronicle i will pass it down to member palmer. because people don't go on the hard copies. i'm one of the rare people who subscribed electric at that a paper newspaper. gi was looking for tht second page you will find your picture and -- the bee. no further questions i gotta go to another event. >> thank you. public comment y. if there is
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public comment. and then questions from the public. >> for members of public when would like to make public comment for item 4 line up at the podium or call 415-655-0001. mr. patrellis. >> michael patrellis. this is in the my first time at law enforcement accountability rodeo. this gentlemen did more dodge nothing a few minutes i have seen in a long time. he dodged too many of your questions about why is there no specific break down of what was sustained, exonerated? so much of when he presented was
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pretty useless. you know. without the specifics, of what um -- deputies charged with or what the complaints were about? i'm not buying it. i am not buying it. now, will there is a real problem where law enforcement is put in a special category. special privileges. they get personnel protections this we members of the public never get. i have been accused of crimes and through the system and had in choice in the matter of my name, mug shot, getting out there. i don't get protection. law enforcement though is accused of doing something wrong
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we never learn their names. this gentlemen, this deputy from the sheriff's office, said that you have to go in closed session. if you wanted to discuss specifics. of what was sustained, what who the deputies were. that does not build trust with the public. how many this oversight board is going to address this really important matter of they have personnel protections and we are supposed to just trust them? you have to delve into temperature and it suspect not going to be easy. and the police commission does the same thing when they are dealing with complaints against cops they go in closed session it is never rekosovoed to us and we are supposed to trust them?
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does in the happen. does not happen. we need full transparency. and i don't want to come to another meeting and have this kind of report where the deputy is dodging pretty basic questions of what were the break downs. that cannot be acceptable. look, i waited a long time for a small degree of accountability. over the sheriff's department. and i don't want to hear anything about they don't have enough staff. they don't have the technology. they got it. they just use it as an excuse to protect themselves and finally, i think it always has to be
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explained that the sheriff's department investigated the deputies. that calls in question the independence of the investigation. thank you for listening. >> there are a couple of corrections for the purpose of meching sure the public is, wear the sheriff is in the responsible for investigating deputy there is is a mem right-handum of understanding between the department of police accountability. it does not guilty go directly through the sheriff it goes you in through the public process. there also is a public record's request the public are visible to access information. there is a very you are correct there are different protection and there is, legality of lus that govern what are the employment rights and confidentiality rights of peace officers. the sheriff is in the
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responsible for dictating what the laws are. i recommend this if you want the laws to be change today is your legislators that will change those lus, for now, they are required to abide by particular confidentiality and personnel laws. >> the memorandum of understanding stated the department of police accountability would issue annual report this is list cases, findings and the sfo's response i don't know this we got that and i believe the sheriff's department said that they have dpa said that this information is sheriff's department to release. so that's why i asked the chief for that. other public upon comment? thank you cho we know have you
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another meeting. no other public comment. why could we tick a 5 minute break before the next item >> adjourn for 5 minute its it is is 3:40 p.m. we are back from recess. next item on the agenda y. line item 5 media policy discussion and possible action item. discuss the general mode why policy for upon communicate width mead why, using social media and acting in social media policies to work public meetings and other information y. discussion on this item. i think this policy has gone through the city attorney and it it is in line with other agencies, commissions and
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boards. so i would recommend this we have a discussion and adopt this policy so that -- the members who wanted to dot out reach member afuhaamango and member palmer and i don't know if today we need to designate nit noise to designate nit a spokes person we don't need to today but manage important. it hen delayed since left year. so. i move to adopt the media policy that has been provided. i would second. >> i have a question. member brookter, did the police commission have a mode why policy. >> not they was issue wear of >> when you served on the
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commission of status of women did than i yovment yes we designate nitted certain people to peek hafs the wording of the policy. it was that we would make sure that if someone were speaking on behalf of the commission it was clear it was on behalf of the commission and the commission would vet upon if know individual, then the person had to make clear it was an individual. there is, let of blurring now buzz there is social mode why, so and unfortunately, once misinformation information getses out well it has a life of its own. with yours that involve legal questions. i'm hoping that board members would refer questions to the city attorney's office. why otherwise, there is no attempt to infringe on money first amendment rights. i was i reporter for 12 yers and
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know attorney i gone through constitutional lu. it was i question on the borrow exam. very well first amendment rights. when would constitute a legal question? >> if you want to know about um -- certain interpretation of set policy or something. i can give an example. how we asked the city attorney to define what is law enforcement. right. so this would be something that as a commissioner we should look to our city attorney for this type of advice rather than us having a layperson or as an attorney, i can have my own opinion and analysis of what i think it it is but it had in the seem as it is coming from the board when i speak about it.
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the voip had than i speak have to indicate they are speaking for themming only not for the board unless they have i authority of the board. and currently the only one pesting on social media is dan. posts informational material. which i'm fine with. i'm fine with dan being the person pesting on our official accounts. if anyonements to post on their personal, counts obviously hi are fro to do so. i don't see the need for this. i think we have been working fine with dan posting on the social mode why accounts and posting things to the website. and -- i don't see this as being necessary. police commission does in the have it and other tha i'm not, wear of other this is have this.
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i say, the restriction applies to mow and to vice president care yen as well. mrs. charge and does cover vice president i think it does. i know it does not president. yet good government guide peeks about officers the same applies to everyone on the board. when you speak about the business of the board make clear whether you are peeking in your personal capacity or behalf of the board if you are speaking on behalf of the board you should have the board's authority. why i was going it sill if we are asking for a member of the board to be that representative then this goes to play for sure. i think to your point and even with the police commission, we had a designate no in the department this handled the mead why. social media and talking to members of the public.
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so i think it depens when weapon want to do if we have represents from the membership. if not we want dan or someone in the history's department on handle this and take care of that i don't feel like it is needed. i think this you know i believe that it would be good for you to have designate nitted. when we have here is we have an opportunity. right. we have commissioner palmer and commissioner and we they specialize and do this work and have a lot more expertise than i would. and you know a lead attorney for my in house counsel i see it utilizing the skill sets to designate one or bother as liaisons. i help cofound the mode why team
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for the initial asian american bar. i believe in careful low crafted statements so there is in the anything misleading. i don't believe in using the media to push policy without full discussion on the board or naming board members if you disagree. so and we are community orientd and have constituencies this we do work with. so i believe this isseen more present because depending on an issue ownership community we want to address we may want to designate nit a spokes person. with00 autopacific islander community i look to member afuhaamango and when we do more community meetings with people who are inoccurserated or those who go in reent row are look to member palmer and if it come to
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labor issues with the deputies i would look to member nguyen. i think we all bring different areas of expertise i continuing is important to have the broader policy. >> the pedestrian police commission serve as the conticket person. why that's correct. >> is this standard practice for commissions and boards >> if my understanding. joy don't see why you would not want me as president it play that role i sent out press releases that were pure low informational. i cent them out about community meeting and send them to the board of supervisors. so00 eye would not send anything in the pure low informingal i have no interested to posting on social med why i don't post on my personal, count i don't seat need to circumvent the normal.
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>> this is not just social mode why a yes or no media policy it is speaking with reporters. i think we should have a right to peek to the press i'm a proponent for a free and transparent press. >> i think that is -- the media policy is not encouraging that. i think it it is very clear as that we have certain judiciary duties as members of the board this we need to ensure we are following. i also thank you it is important this we are active in social media. the world is changing technology is changing. i have my phone with mow all the time. it is important to mack myself we have commissioner afuhaamango who does this work professional low for sephora. we have a commissioner palmer have voiced interests and already enengaged in community
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live in community. work in community. so i think that to avoid in -- to avoid the idea there is an infringement is inaccurate. i think this portriis in the when we are trying to do. what we are trying to do is get more people at the community meetings. >> right. we talked about one person here and there. we have got e mail comments the best way to do this is to use expertise we have. and thank you for acknowledging you are not the social media person. then let somebody else who is and i think that's where we are. we need to be in community however community needs us to be and social media is reality. >> i also think this e lays that concerns that i or someone else is try to infringe on first
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amendment rights somebody poke to the media and said the sheriff's oversight board is trying to curtail the first amendment this . is a general policy consistent with good government guide and it health care reviewed boy our city attorney and so this puts fear this is we are trying to infringe or suppress freedom of speech and we have a solid policy. i hope that we will move forward and adopt this policy. >> i like to make an amendment if fine with commissioner palmer. you would upon agree to be on the liaison. i would say afuhaamango but currently he is in the here i feel awkward. >> i would make a friend low amendment to in coming naz to adopting the policy to identifying yourself as the liaison for media if there are media questions they go to you
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first example that would be also in constudent: with the board. i don't think we should prit in scyllos. we should be pritting fully n in our commission meeting like we are doing now it is helpful to have this you have been -- discussion. irrelevant about the issues and different perspectives. why agreed. i absolutely concur i don't know if we need a policy to do that. from what i hear. i'm okay with us nominating and putting forth a liaison but i don't think we need a policy on top of that. it is my own personal. why i don't see how anything preventing any member from pubicizing our activities. >> this policy guess fourth and important now begin there was negative press we were trying to stifle open interaction with the
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media. so i'm in favor of having in media policy. and -- what negative press. why i would second. hoping we do it separately. >> what negative press are you referring tochlt articles mentioning my name in particular. so. just for clarification, this policy basically saying that each member speak for themselves not for the entire board and also anybody can post like events that we have like if we go to the richmond we can post that this is saying that our personal views are not spoken for the entire board just our own. >> correct y. so we can post events that we are going to
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participate in. but this here is saying that any personal vows of ours aside from the events is our personal vows not on behalf of the board. >> right. >> you make clear it is in the on behalf >> that's specified in the good government guide which already requires we specify we are speaking on our behalf and not of the board. i think it is redundant we have that requirement in the good government guide which we should be familiar with. again i think any of us can publicize or promote our activities. i see this is an attempt to under mine my authority making someone else the point person. as opposed the police commission. and that's unfortunate. i don't think this is necessary.
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anything i have sent out has been informational. i don't think we are questioning your sincerity or capables of speak on behalf of the board. i think we say we live in a different age social media is a skill and technique. point raised we only had one person at each our first 2 meetings directly impacts our ability to use social media to get more people. and as we said, 2 of the board member this is is on this board, have experienced and do this for a living i'm a former editor of a newspaper. i'm an editor of another newspaper and getting red to be a pod casteder. knowing the importance of media it is not a matter of should our president or vice president or somebody else not be able to poke it is being able to credit a unified message shows we are a
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body with a unified message and that ability to attract the community to come and hear this message. when ever deemed necessary. right. again. just because other commissioner or board had it another way i think for us we should try a different way. or this way. in order to achieve our goals. well is nothing stopping you or another member posting about our events do this already we encourage to you. you can all send information to dan to post on our social mode why accounts. i assume where we want the primary source of information we want to use y. this is extending to speaking to the press i know dan does in the speak to the press. and so if the press wants to have know official account of that the board thinks, should be a unified message and if this is a unified
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message one person says that. i'm not saying it has to be me i'm not saying it should not be you i sill we should have a spokes person and this person should be lected by the b.ed because that means the body says i than this personal deliver this message the way we inteldz not to sayy anybody is not doing that that is the way it is for any agency. gi was the person elected by this body as president i have not made statements where i imployed i was speaking on behalf of the board. i followed government guide. i think you know my position should not be personal. i don't think this act should be a slight to you and your presidency. i think this i believe in wing in a brain trust. i am not smarter than anyone else here. everyone here has intelligence
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and access it resources and skill this is can only comp preliminary my skills i bring. we are fortunate enough to have commissioner palmer and commissioner afuhaamango i keep saying her anymore. we are so fortunate on have this resource why would we not capitolize on it. why would we not we have someone an editor of newspaper when is why would we not have him. just like if there was something related to experience this came up we have member when work in d. insurance. we have skill sets i think that to do our work, it is fwrt have a team mentality and say, you know when? you are great at 3 pointers you shoot the 3 pointers.
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member palm areness i'm old school print media and have the access to chinese media. i and craft statements so i'm always help to work as a team and review statements. it is important especially because negative information went out temperature is more important to gift public confidence we are a team and have this media policy. do you feel anyone on the board imployed they were speak on behalf of the board to the media. >> yes >> but i'm not going to bringum bad laundry. i think moving forward should be things that are positive and that's why i look to remedial action and having policies so there is no misunderstanding. >> as i said, all of the member consist do what you are suggesting. than i can pest on social media.
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they can talk to the media. they are not prohibits. than i can work to strengths all. us can. >> you want circumvent the process this board went through in having an election and -- do what the board or commission does having a president and voip who will serve as the spokes people for that board when necessary and within the bounds of good government guide. >> president i'm not sure let's be frank i'm not sure why you are making everything so personnel but from observation in the public than i see bickering and lot electric of cooperation with setting an agenda with our vice president. that does in the give the public confidence. i think if we have policies and have them out lined for the public it see i hope that brings more confidence and sxapgz that
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is why i think it is important to have the guide lines, code of conduct. everyone should act with respect and do things but why are more and more organizations coming up with a code of conduct? members of public it apores the members are trying to under motorbike my authority as president. in terments of code of conduct i tried get the board to vote on one and we could not vote on that that is manage that michelle fipips referenced is helpful. for me i'm happy to nominate liaisons for social media. especially for social mead why to work with dan for social media purposes. but i don't feel an additional policy is needed to do that.
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any other questions from board members? we should take public comment. >> members of public when would lect to make comment for item 5 line up at the podium or call 415-655-0001, enter the access code then star 3 to enter the queue. >> >> makal patrellis again. first of all, i believe that the police commission did develop a social mode why policy in the first year of the pandemic and matt dorsey was responsible for crediting temperature i men wrong i'm asking to you verify what is going on with the police commission and their media
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policy if than i have one or don't. if they do look at it but don't um -- step as something you should copy. regarding social media, i am looking at the twitter, count for this body. it is @sf sd ob. and there have been 36 tweets. and than i have been very informative including when your meeting is. and now, this morning they did post information. about misconduct complaints investigated by the dpa. and it lists 5 reasons for misconduct complaints. by listing 5, member of the public will say, well, i was this is in the involved sexual
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misconduct but i would like to file a complaint. what i'm trying to articulate limiting the number of reasons why a complaint can be investigated you should say regardless of that, condition tact us if you would like to file a complaint. now, there when you look at the -- other accounts that are being followed by your twitter, count. your twitter, count should ask who is maintaining it. okay. but -- who is min they are following the warriors. the 49ers the sf giants the vice president. the president. okay.
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i can understand following can medicala harris and joe biden i don't upon understand why your twitter, count is following port's teams. i'm not into sports and request that. when you electric at the number of followers of your twitter, count there is one follower. and you are looking at him. i would like for to you have more followers. on your twitter, count and i think that who ever has star third degree, count is dog a pretty good job of just giving the facts about meetings and come plains and what have you. popped up here. there have been 32 tweets since they opened this account. you know, sometimes spend too much time on twitter.
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there is a let of us on twitter buzz it it is live and fast. of course we got problems with e lon musk but you need to engage with us on social media. and i think you can easy low find a liaison from the board to guide the person who is creating and maintaining your social media. thank you. there are no other callers. there was a motion i made i had a second. adopt media policy and if accepted by commissioner palm are identify him as the liaison. for the media in connection with
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this policy. i believe that commissioner soo second and at it time call the vote. >> all right. we will take the vote for line item 5 am member brookter. why no. >> vice president carrion. >> yes. >> member nguyen >> no. >> member palmer. >> yes. >> member soo. >> yes. president wechter. >> no. >> tie. does in the pass you need 4 to pass. iot motion does not pass. why another motion. to identify commissioner palm are as the liaison will for the media. >> second. >> a discussion on this motion?
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>> what would this mean in terms of his role as liaison to the media? the media has questions they he would be our spokes person. >> so if the media have questions they go to him rather than the president of the board. >> you would talk to him if they went to you. you would talk to him and develop a crafted board message. why do you think member palmer should play that role rather than the president. he has the professional experience you do not. specific low with mead why. he established right mou and you have acknowledged you are not involved in social mode why which is important and as the community has spoken and asked for us to be more involved we should listen to the community and do this. >> i said i don't post on social mode why accounts.
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i workeds a free lance journalist before an investigator. operated business this puts on yearly public comment i have done press prosecute motion i'm experienced in sending press release and liaisons with the press and sent out press releases about our meetings i do have expert ease. we are talking about who the media would contact if they want a statement from the board that would be member palm are rather than me. >> that's correct. and that's the vote that is seconded. is there >> this is also i had a few questions media keen to commissioner palmer? and asked them a political issue and where the board standos this issue come become to us to get our. >> that's correct. >> okay >> if they had an informational question about a meeting would
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not come to me as president they would go to member palmer. >> they could did to dan go to the website. they can look at the xr recordings of you will of this. ultmitt low withhold come become to the board and all have a say in it. >> that's correct. >> okay. >> for example after our last community meeting a reporter from mission local asked mow what had been done i told her i sent out press releases and all the members of the board of supervisors asking them to sends it out to constituent this is was informational. >> this it is my point that is an example because that only said what you did. this does in the say what the other things that dan and the board did this . it is had we want we want a unified board the media gets a full understanding of things that were spoken about or done. i said this is when i did. >> i understands that this is when we are trying to avoid work
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as a team. make sure that everyone's work is acknowledged. palm are has done incredible work. commissioner soo done all the substantive w it is impressive and 10 that on. it is in the but. it is simple low not about you. >> why take this authority responsibility from mow to give it to another board member i don't understand y. it is not giving or taking away this is in the a power grb we are let's keep it role. we are a commission of recommendation. we are not the police commission we don't have the authority that police commission does. we have our goal is to look at what first of all inspector general. this is min. establish a good system and bring the voice of the community through us as members of this board to ensure the policies and procedures of the sheriff are dog when they should be doing. right.
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television is in the about you temperature is in the about each and everyone of us it is how are we going to access and how are we going to reach community. and until we have a very talented black man that knows his stuff and media that can do that. that live in community. that works in community. >> i want to add member palmer has a following he is so e mersed in the community it is so important to have a confident from the community and have an out reach and as we are able to get we have the job posting. but down the road we'll look at policies and look at what happens with families who are affected by incarceration and look at reentry and support we can't get there until we dot basic. i don't understand president if you are president and said we wanted to time lines and
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mcgonigles that never help exclude they had to do it i wanted move process because frank low i would be very embarrassed to sit on a board where we did not get things done. our time is have you been and i can't sit on a board where we don't get things done i'm thankful for the partners we have and getting things doneful you seem insistent on doing things your way and as vice president carrion tuesday is in the about you it is about our board. building confidence. amongst our communities and conscientist wenss. i think it it is important top have member palmer be liaison to the media. >> when he speaks i feel confidence in when he say and how he presents and i think this his tone and approach is really
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beautiful for our board. you know it is. why it is lived experience. >> lived experience. why would we not want to use this incredible resource we have available to snus >> mr. palmer, member palm are can do all those things now as a member of the board and i encourage him to the do this. i will say community members told mow who watched the meeting its appear other members of the board are trying to u summer my authority they are unhelp how the election went this is feedback. i would like to say something we all voted for you the election was unanimous. right? >> no. may be one person. >> but we voted for you, right. and in the process after, you seemed to like not get that the board as a group is trying to move in a direction. and so it is in the a backlash toward you it is more of a nudge
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asking to you move with the group. it is in the when you say is invalid or not valuable but sometimes i have said actual personal low and public low. delegate. does not all have to fall on your shoulders. it is good to use other members to do those things. you are the president. you still shine. you are the lead. and we got it done. i think when people seat mead meet being push become by a central person it does look divicive. so why not a second time be that way. >> uh-huh. >> i agree with him i think we all think you are dog a great job and dog a lot of the work. like commissioner moore said may be off load some of this to
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other commissioners who are more specific or shine in this your and del gift that to them. we think you are dog a great job. thank you [inaudible]. you are a member. you i see that you're connection in this field could be really beneficial in getting this job posting out on doing that kind of work. i mean that is a strength this i see you president wechter have you have the connections this you established. after decades of work. right. so why not focus your energy on getting us the best inspector general we can. let him dot media. there is so much w to be done on this board -- which i'm will grateful for to are a part of because i want to see our -- our residents be able to get the best service the best civic
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service it is sheriff department can give. right? and the way that we can do that is by really brain storming, using the board as a brain trust and maximizing and capitolizing and incentivize people to bring resources to the table to move us forward in meeting our vision, mcgonigle and of transparency and accountability and taking the sheriff's department to tech lbgt cal era. now we want to provide the public as much information and did thea as possible. we need to be able to do this ground work. so it would be wonderful if you could use your skill set to be able to be that person rather to -- access your network and
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nut job posting out let someone else do something else they are gooda. i'm happy to let palm are about the social mead why person. in charge of that. he is the official spokes person for anything relating to the board if you have a limit heel be the person who puts out social media. scombht prisz i will be help with this. i love for him to do this. but that's not the motion. >> if you want to resunrise the motion. joy don't. >> what was the motion. the motion is to have commissioner palm are serve as the media liaison for this board. and i think he would do a great job i know commissioner afuhaamango is not present so i'm not sure he has an interest and julie would be a great person. i have been working with hr, thank you for the vote of
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confidence. i have great confidence in member palmer. but again you know president wechter i don't know why everything seems to be an uphill battle and fight with you we have great support from dpa and it seems like a fight. we had assistance for the budget and still in budget season. you should be focussed on those thing and it seems like we are quibbling onness mineute or your personnel arn mosity it is strategy but every time i see someone from dp aoffering assistance and offering help you are so resistant to it and we want the i fwshgs to,
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successful. i think the transification i made it clear. i will say the transification period is likely to be a year to get full staffing with investigators it is important this we all focus what our areas of expertise are in getting things going to support a new ig and as well a successful office and something we can be proud of as san franciscans and constituents that's the reason notoriety community meetings not we are taking time out and having something to tick off a become. i believe inspect community out put and bringing stele hall to the community. ive don't need i title to get the work din would be
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embarrassed for the entire board. >> thank you for saying my your of expertise mean was civil yen oversight. and based on established practices i don't want the inspector yes or no to walk in an office that had staff hired we someone else i want them to choose their own staff. >> can we you mentioned should be fully staffed. >> i'm say telling take a year to transition when an ig is set in accomplice the ig has to staff the office. i'm talking about a long are trans sxigz don't want the public to be believe this suddenly the office will be up and running on its own this is a recipe for failure to expect them to turn on a dime and get everything up and run willing is a transition period. an mou i know you. ed to cut mou when an ig is hire third degree is in the within
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our jurisdiction or authority. we can make recommendations to the sheriff's office. but i don't believe the sheriff's office would cut contract. we are getting far afield. what is on the agenda in terms of the public open meeting requirements. >> thank you. i think i want to go become to the motion and it has been seconded so men call the question y. we need public comment on the second motion. i think tell be i good idea it is different than >> members who will like to comment on item 5 on the motion to make member palm other liaison media liaison if you are (line up. otherwise, call 415-655-0001.
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approximate michael patrellis. this is not my first time at the law enforcement accountability rodeo temperature very well a minor thing appointing a liaison. get to temperature you need it. it will really, really enhance your work. and accountability we need this board to get to the office of ig. michelle phillips need to bes
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seen and heard by many other people and -- you really have to keep in mind that you are being watched by the communicates that have been abecaused by the sheriff's department. we have waited a language time for this accountability. we do not dmchlt take that back i don't want you put nothing more time about a do you need the liaison. yes, do you. you need to decide these things quickly. the larger issues of accountability are harmed. okay. please, appoint commissioner palmer to the liaison. figure out who is running your twitter, count. keep improving on it and let's
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get to accountant, please. thank you. >> thank you. we will take the vote on having member palm are as the liaison for media. member brookter. >> aye. >> vice president carrion. >> aye. >> member nguyen. >> aye. >> member palmer. >> aye. >> member soo. >> aye. >> president wechter. >> aye. >> member wechter is aye the motion passes. congratulations. member palmer you other media liaison. >> calling item 6 future items discussion item. >> one things we mentioned benefit was talking about the priors. so i think may be we may want to discuss what our top 3 things we
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want the sheriff to focus in bring happening upon information on that way we don't have all of these requests for them, yea. i want to have i meaningful reporting why are we asking for the things. is it buzz tell help with the hiring of the ig? because we think this someone a potential candidate would be interested in having this information in making an assessment of whether they want to apply and how they would affect the job. it was helpful to have ms. phillips they did the page sum row of their vision. did a department chart. there are certain information that the sheriff may hold now. that would be a benefit for potential applicants of the inspector general. i think we should talk about what that would look like approximate this way we are not taxing the sheriff to use all the personnel to get information
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this we are not going to do anything watch i want the information to be provided to be useful >> can i add. can we ask for to speak to have more organization here rather then and there everyone speaking. i was going to capitolize on when vice president carrion said i would like to bring back time line i brought in terms of goals. this is related to were the ig i come up with know entire for the year our goal and bench americas would be making sure we have quarter low and annual reports in coping with the presentation that ms. phillips med it important we have an inventory of when we have in terms of resources, it, reporting for our sheriff's office that may an inspector general can have an idea whf they are up against. than i will be the within who is
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are going to have to get the data to make the reports to us. and then we sing sthiez and have a report to the board and report back with recommendations to the sheriff as well. i think if we take time to actually dlin i didn't priorities and who is responsible for certain poses of information and tie it together and i think also with recommendations from dhr how we craft our questions from phase one when we categorize the candidate and those who make it through another phase the written question. when we go through the oral questions. i think that would be helpful to mote with the time line that is finalized here for the ig. that's in december i asked whether or not it was within
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upon the realm of publicity to have an ig on bordz by october it was realistic given had michelle said i think we are on target if we but we need to be prepared with question and the inventory of what we have at the sheriff's office. i think member nguyen you modify input in terms of when you talk about staffing. we should motor dhr set the time line and follow their add voice on the best practice for make thanksgiving time selection. joy believe commissioner soo is the liaison working with dhr on this that is where this is coming from. this is the time line and they have flushed it out with the 2 additional months of august and
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assessment. i thank you we approximate chose a liaison regarding submission of the draft drop description in the the entire process. they are the liaison and check nothing with mows they do different phases y. that was not my understanding you will play that role throughout the process. we had a vote. >> we had a row for to be the liaison regarding submission of the job description and on going as they went through the process. >> that's not something i would have agreed to. will work is getting done now. before it was not. so let's keep it role. okay. i get the work done. >> i'm i apologize for inter~jecting i think you are supposed to talk about future agenda items it is fine to identify issues and they can be agendaized but i wanted if
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caution you against having a discussion about something not on the agenda. >> regarding priorities the charter says one of the duties is come pile, eflths and recommend law enforcement and best practices and i think we 92 ed have the sheriff give us presentations on the practice so we can full nil role. the san francisco police commission has the police department give presentations on operations. the same is true in the oakland police department. and their spleept the same size as our sheriff's department is important to educate xourz prosecute void this information to the public. why request to speak. >> yes. why they also have an inspector general. we are in the there yet. we need to hire the person
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reviewing the policies and procedures. i think this we should be getting information from the sheriff. i am no way i want to make this very clear i am no way advocating the sheriff stop giving reports i'm advocating they give reports theory specific and useful to the board and the public upon begin we are focusing now which our priority should be hiring the best ig we can rather then and there a than have a slew of different reporting we credit a time line.
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that the state. you not office would electric like what visible resources and be able to identify gaps that will be an important question had gaps you see in our budget in the infrastructure and tech untiling remediated. those other things would be helpful and like to see that as part of the next report for the inventory of those issues from the sheriff as agenda item. next time they report. we had information from the yale house. iot baptist of public health.
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this is down the line but we are looking at the job of the ig. if it is not redly available and you have to go through 2 department it is, multiple deputies to get this information is not efficient but something we can address and make recommendations. this is something that the candidates for inspector general need to been. than i can out line the plan their vision.
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and if it needs to supplements we should welcoming because they handle complaints. >> i will be help to talk to other oversight practitioners other heads of oversight agencies what they think the ig would need ton >> great. >> i was going to say i'm talking about we need the person modes to know what happens in an front when you tuck about sheriff office report i want to know about what is looking. what is working. we need to be able to during an interview process layout things for candidates that is why again. the word priorities let's have priorities here and not go outside or l.a. the bay your is grit i know we work regional. but we are city and county.
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there are mou's that happen. yell does the sheriff in the patrol the airport or police department. there are agreements in the city. you in we are looking at data, looking at complaints how many investigators should the person hire. and based on the number of sworn officers but we want to know what is happen and can we know the technology is not there for the sheriff's office.
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something basic you want the focus >> that's i didn't asked for report on complaints and more detailed break down so inspect are yes or no applicants have i sense when is the scope of the number of complaints and we asked ms. clark to give a report on lawsuits that is also jermaine to ig responsibilities than iville that understanding. i believe the chooif chu's presentation was irrelevant voluntary to inspector general applicant and like thoim go deeper i know the questions applicants ask about the complaint numbers. why i think men in the future if you would have a better conversation with the people you come to ask to speak so that if they don't have the data you know who else needs to be there.
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irrelevant someone from d ph. human is in the necessary low relevant for the frame now. do we need it know every different type of assault. not irrelevant we need to know how many complaints and the duration of the investigations. and so we have an idea on the personnel needs. if i mi. too far off member carrion what do we want on the agenda. >> inventory. >> make sure it is clear for dan. >> inventory. we have a next report from the sheriff inventoryeld be i part of that. if the sheriff we can identify speak with the sheriff and find out if they have that the information and they than i don't it is dpa and ask them to
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give us an inventory. >> okay >> we can give the chief more details pesifiy what you money by inventory what information you would like them to report. the things we just talked about. technology. reports and if they investigate something they could comment on how regular low available information is and the process. and so if data is hard to get. we know where the delays might be and improvements. i think that right now at least the tech mology is there for our interactive where the complaint is in the press and how many complaints. am like something in the sheriff's office of inspector general. but we irrelevant need ton if they gotta go call archives to
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get box pulled. i know that than i can't say, let me just get the data and come up with the report. this would be in an ideal situation. >> i think we can all end e mills to dan and the agenda should be reviewed by member carrion and wechter i can ask people what types of materials are oig is likely to need given they will do complaint investigation and audits. why i'm sure they will be able to provide that information to include this on the inventory y. grit that would be helpful. i believe if others have pacific questions they have for the sheriffy department they should pose them i know member palmer
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had i concern he express body the criteria they use in screening out candidates. you mentioned that something you would like to know y. for sure there were so men people that were screened out. i thought all this time before becoming a board member of this board that -- you know people were not putting in applications and could in the find people. after listen to him speak i thought there is a lot of people that could become sheriffs if than i went through a program to get them red. or the in criteria was less strict, you know. we need people from our community to represent us in the
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sheriff's department and people that look like this board and need says to be diverse and upon the press noteds to be made open andiel i would be -- not only interested in knowing more detail in what this qualifies rather than what qualifies people employed you like that on for i future report. all the points of disquestions of law sxifkz who decides than i meet that. why request to speak >> now commissioner palmer do you think that should be like a 7 roll presentation or could this wait until we focus on getting the inventory of information that an ig would need. the sheriff can only report so much. right. they have to e mass all of this information we heard takes personnel resources and when not. do you think that screening
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process you are indicating is should be a prior in our next meeting? or can it wait until 2 meetings. or 3 that's all. >> i mean it is not necessary low have a next month. but red for the ig and review it and hand it you have to him had we agree and not agree that can wait closer to the inspector general. >> this is the goal my goal that's bh we say priorities make the list of had we want and if these 3 top once are the once we need to hear about for next meeting not meaning weingly not heart others prioritize for the given stage this is burden is in. this will change we are going to be changing.
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>> i like to see on the agenda in the next meeting but the 40 on record, presentation from d ph i'm thinking about the meeting we had with the family came out and talking about when was going on in custody. the public should know in lieu of us going after the ig. how the part that d ph plays in the system. and having them present so this folks know. >> the cent recommend person in charge of the jail that's why given news reports i wanted to make sure that there was attention paid to jail house and the protocols when i was on a hospital burden for 9 years when the patient come in and screened. society public knows that is down the road, too. but i wanted to get focus priors i'm looking at member upon nguyen you rep labor.
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wield want to know what are prescriptional things you see as improvements with technology. right now you get drafts for over time. noinvoluntary. what -- if you had a wish list. what could be improve exclude get to the other things now there has been pol revisions. we will look at this down the road. now just looking at the basics what would an ig walk into and the vision for an ig to improve? when would you like this presentation the next meeting >> can be 2-3 from now i wanted to get on the record. >> can you tell them we would
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>> did you have the future policy presentation at the revision. so that will come down. too. >> future policy. >> the policy revisions by history we should have the presentation on the updated policies. >> okay. >> it was in the clear whether than i had updated all the policies or specific ones. >> i'm not sure either buff i do recall the live date of april 15th. we know when than i will be out to see that. >> might have. >> [inaudible]. we have pol procedure machineual, custody machineual and now lexy [inaudible] it is a change nou how they are done. should be consistent. for when they cover in the same way but it is you can't you can't draw a link one policy and the next and it hen a 3 year
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process in meet and conferring. why i think a 600 plus page document. men we can specify which policies we like to on more specific information on how they have been updated. >>you will see tell be posted on the website you will see the new policies. the olds once taken down. and new once put up april 15th.
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may be we would get highlights and an over vow. you look and say this is the new one. there is in the really not a highlight. this is the new structure. but if you are asking questions the sheriff can respond. i have a recommendation after april felonyo should look and then identify theories priorities we want to understand and then decide, we will not have the sheriff's try to break
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down a 600 page document in a meading. when we can do is look at the policies that are relevant to issues brought up by community members and in the future we like this to be explained how this is a new structure. why i think mirror our training get in custody de~esque ligz. high risk and to incars rit exclude how they are. we have to have a broad over view and highlights would be instructive. for the mimeeting. if its in. otherwise. you recommend this we put this on the agenda to have a discussion amongst the board of what -- policy wield be --
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having. and then we can prioritize that list approximate begin the time we in the agenda. why could we sends things to dan and we have a frame w we are not brain storming and have a list and prioritize the list. later meeting. >> okay. >> okay. you have a hard stop in 9 minutes i want to you have time for public comment if we agree we look at the policies witness they are live and you sends them to dan my top 3 i would like more on to see what the top 3 is i have a foaling there may be some we have in common and choose the common ones first.
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why excellent suggestion. >> any discussion before we take public comment on this item? members who would look to men for item 6 if you are present line up. or call 415-655-0001. no one on the line or -- line item 7. general public comment. public is again welcome to address the board for 2 minute this is did not apeer on the agenda and within the jurisdiction of the
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sheriff's department oversight board. neither share personnel or board members are required respond to the public but may provide a response. general public comment for items not on the agenda. for those present line up. those not present call 415-655-0001. there is no public comment. listen 8. adjournment. all in first? >> aye. >> meeting is adjourned at 4:54 p.m. thank you.
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today. my name is leo sosa. i'm the founder and executive director for devmission. we're sitting inside a computer lab where residents come and get support when they give help about how to set up an e-mail account. how to order prescriptions online. create a résumé. we are also now paying attention to provide tech support. we have collaborated with the san francisco mayor's office and the department of technology to implement a broad band network for the residents here so they can have free internet access. we have partnered with community technology networks to provide computer classes to the seniors and the residents.
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so this computer lab becomes a hub for the community to learn how to use technology, but that's the parents and the adults. we have been able to identify what we call a stem date. the acronym is science technology engineering and math. kids should be exposed no matter what type of background or ethnicity or income status. that's where we actually create magic. >> something that the kids are really excited about is science and so the way that we execute that is through making slime. and as fun as it is, it's still a chemical reaction and you start to understand that with the materials that you need to make the slime. >> they love adding their little twists to everything. it's just a place for them to experiment and that's really what we want. >> i see. >> really what the excitement behind that is that you're
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making something. >> logs, legos, sumo box, art, drawing, computers, mine craft, and really it's just awaking opportunity. >> keeping their attention is like one of the biggest challenges that we do have because, you know, they're kids. they always want to be doing something, be helping with something. so we just let them be themselves. we have our set of rules in place that we have that we want them to follow and live up to. and we also have our set of expectations that we want them to achieve. this is like my first year officially working with kids. and definitely i've had moments where they're not getting something. they don't really understand it and you're trying to just talk to them in a way that they can make it work teaching them in different ways how they can get the light bulb to go off and i've seen it first-hand and it makes me so happy when it does go off because it's like, wow, i helped them understand this
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concept. >> i love playing games and i love having fun with my friends playing dodge ball and a lot of things that i like. it's really cool. >> they don't give you a lot of cheese to put on there, do they? you've got like a little bit left. >> we learn programming to make them work. we do computers and programming. at the bottom here, we talk to them and we press these buttons to make it go. and this is to turn it off. and this is to make it control
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on its own. if you press this twice, it can do any type of tricks. like you can move it like this and it moves. it actually can go like this. >> like, wow, they're just absorbing everything. so it definitely is a wholehearted moment that i love experiencing. >> the realities right now, 5.3 latinos working in tech and about 6.7 african americans working in tech. and, of course, those tech companies are funders. so i continue to work really hard with them to close that gap and work with the san francisco unified school district so juniors and seniors come to our program, so kids come to our stem hub and be exposed to all those things. it's a big challenge. >> we have a couple of other providers here on site, but
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we've all just been trying to work together and let the kids move around from each department. some kids are comfortable with their admission, but if they want to jump in with city of dreams or hunter's point, we just try to collaborate to provide the best opportunity in the community. >> devmission has provided services on westbrook. they teach you how to code. how to build their own mini robot to providing access for the youth to partnerships with adobe and sony and google and twitter. and so devmission has definitely brought access for our families to resources that our residents may or may not have been able to access in the past. >> the san francisco house and development corporation gave us the grant to implement this program. it hasn't been easy, but we
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have been able to see now some of the success stories of some of those kids that have been able to take the opportunity and continue to grow within their education and eventually become a very successful citizen. >> so the computer lab, they're doing the backpacks. i don't know if you're going to be able to do the class. you still want to try? . yeah. go for it. >> we have a young man by the name of ivan mello. he came here two and a half years ago to be part of our digital arts music lab. graduating with natural, fruity loops, rhymes. all of our music lyrics are clean. he came as an intern, and now he's running the program. that just tells you, we are only creating opportunities and there's a young man by the name
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of eduardo ramirez. he tells the barber, what's that flyer? and he says it's a program that teaches you computers and art. and i still remember the day he walked in there with a baseball cap, full of tattoos. nice clean hair cut. i want to learn how to use computers. graduated from the program and he wanted to work in i.t.. well, eduardo is a dreamer. right. so trying to find him a job in the tech industry was very challenging, but that didn't stop him. through the effort of the office of economic work force and the grant i reached out to a few folks i know. post mates decided to bring him on board regardless of his legal status. he ended his internship at post mates and now is at hudacity.
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that is the power of what technology does for young people that want to become part of the tech industry. what we've been doing, it's very innovative. helping kids k-12, transitional age youth, families, parents, communities, understand and to be exposed to stem subjects. imagine if that mission one day can be in every affordable housing community. the opportunities that we would create and that's what i'm trying to do with this
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in fire prevention. i'm very happy at fire prevention because not only am i able to enforce the code and make changes to help the citizen of san francisco be safe in their homes or place of business, but i think my work also make sure that my fellow firefighters and first responders, when they respond to a fire, the building is also safe for them. >> you're watching san francisco rising with chris manners. today's special guest is brooke jenkins. >> hi, i'm chris manners and you are watchs san francisco rising, the show about restarting rebuilding and reimagining our city. ourguest san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins here to talk about theopeioid crisis, criminal justice and more. >> thank you so much for having me. >> thank you for being here. let's start with organized restale threft. some jurisdictions across the country imposed most of the punishment against people shop lifting in groups but that may
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be applied disproportionately to epipooal and doesn't address the organization behind it all. how can we make sure both prosecute the ring leaders behind the crimes and make sure justice is handed out eveningly? >> making sure we get to the higher level of organizations in the organized retail threrft area so that is something myophilus is very much focused on working the police department on. looking at organized retail threat ringzsx but we have to make sure people are being caught who have stealing and that is a big challenge in the sit a so we have worked with retailers and small business owners to insure the necessary protocols and procedures are in place to at the very laest catch people who are stealing because they have been running out of the stores and therefore facing no consequence so we have to start there and trying to do more with intervention with the youth who are some of the population doing some
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of the threfts. many stores have turned to not detaining employees stealing oertrying to stop them and that change in procedure lead to making it very difficult for the police department to capture these people stealing. we have been working with them on a change in their protocol going back to the way it used to be done so we can actually have the opportunity to have people face consequences. >> right. so, let's move to the opioid crisis which had a devastating impact across the community and across the country, including san francisco. how can your office help address the issue? >> the main thing is going back to where people feel there is a consequence dealing drugs in the city. we can't treat drug steel dealing as a victimless crime. we have ooverage 2 people dying a day from overdose. there are victims of this offense so quha what is did is say no longer the case we
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decriminalizing drug sales in san francisco as the da office. we have to put consequence on the table and insure the most agregiouss sellers so massive quantityties of fentanyl, some enough to kill all most half the city. sometimes with people with wep ens and guns are multiple of cases with fentanyl are treated differently then thoges with small contties so i ask those people detain in custody. we can't have them on the street hours later, but also trying to work with the police department and our city making sure our laws are enforced. it is the only people people suffering from addiction will have a opportunity at recovry. imagine if you are trying to get clean and every 10 steps doin the block you are offered the drug you have been addicted to. it is impossible. that is one way we are dealing with the supply side and we are taking a different approach on
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the demand side, which is to say, if people are publicly using drugs over and over again, that we believe we need to intervene in those situations and so the police are citing them and when somebody reaches 3 of the citations, we then file a complaint, but route them into a treatment court to try to help them get help. >> they have a option take treatment or face charges? >> correct. essentially. we of course encourage treatment because that is what these folks need. >> absolutely, absolutely. san francisco is known for being forfront of criminal justice reform with initiatives such as community justice center and restoreative justice, how do you plan to build on the efforts and push for aggressive policies insuring we have a fair system that holds people accountable? >> i have been clear accountability comes in many different forms. historically, da office used one form and that is incarceration. the way
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i functioned as a prosecutor over the years is make sure we are finding the appropriate form of accountability for each and every person for their specific circumstance, and so for some people it may be incarceration, others it is treatment and going through behavioral health to stabilize mental health issue. some it is say ing we toopt see you get a job so we require that you go through a trade program so you can get a skill that allows you to take care of yourself in a different way. for me it is investing in those opportunities which requires us to be partnering with community based organizations to identify what programs we can send people to, but i'm very much invested in seeing our collaborative courts, which is what community justice center, drug court, young adult court seeing those courts thrive and encouraging the lawyers to explore those opportunities.
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>> right. what role do you think the da office can play addressing the issue of police misconduct and promoting accountability? >> our job is to prosecute police officers when they commit such misconduct and use excessive force in a way that is illegal so we'll continue to maintain that is our job and our position. we prosecute all crime in san francisco, it is not about what your statue is, what your position is or what office you hold. the law will always be our standard. we can't treat differently where they come from, whether they wear a uniform or not, our standard is the law. for me, as a black latino woman it is issue very personal to me. we had a death in police custody in my family that i heard about my entire life. i'm raising two black children including a black son who you know, i will have to talk about these type of issues as he grows
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up. i was out raged long before george floyd. the list goes on and on, but as a prosecutor i have to maintain one standard and it is whether somebody according to the law has committed a crime and so that's what we always look at. >> absolutely. finally, what message do you have for the people of san francisco and what you hope to accomplish during your tenure? >> i want the people of san francisco to know i'm committed serving the function the da office was designed to serve which is make sure we promote public safety across san francisco. like i said, we have to have accountability in our city. what we see going on in our streets is the result of people feeling as though there was none. they didn't fear even the police walking by as they were committing a crime because there was a belief that even if you arrest me, the da office isn't going to do anything that i'm afraid of
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experiencing, and so we want people to have a healthy fear of what a consequence will be, but i also want san francisco to know we are a da office that stands by the val aoos we have here in san francisco which is second chances, compassion, responsible alternative to incourseeration bought the end of the day accountability has to be what people said back on the street or community in a fashion where they can succeed. every time somebody cycles into the system we are thoughtful what the person needs to get back on their feet and not create another victim in the future. >> quite right. thank you. thank you so much for coming on the show. i really appreciate the time you have given us today. >> thank you. >> that's it for this episode. we'll back for another shortly. for sfgovtv, i'm
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>> the molting will come to order welcome to april 12 of budget and appropriation committee i'm connie chan chair and joined by vice chair rafael mandelman and members supervisor walton and supervisor hillary ronen, sa fair. our clerk is brent jalipe i thank you to sfgovtv for broadcasting the meeting yoochl a reminder those in attendance make sure silence electronic
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