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tv   Entertainment Commission  SFGTV  April 24, 2023 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> april 18, 2023 hybrid in person and virtual meeting of san francisco entertainment commission. my name is ben bleiman the commission president. >> we like to start the meeting with the land acknowledgment. we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. this meeting is held
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in hybrid format broadcast live on sfgovtv. using meeting id 86677 faiv 37204. we welcome to the public participation. there will be a opportunity for public comment at the beginning and comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to 3 minutes. those attending remotely the commission will hear up to [speaker speaking too fast] public comment will be taken in person and remotely by video or call in. for each
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item the commission will take public comment from people attending in person and people attending remotely. for those in person fill out a speaker card, come up to the podium, state your name and affiliation and comment. you will have three minutes. please hand your speaker card to commission staff behind the podium. if using zoom to speak select raise hand option when time for public comment. if calling by phone dial star 9 to be added to the speaker line. when you are asked to speak unmute by hitting star 6. please call from a quite location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. if you are viewing on- (indiscernible) you may submit written comment through the chat function on zoom. commissioners and staff aret noallowed to respond to comment or questions during public comment. thank
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you sfgovtv and media service. >> thank you. let's do roll call. [roll call] >> commissioner perez is excused. >> thank you. the next item is 2, which is general public comment. comments on items not listed on the agenda today. >> there are no general public comments. >> alright. we'll close public comment and the next item is 3, approval of the minutes for april 4, 2023 commission meeting. do we have a motion? >> move to approve. >> second. >> any public comment on the approval of the
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minutes? >> no public comment on this item. >> we can vote. [roll call] >> the minutes have been approved and next item is 4 which is report from director weiland. >> thank you. good evening commissioners. i'm enjoying the silly vibes i'm getting from all you. i think we needed a light-hearted evening and thank you to spring time for being here. so, it is official our 13th annual summit returns in person on monday june 5. we are really excited for anybody that is going to watch this later on and fiend out from here however we did send out a news letter friday with all this information. we will be returning to the same location at 49 south van ness in the ground floor conference center and more
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information about the announcement is in your google folder. this year we are going to continue our long-standing tradition of focusing on addressing the issues facing our industry and discussing ways in which the city and the industry can work together toward long-term recovery. staff is working really hard now on finalizing the summit agenda. we'll share the final program and speaker line up in the coming weeks, but in the mean fime i want to give you a few highlights here of our presentation topics that we are considering. first off, we are looking at having a section in which we will have individual speakers electeds are invited for that. we will likely have a presentation from a department head around downtown recovry. we will also have a presentation on economic recovery for small businesses
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with highlights around downtown recovery. we are still building the panel out, but we are likely going to be featuring staff from oewd, office of small business, small business owners as well as downtown advocates. the conversation would address the city's recovery goals and strategy and how this work will support night life and entertainment here in the city. our second panel will be around public safety, so we want to provide our permit holders with a little bit more solution oriented tools and discussion on some measures that folks can take to insure safety at their business or at their events, so the goals of this panel would be addressing these strategies with our permit holders so they can have more agency over their own business public safety and also learn ways in which they can
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work better with sfpd. president bleiman will moderating the panel and working with commissioner falzon to help with the panel and identify representative from sfpd to join the conversation and invited commissioner wong to be a panelist so she can provide a insurance perspective and are absolutely be including venue owners and managers in this conversation as well. probably one, maybe two as well as representative from a local security companyism in addition to these presentations, new this year will be a resource fair thin lobby in which we'll host our first hour of the summit with city departments tabling, so we think that will be a new great new addition in which folks can meet their other city departments, folks that may have been working in the permit center for example, and it will be a great
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who's who. beyond that we are going to do a happy hour afterwards which is long standing tudition rchl we are tradition. we are open to ideas. hopefully somewhere in walking distance from here and we like to go to places that do not have entertainment permits and we don't need to get into the reasons for that right now, but if you have any ideas, please let me know and we'll keep you posted in the coming weeks as we finalize the agenda and if you have issues, concerns, questions, feedback, please let me know directly and i will share those with our commissioner working group and staff. outside the summit i want to highlight a couple events coming up here in the city that we are proud to recognize. 420is two days away. besides international day of celebrating all
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things cannabis related i want to make sure you are aware of the fact the city is offering a week long cannabis celebration called evergreen sf. this is the second year. it is happening now, april 16-24 and celebrating the cannabis industry and culture with diverse array of cannabis themed activities and experiences so excited to see the initiative continue to grow and further deepen the local cannabis industry connections to entertainment and night life. for those watching or attending if you want more information visit evergreensan i wanted to let you know about make music day. this is returning to san francisco this year. it was based on the paris events and occurring june 21, which is the date that it occurs globally, so this is community
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lead celebration here in san francisco of live music that wells come all musicians, businesses, homes and anyone who loves music to join in the festivities for the day. performances will take place across the city and public and private spaces such as store front businesses, community centers, libraries, restaurants, parklets and even backyards and people front steps. so, musicians and businesses can sign up to participate at francisco and we hope that you check it out on june 21. commissioners, let me know if you have questions about these updates. okay. >> no questions for me. any public comment on the director's report? >> no public comment
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on this item. >> close public comment and move on to the next agenda item which is number 5, which is report from deputy director azevedo. >> thanks president bleiman. we received 51, 311 complaints. i have a brief update but let me know if you have questions and also want to let you know moving forward senior inspector (indiscernible) will give the enforcement report. he is managing enforcement tracking spreadsheet and will daa great job in the new role he is taking on. the first update for you tonight is about club (indiscernible) located at 543 divisadero on april 1, 12 a.m. received 311 complaint about sound being too loud. responded at 1 a.m. and took a sound measurement and it showed they operating 10dba allowable the sound limit. we issued citation for the permit violation. i do want to note
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the club completed major improvements to mitigate sound leakage issue s. inspector scheduled a new sound test on thursday of this week to retest their sound limit to see if we are able to give them a higher internal sound limit. next update is hotel via located 138 king street. they hold a llp permit for the outdoor roof top. april 1, 4:30 received 311 complaent about the roof top event taking place. responded at 535 p.m. and took a sound measurement which showed operating above the sound limit. issued a nov for the permit violation but i want to note hotel via manager and sound engine eroos have beenamicable with inspectors. they are always trying to make a good faith effort to follow the permit conditions. during this visit however it was aapparent the crowd noise was impacting the sound measurement it was clear the
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volume of the music exceeded the sound limit so the sound engineer worked with staff to bring into compliance and management let us know they become more strict with who they are booking for events letting the performers know in advance they have a llp and there are conditions they must agree to and adhere before they hire them to perform. the next update is marios 1811 haight street holds a jam permit and april 7 received a complaint stating the (indiscernible) responded at 930 p.m. and upon arrival observed the music was exceeded ambiant sound levels 50 feet from the property lane. after inspector spoke with the bartender the bartender turned off the outdoor speakers since nobody was outside
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anyway and inspector saw dj setting up to perform inside the business but they dopet hold a permit for indoor entertainment. issued a notice of violation and been in touch with the owner about the violations. the owner purchased a new phone set up shortly and planning to apply for a llp permit to cover inside and out door amplified sound once they have the legislative shared spaces perm. the last update is about (indiscernible) located 10 south van ness that has taken one time event permits from the office when they host entertainment but applied for a llp permit for indoor and outdoor spaces. on april 1, received four, 311 complaints for excessive noise on the roof top. responded to the complaint that day at 4:30 and she did observe
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quite a heavy bass presence. she found a manager and they explained the entertainment was over by the time she arrived, but in response senior inspector scheduled a sound test on tuesday april 25 to set a limit for the outdoor space. we are hoping that there will be no issues moving forward. let me know if you have questions please. >> i see it is roof top season. >> i knew you would see that. [laughter] >> i'm just noting that. as more roof tops are a lot more congenial when not pouring rain and we get more complaints, so if you are listening and you run a roof top bar, keep a eye on your sound levels please.
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>> that could be a cute news letter item. we know the weather is nice, remember your sound limit. >> i feel this is a greatest hits of the roof tops between (indiscernible) and jones and (indiscernible) often in front of us are getting complaints called on them, so hopefully they will keep their noise levels within compliance. >> i just wanted to say some thanks and appreciation to entertainment commission staff for indulgeing me in letting me do a ride along with the inspectors of the entertainment commission and i specifically want to thank the inspectors. inspectors for facilitating the
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ride along and mike for letting me ride along with them as this past saturday. it was a really good experience i think for me to get appreciation of what it is like to be a inspector. it is a very detail orient ed role and one that requires a lot of nuance and finesse navigating relationships. it was shared with me sometimes this is no one wants to ever see us when we show up, and i can appreciate that having worked on that side of this industry for such a long time, and i think it is important we have the inspectors we do who are so adepth at building these relationships and building this trust and understanding that component of it,
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because this entity allows not to just be a regulatory entity but one that is supportive and think they are excellent ambassadors in conveying that. that we are here to support them and will work with all businesses in making sure they are in compliance and assessing their needs in terms of sound limitations and so forth. i really want to say thank you so much for putting up with me and riding in the car. it was really fun. i just wanted to say thank you. >> thank you. that makes me really happy and i encourage any commissioner who wants to go out with the inspectors, we can set that up. >> highly recommend it. >> we have to do a ride along or go out with the inspectors on a night off? >> eel i'll go for
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that. [laughter] >> i'll join you for either. >> anymore questions? thank you. i dont have any. any public comment on this agenda item? >> no public comment on this item. >> alright. we'll move along to number 6, which is laering and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. deputy director is up. >> thanks. we have two limited live performance permit applications on consent this evening both for indoor entertainment. set internal sound limit for both premises and there was no opposition from any applicants or added conditions from sfpd so the recommendation is to approve both agenda items with staff recommendation listed below. >> any public comment on the
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consent agenda? >> no public comment. >> close public comment. questions? motions? >> i move consent calendar. >> second. >> alright. we can vote. >> president bleiman. >> aye. >> vice president >> aye. >> commissioner falzon >> aye. commissioner torres. >> aye. >> commissioner wong. >> aye. >> consent calendar is approved and on to the first permit application. >> next is for our very first fixed placed amplified sound permit. this permit application is for proposition chicken restaurant 3465 california street. proposition chicken held a jam permit since october 2021 and now applying for the permit to continue
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hosting outdoor amplified sound for diners during business hours. they were limited to 6 hours amplified sound per day between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. and the reason they are on regular agenda is because under the permit they are requesting 10 hours, 11 a.m. to 9 a.m. the owner distributed outreach letter to the surrounder commercial neighbors and there was no opposition to the permit. sfpd richmond stations did not have added conditions and here to speak is one of the owners, max. yep. >> i like to thank the panel for your time. kaitlyn, thank you so much for all your help, especially in the transition from my partner elizabeth who just had her second
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child. all we are try toog do is extend the hours in which we can play soft ambiant music for the two outdoor tables to cover the entire operating hours of business. that is pretty much it. (indiscernible) we dont have a roof top bar. [laughter] >> just want to say i'm a huge fan of proposition chicken and i was so sad when you moved from your old location out to california street because i was no longer within the delivery range, but sometimes still figure how to make it work. i was a regular at southpaw and followed the proposition chicken and ordered a lot of proposition chicken over the last 3 years, so thank you. and i highly recommend the fried chicken salad.
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congratulations on being our first fpass perm applicant. >> thank you. thanks for putting all that in the record. i appreciate it. >> very welcome. happy to talk at length how much i love proposition chicken. [laughter] >> i was going to say i got really hungry from the announcement, so sad there is no chicken. [laughter] >> if i knew i was going to get showered in compliments. maybe next time i have a tough day i'll swing by- >> we are here every first and third tuesday. >> noted. >> we can place a order and pay for it and you can watch us live. >> only if you have absolutely no life. >> we do have to pay for it. i don't have questions. any further- >> no concerns here. >> this is not crazy so you can have a seat.
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>> thank you. >> any public comment on this agenda item? >> no public comment on this item. >> close public comment. further questions, comments, motions? >> i do want to point out, we haven't had a nice little power point presentation in a while, can we make sure that comes back and- >> for what? >> (indiscernible) >> she likes history. >> everyone is encouraged and invited to do it. >> we miss it. it has been a long time. >> we had a couple. [multiple speakers] >> alright. >> at the next hearing i guarantee you will see some presentations. i do think we should get samples of our favorite so it won't be such a daunting- >> we can play in the background. does anybody want a motion on this specific item? >> i like to move
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approval. >> seconded. >> we can vote. >> president bleiman. >> aye. >> vice president. >> aye. >> commissioner falzon. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> commissioner torres >> aye. >> commissioner wong. >> aye. >> congratulations. the first f pass is official! exciting. the next is second and final permit application and believe inspector rice doing this? virtually. >> yes, can everyone hear me? >> yes. >> good evening. dylan rice senior panelist. i will permit on one time outdoor permit with generation for sf jazz gala. hosting live jazz and dj in the parking lot at 110 franklin street from 5:30 to 11
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p.m. the reason they are on the regular agenda is because the outdoor entertainment goes after 10 p.m. and there is no precedent for that event. the applicant conducted neighborhood outreach to effected neighbors which you will see in the folder and there is no opposition to the permit. sfpd northern station did not respond with recommendations within the response window and assume they have no issue with the permit. staff is recommending approval with conditions listed in your memo. here to speak tonight on behalf of the event is audrey joseph. i will bring her in in just a minute on zoom. >> audrey, where are you? >> stand by- >> i can impersonate her. >> audrey, please unmute yourself. we also want to see your face. thank you.
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>> hi. so, hi, everybody. nice to see you all. >> there she is. >> i'll be at the next meeting because maggie invited me in may. so, i am here to represent sf jazz. this is their 10th anniversary gala. they took a big hit during the pandemic. this is is a huge fund raiser for them. their building cannot accommodate all the people that wanted to come, so we have a parking lot. the parking lot has residential around it. it is mostly businesses. it is right behind the consurtorry. they start at a dinner 5:30 to 8:30 and there will be a student jazz ensemble playing ambiant jazz music during dinner and some people
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talking. it is the retirement of their founder and artistic director, randal, so he'll be talking, and then they will leave and there will be a change over of furniture. i don't know why, but there will be. there will be like-then they are all going to go into the building for a concert, and then they are coming back to the tent for like an after-party, which is going to be exactly one hour long between 10 and 11 if they even come back in my opinion and there will be a jazz dj at that point. the attendance will be approximately 275 people in the tent. and that's it. i'm here to answer any questions. >> is the event sold
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out? >> the event is sold out! >> glad i know you. [laughter] congratulations. >> audrey, welcome back. >> why, thank you. (indiscernible) i'm in palm springs. i will be town on your may 2 meeting so i'll come by and see you in person. >> when dylan announced your name, i do have to say it was like the voice of god introducing his right hand, because audrey joseph is a legend cht >> stop! >> you want to describe the speaker system for all of us? [laughter] >> (indiscernible) is providing a smallish speaker system. i do believe it is couple speakers hung from the rafters of the tent
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facing downward, and it is small. i don't have the specks on it, but i'm sure it is not bigger then a self-powered speaker. >> there you have it. >> two of them. there is also a microphone. the jazz ensemble is not-they are acoustic, accept for the guitar which will have a amp. >> great. thank you. >> it sounds wonderful. i have to say, i was at the 2013 event and they had the most yellow tulips i have seen in my life. there was a pergola, a very grand one and there is no-it was the best pergola ever. i sound very shallow saying it, but it was such a beautiful celebration and sure this 10 year anniversary is not going to disappoint. >> you know, i don't know how
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many other of you are on the commission at the time, but when sf jazz first opened its doors jocelyn and i went over there and they did a new orleans thing in the street with jazz musicians and horns and it was amazing and this is my second gig with them and it is amazing to work with these people and for the gala they pull out all the stops, so everything is- (indiscernible) [laughter] >> any further questions for audrey? hi, audrey? >> it is nice to see you. >> great to see you audrey. >> great seeing you all! nice to see you dave. >> great to see you. you look way better then i do. y i was going to say palm springs has been very kind to you. you
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look fantastic. >> i have about at the computer all day. >> sure she just came from cochela. >> for those-can you guys see me? >> yeah! [multiple speakers] >> he wont be with me may 2, so think the opportunity arose. >> alright. i don't think we have anymore questions. it sounds buttoned up to me. any public comment on this item? >> no public comment on this item. >> we'll close public comment. anybody want to entertain a motion >> i move to approve this with staff recommendations. >> i second. >> alright. we can vote.
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[roll call] >> thank you all very much. >> you did it audrey. [laughter] >> alright. we'll be in touch. >> see you guys in a couple weeks. >> stay safe. >> bye bye. >> alright. the next item is number 7, which is discussion and possible action to amend the permit conditions of the limited live performance permit for adobe books 3130 24 street in san francisco at request of the commission. i think deputy director is going to lead us through this. >> thank you. adobe books who holds a llp permit last appeared before you all at the hearing february 21. at that hearing there was discussion about imposing security relating conditions on the llp permit due to violent incident that occurred outside
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it business january 13 this year. rather then imposing staffition cans you voted to have the permit holder submit security plan that was more in line with their business model. after a few iterations of a security plan that were sent between myself and the business they determined a static security plan won't work with their ever changing programming. instead they worked with myself and director weiland to come up with practical security related conditions both enforceable and applicable to events. i also want to mention that the business held a community meeting with nearby neighbors as well as legislative aid santiago from supervisor ronen's office april 3 and permit holder and santiago reported the meeting went well and the neighbors voiced positive feedback. staff recommendation you will see 4 froposed conditions to add to the llp permit. notably we determined adobe books only needs a security guard during a special event which we
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define as any events with expected attendance of 49 or more guests. the permit holder heather is not able to join this evening but someone is here on her behalf so if you have questions for her or myself or director weiland please let us know, otherwise the staff recommended conditions are listed for you on the memo. >> would you mind reading the staff conditions for us? >> sure thing. number one, special event defined as any event with expected attendance of 49 or more guest over the course of the event. two, permit holders shald send the entertainment commission a monthly calendar of special events at least one week prior to the start of each month to entertainment.enforceme nt@sfgov. org. if they special events notify the entertainment commission of the change by e-mail at least 72 hours prior to any additional event.
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four, permit holder shall have one security person present during all special events. and five, security or volunteer staff monitor attendedance during all special events not to exceed the location 49 person capacity at any time. >> alright. is there any public comment on this agenda item before we discuss? >> no public comment on this item. >> alright. i'll open by saying that deputy director azevedo and director weiland spnt incredible amount of time working with adobe on this and times it was challenging but great they all came to a mutually agreed upon way to insure safety at that establishment if they have larger events, and i just want to reiterate and correct if i'm wrong, but the applicant is not not able to attend
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tonight, but e-mailed to say they are 100 percent in support of the conditions- >> yes. enthusiastically agree upon the conditions and there is someoneprint -present if you have questions. >> got it. questions? >> just thank you to the staff entertainment commission staff and adobe and supervisor ronen's office and everyone who helped work on this. glad we were able to come up with something that given the business model is not the usual one that comes in front of us, you were able to figure out something that worked so thank you. >> yeah. thanks to everyone. appreciate and acknowledge the work that went into this. i are do have a couple questions. one is, how they would gauge when the special event is spthed to have 49 or more guests if we talk through that at all, and secondly, i want to confirm their
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insurance policy contemplates live entertainment. maybe if that could be rolled into any type of-i don't know if that is out of our jurisdiction but it does worry me. >> did you want to pose that question to staff? >> i don't know- >>b i believe the name is siena. it doesn't- >> there is someone, i castillo, don't know if that is the representative but if they want to raise their hand their can. looks like they are--raising their hand. >> it appears there is not representation from the business this evening. we did discuss how they would be gauging the 49 person capacity. we had the question ourselves. they indicated they would be using event bright or
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type of rsvp service to gauge how many guests they can anticipate. they said they have a understanding how many people they expect at the events and which events bring out a larger audience then others and of course they can't speak to the insurance question. >> okay. that would have been nice if they had a representative here. i do want to note you all are at liberty to take action without attendance. >> can i understand what is going on, if they dont have insurance how does that effect our permit? is that on them to have insurance? >> it is on them to have insurance, yeah. >> those are two separate items. >> i think it is more informational. >> got it. >> i want to echo commissioner thomas's-i thank you to staff
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for seeing this through. i was a little more nuanced then most of these, but also this is a legacy business in the mission as i said when they were first before us i used to live around the corner for them and they are a integral part of 24 street so i'm happy there is a way for them to move forward. i do share commissioner wong's concerns about the-i think that is a valid question to raise in terms of insurance, but that is maybe not necessarily under our purview, but i hope that if there are representatives from adobe books listening that they could look into that and make sure they are taken care of because that is a very important component of this. >> alright. did we have motions yet? i don't think we did. anybody want to motion?
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>> approve with conditions proposed by staff. >> second. >> alright. we can vote. >> president bleiman. >> aye. >> vice president. >> aye. >> commissioner falzon >> aye. >> commissioner thomas >> aye. >> commissioner torres >> aye. >> commissioner wong. >> aye. >> we approvered that. that is number 7, and last item is number 8, commissioner comments and questions. who wants to go first? leave to the anniversary of the 1906 earthquake today. worth mentioning. >> wow! >> (indiscernible) >> hard to wake up at
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3 a.m. >> no earthquake. >> i like to invite everybody to polk street this saturday. we have a outdoor music festival that goes from 12 to 6 with incredible acts, including anna chris tina from zep rela who hinted the rest of the members will be joining her. i will mention they are a all female zeppelin cover band that is unbelievable. we also have a blue grass band named mr. sun only fortunate to get to play for us (indiscernible) they are unbelievable and finally, we have others, but most excited personally for martin luther mccoy a sf jazz fellow who will be playing with his funk ensemble
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which includes members of prince's band and funk and soul drummers. in the (indiscernible) bob's doughnuts. we got them a accordion player which i think is appropriate. every bar and restaurant on polk between california and broadway will have show that night. every now is free to the public and so come on by. partnered with aquarium of the bay for earth day so will have a family friendly interactive aquarium stuff they will be doing during it day. should be really cool, really fun, please come. going to be exciting. anything else? >> happy belated 415 day. >> belated 415. evergreen sf is here. any public comment on
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the final agenda item? >> no public comment on this item. >> alright, then we will adjourn this hearing at 615 p.m. thank you everybody. [meeting adjourned] (m >> i started the o was with a
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financing and had a business partner all ended up wanting to start the business and retire and i did was very important to me so i bought them oust and two weeks later the pandemic h-4 one of the moments i thought to myself we have to have the worse business in a lifetime or the best. >> we created the oasis out of a need basically so other people bars and turning them into a space and when the last place we were performing wasn't used
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turned those buildings into condos so we decided to have a space. >> what the pandemic did for us is made us on of that we felt we had to do this immediately and created this. >> (unintelligible). >> where we would offer food delivery services with a curbside professionalism live music to bring spectacular to lives we are going through and as well as employ on the caterers and the performers and drivers very for that i think also for everyone to do something. we had ordinary on the roof and life performances
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and with a restaurant to support the system where we are and even with that had terribly initiative and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt had to pay our rent we decided to have an old-fashioned one we created club hours where you can watch to online and or be on the phone and raised over one quarter of a million dollar that of incredible and something that northbound thought we could do. >> we got ourselves back and made me realize how for that people will show up if i was blown away but also had the courage but the commitment now i can't let anyone down i have to
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make the space serviceable so while this is a full process business it became much more about a space that was used by the community. and it became less about starting up a business and more about the heart of what we're doing. this building used to be a- and one of the first one we started working on had we came out what a mural to wrap the building and took a while but able to raise the money and pay 5 artists to make a design around many this to represent what is happening on the side and also important this is who we are this is us putting it out there because satisfies other people we don't realize how much we affect the
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community around there when he i want to put that out there and show up and show ourselves outside of those walls more fabulous. and inspires other people to be more fabulous and everyone want to be more fabulous and less hatred and hostility and that is how we change the i didn't - >> sound familiar do you keep on getting up there's an easier
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way. >> of course there's easier way get rid of of mosquito they breed whatever this is water no water no mosquito mosquito feed on good blood the eggs hatch and stay near the waters san francisco to breathe and the adult underlying mosquito waits on the as many until it's sexuality hardens water pools in any areas and creates places you'll not normally think of budget and any container that holds water and hidden in bushes or else were dump the water and do it over soil not into a drain the larva can continue growing in the pooled water is sewage disthe
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first of its kind the area if the sewage is two extreme have a licensed plumber assist water pools in rain gutters and snaking and cleaning out the water when keep the water from pooling and keep in mind that mosquito breed in other waters like catch balgsz and construction barriers interest crawl spaces with clmg is an issue you may have is week to cause the water to collect this is an sour of mosquito so for buildings just fix the clean air act drains and catch basins can be mosquito ground it will eliminate it as a possible location keep shrubbery and growths estimated any water to can be seen and eliminated birdbath and fountains and uncovered hot tubs mosquito breed but it is difficult to
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dump the water out of a hot top can't dump the water adding mosquito finish rids the source of mosquito there are also traditionally methods to protect you installing screens on windows and doors and using a mosquito net and politically aau planet take the time to do the things we've mentioned to eliminate standing water and make sure that mosquito are not a problem on your property remember no water no mosquito
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the tenderloin is home to families, immigrants, seniors, merchants, workers and the housed and unhoused who all deserve a thriving neighborhood to call home. the tenderloin initiative was launched to improve safety, reduce crime, connect people to services and increase investments in the neighborhood. as city and community-based partners, we work daily to make these changes a reality. we invite you to the tenderloin history, inclusivity make this neighborhood special. >> we're all citizens of san francisco and we deserve food,
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water, shelter, all of those things that any system would. >> what i find the most fulfilling about being in the tenderloin is that it's really basically a big family here and i love working and living here. >> [speaking foreign language] >> my hopes and dreams for the tenderloin are what any other community organizer would want for their community, safe, clean streets for everyone and good operating conditions for small businesses. >> everything in the tenderloin is very good. the food is very good. if you go to any restaurant in san francisco, you will feel like oh, wow, the food is great.
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the people are nice. >> it is a place where it embraces all walks of life and different cultures. so this is the soul of the tenderloin. it's really welcoming. the. >> the tenderloin is so full of color and so full of people. so with all of us being together and making it feel very safe is challenging, but we are working on it and we are getting there.
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