tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV April 26, 2023 11:00pm-1:01am PDT
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can't. >> all you hear. so -- i'm wondering when i'm going to be fro. when am i going to be fro? when? thank you. seeing no further peeshgs here, we have 5 members in the queue with 4 in the queue. unmute the first one. >> great. david pilpel. good afternoon. i made comment on this issue here last week and at the capital planning mittee. i support the proposed tality plan if the board will amend that's fine the text the tables and the thinking there is lot of the thinking binds this plan it is well thought through and staff and the other city departments are to be appreciated for their w in make thanksgiving plan happen approximate to you.
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if there is another 150 million of bobble capacity i would address general fund tality needs. difference between the high scene air i don't and low for the pay as you go program suggests additional bond capacity could be used to address those general fund needs in the next 2 years including way of a bond measure not the best way to pay for things. and fundamentally at the core the plan is about keeping city general fund and nongeneral in a state of good reparity others are noise. i'm proenvironment. i'm not antiaffordable housing but i don't think those are core city general fund and nun general fund assets. thank you very much. >> thank you.
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david pilpel. next speaker, please. eileen opposing unless amended. my concern the proposed earthquake safety and emergency sponse bond for 310 million to be on the november 20 tea ballot my concern is in the seismic for police approximate fire stiegz stairgz in the spending on emergency firefighting water system. my concern how puc spends the funds. puc spent the fundos constructing new on the wife side. one to pump the water out it and one to put out the fire. they don't automatically refill.
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the puc used bob funds for a flexible water supply system. hoses we 350 pound and too doyle left and there has been a so called drinking water [inaudible] relies on lake merced which is in the drinking water unless transfers from the fire department to the puc then mayor newsome to develop the city's budget. handled the city attorney aspects of transfer. i'm opposed to the bond funding going to the puc to fund the misguided policies. our solution may be transfer engineer to dpw and administration to a new deputy under the city add administrator. thank you. >> thank you for your comments.
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next speaker, please. >> good morning. good afternoon. i'm susan green climate emergency commito approximate become in week. many meantses indicate we can't afford to slow transit decarbon wraith in the city regard will of all the serious [inaudible] for limited resource i'm surety next few years of heat waists conscience will mech that more apparent. i'd like to disagree with president peskin about the capital plan [inaudible]. it does in the take in account the climate action plan. it looks a representative who can champion the plan's goal and work to ensure that every project in the plan incorporates electronic and dem tris cashon reductions. currently evercurrent plan
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demonstrates we are unlikely to develop future plans that incorporate actions needed. i'm heartened by comments rethinking the bond schedule andk knowledging role action on climate mitigation. allocate amount of the new 150 million dollars bobble capacity to support build and transit decarbonization. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, sorry i'm not talking about bonds. i want to take you to laguna honda. do you, supervisors, feel ashamed that could do nothing for laguna honda, which is i new building and old building put to use.
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doll you all feel ashamed that y'all are not providing a place with wrap around services for the mentally challenged? you have thousands roaming the streets. and some of the add have indicates do when we can. but every time you want help somebody who has ment will problems than i want to you give out money 5-8 thousand dollars to help per month. you talk the talk but don't walk the walk. supervisors, you irrelevant want to have the constituents of san pran and thus ans that roam our streets and thousands that are
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living in parole. stop talking and start acting. thank you very much. >> mr. lamb, next speaker please. >> good afternoon members of budget and appropriation commito i'm charlie i'm calling on behalf of community housing organization and i member organizations that are rotted in throughout the city. building the long-term resources to chief the housing element fordable housing goal and stabilizing our economy and workforce is most important decisions the city will make in the next few years. there months where you will make a decision on the 24 bond cycle. we foal is important the city do diligence and keep open the possibility of affordable
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housing bond for next year's primary and november election cycleless. here is why. foordzable housing bobs the most inconsistent local ref now source to finance the preservation of affordable housing. voter was including affordable housing in the bond schedule stabilize neighborhoods, how we house vulnerable and house the workforce and what we keep the next generation in the city. urge the city to pursue a strategy ensure the highest level success for stage the local and regional housing bond of commitment to ensuring successful bond we know this measure also depens on the uncertain support of and advance the funding strategy asked about resources the city only supports
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i fwhoond does in the come to fruition. i local bond implement the host of strategy s and supervisors adopt from the 2023 housing element above the [inaudible]. thank you for your consideration. why thank you. mr. lm, this completes our queue >> no more comment t. is closed. >> supervisor safai. you want to say i appreciate the comments from folk this is came in person side. i know this is in the an 'press to know. one thing that president peskin said that is a truth is that when we allocate monies for to the projects you have to have a details list of physical things you intends do. one thing i will suggest and
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there is flex at in the existing buckets we have. you talked about building new housing or reason i having now house willing is room when we are talking about affordable housing to come up with detailed plans on how this is built. when is looks like. and what climate goal its achieves. we can w with xu where you are group and talk about this while we work on the affordable housing detail plans. this can help in the existing proposals. the other thing is we do have to build more housing. temperature is a reality. we have existing buckets of money we utilized in the past for existing husband and some of this is our -- monies that we put toward small cites program. money exist thanksgiving is
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general fund toward affordable housing in the competiing system and ewe likewise this to achieve our environmental goals and so i'm committed to working with you on that. we have a need to build more physical housing. so one thing i talked about last week and this week and supervisor peskin president peskin talked about. it is important we allocate toward one of the most dire needs not the most. not a second time trying to pit the 2 against each other we have know affordable housing krois in the city and can do housing and achieve environmental goals at the same time. i'm appropriateed make amendments to use some of this existing capacity and read in the referred i can read it gwen we add a further resolve this board amends it is capital plan to revise the amounts of general
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obligation bond. the amount of the affordable housing and shelter bonds shall increase it 340 million public health and shelter bond shall be increased to 320 million this is a good billions of i thank you still allows flexibility in the 40 to defind what is in those categories. and anyway. that's my proposal. is this a megz? >> yes. >> second. >> supervisor before we call the roll supervisor ronen. gi will not support this motion for all the reasons i stated earlier. working on getting more affordable housing with everything in mow the past sick years but i don't know how this will impact the much big are bond that is a few monting later that could be a problem. i don't think we should take this light low. i don't think today it is
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necessary to put this money anywhere this will be an on going discussion. we will have to come become with the to -- revise it anyway. so i will oppose the motion. >> with that said mr. clerk call the roll. >> on the motion to amend the resolution to include the language read in the record by member safai. vice chair mandelman. >> no. >> member safai. >> aye. >> member ronen. >> no. >> member walton. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> we have 3 aye avenue with 2 no with mandelman and ronen in decent. >> thank you the motion passes and then the amended item needs to be continued for a week i make the motion to continue to next week with that a second?
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>> second. >> by supervisor safai and mr. clerk, call the roll. why on the motion to continue this resolution to the may third moteingly of this committee as amended. vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> member safai. >> aye. why member ronen. >> aye. >> member walton. >> aye >> cheaper hahn. >> aye. why we have 5 aye's >> thank you the item conditions. i say you got a lot of work cut out for you. i had a time if you see i think it should not no one should thank you is done deal. with this mr. clerk is there other business before us today. >> this condition clouds the business. why this meeting is adjourned. clear clear
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ryone to taketo taketo taketo taketo your seats so wes so wes so wes so we could begin. begin. begin. begin. begin. begin. begin. begin. beg mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm myhm myhm myhm my name is davids davids da chu. i'm honored honored honored honor to be the firste firste firste firs asian american city attorneyttorneyttorney in the city andcity andcity andcity andcity and county of san francisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisco.ancisc thank thank thank tha you, madam mayoram mayoram andam on on on on behalf behalf behal of the city and county county county of san of san of san of francisco, welcome welcome welcome wel to the officialofficialofficialofficialof kickoff of a p of a p of a p of a p of a p of a p o i heritage month. month. month. month. month. month. month. month. month. month. month. mon i mon i mon i mon i m often sayften sayften sayften
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sayften that that that that our cityour city we we we we we are are are are are the spiritualpiritualpiritualpiritualpiritualpiritualpiri the cultural, the social social social social soc center of the asianhe asianhe asianhe asianhe asianhe asianhe asianhe asianhe asianhe americanmericanmericanmericanmerica communityommunity in our country country country, and, and, and, and, an this is not just just just just because of our historyhistoryhistoryhistoryhistoryhistor. the fact thatct thatct that asian immigrants started here in our very city. it's not just because of the fact that we have the oldest chinatown in the united states, one of three japan towns in the united states, little saigon the filipino cultural heritage district and so many communities that reflect the diaspora of r ap community it's because of all of you. all of you who represent this amazing diversity who are leading in so many ways, and i just want to thank you for that. we have so much to celebrate this year, and i'm not just talking about academy awards. i'm talking about the progress that we re making after very challenging. several years as we are bringing our community back after covid in the wake of anti asian hate, as we move things
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forward, and each of you again has been a part of that. i also want to say that san francisco this year there's so much that we are doing to continue to anchor our status as the asian american capital. and that includes the fact that this fall in november san francisco is going to be the host city to apec which is the asian pacific economic cooperation leadership summit where we will be hosting literally heads of states from countries to our east representing where our communities came from, and it's going to be an incredible moment to showcase who we are. um. i know today we're going to be acknowledging a lot of folks and shortly we're going to be hearing from our great mayor. we're going to be hearing from our city administrator. i want to take a moment and acknowledge our asian american sheriff. i want to acknowledge are the head of our asian arts museum and i'm looking for other department heads. i know the head of our library is here michael
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lambert, and i'm sure i'm missing others, but i'm sure the mayor will catch up with me. once i once i complete my comments, but let me also say this. this event this month would not happen, but for tremendous community partners and they are listed on the boards we have here, but we have many many amazing community partners. i know we're going to acknowledge several of them for their decades of leadership. we have many amazing community sponsors. um but we only have one woman who has been at the heart of this event for the better part of 19 years since she was, i think eight years old. ah! this is an event that came about because the then head of national organization of chinese americans approach then mayor gavin newsom and said it is high time for san francisco to put ourselves on the map and acknowledging a p i heritage month and claudine cheng, you've been at the heart of this. you have worked so hard for almost 20 years of doing this. thank you so much on behalf of the city for everything you do, and
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without further ado claudine cheng. time time does fried 19th years how to believe, but but really, this is a labor of love for everybody who is involved every year to, um put together this celebration is amazing 19 years we really do not have people ask me that some of the sponsors about what is your operating budget this and that we really do not have an office. we really do not have stopped. all we have a volunteers and our committee and i really cannot thank you enough out committees and especially at this time, i'd like to introduce our three celebration coaches, and fortunately, thomas lee is out of town for work. but l. perez entertainment commissioner l press one of our celebration coaches. and amazing grace grace. hurry, keary. celebration co chairs. and a special shout out to tennessee who is heading up our awards committee. dennis
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thank you so much for everything. so our city attorneys talk about the rough and tough times that aapi community has gone through in the last few years, so we feel that when we think about our theme, we just feel that we really need to take the opportunity to continue to strengthen ourselves, and that's so to make it very simple. our theme this year is strengthening the fabric of our community. looking around, we might all be coming from different places. we have very different may have different culture history heritage, but you know, we are one api community and we hope that throughout, uh the month of may. that's what all the program is going to tell this story of our community. um thanks to again to co chair thomas lee was very, very creative this year. this is the hour event. this is our commemorative poster, and it's really a very intricate design of different parts of the fabrics as you can see putting
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the different parts of the fabrics together how the community is going to connect. and be one whenever we can, um on our website now, which is just updated again by thomas is the celebration guide the celebration guiding quote, a list of all the art and cultural events as a happening. the key events that we are aware of that is happening in san francisco during the whole month of may want to really appreciate our celebration partners, the asian art museum campus. san francisco public library. i mean throughout the month of may this amazing so many events. um therefore for everybody for all generations to enjoy. we are not just celebrating our month. we are also, i think in, maybe also sell celebrating small business week. so we are also this year having a joint celebration of small business week. i think l perez have taken leadership of that we are going to have this fun event called child fund. uh in district in his district. 11 is it? yeah and to collaborate
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and bring up the smart, bring out help help our small business in that area with small business week and all the restaurants so there are many ways throughout the city that we are every year. we are trying to think about new ideas. how do we expand this collaboration? how we can spread the community loved around, so they're really plenty going on and we look forward to seeing many of you next wednesday at our aapi heritage awards and, uh and reception. um. but without but we really cannot do all of this without you know your substance cities support and since 2005 we were so happy to have all the mayors, strong support and presence every year when we celebrate, and it is a very important message that we are supported. both in the bottom by our communities and all the way you know the whole spectrum. so um, i'd like to welcome mayor lee mayor breed to our out. i think mayor lee
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wanted to know wanted us all to know that he's still with us in some capacity or another. i take that as a sign and a good one. for really the spirit of the asian community in the city and county of san francisco, one of resilience and one of excitement in these times after dealing with some very challenging times . what i appreciate most about this opportunity to celebrate the month of may as asian american and pacific islander heritage month is. we have an opportunity to really talk about not only the accomplishments and the things that we have achieved in the arts and in philanthropy and community, but we have an opportunity to really reflect on the past and also look back at what this community has gone
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through and emerged even stronger than it has ever been as a united front against those challenges, and so this is really an opportunity to reflect because last year i don't know if there were a lot of smiles on people's faces. in light of all the anti asian hate and the attacks on many of our asian seniors. in particular, there was a lot of sadness and a lot of frustration and coming together and working together and making investments and changes to policies and with our new d a accountability has really change what is happening in these communities all over san francisco? no we are not where we need to be. but we have come a long way and we are seeing those numbers. decline thanks to really an emergence of our public safety officials including our own paul miyamoto , who has really been at the forefront of working with chief bill scott and working with
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district attorney brooke jenkins to make sure that accountability is at the forefront of the work that we do because san francisco as a compassionate and second chance city, we believe in reforms. we believe in second chances, and we believe in the importance of the work, too. to deal with the challenges that exist, but we also truly believe that when those lines are crossed, people need to be held accountable, and that is also a part of a safe community. i also want to take the opportunity to really recognize that amazing organizations who really stepped up the, um uh c y c with their various ambassador programs and also self help for the elderly with the work that they've done for the senior escort program and so many people in volunteers really came together in our city, and it has been a really beautiful thing. i was just out in chinatown last week. uh really celebrating community coming together in the festivities and all the kids and
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the excitement for the spring and the year of the rabbit and i was on clement street celebrating their and the cherry blossom festival the past couple of weeks and i thought to myself nothing makes san francisco come alive. more than these activities and festivals and celebrations and many of our commercial corridors and the asian community as a whole is at the heart of all of those activities. so i want to just really reflect on that and how far we've come as a city and the excitement that will spring out as a result of a p, a heritage month in san francisco. thanks to the great leadership of claudine and thomas and al perez , and so many people who spend a lot of time volunteering to help make this really an incredible opportunity for people to explore different parts of the city, including our folks from visitation valley are pacific islander community who really. has been at the forefront of
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helping to make sure that part of san francisco is not forgotten. so today we are grateful to our asian art museum . thank you. j for being here are partners with the san francisco public library, and you have a fierce advocate in michael lambert and also camp fast. we know it's gonna be a big thing, but they also aren't a partner. for asian pacific and asian and asian american and pacific islander heritage mom so mouthful um, but today we also take a moment to really honor a number of organizations , the 30 40 and 50 years of existence, and i don't know if you did that on purpose claudine. but um, the asian pacific fund for supporting community through philanthropy and making sure those investments get made in asian organizations. the asian island . i mean, the angel island immigration station foundation for 40 years of protecting the
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stories and the history and the heritage of the asian community in the bay area, the japanese cultural and community center of northern california one that is absolutely my favorite because of the work that they have done with me and partnership over the years even before i was a supervisor on the board of supervisors collaboration that took place between this center and the african american art and culture complex. those cross cultural relationship building opportunities were always central in my life in the western addition community and so they are celebrating 50 years , so a wide spectrum of organizations doing extraordinary things along with events, activities, films, you name it. it's all a part of what's happening during the asian american and pacific islander heritage month for the month of may and san francisco and i am so grateful and excited. i want to really thank and acknowledge all of our sponsors for investing in our asian community. i know u. s
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bank and amazon and wells fargo or some of the top sponsors here , making sure that the resources are available so that community can have support and i see valley brown. from grants for the arts. thank you for making sure that we continue to invest in our arts organizations are parades are festivals in our exciting events of san francisco , and i'm going to just, um, leave you with this. um apec is going to be extraordinary in san francisco. and what is so amazing about what it represents ? david shoe touched upon it a little bit but this is going to be an international event. of. a magnitude proportion and when i say that no other event on an international scale has existed in san francisco since 1945 when the united nations was created right here in our city. and so we will have heads of states. we
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will have ceo s and folks and companies. this will be an opportunity to showcase san francisco like never before, and the asian community will be on full display. we know that there are so many people who come from asia in different parts of asia and we know that there is a very close knit relationship. for community but also for business and so that will be on full display during november, when apec will descend upon san francisco like never before, we will be on center stage and this community will be at the forefront of so many events and activities that we will do. to make it clear what is great about san francisco to make it clear all the wonderful things that are happening in our city. no one is going to define the narrative of our city. we are the writers of what happens in this city and our history and
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also our awesomeness as it relates to the work that we do to bring community together. so what we're gonna do in our celebration. we're going to show them what san francisco is all about. during the month of may during a pack and year round as we continue to build relationships and change san francisco for the better working with each and every one of you, thank you all so much for being here to kick off asian american and pacific islander. heritage month in the city and county of san francisco. thank you. mayor. london breed. um. uh so our next speaker will city administrator come and chill comments one of one of our honorees in earlier years and obviously haven't you illustrious public service career through city home. so
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many positions as part of supervisors assessor we call the and our city administrator so thank you for being here coming. hello well, you really can't follow the mayor. so i'm not sure why i got this wonderful responsibility, but i really wanted to be here to celebrate with you. and to tell you how excited i am to celebrate with my daughter, she's finally vaccinated. she's four years old. we're going to get out there and want her to see what our city is all about. and to be able to experience all the wonderful, um, parts of our city , but i really want to take a minute to acknowledge the mayor and her championship. of all of the wonderful things that happen in our city. there are so many things that happen. the things that you see might be the headlines that grace to our news . it might be the information that is kind of top of mind when it comes to conversations in the public sphere, but by and large sometimes the support that you
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get from leadership comes in ways that are small and quiet but effective. i don't know if you know, i know. she just mentioned valiant and the grants for the arts program. but this mayor understood just how important it was to not only revitalize our economy and make sure that we're activating our spaces in our city. but the fact that every time we have these parades, these festivals, these cultural events, there are an opportunity to uplift the communities that we value so much in our city. i don't know if you know, but in our last budget she doubled the amount of investment that we made in parades and festivals. these are not things that ever get covered impressed because maybe people don't pay attention to those small things, but they are the things that make a difference, and i just really want to acknowledge her support if anybody saw her at the cherry blossom festival, you know, just recently i was on that float with her. oh, my goodness. she is no better champion. she was dancing, enjoying it, and i'm like, how am i going to dance next to the mayor? that is not. that is not something that that , um is definitely in my forte.
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but she really is a champion. i want to thank the mayor for all of her support for these events because it truly is important. but i have the wonderful opportunity today to be able to acknowledge the 30 40 and 50 year old contributions of these organizations. so it's not only about getting the voice of our api community out there, but it's also about recognition recognition of the people and the organizations who have been steadfast in our community supporting our community and helping less weather all of the storms. so this time i want to be able to recognize that people and ask you to stand so we can get give you a big round of applause. for their contributions. representing the asian pacific fund, caroline wang colin, who is the president and executive director. asian pacific fund is celebrating their 30th anniversary. they have been doing so much to not only be a community foundation that helps to support our organizations across the bay area, but really has been focused on making sure that they were continuing to make the
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investments in our api community funds all across the board. i want to thank you for being here representing the organization, and we look forward to recognizing your contributions. the agent, angel island immigration station foundation represented by darlene shoe, bryant. celebrating their 40th year. as you know, the angel island immigration station foundation is devoted to preserving the former u. s immigration station at angel island and promote the history of the exclusion, detention hope and determination of all immigrants who arrived there. so i want to thank you, darlene for all of your great work and continue to keep our history alive. thank you. and finally the japanese cultural and community center of northern california. scott okamoto, are you there? there you are. and laurie matoba as well. the deputy director is celebrating 50 years in our city. the center preserves and promotes japanese american culture and historical heritage enhances understanding
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and appreciation among people the united states and japan and promotes a multiservice community space to serve the community. so for those organizations who have had an immense impact on san francisco , thank you so much, and we look forward to continue to celebrate with you throughout the month. thank you. thank you, carmen. i see that. seven point, miyamoto is also here. would you like to see if it was. thank you. i just want to say one thing that, um the theme this year is strengthening the fabric of our community, and if i could draw your attention to my pants i just happened to be wearing denim today. today is world denim day in recognition of the support that we in public safety and in and all the different positions in our community we give to women victims of sexual assault victims who have to suffer sometimes through biases
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and prejudices on, uh, being victims, and we want to show that support for them. by wearing denim jeans and i don't want to go into too much detail other than to say something happened in italy. where someone was blamed for being assaulted because of the clothing that she wore, and that's why legislatures in that country the next day war denim in support of the victim and we do we do that now and recognition of that, so i think it's very timely because we're strengthening the fabric of our community. denim is a very strong fabric. and it also represents how we how we support each other worldwide. on things , and that just brings us all together. over one issue. we're coming together now and celebration, but i also want to make sure we always remember community is there to support each other through good times and bad. and as we've all gone through the experiences of a p i hate as we've all gone through the experiences of the challenges that we have in public safety right now. i just
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want to remind everyone we rely on you to make sure that we're in this together to keep people safe. so please keep that in mind. you mentioned apec. more than a few people have mentioned apec. and every time i hear that as a public safety member were challenged with keeping everyone safe and we'll need your help to do that. so let's start with the celebration and roll up our sleeves. really good work to come. thank you. thank you paul. um as the mayor have mentioned, and on previous speakers, we this we are so fortunate that this, uh celebration every year was really support well supported by many organizations that our community sponsors or the non profits, you know to our business sponsors. um, three, uh so we are very thankful. and today we want to specifically acknowledge our heritage champion, um, sponsors because they really have been amazing to
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want to support how we strengthen the fabric of our community. um i want to first knowledge, fargo because in 2005 when we started in 2005 when we never have done any celebration before wells fargo was there to support us and through the years and now returning we are so excited, so i want to in spite lorenzo cordovan from. marco he's the vice president of philanthropy and community impact, say if it was. good morning, everyone. i'm lorenzo cordova on the philanthropy and community impact team at wells fargo, and we're thrilled to be here this morning to kick off and celebrate the start of aapi heritage month here in san francisco. there's no denying that the same. francisco is the great city. it is today because of the contributions of our api community past and present. whilst fargo like claudine
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mentioned has been a steadfast partner of our api community. in fact, it was one of the first california companies to service our chinese customers in their native language. just last year through a partnership with the chinese cultural center of san francisco, we unveiled a community mural where we depicted 12 ap i community heroes, so as you engage in a p i related activities. i invite you to visit the corner of jackson and grant avenue to view this mural. this year. one of the many ways that we're celebrating aapi heritage month is through the sponsorship of the heritage awards at which we will be celebrating these three organizations that work day in and day out to equip our api community with the resources and tools that are api community needs to succeed. i want to take claudine claudine chang. for her stent, fat, steadfast leadership and dedication to execute this event to our mayor mayor london
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breed for her commitment to celebrating and amplifying the voices of all the communities that make this city a special place to call home. thank you. thank you, lorenzo. and next i'd like to invite our friend from us bank send you william, who is the senior vice president and baby area? market leader? thank you for your support. send it. good morning, everyone. my name is sandy wall. yeah, and i'm the bay area market leader for us bank where we believe every day that we invest our hearts and our minds to help power. human potential, um, in alignment actually, with the theme for aapi heritage month, which is strengthening the fabric of our community. us bank has recently committed to $100 billion investment back into our communities with 60% of that right here in california. over the next five years to really help make community possible through inclusive and equitable
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growth, so very excited about that commitment back to our communities we are passionate about and committed to creating more access as well as more opportunities to help all of our minority owned businesses succeed, as well as helping to close the racial gap. racial wealth gap in this country through our dedicated program that we've launched, which is called access commitment. we really believe in putting our people first um and drawing all of that strength through the diversity, which we can see in this room today and really be on behalf of all of us that u s bank. we look forward to our continued partnership to serve san francisco and help make the area a wonderful place. thank you. thank you. u. s bank and also appreciate amazon's multi year support. unfortunately sally k cannot be here today. so um, we are almost at the closing of press conference. i want to acknowledge i see a couple of commissioners here, commissioner irene e. riley from the human rights commission is here. um
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commissioner ian lou from the us commission is here. anybody i'm missing? and, um, we, um as we're going to may i already mentioned preschool to our website a psf dot org for the celebration guide that has a good listing of everything that's happening in the city. i want a specific and not what is not on the website is our to kick off events this saturday. it's very exciting. we are kicking off this saturday, april 29th first at noontime in japantown. great sorry, curious there and then in her team, we are going to have a 23 hours of celebration. japantown after which we are going to samoan community parliament center in precipitation fairly. thank you very much. restituto and your team. they are also going to have the aapi month kick off. so you know, everywhere in the city . we want to have action. we want to engage you know, met people in the different neighborhoods so that you know
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we are all part of it. so, um and i look forward to seeing of your next wednesday. we will have a full house if you have not registered. please do so and, uh, as many of you have been to our events, the first hour is at the herbst theater where we do the piece was presentation and some cultural performances. but then everybody comes to city hall, where we will transform it to be our party space. so i hope that all of you will stay and come and enjoy yourselves. so thank you very much for being here. and please take a poster with you if you can put it in your organization office space and what not help spread the word that would be great.
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the bakery. i shoot anything and everything in chinatown. i shoot daily life. i'm a crazy animal. i'm shooting for fun. that's what i love. >> i'm frank jane. i'm a community photographer for the last i think about 20 years. i joined the chinese historical society. it was a way i could practice my society and i can give the community memories. i've been practicing and get to know everybody and everybody knew me pretty much documenting
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the history i don't just shoot events. i'm telling a story in whatever photos that i post on facebook it's just like being there from front to end, i do a good job and i take hundreds and hundreds of photos. and i was specializing in chinese american history. i want to cover what's happening in chinatown. what's happening in my community. i shoot a lot of government officials. i probably have thousands of photos of mayor lee and all the dignitaries. but they treat me like one of the family members because they see me all the time. they appreciate me. even the local cops the firemen, you know i feel at home. i was born in chinese hospital
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1954. we grew up dirt poor. our family was lucky to grew up. when i was in junior high, i had a degree in hotel management restaurant. i was working in the restaurant business for probably about 15 years. i started when i was 12 years old. when i got married, my wife had an import business. i figured, the restaurant business i got tired of it. i said come work for the family business. i said okay. it's going to be interesting and so interesting i lasted for 30 years. i'm married i have one daughter. she's a registered nurse. she lives in los angeles now. and two grandsons. we have fun. i got into photography when i was in junior high and high
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school. shooting cameras. the black and white days i was able to process my own film. i wasn't really that good because you know color film and processing was expensive and i kind of left it alone for about 30 years. i was doing product photography for advertising. and kind of got back into it. everybody said oh, digital photography, the year 2000. it was a ghost town in chinatown. i figured it's time to shoot chinatown store front nobody. everybody on grand avenue. there was not a soul out walking around chinatown.
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a new asia restaurant it used to be the biggest restaurant in chinatown. it can hold about a 1,000 people and i had been shooting events there for many years. it turned into a supermarket. and i got in. i shot the supermarket. you know and its transformation. even the owner of the restaurant the restaurant it's 50 years old. i said yeah. it looks awful. history. because i'm shooting history. and it's impressive because it's history because you can't repeat. it's gone it's gone. >> you stick with her, she'll teach you everything. >> cellphone photography that's going to be the generation. i think cellphones in the next
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two, three years, the big cameras are obsolete already. mirrorless camera is going to take over market and the cellphone is going to be better. but nobody's going to archive it. nobody's going to keep good history. everybody's going to take snapshots, but nobody's going to catalog. they don't care. >> i want to see you. >> it's not a keepsake. there's no memories behind it. everybody's sticking in the cloud. they lose it who cares. but, you know i care. >> last september of 2020 i had a minor stroke and my daughter caught it on zoom.
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i was having a zoom call for my grand kids. and my daughter and my these little kids said hey you sound strange. yeah. i said i'm not able to speak properly. they said what happened. my wife was taking a nap and my daughter, she called home and said he's having a stroke. get him to the hospital. five minutes later, you know, the ambulance came and took me away and i was at i.c.u. for four days. i have hundreds of messages wishing me get well soon. everybody wished that i'm okay and back to normal. you know i was up and kicking two weeks after my hospital
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stay. it was a wake-up call. i needed to get my life in order and try to organize things especially organize my photos. >> probably took two million photos in the last 20 years. i want to donate to an organization that's going to use it. i'm just doing it from the heart. i enjoy doing it to give back to the community. that's the most important. give back to the community. >> it's a lot for the community. >> i was a born hustler. i'm too busy to slow down. i love what i'm doing. i love to be busy. i go nuts when i'm not doing anything. i'm 67 this year. i figured 70 i'm ready to
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retire. i'm wishing to train a couple for photographers to take over my place. the younger generation they have a passion, to document the history because it's going to be forgotten in ten years, 20 years, maybe i will be forgotten when i'm gone in a couple years but i want to be remembered for my work and, you know photographs will be a remembrance. i'm frank jane. i'm a community photographer. this is my story. >> when you're not looking,
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frank's there. he'll snap that and then he'll send me an e-mail or two and they're always the best. >> these are all my p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p
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p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p good afternoon thank you for joining us this is in person at city hall room 4 huh human broadcast on sfgovtv and phone. march 1 there was a sunset of the prosecute vision this suspended local meeting laws. not required policy bodies -- have been advised to have timer
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limited remote public. time limp remote comment on each item set and noticed for this meeting. >> the phone number is 415-655-0001 access code: 2599 544 4500 ## >> when the item is called dial star 3. commenters will have 2 minutes to provide comment. speak clearly inform a quiet location and turn off sound devices urnld. roll call. director hinze. >> present. >> director yekutiel. why present. >> director borden. >> heir yoovm eaken. >> present you have a quorum. i know that breshth hinze is attending remote. she must appear on camera to peek or vote on any items.
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item 3. the ringing and use of cell phones and sound producing electronic device are prohibited. the chair may order the removal of a person responsible for ringing or use of a cell phone or sound producing electronic device. item 4 approval minutes for the april 4 meeting yoochl vehicle. are there comments on the april fourth minutes. >> we can open public comment. for those in the room? move to remote connect >> not to exceed a toll time of 10 minutes. on the motion it prove the minutes director be hinze.
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why aye >> yekutiel. >> aye. >> borden >> aye. >> choir eaken >> aye. the minutes are approved. >> next item >> item 5. communication i have none. >> directors are there communications? >> item 6 introduction of new business by board members. i wanted to ask about the reports about small business owners on ninth and irving and inner sunnet the plets removed for a project we are doing there. and not knowing about it and i know we may not be capable of answering now but i would love to figure out we are doing projects and stuff going on. we approved a lot. what are communication is to
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small business owners who shared spaces may need to be moved, fixed, undone for various projects. i know we are doing w to reach out to folks but folks are surprised. supervisors are surprise and i had think that did a lot of sensitivity around these space. i wanted to follow up on this internalally. shared spaces guideline and making sure there are sufficient commercial loading spaces in commercial districts throughout san francisco. that is a challenge. there has been an increase in commercial loading needs city wide. that is resulting in change. we'll be happy to provide you with either memo update or if the chair prefers we do a
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presentation from the park being team the curb side team and shared spaces team about that work and the communications involved. >> thank you. >> another question is i wonder if we could schedule for upcoming meeting an update on how cents roll subway is going. her the numbers? how many folks take it? what is amazing we want to highlight the things we want on work on. we open today and it was 10 plus years of work i would love to get a talk back on how they are going and the numbers and what you might need from us. doing updates internal low. happy to share that could include next meetings director's report. or we could have a larger board discussion. which is the preference yoochlt what you like and the final thing is -- may be my biweekly request and remindser and garthing more information.
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the one thing that u nights all of san francisco citizens and department system desire to have an extra layer of focus on potholes. i was at the fire department this morning at the gold spray painting of the fire hydrant. i turned to the fire people and as a board member the things i'm think burglar working on is potholes. they were pleased. folk and paramedics have to any over a pothole and affects ability to work. i know we are working on sdoog something with the dpw commission. want to put a focus on our body has an interested in figure out a way to get the potholes filled across the staechl thank you very much chair eaken. >> thank you. other items of new or unfinished business? >> i will make sure you know that director heminger and i
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were approved by the board of supervisors to serve a second term left week and director heminger jet off on a fabulous vacation to celebrate. congratulations to him. and you will see him am not today. and so we are very pleased to continue to serve the city. >> with nothing else. we can open up to public comment. anyone in the room on the new or unfinished business items. open the phone secretary silva. we'll move to remote comment not to exceed 10 minutes. members wishing to comment dial star 3 to enter the queue. no speakers. public ment is closed. >> item 7 the director's report. >> thank you, start off with good news next monday begins
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bike and roll to school week the sfmta safe routes to school problem with the san francisco bike coalition. 70 schools public and private registered host of bike and roll to school week celebrations. this saturday april 22nd is earth day. transportation represents forty-four % of green house gas emissions and 3 quarters is personal vehicles. every san franciscos san franciscos can take climb action boy using the most energy and space efficient modes of transportation when we can. that is walking biking and muni. this friday on april 21 i will join a public transit ride along
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with general managers of the region's public transit agencies encourage more to try transit on earth day and every day. we will meet on friday at the bart station at 2 p.m. with more available at all aboard bay area. one word. .com. >> next up our office of racial equity and he belonging doing a presentation at the human right's commission on april 27th at 5 p.m. in room 416 at city hall. the presentation is coordinated with organizations throughout the team to talk about actions we are take to keep riders safe including safety initiatives. how we address fair evasion equally and how transit service impacted by financial challenges and there will be a presentation by director cajina how she
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brings that to her leadership at the sfmta board. >> next and you can bring update slide. we are doing a public service announcement campaign, good people. tough jobs. focused on groups of our frontline employees that includes parking control officers. crossing guards. our parking control officers work every day to ensure our streets and driveways and fire hide randles are not blocked by cars parked where they should not be. fare inspectors makes sure everyone pace their share toward supporting the funds necessary to deliver muni service. and the folks are oftentimes they are having san franciscans upon general frustration taken out on them. and the campaign is to reminds all san franciscans that sfmta
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shelters, social media and buses inside and out. and we are doing blockbuster video in support of that. next up, i will just came from a prisz events by dean preston in support of his resolution asking the state of california to fund bay area public transand i help us address the fiscal cliff loom nothing 2025. supervisor preston joined city leaders including robe sxen walton. president lee from the bart board and as well as representatives from a variety of organizations and other public agencies in support of a program of funding measures allow bridge funds to get to the 2026 ballot. which point we hope to be able to solve the problem. i also traveled to sacramento with chair eastboundingen last month to fight for transit funding we work with the bay area caucus including a meet thanksgiving week with budget chair phil ting to discuss detailed how to approach source of funds to take a bit from here and a bit from there, both if state sources as well as regional sources and local sources in order to bridge this critical gap. we expect to have a final package of fudding sources and targeted funding levels soon. the governor is expected to
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release his state budget revision on may 10. legislateoir must doom a budget by june 15th. upon given the fact that if income taxes are delayed this year the state will not know how much montehas until the fall. we are expecting that there will be a will bills adopted between mou and assessment. and so we have multiple opportunity in order to close this gap. we're fighting hard this is my priority at the moment. next talk about all you heard in the news on tuesday april fourth ethan a known figure in the competitive cycling community was killed by a driver. within the presidio park on a portion of the street managed by presidio trust staff am since we have been working close low with
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the presidio trust and sfmta street's division resurrecting options to redesign the entire length to provide a protected bikeway on that street. we have been coordinating with supervisor chan's office and hope this she will lends her support to the necessary trade offs we must address to deliver that bikeway. >> finally, we wanted announce that on wednesday april second we launched a special cable car to celebrate arab-american come middle eastern heritage month. welcomed middle eastern staff throughout san francisco including our own agency. next cable car ride will be for asian-american and pacific island were month on wednesday may second. the cable cars are all
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coordinated boy ofts of racial equity and he the amazing will sthafl. that is my report. why are there questions on director tumlin's report in okay. with that we will open up public comment for anyone in the room for the director's report. open up the remote comment. sect silva j. we have one speak requesting accommendation. unmute alita du prix. >> thank you. good afternoon. chair eaken a lita du prix for the record. she and her. good report today. i appreciate the work in getting more funding yoendz the [inaudible].
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i hope so see more detail it is soon. certainly nice if i could [inaudible] seen the mechanics of how that all works. yes, we have to get funding from the state. and perhaps there will be a budget revision. i think it is in the best interests of the state. to funds the transit operation. the people like myself -- can continue to use muni. i think this is all i will see about the director's report. thank you. >> thank you. we'll move to remote public comment. not to exceed 10 minutes. members wish to comment dial star 3. eachville 2 minutes.
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i see no speakers. gi will close public comment on the director's report and just to a few comments from me director tumlin. i was heavy heart passed the spot where ethan was killed at the place i roadway my bicycle all the time. i know it is is just outside of the area that we have created the slow streets. a narrowing distances and putting up 50 miles per hour signs. so it is heart breaking and thank you for your leadership trying to address the issue it under scores what director yekutiel is asking a connected protected network under scores the work on active communities plan. and i just i'm encouraged to hear we will take action and want us to not wit for tragedies
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to take action. congress the conversation around active xhuns your staff said a 10 to 15 year horizon. with this plan. you heard direction if this board we want a 2 or-5 implementation from that plan we look forward to progress and thank you for your advocacy and great to see our supervisors are stepping up. we'll close the director's reportful next item. >> item 8 the citizen advisory report we have no report for that. we can move to item 9ful general public comment. members may address on matter in thes board's jurisdiction not on today's calendar. i have speaker cards. mark gruffburg. carl.
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this is public on items not on today's agenda. >> right. thank you. president eaken. members. of the board. this it is a related but separate matter that is on your agenda. the left hearing on the subject then president borden asked katetorien to develop meaningful policy on the situation of k medallion hold and bring it back with this item was met next heard. and directortorien said she would. it is not on your agenda. it is not part of the proposal regulations or mentioned in the staff report. i'm addressing it in public meant which is where it belongs. we have i broken medallion system. not working for b medallion
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under financial pressure. and it is in the working for k holders who have a right to sell which is meaningless in aprils. we call upon you to declare a foretoryium on revocation and suspensions of medallions until a comprehensive reform and fix of the system is in place. this will go i long way to improving our confidence in it agent and policies. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments next speaker, please. i'm marcelleo i'm a career cabdriver. full time driver for more than 30 years special k medallion holder since 2009. i have had a major health crisis that makes it impossible for me
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to safely drive a taxi for a full 10 hour shift. in other words to fill out the forms to dealt a medical exemption for the questionable driving requirements, you only enforce on k holders. i had to see 3 different doctors in a radioologist. it took me 4 monthses to go through all of them. they don't believed the taxi industry. they don't understand the forms you require them to fill out. and all of them refused to do it. i finds this process oppressive, embarrassing and unnecessary. our doctors are too busy taking care of thousands. they don't want to be bothered with a taxi rules. in just so you know all the visits i had to pay for them and
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pay a fee for one of the doctors to fill it out. we are getting older members of the taxi industry are getting older. and as we get older woo very well health issues. i urge you to get rid of this driving requirement that is only enforced on circumstance holders. please. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hi board members luke. you know 2 weeks ago i was in this room while you considered the valencia improve am project. we acknowledged an experiment and director tumlin talked about flus with other designs. while you were considering that the ethan boyd was killed. being what would be described to
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be an experiment. painted bike lanes. they are all over san francisco. director eaken and yekutiel's point we need to remedy these things fast. we don't need plans or studies our outy reach. we need action. zee a program designed to do rapid implementation not take 2-4 years to do something. i'm saddened by ethan's death. i helped organize 1200 people sign this petition and sent e mills to and you other officials. who want to see action. this is something we can and should build immediately. and i am discouraged how long this is take coming how long it takes machine to die for this to happen and life to seat agency look at every bike lane that looks like the bike lane and says change them all.
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whatever the costs. parking or whatever is worth the lives and our planet. so. i would glad to hear this staff is working on this. people need action faster and stuff in the grounds fast. you know and on a related note. on slow streets we have traffic diverters that have not been fix in the 6 months. meanwhile every local traffic only sign is removed somebody did in the want to see them. we need action to make our streets safe and shift to sustainable modes. thank you. next speaker, please. another card. bari toronto. >> hi. [inaudible]. i will read an e mail in yesterday. attached have a copy 2007 simplification committee digest.
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low are left hand bullet point states that the sfmta and board supervisors can agree to issue ref now bonds without voter approval that is unusual. the hassle of ballot measure if director tumlin could call director peskin or however you want typeset to work special encourage the supervisors to have a meet to being let stake holders weigh in. this is a better way to do things than the currents policy to help the people. who bought the will medallions. this might be the best way to have the litigation and functionize the stacksy industry and make whole the immigrants taxi workers took out loans to buy medallions to have the city fail to support the medallion value. i point out in 2010.
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i continuing is functional than the prospect k system. but the good faith of the city and what happened instead was at the same time the mayor was encouraging people to buy medallions the permits were devalued by having a lift run wild and uber. in san francisco july 13 of 2013 to celebrate the success. every ride was a criminal misdemeanor. so i'm hoping you will dot right thing. also the airport policy -- is hurting tourism and convention business and public can't energy a cab better torhave a ballot measure or a -- to do it this way with ballot money. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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goods afternoon feels weird coming here. but i felt it was important today to get here because of the items on the agenda and other topics the first is i get up early in the morning for 9 o'clock009 o'clock meeting on line. and the approximate moderator i like to talk to his boss. i feel he is not welcoming and he denies when i have to say is important. and rowd and condescending. i'm one of the few members of the public who will call in and talk about the major event this is close streets. and it talks about the impact on taxi service. taxi service and the public attention the upon events and also on the street closures that create traffic mess i'm entitleed say something about it. and i feel that i'm getting
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condescending and rude responses from the moderator. we need better enforcement of taxi standings especially at night. the taxi stands 18th and castro is 50% of the time or more occupied by private vehicles and homeless hartace us when we talk to people park being there peter woodses is a miracle worker the best employee in the whole mta agency. the problem is that change the chart that says mobility investigator not taxi investigator. they are spending 50% or more of the time enforcing scoot are laws and not helping us to provide service to the public allowing you to stage in key areas. stage in the wall greens stands because of the access to the
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hospitals. to people who live in the area and i go to the sunset from there. there is in accomplice to park. it is a problem. thank you. others in the room. remote comment. we have one speaker. unmute a lita du prix. >> thanks, chair. alita du prix for the record. i was on muni again i got to ride on the van ness brt and it was raining but i enjoyed my time on the brt. i got to meet a very nice muni driver who helped to inform me about using vans nesz brt. i would like to see more electric bus on this brt wee
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have the wires and want to use that as much as we can. and then i went over to the subway. and used it and practiced riding the escalators to being it from china town to union station. when i go up to china town or south of market area i use the subway every chance i get. i don't think about how much it costs. i can go down stairs and get a seat on the train it is helpful for me as a person with disability. rather than on the crowded bus on dawkin street. get more people interested in that subway and those afraid. escalators or can't use them we have elevators i have found work well and clean. i hope to come back and see you
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soon so you will see who i am. >> i ask that you consider in your work the mt aboard is the most about how far boards in the statement i ask you in the use your powers to separate people who are different from using muni. i had a welcome in the subway and in the brt. i thanks. >> thank you. we remember who you are and when you look like. we will never forget. next looks like we have no more commenter. >> yes we'll move to remote comment not exceed 10 minutes. members dial star 3. i'm barny i live in district 2. to things to your attention.
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one [inaudible] the san francisco street blog highlighting what the mta can do to progress on vision zero. right turn on reds at high network intersections. [inaudible]. and signal retimes to slow traffic. . also calls for a study of traffic lane removal such as bush being pine, goth and franklin and auto enforcement to red light cam ares and speed cameras. i want to bring your attention because i want the mta to consider recommitting public low and for the board to scrutinize plans of design by the agency long the lines of vision zero. . i think this intersects with dharns come up about the parklets at ninth and irving and
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the valencia project we looked at. mta is prioritizes car consist car park being over other considerations. the shared spaces program and parklet system named parklets the mta does not consider them extensions of the sidewalks. >> 30 seconds. >> i don't believe is necessary. i want to reminds the mta the transit first policy states the limited street and sidewalk space encourage rights of way by public transit. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. go i'd likes to comment
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regarding item 11 not about the item. i'm requesting that yekutiel recuse himself if that item. last no. november when the issue was brought up the director had to leave early. and before leaving he said and i quote, if i were here after board discussion i would vote to move this through. this comment shows clearly that director yekutiel has made up his minds before listen to public comments or any facts or board discussion on that matter. i hope this is not how the mta will stream line the process by eliminating public comment or board discussion. i hope that director tumlin is in the going to govern by [inaudible] choosing. thank you very much.
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next speaker, please. joos no additional speakers. >> we will close public comment. next item. >> item 10 your consentful all matters are here under constitute a consent are to be considered routine. and will be acted on by a vote. no separate discussion unless the board or public requests. 10.1 park and traffic modifications listed items a-g on the agenda. item 10.2 approving a new form master license agreement telecommunication companies to install phone antenna on sfmta poles. increasing pole fees and decreasing license pee and approving fee escalation rates, approving the 2023 mla with at&t verizon, and mobile
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[inaudible]. and requesting the board it approve. 10.3 the service authority for the abatement of abandon vehicles approving renewal and collection of the dollar fee for 10 year period from john 1 of 23 until may 1 of 33 and the board amend the transportation code to approve it for 10 years that concludes consent calendar. >> thank you. are there items you wish to discuss on the consent calendar. no. okay. we will open public comment on consent cam dar for anyone in the room >> one speaker card bari
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toronto. >> good afternoon. bari toronto 10.1 there are 2 that i have concerns b. one is the one about the gold alley. big difference. this restaurant is located on that al and he take people there if they will close that. when do we do about disabled people temperature is a long alley. so at least work with the restaurant and provide them with a free or have them require to have a white zone at the beginning of the alley on montgomery. that would be important. the g. listened to the discussion i took the time regarding this closure until sick p.m. of first
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i can't believe this. i know i can't stop this. butt traffic in the afternoons is atrocious and the you have admit in this case at times. can you imagine the impact. only thing i ask you is to work with the traffic engineering department to come up with mitigation measures the only one is eddie street. make eddie street one way from levenworthy to mason it is already 1 way from mason to fifth north. but if you can -- start where after the police department the police department is the corner of jones and eddie. make it one way in bounds and that way you help alleviate some problems created by the afternoon traffic.
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thank you very much. >> others in the room? on consent. >> can you move to remote. secretary silva >> remote comment to the to exceed 10 minutes. speakers dial star 3 and you will have 2 minutes. no speakers in the queue. >> move the item. >> okay. >> close public comment. a motion. a second. >> second. >> seconded. >> okay. >> call the roll >> to approve the consent director hinze. >> aye. >> director yekutiel. >> aye yoochl director borden. >> aye yoochl chair eaken. >> aye >> thank you, the consent is approved. thank you. item 11. amending transportation code division 2 sections 1119 to 1121 to remove references to the board of appeals.
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>> welcome. good afternoon kate director of taxi access and mobility service. thank you chair approximate directors. noise to be back before you again on this itemful i was before you in november. the last time on this item and at this time it did not garner votes to pass. i'm here againful i will update when we have done since. we request you vote to aprove staff recommendation to remove references to the board of appeals from the transportation code. and i will start with brief context setting and invite my colleagues up to speak about what is happening in the hearing section, under her umbrella approximate join us insurely. and after, i will wrap up my comments and then of course we are happy to answer questions for you. first context setting. a few years ago tumlin requests
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dieden about the board. appeals and the board appeals hearing taxi permit decision. sea attorney reviewed it. approximate provide written guidance in august of 22. and that memo came from both stefani stewart and brad radiosy who provides advice to the board of appeals from both city attorneys the advice attorney for mta and for the board of appeals. the memo confirmed mta has jurisdiction over taxi matters and that is taxicabed in the city charter and mta is not opigateed allow taxi permit decisions to be heard by the board of appeals. director tumlin has been clear and spicht throughout this process in terms of his vision for good g. his vision for etch stream upon upon lining
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processes. alining taxi hearings with other appeals that occur in the mta and making the best use of our limited staff resource. after receiving guidance from the city attorney's office. i condition suled with a board director julie rosenburg on this matter. we discussed mta's authority and intention to discondition the board of appeals process for taxi appeals. we agree this mtaallow appeals pending before the board of pels to are heard before discongress the process. and in an early september 2022 director tumlin sent a memo to director rosenburg codifying that. indicating mta would discondition and that we wanted the appeals on deck before the
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board to be heard. and -- thereafter the transportation code includes a few references to the board of appeals, although it does not include a right to appeal taxi decisions to the board. we brought it before you. and it came to you in october part of a larger taxi package that dollareded the meter rate increase and severed at the time of and in we brought it become in november. and the top of my comment in november it does not pass at this time. elf upon since november we have been doing work. and i have been to the board of appeals twice. i presented. and we had 2 taxi quarter low meetings where we discussed this item. special taken feedback from the industry. and provide an opportunity for us to hear from the industry. and for us to explain the
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context and residential of the decision and of course hear from the taxi industry. the taxi industry in general is in the general is not supportive of this. i wanted say we did hear that in the occurrence that the industry expressed. based on feedback and oust respect for board of appeals director tumlin decided to pause the disconditionation in early december and so -- that allowed a reset of the process and allowed a chance for board to board communication on this matter. >> chair eaken, director tumlin and myself met with director rosenberg special board appeals president rick swig in late march. very productive meeting. board are president swig impressive experience in san francisco as a long standing public servant and has a very
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clear commitment to ensuring all hearing payments are treated with dignity and he respect. even when the outcome is in the favorable to them. the meeting was impactful. we shared common ground in there was a lot of discussion about creating a culture of care throughout all processes that we have. as public servants. and based on suggestions made there. director tumlin directed hearing section to develop a hearing officer code of conduct. and to publish an easy to understand description of due right a possess recommended at the hearing with the board of appeals. and since i will look to see if -- i will skw border patrol to peek what the hearing section is doing that is not under my umbrella. it is more appropriate near brae
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to speak. i have more to say. i will continue on. a big picture bedding about taxi service prop to enforcement. our prop is based on compliance with rules. our core mission is opinion safety and consumer protection. and my colleague says this is something we take seriously. this is when we focus and we worked hard to ensure the rules are enforced early across the board. we work with the taxi industry to come in compliance depending on the infrkz we might provide a verbal warning. written warning. there is an opportunity to cure the infraction. and. the time of the hearing there is the time here if a medallion holder or another person miss in
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compliance we settle before the item goes to a hearing. compliance is we want. we want to work with the strep to in in compliance which is why we follow the develop moss and many opportunity for am medallion holder drivers and permitties come into compliance. most taxi permit holders are in compliance with the regulations set in the code. we have 4 thousand taxi industry permit holders that includes company and drivers and medallion holders. and the last 7 years only 10 appeals were heard by the board of appeals chshgs is less then and there one %.
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maintain the process. there are a host of reasons and this is a layout some here and first, the there are many appeal hears at the taxi appeals the only appeals that follow a different process and have 2 same processes. first we got director tumlin focussed on good government and making best use of our resources and to aline the process with other hearings is important to bring the taxis under the same
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press as the others. also sometimes the board appeals makes decisions not base on the transportation code they bring in defense. and when the board of appeals makes a decision inconsistent with the transportation code, it can have the affect of contradicting the requirements that are established by the board and under motorbiking the board the mt aboard's policy decisions. and when one relyos equal considerations it can create the uncodified exceptions to the transportation code. and so -- there is no opportunity for the public to be noticed. sets up the 2 tier system or many tier system. and the decisions have the impact of creating out come
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where by if they don't follow the code permit holders in compliance and following rules. that indicates inequity across the whole system. that can impact ability to enforce and deterrence factor. there is also consideration for us when we think about efficient use staff time. we understands that mta we have to agency. and having a duplicative hearing process takes an aim of staff time and pulls staff away from project it is x. to walk through and give an example of the 7 most recent hearing this is went to the board. 5 times before they made a
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decision. the legal affairs manager appeared before the board of appeals. 18 time ss for the 7 case that is a lot of staff time all the support that guess into getting filled the podium with the case. as well are support feel at the hearings. so, that's 7 case over 14 mont period. i hope that helps pin i picture of our considerations. i think in the meanwhile time she joined us. brae to set it is table.
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is this the end of march we have productive meeting with board of appeals and after that meeting director tumlin indicated there are action steps for the hearing section. yes. director tumlin asked you to put both notice of due process and as well as a code of contest. the hearing offense website. we started p this with the city attorney to make sure the notifications are consistent with legislation as well as with other similar city notices of code of conduct. happy to answer questions if you have. >> thank you. >> are there questions for directortoryin or the cfo?
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>> yes. i appreciate the update and when this is about and know we talked about this. i think the big challenge we have not over come we discussed left time is lack of trust am well is a lack of trust in the industry of the sfmta which is why this is a problem. i don't think there will be a problem otherwise. what are we doing to work on this issue specifically. i did ask that up left time about plans because for the k medallion there is -- a lot of people affected who are struggling right now because the rules as they were and intention the rules make sense and we need to protect people who paid for the medallions butt same time, are population is aging.
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ability to age gratefully like what we took into consideration in the first place. we need more taxis. less taxis are going out now. i think across the board i heard in the ride share world there is a greater demand for taxis and other ways to get people around of i love to understand am what we are doing to show and if help the taxi industry because if we can't get over this trust barrier this will be very difficult.
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i den want to recredit the changes recertify they are still older. but looking at those thing when is we do to advertise the taxi service inform the pedestrian we have done out reach and advertising. and i think now is a time to think about how we step this up. so something as simple as market street taxis. if people go on market street that is your if you can't take public transit bring taxis. the surging or late night. call a taxi we are not doing enough to engender good will. so this is the problem we have with the issue. i want to hear when we are doing to work on that.
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the out reach, and conversations we are having. what input on new policies or procedures. to work in that area. i don't have an wish this item the way it is i recognize why we are doing it. but i foal like we have not met the industry where they are. and we have not yet talked about this in our board retreat. our board workshop about this trust and understanding. the upon point mr. toronto brought up. mobility compliance. i know that it makes sense mobility is contemplates all modes but it is seen as a slight to taxis. i feel i realm want to know when we are doing to make things different and what our plan is.
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and when we see something with out come. when meetings you have been having to talk about the things. any of those i would love addressed. i think on the specific issue. technical issue. everyone understands, it is just that we have the big gap that i foal we have not responded to. >> thank you. and so i took notes and i will start with the trust. this is important to us as well. and part of the outcome of meeting with the board of appeal and hearing from president swig was on this top and i can how to improve the process over all to bring in more of the culture of care. that is what in the hearing section specific low to the specific item that is what cfo
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spoke to. on the taxi side of the house we meet with the city the quarter low meetings and -- there has been a lot happening, a lot of support to the taxi city the last couple years. board made board policy decisions to support industry. a couple of items that come top of minds is that early in the pandemic. we established an entirely new subsidized taxi program that serves ascertains and people with disabilities. needed service and it was a win for the taxi industry over 3,000 riders in the trip card program now. 3 million spent that went into the subsidized taxi service.
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in the fran a commitment to make that as a ponce to covid to make that permanent. so that is on track to be permanent. that is one clear example of what specifically what out come we are doing or looking toward in terms of support for the taxi industry. i will say when we are in the realm of trust the regulator is not the you know it is a hard role for the revving later to be in to be when decisions are unpopular it puts a challenging pin if the regulator. you asked about the outcome that is an example of the essential trip card program.
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you also approved meter rate increase mid november. that increase went to drivers and we are tracking fares and fare income and seen over 26% increase. over the last 4 month for drivers. to support the entire industry. recommendation that came if the taxi industry to increase the paratransit taxi trips amounts. we heard that. we implementd that in september. and for a little over 200 thousand dollars that is money going in the industry based on support and programs in the
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initiative this is we have been wing on. we have the board approved the fare pilot and that started early in november and we are tracking out come as it relates to the fare pilot. working on our quarterly report you will see that soon. we are seeing positive out come there. those are just a handful of specific policy
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