tv BOS Rules Commmittee SFGTV May 1, 2023 10:00am-1:01pm PDT
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>> this meeting will come to order. good morning and welcome to the may 1, 2023 rules committee. i'm supervisor dorsey chair of the committee and joined by vice chair walton and committee member safai. on behalf of colleagues i want to express gratitude to committee clerk, victor young and thanks to the team at sfgovtv for broadcasting today's meeting and our producer jason. mr. clerk, any
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announcements >> yes, the board is convening hybrid meetings that allow in person attendance and public comment. public comment will be taken on each item. those attending in person will be allowed to speak first and then take those waiting on the telephone line. the public comment call in number is straeming across the stream. you will hear the meat ing discussion and muted and listening mode only. when your item of interest comes up and public comment is called, those joining in person should line up to speak and those on it telephone dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. if you are on the telephone please remember to turn down your television and all listening devices you may be using. you may submit public comment in writing, e-mail them to myself the rules committee clerk at
10:04 am or send to city hall. finally, items act aupon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda may 9 unless otherwise stated. >> thank you, please call item number one. >> item 1 is hearing to consider appointing one member aterm ending february 1, 2029 to the ethic commission. >> thank you mr. clerk. on item 1 and want to express a oversight that resulted in the item be agendized in error after i made commitments to the community members and one applicants and intended not to call the item this week. the published agenda was a version control error on my part so i beg everyone's forgiveness. i don't know if it is
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too late-been here long enough to call a rookie mistake but do apologize. as viewers may know we had a couple delay said and a couple other 11th hour applicant. i want to make sure the ethic commission applicant have time to meet with colleagues and are heard from community members they want more time to be heard. i know this item has been continued a few times for few different reasons, the ethics commission is aue naeckly important body of the city and county of san francisco with unique powers in our city government and think it is important we take time need today make the best most thoughtful choice in the best most participatory process for all involved so i move to continue this item. mr. clerk, can we take public comment on the continuance? >> would you like to continue to date certain or call of the chair? >> call of the chair. probably next week. >> continued to our
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meeting next week. on the motion to continue, we are taking public comment. members who wish to speak on the item and joining in person line up to speak at this time. for those listening remotely press star 3 to enter the speaker line. those in the queue please wait until the system states you are unmuted. there is nobody in the room for public comment and no callers in the queue on this matter. >> great. thank you mr. clerk. public comment on the continuance on this item is now closed. okay. >> the motion to continue the matter to may 8 which is next monday, vice chair walton, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair dorsey, aye. the motion passes without objections.
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>> mr. clerk, the item is continued to the-well, to next week. mr. clerk, please call item 2? >> yes, item 2 is ordinance amending the campaign governmental conduct code to create permit priotorization task force responsible for recommending permit prioritization guidelines to department of building inspection, planning department and public works requiring the review and update the permit prioritization guidelines periodly and requiring each commission to oversee each department to approve the department permit prioritization guidelines. >> thank you mr. clerk. i appreciate supervisor safai leadership on this and he is a member of this committee and prepared to speak to it, supervisor safai, the floor is yours. >> thank you chair. colleagues, this is-i feel a pretty straight forward piece of legislation but i want to give background how it came about. in terms of
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priority processing, there are certain categories that make for individuals or sponsors or others to want to put forward something, whether it is affordable, whether it adds to the city housing stock in great need, so in this instance this came about a as result of a issue in my district. if you-many may recall but was a strong champion and have been a strong champion of home sf program to create more density, affordable housing and get more housing in the city. essentially zoning incentives and affordable housing with market rate housing together and after we passed it we wanted to see more home sss f projects not just in my city but city wide so we push project sponsors to consider it and a number submitted applications in my
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district in particular, but what we found out was the planning department to their credit were and are prioritizing home sf projects, but department of building inspection and public works were not, and so it isn't helpful to have one department and others that are part of this process not prioritize. dpw has not updated that priority processing list since 2014, and working-when we brought this to the attention of the department of building inspection, director orearden did pake the change of the priority processing. we worked with the city attorney highlighting this as a need and wanting to bring parallel to what the planning department is doing. but we shouldn't have to go throughs this on
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a individual basis. it should be the city should have a list of priority permit processing so this process should be inform ed and driven by data and looking what we are trying to accomplish based on the priortaz of the city and data. in this case you have a program with home sf doing affordable housing, market rate housing, greater density, greater number of units. the result is stakeholder and commission input done in a public meeting and that way we have the opportunity for there to be a public vetting of the process. but we should allow individual department said the flexibility to have department specific priorities that may not be shared by other departments so each has its own flexibility but meeting the common goal of a particular policy objective. but this is also how in my mind how you also root out
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corruption, because these department by making it clear to them and clear by our permit department and what they prioritize and why they are prioritizing not based on individual relationships or individual circumstances. so, what you have before you is a ordinance that amends chapter 4 section 3.4 of the campaign government conduct code to require the creation of a permit prioritization task force responsible for developing a recommended city wide list of prioritize permits and projeblth types and recommending guidelines department of building inspection, planning department and the department of public works. requiring those departments to review and update their permit prioritization guidelines periodically and requiring the commission that oversees each department to approve the departments permit prioritization guidelines and that again goes back to the public vetting and
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public process for it. we did have some additional edit said in here we handed outd today to clarify the task force is recommendation and not binding departments. given this is created by ordinance it doesn't have the power to override the commission and charter authority but felt it was important to have a specific group focusing on this then advising the commissions and their departments and as we understand the city attorney has deemed that these are non substantive. so, that's it colleagues. if there is any questions, happy to answer them, but we felt at the end of the day-i know we have folks here from the planning department. i don't know if dan snyder wanted to hop in and say anything. nope, just here to look good. okay, great. [laughter] thanks for being here, dan. >> great. thank you
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supervisor safai. i don't see any other question from colleagues. i will just say that i know it may seem counter intuitive sometimes we need process to speed process, but it has been my experience in city government that there are task forces in particular in the city attorney office over the years i have seen a code enforcement task force that brought together a lot of different departments with a lot of different skills and areas of expertise to speed the process, so while it may be we don't need another task force or commission, i think the realty is that having a task focused task force really can be something that improves the operation of city government for everybody involved, so i want to express my appreciation to supervisor safai for that. mr. clerk, can we open up to public comment? >> yes, members who wish to speak and joining in person should line up to speak at this time. for those
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listening remotely on the call in line press star 3 to enter the speaker linement those in the queue, continue to wait until the system indicates you are unmuted and you with with begin your comment. no parties in the room, checking the call-in line- >> one here. >> good morning, joe kelly is my name. i got in here just as you were closing the public comment on item 1 and i made my way down here so i wanted to just say that-i could speak on this as well but i wont. efficiency of government, i'll just address this and the other one, it boggles my mind the inefficiency of this government and the fact item 1 is tabled with a gentleman who
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has basically- >> my apologies, i hate to- >> that's fine. >> item 1 was not tabled, it was continued. >> continued. whatever. the person that-there is a person that is up for the commission appointment that basically wrote- >> okay, again, we take comment on item 1. >> on this, the permitting process, just because i'm here and i am small business man and do insurance in the city and-it is monday morning and will give your jolt of coffee, it is absurd what you are talking about. it is so broken that-i'll just say that. i was here for the other item, but this discussion, it is really depressing and i care about city government. i served on it civil grand jury,
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8, 10 years ago and i just would really ask you folks to contemplate what you're doing, because it is not serving the public interest i don't believe. anyway, have a good one. >> thank you. no further speakers in the room, just like to note, we do not have any call in speakers on the matter. i believe we can close public comment. >> thank you mr. clerk. public comment is now closed. supervisor safai would you like to make a motion? >> yeah, i want to add one more bit of clarity so folks know that the task force the group will be lead by the san francisco permit center director and their area of city government, which we think is appropriate and just for clarity for those listening, the campaign in government code requires all permits as they come before can
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department said are treated equally to insure there isn't corruption and favoritism, however, unless the departments declare a priority permit and provide administrative bulletins to memorialize why they are prioritizing something and in this instance we have asked that when someone or some project sponsor is creating affordable housing and greater density and greater housing, we want that to be prioritized, we want that to move faster through the process. hundred percent affordable should be prioritized and in this instance home sf is in exchange for much greater levels of affordability and greater density. we want that to be prioritized as well and so we found there was unevenness in the application so that was the genesis why we did this. anyway, thank you. and then just one last thing, the reason this task force
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expires, one of the amendments on page 8-6, is we have to provide a date for a-expiration date for a task force so-so-is that not right? anyway,wy did, so it will expire unless it is extended and hopefully good work has been done and there's a lot of clarity in terms of moving forward. thank you. i like to make a motion to accept these amendments that we have in front of you today that i distributed. >> thanks. mr. clerk, roll call on that. >> on the motion to amend the ordinance, that will be vice chair walton, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair dorsey, aye. the motion passes without objection. >> now we can make a motion to send this to full board with positive recommendation. >> on the motion to- >> as a-minded.
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>> walton aye. safai, aye. dorsey, aye. motion passes. >> on unanimous vote permit prioritization task force moves to the full board with positive recommendation. and mr. clerk, please call item 3. >> yes, item number 3 is a motion amending the bord of supervisors rules of order by amending 3.25 and 3.25.1 and striking rule 3.31 young desolve the youth young adult and family committee. >> thank you mr. clerk, this item introduced by supervisor hillary ronen who chairs the committee and she has some brief remarks i'll share. desolving the yuth young adult family committee the board is no way deprioritizing youth and education issues. we
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will continue to engage in these issues by channeling hearings and legislation as needed to other committee assignments a well as through the work each district office does doing support youth in san francisco in partner ship with sfusd, dcyf and other important youth base #d organizations. i want to echo supervisor ronen's sentiment as someone who served for a short time on that committee a few months as did supervisor safai. i really appreciate the work of the staff at usd and dcyf and hearings that took place at that committee. this is a area that i was-relative newcomer to joining the board, but i learned a lot and one thing that i think is really going to be a challenge that is with us is to remember that we have kids who went through a period of time where they didn't have school during the covid lock down and we are going
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to have too cognisant of that in our work around youth and young adult and educational issues, so i want to express appreciation to supervisor ronen for her leadership on this and echo her commitment that this is not something-the fact we are getting rid of the committee does not mean we are in any way getting rid of the important work in front of us. mr. clerk-don't know if there other comments from colleagues? seeing none- >> i agree hundred percent, and we will continue to take up issues for children youth and families and many different committees we sit on, and i would just add i think one of the most lasting and consequential things i have done on the board grew out of that committee which was prop g which is setting significant dollars aside as opportunities
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at doing enrichment for math and reading literacy and helping close the achievement gap as referred to, building on so much that has been done in the city, but unfortunately many times a lot of the work is funded in very short stints. good work and good momentum is created and funding removed and we created a opportunity building on the success of thing s we learned from covid from the work of department children youth and family and board of supervisors and the board of education and sfusd, so those schools that are the most under-resourced in the city will have the opportunity to create community school model and have enrichments other schools have benefited from for years because they had
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strong pta. anyway, i just want to say that tremendous work done by chair ronen, supervisor melgar, all of those-supervisor walton, everyone involved in this process, but i have to say one of the most consequential things i have been a part of and grew out of that committee and we'll continue that work. thank you. >> thank you supervisor safai and echo your appreciation for the leadership on the stud ntd success fund which i was a latecomer today but proceed proud to be cosponsor. can we open up to public comment? [providing instructions for public comment] no persons in the room for public comment, there is nobody on the phone line for public
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comment at this time. >> okay. thank you mr. clerk. public comment on item 3 is now closed. i like to make a motion to snd this item to full board with positive recommendation. mr. clerk, roll call on the motion. >> yes. on that motion, vice chair walton, aye. supervisor safai, aye. chair dorsey, aye. the motion passes without objection. >> thank you mr. clerk. that item goes to full board with positive recommendation. mr. clerk, please call item number 4. >> item 4 is resolution approving the use of city corporate seal for the purpose of jackets for district 6 supervisor dorsey and staff that identify them as members of the board of supervisors and board of supervisors staff representing district 6. >> thank you mr. clerk. colleagues, section 1.6 of our administrative code governs the use of the corporate
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seal in the law but what we know as the city seal of the city and county of san francisco, which i think we all know is a well recognized brand that features the rising phoenix alongside visual reference and mining and navigation history. i represent downtown district with several different union ambassador programs and dont think my district unique in having residents who appreciate the high visibility of public servants where city contractors or community ambassadors representing their role when they serve in the public role. for some time i have been working with staff to explore options how we might represent our office when we have public facing roles out in the community and we all agreed we think it is more important then ever we should be visible representation of the city we serve and the board of supervisors when working in this public capacity.
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this past weekday i was with staff and we were at the leukemia and lymphoma society, big event to support efforts that that organization does to cure blood cancers and we were at oracle park with the firefighters and there was a lot of public entities and private entities representing visibly their teams, and we didn't have any representation. i think people who recognized us were appreciative, but it wasn't showing the support of the city that we could have been and i think could have made a difference. we went to a meeting with equality california board. the same thing. some people know me and some dont but think showing the support of the city and board of supervisors for a important community based organization. we went to oasis for legalized drag event for a community that is under siege in many
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parts of the country. i think this would have been important to show visible representation of the city. and went to the holy event the celebration from south asian community that involves a lot of colored chalk and might have taken the jacket off for that one because it was a little messy, but a lot of fun. when we are showing up for our city and our public roles whether as matt dorsey or (indiscernible) we love our city as individuals of course, but also serve our city proudly as city employees, and i talked to them about it and we agreed it would mean a lot we think for those we serve to see us and to recognize we are public servants acting on our residents behalf separate from this also aware there is one community ambassador program in-pretty
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visible district 6 office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs. they have the florescent jackets with city seals. it is my understanding their seals may not be authorized so i want to take steps to retroactively authorize them because i want to make sure for the same reason they have a lotf ofans in the neighborhood and people appreciate seeing them and understanding this is the city that is there. so, i hope-i want to makesure we are respecting the process of the administrative code. this is something we should do thoughtfully and have policies around it. i want to make sure this isn't something we are cheapening the brand and when we wear the city seal we are doing so in a way that reflects the high expectations our residents have of us and think when you put our city name on our uniform whether it is stef curry or steve young or anybody-there is high
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expectations for excellence and think that is-and integrity and think that is true of my office. i think that is true of the members of the board of supervisors i serve with and think it is true with the excellent staff all of them have that we will take this seriously, but i hope i can get support for the authorization of the city seal on office jackets. with that, i guess i dont know if there is comments from colleagues? if i can invite up the clerk of the board, angela. >> good morning chair dorsey and members of the committee. i ran down the hall, forgive me. angela. clerk of the board. pursuant to administrative code 1.6 as you know, the clerk of the board is the constodeian of the steel and the space i occupy with that item is that when there are requests that come to the board of supervisors for usage
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of the seal that the clerk of the board is authorized to provide approval upon review of the look and feel and style of what that city seal-the placement of the seal. i have done that the last 16 years and my predecessors as well 6789 the style guide is such that when there is an item that is requested, that it is slightly-yes, it may be the official business, but there might be considerations associated with it. that is generally when i ask that the board of supervisors get a toint to opportunity to review and there are times you see the city seal come for adoption without reference to committee portion of the agenda. with this particular item, it is the first time we received an official request in writing to
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utilize the city seal, and with the intention that this move forward. my request that a resolution be placed in front of the board of supervisors was not to say no to the request, but to just bring up the consideration. the considerations i mentioned to your staff and your office are, any liability to the city, if an individual is wearing the jacket is hurt. if there-with the city receive the jacket back from an individual who might not be in your employment any further and so while there are several departments and agencies and programs that are definitely utilizing the city seal on clothing, it did not come to the board of supervisors for usage and so we had not had the opportunity to have the conversation
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around these considerations mostly for the city protection, for the individual's protection and so that is why that item is also here before you today. f it is again not to say that it is not a worthy usage of the city seal. would never want to say that, but there are some things to consider. i'm available for questions if there were to be any. thank you. >> great. thank you so much madam clerk. i agree. i will say as-i am not a lawyer, but i worked most of my career with lawyers and spent of my career in city government and city attorney office. there is a reason there are laws and should respect that and think that is why it is important we go through the process administrative code provides. and we should be able to hear concerns and i know one of them for example, if somebody leaves city service, we dont want
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official looking gear out there. i know when i worked in the police department, there were jackets and there was actually a badge. i was always nervous having to have a badge because i was worried there is a expectation i will be able to do something useful in a emergency and that isn't a well placed expectation. even-i quickly gave that-this is no longer my role and giving that back as well as my jacket. i appreciate your participation in this and i really do want to make sure we respect the process of what the administrative code provides, so making sure we are doing this the right way is really what matters. thank you for that. colleagues, i don't know if there is comment? can we open this up to public comment? >> yes [providing instructions for public comment]
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we have speaker in the room at this time. >> thank you chair dorsey, vice chair walton. i applaud this item. this is a excellent item. i think it will look great on whatever-which ever garment to attach the seal and think it will reflect great. it reflect very nicely on the work you do. you guys-i know this board is-very proud to be here and to listen to the activities and the discussions that occur, and i hope to be a part of the solutions that you guys are providing or making. when i first started working for the city, i got a seal myself. i work frd the sheriff
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department and i got a badge. my uniform said san francisco sheriff department cadet and that was a very very proud moment for me. i got the uniform for the first time, got into my car and was in a hanger and hanged it up in the car and if you were passing by the car you saw my uniform. you knew i was part of the sheriff department, and that makes me proud. that makes everybody proud. this is a great item. i urge you to pass it to the full board for consideration with positive recommendations and let's make this happen. thank you. >> thank you. moving on to our public call in line, can we have our first caller? >> can you hear me now? yes, please proceed. >> great. david
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pillpel, good morning. interesting item. thank you for the thoughtful comments from chair dorsey and clerk of the board calvio. it is in my experience rare, but not without precedent that items come before the board for use of the seal. i would note that the mayor declared a emergency over a year ago in the tenderloin and took certain actions as did the rest of the city to address concerns in the tenderloin. it seems to me like one of the easier things that can be done to improve the visibility of supervisor dorsey and his staff is to approve this particular use of the city seal on jackets. it is certainly not go toog
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clean up the tenderloin or address the myriad of problems there, but i think having a presence that indicates when the supervisor and staff are out that they care and are in the community doing work is a very good positive sign. i have no objection and in fact support the proposed use. i did have at least one thing in the legislation to bring up i think on page 2, line 8, the word "termination". i would suggest replacing that with the word separation. upon separation from the board of supervisors and page 2 line 19, the time period through november 3, 2026 makes it look like it is more elect torl related. i suggest (indiscernible) >> your time has elapsed.
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thank you. just checking to see if we have additional speakers. that was our last telephone speaker and believe we can close public comment at this time. >> thank you mr. clerk. public comment on item number 4 is now closed. can i ask-i appreciate the comment and the observation from mr. pillpel and don't disagree. can i ask deputy city attorney, is that a substantive amendment? >> no, those amendments could be made today. >> okay. i like to make a motion then to substitute the word separation for termination and to move the date reference for the end of the period that was one thing that did-i like the idea of let's bring this back for reauthorization. i like sunsetting things because we can try it. mr. (indiscernible)
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the date referenced i move that we amend that to say it will end at noon january 8, 2027. >> january 8, 2027? >> correct. and could we have a motion amending- >> on the motion to amend? vice chair walton, aye. supervisor safai, absent. chair dorsey, aye. the motion passes without objection with supervisor safai being absent. >> and could we now have-could i move to positive recommendation? >> would you like to go out as committee report?
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>> sure, yeah. actually, we can just are send it- >> okay. recommended as amended not as a committee report? >> correct. >> on is that motion, vice chair walton, aye. supervisor safai, absent. chair dorsey, aye. the motion passes without objection with supervisor safai being absent. >> okay. thank you mr. young. on unanimous vote use of city corporate seal moves to full board with positive recommendation. and before we call the next item i want to-i see we have visitors i like to recognize. ellen, can we introduce- >> would you like to introduce your class? >> you want to come up to the--so we can say
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hello? >> hi, good morning. this is (indiscernible) elementary second great, room 208. >> thank you second graders. grateful for you to be here. i was actually a second grader when i was-i was like a government nerd. hopefully maybe some will be sitting in these seats. welcome to the board of supervisors, to the rules committee. i think this is. is there anymore business? >> that completes the agenda for today. >> okay, we have no further business. thank you everyone, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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resilient and their neighborhood centers are more vibrant and mildly. sidewalks and parking lanes can be used for outdoor seating, dining, merchandising, and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are safe and accessible for all. people with disabilities enjoy all types of spaces. please provide at least 8 feet of open uninterrupted sidewalk so everyone can get through. sidewalk diverter let those who have low vision navigate through dining and other activity areas on the sidewalk. these devices are rectangular planters or boxes that are placed on the sidewalk at the ends of each shared space and need to be at least 12 inches wide and 24 inches long and 30 inches tall. they can be on wheels to make it easy to bring in and out at the start and the end of each day. but
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during business hours, they should be stationary and secure. please provide at least one wheelchair accessible dining table in your shared space so the disability people can patronize your business. to ensure that wheelchair users can get to the wheelchair accessible area in the park area, provide an adequate ramp or parklet ramps are even with the curb. nobody wants to trip or get stuck. cable covers or cable ramps can create tripping hazards and difficulties for wheelchair users so they are not permitted on sidewalks. instead, electrical cables should run overhead at least ten feet above sidewalk. these updates to the shared spaces program will help to ensure safety and
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center. there were 800 people in 1848 it was small. a lot of historic buildings were here including pony express headquarters. wells fargo. hudson bay trading company and famous early settlers one of whom william leaderdorph who lived blocks from here a successful business person. african-american decent and the first million airin california. >> wilwoman was the founders of san francisco. here during the gold rush came in the early 1840s. he spent time stake himself as a merchant seaman and a business person. his father and brother in new orleans. we know him for san francisco's history. establishing himself here arnold
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18 twoochl he did one of many things the first to do in yerba buena. was not california yet and was not fully san francisco yet. >> because he was an american citizen but spoke spanish he was able to during the time when america was taking over california from mexico, there was annexations that happened and conflict emerging and war, of course. he was part of the peek deliberations and am bas doorship to create the state of california a vice council to mexico. mexico granted him citizenship. he loaned the government of san francisco money. to funds some of the war efforts to establish the city itself and the state, of course. he established the first hotel here the person people turned to often to receive dignitaries or
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hold large gatherings established the first public school here and helped start the public school system. he piloted the first steam ship on the bay. a big event for san francisco and depict instead state seal the ship was the sitk a. there is a small 4 block long length of street, owned much of that runs essentially where the transamerica building is to it ends at california. i walk today before am a cute side street. at this point t is the center what was all his property. he was the person entrusted to be the city's first treasurer. that is i big deal of itself to have that legacy part of an african-american the city's first banker. he was not only a forefather of the establishment of san
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francisco and california as a state but a leader in industry. he had a direct hahn in so many things that we look at in san francisco. part of our dna. you know you don't hear his anymore in the context of those. representation matters. you need to uplift this so people know him but people like him like me. like you. like anyone who looks like him to be, i can do this, too. to have the city's first banker and a street in the middle of financial district. that alone is powerful. [music]
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>> for us, we wish we had our queue and we created spaces that are active. >> food and drinks. there is a lot for a lot of folks and community. for us, it started back in 1966 and it was a diner and where our ancestors gathered to connect. i think coffee and food is the very fabric of our community as well as we take care of each other. to have a pop-up in the tenderloin gives it so much meaning. >> we are always creating
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impactful meaning of the lives of the people, and once we create a space and focus on the most marginalized, you really include a space for everyone. coffee is so cultural for many communities and we have coffee of maria inspired by my grandmother from mexico. i have many many memories of sharing coffee with her late at night. so we carry that into everything we do. currently we are on a journey that is going to open up the first brick and mortar in san francisco specifically in the tenderloin. we want to stay true to our ancestors in the
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tenderloin. so we are getting ready for that and getting ready for celebrating our anniversary. >> it has been well supported and well talked about in our community. that's why we are pushing it so much because that's how we started. very active community members. they give back to the community. support trends and give back and give a safe space for all. >> we also want to let folks know that if they want to be in a safe space, we have a pay it forward program that allows 20% to get some funds for someone in need can come and get a cup of coffee, pastry and feel welcomed in our community. to be among our community, you are always welcome here. you don't have to buy anything or get anything,
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over. committee it's april 27th 2023. we are going to start with roll call. member catalano here. good morning. remember cunningham denning? absent. vice chair, d'antonio. absent member frieden bach. president chair williams, president. so again, we do not have quorum, but we're moving to the land acknowledgment, so we acknowledge that we are on the unseated ancestral homeland of the rama to chalone, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the rama tuchel only have never seated loss nor forgotten the responsibilities as a caretakers of this place. as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests. we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to
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pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the rama tut's community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. thank you. and i should say good morning to everyone as well. good morning. so at this time, we'll go to public comment on items not on the agenda. members of the public who wish to provide in person public comment on this item. please line up at the podium. now each person will have two minutes to speak. for the records. there are no in person public comments. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call for 15655. access code 2482. 237 2791 then pound if you haven't already done so please dial star three to line up to speak a
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system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates you have been muted and you may begin your comments. please note that you will have two minutes. moderator do we have any public comments on the phone? for the records. there are no phone public comments. with our approval. actually we can't move into that so we will actually just jump. right into our presentations. um and we'll start with, um how would you like to do? um sure. well actually, we're going to move things around a bit and start with a presentation of shelter and hygiene and i'm going to turn it over to member freedom. bach. hi good morning, everyone. um so um. the shelter and hygiene bucket. um, we have a
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very diverse um a diverse group of different interventions that include some non congregate. um options in there? um there is not a huge amount of change from the previous years. um in terms of what the what the, um, investment plan is funding. but there are some really key things that are happening that i just want to mention, um the one thing is that the safe sleeping sites are going to be, um, phasing out at the end of this fiscal year. there's two of them . there's one in the bayview and one in the mission. and at each of these sites, um it's basically where people are sleeping in tents. um and they were put up during the pandemic and meant to be temporary sites not permanent. so this isn't a surprise to anyone. except that , like the timeline is now coming to an end. um and so, um,
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i think it's really important for the public to know. and i just, you know, from my perspective, um, we don't have a quorum yet to vote on any kind of recommendations, but i'd really like to see um some special prioritization, um, kind of like what we did the pandemic prioritization for people in the shelter in place hotels for the folks that are in that safe sleep site because many of them are not housing referral status , but we've already invested a lot of money in stabilizing those folks and they came off the streets, and a lot of them have a lot of challenges. um in being able to secure permanent housing on their own, and so, um , from from my perspective, it makes sense to try to really make sure that we're not moving those folks into other shelters or onto the streets but into housing. um and so, uh, and there's not new programs opening up when these are closing. to be able to kind of in terms of other shelter programs. um i
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think some folks were thinking. maybe that with the, um um tiny home proposals, but there's a gap that those won't be open before. so the big new thing that's happening around the shelter stuff. um is the there's a proposal for a new tiny cabin site and just in district 10. the department reported to us that they had, um, a site identified. um and so that's um that's something that's added in that we haven't seen, um as a group. um and ah the, um. other piece that's happening. there is that, um that we got some bad news? um since our previous meeting that the rv well at the previous meeting the rv trailer program, um out at pier 93 which appear 94. excuse me, always called pier 93. i don't know why
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i'm stuck on that number. pier 94. those are the those are the trailers that governor newsom donated. we were hoping to go longer. um i want to circle back to this one. because i do want to make a, um, a motion once we have quorum when our members come there are two members come to basically try to push to try to extend that a year. that is not a budget proposal. that is not in the budget. um so we would be basically be asking the city to try try to find funds. um alternatively, to continue that past the end of the calendar year, but we did have really positive feedback from residents that are staying there. um and kind of the idea. maybe in the negotiations with the ports is to scale it down. so they have space to do some of the, um, rehab work that they're doing to make it ready for maritime use to kind of demonstrate that this is actively winding down, but to try to be able to extend some some stay there so we can keep our capacity a little longer. um and then, um, the other news
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that was different. i just want to highlight again is the um the um, safe parking site referred to his vehicle triage a lot going on in d 10. we put a lot of like a lot of investments in d 10 rightfully so, and we're losing some of those, and that's kind of um, frustrating. um um, but that one is on parkland, and we need to convince the state parks to continue that, um, past the end of the calendar year, and so that is budgeted in our shelter budget to continue, and so we do have funding for that, so hopefully that happens so that those were kind of the main sort of issues. we talked about oasis last meeting, and so everybody knows that's that's going forward and going to be purchased, which is amazing for the family shelter. so that was good news in the midst of other stuff, um, but that's kind of a summary of what's happening with shelter. um and i just wanted to kind of pause and see if there was any questions with the two members. yeah and i'll just say
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we do have a slide deck that we could walk through as well. but i think that if we just want to let the audience know if we don't don't reach quorum today, we won't be able to have a vote because we are a five member committees. so um, i don't know if you want me to t those up and kind of show. let's do that. because yeah, yeah, i wasn't sure. yeah, okay. i mean, if that's okay, and then i'll introduce and just, um, talk a little bit about our process, so i don't know jesse, if you want to. just get the slide deck up there, but we might have to do this again if we don't make warm today, um so let's just start so i'll actually start with the budget intro slides. yeah, yeah. all right. so just to give folks just overview of where we've been and how we got to these recommendations today. we want to talk a little bit about our process. um so you know, this is for fiscal year 23 24. it's really exciting to say that we've been through this process now. i believe it's been a few
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fiscal years that we've made recommendations to the board of supervisors into the mayor and i've been working with the department. so we're now in our third year of recommendations. so today, the liaisons will be proposing their recommendations for committee discussion. um hopefully there'll be some, you know, voting as well as modification. if need be, um the committees approved recommendations will be delivered to the mayor and the board of supervisors. um, the departments have already provided their budgets to the mayor. and at this stage of the departments are communicating with the mayor's office answering questions but can no longer revised proposed are revised their budget proposals and we've been in significant conversation with all of the departments who are here today. our liaisons happen so the mayor will issue her proposed budget for fiscal year 23 24 fiscal year 24 25. on our before thursday, june 1st 2023. and just to speak again on the process on the lays, on's have developed their recommendations
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between january and where we are now in april of this year. um the recommendations are informed by the needs assessment which you can find all of this on our website, um, on homelessness that was published in december of 2022. we've had listening sessions and liaison meetings with city departments and i will say those listening sessions were very robust, with hundreds of folks and participation. um we've also engaged in participatory research that was conducted by the citywide homeless strategic plan and they presented at our last meeting. and again if you would like more information on all of this good work, you can visit our website sf dot gov slash o c o h cocoa and you can click on the blue button labeled recommendations process. so with that, i'm gonna turn it back to member freedom back to kind of walk through her shelter hygiene slides. yeah so the slides are focused on the recommendations that would be motions. and so i'm not really sure chair williams how we should um if. do you want to
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wait? i mean, i could review him . um but with yeah, whatever is your preference just so folks can see him just quickly. okay? yeah, um yeah. all right. so um , so this one is kind of building on our previous recommendations. um ah last year where we're trying to carve out money for hotel vouchers and the idea here. is for when the shelters are full, um for folks families who are fleeing domestic violence or pregnant folks, etcetera that there would be a hotel room to, um, be able to place them in, um, the hotel program has taken a while to get up and running. it's just now getting in place, and so the idea is just to add a few more for next year. so that we can we can expand the capacity just very modestly, um, by $50,000 to, um have 10 more hotel vouchers available for folks when, um, when, uh, when these
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things happen, and i just want to remind people that, um the shortfall. so let's say the domestic violence shelters, for example, is so acute and we talked about that at some of the previous meetings, but we're talking about, you know, um hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of, um of women in san francisco, fleeing domestic violence that are that are unable to get into shelter. we continue to have, um you know, pregnant people without having a place to go in this really effects. and, um, you know, chair williams can speak much more eloquently to this than i, but it really affects preterm labor, and that will come the birth. so we did. we want to be careful and just make sure that we have we keep building on these and making sure that this this important safety gap is in place, so no one ends up. in a stressful situation of sleeping out on the streets or that they are, um ah! they are in a situation where they have to return to their batterer of last
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year. we had, um in compass. just one program there was about 4000 households that saw that went there to seek shelter. and so, um, and so it's there's a much larger number than what's reflected in kind of the shelter. wait list. um and so it's just it's a bigger group there. so that's the idea. we can't vote on this, but i would love to return to this, and the idea here is to basically, um, this is in the shelter category . we've got the cabin program that's coming up. that's new. we feel like our i feel like we could carve out 50,000 by just it would be just like a week. delay of the start up of the cabin like we don't have that site, all set and ready yet, and there's always delays with this stuff, so just carving out a little bit from that. we would be able to add these 10 hotel vouchers, so that's the idea there. i don't know if there's questions have one question, which is? i don't know if you have this information, or maybe the department does, but how many hotel vouchers are
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currently budgeted for like, what's how much would this add to the i believe we funded 100 last year, um, g and noel that just got up and running right? mhm. yeah this year's budget includes $2.1 million for hotel vouchers, and that was 40 for tae 64 for pregnant persons and families and 20 for survivors of violence. 110, okay? great. thank you. um okay. any other no , i'll just say that this is a really important priority. and i know that myself and member of freedom but have worked closely with folks who are providing service direct service to this population, pregnant folks, and we just really want to continue to move the needle to make sure
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that you know, emergency access is really readily available, and it's like low barrier and folks really know where to go and how to get that support. and i know that vice chair d'antoni would also talk a lot about the you know the domestic violence. of this. i know that's something that we've been talking through over the years and so just really glad to see that there is that recommendation in the department's budget, and we want to continue to expand on that, because i believe the population that we're looking at is pretty relatively small in terms of pregnant folks who are spent experiencing housing insecurity about 300, per you know, per year and so as much as we can do to kind of meet that need, given the health impacts and that population we want to continue to push for that. so thank you. member freedom, bach. alright so next slide. um so. this one i mentioned on the trailer program and kind of talked about this a bit, but um, this is also going to take some advocacy with
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support. um and probably going to. they were originally talking about this going on the agenda to the ports commission on the 25th of this month, but it got delayed to may. um but basically trying to, um, extend this for another year. and so this is more of a policy recommendation and a budget recommendation because we don't have space in the shelter bucket to do this if we also do the tiny home, and i think it doesn't make sense to kind of put our eggs in an unsure basket, but this is the you know, in terms of the investment plan, but so this is a policy recommendation. and again, that was, um pier 93. any questions about that one. okay? and then the family shelter. this is this is not emotion. i don't think this needs to be emotion because i think we're good. um but, you know, it's really, um well, we could make it a policy. um policy motion if we wanted, but we really want to make sure that the oasis is low
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threshold and continues to have low threshold access. and what that means is, people can just show up, and if there's beds they can stay in them. that there's not a lot of rigor more or, um, bureaucracy to go through. um so, um, this is something that i'm really like. this is really dear to my heart like i'm really, really happy about the oasis being able to continue, and i think for a lot of the families who worked on this campaign, um to save it, and for the city folks who worked on this so hard everybody's feeling really. great about this. so, um yeah. so and that's um, a 59 room hotel. um so the safe sleep. i don't think this needs to be a motion either. but it's basically you know, we given the high costs and physical hardship and the need to find new sites and all of that combined. um um for us, the shelter liaison. i was comfortable with closing these sites, of course, with the caveat that we really want to make sure that the folks are
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moved into housing and not back to the streets. um or other shelters. alright, i think. that is the end of our shelter and hygiene portion. do we have any public comment? members of the public who wish to provide in person public comment on this item. please line up at the podium. now each person will have two minutes to speak. for the records. there are no in person public comments. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call 4156550. access code 2482. 2372791. if you haven't already done, so please dial three to line up to speak a system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. please
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wait until the system indicates you have been muted and you may begin your comments. you will have two minutes. moderator do we have any public comments on the phone? for the records. there are no phone public comments. jerry williams did we want to give them the department's a chance to ask clarifying questions about those last recommendations? absolutely i want to recognize the advice chair. d'antonio has arrived. we still don't know how quorum and we'll open it up to the department's if there's any questions on the shelter, li, uh, shelter hygiene recommendations that have been put forth, so i want to recognize gigi lately. director ridley. okay thank you. gigi ridley with the department. um uh. i wanted to have an opportunity to just clarify the rv recommendation because as a member of freedom box mentioned this is really in the hands of the port commission and i
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mentioned this at the last meeting but wanted to sort of reiterate the department's plans . so we are expecting that the ports will be amenable to approving the lease through the end of the calendar year. um we are in active negotiation, um, to lisa site very close to pier 94. as part of that negotiation , the site would accommodate at least some of the trailers. and so our proposal, you know, before you is to build out cabins there, but those funds could also be used to relocate and support. the trailers on the site, it would not accommodate a 1 to 1 replacement, but we're hoping at least 60 of the 103 operable trailers could move and then some of the remaining trailers could move to the candlestick site, so i just wanted um, that clarification to be part of your deliberation, and i appreciate that advocacy with extending the lease. thanks thank you so much. director whitley. there's any other
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comments. okay? um so i think at this time, we're gonna continue to move until we reach quorum to take our motions. so we'll move to our next presentation, which i'm going to ask member catalano . if you want to get into our prevention recommendations, so we'll just tear up those slides. africa. thank you. chair, williams. thank you, jesse. good morning for those. i haven't seen before. i'm nina catalano. um and i am the liaison for homelessness. prevention um, thanks to all the other committee members who have been in these conversations and to the departments for working through this budget, um, just as a high level, there are three sort of main areas that are incorporated within this part of the fund. one is targeted homelessness prevention, which is emergency financial assistance. um and, uh and some
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minimal level supportive services to address folks who are at imminent risk of losing their housing. there is eviction prevention and housing stabilization, which is largely funded through most cd and includes an array of services for households that are, um slightly more upstream than that, but also includes some funding through mostly for, um targeted homelessness, prevention and then we have a section um, within that i should say on kind of folks that are and psh. there is some funding to support the maximum proportion of income that folks paid a 30% for those nps h as well as some additional resources through dph for mental and physical and behavioral health care for folks that are in psh. i need additional support. so that's sort of the whole shape of the of the fund. um the other thing, just recall for the committee and for, um, the public is that this, um,
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section of the budget has decreasing revenue over the next couple of years. and so we're going to be looking at some pretty challenging questions to answer in the next probably two years around how to prioritize within this category, and so we're hoping to see some of the programs that are still being built out. see some data and some outcomes coming through those programs so we can evaluate what the best use of these funds are. the recommendations that i'm going to share today that are on the slides are not policy recommendations. they don't require a vote because they actually do reflect what is in the current hsh, most d and d ph parts of this budget, but i just want to share them so that folks kind of understand what's what's underneath the budget, so the first one is on targeted homelessness prevention. and the recommendation here is to protect and to the extent possible increased funding for targeted homelessness. prevention um, the rationale here being that, you know the last, um, analysis that went into the last pit count and report showed for households
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entering homelessness in san francisco for everyone household that exits homelessness, and so we know we have to as a community address inflow into homelessness. and targeted homelessness. prevention is a part of the system that can scale to meet the need of that emergency financial assistance. so this proposed budget maintains targeted targeted homelessness prevention programming at current levels that works through a plethora of community providers with a standardized assessment and referral process. and, um i think one thing that i just want to note here is that about two months ago, the program transition to a steady state program from what had been a covid relief program, so it's even more kind of focused on homelessness in those households , most at risk of, um, experiencing homelessness. next slide, please, jesse. so the next kind of bucket that just want to touch on is the eviction prevention bucket and again here, we're going to recommend protecting that funding that's largely goes through most. d we know that that eviction
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prevention and housing stabilization services are really important. um there's a definitely kind of a venn diagram with folks that are also on kind of on the front door of homelessness. but we also see programs for folks that are on leases or not on leases who are receiving support. um uh, legal support and non legal support to make sure they're able to stay in their homes. um and then. so what? the proposed budget that we're in agreement with that i'm in agreement with is to maintain that funding at current levels. um, for that part of the budget as well. next slide, please. this last piece. we've had some really good discussions on. i think with the committee and as as with the departments as well about the role of shallow subsidies, acknowledging that for folks who are housing unstable or who are currently on housed, there might be different service needs, and there's also just the reality of affording housing in the bay area, and so we've discussed the possibility of shallow subsidies being used for folks who are at risk of
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homelessness may be coming back for support from targeted homelessness prevention multiple times. because of that financial insecurity. there's not really space in this budget at this point to build that out. however, we were excited to see some of that, uh, a small, shallow subsidies project being recommended within the permanent housing category. um and so we think that is, uh is will be a useful program. the other thing. i just want to note here. that didn't come out. i think in what i've shared so far is the role of problem solving, which is for households that are currently on housed and there is some financial resources and some sort of, um, formalized coaching to identify resources outside of the homelessness response system that could help folks, um and the experience of homelessness, and that is that funding has been carryover. for now. a couple of years as those programs got up, there is no access points for veterans and for justice involved, folks, which i'm really excited to see. um but that those programs as a ramping up we're gonna we're gonna be seeing what those look
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like in the next couple of years and making sure that they're meeting those community needs as well. um and hopefully getting some more information for our committee to about how that work is showing up. and then i am sorry. there's one other thing i should have mentioned in here, which is the workforce component, which i believe is also funded in this category, which actually straddles the homelessness. prevention uh, kind of area as well as folks in rapid re housing and so trying to really make those connections, um ah, to workforce supports through the city, um and through nonprofit providers, so that's a smaller piece of the budget, but is also kind of getting launched in this budget. and so i think at this point of past back to the chair, thank you so much. member catalano. um so we'll invite the departments to clarify. their position on any of these items. no. alright, so we'll open up to questions from the committee. yes so, um, i heard that so it so this is
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great, so we're not decreasing any of the eviction prevention or yeah, and it's i just wanted to highlight that because there's been some concern in the community that that was happening with the property funds. and so we're maintaining the funding. so i just want to repeat that. i know you already said that. but ah! yeah that's come up it, um different meetings that i've been at. yeah, thank you. alright so we're also at this time taking public comment. members of the public who wish to provide in person public comment on this item. please sign up at the podium now. each person will have two minutes to speak. for the records. there are no in person public comments, members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call 4156550. access code 2482. 237279. that's
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webinar password 1234. then pound. if you haven't already done so, please dial three star three to line up to speak assistant. prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates you have been muted and you may begin your comments. please note that you will have two minutes. moderator do we have any public comments on the phone? okay i see. there's one collar. they may need to press star six to mute themselves. hello, caller. hello. you're a
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muted. please go ahead. francisco the cost. and from time to time. i listen to what your deliberate i want to focus on very serious situation all over the city. where we talk about helping those. ah and there are many who. have a place to live. ah but they ex experiencing stress. some of them dementia. some of them. set of illnesses because of the dementia. and we can usually say that you know, we have some money to help them. um and stop their eviction. but why don't we
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talk about wrap around services? and i want to know if there's one single nonprofit. and i want statistics. that have gone and help people to stop their eviction. manual. get my middle class, some of them. very educated, but they are now mentally challenged. and we just talk in generalities. you know, we have money for this. that and the but i action. do not reveal that i know that because i have to get involved. suppose we want to put somebody um ah, in a system but they got wraparound services. it costs five to 2 $8000. month. so i want to know
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if that is one single. nonprofit or one single department department. that does the work correctly with social workers. case managers having a doctor having a nurse having nurses to give wraparound services i want somebody to discuss that rather than just go and, uh, you know, make a statement. thank you. thank you for your comment, i believe is going i don't think i can. all right. moderator, are there additional public comments? there are no additional public comments over the phone. alright so much to
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our public commenters. i do want to recognize member cunningham dinning has joined and we're actually gonna circle back to roll call. um so to see if you could okay. remember, catalana present, remember cunningham, denning present vice chair. d'antoni. um yeah. member freedom. bach present. chair williams present. so this time we do have corn, and we're gonna move to item three, which is approval with possible modifications of the minutes from january. 26 february, 23rd and march. 23rd is their public comment on approval of the minutes. public comment. members of the public who wish to provide in person public comment on this item, please line up at the podium. now each person will have two minutes to speak. for
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the records. there are no in person public comments. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call 41565500. access code 2482237. webinar password £1234. if you haven't already done so please dial star three to line up to speak. a system prompt. ah well indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates you have been muted and you may begin your comments . please note you will have two minutes. moderator. do we have any public comments on the phone? for the records. there are no phone public comments. thank you so much. so, um, member freedom bag. um, yeah, i was just making emotion to approve the minutes. second. all
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right, so it's been moved by a member of freedom box seconded by vice chair. d'antonio um, can we take the role, please? um remember catalano? yes. remember cunningham denning? yes vice chair. d'antonio remember? freedom? bach yes. share. williams? yes. so the minutes have been approved and will now circle back to our shelter hygiene area, and, uh, if you could remember freedom back, walk us through the motions and the recommendations that your proposal see. so, um. do we want to just just do it verbally or do you guys want the slides up? um yeah, let's put the slides up, actually. next slide, please . um so, um, this is a motion or i'm making a motion to add 10 hotel vouchers for pregnant
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people and victims of domestic violence. the cost of a little of about $50,000 by using by, um , using savings from the cabin shelter program by delaying startup by a week. right. is there a second. second it's been moved by member freedom box seconded by vice chair d'antonio and we'll take the role on this or do we want to take these as a package or actually, yes, i separate amount, so we'll take the role on this. okay remember ? catalano yes. remember cunningham? denning? yes i shared d'antonio. yes. remember freedom. bach yes, chair williams. yes so the motion has been improving anonymously. um so next, remember, freedom back your motion. yeah so next slide , please. so this is not a budget recommendation, but a policy recommendation just to clarify so this would not affect the investment plan. um but this is a motion to recommend. that.
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the city. um and the ports extend the rv trailer shelter program wind down by a year to the end of december. 31st 2024 um, by um making space for use of part of the site for by the ports authority for rehab needed to make it maritime ready. okay i believe member carolina. do you have a question? you saw my face? thank you. um i just wanted to ask, given what director what the shared if the recommendation is that the disappear 94 continue to be the site or that the rvs themselves continue to that program continued to exist in that quantity of arby's. hmm. well so , um, i'm going to do a couple of scenarios here just to so it could be the ports says no. and then we go back to g g s, um
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recommend, you know recommendations in terms of the plan, so some of the trailers get moved to the tiny home sites. some of them get moved to the safe parking. um, but if the purport. extends the use. and if the city comes up with the money to operate that, then we would be able to do both the tiny home at full capacity. continue the safe parking where people with their own rvs would come in and have people have that capacity at the ports, and so it would kind of expand. kind of be bigger. yeah there's a lot of ifs in that statement. i understand. um but, um, i kind of have the attitude that nothing's a done deal and it's good to just keep trying. so yeah, and because i also love that program out there. so that's yeah. yeah. any other member members have questions. on this motion. alright so i
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don't know if we received a 2nd 2nd alright, so moved by, uh, member freedom box. second everybody's chair the antonio so we'll now take it to roll. member catalano. yes. remember cunningham denning? yes vice chair. dantonio yes. freedom. bach yes. chair. williams yes. alright so the motion is approved unanimously and we'll move to the next recommendation. um this yeah. family shelter. we don't need a motion. um so we could go to the next slide unless somebody disagrees with that. um, we don't need emotion on this one, either. and that was it. those were the two motions. wonderful thank you, member fredinburg for all your hard work on this, and we will now move to our homelessness prevention motions, member kinda lotto. thank you. i don't think there any emotions in this category. okay. thank you. so much. so with that, um, i will
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ask a member member cunningham dinning if you would like to jump into mental health recommendations. if not, if you need a little more time i could jump into the permanent housing recommendations should definitely share them into a health recommendations. wonderful so i'm going to turn over to member cunningham. danny. thank you can go to the slide for mental health recommendations. next night, please. thank you. so um, first recommendation is to continue implementation. um, i recommend continuing the implementation of the 23 24 fiscal spending year plan using reserves is necessary. um the rationale is dollars, have tangible impact in the community and are needed right now, and the proposed budget continues implementation with adjustments for cost increases. to treatment pads recommended prioritizing funding for bringing treatment beds to
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scale rationale. the need for greater access to care is visible on the streets proposed because it increases funding for treatment beds, reflecting more beds and operation at this point than anticipated last year. the increase also reflects some in some cost increases as well. three, the coop. recommended adding 16 bed coop to acquisitions list at a cost of $2.6 million fund operating costs by decreasing assertive outreach street crisis response teams by 11 million. i'm sorry, but i $110.11 million, which is $110,000. rationale need additional options for ongoing housing for people with hate, with higher behavioral health needs and proposed buzz budget includes a slight increase in the cost of management case management and care coordination services. um number four. the
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fourth recommendation youth navigation center recommended expanding behavioral health services at the youth navigation center. the rationale based on feedback from the listening sessions, young people staying in the youth navigation center need and want clinical services. the needs assessment also found that youth and navigation centers want greater access to mental health services as well. proposed budget and implementation plan include mental health services for youth, but do not include mental health services at the youth navigation center. and youth and lgbt q. i a plus recommendations recommend prioritizing investments in mental health services for homeless youth, particularly lgbt. q. i a young people rationale. the needs assessment found that homeless youth are more likely to sorry i'm more likely than adults to identify with the l g b t q. i a
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plus community and that young people experiencing homelessness want greater access to behavioral health services. proposed budget maintains implementation plans, which funds new youth residential programs and beds and expansion and peer navigation and behavioral health services for youth and t, g and c people experiencing homelessness. um so the next three assertive outreach, um, is extremely important. recommend a third of outreach with ongoing case management remain a high priority in order to build trust and meet the needs that are visible on the streets. we're making recommend one time crisis response services are a lower priority. um then ongoing, street based behavioral care such as case management and assertive outreach, recommended peer based street response model to make overdose prevention services more accessible to black people experiencing homelessness who are over represented among overdose deaths. and finally, any
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questions. wonderful so i'm gonna turn it to our department as anyone here from department of public health to no, no. no questions. is there any misalignment in terms of the department recommendations? anything that we should be made aware of? okay so we'll open it up to the committee. any thoughts on these amazing recommendations? vice chair? d'antonio thank you. um i might have missed this. i was just wondering on the youth navigation center. why um not include the mental health services at the youth navigation center like on site? um was that a request that was made or so this this recommendation um, came from the listening sessions we did last year that the youth they're really wanted to see some, um, medical services on site. yeah but i'm wondering why it's not on site. is that what it says? or am i reading that? no, it should be on site. but do not include mental health
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services at the youth navigation center on the second bullet point. oh, okay. yeah this would be an adjustment to the investment plan to add this in. okay, that's right. yeah. yeah. thank you. wonderful um, i just wanna thank member cunningham. denny, for all your hard work. i know that this is your first year is the mental health liaison and i'm just so proud of these recommendations, and i think that they're so important for our community, and with that we'll go to public comment if there's any public comment. members of the public who wish to provide in person public comment on this item. please line up at the podium now. all right. you have two minutes one second. let me turn on your mic. i thank you, um, high committee , marnie regan. she her pronouns , larkin street youth services and also co chair of hezbollah and chair of the taste subcommittee of hezbollah. and i
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just want to thank you. um remember, kenny, i'm danny. danny all of your work and thoughtfulness behind these recommendations. we totally support these, um in light of and thank you for listening. um, we brought up that the tnf center. um there's an rfp up for 24 7 drop in at that site. the majority of clients there are in high need of clinical services. which is why i'm the taste of community has a big ask for, um clinical supports across the system of care and on site at the tnf center. so we thank you for the thoughtfulness and the attention you're putting towards transitional age youth who have very unique and distinct needs from the other, um, members of our own house population, so thank you. for the record. there are no additional in person public. oh
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there is high. come on up. that's fantastic. there's still time. awesome. it's kind of late, but hopefully you. hello everybody. my name is ryan and i'm here for the first time, so really good to be here and listen to all the feedback that we're getting on homelessness and ah, i've been helping a lot of homeless recently with, um delivering food and also a spiritual healing. so i was wondering, is there any type of services right now around spiritual healing when it comes to, uh, energy work? um you know, because i'm in ricky. i'm a ricky certified practitioner. so i feel like there's a lot of ways that we can help with releasing energy blockages, imbalances, helping them uplift their spirit through prayer, meditation, yoga, those types of things. so i'm just, you know, trying to figure out maybe there's a way that i can get more involved with the community. to do that. other is
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does yoga classes and massage homeless prenatal does massages for pregnant women? yeah because they follow up after and i'm all procedural right now. we usually don't engage in back and forth dialogue for public comment, but we will follow up but i'm your worries. i love it. because of that. this is really what i'm focused on doing is helping helping the san francisco city as a whole, uh, help them heal. and i think this is one way that i can do that. so i'd like to be involved more and get involved with the people that are already working in that area. suggestion would be to contact local community based organizations that you can provide your services to. that would be a really great way to enter into repeat that, um, i would recommend contacting local community based organizations. um there there are many, such as, like san francisco community health center. um, lying, martin . to name a few where you could
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introduce your services, and maybe there's something you can work out with them directly, which would provide a direct, um , service to the community, especially those provide a list . i was just wondering there's something in place right now with the city already. i don't believe we can definitely talk about this offline. so can you leave your information with jesse sherman and we can definitely follow up. you have a lot of folks with a lot of years of experience in the service system, so thank you. thank you so much so much amazing. we have in person. public comment. i know i love you. all right. i think we have additional public comment. good morning. my name is julie. fallen tiina, um, pronouns she her. um, my question is because i deal with a lot of homeless family. that are still out there did, um, mental health as well. um i was wondering, i know they get the service the brands. and i was wondering if we could get the
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service going to them. on the street that's still on the street. mental health. because i know terminal family like this morning. they were scared to come in. they're scared to go. um come over. i'm just don't know how to go nowhere. but i was put in. we could get support of getting like, don't have mental health. van or the car to go out and do outreach for the family that are still out there that need the third. to beat the put it with their children with because in this journey and their situation at that time right now they're going through a lot of anger issue, you know, frustrated and kids are lashing out. parents are getting frustrated. don't know what to do. so i'm acting today. um will there be any support of any of that service going to them on the street would they be able to go to now? thank you. thank you so much. and if you could also leave your information, um, with jesse as well, um, i want to definitely member cunningham.
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denny if you want to follow up with folks, i think this is definitely an area where there's a lot of energy in our city and a lot of focus that's needed and a lot of different. there's no cookie cutter approach for this, and it's just there's so many. there's a wealth of resources so folks could want to leave your information for us. we can definitely follow up and connect you with the right folks to answer these questions. as well as what community based organizations that we know of that we've been connected to in this process that could be of support, so just really appreciate the in person. public comment and folks engagement and , um i want to turn it back to member cunningham dammit denning to close this off on this area. oh, oh from public comment. okay? from the records. there are no additional in person. public comments members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call 415655. 0001 access code 2482237. webinar password
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1234 than pound. if you haven't already done so please dial star three to line up to speak assistant prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates you have been a muted and you may begin your comments. please note that you will have two minutes. moderator do we have any public comments on the phone? we we have 11 collar. hello, caller. color you may need to press star six to and mute yourself. hello, caller. hello, caller. sorry i heard them.
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caller, are you there? alright we're gonna also also public comment circle back, but i wanted to return back to member can can doing just to ask for any. oh there we go. sorry this is joy jackson morgan, executive director at 37 clinic. i was having some issues that kept meeting me and un meeting so i don't know what happened with the system. but um good morning . thank you so much for carrying this. our organization. third street runs the navigation center. and since we opened and 2001 sorry, 2021. we've. have been trying to, you know, come together some services and one of the things that we wanted to do from the beginning was to provide mental health services around the clock. um we are so
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grateful for the harvard dutch in therapy center who jumped on board. from day one to provide some of the mental health services. but it's just not enough. we have about 12 hours a week from h r t. c. and we've been told like that's one of the most words some of the shelters but you know, we really, really want to boost this for young people, and they're asking for it. this is a rare change in our culture where young people are being very vocal about their behavioral health or their mental health needs.■ u and we want to honor that we have young people who are coming and being referred to the nap who are double diagnosed, triple diagnosed, and some even dealing with some other substance use. as well. and so the complexity that these young people are presenting to us, it's not enough just for your average shelter worker or health care worker. we need some mental health support. um, you know, seven days a week. hopefully we can get the 24 hours. but we'll take even more than that, right.
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like we just want to boost these services for young people to get the help that they need to be able to, uh, said that homelessness was just an experience a traumatic experience that they've been working through and not have to stay homeless in space stuck in these places we want. we want to make sure that the nat was a place for all and that they can get served in the right way that they need help. so thank you so much for listening to this and really, um, putting this forward with the recommendations and most importantly, thank you for listening to the young people. thank you. thank you, joy. thank you, caller. are there any more public comments? for the records . there are no additional phone public comments. okay thank you so much to our public commenters. i'm going to turn it back to member cunningham dinning to close this up with any motions from your recommendations. of course, remember catalana. there's.
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hello um, thank you. so much for the, um, overview and the recommendations. i just had one question on the co op. i think, um, i'm really excited. this is included, because when we looked at the we've seen this sort of pipeline on treatment beds, and i think there's um important kind of transitional and short term treatment beds but having beds that are meeting the level of need in our could function as permanent housing and could be long term housing are really important. so i'm excited about that recommendation, and i was just curious is the well. that's the 110,000 that will fund operating costs. not in perpetuity, but, um, that's not just one time operating costs that will continue on and that would cover all the costs. i guess it's a question. that's a question for the department. um but i want to make sure we weren't assigning one time operating cost to an ongoing program. um emily gibbs, deputy
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for deputy science officer for budget, the department of public health. um so i believe that 110,000. it would be an ongoing needs. so if that's that's consistent with the estimates provided by the department of what the um ongoing operating costs subject to annual kinds of um, cost increases would be so it's i think up to the committee what their recommendation would be. but if, um this would be that would be the ongoing operating costs of an additional club program. and then the recommendation here is that we take that money each year out of the assertive street crisis. are we as a like accounting for inflation? is there like a 3% anyone? increase or no? i think there's 10,000 in perpetuity. i think the programs get the cola's automatically right or i think in the past, we've said, we've been explicit about how much inflation were accounting
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for. i'm sorry. yeah, i think we were explicit before about inflation. but i think we can always change it. thank you. clarification needed member catalona. no i think that as long as we're clear that this isn't where we're proposing ongoing funding, that's that meets my needs. thank you. q alright, so member cunningham dinning if you want to walk us through and emotions that you have for these recommendations, yes, thank you. um the only two recommendations. i would, um, want to see a motion on right now would be the youth navigation center as well as the co op facilities. alright so we'll start with the youth navigations and if you could oh, sure, if you, um either way. i'm sorry to say the one. you can make a motion on first, the youth navigation center will go. we'll take them one by one. of course. um if i could get a motion for the user navigation center, okay. um, it's been moved by a member, cunningham,
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denny. second seconded by vice chair d'antonio. i suggest if we could go to roll, and this is on the youth navigation center recommendation, remember catalano, could i just one clarifying thing in here? so last year in our investment plan ? um, we asked for this to be funded out of the drop in services, behavioral and clinical health bucket. and, um . i wasn't sure if we wanted to include that in the motion again this year or not. yeah um, so i'd like to make a friendly amendment. member cunningham. danny, do you accept that amendment? thank you to roll. remember catalano? yes remember cunningham? denning? yes. vice chair. dantonio yes. member of fruit and bark. yes share. williams yes. alright so the motion passes unanimously. we'll go to your next bullshit. remember the next motion is for the coop facilities. right is there a 2nd 2nd? alright i
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believe that was seconded by member cattle. auto. correct. alright, so we'll take this to roll. remember catalano? yes remember cunningham? denning yes, vice chair, d'antonio. yes and do we need an explicitly saying the motion that the 100,000 ongoing ongoing expense . or just that matter that you can just become? yes. i would like to amend that to make sure there is an ongoing um $110,000 per year. um do we want to adjust for the for inflation? yes. also with an adjustment for 3% for inflation, right? remember, carolina, do you still second? yes, all right, so we'll go back to start roll at the top. remember catalano. yes remember cunningham? denning yes . vice chair. dantonio yes. member of food and bach? yes there. williams yes, all right, so the motion passes unanimously . great yeah. all right. so now
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we have our permanent housing recommendations, and i just wanna highlight that we at this time, do not have permanent housing liaison. and this has been sort of an effort between member catalano, member freedom, bach and myself, um, to sort of fill in this, so i know you as well. member catalano. thank you for all your help, so i'm just gonna walk through the permanent housing recommendations that we could alright, so we're gonna first start with women's housing . we're recommending a pathway for women serving organizations to place and provide services for 50 women in the adult, flexible housing subsidy pool. um our rationale is that homeless extremely low income women without children have distinct ongoing needs, including safety needs that are best served through women only space. in terms of the proposed budget. it's going to convert four million in one time funding for women's flexible subsidies into two year rapid re housing subsidies. that's two million in fiscal year 24 2 million in fiscal year 25, so we'll go to the next slide. secondly we're
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proposing capital for perfect, permanent supportive housing sites. we recommend the city used general found or other funding sources to maintain and rehab existing psh inventory and use oco funding to obtain and maintain new housing capacity. our rationale is that oco fund is not an appropriate source. for funding programs and legacy and existing buildings, and the proposed budget includes capital costs for adult psh sites and home key adult psh rehab next slide. so third recommendation here is money management. we want to recommend that the city used general fund dollars to expand money management services are rationales at the oco fund is not an appropriate source for funding programs in legacy and existing buildings. um, the proposed budget includes an expansion of psh money management services and adult slash all housing. next slide. we want a bridge housing for
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youth. we recommend allocating six million and one time site acquisition funding and one million in ongoing operating funding for a bridge housing program that provides shared housing with services for young people with high behavioral healthcare needs funding for both sides, acquisition and operations we recommend to begin and fiscal year 23 24 our rationale is that there is a need for ongoing housing intervention to provide an intermediate step of shared housing with services for young people with high behavioral health care needs, and the proposed budget includes ongoing funding for bridge housing and the permanent housing youth area beginning in fiscal year 24 25 during fiscal year 23 24 the department intends to plan and solicitor provider for this program next slide. we have our shallow subsidy. we recommend 1.5 million per year to create a shallow subsidy program for homeless families with low support service needs. funding could come from the permanent housing families acquisitions
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line and could be spread over several years. the rationale is that shallow subsidies may stretch permanent housing dollars to serve more households. shallow subsidies are well suited to meeting the needs of homeless families would economic needs and low support service needs. the recommendation adds a shallow subsidy program to the permanent housing families. area proposed budget includes shallow subsidy program in the permanent housing adults, all populations category which could be used for families. and then six. our last recommendation is latin x and l g b t q. q i a plus communities . we recommend investments in these communities across all permanent housing, adult youth and family are rationale is that latin x and l g b t q. i a plus identities are over represented in the 2022 pit count. the needs assessments. community engagement, dashboard shows under representation and housing match and placement, and the proposed budget includes flexible priority for trans and
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gender nonconforming communities. alright with that. i'm going to open it up to the department. if there's any, um, any comments to any of our representatives alright, so no comments were going to open it up to the committee of question by share. d'antonio great. um, thank you. slide number 10. latin x l g b t q. i plus, um, what was that recommendation again? other than the flexible priority like what is the is that a policy recommendation for latin x communities or is there a budget or is there like? yeah i think it was policy. okay? just making sure thank you. all right, and then we're gonna go to public comment on our permanent housing recommendations. members of the public who wish to provide in person public comment on this item. please line up at the podium. now each person will have two minutes to speak. for the records there. oh for the records, there are in person
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public comments. i um marty regan, she her pronouns larkin street youth services and has found the taste of committee of his pa. i just want to thank you for these recommendations. um the pit count showed a 46% reduction in teh homelessness. which is significant. yes and what that means is it's working . these investments are working and we can't stop the momentum and much to the you know, public person with the public thinks of nonprofits. we would like to put ourselves out of business. i can't wait for the day where larkin street doesn't have to serve homeless youth anymore. and the rest of the tape providers. i'm sure i'm speaking for the entire homeless response system. um so i just wanna thank you and strongly encourage us to keep investing in youth specific housing strategies because young adults are different than chronically homeless adults. we see a lot more to headed families and asylum seeking youth. um and we see these
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investments as prevention, preventing the future chronically homeless adults in san francisco. thank you. hi um, my name is solange. i work for the whole family collaborative. i'm an organizer. with subsidies from the c d. i want to say thank you for because i've seen how important is for people to have housing and two years how saving is not enough. it breaks my heart every time like somebody saying, you know, i had to leave my house. and what education we're providing to these people to keep their housing. that's my question for the city. another another thing that i want to mention it's ah! being housing. i feel that is what we need to battle mental health in this city. the prices are really, really high, and nobody looks
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even with two jobs can afford it for a six people housing so i just want to say thank you for all the subsidies provide, and i hope okay, can be more. permanent housing and not two years housing. thank you. um good morning. um. the last time i was here, i spoke on how this city is defending cherie for all people, so i'm asking. for us organization to help your people help us to help them. um i'm here for the voucher for the family. i know, um are used to be in that journey. and that's the hardship journey. dragging your children your belonging and then it comes with mental health . angry frustrated. the um i
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know it's not enough shelter here also. so i'm here to ask for them. long term recommendation of how the military for the family that way we could be able to support them on a long run. um as education training. you know that way they understand how to learn to keep their health things that are repeating the cycle that they're in right now. um, thank you. good morning, everybody. my name is tracy mix and i work at the coalition on homelessness. um i just wanna throw him out support for extending these subsidies for families because two years a year is not enough time to get it together. if you coming from homelessness and you still having mental health issues and your kids, you're still trying to get them used to a different routine. so that's why i encourage for these folks that
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have longer subsidies and also along with that sometimes when you get subsidies, you're almost not poor enough and you're trying to get ahead. and when you're trying to get ahead and it's like, oh, you make too much money that's like discouraging as well. so i would like to see you know a little bit more equity because we know that cost of living is high and all over the country, but especially here in the bay area, because i cry every time i go to the grocery store. so it's like, just me, you know, being housed now and seeing like how things are going up and everything and i don't want to keep on seeing families repeating the same cycle. they think they're ahead and then there that security blanket is just snatched out from under him. thank you. um hi. my name is jessica hernandez. and i just wanted to say that, um we should be spending money for permanent solutions for families and not only temporary because at the
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end of the day, um it's not you guys who will end up in the streets again after not being able to increase your, um your income and two years that's that's not real. um and i have seen a lot of families who don't qualify for housing who need housing, and i think that we should be spending money and shallow subsidies because, like, okay, there's not a lot of families who, like need the psh support like the long term, you know, like support tsh, but they still need the permanent solution so that they don't have to end up in the streets with their kids and if i ever go through that i don't want to take a temporary subsidy and i went through that and i'm glad that i have a permanent solution is not supportive, but i know that i'm gonna be there as long as i needed. and one day my income increases. i'm gonna let it go and then let someone else take the chance to you know ah, be able to fully um you know, uh
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. go over this without having to worry that i'm going to be in the streets and the next day, so please think about this and please be spending his money. for families for permanent solutions. thank you. for the. are there additional public comments on this agenda item? we do now? we have all of the ideas.
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menominee cellos, salas. you think? look at him with eloranta. gracias. hello there. good morning, everyone. um, i just wanted to say that, um with this with the money i get my income is not enough food is too high. the rent is too high, and i just wanted to come here and ask for justice for more affordable things for the rental decrease and be more full, more easier to access for families. good morning, everyone. i want to hear because i think everybody i need a houses for
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living san francisco. a lot of people move had forgetting. and i got a straight because no home so that i want to stress. i want to go by my country by my kids born here. my kids are gonna come back and my country because this country's country that my kids, that's why my kids say no, mom. it is. it's hard now because the house is to spencey. even i had three years. you never buy the houses. it's ridiculous for poor people or people working hard. never got in the house. that's why i here because i need everybody did it . work home, say home very big. i say thank god because my kids is good. students have good kids. entire field. my kids, i gotta depressed for no house. i understand because it's not easy . i hope so. one day changing or i don't my kids wave finished graduation. maybe go my country.
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and suddenly i wanted to say thank you, okay? okay for the records. there are no additional in person. public comments, members of the pop public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call for 1565500. access code 2482237. webinar password £1234. if you haven't already done so please dial star three to line up to speak assistant prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates you have been on muted and you may begin your comments. please note that you will have two minutes. moderator. do we have any public comments on the phone? for the records. there are no phone public comments. nope. very go.
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all right. well, i want to just thank all of our public commenters. i believe this is maybe the second time now that we've been in person third time that we've been in person, and it's just really great to see folks coming out and talking about these issues and we've been this is our third cycle of making recommendations to the mayor and to the board of supervisors around these critical areas, and also working with our with the departments. and so with that i want to turn it to member of freedom box to kick us off with our motions and an alternative ice charity. antonio to also makes emotions in this area. so remember freedom mark. thank you. um i just want to make a little bit of comments before this motion. i'm going to make on women's housing. this one we kind of struggled with in the housing group, because, um there was, um uh, board add back that was not permanent funding. ah! um and
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there was a desire on the part of the department to do to have a rapid re housing. um expansion on the adult side of things and in the strategic plan. and um at the same time, we didn't feel like the rapid rehousing was addressing the needs of um, the what we were talking about, which was more elder women who really wanted to live in housing around other women. and so this is not a um, budget proposal so it doesn't touch the rapid rehousing program, but it basically tries to address the issue, um, from a policy perspective in a more creative way. and so what the motion is, um, is that um the department? um. of homelessness and supportive housing create a pathway for women serving organizations to place and provide services for 50 women within the adult flex. housing
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subsidy poor. alright there's been moved by a member of freedom back. is there a second seconded by member cunningham dinning will go to roll. remember? catalano? yes. remember cunningham denning? yes. vice chair. d'antonio yes. member of freedom. bach yes, chair williams. yes so the motion passes unanimously and i'll go back to member friedberg. okay um, this next one is around the bridge housing , so this is also been a struggle that has been, um, ongoing. um so the kind of the original concept three years ago was to do, um housing. you know , there's always the struggle with youth housing because you want it for youth and the youth. stay there forever. um they age out, and then they no longer qualify for, um, permanent supportive housing. and then your youth housing kind of turns into adult the housing and doesn't serve in the same way.
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um and so, um, that's kind of part of what's been we've been struggling with, and so um, there's a, um, a couple of things here, but the first one is a budget proposal. um and the idea um, because before as chair williams talked about what's in the investment plan is bridge. housing wouldn't happen for the year after, and it's only a small amount of money doesn't have any acquisition money in it. and i feel like it's just kind of being put off. like every year. they put it off for another year. another year, and so anyway, so this recommendation is to allocate and we have space in the youth. this is one of our areas where we have space money wise, so this and family housing, so that's kind of cool, but so recommending allocating $6 million in one time acquisition funding. um and one million in ongoing operating funding for a bridge housing program that provides shared housing with services for young people with high behavioral health care needs, and that this is to happen in the fiscal year 23 24
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budget all right, so it's been moved by member freedom. bach is there a second, a second seconded by member cunningham, denning and we'll go to roll. member catalano. yes remember cunningham denning? yes vice chair. d'antonio yes. remember food and bach? yes, sure. williams yes, so it's been moved to unanimously and member freedom back. okay, so this next one is we heard a lot from public commenters. um. and they like i kind of want to adjust the motion a little bit. um but you guys let me know if we don't want to do that or not. um but i'm before i make the motion and i, you know we could we get a lot of negative feedback on the rapid rehousing, and that's basically been the only option for families for a really long time and what i've kind of been hearing unanimously from folks in the community as they don't want more rapid rehousing. they want like there's turnover and rapid re housing. you know when we could turn it over, but not further expansion. so that was
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the what i wanted to adjust it around. was pulling that 2.1 million, i believe was in rapid re housing. um that was a new expenditure for this next year added into the housing, um, investment plan. um and so, um, and the other thing i want to mention so it was mentioned by people in the community. but we have we were doing shallow. we're doing shallow. we're adding that for adults, um, there was talk about from hsh was like, well, we could the adults could be available for families. i don't think that that would end up meaning that families would end up having access to those subsidies. so i strongly feel like we really need to have it carved out for families. i also recognize that hsh is really struggles with. this is a huge investment plan. they haven't they don't have the staffing to do all this quickly. it's like a huge hardship for their department. and so, um, i you know, this can also be an m . o. h c d shallow subsidy program. they already operate. some of our prop sees the
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doubled up the s r o s, um uh some of the other ones are through mohd d, which wouldn't hit the capacity issue for hse department of homelessness and supportive housing. i'm trying to incorporate the feedback that i'm hearing and then come up with a proposal that addresses the concerns. and so, um, so i'm making those two adjustments to the proposal. um so my motion is , um, to recommend 1.5 million per year. um to create a shallow subsidy program for 60. homeless families with low support service needs, um, funding would come from the rapid re housing expansion. um and, um, um funding in years, three. ongoing after year three would come from the, um families acquisition pot. um spread out until the fun. um uh, spread out over multiple years using that fun
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balance. all right, so it's been moved by member of freedom because they're a second. oh and sorry, um, operated by m o. h. c. d. thank you. so moved by member of freedom. bach. is there a second on this second seconded by member cunningham. denny will go to roll. remember catalano? yes remember cunningham? denning yes. chair. dantonio? yes. remember freedom. bach yes. share williams? yes so it's been moved unanimously. and with that, i'm gonna turn it over to vice charity antonio for the remainder of our motions in the permanent housing section. great um okay. thank you. so, um i would make a motion that the city used general funds or find other sources of funding to maintain and rehab existing permanent supportive housing inventory. um okay. funds should be used for new programs. um, rather than um. rehabbing
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existing sites. um so we definitely support we having existing sites. we know that that's necessary, but we just don't feel like that should come from oco funding. um and by the legislation. we don't feel like it aligns so it would be outside of the legislation. so that's my motion, right? so it's been moved by vice chair d'antonio is there a 2nd 2nd seconded by member freedom, bach and it just so we can do role. remember catalano? yes remember cunningham? denning yes, i shared antonio. yes remember? freedom? bach yes, chair. williams has been moved unanimously. vice chair d'antonio. thank you. and then by the same rationale, um, recommend and make a motion that the city used general fund dollars to expand the money management services program. for a second. 2nd 2nd. if i remember freedom bag, we'll go to roll. member catalana. yes remember cunningham? denning yes. chair. dantonio yes. member fruit and bark. yes chair. williams yes,
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all right, so it's been moved unanimously and i just want to give a round of applause is concludes all of our recommendations for this fiscal year. um i just want to thank all of our liaisons for your continued hard work. i want to thank our departments. i want to thank the public for continuing to hold the city accountable to what we know works. and we're going to continue to push the mayor and the board of supervisors to implement these recommendations and continue to build awareness around again. what we know works for our community. so thank you all for everyone that came out today. i know we have folks that we want to follow up with its spoken public and comment, and we will do so and we also want to direct everyone to the website. there's a lot of information there are needs assessment all of our past fiscal year. recommendations that we have put forth and we're going to continue to do the work. so with that i want to open up to see if there's any future agenda items that we never have time to say any future in the items. so vice charity antonio thank you. yeah, i have a couple. um first, um i
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wanted to see if maybe we should revisit the bylaws, at least until we get more people on the committee and change voting from foreign members to five members . um just like that. we always make sure we have a quorum. um and then my other thoughts around housing authority would still love for housing authority to come. talk with us and if not someone from most d who is overseeing a lot of those programs. uh um. especially since they just opened up the section eight wait list for like two household families are like for two person households. just stuff like that. it would be really nice for people on this committee to know about that when we're making decisions. um we talk a lot about modeling. how can we model when we don't have all the information about all the inventory that we have in the city? um yeah, i have a lot of thoughts on that. but anyways, um so that that those are my two items that i would
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like to see. i believe we do have an update on the housing authority. i know jesse. we were looking at having them come at some point in this year. so if you wanted to mention that, um yeah, we've been, uh, working to get a presentation. um around how hsh in the housing authority worked together on on homelessness issues, so um keeping it. yeah that's what we're doing is mostly like, would it be all three, then kind of most cd hsh and, uh, housing authority, especially since most had overseen for so long. yeah it could be, and i would just like to also recommend that we be sure and include linda mason. um previously known as linda martin, who oversees the access piece of the housing authority, as well as the director there. i think that's really important because a lot of what julia is talking about is who gets access to public housing and how much
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of a role can play in solving homelessness. access for sure. and then also, i just like vacancies like yeah, no vacancy rates. like what does that look like? right now? yeah. that's really great. any other future agenda items? um i definitely want to agree with vice charity, antonio. i know that right now. we have three members who need to be seated. need to be appointed and we're waiting on those appointments. but i think in the meantime it's really important for us to look at our bylaws and see what we can do, because life does happen, and we want to be able to still conduct the business of this committee. so i agree with that. um if there's no further future agenda items, is there a public comment on on our future agenda items members of the public who wish to provide in person public comment on this item, please line up at the podium. now each person will have two minutes to speak. for the records. there are no in person public comments. members of the public who wish to provide public
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comment on this item should call 4156550. access code. q 482237. webinar password £1234. if you haven't already done so please dial star three to line up to speak. a system prompts will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates you have been on muted and you may begin your comments. please note that you will have two minutes. moderator do we have any public comments on the phone? it looks like we do have one. oh, no. for the record. there are no phone, public comments. all right. thank you. i should say secretary shimin. no, uh for your support and just want to thank everyone who has joined us virtually and joined us in person. and um, yeah. please come and check us out and stay in touch. and we will at this time, take a motion. to a journey back in is there a
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motion? yes i would like to, um , motion 10 and so i believe that was moved by member cunningham dinning and seconded by vice chair d'antonio and we'll take roll on adjournment. member catalana. yes. remember cunningham denning? yes vice chair. dantonio remember? freedom box? yes chair. williams yes, all right, so it's been approved and we are adjourned at 11 06 am thank you, everyone.
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>> good afternoon everyone, i'm san francisco mayor london breed and i'm joined here today with commissioner shawn dureof the california highway patrol, major (indiscernible) national guard. our district attorney, brook jenkins, our police chief bill scott, and president of the board of supervisors aaron peskin as well as a representative on behalf of sheriff miyamoto. he are here to talk about the partnership that will be established between the state
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and our federal law enforcement agencies. let me begin by expressing my appreciation to governor gavin newsom for answering the call for taking on this problem head on and his willingness to be a partner in the work that he knows we need to do. as a former mayor of san francisco and someone who grew up in the city, he understands the value of partnership and also understands the value of san francisco as it relates to entire state. here locally, we have been doing i think a extraordinary job between our police department and our district attorney's office. they have been working hand in hand as partners to help us address the many challenges around public safety, but more specifically, the challenges related to this fentanyl crisis, which includes the large number of people who have died from overdose deaths, as
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well as the open air drug dealing, the violence associated with this, and how it impacted the tenderloin and soma communities considerably. time and time again, we have you know, reached out for resources to try and get support and the fact that this is finally happening and it is something that is never happened before will be significant for our city and will send a strong message to those who are perpetrating these crimes that are holding communities hostage, that we will do everything we can to work together to make sure that there is accountability. some of the challenges that have recently been highlighted that you may not be aware of, just this past tuesday, the san francisco police department made an arrest of someone who five kilos of
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fentanyl, and just today our district attorney announced the charges associated with that arrest, and the point i want to make is, this is something that was not happening previously, and the fact that our district attorney and our police chief are working hand in hand and just between january and march this past quarter, the amount of drugs seized was over 150 percent from even last quarter, demonstrates to the public that we are doing everything we can. we are making the arrests, we are bringing charges, we are being aggressive as we possibly can to hold people accountable and i want to appreciate the leadership of our district attorney brook jenkins and leadership of bill scott and the teams that they represent, because it does take a village, it does take partnership and now that partnership
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is expanding. expanding on a state-wide level. so, we are appreciative to have our state representative here to talk about some specifics of what they plan to do, but we will not provide all of the details of what we plan to do to the public, just the basics. we know when this plan was first mentioned when the governor came to san francisco with the attorney general and they did a walk in the tenderloin, they heard the pleas and cries of the community asking for help, asking for something different. this is something different and i'm looking forward to a real change in our city. separately from what we plan to do around law enforcement, people have consistently tried to say really horrible things about san francisco and the challenges around safety, and i say like any other major city, we have our challenges, but there are so many other
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wonderful things happening in san francisco right now. just this morning i was out at mlk middle school with kids who were scooting and biking to school and i was at fort mason with a number of high school leaders who all are public school students who are thinking about ways to change the future. all over the city, there are communities coming together for various reasons and loving and enjoying our parks and open space,b the public schools, the warriors will be playing tonight and the championship and concerts and activities and we just hosted one of the biggest conferences here over 40,000 participant desnded upon san francisco and many had a really great experience and there opponent i'm making is, it is time for us to write our own narrative about what san francisco is, because we live it and breathe it every single day, and part of adding to the value
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of our amazing city will be the fact that we will continue around our reforms and the work we need to do and the criminal justice world, but there will and must be accountability associated with that. with that, to talk a little bit more about the plans, is commissioner shawn dere of the california highway patrol. >> thank you madam mayor, good afternoon everyone. my name is shawn, the commissioner of the california highway patrol. the chp has a mutual interest insuring the safety of california communities and we are committed to collaborating with partners here in san francisco. under the direction and leadership of governor gavin newsom and mayor breed, state agencies partnered with city officials and we have identified specific action items we can take immediately to improve the current issues in san francisco.
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beginning may 1, next monday, the chp will deploy officers to work side by side with san francisco police officers to enhance public safety within the city, with a focus on specified high crime areas. this will be accomplished through three main objectives at the highway patrol. first, we'll assist the san francisco police department increasing uniformed officer in spirfck area with intend to deter and disrupt criminal activity. second, provide specialized training to sfpd officers to assist those officers in the ability to detect, deter and prevent drug and alcohol related crimes, and finally, we will use the highway patrol existing resources from our specialized units to provide investigative support to develop crimial cases that disrupt illegal narcotic traffic. the chp mission is provide the highest level of safety, service, and security to the people
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of california. we are proud to stand with the california national guard, the california department of justice, the san francisco police department, and the san francisco district attorney's office in a collaborative effort to address these public safety issues. i'm happy to turn it over to major general matt beavers. >> matt beaver of the cal guard and what i want to do up front is spell out rumor, the california national guard presence in this is not boots on the ground in san francisco. the support that we will provide really consists of very talented and dedicated soldiers and airman that do essentially criminal analyst work and that is taking a look at all the information that we-gets generated by law enforcement agencies, taking that information, senticizing it and into actionable information we can map, cartel
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networks inside and outside the city, understand those networks build a common picture of and dismantle the network. we have 14 or 15 folks working on the ground today supporting the northern california high intensity drug traffic area and we have proven success in the area. in san diego, dug traffic area where we support, in the last month in march alone, all most $50 million of fentanyl seizures that our soldiers and airman supported so we can do it in san diego and intend to do the same work here in your city. with that i'll be fallowed by district attorney brook jenkins. >> good afternoon. i first want to say thank you to governor gavin newsom as well as general beavers from the national guard as well as commissioner dere from the california highway
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patrol for offering their assistance with tackling the open air drug market in san francisco that chief scott and our departments have both been working vigiously to address the last 9 months together. what we know is that this is not a problem that is easily solved and the more support and collaboration that we have allows us to address this problem more expeditiously so i'm very excited about the prospckt of this collaboration and this new partnership. this was an opportunity that at least from the vantage point of the national guard that was offered to my office about a year or two ago and declined. that was not in the best interest of san francisco. what is in the best interest of san francisco and particularly communities like the tenderloin and south of market, they deserve to make sure that they get to walk down the street without the situation that we currently see. an additional
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benefit of this collaboration is how it will assist us in the prosecution of these cases. more recently, we have experienced many criminal defendants in narcotic dealing are asserting a umhooen trafficking defense. it requires significant evidence on our part in order to robut that defense so i'm excited at the prospect of having additional resources to be able to dispel the notion that people are not here dealing drugs of their own accord, because that is clearly what is happening. today we announced charges against an individual as the mayor pointed out in possession of 5 kilos of fentanyl that can kill more then this entire city. that individual we argue should be detained based on the public safety risk he presents and the judge at this point
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agreed to that. we are moving the ball forward in trying to keep san francisco safe and as i said, this part nership will only allow us to do that on a higher level and at this time, i will bring up police chief bill scott. >> thank you district attorney jinken. i like to start by thanking our mayor london breed and thachck governor newsom and all the partners here today. as well as our board of supervisor president aaron peskin who's here with us today and is a supporter of making our city a safe city. i will fill in some of the blanks with some of what you heard here. the tenderloin and the epicenter of the crisis with fentanyl is a very small area, about a square mile. generally. about a square mile. san francisco police officers have made 269
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arrests in a very small area in the course of 4 months. think about your own community and think about a 10 block radius where you live and think about 269 drug dealers dealing poison on the street taken from your community. that is what the people who live and work in the tenderloin have to deal with day in and day out and that has to stop. our police officers have confisicated 39,000 grams of fentanyl year to date. a conversion is about 85 pounds of fentanyl. that's a lot of death and destruction. think about it for a second. that is higher then what we have seen this time last year. we are working very hard as a
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city to address these issues, but it is not enough and that is why we have partners here. that is why we have commissioner dere and general beavers and their respective organizations here to help us and we need the help. i want to make a few things very clear, this city is committed to policing the right way, to policing with dignity and respect. to respecting the people who live work here and respecting the people who commit crimes here and our partners are here to enhance that. nothing short, nothing more, nothing less. they will enhance the values of this city. most of us who live here and work here, the mayor has lead the charge, the district charge brook jenkins, myself, chief lazar from san francisco police department
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here, supervisor peskin, all most every public official in this city have heard over and over again that this has to stop. people are fed up with, we are fed up with it, and our attention needs to be on the people who are causing the problems. not only each other. our attention needs to be on the drug dealers that are making all this happen and that is exactly where our focus will be. we know this isn't a san francisco alone problem, we know that these people who deal drugs in our streets have tentacles in other cities, and other states, and perhaps in other countries and we have to do everything we can to bring every resource to bear to identify every piece of these networks that are killing people in our city and we have to dismantle them, and that is exactly what we intend to do.
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whether it be da jenkins and straight prosecution or whether be federal prosecution, we will do what we need to do to make this problem better. because together, we are stronger. i want to again thank all the partners for being here. i know there is a lot of questions and i think at least the general questions have been answered. what is it national guard role, what is chp role? we are blessed to have a leader who pulled this all together in the mayor and we'll do everything we can to work together to solve this problem and with that, i will open it up for questions. >> [unable to hear speaker] >> we seize crack cocaine, powder crack, meth, we
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see a garden variety, but when you look at the medical examiners reporting of the last couple years and this year is no exception, what is leading the charge and killing people thin city is fentanyl by far, it isn't even close. that is why we focused on fentanyl, because that is what is literally kills us now and we'll continue to focus on that. but we do make arrests and seizures for all the other illicit drugs as well. >> (indiscernible) when you talk about cartel, how does that factor into what we see on the streets? >> i think it is appropriate place to start. the drugs that come to our cities across the state, not independent of each city, it is not independent of each county, it is fundamentally transnational organizations that bring narcotics into the state and city, so if we start from there and look through that prism it gives a good jumping off point to do the tough
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analytical work to determine who those folks are, and understand the network and their associations and go after dismantling them. thank you. >> [unable to hear speaker] >> yes, ma'am, just the mere presence of the officers being with the sfpd officers we believe will help deter criminal activity. the officers are trained in crim 2348 apprehension and take action if they see it and make appropriate arrests. not coming in here to take over, the highway patrol will supplement san francisco efforts and we'll complement them in the efforts. >> (indiscernible) >> that is a fair question and i think we are early in this.
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we are having discussions we measure the success of it and those are things we'll establish in the days to come. >> the most immediate measure of success is we have to see a change in the streets. you heard me say we have to see a change in the streets. when people-i was out there last night, 10 o'clock last night, there were people visiting our city from lands far away that for a short second before our officers cleared it could not walk down it the sidewalks. that has to change. >> (indiscernible) >> arrest stutistics tell a story and we'll keep reporting those statistics because it is public interest and people want to see we are working and doing something about the problem, but if i came and told you-told you 269, if i told you a thousand and walked out the building and still saw drug dealing on the streets that
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probably would not matter to you. if you had to see that every day, you probably don't care about statistics we bring before you so we have to see a change in the streets and see a change in behavior more importantly. it isn't okay to do what people are doing and not okay not only to deal drugs on the streets but to use drugs on the streets. if anybody thinks that's okay, it's not. >> (indiscernible) >> these things take time but we expect to see immediate changes. here's the realty and our officers see it every day and many of you see it every day-when we deploy large amounts of officers in areas in the tenderloin or anywhere in the city the problem tends to go away while we are there.
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that isn't the long-term solution because sometimes that is unsustainable but temporarily that will go away. we want to disrupt this behavior. we want to make it difficult for people to come in the city and county and do what they've been doing, dealing drugs. the longer term plan as many speakers said today, there is a-there is dismantling the organizations bringing these drugs to our streets. there's prosecutions both state and federal prosecutions and at the end of all this, what we want to see is some of these organizations go away and be dismantled. that is a sign of success, because when that happens you won't see what you see right now on our streets. >> (indiscernible) >> i can't tell you. i know what the commitment is from these people that are standing here. now we'll do whatever we need to do and the mayor and the governor will get together and decide. we are trying to build this for
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sustainability. part of that process is putting infrastructure in place or enhancing infrastructure that already exists, so we can sustain the effort. the last thing we want to do is clean the streets up for a week, two weeks, a month and then everybody goes back to their regular way of doing things and it starts all over again. we have to sustain this effort and so that is how we are trying to build this. >> (indiscernible) >> well, our federal partners are definitely dealing with that and that's a little of what general beavers were talking about with the work they are doing in san diego. this takes partnership. that
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question the answer to that question is this takes partnership and no one organization that is standing before you can do this alone. people who do this, people deal, people who distribute, people who bring narcotics to any city, they don't care about boarders, they dont care where the county lines or city lines are, all they care about is making money and kill people in the money and we are not smart enough to join together and fight this together then shame on us. i applaud the mayor for asking for this help and applaud all our partners for willing to say, we'll help. we are all impacted by this. thank you. >> how many chp officers and national guard are there? >> i can have commissioner general beavers answer their parts of the question and then-- >> for the safety of the
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officers and integ taef of the operation i won't disclose. they are all coming out of the san francisco area. the chp has 75 uniformed officers assigned to the san francisco area. in june we have academy scheduled to graduate and plan to send additional 9 officers so bring up to 84. i will tell you this, the officers that volunteered to work alongside sfpd officers all volunteered for it. they all are from san francisco, they love the community, they want to be there and serve the community so i think that's a important aspect from our viewpoint. >> we have 14 criminal analyst assigned to the northern california high intensity drug traffic area. those 14 will be assigned a multijurisdictional task force that include the folks up here on the stage today. 14.
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>> (indiscernible) >> well, i have more concerns about the number of people who are dying from drug overdoses. i have more concerns about the families and the people who are struggling in these various neighborhoods overrun by drug dealers who have increasingly become violent and fight over territory and number other things, so as far as i'm concerned, my plan is part of what's been missing, because this city has been extremely generous with regards to social services. in fact, when you look at our city budget, the amount of money that we spend for non profits and organizations to help with treatment, to help with second chances and support and
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resources are mostly in the tenderloin, soma communities and that will not change. we will continue to invest heavily in providing opportunities for people and second chances and all of those things, which is different from what was happening in the 80 . there were hardly alternatives or nobody seemed to care about that, everything is about arrests and lock people up and in fact this is different. this is program services, second chance opportunities and also accountability and what is missing is accountb ability and that's what this is all about. i do want to also mention that measuring of success includes reducing the number of drugs overdose deaths in this city, which we have seen decline at one point and starting to see a spike and increase and so we want to make sure that we are saving lives in the process of the work we are doing here in our city.
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>> (indiscernible) >> well, i hope it does and i think that you know, just recently you recall when we declared a state of emergency in the tenderloin, and we set up a link it center which was supposed to be the place we help people and officers had a alternative place to take those struggling with addiction and it didn't quite work out that way for a number of reasons including challenges with capacity of the police department. ulimately we can't sit back and throw our hands up. we need to be innovative
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and do everything we can to provide all the resources so that we have the capacity to handle a problem of this magnitude, and as i said earlier, you see the arrests have gone up considerably from the police department in terms of drug arrests, not just for fentanyl but this past weekday meth. you see the da time and time again to charge people in these many many cases so we'll continue to do all we can, but the partnership is going to hopefully make a significant difference. i want the streets to be safe , we all want the streets to be safe and part of that includes all the right programs we are doing but there has to be accountability attached to this and think this capacity will help us get to a better place. alright. thank you very much.
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going 90 charlie. go ahead. we moved to san francisco in 1982. we came from the philippines. i have three kids nathan, jessica and iva. i was really young. when i had neat, i turned 19. and then two weeks later, he was born. so when he was fine, i used to watch cops all the time. all the time and so he would watch with me. he had his little handcuffs and his littl
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