tv BOS Rules Commmittee SFGTV May 8, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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>> this neating will in to order. good morning and welcome to the monday, may 8. 2023 meeting of the rules commit east san francisco board of supervisors. i'm supervisor matt dorse and he joined by my colleague, vice chair walton and in the short time we'll be joined by committee member safai >> on behalf of my colleagues our gratitude to the clerk. and facilitating and broadcasting today's meeting. i want to thank our producer jason goldhammer. >> mr. clerk. >> board and the committee are convening hybrid meetings in person attendance and public comment and remote access and
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comment via phone. >> those in person speak first and then those on the phone lineful public comment call in number is strolling. when connected you will hear the discussion but mou exclude in listening mode only. when your item come and up comment is called those in person line up to speak. and those on the phone dial star 3. . turn down your tv and listening devices you may be using. you may submit ment in writing in the following ways. e mail them to myself rules clerk victor. young orus male city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244, san francisco, california
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94102. items will appear on the agenda on may 16th unless otherwise state. >> great. thank you, mr. clerk. call item one. >>. s item one hear to consider a member term ending february first to the ethic's commission. >> >> great. thank you. i want to express my apologies for needed to continue this left week. we have needed to continue this item for a few different reasons for a few times. i mentioned the ethic's commission is an important body within our city government and vested with unique powerhouse under the city charter. appointments to the seats are very important and i'm glad the committee made an additional week to do our due diligence and consider everyone. and i think we have 3 excellent
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candidates one of the applicants david tsai last friday communicateed me his decision to with draw his application for the seat. i express whatted i always do of mr. tsai's caliber. don't give up on us there are many public service roles that would benefit the leadership like david tsai and others in rules we are in a situation it is discourage to say, no to qualified people this is the reality we have a limited number of seats. but there are other opportunity to serve. i hope it see mr. tsai and others who don't make the cut the first time back. that leaves us with a tough choice with two candidates today and today's hearing we hear from 2 applicants larry bush andia man salahi.
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see if mr. bush is on the line. mr. bush you should be able to speak at this time. ia can you hear me? >> hi. thank you, >> thank you for the opportunitiful thank you. to apply for a full appointmentful at the ethic's mission. i have been serving the last 2 years on interim appointment. and this is in line with my previous experience. working on ethic's, helping to found the friends of ethics which i did more than 10 years ago. serving on the civil grand jury. which then -- landmarked
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research. and report on steps this are needed to improve commission's performance. as well as having serves a special assistant to the mayor of san francisco and a number of other positions. in both the federal and state and city government of my experience covers pretty much all the functions of g. what that has exposed me to is way in which we can improve of our performance notablely improving in our relationship with the public. i have been dismayed at this sharp drop off in public participation in the ethic's
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commission hearing. in which sometimes there will be nobody. who shows up or offers comments. . at the end of a commission meeting. and that along cry from the way it was initial low. i think part of that is the fact that mr does in the feel commission is as fully engaged on the issue this is matter to the public. as the public is. in other words there , is a disconnect between hat public thinks are important expect what the how the commission establishes its own sense of priorities. i think we can take a closer look at that. one of the things that is trough for the city charter is all city commissions are to appoint a commission secretary.
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and that secretary would serve as a liaison between the commission and the public. on matters that needs to be more greatly elaborated. as you are aware, san francisco ethic's commission does not have a commission secretary. has someone who fills in on an interim bases and aretating basis. not a consistent commission secretary. so that's one factor. another factor is the commission has voted in the past to under take a certain actions. for example. hearingos slate mailers. which are a form of influence ing voters in advance of elections.
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but while the commission itself voted as far as 2015. to begin having hearings and pick up issues of slate mailers, that vote was never implemented at ethics. so, now currently, if you want information on what is being spent on slate mailers you have to go to the election's department. and ask them for a record. and they don't keep it electronically or alphabetically or any other easily researched way. that's another example of what the public and he was what we don't disclose fully to the public. commission secretary and then
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having be ability to hear what is gog with slate mailers is the second thing. and the third thing i think that we might want to look at is how the election's department. operates, which is they have advisory groups. people who are not actual appointees on the election's commissions but serve as advisors. i look at the quality of the people who applied in the past and served in the past. ethic's commission including mr. tsai who was with drawn. as a candidate in this round. and think would be great if we had an advisory panel that would offer a resource of what the
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commission could be doing what other commissions are doing. within san francisco and -- outside of san francisco. had we might adopt from that to improve our performance. to some extent thoons asking of us of staff. we always have been short of staff am if we had the ability to establish ourselves with advisory panels, then i think we would have a benefit of especially drawing on former commissioners. who are willing to continue providing service to the community and to the commission. while not voting members of the commission. those are some of the things i
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look at as we move forward to the next set of circumstances. of course, the top of this list will be soliciting and accepting an appointment of a new executive director. we have been fortunate top have pelum as an executive director. the last 6 or so years. she helped the commission move forward in staffing and the range of activities surround it. there are still a lot to be done. and so this is an opportunity for us to take a deemer look where we are and where we need to go. i thank you is the opportunity we should take now. as we move into 2023.
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i will be happy to take questions you have. and explain further details on my own experience and my own issues. as i see the work ahead for the commissioners. >> great. >> thank you mr. bush. i appreciate your service and especially overnight years friends of ethics. the things i know we have known each other for many years i appreciate. i was going to ask a question about your thoughts on the appointment of executive director but you answered that. thank you very much. seeing no questions from my colleagues. let's hear from yaman salahi joining us in personful welcome to rules the floor is yours. >> thank you. chair dorse. good morning supervisors walton and safai. i'm yaman salahi it is a privilege to are here has an
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applicant for a seat on ethics. this role carries responsibilities to the public. the duty of bolstering public's trust in city government ensure compliance with laws for good governors including but not limit to campaign finance and financial disclosure. lob and he public if anies the commission plays a watchdog roll. reviewed reports by the commission. recorded meetings and sum rows. the legal authorities defining the commission's jurisdiction, i believe my experience and strengths are suited fulfilling the respondents of this role. i hope to sailor about myself to demonstrate why. the past 11 years of my willing career i representeded vs plaintiff in litigation. the work of affirmative lit gays
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assessing whether a violation of law and if so determining what remedy to seek. requires careful factual investigation, legal analysis and judicious prop to how one allocated limited resource whether the commitment of time, finances or otherwise. >> as i explain in the my application materials i'm fortunate to had the pleasure of representing client in many s. from communities broodly representative of the people of this staechl as a staff attorney at asian law caucus i worked with san francisco community to address the state of [inaudible] by the state department of the i successfully sued the state department on behalf of omar a grand father passport revoked making impossible to see his family. and representing members of san francisco lbgtq+ community. a challenge against work place
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sexual whatacement and a trust broken by a partner recording meetings. i'm cocouncil with veteran research clinic in a suit the denial of benefits for african-american veterans disproportionate to how white applicants are treat. i'm working with the san francisco widow who served with the tuskegee airplane men my goal is to bring my lessons to the rule [reading fast]. i'm suited for. one of my most fluential career experience serving as a law clerk for edward chen in the northern district of california in the city. much like the rebeing strikzs alie to commissioners assuming the law clerk required giving up rights for purpose of preserving public trust. that include foregoing political
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activities as well as public comment on matters before the court or other controversies. to avoid an appearance of inproprietor. importantly, the role required a commitment to giving every party the consideration, fairness they deserved based on the facts and s specific to their case. if i have the town to serve on this commission i will bring imapartment and attention to detail i learn in the my prior roles when i recalled to exercise in that function. i believe an prop is required maintain the public's trust in the special role the ethic a commission in city government. based on my review of the past work, materials and conversations with supervisors, i have a sense of priority areas i would like to work with commission staff, commissioners and other stake holders to address if elected. the areas include the commission
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goal completing a review. every complaint within 90 days and clearing investigation backlog. outids timely. identifying the causes of noncompliance and taking a judicious approach to policy making fungsz. photocopy i have the privilege of serve nothing this will role i will dedicate myself to the charge commission mandate to protect public interests and preserve the trust in city government. on a personal note. my honor to be the first appointee to the commission from the arab and muslim community i hope to representative not just those but all diverse communities in the city. >> i like to thank those who contacted the committee in support of my application including members of the democratic club. the asian law caucus. equal justice, council on american religions and otherim grant leaders. happy to answer questions.
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thank you. >> great >> thank you, i think you answered the question about focusing on backlog i appreciate thank you very much supervisor safai. >> thank you. thanks for coming here and putting yourself forward it is important to have diversity. individuals that represent communities that don't have a voice at city hall. i wanted give an opportunity to talk about the work you have done with that community and what that meant to you and the over all community. >> thank you. i appreciate the question. a form of serving the public since i began working from the communities i come from and the, community i viewed to be experiencing similar formsful marginalization or ecing collusion. i think that bring the values to the commission is also important. i know the commission as a racial equity plan in place and hope that serve nothing this
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role is a way of serving the public's interest. >> >> great. no questions or comments can we open up, thank you mr. salahi. can we open up to public comment. why members who wish to speak and joining person line up to speak. for those listening remotely, press star 3. for those in the queue continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted that is your queue to comment. our first in person speaker? thank you for having us i'm mayorium i'm here speaking on behalf of the community in spchlt yaman salahi. has he mentioned has the support
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from our community, our civil right's organizations, our worker organizations. he has an objective upon experience that will qualifies him for this role as well as a very clear purview and runs around civil learnts and i believe he will take that experience and passion to the commission and hopeful low play a strong flow which i believe this commission needs. thank you for your consideration. >> next speaker, please >> i'm with the [inaudible] and also with the [inaudible] association here in san francisco and the bay area. i known yaman salahi for a long time during the muslim bane remember he was working with us
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so hard. itch will not forget all when he was with the asian law caucus, yes. i'm really appreciate the support him and put him in this commission. we need his help. thank you for your support. public money this applicant or all the applicants. >> both applicants. >> >>well, supervisors, i'm paul i served on ethics commission 1995 to 2003 and brought the first private action as a citizen on behalf of the voters of san francisco to enforce the campaign fines xoerns foubldzing members of friends of ethics
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with larry bush and supervisor peskin who was active in friends of ethics. i'm please thered are 3 individual this is outstanding qualifications applying. there is a pleasure there is interest in the commission i say i think combauz currently, all of the members of commission are new. i continuing is important to have at least one with a historic memory of the commission from the beginning and that would be larry bush. larry bush an intgradual part of commission going become to the founding when it was conceived by supervisor shell and he implements by supervisor robert imsa in 1992. and he supported all the ballot measures by the commission on i'm proud that i'm the
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commissioner made the motion for prop oshg for public finance all 3 of you have taken advantage of and put limitos contributions to committees making inspect expend tours against candidates. thank you for your careful consideration of the applicants. no further speakers in the chamber our first caller in >> good morning. president of coalition for san francisco neighborhoods. for all neighborhoods. guess back 50 years i go back with my relationship with larry bush 10 years. joined the civil grand jury and served on a committee investigating the ethic's
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commission. our investigations to suggested reforms some of which enacted leading to better operation of the ethic's commission than to the resignation of the executive director then and to the beginning of the new executive director that larry just referred to. >> larry was visible to come talk and election's committee about ballot measures he addressed the general asum bleat meetings on occasion. and now that he is up for reappointment, i would support him in every way. we have he and i both chased the beast behested payments not totally eradicated thanks to president peskin's work the ballot measure was paddled.
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but did not total low reform temperature so again, echoing the previous comment about its god have someone experienced on the commission. i would totally recommend and support renomination of larry bush for the seat. thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> can you hear me now? >> yes. >> david pilpel. >> good morning. so i know larry bush well. and support his reappointment of the he knows this topic. i wish him continued good health and ability to participate in commission meeting. i philidelphia ethics on and off since inception and i will try to participate there more upon
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often at his suggestion. the commission has an important and limited role in the city. the ability to get work done and deal with backlog and policy and education and all of that is irrelevant based on the budget if the board mayor and the board allocates resources and the staff can get the work done and appropriate the policy scombes decision for the commission. it is a challenging budget year and really a resource allocation question this i think really will determine the ability to get through the audit backlog and other important policy priorities. i agree with several of the comments that were made before me. while mr. salahi may be qualified ask no reason to dispute that. i would reappoint larry bush at this time and encourage mr.
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salahi to condition to participate in city government and perhaps be appointed to this body by another officer or apply and serve in another capacity for the staechl no objection to representation i think it is important to keep the larry bush on the ethic's commission at this time. thank you very much for listening. >> thank you. that completes our public call in. >> thank you. public comment is now closed. >> and i want to ask supervisor safai to speak >> thank you. i have a few words i wanted wait for commenters to say a few words. i think that this is the most critical commission in the city during a time when skrupgz on
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top of a lot of minds. many san franciscans are concerned about it. we had top officials plead guilt tow federal crimes and a culture of pay to play negatively impacted san francisco. and has impacted moral and the perception this people feel of our city. laws at their best provide that level playing field folks participate in the government and elections without fear or favor. i believe now is the time for commissioners who have the city's interest and the skills and ability to make a difference. at the same time agency needs a new executive leadership. prit with an upon interim director and a backlog of work that the staff is trying to get through. a critical role of the next commissioner will hire and improve processes that awful us here have gone through as
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elected members of this body. you know i reviewed the qualifications of the applicant andment to express my belief all 3 would make a good commissioner. i want to thank larry bush for his service to the city and country. we come from different angles approach thanksgiving work i find his commitment impressive and the w he has done impressive. however today i will be supports yaman who will make history as the first arab-american to serve. we live in a countryim grant rights are under assault and in this city, there has been a more -- recently attack onim grants from many angles. and we must do everything to strengthen those rights for immigrants. yaman has walk third degree walk. assisted yemen-americans for the
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last 15 years special we had a member speak about their work and the work had been done with passport and immigration struggles. and many ways immigrants are taken advantage of buzz they don't understand the process. and that's the work yaman has done to stand up for individual who is work for the fast foot food industry and jan tors, mall business owners and ensured their rights and the rights of well tino residents when is working in connecticut. who alleged hartacement. a ba from berkeley and law degree from yale, not shon and he qualified for this appointment. and on a person note as a childim grant you finds you may be the first to hold a certain position but hopefully you are
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not the last. thank you, clothes and thank you for giving me an know opportunity to say a few wordos his behalf. >> thank you, i would also like to echo supervisor safai's appreciation to all the applicants. alost quaffifications and plays out in rules committee. often we have a difficult commission but i would also like to make ail motion to recommend yaman salahi to seat one and appointment to the full board. >> mr. clerk a roll call on this motion. >> on that motion, vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you, unanimous vote. mr. salahi seat one to ethices and this nomination is going to
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the full board. can you call item 2. >> item 2 an ordinance amending the code to expand the definition of public service allow members of the employee's retirement system to purchase time served in military before city appointment. >> thank you, mr. clerk. do min cadonovan from supervisor stefani's office is here to peek to this item. welcome to rules committee. >> good morning chair dorsey, walton and supervisor safai. the item before you stands the definition to create equal opportunities for all and retirement members with public service to purchase requirement service credit. current definition in the code limits the public service eligible for purchase service credit simple yen only this . definition excludes prior
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military service for the opportunity. believed that in the 1970's the change was made to lim the definition in response to antiwar sentiment. we believe this change rights the historic wrong and creates equitiee for those who served. on april 11 the veteran affairs commission spoke in support of it. the supervisor would like to extend her gratitude to supervisor safai for cosponsorship. we also do have nonsubstandive amendments supervisor stefani would like to be introduced. they were circulated this morning. where the amendment utilized gender neutral pronouns. others don'ts in the amendments would address the language so the use of gender neutral pronouns uniform throughout. i turn to deputy city attorney for any questions on the amendments as well and i'm happy to answer questions and read the
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amendments in the record when you need. >> thank you. mrs. donovan. deputy city attorney should i ask her to read them in the record >> no that is not necessary. as she described the pre-existing section of the code has gendered language when we update we go in and bring all of the language updated. no need to read them in the record. >> okay. >> great. thank you. i think this it is fair low straightforward. i don't know supervisor safai would you have questions or comment sns >> no , i want to add i appreciate t. currently the president of the retirement system really want to thank supervisor steph neap. i'm happy to cosponsor this with her. this was a tiny loophole but impactful missed for those service members not getting the credit i know we worked with the retirement system to come up
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with with this language. i want to thifrng her and say has my full support and thank those that have served our country and now this is their opportunity to get their just do. >> thank you. >> thank you. supervisor safai. seeing no further questions or comments from colleagues. mr. clerk, could we open up to public comment. why members who wish to speak and in person should lineup to speak. those listening remote on the call in line dial star delete to enter the speaker lionel. for those in the queue wait until the city indicates you have been unmuted that is your queue to begin your comment. we have our first in person speaker. >> good morning. supervisors. i want to thank you for giving meet opportunity to speak i'm hamlin than veteran affair's commissioner. i support this ordinance change.
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opportunity to the people that work for the city and county of san francisco that serve our count reap honorablely a chance to buy back time of service from the m. and federal law employees and federal employees could already buy back the service. san francisco needs to step up to the plate and give our service members and veterans the opportunity. thank you. >> no further speakers can we have our remote callers? >> double checking. >> yes, our remote caller, please. >> >> can you hear me? >> yes. >> this is [inaudible] i'm a san francisco [inaudible] vet republican affair commissioner and thank the commission the committee for considering this and i would like to have it
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passed for the entire board to recognize [inaudible] and all who served in the military. thank you very much. >> >> thank you that completes our remote call in. thank you. public ment on item 2 is closed. >> and i would like to make a motion to sends this item as amended with nun substantive changes to the board with a positive recommend a recollection. >> mr. clerk. did k we have a roll sdmaul on this motion to recommend as amended. amend and recommend as amended, vice chair walton. >> aye >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you. on a unanimous vote item 2 including military service and
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the definition of public service for retirement service credit purchases guess to the full board with positive recommendation. >> and mr. clerk. call item 3 >> item 3 is an ordinance amending the park's code to reduce the number of seats on the park open space committee to allow member tos serve for more than 4 terms. >> thank you, mr. clerk. happy to welcome president peskin to the rule's committee. welcome, president peskin. >> thank you. chair dorsey. and mittee members. let me start by thanking you mr. which i remember for put thanksgiving on the calendar. and thank members of prozac and the members of the board of supervisor who is saw fit to cosponsor this legislation. i think this is spurred a long over due conversation about the
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governors structure of the pk recreation open space committee. which has existed for many years. and i think that governors structure can and should be optimized. i want to start that conversation public low today. i don't want to act today. i want to hear from the prozac mittee scheduled to meet to discuss this early in june. i do have signatured amendments one of them from myself and one from the office of supervisor chan. but i wanted use this opportunity to socialize the concept and harp back to the days of when the board supervisors sunsets and reconconstituted the bicycle advisory committee, which was unwieldy in the size. and ultimately needed a
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gentlemanal structure reorganization. i knowledge that when you look at this very are well intendsd and important b.ed it is quite large in size. as you know each member of the board appoints 2 members for 22 and the mayor appoints one for a total of 23. while tell is not a big problem that from time to time including recently lead to electric of quorum. it it is also interesting as far as, this i think has been uniform low almost uniformly ignored. structure in the i way rec and park is supposed to maintain a list of individuals that are supposed to advise the board members appointments as to one of each 2 appointments that has proved to be unwieldy.
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i think there are questions about what happens and when the supervisors 2 appointees don't speak with one voice and nullifiyor cancel each other out. there are issues about just fairness in voting when with one district as one of 2 members show and up another has 2 of the 2 members show up dp it leaves to imbalance. had upon this seeks to do is one district one vote. and makes sense on its face as set forth in the legislative digest. ordinance is not intented disqualify current members from service. the way it is structured the current board appointees decide who is the voting representative and who is the alternate. and when one can't show up the district would be represented
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so, it seems to to this offering supervisor make sense on the face. i want to hear the input from prozac. i had a good conversation with the chair of the new chair of prozac. wendy argone this morning wo had a number of constructive suggestions she needs to socialize with her numbers and notice in the public session. supervisor chan's, staff is here today with another suggestion. and then in the interim number of individuals have commented that having this body mote at city hall where every other a pointed elected body meet makes sense. personnel in prozac's by laws
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they can mote in city hall they chos to mote at mc clarin lodge. city hall is appropriate with public comment and when have you. i'm offering one amendment that provides the meeting occur at city hall and that would have the provision in their by laws and i would like to adopt that and the purposes of our discussion in june, adopt this amendment from supervisor chan. kelly is here to explain to the committee. >> great. >> thank you, president peskin. vice chair walton >> thank you chair dorse and he thank you supervisor peskin i want to say publicly and i will be brooefr i think this the changes will mech the mittee more fortunate. it is about allowing for full participation by members on this body. i see this as period
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everpositive for decision making and community voice president peskin stated it does avoid the removal of current member this is is a wise way to make the committee more footwork and allow for you to get work done and move in a more less complicated matter. >> thank you. president peskin there is going back -- many years -- i appreciated his leadership understanding the operations of city government and making sure that we were we want government and functional. probably more than anybody in the city hall i worked with in 20 years. your leadership is floushl with me on this.
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i appreciate everything. and i will give an observation which is when you have a -- small are benefitted 7 or 9 people. am they don't show up there will not be a quorum. when you have 23 people everybody assumed the other will show up and the don't get a quorum. has not been a huge problem butch has been there have been i number of meetings they did not make quorum one result in the number of come mrinlts which is when got mow to look at it and evoke the bicycle advisory committee experience years ago. with than i will turn it over and by way, rather than to the call of the chair i reasonable doubtize that if we can continue it to june the 12th that would
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be after the june -- because the -- what i would like to do is have prozac have an opportunity to discuss it amongst themselves, share other these ideas, other ideas and able to come forward to this committee with suggestions they may have and than i are scheduled sdhus on june sixth. >> great. >> thank you, president peskin. we have from sprierdz chan's office. mrs. gross. >> thank you, chair dorse and he walton, member safai and president peskin kelly gross from supervisor chan's office. the first amendment an additional seat by the president of the board of supervisors representing by environmental
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justice organizations the second add relevant experience for all mittee members include disability as anning experience with an issue. and i have distributed hard copies and e mailed copies to you all and the item will be continued but would like to offer the amendments to address the occurrence the chair of prozac discussed with our office. >> through the chair the way i read the language that you just spoke about and just circulated. is -- it is the president shall appoint but subject to approval by the board >> correct. >> >> great. thank you. >> seeing no further questions or -- can i add. the one thing i know you head become and forth. given the time we can approve but i think if it it is we have our own seats per district. if the board president will add a seat i would probably leave it by appointment of the board president. i think the city attorney would say it has torn action of the
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body and even when we individually appoint it is subject to approval by the full board. we dove this on the adoption without committee reference calendar. from changes i made i think it will either way it would require confirmation or approval by the full board and the deputy city attorney is nod nothing affirmative. that's right. i think it was draft third degree way to be consistent with the other appointments. which are also made by the other supervisors which are all subject to approval by the board >> that's fine. >> thank you. deputy city attorney pierson. no further questions or comments. mr. clerk can we open for public comment. >> yes, members speak and joining person line up at this time. for those remote on the call in line dial star 3 to enter the
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line. for those in the queue continue to wait not guilty system indicates you have been unmuted then begin your comments. first in person speaker? >> good morning, supervisors ip steven. i'm a member of prozac for district 11 by supervisor safai. and i think when we first learned about this. supervisor peskin was last tuesday night at our prozac meeting and most were shocked. we are not shocked that we are discussing quorum we had issues with having quorums in the past. especially when they were highly agenda item this is need votes on we could not participate in. but i think the one thing that we are not interested in is having one voting member in one ultmitt from each district tell pin the 2 people against each
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other. i think. the suggestion of 2 appointise at large from the board is wron from the mayor and one from each district would be would suffice with prozac. i have issues with this because, a lot of times the reasons why we don't have quorum the supervisors have not made their appointments. to prozac. it was one district this did not have an appointee at our meetings. that is a problem. and then supervisor peskin you -- thank you for explaining the reasons of bring thanksgiving. but prozac have always wanted meet at city hall when we started meeting at mc clarin lodge we fought to come become to city schmuhl it did not work. i would along with our chair
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argone, would welcome the opportunity to meet at city hall. i think we valid more participation from the public during public comment and i thank you we would have quorums at the 100% level. thank you. >> thank you. >> no other persons in the room move on to remote public comment. good morning i'm new chair of parks open space advisory committee i served vice chair appoint in the 2017 by the supervisor. with the nomination the environmental justice organization. . both had a number of equity occurrence about the department and count on me to make consistent low hold the
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department acountable [inaudible]. open space and programming under served and resourced communities. my fellow members elected me as chair knowing this. and our staff tell you i speak freely when i believe the department needs to do better. i want to remoinldz the board there is checks and balances system to departments that have strong mayor/commission commissions and prozac is important in this step. i thank kelly gross for working with me to discuss solutions that will includor membership feedback and spoke with president peskin and we near agreement quorum has been an issue not the largest problem butt vacancy [inaudible] i understands this filling vacancies is difficult and resolution 39113 is in need of reform. before this legislation i have been in conversations with other
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prozac members jupiter jones, our staff liaison and even other supervisors [inaudible] resolution. and thank you president peskin will continue this item and committed to working with the leadership and members to the stake holders in the process going forward and look forward to making [inaudible] with my committee so rec and park system can better serve san francisco. the bay area and visitors to the city. >> >> thank you. have our next caller please. >> great. daved pilpel again. i referred to my comment letter with the public today and urge a continuance to this matter. i don't agree with some of
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comments of the prozac members but i think we all agree a continuance is needd and a month is a good time although june 12 will likely be a refuse rate board meeting i'm not sure fiwill participate with rules at that time. i did want to sorry? anyway. i department to note in reference to the dialogue with deputy city attorney pierson in my experience appointments to both the mta, cac and the puc, cac are accomplished by letter and don't require the any action by the board of supervisors. to appoint. and they are similar cac's that are referenced in the charter and the code. so00 eye think it possible to
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structure prozac in a way that would not require action by the board. buttil dhaefr to the city attorneys for their review. i had some idea in my later i hope you will take the time to review this. and i support the continuance. thank you for listening. >> thank you. that will completes the public call line. public comment on item 2 is closed. and i would like to invite president peskin to discuss amendments >> colleagues. for the purpose of continuing these conversations i would respectful low request that you incorporate the amendments suggested by supervisor chan. set forth in what ms. gross circulated at page 2 in section then.01 subsection a to add the
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additional appointment of member -- by the board president subject to approval of the board who represents an environmental justice organization based in the city to add the word, disability in line 9 of the same section. to add in subsection c the term of the president yell appointee on september first of 2023 and then to add what i have circulated which is under subsection d, duties. will a sub >> once a month insert in city hall. and adopt its rules of procedure. >> i would request that those amendments be adopted and the item conditioned june 12.
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>> i make a motion to accept the amendments that were submitted. >> yes. >> we can make those motion to approve those. [laughter]. a roll call on the notion to afruf the amendments vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey >> aye joovment great >> thank you, mr. clerk. i like to make a motion to continue this arizona amended june 12 on the motion to continue to june 12, vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye joovment chair dorsey >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> thank you, mr. young the item
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