tv Recreation and Park Commission SFGTV May 20, 2023 6:00am-10:06am PDT
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could the secretary call the roll. commissioner buell. >>and son. >> commissioner griffin. >> are you here with us on the web ex? you should be here shortly. if one of the commissioners could roach out and having trouble. >> commissioner hallisy. >> here. >> commissioner louie. >> hee >> commissioner mazzola. >> and commissioner jones is excused. >> san francisco rec and park acknowledges we occupy the unseedan cest roll home land of the ramaytush ohlone peoples the african-american inhabitant the. honor the recommend ram people it is for enduring commitment to
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mother earth. as protectors of the land the ramaytush ohlone never lost nor forgotten their responsibilities. as well as for all people his reside in our traditional territory. we recognize our duty to hahn hor them through thoughtful preservation and interception of an cest roll lan we affirm their rights as first people and wish to pay respects to the ramaytush ohlone. welcome to the meeting of may 18th of 2023. this is in hybrid format request options to yoin and provide comment in person and remote. i don't ask you turn off electronic devoices and take second army conversations outside in order for the mote to proceed. we ask listeners to turn down televisions and commuters while listening.
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we ask for patience if we experience technical issue. public comment will be available for each item unless announced each will have 2 minutes per item. commission will take public ment from first attending in person and then from people attending remote. if you would like to speak on an item and you are here in person we request but don't require to you complete a blue card in the room once you fill it out put it on the table and i am collect them. >> for those who would like to yoin remote view it live on you may provide comment remote via webinar or phone by calling 415-554-0001 access code: 2597 383 8987 ## when you heart item
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you would like to comment dial star 3 to be added to the queue. you will be lined up in the order you dialed star 3 the system will notify you and the system will be silentful all will remain on mute. everyone account for the delay in speaking discrepancy with live coverage and screeningism see commissioner griffin here on our web ex. address comments to the commission during public comment to,llow equal time the commission or staff will respond to questions. the commission may ask questions after public comment is closed. if there is an item that is not on the agenda sxurnld the jurisdiction of the commission. you may speak urn general public comment that is item 4 and continue to item 12. you have may submit comment in urth of the following ways.
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e mailing tell be included in the file as part of the matter. written comments may be sunday u.s. postal to san francisco rec and park commission 501 stanion street, san francisco, california. the following are announcements for those in person if the fire alarms activate exit building ouzing any exit. elevators will return to the first floor and not available for use. if you need assistance out of the building make your way to the closest area of refouz in the men's restroom. there is a speaker box press it and security will answer let them know your location. commissioner griffin is remote. commissioner griffin must appear on camera to speak or vote.
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because griffin is remote all must be taken by roll call this meeting it is record exclude available for viewing on weer item 2 the president's report. >> thk thank you very much. 2 quick items. general low like to point out when we get positive communications and we can pass them on. this is a letter to mr. ginsburg. . gratitude for one of your park employees assisted us this weekend in the mother's day show at the hall of flurries in golden gate park. cynthia lee who managed the facility for our upon effect of a phenomenonal asset helping us with coordinating supplies, setting up and reminders. she was on in by cell phone and text and always available chiefly and help providing highest level customer service to our group and easy to talk
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toch her organizational abilities allowed mow to have multiple tasks and maintaining accuracy. an excellent understanding of park rowels helped mow provide guidance. enthusiasm in her job is a great asset to your organization. all the best. upon san francisco rose society. and hi i'm reaching out i want to pass my gratitude to a few on your team. my house boarders the minipark in western edition. my kitchen window looks into it i'm impacted negative or positive by usage of the park. mary i located her on a website is amazing i regular low clean around the park and my house and talk with her. she is passionate about her work and takes provide in what she
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does. second, we were impacted by people pushed from the tenderloin and guess on to talk about homeless issues. you called sfpd a number of times but they really can't be bothered i have empathy for their staffing. i was directed to your department and found your team to be responsive and helpful. i called your teach twice for help and received prompt response. i spoke with ranger who was a breath of fresh air. i don't know when you are doing but continue down that path. if you have a chance i love it if you can pass my gratitude. live and work nothing san francisco sill strug and he will your team is smaking a positive difference. does not really i know they in from citizens who encounter the park staff. but when than i take the time to express this gratitude, the
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staff should be acknowledged as well. thank you very much and this concludes my report. >> thank you. we will now take public comment on item 2. anyone in the room as comment on item 2 you can come up now. hi. do we have any. >> we have someone. >> come on up on the president's report. >> yes. joy want to add something to your comment mr. buell, i have had daily experience working with the park police and they are excellent. and that's all i will say i want to say that and i miss tudey and that's it. thank you. why thank you very much. anyone else? okay. do we have hand's raised on the line for the president's report? looks like one caller.
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unmute the first speaker. for some reason i'm unmuted but want to comment on item 8. raise your hahn ghaen it come up in the agenda. if no other callers. sfgovtv? great. public comment is closed item 3 the general manager's report. >> good morning, commissioners. i want to start my report celebrating miis asian american and pacific islander heritage month there have been several events celebrating a history, culture and krksz of our community including a ap i heritage celebration of japantown peace plaza. a festival at union square. children's day festival
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japantown peace plaza. 8 day event celebrating the community and small business. has a fun event this saturday. next thursday, may 25, our department asian american and pacific i lan are afinity group will host an a ap i lunch at the county fair building the theme of the event is comfort food. and how thank you for the bun this morning. commissionerllowy. and how food is oftentimes the language through which many families community. and that is a theme that transcends culture 100%. you have been invited i hope to see you there for a delicious affair. yesterday, mayor breed announced the city will partner with caboom. a national nonprofit this is engaging on 5 year plan to
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achieving play space in 25 prior places across the united states. through the initiative caboom and rec and park lead a 10 million dollars plan to address steps in access to quality. children's paces and communities that lack resource. and the initiative which countos collaborative nature rolled out in 2 phases. the first phase lead a campaign with a goal of 2-1/2 million dollars with the city matching -- that amount to improve 4 play groundses in the city's equity zones are defined by the state of california communities with high concentration of one or more population characteristic. pifrpt 4 sites to have play space transformation scld silver terrace. tenderloin recreation. randolph min park and the purple
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play ground. which was original caboom project many years ago launch of this phase marks a step in plan to ensure every child in san francisco has a place to play in their community. second phase, caboom will lead a cam bane a goal. 2-1/2 million dollars the city matching, us, muching that amount to improve 4 more, details will be in a future date. >> yesterday the san francisco art's commission presented to its committees its monuments and memory yells task force report. the monuments and that was drafted boy the monunanimous advisory committee of had was cochaired by not the art's commission the human right's commission. and your rec and park department, me. the mmac charge was to examine the history of monuments in the
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public realm in san francisco. the individuals, events venn rit and how the anywheretives associated with the monuments aline or don't align with san francisco values today. the advisory body focused on the memorials went art collection. part of that -- over all report in information garthing included many, many, many meetings overnight yearch both among the task force and public meetings, data collection and surveying you may have seen the story yesterday there was a survey about what san francisco favorite and least favorite monuments are. this is a happy dame i will focus on the most favorite included fountain. mechanics monument and the holocaust park and comfort at st. mary's square.
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this was a road map how city and art's commission will evaluate its monuments going forward. it was nice to hear public comment about our park rangers. we are happy to announce the promotion of 2 of themful range are fish and ranger calcall to head park ranger. i hope you will join me in congratulate them, starting as p ranger sergeants i thank commissioner louie for being in attendance at their swear nothing and pinning ceremony. testifies and commissioner hallisy you were there. was anybody else. i'm still on vacation brain a bit. thank you both for being there. it mental so much to the families and to sergeants and fisher. congratulations also to park range are ash mandza bearose
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honored by the rotary club at emergency services day event in february. ranger bearose honored for a homeless out reach range and efforts to tranification unhoused individual in parks to permanent housing and recognized for saving the lives of 2 individuals experiencing medical emergencies. the rotary club of san francisco honors public safety from the fire department, department of emergency management. police department, sheriff's and rec and parks. we were pleased that ranger got this recognition. we are very excited announce that merced heights lower terrace is set to reopen tomorrow. friday may 19th none to 1 after the park had an improve am project. new features include an upgraded and entrance at the field level from shield street. it is shield is a steep road.
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as well as accessibility with the lower lawn and the play ground entrance. the park has a new plaza and pregnant way, seating. dog play area. plantings. new exercise equipment and landscaping improvements. a tile mosaic wall that recognizes member who is made contributions and advocates for the renovation. will feature remark and dem strifthz now fit think equipment by local seniors. it is i very busy weekend. in our parks another event making a big splash this weekend. the free bayview swim day at mlk pool. celebrating end. school year and beginning of summer. free rec swimming and give aways and swimming resources for residence. come after repairs at mlk pool
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and just as national water safety month is under way. like our bay rue women and splash this event is the passing on of safe swimming and ensuring that residents are aware of the india basin project that is help thanksgiving saturday at mlk pool from 1-4. also, this saturday. the golden state ducks of the out roach and rescue rigz program. borp and the department present the bay bridge bowl power soccer tournament on saturday may 20, 10-4 at gene friend rec center. power soccer is an adaptive sport play in the modified power wheel chairs the ducks are a local power soccer program and collaborate rigz with rec and park. the program welcomes begin and are experienced players and participates enjoy practice play or high level tournament
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competition. >> back to india basin. 16 participates under the on going india basin water front park development plan are set to graduate next tuesday may 23rd. part of the development plan the for you week training peeped participates for june careers as carp terse, assessment misones and other workys. the construction firm building the southern part of the new park has committed to hiring 10 of the graduates on this or other local projects. the free trainings provided with the oewd. office of workforce development and city build and partners ap ri the frust for public land and rec and park all part of the exciting things at the basin. more on that front, a community
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safety o'farrell kickoff summer in india basin shore line park on june third, 12-4. hosted by malcolm xpto and willie brown community offer free food. game and registration for summer camps. log on for more information. last saturday. rec and park partnered with the club this i referred to to host the annual day of service. commissioner louie in attendance the day had habitat restoration removing over 7 truck loads of weeds. bison of our most beloved and longest standing residents in the golden gate park and grateful to the rotary club and volunteers for restoring their habitat to the natural beauty. >> prisoning is in the air. giantses took 3 from my home town philys.
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registration is open for giants academy. this free academy a partnership with the giant's community fund and rec and park and brings a competitive baseball and soft ball academy this summer. starts john 12 and provides young players middle to high school with changing crim patrol allowing them to work on the game of can register at academysf rec. league dlt ap sun-down sin in is back in the parks. hosted by the terrific san francisco parks alliance with the first event. year on friday june 8 at beautiful alamo square
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park will might have be invasion of the body snatchers. the free sun-down events are popular loved by all. bring popcorn. i recommend a blanket and get red for campy fun next month and more on the way all summer long. more can be found on our website and parks alliance. org. sticking around in june, we got juneteenth and pride with i long list of events happen nothing partials. because i continue is a long meeting and you like a concise general manager's report i will just ask to hold -- on that next month i'm still working on it. il ask people to log in to our website notoriety things help nothing parks in june that and commissioners concludes the general manager's report. >> thank you very much. >> on public comment. on the general manager's report
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only on item three. star with people in room 416 and i will move to people who are on our line it is item 3. go ahead. >> patricia. mr. ginsburg i saw you mentioned senior programs i got access to large playing cards for blind and deaf for the seniors and i which i provide for some of the housing projects. and if you need those resourcil be glad to help you with them. why thank you, i appreciate this. i will follow up after the meeting. >> thank you. >> anyone else in the room? i'm kristina martinez a member of lower income and a person of color i am calling for equal access to open space in the tenderloin. lower polk and lower knob hill neighborhoods.
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my call is for the urgency tow prioritize allocation of voter establishment open space acquisition funding to the tenderloin lower polk and knob hill neighborhoods for the city's commitment serving low income families. we ask that you reassess your strategy and prioritize to include the needs of most vulnerable communities who live in crowded home and need access to open pace. the open space and recreation activities improve resident physical and mental health. open spaces and recreational facilities offer a range of health related benefits. hay provide resident and visitors to exercise and give residentsarc sesz to sunshine, niche and fresh air and encourage people to walk or bike from place to place. thank you for your time. this it is comment on item 3 the
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generaling manager's report the next item is general public comment this is open to any subject. anyone else on item 3? we are move to 4 general public comment. commissioner hallisy i see you wanted say something. >> a couple of comments regarding the general manager's report. as he said this is a ap i community month. well. 2 weeks ago in this room at our operation's mittee we announced that catherine stefani supervisor stefani had put together a resolution. saluting the work and a ap i community by our own commissioner louie. a well deserved humanor. and it is very interesting. if you don't know her he is a jewel. great addition to the commission. never shows up empty handed.
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brought break firefighter for everybody today. general manager ginsburg mentioned we attended thein pregnant sexual harassment for the 2 rangeers that reached sergeant, and at this event she brought socks for everybody. >> [laughter] everybody in the house. and there was a great buffet following the event everyone went for the sox. commissioner louie, congratulations on this honor. well deserved she does not run around the halls at civic center tucking about all the honors and accolades she received he is i great addition to the commission and the city as well and thank you very much. commissioner. >> thank you. >> looks like we have whoonld on the web ex for public comment on item throw. i will ask you unmute this
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caller, thank you. >> i'm [inaudible]. can you hear me. >> yes. >> okay. so i object to the calendaring of item 8 for consideration with 3 day's notice. specifically i know you had a bunch secret planning meetings for this item we are not no brown act notice and now you want to permit an additional 60,000 person event. basically -- with no prior notice that is unacceptable. i think you should take it off. >> thank you, andrew. try to keep move to yes or no public comment where we can talk about general things. >> thank you. >> okay. did you i have hoo00 okay. urn general public comment.
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move to that we will finish this item official low and move to that item >> go ahead. >> okay. thank you. we are now complete with public comment on item 3 now general public comment. for people in the room. it is for anything not on today's agenda. usually we do 15 minutes as it goes pedestrian we will continue to item 12.
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we may be able it combuoyant temperature and asking to you question you to come to i separate meeting concerning the harbor renovation. and -- come to my conclusion, our conclusion after the last meeting that the pg sxeshgs and puc are in the working together. if we have renovations, any changes everything is done well. problem with the hype by puc that caused a flood on marina boulevard and thinking about -- of stopping the other pipe at laguna and the marineald be possibly flood. a flood up pores to union in january and i would like to we
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need to solve some of the problems while we are working on a renovation. well is the sea wall what -- there is the sea wall that still has a critic from the 89 quake and money that has been allocated to that. this is in consideration. the meeting will be [inaudible] working meeting of how we solve the problem and come up with compromises. we are here. and we are parking issues concerning this program of and that is it. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> could i ask one thing. thank you mr. ginsburg for my fence and the drugs have gone down 98% because of it. thank you. why thank you. i didn't have i blue card for fran martin if you like to come up and move to the those who
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have not filled out a card. >> i'm pran martin with the visitation valley green way gold program and native plant fwarden and krsz town trail. raise valley members lost appeals the plan and board of supervisors to save land at 590 leeland for development of 5 up scale housing adjacent to mc clarin p to add to mc clarin p it it is on your acquisition's list. new communities puc [inaudible] built and the first mriz of the native plant garden financed boy funds we raise side near completion. volunteers made the plant garden a reality. 590 site is up for sale and critical the city
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purchase the site to benefit the xount and restore the open space in the most under served communities in the city. [reading very fast]. it is contiguous to the mc clarin park trail system. fizz one of the 3 block native plant landscaping from holland up to the visitation middle school. mid block from lee land is 590 parcel is situated by [inaudible] the existing open space. [inaudible] the massive development will cut off sunlight in the p and obstruct public vows to the bay. if it it is to develop it will create a disruption infully of open space with narrowing of space where the trail will psdz through. a path from john senior housing next door and middle school students to travel from school to homes in sunnydale and
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[inaudible] as well as the greater valley. the space at northern tip of the parcel poses problems with designing, building a safe corridor across raymond the new plant garden shown what the area could be and look forward to the safe trail plan by rec and park. >> along visitation. the i'm almost didn't middle school. i know it it is just we are novelty giving everyone extra time. >> i want you guys i have some secret source of money. >> we love that. if you got it already. >> we could use it. that's site and native americans. >> thank you. >> so00 there is a time are on the table in front of you at 30 seconded will beep does in the money your time is over.
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but gives you a 30 second warning. we have a couple more people who want to comment. come on up. >> if you don't get through your item you may e mail mow and i will share it with the commissioners. why i'm amin a live in knob hill district 3. i want to ask to you support the acquisition strategies it ensure the tenderloin lower polk and knob hill access to open space we have a park in knob hill which is difficult on get to buzz of the steps. the hills. and our disabled. especially for our many working class families with the most crowded homes. and most of the time what we see is assessment and pave am. little grass and people have to use sidewalks to lean against the apartment buildings to have
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i accomplice to relax. asking you to the need for more out door space vacant lots so people spends time with families, friends. it is investing in the neighborhood and community prioritizing equity. this helps small businesses in our neighborhoods. the city should invest in the neighborhood, which would be at least the amount of open space in the city that has i have at voter established open space acquisition fund this was last used for the reservoir in d2. and this we should be having more of them to come close it this investment. which that has been made in wealthier neighborhoods. thank you >> what is your dog's name >> fran and would love open space, too. >> thank you very much.
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richard in. good morning i'm richard rossman i have 2 items swon about the park across the city hall. there is no benches in there. and i asked had and i don't get an answer. and you know the mayor wants people to come to city hall. i come to city hall. and i like to have i accomplice to sit down and have a lunch in the park there, but there are no benches. i would hope that the commissioners would ask staff to put benches back in the park across the street there. and the second item is -- project that ash low and i and jane have been working on for a long time and am the building and add back money from the
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former supervisor mar and supervisor melgar, will be spent. and rec and park, brian -- soaks and they are r gashing came to an agreement on the scope of work. and as we are speaking they are starting to come up with an economic plan and a plan to reuse the building. and my only concern is this i hope the zoo will be part of the study so far. they have not been communicative. so -- i hope that they'll be part of the study buzz this will benefit them. thank you. thank you. richard >> anyone else in the room who wants to speak during yes or no public comment. if not we have 3 hands raised on our line. unmute the first speaker. you have 2 minutes.
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>> so am i first here? >> yes. >> so this is for item 8. >> we are not on comment on item 8 we are doing item 4 which is on items not on today's agenda. i only want to ment on item 8. >> i previously made a comment which is can you mute the caller. sfgovtv mute the caller. okay. i apol yiez if unclear had the item come up when we call item 8 go ahead and press star 3 at this point if you press star 3 now your hand will be raised and sfgovtv will unmute you in the in order which you raised your hands if the next person comments on item 8 i have to cut you off and i apol yoiz because that's not my style. next person be commenting on
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general public comment. unmute the next caller. diana pang. can you hear mow? >> yes. >> i'm upon commenting on agenda item i would like to see but not on the agenda today. i am a community engage am manager, and i work at china town community development center. every day i get to build the community with public housing residents in china town and affordable housing community dmt tenderloin. i urge like the previous speakers the wonderful commission here i love our partials and rec opportunity to agendize and calendar and speak about the unanimous board of supervisors resolution. in the adopting changes that are equal to the acwaying suspicion strategies to serve the neighborhoods the tl, lower knob
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hill. i think through the criptoryia in the resolution, that we can really be creative, and -- and innovative. around looking at smaller parcels between to,000 and 5,000 square feet. and the previous comment made live, i just realliment to reflect those are the also the sentiment i hear. we need new parks the centsament is that parks in the tl are the only safe, clean, vibrant, family friend low and inviting spaces in the neighborhood. and last, i want to say this that -- open space acquisition fund needs to be prioritized in the neighborhoods. that lie within the zones. by the planning and housing
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element and general plan that includes the tl and lower knob hill. no more new parks or open space not from the funds. >> thank you. >> thank you. why thank you. next speaker, please. hello i'd like to peek on general comments one thing when you are listing events could you please events and new programming i think behooves to you list where the funding source is coming for each the wonderful new thing and is believe you as a commission need to start looking for globalally at the different things you are doing if you are running out of money and you need to finds other funding sources to feed these new projects perhaps it is time look at pools the ymca. the school projects we have a
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beacon program. you are not in the business to tutor that is the school district. many things you are branching out into. i think you need to pull become and remember you are a park. you are open space. that's that you are hearing from public meant. people need grass, they need trees and something [inaudible] so they determine when they want to do that's what you are hearing. you are spreading yourself too thin and like to see fujdzing sources on all the different things but can't say, we are bring music. these support different youth programs we want to see where the money is coming from. why thank you. why seeing no further callers. public upon comment is closed on item 4. we are on item 5. consent calendar. is there anything you like to take off tuesday? don't see anything
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>> commissioners. i'm going to do a roll call if you want a discussion or make a motion it is time. >> public comment. >> yes, i do want to do public comment. are there comments on 5, consent, in the room? >> is there anyone with their hundreds raised. >> public comment is closed. why chair will entertain a motion. moved. >> second. >> you want to call the roll? >> i do. yes. >> okay. on item 5 commissioner buell. >> aye >> commissioner anderson. >> aye >> hallisy. >> aye >> commissioner griffin. you are muted. >> aye. >> thank you. why commissionerllowy. >> aye. >> commissioner ma zonea. >> item 6 the san francisco zoo
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with ingrid from the san francisco zoo. good morning, everyone i'm ingrid russell direct of collections from the san francisco zoo. and today, the 18th i will talk about some cool things happening at the zoo. so may is asian american, pacific islander heritage month this theme is stories of determination. at the zoo we are fortunate to house several asian species residing there including the snow leopard, greater one horned rhino. camoto dragon and they are in
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need of our support and attention. we received a new mail jaguar and thrilled announce this guy is the first jaguar at the zoo in 24 years. his move here plus a female in the near future as a result of recommendation by the association of zoo's and aquariums jaguar survival plan, which is a collaborative effort between zoos to save endangers species. this time he is housed in the enclosure adjacent to the lion house. 11 years old and initial low shy upon rifle you see him out now. he is adjusting well his arrival made head listens in the examiner and stay tuned for naming ceremony in early july.
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this year a big year for western pond turtle california only native fresh water turtle. the wildlife service determine whether to list them as endangered species. an fran society working for 15 years on projects to restore populations of this turtle throughout california. recently, our director of conversation jessy butshell was part of a panel at the az amid year meeting discussing the roles of the aza survival programs. and aza new safe programs. saving animals from extinction. a broader scoped program includes conversation, messaging and also the sfp program. our belanguage and human
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resource team participated in san francisco state university career fair in april. show casing current job openings internships and volunteer opportunity. the zoo booth garnered attention. with over 250 e mails entered students collectd that day were receiving e mails back for summer opportunity. with their part-time job fare end of summer and emplayer visit in fall we look forward to expanding k with sfu for future collaborations. to bring awareness to world ocean day san francisco zoological society organized i beach clean upful having staff and visitors to the zoom during our earth day event. 45 visitors signed up to participate at our conversation station. and we will sign up more guests
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to get involved in weeks to criminal an impactful way to connect the public to the conversation efforts and build a bond with the local community. beach clean up on third degree, john 8 on ocean beach. and that's the report from the zoo. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, ingrid. we are on admissible comment on item 6. is there anyone in the room withhold like to comment on the san francisco upon zoo report. seeing none looks like we have >> commissioner louie wanted to say something. >> we have one caller with their hand raised. i'm waiting for sfgovtv. >> yes. >> this is web ex. i like to responded to zoo report. one thing the north lake at 43th and fulton and galeden gate park supports habitat for native
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turtles during the resurfacing 10 years ago they were removed with the red striped turtles. habitat for the turtles in serious, serious disrepair and the neglect the partials have not dredged the leaves out for many years they used to do biannualy. there are trees down from storms 2 years ago creating rotten and stagnant waterways that used to have a sandsy beach on the backside. special once again i do my dhn a year for 10 years invited ginsburg to walk with me around the lake in that western habitat this . is an area that needs help. it is treats and grass and in the evening it is vibrant with people walking. from all walks of life.
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thank you for the upon frontation that is something we look forward to when is happening at the zoo. more should go to the zoom we are uplifting a ap i heritage month i share that my grandfather's nest use jack and quinton young were commissioned bier president roosevelt in 1935 at that time. to go to china to bring back the first live panda. >> and the live panda was brought back. it lived it was named sueling.
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it lived in the a zoo in chicago. and upon passing, sueling was stuffed. and still lives in and displayed in the field museum in chicago. so this is the first panda and that is when we want to do is you know uplift animals and pay tribute to you know asians that have contributed to this count yee. thank you. thank you for this piece of history. interesting. >> okay. thank you ingrid. we are on item 7. fiscal 23/24 and 24/25 budget update with antonio. >> correct. there is a (tation, sfgovtv if you sfgovtv, thank you. >> good morning. antonio garret emto be here to
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present an update on budget situation. so i will talk about 3 things. the revised budget deficit presented by the city on march 31 of this year. damage from the winter storms in january and march as well as an update on p uc charges in general and new storm water surcharge. the budget deficit. so the projected short fall has been forecasted to grow to 290 million dollars. which is 90 million dollars higher than presented in january. so, over the next 2 years the city now projects 779. 8 million short fall or 51. 5 million more than 728.3 million. project in the january. and short falls in later years
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are also rising. so, one of the things i talked about in yen and february when i came was we received 3 million dollars annually of additional general fund unless higher than a threshold that is will roughly 260 million dollars and unfortunately for the first time in over a democracied the deficit grew in march. same with the state of california. it is somewhat rare but it went up to 290. so we will not be receiving 3 million dollars. so -- despite this. we are still responsible for some of the cost drivers that have a challenging affect on the budget. the first is, mou stated pay raises delayed by 6 months if the deficit was over 300 million dollars. full pay raises on july first of the next fiscal year.
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additional low, the retirement size had a challenging previous fiscal year this is an additional 800 thousand dollars we are responsible for to cover within our budget. in total, next year's saul row costs increase by 7.5 million dollars. so, we were directed to rebalance our budget by the mayor's office and in many cases they point to us and say you will cut this. so in the first year in 2024, we will using previous year balance. we have 500,000 of -- funding from the park's program that has been unused the past few year, 250 thousand dollars that was provided in an add back for potential maintenance and knob hill and 150 thousand dollars for maintenance at francisco park we have balances from
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completed projects at south sunset. civic center play ground and also really small change from remaining balances from completed bns projects of 74 thousand dollars. there are add backs within fiscal 24 budget its this includes funding for potential maintenance in knob hill and a watch upon program. >> final low we also loaded a reduction of 3 million dollars to the acquisition fund of previous year balances we'll allocate montheis previous balances to off set the 3 million dollars of general fund support we not receive. they are one time. in fiscal 25. this is a not an if i canned 2 year but rolling 2 year budget. we mode to have additional
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rebalancing and so there were 2 specific items that we did. the first is we loaded potential revenue from concerts at the polo field the second weekend in august. this is agenda item number 8. the following item on this agenda. we loaded 1.5 million dollars consists of assumption of 2 weekends of concerts 700 thousand dollars a day plus a bit above the minimum guarantee of 100 thousand dollars. that's how we get to 1.5. we are assuming based off city controller additional million dollars of open space fund. property tax is still -- hang nothing there. when it looks at long-term projections. so this is how we rebalanced as part of the june first mayor's submitted budget or about to be
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submitted. second thing i like to talk about that has an affect on the budget the damage from the winter storms that just took place. so, we had been in director contact with fema. to discuss the w this we either done after the storms took place or about to do to get back to state of good repair. we have 4 main projects we talked about. and you also discussed others these other main 4 we talked with fema and the city's department of emergency management the first the mirna harbor. i added photos here. just for the visuals. the marina sustained damage to food dock piles. and additional low the storm brought large amounts of sand to
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the west entrance channel special we saw failure to the north side of the jety sea wall. asphalt damage in jety parking lot and sink holes throughout the west mirna perimeter areas. i was told by the harbor master fema toured the site and were sufficiently thought this could be reimbursed through federal funding. this is manage we work on over the next year. >> we had damage at other cites corona heights 300 thousand dollars. mud and rock slides damage paths and picture there is to show the damage. the club house in the news this is just i rough smant of 2.5 million dollars. a large tree fell throughout
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club house damaging the roof on all levels of structure. stern grove estimated cost 3.5 million dollars. doszence of trees are falling and lost branchs or paths of travel. and one of the challenges this we have with this process is this fema is very strict on when we can get reembursd for and the categories. so in the case of stern grove we have to mark where the tree fell and state whether it was hauled off or kept on site limp are 2 categories of reimburse am. we have to track all labor over time expenses. related the work at the cites limp is a significance better than. we are going to submit an initial estimate by july and hope to get the work don in the next year.
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the of puc storm water surcharge. the puc prosecute posing to create nile surcharge splitting an existing park. the last time i talked about this san francisco is one of the only cities in california that has a combined sewer system that treats waste and storm water. so the new propose the surcharge would increase utility costs for the rec park department. and just in general to provide context. since 2010. the rates that the puc charged just on the compound growth have been significant and the point of this data here 10.39% for
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water. sick.60 a year for puc wastewater the national cpi2.48% this is the average annual growth. something this has been a challenge for our budget for a time. >> this slide here is. ape projection provided to the department boy the puc that shows both water and wastewater dost costs the first bar is the current rate in fiscal 23. that is if you combine both. it roughly air million dollars of costs of the department. and the -- bar is a stacked bart bottom is the water cost. and the top bar is for the wastewater program in the following bar split in 2 charges. the wastewater usage based on volume charge and the new storm water surcharge and in fiscal
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2030 upon the 7 year phase in oft wastewater charge the department pay 5 million dollars for the new storm water charge assuming we receive credits for diverting storm water run off. 2.upon seven million for the original wastewater charge. and 9 million dollars for water. look at water and wastewater portion of the puc utility charge from 8 million in the concern fiscal year up to 16. 8 million in fiscal 2030. that is a very strong head wind. we are a baseline department we don't receive general fund this is out of the allingcasion that is built in the code for supporting our operations.
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i want to go over not to belabor this point but we talked about the annual increases related to water and wastewater. we have had major puc costs of service change to the budget outside of the knowual rate increases. and going back 20 years. start nothing fiscal 2002, there was a bond presented to the voters which was the water system improvement project. refy bonds and gave control of water, clone water and power assets owned by the city. that included water in golden gate park. . it had itself own well system. 2009 rec park never paid for water previously. it is amis to look back on now i look at the previous data. but charged for water for the
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first time inspect 2009. 2015 we had an irrigation rate. pay for will water but not necessary locality storage of the water through residence virus and transfer of the water. that cost went up, by 62% that change. became a base line department with set amount funding no longer the beginning of the year we would receive additional machine tow pay for this and get. asked near a reduck together and increased power but have you responsibility. so in fiscal 2019 had e elimination of the rate for irrigation a 20% increase now a one standard nonresidential customer rate. in fiscal 23. this is the first year of this.
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a phased e elimination of community power rate. which is in total 181% and looking from the current budget to full phase in in a few years that is 3 opinion 7 million dollars increase and then we have previous talked about the storm water surcharge. that is yet to be voted on and proposed to the puc commission this month. result in 5 million dollars increase to the rec and park department. and finally this is the actual visual. witness we talk about the charges in affect here. this is the history. a visual history of utility challengers from the puc. this does not include zoo charges which used to be in rec p budget nor power at candlestick park would inflit when we are looking at here. but that yellow bottom line.
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is power. affordable rate from hetch hetchy now move to full cost of service. the grate gray is waste water the red triangle starting this year is the 5 million dollars storm water surcharge and blue line is the water portion that is projected out in 2030 this is about 24 million dollars when we get up to that time frame. so, we're asked by p uc talking to our colleagues at this department about what does dh mean overnight next few years? if you calculate the slow e elimination of the municipal power rate and the storm water surcharge it is million next year followed bi2 million in
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fiscal 25 coupe lative we have been clany ritting on potential ideas to mitigate this burden. some are fully reimbursing remaining lake merced. i'm happy to report we loaded an additional 200 thousand dollars of revenue in the budget. so this is good news. we talked about green infrastructure grants. for our general obligation bonds and talked about w at camp mather and puc assistance in managing recycled water at golden gate park and discussing the prospect b base line with leadership. this is where i play an amateur attorney i'm not one. part of the base line stated in fiscal 1516 if rec park was in the paying for service and did in the agree the department was entitled to additional funds.
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now -- if you ask me. machine not a lawyer we used to pay for a wastewater charge based on volume. now we have a second charge related to surcharge for storm water based on a property fee the amount of water using. to mow that females like a new charge the analysis this is provided to us is the same service it is they always have been providing storm water service. they have not charge today through this volume, new surcharge. so -- but as i pointed out on the right of this slide you see in fiscal 24 this is a new charge that is hitting our budget. so. what we are requesting from the rec park commission is there is a resolution i believe the
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commission secretary has sent to the commissioners. directing staff to negotiate with the puc on solutions to off set current year utility rate increases and seek all appropriate reimburse ams expenses on puc property. and -- i think this is the end. for reasons and because of the great work of our staff, and because of other mandates we have been using less water. i did not cover this. we have reduced presidentable water usage since 2017 by 32%. used the amount we are using by 32%? in total, it is over 20% we
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shifted recycled water at selected cites. but -- despite that. if you look at our historical actuals, our costs are going up because going back to if i can have -- the annual water rate gone up 10.39% a year. and a lot of that is due to construction. the water system improve am project. did a lot of seismic work. and it takes a lot of dollars to ensure this water flows from hetch hetchy to the city. so there is dent service. that said. 10.39 cents i year for water and 6.6 for wastewater that is
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looking back at rate increases it is learning are than inflation and something we deal with as a department. even though we rused potable water usage the costs are rising. and we didn't used to pay for water. i have a question about if i heard you correct low. some time we transferred water rights from us to the puc? that's correct. and now they are charging us for the water we gave them. >> that is correct. i don't know if you have something. >> there was a bond measure in 2002 that created the wastewater improve am program. and there was this is long before our team's time. but there was language one line language. one line in the amendment that i don't think men were paying attention to this said, all
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hey. i'm vince with the nern california council of labor we are here on a couple of other items but i felt compels to dment on this item. we think that the puc does great work. commissioner maslow ola and i know that the jobs that are created with the infrastructure for the private industry whether the ua, local 38. labor, electricians the volume of work in the private sector is more than significant at the public utility's commission but on behalf of the staff. thank you for mentioning all the measures this have been taken boy our staff to comfortable and save on behalf staff our concern isow significant this proposal irrelevant is. and my hope is that not only leadership in this room but across the hall there. at the board of supervisors will ask the important questions this need to be asked. i was told about 3-4 years ago by a smarter supervisor as long as i flush the toilet and guess down i don't ask questions about the puc but we have to start asking questions at the puc we
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are confranked with contracting economy and i commit on behalf of hernandez and our union we will be all in with you guys to make sure we get the answers to the important questions. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. anyone else in the room on item 7. we will move over to the web ex we have one person with hand raised unmute them. why hello thank you for this presentation. i do understand how difficult it is for staff to prepare for a set meeting. and i want to say a few things. one, the over view you gave from the mayor's budget instructions and her subsequent request for a decrease in everyone's budget does in the take into consideration yesterday's announcement by the mayor that the city attorney 230 million dollars settle am agreement
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regarding open you problem. and she say in her press reles she'll incorporate plans for use of funding in the budget but after you submitted your budget to them she doll that at the end of the month. i find it upsetting that your budget is based and includes in the budget presentation items in number 8 where you are already asking the commissioners to push forward and vote today. why i'm sorry on item 7 on a budget that includes item 8 have you public ment on something after the fact which is absolutely wrong. >> all right. thank you. i sent you a copy of the resolution in your e mills. tick a look at it.
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and if you like to make a motion on something related i need you to state it on the records >> before we do this, can i say something? yes, commissioner. >> we heard our budget we directed staff to come become to us with information on the new charges. begin the charges have not been approved boy the puc i would like to throughout executive director, direct staff to continue the w with the puc staff to puc support of park and rec stewardship of puc lands. this is a step in the right direction. however tell in the get to us to tell not get us to net newt roll for our budget given the scale of increases. so through the general manager i would like to may be have them
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direct staff to look at that >> thank you. commissioner. >> uh-huh. why and also like to make a motion. that we adopt the budget report of the resolution that does in the have a number yet. regarding this issue. or the budget of i'm sorry. you have to xouz my voice today. >> you are making a motion to approve the resolution that sent -- du want him to read the resolved clauses. why we need to read. rec and park dprekt staff to negotiate with the puc on
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potential solutions to off set current year and projected utility rate increases and -- seek all legal promote reimburse am of department expenses on puc property. thank you. before we have a second to that i will ask commissioner anderson to weigh in >> thank you. president buell. >> we have been grappling with that is coming down the pike as proposed by the san francisco puc. for awhile as you know. what i'm about to say is for the people in this room or for the 900,000 others not in this room. citizens of san francisco. residents of san francisco. time to wake up. tell is time to pay attention. to this. i then and there sometimes we
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get fed up with had is going on in the political realm this hits your pocket book. you know, most of the time when a small sales tax rate increase come on it gets voted down. a quarter of a cent gets voted down. and antonio correct me if nile data is wrong. looking at night % rate increase on water -- for the next 5 years. is this right. >>ir think we are in this ballpark. it lower for water and you combine for water and wastewater. >> okay. >> it is time for you to wake up. 9% year over year it is more than our sales tax. it is more then and there what we are allowed institute as a reason increase if we have
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properties. it is more then and there what the city allowed increase our property tax by. it is more than the guarantee on your retirement investment theings. if you work for the city. it is more than everything. that we are usually confronted with. at a time had people are leaving the city. we have 40,000 vacant units of housing in the city. did you know this? 40,000 vacant units in the city. we are hurting. our bondsor park bonds are approved by more than 73% of electorate. this department is loved for what it offers to our residents. if we have to pay for using water responsible low, and water
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this guess down a dlan is happening because of climate change, sea level rise, unusual weather events. and king tides now known as royal tides. this is member that the entire city is confronting. it is not a rec and park department problem it it is a citywide problem. and yet a mfbt city family wants to charge all departments extra alcohol go to koifrs. this is like lining the koifrs.
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i continuing cost to tent million dollars. a feature of the puc building is the beautiful shimmer thing this work of art. did the art's commission pay for this art on the side of the new puc building in do we know. if the art commission paid. a beautiful shimmer look it is like a facet of the building. i wonder like -- when the puc collects this money freshman department and builds infrastructure, you know let's not put special art on the side they will do. you know may be they can cut
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this 9% to 1.1 percent like what we do if we own property. and i'm not trying to be is that correcty i know i sound is that correcty it is because i'm upset by the idea someone in the city family basically saying honey thanks for all you do around the house sends mow a bill i will pay for that. i will take one money out of one pock and he put it in the and other when this pocket getings big i will buy the family a nice car or something. it is like that. it it is a shell game. they should not be over reaching in when they take from us. it should be fir and come out of the general fund. i'm no expert on this. ksdz it come out of the general fund instead of rec and park budget. antonio? well, i med this case. [laughter]. those are discussions we had. regarding prop b and
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implementation that we should receive additional general fund for specific low storm water surcharge that is not an argument i med in the past when it coming to rate increases or the interruptible rates going away. in the case of a new charge that is built around a different calculation this is in the based off the water used on the site butt property. and split between imper minute you and you alone and permeable and this being new this is fair to sigh this department more then and there fair that this is manage we never paid for it it is a dramatic increase and as a base line department it challenges us. the one thing i want to point out i neglected say we are not proposing service eliminations or layoffs. >> no. we will handle had. by 2030, i think this is a series head winlt >> the new phrase going around.
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doom cycle. is this the new phrase. i didn't money to start that. we love our service and provide exerts staff and do everything we can. so, again. because i think we need to be paying attention to this, antonio i did not mean to make you stand up. the puc is proposing a new storm water surcharge again and my opinion this is due to climate change. extraordinary weather events and king tides. how do i know this. i finished a climate steward certification course with the university of california and did my presentation on sea level rise. this is in the just a rec and park problem. based on square footage of property we have the biggest assets the most in the city.
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impacts us the greatest. i'm sure dpw will suffer as well. we are talking about permeable and impermeable water. or property. and -- increase in water rates. at a time when we ill afford it. on the he'lls of an increase in cost of power and hetch hetchy when it was built, government buildings prment programminged get hydro electric power for free. i don't know how we are charged for this. i thought it was federal law. i could be writtening. somebody correct me. how we are now charged for hydro electric power government building. california prop 218 the idea legal low that we have been told is as a utility they are not allowed discriminate with customers this is no longer a
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government organization we are a customer legal low we have to pay like other customers. fiwere the city attorney i would challenge that. david chu. the new charges with increase annual fre500,000 in 2024 to 5 million dollars by 2030 this is a significant amount for us. really. combined with phasing out of the puc less expensive power rate. and other expected increases, this now surcharge contribute to doubling our rec park total costs of power, water and wastewater the next 7 years from 11 million dollars in 2023 to 24 million in 2030. our total bill overnight next 7 years double as antonio said from 8 million to over 16
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million. by 2030. this is not only death by thousand cut this is is death by millions of cuts. will i'm baffled. as to what -- investment infrastructure that the puc needs to make when tell garner 70 million dollars in utility increases by 2028. this is more than the budget of many small are city departments. i would like to know when they are plan to do with this money. do we need another fancy building with art? build their own central shops. why can't we share we are in the same family of feels like a divorce with no papers. outrageous we have to scrape penys and consider doing stuff that some find offensive to make things work.
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because we pay for the fact that -- god sent extra storm water to us and it goes down a drain we pay that? pifor this? wow! i'm hopeful the staff will see my attitude here. our very diplomatic and wonderful staff, who by the their tongues until they bleed don't by the your tongs anymore. raise your hands if you have been in a park. raise your hahns if you have been in a san francisco park. raise your hands if you love the times you spent in a san francisco park. how many of you done in the puc building in only staff. okay. yea. i have not even been in there. raise your hundred if you think we should add that -- vice
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president anderson sent it negotiate for the department with the puc raise your hand. >> yea. i don't think so! [laughter]. order in the court i'm loaded for bear. it is only because dennis herrera i love our city so much. dennis herrera i love my city so much we cannot do this now this it is wrong. headed wrong timing. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. there is a motion by commissioner griffin do we have a second? >> i will second it. >> moved and seconded with a secretary call the roll >> yes. commissioner buell. >> aye yoochl commissioner anderson. >> aye >> commissioner griffin. >> aye. >> commissioner hallisy. >> aye >> commissioner louie. >> aye >> commissioner mazzola. can i speak before i vote.
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honorable yes but i want to say i think you are right, cat in everything you say. hope the negotiations help they need to happen. and include. >> yea >> but -- its almost we don't have a choice at this point. if we -- don't approve the budget then what happens. we are in a position where we are screwed. i disagree with it, too. i think. you know if we were to enterprise department i get it we could figure it out but we are not. mayor's office should step in and say, hey, you will kill this department by 2030. i agree. for now today we have to approve this and let the negotiations start i will say, aye. >> thank you, commissioner. >>. this is unanimous. >> thank you. everybody we are on item 8
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golden gate park polo field concerts. before we move can i make a suggestion. sure. >> mazzola should do the bargaining. >> okay. >> i do via number of blue cardsure welcome to fill one out they are on the table. put it on this table next to me. you don't have to fill out a card witness i'm through i will check and see if there is anyone and move to the web ex. if you are here to comment on item 8 you ninow press star 3 to raise your hand on item 8. and after we go through the presentation and the public comment in the room we'll get on web ex. >> hello. >> hello. >> hello, commissioners i'm george i'm the manager of permits and reservations for the department. i'm here to present a discussion and possible action on one, recommend that the board of
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supervisors approve a permit similar to the term sheet may 18 of 23. for another planet to hold a ticketed concert at golden gate park polo fields on the friday, saturday and sunday following the outside land's concert in 2024. 2025 and 2026. and i like to point out what this is a correction to what was printed in the agenda for today. it starts in year 2024 not 2023. and to close portions of john footwork kennedy blfrd on each day in exchange for a fee of 1 million 400,000 perrier for tw day or 2 million 100,000 for a 3 day event. and finding that the permit and the fee and granting of permit is appropriate given the terms and conditions of permit.
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approval of this proposal of the action boy the commission is the approval action defined by the code chapter 31. >> so to give you a background. as you heard from the last presentation. the department is facing significant budget constraints. both i reduction of general funds support and increased labor and health care costs. we have locked for opportunity to increase our revenue. and cover short fall in avoid cutting program and service. the proposal we are presenting will support our budget with additional ref nows and bring over all economic benefit to the city. and thanks for bearing with me i get used to reading screen and
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using the microphone. possible more background the department has held a number of concerts in the western end of golden gate park conditionals that offering limited concerts in the polo fields could provide ref nows to support the budget. how to provide a concert in the polo fields that will not impact park play. for youth sock and limit the amount of set up and take down time this is needed and impact other p users while this is happening. >> the way it is now currently outside lands is 3 day music festival. in golden gate park held between june and august 31st of each
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year. typically in early to mid august. they have an agreement to produce this festival through 2031. and -- over the last 5 years have generated more than 18 million dollars in revenue for the department of each outside land festival begins the load in 2 weeks before the festival. and then it is completed the load out is completed the friday after the event with the polo fields the last facility this is loaded out. looking at this, with adding the new concert the concerts only in the polo fields. we would be looking at the load out being completed the following wednesday after the second weekend of concerts which effectively moneys woeldz add 5 extra days to the existing schedule for those concerts to
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load out. other area in the park responsibles the load out time. the other meadows used for outside lands loaded out with the current schedule the exception of a small area of meadow used for theent row way and bag checks for concert only series. this the polo field concerts would be held 2 or 3 days on the weekend after outside lands. this would be either friday, saturday and or sunday. the weekends following with times from 2-10 p.m. on each day. and the proposed concert permit we are putting before you would run for 3 years starting in 2024.
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>> the concerts feature a single head liner with sppth acts. they will provide food and beverage for those coming to the events. and there would would be no other activations. there would be a single main stage on the western end of the polo fields this is compared to the outside lands festival has 7 stages throughout the festival and attendance capped 65,000 i day compared the cap on daily attendance outside land system 75,000. >> road closures for this concert in the polo fields would include jfk driveway from transfers to chain of lakes. that would start on the thursday prior to the concert the second weekends. thursday the 6 p.m. and run through monday at 6 a.m. after the concerts.
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chain of lakes would remain open for the duration through the park. as i mentioned installations would be a main stage on the western end of the polo fields. this would just be using the main one of the stages that is already in accomplice for the outside land's festival temperature is possible there would be a mall additional stage on the eastern end of the polo fields. this would be for possible programming, if there were to be a set change on the main stage. there would be toed and beverage booths set up in the polo fields. fencing around the entire area for public safety. tlldz be a v ip and ad a platforms similar to when is in place for the festival. video monitoring screens. portable restrooms, and then the event row would be through the
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meadow. in this map shows an over rowel of what would be set up -- would be in use with the polo field andent row area at meadow before coming in the concert. the polo field shows you the main stage on the western end as well as the location of the ad a and vip your. north of the polo field. what you see toward the eastern end of the polo fields picnic tables and the very edge of the eastern end is this possible secondary stage. other permit terms -- related this, the transportation plan. would be the same as it is for outside left-hand sides.
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and as i mentioned we expect 10,000 fewer people per day. encourage people to take public transportation. shuttle buses provided as well as the muni lines that service golden gate park. the events would provide bike vallet. there would be designated roadway share -- locations for both pick up and drop off. and -- there would be enhandled enforcement and parking control officer and pd in the sounding neighborhoods. sounds mitigation would be again, very similar to outside lands itself. the difference being there is one main stage for this concert over 2-3 days versus 7 stages. there would be the same sound and monitoring hot lines that
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are put in place. and there would be a similar sound system developed torous noise in the sounding neighborhoods. the decision boy this department, we recognize this would everwas a unique opportunity for us to benefit both our department and the city. and to use infrastructure that was already in accomplice from the festival. with -- like i said. it would be using existing infrastructure with a rused footprint impact on the p and park users significant low less. as they would only be one load in and load out for the 2 weekendses of events. it is one of the few times of the year we can do this with minimal impact on san francisco youth who play soccer on the field. the event organize has
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experience how to mitigate noise impacts and other impactless on the park and neighborhood. of and the upon events is public only buzz all of the factors come together unique to having an existing event prowse are manage the event. as a result, competitive slips tigz to find an alternatent prowser impractical if not impossible. >> it is benefits to the department as i mentioned would be minimum fees 1.4 million and be 700,000 if a 3 day. the organizer will pay the department the higher of the minimum or 5% of net ref now from ticket sales from the events. fees will increase with the consumer price increases. any extra staff expenses will be reimbursed.
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>> in terms of benefit to the city, outside lands has a tremendous economic impact on the city. we expect the same from the concert series including increased jobs, hotel notices in the city. local business and food vender increase in ref now as well as tax revenues from food. beverage and ticket sales. >> the next steps for this proposed permit would be furtd commission to approve which would then move to the board of supervisors in later this summer. and review approval of our department budget help in john or yell with the board of supervisors. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. thank you, george. i will start reading the blue cared 3 at a time i read your name >> excuse me for a second we do
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have theed director of workforce and economic development here kate i will ask. if show can speak first. >> thank you. >> thank you. thanks for having me. i wanted to come today and express our strong passport of your consideration of this item. per of our charterer the office of economic and workforce development to help cop create with our mayor and all of you an economic 40 for the city this moves us forward. i think it takes not language to see the negative press and sort of this drum beat folks had about the city in a doom loop. and our office vacancies and street conditions. but what i am here to say is our parks, arts and culture. our gleaming light of hope for the future of the of city. when we look at the major's
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economic road map for our greater downtown,. a larnl part of that is predicateod lifting up arts and entertainment, culture. whole creative economy as a lead in how we move the city forward. when i heard about this idea, it resonated with us on many levels of the first a motor reuse of infrastructure. you have already set up. a way to the presentation out lines ref now to rec and park in this challenging situation. but i also see it as an opportunity to credit a city set of arts and culture activations for week. what our thinking would be is white you book end this with music in the park. we will able to organize other activations throughout the week. between and irrelevant lift this
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up. as a city fest valve with music, art and intament t. is when we need in this moment in time and i appreciate your consideration. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. i will read 3 names at a time firead if go ahead and prep yourself to comment. we have a number of speakers today. do keep an eye on the time. on the desk in front of you. andrew. and then joshua and marie shire. thank you. commissioners. yes or no manager ginsburg. fwrat to see you again. i'm an drought bennett the now pedestrian local 16. san francisco's stage hand
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union. work throughout the city on theatre and entertainment. shout out to sfgovtv they are member and facilitating the meeting i appreciate them. >> thank you >> i am a city resident and parent of 2 fifthieneration san franciscans in public schools. depend on rec and park programs. excellent after sdool and summer offerings shred and butt and more. these problems made them the inference france i'm proud of. i'm here in support of approval for additional concerts. outside lands has been successful for the city. generating millions of dollars per san francisco rec and park budget over a million dollars in wages each year for our members ash lone. not including all of the other people that work on this event.
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and as part of the city's impact stsd for every dollar onnics it 6 of economic activity is generated within the city as a direct result. based on facts and electronic records with local promoter another planet agreement. local 16 supports approval of rec and p permits for concerts as they credit great union jobs with justice for san franciscans. support businesses and generate needed ref now stream this is make it public for rec and park to fulfill the mission providing services to inference france of all ages. approving the concert system a win for all san franciscans most of all those who depends on rec and park. thank you.
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joshua? >> good morning. i'm all a member of local 16 i lived in the sunset for over 20 years. i called the personing my greatest backyard i grew up in children's play ground. i walk around strawberry hill daily. it is the single feature of the city i'm like the most honored use. every day. i refuse to live more then and there 2 blocks away from it. that said, i built this concert we are talking about the last 15 years i done every one of the shoes. i know impact on the park and i know how much benefit it causes every single department and resource that we are able to
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utilize for it. do it for the water bill. [laughter]. holy smokes i can't believe i sat through that. just -- keep the lights on. sorry. i yield my time. [laughter]. thank you. >> thank you. >> marie and stefani. linda, jillian and sarah. good afternoon, thank you for having us. i'm marie shine an assistant business agent with local 16. and so, not only a music festivals the e pit me of the culture of san francisco but they are economic driver. jobs, workers, which helps them to feed families and ref now for parks. because of this local 16
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supports the approval of the permits. for additional concerts. thank you. >> thank you very much. good morning i'm steph no , i run gardens of golden gate park and a long time sunset district resident i live less than 3 blocks from the park. i am here representing the nun prefer partner to the rec and park department for the flours, jeopardynies tea guard extent san francisco botanical in golden gate park and we are in support of this permit for additional music in the park. music in golden gate p is part of the rich history. dp i want to say a few words in addition to the important resources that come to the department through this. and to
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the local economy, i want to say that another planet is a great community partner. they help support the free flower piano festival in the gardens. they also you know invite environmental and community organizations like ours to come and are information booths outside and we can did out roach to new audience. get young are people involved in parks, climate change and things like that. than i are a great partner. music and golden gate is an as san francisco as it gets. thank you. jillian. sarah and rich afterward >> hi. i'm jillian. i'm a member of [inaudible] polo feelsd the cycle track at the fields is the only car free and pedestrian free space dedicated to safe cycling. it is based for cyclists seniors
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and athletes. i noticed in the principle for this permit youth soccer was addressed the impact to the cycle track was not brought up. spaces like this are important at a time had people getting hit and killed by cars is a tragic high electronic is open for less than 60% of the year it close when theed fold is reduced. a 21 day closure for outside land and this sounds like it would extend this for an additional 7 days i'm a visually impaired cyclist i compete but have vision loss the electronic is the few places i feel safe train nothing san francisco. when the electronic is closed people are forced on to shared space increases conflict with other road users or open road. restricting access to the polo
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fields a safe facility is unacceptable i support concerts and other revenue strolls but implement a plan outside of the cycle track. please don't further restrict access to the cycle track. >> thank you. why thank you. i have sarah and richard and defy ra. hi. everyone. i'm sarah a member of theville tear friends of polo folds i volunteer with neighborhoodses and the civic program that per ins with park and rec to restore the parks in the city. i'm in strong opposition of item 8. let's be clear i'm a target audience. i'm the genz this over spendses to food. culture and music. >> i am a ticketed ash tendsee. i intends on vol tearing. i life our city's dedication to
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music it shows sf dedication to community in yes or no. the mental and physical health and the safety of people in sf matters the polo field resource for this help us finds peace and community in a bustling city and they prevent cyclist accidents in san francisco. i urge us to find a solution that allows the 57s to help outside of the polo field tracks we are blessed with the park which has many places and meadows and music venues and stages that can hold the concerts and we can't sacrifice the well being of residence denials in order to bring more revenue and more culture music you to. this evening >> thank you.
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richard. and then keith. good upon morning. richard i'm -- represent direct one on the park and open space committee. and i'm a retired union member. the one first, at a community meeting in a year or ago. dana promised the community this there would be tw condition certs a year in the park. so why is changed? i think hope she was speaking for the park. one word is traffic temperature is in the people blocking garages. it is people parking on the street and can't move their car. you know what if somebody az has an emergency or childcare. if they give up their ping space then they have no pace to park. we asked mta to limit cars in
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the richmond and they will not do anything. planet -- concert prosecute motors say there is limited p when well is in ping there. and i don't think this is fair to the residents who live near the park. the 3 supervisors who district touches the park wrote a letter to the commission which i agree, why not have the condition certs downtown? the mayor says downtown is dieing and we need ref now there. so have them in union square or -- other parts of downtown. close off market and have the concert on market street. you know then than i tick away parking, too on fulton street and up by george washington high school. why can't the planet hollywood their employees take shuttles and stop making golden gate a big parking lot t. is in the fir
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to residents i support rec and park getting more money but let them have it in other pers of the city. thank you. why deborah and keith. jury room good morning. general manager. i'm divoira joseph friends of cabrelo play gounld on 38 and 39th avenues. you see we are the epicenter of outside lands had it helps. and as richard was saying it is the traffic. the treasure, noise, a lot to deal with. this proposal which extend it moneys that more or less the p will be closed for the entire month of august. now i'm member had walkings it is polo fields every day. so that's a month my neighbors and i don't have.
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we suggest you look for another venue. what about mc clarin park? this is another nice big park in the staechl i understand it is not originally the set up but i think you are asking too much of our neighborhoods. the outer richmond and sunset. and i'm questioning what do question get for it. a few years ago i asked if you would build a state park for the kids. somewhere in golden gate west 25th. no skate park. please, think of arlington what we have to deal with and find another venue for it. thank you. thank you. is keith here. is there anyone else in the room hold like taupe comment on item 8 before i move to the web ex? i assure you we will not take notoriety a lotted time. i'm vince with the northern
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california counsels of labors i'm joined the best we have to offer in your department. i'm q.ed we had an opportunity to talk about this item. some folks will weigh in so you hear from them. i wanted thank you especially you commissioner anderson for your sand everupon cannedit no fear comments that's had we need from government. no accomplice i would rather be now with you people this statute best commission the best department with the best management when we talked about we fight and win we are talking about this department and talking about this leadership tome and a credit to you up there. i really would in the rather be anywhere else. staff, is irrelevant integrated in your winning. and it is in the this way in the other departments i had the privilege and honor of work nothing puc the other this is unique.
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we support the permits rec and p is a step ahead had is an example. we are confronted with the economy and confronts with nonsense from departments. ure always ahead of the game. we bet about the out come. continue having no fear and asking the hard scombes always know the local 261 has your back. to [inaudible]. i'm toby price. ern nothing i contract with another planet host concertings would gent rit ref now that is
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crucial for the rec and park department to remain programming and avoid cuts to services this brings economic benefits, supports community engagement and enhances rescue rigz opportunity and addressing the budget deficit. thank you. >> thank you. i'm shade carlton a resident since then 98 and gardener for rec and park and steward for local 261ful and i want to express my support. one being you know monetch obviously this will is know important thing. i came through an apprenticeship program we drill in the budget concerning star with water and down the line. we been it and i live in the richmond. i come plain when outside lanes happens and i understand the
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experience i do share the burden with people and understand why it is difficult. you know these parks are you know where people and worlds collide to express this city. festivals are something historic to the city. when you see san francisco mentioned positive, history kelly it is often times festivals, music, culture. i do think this is condition nothing that translation and a way to make money for the city. and continue to put this money trains, skilled labor that cares for the city. because you know i'm machine that can contribute to my city and i have a living wage job this allows mow to stay here in the city. thank you >> thank you. hello. i'm mark morris and shop steward
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professional low i work west of the pelo folds. i tell you there are a number of operational flers we do during outside lands another week would allow us needed time to do on chain of lakes professional low, or personally, my front door is the uber designate nitted pick up spot. [laughter] upon knock the next time you are by i tell that you having witnessed another planet load if it say complex procedure this is not going to happen anywhere else. adding another week on the end is very much worth the finance it will bring in. and i use the circle track every day. do for you-sick limited partners and i tell thank you 7 xr day system worthy the within week 2.1 million dollars.
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thank you. >> thank you. >> i'm jacob black. local 261 gardener. i live in the richmond or in ain are richmond. i live on the track. i know all the festivals i'm familiar. total low support this. and just seeing like tucking about dun town or mc clashin or shifting the bashed i don't think the other nishgdzs can handle temperature i think our neighborhood handles it well woo have access pints for traffic in and out. when you are think burglar this we get a buy one get one free. we are extending it another week and doubling money. is it worth it. yes, it is. i think this we need this money. i think this we should am limit water use highly the festival is going on this does help we stop watering our biggest meadows
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here. there are so many reasons and to my00 eye raise a son instead rich know monday who accomplice soccer. and there are cans ligz in soccer for every reason. any day you come to the soccer gim testimony is in the going on. we know ahead that there will be a festival here the soccer will fix this we know who to schedule in other locations to mow this is a no brainerch let's support this concert and get this money we are in a time where -- being in san francisco our economy can never be phased the other places are dealing with a downturn but we live in a city also ahead of the gim and get through t. did not affect us as badz the next few years will affect xus we need to get become to roots and we got away for awhile and entertainment and music and festivals and bringing people
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together is san francisco and time to get back. thank you. >> i'm shale. i'm the cap ain't in the richmond and i live in the richmond district and i was an aprentice during the outside lands i work in the this area. and see how it was set up and how much work and time guess into it. it a benefit to use what they have there. to extend it to another festival i don't like public speaking so. >> thank you. >> you did great. good morning. thank you. i'm beth i'm a gardener and a shop steward for local 2 sxon live in the richmond. i came up through the program on the fantastic the best municipal training in the in addition.
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i worked on festivals this we had and this seems like a no brainer. we need to maintain our partials and need to maintain the investment in labor force in our maintenance the richmond rather than sunset. aural of the residents of the stele depends on for a spot of light and beauty and safety and peace in the city. this seems like an efficient thoughtful, cost effective way to do this. i also live at the major entrance for side loondzs. it is disruptive and it is ridiculous. but it is worth it. and never less had wore in a budget deficit i'm wing on e range of motion control plantings to help with water issues tell help. nowhere as much as the income we could gain from this festival.
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thank you very much. why thank you. thank you one and all. >> i'm kendz are i'm the supervisor of the gardener aprentice program and native. and i also support bring more concerts to golden gate p. i grew up going to concerts there and as a laborer having to prepare and clean up after, i appreciate the work. so please, approve this measure. thank you. >> thank you. thank you. we will move to comment on our web ex we have 12 hands raised currently. if you are here to comment on 8 now is the time to raise your hand. unmute the first caller. this is patrick green i'm a residents of the sunset my wife
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and i lived there since 2006 and we found that the outside lands event that has been run since i think 2008 has you know really been a great event for the district. it bring in a lot of folk and diverse crowds cross the city and region. tours from outside of the region, even to enjoy the beautiful park. music and local food and local art from merchant. and you know year low we have -- look at how that year went. from it being a residents and we are impress with the aim of partner help with the city. the 18 park and rec and local merchants. every year this -- concert in the set up the crowd manage and want traffic >> the noise, everything seems
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to get better every year in terms of optimizing that for a resident. you know and additional weekend of shows at the field make economic sense. as a resident i'm supportive of it. i think it uponing an opportunity to bring in again a diverse set of folks to enjoy the park. see artists and really -- highlight the aspect of the park and the city. as a resident i support this and -- thank you for the opportunity to speak. next speaker, please. hello. >> go ahead. >> i'm jenny sue i'm better than and raised in san francisco live innin are richmond a block away from golden gate park. today there has been talks on
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money and i like to propose a suggestion on contract business terms and neighborhood concessions to enhance the concert responsiblesful san francisco known for a cultural scene. and residents men of us are thrilled about the prospect of more concerts and others have concerns. i believe the right concessions we can elevate the experience and strengthen the bond. and the first time the concert expansion plans may 12 with vet to pass today. does in the provide notice to responded a question for concession inclusive of things like temp refer all day residential parking passes. slow drive roadblocks on streets boarding the park. communal benefits. security. post event hours. [inaudible] or rotation of venue
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hosting they have been addressed by speakers previously there is a likelihood this pass will pass it is crist adult look at business attorneys and work with owner inclusions and concessions anden e sure the event fees are not paz to the neighborhood andor property tax. or compromise safety with neighborhoodses. just to talk about the contract business terms i believe with under charging for the rentals. currently golden gate park plans planet an if i canned peeve 2 opinion 1 admissible for 3 music festival. however when you look at local arenas oracle. chase and s ap and likand and shore line and concord, they employ a based revenue share. thank you. >> your time is up.
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next speaker, please. i'm cliff barker i want to thank the commissioners and staff for the presentation. i have been it outside lands almost every year since 2015 i go 2 days for the weekend. i continuing is a fantastic thing for the city. someone who also enjoys running and biking in and through the park i'm disapoints third degree presentation did in the take into account the impacts that another weekend another week of outside lands as not only a polo field cycle and running track and routes that people are detoured through the park >> it is important this another planet entertainment and park look at how the polo field which
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is restricted in august and can be improved and how better routes for people traveling throughout park on foot and bicycle can being made during the time. i want to emphasize the polo field unique space like track and the bay area. others noted there is nowhere you can safely roadway a bike without running into cars or period of times. it is really a shame it has in the been recognize thered is an impact on limiting access to the space for another week. i want to thank you all and over all i think it is a great idea to -- add more outside land and great for the city and great for the regions but this it is a key element that needs to be addressed. thank you. why next speaker, please.
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i'm partialer day culling today i'm concerned about impacts outside land on active transportation through golden gate p and how this extension would continue and deepen those impacts. today i'm hearing about noise and revenue. and other aspects but i'm not hearing about what happens to that essential car free route. it is a mess every year and getting worse. unlike other aspects of outside lands. and yet it seems to come as an after thought. it is concerning because people rely on this route. not just for recreation. it is essential. connection between eastern neighborhoods and western neighborhoodses. and unlike is about good safe alternatives. p visitors expect i safe no
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you had time to develop with an east bay company. the sunset and rich morned are different impacts. i like you to look at a monopoly you will see we only have a few areas of egress and ingress north/south. i would like it limited not 2 or 3 days 2 days. level it twochl i see you will ram this down our threat and have no input. i agree with the previous caller concessions needed. cops will go up to the park. and you can't have concert after concert and q.ed you to being in consideration to take down and up costs for the production company. but you didn't take into consideration the impact on the land locked richmond district. i'd like to agree with the american said concessions men if you given us time for public
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comment. conserving the west end lake. you know getting cops out there. kids on cabrillo i seen it with my ice the lights and generators go 24/7 than i make noise. the truck this is take the thing in and break down go long are than just the days of the condition certs and go in the night. the beeping. causing sleep and i think basically, you know, you have a lot of union guys and obvious -- department head. from w force development. thank you. thank you. i'm sorry. thank you.
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next speaker, please. [no audio] speaker, are you there. move on to the next speaker. you can raise your hands gwen if you need to. >> hi. i'm mike and i'm a neighboring golden gate park. live thered for 3 years since pandemic started a made use of the car free route across the park, walking, run and is a critical transportation corridor. love it to death. but i'm concerned when outside lands help that gets oshg bliterated for several weeks. another planet 2 years ago rain
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and left year hay way over shot the permit closure dates leave this corridor inaccessible for people not in cars for a long time. they don't provide a good alternate route. don't follow their plan. maps are mislabeled. sends people on a detower sending them to a one way on mlk. i'm concerned that am we are talking about extending their activities without consideration for replacing this transportation corridor. which is not just recreation space. we need thiss a way of getting krosdz the side of the city. i implore you to ensure whether or not you grant this exception i suspect you will. you make sure another planet has a transportation plarepublican
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that considers the needs of active transportation users. there is no alternate path for us. we need to preserve this route. thank you very much. thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning. zack lip ton i want to associate myself with the comments of bicycle coalition we spent years going to trouble it build this safe route cross the city for people riding bike and as youing transportation. the proirzs passed a resolution identifying that route as a prior and the voters overwhelmingly supported with prospect j. so, it is frustrating that ever we have done this work to build this route every year it is closed with no usable or safe detour. adding a week would make that problem worse. no real bike route across the park for an among t. is a big
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park i know we can require protect a safe and accessible route for transportation during the sxevent ensure access to the polo field cycle track. someone had does not own a car the park is my route to the sunset and not having it for a mont represents a problem. eye like outside land and not opposed to the events but protecting the occur free route must be a condition of the permit. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm andrew solo. i have been living on the backside of mount daved son since 2002. i support having additional multiday concerts when i don't support is having concerts in golden gate p with no noise
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limit and all information concerning noise levels and hearing damage and noise nuisance to the neighborhoods intentionally hidden from the public. i have been renting hotel rooms during the outside lands festival to escape the niz don't want to be forced to pay for hotel nights to escape noise from the polo field's concerts. i believe that the noise level as an annual festival exceeds 100 decibels a violation of noise standardses and loud enough to damage atendsee and employee hearing. unfortunately the rec and parks allowing another planet llc to conceal all measures collect exclude all models and reports for outside land and you in for the polo fields from the public
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temperature is impublic to determine the environmental impact of high noise level if the models we report are in the available for public inspection and consideration. before the rec and park the use permit for an additional concert at the polo fields i request the commissioners and staff take the following actionless. establish noise limits for all out door concert in golden gate including outside festival and the standards in the new poleo field use permit under consideration. of require this the sudden front rec and parks department and another planet entertainment business outside lands >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. we are 8 more speakers.
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i already spoke >> thank you >> next speaker, please. i'm pat i'm a long time richmond neighborhood member. and i do appreciate the comments that heard about inconveniences to people in the city i live in the neighborhood i heart music had than i play whether i go or not. and to step back. think that is the interest of the city. these are why many chose to live in san francisco. i say another planet does a great job of manage outside lands and they are minor invoenss and people drive in concert day. but it does bring so men to the city a great job for businesses. i will listen to item 7 on the
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budget giving more to parks department feels like a wornful thing to do in the environment. and the fact they doll this draw people in the neighborhood and the parks department and create an event to bring steal together feels like we should support as a city. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hello i'm johnnie i'm a 20 year resident i used to live in the sunset and was always excited when the concerts came. walk nothing outside land and walk nothing to the other festivals are the fondest miles per hour of my life. our city is in a cross roads now. while i don't know that that is all trough what is happening we are seeing a cultural drain and
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economic drain. to the extent, no. but we need to absolutely end the [inaudible] controlling san francisco and probably many decades before that and start embracing companies theory local. and i consider a bay area local. want to vpt invest in our city. bring more travellers going to support small businesses i'm a small business owner i need people to come to punishment my small business. which is burners on haight. and without companies like another planet putting together events and making that place vibrant, we are going to lose the drain out of san francisco will continue. i understand this people are correspond. i think it is telling the people complaining are not getting and the people supporting are.
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if you are going to stand up and be an anymore bee and try to inhibit the economic development of our city have the courage to say your name. so please support this proposal. support anything that supports economic growth. i'm not saying give it all washing way had is a formula another planet uses. hi. commissioners and general manager i hope we put our phones down and lynch up. i'm robin cut ner47s of polo
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field this year. we formed because we roadway bicycles for transportation and for sport. when we roadway on city street in san francisco we get hit by cars the polo field track is literally the only place in the entire city where people with roadway bikes without cars or pedestrians and it is remember [inaudible] there is no alternative facility. likewise, there is in other accomplice where you find a beautiful cross section on bike athletes, seniors, and kids with training wheels off. the friends of the polo field support the concerts and ref now strolls we want to you get this money support the deal using concert infrastructure that is already set up. we are beg you to sloit low modify this plan and select a stage outside of the polo field. pick one on a meadow. your presentation mentioned impacts to soccer players
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multiple times and clear you forgot about cycling track you did in the mention it once. you did not mention impactless to the cycle track commune once we have a beautiful community. the concert stage don't encircle other p facility dps had is the rep between the polo field and the cycling track. before this proposal access to the cycle track was abob nab. it is closed 40% of the year because you close had infold is in use.
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an drought you already spoke we passed if you want to continue of course e mill mow and i will share that with the commissioners. unmute the last caller. >> hey. everyone. [inaudible] d1 residents of the rich monday i'm calling because you know what, i support the concerts in the p. i love the fact that this money goes back toward program and maintenance in to i have you been public space for all of us. but the problem is -- right now the way the outside line is set
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up. i don't drive. it is not just for recreation i bike. i bike with my kids and walk with kids all over the city. right now there are no concessions to make sure that if there is a safe route. and the richmond district and sunset where it can get in the city who declared a climate emergency we need to act and there need to be a plan addresses getting pep to the concerts without personal cars and needs to be concessions around making sure there are safe routes for people who don't have cars and not concert goers. that's temperature otherwise honestly. i lost idea of extra [inaudible] i believe should challenger more but i'm -- that's it. thanks. >> thank you. >> okay that was our last caller. no further public comment it is closed. >> commissioner hallisy.
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upon george, thank you. we appreciate it. and with all due respect to jillian, sarah, divorarichard, thanks for being here to peek on this matter. i also want to thank all the people that the chime in the online. some of whom are against this permit. we hear you. we do. we upon listen. but i will vote to, prove this permit today and we heard antonio speak about the 3 million dollars of yes or no fund not available to us. and fitsical year 24. which is had the concerts would begin of the i don't seat impact here. as george said there is still one load in. there is still one load out. and we are only going 5 days beyond the outside lands load
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out. back. so those 5 days the department can pick up anywhere from 1.4 to 2.1 million dollars. lower number is 2 days. the higher number 3 days. and i believe i have this right as well. that all staff salaries related this event which could add up to 150 thousand dollars. will also be picked up by another planet. that would in the notes i had, i believe. but rpd had a long 15 year relationship with another planet and i just feel that the pluses for out weigh the minuses here. again, thanks to those of you here in person and those that call in the on line. thanks, commissioner. commissioner louie.
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>> thank you, george and everyone had spoke for public comment. we sit here so difficult. so difficult to listen to hear and we do hear you as commissioner hallisy says. you know we are vote to recommend the permit the way it is written to go forward to the board of supervisors that is when we are voting on. and i'm concern body you know access ability. you know there is talk about alternate locations went park and you know other district this downtown is concerned and wants to have concerts like this to revitalize another jurisdiction of ours. you know, i think there -- the -- the -- another planet entertainment you know the cost
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of of i can imagine. taking down the stage and downtown to another location there is a huge cost. and all those were in the brought out today. but we do hear you. i will vote to move this forth. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner anderson. >> i to thank george and all public commenters today. there are alegality of sacrifices we all make by being residents of san francisco sometime when is great festivals occur. like the parade that happens around float week and columbus day and indigenous people's day. sorry. we have them all over the city it makes our city great and it makes people want to live here and visit. we are a tourism city.
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so -- i wanted to say thank you for the impacts you are willing to endure. and you should feel proud about what this great city offers to all of us and you know for the neap live in this area i would say that you do get impacted but you get a lot of attention in your areas throughout the year that may be some neighborhoods don't. and that is all to our benefit. if there are occurrence about the noise levels i hope this may be we can monitor this and adjust it i like to understand more about how this works. and for people that have the good idea we should consider other places in the city to do things this is trough but this it is a great opportunity for us to maximize efficiencies in terms. set up and break down. for a few days extra more we can
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provide a great cultural opportunities for a lot of peopleful and have the extra benefit of funds we spends for our residents. and you should this afternoon other venues are considered all overnight city all the time and well is a variety of them. the mayor put a press release out. come out and enjoy. there is more going of lastly i like to say that, i continue is in the a cycle circle but we have an extra mile of yf k clezed traffic so -- there is an opportunity for recreation with bikes and things like that to consider. during the time that the polo fields are closed down. >> thank you. >> commissioner mazzola. >> thank you. and thank you to everybody that came out for this item number.
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appreciate hearing from you. i want to say that we received letters in our packets from members of the board of supervisors. some that had a question about this. i don't want this to go ignorred. i think it has been address exclude this is why can't we do this somewhere else the infrastructure is already there will not be cost presented and stuff like this. it seems like those other answers i wanted to know if the general manager or you like to expand on this issue of having it somewhere else if there are reasons besides this. >> sure. we agree with the supervisors and think it is a wonderful idea to activate public spaces and working heard to do that. and but as you heard the key is infrastructure. and the what makes this
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agreement possible is the existence of the precystance of the infrastructure. and some of the spaces this were referenced -- union square, can't accommodate the -- size of we hope will be the audience in that space. so, we have no issue with a policy ghee for the board to activate. civic center and you know un plaza and embarcadero and our team is truly hard at work on a myriad of ideas to do this. >> thank you for that. that is had i wanted hear. than i have a point. you can't deny tell put needed money our department. the budget presentation and
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create hundreds of union jobs i will support this item today, too. >> thank you. why thank you, commissioner. anderson du want to add. joy wanted know anything. i had my hands up addressed around the impacts the joiz and when not. >> commissioner buell. >> i did have my hand up i can't see from hear. commissioner. please go ahead >> i wanted say that i appreciated staff's presentation. and i also appreciated all the folks that came to speak or call in the. it is part of overhaul process is listen to people, we are their representatives. so i want to thank them for coming. the other thing is you know -- and i understand i live in the
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[inaudible] your. i can hear outside lands. so -- it travels a ways. i understand some occurrence. benefits of the concert far out weigh my concerns. they provide needed culture. this concert makes sense because of the load in and load out issue this can be extremely expensive that is the only reason i think it is being proposed here now. if not for this and if the load out thing were in the a problem we being look at moving it miles
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an hourel. i don't think we can i will vote to support this measure to the board of supervisors. >> thank you. commissioner anderson did you have final comments. i was curious what we can do, may be. can we speak on this issue >> why don't i invite dana we do monitoring all the time. you like to hear more. i know we were present on this issue. why hi. dana, director. property management i would thank you for the opportunity to respond to a couple concerns we have sound monitors on the street. live monitoring it and when we get significant sound complaints we identify it. did i study in 2019 using [inaudible] and added relay
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towers torous the spread of the sound of leftier woeful got over 100 sound complaints. we rescue noised there was an issue with a stage. and we adjusted that. we are contan low looking for those impacts includingum in different yers of the city. and we will do this here. there will be one stage this is polo field's only. twin peeks carries in sound to different parts. we will monitor that. in terms of the access for bikers. back in 2021 when we reopened outside lands after skipping 2020 the land scape of the p changed. there was you in a bike route luit. we anyhow we had to work with another planet to address it. there was a path credited we worked with the bicycle
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coalition at the time create an alternative path creating -- a dedicated bike lane on mlk putting up barricades and there is a cross down the hill from middle drive west. and what we heard in the last year including from i member is that is too steep and gravel and he a problem. so we have been working with to provide an alternative t. is heard to get up it on a road bike it is step. the and we are burglar to work on improving communications out to the community so than i understand the routes. when the concert is going on most of the roads close. and we will work with mta and the bicycle coalition to identify alternative ways to go
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around. because we per security, we skraent folks through those. we are actively working on those issues and expect to have a good solution. on the polo field track. traditional low it reopened sunday. i have been promised tell be opened by thursday. so we are talking about a few more days. there was confougz in the community around the schedule this summer. we have summer camps over at 5 and the track opens not every week. we didn't always have summer camps there we have 3 pitches at crocker closed for reasoneration and trying to fit our kits. there is a balancing going on and we will get information out. we have to close the electronic when the kids are using it because they krosdz and we had serious injuries. i hope that helps >> thank you. why danea, question?
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another planet offered to meet with neighborhood groups 4 months prior to the events to help them mitigate all the challenge in this neighborhood y. and we do have regular meeting the regular meeting outside lands coming up shortly and -- we are working on really addressing the concerns we had after the left concert. this are occurring. every year we make adjustments and by time of the meeting we solved as much as we can of those issues. and one last thing about moving, there is no other park space that could fit this. union square is an 8030 is 25 acres. mc clarin is hilly. so -- i wanted address this issue, too. thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you. why seeing no comments from commissioners i should add viesz you i received a letter from the
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president of the board of supervisors supervisor aaron peskin where in he we in supporting supervisor chan and engardio letter regarding looking at downtown san francisco an alternative site. with this, the chair would entertain a motion. >> so moved. seconded for approval? >> yes. >> thank you. >> secretary, cull the roll. >> yes. commissioner buell. >> aye >> commissioner anderson. >> aye >> commissioner griffin. >> aye. >> commissioner hallisy. why aye >> commissioner louie. >> aye >> commissioner mazzola. >> aye >> unanimous. >> okay. weer item 9 mission bay parks ocii fiscal year 24 agreement.
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thank you very much. once gwen antonio director of administration and finance about a short term 6 mont agreement with ocii to maintain parks in mission bay we have a presentation for you. broef over view, first. city and county of san francisco and the port own 41 acres in mission day that are under i ground lose to the office of community infrastructure and investment and designate nitted for open space. as of may 2023, 24.3 acres had been developed and as of today oci park management contract with park lab open space ends june 30. ground lose exterioring land use agreements created the mission bay area. always participated the parcels
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transition from the form of redevelopment agency. currently the successor of ocii become to city ownership. and rpd and the port will maintain the entire mission bay open space on yell of 23 and i will state throughout this presentation since i'm trying to mix vegetables with desert with a wordy presentation are pictures of the ps in mission bay. in the upper corny mission croak you see a light pole for oracle park the upper right hand corn they're is the children's play your. and the lower picture is the 280 freeway. a volleyball court. upon so the parcel this wills be maintained by rpd if approved are the following. in the oranges, when we are
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calling the mission creek comcreek complex condition cysts of sports courts. degree play and boat house and launch. as well as along the north portion of mission creek. and then to the south of that and we have a grouped a mission bay complex of cites together in the light orange on the document >> the park >> called commons west and east and at the bottom of the monopoly is mir posea park right next to the
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>> so00 eye wanted talk about community facilities district number 5. which is -- essential low a tax this maintains the parks after a budget presentation we talked about the challenges that will have in future years. . we tell you this the parks are planned to be maintained 100% through this tax. for those unfamiliar with redevelop. property text for infrastructure mission bay north and south. 2 yours that consist of the open space. the city established a cfd for maintenance of new parks. and both port and rec/park using fundses to maintain the parcels. they can be spent on mission bay and ocii remain the add administrator. i want to note that this historically covered all operating needs and excess funds
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reserved for future short falls. however in 2024 there will be tw new parks 5 acres of mission creek coming to rpd and bay front park the oast of the chase center this will go to the port of san francisco. will not be enough to cover all expenses and fund balance will be ewe likewiseed cover the expenses and now under concern projections expecting tell be extinguish in the five years the city need to fund gaps that is in the future and the top you see migsz bay common sense. when we are look being for a sick month agreement t. is a
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bridge between end of this contract this oci has with possum ending youn 30 and the start of a long-term contract. so, basically the moa allow us to maintain the parkos july first untila lease held terminates the moa out lines parcels and scope of landscapes and permits and reservations. security and maintenance services that rec p will provide. the moa stip lites will reimburse for 950 thousand dollars. we plan on providing reports detailing ecpend tours and permit ref now. rpd requests the commission authorize to apply to the parcel and set pritting hours from sick a.m. to 10 p.m. state instead moa for those in the park code states operating hours 5 a.m. to
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midnight. we previous talked to migsz bay community having consistent hours with what is on site which is 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. a bit about the community engagement for the cites. we first met with mission bay advisory committee in february of 22. prior to this talked to ocii about this transfer in 21 and previously. we have attended mull pull meetings but over the last gone 5 mont in a row to talk about the moa. the staffing upon flarnt of site. park hours and permitting. on april 14 issue 2023. approved the moa and ocii and rec park. and at the bottom of the screen. this the is p if you enter at children's hospital entrance it is right next to the hospital
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itself. >> a listening term america oa with the port brought to the commission with board approval also needed. waiting patiently. this will be part of the package including termination of the ground lose and the transfer of parcels managed by rec park to rp d ownership. staff am bring this in fall of 23. and we want today talk about the operation itself. our local model ensures high low skilled team focusod mission bay partial and feet sxurs challenges. what we have talked about in the moa is having a new partials service manager half of the time in mission bay we propose for half of that position funded
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with mission ref now. and aid guard ins one supervisor. 2 custodians and 2 park rangers this is per of our budget. and so we have done almost all of the hiring. it is in various states of the process. and we are very excited to have our staff operate within mission became >> so. i want to thank you and the final picture is the dog park. a channel 3 park. and -- very excited answer questions the executive director is here. >> thank you. before you peek i want to thank public low. he is the director of ocii and the pleasure of ginning us for i
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don't know 1 o'clock. 3 hours of rec and park. thank you. thank you. general manager. it was like a better then and there episode of rec park. the commissions prit you know i'm executive director of former redevelopment agency the ocii office of infrastructure, investment infrastructure. freeings. good to see you. it hen amissing that this planning going on since 19 navy is now coming before us. july first will begin the maintenance to [inaudible] of our 21 [inaudible] that will transfer. over to you in terms of maintenance. it hen a long time coming and i know the resident in mission bay
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have had a lot of occurrence but your staff has been amazing and plan and listening to the occurrence and addressing them each one of the meetings. 2012, we the plan has been to transfer all assets to the city. husband to the major's office and parks gallon to the rec park department. we are thrilled to bring this to our park system in mission bay and look forward to working with you on future transfers and antonio gave you an over view of funds. community facilities i will not get into this but i want to thank our p manager is doing an excellent job. the former parks manager currently parks manager cathcompetence crystal watts. i want to thank them committee mission bay group xo developed
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the parks and planned this community. i want to say you guys have been impressive with your enthusiasm to learn this specific park system you didn't design. we have been working with you and the port as limp this is not an easy task we have a big department. a lot of agencies don't understand how we do business you are big and master of parks management no other d. parks here. and pleased.
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there was no mission bay. i sat at many meetings people from the communities literally took building blocks to decide hupartials will be built. where the affordable housing i can't spike i was influential. i was a child i have knowledge about how we got here the mission creek harbor association were the first park builders in mission became took an industrial area and turn today to a p and gardens i look forward to sharing the history. we put the first dirt in the community guard sxen maintaining that space for all these years. and i was appointed to the mission bay advisory committee by gavin newsome under woods.
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who appropriate street eldibe low renamed. i'm a local event producer i have watched rec and park over years. i watched how phil has trans formed the permit premesis remember you added e mail. i want today say in mission biwe will go through transition of had it will be i have faith this the be okay we surverified the giant moving in at chase. we be okay. nice to meet everybody. >> thank you. come become up. the labor. >> my name is [inaudible] manager of local folks this will happen i was followed [inaudible] and mission bay park
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for 11 or 10 >> commissioners, thank you very much, for make this help to us. this is grit for us and i hope it is in the only 8 guys we need more at least another 20, right, bill. and you guys going to approve it. weep represent the warrior and talk about behind the warriors 5 acres. and they may going to management that park but i talked to the one of the ordinance of the warrior and they say if than i don't go to the port can we go to park and rec i'm happy about it, i say either way this is grit and appreciate that. thank you for listen to our people. our resident in san francisco.
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thank you for coming. hello, commissioners and yes or no manager. i'm [inaudible] process [inaudible] 261 and [inaudible]. rec and park inform 20 then, i started as an intern in the botanical garden work $9 an hour. accepted to the 261 joint low state certified gardener program. promoted a gardener twice appointed a captain. in january promoted to park section supervisor includes conservatoriville and he panhandle as a kid i learned roadway my bike. i'm proud to be a public serve an for the city i grew up in temperature is important we offer the contrary path way
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opportunity and grow this career path way so we provide a skilled w force in our partials. thank you. >> thank you. hello again. the supervisor of the gardener aprentice program. i would like to thank you for making this opportunity to next our workforce. because as the leader of the program really when we are doing is offering a path way to people who are local residents and then they can come in with no experience. we will train them to have the union jobs and lifelong careers. and through college education. experience and i appreciate the opportunity to continue to grow our union workforce and become to our city.
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>> thank you. >> i'm shade again. i'm a gardener for san francisco rec and parks department. and i wanted say that you know when i started i was an aprentice as well. when i started the program i anyhow i had a passion for horticulture that was easy. what i didn't know was workforce development and the history of ps. the first thing i thought of was this. and it irrelevant is inpoir to know i could be a per of a park system at the dawn of historic ps and able to meantor and bring other people to a living wagion in a city is a massive bridge and manage we all take seriously. and want to say thank you.
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circumstances other flow to other cities looking for something else we are committed to the department. and we have long bonds throughule of our experience together and it brillien the parks have been brought in. thank you. i'm mark. again. i was the second class of apentises. i was policed here and the gardener for city hall plaza and miniparks. we had all of the parks between here and dog pitcher at 23rd and it was a long stretch example we watcheds they built mission bay. sitting for know our every day the foundation of this complex
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long over due now they are coming in line the foundation of the complex to serve the residents and shethe city cares about them as new residents than i may not be new redenies is key to showing the children theory growing up there. there are other pregnant ways and other careers can you take besides the tek. good living wages and i can't say it without tearing up. >> i couldn't [inaudible]. paid for her -- hospital bills.
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we would have been sol. sorry. so. again. thank you for consider this and highly encourage to you approve. >> thank you. thank you for your leader help and general manager for condition transacting in and not out. and not granting out. seems like the way the people do things. employees got a bad rap. not as much in this department as others but a bad with respect they don't deserve. to understand we raul had we believe than i are entitleed a
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skilled and trines w force machine not handed a shirt or uniform who succeed all don't succeed. some fail. gone through a respectful program this is when we are b. work pers is a mou ain't we will die on. we are still here. we want to applaud you guys for making sure a new community and neighborhood will experience what the department has to offer. best staff you get. commissioner mazzola knows you can't do better then and there the workers we offer in this departmentful thank you for your support getting mow on that workforce. where rec and parks department is not there. the gentleman program this is don't meet our standards. final idea. you guys have a puc problem than
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i have a workforce problem. figure out how to charge them for showing them how to do this the right way. thank you very much. is there anybody else in room 416 that would like to speak? hard act to follow. i don't believe we have hands on the line. seeing no callers. believe comment is closed. >> thank you. i would thifrng the labelers for coming out but than i all walked out. i would like to ask a question. now plan call for 8 gardeners i saw your list. he wants to go from 8 to 20. before this i ask you look at why you don't have a plumb or
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there. for maintenance and water stuff at the new site we are talking about. manage we looked at was trying to figure out a way for the maintenance division to have -- whatever work is performed in mission bay charged. the solution we came up with was an if sillity project or maintenance project to build time. and depending on time spent. which trans lit to additional maintenance staff over time the thing with all of the trades and which is different then and there gardeners who have a beat. billsod tma and calls and -- we
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get that this will add a kig significant maim of work. we are working on this and will end up with some august amation. that was a wonderful presently agsz you know the laborers. today was like going to a graduation and i wedding. and so i think tell be i perfect major and -- you got emotional the gardener we are all tearyide. we are proud of all of you. thank you, mr. price and ocii. >> thank you. commissioner anderson. >> i wanted to point out whenor guard ins and friends came up to
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speak. all are residents of san francisco. i want to point out how workforce development and a member of a great union for the advocacy can help decent living with good wages to passport and protect our families. and for supporting the program and the things we have been dog to educate and mentor. in my opinion the most important thing this we can do is providing quality education. and job and work opportunity. sing lawyer most person thing. thank you. brother and sisters. >> thank you. a couple of closing r its hen a long meeting this is as. >> before we close.
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i'm sorry commissioner griffin >> yea. i wanted thank antonio for -- both presentations today. did a great job. and -- i'm glad that cat pointed it out. i notice none of the guard ins said i like to live here but i can't of the they all do it is amazing. it is in the to take away from the fact that the city is on the affordable for a lot of people. some of our folks have been able to sustain it thejz here that is great. i think that this sounds like a great project i'm excited about it. let's -- why don't you close so we can vote. >> this is big deal i think a few thank yous. keep have another important
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measure for which -- but -- this is one of those thing this is sneak us upow but a big deal when you look at the park system. most parkers between 150 and 75 years old. we have an old parks system. there has been a potential sort of threat in my vow to what it is a cohesive park system this has the same level of standards and customer service and excellence for every neighborhood. we had different entities taking care of different parks i know has noted the team usa managing
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the punishes done their best but as goods they are none are as good as our people or the history and expertise we bring. when you are seeing here is -- was not a certain thing. we were heading in a direction we had an old parks system and now parks system. and thank you to -- ocii. for understanding and appreciating the excellence the men and women on the ground bring to our park and how they stewart them. this is one of those moments frank low this is a historic moment. we are adding over 20 acres of new partial in a new neighborhood to san francisco's park official park system this is a big deal. thank you and to the -- shop
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stewards and leadership here this is here today. you know i just -- i need to say i'm honored be your clothe. you are just irrelevant amazing. you are professional and lead with hearts and -- i just this is i very, proud and important moment for me. thanks to everyone. >> thank you. >> before we vote i have a technical item to amend for this resolution. before i do that. you mentioned that for the next 5 years the maintenance costs will be covered by upon bring down the operating expense, count from the initial funds. and at this time you said the city would inherit that responsible. but you did in the name is it rec and park assumes that responsibility. major's general fund. >> an excellent question. i was tricycle to speed through i was trying to respect time it
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has been a long meeting. i'm not the ocii cfo i believe there is around 3 million, in cfd? >> every year. >> that is roughly 2.9 million dollars. both port, oci the mass expenses determined around 3 opinion five or sick million for the year this is bruto the ocii commission this is a bit over the annual revenue between 5. there say balance built up of 8 million? okay there is 8 million dollars. as mentioned in the presentation there is additional acreage built in million dollars bay. owned by port this is opening between the fall and winter of this cal dear year. mission croak will have an additional 5 acres.
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as we expand the acreage more will be needed to support the maintenance staff. that said, base on the projections within 5 years we are probably assuming we run out of fund balance of so that total will be a deficit within. that moneys the port and rec park will need to make up that difference. does in the money tell be 100% of the difference. tell be something and one things we have all talked about is had the property wrir within mission bay that -- supported the infrastructure build up in mission bay now -- i will turn to gretchen about 30 mission. within mission bay spun in the city's yes or no fund. correct. why up worrieds of this. this means mission bait property that used to go support redevelopment is funding machine
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net fund of all 3 departments support ocii and rec park we be making arguments as to yet parks should be supported with general funds. >> i guess i make that comment today we learned that five yers if you in we 95 a oouj huge 8 million dollars responsibility with storm water run off charges and at least some mention and i don't obyekt but i think planning ahead for these intersections where we'll need more money is irrelevant going to be important. we can't rely on bonds >> you make a point. this is a longer discussion for another day but the commission the department park advocates we having to work with the major's office and our elected leadership down the road to right size some of the funding threats we face.
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got prop b funds pregnant xr water. we need ash line fund width ps we manage. with this said i think one of the reasons it is significant we are here is that some of prior administrations and rec park -- always declined acquisitions and now opportunity because the thinking was you couldn't take care of with we got. i think we need tong about the next hundred years not the next 5 years. i'm for it i just we got w to do. 7ing a warning notice. move on we have tested the patience of the public here. >> with this the modification to this motion to approve this item is a technical one the park code
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universal this the parks are closed from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. o c ii has requested and i guess the community has requested we point out in this resolution that the hours of operation would be the p would be closed 10 p.m. to sick a.m. my motion to amend the resolution adopting the agreement to include the park hours. >> point of clarification. >> that is a 6 mont agreement we make the park hour changes immediately. correct? >> right. >> okay. >> >> the department. we, you last among approved an if he was legislation to move to the board which allows the park code to extend to properties this we lease or have a
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management agreement or somethingel. so, >> presuming that passes we can do this resolution >> thank you. >> >> with that the chair entertain a second to my amended motion. >> moved >> with amendmented. >> and would the secretary call the roll >> commissioner buell. >> aye >> commissioner anderson. >> aye >> commissioner griffin. >> aye >> commissioner hallisy. >> aye >> commissioner louie. >> aye >> come mazzola. >> aye >> unanimous. thank you antonio. all right. thank you, for your patience we are on item 10 gardens of golden gate park joint plan. hi. commissioners. so i think i have good news to bring. we are (ing on our yoint strategic plan with partner the sudden front botanical garden
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you in business as the gardens of golden gate p. joining me our clothe stefani the executive director and i'm darryl the garden director on the city side of partnership. so. first i want to remind everybody where we are with the garden of golden gate park we joined the flurries and jeopardynies tea guard sxen botanical garden under a new model effective july first. under this there is a lose and management agreement that guides what we work together and cooperate. the department holds a responsibility of the horticult roll maintenance and the facility maintenance of the gardens nun profits handles add missions, programs. upon eventses and support for gardens. in our first year of the new partnership we wanted to
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accomplish 3 goals the first it make the guard ebbs fro to san francisco residence den and to veterans regardless of residency. and by doing so our residence den visit increased. weave also served 11,000 vet republican his use this program it access gardens. we wanted create a multigarden ticket visitors visit all 3 over a 3 day period this is successful with over 36,000 tickets issued andien ritting i million dollars of ref now to support the gardens. finally one membership program. now offering membership for the first time ever. with our combined we serve over 1.2 million visitors to public
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gardens it is incredible. top 10 most visited gardens in the united states. that is something to be proud of. this year to date we have seen visits up 35%. our nonresidence den visitation is dun sloit low we have maintained revenue and up 18%. the gardens of golden gate park and work on a planning which we have today. wing on rebanding with the firm. office and planning launching the planning through funding we
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received from the institute of museum and library sciences. we have several experts wing on that including members of mig. smithsonian and institute of learning innovation. more bots on ground stuff with horticultural and facilities we returned our maintenance closure at the conservatory of flowers. we close 2 week in january historic structure made of wood and glass takes a lot of maintenance. as wella as utilities that support the environmental controlless. we have been working with our yapnies tea guard sxen unvilling the pagoda in the restoration. and this coming week we are launching renovation of the plaza. which is exciting. we have a new nursery at the bo continue cal garden and other smaller improve ams in
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plantings. i would like to invite steph no to present about the strategic plan. >> i first spoke to you today it was morning now good afternoon. really excited be here before i jump in the plan. i adopt to be sure that to thank a bunch people at rec and park. i want to thank joe, of course. ericand everanderson. dana. sarah. benefit am and many others but i would be remiss fidid not mention phil who is the champion and chief and cheer leader for the garden of golden gate park and whom this would not have happened. thank you. phil. >> i want to thank and great to see so many guard ins and former aprentices here.
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i want to thank the folk when is make the gardens when they are. so this is our horticulturalist on site. nursery specialist temperature is also the carp terse. plumbers and electricians and custodiode yens and many others this keep the gardens about how far. incredible foundation to lunch this plan. in partnership with the department to make the places even better. so. this plan has been long in the works and it is in the aline am with where you are rec and park strategic plan and in alignment with racial equity plan. in your packet, of the plan you have like 3 pages that out lines what it was long exhaustive
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press to come ump with this plan inchmented just stress the community out reach, we did stake hold are interviews conducted by mi gashing consulting. we had stake holder workshops facilitated by an organizational development consultant and a public survey and hope to get a thousand. we had 3,000 community members love the gardens and have, let to say. and then the plan has been peer reviewed by leaders of other leading public garden in the country row and other per in organizations and cultural snougzless we feel like this is a well developd and vetted strategic plan. the million dollars of gardens golden gate park to connect people to plants. planet and each other.
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>> our vision all people havearc sesz to beautiful gardens and experiencing value of plants to life and culture for a healthy community and planet. the values are everybody's gardens. we have a justice equity diversity and inclusion initiative and program exactly department of people and culture for the garden. stewardship. of these gardens they were 143 years old starting with the conservetory and he hope around another 150 years. we are here for a mobile home in time and stewardship is our priority. experience and enjoy am. the casual visitor or the person not that plant nerd. how did they experience and enjoy the places they help to pop in. this matters to us.
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but education and engagement this deeper formal education about horticulture. botany, et cetera and community engagement through volunteer programs. excellence. we want to be in the top 10 we are in the top 10 most visited public gardens through this now model. and we hope this we will hit the top 10 americas on many other aspects of work this plan helps us get there. and partnership and collaboration. this per inship with my nonprofit and rec and park is the core there are others we need to develop and w on every day that needs to be collaborative to breech new audiences and broader impact partnerships are critical. i don't are in the pretty accomplice we exist to solve a problem in the world. a few problems nature deficit
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disorder. pleasant, wearness deper seity and shrinking biodiversity threaten health of people and the planet. and the 3 main drivers of the shrinking biodiversity is climate change and we are plant conversation work that is where we intersect with the cries of climate change. >> and our theatery of change expanding people's understanding of the value of pleasants to human and environmental healing inspires activism. and advocacy questions of law foil to deliver messages about biodiversity in the hart of the city and contributing to the global pleasant conversation efforts the shared experience of garthing cell brit and exploring, meditate and volunteer and learning in the accomplice builds deep rep and strengthens community.
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plan when the per in help stard and the 3 gardens joined. we have a brands and awareness from everfor the guard sxens promote engage am. we expect to tlaufrn new brand? sumner 2023. the process with a committee composed of nonprofit and department staff and as well as member of the nonfrfrts board. the seem integrating stake holer introduce. staff feedback and public survey.
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one of men goals clue collaboration implement a plan collection's pol. as a museum of living plants the collect and care for unique plants across landscapes. collection's policy is standards for mull seeps and gardens hold collection in public trust. a guide that will guide to processes and priors for the duration of living collection which including acquiring, document and organizationing our collections and will defind our shared goals in belling museum quality collection and the collaborateeration among the teams for the collections.
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we issue entrusted improving manage and act ritting and protecting and prosecute meeting and caring for loved public space governedence bring you, piece and wonder insparation to a million people annually. a goal is it create an improve am plan. the 1940 the needs to manage deferred mince and upgrading facilities to meet the needs today and the 40. tell defind the scope prioritize and build, linement for the needs of our gardens.
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rare species threatened boy climate change and develop export biodiversity loss and sustainable gardening. we initiate the plan and conversation of small gas powered equipment to zero alternatives. this is another goal that is in alignment with rec and parks plan. audience enengaged show case the w in transification to wherevero landscaping equip. poir to be leaders with this and see ourselves as a location aware of new technology and hub for trialing equip at the gardens of golden gate park. and then our final. partnerships. our spln ambitious and multiple partnerships critical to success. partnerships advance our mission and expand reach.
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diversify stake holders [reading very fast] one of the goals here is pilots out roach and marketing efforts to equity zones for recreational activities. we hope to grow and build upon our successful community programs we scouted with the department and the gardens. the participation of over 1,000 youth and teens will visit the gardens and team leader programs. >> so much that's the highlight there are so many plans in the strategic plan. to take it forward. and with my baptist time i want to remind everybody that we should all be excited about flour piano september 8 through
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12. at the san francisco botanical garden. so much thank you all. >> thank you. i have to say i think you have the most unique platforms to highlight san francisco and its cultural heritage you have an interesting in each venue following. and that can acrew to the benefit not only of the 3 but to rec and p in total. thank you that was inspiring. with that commissioner hallisy. where do you want to do public comment. >> is there anyone in the public there are 2 with hands raised. then ask them. donald is no longer in the room. double checking he filled i card. men that's do not. unmute the first caller >> he had a life
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>> this is our life. >> [laughter]. i'll be broef i'm lisa i serve on the garden of golden gate park board the auditor. a background in planning i'm will speak. support of allows the garden to public and garden. develops and part of many stake hold everies n internal and external including rec and p and pearce at other institution we apyre to be a top 10 look forward to your xroo sulf condition the work along with new projects in concert with parks and rec. thank you. >> thank you. you were right. he does have his hand raised.
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i just -- i am a third gent raying san franciscans raised fourth gent raying here and hoping for a fifth. i do have i long history of horticulture in san francisco starting with my grandfather's flour shop and continuous now with the fourth gent raying running a nursery operation and served on the bo continue cal garden now guard edge of golden gate p for 17 years. that is a great accomplice to fulfill my civic provide and setting this provide aside will i'm here to spoke in spchlt merge effort and strategic plan. years and at least 3 focused years of planning and diligence gone in this merger. with a lot of team work including the team work of this nonprofit and rec and park and
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mr. ginsburg. under this new management all 3 will be managed more efficient low but i think most important low the visitor enhancement for out of towners. and those that are residence of san francisco. who can experience free of charge and vet residence. creates a benefit to the city. you know and has been stated by stefani and joe. look forward to your unanimous support. thank you. why we have 2 more caller. next speaker, please. the director of people and culture for plannen gate park i will state what i don't and steph no , i will [inaudible] stated about the beauty of our
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park and prosecute void to the community. i do want to show graft to youed for those who make it a beautiful place employees as well as thank the commission and you, phil the support you provide getting us to this point thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hey. can you hear me? >> yes. super. hi. i'm claire myers thank you for this town to comment. i have been before this commission before and my role as a play ground activist a volunteer near 7 years and now the board of garden of golden gate park. i learned a lot during this 7 year partnership work width play groun and know this isa role of the commission and a bit about the gap this can exist with private citizens like myself and public servants.
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the people in the room who are tire will low to make our city better. and -- i grew up in the richmond. spent my childhood in golden gate and proud to be on the board of the gardens of golden gate park the strategic plan has been developed and so much care gone to it and as a parent i'm raising 2 kids now. i'm deeply excite when this plan monies for youth education in our city. our kids need what this plan has to offer. plan is comprehensive and gives kid a gold mine of green education. etch essential to raising our citizens here in san francisco. and it monopolied out exact low how our new merged garden golden gate park will make this city
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shine. thank you. thank you. no further comments public comment is closed. why commissioners. why commissioner hallisy. joe and steph no were here to present in front of operation's committee. prescription's committee was fully behind both of you this day. now if we forward third degree to consent neither one of you would be here today. but we wanted all of the commissioners to hear the great things that you are behind and how hard you are work. and that is why we put it on the general calendar. so it is unable work that you do. a pol joes because you spend your day with us today. but you sound like you can never stop talk about this gardens of golden gate p that it is a great thing and we fully support this
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plan and donald was here in person 2 weeks ago and phones in again. thank you for being hered thank you. why commissioner anderson. i want to commend the society for what a great job going of my 2 of my favorite places other bo tanical gardens and the yapnies tea garden and i wanted put out there that before this merger happened, when we were considering incoming admission fees there was i promise to come become and revisit this and public low increase the fee. we are passed due. i have not forgotten and i don't understand where this fit in. at bagoada they have taken down the fence gone around it is
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gorgeous and open. and than i will finish this project and although i can't be about tomorrow others will be there tomorrow at 10 for this ceremony. i wanted to remotorbike people of this going of thank you. mr. ginsburg. in addition to you know the mission bay item. this, tooshg belongs in category of really significant positive change. you med this decision a now months ago had you approved the merger. and it was one of the most significant impact. prescriptional decisions this commission could make. and you have seen results and under joe's leadership and on behalf of the department and under steph no it is absolutely incredible leadership the garden and the board this is working and -- the gardens are on the map as you know initially experience space.
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the plan lays out the road map and thoughtful and, mazing i'm very proud of all of this. congratulations. >> thank you on this note. the chair would entertain a motion to approve the joint strategic plan for the gardens of golden gate p. moved. >> seconded y. would the secretary call the role >> commissioner buell. >> aye >> anderson. >> aye >> griffin. >> aye jury room commissioner hallisy. >> aye. >> commissioner louie. >> aye >> mazzola. >> aye >> thank you very much for enduring. >> so we will go to a closed session i have a few things to say before we do that. first we will go to public comment. on item 11. we are on comment for item 11 closed session. i don't see anyone in the room. but if there is anyone on the web ex who will like to ment on
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now is the time to raise your hand. seeing no raised hands public comment is closed. at this time -- the staff have done without me asking. thank you. i was going to ask everyone to leave. thank you. i want to state who is currently in the recommend. i believe it is money on, phil ginsburg moiz, ashley summers and commissioners buell, anderson, griffin, louie, hallisy and mazzola. physically here. >> all right. so now before sfgovtv moves us into closed session. i want it make sure we first have a motion and second to go into closed session. why entertain a motion. >> so moved. second. why moved and seconded.
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item 16 adjournment. ? memory of margo reed wrochl second. >> moved and seconded with the secretary call the roll wrchl a mowing to, journal. >> commissioner buell yoochl aye yoochl griffin. >> aye yoochl halle. >> aye >> commissioner louie. >> aye. >> commissioner mazzola >> thank you, have a lifely day >> an general setting meeting >> 4 fours and 10 minutes.
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. >> we are running a womens' volleyball program here at richmond rec center. it's progressing really nice. the ladies here really enjoy the exercise and the play and it's a lot of fun want this program is not for the faint at heart. it's really intense. the ladies come out. they are really going after it. they just love to play and compete. anyone can sign up. we're looking for more players. the women come from all over the city. we enjoy the program and we are getting people out to have fun in this beautiful city. >> rec and parks womens'
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volleyball program is available at richmond rec center. please visit t t t t t t t t t t t t t >> how is everyone doing? i go by the name of son of paper and i'm here at city hall ready to rock a set just for you guys. let's get! yeah! if you come to san francisco this one is for you. china town this one is for you. china town this one is for you. from a roof top in china town, going going taking buses just to get around ♪ when i was down, had to
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