tv Fire Commission SFGTV May 24, 2023 5:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. operator will mute when prompted colors will have the standard three minutes to provide public comment. you may also watch live at www dot sf gov t v .org item one. roll call. president stephen a. casual. president. vice president army morgen. commissioner catherine feinstein is excused. commissioner marcy frazier. commissioner paula collins. and chief of department, janine nicholson. president nicos joe will now read the land acknowledgment. thank you, madam secretary. the santiago fire commissioner acknowledges that we are on the unseated and stress free homeland of the raw mater's along the who are the original and happiness of the sanskrit peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land in the
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corners with tradition, emitters, arnone have never ceased lost nor forgotten the responsibilities as caretakers of this place. as well as for all people who reside in this traditional territories. guests. we recognize that we have that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the parameters in the community. and by affirming their sovereign rights as first people. madam second. item two general public comment. members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commission's jurisdiction that does not appear on the agenda. speaker shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department personnel. commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with the speaker. the lack of a response by the commissioners or department personnel does not necessarily
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constitute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment. i'm secretary is danny public comment on virtual as well as in the public chamber. i don't see anybody approaching the podium and there is nobody on the call in line. thank you very much. madam secretary. public comment is closed. the common is closed. item two. i'm sorry, item three approval of the minutes discussion and possible action to approve the meeting minutes from the regular meeting on may 10th 2023. all right. is there any public comment on approving the minutes? there is nobody approaching the podium and nobody on the public comment line. madam secretary. public comment is closed. are there any questions discussions from the commissioners? i'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes. thank you very much by president morgen. thank you very much.
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commissioner fraser for a second. president nicasio. how do you vote? and commissioner collins. how do you vote? the motion is unanimous. secretary. item. four chief of department's report report from chief of department janine nicholson on current issues, activities and events within the department since the fire commission meeting on may 10th 2023, including budget academy's special events, communications and outreach to other government agencies in the public and report from administration deputy chief tom o. connor. on the administrative divisions, fleeting facility status and updates, finance support services and an update from assistant deputy chief erica artist sarah's brown of homeland security. thank you, madam secretary. good evening, chief. good evening. president nakajima. vice president morgan
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commissioner fraser commissioner collins maureen command staff. i'm chief jenny nicholson. and this is my report since our last ah! mission meeting. the budget is just about finalized with the mayor's budget office. the mayor has to submit her budget. on june 1st. so we will. no, for sure. then um, we have a pretty good idea right now. but we will know for sure. then what's in our budget, moving to the board of supervisors, and mark corso? director corso will be here to, um, give you an update and answer any questions at the next commission meeting. mm hmm. um a couple weeks ago, i had a meeting with supervisor aaron peskin. and chief darius. let trip was there with me as well
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as, um folks from the m t a and the mayor's office. about challenges with these autonomous vehicles that we've been having. and um, you know, we we've seen more and more problems. um each week. and, uh, we were also interviewed by i was interviewed, as was jeff tomlin by nbc, new york. and i think we sent you. we should have sent you the clip of that. i don't know if we did if we didn't. we will. um but we were interviewed about autonomous vehicles and some of the challenges that they pose for us. so there are more discussions to be had. and i would imagine that, um president peskin will likely call for a hearing on it. so more to follow on that. we had the los angeles county fire department. chief and some of his staff met with
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chief shawn buford and, um the diversity equity inclusion office and i was able to sit in on some of that meeting went really well. they were really grateful for all of our input and they are pretty much trying to, um you know, replicate some of the things that we've done. hmm. i attended the st anthony's penny pitch with chief artist sarah's brown. and the mayor was not there. nor was, uh the police chief who are usually go up against, but i beat greg, sir , so that's really all that matters in that one. um we had the james gallagher inter station run at lake merced. um and we had a great turnout and station 41. which is a single engine company, one for the because they had so much, um, so many folks running in it or
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volunteering station seven was the double company that one and the division of training also had a strong strong showing. and i think our eight is our oldest runner was 85 years old and retired firefighter dominic spinetta so he doesn't miss a run. it's pretty incredible. um we had labor management meeting with president floyd rollins and adam wood and others and brought along, um our new, um, soon to be deputy chiefs. trip and kylo whom i will introduce at the end of this um, and it was a good meeting. and we have. good relationship, and they are also going to be sending a letter if they haven't already to the mayor's budget office to mayor's office, basically about um, budget needs for the department.
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so it really it really serves us well when we're both when we're on the same page as one another and not telling the mayor's office different needs so um, i'm grateful for that. you may have seen there was a press conference for the opioid litigation on the steps of city hall last week with david chu, our city attorney, and the. the hundreds of millions of dollars that we are that the city is getting is still not enough. um but i attended that. and i know that deputy chief sandy tong and others, um, had played a played a large role in that and had to be interviewed by our attorneys , etcetera. so um, grateful for that. um i went to a true san francisco event that was super fun. um it was the, uh, san
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francisco's first drag laureate event and. it was. it was super fun. it was at the l g b t q center. and um and, uh, the mayor was there and supervisors etcetera, but apparently were you the first we are the first. uh certainly in the nation to have a drag laureate and so true san francisco i love it. i also attended the wake of one of our retired members. jack mccloskey, who is actually my second probie boss. um and if we can close the meeting and in memory of him, that would be wonderful. jack mccloskey. i met with our new um our new 99 tens who are the interns from city mt. they're going to be doing their 500 hours on the ambulance. so i met with them last week. and they're
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a good group. and um, it's exciting to see this program continuing. that same day we had an h three level one graduation we had our e m t graduation out on treasure island and, um there were 17 graduates i believe and out of those graduates, six of them. came through the city e m t program, which is pretty cool . so um, it's started to open up a little little little pipeline. um we had interviews for ramon serranos position. as you know, he will be leaving. um for the assistant deputy chief of support services, and we selected mike mullen and he'll be in here at the next meeting, most likely to, um to meet everyone. we had a boot camp for our candidates for the next firefighter academy. and i wish you two were there to show them how it's done. but, um it is a
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really it's the second boot camp we've had for these young people, so it gives us a really good idea of who's in shape and ready for things and who's not and needs to work on and what they need to work on. um so uh, we will be selecting the new class. um it begins at the end of june, so we'll be selecting it in probably the first week of june. mhm and then of course, you all know it is m s appreciation week. and i went to the station 49 on monday. we bought them, uh, peasant pies for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so there were hundreds of them over there. um we like to feed them during m s appreciation week. and i know they were fed yesterday and today by by others as well, um, i think they had bond me sandwiches today. so um, and it was just nice to see a
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lot of, um, folks that work on the ambulance and um and interact with them, and i also went over to our community para medicine hub and, um met with some folks over there. yesterday. we had the ems awards ceremony over in the auditorium at the main library. and this is an award ceremony put on by the local m s agency. that is the sort of oversight body for our folks and their, um, you know, e m t and paramedic certifications licenses and there were, um i think there were eight. eight awards. and um, i'm happy to say that we scooped up five of them. um so, uh, they give one to folks that are working in a hospital. they gave another 12, sheriff's deputy who saved
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someone's life. they gave another one to a dispatcher who helped save that young child 10 month old that had the accidental fentanyl overdose. and then for our folks we had, um. nicholas coup. um who is a paramedic? who, uh, hasn't even been with us. i think maybe a year and he's just made an incredible impact. he has. he has multi lingual, and he has created videos in cantonese and mandarin for the chinese community on how to do cpr. um and he also, um was able you may understand this commissioner fraser, but he actually performed a needle. um how do you say it, sandy? craig both or artemis. yeah. craig terada, me and somebody, um in the field and saved their life. so somebody had facial trauma so we could not intubate them. so he
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went through their neck. with a needle and put a little breathing tube in that way, save the person's life, and it's amazing. um so just really a wonderful young person who's really added a lot to our department. we also had paramedics squat wag nus, who has developed all sorts of pediatric. um uh, reference guides for folks in terms of, um because it can be really confusing when you're in the midst of a pediatric resuscitation or critical pediatric call to figure out how much of the medication you have to give because it's based on kilos. so he made up a guide for, um for everyone, and, um, as well as other things that he's done. and then chris couch . she works on our e m s six community para medicine with are frequent callers. uh, she won, um. the community part the first
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community paramedic, um award that was awarded this year to her and then, uh, chief michael mason, also from community para medicine, won an award for his, uh wonderful administrative skills and, um, forethought in all things community para medicine. and then today, as you know, we had the art installation at 49 thank each and every one of you for attending. um it was a fun event for me. and as you know, we had the mayor and supervisor walton there and much of our command staff. so thank you all for being there. and at this time, i would just like to invite darius let trip and shanghai low. if you guys can come up. i know i didn't tell you. i was going to do this to you. but come on up and just say hello. and so they can put a face to our new cd two and new cd three. who will be taking over officially on july 1st. darius, please. good
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evening, president kodjo vice president morrigan commissioner fraser commissioner collins, maureen chief. good to see you all again. obviously, we saw each other earlier and thank you for attending chief darius let trip and i presented last time and gave my biography so i present to you chief shane carlo . get evening president. the college your vice president morrigan commissioners fraser collins chief nicholson marine. abc shanghai law. i just want to thank you for this opportunity, chief nicholson and your confidence and support and trust in the flood. trump and i, and i want to thank you all for your opportunity to look forward to working with the commission more and i want to thank the deputy both deputies have worked under both admin and ops. and i can't think of any two that are better . and i just wanna thank you for your support as i've been the trading chief. and i look forward to working with you all. thank you. thank you guys
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appreciate it. chief who still is this? your last meeting? why don't you come up and have a little word then? good evening commissioners. president of cardio vice president morrigan commissioners. fraser collins, chief hostal. deputy chief of operations for now. uh i will be out of town at the next commission meeting in the beginning of june, so i will not be attending. i hadn't planned to say anything tonight. but i can't speak off the cuff if i need to. so what i would like to say before i go to the commission is first of all, thank you. to each and every one of you and commissioner finds sign is not here. for the team work and the dedication and commitment to the fire department that you show us. you
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have the connections and the political, um, ability to help us navigate the different challenges we have in this city and the support that this commission shows that this fire department it's a big part of why we're as successful as we are. um, i want to thank chief nicholson for this opportunity. um it went by the days went were long, but the months were very short. if that makes sense. it was a lot of challenges. there was a lot of battles, but i think we had a great team between chief and sandy and tom and myself and i wouldn't trade a minute of it. um and lastly, i want to thank everybody in the field for the job that they do every day. this fire department . as you've heard me say many, many times is the best fire department. not in america. but in the world. and the way we do things is the envy of everybody in the world. and if it were not for the assistant chiefs that are sitting here tonight and the other four. out there leading
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the men and women of this fire department every single day. and what they do at not just fires, but m c. i s and shootings and stabbings and every other type of incident that we respond to its leadership of the assistant chiefs, the battalion chiefs and the company officers. and the dedication of the firefighters who become those lieutenants and captains and chiefs later in their career. that's what makes this organization what it is. it's the devotion to this city. is he embracing of this city's values and the history and what's come before it? that gets us to where we are today and which is going to take this department, another 150 years in the future. so i will miss it. it's been a part of my life. since the day i was born. i've been in a firehouse since i was an infant. but it existed for a long time before and it's going to exist forever and perpetuity afterwards and i'm happy to have
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played what i hope was a dr brawl in my 32 years here, so thank you, chief. thanks, bob. tom is this your last meeting? no it's not okay. we don't need to hear from you, um but i do want to bring up ramon serrano. um i know where is he? there he is. ramon. come on up. just say, uh hello and. putting you on the spot as well. but i know it's your last, um meeting as well and, uh you are appreciated as well. so, please, thank you. president nicasio vice president morrigan. commissioner fraser, commissioner. collins. chief. maureen. command staff. ah! actually, i was just prepared for i'm not as eloquent. is, uh, bob. and i was prepared for any of the technical questions that
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might be asked me today, boilers h v a c etcetera. but um i'll shoot from the hip. it's been a privilege to serve the city. and it's great department. it's uh i couldn't imagine doing anything else. um. i'm i'm i'm honored to monitor work with everybody in this room. well maybe not, mike . yeah. but it truly was an honor. i mean, i could have easily been happy, you know? you know, retiring as a fireman sitting in the backseat of engine eight. but i did a few more things after that. um like i said, i love this city. i grew up in the sales born and raised in the city. um i want to thank everybody. i want to thank all the commissioners president because you have known you the longest. you've been a class act
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we've met a long time ago. and i was honored to work for you. chief. i want to thank you for giving the mexican kid from the mission district a shot. and, uh, i did my best. and i hope i didn't let anybody down. thank you, everybody. thanks ramon. and i just like to say that, um, both of the, uh man that just came up and spoke. bob and ramon are loyal to this department. like nobody else, and i really appreciate that about them and they get things done when things need to get done. so um, thank thank you both for your commitment and your contributions and, um. i'm not going to say whether i'm going to miss you or not, bob. ramona will miss you. ah. um no. but
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thank you for, um you know, moving the department forward. um with us, bob and i appreciate it. and i think that's all i got. thank you very much chief on generally, we asked the commissioner's well what you've public comment first. on the chest report, and then we'll ask the commissioners. um. before we go into public comment. i just wanted to ask one thing. um chief. as long as we're part of the chief's report your prerogative. but i know that the president a faa has entered the room as well and wants to make some remarks in terms of asian american pacific heritage month, which is this month. and i was wondering chief. if you're comfortable to a point of having
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a stanley come up here and talk to his statements on asian american heritage and f a yes. hi stand. welcome um, didn't see you sneak in. come on up, and stanley is the president of the ah asian firefighters association and he has been a wonderful, wonderful partner. with my administration in terms of recruitment and mentoring, and, um, you know, getting us out in the community to community events. so, stan all yours. thanks for everything, brother. thank you, chief. thank commissioners. uh, i know this is a long time in coming. i should have been here earlier. but i figured at least i show up here before the end of a p i month. and i'd like to thank the chief her command staff, every one of them. ah commissioners, especially president of cardio. you guys have been strong partners with the asian firefighter association.
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everything we do for the community. usually the commissioners and the chief is fully behind us. and i would like to say i am very uh, privilege. to work with you guys. and you know, moving forward. they a f a is trying to do more. we are trying to expand our mentoring or coaching, trying to increase our numbers and to my knowledge. this chief has have the most a p i and this community had a median area. other chief, so numbers are improving. unlike past presidents that i don't like to complain about it, i'd like to be proactive, and that's why the chief notes have been actively with my executive board going forward, reaching out to kids who are interested in the fire service, or e. m s. that this is a possible route besides becoming a lawyer, doctor or
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engineer, uh, she's left me because i am the resident rocket scientists in the services fire department, so i know that many asian kids are pushed by their parents to be engineers. so and i have privileged tab serves this city. as a firefighter for over 28 years now i have completed 28 years as of two days ago so but move forward to the phase also moving forward with our charitable work. we have creative 5013 see the asian firefighters charitable foundation where we're going to go out and support our communities and anyone who wouldn't be of need from us. and you know, like, like, imagine anything that department needs from our side. we would be 100% behind you guys also like to, uh i mentioned that because. outgoing command staff and the
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incoming one we have now have to ap members coming in in june. that's 50% of the command staff . that's a first for the a p. i and i talked to the chief already. we're proud we're planning to have a banquet in their honor. i'm shooting for dates in october. and i'm gonna work it out with the to anchor world. the incoming c d three and d four chief sandy tongue to make sure that we were the dates are good, and then i'll let you know, chief and commissioner when that will be okay, bye. thank you for letting me speak out. order. i appreciate it. thanks dan to pleasure to work with your brother. and, yes, chief tong and chief kylo. there will be a banquet in chinatown. um, i note how chief tong loves the attention. so, um. yeah
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anyways. um yeah, we're good. thank you. thank you very much, chief. thank you for that accommodation. i'm going to ask for public comment before i asked for comments or questions. from the commissioners of the chief's report. madam secretary . there is nobody approaching the podium and nobody on the public comment line. public comment on this report is closed at this point commissioners and the questions and comments knowing we still have cd three coming up with chief dollars total brown and her presentation commissioners to any questions or comments at this time. i'll be president. martin yes, i just want to say thanks for your report, chief, and, uh and that was a great ceremony today. you guys like i was telling the other rest of the command staff . you guys make the mayor look good all the time. and we appreciate it. i appreciate you guys. um and. you know, you mentioned that thomas vehicles and you know, and i if you're
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going to get help from the board of supervisors, that's great. if you need anything from us, let us know we'll be glad to help you. i'm sure the other commissioners be glad to help help out with that, uh, potential hazard. like you said . it is kind of scary things that those things can get themselves into. but and i also want to say, you know, happy e m e m f, uh, appreciation week to everyone. and other than that, i'll just keep it short. so we're not here all night. thanks again for your report. oh, and, uh, i just want to say thank you. to the retiring staff here. great leadership, uh, chief post l and, uh, chief serrano. um, i wish you guys weren't leaving. but. i know life goes on. and chief o'connor. yeah thank you guys for your great leadership
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and congratulations to the new commence staff. chief kale, law and chief left rome. let europe . i'll get it right one day, right? yeah and that's all i that's all i have. thank you. thank you very, very much. vice president, commissioner fraser. okay? maybe it's this one. sorry thank you for your report. many good things happened in the last since we last met. ah just to get to the point. and yes, congratulations on m s week that that's a wonderful thing in today was actually really great out of station 49. i want to say something to chief post del, who? um. congratulations on your
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retirement. it's an emotional interesting time to be retiring for after 32 years. and i want to thank you for always bringing up the history of the san francisco fire department. in your reports. i think that's really valuable. i was i loved history. when i was a student, you know, it's all about change and transformation and really how to inhabit a shared world and i appreciated your perspective on the history of the san francisco fire department. for myself. so thank you for that, not to mention everything else you did at the san francisco fire department. and still do. congratulate the new incoming cd. two and three. yes. two and three. sorry. look forward to working with both of you. and, um chief serrano. good luck to you. and thank you for all of your work. it was really nice to hear from you today as well. and finally, just to be brief, um i didn't get stanley's last name. stanley sorry,
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stanley lee. thank you for your report to i just you made me think of a good friend of mine. who is an asian physician, and she told me long ago in asian families. you're either a doctor , a lawyer, an engineer or a failure. those are your four choices. so i'm very happy. i'm gonna be able to call her later and say oh, wait. no, there is 1/4 option so thank you for sharing what you shared with us tonight. thank you very much. commissioner fraser. commissioner collins, please. well i will join the chorus and thank you for your very complete report and that terrific afternoon at the station 49. i want to, uh, thank chief post. l . um and chief serrano. i can't believe that these two giants of the department. are leaving just as i get here. i'm trying not to link those two things or take it
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take it personally. but um chief post el your tour of the firehouses imprinted on me early and thoroughly the work that we've got to do with some of our facilities, and i want to assure you um, that i'm not going to let that drop until everyone is working in facilities that that merit. you know that kind of work and that reflect the kind of work that's done. so um and chief serrano similarly, i love to talk about a tree, a c and boilers and all those things. i'm a reform real estate developers, so thank you as well. and um, that's all i wanted to say. and congratulations to the next regime. all right. thank you. let me get my comments in here while you before we moved by the chief o connor. um first of all i do appreciate you recognizing
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the president. a f a stanley to be able to come up and give me marks. he told me earlier in the month that he was intention was to do that. and since the brother is dressed up in this beautiful suit. i figured out this is the time for him to get up to you right now. express our appreciation, chief. i also appreciate the opportunity to have cheap will still come up and verbalized. as well as chiefs toronto i know chief o'connor. you're not yet but when you get up there, this is the time we'd love to hear it. cheapest l again, i think i think it's really important for all of us as we move on. to express whatever thought and feelings that we have within something that you gave your whole life through professionally and your family, so thank you for that service as well. i was gonna wait. chiefs toronto until your report through chief o connor to get you up here one last time. if you will, and i will do that just to give you a heads up. whether i want to thank you as
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well. in terms of your remarks, um i want to congratulate against one throw up the one in terms of your new positions, and i think it's really important that we have see the two and three present. still chief o connor. as we, um chief announcers, positions and teeth in terms of chief lance throw in colorado. as we do this transition. i just wanted to say that thank you very much for that. with that, madam secretary, can we get cd three up here? good evening commissioners. president carter , vice president morgen commissioners fraser and collins , chief nicholson and madam secretary tom o'connor, deputy chief of administration and this is my report for april of 2023. get it up on the screen there. thank you. under homeland security division with assistant deputy chief erica artists eros brown. we had a very busy april
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we had various trainings and exercises under california office of emergency services. we had a coordination committee training on april 19th. we had a united states coast guard missed real on april 20/5. we saw us coast guard helicopter water rescue drill on april 20/7. we also had planned events like the cherry blossom parade on april 16th, attended by the asian firefighters association and commissioner nicasio. where we saw what a rock star you are back in the old neighborhood. um and we had the 4 20 event, obviously on 4 20 in golden gate park. we also saw the activation of our emergency operations center with the power outage that happened downtown from april 20/6 april 20/8. on her office of diversity, equity and inclusion with assistant deputy chief shawn buford. we had lieutenant hashim anderson participate in too high school career panels. one admission preparatory and won independence high where we reached out to youth in high school to try to show them what a career and firefighting and ems could be.
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we also had our first ever boot camper. we had 59 of those members who have been given provisional offers. they were shown what was expected of them when they come into the academy, and we also got a glimpse of to what we could expect of them once they got into the academy, so sort of feeling each other out and seeing what kind of work we have to do what kind of work they have to do once they get in to the fire training academy. in the month of april, also saw some recruitment events being planned out on wednesday. may 17th we had a team's webinar career meeting with potential candidates. may 21st we had our first test preparation class for the fire candidate training center. that's the new testing system that we're developing, going forward to get more local and regional candidates. we had another webinar on the 14th coming up in june, and we have the actual written exam for the fctc to come on june 17th with a deadline of june 30th for members to apply once the new list is developed. going forward. the health, ct and
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wellness evasion with battalion chief met alba. we had a busy month as well. we had all of our cancer champions set up in the individual firehouses. and if you remember that's our bottom up approach with the membership to try to teach the best practices for cancer prevention. ah! training, education and early testing. we also worked with during the month of april with the police department to get training on de escalating techniques regarding violence in the workplace. on april 20/6. we saw her behavioral health unit kept in buren as well as navigators green and excuse me. nelson had an all day training for 15 members to create a vr or vacation relief list. so this is a way for us to have backup navigators in the event that some of our members go on vacation gets sick. get hurt whatever. we have backup navigators to help our members. we also have webinars during the month of april in the firefighter cancer initiative series. healing for helpers, helpers. excuse me trauma resiliency for first responders as well as cancer in the fire service hosted by the f f f and we had we continue to collect data. from our behavioral health
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unit through our wellness app and you can see the statistics are demonstrated by workgroup by hours by workgroup by the type of stress factor they're facing and hours for each activity, so we really compiling a strong record going forward for the decision makers to see that this behavioral health unit is a critical uh, new aspect of the department. under office of employee health with that you broke off and registration of stephanie phelps. we had the big climate oracle park. this is an event which benefits leukemia in the form of society. the cure blood cancers. that was april 20/9. we also saw that month we had 20 promotional and end of probation exams. we had 15 return to duty exams. we had 33 new hire exams and a tour of battalion eight with a doubt. excuse me, officer. employee health went around and talked to everybody about health practices . healthy eating stress ptsd, etcetera. under support services, where soon to be departed. deputy assistant deputy chief ramon serrano became a break in april. we only had 113 requests for service, which was down 56% from march.
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thank god 88 service orders were completed and including depot is currently preparing the graduation. the decision logistics for r e m. t class 23 and firefighter class 31 as well as class 1 32. now this was once a very routine endeavor to put uniforms and ppe together for 50 classmates, but with supply chain issues, it really takes a lot of work and a lot of pre planning and a lot of multiple vendors to get the equipment that we need. so hats off to ramon. excuse me, chief serrano and his team for getting that done. and here's a photo of the art enrichment artwork unveiling that was hosted today by sf 50 the arts commission. thank you everyone for attending under earthquake safety emergency response bond with soon to be cd to darius lou tra we had our water supply officer coordinate with the bureau of equipment and the water supply committee to hold a portable water supply drill. and replace host tender equipment. so this is bringing out our host tenders and the portable hydrants system and really lay out all the hose and
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tests about high pressure. so that was a great deal that we had. um we also coordinate with department, public works and division training for live fire, smoke study and what we're doing is we're looking at the burn room and the drift patterns of smoke to see how it will affect the new neighborhood that we're moving into try to coordinate and manage that smoke during our drills, and we continue to prepare for the fire training facility by coordinating survey of this multi parcel side. the puc as well as a box culvert that transact the site. under our feel good section we had kept in sherman tillman and station 10 hosted supervisor catherine stephanie for a tour of the firehouse discussion on challenges facing fire and e. m s as well as a delicious lunch. we had our get ready. stay ready, emergency preparedness community fair at the main public library on april 22nd with our community outreach team and in the center tent. you can see the ever present toni cato, always reaching out to members and we remember some engine five truck five and engine 38 as well in the safety presentation. lastly we had the 43rd annual
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jim gallagher inter station competition, which was held may 13th at lake merced. we can see chief nicholson and supervisor joel and cardio start the race and that center photo when i first got in, this was a popular event, and over the years it kind of went down and down and down, but looks like enthusiasm is back. we have a great turnout. and the next slide, which we're about to show you. it's chose the detrimental effects of decades. of service in the fire department. and this should have been under healthy safety. what brings you to the next slide? you can see the starting point of chief postal, o'connor and serrano. um. you can see the postal and surrounding retired before the advent of color photography. and i had some curious stuff on the top of my head. thank god, that's all gone now and if you go to the next slide oh, we can see just how tough it is on the human body 30, plus years in the fire service. so congratulations to ramona. bob. i'm not done yet. but i want to say
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congratulations to them, and, uh, thank you for everything. i'm ready to answer any questions you may have very good . very good, chief, may i have a public comment before the commissioners asked their questions or comments okay, that's a good idea. let's wait for chief. aristotle stereo brown chief o'connor if we may at this point i have represented and then we'll take comments after that. thank you, madam secretary for that. great way to and your segment chief o connor. thank you.
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good evening. president of colorado. vice president morrigan. president commissioner fraser commissioner collins, chief of department maureen command staff. my name is eric artists, eros and newly married brown. i have been with the department since december of 1997. i like ramon. just a little girl from the fillmore that grew up in a single family home and never dreamed i'd be here. um and getting into the department was the most
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empowering, um, experience after college finishing college felt like i had reached it, but this is definitely, um out doing that experience. um and i bring my personal experience into the work that i do and into the way that i approach what i'm doing my training as a firefighter. i spent years leading the program and empowering residents of our city to be active responders. um and being chosen to lead the homeland security division has been an honor. and i thank you for trusting me with that role. the homeland security division started as a way to, um, really manage the terrorism threat that we have. we are a high risk city in the top five rating, and there's a lot of coordination that comes with that. and that started with the homeland security or the fema grants, and then ultimately, the homeland security grants that started coming to our city. and so our
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department has maintained this position. since that time through a series of chiefs i have learned from each of them and i take the work that they do, and i bring it into the work that i'm doing now. um as you can see, there are many entities which my position needs to coordinate with as a liaison, um at the federal, state and local level to ensure that we are ready. um a lot of that work that we do is the for our situational awareness where when things get at a heightened level, i can inform the chief of department i'm doing a lot of coordinating with the locally with the police department or department of emergency management to make sure we're ready for a terrorism attack. but as um chief o connor mentioned that's also the windstorm and the rainstorms and the power outages and anything that impacts um, our ability to respond at a greater level. um i included in your packet a little
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bit more about each of those departments. that's not that doesn't really fit on this slide , so that all the acronyms can be explained to you. um. not only do i work outside as a liaison, but there are a lot of things that i do, working with my partners that impact internally elements of the department that already exist. um so the next slide that i put together shows the various entities in our department mutual aid in our operational area coordinator e. m s. training and operations and hazmat that already have their own lanes, their own missions and their own work to be done, but the homeland security position has a role that touches each of them. and so in the great bubbles i put in this chart elements of my work that touch each of those jobs and how that i coordinate with so many divisions in our department to get us ready for large scale planned events to get us
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responding for unplanned events , um and you hear me use the word plan a lot. i'm essentially the planning arm of our department for terrorism. how's matt and for disaster planning? um but i don't. i can't plan anything without working alongside operations to find out what the operation will be. and then i can provide that common operating picture. so to that point, um. i am in touch with elements that plan regional exercises. calloway yes, planned a huge exercise up in, um santa rosa last year, and we sent a rescue team up to participate in that exercise. um the beta bay area you wasi has a training arm bait up a area training and exercise program and working with the 90/5 civil support team that our army um, counterterrorism group. they plant a large exercise on treasure island. i mean, on alcatraz, and those are the
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pictures that you see there. so while i'm not the hazmat coordinator, that's our battalion to i'm able to plan and coordinate and reach across to help plug elements of our department into activities that the region is doing. disaster planning and response coordination. we've had a lot of practice this year with all of the storms that we had our department of emergency management activated the city's operations center. that's where not only the fire department goes, but public works health. health and human services. all of those departments come together so that we can coordinate our response. and so , um, we do a lot of planning in advance. we do some training and exercises to make sure that our plans are valid. and then when the wheels come off the bus, we gather together to coordinate our response. i am also coordinate with our selected drone pilot. lieutenant fogle,
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who works at station five. he has had a passion for this prior to bringing this to the department and through our homeland security grants. we were able to secure a drone, and he has built a cadre of seven operators and we are looking to expand that at this time and have increased number of operators. if you can go to the next slide time, it has some pictures of some of the some of the things that he's been able to assist operations with which is an overview of a fire and where the host stream is hitting or other things that somebody that's an incident commander at the fire may want to know, um and also with night lighting, being able to see where our rescuers are operating, or where a victim might be hiding in the cliffs or some of the uses that we've had for our drum. i also coordinate with the fema. california task force three. that is one of the heavy rescue teams that the deploys across the nation for disasters next
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month. in june. our team is up number two to deploy, and we have, um, several members in each of the categories that you see listed on this slide. that are training to respond to a federal emergency. um but not only that, because their training they bring those skills and capabilities back to the department. and so it's just another way that our members are dedicated because everyone who has chosen to be part of this team has volunteered to do so, um, and another way that they're showing dedication to the craft of fire fighting and rescue. this is the list of our current members. they also just open applications, and we have seven new members that wish to join the team and i included the rotation so that you can see that not all of our members would be on the bubble to go every single month. there's a rotating red, white and blue schedule. and so a few of our members are on the bubble each month. the special events don't stop in san francisco. we are
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celebratory city, and so, uh, this was the slide. i took the most time on because i think i probably left like 10 events off this list, but i think you get the picture about all of the number of events that not only are we sometimes responsible for assisting with the public events um, chinese new year the pride parade, um, fourth of july civic events, but there are some private events like outside lands that while we're not responsible for them as the city's responders, we are impacted by them, and we will also be prepared to assist around the edges or, of course, if the wheels come off the bus at one of those events. fleet week is one of the biggest events that we plan for our department. um is one of the major partners with the fleet week association and the military hosting a canine rescue event hosting the. press conference to kick it off and
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conjunction with the mayor's office and the fleet week association. and then during the air show. um our battalion chiefs lead command, and so i put a picture in there of the this is the command post out on the pier that's now been condemned. we'll see what they do for this year. but but our battalion chiefs are very involved in making sure that we are ready. should something happen during the air show on the front lines. um and then we also host the military for use our drill on treasure island each year and we've had m s right along with the military get to see frontline. what rms providers are going through. another really important element in fleet week is the disco. it is the defense security cooperation agreement. it is the agreement that the military has to support the locals in a disaster and so we've done exercises with them across the board. but this past year was an exercise of how they would support us through through the
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air. through a helicopter landing in our city to bring resources to a neighborhood that can't be reached by the ocean or might have trouble with roads being impassible in an earthquake, and so we really focused on the communications piece from the fire department side and we did, uh, we brought in all the way from our innards through our assistant chief to participate. and this was a series of exercises that started in june and went all the way through september, and unfortunately, the helicopter never actually landed. but the lessons learned were really incredible. and we are continuing that that work to commute to have military to firefighter communications for this year's fleet week. um and then, finally, i like to say i'm all apec all the time. the apec is the asia pacific economic cooperation group, and they are having us their summit here in san francisco in november, the approximately the 12 to the 18th. the level of risk for this
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event is called n s. s. e, um it is a national special security event that is the highest risk event with approximately 21 heads of state, potentially in our city at the same time and meeting at, um located as you can see in this picture for the ongoing meetings in the same place, and so this will be a very heavy lift locally for police and fire. now we're working with, um, the mayor's office on what that budget will look like, and the mayor is highly aware of the impact that will have on our department. um but we're also working closely with the u. the secret service who is the lead um, but they're not bring personnel. they look to the locals for the personnel to meet the need of the safety of this event with caravans and hotel protection and rescue task forces. and so we're on 14 committees, as well as the executive committee, and so i'm engaging members of the
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department to help us in leadership for each of these committees to make sure that our communications are good and that we do have a safe event. for a pack in the fall. and that's what i've been working on. so thank you for your time today. thank you very much, chief. let me call public comment now on chief sterols. brown's report as well as chief o'connor's report . public comment madam secretary , there's nobody approaching the podium and nobody on the public comment line public comments closed commissioners any questions, comments through chief ourselves brown orchard chief of corner at this point vice president morrigan. thank you. thank you for your report. chief brown was a great report. thank you. glad you're on it. keep us all safe. it's something crazy happens. you know, i remember reading one of your reports of all back i guess it's the one that was on. was it
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treasure island or alcatraz? alcatraz yeah, and that was like the mass disaster event. potential training that that you know if you had masks. well, hopefully not casualties, but victims or whatever. so how often could do you do those trainings? well i always try to thank you for your question. i always try and take advantage of every opportunity that i hear someone else's putting them together. so putting an exercise together like that is really difficult. but the 90/5 civil support team is a counter terrorism branch of the army reserves. and so they put that exercise together and invited us. so i always try and take advantage of those opportunities and we have another one actually coming up in september. it's going to be a fairy exercise. and the ferry company partnered to put together an exercise with all of those groups of, um an attack on the ferry or on the shore, so they're going to do something out on the water and on the shore, and we'll get the
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opportunity to drill with them without having put the exercise together because it's a heavy lift, right? right? no, that's a great idea. yeah, to 2 to 3 times a year. i guess i'd say we have that opportunity. the more the better, actually, but you're right. a niche on it. yeah i mean, it's great. i mean, it took kind of supplemental, right because our division of training is working with our hazmat team , and they have an annual refresher. um and some so they'll bring in experts this year was on the left, and i am batteries and the impact that they can have in the risk that they provide to us. so the major exercises are supplemental to the other ongoing training that we do. okay great stuff will keep up the good work. thank you . report thank you very much fast for the morrigan commissioner fraser. yes, thank you. thank you both. thank you. chief o'connor for your report first. i always appreciate your humor will miss that productive . i have a question about the behavioral health navigators.
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those are the i think you've been speaking to us about those the last few meetings. those are fellow firefighters. who are there for support, please. preview review that for me, including the part about vacation relief. i didn't quite understand that sure, those are kosher, culturally competent navigators. so their fellow e. m. t s firefighters, paramedics , etcetera. some of that our members can feel comfortable reaching out to will understand them, and then they can guide them to the appropriate resources and treatment strategies. and then we had that training session, so we have 15 additional vacation relief people a pool of people who can pick from that we can plug in to watch over. our other clients that help out if they go on vacation or get sick or need time off, so it's sort of a relief out for our members. that's great. thank you. that was helpful. and thank you for your total report. thank you, chief artist cereals. brown thank you for your report as well. um i had a question. you said that there are certain things that were not responsible
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for like at outside lands. so what happens or how great question, so there are income generating events that come into the city. sorry, wasn't clear about that, and so they are responsible to higher medical coverage for that, and so that that should not impact our system. but of course there's always some overflow, so we planned for it and we plan with them and we're aware of it, but we're not specifically assigning resources, but the fourth of july is a civic event. the city is responsible. and so as the city service we do assign resources to events like that. well that makes sense. i was just wondering, what do they do out there and golden gate park when they're calling 911 if it's not answering the calls, so they hire they hire medical services , first aid booth m. t s and paramedics and some transport ambulances and actually the limits of the local emergency services agency maintains the requirements based on the number
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of people that will be attending whether or not alcohol is served, whether it's on the water, so they have to submit a medical plan to those requirements. we have a very, very full plate is what i can say. and i think probably the storms that we had were good as far as planning and preparation and learning some things, although they didn't all have to come in the same month, but looks like they came in a very short period of time. i hope that was something good came from that. and then the last thing i want to say is when i saw that on 14 committees for one event. if there's anything we can do to help, please let us know. thank you. that's a lot of committees for one event. thank you very much for your report. thank you, vice president. excuse me, commissioner fraser. alright, um i'll just make comments to you, chief of terra brown, and then i'll make my comment to chief o'connor and get chief serrano up here, but the intention of the commission and myself as the president is together as many of our officers
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and units to present we have a wonderful commission, but we have now a full commission. and there's just so much information and knowledge based and so for us to get the folks who are the main players, the points the responsible chiefs to come up and update us and give us information. it's really, really helpful because nobody really realizes that and i've been on for a little while. how vast the responsibilities and so when chief postelection o'connor talked about the men and women in the department and everything is just done under operational administration. um s it gives us a clearer picture. so thank you very much for your presentation, and we appreciate it. chief o connor. i want to get chief serrano up here again after the chief but i just wanted to let you know again. um your presentations are just really educational, but they're also what i call grassy attention of
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the commissioners, at least mine. that blend of information always in terms of what we need to know whether blend of humor if you will, but also your last slide in terms of when you all came in true how y'all are now. um things look really good. um i was going to be interesting in terms of how you were all before. looks like some rambunctious individuals, particularly chief serrano. i oh, my god. you know what i mean? but it's great that we went through career development . but thank you very much, chief. also connor for your presentation, can i get chiefs around up here? thank you. true and i don't have a lot of questions just as an outgoing chief of support services, and we've been focusing on the bonds and all the effects of the bonds. and i know that we have chief winthrop on as well. but now we're going through a position change and succession
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plan if you will. could you share with the commissioner's a little bit in terms of because i'm focusing on the new training facility? and there's a picture in here on your report as well. but as we move forward with everything that we've done within this last era station 35 station 16. can you remarkable bit as to your filming in terms of as we go through this transition, and is that is it? mike mullen. chief collins is that, uh, coming in to new replacement of your duties tasks, but could you let it and share with the commissioner? some of your thoughts and i killings about what we think we should be aware of please the fire training facility and anything to do with easter will be is currently under chief lord trips. uh, current position. and i'm assuming that that position will be will be replaced by somebody else. but for now, i guess it'll come back to support
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services. obviously we have to deal with the department of public works, the architects etcetera on the big facility or the big projects. fire training facility, etcetera. we're still dealing with the station 35. and that build. obviously you went to the adf station 49 for the art. exhibit inauguration. um. my job right now would be to and, um advise. chief mullen. on a everything that i've been dealing with. i deal with facilities. i deal with sleet. right now. what i'm advising you is like everything that we're the fleet. it's a challenging time for fleet. so we are, you know, trying to procure different apparatus. vehicles for the department. it's very challenging because there's not much out there right now and build times have gone. through
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the roof as far as from 300 to 600 plus days. um, so that is challenging that will be challenging for chief mullen. as far as facilities are concerned. we just plan for the repairs as usual. for any big projects. you know, we will come to the commissioners and say these are the projects we're working on. the fire training facility is the biggest project we have ongoing at the moment. everything else is just generators, you know, um, station seven is another project that we are. um planning to, uh for um. and also if we have enough funding to, you know, to perform that job that build i'm optimistic. you know, the thought of is going to with what station fives plan use that as a blueprint. and kind of like
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tweak that for station seven. um i mean, there's so much i deal with on a day to day basis, you know, facilities fleet. um oversee clothing, logistics. etcetera. i just make sure everybody has what they need to do their job. you know apparatus equipment. a safe, clean place to stay. um and i got a guy. yeah. couple of guys here and there. they could help us that helps us. you know my role of decks and i'm dating myself by saying roller, dex. mm hmm. is deep. um if i can't do it or anybody, my staff or you know anybody that works with me and can't do it. we'll find somebody that can and that's what my job is facilitating. you know? the best possible service and
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outcome for our department. at the best price. so i mean, i could keep going on and on and i appreciate it. we do appreciate it. that's exactly what i wanted to hear. again long time ago. in terms of coming up, you know, i always heard different phrases, but one of the phrases that really affected me was that the book stops with me, and i always looked at you like that that in terms of support services and their predecessors except huge area. it's not like the other departments are not or units or not. this is a huge area so i really appreciate the kind of conscientious responsibility administratively to deal with this as well. chief nicholson did you want to have some remarks on this? yeah, just briefly as chief serrano said, um, we have, uh, the user assistant deputy chief. and that is darius let trip so we will not be losing his expertise on the fire training facility, and
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we will be advertising that position likely next week, so it's not going back to support services because support services has way too much to do and also overseeing the build out of a fire training facilities. just too much, and that fire training facility has to be done right? and so that's why we put that a position in there because there's so much pressure on support services. and in terms of chief serrano saying, i have a guy his connection, um to the communities here in san francisco has been invaluable. so having having him grow up here in the mission, and just, you know, he's he's a likable guy. he can talk to anybody, and, uh, he has a ton of connections that have served us really well in terms of getting work done. so um, that's his his connection to the community has been invaluable. thank you, chief for those remarks again
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when i came out and looked at support services at some point or another. i couldn't figure out how this june. it could deal with all of the things on the table. and at some point being here in terms of longevity. i never thought i'd be here for the opening station 49. and i made it. when you start talking about the training facility and right now in our city and county and our department we're going through. a tremendous change a succession plan if you will. and the young bucks that are in men and women and in terms of all of the veterans out there. this is the crucial, essential period of time. so again. you remind me of . i got a guy or i got a connection. i mean, that's how we used to get things done. and still to this day, so we're gonna miss you. and but i sure hope we got your connection. still, somehow some way they're always there, and i want to thank my whole team while the command staff chief nicholson and particularly on my team on
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support services. uh they bust their butts to get things accomplished, and i really appreciate everything they did. thank you very much. chiefs toronto. godspeed thank you. alright commissioners anything else before we conclude okay, we look. alright, madam secretary. we're on to item five, which is adjournment. i would like to adjourn this meeting and the memory of jack mccloskey. just meeting is a journey. learned a
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it across the city. [♪♪] the tenderloin is home to families, immigrants, seniors, merchants, workers, and the housed and unhoused who all deserve a thriving neighborhood to call home. the tenderloin emergency initiative was launched to improve safety, reduce crime, connect people to services, and increase investments in the neighborhood. >> the department of homelessness and supportive housing is responsible for providing resources to people living on the streets. we can do assessments on the
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streets to see what people are eligible for as far as permanent housing. we also link people with shelter that's available. it could be congregate shelter, the navigation center, the homeless outreach team links those people with those resources and the tenderloin needs that more than anywhere else in the city. >> they're staffing a variety of our street teams, our street crisis response team, our street overdose response team, and our newly launched wellness response team. we have received feedback from community members, from residents, community organizations that we need an extra level and an extra level of impact and more impactful care to serve this community's needs and that's what the fire department and the community's paramedics are bringing today to this issue. >> the staff at san francisco community health center has really taken up the initiative of providing a community-based outreach for the neighborhood. so we're out there at this point monday through saturday letting residents know this is
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a service they can access really just describing the service, you know, the shower, the laundry, the food, all the different resources and referrals that can be made and really just providing the neighborhood with a face, this is something that we've seen work and something you can trust. >> together, city and community-based teams work daily to connect people to services, 5 o'clock. >> (music). >> co-founder. we started in 2008 and with the intent of making the ice cream with grown up flavors and with like and with tons of accessible freshens and so we this is - many people
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will like it and other people will like you my name is alice my husband we're the owners of you won't see ice cream in san francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we - we provide the job opportunity for high school students and i hired them every year and . >> fun community hubble in san francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. >> and i'm alexander the owner of ice cream and in san francisco and in the outer sunset in since 1955 we have a vast of flavors liar choke o'clock but the flavors more
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than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of the ice cream. and my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and (unintelligible) joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. >> we're the ordinances of the hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made everybody from scrap the first ice cream shop any ice cream we do our own culture background
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and a lot of interaction and we're fortunate we can get feedback and serve to the king >> i went through a lot of struggles in my life, and i am blessed to be part of this. i am familiar with what people are going through to relate and empathy and compassion to their struggle so they can see i came out of the struggle, it gives them hope to come up and do something positive. ♪ ♪ i am a community ambassador.
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available. checking in, you guys. >> wellness check. we walk by to see any individual, you know may be sitting on the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive. you never know. somebody might walk by and they are laying there for hours. you never know if they are alive. we let them know we are in the area and we are here to promote safety, and if they have somebody that is, you know, hanging around that they don't want to call the police on, they don't have to call the police. they can call us. we can direct them to the services they might need. >> we do the three one one to keep the city neighborhoods clean. there are people dumping, waste on the ground and needles on the ground. it is unsafe for children and
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adults to commute through the streets. when we see them we take a picture dispatch to 311. they give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick it up. we take pride. when we come back later in the day and we see the loose trash or debris is picked up it makes you feel good about what you are doing. >> it makes you feel did about escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. the stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. >> you can see the community ambassadors. i used to be on the streets. i didn't think i could become a community ambassador. it was too far out there for me to grab, you know. doing this job makes me feel
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good. because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. i am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. i used to be like this, you know. i have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction because now, i feel like i can give them hope. it reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now. >> look at that beautiful jellyfish. the way to speak to students and motivate them to take action, to save the planet, they do, they
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care and my job is to speak to them in a way that they can understand that touches their heart and makes them feel powerful with simple actions to take every day. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ >> i was born and raised in the desert of palm springs, california. my dad was the rabbi in the community there. what i got from watching my father on stage talking to the community was learning how to be in the public. and learning how to do public speaking and i remember the first time i got up to give my first school assembly, i felt my dad over my shoulder saying pause for drama, deliver your words.
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when i was a kid, i wanted to be a teacher. and then when i got into high school, i decided i wanted to get into advertising and do graphic art and taglines and stuff like that. by the time i was in college, i decided i wanted to be a decorator. but as i did more work, i realized working my way up meant a lot of physical labor. i only had so much energy to work with for the rest of my life and i could use that energy towards making a lot of money, helping someone else make a lot of money or doing something meaningful. i found the nonprofit working to save the rainforest was looking for volunteers. i went, volunteered and my life changed. suddenly everything i was doing had meaning. stuffing envelopes had meaning, faxing out requests had meaning. i eventually moved up to san francisco to work out of the office here, given a lot of
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assembly through los angeles county and then came up here and doing assemblies to kids about rainforest. one of my jobs was to teach about recycle, teaching students to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost, i'm teaching them they have the power, and that motivates them. it was satisfying for me to work with for the department of environment to create a message that gets to the heart of the issue. the san francisco department of environment is the only agency that has a full time educational team, we go into the schools to help teach children how to protect nature and the environment. we realized we needed animal mascot to spark excitement with the students. the city during the gold rush days, the phoenix became part of the city feel and i love the
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symbolism of the phoenix, about transformation and the message that the theme of the phoenix provides, we all have the power to transform our world for the better. we have to provide teachers with curriculum online, our curriculum is in two different languages and whether it's lesson plans or student fact sheets, teachers can use them and we've had great feedback. we have helped public and private schools in san francisco increase their waste use and students are working hard to sort waste at the end of the lunch and understand the power of reusing, reducing, recycling and composting. >> great job. >> i've been with the department for 15 years and an
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environmental educator for more than 23 years and i'm grateful for the work that i get to do, especially on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. i try to use my voice as intentionally as possible to support, i think of my grandmother who had a positive attitude and looked at things positively. try to do that as well in my work and with my words to be an uplifting force for myself and others. think of entering the job force as a treasure hunt. you can only go to your next clue and more will be revealed. follow your instincts, listen to your gut, follow your heart, do what makes you happy and pragmatic and see where it takes you and get to the next place. trust if you want to do good in this world, thattttttttttttttttt
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daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time.
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they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer.
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>> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement. we have all the music going, the generally have a good time. whether it is awkward camp or junior guard. >> from more information, visit
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>> good morning. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the may 24, 2023 budget finance committee. i'm supervisor chan, joined by supervisor mandelman and shortly by supervisor safai. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? >> thank you. friendly reminder to make sure to silence cell phones and electronic devices to not interrupt proceedings. the board and committees are convening hybrid meetings that allow in person attendance and public comment while
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