tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV June 3, 2023 12:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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stuff from their grandparents, if they bring it here to us, we can preserve it and archive it and make it available to the public in the future. okay? yep. all right. hello. and welcome to the tuesday may 16 2023 hybrid in person and virtual meeting the san francisco entertainment commission. my name is ben blind man and i'm the commission's president. before we start with announcements. we are expecting a voluminous number of public commenters tonight, so we are limiting public comments, two minutes per person. and now we will have announcements. alright. we would like to start
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the meeting in progress. with the land acknowledgment we, the san francisco entertainment commission acknowledged that we're on the unseated ancestral homeland of the ram official oni, who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as the indigenous stewards of this land in accordance with their traditions, damages alani have never seated, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as for all peoples who reside in the traditional territory. as guests. we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the remote fishing community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. this meeting is being held in hybrid format with the meeting occurring in person in city hall room. 416 broadcast live on tv and available to view on zoom or listen to by calling 16699006. using meeting i d 8795 to 718416. we welcome the public's
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participation during public comment periods, there will be an opportunity for public comment. general public comments at the beginning of the meeting and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to two minutes today for those attending remotely the commission where here here up to 20 minutes of remote public comment total for each agenda item. because of the 20 minute time limit. it is possible that not every person in the queue will have an opportunity to provide public comment. remote public comment. remote public comments from people who have received an accommodation due to disability will not count towards the 20 minute limit. public comment will be taken both in person and remotely via video or call in for each item. the commission will take public comment first from people attending the meeting in person and then from painting from people attending the meeting remotely for those attending in person. please fill out a speaker card located at the side
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table or podium, come up to the podium during public comment. state your name any affiliations and then your comment. you will have two minutes once finished, please hand your speaker card to the commission staff behind the podium if using zoom platform to speak, select the raised hand option when it's time for public comment, calling in by phone dial star nine to be added to the speaker line when your item of interest comes up when you were asked to speak, you amuse yourself by hitting star sticks. please call from a quiet locations be clearly in latin slowly and turned down your television or radio. if you're also viewing the meeting at sf tv, be sure to mute it before speaking during public comment. alternatively while we recommend that you use zoom audio or telephone for public comment, you may submit a written public comment through the chat function on zoom please note that commissioners and staff are not allowed to respond to comments or questions during public comment. thank you joseph garb, tv and media services for sharing this meeting with the
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public. all right. thank you. let's do a roll call. president, blind man. vice president camino here. commissioner paulson commissioner says here commissioner thomas is here here. er commissioner tour. yes sorry. i didn't know you were coming. thank you and commissioner wong here full house tonight. right. thank you . agenda item number two is general public comments so this is for anyone who wants to comment on an item that is not on tonight's agenda, so something that's not on the agenda tonight. yes that that's the agenda. yeah. so this is for things outside of each other. thank you. uh is there any general public coming? president lyman. this is dylan rice, senior analyst. i'm operating zoom this evening, and there is a hand raised right now for general. right mr. barrie
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toronto. can you hear us? um yeah. minutes, please. thank you. thank you for giving me the chance to speak very interested in the item on the agenda. and i hope to weigh in later, but i want to we visit a topic i've been trying. i know that a lot of it is not a your jurisdiction . but you can at least uh, imposed some conditions or at least have empathy. um 11th street 300 block 11 straight pinfall. some in harrison's got to be a mess. but between the hours of let's say, uh, midnight and three a.m. there so many double parked cars and there's so many cars are leeway parked in the bus lanes and then i mean the but i mean the bike, bicycle lanes and double parked in the traffic and the traffic lanes. it impedes the bus, the bus line
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and mps other try. amputation providers such as taxis again, the uber and lyft drivers are out of control. but but the point is, is that they could pull over if, um, if they actually at the enforced some white zones or they put up cones . you should honor vlad vlad, who owns butter and the sports bar questions street for actually putting up cones and keeping this space is clear in front of his venue. also dna lounge is pretty good, because they they have a bus zone and a outdoor dining area that they keep enforced, but but the problem is the other clubs are not being good neighbors by making by by made by buying, making it so that their staff and others don't park in front of their clubs. is making it very difficult to serve the public there, so i appreciate
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that you look into this issue at least take a look at it. uh now when you're out there, uh, enforcing other laws, another codes. thank you very much for your time and letting me speak. thank you. any more public comment. there's none on zoom. alright we're gonna close general public comment move onto number three, which is approval of the minutes for april. 18 2023, do we have a motion to approve them? so moved back and is there any public comment on our meeting minutes? there are no public comments for the minutes. alright well close public comment. we can vote president lyman, vice president coming home. i commissioner paulson commissioner perez thomas, commissioner torres commissioner wang by alright. the meeting minutes have been approved. moving on is number
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four, which is a report from executive director wyler. thank you, president. claimant good evening commissioners. as you can see, we have a packed agenda tonight. so my update be very brief. it's just a reminder that our annual nightlife and entertainment summit will be occurring on monday, june 5th starting at one pm and going to about five pm at 49 south fairness, which is the building. which we reside. it's going to be in the conference rooms downstairs, just like last year , working, continuing to firm up the agenda for the day and have confirmed several folks to be present during our resource, ferret the beginning that are going to be table ng, um as well as firming up our initial speakers, including the fact that we're excited to share that mayor breed has once again confirmed that you will be attending and speaking, um and then we have reached out to panelists on both of our two key panels. a couple of folks from
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our commission are going to be participating in those so information about that went out today in our newsletter. and we're going to be continuing to flush that out and share with our mailing list. so if you're interested in hearing more about the summit or attending, please make sure to sign up for our mailing list, which you can do so online on our website, um, beyond that just wanted to share that again. we will be having a fun. happy hour afterward. it's going to be a cash bar. we have chosen the location. it's free and open to the public. it's at gambit in hayes valley, so we're really looking forward to that and just wanted to remind commissioners and members of the public that our regular, uh, hearing on tuesday, june 6th is canceled in lieu of the summit, and we will not be meeting again as a full commission until tuesday, june 20th after this evening. so please let me know if you have any questions. i'm
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going to put a plug in for the summit. we've spent a lot of time and energy and the team has been working really hard on putting together. uh, a agenda that has a lot of substance to it, so hopefully will be helpful for permit holders and anyone interested in entertainment in san francisco. so thank you for all the work on that. no further questions. i'm seeing so is there any public comment on the director's report? no public comment on the public comment will move onto agenda number five, which is a report from our senior inspector. thank you, president blackman. good evening commissioners. it's my new honor to be the one delivering these reports do you all while also providing support to our valiant deputy director? we received 102 311 complaint since our last commission hearing a month ago. i have a few updates below. but please let me know if you have any questions. please note that a copy of the may 2nd enforcement memos currently
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available to view and this week's report from senior inspector google photos folder. i'll click quickly summarize our enforcement actions for our canceled may 2nd hearing now. we issued a notice of violation to both south and that's west and temple nightclub for exceeding their allowable sound limits. in addition to the notices of violation, citations were given to hotel via for exceeding their sound limit and to trinity irish bar and restaurant for hosting entertainment without a permit. please let me know if you have any questions regarding these enforcement actions. um but first update tonight is about the brixton, located at 21 40 union street. they hold an llp for indoor entertainment from our office. we received a complaint on may 6th stating loud music was escaping the bar inspectors. ellen ac, responded to the complaint that same day. 3 40. pm upon arrivals. you found that three large doors of fronting the sidewalk and their
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main entry door were open. d j. was performing in the back right corner of the business with speakers facing the front doors along with their t v s playing loudly. she took a sound measurement that showed them to be in compliance with their sound limit and spoke to the manager about closing the doors as per the good neighbor policy. he made an effort to close the doors, which was interrupted by the owner approaching them to say that they were allowed to operate entertainment with the doors open, which is not true. deputy director azevedo. issued a citation on may 9th for violating the good neighbor policy and advised the owner to keep the doors closed during entertainment. the second update i have for you tonight is in regards to white rabbit, located at 31 38 fillmore street who holds a p o e from our office. we received a complaint on may 5th regarding volume and heavy bass presence. inspector fiorentino responded to the complaint on may 6th at 11 55. pm when he arrived, the front
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door was closed and interior sound measurement showed them to be operating slightly above their sound limit. he met with the manager who was able to bring their base frequencies down into compliance. inspector fiorentino reminded him to keep the front door closed when hosting live entertainment. we received a second complaint later that night on the morning of may, 7th again describing high music volumes. inspector fiorentino responded to the complaint that night at 12 30 am when he arrived, the front door was closed but confirmed there was a heavy bass presence heard from the exterior of the venue. and when he went outside and recorded sound measurement, it showed them to be operating six dbc above their allowable limit. he spoke with the manager again and explain they've received another sound complaint. after a couple of attempts, the manager was able to bring the volume into compliance. this was the second violation in three hours that inspector fiorentino had observed on may 9th deputy director as vato. issued a citation for violating their sound limit. and that's all. i'm
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not seeing any questions. is there any public comment on the inspector's report? there are no public comments for this report. alright we'll close public comment will move on to number six, which is updates on nightlife, business assistance, which i believe is ben van howden. normally i would give him a rousing welcome, but we're trying to do this efficiently this evening. so thank you for being here, ben.
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sounds like above our pay grade here. good thing. we have a policeman here. i can hear from back. okay, great. good evening commissioners ben ben howard from the office of economic and workforce development with a short update for you all tonight. first off a quick update on the bills that we are monitoring in the california state legislature related to the nightlife sector. um all four of these bills are continuing to move forward. there are some additional committee hearings and floor hearings later this month. but just as a quick recap that's a b 24, which requires certain businesses, including bars to post opioid antagonist kits where they are provided by the state. a b 3 74, which allows dispensaries to sell non prepackaged food and drinks and also to sell tickets to entertainment events. sb 76,
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which would enable local governments to designate entertainment zones for shared outdoor concert alcohol consumption and would also provide some important reforms to the state music venue. liquor license to enable music venue licenses to host private events and then sb 4 95, which would provide a licensing system to authorize the delivery of mixed drinks from restaurants and bars to consumers, so all four of those bills are continuing to move forward. at this time. uh few local updates here after a number of hearings supervisor dorsey's legislation focused on south of market which was part planning code reorganization and then also provided a number of reforms related to entertainment and small business uses in south market was approved by the board of supervisors of relevance to this group. but that legislation extended the proposition h patio reforms to the south of market district expanded access to 30
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day permitting in south of market zoning districts and also increased access to limited life performance permits in several soma districts, where they had not been previously permitted. additionally supervisor peskin legislation to enable limited life performance permit holders in the polk street ncd to offer entertainment until 11 pm, has been approved by the board of supervisors and is now in the mayor's desk. previously polk street llp permit holders had to invite 10 pm one of the think for areas where lps are authorized, where they can only go until 10 p.m. so now moving to 11 p.m. uh in march, the mayor announced that the intention to propose a number of additional small business permitting improvements through upcoming legislation. um in parallel with that effort, uh, we're working. i'm working with director weiland and deputy director azevedo on thinking about police code reforms and other entertainment related measures to support the
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nightlife sector. it's been a good conversation about, i think some longstanding need to revisit police code and right size some of the elements there looking forward to sharing more with all of you on that, as that moves forward. and then, uh, and then, finally, the public library is launching a digital local music collection to support local artists and their submission window is now open programs called babies and local musicians can apply, and if they're selected, they can receive a $250 honorarium or the inclusion of their music in that collection, so trying to get the word out about that program as well. and with that. my short update is done, but open to any questions. why are libraries so cool? it's amazing. uh one suggestion we may want to bring up to them is putting together
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like a playlist that we might be able to. ah, help distribute. i'm sure they're working on it. yeah, and this is something that i have not brought up to the library yet, but certainly after hearing the news that the library was going to be doing curatorial work to showcase local music, the immediate next question was, well. what are the different ways we can include local music and all of the different? uh, you know, city city avenues. um it's something that we have discussed in other cities have used local music for their hold music, and that's something that i think now if there's a that's awesome, so i would recommend that you curated playlist. but i've heard the music that you listen to keep me away. questions. all right. is there any public comments on that report? no public comment for this item. all right. thank you very much for that precise and interesting report. we'll
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move on to number seven, which is hearing impossible action for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission , and we're gonna start with deputy director azevedo to introduce the consent agenda. thanks president, blind man. good evening commissioners. we have three jam to bam applications on consent tonight . one is an f pass application, and the other two are for llp permits, one of which is an amendment to an existing indoor llp to include outdoor amplified sound. all of these applications are to continue outdoor activities that were conducted under their jam permits. please note that as of yesterday we received eight letters of opposition for park lab gardens . f past permit application, so staff are recommending that item a from the consent agenda be moved to the regular agenda. and would you like to go ahead and vote on this now? yes and remind me do we have to do public comment to move it? good. you probably should. alright, so. just so everybody knew the public knows well, we'll have to
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public comments on this agenda item. so if you don't do you don't necessarily you're welcome to but you're not necessarily have to speak twice on behalf of it. the first vote is just to move it to the regular agenda. then we'll discuss it. then there'll be another public comments before we vote on that, okay. um so first, i was asked if there's any public comment on the consent agenda. i'm sorry. no on moving that specific item to the regular agenda. mhm. alright hearing. none will close public comment that and we can vote. we need a motion. yeah. as i move the staff recommendation to separate the consent. alright now we can vote. president blankman, vice president camino commissioner goes on is still outside. um, commissioner perez . i uh commissioner thomas, commissioner torres high commissioner wang by alright. so that's going to be moved. and
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now we're just have the remaining two correct to continue. there was no opposition for the other two permits on the consent agenda for the mint and mars bar and sfpd southern station added their standard calendar. condition for the two permits in their district. staff recommendation is for the commission to vote to approve the consent agenda with the staff recommendations below. alright so now is there any public comments on the two items remaining on the consent agenda? president blackman. there is one hand raised right now. okay? trixie can you hear us? and if you can hear us, you have a few minutes. yes i am actually calling in about gallery about him. i don't know if it's happened, but i heard someone was sorry that that item has not come up yet. and so we're just we're just allowing public comment right now on the two items which are on the consent
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agenda that will come at a later time. and just for everyone's reference, that's the mint and mars bar and the mint and mars bar. so it's any remaining public comment on those two items. it does not look to be any more comments. alright and we'll close public comment. and it's already been motioned so we can vote. has it. yeah no, it has not been motion. so even now going to motion moved the consent calendar second. okay and we're voting. um president sleiman, president, camino missioner file song. it is still not here, uh, commissioner perez , i commissioner thomas i commissioner torrez. commissioner wang i alright consent agenda has been approved and i'll turn it back over to your team guide us through the next great park. this is now parkland gardens will be first on the regular agenda. parkland
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gardens is applying for an f pass permit to continue hosting outdoor amplified sound and their outdoor space in mission bay regarding the eight letters of opposition. we received a responded with education about how park lab gardens has been operating the same activity under a jam permit since 2021, if approved, will have to adhere to their existing sound limit condition which states they cannot exceed ambient sound levels at a distance of 50 ft from the property plane. all of the people opposing this permit application who shared where they lived are located over 400 ft from the applicants closest speaker but for responded that they so wish to oppose the permit. under the jam permit, they were allowed to have six hours of amplified sound per day . but the applicants are requesting 10 hours of amplified sound per day under the f pass permit, although we have not received any complaints about park lab gardens amplified sound since about february, 2022 staff for recommending to allow eight hours of amplified sound per day as a middle ground solution. here to speak with you this
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evening is owner carlos miele and strategy director ashlyn mcfadden. i think we have a video and pull that out. piers. oh, good, okay . in the middle of that, okay? no i never saw a copy of it. i understand. right thinking the same thing. i don't get it. okay commission. thanks for having us tonight. my name is carlos. mullah. i'm the owner of park lab gardens have with me. ash and mcfadden. she's our manager over at park lab gardens. we are , uh, san francisco's only
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outdoor 18 hole mini golf course. we also host ah, roughly five permanent food tracks and a outdoor beer garden as well. uh um, we've been open since 2018 in the mission, bay district and san francisco. um yeah, we pride ourselves on sorry. excuse me. we're open seven days a week. lunch and dinner from 11 am to nine pm um yeah, we pride ourselves in serving a diverse customer base of all income levels of all age groups. um you know, uh, family friendly. um corporate events. um you know, people that work and live in the neighborhood as well. we're quite the destination. um and, yeah, i think i'll pass it over to ashton. and maybe if you want to play the video so they can
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hi everyone. i'm ashlyn. now that you've had a short tour of our space a little bit of information on our application process. um as was mentioned previously we are applying for this fixed place outdoor amplified sound permit. oh that's our park across the street. um two. we are applying for the fixed place outdoor amplified sound permit to replace the jam permit, which, of course, is being sunset citywide as it was a pandemic era solution. um we feel that the fixed place outdoor amplified sound permit is the most analogous permit to the permit that we currently have, and most closely mirrors our current operations. um our goal in applying for this permit is to maintain our current ability to play prerecorded ambient music in our outdoor space, um, primarily to sort of create and inform the atmosphere for our customers. um in terms of
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outreach, we work directly with the entertainment commission to understand the scope of impact that this change could have in our neighborhood. and we structured our outreach directly based around those conversations . we reached out to a total of 27 businesses, one residence, one nonprofit and one community forum, which is our neighborhood next door page. ah that's in addition to the notice being hung at two entrances to our venue. all of these businesses and neighborhood sort of partners received a three tiered approach outreach, so they received a call from our organization and email from our organization, as well as a formal letter in the mail delivered via usps. each of those included our letter explaining the changes as well as the good neighbor policy that we currently adhered to, and would need to abide. um too far are most important for our potential permit. upcoming um it is really important to us that
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our neighbors weren't alarmed by this sort of necessary shift in permitting that were undergoing as a result of the jam being sunset. um and that they understand that for us, it's more of a paperwork formality in order to maintain our current operations. um, we have been open since right. 18 we've been operating with this permit for just about two years, and we wanted to make sure that our community understood that we understand our responsibility to be good neighborhood stewards and to continue to respect the neighborhood with the way that we operate, um, so specifically in pursuing this permit, um we would be keeping the current sound levels that we currently abide by. ah we would also be keeping our current sound area only 15% only 50% of our venue has outdoor amplified sound. it's in the food and dining sort of space of our venue, the patio seating and doesn't extend into the mini golf course because we do want to be courteous to our
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neighbors, specifically, the madrone and family house. uh um. in addition to that, we will continue to do the things we're currently doing in order to ensure that it's a safe atmosphere in and around park lab gardens. um we do have no parking, no smoking and no alcohol signs and a policy for each of those that are posted in and around our venue. um we have put up chains and bollards in order to protect the pedestrian right of way. where necessary so that, um things like uber and lyft aren't blocking passengers sounds and vehicles aren't pulling up onto curbs to unload for parties. um we really do want to make sure that it's a possible space for our neighbors. um of course, the neighborhood is well knit. well lit. um and we do have internal and street facing cameras to monitor the safety of the overall situation, and our park is staffed 24 7, so we are monitoring not just digitally but with on the ground staff full time. um and we perform a
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service of picking up trash, not just within our space, obviously beyond our borders as well every evening while the neighborhood sleeps. we make sure that we're tidying up, not just our space, but everything around us. um in short, this permit that we're pursuing is essential to our business success, as well as all of the small businesses that we host and uplift. um as carlos mentioned, we host several food trucks in addition to a mini golf course and bar, and that's just part of our standard day to day operations were also noted for hosting many community organizations, some of them businesses and many of them nonprofits, such as 8 to 6 valencia located just down the street, which is the children's literacy nonprofit, as well as family house, our neighbors directly across the street and beyond that, we sort of do digital marketing support for things that are going on in and around our space. um we really rely on the music to sort of create a positive, welcoming,
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convivial environment. um it's something that we need to thrive not just as a community space where people are coming together , um, but also to sort of drive that neighborhood commerce that has built into our mission. so many businesses rely on us to attract foot traffic and to bring the public that they need. in order to be successful. that's the right thing from us. that's a french bulldog under the table. please for the record , how does falls off? but i'm pretty sure it was different. have a question for you. i see a lot of the letters of opposition , citing the proximity to family house, which is, of course, a respite for um, families with very ill children receiving treatment nearby. um. and also correspondence, uh, connecting you to them about their concerns . what was the outcome of that
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conversation? are they now in support of this application? we have yet to hear back from them. we were connected today about midday. so i would be a fairly quick turnaround time. however looking at the language that they sent over as part of their complaint. it feels as though they were under the impression that this permit would change our operations and create, um, an additional noise burden within the area, which is absolutely not what we're looking to do. um in that letter , they actually write that we are currently good neighbors. um and that it's just this fear of change. that would be a disturbance to them. questions. right i don't have any questions so you can have a seat and we will open this up to public comment once you're seated okay. thank you very much. alright i
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know there's definitely some people want. so, um however you want to do it, but just one by one, please come up and state your name and speak into the microphone. and you do have two minutes. thank you. hello my name is deanna torsion. i am a resident of mission bay. i've lived in the madrone for over 10 years. and i am here to tell you that the current amplified sound is a problem. i am more than 50 ft, as well as the other residents in my building in the hundreds of residents in the area from the venue, but we are disturbed by the music today. i mean in the recent past um, the family house. i know. i know that they also have concerns and i am here to urge the commission to deny this application to allow time to have, um, the to
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allow time to really address the issues. we have never made a formal complaint to the commission. but we have complained to management at the mini golf course when the music was loud, and there it was not resolved. um i also want to just give a little bit of history about this particular venue. i was a part of the mission bay office of community investment in infrastructure citizens advisory committee process that , um, that approved park labs coming into that menu. um a few years ago. originally a roller skating rink wanted to come to that venue. the community including family, house and ucsf , they have medical facilities. right next door. we were against it, because even if the ambient noise that the, um directive is 50 ft, there is extremely that it's very windy. the noise carries because the community
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came out against it in the process in the community process . the application for the roller rink was denied when park labs came to that same community group. we were assured that there would be no amplified sound, and that is why one of the most critical reasons it was. the application was approved this um okay, i will stop but notification. nobody in my building received notification. i just want to communicate that. thank you. hello thanks. commissioners for hearing me out. um, i'm also resident in the homeowner very close to parc labs, and i guess i'll speak on behalf of a bunch
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of people who couldn't make it. uh two things to mention. one is , um, the posting of the notice is at least to a number of the buildings that are right. there was not adequate. we were not informed. we actually found it out over the weekend, because coincidentally, somebody some residents saw a sign. and remind you this is a lot of people who live right next door to it, so if, um, we couldn't see it for several weeks. then there should be some way of notifying us so we could actually have informed discussion. so that's one point second thing i would mention is you know, minigolf etcetera is very nice activity. i should mention that sound or music that is acceptable to somebody going for a night out for entertainment. is what is an acceptable volume is just very different from people who have to come home every day, and that's their permanent home for that level. that same level of
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volume and music, um makes no longer makes home peaceful whether it's for family house that you know the cancer stricken kids or all the folks like myself and hundreds of others who live right there. that volume of noise and music coming home every day. it just affects the quality of life a lot. it is fun, no doubt to hear that volume of music when you're out for nine and minigolf, etcetera, but there is a material difference, and we were just like the commission to be aware that we've had a bunch of complaints in the past. to be honest, i didn't know about this commission that you could file a complaint. otherwise we definitely would have done so and i think many of those concerns were not addressed. so we're taking this opportunity to design am to definitely object to this and, uh, hope to get your consideration. thank you. thank you. hi my name is deborah cesic and i also live at the
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madrone across the street from the park lab, all of the mini golf and gardens, etcetera. and you know, i want to say that carlos and luiz i appreciate your passion. i appreciate the fact that you have brought a lot of tallit e into the neighborhood. um but, um, i do feel that reaching out to the businesses in the area is not the same as reaching out to all of the people that actually live there as um, it said, were there 24 7? the businesses. they come in the morning and they leave in the afternoon, and so they're not affected by it in the evenings on the weekends, etcetera, um i think that also that it isn't really the music that makes this business thrive. it's golf. mini golf. it's the food. it's um you know, all of the tps where people can congregate, etcetera. um so i sort of want to push back on that as far as you know what i think is really, um you know how
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to be realistic about. you know what really people are coming for. okay um, i have lived in this neighborhood from the very beginning for over 11 years. 12 12 years. excuse me. and um, we have, um, really asked that our neighbors and i remember when sparks social came and how they met with us and how there was always a lot of communication on what they wanted to do and how they were going to do it and really being a good neighbor. and for some reason, i just don't feel like this was as good goodly neighborly as it could have been, um and so i would like you to consider not uh, um, approving this application? um and we can come back, maybe at another time to sit and look at it from a different perspective. thank you. thank you. looks like there's no more public comment
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in the room, please. hello my name is ryan moats sick. i'm here to speak in support of park lab gardens, getting to continue music and their space as someone that frequents the space fairly often i feel like it's a major part of the experience. um, i think anyone that says that music and business don't combined or isn't a draw. maybe hasn't ran a small business or understands like the necessity of music and entertainment. i fully backed them them well as are responsible operators. um if i've never heard a single bad word about any of their projects up until today, and i fully support them and back them. thank you. thank you. alright i'm not seeing any further comment in the room. do we have anybody on the internet? it
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doesn't look like there's anyone online. no. okay? discussion. bring them back up. yeah can you come back up and we have some questions for you? hmm. good evening. um just for the record was the building served with documents like you did everyone else in the neighborhood. based on the ambient level of the sound and the. projected impact space. um no, they were not served actually, a residence that's much closer to them was served in. every person in that building was notified and we didn't receive any sort of complaints or push back from that which is let me try to different way since i've been in was not served. okay understood. thank you were deemed to be
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outside the scope. okay? how about police headquarters? since that's where i've been since the day it's opened. yes um, we notified southern station. i'm not sure if that qualifies as part of the building. absolutely and that was nearly approved and we will be sending sort of a digestive anything that we have happening in the parks to them. that's something we're very familiar with with our venue across the street, which operates under an llp. okay? so madrid wasn't. provided information because they're outside the footprint. correct. do we know that to be actually true, so usually we require our all of our businesses to do outreach 250 to 300 ft away at maximum, and the drone was measured at 400 ft. away from the closest speaker. i think what's tricky, which it's just the reality of the way it's laid out because there's buildings on each side. you do develop an
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echo there. so it does travel. i won't dispute that for a person who's been there. and works late at night. um from a. maybe more for staff from a status. so from a statutory point of view is that something we can take into consideration or if they're outside the 2 50. they're just not part of the conversation. i mean, they're they're obviously part of the conversation now, so it's up to you as a commission to decide if you want to. mediate now or bring back but we will say that um, you know, anytime we get a complaint, we were we do our best to realize that. i mean, i guess this is the only thing i would share and really quickly my background i spent over 10 years managing all the liquor licenses for the city, which is close to 4049 square miles, so i'm intimately knowledgeable with these types of frictions. what is unique, very candidly. is youtube seem very passionate about what you do and very passionate about your neighborhood and the people
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concerned, um, are actually incredibly balanced in their comments. they haven't been hostile. they're they're trying to find a solution, which to me, lends credibility. the only other comment i would make is it's been my experience if three people are showing up in a large building. that represents many others that either have childcare conflict, their work conflicts or don't even know this hearing is even happening. um so to get a presence of three people is significant. that's all i have at the moment. couple of things. there's another llp right? this spark social is that correct? and that's there's this problem, okay, and that's right. next door, and they haven't separate sound limit with separate okay, we're talking about the food trucks. yeah behind and just to be clear. this is just to have a fixed place amplified. permit fast, fast. it's cool question. yes. hello. thanks for coming in. what's your current policy when they was complaining about sound issues? how do you guys resolve
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that now? our current policy is to respond by turning the music down. um we acknowledge that it's not always to the level that folks are expecting us to turn it down. our staff is also trained. every single member of our staff is also trained in how to measure our sound levels. um and that was guidance that was provided to us in person by inspector fiorentino. um so we do leave the venue. we do stand at the proper foot limit and we do wait for things like cars to pass to make sure that the sound is drowned out by that additional, you know, ambient noise of the neighborhood. um so that's currently what we do. and how do residents know which number to call? generally folks reach out to us via email and because we are so heavily staffed, our response rate is quite fast via email. do you provide that phone number? can you provide a phone number?
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yeah, we can. and initially, a lot of people have my number for spark social. um and we have our number. uh, to certain like business property managers and people like the ceo of family house and things like that. they do have our personal numbers. does every single resident have my number? don't think so. but if we can that be posted on your website or something like that, so it's accessible. i don't know if i'd post my personal number on the website. but if there's a different way to do things just called totally open, call forwarding. sorry it's just forwards. you just have it forward. dear self. no no, i know how to know. i mean, so when they call my bars, and we're out there in my dispensary than my phone rings. open to the sharing it with like property managers and things like that. absolutely. would you consider getting a like a designated phone and not your personal cellphone number designated business number that can be shared to their communities, so that when you have a complaint, there's a way to reach you guys
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in real time. absolutely yeah, absolutely. okay. thank you. i had a question for staff. we haven't heard anything from family house yet on our end, either. yesterday i received a letter from the executive director, and it did. just as ashlyn stated in that letter is included in your file. there were concerns, and it seemed as though it was about an enhancement of the programming. um, i spoke with the executive director asked if i could put them in touch with the park lab team, and they said yes, absolutely. and that correspondence occurred today. so we haven't heard or i have not heard a response back. um yet. thank you. questions. um i have some thoughts here. so first of all, i think there's this happens quite frequently. in here. where we're such like an obscure commission that this is a very packed house for us right now. sometimes it's
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slightly fewer people in here, but people are kind of unaware of what it is actually that we do. and so we were created by a charter to act as essentially a mediator between the issues of sound. and sometimes security and other things and the issues that neighbors have, because previous to this, i have to take your shot. the police were in charge of that, and you can imagine they never misses this idea had their hands full with other things and weren't necessarily acting as a meteor. so that's why this, um they did their best they tried. thank you. so um, so i think what what happens a lot in here as people come in and say, you know something similar to what you said, which is totally understandable, which is, you know, delay this. we need more time. don't give them the permit , right. but i think there's a there's kind of fundamental unders misunderstanding sometimes in that when we bring people into a permanent permit like this, then then they have a much bigger layer of scrutiny over them, and that becomes us at all times. we have inspectors in the field. we have maggie
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with caitlin. i think you've dealt with caitlin and some of the people and you see there on top of things. and so you know, what we've often found is people who are concerned. um beforehand , actually, like, wait. now i actually have somewhere to go to and i'm not, you know, have to respond to that. but we've you know, i've been doing this for seven years, this commission and over and over and over again. we find that that repeatedly so if there, for example is ah, audible noise in your building that's not allowed. and so we were unaware of that. i will say 311 goes directly to us when you file a complaint, so that, um so that is a way when our inspectors in there are in the field to that, that we respond to almost every single 311 complaint very regularly, right . i would argue a lot more than the for example. the police responded, 911 calls and thanks, right? just kidding, joking. joking um, but so you know, it adds this extra layer and then
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you know, we answer the phone when you call. we're not just a city department. you know, you could say it was really loud yesterday and then we can act as mediator. we also act as a mediator in bringing neighbors and operators together for an ongoing dialogue, which clearly is not happened here. um. i will say, though in their defense, you know, the law says, and i know and they, you know, it's always nice when people go above and beyond, but being a business owner in this city, myself navigating all of the rules and all of the restrictions. all of the things it's really hard when somebody asked me. oh you should have done more than it said for you to do on this piece of paper that we handed you and you're like at one point you're just like, like what? come on, right. and i've been through that many, many times in the city. so you know, i am very kind of. i understand. i can hear that the concerns so you know, i'm not suggesting right now what our course of action is, but i just think that no matter what action we take going forward that now
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you know, we're aware we're here . we're on it, and we work toward solutions and like i said , if it's audible, you're beyond the 50 ft that is allowed and that's not allowed, and that may be one single speaker that's bouncing off of a cloud and headed over to your building, or maybe one that they can disconnect or something that needs to be turned down. there's all sorts of like actual ways of tweaking things. and we're fairly relentless. um in our efforts to mitigate issues, and so what we found in the past is that when we're brought in, actually issues get solved faster than when we kind of leave it to others, and that's over and over and over and over and over again for seven years that i've seen that, so i just want to just kind of set the e you know what we do here going forward? i think you know personally, you know, i want to see um. i if we're if we're going to go forward with it, i would want to see not
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conditioned, but, uh, kind of forced dialog going forward so that we make sure that they are connecting with people that they maybe didn't know had issues or that were outside of the spectrum and but no, no, this is not our dialogue. i'm sorry. um whether or not they have done that in the past, and they should have known better. that means that's completely moved. it's what we do. starting now going forward. that's what i'm talking about. right um and you know, people say they didn't do this. they do this. we don't we don't get involved in that. we say here's what we need done now, starting in the future, that's how we operate here. so um, those are just some some things i want to set the table with. their thoughts. i mean, i guess i think this is a question for staff really, in terms of, you know. i think we know sound travels a little differently sometimes when you've got big, you know. open space and then tall buildings around it, reflecting the sound. and we
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know that the requirement is that 50 ft. at ambient and i'm wondering if there are ways to measure. sounded ambient further out from 50 ft if that would make any difference. i don't know. i'm not sure if what i'm asking is even feasible or i think that would be working backwards just because that would then allow their volume to be audible further away, and that's not what we want to occur. so giving the 50 ft. that's the lowest distance that we would want to go for feasibility purposes. anything closer than that just isn't realistic. yeah i guess i'm trying to get a sense of how loud it is 400 ft away, for example, compared to 50 ft away . gotcha yeah. so that's i think what ben was sort of getting at , and this is one of those were now that we know this is an issue. we can go and set a
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specific limit based on the 50 ft measurement to ensure compliance, and while we're out there, we can certainly go and take a reading at 400 ft. away by the madrid and building, um, to see what that is telling us. see if that is kicking up. ambiance higher than you know what ambient was originally read at at that location. um and that could then advise us if we need to. then inform carlos of ways in which they can mitigate configuration of the speakers because that's sometimes is the case or a speaker might be pointing in the direction of a sensitive receptor. um and causing some issue there. yeah. yeah, they're far enough away that that something might. my god is that something's happening? right? the 400 ft pretty far out. so you know, being a city block and, um and so, you know. there's i'm guessing here speculating, but something's bouncing off of something. and so that those are
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not the worst situations because you can isolate and do it more isolated tests, which we've done recently at at at at a spot on devices where we were, you know, literally. turn off that speaker. can you hear it? okay. it's not that one. turn on this one right? like just a little more. uh, a little more like direct. then just saying, okay, let's take a general ambient. haven't we done it with some of the stadium events? yeah, absolutely. where we were getting calls from the east bay and might just pivoting some speakers. yeah, away from alameda. really? i didn't wanna get particularly lot of our sound. yeah so odd, but, yes, it is alameda. so what happened? what i'm saying is, you know how we move forward might be a little more of a strategic approach rather than let's take a measurement here. let's take which i'm you're not suggesting. but you know, just we have a little we have more tools than just that. just that and however we proceed. i just strongly recommend it sounds like there is a lot of concern about impacts over at this particular
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building the madrone i highly recommend you open a dialogue with them and um, start to work out some of those issues together. it wasn't done on purpose, right? we were just going through the conditions, right? certainly. certainly. yeah. i'm not implying any bad faith on your part. but just observing that tonight there few people from one building, so it does indicate there's something happening there. yeah, we'd even recommend that after the agenda item that you all step out in the hall. and if you'd like, senior inspector is very enough to join you. he can step out for a couple of minutes just to discuss how we can go out and measure sound and help mediate. any more questions for them while they're standing there. besides majoli's during nuts, another resident building that might be impacted that we should consider now. sorry it was the question is there besides the drill and resident building
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another building new that's also within the edge of this that we should be. we should consider within the edge. i don't believe so. there is a residential building that's closer to spark which has the llp, um and would likely be more concerned with noise from that building. i don't believe we've received complaints from them recently, um, the building that is residential that directly about spark club gardens and is one of the buildings creating that canyon effect. they were notified, and they did confirm with us that they sent that notification to every single one of their residents. the name of that building is 5885 spelled out with letters and then eight in numbers, and it's address is also 588 on our street. i do. i am very interested in the possibility of testing speaker by speaker because i do think it's very revealing that the building that is directly next to us didn't submit any complaints and that are building further down the street. did so , um, very interested in
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exploring that that bouncing. it bounces in strange ways. sometimes it just gets picked up and put on like you're you know, like, like corona heights, you know, from a t and t park. it's just maybe it's your quite tower . i getting back to, um to missioner perez point. i just want to point out too, that on the number four of the good neighbor policy, which is a standard policy that every permit holders abides by number four is permitted total shall provide a phone number to all interested neighbors. um so it's not so that's something easily fixable, whether it's a burner phone or a call forward. whatever is there is something easily fixable. right now. we do have one number and i think the confusion is that it doesn't run directly to my team. it runs to the mini golf team. we all work out of a shared office space, and we all worked collaboratively. but that is the public facing number right now, so it's possible that the community um, i need something with our name on it directly, and we can certainly immediate
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thought it's a requirement and clearly there's an there's issues, so it's something that you know that's an easy way to cut it off of the past, having had 11 bars with many, many angry neighbors, many of them many, many, my god. just my it's just my face, too. it's not the sound but the they, uh you know, i found that like answering the phone and talking to them in real time was like literally stopped 99 out of 100 issues like literally because they felt powerless. they feel annoyed. they felt like just like when you call comcast and you can't get through. instead they're like, oh, i got you or a text. you know a lot of them. just text me turn it down, right and then boom. done and they say thank you so much, and then we're friends, right? and so i found that to be just incredible resource, and i thought it would be annoying. and in fact, it was much less annoying than the alternative right, which is just angry people who are upset because they don't feel like you
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care. right so, um and it's you know, so um. alright you can have a seat. thank you. thank you. more questions. motions. let me. i don't expect us to get a lot of legs, but my preference would be that they this isn't the first time this has happened that we realize there's concerns the night of the hearing. um. and i don't think it was intentional. i think it's just the nature of like our president explained. we can be a little bit obscure. my preference would be this is my preference that the parties met and collaboratively came up with some solutions before this was
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approved. i don't agree. um i think that's one solution. i think it's fine. i think that's you know, it's not the end of the world to punt it for a couple of weeks till the next hearing a month a month until the next hearing, um i don't think anything that would happen in that period of time. i don't think that that approving the permit would change that at all. i think you know part of approving this permit. would mean that they would have to abide by the rules. and if people are hearing sound, 400 ft away than they're violating the rules, so accidentally, but they're violating the rules, right? logistical point to that timeline, um, because they're located on private property. the jam permit for them expires on may 31st. and so that technically means that they
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would not be able to host amplified sound between now and june 20th or excuse me. then in june, 20th so it's stopped their programming. it would cause a, you know. so i agree with you on everything. commissioner until except for that one point, i think that everything that you said needs to happen, no matter what and why? i don't think we should condition and i think it's clear that it it has to happen, especially given the fact that there's audible noise at a at an at a distance. it's not allowed. it's simply not allowed by us and i will concede to your point that whatever happens the voice of any complaint. it's not neutered. regardless where we go. you still have a voice and now you know where we are. and you know how to find this. um so. yeah, and in in many ways, it's reversed its there's you know, and we found this. there's a place for people to go with,
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like incredibly responsive department behind. i agree to have the best calling everyone money. yeah. yeah. i mean, i think. i think there's a communication issue and there's a technical sound issue right? and i feel like if we can, and the sound is currently operating under a permit. i would like to be able to figure out how they continue to be able to operate as they're currently operating while we, particularly entertainment commission staff, figure out how to help address both the communication issue, which i think we've probably made some headway on this evening in terms of having a phone number of people knowing they can call 311. that and then also spend some time working on the technical issue of figuring out what the what's causing the sound to be louder. it sounds like 400 ft away than it is 50 ft away. yeah, and we and you
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know, we as a commission. we can direct staff to prioritize things right and i would be very comfortable with asking their team to make this a priority if we were to go forward with yeah , so that i mean, that would be. my suggestion is that we move forward with um, approving this with staff recommendations and adding in, however you wanna phrase that around staff prioritizing. addressing the sound traveling issue. we just have to say we end we direct staff to prioritize this issue. it doesn't have to be part of the permit itself was that emotion. yeah it sounds kind of like emotions. almost yours. motion would like to move approval, um, of this with staff recommendations. and not as part of the permit language. but as part of the commission's direction to staff to prioritize. um identifying what
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the technical sound issue is and figuring out working in partnership with the neighbors and the permit holders to mitigate the impact. um on further away residents before its second. can i just ask one quick question because i was preoccupied in the beginning of this hmm. did i understand correctly that their current jam is six hours. and then they asked for 10 in the commission's recommending eight is that accurate? so just in the spirit of equity. the uh i forget their name. family house? yes, her letter. if i heard it correctly was that there was no enhancement there. okay but there is an enhancement, so i just want to be transparent on that, so we are looking at increasing their use by two hours if we go with what staffs recommending. and given how vulnerable that population is. i am curious as to what their
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comment and reaction is to the to the application. so when we leave it at six for the friendly amendment to maybe i don't. i'm not clear in our role could could they come back at a certain time? once we have a track record and try to tack on those two hours, we can call them back anytime we want, and they can put a sorry they can request an amendment to their permit whenever they want, and it's our it's our discretion to see them so and we would also if that was the case, and they wanted to come back for potential change in permit conditions that their request, we would also make sure that they were doing neighborhood outreach again. that might be a nice split the baby in half here. between you and me. what do you think it sounds like staff recommendations except for six hours instead of eight hours. yeah and even though it's already in the good neighbor policy, can we underscore the needed any help? they need to
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have a dedicated phone number. a cell phone number did the neighbors can call. i think that's something we just need to make sure we're following up with carlos about to ensure occurring there. so if they're violating that, then we okay. you're compliance was all of that clear. and the language. yes yes, we're just making what amendment to reduce six instead of eight hours. and i just have a question in regards to the prioritization component that this will also include, um circling back with family house. okay? absolutely we can also offer if they want to be present for any sound testing. alright. there is a motion. is there a second? second we already did public comment. we already did. okay great. uh president blackman, vice president, camino commissioner paulson. never done this before, but i have every expectation of voting. no but i'm going to vote. yes, thank
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you. thomas rise, okay, quote. okay so that was a yes. um okay , commissioner, commissioner perez commissioner thomas, commissioner torres commissioner wang i all right, so it's been granted so follow up with our staff. earliest you can work to mitigate these issues, communicate with them. and when you feel like you're ready, and they're ready and things are not an issue, then let them know and we can will at our discretion. we can have you back if you would like to amend it. all right. one okay. great that was the first one, um, consent. talent yeah. all right. well um , the next permit on our regular agenda is for f x entertainment llc, d v, a hawthorn that is applying for one time outdoor
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event permit to host outdoor entertainment and amplified sound with extended duration. hawthorn is a nightclub and lounge with a place of entertainment and extended hours. premises permit with our office already for their interior entertainment. during the pandemic, they were able to get a shared spaces. street closure with sfm to from maiden lane between kearny street and grant avenue for outdoor dining . they applied for a jam permit for this outdoor area and was granted one in 2021. from mondays through fridays, from 4 to 10 and saturdays and sundays from 12 to 10 there now transitioning from their jam permit and seeking the same request and their renewed and approved shared spaces permit for the same location. there was only one complaint made for this outdoor activity since they've received their jam, which is included in the packet. the applicant conducted extensive outreach in advance of this hearing, which included passing out an outreach letter to the residents and other businesses. on post, carney, gary grant and maiden lane around the closure. no complaints came from the outreach and sfpd central
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station had no additional recommendations here to speak with you this evening is permit applicant chadwick bomb back over zoom. hmm. chadwick. are you there? for waiting for person to assume in. can you hear me? okay yes, we can hear you. now. go. okay. great. sorry about that. so just as yeah, you had prefaced i my name's chadwick bomb back with hawthorn and in the downtown union square district. we've been there since 2014 were
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basement space with our main entrance on geary street and are back entry exit at 47 made the lane. uh as you mentioned, we maintained the jams from it to host music and entertainment activations. during our happy hours and weekend daytime events since the entertainment commission started offering this option a couple years ago. um these activations mainly consists of djs and jazz type entertainment events, including soloists, as well as simple playlists over speaker for happy hour guests. um having this permit will help us offer more to our guests and special private event clients. our hope is that it will also, um, health and at least on our collective part drive more overall business, too. the downtown district, which is definitely been impacted quite a bit since covid. um we'd like to utilize the new entertainment permit
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mainly on the weekends, but also during the week for certain events and activations, um location wise, currently maiden lane on both blocks, including the block that we're on, is already shut down to traffic and allows for pedestrian access only during the day until six p.m. so our permits would just allow an extension for this. and in most cases, the proposed entertainment area would be just within a 70 ft section at our 47 maiden lane address. and that's all i have. questions. let's see if there's any public comment first. maybe that'll spark some questions. if you want to speak in public comment, just step to the front and state. your name. you have two minutes to speak, okay? uh so you're going to do
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public comment. you have to speak in the microphone, so it's on the record through some entrepreneur events on behalf of state of california at the hawthorne and chadwick was very helpful. someone i really believe, and he wants to serve the community to anything he says. will uplift community no matter what. so chadwick you know you're on the right path. thank you so much. i wasn't sure where. thank you. he was directing the chadwick directly . wait is there any more public comments? it's okay. wait for this secretary. there any no more no more public comments on zoom or in person. chadwick you can sit down. okay, thanks. any comments any questions? done.
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can i make a motion? you can make a motion? i'd like to move to approve this item with staff recommendations. second alright, we can vote. president lyman i president. coming up high commissioner falls on yes, hi, commissioner. padesh commissioner thomas commissioner torres i commissioner wang by. all right. thank you for zooming us and we can move on to the next hermit. thank you. thank you. thanks, chadwick. alright. i believe i'm next. that's a different permit. yes. okay? do you want to start this off? breathe. eagle bar. yeah. go
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ahead, dylan. okay? we'll get started. good evening commissioners, so the next permit on the regular agenda is from sf eagle bar to obtain a one time outdoor event permit to host outdoor entertainment and amplified sound in the eagle plaza street closure on a daily basis through march. 31st 2024. we have included them on the agenda tonight because they're requesting more than 23 days of outdoor entertainment within the 12 month period. they would like to host djs and drag shows and lgbtq and leather community based programming in the street closure. while they don't anticipate hosting after entertainment or amplified sound every single day, they are requesting to have the flexibility to choose which days and which hours to have programming within the parameters that we set. eagle is requesting permission to host the selectivity monday through friday between 10 am and 10 pm
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for up to six hours per day. so again, it's up to six hours per day and saturday and sunday for up to eight hours per day between the hours of eight a.m. to 10 p.m. sound checks would occur intermittently between 10 am and three pm fecal bar has received a grace period from sfm to operate their expired shared spaces permit until they receive approval at the smmt board directors meeting on june 6th where the board will vote on approving to extend their permit through march. 31st 2024. the applicant conducted neighborhood outreach to affected neighbors within a one block radius of the street closure premises. for the record, there was some confusion with what neighbors were told in terms of outreach and incorrect version of the outreach letter was delivered to some neighbors , listing and correct days and hours information. but the applicant delivered the correct letter to those neighbors shortly after this error was discovered. he received opposition from five neighbors.
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you'll see those comments in your folder along with the application and outreach documents. sfpd seven station provided the recommendation of the following a two. please send them to scheduled events with 500 or more estimated attendees, at least 30 days in advance. be descend them a monthly calendar at least 10 days in advance of the coming month. and see in the calendar. the permit holders should list the type of event and the estimated attendance for each event. note that the entertainment commission staff is recommending different days and hours than what s of eagle bar is proposing. to put this into the record. i will read out this with the steps recommending we're recommending to allow up to six hours of outdoor entertainment amplified sound between 10 am and 10 pm daily, with the exception of four special events per month. a special event is defined as an event with up to eight hours of
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outdoor entertainment and or amplified sound between 10 am and 10 pm that utilizes a louder sound limits set by entertainment commission staff. addition you see, staff are recommending the email a monthly calendar of events to the intimate commission and as the pd seven station at least, 10 days prior to the beginning of the month. and that email the eagle would need to specify the dates of their special events each month roster recommending that sound checks may occur at your mitten between 10 a.m. to three p.m. that's a lot of information is spread for you. please look at the memo for all the details here. speak with you tonight are from the sf eagle. they are lex pontell, omar morales and drew guns er and i'm going to bring them in momentarily. they are on zoom. and bringing lexan. true guns er
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and omar morales right now. okay? so. lex omar. andrew um, please meet yourself. whoever wants to speak first. and whenever you're ready to share screen, you may do so for your slides. thank you very much. um i will have omar to be ready with the slices. and now we'll myself starred. um, if i may. so i grew up. my name is lex montiel, owner and operator of the san francisco eagle bar. i stand before you today to advocate the renewal of our permit amplify sound at eagle plaza. this request is not only to or about amplified sound. but it sucks. about four forest ng inclusivity, providing additional amenities and
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creating a safe space for statistics expression. plaza was opened on 2019 after five year plus of approval process that included many community meetings , and it was originally proposed as a place for events and entertainment for the leather and another tv community is not part of the leather cultural district, which has a rich history, etcetera rallying point of social hovel, leather legitimate communities. of san francisco. with this permit, the san francisco eagle bar would be able to fulfill the promise of the eagle plus have by posting reasonable and contain outdoor gatherings to create a safe space for our community to socialize. san francisco eagle bar as a store of the eagle plaza has been a vital picture in san francisco, leather and communities for decades as a gathering place where people can be themselves preferred judgment , discrimination and criminalization provides solids
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and support during times of adversity and no person venue to celebrate diversity and promote unity among the patrons. help. they create an eagle plaza and we seek this permit because we're continuing committed to our community, and we want to create a vital space where people can come together. each day is that this heartening to witness this scrutiny and persecution facebook drag queens and other queer and trans artists who challenged societal norms. our requests to permit renewal is largely driven by the desire to provide space where these individuals can freely express themselves by embracing the unique art forms. but then you are mermaid with allowed us to offer direct artists platform to showcase the talents and stand in opposition of the limited and artistic expression of this in other states. moreover, request extends beyond
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the more other sound amplification. we're proposing to offer an additional amenity of food service and entertainment in the plaza. by doing so, we aim to enhance the overall experience for visitors. fostering a vibrant atmosphere where people can socialize and endured delicious light bites and be entertained. the renewal of our permit is an integral part of this vision. and never has to create an image and emerged a bit dynamic environment. i want directly addressed the concerns sensitive receptors that this could create a nuisance legal bar is committed to the entertainment commissions good neighbor policy and will mitigate any negativity impacts. that they emerged emphasized that hours that we're seeking as part of our entertainment renewal and not always to be intended, played in delhi and continuous we are simply seeking flexibility. in closing. by renewing of permit
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where not only supporting the vibrancy of the eagle plaza but also reforming your commitment of promoting inclusivity, diversity and freedom of expression. there has come together to create a space where everybody can gather and celebrate and unite. thank you for this consideration. any initial questions before we do public comment. well just the, um, staff recommended a different arrangement of the hours with instead of the eight hours every week and just four during the month, and i just wanted to um. make sure that the permit applicants were okay with that. or get there. do they understand that what staff is recommending? and dylan, just noting that one commissioners
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have a question. um we're hoping that, okay? yeah. so, um. the question, i believe was relaxed . but um, yeah, we did explain that that we are recommending those four special event days that will have the up to eight hours allowed. that could be at a slightly louder sound limit. and they can choose whichever four days they want. in the month. uh and they have to notify us and sfpd southern station. no later than 10 days with their calendar of events for the coming up, bumped. and dylan. are they in concurrence with that? that's when commissioner thomas understand right, so i'll let let's say that, but they are proposing a much broader number of hours. i just i wanted to make sure that i was communicating our recommendations and then also wetting them communicate with their desire is what we are like
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to have the board consider is that we have funded through five days going to be on the atmosphere. um amplified sound for the dining on the plaza. there's not going to be live entertainment. uh and does those states are remanded through friday, and it's just basically during where people are having food and obviously will not trying to. we want to make sure that um, old our neighbors understand that we're not intending to throw a party every day are independent public. we're just trying to put food service on tables with some, um most fear, uh, sound amplified sound and then on the shows that will trying to propose this wannabe. we're trying to have the consideration to have um, brunch on saturday and sunday and to which we can have, um,
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you know, like one hour, two hour show, uh, for as a branch shows, and then you know, eventually that will end and then we'll continue with the light ambiance music. so um, we don't want to, but that's what we were. we we did, um, understand and appreciate the request, but because we tried to have desert it's mold shows during brunch, which branch will only extend between. i think it's between 9 to 10, but we're not going to happen like the phone. excuse me, 91 or two in the afternoon. we're not going to have a show. during the whole time of ranch. we're still trying to moderate that is going to be, but we definitely will open to have the recommendations and listen to them. we wanted to express what our plan was and then go from there. following your instructions and guidance. um obviously we again i need to
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express stress to everybody that we're not trying to throw a party every day, just trying to have additional food service out in the plaza as we were the previous denomination of the shirt space was, but that's it. questions for dylan. hi, dylan. this is al hi. you mentioned the permit. um applicant is required 10 days prior whenever they decide to have that for special events per month. is that correct? that's correct. they alert us or did they also need to alert the residents in the neighborhood? um well, they can certainly you know the conditions didn't actually mentioned that they should alert president so we could certainly um, make that a part of it if that's if that's appropriate. that's something that we can add. or you can suggest to add to the calendar conditions. i
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think i got a little confused several questions, so it sounds like if i'm the staff recommendations are for events per month. total quote special events and we deem those as events that have up to eight hours. so that's an extension of the regular operating and with a sound limit that would not exceed ambien at 100 ft. from the periphery of the property plane as opposed to 50 and i heard the applicants say they want to do something monday through friday. as well as additional brunches on saturday sunday. so is that are they asking for very different than what we're recommending, or is there a huge delta there, or dylan? can you explain the delta again? just real quick, i think between the name yeah. so. current recommendations is um
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every single day. six hours. at 50 ft at ambient. god can be between the window of 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. so they can choose which six hours they want. and then they get separately. they get four days per month. up to eight hours. or they could have louder. town limit. and again the windows between 10 am and 10. pm got it. they would like. every saturday and sunday. you have entertainment. starting as early as eight am going up to eight hours. so like they would like the window to be eight a.m. to 10 p.m. instead of 10 am 10
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pm and then i'm glad to hear clarification from mr montiel that so actually, they just want to have prerecorded ambient music. monday to friday. because that that is a that's really good information to have which is how we are suggesting conditioning them, so i think the only difference than is that they would like potentially eight special event days a month and we're saying for and we're not. we're not recommending it as early as the start at eight. a.m. pm's i mean, so the city's good neighbor hours or nine a.m. to 10 p.m. and just note. there are sometimes more than eight. weekend days in a month. true, that's right. okay? uh i just had a question for, um ah, mr montiel. um, you have the support of the leather lgbtq.
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cultural district. yeah i guess we have discussed that with them as well. but i'm just to clarify . i would not start any shows before 10 am, um really of you. on saturday and sunday. i definitely don't think that it would be okay, recommendable for us to start that. i mean, we're obviously cared for my community and their neighbors and you know, i know that we don't we will not start any shows before 10 am and just to clarify you have the support of leather lgbtq on this activation. yes we had discussed that length. this plan has been under work since 2020 when we started getting around permits to get our kitchen. we're just it's finally completed and after three years of construction and different processes, but yeah, we have been in close contact with them, and they also looking forward for the branches. okay. thank
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you. alright so the main things now are basically just how many days a month. that's that's that's the delta. i thought they were going after the end up crowd. eight a.m. oh, no. mhm psych no one goes over going um okay. and can so, um in terms of the difference between eight and for can staff explain what the reasoning was for reducing that let's defer to deputy director azevedo on that we were considering the proximity of nearby sensitive receptors, which is the neighbors that are immediately adjacent to the building and then directly across the street. within how many feet within 50 within 55 ft. across the street. thank you neighbors. you may have said this already. have they reached out to us, dylan or dillon? yes
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so, um, without identifying specific, um address is, um there were, um. at least four of the complaints sorry for the objections were from most proximity. um from what we received prior to today. received about email and by phone. then 11 was anonymous, so i don't know exactly where they were. alright i think we should do public comment and here if anybody wants to say anything, so is there. anybody in the room would like to comment on this. probably coming okay? interwebs. um. i actually have a public comment that was sent to me. um due to disability. they asked for a kind of accessibility, so i'm they emailed me their comments and i'm just going to read it for the record. okay, let me tie myself here. so this
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is anonymous neighbor high, extremely disagree and disapprove of granting this permit. i have severe ptsd and trauma and a dis regulated nervous system granting a permit for the eagles potentially every day to have amplified outdoor performance would change my living situation drastically and no longer provided safe living situation for me that isn't detrimental to my help. and extended exposure could require me to move to a more quiet area, which would be nearly impossible to find on my fixed income of less than 1000 per month. the loud noise that would be allowed every day from 10 am to 10 pm would send my adrenaline system into fight or flight mode the entire time. the fact that this permit would allow this every day and not limited to friday or saturdays or specific dates and times ahead, planned ahead would also exacerbate my disability. this is a quiet residential street, and we have already had saturday markets and saturday farmer's markets that may occasionally have music in the morning until the afternoon. they are also school children and families that have moved into the large apartment building on the street. and many
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families with young children in grade school like in the houses on the street, having loud amplified outside music until 10 pm every day, including sundays and every day during the week until 10 pm would be detrimental to the children and the grade school and for people that work early mornings or nurses or other occupations that work night shifts they need to sleep during the day. due to my various disabilities. i got to go to sleep at 8 30 to 9 pm and sleep past 10 am because my health is so poor child is likely go to bed before 10 pm also, many of these houses in the area are from 19. oh six and don't have soundproof windows or doors or soundproof construction in general, including my own residents, please i strongly encourage and i'm begging the commission to deny the approval of the permit for item bot. t e 23 120 san francisco eagle db a sf eagle bar. thank you for your time and consideration. commissioners i just want to point out that another applicant from from the same permit. mr o mara morales has his hand
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raised. i wonder if we want to make sure that everyone has had an opportunity to speak from the permit holder or the permit applicants side. you do that? yes so omar mute yourself. um, you're welcome to speak. thank you, dylan and thank you commissioners. i just wanted to make a couple of points about this sound and other concern for our immediate neighbors, in particular residents of hq. um so a couple of things about that there? uh we were involved in, uh, setting up an in kind agreement with the meant the developers. so we, uh we were involved with having them build some of the building materials and some of the layout and, um the construction of the building was with the eagle in mind and the sound so there are some, uh , building features that help limit on noise disturbance. and then also, uh we were also involved with having the
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building at 15 32 harrison. to include language and their leases or anyone. that's a potential residents, and they're aware before they sign what they're signing up for. and lastly, um, if i could just share my screen, i want to just make a point about our outdoor speakers that are what are called, um they're well, they're over what are called short throat speakers. and on this diagram here, um, everything and within the green, uh, north of the green is the seating area that we propose the purple dots that you see are where the short note speakers are and from across the street. um you cannot see you cannot hear the music or the ambient noise that is coming from the speakers. um so not only can you not hear it across the street on the building across the street has features and design design features that prevent, uh with noise disturbance in mind, and then
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also, lastly again, the language and the least residents. you know, they're expecting to, um i think that we that we did a good job of trying having that in mind and trying to be a good neighbor. thank you. um. was there any other? any other person from? uh true? did you want to speak or are you finished for now? i think i think we've heard enough. dylan um so, um, i assume public comments over we got a little over our skis there. okay so we'll close public comment and we can discuss this. um i would just like to point out that the eagle is a community asset that, um was almost lost. several years ago, and, um the leather and lgbtq cultural district was
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set up like most cultural districts to help mitigate the effects of gentrification and protect vulnerable communities and community assets. um they've given their approval on this project. um and i think that this kind of activation helps, um protect, uh, lgbtq culture in south of market. and so i would like to recommend that. twerk. i'd like to move that. we approve with stuff recommendations. second. comments on that before we vote. second was the second it was perfect. sorry. that would be fast to be vote. you and i tagged him. we're on the third regular were all spinner. okay it's like being a planning president lyman, vice president coming out. commissioner paulson
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commissioner commissioner thomas i. thank commissioner torres high commissioner wang i. all right, so it's been proved with the staff recommendations. just follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience, and we can move on to the next. thank you. thank you. okay? we've had next. all right. i want to just make sure that zoom. yes. finished first. okay? please excuse the delay. sorry about that. alright good evening commissioners. the next item on the regular agenda is for
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actually two permits from eyes and presents for their event called out of sight. still, bester, the mighty real they're requesting permission to host outdoor and indoor entertainment for an extended period of time at five locations as a part of interactive cultural walking tour. celebrating the life and legacy of sylvester in the haight ashbury district. eisen presents is requesting to host rehearsals and performances on 69 days between may 23rd of this year through october, 1st of this year at various states and time's complete list of dates and times are in your folder in the applications. their attainment would occur generally between 12 pm and 5 30 pm, with some rehearsals taking place no earlier than 10 am, and no later than seven p.m. the applicant conducted neighborhood outreach and there were no objections to this permit. you'll see in your folder, the applications, the outreach materials, map of locations and a schedule of the
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rehearsal and performance is we did not receive any recommendation from park station within the response window. we assume they have no issues with these two permits. so staffs recommending approval with the conditions listed in the memo. and i'm going. to brings in tonight. um, the yeah, responsible. actually, are they in person? oh pardon me. great, even person. alright. well, then, seth. eisen and michael french from isan presents are here, too. to speak. cool. thank you, dylan. my name is seth eisen and i'm the artistic director of isan presents and we unearth and elevate stories of lgbt q and q t bipac histories as creative place making work on the streets of san francisco and various neighborhoods, and this is our director michael french of our upcoming show about sylvester. did i hear something
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? did i hear that you're recommending to accept applications that it was said. yeah i'm frank to say anything just in case it gets in your way. can we just go with that strike while the iron is hot? just go to their that sounds good. i will say this i had no idea that people that prepared to come here for the applicants and so as much as we've done to educate ourselves as to what needs to be done. i'm sure there are aspects of it that you're going to educate us. but. yeah i have a couple of things to say. one thing is just there is an wanted to correct the record that it said 69 days. it's actually 66 performances, and there are five of those that happen. each weekend one on friday to on saturday and two on sunday, and the permits that
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were applying for our, um for a total of 30 minutes. um at those locations during during the day. and i had one more thing. i'm so sorry so that the entire tour for the show is maybe just over an hour long, uh, the actual scenes are going to have amplification. as seth said, 30 minutes there are 12 o'clock and four o'clock each day, there's nothing happening in between those times so it would be for a total of 30 minutes performances plus the rehearsals. can we show our slides just you can see a lot of time into these slides. well, he did. is this a paid event? do you pay to attend or is this just like it's a paid event, but it's also we're also open. it's the idea is that people in the public can learn about sylvester and sylvester's history and also to kind of experience it in the neighborhood where sylvester lived from 1970, then also
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worked there through 1988 passersby as well and experience of it, and that's why there is amplified sound for the singing parts. audience members have headsets, um so they can hear. the sound more intimately, so we don't have to blast the music for them. um there is not, you know, all of it is within the realm of the allowable sound for the neighborhood, but it's to give them a kind of lived experience of who sylvester was . so that's just our permit. that's the map of um, the route that we're taking, which goes on the far right from things from from buena vista park. um. it's kind of cute and pokey, um. and so it goes from the east side of one of his to park on the far right there, which is just a set of stairs. um, we've we've gotten approval from the park
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and then also um, the neighborhood association that that permits the park for the use of the steps on the east side, and then we walk west, uh , up the street to the location that we have a residency space with san francisco heritage. and so that location is 15 oh 68 street and then we go up to waller and then basically come back down. we stop at 13 99 hate street, which is right at the corner of masonic where we're entering into the business. um psychedelic sf where we're doing a scene there were kind of recreating a record store that existed in the hate. and then we return to the west. side steps, which are the smaller stairs where there's now, um, a portable shower and stuff set up. i should also say that the capacity of the audience is only
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35 people. so we did it deliberately, so it wouldn't be too loud. so that's just the map of all of the stops. um so we go to sylvester's original house that he lived at with the cock. it's and sort of passed by these different locations. there's two locations as i mentioned that are indoors ones at 15. oh 68 were meditating ashbury. uh this place we have a residency at the building there and the storefront. so be it's a pop up museum that we've created. audience members get to come in, but, um, passersby get to walk in all all week long to learn about the history of sylvester. um and then these are just the stop secret. just see what the pictures look like. there's michael looking very handsome. against the pink wall that we're stopping at, and there's the steps on the left. those are the first two stops. that is lambert moss, who's our undiscovered talent? he'll be playing sylvester. that's the stairs will were. a famous photo of
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sylvester was 9 46 8. um that's our storefront there at san francisco heritage is building and that's the psychedelic sf location where we're staging the record store. and this is the, um on the right hand side. that's the, um, the west entrance stairs to the park. and then on the left. that's the walden house little mini garden that we're stopping by. and that's the final stop there. the western stairs. how long is the whole shell? this show itself is an hour. it's an hour and 15 minutes walk. yeah and then the stops at the stairs are you know about 10 minutes long, 7 to 10 minutes long. i think it's an honor for the entertainment commission to actually permit
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this event. so i really appreciate how we're creating this. past present future. in this moment. and just really activating, um just his street space. and shout out to marvin. yes we're so honored that marvin has written this place, so it's pretty pretty amazing for us. thank you for that. thank you. more questions. just this is one of the reasons i love. being on the entertainment commission is to hear when people create these things and bring them in front of us, and we get a opportunity to support them. don't have we ever permitted any kind of like a walking tour. four. i don't think so. hmm. sounds very unique. yeah that sounds fantastic, and i can't wait to come and join a tour. we couldn't support you more
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credible work. thank you so much. thank you. we haven't voted yet, but you know you can have a seat. i think. thank you. thank you very much. um is there. let's open to public comment. i think there's one online one second. yes there's one online, um, going to and youth in right now. so see burke . if you can hear me, please mute yourself and you have two minutes. this should be quick. i am curious. what amplified performance. at 13 99 hate might be it sounds like it's going to be short, but we had multiple multiple events. um on that corner, and we live in the block , and it's, uh, between the haight street fair and the news
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, the other fairs and the other events at 13 99 hate and love and hate. that's pretty regular, uh, um. you know, amplified sound that shakes are windows. just curious is it sounds like this is a short stops. now it's the applicants might be on that speak to that would be grateful. so actually, public comment is not a dialogue, so i would just encourage the caller. we can follow up. with them, and we could also can also answer the question. if you'd like more doesn't staff dylan can you answer the public commenter? yes so just based on what i believe it was set there or mr french saying that, um each performance is no longer than it sort of over an hour and a half. is that right minutes? i believe yes, sir. half sorry. um. but i if you would like to, um. super if
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you would like i can if you want to email me and dylan dot rice at sf grabbed out of work and i'm happy to facilitate that conversation. yeah, thank you. right any further public comment. that is all. i see no further public comment. alright somebody wants the motion this one i think moved to approve with haitians. alright, we can vote. clearly very okay. president sleiman president coming home i commissioner fasten commissioner paradise commissioner thomas, commissioner torres commissioner wang i all right. congratulations you've been approved. follow up with our staff at your released convenience. thank you. hmm. moving on. ready. okay next
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permit on our regular agenda this evening is for an indoor llp permit for galleria bowen, located at 23 91 mission street gallery of om is an event space and the applicants intend to use the llp permit to host live classical and world music, dance performances, fashion shows, small theater productions and poetry readings. senior inspectors of rina has already set an internal sound limit in accordance with article 29. the limit is listed in the staff recommendations below. please note that the business owners are currently working with the planning department to change the use of the space from retail to arts and entertainment. so in the meantime, they're operating under a temporary use, authorization or t way that only allows them to host entertainment once per month. when they complete the change of use that will be able to utilize the llp permit daily until 11 pm , the applicants conducted outreach by notifying their residential and commercial neighbors, sending out a total of 28 letters, as well as collecting 26 signatures of support. and your file. you'll
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also see two letters of support. one from a local artist and one from the applicants. landlord additionally, you'll see four letters of opposition that were submitted. none of the individuals who oppose the permit wanted to be put in direct contact with the applicant, but the applicant did review the redacted opposition and has included a written response in the file for you to review as well in short, individuals who are opposing the permit or not seeking some type of middle ground but would rather the permit be outright denied. sfpd mission station approved this permit with no added conditions and here to speak with you this evening, or co owners claudia and tibor. good evening. good evening. thank you for your time. let me just start by saying that public speaking is not my home. appear nervous because i am um so i'd like to first begin by introducing myself and our space
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and what we're trying to accomplish in san francisco. um i am a local to san francisco area. my name is claudia luxury. kohner this is t born my business partner as you've established. but as i've grown up in san francisco, i've seen such a beautiful diversity in the arts community and we would love to be able to have the opportunity to try to maintain that, as we've noticed that over passing years as prices have gone up. um it's been a lot harder for artists to survive here in the city. so we want to try to bring back something of kind of older san francisco and give an opportunity to the artists that are otherwise sidelined or don't have the opportunity of a space or home to, um, you know, showcased many diverse talents. we do have a presentation prepared here that my business partner can go ahead and show of some of the previous events that we've hosted there. we've done a multitude of different things from showcases of live performances such as ballet, jazz, music, classical
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music and dance performances, as well as poetry readings. and our classes so really trying to reach out to the diversity of the community and just provide as much as we can to the mission district. two extra. really well, do you? thank you so much. i'm tibor. i'm the other business partner. before i start the presentation. i would just like to thank personally to every two people who actually directly were involved in seeing us through this process. educating us, caitlin and andrew about sand limits permits everything. we were very new to it, and we are very eager to completely be compliant with all the rules and that's why we're here today, so i would love to play this. um this one minute presentation, which, after i will just make about the one minute, um, speech and that will some of our what.
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long as you want public comments , public comments. you don't have to rush. yeah. thank you so much and just very briefly addressed the minor brief incident and before the hearing , we do have a valid restraining order against somebody here, which will be heard on the 30th. it's a separate hearing. it's people pursue accordingly. and we have the witnesses here to testify. there are now whatever he chooses to um, present today and that's why i'm going to leave it. he's a drummer who lives upstairs. and he's an amateur drama who plays and we will address the landlord adversities issues. i would love to focus on what we do when we don't um. these minor problems our mission believe under role as an art salon. another club. be another bar. another rave. what we are is a backdrop for basically disappearing. um. arts
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community, the finals community. our performance performers are usually advanced ballet students along the lines or as a ballet conservatory, san francisco conservatory and these are these are actually my photographs that i had the honor of taking of them. um and i think it's absolutely necessary that we exist now, of course dance needs music, and that's why we are here. we need live music and that we need proper permits. as caitlyn described. we're going to the due process. we are not going to ignore anything. we won't have any stone unturned and we will comply with whatever necessary to obtain or the licenses. the police has been out 22 times you do to that issue that we discussed it before. that's why we have the restraining order. they were all dismissed the want to operate and we need your help now. the very existence of this venue there. what you what we presented. it should explain
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clearly that our um. interference with no complaints should not be had your representative there. the bus stop is right in front of our window. we could not play the music loud enough for it to break the rules. we have no intentions of doing that. the string quartet or a classical piano or even a jazz band will not upset anybody. i would like to the point that we are on 20th admission. by the bus stop next to a liquor store next to bruno's bar, and, unfortunately a block away from open prostitution. we are we are, but this area needs and these are not my words. these are our patrons. words. our very existence is. one of your members used the community asset . i really believe that we are community, i said. we need the quote. uh, these committees help to operate properly so we can create enough income to pay our dancers, musicians and the basically, um again. i'm using
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our. our patrons. words put back san francisco how it used to be. so we cannot thank you again. enough we feel that our goodwill cannot be challenged. we are eager to listen to any recommendations how to improve or comply with anything that we haven't and i want to again. um just thank everybody here for listening and giving us the opportunity. we will remain compliant with or the pyramids, including alcohol, etcetera. thank you so much. questions. right. um, you can have a seat. is there any discussion we want to have before we start? public comment. alright we will open up public comment on this agenda item. and just please note. it's
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two minutes per person. thank you. thank you. commissioners. good evening. um i oppose granting this llp permit to the current tenants of 23 91 mission street. i live directly upstairs and have for over 10 years this building was built in 18 95 and has absolutely no soundproofing between the residential units in the downstairs commercial units . there's a floorboard, some air and a piece of tin between any live music and my entire apartment. um any loud sounds from the downstairs tenants are audible and create a nuisance and disturbance in every room of the upstairs units during events. since they have moved in their events have been a nuisance to the residents and the people trying to use the sidewalk and bus stop. this is why the entertainment commission has received multiple complaints about from many people about these issues. um 3, 11 and sfpd have been called multiple times during permitted and unpermitted events by neighbors and passerbys. their events have left trash, urine and drunk people blocking her door and the
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bus stop in sidewalk. it is not a safe space for public or private events. have any inspections of the space being done? it seems dangerous to have gatherings in a place with only one exit. the noise from the gypsy jazz and etcetera causes our floor and walls to shake and vibrate during their events, and it's frankly unbearable. in addition, i believe they are not eligible for this permit. for the following reasons. entertainment is the only use for this business. it's not a secondary use. it's appropriate to llp. they have routinely gone much later than 10 or 11, p.m. and their events. and the entire ground floor is the performance area, which is much larger than 200 square feet. um as far as i know, no other department in sf has signed off on any permits or change of use, etcetera. um it's been a retail space for the past 25 plus years. and they have made no outreach to us their closest neighbors until i got served today on the way in an attempt to keep me from speaking
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here. um you should have in front of you multiple letters of opposition from me and other neighbors regarding this permit. thank you. uh thank you for your consideration. thanks. hello, everybody again. i am kc . i have seen the founders of this gallery. do tremendous. uh their benefactor of the artist community. they are unique because they are artists themselves and understand the pain and anguish which, uh, emerging artists go through. but that is very proven. i have not
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come to talk about that that's given their reputation is extremely strong. ah i as a affiliate of state of california's governor's office of economic development, we are always on the lookout to boost jobs and kliment economic impact and innovation in the city. we all know that there's been a flight of capital but recently europe's biggest software company has come into san francisco. and i think those are waiting in the wings and the big picture of art and culture is that is the mother of innovation and for la boheme. when it flourishes, it will create a equals vibrant ecosystem, which will uplift jobs and property values and everything. it will create a virtuous cycle, which will all uplift one another and the community. thank you.
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anybody. president clinton. we have one more person. yes yeah. good evening. i met. i'm an immediate neighbor. i live catty corner. um to gallery, brahim. i wanted to speak to what i've seen as being, um, a change in the neighborhood. as a result. the neighborhood tends to be loud already. and it's quite a bit of simply bars restaurants. there's not a lot of. cultural diversity and what can be observed in the neighborhood. there's not there's not as much in the way of, um venues for art, if you will. expressive our poetry, things like that. different types of music. i've personally witnessed, um quiet
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and respectful, sort of practice demeanor while they were as they've been putting together the venue, the number of events that they have had i had immediate, um, privy to as i live right across the street over, observed the guests being respectful of the neighborhood. i haven't seen garbage. distributed anywhere i haven't witnessed people become belligerent. from any substance years or in general. and i haven't heard any noise. from the street, including from the sidewalk, including when i walked by and i walk my dog. so it's a it's a it's a type of venue that doesn't really have much representation otherwise in the immediate neighborhood, and i think that's really worth noting. um i think it's worth noting they it's become an increasingly difficult environment in the mission in
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san francisco in general, it seems to me um, for small businesses to exist, especially something that's very grassroots. it's very startup. so as a as a neighbor. time's up. okay. thank you. can you please fill out a speaker card? can you fill out a speaker card force? the gentleman who just spoke. yeah, we just keep tracking them. good evening, president sleiman and commissioners i'm steve carp. oh, owner of 2391 mission street , and i'm here to speak in favor of gallery ball. heem application for and entertainment permit. my family has a long and deep connection to the mission district. both of my parents were born and raised in san francisco as we're all of their children and grandchildren . my father grew up around the corner on capp street just
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behind our property. as we all know, the mission is one of the oldest and most vibrant neighborhoods in san francisco. as people have said earlier tonight, it's a place where people from all walks of life come together to celebrate the city's diversity. it's also a place where the arts and music has always been a fabric of the community. this property in particular has its own history. it was built at the turn of the century and has been home to a variety of businesses over the years, including mission. villa and johnson's tamale were regularly they had live music. foreign cinema started at bruno's, which used to be part of this property, the most recent tenant before cafe foreign before cafe for him was carousel, which regularly had events and parties similar to what gallery of behemoths is proposing. from the art scene that began in the 19 sixties to the numerous festivals, parades
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and fairs that take place in the marina in the mission. it's always been a hub for creativity. annex. expression you've got the. carnival this coming up. it's a 45 year. tradition in san francisco. governor newsom and mayor breed have been outspoken with the problems that are happening in san francisco. and here you have an experienced operator that that is trying to do the right thing. i'm running out of time. i i'm in a dilemma, and it's unfortunate because i have to tenants trying to live and be in the same place. the tenant that said, it's noisy. i offered to put wall to wall carpeting in his unit to try to stimulate some of the actually. um i thank you. i appreciate your time and i support him. i just wanted to hear that because he is the landlord. i just want to do that. the end of that. thank you. not to be unfair, but she had 10 seconds left. and anybody
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else in person. okay we're going to move now to online comments. we can throw one in person. president one more. hold on. sorry one more sorry about that . sorry doing alright. sorry sorry for that last. my name is stephanie costs a lot. i am a registered lobbyist in the city. uh neither party is my client. i just have a question to you is everything generally starts with planning, okay and maybe a letter determination to the zoning administrator to maybe get some insight on the zoning. i'm wondering if the. zoning is not approved yet. i'm concerned. maybe to continue this until the until there's a if there is a use permit that is required that that could kids established first. and then you come back and look at the limited live version of what we're talking about. i just i'm just a little
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confused about because it said the applicants said that it was a retail use, and now they want to change it to an arts. so do they do? they have to go before the planning commission. i mean, i don't know, but i don't want to, like, get the cart before the horse here. so i think this is something you guys should talk about her, maybe get an opinion from the city attorney. before this, you know we get we approve something, possibly today and then later you know it gets stuck in planning. yeah, so i just just kinda pause for a minute and figure this out. could our staff address that? absolutely. so right now the uses retail. the applicants understand that they have to file a building permit with the planning department that goes through db to change the youth to arts and entertainment will be general entertainment. they are not seeking nighttime entertainment, which would be a p o e. this is just to change the use to be allowed to have an
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llp, which is an accessory use permit. it does not have to go before the planning commission. it's over the counter process. my understanding is they have not yet started that process. in the meantime, they've been off authorized to operate under a temporary use authorization. the t u a and they are not to exceed more than one event with entertainment per month. until the change of use is approved by the planning department. so in your file is an approval from the planning department to operate the llp under the to a not to exceed one time per month with entertainment. but then just to clarify once the change of use goes through, it would not require the applicant to come back to hearing it would just be approved for the regular llp usage of daily until 11 pm unless you otherwise condition it. thank you for that clarity. i feel very comfortable with proceeding and i think we have a real positive e of these kinds of spaces in this city. my wife is a former professional, but professional ballet dancer very much think we need spaces to
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showcase we haven't finished public comment. i'm sorry. sorry. that was her public public comments. public comments , okay. i love it to that microphone. sorry. i thought we concluded we got we got a couple more in that. in the zoom lineup . anybody else in the room? going once. okay one more more more person. i just wanted to commend the project sponsors philip lesser fourth generation to do business on mission street . we're still doing business on mission street. four time past president of mission merchants association. you're going to see another past president later, peter glick stern. we have the current president ryan check will be appearing before you so you have a lot of knowledge about the mission. probably none older than me, though, so i'm going to share with you a little history. ah when we have the glass shop on 20/4 mission where
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the bank of the west is right now. um, man came in and said he wanted to change the restaurant. in the middle of the block. into a operatic. restaurant. and my mother said how in the world are second to exists on mission street. this is back in the mid seventies, and he said, well, you're selling these beautiful custom frames. how can you sell that year? and why can't i have a beautiful operatic setting middle of the block? la traviata restaurant still there today, 2023. set up by albanian, uh, refugee who walked out of albania into italy in the very first operator. heard there was a lot of traviata. we're going to hear a similar stories in the future about this group here. thank you very much. all right. okay zoom. we can do to move on to zoom now. dylan, i promise.
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okay all right. so i'm going to bring in trixie car. sit trixie. if you can hear us, please mute yourself. you have two minutes. yes. thank you for listening to me today. i appreciate you all for being here i am allow income drag performer. nobody understands how much artists need to get paid like i do. and also, i appreciate that. we want more arts on mission street, but it should be invalid entertainment venues that have soundproofing. i live above this place, and they have never contacted me since they moved in the noise from all of their events goes through every single like space in the house from the back of the house at the front of the house. there's absolutely no escape. walls vibrate the floors vibrate the glass in our windows vibrates. i am telling you this is not an event space and the landlord has done nothing to make this an event space. you'll notice that the landlord is here today. that is because we are rent controlled residential tenants of mission street who are always forgotten
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to the businesses. nobody remembers that people live on mission street and we have complained. i have complained to 311. i have complained to sfpd, the person you saw before you earlier with the dreads. that is not the only person who has complained and i going to get slapped with a restraining order for validly complaining too. you know, government agencies. i believe galleria boheme is attempting to manipulate the entertainment commission to get permits when it has not done the work to make this a viable space to the residents and the neighbors, the city of san francisco. the courts are being manipulated the fact that they are overly prepared with lawyers in the landlord here today tells you something about them. i want them to be successful, but not underneath a residence where people are living and being affected by every single event. i beg of you to deny this permit . we have done a legitimate complaints and they have not been heard. we have legitimately complain too lovely onboard, but since he's getting paid by them, he does not want to admit that
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there is a problem. hmm. i. i am challenging the goodwill of gallery of oh ham right now because they have never attempted to write a letter to me because they have never attempted to speak to me as their direct neighbor. i am also telling you that the noise levels always exceed trixie. thank you so much. that was your two minutes. thank you, okay. thank you, trixie. all right. we got one more. this is a phone caller. number ending in. eight to caller, if you can hear, please, um, amuse yourself. all right. um i am state your name and you have two minutes. hi. my name is david. um and i've been running a performing arts space in san francisco for 10 years. we have a short but um, rather
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unfortunate history with working with tibor szabo and his galleries before we also are aware of a number of people who have had incredibly financially devastating interactions with this man, and he utilizes the court system and defamation lawsuits in order to violence people but talking about his business practices, um so these are all public record, and if i had known about this meeting earlier, i would have brought all these public records games. um, but i was out of town. so there is something close to $300,000 and charges against him for fraudulent practices. she was running an event space up in north beach called the foreign lens where he has manipulated people to take over that space, and he has $5000 in judgments against him of unpaid rent taxis and materials that he kept from this place. um other than the
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noise complaint for the issue with, um how to say his his actual practices or selling the business as running a legitimate speakeasy. selling alcohol illegally is driving legitimate business away from other san francisco businesses in the mission that pay their taxes that like work to have legitimate permits to build their spaces. up properly. he's trying to sell a story. of this francisco underground like underdog gonna make it just a little bit of help type story, and people buy it because they believe in san francisco, and they wanted to happen. this man is a con man, and he manipulates the point. another sounds very, very dramatic. there are dozens of people that have restraining orders against them that have lawsuits against him that he utilizes. to make low income artists. david i'm sorry, your two minutes are up. thank you so much. okay. thank you. are there
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any more? online public comment. there's none. oh, oh, wait is 1.1 0.1 more? okay quick. okay, mike. okay. michael nulty. michael, if you can hear us, please on yourself. you have two minutes. yes um, i wasn't gonna speak to this issue, but obviously, i'm hearing a lot of interesting information about this permit. um i would suggest that continuance until all the information is gathered by the staff. if there's some of the stuff that spain has said is true if there is actually a problem with noise the neighbors have the right to, uh, quiet enjoyment of their property that there's problems with the litigation. i don't see why we should be rewarding. a, uh um uh , business owner with? uh um if
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they if he's not going to be if there's problems there, too, um i would assume permits are given to people that have that know how to follow rules. so i i'm hearing a lot of issues. i don't know how much of it is true and how much is not, but i think it would be wise to do a continuance. where the staff to investigate. uh and so that the caller called in previous to me , um, can submit that information to the commission for consideration to thank you. thank you. okay anymore. public comment online. there is none. okay? public companies. public comment. who wants to start. can i ask a question of staff? so i would like to understand the sound testing. we did. interior
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sound limit was set in accordance with article 29 take the ambient sound limit measurement from the property plane just as we do with all other businesses, and the internal sound limit does not exceed the outside ambient sound by more than eight decibels inspectors arena can speak to that. it's actually nowhere near exceeding. ambien by eight decibels just simply because that didn't align with the programming of the operators, and they never even got that high end volume. did we do any testing upstairs and these residential units? i'm just asking. i got to know. anyone. so with the hypothetical if this license was issued in the upstairs tenants started making complaints. would we not go
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upstairs and take measurements? i feel like we've done that many times in the past. that's for staff. i think it was. that was correct. that was pathetic. question hypothetical. yeah i certainly wasn't talking to myself, although i've been known to do that that was to staff. we have done that in the past. um. it gets tricky with how code is written in what our actual rules are in code because code is not written for us to take sound measurements in upstairs sound and upstairs units. presidential residential units, so it does get into a gray area. i mean, of course. the reality is that yes, we have done that in the past with unique cases. um but it's not our general practice to go into residential units to take some measurements, so would it be fair to say that that falls in the purview of the plane department when they do their process? i mean, i guess what i'm trying to understand is it certainly isn't foreign to this.
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um commission to have an expectation that businesses are soundproofed. so. what body is looking at that. i don't know, dear. do you have a suggestion to amend code? no i just know it's been something we've certainly discussed. time and again. i'm just trying to. i mean, usually so usually these things are ourselves through mediation and through neighbors connecting with the business owner, so maybe that's more. the discussion of being able to actually. connect parties that are at this point, unwilling to connect. no, it's not that i'm just trying to recall an incident where we've had a what appears to be a pre 19 06 building that i think all parties are a green has no soundproofing whatsoever. and entertainment permits gone in. i think that distinction here, too, is it's there's a difference between setting a sound limit based on the sound
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in in neighboring apartments and doing mitigation strategies to reduce sound and neighboring apartment. so we set our sound limit based on the code. that doesn't change, but we have occasionally. in in the process of mediation. encouraged and required things like soundproofing and moving of speakers. and just. there's a lot to make. it usually is drawn out of, um, the fact that the business is unable to comply with article 29. that's usually the state the starting point. nuance here is it's coming into compliance and usually it doesn't when these scenarios exist usually, yeah. i mean, one idea is we do have the landlord you might ask. you know, i could ask him to come up if you want, and we can ask questions about if there's why don't you for the
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landlord? because we do have some questions. so i was talking about you in front of you there. that's a little weird. yeah. um, so it does seem like there are some um issues that some neighbors feel are coming from this this area into their units . and i'm wondering if, and you you kind of got cut off when you were talking about it before, but are there any like helpful ideas is that you have or that things you'd be willing to do? and you're not on. i don't want to get you. over your skis here, but just wanted to hear. kind of thank you. so early on. we had received some complaints from the gentleman from conan, who spoke earlier. and the first thing that i did was i offered him, um wall to wall carpet and he turned us down. he is a three story building. two stories 2nd and 3rd. floor is residential and the ground floor. is that what we're talking about? so he's right above it. yeah. and i
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believe that the living room in front the front room that looks out into mission we put wall to wall carpet in his unit years ago. and i offered him very recently to put wall to wall carpet in the entire unit over the hardwood floors with pat. and i think that that would be, um a possible solution. i can guarantee it, but i offered it and it was not something he was interested in at all. if you had some suggestions, um i would be willing to listen to see how i could make it happen. and so i don't wanna i know you're probably thinking, wait. i want to say something right? so this is not the venue for that right to this would all have to occur during mediation person. i just wanted one of your thoughts, and it does sound like you're willing to play ball of course into to a degree in order to say when i when i was talking, it's unfortunate i have to tenants and they don't get along and they both want me to be the police guard. excuse me, lieutenant. take shots at me all night. that's what i'm here for.
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so i don't have a whistle. i don't carry a gun, but but i want my tenants to get along and, uh, it's tough out there as we all know. so yes. i want to support both of my tenants. the person that called in over the phone. i just want to say, um i don't know who that is. i've never met her. i've never spoke to her. conan is the master tenant. i've never received any other note. from anyone in the building except from mr madison. thank you. thank you for you anymore. questions for him, sir. sorry. thank you. i'm just thinking about how to creatively kind of approach this or effectively approach this because so i do own a bar on that block. um and i have seen firsthand how this particular specifically, mission street has become a really rough place to do. business city, san francisco only agree somehow, valencia did fine. but um, mission not so much. um so you know, i you
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know, i do have a you know, i have a personal, um, not because of my business there, but i have a personal goal in general for to help small businesses and the help arts and the community thrive. and so you know, to me, it would be a real shame to kind of throw the baby out with the bathwater. however, you know if you know, having gone through this before? you know, i've had tenants that lived directly above me and it's a hard it's a hard nut to crack. because um, you know, you can't always solve all of the issues that you have a bedroom directly above your space. however we are san francisco were so many bedrooms are directly above spaces in the city of san francisco's incredibly common here, even more than many, many major cities, um so you know, i'm just trying to balance these things together. space be soundproof within its own space instead of having to go to the neighbor next door, yes. so soundproofing is interesting. so that the, um you know, i've gone down that road in my experience is that
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you know, it's a it's a catch all term for all different sort of sound mitigation strategies. um you know, in order to create a recording studio, it's usually oppressive lee out of reach expensive, so i only know a couple even clubs in the city who have been able to completely kind of black box there. their their units, but there are you know they're sound. absorbing boards or sound padding, and everything works to a point. but it doesn't know itself every single issue that you have, you know. my experience. if i can just make a comment because there is a factor when it comes to our permit that it can cut both ways, and i think with the applicant needs to understand is by getting permit is wonderful. conversely, you're now going to be drawn into every time you get a complaint, and you're going to be coming before us, and we're going to be seeking remedy. so my earlier comments were just simply to allude to the fact that i if what we are hearing
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tonight is, um, factual. um we're just kicking the can so, um. i just think that's worthy of consideration because often what we explain to the community is there's value in us licensing someone because it now gives us a lot more control over them. so if we start getting tons of complaints are inspectors are then going out there. they're taking out their sound equipment , and then it goes from there. so i just sometimes we have absolutely wonderful business models, but they just don't necessarily pick the best site and i've i've seen that over the decades and that's painful because it sounds like this is a really interesting business model. um that's getting traction. i have a question for staff, um, dovetailing off of work. commissioner paulson just shared. um, do we have any
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history with this applicant with other permits that they've applied for that would indicate good faith or an ability. the applicant has pulled out one time event permits for foreign lands up in north beach. um there was also a recent incident where we responded to a 311 complaint and there was an unpermitted event that the applicant was actually the event organizer and we did follow up with them just in writing that it was a one time events that wasn't ongoing. it wasn't out of brick and mortar location. um but we were told that the applicant was the event producer for that one time event. i will say. also, as far as complaints goes, galleria boheme has been operating under one time event permits at this location. um and they have to understanding gotten the right permits for all the events that they've thrown. we have responded to numerous 311 complaints at the site, and
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we only found them out of compliance on the very first time that they had an event permit. and it was really an educational moment which we take with all of our permit holders. and since then have not witnessed any future violations. i mean, i think your comments first spot on commissioner falls on and that you know, once you get into our system, then you're a part of our system and you know this to me? feels like one of those. permits that is, we're probably not gonna hear the end of um if we were to approve it, but that's kind of our job. right it's the act as though that mediating force. it's our job to try to find um common ground and help people who are not seeing eye to eye to find common ground. and so you know,
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to me in the spirit of, you know, supporting entertainment and supporting the arts, which is in our charter. and also in the spirit of you know? mitigating issues between that that entertainment and arts cost to people trying to have quiet enjoyment that you know, it's kind of. i feel it's kind of our duty to move forward with this and then immediately handed over to the staff to okay to handle, but but joking aside, i think you know, i think we do have a responsibility to move things like this forward and then find come around. i don't i don't think based on the code. as it is that we have, you know any sort of reason to not approve it , knowing full well that the code is imperfect and that we're going to have to we're going to have to help mediate this going forward. that's what i think. and if i could just add to your point. i'm not sure it's fair to use a crystal ball either. we
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don't know what's going to happen to know not you. i'm referring to my comment, putting myself back in check. yeah yeah. hopefully we never hear from it again. but but, you know, they're only doing one day a month, so this will be in the hands of planning for a period of time. yeah. alright um, in that case, i will motion to approve with staff recommendations. is there a second? and we've done public on it. okay. time to vote. ah president, blind man i vice president camino commissioner paulson. no. ok, dokey. ah um, commissioner perez, i commissioner thomas i commissioner torrez. no. and commissioner wang i. all right, moving on. few more on the
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docket tonight, everyone does anybody have any sugar during needs sugar? something a tic tac. hmm. snickers bar. yeah. bears here we go pack your time pocket attack there, right hot. that is like exactly what you need. excuse me. sorry hero, okay? democracy to keep moving. okay. next item. the next permit on our regular agenda tonight is for an outdoor llp permit for the city station. located at 701 , valencia street, the city stations and outdoor parking lot on the corner of 18th in valencia street that has been converted into a space for food trucks and vendors. the spaces how the jam permit since the program started in 2020. they are now seeking an llp permit to continue hosting outdoor amplified sound as well as entertainment a few times per month. the programming for this
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location is ambient amplified sound playing from a small bluetooth speaker when vendors are on site as well as a few events with live entertainment, such as a dj per month in the staff recommendations below, you'll see that we have defined special events as an event that has entertainment for up to six hours per day between the hours of 11, a.m. and 10 p.m. and the applicant is seeking the ability to host these up to eight times per month. this number is consistent with the t way that planning approved. additionally they'd like to continue hosting amplified sound daily between the hours of 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. so as not to exceed six hours daily. the amplified sound uses only a small bluetooth speaker and is not to exceed ambient sound at a distance of 50 ft from the property plane. additionally ec staff have already set an outdoor special events sound limits so as not to exceed ambient sound at a distance of 100 ft from the property plane. i want to make you aware that we did have some enforcement history at this premises back in 2021 and the permit holder ryan worked closely with our office in the neighbors to mitigate the
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problems. we did not receive any sound complaints in all of 2022 . and just recently in 2023, i had a neighbor reach out to me about the sound. as for outreach , the applicant sent out letters to over 180 by nearby 180 nearby residences and nine neighboring businesses. we received two letters of support. that number is now gone up to four or five. since i wrote this memo and nine letters of opposition, two of which are from the same person. that number has also increased to 11. since i wrote this memo, the applicant was connected with two of the five folks who submitted opposition and the rest of climbing offer. in short the opposition submitted was once the permit, uh, denied outright except one person who suggested they be limited to hosting entertainment once per quarter and that no amplified sound should occur during the week at all. unfortunately the applicant felt the suggestion was too limiting for their desired business model. on sunday, may 14th inspectors, elena visited the city station during one of their live
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entertainment events and observe them to be operating just slightly above their approved the limit, which she was able to rectify with the on site manager right away. sfpd mission station did not have any added conditions. and here to speak to you. tonight is the owner ryan moats, accompanied by phil lesser. i'll do my best to make this brief despair you of any more sugar usage. um so i did. i did email some images over. um, they were emailed over to the to me. yes. our ytn.
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yep. um maybe i'll just speak until the images pop up. just spare everyone time. um long story short. uh, i have been using this space since two earth since 2003. i've been leasing it as i leased it as a parking lot. we did. valley parking for nearby restaurants, blah, blah, blah. i was in school as a college student at the time, and i used as a way to pay my way through school and pay off student loans. i made myself a promise once my student loans are paid off. i want to offer this space as a community space because of its amazing location, then touched earlier on like the valencia vs mission thing, and it's real that the valencia
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thing is real. and i witnessed it firsthand where the building across where a lot of the complaints came from. was a gas station. anyone in chocolate? was auto mechanic. i'm not trying to make a anti gentrification speech here. it's more about the history of the space and watching how things have gone up and down in a certain way. the whole purpose of this space was to give an opportunity to those that might not be able to open up a restaurant on blends the street and pay 12 can rent or retail space or whatever. um it was. it's meant to be a place where we have affordable opportunities and given given good creative outlet to the community, um i want to share a couple images, um, of events that we had. where if we did not have music, it wouldn't have been possible. um so this was ah, an opening ceremony for an event we had, and i think it was in 2021. this
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was for balka, where we mariachi band playing. this this was event that we, um called. it's called community first. it's where we had a dj played music dj we gave away 150 pairs of shoes. head of the vegan hood chefs and senor seasick there. five think about five k per truck. we've got to do this to sponsor to feed anybody wanted to pop in. and we gave it 100 50 t shirts away. again the wrap up of our event and those that were involved in the event the city eats all in sf tenure. see sig lower outer council, etcetera. um. this was at the grand opening event for huff down the street. um one the show of
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family friendly vibe, so there you go. and this was an event where we call it's called the summer give back every summer. we assemble 75 to 100 complete skateboards. give them away for free to and work with nonprofits. um and we have meals with every every skateboard as well as a free pair of shoes. i think and this is this is a video for, um stop agent hate event that we had and. it would be nice. well, there is based out of san francisco. you know, we're glad to be out here and support our asian communities. asian hey. it really brought out like a little bit of everybody. you know, we made sure that we had a place for people to gather break bread and actually being community together, so it really is amazing to see everybody out
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here. also this is also that we see all kinds of nationality here supporting the same call. alright, so. some further history. um i'm a blackberry born raised been living the city for 22 years. um i'm also the president of the mission district merchants association. i'm all about seeing businesses thrive. um huge in a small business, and this space has been it's exceeded my expectations of what it's been able to do for the community. um and then, uh, let's see here. i do pride myself in being extremely communicative. i'm an over communicator. someone calls me a column right back. if somebody emails me, i email right back. i have responded to
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every single email i have received unless it's gone to my spam folder, and i respond every text and phone call yet. um i do believe strongly that our project is very much in line with the characteristics of the mission district neighborhood. and i want to. i want to talk about some of the stuff that i've heard from really small opposition. um we have events to go past hours past are promoted . permitted time regularly. no never happened. people have moved out of the neighborhood specifically because of our project. our regular vendors operate illegally and unpermitted. it's not true. i don't even know how that came about. our events are concerts, another not the worst statement. and it's in writing. our patrons are thug e. all right now i want to jump into big facts. um. in
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this entire year of 2023. we only had four events where there was actually like live music and a dj for and all of 2023. we have not had a complaint since november of 2021. zero complaints of 2022, as was stated earlier. no interactions with sfpd. ever. they have confirmed that they have zero complaints on file. i'm going to move out of the neighborhood. i'm probably going to reach out to s f p d and find out what is going on down the street because i'm about to move out. um i also want to reach out to those that have reached, uh, speak about those that have reached out to me. three people. one has completely stopped. the other has been extremely persistent and then other reach out to me. like once or twice. it's been close to zero, and it's been very frequent by one. and that's it. and that's all i gotta say. i hope you guys approve this project for sound. it's important to the community. it's important to the space. thank
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you any questions for him before we do public comment? alright let's open. um i was wondering if you, um outreach tour developed and relationships with american indian cultural district. absolutely absolutely . yeah i work very closely with both. i think it started because i was under president of mission merchants association. i work very closely with the american indian culture district. we actually have, um their logo or not their logo. we did design from them and did a mural on along are bordering wall. um done a lot of i mean a lot. i don't know if we've done any events with cave into quattro, but i mean, we work closely with them a lot of the events that we that you've seen have somehow somehow tied in with them. but american asian culture district more so because it's like right on there. i mean, is there border and we've provided supplies for their events. i've helped lineup events from them in other places, and we're working with them on doing an
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event at the space. so i would like to say that i mean activations of spaces like this specifically for this use are important. and one of the reasons why they are important is it helps sustained, vulnerable communities so i would encourage. i'm glad to hear of your relationship with american indian cultural district as this is in their footprint, but i'd also would encourage you to reach out to see if you can. collaborate more with cave into quattro as well, for sure. all right. any more questions? all right. you can have a seat. um, let's have public comment. anybody in the room. yes. hi. um my name is misha dolce and i run botanic panic, which is a plant truck out of a van that operates it. city station. just for reference i bought brought my speaker. this is what normally is playing music. when i'm there with another vendor who has vintage. we're kind of the main people there. literally playing like
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beach house and, like really mellow background tunes. if anybody comes to buy plants from me like i cannot stop talking, so i don't want anything to drown me out. i can't imagine that anybody can hear the speaker. i mean, i'm probably could probably hear me more because i'm babbling about plant care. um anyways, sorry, cough, but just real short, like i've lived in san francisco for 22 years. most of the time has been in the mission, um, chose the mission district as my neighborhood because of how vibrant it is and how many kinds of people um, live and have businesses in the mission. um definitely stephen valencia street change and feel really lucky to be in that corner kind of the last bastion of funky valencia street. um i went to school at a college that is now the chapel. different times on valencia. um i'll just say like having a business there and having the events we have with live music. um it's such a benefit to the neighborhood and to me. and such a good background. um you know for what we're bringing to the
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neighborhood. definitely. surrounded by other small business owners that would never be able to be where we are an agent of valencia, like what is a better spot than that. none of us could afford the regular rent. so we're stoked to be there. and um yeah, having music and event is so important to what we're doing, and i really hope you approve us. thanks so much. thank you any more people in the audience. hello good evening. my name is matty lewis and i'm a community organizer, both in the tenderloin but also born and raised in the mission. excelsior um, i want to comment that so i was started organizing with ryan. last year. i ran a monthly market at the space. i run every third sundays, and i have since may of last year. um i also used music just as they will say if you know valencia street at all. you know that music is in the mission at all. you know, the music is a large
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part of just the neighborhood and the ambience but also many, many businesses that are not just public parking lots that are used for multipurpose myself . as you know, a black woman organizer born and raised in the city. i have been able to support over 50 small businesses and collaboration during my monthly markets. i have individuals that are individual artisans as well as musicians, as well as painters and small vintage cellars that people are trying to clean out their closets on a monthly basis. um and we need a little music to like, help us along. um yeah, and so i think not only like the impact it's had on me as a community organizer but also like the ripple effect like including the people that i work with is really important. um you know, i had djs that some of my events and i also use mutual bluetooth speakers. um you know, you can look just across the street at the pizzeria across the street and on their patio. they have music. you know, music is a really important part of how we live, and how we create ambiance is how we make ourselves comfortable so i just
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wanna, you know, add to the support that music is important for the events we curate and the success for not only individual businesses and organizers like ryan, but then myself and let's say the 50 plus people that i've worked with over the last year. so thanks. thank you. get evening commissioners. my name is stefano costs lotto and in the past, i did work on some consulting for this space. i'm just delighted that the space has been sustainable through the efforts of ryan. i will just say this. i know him. uh professionally. i know him as a friend. he's a stand up guy. he is very, very sensitive to the community's needs. um i'm proud that i'm a san francisco and i'm proud that i've been able to spend a lot of time in the mission. we go there for food over the farm music. we got the further cultura. and i've i've
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been supportive of carnival. brian didn't mention that. even after covid. he was there for the food banks. roberto did a great job continues to do a great job in that community, so i'm just glad no one wants to see a chain link. fence it open space because landlords are afraid of liability or nuisance or attractive nuisance. this has been a sustainable space and i applaud him for being able to hold the ford i love the vendors that are there. i love one thing . i just how could you not notice the diversity in what you just saw in the video? so please prove this today and i just hope they can sustain the vibrancy that they've done in the past and it continues into the future. thank you. please. i'll keep this brief. my name is
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nick. i live in the neighborhood about four blocks down. i came here and supported the company i work for, but after seeing them stand up after the show support as well. nobody is doing what they're doing in the mission district period when it comes to artists, vendors and just throwing public events like that. and i support to approve them. thank you. no more audience members. i'm sure there's some zoom ease. yes okay, we're moving. yeah one person on zoom their hand raised. i will bring them in right now. hello hello. if you could please state your name and you have two minutes. thank you very much. my name is anne. thanks for the time. i won't repeat all the general noise objections that you guys here at every meeting, including today's i know you know, all of them by heart. i will say about this particular permit parking lot. first the acoustics of the lot
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given the high walls are super bad for further amplifying music that's down there. it's not built to be an effect space in such tight quarters. i can hear even the small bluetooth speaker that you just saw playing from my apartment if the windows are open, but that's not what's loud enough to cause the issue. it's the special events that happened four times a month. secondly i have personally spoken to neighbors who have moved away, citing the noise in this lot, and i personally called the sfpd because i didn't know the entertainment commission existed . when this first started to be a problem, so i don't know where ryan was getting that information. but neither here nor there. the point is, we live 50 ft. away from the lot. there's no a c in the building, so we have to have the windows open, so there's not really anywhere for us to hide. and third, the loudness and frequency of the permits requested special events are will it are driving us crazy? six hours a day might not sound like a big number on his own, but that's almost 40% of your waking hours. almost half my
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day. any day of the week is going to be subjected to this music special events now four times a month being increased to eight that every weekend of my life, probably both days of the weekend, so i good luck enjoying your home with any level of peace. and you know, the last guy just said nobody's doing this anywhere else in the mission. that's because it's that's just a little bit too much so well, selfishly, i'd like to protest any music in this lot. which it sounds like some neighbors. did you know i am from pittsburgh, pennsylvania . i'm a blue collar girl. i too want to support small businesses and be supportive of these vendors and even allowing for some, you know, community space there. that's why in the interests of compromise, i have not objected to the vendors using the space not objected to the bluetooth speakers at all do really big for more like one special event per quarter in the space, which is not okay. i'm sorry. thank you. that was your two minutes. thank you. any more
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callers on zoom there are none. right. we're gonna close public comment. motions. conversations. i'm ready to make a motion. so i moved to approve with staff recommendations. their 2nd 2nd. alright, we can vote. must anybody else any objections or changes? okay, okay. president sleiman president camino. commissioner paulson, commissioner paradies commissioner thomas commissioner torres high commissioner wang. all right. you've been approved . moving on, man. we. we still have a bunch ahead of us here,
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don't we to we should never have canceled that left ship painful. it happens. okay, here we go. caitlin's voice. she wakes us up . wake up. the next permit on our agenda this evening is for a limited limited life. performance permit for spn west, located at 10, south venice, as in west is was once the fillmore of the west and then a honda dealership and is now owned by non plus ultra and is an event space the llp permit. application before you tonight is for indoor entertainment as well as outdoor entertainment and amplified sound on their second story rooftop. they intend to use this permit to host an array of performances, including djs, bands and comedy acts, as well as hosting corporate events with entertainment regarding the outdoor entertainment and amplified sound. the applicants would like the option to host these activities daily between nine am and 10 pm but will not exceed six hours daily, including the sound check before
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an event starts. senior inspectors of rina went out and set a sound limit for the rooftop actually had the pleasure of joining him for that sound test. he set the limit, so it's not to exceed ambient sound levels measured approximately 175 ft away from the rooftop directly across south vaness avenue. please note the limit that we are recommending for their regular outdoor programming is more restrictive than what is allowed and municipal police code article 15.1 section 10 60.16 as there are nearby, sensitive receptors that were considered so this is meant to be more of an ambient background, sound type of sound limit, and additionally, they are requesting the ability to host up to eight special events per calendar year, which will be defined as an event that has up to eight hours of outdoor entertainment and or amplified sound between the hours of 9, a.m. and 10 p.m. and utilizes a higher sound limit. the special events sound limit has not been set yet. but you see, staff will set this in accordance with npc 10 60.16 at a future date and
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finally regarding sound easy stuff will also be setting an internal sound moment in accordance with municipal. please go to article 29 for their indoor performance area. the applicants conducted extensive neighborhood outreach , notifying all of their surrounding residential and commercial neighbors of their llp permit application and your file tonight there is a copy of their outreach letter, a list of who it was sent to in a map depicting the radius of the who was notified. we did receive nine letters of opposition for this application. however none of these individuals wanted to be put in touch with the applicants directly. when i asked i did. i will mention that s v n west did have 31 time event permits for entertainment on their rooftop in the last couple of months that generated quite a few sound complaints from two nearby residential buildings. in response to the complaints, the applicants applicants the applicants crafted a message for me to send to the neighbors opposing their permit, and that is also included in your file for your review tonight. we issued a notice of violation for the event they held on saturday, april 20/9 as the sound measurement report showed them to be operating in excess of
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their sound limit. however the limit they were violating is what we are now calling their ambient background level and how we determine that they actually need a special event sound limit as well. i also want to mention that there are four letters of support that is increased to six since writing this memo. and these are included in your file and sfpd southern station had one standard calendar ring condition for this permit. here to speak with you tonight. our managers kimberly and shannon. mhm. hi i'm shannon. um, i want to just talk a little bit about non plus ultra and who we are. so our company name means nothing more beyond so our businesses to manage underutilized properties in san francisco, essentially empty spaces and then come in and do
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events, bringing culture bringing art and bringing music into those spaces, which are essentially sitting empty. uh um , talked a little about a little bit about who we are, what we do so we do, uh, a large range of different events within our spaces. um, from standard conferences to community events , immersive art experiences like van gogh bridge. norton the frida kahlo experience, um, public activations and pop ups. um we host live concerts and we also host community celebrations. who we serve. we serve a wide range of our community from our big name tech as well to our small, itty, smaller community members, um, dish. is one of the community members who we serve. we work
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with 9 11 day, another community organization, um, as well as a talent, blood donation. um, so a couple of the nonprofit experiences that we have hosted , um we this is a photo of 9 11 day where we help to pack almost 300,000 meal packs for people who have been underserved. um we hosted event with charity water where we helped to raise $7.5 million to help build wells in in parts of the world which don't have water. um, we've worked with the kind of cultural arts center in the mission and hosted fundraisers with them. um, so we've worked with lots of different community members to open up. our space is free of cost and also to work with the different community or eggs in our neighborhoods. hi. i'm
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kimberly. a little bit about spn west past. some of you guys may know it was used to be home till the fillmore west and carousel ballroom. this was founded by legendary bill graham in 1968. and um, hosted. many acts that you've probably heard of. rita franklin grateful dead jefferson airplane to name a few. um so we are really passed with the responsibility of carrying on this venues legacy into the future. um so these stats right here are something that we're really proud of. at. um n p u so during the pandemic back in march, 2021 we were the first indoor public activation to open in the entire state during the pandemic. um so while everyone was on lockdown. our team was working day after day to make sure that we were ready to activate as soon as we were given the green light to do so. we welcomed over half a million
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guests through our doors over the 18 month run of the show and employed over 500 plus event staff. um, so that goes for artists, stagehands, carpenters , bartenders ushers all at a time where no one else was having those, um, job opportunities. so this is a little video we put together to show you some of the diapers events that we host. my favorite song. favorite show. my favorite song going around my favorite son. to my mouth. by.
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alright so you've seen where spn west is today? so now i want to take a moment to talk about spn west future. so in a few years, the building will be demolished and turned into another condo high rise in the van s mission corridor. um that's another venue that the city is losing, and it seems like year by year, the number of, um venues and music venues that we haven't in the city is disappearing. um, so our goal is really to keep bringing live music and filling san francisco's underutilized spaces with arts and culture for the last few years that the venue has left. um i just wanted to also highlight a couple a
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couple of things that we did during the pandemic. um you can see here that a roadmap to downtown san francisco's future can't really see it with the words behind or my captions there, but there is a photo of spn west when we hosted immersive van gogh on sf globe's website, so we were super excited about that. um just talking about the usage of space and how we utilize space and how to help bring some of the culture and art and people back into san francisco, and we were featured. they're just saying that another way to help bring, uh to bring experience and to bring people out. after the pandemic is to facilitate new uses, and then flexibility within our spaces. um in san francisco. we have a couple of quotes, um from some of our government officials, uh, live
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events are critical to san francisco's culture and economy. uh, we said we'd be there to support our music and entertainment venues, and now the money is going out the door . um so that was a quote from london breed. um. one of the other quotes that we wanted to highlight is from david choose. san francisco is famous for our live performances that bring our communities together and make our neighborhoods vibrant. um, and that's really what we are trying to focus on doing for the remainder. three ish. years that we have left in in the space. and just just a couple more quotes that everyone can read. um but just just noting that the rooftop itself is it's a very unique venue. it has been here since the sixties. we only have a few years left, and it's one of the only spaces in the city where you have a 15,000 square foot rooftop to do lots of different things. um, from
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community events to concerts to, um, comedy shows, and we're really trying to do what we can to help continue to bring people to the space and to just enjoy the city. thank you. mm hmm. something tells me you got good grades, both of you. men that was really well done presentation. thank you compliment. i didn't say it was scorned. i got good grades, too, by the way. um questions. um. one of the well it's great that there are more and more rooftop venues in san francisco. one of the things that comes along with the rooftop venue is that sound travels in different ways. and
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so obviously we've gotten a lot of complaints. um from essentially all i think of your outdoor rooftop. events. um and i'm wondering sort of what additional efforts you feel like you could make both in and again as we were talking about. there's like a communication issue, and there's a technological issue right. so one is in terms of communicating with neighbors, making sure that both they have a way to contact you. i'm stealing els. question um, but making sure that they have a way to contact you. and also for you to be responsive like having you know an email text that says we're really sorry. i mean, that's that's sort of a bare minimum, but that doesn't actually address people's kind of livability issues in terms of having a way to turn down the sound or otherwise be responsive. so the communication in both the technical thing and i know where you know, setting limits and so
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on around all of that, but this is just been such an ongoing concern with this location in particular, so i'll speak to the community outreach and all that shannon speak to some of the mitigation things we're working through as far as placement with our speakers, but for the two big apartment buildings that have been complaining chorus and 15 50 what we have done prior to these three events where we've received complaints is we send a letter to the buildings management. we have a google voice number that goes directly to the cell phone here. i have not received a single noise complaint on this phone, although it seems like they love to complain. elsewhere but we have been. we want to be there to answer the phone to get ahead of these issues before it gets to your desk. um i don't know. why they haven't reached out to us directly, but we have set up the tools so that they can and maybe it's. talking to the
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building managers more making sure that those letters are really going out. uh yeah, i'm wondering if they're not getting that from the building manager or if the building managers just posting a notice in the lobby or something, you know, like there's different ways to ensure that the people in the you know in the building are getting that yeah, and just to piggyback off of that, i think you know we don't we don't want to be a nuisance to our community. um we don't. we don't want to irritate people and make it make it trouble summer, so um, i would say to anyone who's listening or t to you are we are super open to finding a way a better way to communicate with our neighbors. um, we've done that outreach to the property managers. we can't go door to door individually, but we are trying to reach out to them to let them know 23 weeks in advance. sometimes a month. hey. this is coming. this is coming this day. let us know
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what you need from us. we haven't received any direct feedback, but we are open to the communication and happy to talk to anyone in will do our best to let people know way in advance. we're only looking to do eight a year. um that's i don't know. i can't do that much math, but 203 150 some days where we're not doing loud parties. it is only eight times a year that we're looking to do these allowed big kind of shows. um but we are open and we are happy to talk to anyone who would like to talk to us and we do have the phone number listed during the events for anyone to call and say, hey, what's going on? um secondly, in , uh, speaking to your first point about. the sound and the and the technical. i think we've found some faults in in what we did. the last two shows are staged. placement wasn't the greatest. our stage placement hit. hip. them, um of course.
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which one is this? 1 15 50, then bounced to chorus, right? originally when we used to do shows at this venue, um are stage was kind of tucked in the corner and the sound shot back at us with some new changes in fire. we weren't able to put our stage there. after some extensive conversations with fire with with e c. we have found a new location for our stage, which will not hit either . hopefully depending on our next sound reading, which should not hit either and the speakers should bounce back to us as we had originally done back in 2018 2019. in 2021 2021. right, okay. and. i'm optimistic that that will be better. thank you. hello thanks for coming in. and you mentioned your phone numbers will be available and just for
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the people who is listening, working, they find the phone number on your website or different phone numbers were were given out to the to property owners that where we've been getting the noise complaints, so those were buildings that came up during covid. so when we came back from covid, we had a bunch of new neighbors. um so it's been kind of a learning process and how it's best to communicate with them. um these are very fantasy apartment buildings where you can't really get past the front desk. we can't go door to door. the most we can do is communicate with the people that manage those buildings and who have direct contact with those tenants. um, so what we have done is notify them when we have events. i have my email. i have my google voice number for them to call. um but i have not received any phone calls on that phone line on your website. it's not on our website, but we're open to putting it on our website. when we have those events. we don't have so many so um, but, yes, we're definitely open to putting that on the website, if not getting if
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they're not getting it from the building manager, totally central location that they can find it directly from that there's open mean you're going to do it. i don't know what open means. yeah, we can do it. we will do it. thank you. you're welcome. interrogation over getting late chasing. um yeah. so um, you know, i think that the outdoors been their main problem there, right, just focusing on that indoor spaces. way to go. obviously, we've worked and alongside non plus ultra. for years and years. they put on some of the best shows in the city. they also sometimes have had. i think an adversarial relationship with us, including our inspectors, and so i'm hoping that you know, having the two of you with a really open relationship can help the um hell that mend wounds of the past. um but that's my only that's why we're here. that's why it's us yahoo! at nine
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o'clock, it's almost nine. all right. i have no more questions. anybody alright, you can have a seat. let's do public comments here. no. one in the room. anybody any public comment in the room? none one public comment online one second. all right. so, michael, multi, um hmm. michael if you can hear yourself. yes, i am. um michael nolte here, uh, executive director of alliance for a better district six. i just want to make suggestions to the promoters. there's no reason why you can't put flyers of your events. um near the entrances of these buildings, obviously, with the contact information to the promoters, um. there is, uh, and
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a global voices like the cheapest way to be able to get a phone number. um you seem like like you're you when you did your presentation you talked about how you do all kinds of events. i mean, this is what you do, and so, um investing in the proper way of, uh during, um allowing people to know how to contact. you should be part of your business plan. um so i'm i'm kind of concerned why it hasn't happened in the past, and, um, and there's should be no managements. are notorious for um, not wanting to upset their tenants or not doing what you expect them to do. um and this is with many kind of notices that have come from the city that never get through the actual residents. so um, this is not the first time i've heard we're management companies do not pass along. um notices from
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the city or even, um, you know any other neighboring things are happening. so um, please find other ways to promote your advance. um, so the neighbors. um will be notified, as well as other neighbors that might want to just also attempt. so promotion is key. thank you. thank you anymore, commenters. yes we have another one that barrie, toronto. if you can hear us, please speak. oh, i'm sorry, barry. apologize right now you please speak. good evening. peter has done a great job with midway and yeah, and they make it easy for us, uh, serve the
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public as taxi cab drivers. i hope that you will create, uh zone near the exit for taxis to queue up so that separate designated area and kind of advertised it. so that we are able to, um to serve them and rather and have your patrons avoid the search pricing. taxicab drivers do not have search pricing. our our rates are the same manner. just the demand and so be great that you will make it easy for people to access taxis. bro uh, from, uh, the events you hold at that venue. thank you very much. thank you any further commenters on the phone? there are none. public comment is now closed. we hear any emotions. i'd like to move to prove with staff recommendations. second alright,
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we can vote. president blackman. i. vice president coming on commissioner paulson, products commissioner thomas commissioner torres commissioner wang. all right, congratulations. you've been approved and we can move on to our final permit for this permit. i am recusing myself as i have been paid. by these people. farewell not for this. i mean past. they've paid me before. not allowed to be here. okay, well, all right. um on that note, deputy director escovedo, please. okay final permit on the regular agenda is for a place of entertainment permit for the hemlock tavern located 11 31 polk street. this is the same location as the
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previous hemlock tavern. only it's under new ownership. the new team went through a see you at the planning department and are wrapping up extensive remodel with the inside of the space. the applicants plan to utilize the peeling permit to host indoor entertainment such as djs, live bands, comedy and karaoke, both in the upstairs and downstairs areas. they have a thorough security plan, which is included in your file tonight, the applicants conducted extensive outreach, sending out over 300 letters to their nearby residential and commercial neighbors. i received one letter of concern about the entertainment ending at 2 a.m. but when i responded to the email, i never heard back. additionally the applicants received at this route. i think it's eight letters of support, and all of those are included in your file tonight. northern station had no added conditions in here to speak with you. tonight is the new gm daniel partridge. hi daniel. welcome thank you. hello. hello um, so, yeah, like caitlin said, my name is daniel partridge. and i'm here on behalf of beth bordner had some family issues to attend to. so i will be representing
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the hemlock and trying to get this permit. uh, instilled um, is there a, uh demonstration that came through with the email that michelle sent over. should be a quick three point or three page powerful. and if not no worries, but. so essentially, yeah, we're thrilled to be applying for this permit. we feel like san francisco does not have enough live music venues and we are wanting to enter the scene and offer a place of public entertainment where people can come and do dj sets. want to host live bands, comedy shows private events, birthday parties, and then eventually, the goal is to open up to the public as a bar slash live music venue where we would operate, um similarly, as the old hammock did so. ah you know, we see it as a way to bridge the gap of all members of the community to come into a space and hosts events from you know, like i
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said, comedy shows to rock show. so, um if the presentation does come up, i do have some pictures of the space. we're really getting the ball rolling right now. with some sound additions. you know, we had some speakers installed. we did our decibel reading test and make sure that we're you know where we fall in line, and what we're able to do in the space is not going to um , you know, put us in a bad spot with any neighbors. you know the main space that we're going to be hosting the live music is actually under, um, surface level, so it's going to mitigate a lot of the sound and acoustics that will be coming from the venue, so it's essentially it's a two story venue, main level and lower level. the main levels kind of bright area open. spills out onto the street. that's where we would, you know. ba having guests enter and grabbing a drink, congregating and then coming downstairs for live entertainment. so there are two interest is into the venue. that's where we would likely be placing security. that's where we will be placing security staff, depending on if we open
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up one level or both levels, um , will either have one security guard or two security guards per event, so um we feel like we've done our due diligence and a security plan and outreach like kaylin said. we've sent out over 300 letters to the community. we received one letter of, you know concern which we were not able to get in contact with so um, we did gather a nice number of letters of support from the community. i've been making sure to go out and meet members, uh, that are attending events at the bars in bar owners and kind of let everybody know what we're up to and what we're about, and we've gotten a lot of recognition and welcoming into the neighborhood. so um, a couple of goals of ours are to bring live music back to the lower polk area. we've done tours with members of the community, including the l p n lower poke neighborhood group, who have voiced their support as well, um, we want to be good neighbors to everybody, that's that's around the area and we feel like we've done a really good job with the soundproofing
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of the building. we've installed a lot of soundproofing panels in the lower level to absorb sound , and also make a better acoustical presence for the shows that we want to be putting on in the future. and then we want to establish ourselves as top tier operators. we want to be really good at what we do. we want people to recognize the name and say, that's what i want to host my next show. that's where i want to have my birthday party. that's where i want to go get a beer at. so those are a few of our goals. and then a few of the things that we've done to make sure that we're in compliance and that we're good operators, good neighbors. like i said, we've done a really good job with the soundproofing. we're in a new building where below the surface level. we're not expecting a ton of sound issues to be coming from this venue. it's just not set up for that, um, it's actually you know, it's probably as good of a scenario as we could possibly have for a live music venue in the city. um we have a ton of letters of support. i brought some um, examples of what will be posting at our entrances and exits. no reminding everybody of the good neighbor policy smoking
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policies. that is my direct line there my direct lines on the email as well. i've heard that question. come up a few times. i've gotten one call since we've had that live on the website, and it was just kind of a person that was walking by while we were doing tours in the space and was interested about the space that we actually invited into. show what we're what we're up to, and we got a letter of support from that member as well. so we're really up to bringing people into the space and letting people know what we're all about. i welcome everybody to come in and set up a tour. like i said, if you call that number on the website or anything that's posted on the outside of the venue. it will reach my line, so we're pretty adamant that we're approachable and were really willing to work with any sort of complaints that we here and in compliance issues that might arise so um, that being said, you know, i've you can see the letters of support that we've gathered. um and i would like to answer any questions you may have. thank you, daniel. sorry. we were not able to, um, achieve your power point, but i think you didn't
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exceptional job in recapping all your talking points. twice thanks, but, um, yeah, no. excellent okay, commissioners. any questions? um. thank you. it's really exciting to have the hemlock back. i feel like you know so often when a building undergoes a lot of reconstruction or remodeling or rebuilding, we lose the venue entirely. so having. would be the old hemlock. but having the new hemlock is great. uh just one request that for in terms of your staff training that you to ask if you'd be willing to add overdose recognition and response to the training that your staff receives. we would love to explore that option. that is something you know. i haven't heard that before, and it's i think something that's um not taken lightly, you know, given the circumstances of that
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area and another area that that i work infrequently tenderloin and you know, we see these problems on a daily basis so well, absolutely look into that option. wonderful thank you. and uh, entertainment commission staff can help connect you to resources. thank you. anyone else? go ahead. hello. thanks for coming in. i'm i'm thank you so much. it looks like you did a lot of feelings. i see. 12.5 pages of outreach is just like the folks that you mean. which to say that one more time. i'm sorry. i see here 12.5 pages of addresses. the first the neighbors that you contacted, correct? yeah so we used the mailing service that was able to get that done asap. for us to get you know, into this space. um, and that was what was provided. right? outstanding thank you and any other respond to you. ah like caitlin said, just the single that we are. we didn't hear back from that. that individual. so, um from my
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standpoint, we have zero opposition so far. alright so i'm guessing there's no news is good news, right? exactly exactly. and then you mentioned you guys. um so, um, put up some acoustical panels. can you share the range of price because we talked earlier about? it's kind of this kind of cost. a lot of money. is it in your experience? was it really we? we worked with the developer of the building to put these sound panels in place. they're very similar to what you see on the wall here. we basically bought soundproofing material. we use some, like corporate fabric to, you know, dress them up and put some nice colors on them, hung them on the wall. they basically act as picture frames that absorb sound and take a lot of the balance of sound away. so um, you know, we've done this with a few places, but this is, uh, highly important when you're talking to artists and performing in your space. but also with the escape of sound through the venue. so, um, you know, it was important for both the sound escape, and, um you know the acoustical presence in the in the space.
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did you also end up putting some on the ceiling or just on the walls? in that space? we do not have any on the ceiling. the ceiling is kind of it's exposed beams so it wouldn't work so well in the ceiling, but we tried to hit, you know, or we're we're still in the process of doing this, but every kind of square inch that we can achieve that really high. you know, it's kind of like when you walk into this room. when it steals your voice away. that's what we're trying to achieve. there will never quite get there. but we're doing the best we can. all right. thank you so much job, okay. any other comments commissioners? okay why don't you go ahead and have a seat close by sure. we're gonna go to public comment. okay, miss. may anyone. nobody in person and i don't see anybody out one well. yes. one comment online. i think one second. mm hmm. michael can
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you hear us? yes michael multicare. i'm in support of this project. we need to have adequate number of bars on folk street. um as long as they work well with the neighbors, and they sound like when they talk about a business plan. they're actually going the right direction. my normally don't hear. the, um new bars talk about business plans, and but the business plans are for our security plans are important part of putting in a new business or with new operators. so i'm in support. i'm also a member of local folk neighbors, as as well as, uh um, the alliance for bear district six as well as north of market business association. thank you. hey, thank you, michael. alright i think we are ready for a motion close. public comment fast alright. public comment is
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now closed. okay to approve this item with staff recommendations. second what can we have a vote, please? yes vicepresidente camino commissioner files on commission of today's commissioner thomas high commissioner torrez. i commissioner wang. okay, congratulations. um please check in with our commission staff. two for next steps. and now we have the return of president, blind man. yeah. i can't tell you about it. hmm we talked about you in particular. alright the last agenda item is number eight commissioner comments and questions and i know commissioner falls on wanted to say some words i did. i wanted to, uh, ask that tonight we end tonight's meeting memoriam for a wonderful civic leader. his name
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was marvis phillips marvis came to san francisco in 1973. sadly he passed away on april 4th 2023. for those that didn't know marvis for the longest time he was the chair of the alliance for a better district six. uh safety chair. he also held several posts with projects safe as block captains of 900 poke 300, eddie and 300 ellis. he also was involved in the nerd training program. uh marvis was very active in taking a voice with the issuing of abc licenses and worked very hard to represent the, uh transitional communities in the tenderloin. uh sadly, he did pass away. he will be missed. he was a good man and a great supporter of our residents. thank you. there's also a photo of him on the document camera if we want to show that real quick thank you. nice, ma'am. thank you.
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commission president. um happy ap a heritage month. in may and also happy small business month. i would like to invite everyone to come out to the excelsior neighborhood where i live. we having, um, restaurant dine around. we're calling it now fun . it's an asian dying around to support the small business owners, their restaurants, bakeries, cafes and bars. um. it's a long the mission street quarter and geneva avenue corridor. so it's happening this week. we're also having a passport program so that every time you support the merchant will give you a stamp on your passport. and if you get three or more stamps, you get a chance to win fabulous prizes, so the raffle drawing will take place on this saturday. the 20th so please come out and support the merchants in the excelsior. thank you. any other comments. um. i just wanted to have a few
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just wanted to congratulate, uh bangoura and beats that had their night market this past weekend and that it was a huge success and i think that that is the kind of event that we're looking forward to help reactivate downtown. so congratulations to katie and alan. on that also just wanted to note on saturday. it is harvey milk day is being observed by the castro merchants association. the castro cbd. the castro lgbtq cultural district and the friends of harvey milk plaza and the harvey milk democratic club. they will be doing a block party in jane warner plaza. the features djs dj nico and drag story hour. also on the 20/8 is, uh, the weekend. 20th is carnival and they were having they will be having their coloreds day and more. l g b t q stage and i think kind of all for focusing on lgbtq community in the mission. and i also if i may
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would like to close, um, this meeting in memory of banco brown . um just acknowledging that, uh many of the most vulnerable our community, especially black trans members of our community are still not ensured safety and that we should do better. any further comments. certainly public comment on this agenda item. no public comment on this item. close. public comment and we will adjourn this meeting at 9 12 pm thank you.
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frames that you see here, you can-you are and look into the story of that act, band, entertainment and their contributions to music. affordability is what we are all about. creative support. we are dedicated to the working musician. we are also dedicated to breaking some big big acts. we like to make the stories around here. ultimately legends. . >> i just feel like this is what
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i was born to do when i was a little kid i would make up performances and daydream it was always performing and doing something i feel if i can't do that than i can't be me. >> i just get excited and my nickname is x usher my mom calls me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's
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and fosz and aesthetic. >> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa he focus on a lot of different musical eras. >> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people (singing) can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was
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brought up the youth taught me about music he picked up the a correspond that was so hard my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was treated as other the next thing i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then
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and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made it to paris in 2005 a famous arc we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island and he came to our show and started writing a script based on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the time he here he was bay area born and breed braces and with glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care.
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>> land for best director that was backpack in 2010 the french love this music i come back here and because of film was not released in the united states nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have to beg for tips i hey i'm from the bay area and an artist you don't make a living it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days
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people are not listening they love the idea of having a live musician but don't really nurture it like having a potted plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make.
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>> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job so i have so stay is an i feel like the piano and music in general with my voice together i feel really powerful and strong >> by the time the last show came, i was like whoa, whoa, whoa. i came in kicking and screaming and left out dancing. [♪♪♪] >> hello, friends.
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i'm the deputy superintendent of instruction at san francisco unified school district, but you can call me miss vickie. what you see over the next hour has been created and planned by our san francisco teachers for our students. >> our premise came about for san francisco families that didn't have access to technology, and that's primarily children preschool to second grade. >> when we started doing this distance learning, everything was geared for third grade and up, and we work with the little once, and it's like how were they still processing the information? how were they supposed to keep learning? >> i thought about reaching the student who didn't have internet, who didn't have
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computers, and i wanted them to be able to see me on the t.v. and at least get some connection with my kids that way. >> thank you, friends. see you next time. >> hi, friend. >> today's tuesday, april 28, 2020. it's me, teacher sharon, and i'm back again. >> i got an e-mail saying that i had an opportunity to be on a show. i'm, like, what? >> i actually got an e-mail from the early education department, saying they were saying of doing a t.v. show, and i was selected to be one of the people on it, if i was interested. i was scared, nervous. i don't like public speaking and all the above. but it worked out.
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>> talk into a camera, waiting for a response, pretending that oh, yeah, i hear you, it's so very weird. i'm used to having a classroom with 17 students sitting in front of me, where they're all moving around and having to have them, like, oh, sit down, oh, can you hear them? let's listen. >> hi guys. >> i kind of have stage flight when i'm on t.v. because i'm normally quiet? >> she's never quiet. >> no, i'm not quiet. >> my sister was, like, i saw you on t.v. my teacher was, i saw you on youtube. it was exciting, how the community started watching. >> it was a lot of fun. it also pushed me outside of my
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comfort zone, having to make my own visuals and lesson plans so quickly that ended up being a lot of fun. >> i want to end today with a thank you. thank you for spending time with us. it was a great pleasure, and see you all in the fall. >> i'm so happy to see you today. today is the last day of the school year, yea! >> it really helped me in my teaching. i'm excited to go back teaching my kids, yeah. >> we received a lot of amazing feedback from kiddos, who have seen their own personal teacher on television. >> when we would watch as a family, my younger son, kai, especially during the filipino episodes, like, wow, like, i'm
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proud to be a filipino. >> being able to connect with someone they know on television has been really, really powerful for them. and as a mom, i can tell you that's so important. the social confidence development of our early learners. [♪♪♪] 5 o'clock. >> (music). >> co-founder. we started in 2008 and with the intent of making the ice cream with grown
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up flavors and with like and with tons of accessible freshens and so we this is - many people will like it and other people will like you my name is alice my husband we're the owners of you won't see ice cream in san francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we - we provide the job opportunity for high school students and i hired them every year and . >> fun community hubble in san francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. >> and i'm alexander the owner of ice cream and in san francisco and in the outer
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sunset in since 1955 we have a vast of flavors liar choke o'clock but the flavors more than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of the ice cream. and my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and (unintelligible) joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. >> we're the ordinances of the hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made
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everybody from scrap the first ice cream shop any ice cream we do our own culture background and a lot of interaction and we're fortunate we can get feedback and serve to the king of ending and also yeah. mr bridges. absent commissioner, fiscal president. mr gandhi is absent. commissioner help on present is it's aig
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