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tv   Public Works Commission  SFGTV  June 4, 2023 12:00am-1:46am PDT

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at 9:32. i want to start with actually asked this item g from consent to be moved to the regular cal dash at this time. are there requests from the commission. >> we need to call the roll first. >> sorry. >> secretary fuller call the roll, >> good morning respond with here or present segal. >> commissioner settleal is present. commissioner post and turner are absent. paul woolford.
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>> present. >> and zoubi. >> present. with 3 members present we have quorum and now can move ahead. >> thank you. secretary fuller item g to be move friday consent to the regular. are there other requests from the commission. ? a typo in the minutes of may fifth. secretary fuller i can tell hall it is. do we have a change to the agenda? >> because it is on consent. >> we will vote after. i don't know if it it is on cob cent without the change if it
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goes to the regular calendar i'm bringing it up. >> based on the change that you let me know about when the consent calendar come up i will ask for corrections and you can -- okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> hearing none. secretary fuller call the next item. >> please note the rules regarding hybrid meet and remote participation changed remote call in an option for members wish to make public comment on agenda items and remote papgs boy commissioners will be an option but under a specific circumstances. for members wish to make comment from outside the hearing room use the call in line of 415-554-0001. and use the meeting id for
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today's meet access code: 2596 231 0157 ## we ask this the public comment made in a december respectful manner and you refrain from profanity. address your remarks to the commission as a whole and not individual commissioners or staff and on behalf of the commission we extend thanks to sfgovtv and media service staff for helping make this meeting possible. item 1 announcements by the chair this is an informational
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item. >> thank you. secretary fuller. >> i have a couple recognitions. i want to congratulate our asian american, pacific islander community on a ap i heritage month. month of may. i'm also appreciate the contribution to our community. from the a ap i community also. >> this month is small business month. which is celebrated throughout the whole state. and -- again, i want to thank all the small business owners contribution to the fabric and their support make sure they know we are here for their lives.
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and i'm sure in our director's report i like to hear what plan and had is going on and happening there. and that concludes my announcements, are there questions from the commission? secretary fuller open public comment. members who wish to comment on item one may lineup against the wall if you are here. if you are call nothing dine 415-554-0001. access code: 2596 231 0157 ##.
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we don't have members of public had skr come forward to speak in person. sfgovtv do we have callers in the queue who raised their hand? and they let me know there are no callers wishing to speak on this item. that concludes comment for the had i ever's announcements. is there further discussion from the commission? no. hearing no further discussion, secretary fuller call the next item. >> item 2 is the secretary's report and this is an informational item. and my report consists of the upon one item is the report on the activities of the sanitation and streets commission and of course their agendas and minutes are available at the sanitation
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and street's website. this past monday may 15th, the sanitation and streets held their monthly moting and heard a performance measure report from the bureau of street and environmental services. as well as one from cents roll operations. also had their performance measure report and the racial equity team provided a similar action plan update that they provided this commission at the may fifth meeting and finally the -- the sanitation and streets fulfilled the mandate second refuse rate hearings where the add strirt in hear presentations from the refuse rate administrator and ricology on potential changes to waste
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hallingly rates. i'm happy to take questions on my report about the sanitation and street's commission. >> thank you, are there questions from the commission? no. hearing none open public comment. why members. public had wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item 2 the secretary's report may lineup against the wall if in the chamber. if you are call nothing dial 415-554-0001 and use the access code of 2596, 2310157. pound pound and star 3 to raise your hand to speak. there are no members of the public in person wanting to speak on this item. sfgovtv, do we have callers who
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raised their hand to speak. we don't have callersmenting to speak on the secretary's report this concludes public comment. are there are furthers discussions? being none mr. fuller call the next item. >> and item 3 is general public comment. members may speak on commission related topics not on today's agenda. members of the public had wish to make 3 minutes of general public comment lineup against the wall if in the chamber. if call nothing dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2596 231 0157 ##.
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there is no one here wish to peek in personful sfgovtv do we have callers wishing who raised their hand on this item? okay. we have no public general public commenter. for this agenda item. thank you, mr. fuller call the next item. >> item 4 is the director's report. and communications. the communications on this agenda include month low restricted communication's report of contracts that are out for bid but not yet awarded. and the other item in the communications the quarter low report the department provides on the earthquake, safety and emergency response bond. they are available.
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and inter~im director carla hor is here to present her report and this is an informational item. >> good morning. carla short inter~im director of public works. happy friday. i have a few items i want to bring to your attention. first is tap street bollards. back in february you may have seen in the news the city moveed block through traffic from cap street from 18th street to 22nd in the mission. and in an effort to critic down on prostitution there. by making difficult near johns to drive up and down the stretch looking for sex workys. it is lead by the sfmta with direction if the mayor's office and supervisor ronen. and has the support of many maces. public works installed barricades at key intersections to deter traffic.
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after starting with plastic barricades and concrete rails we completed collapsable steel bollards that are padlocked and turned down boy firefighters and other. courthouse. the assessment team installed them. our engineers over saw the design of the set up with assistance from street inpectors. work was key they had to make sure the case of the bollard dids not run in to utilities. open space on the block its is no longer possible for drivers to flow through. steal e rekt 69s and closeed through traffic. blocked portion of cap other south side entrance on 18th and cap. north on 20th and cap.
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south on 21st and cap special north on 22nd and capful since than i went in, coupled with the police crack down on people soliciting sex workers neighbors report a decrease in street prostitution outside their doors. next up the opioid lawsuit settle am. david chu announced this past wednesday roached a 230 million dollars settlement agreement with wall greens following the city's win in federal court against the pharmacy chain if opioid distributor. under the agreement wall greens pay 200 thousand dollars. settlement funds addressing the opioid crisis in san francisco. this settlement stems from land mark litigation san francisco
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brought in 2018 behalf of people california against the opioid industry for fuelling the opioid epidemic. san francisco sued multiple opioid manufacturers and dispensers all but wall growns settled. i'm letting you know public works played know important role in this lawsuit providing data and testimony about the impact the opioid crisis had on efforts to keep the city clean due to street behavior and the impacts to crews facing the human toll every day. i'm thankful to city attorney you chu the mayor and impacted city departments. public works, public health, fire being police, human services and emergency management, city library and others for take a force will action to hold the businesses behind the opioid industry
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accountable. on to happier news. lombard irrigation project. i'm guessing most of you upon dribble down the 1,000 block. lombard street. the crook ed stretch this draws film from the 8 hair pin turns but also the landscaping that bursts to life with roses and poppies. well, it takes water to keep the 10,000 square foot garden alive. this week we have a new drip irrigation along this landmark street. joined by president peskin, pu c general manager herary and crook ed streets gardener weep held a press conference to cell brit the new system will cut water usage by 500,000 gallons a year with monthly usage dropping from 50,000 gallons to 8,000 gallons. and get the water, closer to the
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plants roots. the spray irrigation system an inefficient water hog some water e vaperated or ran down the steep street before it got to the plants the new system laid out by hand in a grid by public works crews, will bring the water directly to the base of the plants the new silence be less prone to breaks. upgrade come in time for the busy summer season when thousands come to check out the street. this conversation improve am project will ensurety gardens bloom show chasing the magic san francisco offers. bike to work. we had a nice public works team yesterday for the bike to workday event. we garthed at the foot of market at 7:30 meeting at the new toilet. and -- we rhode west to our on
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whicheses at 49th south van ness. highlights peddling past the street scapes project we are managing and had an engineer working on this project cycle with us. we are proud of our work with the sfmta in building safer infrastructure for cyclists. public works weekch the public works week is this sunday. and runs through next friday may 26. this year's theme united. we have a lot of activities packed in the week on sunday kickoff with public works day at the giants. and tuesday we will hold our largest staff event public works employee recognition award and year of service pins ceremony. commissioners i hope you can join us. and beta breaker you asked what the department is doing to
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support this event. every year public w plays a role in preparing for the event and cleaning up after. we have been running the route filling president holes and are construction and street inspectors checking cites along the route and ensuring they are clean and free of hazards. provide blocking trucks. finally after the landfall group started we begin cleaning efforts. 3 post race cloning team usa. stage long the way as runners clear we get to work. and then we work with the sfmta and pd it make sure we cleaned the streets before they open back up to traffic. if on that note i'm happy to take questions. commissioner settleal.
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i are a question about the settlement from the pharmaceutical company is that earmarked for a use and does this go in the general fund. >> my understanding it is earmarked address the impacts of opioid crisis. and how much. i know you said. >> almost 230 million dollars. 229, 677, 000. 57 million the first year. and the first few years get up to 187 million. the vast majority of the funding will come in early but over a 14 year pay out. >> take pressure off of other needs that we have that. thank you very much. commissioner wolf ford. >> carla could you sends the list of activities and things
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that are going on for public works week celebration so we have them if we attends we can. >> yes. we will sends that out. thank you for your report. unfortunately we my wife and i are out of town next week. sorry we will not make. i would have loveed joined you and at least some of that events. and thank you, again for your report. we take everything for grant exclude don't know that public works is part of all the great things helping in the city. and again, thank you for all you and the entire teach any questions. open for public comment. member who is wish to make 3 minutes of comment on the director's report and
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communications milineup against the wall. if you are call nothing dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2596 231 0157 ##. then star 3 to speak. and we don't have any in person public commenter for this itemful sfgovtv do we have callers that are interested in this item. they are saying we don't. that concludes public comment on the director's report. >> are there further questions? board discussion from commission? hearing none, mr. fuller call the next item. >> item 5 is the consent
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calendar of routine matters includes minutes from my 5 of 23 meeting of this commission. 3 as need contract award and 2 construction contract modifications. all contract award and modifications are eligible for the con7 calendar accordance with the delegation policy adopted by this commission. note that the draft minutes have been corrected for clarity on items 1, 4, 5 and 7. and remindser item 5g has been pulled from scene and heard individually after the adoption of this item. all consent calendar items can be heard upon request by a commissioner, staff or public and adoption of the consent calendar and all resolutions contain immediate it is an action item. and i'm happy to take any corrections to the minutes or questions from commissioners.
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okay. do i hear a motion to accept the consent calendar? so moved. has been moved and seconded. any discussion? mr. fuller open public comment. >> members of public wish it comment on item 50 adoption of consent and all resolutions contained in it. may lineup against the wall. if presentful if calling in dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2596 231 0157 ##, then star 3 to enter the queue.
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we don't have any in person commenters on this item. sfgovtv is indicating we have one caller in the queue. wishing to poke on this item. please unmute that caller. you will have 3 minutes and i will provide you with a 30 second warning when your time is going to expire. david pilpel, can you hear mow? >> we can hear you. >> okay. i [inaudible] issues on the consent calendar. the minutes [inaudible] i'm not sure you need to pull it. i can just relate that quickly. [inaudible] nonsubstantive edits i'm happy to share with secretary fuller.
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[muffled, static]. and the numbers as the commission and director -- i think that [inaudible] i noticed at the end the adjournment time was 11:50 a.m. i think 11:50 [inaudible]. and again other minor issues i will be here to community to secretary fuller off line. the minutes and the rest of the consent no, with [inaudible] a number of other reasons to [inaudible]. [muffled] thank you for listening. thank you, caller. and this is our only public commenter on this item. that concludes public comment. >> is there debate on the
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motion? hearing none all in favor of approving consent calendar say, aye. >> aye. >> opposed >> neigh. the ayey have it motion passes. >> mr. fuller call the next item. >> we now turn to the regular calendar items individually. 5g is the summer workforce development contract award and assistant manager warren hill is here to present this grant agreement. good morning, commissioners. there we go.
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good morning, commissioners warren hill assistant manager of central operations public works. i will present the summer youth workforce development grant. and will what i'm here to ask for today is starting with the recommendation to aproust summer workforce development contract to the grant. it it is in the amount of 440 thousand dollars. a 5 month contract. tell be awarded to hunter's point family a nonprofit out of bayview the proper to provide employment and opportunity for high school students from in coming freshman. out going graduating eighth greaters to in common seniors and juniors in high school. during the summer months to train them in the field in the fields of urban forestrych >> a bit of background of the program to encourage employment
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leading to per minute innocent job growth. employ youth from select high schools in the city of san francisco who do not have access to spicht service. provides opportunity for those who can benefit from side boy side employment with professional staff so our guard ins and laborers in the field. the benefits of program, the project address public works need for growing and installing trees to enhance our tree planting efforts. nursery would respond to community needs. tree canoies and green space for environmental justice impacts. it is for 60 youth paid 18 dollars an hour, 25 hours a week for 6 weeks and participates recruit federal san franciscouneified school district campuses.
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the director's recommendation is to award the contract 440 thousand dollars to operate and manage the w force development program to support career path ways for youth in urban forestry. the recommendation is to approve the summer workforce contract in the amount 440 thousand dollars the dur occasionation for 5 months. a nonprofit out of bayview and employment and workforce students during the sumner the field of urban forestry. additional background for this program between the years of 2016, 17 and 18 employed 320 high school age youth. and from those 320ed individual says 107 obtained private, public and nonprofit
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unsubsidized employment. any questions. >> thank you. i guess i will start. i wanted add to move this freshman this contract from consent to regular agenda for multiple reasons. first reason this program is such a great program for the community. and for public works that should not be crowned with the rest of the consent items. it is important for the public to know when is going on and what how opinion work system actually helping the community by giving the grants. and another reason i had questions about it. my first question is, this is a summer program and summer starts next month. >> correct. what are the reasons why it presented in may?
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>> why now when it it is next mont? yea. we had to go through a process and that took a bit of time. to get qualified applicants that were willing and able to apply for the grants. the previous organization who had performed the duties for years has taken a step back from the workforce development opportunity so it took a bit of time to find a qualified organization willing to apply for the grant. >> it was a proactive -- process where -- public works reached out to nonprofits? >> yes. were there more than one nonprofit interested? there was one when applied for the grant and it was all said and done and hunter's point family. >> thank you.
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>> commissioner segal? >> i have a question i often have about our agenda and how the presented and in our presenters. please, can i remind staff to when we have a staff report to list the name of the presenter. you are working very heard and worked hard on this report xu are proud of your work and we are proud of your work your name i would love to see it appear on our materials. and so its there and also your position and so it is clear to the public that you w for public work this is you are our staff and over seaing the contractor's work. thank you we are happy to have you and great program. lots of luck. >> yes, ma'am. commissioner woolford.
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>> thanks juan, what an incredible opportunity the city and county providing these youth. i was going to ask if it is possible for and you director short and bob to may be potential low organize the ability for us as a commission to join on site at some point all of these youth. i don't know if you would have to add voois vise us a graduation or just a point which they get together i'm sure they are not always together during their daily work. i imagine there are pointses where they convene it would be wonderful i understand a 3 or more together we can notice but i think tell be terrific and i would like to applaud and congratulate these youth for this experience. >> that is definitely manage we can make happen i will roach out and we will arrange for that for you to make that visit.
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>> thank you. so, continuing that when i read the material preparing for this, i thought, i thank you we would have some of the students or the participates in the program here or whatever i think as part of graduation or something to have them be recognized at city hall and have i don't want to make a big deal or people to think this i have so show and up this it is i requirement. done in an appropriate way that makes them know that they are appreciated, thanked and that we would love to support their work in the future. absolutely. the students are in sdool they would not able to come at this point but they start work on june 30 and we will arrange for some if not all.
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>> or may be as commissioner woolford said a graduation the end or something or to even have have the mayor come shake their handled. we can come to y'all, too >> any further questions. >> okay do i hear a motion to approve item 5? so moved. exactly. thank you. it has been moved and second to approve this public comment 415-554-0001, access code: 2596 231 0157 ##. and the meeting queue star 3.
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and -- that concludes public ment on this item. >> we will get out by 10. . 30 today. >> are there further discussion in hearing 91 all in favor say, aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> opposed? neigh? and -- the aye's have at this time motion passes.
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>> mr. fuller call the next item. >> item 6 is the various locationace pave am renovation and sewer contract award. project manager ramone kahn will present and this it is an action item. good morning chair. special commissioners.
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i'm ramone kahn i'm project manager from the paving program at public works. with your packagil supplement a presentation. on these project. y so i don't are here today to request approve the award of the san francisco board of contract payment renovation number 58. with a duration of 560 consecutive calendar days. landscape and construction inc. the main reason for the execution of the typical
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contract is to contribute to the over all goal of maintaining or incoming the average condition of the street maintained by public works. now on this slide we have 2 pictures. the depicting the payment operation of payment contract the picture on the left is showing replacement of the tomorrow on the street by a paving machine. on the left a picture of a roller machine compact, levelling and smooth the material. this contract in the location is one of the men contract that criminalities to the public works program role to maintain the street in good condition. public works maintain 12, 900 blocks. along with the equity direct your attention across the districts and neighborhoods the
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pave am program consider 55ment condition, the ufts street, whether transit or residential streets. utility with other, private and city agencies. and paving available funding when planning implementing contracts. the scope of work includes the roadway. will paving 2 inches of asphalt allow 38 blocks and constructing 119 new curb ramps. in ownership with puc and result of interagency coordination to create disruption to the transit. we incorporating to the condition tract and joined award from puc. from this paid contract we included replacement of sewer maintenance at the sale of the [inaudible] 11 blocks.
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also replacing that pipes adjusting man hole and catch basins and lastly refreshing the traffic striping on the roadway. the environmental determination for this contract is exempt. which mean there is is no potential impact on environment. the next slide shows the locations to be performed. on the left hand side and small picture you will seat map of the city and shading gray the 2 district works with the place. in the center of the slide we have a magnification of the 2 districts and showing the location of the streets. the paving contract has 38 blocks and they will be the location of these are in district 9 in the neighborhood of portomah. and neighborings of excelsior,
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mission terrace. said negligence slide so the schedule of the paving contract. the top here zantally have the years each quarter 3 mont and it is starting of each quarter. on the left hand side of the matics it shoes clear the different phases of the typical paving project including mranth, design. advertisement award, construction and close face. and each phase in mall funds. we have you know main activities and meaningful tasks to be primaried. in the center. the box blue represents tasks
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completed and the box being completed in the future. for the project the planning phase initiated in 2018 and 2 years and and a half before initiating the design and third quarter of 2020 and the design complete in the first quarter of 22. the contract advertised on november 22, 22 and bids received on february 8, 2023. now upon approval we expect to start in the third quarter and complete in first quarter of 2025. this slide shoes results in received on february 8 of 2023. received the bids from 6 contractedors. the average was 8 million. and the end year was 7 million,
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967,000, 5 one dollars. this mean the percentage of the average [inaudible] compared to the mate was 112% for difference of of submitted by brothers inc compared to the estimate was 107% or a difference 553 thousand dollars. now the lowest bid are determined by the lowest bid after a prime ledgeable dips count. which is the lbe. the brothers you know submitted the lowest bid 8 million, 521,000, 230 dollars. does not receive discount.
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instead. the land scape and construction inc in the bid upon amount of 8 million. received a bid discount of 10% small lbe and the lowest bidder. the contract [inaudible] from the office of the city administrator confirm and med a determination that obama landscape with 10% lbe discount was the lowest responsive bidder. now in a post comment which we received a few days ago regarding the price difference. which is 9% higher or 746 thousand dollars. we say we received 6 bids. they are in each other's range and hired in the engineer's
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estimate. reflecting the construction market. the cost analysis performed by our engineer indicates the high cost of the bird attributed by cost of the concrete material and asphalt bid items we presume due to higher cost of oil and gas, prices the time bid opening. and not leaving inflation another factor for price change or increase. with respect to the engineer's estimate. prepare today based on the average bid price from recent projects which are updated quarter low. our section [inaudible] historical data where it houses the information from all bidding contractors. due to the cost increase or concrete and asphalt we updated our data bates to reflect the market process and hoping that the price will stabilize and
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unlikely to go down. as mentioned before. under -- the previous slide public works repaving. so in this table we show the amount to be awarded. below we show how we will fund the bid. the left side with the of the slide we showed 2 agencies that will be funds being the bids for the project. first public works using state gas tax or road rehab amount of 6 million, 120, 353 dollars to fund the paving work and public work or puc, will reduce the sewer repair money to fund the sewer work 2 million, 593,000,
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408 dollars. also -- each will set aside 10% using the same funding source. 871, 376. 3 shg we request approve the award of the san francisco public works contract name payment renovation and sewer replace am contract 8 million, 713, 761. with a do you recallation of 560 calendar days to bow man landscape inc this . conclude my presentation and i'm available to any question and thank you for listening. >> thank you. commissioner segal? so this am work that public works does is near and dear to
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me i'm not on the s and s commission. because something i deal way see every day and it is wham is obvious to the. i tried go over i don't have a print out of the list of projects you gave but it was alphabetical and i tried to find a project i have a question about the work being done now on clay street a designated slow street. between pierce and scott is that -- is that one of these projects that was listed going on for years? in this particular condition tract? no this is actually on district 9 and 11. we have many other contracts you
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know the paving program basically every year we deliver close to 10 to 12 contracts throughout the whole city and package them by district. or proximity in order to increase of effectiveness and minimize disruption to the public and get bank for buck. but the one you mentioned perhaps will be in one of our contracts we have many contracts. i see and each is contracted separately and budgeted and come before the commission. that was probably before the commission existed. >> rachael gordon policy and communication. director segal made an inquire bethis project t. it is a public utility sewer replace am project. public works manages it. the utility's commission is doing the public out roach on this project.
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it is 100 percent funded by puc. >> yes >> thank you. >> i have a couple of questions ramone. thank you for the present agdz it was great and thorough. when we are seeing it it is in the i trend but it looks like a lot of contracts we see there is a discrepancy between engineers and estimates and bids hamp is being done to fix that like -- adding -- a little more expecting for you know counting inflation and so forth. i would -- and again what is being done about that? it is like all like wow a million dollars difference with the average bids and the engineer's estimate. i'm sure they are all in the same business.
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>> yea. thank you. so our pavement and sewer contracts the bid price compared to the engineer estimate is pretty close within 10% to 5-10%. what help third degree time mou there was a spike in the price of oil. and cost concrete. the price of that went up close to 10-15%. we at public w vs a data base. we house all the information. we retained all the bids this we received and we accomplice that in the data base and take the average and do it quarter low. this information is updated quarter low. and based on this we generate our cost estimates. unfortunately the estimate we generated i think in january and the bid receive in the february and at the time the price of oil
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went up and why we have the price you know from previous year for the fourth quarter of left year. so that was the discrepancy as far as the between the am engineer's mate and the bids for this contract. the funny thing is this all sick bisd were within reach. they are all hire than the estimate. but we'll be coming along to the commission more know asbestos. you will see processes are close to the engineer estimates. >> great. the estimate this counts for those. >> yes. >> reflects the latest bids from the contractor the pricings are determined by contractor and we do our best to estimate. it is an estimation. thank you. >> my next question. may be we are not the twhoon can answer it or -- gas tax twice
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today. how is that tax calculated? like what -- may be director how do they calculate that tax manage in the city in san francisco. >> i was nodding it is the state that does this calculation. i don't know how it is calculated at the state level upon i know they allocate to the city and counties. but i don't know. how many cars we have or -- calculate in the a couple ways we can provide more in a later day that provides more detail temperature is really will a couple form lapse the highway use tax allocation and sb1 the 12 cents per gallon and
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population and use. fo thank you. attach is dry but we share. thank you. commissioner woolford? >> to follow up a bit and explain. one of the least consistent factors are the raw materials they fluctuate and supply chain, more in the pandemic inflation at 30% between 20 then and 22 in
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construction industry. stabilized a bit but wood, paper products, steel. concrete fluctuate month to month. i understand why there would have been a missed a miss if you will and a 10% range. 6 months ago steefls less and now concrete is less than steel. they change and so the public knows and the fellow commissioners continue is totally within the realm of when we should expect in the current environment of construction, material supply chain. fact that the bid was within a 10% range i consider good news because -- easily feasible to have an estimate or bid come back and felony or 20 or 25% over that the best guess would tell you based on historical information.
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thank you. >> i want to thank you and all of our staff. and commissioner woolford for -- understood the enthusiasm and understanding and the experience that our staff have this deal with things that are very and technical and involve all aspects of making what public works does happen. and i'm always impressed at the -- expertise and the enthusiasm of our staff and thank you. >> thank you. any other questions? do i hear a motion to approve item 6. so moved. >> second. >> second. >> thank you. >> thank you. so it has been moved and
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seconded to approve item 6. mr. fuller call for public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make comment on item 6 the various locations faithful am renovation and sewer replace am contract award my lineup further from the door if here if you mean are call nothing use the phone number 415-554-0001, access code: 2596 231 0157 ##. look here we don't have members in person. sfgovtv indicateed me we don't have callers who have expressed
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interest. that concludes public comment on this item. >> thank you, mr. fuller. any further discussion. all in favor say, aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye >> all opposed? the aye's have it. the motion pass. thank you. mr. fuller call item 7. item 7 is the project spot light of the china town branch library and project manager andrew will present this item example he will be joined by chief of branches for the san francisco public library for [inaudible]. okay. and also [inaudible]. bureau manager for bureo of architect. chair post requested the department spotlight completed
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projects and those energy completion so the commission can hear from staff, agencies and users about their experience in lessons learned to help inform commission about the other end of the development press inlts is commission met low hears about projects at the contract award stage. this is an informational item. good morning i wanted give an introduction of the project. because and i'm jowlia, manager for bureau of architecture. this project has been near on my heart. i was introduced to the project about 8 years ago. when librarian herreramented restore 2 carnagy libraries in san francisco mission branch and the chien town library. our current library and michael lambert supportd and championing
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this project forward. the china town library renovate in the 95ment but unfortunately the response to theicize nic upgrades affected the nature and grandeur of the original build and meeting room built in 1921 you will see in the presentation. architecture team andy song, charts everchar king, john and josh have done a wonderful job in redesigning this project. andy the present the progress.
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good morning. thank you for having me here today. the project neighborhood with our former city librarian herrera and continued under the leadership of our city library yen michael lambert with san francisco public works. this project was needed to restore the historic grandeur of the majestic library built in 1921. and to upgrade with circulation, mechanical system and amenities for current and future gent ripgzs to continue enjoy thanksgiving community hub. modernize the layout with the learning are community room.
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a dedicated space. an exhibit space. renovated children's room for space for programming. restoration of the original entrance. the reading room and opening up access to the roof with an exciting new design and concept. historically the library is one of the busiest in the city and serves the community with the highest rates of poverty in san francisco. there is great need to up grid for improved service delivery. thank you. thank you. >> thank you. good morning i'm andy i'm the architect and project leads. i w for public works. and very happy to be here.
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this it is -- and um -- i have to say that i peek for our team we are grateful to the san francisco public library for the opportunity to work on this amazing project and other library projects. some members from our team are here today. josh and charles. john, ariga and matthew and i rein are not here today. the image here gives you a flavor of the of the. combrafrn when you see are community meetings. beloved branch manager andeen vice president kamala harris who made a visit. >> the china town library is one of 7 carnagy libraries in the city that were fudded by andrew carbon agriculture built in 1921. named after. san francisco native and chinese
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american hen mark lye and it was one of 3 branches not renovated in the previous san francisco library bond the others are ocean view and mission we presented here in november. here is a rue of the library it appeared it was called the north beach branch will that name changed in 1958. when they built the north beach library on columbus. image in the right is artist renee young. and that art will be restore exclude remain in the project after completion. >> these images are of the main reading room sort of the central feature of the building. from the upon 1970s. gives you a dense of the space should look like. and in this image is the current
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day main reading room. here you seat intervention that happened in 1995. we prayed the building and included a mezzanine in the historic space. that is not in keeping with the goals of the library to maintain the grandeur of the reading rooms. the building system were out of date and there are 2 few restrooms. will newark menities include a large community room. teen room, restoring the event row to the original children's room you see on the images to the left. renewing the roof terrace in a different way. we are creating a central circulation with elevator and stairway and remrigs system providing sustainability and
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resilencey upgrade additional restrooms and public art. building has 2 floors and a mezzanine this statute ground floor. on the right would be powell street and the mainent row. and the blue over lay is the current floor plan. you can see firemove that that would expand the community room the central feature of the space. below that is a gallery and accessiblent row that will serve the event row to the build and have the ability to host exhibits. a room to the community room adjacent with the walls that organism the rectangle to the right is the footprint of the historic building. square to the left of the black line is the 1995 addition. on this floor plan.
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children's room is to the left and the center there you can see the story time roomful staff area and public restrooms. this is the main floor of the building. this building this floor is served by the ceremony stair in front of the build and main feature of this floor is the historic read be room. blue over lay the mezzanine and bracing you saw in the earlier picture. major feature is we will demolish the features the bracing and the mezzanineful to the left you have the the room will be a classic beautiful reading room. to the left of that wall the 1995 edition an adult and teen reading room and a new stair and new elevator that go up and down throughout the building. replacing 2 other elevators and the stairs that they had.
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in the 95 edition. that will be reconfigure exclude have a public conference room and staff break room they want over look the teen area anded aring room the stair and elevator locate individual a bridge that connects this mezzanine to the stairway. roof has a terrace and elevator to the roof. roof terrace is currently tucked away on the left side of the building amongst mechanical equipment and noisy with few vows. our vision for this roof is that -- we put the equip to the
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left and move the terrace to the right facing east over powell with stair and elevator that serve. you see the powell street with the historic cable -- car runs down the middle and the ceremony stair in the front. community space and gallery on the ground and the children's room. adult collections and mechanical equipment and solar panels on the become and the stairway this leads you up to an officer terrace. powell street in front and on the roof the solar panels in the back the stairway and elevator to the roof carousel on the front.
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this is the event row to the children's room. you see the main welcome desk to the left the stir that connects the building to the expressway a playfulent row feature for children. located in the children's room a new story time room that the feature furnishings a fleckable space they tuck away to the wall. there are graphics and currently shown a dragon and fun finance like the felt ceiling. the 20's reading room restored to its previous grandeur. we'll dem oat mezzanine and bracing but making that happen is no mall faet. they are structure bracing and
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unreinforce how do we get rid of those a system of steel sand wish plates in concrete surgically placed instead brick on the reenforced mason wall. the plaster replaceod top of that. so, it is this is the most e lab rit challenge of the project. the teens get spaces and there is this project lacks a dedicate the spachls on the main floor with, did you tells and double height well lit spachls seating for collaboration or studying, lone or together as seens dochlt book centric and have meetia and
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gaming center. this is the adult collection reading room floor. you see another information desk with the stairway beyond that connects the children's room up to the officer. and bridge that leads to the mezzanineful motive is transparency way finding and connectedness. views of the officer as you e merge on the roof you will have 360 degree views of the city and look to knob and russian hill the adequacy noise are tucked behind you. there will be a glass wind barrier this surrounds the terrace. and this it is another view as you e merge from the statement
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to the roof here you have views of transamerica. coit tower. bay issue treasure island and the church in washington square park. we had a series of community meetings. and whenever we have an update we go to the community. rebecca leads this effort with the other people from the library. we had a covid shut down but meeting in august they are done in multiple venues one virtual and a different times of day to get the most number of participate and they are hosted in languages. we are at 100% design phase.
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completion is november this of this year. we do more community meetings in august. and will permitting in winter of 23 to 24. and hope to bid an award next spring and notice in the summer of 2024 and the construction duration is anticipated to be 2 years. that concludes my presentation. thank you. thank you. for your presentation. we appreciate it and thank you for -- removing the bracings they are not look good in the historic room. . commissioner. segal? i wanted to tell you congratulations and wishingut best luck on completing this and i look forward to -- voting on the contract next spring.
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it is grit that people are read and congregating i love the officer and the community plans, thank you. so much. i do have a question for not for you but again what would help us and help the anybody else read thanksgiving material. would be for us to have the addresses of these projects listed. i locked it up on my phone i know the address now. but that would always be helpful. for anybody to have when we are discussing these things. and also -- i was planning on asking this at the end of our meeting but it seems to fit in here. so we just approved on consent earlier historic preservation work. several contracts. and i'm it would be helpful for
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you to know what -- where this work is being done i'm assuming you are using the consultants on this. and that i'm glad to hear that. but -- it is this is not about this item. as much as how see thanksgiving as a whole. i understand this the department is just getting used to working with the commission. have you to start with that we are will were appointed the commission because we have some interests and expertise and connections to this. but we are starting and all new here and it would be helpful to know things like that. >> so commissioner, yea. i the historic preservation as need consultants that are with contracts with public works we are using one of those they are named train are hl. and they
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are very experienced and knowledgeable architects. we as architects review the submissions for that and make the recommendation or assist the recommendation for those contracts. because it is our subject i reviewed that panel for those things and so this is a connection that we have to your earlier item. when we were here presenting the mission library you made the comment about the address i apologize for not having this this is 1135 powell street. this has anything when historic preservation is sdrfld it go to their commission all the time or can go through? this one is vetted now. they it -- there are 2 levels a
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staff, staff review level and they what they do is review project and reviewing it now and make the determination whether or not we go to historic preservation commission or not. the likely trigger would be the officer top terrace in this case >> thank you. we are all new here. so, thank you very much for telling us how this all inner acts and how we enjoy your beautiful work. thank you very much. commissioner woolford. >> andrew thank you for your presentation we will look forward to this library revitalized. it is a testament to the things that public works does environments that inspire and enrich our community. thank you. >> a couple of questions one on the section that suggested a green roof. but it did not show. i was going to ask about that. >> yes. we envisioned a green roof for the perimeter not part of the
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terrace. so. the library facility department prefer us not to have a green roof because of the maintenance of that piece. i suggest when you look at this is -- on the public safety building the things we did is had a green roof and maintenance issues it was filled instead of just the traditional membrane roof. fill today with aggressively or rock it was a dry landscape environment i encourage to you been that. we have samples of different roof balist rock and we want to do a beautiful rock garden using the lava rock. >> sounds terrific. there was no mention of the lead
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sirification. this would be a lead gold building and we are working with stoke and they are energy consultant and our commissioning agent and we achieve lead gheeld is a city requirement by ordinance. yea. the one thing i ask the bureau of engineering in public works lead goaled our minimum threshold and to look at what might be done to see if the project could achieve platinum in the budget. sometimes the way in which the different system are implemented or the way in which moveers made can dial a project to platinum. at not an additional cost am we
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can see what that would take >> thank you and congratulation, terrific work. >> thank you. why thank you, commissioner woolford. a great settle way to my question. what is load? that is lead, gold and platinum is. so it is lead is leadership and energy environmental design and it is a program by the united states green building counsel and scorecard based program of it has it is for sustainable design initiatives. so it has location and the world
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with rep to public transit. reuse of to beingic waste cites or not using green space. it has materials component that has to do with renewable materials. recycled materials. a learning energy component where the building needs to have the energy efficient to a certain high standardful water use reduction component and innovation. it is a detailed scorecard and based on this that go in a project starting from where you walk to the bus to what material you use on the wall. wood would be stewardship counsel certify today come from sustainable forests.
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the way in which we as the united states codify environmental responsibility in construction and design. >> can you give an example of a platinum structure. i don't know of one the city has done. they are probably are one, is one? ambulance deployment station 49 is lead flat platinum is this the highest ranking possible. silv other lowest. >> certify side lowest. and silver, goaled motor numb. the city set a requirement no longer a goal a requirement that our buildings are at least minimum lead gold standard.
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anymore questions from the commission. would you like a recess or -- plow through temperature huh. >> call item 8. >> we will need to go to public comment. members of public who wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item 7 the spot light on the china town branch library. may lineup against the wall. . if you are calling in, dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2596 231 0157 ##. star 3 to enter the queue. we don't have members of public prop to speak on this item.
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sfgovtv do we have any callers who raised their hand to peek on this item? they indicated we do not that concludes public comment. of is there further discussions? seeing no further discussion, call item 8. >> item 8 is the director and secretary review briefing. this is part 2 we give you a preview at the may fifth meeting andil present this update. and it is an informational item. so just to start off, letting the commission and public than not all commissions complete the director and secretary men of them have been up and running for years if not decades. given how newt public works commission is we want to establish this process and the benefit that provides for the individuals being reviewed and to the commission as an
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institution. attached today's agenda are 4 documents the director's job description and the director review document. the commission affairs/secretary job description and commission afares manager review document. so. the schedule is on june second this commission will discuss the secretary review. in closed session and on june 16th the commission will discuss inter~im director short's review in closed session. and both of us will complete our review do you means with chair xoeft copies of those documents distributed as confidential documents to commissioners. and then during the review session commissioners will be
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able to provide verbal feedback and changes to the review document. and commission will approve the final document by a motion and vote. and in addition so this is what is helping in youn and the days leading up to temperature in addition to that, in the fall we hold a commission review session. what to allow members to look back on the work that happened in the past year. and to reflect on what has gone well. what can be done better and aid and planning for the coming year. let me know if there is information this will be vaum valuable for your review to the director. moiz or the commission's performance when we get to this in the fall. i'm happy to take questions on
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this process. thank you. mr. fuller. commission have questions about this item? hearing none. mr. fuller open for public comment. >> members of public when wish to make 3 minutes of comment on item 8 a director and second review briefing line up. if you are calling in, dial 415-554-0001, access code: 2596 231 0157 ## then star 3. of we don't have members of the public in the chamber who have proped speak on this item. sfgovtv do we have callers who are raised their hand to speak
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on item 8? we have one caller. go ahead and unmute that caller. you will have 3 minutes to peek and i will prosecute void you with a 30 second warning when your time is about to xoir >> i wanted let you know i was speaking on the previous item i know we can't really talk on it it was basically the public works and you were asking the lead platinum there is a build nothing san francisco the sfpuc building is a lead platinum building and they were going to have fans out front but produce energy with fans but were noted to be disruptive and [inaudible] they decided to take them off it
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is a lead platinum building. if you could visit the puc and see a platinum lead building. thank you. >> i will do that. >> thank you very much. caller. all right. and this is our only commenter for the item that concludes public comment. why thank you. i do have further sdougz this. quick a couple questions. so with the review have were we going to do review on the director? and the secretary that would have an impact on compensation? i don't believe so. no. thank you. >> and any further questions. >> hearing none. mr. fuller call the next item. >> item 9 is new business initiated by commissioners this is an opportunity for the commission evercommissioners to
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suggest items for future meeting agendas. this is an informational item. i have some new business request. being having my [inaudible] reading commissioner segal men in the future when we i have presentation can we get the names of all presenters on our agenda? please? and now that we have been the commission's been here for awhile we are learn and getting an idea when we are doing i would like to ask reinvite our contract team. alex and his team for a presentation. now this we know the abriefiations and so forth. and the first time we had this presentation we did not have
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this much knowledge to ask questions and dig into this. i would like to reinvite alex and his team to future meeting. >> thank you. to cla clarify you like the same presentation introduction to contracts they provide and then because have you more context you might have different questions or a different presentation >> >> correct. essential low the same? >> comfortable if abbreviated i think it was a multihour presentation. >> 2 sessions. >> i was wondering all right if not multihour do you feel comfortable abbreviated. >> yes. >> great. thank you. >> can any further new business from the commission? limp hearing 91.
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would we call general public comment. i motion to adjourn we will need take public comment on item 9 still. call public comment. okay. members who wish to make the comment on item 9 new business initiated boy commissioners may lineup. if you are call nothing again dial that comment line of 415-554-0001, access code: 2596 231 0157 ##. then press star 3 to speak. there is no in person public comment. and sfgovtv is indicating there are no callers who raised their
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hand. that concludes public ment on item 9. and -- commissioners zoubi we did not exceed the 15 minutes. item 2 item 10 is in the necessary. >> thank you. mr. fuller. do i hear a motion to adjourn? >> moved. >> all in favor, aye. why aye. >> and the meeting is adjourn d chlt fors fors cleered.
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>> this is one place you can always count on to give you what you had before and remind you of what your san francisco history used to be. >> we hear that all the time, people bring their kids here and their grandparents brought them here and down the line. >> even though people move
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away, whenever they come back to the city, they make it here. and they tell us that. >> you're going to get something made fresh, made by hand and made with quality products and something that's very, very good. ♪♪ >> the legacy bars and restaurants was something that was begun by san francisco simply to recognize and draw attention to the establishments. it really provides for san francisco's unique character. ♪♪ >> and that morphed into a request that we work with the city to develop a legacy business registration. >> i'm michael cirocco and the owner of an area bakery. ♪♪ the bakery started in 191.
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my grandfather came over from italy and opened it up then. it is a small operation. it's not big. so everything is kind of quality that way. so i see every piece and cut every piece that comes in and out of that oven. >> i'm leslie cirocco-mitchell, a fourth generation baker here with my family. ♪♪ so we get up pretty early in the morning. i usually start baking around 5:00. and then you just start doing rounds of dough. loaves. >> my mom and sister basically handle the front and then i have my nephew james helps and then my two daughters and my wife come in and we actually do the baking. after that, my mom and my sister stay and sell the product, retail it. ♪♪ you know, i don't really think
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about it. but then when i -- sometimes when i go places and i look and see places put up, oh this is our 50th anniversary and everything and we've been over 100 and that is when it kind of hits me. you know, that geez, we've been here a long time. [applause] ♪♪ >> a lot of people might ask why our legacy business is important. we all have our own stories to tell about our ancestry. our lineage and i'll use one example of tommy's joint. tommy's joint is a place that my husband went to as a child and he's a fourth generation san franciscan. it's a place we can still go to today with our children or grandchildren and share the stories of what was san francisco like back in the 1950s.
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>> i'm the general manager at tommy's joint. people mostly recognize tommy's joint for its murals on the outside of the building. very bright blue. you drive down and see what it is. they know the building. tommy's is a san francisco hoffa, which is a german-style presenting food. we have five different carved meats and we carve it by hand at the station. you prefer it to be carved whether you like your brisket fatty or want it lean. you want your pastrami to be very lean. you can say i want that piece of corn beef and want it cut, you know, very thick and i want it with some sauerkraut. tell the guys how you want to prepare it and they will do it right in front of you.
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san francisco's a place that's changing restaurants, except for tommy's joint. tommy's joint has been the same since it opened and that is important. san francisco in general that we don't lose a grip of what san francisco's came from. tommy's is a place that you'll always recognize whenever you lock in the door. you'll see the same staff, the same bartender and have the same meal and that is great. that's important. ♪♪ >> the service that san francisco heritage offers to the legacy businesses is to help them with that application process, to make sure that they really recognize about them what it is that makes them so special here in san francisco.
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♪♪ so we'll help them with that application process if, in fact, the board of supervisors does recognize them as a legacy business, then that does entitle them to certain financial benefits from the city of san francisco. but i say really, more importantly, it really brings them public recognition that this is a business in san francisco that has history and that is unique to san francisco. >> it started in june of 1953. ♪♪ and we make everything from scratch. everything. we started a you -- we started a off with 12 flavors and mango fruits from the philippines and then started
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trying them one by one and the family had a whole new clientele. the business really boomed after that. >> i think that the flavors we make reflect the diversity of san francisco. we were really surprised about the legacy project but we were thrilled to be a part of it. businesses come and go in the city. pretty tough for businesss to stay here because it is so expensive and there's so much competition. so for us who have been here all these years and still be popular and to be recognized by the city has been really a huge honor. >> we got a phone call from a woman who was 91 and she wanted to know if the mitchells still owned it and she was so happy that we were still involved,
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still the owners. she was our customer in 1953. and she still comes in. but she was just making sure that we were still around and it just makes us feel, you know, very proud that we're carrying on our father's legacy. and that we mean so much to so many people. ♪♪ >> it provides a perspective. and i think if you only looked at it in the here and now, you're missing the context. for me, legacy businesses, legacy bars and restaurants are really about setting the context for how we come to be where we are today. >> i just think it's part of san francisco. people like to see familiar stuff. at least i know i do. >> in the 1950s, you could see a picture of tommy's joint and looks exactly the same. we haven't change add thing. >> i remember one lady saying, you know, i've been eating this ice cream since before i was born. and i thought, wow!
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we have, too. ♪♪2023.) >> good afternoon, everyone. >> >> welcome to the san francisco historic preservation commission meeting this afternoon at 12:30 pm., wednesday, may 17, 2023. to enable public proclamation live and we'll receive comment for each item limited to 3 minutes per speaker and we have thirty seconds yo