tv Public Works Commission SFGTV June 10, 2023 1:00am-4:31am PDT
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>> the meeting at 9:30. secretary fuller, please call the roll. >> good morning. please respond with, here, or present. commissioner newhouse segal is present. warren post, chair post is present. gerald turner is absent today. commissioner woolford is present. vice chair zoubi is present. with four members present, we do have quorum for the public works commission. please note that the rules regarding hybrid meetings and remote participation changed. remote call in will continue to be a option for members of the public wishing to make comment on items. remote participation by commissioners will
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still be a option, but only under specific circumstances. for members of the public wishing to make comment on an item from outside the hear ing room, you would dial 415-655-0001. use the meeting id-25973810237, pound, pound and then to raise your hand to speak press star 3. please note that you must limit your comments to the topic of the agenda item discussed unless speaking under general public comment section. if commenters do not stay on topic, the chair may interrupt ask you to limit your comment to the item at hand. we ask public comment be made in civil respectful manner and refrain from the use from profanity. address your remarks to the commission as a whole and not individual members or
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staff. we extend thanks to sfgovtv for helping make the meeting possible. chair post. >> thank you. before calling the next item, i would like to amend today's agenda to move item 5d, san francisco public library, 750 brannan from consent to the regular calendar. deputy director allen mada, is staff prepared to comment at the beginning of the regular calendar? >> good morning commissioners. for the record, i'm ron meda, deputy director for building design- >> is your mic on? >> is it on? okay.
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i'm ron deputy director for building design and construction and the city architect. filling in today for carla short on a much deserved vacation. first up, i want to update everyone on the budget. >> (indiscernible) thank you. before you get to your report, would it be-is your staff prepared to comment on the public library contract modification at the beginning of the regular calendar if pulled from consent? >> yes, i believe so. >> okay, great. >> it is a short power point. >> great. weal do that. i'll do my announcements if no more changes- [multiple speakers] no problem. thank you. in that case we'll move item 5d to the first item of business on the regular calendar.
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thank you. any request from colleagues to amend the order of today's agenda? alright. i don't hear any so we'll move to the next item which is announcements by the chair. i just have a couple today. i was on vacation last week and regret mising the public works act week activities. i hear from various people what a splended week it was and did a great job demonstrating the depth and breath of public works functions and responsibility to the public as well as to staff and a very large department. so sorry i couldn't attend, but i will keep my calendar clear next may. i heard nothing but good news on all fronts on many different aspect from the award sair ceremony to site visit to the depth of information
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convained. congratulations to the department on what i understand is a successful week. the other announcement, i like to call the public attention to the most recent department news letter the may issue of in the works. there is a very nice cross section of articles about many of the public projects the department executed in neighborhoods throughout the city as well as highlighting some of the department activities that engages into involve the community in civic pride and instilling civic pride so i urge the commission, the public and the staff to take a look at the most issue, the may in the works news letter. that concludes my announcements. secretary fuller, please open public comment on this item. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 1, announcements by the chair, may line up against the wall furthest from the door if present in the
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chamber. if calling in dial 415-655-0001. looking in the chamber, does not appear there are any members of the public approaching to speak on the chair announcements and sfgovtv is indicating to me there are no callers in the queue ish withing -wishing to speak so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. any comments or discussion on my announcements from the commission? hearing none, we'll move on to the next item secretary fuller, please call item 4. i beg your pardon, item 2. >> item 2 is the
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secretary's report and this is a informational item. first commissioners will see in the agenda packet included there is advance calendar published for today's meeting that shows the next several months of meetings and the likely topics that are going to be on there as well as likely contract and reports provided by the department to the commission, and also noting that the july 7 meeting that had been scheduled on the calendar for i think the good of all has been canceled, so our only scheduled meeting in july will be on the 21. the other announcements is my regular report on the sanitation and streets commission meeting. their next meeting will take place on june 12 and their planned topics are a presentation of the
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urban forestry performance measure report, as well as a likely response to the controller's report on street cleanliness and then the-similar to this commission, there will also be conducting a review of my performance at that meeting in closed session as well, so looking forward to not only your feedback on my work with the commission, but theirs as well. that concludes my report and happy to take any questions. >> thank you. does the commission have questions for secretary fuller? hearing none, please open public comment on this item. >> members who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 2, the secretary's report, if you are in the chamber please line up against the wall furthest from the door. if you are calling in, dial 415-655-0001. use the
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meeting access code, 25973810237, pound, pound and then press star 3 to raise your hand to be recognized. and no one has approached in person to speak on this item. sf govtv, do we have callers on the secretary's report? okay, we do not have any callers in the queue wishing to speak on this item. so, that concludes public comment. >> thank you. please call the next item. (indiscernible) >> we have general public comment. >> my gosh, this is (indiscernible) apologies to all.
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>> vice chair zoubi can let you know-the item 3 is general public comment. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of general public comment line up if you provided a interest sheet. line up against the wall. if calling in use the call in number of 415-655-0001 and use the meeting number access code, 25973810237, pound, pound and then press star to be recognized. we'll hear from members of the public in the chamber first and i believe we have one person, aaron-pardon me, i may have-here to speak
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and you will have three minutes to speak you will be given a 30 second warning when your time is about to expire. >> let me know when i'm all set. hi, again. i first came in april to discuss driveway curb lips. i shaw a drawing of the specification from department of public works contract resources and include the one in standard as it exist today present dangerous challenges for those who travel by skateboard. research past drawings to understand the history of this detail. the oldest drawing dates to 1987 and shows the same specification. (indiscernible) 15 years and can tell from my experience the sunset neighborhood which was developed in the 1940's and
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50's is home to thousand of driveways frush with the road. new construction in the same district is impassable. during my research, i also found ada code 303, which states the surface height (indiscernible) 406 which applies to all over half inch adjacent surface [difficulty hearing speaker] the example do not meet the standard. for a clear visual, these have wheels that and i others are using to get around. i'm sure you imagine how (indiscernible) then a quarter inch could. (indiscernible) come flush with the road. setting aside the texture of the tiles which yesterday my elementary age school
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students are challenges and dangerous to use at low speeds. i also found the curb ramp program at part new construction projects and great to see (indiscernible) thank you. brings me to my ask, the commission work to amend the ordinance that created the curb ramp program to update driveways to meet the ada (indiscernible) because the work requires grinding (indiscernible) the new ordinance could be passed which brings to the [difficulty understanding speaker] because as we can see from examples shown, lack of oversight in new construction is creating harmful conditions for types of low cost low maintenance low emission multimodal forms of transit the city is labor to
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promote. in order for (indiscernible) the city must think beyond sidewalks and bike lanes to take responsibility creating a (indiscernible) thank you. >> thank you. okay. moving on, does not appear we have any other in person commenters on this and then sfgovtv is indicating to me there are no callers who have expressed intrest in speaking during general public comments so that concludes general public comment. >> thank you. i would like to request that the gentleman that spoke in public comment in the chambers submit his comments-written comments and the video he prepared to the department. i found them useful but a little over my head to be honest and i like
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the experts at public works to take a look at them and work with this member of the public to address his concerns. i do not know if we can or not, but i would like-i think it is helpful to have it in writing and the video for next steps so thank you very much. alright. secretary fuller, please call the next item. >> item 4 is director's report and communications. deputy director and city architect ron is here to present the director's report. this is an informational item. >> good morning again commissioners and staff and public. my pleasure to step in for carla short who is on a well deserved vacation. first up, i want to update on the budget. this week mayor breed proposed budget for the next two fiscal years to the board
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of supervisors. her priorities are clear. to maintain and deliver investments for the city's biggest challenges, including insuring clean and safe streets, supporting economic recovery, and addressing homelessness and opioid addiction. her balanced budget proposal comes in at $14.6 billion for fiscal year 2023-2024, which starts july 1. the same amount for the following year. the fiscal year 2023-2024, proposed budget for public works is $452.9 million and $407.6 million for fiscal year 2024-2025. as the budget staff has reported to
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you in february, the decrease in the fiscal year 24-25 budget accounts for reduction in capital expenditures. highlights of the budget for upcoming year on the operations side include expanding in-house street cleaning staff or contractors to power wash sidewalks, remove litter and sweep gutters. also to continue providing courtesy graffiti removal for businesses and property owners in neighborhood commercial corridors, combined that work amounts to 16 new full time equivalent positions. another highlight is purchasing new steamer and garbage trucks to support the extra staff, as well as hiring a manager to oversee the city's 3,000 trash cans. the position
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would be funded by refuge rates if approved by the refuge rate board. the manager will monitor trash can pick up efficiency, assist with implementation of the new trash cans, track data and trends and oversee the instillation and removal of trash cans. for next year's capital budget, highlights indeludecluding $71 million for street paving, $1.6 million for pot hole repairs. $2.1 million for sidewalk repairs plus funding for new public works lead program to address critical repairs to roofs, elevators and hvac system across the city facilities. as well as ongoing curb ramp improvements and barrier removals to expand accessibility to
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citywide. the mayor proposal is now in the hands of the board of supervisors. the public works budget team. working with the mayor's office closely track the budget as they move through the board's budget analyst and budget committee to finally full board for consideration. we will be making our budget presentation in front of the budget and finance committee on wednesday june 14. as previously mentioned, we will provide a detailed update when the budget is complete later this summer. as reminder, next week from june 7 to 10 is the american institute of architects annual conference, which is being held in san francisco. commissioners woolford has spoken about this in the past meetings and
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offered great suggestions on showcasing san francisco's beautiful architecture and landmarks. the public works architecture team will be a active par ticipants in the conference given we are the host city. i want to highlight a couple items for this convention. it includes our staff helping out with tours of the southeast community center at 1150 evans avenue. the animal care and control shelter and headquarters at 1419 bryant street, and also a tour of city office tour power at 49 south van ness. we are also be presenting at the
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convention, which includes a talk on public architecture, conducted by julie lowery providing history of the bureau of architec ture. we'll also be having a panel on racial equity, which is presented by (indiscernible) matt jasmine and (indiscernible) providing a overview of the department racial equity initiative. this is a big event. of course san francisco public works and for the city. we expect more then 14,000 people to attend and we are excited to take part in it. as for this month, heritage month celebrations on wednesday we wrapped up a very [interference in the
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background] with our lunch time staff. the food was delicious and company delightful. we had 115 people join us from across the department. it was refreshing to be able to gather in person again and build those bonds again or repair those bonds. thursday we kicked off pride month and we have a lot on tap through the end of june [difficulty hearing speaker due to echo] at the operation yard on june 6. the communication team is producing a special pride pod cast, and public works will be- (indiscernible) pride parade on june
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25. our heritage month events aim to be educational and inspirational. they are done both bringing staff together forging cultural connections and opening people up to new ideas and experiences. speaking of celebrations, we had as mentioned earlier the last-the previous week, wonderful public works week. we organized public tours and hosted a open house at our operations yard where we invited students to learn first hand about the trades. they got to fill potholes. paint over graffiti, build planter boxes, ride a bucket truck, and check out the sheet metal shop and a lot more. the open house also served as a bring your kids to work for employees event. there was a lot of good will
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all around. the main event of the week was the employee recognition awards and ceremony. them room was packed drawing more then 300 public works employees. mayor breed came by and spoke to the crowd about the important work public works does doing the care of the city. she also gave out this year's only 40 year service pin to construction inspector alburto herrera and thanked the diverse team of some 400 public works employees who responded to recent winter storms. it was a great day. lot of commodry and spirited energy and thank commissioner newhouse segal and commissioner turner for joining us at that event. it was wonderful. it is hard to pivot from celebrations to some
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sad news, but i do want to inform you all that in the last wednesday one of our employees, heath hillgory passed away at the operation's yard. heath, a general laborer who worked broom support for the mechanical sweepers in the mission reported for work before dawn and collapsed soon after. paramedics were summoned immediately and sadly they were not able to save him. heath started work with us in 1999. he was 53 years old when he died. as is protocol, we brought in counselors from the city employee assistance program and our hr team to meet with staff members as it was a difficult day for many of his colleagues. please
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keep heath and his loved ones in your thoughts and may he rest in peace. with that, that concludes the director's report. thank you. >> thank you. and we join you in expressing our condolences to heath's family. thank you for those lovely remarks. commissioner newhouse segal. >> so, thank you for the report. i do want to say that attending the-i visited the operation yard and that was fabulous and i wasn't aware that they do tours for school children so they were preparing for that, but we were-our employees were so proud of the work that they did describing-we had someone explaining the pythagorean theory to us. this is how they bend this pipe and how the calculations are made and it was fabulous and they
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do that for students regularly, and the pride that they take in their work is just wonderful and the day before i also attended the as you said the commissioner zoubi and also commissioner gerald were there too and there were tears in the room by other employees for-there is such camaraderie and it is tears of happiness (indiscernible) is a word i would use. pride in what they do, and it was-wonderful to get for us all to get a idea of what is really going on in our department among our staff. that's it. i would love to attend maybe some of would as well, the bureau of architecture presentation to the architects. could
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we probably do that? >> i could look into how we might gain access. >> make that available? >> you have to meet to register for the convention so you have to reference for the conference. >> it is at the convention? >> yes. it is a conference topic. >> okay. >> you can register. >> okay. >> appreciate your contribution. [laughter] >> alright. the other thing is, are we going to ever-nobody here might know the answer to this, because you never had a commission before. is the budget going to be presented to us our department budget because in other commissions i served on, the budget is submitted to us before it is finalized. at some point just to see it. i have not seen anything like that. >> remember we had-pardon me,
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the first peek in january when deputy director robertson did do a presentation and his team-he is going to kill me. that wonderful man on his team mccally. so sorry devon mccally gave us a preezentation on the budget and then we required two passes so we got a second look. does that ring a bell? that is when we had the opportunity to look at the budget. >> i want to know what has been approved and what we-it is up to the mayor. we submit to her and then of course submits-chooses what she submits to her budget. >> i think deputy director-- >> cfo public works.
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that is correct, per the city charter the mayor has to submit her budget june 1 to the members of the board of supervisors for their review. that process has already started. we have been working already with the board budget and legislative analyst responding to inquiries about our budget. as acting interim director ron alameda said, we will make the first presentation to the board of supervisors budget and finance committee on wednesday june 14 and then the following week the budget and finance committee will take action on our budget making potential reductions, additions, changes as part of the process. at that point there is what is called the add-back process where additions to various departments budgets may or may not happen and then go before the full board probably in late july, early august then be signed by the mayor. our plan at that point is after the mayor signature we will return to you with a updated
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budget memo to show all the changes from what you originally saw in february versus where it is at now. that is something we do annually. >> thank you. good luck. >> thank you. >> i just wanted to echo commissioner newhouse segal comments on public works week. commissioner turner who attended some of the events echoed your thoughts as well how impressed he was with the department business and moral. >> there is a lot of pride. >> he felt that as well. >> honored to be part of it. ; and >> any other comments or questions? secretary fuller, please open public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comments on item 4, the director's report may line up against the wall furthest from the door if in the
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chamber. calling in dial 415-655-0001. use the meeting access code 25973810237, then press pound, pound and then star 3 to raise your hand to speak. in the chamber, no one expressed interest in speaking on this item. sfgovtv do we have any callers on this item? they are indicating we do not have callers so we have no-that concludes public comment for this item. >> thank you. any further questions or discussion? alright. deputy director alameda, thank you very much for pitch hitting for carla and for your report today. sorry about the false start. >> no worries. >> my fault. we will move to the next item. secretary fuller please call that item.
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>> item 5 is consent calendar of routine matters that includes the minutes from the may 19, 2023 meeting of this commission. one as needed consulting service contract modification and one modification of a construction contract. both modifications are eligible for consent calendar in accordance with the contract delegation policy adopted by this commission and just a note, item 5d will be heard individually after the consent calendar post request to hear individually. all consent items can be heard individually upon request by a commissioner, staff or the public and adoption of the consent calendar and all the resolutions contained is an action item. happy to take any corrections to the minutes or questions. >> thank you secretary fuller. do i have a motion and second to approve the three
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items on consent agenda, the minutes and the two contract modifications including resolutions as part of the items? >> so moved, woolford. >> thank you. we will now open public comment on the motion. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 5, adoption of consent calendar and all resolutions may line up against the wall furthest from the door. if calling in dial 415-655-0001. use the meeting access code of 25973810237, pound, pound and are then press star 3 to be recognized. looking in the chamber, it does not appear we have any members of the public who want to speak and sfgovtv it looks like we have one caller who has raised
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their hand to speak on this item. please unmute the caller and caller, you will have three minutes to speak and i'll provide you with a 30 second notice when your time is about to expire. >> can you hear me now? >> we can hear you. >> great. david pillpel. just a couple of brief things and then i have to bounce to another thing and hopefully come back. i don't-i looked at the minutes from the last meeting and don't believe i have anything substantive. i can discuss non substantive things with secretary fuller afterwards. i think the members present and voting line is new and interesting. we can talk about that. i did note and may want to consult with the city attorney on this, this particular page of today's agenda, page 5 of the printed agenda for whatever reason says at the top, friday may 19. apparently that
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carried over from the last meeting and is incorrect. i don't know that is fatal to the meeting today, but page 1 of today's agenda is correct. june 2, but i did not there is a big error on today's page 5 and you may want to check on that and then just finally, one of the-i know it is a later item and not sure if i will be here at the time, item 9 attachment 4, the link on the website to the final eis, eir is not a good link. it goes to a page that no longer exists so the public does not have access to that for the transbay project. i dont know if that can be fixed in time before you hear item 9 later on. those are my thoughts right now. thanks for listening. >> thank you caller. we will work to get that link fixed as soon as possible.
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that is our only caller on this so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. is there any further discussion about the consent calendar? if not, all in favor of adopting the consent agenda please say yes. i believe it is unanimous. the motion passes. we will move to the regular calendar and as we stated it will open with what was item 5d, mr. fuller please call that item. >> we turn to the regular calendar of items heard individually and item 5d is the san francisco public library 750 brannan collections contract modification. project
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manager ivan romaro will present the item and joined by (indiscernible) >> good morning. can everybody hear me? i think so. project lead, project manager for the project the subject of this item. we do have a short presentation for you and i just are want to say as a preface to the presentation that the source, the reason for this contract modification that we are putting before the commission is really a change to the library oberational needs at 750 brannan. when we learned the commission was asking us to put together a presentation, the library came to us and enthusiastically asked us to be a part of this so they are able to provide context which i think is really important for understanding. so, we have john here the library director of facilities who will provide the context, so with commission
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permission, here is john. >> thank you ivan. good morning commissioners. again, john (indiscernible) facility director for san francisco public library. please bear with me, this is my first time presenting on this equipment, so--thank you. so, today i will share you brief history and try to keep it very brief out of respect for your time about 750 brannan and why we are where we are today requesting this contract modification. so, in 2016, the san francisco public library identified a need for
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(indiscernible) historic and general collections both continue to grow and valuable resource to both our patrons and city officials. as you all know, we are historic archives for the city and have many irreplaceable items as part of the collection. the location of 750 brannan uniquely situated to provide sfpl with a efficient and effective facility which serves not only the storage needs and also our jail reentry service program, the community redistribution program,er and also provides parking storage space for sfpl foot mobiles which does a lot of great community work throughout the city. tenant improvements were required and still to be as efficient and useful as possible. here on this slide you can see the different phases in
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which we undertaken these improvements. phase 1 are upper 2 squares. different rooms in the building basically and phase 2 is the lower square, the larger single square. phase 1, which is fundamentally complete, we learned some lessens in that phase. our original plan was using a rolling stair on the elevated wooden platform which is required to cover the rails of the high density shelving. we learned quickly that that wooden platform provided challenges with the public works ada coordinator because there was ramping to get on the platform, and also became quickly apparent in discussing the shelving use with our library staff that a rolling temporary stair was not going to work. we needed a
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electric work assist vehicle because many items stored on the shelving were large bulky items that go up to greater then 10 feet up. so, those are all lessens we learned throughout phase 1. as we moved into phase 2, we realized we would need to procure this work assist vehicle that improves safety and efficiency and it mitigates future liability risk for library staff. one of the needs for that is we need infill around the shelving rails to be concrete and also a very important aspect of that machine is it has to work on a fundamentally flat surface, cannot work on any sort of ramped surface. this is a 3d image of phase 2 of the project and as you can see it provides massive storage, large area and refer you back to the
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previous slide, the large area in the lower box. this is a little faint. the change order similar to the previous slide. the change order would be changing the flooring in both the two upper rooms that were part of phase 1 and lower room part of phase 2 and the connecting hallway seen in orange. basically floating out the area to provide a flat level area for this particular machine to operate on. so, in essence, this contract amendment would allow the most efficient use of the space and also solve the problem with accessibility issue pointed out by the ada coordinator. and that's all i have for you today. thank you. >> thank you. i
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requested this be removed to the regular calendar and thus we take a closer look because i was having trouble pictureing visually what this was talking about, so it want i had any deep questions about the project as much as i just-i understood the concept of uneven floors and high shelving so i appreciate the visuals. very helpful. can you take it back to more basics and apologize if i missed this . what this building before? when did we buy it? i guess it was retrofited to become a library building. give a quick abc on the history of the building because we are coming in so late. we just need the change to this or that, but what is that? >> absolutely. understood. it is a leased facility and has a little interesting-should i go back to the presentation? you
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want to see images? >> yes, images are helpful. please do. >> so, the historic picture above, it is a california meat company. leased facility, we found in 2016. still relatively new so don't have history dialed. i believe we began work in 2019. basically it was a meat packing facility. that is why we have uneven floors because even though you may walk through it, they are all sloped to drains because of what the facility was originally intended for. >> that makes a lot of sense. we discussed float drains on this commission before as i recall. interesting. thank you. we all live here, all lived here a long time. it is interesting to see the history of the building, meat packing building, now a library building. very interesting transition. okay, that all makes sense to me.
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thank you. >> you're welcome. >> commissioner newhouse segal. >> so, i am really glad-thank you for taking this off of the consent calendar for answering questions that you asked which were different then-i just wanted to thank staff for this report because i don't know, maybe i'll nerdy but i loved reading it and-it was done beautifully. >> thank you very much. >> good luck on this. the reason i read it is i was concerned why it was costing so much in increase so thank you. you answered my questions sufficiently. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner zoubi. >> thank you for the presentation. just getting deeper, but what is going to be the use of that building? is it just a regular library like
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other public libraries? >> no, it is not a public access building. it is a storage facility for our historic archives. everything from film, pictures, rare books, that type of thing, so there is a lot of which is currently being stored at the main will be transferred there. >> okay, got it. thank you. that answered my question why we need a fork lift at a public library. again, thank you. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> when researchers go to the main and need documents stored at this bulding they request it and the machine will be used to get the materials, documents, items and-got it. interesting. thank you. we are all learning but all take a interest because we live here. thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> we'll open public comment on this item. >> thank you. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of
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comment on item 5d, the san francisco library 750 brannan collection contract modification may line up against the wall furthest from the door. if calling in dial 415-655-0001. i'm sorry-before we go to public comment- >> we need a motion. is there a motion and second? thank you. thank you. apologize . public comment on the motion. >> continue public comment instructions. dialing in please dial 415-655-0001. use that meeting number access code, 25973810237, pound, pound and then press star 3 to raise your hand to be recognized and just reminder, this public comment is on the motion to adopt the contract modification
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of the 750 brannan public library collections item. looking in the chamber it appears we do not have members of the public wishing to speak on this item in person, and sfgovtv do we have call ers wishing to speak? they are indicating there are not. that concludes public comment for this item. >> thank you. if no further discussion from the commission, all in favor of the motion please say yes. i believe it is unanimous, motion passes and secretary fuller will publish the adopted resolution to the commission website. thank you. we'll move on to item 6, secretary fuller, please call that item. >> item 6 is the operations division overview and director-deputy director operations, durden is here to report and this is a
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informational item. >> be patient with me for a little bit. >> thank you for attendeding today's meeting and making your presentation. joorks >> good morning. jadea durden, deputy director of operations give insight on what my responsibility is for public works. so, currently right now and have 4 divisions, 2 combined now but we are working on separating one out. so, i have street environmental services, which is street cleaning crew overseeing the maintenance of cleaning the city in multiple areas. next is bureau urban
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forestry, which is over trees, landscaping, arborist and street inspectors. we also have street repair, which is all the cracks that maintain city facilities and street paving for potholes and things of that nature in the roadway. last section is central operations, which is closely combined with bses now currently. they work with the community, we have workforce development and it is a-excuse me, workforce development and community engagement pretty much. you see pit stop toilets. for the public to have access to restrooms. >> you said you were in the middle of reorganization there?
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>> absolutely. we want to separate central operations out of cleaning and maintenance. now they are combined together. >> you want to do that because it-? >> because street cleaning is about street cleanliness and maintenance of the city, central operations is separate division that deals with the public, communication between the public and our sales on working with them to help clean up the neighborhood, or workforce development. it is a different section, so just want to separate it out and make another section, but that is upcoming and i'll keep you updated on that. now it is combined together. >> thank you. >> thank you. as you can see street environmental service, we power wash, we pick up litter. at operations we are broke into 6 sections.
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a-f. if you look that is how we are broke down on the map. we broke down in zones, so we have staff for each zone. each section throughout the city. street cleaning- >> i will encourage the commission to ask questions along the way if you don't mind? >> i do not. >> sanitation and streets sees you a lot and your deputies a lot. we never see you, and yet we have overview-we dont see you very often. >> you don't see me? >> no, we don't operations so much comes under the purview of sanitation and streets commission. >> absolutely. >> and so we see many more people under deputy director (indiscernible) nob or codes division and so i think this is an
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opportunity because deputy director durden will not be here as often as some of the other people to ask her along the way questions about operations so we understand that because even though sanitation and streets has policy jurisdiction on a number of areas under deputy director durden's management we have oversight from the entire department and think it is really important this commission have a really clear and good understanding of everything that operations does so when for example it does come to budget time et cetera, we are confident in having knowledge of the entire department and not part of it being sort of vague and fuzzy, so i hope you won't mind if we interrupt along the way to get more explanation on things that perhaps colleagues on sanitation and streets know but we hear for the fist time or probably heard it
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on-boarding a year ago but amid so many other presentations, some may have gotten lost in the shuffle. for the slide on zones and you said staffing-if you could just help me understand just tell me about the zones and how staffing-what that means? what does it mean? allocated to zones. >> we have broken the city down into 6 areas. >> based on what? based on population or-do you know what is based on? it is geographic- >> it isn't geographic. what i want to say is broke down into the 6 zones. a-f. it is easier are for us. it isn't broke down through the board of supervisors, it is too complicated and each zone has one sup 2, two supervisor one and various below
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them. litter control, (indiscernible) they have a packer the big garbage can where you put the trash in and compacts it in so we have those in the zone. we have flushers the big truck with a tank that shoots the water to clean the streets for event, areas and things of that nature. the zones are created for our staff to bid during the year so general laborers get to bid where they want to go. supervisors get to bid where they want to go and they go to these area jz most of the time they go to areas where they lived or comfortable with or for whatever reason but it is broke down into 6 zones and each zone has the supervisor 2 on the list so if you need to call them to get something done, you will get them. all our request come through 311, and also through the staff in the field t. call-ins
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is how we- >> are the zones supervisors meet regularly to make sure department resources are allocated correctly? i sure it isn't everybody- >> absolutely. >> things change. >> they do. >> there is no development or traditions change whatever, i presume all the supervisors coordinate do i need more street sweepers, nobody wants to give up resources but in a finite world you have to. >> absolutely. i work with the bureau heads and coordinate and talk about needs, expectations, issues and those things. absolutely. >> thank you. >> again, i think by waiting at the end so much we have to ask, 20 slides when you
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talked about this, it seems to make more sense as she goes along and say got it and move on. >> no problem. no problem. >> okay. >> did you have a question for me? >> sure. thanks for coming here and great to see you again. when you said that the laborers they decide which zone they work, is there a minimum threshold that we have team members working in any of these zones, or it is just where they pick? >> so, it is complicated on it bid, but on the bid for labor union, every year once a year you bid in a position, based on sen orty. zone a i have 10 positions and other areas have more or less and this shifts. we are 24 hour service, so you are bidding on time
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slots to work as well. once a year with the union they come in and we have allotted spots for each area based on sen ority you bid on the position and are able to stay in the position every year. >> the second question, you said mainly you get the requests from 311. is there in the zones is there a proactive schedule? >> absolutely. i was going to get to that in the presentation. no problem. it is all good. it's okay. whatever is comfortable for you. alright. the street cleaning is manual sweeping, mechanical sweeping and litter patrol. when you see your parking signs and no parking, we work together with mta with our sweepers and cleaning the streets on various days throughout the city.
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that section is dispatched in operations and they dispatch mechanical sweepers and lumpers that work on street sweeping. we also have special projects for events. all the good volunteer events where we work with the community, clean corridors, warrior games. we have a graffiti section. hot spot team a proactive team as well. they clean up very early in the morning and are also work with the other team on homeless encampments where we work with pd, paramedics and fire department, social workers, department of health to let them do our job. it is not our responsibility to remove encampments, the federal law say we couldn't move encampment s. we also have a
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radio room and work proactively and work assignments for government agencies as well throughout the city. and anymore questions on the bureau of street and environmental services? >> i was part of arbor day. worked with your team. great team, phenomenal. juan was hanging out with me also. i took the liberty to ask how it and how do you like it and my question is, we know we have shortage of staff and we are getting a lot of new staff going in. is there a central resource like booklet that-say if the supervisor wasn't available that any laborer can
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go and fip into a chart to give them what the process is in certain situations or scenarios? >> you mean chain of command so if one person is out and- >> a person is out and say i'm driving a truck and i see a tire on the street, is there a place i wherei can go- >> dial 311. >> as a dpw employee. >> you too should call 311. i call 311. it is great. if i'm on my phone and call 311, gps where i'm at, it tells the exact location and you type in the information. it generates a service order right there. so you as a dpw employee would call in, say you call in-it is a slower process. we have to manually type the location, you are talking, you could say it
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is 510 and it is maybe 509 or 515 so the gps 311 app is much better. >> great. someone from 311 can give the dpw instructions on (indiscernible) >> immediately. and you can upload a picture and it gets sent to us. >> thanks. >> thank you. fuller street is where your arbor day was at. (indiscernible) has street tree sf and also have a cement shop that pours concreate-they remove and replace the sidewalk. we have landscape maintenance who maintains the medians, certain areas throughout the city. we
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also have a pest management team working in the bureau of urban forestry. any questions about that? alright. >> where can the residents of san francisco get access or a list of the urban tree trimming inspection calendar? i use 311 religious and every time i want to report a tree, it is like leave it alone, we have a certain schedule and working on it. >> (indiscernible) unique. streettreesf website? (indiscernible) you can touch on that a little bit. >> sure. there is a map specifically for that. nicolas
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craw ford. if you punch in your address it will pull up your location, which key map you are in and when you click it, it tells the scheduled date for the pruning so it is usually by year. in (indiscernible) or already complete which means you have to wait till the next pruning cycle and there is about 6 key maps citywide that are active now, which were-we started on one end and working our way through the other. there is a tool for that and happy to share that with the secretary fuller to share that with all of you, but there is a link on the website to if you go to the website, streettreesf and scroll to find the map on there. >> the reason it isn't part of 311? it is easier to
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go to one source. >> i'll step back. a lot of 311 operators are pretty fluent with the map and if you give your address they look it up and tell you that. even on the phone call. if you go through the app and send it in, we'll respond with a note like what you mentioned. we have a plan for pruning and we'll get there, but please don't prune it in the meantime. if you call they often do walk you through the timeline for we'll be there. >> the reasoning is- >> to answer your question, 311 app is one stop shop. you can still call in trees down, tree issues through 311. the site is for informational purposes such as removing trees, when is the scheduled maintenance on the pruning of the big trees, how can i plant a tree
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or can i not want a tree. those are issues we can't answer on 311, so they have a site specific to those questions, but for issues that need to be addressed, you still call in 311. >> is it because the tree- department is short-staffed or that they have to go by that schedule? because they are short-staffed or because there is a different reason why? >> we our operational plan on a schedule to prune all the trees in san francisco and it is our staff and we also contract out to other tree crews outside agencies to help us with pruning the trees throughout the city as well. we are working on staff shortages, but we do have a backup plan as well. >> thank you.
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>> everything the city has done is departmental schedule so isn't just ad hoc people calling to respond. all schedules are organized so just like street cleaning or street repair or building maintenance, it is organized on a plan. that is what you are sharing, it is accessible and public information. >> the reason i ask because as a resident it is easier to get a reply for other stuff accept trees. usually quicker. >> yes , the trees are different area. you have to have a arborist come out. just not anybody can go and walk up to a tree and say this is what the assessment is, so we are overwhelmed by the issue of the trees and so when you call it does take a little time for us to respond back to you. >> thank you. >> thank you. i hope that answered your question. okay.
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thank you. the next one-- building and street repairs. street repair we are over black paves, pot hole repairs, patch paving, crack sealing, contracting for mta and installing traffic calming islands and we also do sink hole response after hours for puc and we also do the asphalt around newly installed curb ramps throughout the city. building repair, building repair consist of various cracks carpenters, paint shop, building shops
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(indiscernible) sheet metal tile setters and locksmiths. we have a very diverse community of trades. (indiscernible) they take bride pride in the work they do throughout the city. that is close to my heart because i am a journeyman cement mason. i started over 20 years ago. >> this is a good segue into my question i have. can you talk a minute about recruitment and of younger people into some of these jobs and how do you work with the department new hr department now to try to fill the pipeline with young people? if you can talk about job recruitment for a minute. >> workforce development is a component we have. we have apprenticeship program. we have a preapprenticeship program where we hire people to
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help clean up streets. you might see people with orange vests that say public works and pushing the garbage can. they have blocks and maintain example, 8 blocks and that is their role. get involved with business owners and residents and once we gauge their attendance and work behavior that is a segue to the apprenticeship program. we have 7501 apprenticeship program, a general labor program. we also have a cement mason apprenticeship program. two levels, half way through the apprenticeship, 18 month you are level 2, brand new level 1. we also have plumbers apprenticeship program as well. we work with the union to pull people in. we have a
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jatc committee, which is public works, park and rec and the union and we work together to facilitate these programs and make sure it is fair and equitable for young people, older people and people that just want to have a different job assignment in their life. we do that. we also pull for community based cbd's throughout the city and the cbd's take care of their area and have people that work for them and pull some of the people that have been good for them to assist throughout the community as well. does that answer your question? >> yes, i just-we are always concerned about short-staffing and how-be supportive of young people, and as you said older people still working who live in san francisco and don't have a long commute given a opportunity in the
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department as well as of course outreach to the greater bay area within commute distance so i guess it seems that operations is one of the areas of public works where there are a lot of opportunities for entry level positions where perhaps they don't have skills as a carpenter or whatever where you don't need advance degree. i just wanted to have you comment a bit on-it sounds like you started in that position and it worked out to insure you still have confidence and sound like you do that we have good outreach- >> great outreach. >> okay. >> we pull to the outer bay area, most importantly we pull internally throughout the city of san francisco, residents and people come in and like a job because they live in the city. we don't discriminate, outside, inside but we look to the young
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people who come in. >> have you found the department new hr division to be helpful? are thinks going better now not dealing with the city or has it been a wash? >> it isn't a wash. we are working together to build a understanding the relationship right now. i think we are still in a learning curve in both sections. this hr is not used to being in this situation. i don't want to say it is a wash. i think we are moving in the right direction. >> great. thank you. >> thank you. next we have central operations. >> commissioner newhouse segal had a question. sorry, i didn't see. >> don't take all our questions as criticisms. this shows how interested we are in what your department does, so thank you. i have a question that
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is always reoccurring for me. acronyms. what is jatc? >> joint apprenticeship training committee. >> thank you. i also wanted to just to all of us that maybe this is function of our being separated as chair post said from streets and sanitation and i think you are working on reporting to us or having us not interact with them, having us keep up on what is before them regularly, so we are just trying to-- >> how critical what your department is. >> it is and value you asking the questions so i can better inform you and educate you, so when i need to get something through you will be on my side. i look at you as the door-keeper to understanding what we do and the
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help we need, so i won't take it as that. >> thank you. maybe you can report to us on a regular basis? >> (indiscernible) work ing with the department to have annual updates from deputy director durden and from each of her divisions. >> correct. >> i don't think annual is frequent enough. shouldn't be this long. >> i don't know it-this is the introduction and then what i think annually would be looking back at the year since we last heard from you, the year ahead, challenges, successes, that type of thing. we have such a packed calendar, that is why we have been making operations generally annually and each of her bureaus annually, but certainly if there is time and we also would be looking receiving the performance metrics from deputy director durden bureaus as well so we will be getting a good
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look. so there will be several different operation preezentation during the course of the year. >> absolutely. >> great. commissioner zoubi. >> thank you commissioner for that. >> you mentioned it was-you started as an apprentice mason? >> with the city i was a cement mason. i was an apprentice but not with the city and county of san francisco. i like to -i was working in sit a city hall and did work. when we did the retrofit here i was an apprentice. 1996 i was an apprentice and this was one of my second jobs. i was an apprentice and i went through the apprenticeship school and everything and apprentice school became a general foreman outside and became the
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first woman supervisor for the cement shop and so on and moved up through the division when i came to the city. >> this is a great story and it is great to see that our laborers are lead by someone that was in the trenches with them before. how do you feel about the development of the public works team and how easy is to actually walk in your path to go up to deputy- >> i do think it has been challenging coming up through the ranks, but we have-i think we are getting to a place where it is better and i think we are moving in a better direction to succeed and be a better department, and things like having a commission to report to, i think it is beneficial to us.
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>> is there like a certain program that you would implement or was implemented to help grow up and having a easier path? >> i was one of the ones who created the cement mason apprenticeship program for the city and county of san francisco. it started under me and a business agent quhoo who used to be my supervisor for the cement mason union, we put together the program and created the apprenticeship program for the city and county of san francisco. and 261 (indiscernible) so they try to mimic some parts of our program to have a successful 261 process as well. >> great. congratulations. >> thank you. . central operations as i said is a community engagement.
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we have a team that works with the communities and we have outreach and enforcement and they go out and they check the garbage cans, overflowing carbage cans, garbage around the house, weeds, the stuff overgrown and they cite residents and businesses for not taking care of business around their responsibilities and--we also have again like i said, the apprenticeship program. the workforce. the pit stop toilets. we also have dpw toilets you might see a long white trailer. as you can see in this picture we have attendant at each toilet we oversee and it is basically for residents throughout the city that tour the city and need to use the restrooms. businesses don't let everyone use the restroom so we have
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pit stops. we also have grant programs where we do pressure washing and litter reduction and we work with communities on helping us keep the city clean because as you know, it takes a community, everyone, the residents, public works to keep our city clean. that is it on the presentation. did you have any other questions? >> thank you. as we said a few minutes ago, now that we have gotten a overview of the department, i am hoping that when we see you in the future-if you need us of course, but i would like a more formal annual presentation on the past year challenges and successes, look at the year ahead, challenges-what you hope to achieve, that type of thing from you and your bureau chiefs. that said, what are your greatest challenges? >> my greatest
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challenge is problematic street behavior. for the maintenance and cleanup as quick as we clean up your turn your head it is back again. that is rummaging through the garbage cans. illegal dumping. street encampments. our crews are 24/7 and it is challenging to clean up areas and come back the next day and it is like we have never been there. we clean up block sweeping and bayview illegal dumping is our biggest challenge. bayview is a area where a lot of people from outside the city and come and dump and dump in the middle of the street everywhere, because i guess they see that as a area that isn't heavily traveled by our tourists so that is a big challenge for us. our challenges is
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securing money for planting. we have the goal for planting is 30,000 new trees over the next 20 years, but we haven't identified the funding source. we are submitting for a grant for $50 million that aims to expand the canopy and coverage throughout san francisco. for paving,ing our biggest challenge is-i want to say-you might hear about the great highway. the sand removal, that is a big challenge. it is shared responsibility on this highway, but unfortunately other entities feel it is just our responsibility. my problem is, this is your sand, it is blowing on our streets, right? you should help, but that's been a challenge. i want to
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say that superintend ant has been outstanding for building repairs, getting people involved, stakeholders and trying to prepare a plan moving forward. building repair, i think the challenge is really trying to promote career opportunities for the trades. when you are in a trade you go supervisor 1, assistant superintendent but that is it. we are trying to figure career opportunities for them as well. like i said, i come from that trade and i am here today moving up in the industry but i want to do it better job creating more opportunities for operations. we do have successes. i did give my challenges, but let me give some successes. all the challenges of cleaning
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up and just those issues with behavior, we do clean corridor sf, which is every week we go to a different district and we spend a whole day cleaning up that district. the commercial area, in front of businesses. courtesy power washes, litter pick, graffiti removal and consistently doing that helping out businesses. we also do over 50 volunteer community events that you don't hear about. if you are a resident and want to create a cleanup throughout your block, we'll assist you, provide the bags and give the pickers. call us when you have it piled up and we'll pick it up. i think that is one of our greatest achievements is working with the community throughout the city, because they are helping us clean our city. for urban forestry, our storm response was phenomenal this year. if
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you saw all the trees down and the response time, they were out there in the rain working diligently to remove trees off the streets. i think that was our biggest accomplishment and hope next year i can come to you with the second accomplishment and that is the nursery that we'll be creating soon next fiscal year. street repair, the potholes, you can go to other counties, i won't say, and every time you roll tires are all messed up. our pot hole crew has 90 percent response time service order within 72 hours. i think that is a awesome. our building repair, let's not forget them, they have worked with dem on building the clean safe sites and shelters throughout the city. the homeless-if you see the safe sleep sites, we help build those throughout
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the city and we also take them down. it has been challenging, but we have done a great job. we have great successes and i'm proud to be over operations. >> thank you. with the challenges you mentioned and we discussed this at the commission, public works it feels is left as you alluded cleaning up messes of other city department s who are not maybe attending to their mandate as diligently. do you feel you are getting cooperation from other city departments to help meet these challenges? do you have-i know we are strapped for money and a citywide problem, but we don't like to see public works picked for other people problems and want you to feel you have good lines of communication or you are getting- >> we do have good
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lines of communication. i want to say that we are working on better communication. we are used to having the foots on our neck, no problem. we will continue to do our job whether they talk about us or put their foot on our neck. if they drop the ball we are it go to organization for the city and county of san francisco. all we can do is try to do better and build better communication. >> my last question, a lot of public works employees and also discussed this at the commission before, have very difficult jobs psychologically because of the problems you noted about street conditions and the tragedies we see on the streets multiple neighborhoods not just the tenderloin. >> correct. >> what measures does the department take to assist our employees who are seeing very difficult emotional
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and physical situations day in and day out to insure that they don't collapse under the weight of that-bearing that trauma? >> so, you are correct. that is why we have a bidding process, because dealing with encampments is stressful. things happen. people are disrespectful, get in your face, weapons are pulled out, so you center it had opportunity to not be in that position. you can remove yourself from that area and move on, but we also have coaching. when there are serious issues with guns and things, we bring in specialty people from the police department to come talk to them to coach them on behaviors and what to look for when you are out in the public and dealing with these issues. we are trying to create better
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training programs. communication right now is what is helping us. we had to do a better job communicating from the top to the bottom so coaching is my biggest promoting action throughout our organization. it isn't what you say, it is how you say it. we have to be-have empathy for the staff. when the staff comes in overwhelmed, take a seat, sit down, let's talk about this. we try to talk them through if they need time off we don't pressure them. you need to stay, no. we understand. it is difficult. we might remove you for a couple days out of that position to let you detox on the behavior we have to deal with day in and day out, so we have people coming in coaching. we have some racial equity groups coming in that are going to implement new things and i'm
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excited to promote that at the yard as well, and coaching and listening to people is what we have to do better. >> thank you. my last question, supervisors, sometimes employees are reluctant to speak if they have trouble in a job or unhappy or feel they can't handle that. none of us like to admit if we can't handle something. are supervisors trained to keep a eye out of the employees on the front lines dealing with difficult situations? is there training for people to keep an eye on just how people are functioning and how they are doing, instead of waiting for a employee to come forward and say i'm having a tough time of it? >> i can't say we have a training, but as managers we always promote we need to have empathy and concerns with people sit them down and promote that. i also as a a
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deputy director, i meet with the field staff once a year and it is i want to say like 25 meetings i have to have because i have approximately close to 800 staff, so i have to have several meetings, but i will meet with the staff without their supervisors and communicate their concerns without feeling they will be penalized. i also meet with supervisor 1 and 2 once a month to hear their concerns as well and that has been working pretty good for people to have a outlet without a supervisor standing over them so that helps as well. >> thank you. commissioner zoubi. >> my question is, how do you feel about removing the workforce development from your division and how did that come-
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>> (indiscernible) this will be a separate entity, so i have threep sections, technically creating a 4th section to pull the workforce development and community engagement out of the equation with the cleaning group. we work closely with the supervisors to pull in the candidates for the apprenticeship program. the superintendsant has the most employees now. he has 400 employees in that section and i have combined close to 800, so we are putting a manager with more experience in community engagement, more experience with volunteers, you have to deal with the board of supervisors, things of that nature. we want to niche that out and make it 4 sections instead of 3. >> commissioner woolford.
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>> first of all, deputy director durden thanks for the presentation. very thoughtful and informative and quite clear. two questions, first question for our director sitting for carla and for our deputy city attorney, can we have a report on the status of the lawsuit the city is filing on behalf of the city and county of san francisco or at least the counter to the federal judge's ruling that is directly effected encampments and departments to not be able to remove encampments from the street? it is clearly becoming a much more worse problem on the streets. any that live and work or take public transit and walk on the streets see this so it is helpful to understand where the city is in a response to that because i understand the reason for the federal ruling, but the federal ruling is directly impacting san francisco to the worst. another question for you deputy director durden is, as commissioners and as a commission, what is it
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that we could do for you and for your role in the department and your division of the department that may not have been on our radar screens today? >> this is my first time presenting for public works commission, and i think that you are our biggest supporters. we have to convince you of what we need and are you have to understand why we need what it is we are asking for, so to be-when we ask for things to think it out as a bigger picture and not indirectly as other people do and that is why i promote the commission because you are our biggest supporters. we have to do a good job communicating to you what our needs are and how we work. (indiscernible) supporting us is what we need. for many years since i have been in public works
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we have been the person that gets stepped on, thrown under the bus, but when we need something done immediately we get it done. we want you just to understand our needs and our roles and responsibilities and your support can help us. appreciate that. >> anything come to mind please ask to come back to the commission. >> absolutely. thank you. >> i beg your pardon. >> sorry, i want to jump in to speak to your first question. refer to deputy city attorney on the briefing forum for briefing on the lawsuit. i did want to underscore our deep appreciation of the commission's support and advocacy to others in the city. it is a great vehicle to get out there. some of
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the nuances and dimensions that we touch on and as you can see, we have many touch points across the city and your efforts in communicating that or even asking good questions that afford us a platform to underscore or effort is just greatly appreciated. >> good morning commissioners. deputy city attorney christopher tom. i will work with the coalition on homelessness litigation team to provide you with a update in the coming weeks. >> thank you. commissioner newhouse segal. >> i do have two questions but i want to thank you very much for helping us realize what our value is to this organization,
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so us in the big picture. we are still working all that out and thank you, that helps. i have questions-two questions. one is, you mentioned that we applied for a grant for forestry and i want to know, is there a goal for the canopy-is that based on best practices? i don't think you necessarily want to answer this today, but maybe could have a report-i like to see what-are we going to always add more? i went to the nursery and it is going to be fabulous, and are those trees that are being grown what is grown, we supply our own replenishment? i wonder when do we decide-i don't think you center have to answer
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this today, but had this question throughout-when do we decide this tree has had enough without somebody complaining about it, because that's what happened with the lot of trees that caused so much damage this past year and will happen again and again so we are growing more but i like to hear more, not today because we are really-this shows how much we are interested in what you do. >> definitely will. >> what are the standards and what are best practice? >> we will get that information because there is a goal and a plan so we'll get that to you. >> thank you. the other question is, one of the photographs showed our staff fixing potholes and working on street repavement, when i-this is a question i bring up basically at every
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meeting. it is hard for me to identify who our public works employees and who are contractors. those people working on the street in the pothole photograph, i ask people all the time if they are working for public works and they say no. i love to have some identification for people whether it is their vest having something very specific or- >> we do. it is policy and protocol to wear a public works operations vest. the green florescent orange lines coming down, on the back it says public works operations. >> how big? >> if they don't have that that they are contractor s? >> correct. they have on the pocket a small dpw picture that is blue. the public
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works sign is on the pocket and on the back have a big-that is across all the public works, they are required to wear a vest and it tells you in public works where they work. >> the vehicles that they arrive in, are those public works - >> absolutely, they have a city vehicle with a number. >> thank you. >> thank you. one last question and then you can get back to work. i mentioned this when i walked in, there we go- >> there you go. see on the pocket? >> perfect. >> yes. >> thank you. last week there was a article in the news about a controller report on street cleanliness standards in the city and it mentioned that they had-it would be a-collaborated with public works to prepare it and would be useful for public works and allocating
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street cleaning resources to different neighborhoods in the city, and i haven't had a chance to review the report but wondering if you have comments on the report issued last week by the controller's office? >> i do. so, the controller's report is one way of accessing the street cleanliness. we also use our professional staff in the field, and 311 data, so we take that data and combine and assess and use that. the controller's evaluation is captured at a point in time and in the specific block of litter pickup. we have been working with them on discussion to create a better way for us to evaluate and be more beneficial for us to take that report and use it and so one of the examples is, coming
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out assessing the block, we clean it up and they should assess the block to say did we clean it up fully, did it need to be power washed, did we need to pick up litter or still need to clean the tree basins. we need something substantial for us to work with, not one block and one location you assess and that's the whole city or couple blocks here and there, but we are working together with the controller's office to create a better system to help us be more efficient. >> that would be great. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> no other questions, we'll turn to public comment on this item. >> thank you. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 6, the operation division overview may line up against the wall furthest from the door if in the chamber. if calling in
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dial 415-655-0001. meeting access code, 25973810237. it appears we do not have any members of the public wishing to speak in person. sfgovtv is indicating there is one caller on the line to speak on this item. please unmute that caller and caller, you will have three minutes to speak and i'll provide you with a 30 second warning when your time is about to expire. >> commissioners, my name is francisco decost aand i have spoken to you all before. i have been diligently listening to your deliberations with the presenter. i happen to know the presenter pretty
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well. you commissioners were appointed by the mayor, but i bet you you haven't approached the mayor and asked the mayor what is it that you want you commissioners to represent. i bet you you haven't had a discussion with the city administrator under which 33,000 employees-city employees come under. so, in the structure you have, you have to be in sync with the mayor and the city administrator. if you look at dpw, you have witnessed it has
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taken you ages to get a good director. in the reorganization is going to take 5 years, if not 10 years because for decades the department of public works has been running a certain way. it isn't going to come overnight and you cannot just ask questions without knowing about the maintenance operations, outreach, recology, dumping and so many other things that is happening in our city and county of san francisco. also, i say because i ran the presidio of san francisco, but i also say it because
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for 40 years i have been monitoring the city and county of san francisco. >> you have 30 seconds. >> i have only 30 seconds so i think i said sufficiently, you need to do your homework with the mayor and the city administrator before asking the many irrelevant questions to one deputy director. thank you very much. >> thank you caller. that is our only caller on this item and concludes public comment. >> thank you. any further questions for deputy director durden or discussion on this item? alright. deputy director durden, thank you very much for the presentation today and as we noted, in the future we won't need a overview of the department as much as want to talk more about some of the challenges you were mentioning today and if there is progress
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on them in the year ahead there will have been and hope as well as hearing a overview of achievements so thank you very much for the presentation. it is 1118 and we will take a short break and recess until 11:30. thank you. >> secretary fuller, please call the next item, item 7. >> thank you. just to note that the links for item 9 have now all been corrected for the ceqa documentation. item 7 the citywide tree watering program and workforce development grant program and it is a modification. manager of the bureau of urban forestry nicolas crawford willprint the item and this is action item.
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>> hello. the item i am bringing is 2 month extension for our grant with our non profit watering partner and i will explain the scope of it and the purpose behind it. so, we are increasing the dollar amount and extending the amount of time for our citywide tree watering program and workforce development grant. the dollar amount is-shy of $362 thousand, which represents 2 months of invoices to extent this grant for that time. our grantee is san francisco clean city coalition, and the purpose behind this is because we have trees that we are watering by truck every week with our grant partner and we have to continue this, we can't pause it or the trees wouldn't make it in our
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summer temperatures, so we need to do this until our new procurement process is in place. we are issue a new grant all together and we are in the middle of receiving those bids, so it is two month window we need until we have that new grant in place. just to give background, it is two parts. it is about keeping trees alive by watering and also creating critical workforce development opportunities. this is one of the pathways we value as a way to bring people into the industry and induce to green jobs, provide reentry opportunities which could be coming out of incarceration or coming from des advantage backgrounds to provide job training and give skills that qualify for city
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positions down the road or public or private employment elsewhere. the 2100 trees comes from a earlier stage of the grant but now expanded that. bumped up to 2400 and about 2800 trees that they are watering and the cost of the grant has gone up as they had to hire additional staff to support that, so each 400 tree incrementing represents another watering route, another truck and crew doing that. so, on a practical basis, they roll out with the trucks. we do it in the morning when it's best timing for traffic to get in and out of the city, especially in high traffic areas. it is also good for the trees to do when it is quite with not a lot
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of wind. you can get out there, fill the watering bag with 20, 25 gallons of water and additional 5 gallons in the basin. the responsibility of the grant partner is remove weeds and litter, inspect like if the watering bag is damaged and not seeping out of the bottom like it should be. you wouldn't know that because the bag would still be full of water. they inspect the stakes and ties and repair and replace as necessary. the point is to provide the water, but also a great way to keep eyes on the trees and identify vandalism and correct if possible or let us know if it needs to be replaced. the workforce development requirement builds in metrics we have as expectations of this program, so they need to be
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pulling people from disadvantage backgrounds. it is not open enrollment. we are specifically looking to support the people the practical how to drive a truck and put water in a watering bag but let them know about the important thing youz need to know when you have a job like on-time attendance, attire, workforce relationships and dynamics have the professional approach so all things are critical and has to be built into this because we want to follow through and make sure that they are placing program participants into careers and tracking how successful their program is and using that as feedback to keep improving it. so, the current
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grant amount is $4.1 million and it ends at the end of this month. hence the urgency for us to come here. this initial grant started out as a 5 month term and it since extended, so if you have questions about the history, happy to go into that, but for the purposes of modest 2 month extension, or 62 days. to give a visual of what i'm talking about, you can see our staff member on the left is watering and then the middle we have examples of the watering trucks the grantee is using, and on the right omari is watering another tree and showing folks how we do at one of our events. i'll
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leave the slide up. i don't have new information, but happy to answer any questions you have about this. we also have someone from workforce development to answer questions i'm not able to answer. >> thank you very much. like to see you again. i just want to say the metrics you have in place for measuring effectiveness sounded great and helping people with their professional skills. i have no questions or comments. does anyone have questions or comments? commissioner newhouse segal. >> i'll second that. commissioner zoubi, do you have a question? >> (indiscernible) >> after public comment. we'll take public caution on the motion and then the motion and then commissioner zoubi.
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>> member s of the public who wish to comment on item 7, the citywide tree watering program and workforce development grant modification may line up against the wall if joining here in the chamber. if calling in, dial 415-655-0001. use the meeting number 25973810237 and then press pound, pound and star three to raise your hand to speak. in the chamber, we do not have any members of the public who have come forward to speak on this item. sfgovtv is letting me me know we have two callers. please unmute the first caller and caller you have three minutes to speak and provide you a 30 second notice when your time is about to expire. >> so, again, my name
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is francisco decosta. i give you a little bit of history. so, because the city at one time did not maintain or trees, in comes urban forestry and talking about the trees that are planted either by request or in the end the city decided okay, the home owners will take care of their trees. now, you as a commissioners have to do a needs assessment on the city and county of san francisco and our canopy, the tree canopy and do research and find out where the san francisco-where it comes to the tree
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canopy. the last time i checked, 13-15 among all the other cities. now you know as do i that the recent storms we had downed thousands of trees and it isn't going to be easy to replace them and do the replanting in the right way. native trees, whatever, whatever situation is. all this type of programming, which we do not have. i repeat, we do not have. i had to (indiscernible) presidio by having huge nurseries, getting the plants and then having the programs, various programs and national park service and later on presidio trust in order to get our canopy at the
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presidio. at the same time got rid of the eucalyptus trees because they hender the growth of native trees. i'm telling you this, because we have not done it in our city. commissioners, this job is not easy. it requires you to do a lot of reading. >> 30 seconds. >> and a lot of need assessment for which you need education. thank you very much. >> thank you caller. please unmute the second item and caller you have three minutes to speak and i'll provide a 30 second notice when your time is about to expire. >> david pillpel. >> we can hear you. >> excellent. on this item and somewhat similarly on the following item, but
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we'll talk about that a little more in detail in a bit, i support the item for the reasons that staff laid out. i just noticed on the staff recommendation it doesn't indicate anywhere on the agenda who to grantee is, so i would suggest in the future-again dont think fatal to the item today to somehow include with san francisco clean city coalition on the agenda and for item 8, construction and i contrast that to items 5b and 5c on the consent calendar, which do endicate in those instances who those contracts are with, and all of these are contract mods. and 5d also does that. where there is a contract mod, i think it's useful to indicate in the calendar item
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who the contract is with, so to the extent someone has concerns about the project itself, the amount of money, the amount of time or the contractor or grantee, it is very clear on the agenda. as to the substance of this item 7, i am in support for the reasons laid out by staff. thanks for listening. >> thank you caller. that's our last caller on this item and concludes public comment. >> thank you. commissioner zoubi. >> thank you chair. thank you nick for the presentation. i just question in general about the contract numbers-i'm not a numbers guy. crunching numbers. originally from my understanding from this, originally the grant and contract was for 5 month grant
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and it was extended 12 months twice, now we are going for 2 months now, right? >> it was 5 months with option for 24 month extension and we've maxed out that extension. that brings us to the end of this month, hence the request. >> got it. when i calculated the original 5 months the calculation came back to me at like $107 thousand a month. do we know-do we have a number where-what does it cost to on a monthly basis to actually water-i want to say 8400 trees? >> 2800. >> 2100 a week? >> exactly. >> because in the extension it went up to $170 thousand a
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month and this extension is $180 thousand a month but don't see details watt what we are going to spend that on. do we have the magic number where what is it going to cost? >> great question. we get our monthly invoice from them and i approve them before we issue the payment, and the last couple of invoices have been around $130 thousand, so we expect that this addition, increase in funding more then cover those invoices for the next two months and we had this head-room to put in here for the-up to 361, and we didn't want to come back here to say, something came up in the last two months so we gave us enough room. the way they invoice us is on a reimbursement basis, so they incur the expenses, they have payroll and
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expenses from running their operation and then they submit for reimbursement with us and we go through all their pay roll records and receipts before we release the payment for that, so i'm confident that we'll have good control over the next two invoices. we will have enough to pay for any unexpected increases if it comes along, but if our-we want to be careful and conservative how we respond -spend that. we take a shorp pencil to the invoices and make sure it meets the grant requirements. i am expecting $130 thousand a month, but we'll have room so i dont have to come back. >> so it is up to 361 $361 thousand not increase of that much? >> exactly. >> thank you.
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>> alright. no further comments, all in favor of the motion please say yes or aye. >> yes, >> yes. >> unanimous and motion passes. thank you very much mr. crawford for the presentation today. secretary fuller will post the resolution to the commission website. please call the nextite item. item 8 is 19th avenue contract modification and project manager carol willprint this item and this is also a action item.
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>> good morning chair post and commissioners. nice to see you again. my name is carol wong, the project manager for the 19 avenue combined city project here today to present a contract modification for the project. public works request the commission approval on a contract modification to increase the contract duration contingency by 245 calendar days and increase the contract cost contingency by 4 million, 572 thousand, 155 dollars and 20 cents in addition
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we recommend the commission to authorize the public works director to approve future contract modifications for a total contract duration up to 1220 calendar days and contract amount up to 54 million, 865 thousand, 862 dollars and 40 cents. the original contract awarded to j & b construction inc. at 45 million, 721 thousand, 552 dollars, with construction duration of 813 consecutive calendar days. reason for modification include client request change orders, coordination with (indiscernible) weather delays as well as supply chain issues. the three mile project runs between linking way and hall way avenue in district 4 and district 7. construction started from lincoln way toward south and split into 4 segments.
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projbect improvements, the image on the left of the slide gives a overview of the project scope. the project improvalment include cub ramp up grades and sidewalk widening. traffic signal modification, new intersection street light and water sewer emergency fire water pipeline instillation. on may 11, 2020, public works awarded the contraction to jmb construction inc. for 19 avenue combined city project and october 19, 2020, jmb construction directed to start construction and reach final completion within 813 days. as of april 2023, public works has approved 10 change orders for total contract increase of 3 million, 713 thousand, 216 dollars and 95 cents and the total contract duration increase of 155 days. due to client
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requested changes (indiscernible) coordination as well as unexpected weather delays and supply chain issues project schedule further impacted. i'll go over each in more detail in the coming slides. to recap, the project construction started october 2020 with total contract duration of 813 calendar days and the regional total contract cost was 45 million, 721 thousand, 552 dollars. from the previously approved change orders the contract duration contingency is approved for 162 calendar days and the current contract cost contingesancy is 4 million, 572 thousand, 155 dollars and 20 cents. as of now the estimated project completion to date is 90 percent, however the project team identified a
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potential 8 month delay due to client requested changes weather delays supply chain issue and (indiscernible) therefore we like to request commission approval to extend the final completion to february 2024 and increase the contract cost limit to 54 million, 865 thousand, 862 and 40 cents. in this slide i walk through the reason for modifications in detail. the sketch on left demonstrate remaining complexy work at 19 avenue and (indiscernible) intersection which contribute to the schedule and cost impact requesting today. the work involves with the new 36 inch water main along 19 avenue and (indiscernible) upper left highlighted in green. new water main is being installed across 19 avenue show
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in the red arrow. after the water main instillation new bulb out jz road way will take place at the three corners and (indiscernible) schedule and cost impact due to change orders on water pipeline material change. in about early 2021puc proposed changing the 36 inch water mains to pipes to increase the pipeline pressure rating for future emergency firefighter purposes. since the pipes require additional time for welding and inspection and deeper depth, the puc decided to redesign this segment across 19 avenue using (indiscernible) to minimize impact. this pending change order caused around 1.1 million and the reason we request additional cost contingency today. also the new pipes required extended fabrication time due
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to world wide supply chain issues. the changes i described resulted in 4 month time delay. schedule impact due to unpckted weather, the 36 inch pipeline along nene avenue is causing stern grove plaza and ties to existing 54 inch water main. the work was originally planned for january through february, but due to unexpected weather this year and storms from january to march, the pipeline construction at the stern grove plaza was significantly impacted. scheduled impact due to stern grove festival. the 2023 stern grove festival is approaching and run mid-june through mid-august. in addition wrapping up a emergency slope repair project at stern grove park last month so coordinated with them to
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provide access. coordination with rec and park (indiscernible) scope at the 19 avenue (indiscernible) until after the festival is concluded to minimize impacts. on this slide, you can see a summary of the original schedule and the proposed schedule as well as the key milestones with time extension of 245 calendar days the final completion date would be extend from june 13, 2023 to february 20, 2024. this last slide is to reiterate the request for commission approval for the 19 avenue combined city project on a contract modification to increase the contract duration contingency by 245 calendar
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days and increase the contract cost contingency by 4 million, 572 thousand, 155 dollars and 20 cents and also further authorize the public works director to approve future contract modifications for up to 1220 calendar days and total contract amount up to 54 million, 865 thousand, 862 dollars and 42 cents. with this presentation i hope i have given you a clear overview of the project and also the reason for modifications. happy to answer any questions you may have. and also before that, my team members are actually joining the presentation virtually so just in case if you have questions, they may be able to answer any questions i am not able to answer. puc project manager unfortunately they were not able to attend today's meeting but happy to take any questions you may have
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for the puc scope and happy to come back to provide updates on that. also, sfmta project manager is joining virtually to provide support if you have any questions on the sfmta scope. thank you. >> thank you mrs. wong. i would like to thank you for the staff memo and powerpoint presentation you preparedism i found them very very helpful and i have no questions or comments. >> thank you. >> commissioner zoubi. >> just a clarification. thank you for the presentation. it is a very thorough and clear. when we request more funding, in this case $9 million, so, we will be voting on public works passing that to the
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contractor that has the construction company that has the bid, but are we okay on the funding sources? >> yes, we are okay on funding sources. we have-also take a step back. when we request additional cost contingency it is just providing a higher cost limit but in the future we can-public works contractor can approve change orders up to that limit, however we are not adding the entire amount to the contract now. as mentioned, the puc change orders, the remaining portion we need to process cost around $1.1 million. that is the portion we add to the contract. there may be miner change orders we need to add but it isn't up to the $4.5 million. did i answer your question? >> yeah. thank you for that. is public works paying that and
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reimbursing it from the puc, mta and other sources and did they approve that? >> thank frz the good question. this is sponsored by sfmta and sfpuc, public works doesn't contribute to the portion of the project but we are leading the project, so the way it is works is we receive the funding from mta and puc and it is with the all fundings are with san francisco public works, so we are able to use those funding to basically execute a change order and future change orders so we are approving the change orders. >> thank you. >> sure. >> commissioner newhouse segal. >> just to follow up on your questions, it would be great to see for all these what the other-if there are other departments sponsoring what the
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funding sources from-it would be helpful. i don't think it was in the presentation. >> it wasn't in the presentation. i do is a summary table in front of me happy to go over that if you would like. >> just for future that would help us. i like to move that we approve this. >> great. thank you very much. we'll open public comment on the motion. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 8, 19 avenue combined city project contract modification may line up. if you are calling in, dial 415-655-0001 and meeting number, 25973810237, pound, pound and then press
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star 3 to raise your hand to be recognized. and looking in the chamber it does not appear we have members of the public wishing to speak on this item. we have one caller in the queue. sfgovtv please unmute the caller and you have three minutes to speak and i'll provide a 30 second notice. >> great. david pillel, you can hear me okay? >> yes. >> as the project details i can follow up later with project manager. thank you for the presentation. for whatever reason i think staff often think and speak in terms of calendar days, the public doesn't think in terms of 810 days or 1220 days or whatever, but they are concerned with absolute dates so i read this to move the
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substantial compliance to december 22, 2023 and in most cases final completion by february 20, 2024, but there was a reference in at least one instance to february 18, 2024, but clearly it moves it out a few more months. this is a long time project. i hope it does get done soon and i and others in the area look forward to repaving that i believe caltrans is intending to do after the combined city project is done, because that segment of 19 avenue desperately needs repaving and it has been very difficult to traverse for many years and in particular the last three while the project has been underway. there was talk of coordination with mta, puc, rec park recollect caltrans and other agencies. perhaps you can follow up and ask staff to discus
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that more because there is a lot going on in the area. as to the resolution, there is a odd reference to harrison street in one of the resolve clauses on page 2. the second resolve, but no substantial evidence the harrison street infrastructure improvement project could have significant affect on the environment. i have no idea how that has anything to do with this. that seems it may have been cust and pasted elsewhere and may want to look and modify it. no reference in the resolution to categorical exemptions for water and sewer elements. they are referenced in the staff report on page 4 in the bottom box but not referenced in the resolution. i would suspect that the change to the pipeline pipe is a change to the
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categorical exemption and should have merited additional review. it would likely result in no change, but it should be subject to some action by city planning and perhaps that is commission to confirm that there's no change to the categorical exemption determination so i would ask for a little attention to the ceqa details here. i support the time and money extension on the contract mod, but i do think there is details that need to be sorted out. i don't know if this is before you for action today or needs more work and come back to you. thanks for listening. >> thank you caller. that is our only caller on this item. this concludes public comment. >> thank you very much. before we go to voting on the motion, mrs. wong, do you know
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does caltrans intend to repave 19 avenue once all the construction is done for this project? >> yes, we have been coordinating with caltrans and they are currently working on the repaving project and they anticipate to start construction in early 2025. however, at the meantime they are working on a emergency paving project to try to adjust to the potholes on 19 avenue. that project will likely going to be starting before the end of the year. i have been discussing with them and suggest that perhaps when we pause from work 19 avenue intersection they can probably start working on the emergency project. to get more details that emergency project is between lincoln way and (indiscernible) on 19 avenue. >> thank you. anything you can do to move caltrans along is very much appreciated. >> of course.
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>> are thank you. i suggest we vote on the resolution in substantial-substantial form with secretary fuller to follow up with staff if changes need to be made to the resolution per the callers comments. i don't want to hold up approval for the project or the resolution, but comfortable voting for it in substantially the form it is in. if you want-commissioner zoubi, you had a question too. >> was it a typo? in the resolution? >> i believe it was a typo and can be corrected. >> just say 19 avenue infrastructure improvement rather then harrison street? >> correct. >> i think there are a couple other points the caller made if secretary fuller just insure the resolution is as complete and accurate as it could be. thank you. alright.
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deputy city attorney tom. >> good afternoon commissioners rchlt deputy city attorney christopher tom. i would like to suggest that if we see a typo in the resolution on the project name we can perhaps the commission would consider making that amendment on the record as part of your approval. >> did we make a motion yet? >> just amend it-- >> who made the motion? >> commissioner do you want to amend your motion to include construction of typos? >> yes, i would be happy to amend that that statement be changed from harrison street, which was a typo to 19 avenue. is that the correct location? >> i second. >> there were other
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items? i can't remember. i want making notes. >> there are i believe three corrections that the caller had suggested. perhaps amending the motion to correct any typo graphical errors would suffice. >> i amend as suggested by secretary fuller. >> to city attorney tom-the laj we are proposing. >> yes, i think that that works. the request or amend or proposal to amend based on any typographical errors, i think that works. >> do we want to wait after we have done these other and see it written and come back to it?
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>> no. >> no. >> it is clear, they know what to do. >> alright. good. all in favor of the motion as amended, please say aye or yes. >> aye. >> i believe unanimous and motion passes. thank you again mrs. wong for your presentation today. we look forward hear ing-the project concluded. alright. secretary fuller, please call the next item, item 9. >> one moment. item 9 is the interagency cooperation agreement with the transbay joint powers authority regarding phase 2 of the downtown rail extension, project manager edmin lee will present and joined by
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(indiscernible) deputy director of the joint development at san francisco office of economic and workforce development and anna harvey the deputy director of engineering for the transbay joint powers authority. this is an action item. >> good afternoon. deputy director alameda. my name is edmin lee, the project manager for project works street resurif fsing program here to present on behalf of deputy director and city engineer albert co. the trains bay joint power authority downtown rail extension phase 2
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project. proposed resolution recommending the board of supervisors approve interagency cooperation agreement between city and countsy of san francisco and tjpa. public works serve as lead city representative for project implementation and perform project work subject to tjpa reimbursement of department budget cost. i also want to mention attendsance is anna harvey for engineering who is available to answer project specific questions after the presentation as well as (indiscernible) deputy director of joint development with office of economic workforce development who will be assisting the city agencies to process invoices for tjpa reimbursement and assist in the annual scope and budgeting process and evaluation. the
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recommendation to the commission today include to receive support regarding the phase 2 of transbay program project. approve resolution recommending that the board of supervisors approve interagency cooperation agreement between city and county of san francisco and transbay joint power authority. adopt findings of ceqa and mitigation and monitoring and reporting program. (indiscernible) 2023-2024 is $150 thousand. future year budgets are yet to be determined and undergo a annual scope and budget process. the map represents the downtown rail extension alignment. from the sales force transit center at the top right in gray, the rail heads west to 2 street, the rail continues south on 2 to townsend street and
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(indiscernible) ends at 2 and berry streets. the following slides are from a preezentation providing information on the tjpa transbay program and the downtown rail extension phase 2 project known as the portal. they will give a snapshot of the project we in san francisco long waited to see advance. 1999, san francisco voters approved the ballot measure to extend the northern terminal of caltrain south down to site of what was the existing transbay terminal. tjpa created under state law april 2021. the agency is charged with design, construction and operation of a new transit center and associated facilities to deliver the transbay program. the joint power authority emergency agencies are compiled of city county of san francisco, alameda contra costa
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transit district, california high speed rail authority and peninsula corridor joint powers board. transbay program project consist of three elements to replace the transbay terminal, create a transit oriented neighborhood featuring housing, open space, office and shops. oxe tend caltrain and california high speed rail to the downtown rail extension project known as the portal. phase 1 of the project to replace the former transbay terminal is complete. the transit center is a 6 story facility downtown san francisco operational and providing transit retail and services. two story train box
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below grade completed with $6 story facility downtown san francisco operational and providing transit retail and services. two story train box below grade completed with $400 million is ready for future rail connections. the sales force transit center connects 9 regional and local transit systems providing jobs, housing and regional access from the east bay to the peninsula and south bay. phase 2 will connect caltrain 77 mile system to downtown san francisco and state plan high speed rail corridor. the port al is a key regional connector which connects rail service to the transbay district 4 thousand new housing units, 35 percent of them designated as affordable housing. creates a link between federal investment using the track downtown as envisioned in the link 21. provides sustainability and environmental quality.
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using federal funds and grants which include safe accountable flexibility efficient transportation equity act legacy for users. portal benefits are enhance access with one seat ride between downtown san francisco, san jose and los angeles. area of the city with highest expected population growth over the next 30 years and 1 half mile within disadvantsaged communities. promote transfer between 11 transit provider, bart, muni and buses serving the bay area. improve air quality and reduce the number of vehicle miles travel on u.s. 101 by $355 million per year. builds 2 new rail stations sales
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force transit sentser and caltrain station in areas targeted for investment affordable homes and job growth and create 21 thousand jobs regionally, 21 -41 thousand nation wide. the project has gone through federal, nepa and state ceqa environmental clearance and project definition stages. important hurtle that needed to be cleared and in the project development and engineering phase. the early conceptual designs are complete and focused on the needed utility relocation and third party agreements including the one you are considering today. we have a short three minute video prepared by tjpa on the portal.
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invasion is undergoing transformationism the propulation is expected to grow by 60 percent over the next 50 years. sustainable growth requires mobile. theability to connect people to work, culture and recreation. the transbay program is a visionary transportation and urban renewal project and major investment not only for san francisco, but for the bay area and all of california. the program has reached a major milestone, the opening of one of the largest multimodal transit centers in the united states. the sales force transit center (indiscernible) four city blocks and will integrate 11 transportation services. (indiscernible) the next phase of the
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program will build the downtown rail extension to bring commuter rail into a new underground sanitation. the new station will be the northern california terminus of the state future train system. dtx allow caltrain from downtown san francisco with downtown san jose and silicon valley reducing travel times up to a hour and attracting thousands of new riders. california new high speed trains will run between downtown los angeles and downtown san francisco in less then 3 hours with thousands of -stops in central valley and san jose. passengers will step in the heart of san francisco new downtown, home to many nations largest tech companies and densest residential neighborhood west of chicago. the population of the
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region expected to grow by nearly a half in the coming years, high speed trains will be vital connecting the states increasingly interdependent communities. like other well (indiscernible) london (indiscernible) maintain competitive edge in world standing. (indiscernible) then the downtown rail extension, phase 2 of the transbay program.
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>> alright. for the interagency cooperation agreement we outline, tjpa and city services during phase 2 of the downtown extension project. city departments will sign on to the single agreement, department scope of work and budgets will be revisited in a updated annually are. the main body of the agreement
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will capture the processes and coordination performance measures and contract terms. the appendix a captures the city street coordination and b9 public works technical scope of work and budget guidelines. budget highlights include irchl lmentation of the ica, technical advisory committee meetings convened by tjpa, support utility design teams and study design analysis and review of the emergency fire fighting (indiscernible) for the budget expenses are to be reimbursed quarterly and amount not to exceed $150 thousand for the upcoming fiscal year. to remind the commission of the
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recommendsations today, again to receive a report regarding phase 2 of the transbay program project, approve resolution recommending the board of supervisors approve a interagency cooperation agreement between the city and county of san francisco and thranz bay joint power authority in order to advance the project and adopt findsper pursuant to ceqa and mitigation and monitoring and reporting program. thank you. any questions? >> thank you mr. lee. i just had one on if you can go to the map on page 13 of the slides. thank you. on the left side of the map to the west, where do the trains go underground where it says tunnel step off for example? >> yes, i believe so. where the (indiscernible) where the track daylights and then it heads
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undergrade all the way through to thes transit center. >> the 4th and townsend station will not be underground? >> correct. >> all that property is open to development by undergrounding this. that is great. i know it wasn't always in the plan. fantastic news. thank you. some of the commissioners were briefed on the project earlier so may not have as many questions as the public may expect. i have enoquestions or comments. do any commissioners have questions or comments for mr. lee? commissioner woolford. >> yes. mr. lee, we had spoken, thank you for the presentation. just a handsful of questions. if we could have a-if you have a projected timeline and shared if you can pull up the slide with the schedule and
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timeline. it suggests construction is beginning in 2023 but no contracts are let yet? >> correct. my understanding utility designs are finalized. anna can you speak to that? >> i think what we to know, at high level what is the actual schedule and how up to date is what is in front of us? >> anna harvey. to your question commissioner woolford, we are currently advancing design as just mentioned and we are finishing up utility relocation likely the first contract we would let next year in the summer timeframe and so construction would be starting in more the summer, fall or late 24 timeframe. we have other enables contracts including building demolition and work in the caltrain yard and the main civil and
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tunnel package is digging of the tunnel and stations would not commence before the end of 2025. the adopted revenue suvs service date is late 2032. >> what is the funding stream mechanism for these services and scopes? >> across all the contract including escalation and professional service we have a budget just under $7 billion and that is anticipated to be funded 60 percent through federal sources including fta starts and federal sources. 14 percent through state funds and the balance is local and regional funds such as prop k, prop l and rm3. >> in full disclosure about 15 years ago i was the architect who lead the criteria study and master plan, but for the company that i currently work for, that contract has been resolved for about 13 years, so
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no longer have financial involvement with the project. the only other question i did have was, at that time there was a an tisitation of cut and cover and is the anticipation still now or intended to be drilled as a bore hole? >> the answer is between the two. in locations where the tunnel is very deep, so appreciately between climentina street and approximately 3 and townsendss the tunnel is deep we are recommending a sequential excavation so not a tunnel boring but a mined method used for example for the digging of the china town station for central subway. remember we are 30 percent design and anticipate bringing in early contractor involvement so the contract would advise whether they agree with this but we consulted with industry
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and multiple firms said they think this is a good idea, however where the transit center meets 2 and howard street approximately so from the transit center to approximately clemintina we are shallow and that is anticipated to be constructed using cut and cover method and then the area between 3 street where it match es to caltrain rail yard is anticipated to use cut and cover method. if you are familiar with the construction of the purple line for la metro they also use cut and cover but use significant decking trafing is able to be maintained, bike lanes and transit so once the excavation is made and decking is placed, the public is able to continue to use the right of way prior to start of construction. >> thank you. >> i support the project and have no more questions. >> commissioner
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newhouse segal. >> did you still want to speak? thank you. >> so, as the lead agency, public works is this going to most of what we are voting today is the money that we are voting be allocation to small amount in this huge project is that mostly for staffing? are we going to have a add a whole department to act as the lead agency in this? >> probably helpful for the public to say in english in your own words what this is. what public works will be doing for this project. as if you were telling someone at a cocktail party. just a simple-and i think just so everyone understands. >> sure. part of the role that the ica lays out for
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public works is to be sort of the lead coordinating agency with all the other city agencies. there is a lot of work that is a part of this project that potentially lands on the city right of way, which involves public works and we have a lot of experience with our other agencies coordinating with utilities, permitting and things like that and so that would be that particular role. another piece of what public works would be participating in is also with technical advisory with some of the designs, review of designs and also construction management services for some of the construction that happens within the right of way. >> so, these are existing public works staff that you are talking about working on this, but isn't there going to have to be a specific coordinator
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for this within our coordinating agency? are we going to hire for this? >> no, we are using existing public works staff. we have representative who would act at the lead for public works to assist in coordinating with all the other agencies and reporting out to tjpa. tjpa is the-their project and project sponsor and the responsibility agency to deliver the project, but we are sort of a little like a liaison or-- >> step back with a little context and clarity. deputy director alameda just for the record. to put it in context, the project delivery of the portal is in the care and custody and responsibility of the tjpa and remains in that
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manner. this agreement like many other interagency agreements that we had with the tjpa is a sub-set of what we can do to assist that effort and this is just the first baby step into it in terms of the first year. really what public works is doing is stepping up and taking lead on coordinating among all these different agencies within the city and outside the city. basically the touch points as you could imagine, all the different agencies impacted or involved as you try to do cut and cover and/or boring through the city streets, so just to put in context, the project, the program is tjpa. the sub-set of the overlap or touch points with other elements of the city and otherwise is what we are speaking of and are this is just a framework and a vehicle
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to codify the relationship and coordination. it is reimbursed from the tjpa as much of earlier agreements we had with the tjpa, so really it's a cost neutral to us and kind of part and parcel with our activities and dealing with utilities and streets and what have you. >> so, our budget and our staffing is adequate to -without draining too much staff? >> correct and it is reimbursed from the tjpa program. when you distill it down it is codifying the relationship to give us all the authority and mechanism to coordinate together. >> okay, so basically the same work we have been doing in this? >> yeah, it
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is-extension of the normal core work. >> thanks. >> cost neutral administrative. >> just to add, the scoping budget is evaluated on a annual basis so as the project progresss and the needs change that would be accounted for every year. >> good to hear. we look forward seeing you back on a annual basis for the review of the scope and budget on this project for a update. that would be great. commissioner zoubi. >> thank you for your presentation and as i told you yesterday, all the questions are popped up after i left the meeting yesterday. my question is-two questions. first question, is there a certain direction that this project will go or is it going to start
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from both sides and meet in the middle or somewhere or how is that project going to work? >> maybe i'll differ to anna for construction sequencing. >> good afternoon again. related to that question as mentioned we currently reached 30 percent design and will be procuring a progressive design build contractor for early contractor involvement. currently we do anticipate bidirectional mining for the excavation, however that will be up to the contractor means and methods as they advance design past 30 percent. >> okay, thank you. i heard cover and not familiar with that term. just assuming is it just dig and cover it? >> that's correct. >> the covering is part of public works, right? because we do the streets and pavement
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and paving and all that stuff, or would that be part of your agency? >> it would be part of the contractor scope, howeverpublic works as a agency having jurisdiction would have design review and oversight of the temporary condition of the streets along with mta because there will be transit lines effected as well. it is required to get a traffic management plan approved before we make permanent or temporary changes to the streets so coordinated through the technical advisory committees to make sure all the agencies get their input into our designs before we can authorize our contractor to move forward. >> i understand that public works will be the liaison between all these agencies, right? >> to coordinate the city agencies, yes. >> last question, i promise. there will be street closures, closures during this
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project in the next 10 year project? >> on a temporary basis, and as approved by mta and public works, yes, that is quite likely but will work with the community and agencies having jurisdictions to find a solution that works best for everyone. >> got it. i broke my promise, one more question. i see that most of the project is under streets, but there is one corner that cuts under buildings, and so how would public works be liable to any i want to say changes or if something god forbid knock on wood happens, would that come back to public works or just want to make sure liability wise--? >> i will hand it over to betsy
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with deputy city attorney office. >> good afternoon. betsy deteric with city attorney office. the city has very carefully vetted the liability aspects of the contract as between tjpa and the city in terms of the indimities and the wavers and the insurance. based on our experiences with mulynneium tower the indemnity is strong in the city favor and tjpa assumed liability relating to any such claim. ultimately the city does share some liability because it is a member of tjpa, but it would do so in a proportionate
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manner. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> any other questions or discussion from the commission before we open this to public comment? alright. please open to public comment. >> we just need a motion to adopt first. >> move to adopt. >> second. >> thank you. we will open public comment on the motion. >> thank you for your time today. >> member s of the public who wish to comment on item 9, interagency cooperation agreement with the transbay joint power authority may line up against the wall furthest from the door if in the chamber. if calling in, please use the call in number 415-655-0001. the meeting number of 25973810237,
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fallowed by pound, pound and then press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. it appears we have one public commenter in person. we'll take the people in the chamber first. if you could repeat your name and you have three minutes to speak. >> (indiscernible) local business owner, skate boarder. i appreciate the project named multimodal transportation explicitly. i hope this is the right time to discuss this. i want to make sure the multimodal discussion includes small wheel devices, skate bords are often excluded from transit center imagine for fear of property damage but this is a important mode of transit to incorporate in the plan. also thinking about the ways something like this will increase through-put in the city and increase
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property values and things like that due to increased population of the city (indiscernible) people who are going by transportation means that cannot-people who cannot afford trains and who are local so curious to extent extraprofits for the city or transit agencies because of the project might be allocated to increase the byways for people who dont use the trains and don't use vehicles, so dont know if there is a fraction of penny or penny that could be taken from ticket sales to improve the sidewalks around the transit center. just curious. this sounds great for more through-put but how does it effect the areas not within the boundary of the project itself? thank you. >> thank you. it does not appear there are any
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other commenters in the chamber. sfgovtv indicates we have one caller who wishes to speak on this item. please unmute the caller and caller you have three minutes to speak i'll provide you a 30 second notice. >> david pillpel again. in your discussion on this and staff presentation, you talked about boring, but in fact this is really a exciting project. there is some boring involved, it is really not boring. as i indicated earlier attachment 4 is a bad link on the website so there is no public access to the 2004 final eis, eir. i don't know if that is a problem you may want to check with the city attorney on that. on the resolution itself two items, the planning department case number looks wrong on the bottom of the second
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page which isn't numbered that says planning department case 20.4e. usually they are 4 digits and prior to the e so don't know what the correct case number is. that should be resolved and maybe give direction to amend as appropriate. on the final resolve clause, go to the--just the wording on that is just odd. it says this commission hereby recommends the board of supervisors approve agreement between the city and tjpa and substantially the same form on file with commission secretary-end quote. that is weird. i think something like this commission recommend the board of supervisors approve the agreement between the city and tjpa and substantially the same form as on file with the commission secretary. no quote. and again, that might suggest an amendment
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to that effect. overall the interagency cooperation agreement seems to me it is basic design and consulting engineering work with some project coordination among public agencies, some or most cost are reimbursable so for me, which is all very straight forward, for me it is hard to see ceqa issues for this commission, the tjpa is still the lead agency under ceqa for contracting and construction work so i think all of the ceqa obligations are on them to the extent the city is the responsible agency under ceqa that would be respect to any subsequent decision that is made on permits or other things, but this is just the funding arrangement so at a loss why there is all this ceqa
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verbiage. i support there project and ask you give attention to at those two issues with regard to the resolution. >> thank you caller. that concludes public comment and note those links have been corrected and just checked them and they are correct. >> thank you. the caller mentioned a policy that might not be referenced correctly in the resolution, do we know if that is the case or not? otherwise we can make the corrections to the typos mentioned. it would makes that statement clearer. >> deputy city attorney christopher tom. the caller did note typo-graphical errors and agree we should make sure the case number is correct and
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i agree that there is a missing the at the end of the resolution and extraneous quotation mark. >> then that-who proposed it? >> i did. i still move the motion with deputy city attorney tom's comments. >> thank you. further discussion or questions about this? mr. lee, thank you very much for your presentation today. we'll vote on the motion. all in favor of approving the or recommending to the board of supervisorss that they approve the interagency cooperation agreement with tjpa for phase 2 of the downtown rail extension say aye or yes. it is unanimous and motion passes. thank you very much and thank you for the people here to walk us through today. mr. lee, i beg your pardon for not remembering the name of city
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attorney and are tjpa city engineer but sure we will see you again and thank you. we'll move to item number 10. secretary fuller please call the item. >> item 10 is the public works director hiring update and chair post will provide this update and i will bring up the visual for it. >> thank you. the only update i have today is that we are moving along and that the director hiring search remains on schedule. the mayor is considering and interviewing candidates for the position. and as we talked about before, the candidates are qualified individuals and public works field from around the country so anticipate the
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search remaining on schedule. those are my comments. any questions or comments from the commission? alright. hearing none, we'll open the item to public comment. >> member s of the public who wish to make 3 minutes of item 10, the public works director hiring update may line up against the wall furthest from the door if present in the chamber. if calling in, please dial 415-655-0001. use the meeting number code of 25973810237, pound, pound and then press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. it appears we do not have members of the public in person who want to speak on this item,
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and sfgovtv do we have callers in the queue wishing to speak on this? they are indicating there are not any callers who expressed interest in speaking on this item so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. no further questions or comments from the commission, we will move to the next item, secretary fuller, please call that item. >> item 11 is new business initiated by commissioners. this is a opportunity for commissionsers to suggest business for a future agenda or to make announcements. this is an informational item. >> any new business? commissioner woolford. >> i wanted to alert the commission and secretary fuller that i will be absent and asked to be excused on friday june 16. i have been invited to speak at the international healthcare design conference and will be in london that week so won't be here with
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you. >> are thank you. anything else? alright. i think we technically should have public comment on this item mr. fuller? >> that's correct. [providing instructions for public comment]thank you. anything else? alright. i think we technically should have public comment on this item mr. fuller? >> that's correct. [providing instructions for public comment] we have one comment on new business initiated by commissioners. please introduce yourself and you will have three minutes to speak.
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>> thank you. this is more a question then a comment, but trying to understand the process by which your recommendations for follow-up from the department to public commenters result in action? other comment is recommendation as i said last time a specific position created for somebody who's attention is dedicated specifically to accessible for people who ride small wheels as that seems to be a pressing issue. >> thank you. it does not look like we have any other commenters in the room wishing to speak and sfgovtv is indicating we do not have callers on the item so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. this concludes the portion of the meeting that is open session do i have a motion and second to enter closed session? >> so moved. >> second. woolford.
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we have one caller wishing to speak on this. please unmute that caller and caller, you have three minutes to speak on this item 12, the motion to go into closed session. >> great. david pillpel recollect hopefully last time today. just wanted to say i think that commission secretary fuller is doing a good job. it has been a tough year the past year figuring all this out, setting things up, iterating versions of the rules agend as, minutes, calendar items,ed a vance calendar dealing with commissioners, staff, city attorney, people like me and he does a good job of juggling all of that. i think it is useful to do annual performance evaluation and know you take it seriously. i think it
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is useful to have a work plan so those things doing well you continue and those that need improvement you have a honest and frank discussion about that in closed session with or without commission secretary fuller, but you are all very clear on expectations going forward and yep, those are my thoughts and again, i think commission secretary fuller is doing a good job. thanks for listening. >> thank you caller. and that concludes-that is our final commenter on this motion, so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. any debate on the motion? hearing no debate, all in favor entering closed session for the purpose of conducting the commission secretary annual performance review, please say yes. i believe the motion
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carries unanimously. we'll move to closed session and i-given this is a personnel matter i do not expect there to be any announcements after closed session and so i don't want people to have to wait around expecting more business from the commission, thus we will allow members of the public and staff not part of the discussion to leave the hearing room and we'll take a few minutes for people to exit the >> secretary fuller, please call the next item. >> item 13 is announcements following closed session, and chair post will make these announcements. >> there no announcements following closed sessionment please open public comment. >> member s of the public who wish to make 3 minutes comment following closed session may line up against the wall. in calling in
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disclose discussions during closed session pursuant to san francisco administrative code section 6712a. this will be done by chair post. >> is this a motion or ask if we want a motion or is it requiring we make a motion? >> we need to make a motion. >> alright. >> yes or no. >> i move not to disclose discussion during closed session at today's meeting. >> second. >> thank you. if no discussion, we'll open public comment on the motion. >> members of the public who wish to comment on the motion to not disclose discussion during closed session may line up against the wall. if you are calling in please dial 415-655-0001. use the access
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code 25973810237, pound, pountd and then press star 3. we don't have any members of the public wishing to comment on this in person, and there's no one in the call-in queue at this time another so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. all in favor of the motion not to disclose the discussions during closed session please say aye. it is unanimous and motion passes. i believe there is no item 15 - >> that is correct. >> thank you. do we have further business on today's agenda? >> there is no further business on the agenda. >> we'll meet again on friday june 16 at 9:30 a.m. today's meeting is now adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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>> san francisco is known as yerba buena, good herb after a mint that used to grow here. at this time there were 3 settlements one was mission delores. one the presidio and one was yerba buena which was urban center. there were 800 people in 1848 it was small. a lot of historic buildings were here including pony express headquarters. wells fargo. hudson bay trading company and famous early settlers one of whom william leaderdorph who lived blocks from here a successful business person. african-american decent and the first million airin california.
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>> wilwoman was the founders of san francisco. here during the gold rush came in the early 1840s. he spent time stake himself as a merchant seaman and a business person. his father and brother in new orleans. we know him for san francisco's history. establishing himself here arnold 18 twoochl he did one of many things the first to do in yerba buena. was not california yet and was not fully san francisco yet. >> because he was an american citizen but spoke spanish he was able to during the time when america was taking over california from mexico, there was annexations that happened and conflict emerging and war, of course. he was part of the peek deliberations and am bas doorship to create the state of
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california a vice council to mexico. mexico granted him citizenship. he loaned the government of san francisco money. to funds some of the war efforts to establish the city itself and the state, of course. he established the first hotel here the person people turned to often to receive dignitaries or hold large gatherings established the first public school here and helped start the public school system. he piloted the first steam ship on the bay. a big event for san francisco and depict instead state seal the ship was the sitk a. there is a small 4 block long length of street, owned much of that runs essentially where the transamerica building is to it
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ends at california. i walk today before am a cute side street. at this point t is the center what was all his property. he was the person entrusted to be the city's first treasurer. that is i big deal of itself to have that legacy part of an african-american the city's first banker. he was not only a forefather of the establishment of san francisco and california as a state but a leader in industry. he had a direct hahn in so many things that we look at in san francisco. part of our dna. you know you don't hear his anymore in the context of those. representation matters. you need to uplift this so people know him but people like him like me. like you. like anyone who looks like him to be, i can do this, too. to have the city's first banker and a street in the middle of
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