tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV June 24, 2023 12:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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tuesday, june 20th, 2023. hybrid in-person and virtual meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. my name is dori camino and i am the commission's vice president. we will start with announcements. we would like to start the meeting with a land acknowledgment. we, the san francisco entertainment commission, acknowledge that we are on the unseated ancestral homeland of the raw materials who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions around, we have never ceded lost nor forgotten the responsibility as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to
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pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors elders and relatives of the community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. this meeting is being held in hybrid format, with the meeting occurring in person in city hall. room for one six broadcast live on tv and available to view on zoom or listen to by calling 16699006833 using meeting id. 865552241570. we welcome the public's participation during public comment periods. there will be an opportunity for general public comment at the beginning of the meeting and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to three minutes for those attending remotely. the commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote public comment total for each agenda item because of the 20 minute time limit. it is possible that not every person in the queue will have an opportunity to provide remote public comment. remote
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public comment from people who have received an accommodation due to disability will not count towards the 20 minute limit. public comment will be taken both in person and remotely by video or call in for each item. the commission will take public comment first from people attending the meeting in person and then from people attending the meeting remotely. for those attending in person, please fill out a speaker card located at the side table or podium. come up to the podium during public comment. state your name, any affiliations, and then your comment. you will have three minutes. once finished, please hand your speaker card to the commission staff behind the podium. if using zoom platform to speak, select the raise hand option when it's time for public comment. if calling by phone dial star nine to be added to the speaker line when your item of interest comes up when you are asked to speak, you unmute yourself by hitting star six. please call from a quiet location. speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. if you are also viewing the meeting on tv, be sure to mute it before speaking during public comment. alternatively, while we
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recommend that you use zoom audio or telephone for public comment, you can submit a written public comment through the chat function on zoom. please note that commissioners and staff are not allowed to respond to comments or questions during public comment. thank you. joseph gov, tv and media services for sharing this meeting with the public. thank you. okay, let's begin with the roll call. great president lehman here. vice president camino here. commissioner falzon here. commissioner perez here. commissioner thomas here, commissioner torres here, and commissioner wong is excused. okay. thank you. the next item on the agenda is item number two. general public comment. members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission with respect to agenda items, members of the public may address. the commission for up to three minutes at the time.
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such item is called. is there any public comment for items not listed on the agenda. for so no public comment for this item. okay. public comment is closed. the next item on the agenda is item number three. approval of minutes for the may 16th, 2023 commission meeting and the june fifth, 2023, special meeting. motion to approve. seconded awesome. okay is there a public comment on this item right. no public comment for this item. okay. seeing none public public comment is now closed. commissioner i mean, commission secretary liang. yes. vote yes. vote. president blackmon. hi. vice president camino i commissioner falzon. hi. hi high commissioner thomas high.
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commissioner torres. hi. great okay. the meeting minutes have been approved. the next item on the agenda is item number four report from the executive director. thank you, vice president camino. it's really nice to have you chairing this meeting. it's good to mix it up every now and again. good evening. other commissioners, including president blackmon this evening. i just have a couple of dates. i just have a couple of updates. i wanted to let you know that staff is working on having an after action meeting tomorrow regarding our summit this year. we had a couple of things that we quickly learned from that we want to improve upon for next year and we're excited to have commission secretary liang with us this year because next year she'll be helping us produce again alongside senior analyst
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rice. and we're going to begin planning as soon as this week. we just think as much time as possible in advance is going to help quite a bit. so we're going to pick the date for next year's summit shortly. so we'll reach out just to see if you have any concerns with that. we would also like to pick an earlier date. we felt june was a little bit too late in the year. so we're going to be looking most likely at april. it'll be the same location. it's pretty nimble location for us to be able to have the summit and we'd welcome any feedback from you all around design of the summit. if you would like to see any changes, if there are specific topics that you feel might be relevant now, now is the time in the next few months. we also have been looking at our survey feedback, which is in your google folder for tonight that was the public survey that we provided to all of the attendees at the summit. we only received
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about 19 responses. i would encourage all of you, if you'd like to feel free to also fill out that survey and let us know how we did your feedback is very much welcome. you can send it in that format or in some other format and we would love to hear those comments for the most part, the survey responses were very positive. folks were, for the majority, very satisfied with the summit and found it relevant and helpful for what they do for their jobs. some we also received a few key takeaways, including some comments like i didn't think that the downtown portion would be relevant to me, but it was very informative to hear what san francisco is doing because it affects the city, it affects us citywide. folks wanted to see more collaboration and advocacy . they want to see increased engagement with community spaces and invite people to step up as leaders and spark ideas for fun
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. so please do take a moment and your free time to check out those survey responses. i think that they're meaningful to all of us. also, just of note, we did have just over 100 attendees. we'd like to increase that next year if possible. and we did have 397 views for our live stream on youtube, which is pretty cool. so people were watching it after the fact and it'll remain on our website and in our collateral for some time. moving forward so that people can continue to check it out. let me know if you have any questions on that before i move on to my next item. okay. so i did have an update for you all relative to compliance outside of the deputy director's report this evening. this is about a violent incident that occurred at one of our permitted places of entertainment called stratus . it's on ocean avenue. it is
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358 ocean avenue. you have seen them in your paperwork before. you've seen them. and hearing. so just to get into it, i have some written remarks here to put into the record for you all. so on saturday, june 10th, there was a shooting that occurred inside of stratus nightclub, stratus holds a po from our office. and as you might recall, there was a shooting that occurred outside of the establishment in september of last year following the incident last fall, i issued a director's order for a revised security plan, as well as the 72 hour public safety suspension. the revised security plan was reviewed by our office along with ingleside station police department. both of our agencies felt like it was a more than solid plan. while we have not received any 301 complaints about stratus since the incident, we have visited them multiple times to check on compliance and they demonstrated
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full adherence with their conditions during those visits. so we felt confident that things were looking good at this location until finally we don't feel that way anymore. more regarding the shooting that occurred on june 10th, we learned of the incident on sunday morning, june 11th. i received a phone call from supervisor safire's office about it, and we quickly set up meetings to speak with sfpd. ingleside station captain, the permit officer, and another officer there along with a member of the city attorney's office in this occurred on monday, june 12th, when we met. and then on tuesday the 13th, we had another meeting with the venue's general manager, who you might remember from previous hearings. his father actually owns the club, so he is not the owner, but he is supposed to be there for their day to day operations. we were joined on that call with sfpd, as well as
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the city attorney. and at that time, we learned that the gunman had entered the business and shot three patrons outside of the bathrooms and then fled the scene. thankfully none of these injuries were life threatening, but there were numerous permit violations that night that we were able to do. from that, we were able to deduce from having the conversation with the business manager per their place of entertainment permit conditions. the permit holder is supposed to have six security guards working every saturday night, but only five were working that night. and since then, i believe deputy director as a veto has only received proof of three of them having guard cards. and i believe and one of only two of those were active. so that is not great. and those will those will be grounds for the suspension that we're going to be issuing for this weekend. additionally the
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permit holder is required to conduct id checks, bag checks, pat downs and wanding for every patron that enters or re enters the venue. but on june 10th, they were not utilizing their metal detector or wand and then the general manager admitted that they could not recall the last time that they had actually used the wand. finally the other violations included not sending their monthly calendar of events, their security has not been wearing identical identifiable uniforms and not all of them had a state issued guard card. finally we were not able to confirm if they called 911 after the violent incident happens. so in total, you can see that these are very egregious violations. and in our follow up meeting on wednesday, june 14th, when we spoke with the city attorney, sfpd, ingleside station, this time we were joined by alu, as well as supervisor staff, staff and the
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d. 11 police liaison. and everyone was in agreement that further action needs to be taken . this business has had two shootings in nine month period and the community is very concerned. you'll see that there's 21 letters from neighbors in the file tonight under the directors report, these were submitted to sfpd. they're hosting a community meeting at 6 p.m. tonight. and so he relayed those to us to have in our files so that you could take a look. so just for current status, they voluntarily closed the business this past weekend. their plan is that they're firing all of their current staff, including their security staff, and hiring new staff. that will then apparently comply with their security plan. we do not have a whole lot of faith in that at this point in time. however, we will be issuing a suspension for public
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safety for 72 hours for the first weekend that they plan to open, which could be as soon as this weekend pride weekend, which is important. we think that they do not should not have the privilege of hosting entertainment for pride weekend . beyond that, it might behoove the committee to consider further action so we can discuss that now. we can discuss that offline to you. but the commission may want to consider having a suspension hearing for this item, which does require a lot of due process. so the soonest that that could happen would be august 1st, which sfpd is aware of. so in the interim, there will be other actions likely being taken with the help of alu that i cannot speak about at this hearing, because as you know, this business also possesses an abc liquor license. so if you have any questions for me, we will we can discuss it now. now you can also recommend
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that we take some kind of action as a part of this director's report. do we have an inspector attending that meeting tonight just to hear. we do not. okay. yes so our senior inspector is on vacation this week. otherwise yeah, but we will be connecting with sfpd, for sure. yeah. go ahead. i think at the. yeah the bare minimum, we should have them come in and that probably would be a suspension hearing. i think i defer to my senior commissioners, though. can you just remind us? so we've had one suspension hearing in my time here, and the end result was that we suspended their permit for one month. was that. yeah so our maximum capability for a suspension would be 30 days and it's just for entertainment,
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right? we can't close a business . yeah. and not that i met all concerned about the time of the hearing and i think it's probably important but just so everybody's aware, it is a almost a court room style situation with lawyers and takes it took i think about 4 to 5 hours last time. something like that. yeah yeah. it's very, very long. so we could consider even having like a special hearing for it if we wanted to either way, we need to begin working on something like that at least 30 days in advance. so. i, i'm strongly in favor of bringing them in for a suspension hearing and i think it was very helpful in terms of really enforcing the last venue and i believe in that incident that was actually a death, the one from september. no, not not with this venue, but
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for the other venue, the previous hearing. yes yes. sorry. yeah. so the precedent is set, basically. i agree. i agree. also and i think because there's due process and notification requirements, the sooner we start because we can always put the brakes on it, if there's some epiphanic significance. but but even their current business strategy of terminating all their employees is incredibly unusual and speaks to some alarming management practices. yeah so i think they're forcing us is kind of my feeling is it's going to take a while to the president of vice president's point it takes a while to get this rolling. i also did just want to provide an opportunity for deputy director azevedo to add anything if she would like, since she manages our compliance division. is there anything? thanks director weiland. yeah, actually, i don't
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think that there's anything more to add. i did assist with the narrative, so i know that most points were covered there, but other than just like reiterating that the community is very, very, very concerned. and we're hearing strongly from the other agencies that we've worked with that there is a lot of community pressure about something to be done. so yeah, i definitely think we should we should follow through with this engineering, especially because the precedent, as we've done in the past. i just will reiterate that our ability to actually have any sort of resolution that feels very punitive is, is hard. so it's but there's a there's a performative aspect of it and the process aspect that does have that does have worth. i think what you all do is incredibly important to show a track record around action for enforcement action, especially for other agencies that can do more. yeah. and then, you know, in my experience, when these things happen in and
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commissioner falzon can probably reiterate but there's a whole other bevy of other departments statewide and citywide that that have real teeth to, to do things. so we just have to do our part. so okay. um, can you remind me the owner of stratos, was there a language barrier? no. okay um. okay so do we need to vote on this, or do you have enough direction? i think it would be smart for you to can make a motion. yeah. okay is there a motion on the table? yeah. i move that we bring stratus nightclub in. for um, a suspension hearing. i'll second, um, is there a public comment on this item or. two? commissioners my name is stephanie. i don't think your mic's on. what am i?
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commissioners? my name is stephanie solano, and obviously, this is very disturbing news to see gunshots inside of club right now as consultants, we even have incorporated strategies. if there were a gun in the club and everything else like that. but obviously you don't want to have any guns at all. but i had a problematic client years ago and i sat him down and i said, hey, guys, listen, the, the, the abc is going to want to suspend you the police are going to want to suspend you. the ec is going to want to suspend you. so here's what you do and it's due process. suspend yourselves and 30 days really to me is not really long enough. okay and i hate to tell you that, but, you know, i, i encourage them to go six weeks. i told them to reformat the music, something that probably pd or anybody else couldn't tell them really what to do, how to play it. but i
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think that was part of the cause . and because the other nights they were having no problems except on one particular night, which they had a special event that they did, and that seemed to be the problematic night. but obviously i think you guys have to send a stern message out that this is not going to be tolerated. i would advise those guys to either sell their business, okay, if they can't manage it or or reformat the thing and take a longer, longer suspension, whether it's voluntary or mandatory and reformat it and take the time and find out why. because here's the problem. oftentimes times there's retaliation that comes in. so if somebody was targeted at this particular thing and i don't know all the information people come back. it's the way the street is sometimes it's retaliatory. so this place needs to cool off so that time can pass. and obviously the citizens
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that live in that area are going to keep a watchful eye on it, but they're not going to want to be in an environment where there's that kind of threat. okay. they must rather just have the place go, you know, under different management. so this is the way that i think what's going on right now. you're starting to hear about shootings in different parts of town. okay? this is something that we have to deal with. it's problematic. it's not just like it's geared in one area or the other, but we have to be a lot more mindful and stay ahead of this. okay. thank you. is there any more public comment. uh, no more public comment for this item. okay public comment is now closed. commission secretary, could we have a vote, please? yes, president lehman. hi. uh, vice president. high commissioner falzon. hi. commissioner perez. high commissioner thomas high and commissioner torres. hi. okay.
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thank you. the next item on the agenda, what. that was the public comment. the most important public comment. yeah, we kind of bundle. good point. okay. just because that's a serious thing. okay. okay. okay. thank you, president simon, we're not going to bundle the public comment. i'm going to unbuckle. okay. all right. we're going to hit the rewind button. and is there public comment on the director's report. no, no comment for the director's report. okay thank you. all right. moving on to the next agenda, item number five, report from the deputy director. thank you, vice president camino. good evening, commissioners. i'm
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sitting in for senior inspectors of reno who's on vacation tonight. so i'll be reading the enforcement report. we have received 65 311 complaints since our last commission hearing, which was a month ago. and i do have a few updates for you below, so let me know if you have any questions. the first update is about the brixton, located at 2140 union street and they hold an llp with our office . inspector fiorentino visited the brixton on friday, june 2nd at 11 p.m. to conduct a conduct a compliance check. he took a sound measurement which showed their volume to be operating at 101.8 gbc, while their allowable limit is 97 dbc. so he worked with the manager that night to bring the volume into compliance . but the manager also did not seem to be familiar with their llp permit conditions at all. so inspector fiorentino educated the manager that they must adhere to their sound limits and that the manager must also be familiar with their permit conditions. then on friday, june 9th, at 11:12 p.m, we received a 301 complaint about entertainer occurring after 11 p.m. at the brixton inspector fiorentino
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responded to the complaint at 1130 and upon arrival he did observe a dj performing inside the business. he spoke with the manager on duty who stated they had a one time event permit to host entertainment after 11 p.m. that night, which they did not. as you may recall at our last hearing, we issued the brixton a citation on may 9th for hosting entertainment with all of their doors open, causing complaints and major noise bleed and prior to that, we issued a citation on march 6th for operating after entertainment after 11 p.m. so with them having received three citations in the last three months, i'd like to ask for your guidance as to whether or not you would like to request this business to appear before the commission to discuss their ongoing permit violations. do you want to have that conversation now or at the end of the report? i think we should go through the whole report. you got it. the next update is about origin nightclub, located at 1538 fillmore street. origin holds a p.o. and an ip with our office. a three on one complaint
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was made about the business on may 5th stating noise disturbances from club goers from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. every weekend and specter fiorentino responded to the complaint late friday night on may 6th at 1 a.m. and when he arrived, the front doors were propped open. he was able to hear loud music that was audible more than 50ft away from the property plane with a heavy bass presence. he said the security looked good and the sidewalk was clear of patrons, but that the sound bleed from the doors being left open was significant. he met with the manager and asked her to close the doors, which she did. and then he noted that once the doors were closed, it had an immediate effect and made the deejay nearly inaudible. outside. he discussed the complaint with the manager and educated her on the good neighbor policy. and then another complaint was made on may 20th at 212, a m so inspector fiorentino responded the next night, may 21st, at 1 a.m. and when he arrived, he observed the front door propped open again with heavy bass escaping the club, an interior measurement showed the operating compliance sound levels, but he spoke with the manager and informed her of his previous
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visits and reminded her of the gap. she closed the doors immediately, but during closing procedures, inspector fiorentino observed patrons leaving while the dj was performing, resulting in a constant stream of people exiting, causing the noise to escape. many patrons were gathered outside the premises and he spoke with the manager about what he had observed. so she instructed her head of security to disperse crowds and she and inspector fiorentino discussed adding a sound curtain to the front door to help mitigate sound leakage. the owner has since met with the staff to remind them of their permit conditions and the gap, and has posted new signage reminding patrons to keep their voices down while exiting. origin was issued a notice of violation on may 24th for violating the good neighbor policy. number seven, which is states that the door shall be closed during entertainment. the next update is about aura, which is located at 2368 third street. this business holds an llp with our office and on may 5th, at 1007, we received a 301 complaint which described loud music coming from the business
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with doors open. inspector fiorentino responded to the complaint on may 5th at 1140, and when he arrived the front door and window were open. but just program music was playing inside. no entertainment. he spoke with the owner about the recent noise complaint, who stated he was aware of the requirement to cease live entertainment by 11. and then inspector fiorentino reminded him that the doors and windows needed to be closed during their entertainment. but on saturday, june 3rd, at 1222, we received another three on one complaint describing loud music past 11. so later the same day, but later that night, inspectors responded to the complaint at 8:15 p.m. and when she spoke with the manager, he did confirm that their entertainment went until 1145 that night. the night the complaint came in. so we issued them a notice of violation for operating entertainment after 11. and then my final update is about jackson, which is at three, two, three one fillmore street. they hold the po for indoor entertainment and a jam permit for outdoor entertainment and amplified sound on their adjacent parking lot, which they converted into an outdoor dining area on may 6th. at 11 p.m, we received a 301 complaint describing loud music outside
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inspector fiorentino responded to the complaint on may seventh at 12:05 a.m. and when he arrived, the outdoor speakers were still in operation. he met with the manager about the complaint and noted that the outdoor amplified sound was supposed to be off at ten. the manager understood that and turn the music off right away. then we received another 311 complaint on may 27th at 12:05 a.m. again describing loud music coming from the outside of the businesses. speakers inspector fiorentino responded on june 2nd at 1020 and upon arrival the speakers were stolen outside. so we met with the manager again, reminded her that the music needed to be off at 10 p.m. outside. but we did go ahead and issue a notice of violation for violating that permit condition on their permit. those are my three enforcement updates for you, but happy to answer any questions if you have them. okay. thank you, deputy director. go ahead, commissioner thomas. um one of the things that i noticed in the enforcement report, complaints about the mcdonald's at michigan
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playing loud music, and they referenced the article in the paper about the safeway playing loud music. does that safeway have a permit with us? and i realize it's a little bit outside of our purview for businesses. i mean, but it is still i think, within our purview. um uh, what in the mcdonald's one was a little frustrating because they kept forgetting, i guess, to turn off the music when they left. yeah, yeah. so, well, to answer your question, no, that safeway does not currently hold a permit from our office, but they should hold a pass permit. the mcdonald's also needs to obtain an f pass permit. but we're having a really challenging time getting through to someone who is in the position to be able to start that process. because when we go in, we speak with the management who's on site, who is very helpful and acknowledges our presence, but also doesn't have the authority to make a
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permitting decision such as that . so i were trying to figure out how to navigate that corporate structure. there has been an inspector fiorentino has documented that they have a sign in the mcdonald's breakroom that states that the manager at night is supposed to turn the music off at 10 p.m. and then the morning manager who arrives at 5 a.m. is not supposed to turn the music on until six. so they're playing music between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. but it's sounding like the night manager turned forgot to turn the music off. it played all night. and then also separately, the night manager turned the music on upon arrival at 5 a.m. on a different occasion. so it's sounding like the managers aren't following their protocols. got it. thank you for following up and trying to get some resolution. there. might take some time. realistically yeah. thank you. go ahead. i did want to raise the motion to have brixton come in. okay so that's not something
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we have to vote on, right? no oh, an agreement, right. do we? so we've just kind of changed the protocol? yes, i think any now we do. you should make a motion. i get it right. well, you did. maybe accidentally, but . yeah yes, you did say i like it then is always quick. we used to just request staff to bring them in, but i think there's been a protocol change. so i was i was well aware of that new policy change. there's no downside to voting on these things. no, i know. we want to rush to action, but is there more discussion on on any of these items? no okay. i'm still shopping for a second. second. okay i'll think for a second. all right. is there any public comment on the deputy director's report? no public comments on this item. thank you. seeing none public comment is now closed. we have a vote. please
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yes, president blackman, i vice president camino i commissioner faison, high commissioner perez high. commissioner thomas high. commissioner torres high. okay the next item on the agenda is item number six. hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. deputy director. oh yeah, i'm going to do it. lovely. i know we're switching it up today. good evening, commissioners. i will be actually introducing the consent items for today. so we have five applications of the consent agenda tonight, two of which are for a jam to ban permits, seeking to continue their current operations. one is an lp permit and two more are for one time outdoor event permits with extended duration for the jam to band permits and the lp. there was no opposition
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and southern station and central station permit officers added their standard calendar and conditions for the permits in their district. so for the two extended duration, one time outdoor event permits, therefore the clement street farmer's market and the stones town farmer's market, they are run by the same nonprofit organization, agricultural institute of marin, and both have been established for many years. the applicants conduct an outreach in advance of this hearing, and these are the results for clement street. we had three letters of opposition, two from the same person and one in support of the application. in speaking with the applicant. they also heard from one neighbor and one business near clement and fourth avenue about their entertainment . the applicant spoke to them, letting them know that the market is willing to set up the music in other locations along the market, specifically around second avenue and clement to mitigate impacts due to the complaints, we will be setting a sound limit for their entertainment, which the applicant is willing and happy to have as they want to learn
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more about how to host entertainment responsibly and in compliance with our conditions. for the stone's town farmer's market, we have received 51 letters of opposition over the weekend from the parishioners at saint stephen's church, which is located adjacent to the parking lot where the market is hosted. they asked that amplified sound does not happen during sunday service from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. only unamplified sound for this hour so that the service does not have to compete with the music outside the represent a representative from the church and the applicant have since spoken and agreed to this agreement arranged that inspectors will set a sound limit for the entertainment at the market to further facilitate the needs of the market and the church as fpd richmond and terrible stations respectively, had no additional recommendations and the strike representation is for the commission to vote to approve the consent agenda with the staff recommendation. recommend below. thank you. um. commissioners is there any
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discussion on on the consent agenda? if i could just ask, so regarding that consensual agreement between the stones town and the church, is that i know they have an agreement, but are we going to condition. yes, it's part of the conditions for their permit as well. yes. thank you. it's explicit in their condition, as usual. commissioners. okay should we move to public comment? okay is there any public comments on this item. uh there are no public comments for this item. okay. oh just a second. once in one moment, we do have a public comment on zoom. uh mary molly mulaney, if you can hear me, please unmute yourself. great and you have three minutes. oh,
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i just wanted to thank the commission and. mrs. maggie and live may for helping us. um, and this process was a little unnerving, but i just really compliment the commission on how this has been handled and sort of helping us work with the farmer's market to make sure that we're, we're all happy with the results because saint stephen's definitely supports the farmers market. um by myself shop there we have a lot of church goers who right after mass run and get their fresh fruit. so but we're very pleased with the proposed outcome of just holding back the audio. the amplified sound during our service at 1030. so just thank you to everyone that helped figure this out. thank you.
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thank you. okay is there any other public comment in the queue. no, there there are no more public comment for this item. okay. public comment is now closed. commissioners, do we have a motion to approve the permits? i motion to approve the consent agenda with staff recommendations. second, allison . secretary may we have a vote? yes. president lehman. hi, vice president. camino high commissioner falls on high commissioner perez. high commissioner thomas high and commissioner torres high. hey hey. your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with deputy director azevedo and commission secretary liang for next steps. okay. senior analyst rice, could you
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please introduce yes. the next five five permit applications on the regular agenda? yes. good evening, vice president camino and the commission. i am going to just quickly list the items on the regular agenda. the first one is an one time outdoor event permit with extended duration for summer of music. the next one is mario's bohemian cigar store cafe for an lp lp excuse me with outdoor amplified sound . next one is micro black request, an lp with which includes outdoor amplified sound . next one is portable music festival requesting a one time outdoor event permit with extended duration to host outdoor entertainment amplified sound. and that those are all of
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the permits on the regular agenda. and i'm going to introduce the first one. so the first permit on the regular agenda. this evening is for noise pop regarding the new summer of music festival taking place at over 20 outdoor locations in nine neighborhood commercial corridors on saturdays from june 24th through september second as an initiative of the civic joy fund, summer of music will feature local musicians all summer long and parklets sidewalks, plazas as well as indoors at restaurants, bars, galleries and retail spaces. admission is free. we are bringing this permit to an entertainment commission hearing due to the high density of sensitive receptors and permitted businesses in these commercial corridors. tonight's permit is actually an amendment because summer of music officially kicked off this past saturday, june 17th. we administratively approved them for that permit in order to prevent a gap in operations. before coming to our hearing
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tonight for the remaining 11 dates, noise pop is requesting the flexibility to add more locations during the run of the festival. so we are recommending that they send us any location updates on a monthly basis, emailing us at least seven days before the coming month so we can make an an an amendment administratively. you'll see in your folder their permit application, the complete list of outdoor locations with their dates and times of performance and their neighborhood outreach materials to neighbors. there were no complaints for this permit and we did not receive any recommendation from the sfpd d district stations within the response window. so we assume they have no issues with the permit. here to speak with you tonight on zoom is valvoline and stacy horn from noise pop staff are recommending approval with the conditions listed in your memo. want to bring them in right now. so stacy and val, you
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should be joining shortly. hello can you see me? yes hear me? we can see and hear you. okay. hello, everyone. thank you to commission for having us. um, we sent an overview soon before this meeting started, so i don't know if that is in the folders as well, but yeah, as you've outlined, our program started this past weekend and it was to great success for our first week and a program that was put together pretty quickly. um, we are producing this summer of music series in conjunction with the civic joy fund, and we're bringing local musicians to perform throughout nine neighborhoods across the city all summer long. um through this
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program, summer music, we're aiming to invigorate these nine different neighborhoods promoting economic growth and supporting local artists, as well as local businesses that have been adversely affected in recent years since the pandemic. and it's a chance for all of us to come together as a community and celebrate the heart of san francisco. its people and its art. so currently we are focused on nine neighborhoods, as you've said. that's on clements street , haight street, portland avenue to visit darrow polk street, valencia street, chinatown, the castro and the bayview. and each week we're featuring anywhere from. 7 to 10 business a.s and musicians playing in those businesses. each saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. so this happened, as i said, to great success this past weekend. and we're looking
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forward to 11 more weeks of this throughout the summer. um, and then do you have anything else you'd like to add? stacy we do have your presentation ready to go. would you like to us to run through that or totally optional slides you gave us that kind of just said it all. all right. chair if that's helpful. we do have yeah, we did share it with the commissioners too, but just wanted to give you the option. but no worries. okay um, yeah, so i don't know if you have any other anything else you'd like to share? i think you did a beautiful job of covering the mission, so thank you so much, stacy. yeah so are there any other questions from the commission? okay okay. thank you, commissioner thomas. so just to clear, why are events going to be happening in all of these local stations on each of
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these dates, or is it going to be different venues on different dates? we will be in each of the nine locations, each week. there may be some different differences with different businesses that are participating meeting each week, but we will be in each of the nine neighborhoods in each week in. got it. thank you. okay commissioner perez, hello. a question on your application says how many total people do you expect at your event? and the response was 44 zero. is that accurate. sorry, i can answer that. so for 40, we were more thinking of like, you know, the max performance or sorry, the max attendance at one single performance may be 40. it's kind of tricky to give a specific answer to attendees since there's a different amount of
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venues in each neighborhood. so we just put the max amount that we expect at, say, one performance. okay thank you. uh, i just had a couple of questions. the first one was in terms of staffing, how many of your staff will be at each location? yeah. so we have a what we're calling a neighborhood lead or, you know, a community manager that is based in each neighborhood. so we have nine each weekend and they are checking in with each of the businesses and all the artists performing and troubleshooting, anything that that may come up each week. and yeah, thank you. and these are all contract employees. yes through nordstrom. okay. and on the locations i see that they are taking place in in the
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american indian cultural district, the african american cultural district and the castro lgbt. q cultural district. have you reached out to any of these cultural districts since this is well within their purview. well i mean, i know that we've talked to, i think, the kind of organizing community organizations. can you speak to that? we have not reached out to those specific organizations. we've been working very closely with the merchants associations of each neighborhood, which i appreciate. i just would like, if you could, to reach out to those cultural districts as this is, like i said, this is under their purview. and whereas the merchants associations are definitely, um, empowered components in being community stakeholders, the cultural districts are as well as they're usually centering the communities themselves. yeah,
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that's a great note. we have, um, we've definitely been trying to the program artists who are aligned with the different communities as well. if, if you'd like, can i have entertainment commission staff give you information on reaching out to those respective cultural districts? yeah, that would be wonderful. if you could forward the, the direct contacts to us and appreciate it. okay. thank you. sure. commissioner perez, i follow up question. who will be ultimately responsible for managing the sound levels at each of these locations. um, well, certainly the first line is the artist in conjunction with the store managers and owners. and then we have our neighborhood lead there to, you know, help with any resolve, anything. but yeah, if there are
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any complaints coming in or the store feels that's too loud, we'll we'll those three entities would be there to manage that it might be better to have the manager be responsible instead of the artist because artists tend to want to, you know, have their music be louder than sometimes normal. majority of the artists are not being amplified acoustic only, and those that are being you know, bringing they're bringing their own amplifiers, you know, just small amplifiers. so but certainly, yeah, that is what the neighborhood lead is there to, to help with that. okay. thank you. hey, commissioners, any other comments? questions? okay. let's go to public comment on this application. none no,
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uh, public comment on this item. okay. none in the room. none on the web. the public comment is closed. all right. is there a motion? uh, motion to approve with staff recommendations. i'll second. okay. thank you. commission secretary liang, can we have a vote, please? president blackmon. hi, vice president. high commissioner on high commissioner perez. high. commissioner thomas high and commissioner torres high. okay. thank you. your permit is conditional granted. please follow up with senior analyst rice for next steps. all right. thank you so much, everybody. we really appreciate it. thank you . can we have the second permit application? i that's me. we're bouncing around tonight. you guys sure. okay the next permit
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on our regular agenda tonight is for an llp permit for mario's bohemian cigar store cafe, located at 566 columbus avenue. the reason this application is on the regular agenda tonight is because in addition to indoor entertainment, they are seeking to have outdoor amplified sound at the front of their premises. but they did not previously hold the jam permit. mario's is a long standing bar and restaurant in north beach and they intend to use the llp permit to have indoor live music as well as play prerecorded music to their outdoor dining guests due to their zoning controls. they'll be required to end the indoor entertainment by 10 p.m. and they're requesting the ability to host outdoor amplified sound daily from 12 p.m. pm to 8 p.m. they conducted outreach by sending a letter and speaking with their immediate commercial and residential neighbors about the llp permit application and they also received two letters of support. and all of this is included in your file tonight. central station had one standard calendaring recommendation which is listed below. and here to speak with you tonight is stefano stefano castellano on
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behalf of the permit holder. good evening, commissioners. my name is stefano castellano and i'm a consultant to this particular project. daniela chris wanted to be here today, but she wasn't feeling well, so she said, can you speak? and i said, i'll be there. a little history that you gave me obviously, was mario's bohemia and cigar store. mario was her grandpa, and he opened the store in 1971 after running it for a while. he put it in the trust for his son, paul. or we call him paolo, who is danielle's dad . he ran the place and there's many, many articles written about it. and people love the place for their amazing sandwiches and just the vibe they have. he entrusted his two children, dario and daniela, in the last six years, they managed
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the place and over a cup of coffee i was talking to danielle one day and i just said, you know, with the parklets outside and the music, they have these permits called jam permits. i said, they're going to convert these jam permits to band permits, which are brick and mortar permits. and since you don't have a jam permit, you might as well just go straight to the band. permit and she says, well, what do i need to do? i want to meet the requirements. and i said, well, let's do that. and the beautiful thing about this place is this is a fiber in the community. this is why people come to north beach. they want to experience the san francisco experience or the north beach experience and the mario cigar bar experience. you know, the sandwiches with the focaccia. but we also realized that that particular area, especially after covid music, is a real big part of what's going on in north beach right now. and i'm looking at other neighborhoods and some of them haven't had the success.
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but part of it is because they don't have the music and they don't have the vibe. so i would say this i put music all over the city right now. people need to keep their spirits up. we're going through tough times and these are the type of places where people can have a sandwich and listen to some music and feel good about themselves. so we're going to ask you to approve tonight and i think this is just add more vibrancy to the community that already is vibrant. thank you, stefano. commissioners. you should stay up there just in case there's any question. commissioners, are there any questions for stefano, any comments. not a one that good of a business. i mean, you killed it with the stories. so made me want to ask for a
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powerpoint presentation. okay thank you. all right. go ahead and have a seat. okay. is there any public comment on this permit application. there is no public comment on this item. okay public comment is closed. okay. commissioners can i have a motion motion to approve with staff and police recommendation? second, and send. thank you, commissioner. secretary, could we have a vote, please? yes president blackmon. i vice president camino. i commissioner falzon high commissioner perez high, commissioner thomas high and commissioner torres high. excellent the permit application is conditionally granted. please have your client follow up with deputy director azevedo for next steps. okay i think you're up again. i'm up again. okay. the next permit on our regular agenda is for a fixed place
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amplified sound permit for luxor, located at 432 octavia street, luxe fit is a gym located in the proxy lot in hayes valley, and they host all outdoor fitness classes, some of which include amplified sound. during their training sessions. the applicant is seeking to host outdoor amplified sound between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. monday through friday, but would not exceed ten hours total per day on saturdays . they'd like to have the amplified sound between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and on sundays between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m, i do want to note that monday through friday, their classes are not all day long, but rather in blocks in the morning and again in the evening and some in day classes. so the hours they're requesting would allow them to continue playing music from a single bluetooth speaker during their fitness classes. they conducted extensive neighborhood outreach by distributing over 100 letters to their neighbors. 20 letters went to commercial businesses, and the other 80 plus letters went to residential neighbors. there was no opposition to this permit. and sfpd northern station did not have any added conditions here to speak with you tonight is odom is owner yotam, israeli.
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well, how are you guys all doing? good, thank you all for meeting up. i do have a powerpoint presentation. okay. just click on here. this is the summer. one so by your appearance, you're not just a client, not just the owner. you're a client. yeah i represent. i had to work that line in a half. right well, thank you. you look like you hit the gym every now and then. okay yeah. one. how do i go back to that, huh? they're the same ones, but they just have a video on creative. stuff that i. okay okay, okay. i can make this work . okay, cool. so i'm going to start with just a quick background info by myself. so y'all don't feel like you're talking to a stranger and then i'll get back to fit. so yeah,
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as caitlin said, my name is yotam, originally from israel, but. and when i was a teenager i moved to the midwest, studied finance at the university of wisconsin, did that route for a while, did like wealth analyst retirement and work and realized that that wasn't really it for me. i realized my passion was i really wanted to help people and i wanted to help people overcome self-doubt because i had a lot of self-doubt growing up. so i got into coaching. i've been coaching for about 14 years now, moved out to us about seven years ago to pursue fitness full time. i used to manage and helped open up quite a few of the different fitness in the city, and prior to covid, i was at equinox in line for a regional management role. covid happened the traditional gyms shut down, so i ended up branching office on my own thing, which is lux fit. and as caitlyn mentioned, we are a fully outdoor training facility . we really specialize in personal training group classes . we do have open gym memberships where that allow people to come work out on their own. but this is our gym right?
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that's going out. we are going to do the body something in the park and in to me, i can't knock something, so you can know your got a little over got it. okay. all right. right. now pay your parking. well, and as i can tell about a few people dancing, obviously that video wouldn't be the same without any music involved. so music is really important for us. we are outside, so obviously having a fixed permit is really, really important for us and something that was really important for me when i launched lux fit was myself and a lot of my colleagues, coworkers, friends, different fitness professionals where like essentially didn't have a job by nobody's fault. but, you know, all the gyms were shut down. and this is a solution for those fitness professionals and for our community members to stay active, stay healthy. i'm going
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to kind of just let this play and see how it goes. cool. yeah. so we launched in december 2020. like i said, as a solution for covid. and one thing that has been really, really amazing for myself to see is we have a really amazing retention rate for our staff. we've had two people leave. one of them went to get a head strength and conditioning job in purdue and one went into real estate. but like i said, i've been in fitness for a while and i've never had a gym where like people don't leave to go to competitors because we do have such a strong community pool. so our staff is also really, really representative of our community. not only is everybody really, really local like, yeah, we do have a couple of people out in the east bay, but almost everybody lives in san francisco proper. we have a really, really diverse staff, not just in terms of background and experience and training, but also in gender, race, sexuality, like pretty
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much everything. and i know you mentioned this, but i've worked at a lot of gyms and i've never worked at a gym that's that diverse, not only in our training staff, but in our management staff as well, because we do really, really want to give everybody a voice in our community, both from our staff and from our community. so this is paula collins. she's also the head of the stanford or chief of the san francisco police department, is one of our founding members. i knew that i wouldn't. and she also crushes it in her workouts. good. so good. i got to you. wow i feel not i should have been fired. and i won't give her exact age because i think she'll be mad at me. but but paula moves really, really well. and you know, there's a recent study that 58% of us residents still don't feel comfortable in an indoor gym. we have a really, really high
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majority of our clientele that are over 65 years old and we've heard many times like this is the only place that they feel comfortable working out. and it's cool to see when it's raining, they're under the canopy, still going after it because they just don't feel comfortable in an indoor gym. so we really want to serve those that are next response by. i got to you. so philanthropy is also really big for us. we host almost quarterly. if not monthly events. we've done a big stop, stop asian hate fundraiser, blm movement, ukraine fundraiser. we're big sponsors. the lgbtq center. those are like our big quarterly events that we host every year. we also do a monthly fundraiser for different charities because as much as like we are a for profit business, but giving back to our community, both our fitness professionals and our members is really, really important to
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myself. it's really important to my team and it's really important to our gym. there's one more. yeah. so with all that said, music is really important to us. it's a little hard to work out in a room that's kind of like this, but having a high energy and you know, i will say that like we are in a really visible public area and i get that. and even though proxy is a unique concept, we have $190 wireless speaker. we try to keep the sound volume really low. we have in the past have had some issues with maybe playing some unedited music that has all been taken care of and like music is really, really important to us and is really beneficial for us to continue serving our community and i just want to thank you all for the opportunity and look forward to answering any questions. awesome. thank you for delivering not just a powerpoint presentation, but some amazing,
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amazing videos. and to see my mentor with a kettlebell. oh, you know, paula. oh, everyone knows. oh, awesome. yeah that's awesome. commissioners, is there any comments or questions. right. no okay, i do have a question. what is going to be your music programing? usually we use a spotify playlist. i have one that's like 800 songs. i just kind of repeats. yeah, okay. i was just curious if you were going to bring live entertainment, you know? so we have brought live entertainment, but that was through proxies permit and that was when we did the like stopasianhate fundraiser and the blm. but otherwise it's like a $90 bluetooth speaker. got it. okay. thank you. of course. all right. go ahead and have a seat. thank you. okay. let's go to a public comment. no okay. uh, no public
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comment for this item. all right. no public comment on this item. public comment is now closed. okay, commissioners, do i do we have a motion? i move approval with staff conditions. second. awesome can we have a vote, please? president blackmon. hi, vice president. camino high commissioner fouls on. i commissioner perez high commissioner thomas high and commissioner torres. hi. hey congratulations. your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with deputy director azevedo for the next steps. thank you. all right . yes. it's you again. me again? i'm up. okay. for the last time tonight, i believe. okay. the next permit on our regular agenda tonight is for an llp permit for indoor entertainment and outdoor amplified sound at the front of the business for micro black. located at two, three, two, three. market street. micro black is a
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boutique clothing store which also holds a type 42 liquor license and is seeking the llp permit to host indoor entertainment, such as a dj drag performances and fashion shows to promote their products. the business is also seeking the ability to host outdoor amplified sound, to play prerecorded music, to invite guests into the store during business hours. the applicants are seeking no more than six hours per day for the outdoor amplified sound, and the requested hours are included in the staff recommendations below . eq staff have already set an internal sound limit for the space in accordance with municipal police code. article 29, which is also listed as a recommended recommended condition. the permit holder conducted outreach by sending a letter to their nearby residential and commercial neighbors. we did receive three letters of opposition, one of which that was signed by eight different residents. and all of those are included in your file tonight. i've also included the correspondence between myself and the individual who submitted the letter of opposition signed by multiple people. you'll see the exchange, the messages we exchange about the nature of
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their concerns, and i encourage the discussions between them and the permit applicant. and unfortunately, the neighbors did not wish to engage in a discourse with the business at the time, sfpd mission station did not have any additional additional contact. my goodness , did not have any added conditions for the permit. and here to speak with you tonight is jules and nathan, uh, vice president. i have a disclosure. okay i just in my capacity as executive chair of the cultural district, i did receive outreach from one of the residents who i've known for a number of years and did speak with him to address concerns that he had, which i, i let the staff of the entertainment commission know about. okay thank you. okay. come on. good evening. hopefully
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that works. my name is jules and i am the owner of and founder of micro black, a little bit about myself. i have been in the entertainment industry as a performer and producer. i've been a sword swallower and a magician for 33 years of my life, touring the world extensively, amongst other things, bringing genres like burlesque to berlin, having built and run several nightclubs in berlin, in london and various other places, and also produced a lot of events, micro black was an idea that came from one of my business partners and myself while on a trip to paris. and what we do is i sell clothing and accessories and we host community building events. these events can be workshops for drag makeup. these events could be fundraisers for different
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political issues such as ukraine. we had theater play for which i think we also received a complaint. this was a theater reading made by three people with one song over a microphone, which wasn't very loud. we have tried talking to the neighbors, which they at this point refused doing. they had my phone number. we've invited them for drinks. we've invited them to all the events. the events are there to stimulate local artists, community, connect local creatives with patrons, contribute to the vibrancy of castro, which has due to pandemic, seem to be dying out desperately. we do not request to be louder than others. we have asked to just have a small speaker outside, such as all the other neighboring business and shops have, for example, all we this is what the store looks like, by the way. and at the
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back of the space you see that there is next to the bar, that there is a little space that we call the social club that also acts as a stage. we have hosted events and concerts and would like to continue hosting events and concerts. we normally do three times 15 minutes by 1 or 2 musicians, very rarely more. we haven't had any more. one of them was a local musician named kippy marx, who was a violin player who played two sets with one violin, with one amplifier, 2 or 15 minute sets with the violin, for which we also there was seven people in the audience by the way, for which we also seem to be getting complaints. all kinds of sound measurements have been applied. it's my
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eighth language. english is my eighth language, so i sometimes might make mistakes. i think there might be a video where you see the sound being recorded and this is what it sounded of like and this is what we receive numerous complaints about. i believe. and that was that i find that life, entertainment is extremely important for the local community, for artists, community. we like to give space and a platform to develop acts and promote musicians. i do not take any of the of the money from entrance. all of the money goes to the musicians and it is crucial for us to keep entertaining and alive. and that was pretty much it. thank you. okay. thank you so much, commissioners, is there any questions or comments? yeah so
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i'm sure you've seen the comments from neighbors you attracted a lot of opposition. i did not. unfortunately see any comments from the neighbors in writing. okay. you haven't seen them. so there were a number of letters from residents with significant concerns about about the noise. as you know, you're here in part because you've been operating without a permit. and so we're glad to bring you in and start this process. yes, but it's clear that the relationship that you have with your neighbors is not very good at this point. i would say based on the letters where they feel like you've operated in in bad faith that you've promised things that you haven't been able to deliver
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and that, you know, they're their writing in and in some of the strongest opposition. honestly that i think i've seen in in some of these letters, you know, many things that come in front of us get get opposition. that's not unusual. but these are very detailed. and so in particular, just sort of how would you to engage differently with them at this point? what can you do to minimize the impact of sound on other residents in the buildings and sort of how do you plan to do things differently moving forward? just to point out all of the events that we have had, we have had daily permits for each and single one of them. so i would like to kind of state that it's possibly not entirely true. we have not hosted any
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unpermitted events. secondly i have offered to be available. everybody has my number. i have offered to hear their complaints . as you heard earlier, nobody wanted to actually talk about this face to face with me. we have spent a bunch of money on different sound isolates, equipment such as foam based traps and so on and so forth. but it is a very new business. i only opened in december. we tried to buy things as much of soundproofing as possible, but there are limits to what i can make as an artist myself to be able to feed this business. i am fortunately not quite able to completely sound isolate the room which i would love to have done, but these things cost a lot of money and i work completely out of my own pocket . everything's driving the opposition, which i think from what i heard from one of the neighbors, he does not want to
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have any events happening on that block, events period. nothing at all. and i think possibly because people were used to living there during pandemic when there was not a single person on the street, i think they did get used to living in complete silence. we are, however, running our business in the middle of market street with three very large clubs outside. so i'm having a little bit of a problem seeing how a store can be causing so much drama. i think it's one person talking to everybody else and kind of trying to gang up a little bit together, but without without storefronts open, the area will be dying. sure do you think you can mend fences with these neighbors or do you think. i absolutely think so. i have invited them to events to see for themselves. i do not think that kp marks could be heard
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three doors away or anywhere at all. that was the violinist. that was the violinist. so and we don't. and that was pretty much the loudest we've had. so we have a capacity of 49 people, all legal capacity of visitors, including the people who were there. we don't really know how else to help the situation. i'm very open to keep inviting people, also offering them spaces to create. i know that there are musicians living upstairs from us. i am very happy to offer my place as a place for artists to meet that is what we are all about. if there are any suggestions, we're very, very happy to hear them. okay. um, deputy director, do you want to. i did just have a comment to make. to your point, commissioner thomas, that the applicants were forwarded a redacted version of the letter that was signed by the eight
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neighbors on april 10th. so just for context, this application has been pushed numerous times. so they were supposed to originally come to hearing in april, and that was pushed to the opposite then. then we had a cancellation in our hearing and may. so that was pushed and then unfortunately there was the did not repost to the public with ten days. and so that pushed them to today. so this has been in the queue for a couple of months now. so time has passed, but the initial letter of opposition signed by eight neighbors was in fact shared with the applicants just for your awareness and just deputy director, may i ask just a follow up in terms of the permitting from the your email correspond, since you talk about the working to bring them into compliance with the llp and required permitting, they showed that they didn't know they needed a permit and what the hours of entertainment were and just sort of the education process. is that accurate?
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absolutely and initially in my memo that i had two months ago, i did provide context of the timeline. and i will say that once we received a complaint about micro black, we visited them the following week. i was in touch with jules that week. we were doing intake the following week, so they did work very quickly to work to come into compliance. and they also, i can confirm, have been obtaining one time event permits for all of the events in the interim of coming to hearing today. you cannot i can. yes. yes, i can. i have a question. i don't see any letters of support. are there any in the file? i did not receive any letters of support. and i guess the question for the sponsors would be, do you did you do any outreach to community stakeholder organizations? hi. my name is nathan. i handled a lot of the most of the emails back and forth with caitlin, our outreach was, let's see, i
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distributed about 24 letters approximately i made. i actually went and found out of roughly how many residents were above us . there was a photo on the you could see all the green buildings above us. that's basically all the residents i talked to every business below them and got a rough idea of how many residents were above them. and i dropped them in the mailbox because it's all gated, so i couldn't really access that at so that's about 15 letters i delivered at no at least 15 letters i delivered to the residents. and of course, we reach out to all the businesses as well that weren't near us on either side and any of the organizations, the community benefit district, the merchants association, the cultural district. you reached out to all of them? yes we absolutely did. we are in touch with all of the above because the meeting had been moved several, several times. several people were not able to be here because it has
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been going for the back and forth with dates has been happening a lot. and i felt like i did not really want to bother people anymore than we already have. also, you said there is a letter of recommendation from the owner who of the space that we're renting from that is in every time i've applied, i've attached that letter. i'm not sure if that counts, if that's a letter of recommendation or if that's something called something else. i'm not sure that's a letter of permission to use the space for the one time event. and i'm not sure that that was shared with me. if it was being probably not separately. no okay. then it would not have been included in the file tonight. yeah. i just want to clarify also, i don't believe that there was any outreach done to the cultural district of i'm looking at our records correctly. the only outreach we received, as i said earlier, was from the residents . i just put in the file what
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you shared with me. yeah okay. so apart from our immediate residents, the letters distributed were to the emergency association because we are members. and so every time there was a meeting, we would hand out letters to people we interacted with. and did the cma endorse you? they sent a letter. you said they send a letter of support. no, no. commissioner perez. hello thanks for coming in. you mentioned your phone number is available to the public. and is it posted on your website so people can access it in case they did not get the first time? it is very, very easy to find. it is posted all over the place. okay. and they're also business cards that are being handed out with my personal number on it. are you able to answer the call if somebody has a 24 seven? yes. all right. wow. 24 seven. okay thank you. we run a small business. we're available 24 seven. i have a question for staff in the, um, in the file,
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it looks like the neighbors were in contact with the supervisors office. was there any. was there any conversation that the supervisor's office had with the staff? no no. we were received on messages, but there was no interaction between myself or any other city agencies. in fact, mission station pd officer had never even actually oh, no, this one. he did respond, but no added condition. so they did they did review and approve this one. okay, great. thank you. all right. is there any other comments or questions from commission members? okay you can go ahead and have a seat. thank you. thank you. all right, let's go to public comment. hi my name is evan chernoff and i'm a resident of two, three, two, one, market street. the unit
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directly above micro black. i want to be clear that i, as well as all the members of my household, object outright to the idea of ongoing live entertainment. at two, three, two, three market. i want to first discuss the building being affected. this is a mixed retail residential building. the castro from 1910, which has little to no insulation or soundproofing. this building, according to the city's own records, historical resources and testimony, testimony from neighbors included in this application has been used with retail in the bottom and housing above, which are now currently rent controlled rental units since 1910. to be even clearer, this building was never and has never been intended or used for hosting daily or even weekly live entertainment. from the very beginning, the applicant has severely impacted our quality of life. any event being held in micro black is essentially being held in our apartment as there is no sound insulation or other amenities typical in a building intended for live entertainment. i want to point out that due to the current commercial rental crisis in the city, there are locations even on this block that would be more suitable for the type of
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business micro black is proposing. micro black has exacerbated this by repeatedly going well over the sf noise curfew law and violating the hours for temporary permits awarded previously by the entertainment commission, the 311 reports, and our households testimony demonstrate this as recently as yesterday morning. that's monday morning. people from micro black were on the side of our building loudly talking and laughing at 4 a.m. directly under residents windows . this is a very hearing has been pushed back now multiple times due to micro blacks inability to follow the public posting process. micro black was never and remains not serious about working with neighbors in a way that is consistent with the good neighbor policy on which this permit is predicated. my all household is composed of people who have worked in san francisco nightclubs and parties . i work on the i worked on the pink saturday party that occurred in the castro and pride weekend of 2015. my roommates previously in the performingr arts, including one as an entertainer at the oasis nightclub. we are not wealthy condo owners using the city to obstruct change for the sake of it. we support the arts in a
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vibrant castro in san francisco , but awarding further privileges to a bad actor and destroying the livability of rental units in the city. one of the worst housing crises in shortages in the world is unconscionable. furthermore, i worry what kind of precedent the commission would be setting for this corridor in similar places in the city by allowing this luxury business to drive out renters and older rent controlled buildings. my household and neighbors are united in condemning this proposal. i want to ask you, if you not reject a proposal with the neighbors, do not think the applicant can act in good faith. the livability of affordable housing is at stake. the applicant has documented issues with being a nuisance and operating of the law in the building has not historically been used for this purpose. what will you reject? thank you. high commission commissioners. my name is james baldock. i live also above the unit, above micro black. the as my roommate explained it is a building built in the early 1900s. it turns the
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unit above where we're at into a loudspeaker. whenever they have any amplified sound. so it disturbs our living. i encourage you to deny their permit for amplified sound. you know, it's an older building. it lacks insulation. and, you know, obviously we're intense about this situation and they've been adequate to work with with several times when we've asked them. thank you again. okay is there any additional folks for public comment? uh, there does not appear to be any more comments for this item. okay. thank you. public comment is now closed. closed. okay commissioners. i have a couple of comments. i'm sure you do.
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you know, the unfortunate thing here and i've seen this time and again and i actually referenced this a few meetings ago, this to me sounds like a really interesting and very viable business model. that said, i think unfortunately, you may have chosen the wrong spot and all too often we see great business models that are well intended that bring great enrichment to the city, but they land in a spot that's just not a good fit for them. this is my view. i'm not speaking for anyone else here. so no, i. i think that's where i'm stuck. and to the applicant's point, unfortunately and completely understood, they aren't in a position, at least currently to do a lot of robust soundproofing , which i'm not even sure i'd even recommend because this is an incredibly old building and it would probably be very cost prohibitive. i think the sad part of these situations is all
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too often the things just get too far along. i mean, i saw the build out. you've invested a lot of money into this. it's a very impressive looking place. i also think, again, these are my opinions. had you applied up front, perhaps we could have gotten in front of a lot of these issues before this epic investment was made. and i think . it's unfortunate, but i'm going to have a very hard time supporting this application. i. dovetailing off of what commissioner lieutenant paulson said, i also agree that this sounds like an interesting concept. i also very much support it. thriving arts and entertainment, especially in the castro that said, i think that
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there was this good neighbor policy is there for a reason. and i think there was opportunity there to establish relations in a way that made sense and is conducive to what is a very delicate eco system that exists within our city, especially along entertainment corridors and with possible zoning changes on the horizon for this neighborhood. and i agree that there's also all the more reason that we have to be delicate and intentional about who we grant permits to. and if they've done their due diligence in good faith to observing, keeping this ecosystem viable and not making it more difficult for other permit holders and residents. okay. oh go ahead. i
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have a question for staff. do we do we know if there are other places of entertainment in this block? i'd be happy to pull up the permit map. but yes, i believe that there are two poles in the immediate vicinity. if you give me just a moment, i can confirm that it's also in the same building or the same structure. yeah. there any on that side of the block? i mean, bows on the other side of the block, face or cafe cafe. yeah. down at the end. okay. but how about in the immediate structure or immediate in the big green building. no, not in the big green building. if i can just ask staff what impact, if any, would if hypothetically, strictly hypothetical. i'm not trying to suggest anything, but if this was denied, what does that do to them? applying for one off permits? we are only able to issue 12 per calendar year. so it limits them to 12
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per calendar year, which they've already utilized. i could not confirm how many, but i want to say it's three potentially for they've already utilize. yeah. okay. it might be useful for me to read into the record what the grounds for denying an application would be because they usually set a pretty high bar since this is a first amendment activity, let me know . okay. i'm happy to read that into the into the record. so the entertainment commission shall grant or conditionally grant a limited live performance permit pursuant to article 15.1, unless it finds that one, the premises or the proposed operation of the business does not comply with the health zoning fire and safety requirements of the laws of the state of california or ordinance of the city and county of san francisco applicable to the business or to the establishment does not qualify
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as a limited live performance. local three the presentation of live performances at the limited live performance locale will a generate the type and volume of vehicle and pedestrian traffic that will cause substantial congestion be adversely affect the safety and security of persons. see impede the orderly dispersal of individuals and traffic or otherwise substantially interfere with the public health, safety and welfare, or the peaceful enjoyment of neighboring property due to excessive noise or any other factor. the commission may impose conditions on the permit, including a security plan or time, place and manner restrictions if necessary and appropriate to guard against these adverse effects. the limited live performance permit is subject to article 29 of this code regulating noise. so i just wanted to call that to your attention because there's only one ground for denial here that i can see that's relevant, which
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is that the this line right here , that's right. otherwise substantially interfere with the public health, safety and welfare or the peaceful enjoyment of neighboring property due to excessive noise or any other factor. i think we could also leverage the health code. i think chronic noise is a health we well, you would have to you would have to include the department of public health in a finding like that. what you're asking us to do by reading that so i'm just asking you to contemplate the findings. and but we have one that i'm on a solid ground with, but i'm just saying i feel there's others. but to your point, we're certainly not subject matter experts. right. and just so you're aware, we did set a sound limit at this location in accordance with article 29, which is fairly low given the fact that the building is old and it can't hold sound. the way a nightclub could. i might argue that the and thank you for
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reading that. i think that the already sort of pre flouts of the good neighbor policy doesn't leave me with a sense that that it's going to improve based on the trajectory that things have been on. um can i ask a question in terms could you remind us for the llp, they are asking to be able to host entertainment until 11:00, 11 p.m. daily would be the allowance days a week. that's just the general broad stroke of the permit. so it's possible to restrict that down and you can get creative with conditions, right? so you can in terms of time and the outdoor amplified sound is a maximum of six hours per day in accordance with the standing jam permit conditions. okay. to clarify, sorry that may have been confusing. they did not hold a jam. it's just consistent. okay, great. okay. okay commissioners,
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are you guys open to entertaining restrictions around the timing and the days of operation within the llp. yeah, i mean, it's, you know, there asking. so they currently are not doing outdoor amplified sound, but they're asking to start doing outdoor amplified sound. right correct. and yes, technically that's how that should be. thank you. and also the indoor llp, which in that neighborhood goes until 11 unless we put criteria on it and that's seven days a week. so i feel like, um, yeah, i feel like where we were at the last meeting where it's sort of like there are, there are technological problems and their
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communication problems and their technology fixes their communication fixes. um but i mean, i think my, um. i, i think my preference would be to potentially put limits on the indoor hours because it seems like that's what's generating currently generating the concerns around the rental units being unlivable. and so i'm wondering if a 10 p.m. limit on the sound might be more reasonable from the perspective of the residents. let me take a shot at one thing that usually doesn't land very well. what about the possible city of continuing this? allow the applicant to meet with neighbors . i would much rather see a collaboration of the business and the neighbors create conditions than all of us do it
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with this limited amount of information. i mean, i appreciate what you're saying, commissioner thomas, and i think you're on the right track, but i certainly don't want to put these two individuals on a spot. wouldn't be proper form anyway. but i don't want to create a situation where we're asking them, hey, what do you think, a 10:00 that's not fair to them. and really what i'm suggesting is if there was an audience to continue this, it really puts the onus where it belongs. and that's what the applicant to advocate to the best of their ability, what their business model is, what their capacity is, and to work with their neighbors. and i ideally this would have happened long ago, but it hasn't. and then would this create a timeline problem as far as i mean, they can continue applying for asking about the one times is that the well i'm talking about continuing tonight either to the call the chair or to staff allow the applicant to work to the extent that they can if they come back with nothing, then the ball is back in our hands and we're very capable of making the
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decision. but then we've exhausted this. the next hearing date. i just want to mention would not be till july 18th. so there is about a month to hash it out based on our schedule. and then may i ask director rowland, can i ask the commission a question about what if in the event that the parties do not you're saying if they do not want to entertain, i have a sense it's not going to be successful. but i think it's worth a try. and i think i think it's yes. okay. i do just want to mention that this application has been in the hopper for more than two months with the ability for that to already have occurred. okay okay, great. i think one thing, we're really good at is giving that last dollar brand time and again and because i think we're at the breaking point, at least as i'm seeing it, unfortunately, as much as i'd want to be july 18th, i'm going to be in europe. so unless we're having there, so am i going to the same place? maybe yeah. are you? we'll still
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have a hearing. can't be here. yes commissioner thomas. just. and this is a comment to the neighbors. it's very clear from the letters and the correspondence that we've been given that you and i don't necessarily just mean the two of you who are here, but collectively, the neighbors feel like there's no good faith left and that there is a desire to not engage in a conversation. but from our perspective, i just want to say that makes our job a lot harder. and i would strongly encourage the neighbors to allow the entertainment commission staff to convene a conversation on an end. and for everyone to come to the table in good faith . i think, you know, as the
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commission, we do want to be able to give permits and allow people to add music to their businesses. and we're also responsible for the you know, for making sure that it fits into the community and the neighborhood where it's located. so just yeah, i would encourage the neighbors and the permit applicants to engage in good faith around this. all of which is in support of commissioner owens recommendation. i have a quick question for staff. is that is it possible for staff to convene a conversation between parties and. yeah and also, i just want to add to what you said, that once this business is under our purview, then we have a system to monitor the sound limits and do city ations and
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bring them here. if there's more violations. so please be assured that will be also monitoring the situation in okay. are we voting on a continuance or it's up to do you have to set a motion and we have to take we already took public comment so i'll make the motion to continue the call. the chair or staff, however you want to do it. that's maybe staff because since you may bring parties together, you would be able to tell us best when to put it back on calendar. understood second, great. can we have a vote, please? uh okay. um, just. just a quick note that president biden is not here anymore. so vice president camino i. commissioner falls on i commissioner perez. i commissioner thomas, a and commissioner torres. i okay.
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thank you. um all right. you'll be following up with the commission staff. i think we will be with deputy director acevedo and a commission director will land. okay all right. now we're ready for our fifth and final and i believe senior analyst rice. yes. okay so for the last permit on our regular agenda this evening, we are hearing from goldenvoice regarding portola music festival. now in its second year at pier 80, the festival take place this year on saturday, september 30th and sunday, october 1st, from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. like last year, the event will have four stages featuring djs and bands that are well known. international touring acts. their current lineup includes skrillex, nelly furtado , thundercat, major lazer and many, many more. they're expected total attendance is 4000 40,000 people excuse me, golden voice is partnering again with non plus ultra on producing
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this event. the port of san francisco has conditionally approved the event pending final approval from the port commission and issuance of their special event license. if approved, their one time outdoor event permit would allow goldenvoice to host extended hours of outdoor entertainment and amplified sound on both of those days until 11 p.m. they are also requesting to hold soundtrack soundchecks sporadically on september 27th, 28th, 29th, between 12 p.m. and 10 p.m. and on the event days between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. go given the large number of sound complaints we received last year from sf residents as well as those across the bay and alameda , ec staff have been working closely with goldenvoice and non plus ultra to proactively address potential sound impacts and neighbor communication gaps used lessons learned from last year at the first time event as well as best practices shared by rec and park from permitting outside lands. goldenvoice has
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come up with a plan to improve sound mitigation and neighbor communication channels this year . goldenvoice will share this plan in detail with you shortly. like last year, our inspectors will be working with goldenvoice during the soundcheck to determine appropriate sound levels for the event. when setting their sound limit, inspectors will take into consideration the closest sensitive receptors and work with the permit holder to determine mitigation efforts by the areas most impacted by sound. now different from last year and similar to outside lands, the permit holder will have a hotline and a call center available for neighbors to call and speak with a person in real time about any questions or concerns. there will be five sound sound monitoring terminals to take ongoing sound measurements during sound check and the event itself. four monitors will be set up in san francisco and one terminal will be in alameda, the call center and sound monitoring terminals will enable festival staff to check their sound limits
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throughout the entire event and make as needed adjustments to sound levels in real time. you will see in your folder there permit application. there slide deck with an overview of the event, their security plan and their sound plan, their neighborhood outreach letter and map. we received four complaints for this permit, two of which were from alameda. they are in your folder and although we did not receive any recommendation from bayview station within the response window, we assume they have no issues with the permit as they have been working closely with goldenvoice in planning phase for year two. here to speak with you tonight is aaron bilbo from goldenvoice . thank you so much for the introduction. sorry, real quick, staff is recommending approval with the conditions listed. the memo forgot to mention that. lovely. thank you for the clarification and thank you again for the introduction and thank you all for hearing us tonight. so goldenvoice and npu put on events all over san
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francisco and the greater bay area throughout california and across the country. and all of these events are incredibly different for lots of different reasons. but one reason and a reason that i love working with this team is that no one takes for granted that each of these events is an opportunity for us to learn and grow and make sure that each of our events is better than the last. so i think that it's safe to say by putting on portola first year festival on a site that is not tradition only used for these types of events, and especially not this scale of event. it was a learning experience. and so just after, as it was mentioned, we started debrief meetings with all of our city entity partners, including the entertainment commission, the san francisco police department, san francisco fire department, and the port of
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san francisco to work on how we can grow. and if given the opportunity, how we can put on a better event this year than we did the last. so i want to start off just going through what's going to be new for 2023, keeping all of that in mind. thank you. and one of the biggest things as noted of to take sound concerns into account , we're bringing on an expert festival sound system designer and engineer. he is actually already started consulting with us. his name is dave rat. he works with sound and he's been working with us on on how we can reconfigure our sound system and additionally how we reorient our stages on our site. we'll get into a little bit more detail on that here in just a second. we've also brought in a sound monitoring group, the review group, to put in those sound
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monitoring terminals that dylan mentioned. we've expanded our community outreach. we are expanding not only in just physical reach, but also frequency. and again, we'll get into a little more detail on that. and we are expanding our community outreach program, including we're hosting some panels with the help of our internal diversity equity and inclusion team. and we are also working on an a job fair, same as we did last year, but expanding that as well. some details that we're not going to get super in the weeds on, but i do have the supplemental slides at the end for or for our refined traffic plan in particular in regards to our rideshare air zone and our shuttle program and our increased crowd manager presence before getting into more detail on all of those things, for the
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most part, we're going to look at just the high overview. so our festivals taking place on september 30th and october 1st this year between 1 p.m. and 11 p.m. we are looking to have a sound check on a few days before starting september 27th through the 29th, and then sporadically in the morning of the event as well. our event capacity has increased to 40,000 per the approval of san francisco fire department in our event will be 21 and up again this year as well. so looking at our updates site map, just going to call out a couple of things in particular , the one being that that our we've added an entrance. so last year we had two we have an additional entrance now that is going to help with our ingress and egress flow on the site in general. and then i want to call attention to our stage within the warehouse. we have
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completely reconfigured that. so last year it was on the western side facing east and we've changed that. so that's on the south side, facing north. so that's going to open up more doors for our ingress and egress within that building. and additionally, we're hoping it will terminate more sound on the north side of the building. and then with the existing infrastructure for just outside of that warehouse and then looking at our main stage, it's another one of the bigger changes, just shifting it a little bit to the north so that we're terminating more sound on that north shed in the corner and we'll get into a little more detail on that with some more pictures. but then the other two stages just shifting slightly so that the sound is terminating within the temporary infrastructure that will be implementing. to touch on more community relations quickly. so just before we even announced we
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went ahead and send out an initial email to our portal and neighbors list, which is the list that we put together from last year. and additionally, we reached out to alameda and talked to the city of alameda and alameda pd on how we could better help them make their citizens aware of what was going on and how we can help quell any of their concerns. since our announce, we did another round of physical firing or an initial round of physical firing throughout bayview. potrero no valley, the dog patch, twin peaks to make folks aware of this hearing. and we also sent out an initial email, including that same neighborhood letter to our email list of complaints from last year, again, to make them aware of this, our website is currently live and so is our email that is just our info at
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email. so we're already accepting any emails to that. and then as mentioned, we're going to have a hotline. again, this year. it's going to have at least 2 to 3 staff that will be answering throughout the event in real time. i mentioned working with our internal diversity, equity and inclusion team. so hosting a career panel for youth within bayview and adjacent neighborhoods and additionally hosting a job fair as we did last year, of course, hoping to expand that and having we had at least one vendor there, but hoping to have more vendors participate this year as well. and also just want to note that for our food and bev vendor food and beverage vendors, half of those were local organizations and we will be keeping at least that same amount and hope to expand again this year. so we've talked a little bit about sound
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mitigation. i mentioned the review group and dylan actually mentioned the five sound monitoring terminals. we are planning on having four of those within san francisco and then one over in alameda. that map just shows us where the addresses that we were provide added the most complaints came from and as mentioned, again, we'll have a roaming db reader, at least one. and then also with the help of the entertainment commission, more folks that can go and actually physically check these locations as we are receiving them. and again, we've already adjusted the stages which we can take a look at again here to make sure that we're mitigating on the front end as much as possible. going to run through quickly the noise complaints and just what's kind of changing from last year and just from top to bottom. so when someone wants to place a noise
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complaint, they can go to three three, one, one and with the help of caitlin, she is accommodating us, putting some specific messaging on the app and their website that will direct folks to our website and or our community hotline so that they can have someone to talk to in real time. the hotline, as we mentioned, will lead to the call center where we'll have at least 2 to 3 staff and ordering in real time. and if they are already engaged, we will give them the opportunity to send us an email or they can leave a voicemail message that we can then reply to. we'll be looking for more detailed information from them this year, which is we were looking for specific location, but as specific as they'll give us. and then also what type of noise is bothering them and then we'll be looking for follow up information as well. so once we receive that, that's going to go directly to
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the our community relations specialist, darren carroll, and the noise sound monitoring group, who is going to be able to look at in real time where that complaint is close, the noise term or sorry, the sound terminal that it is closest to. so that will then be reported to our director of production who will work with dave rat, our audio engineer on checking in on the next steps, which is determining which stage is the source. again based on where that complaint is coming from. and then we'll be determining what type of frequency the complaint is and taking a look at how we can remedy based on if it is a low frequency. so a low bump, bump based kind of noise or high frequency and adjusting from there. so i'm going to show
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a couple of maps and i'm going to explain this the way that dave rat explained it to me in the most layman's terms. but essentially what we're looking at on this map is the prediction of what was happening last year in 2022, specifically with our subs. and so the way that that noise was being delivered out into the world, he related it to a hose that is just an open hose and it has nothing preventing it from going anywhere. it's just in one direction, one big source. and so if we look at the following map, we are looking at the changes that we're implementing for this year, which is essentially putting a sprinkler on that hose and so we're going to be, instead of having one large sound source, we're going to have a lot of smaller sound sources that are consolidating our sound to where we want it to be on site. and so you can see the red is where
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we're getting the most sound and then it's getting less and less as we get into the yellow, green and lighter green. and then this this other two graphs kind of just show that exact same thing that you can see in the green box. that's the sound levels on site. and then the red is the sound levels site and those are lowering and i feel like i'm probably over my time, so i'm going to leave the recap up. but obviously, thank you all so much. again for the time and with any questions you have, we're happy to address them. thank you so much. this was really thorough. um commissioners. thank you for doing all this work and putting so much time and energy into this. i'm hopeful that i don't get calls from my friends in alameda this year. we are too.
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so so yeah, i'm excited to see whether this what kind of a difference this makes both in terms of people being able to reach someone in real time and your responsiveness on it and yeah and i hope that the sound design is effective and the sound mostly stays where you want it to stay. so so yeah, i really appreciate all the work. i appreciate also your mention of having narcan on site with your medical providers. so thank you for that. to absolutely just one question. so. 311 people in alameda can't call san francisco 311 is there for or are you going to be publicizing the hotline number for alameda? correct. and we've been in touch with the city of alameda and alameda pd and we'll be giving them the same type of language
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that we'll be giving 311 that will just direct them to our hotline instead of any other place. got it. thank you. yes alameda county and i would encourage them. they could download the app. oh, copy. great app. oh, the 311. san francisco 311 app. yeah. which is excellent. anyone can. make a complaint through it. that's really good information. it is. it's really good. it doesn't apply so much to you is you can upload photos which is oh, as a city resident, i mean if there's garbage. yeah, that's great. and they'll assign a case number to it because it is important for us to get the analytics. so it is true. and they'll also get the pop up message about the hotline to all three and one will get that. so perhaps we could message that as because, because might as well dive into my question. were you done? go for it. i haven't done this to you all night tonight. just know it was fascinating. i learned something you use a perry mason line, you open the door. i can't wait to hear what alameda said
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when you phone them. so you called the government of alameda ? oh, we did. and we spoke. you got to. it's not by name, but by position. i do know their names and i do not know them off the top of my head, though. but it was their chief of public correspondence or something along those lines with pd and then and both of them actually just said that one of the biggest issues was people not knowing what was going on and then them not being able to respond. so people were calling and thinking that it's the neighbors down the street and then they're sending people to go and look down the street and there's nothing happening down the street. so where is the noise coming from? only san francisco can boomerang music. yeah exactly. it's a skill, apparently, but yeah, so i think that that initial kind of outreach to them and then also they're being able to go ahead and give the word out, will be very helpful. and again, hopefully our mitigation efforts quell a lot of those complaints
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and in the first place, how far did you get with the police department? it was also there. do you remember their names off the top of your head? that was stuff knee. oh, it was the same that she was a public relations and yeah, exactly. and were they surprised that you found that you had the courage to call this ? i don't know. i think they were pleasantly surprised. maybe. yeah a little bit like okay. but sounds like it was it all was very productive. definitely great. thank you. yeah, absolutely. go ahead. hello. thanks for coming. also, thank you for the very thorough presentation. actually, i've been seeing your ad in my social media feeds, so i'm familiar with it. you're a fan. so the hotline, is that on the website? because i don't see on the website we do not have it on the website currently. we actually
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don't have the number yet, but once it is live we'll have we'll post the actual number well in advance and then it'll be live throughout the entirety of soundcheck through the end of the event. okay. so hopefully let me prominent location. yes most definitely. and then just to kind of piggyback on what commissioner falzon mentioned, maybe you can also add the link to the 3110 yeah. so that people can really quickly. absolutely. awesome. okay. thank you. yeah, of course. um thank you. yes, it was very thorough presenting. i also really appreciate your desire to use vendors, local vendors and to that. and i guess what i would ask is it's a, i guess a complaint that, you know, people have sometimes about these larger festivals is that people come in and then they leave and they don't. there's no residual commerce or invigoration for the neighborhoods that directly
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about them. and so i guess what i was going to ask is, in terms of outreach, have you communicated with stakeholder organizations in dogpatch or bayview like african american cultural district bayview merchants association, but also like the venues and bars that are directly near there and maybe like advertising because it ends at 11:00, correct? correct. so on your way out. yes. this hit third street. yeah, that's actually exactly what we're planning on doing. and we actually made a lot of outreach last year to bars up and down third street and restaurants. and some of them just didn't have the capacity to stay open past their regular hours. we did work with harmonic brewing on expanding their hours a little bit, but yes, that is 100% something that we are working on. and then additionally, we did work with into action last year and we plan on working with them. and again this year the bayview merchants association also we've
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reached out to i actually don't recall if we've heard back from , but would be happy to follow up with them as well. to get further suggestions. and if anyone has further suggestions on other, it may be just organizations that we haven't been in touch with yet or is just not on our radar. we be totally open to reaching out to them as well. okay um, i. yeah. thank you. yeah of course. okay. thank you so much. you can have a seat. all right. is there any public comment on this permit application on. i can't come to one of these and not talk. hi, everyone. my name is jordan langer. i'm the ceo of non plus ultra. i just want to say thank you and a special thank you to goldenvoice. last year was the first time that we did a show of this size out at pier 80. and although there were some noise complaints and a couple little issues here and there, it was a overall a very, very, very successful event and incredibly
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excited to have the opportunity , hopefully to be able to do it again this year. and bringing 40,000 people to san francisco, that will hopefully drink at the bars and spread commerce around the entire neighborhood. so thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. thank you. ever spoken? anybody else? okay, go ahead. so we have one caller on zoom that has their hand raised. so i will i want alameda pd to call him. oh god. hysterical caller. if you can hear us, please unmute yourself and you have three minutes. please state your name. yes my name is bill holtzman. i made comments after the concert a year ago and that there's probably no point in relitigating what happened a year ago. and what i heard just now is encouraging. but but per the previous caller, it wasn't just a little noise problem. um, it set records for 311. i think
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the number of calls is about 100 103 or 130. so it wasn't just a little problem. i live in corona heights and i could hear the low level bass night and day and all parts of my house out side everywhere else. and that's a share of a few headlines from that, which was from crime patrol. the music festival caused us noise complaints in alameda from katy view at the patrol festival criticize over noise and crowd control and from sfgate the good, the bad and very ugly of san francisco's patrol officers. so i just wanted to put this in context. it was not a little problem. it was a big problem. and again, i'm in corona heights. i'm for miles from the venue. you can check it and it was very pleasant, very obnoxious and unacceptable. so i wish you the
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best. i hope you deliver. as promised, i can say that previously the entertainment commission did not cover itself with glory. something looking forward to a better experience. thank you. thank you. okay is there any additional public comment. there is none. okay. public comment is now closed. commissioners, does anyone have a motion? i move approval with staff conditions. second uh, commission secretary liang, we have a vote. okay. so we have vice president camino. i commissioner files on a commissioner perez. i missioner thomas i and commissioner torres. i okay. your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with
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senior analyst rice for next steps. congratulations. okay. the last item on the agenda is item number seven commissioner comments and questions. okay. commissioner thomas. just wanted to say happy pride, everyone. and give a shout out to our fans . queer nightlife audience. it's producers, managers, promoters, everyone. if it weren't for lgbtq folks, we wouldn't have nearly the fantastic quality of nightlife that we have in the city. so thank you. and everyone enjoy themselves safely. please this weekend. thank you, commissioner thomas. happy pride. i'd like to echo commissioner thomas sentiments and also extend my thanks to senior analyst rice and the entertainment commission staff
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and commissioner thomas for her earlier ongoing and many years of work in in we were able to do a joint narcan training at the midnight sun in the castro lgbtq cultural district. it was a partnership between this commission, that cultural district in san francisco, aids foundation. i think it was really impactful. we wanted to have it in advance of pride, just in the same sentiment and same spirit that i share is that you just everyone look out for each other. there's a lot of there's a lot of bad stuff out there these days. i mean, we are facing a lot of things as a community, and this is something that we can control. so we can do that through education and through looking out for each other. so thank you. and yeah, happy pride, everyone. all right. and also congratulations to all of our city partners and
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community based organizations that hosted juneteenth events across san francisco and the bay area. it was a wonderful week of celebrate. so happy juneteenth to everyone and i guess on an ending note, i want to congratulate the staff for a very successful summit. i think we didn't get a chance to give you guys your flowers. it was a wonderful event. very informative. and our permit holders seemed really, really give a lot of the pain points that we heard didn't necessarily feel directed to the ec. i i felt from conversation with our different permit holders that they felt very supported and held by our staff and i just want to give a big shout out to our small but mighty staff for doing all of the relationship building with this community and really just dedicating a lot of
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hard work, especially thinking about everything that everybody's endured since this pre pandemic pandemic recovery and where we are today. so congratulations. and the happy hour was lit. that was a lot of fun at a non permitted venue. the phenomenal video. so thanks to staff for that and miss rude so good yeah and i'd be curious to see how many new attendees came to the we actually have that data that's in the survey data that we uploaded. yeah it was i think it was something like two thirds had come before and there was like a third that was new. yeah, there's a lot of frequent fliers. yeah sure. but it was, it was really a diverse crowd and i appreciated that. so congratulations, guys. thank you
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exist anymore. it is $7, the tour is two floors, (inaudible) so, each one of these frames that you see here, you can-you are and look into the story of that act, band, entertainment and their contributions to music. affordability is what we are all about. creative support. we are dedicated to the working musician. we are also dedicated to breaking some big big
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♪ la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ can i love you can i love you ♪ ♪ were you listening or whistling, our energy is chemistry and it would be a travesty if you and me would never be ♪ listen closer forget about the world and live your life how you're suppose to ♪ we can be that love ♪ ♪ but first things first, i'm a woman raise from baybochan it is♪ ♪ i am a klein woman ♪ they tried to stop us,♪ they tried to rob us ♪
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♪ la la la la la la ♪ ♪ jump on the premoi ♪ ♪ la la la la la ♪ >> so i want today share with you guys a little bit about my family, and sort of plight of the cambodian people. for those who are not familiar with the history of cambodian americans and how we first emigrated here to the states in 1975, to 1979, tlfls a genocide that took place in cambodia which resulted in the lives of 2 million lives.
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most of them were artist, diplomats or aristocrat or anybody intellectual. they want today do a cleansing and raise a new society. so many of us looked for another. after the genocide. began most commonly in the 80s, my family arrived in 1981, while america gave us a lot of hope and a new life, it also presented a lot of challenges for culturation and i think for cambodia refugees struggling with the dark history, we see ptsd and trauma and and it inspired the this next song called "belief"
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♪ don't you cry ♪ ♪ you're going to make it ♪ ♪ don't you cry ♪ ♪ you're going to make it ♪ ♪ you were day and night striving striving in this new land to make a good life ♪ ♪ boy and girl struggling through ♪ the flat land below the city life ♪ ♪ don't you cry ♪ ♪ you're going to make it through, you survived, you made it here alive ♪ dry those eyes, you're going to make it.
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♪ believe in you ♪ ♪ believe in you ♪ la la la ♪ ♪ di tara ♪ ♪ when daddy is home and kids are asleep everyone feels alone ♪ words spoken gets lost in translation, he feels the distance further further between them ♪ ♪ he wants to go back ♪ back to the mother land ♪ ♪ when he had a man, he had a plan ♪ oh the good ol' days
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about what took place in cambodian and he was the first asian of cambodian american that won the oscars for his role. when i look at his life, was a actor and also a human rights activist, and a lot of us here, especially like me, born in cambodian but spent most of my life here, i always felt that i had that duty and always awareness about what took place in cambodian. so i want to share the stories through my music, i want people to know what happens and i think while my parents's generation, they struggled about sharing their stories and what they witnessed, what they went through, it's pretty important to remember because by remembering is how we can honor all those that we lost in
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the genocide but also pray that history does not company itself. this one is about coming out of the darkness and finding that, you know, the light after the dawn. it's called "like a rose." ♪ when the dark days come ♪ ♪ i ain't going to run ♪ ♪ when the dark days come ♪ ♪ oh listen to the morning song ♪ oh listen ♪ to the whispers and
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