tv Homelessness Oversight Commission SFGTV July 9, 2023 7:00am-11:01am PDT
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forward to a very long agenda. and efficient and effective is when we want to strife for today. i like to turn it over to our commission secretary to advise the public of our comment comment policy, call the roll and read a sound producing statement >> this meeting is held in hybrid and in person at city all in room 463 and live on sfgovtv members in the public and remote will have an opportunity to provide public comment specific to each presentation members of the public who wish to provide comment remotely will be heard in the order commenters add themselves to the queue. >> will have up to 3 minutes toen comment. remotely the number is 415-554-0001, access code: 2592 287 8044 ##.
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when the item is called press star 3. wait until the host callos you to speak. speak clearly and ensure you near a quiet location and turn off tv's or commuters. thank you for your cooperation. this places you on item 2. roll call. chair butler. >> present. >> vice choir dufty. >> here. >> commissioner albright. >> present. >> commissioner evans. >> present. >> commissioner guerrero. >> present. >> commissioner laguana is excused the department of homelessness executive director is present and the city attorney adam redkey. we have a quorum.
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item 3 announcements of sound producing device ring of cell phones and electronics are prohibited here. the commission may order the removal from the meeting from the meeting room of any importance responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone or similar sounds devices electronic device. thank you. we want to ask if the commissioners have announcements. we will open up to commissioners. i have a couple of announcements i'd like to make. as we are moving forward in our meetings and you know, we have a lot to discuss today and will in the future meetings and so, as a
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best practice what i recommending for commissioners that take a deep dive in the agenda before the meeting and provide top 2 questions for each of the items. so that perhaps we can sends those questions to the staff and they can be answered prior to the makes it more efficient in our process this does not mean we will not have additional questions but send top 2 that will be helpful. >> othery item is around meetings with partial as you know we will be meeting with the public to address certain issues that they may have am we may take tours of sites and so i want to make sure we direct all of our meetings through the commission secretary. and i believe that the commission secretary will provide us with space employmented to make sure you
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were aware that we will be doing alotted of meetings. i know that many of you have been in meetings already like i have. direct those through the commission secretary. >> those are my announcements. >> is there meeting space available? >> we, i talked to commission secretary she will provide meeting space for interest meetings. >> is there a profit call for meeting space? >> we will -- all meeting requests go through commission secretary i have after the accident mail and she will arrange the location. >> thank you. are we talking about meetings with -- department staff? hsh? or broadly fiwere to sit down with 2 homeless service providers i go throughout
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commission secretary if were asked to meet with an organizationch >> i think to put it on the book if indeed you have already a meeting location, that's fine. in terms of there have been times where we need meeting location for meeting with a member of the public whom has questions. this gives us an opportunity to have that space available. the idea is to make sure that in our meeting its is in a public setting. and if you have -- meetings that are scheduled with others and there is a designated location in the public square that is fine. i think as a best practice i believe tell be best to at least through the commission secretary let us know you are having a meeting. >> for example between the last meeting and this meeting, chair butler and i had an opportunity
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to meet with jordan davis. who has been working on the eviction's policy. we scheduled a study room in the library. ure have to put your name down. we found out we can ask space. through the department. >> that clear. other questions we can have. we want to make sure our meetings are in a public setting and for history's sake that we are meeting with members of the public or department heads. we are on the item approval of minutes. >> appropriate to move approval. >> yes.
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>> any i know that we had a chance to read the meeting minutes. if there is no discussion. >> i was thinking i should have sent these e mail ahead but there are small typose should we call them out. >> on page 5. commissioner evans suggested vice chair elected from each the appointing bodies. i think it is may be my print out has it cut off. i think the word bodies is not printed out fully. says bod on my copy of the minutes. those were the 2 i saw.
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the other commissioners have corrections. any comments from the public? pertain to our meeting minutes. we'll move on to remote public comment. and there are no callers in the queue. is there a motion to approve our meeting minutes. >> so moved. >> second. >> moved by commissioner emevans and seconded by vice chair dufty. all in favor indicate by saying, aye. >> aye. >> all opposed. aye's have it. so moved.
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. this place us in our next item which is item 6. director's report. we want to thank her for her work thus far and looking forward to hearing fru >> thank you are good morning, commissioners. i will wait a moment while the presentation come up on the upon screen. >> so, welcome to the new fiscal year. i want to start off with data and updates as i well every month and these are things i can change and adapt or our team can
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change and adam. as questions come up we will listen and for the dwhaes in in we'll incorporate the answers to the questions that we have. so. all the data i present come from our main data system the navigation andent row or one system unless noted the dash booshds are linked on each slide. and centraly available in hsh data hum on our wipes. out reach drop in the may with 2, 390 engagements. out reach is the key that we have to building trust with people experiencing homelessness. many who experienced trauma or poor encounters with government and nonprofits in the pastment the was due to staffing
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challenges during the month. home will out reach team is coming in over goal of 35,000 in counters for the year. >> are there slides pertaining to your. >> yes. >> sorry. so. just on go back. the will homeless out reach team was coming in at over the contracted genome of 35,000 in counters for the year when the slide was done. this slide takes us through may. in related i wants the reprocurement for sf hot services with presentations,
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interviews intent to award a new contract this month. >> moving on to coordinatedents real assessments. those stayed consistent. as well in may with 1, 025 assessments. and moving on coordinated entry in housing place am team 100 referrals to respect everrapid rehousing supported by multidiscipline team connect shelter guests to benefits. now offers ratd rammid rehousing leading in part to the expand figure. went to the 33 cabins 9 guests became known. 25 enroll in the medical benefits with human services and
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14 connected to rapid rehousing. the unit level project is nearing completion. this work added information about all the unit in our system to the online navigation one system and starting on july first all referrals from the housing place am team go through one. this will reduce the burden on providers to report on vacancies and increase transparency. since real are complete thanksgiving project we don't have a vac analysisy tracker this month. the housing place am team started in exciting street to home pilot in june allocates supportive housing for direct place ams from the homeless out reach team from street to home. a way to get people from the street sfwo housing the pilot started in mid june and have 7 people in the first 10 days. this is an exciting effort and
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looking forward to updates on this new initiative. now our teams is looking at what worked in the small pilot. what needs to be tweaked and expect to resume and expand th program and i'm excite body it because we than people living on the street have the most trauma and to be able to move through the system that quickly without going through shelter. without worry about documentation we are able to handle that later. and also it helps with the vacant units to get people in them in a timely manner. wovnt public data resource we have available is the coordinatedent row and housing dash board. the information displayed for the first quarter of 20 tea. january to march. you can explore data back to
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2019. our new dataal be available in the next month. >> in keeping with the past months we are referring bipoc people and moving them in a similar rate to enrollment and entry we are not losing people along the way in the housing process in a disproportionate rate >> this quarter a greater proportion housed were black then in coordinated entry. tlan % were black versus 42 housed we are thinking about advancing racial equity. and data is also available by age and year. this will be refreshed new elements in the entry and housing demographic dash board to highlight the data team the data team developed first now
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compare populations served. first shows a sample of the analysis that is possible. looking at the percentage of households enrolled across the years latin a you seat percent enrolled innent row this are latin a increased in 2023 with now make up 25% all enrolled. the second shoes the second new functionality, age this is a snapshot of ages served in different stages of the coordinated entry process. in the first quarter of 2023. you see that about 21% of people in coordinated entry are older adults 26% housed are older the new features allow upon analysis to help guide work. 828 households resolved homelessness with problem
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and then moving on to the next slide. housing inventory dash board on the website with the new bat data from the unit entry project to give transparency. this will go online soon and here is a version for your reference. >> you see we have over 13,000 units of supportive housing in the portfolio. 9, 122 units of site base supportive. 252 supportive hougz. 1, 652 of rapid rehousing and 357 units of housing ladder. some of these are dedicated to specific subpopulations with 2, 081 for people chronically homelessness. veterans and 830 for youths. these are vacancies?
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no the total. emergency housing voucher close to issuing all vouchers with over 1,000 referrals submitted by end of june. referring newhouse holds based on original referral source to reissue ones that expired. late maker 902 of 906 vouchers have been issued and 649 households move in the to units. 2 thirds of vouchers available. households that have moved in, 50% were sprngs homelessness. reading slide.
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a third lived in the bayview when they applied. >> emergency housing voucher is? also known as? not rapid rehousing the emergency housing came out the end of covid from the federal government and meant to really house people as rapidly as possible. creating more units for people with help finds their own units and get people housed quickly as possible. >> we worked closely this was a
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hud program works with san francisco housing authority. basically a joint program where we needed to come up with a model and work together and hoping that the work that we have done will pave the way for us to be in better coordination than before if more vouchers come. >> they are not prop c vouchersch >> no. >> and this -- do these expire? >> they do expire and emily can give details. emily cohen the vouchers are on going if the household is not income eligible or loses it the community cannot reissue it. if it is in good standing they keep it indefinitely. >> thank you. >> the one thing we had to do was the had not pay for are the
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component. and successful in doing that that was a hard thing for communities and frankly including san francisco we could have used the dollars in other ways that is feedback we have given to hud for any future vouchers that come out. we don't know what will happen to that. >> so. and moving on to shelter. the community shelter reservation pilot started yesterdayment unhouses people can sign up by phone or web form. more upon information on the hsh website. and hotel vouchers for youth and survivors of violence launch this summer. the department is working to wind down pier 94 for trailer site to extend our wind down we moved now to a monthly agreement with the port. we are aware they need that
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space for other things. but we have a bit more time to wind that down, we want to make sure people have a place to g. we are working to winds down the south vaness safe sleep site and all guests offered housing or shelter. as. upon june 23, we had a 91% occupancy rate. and then additional updates. so there are lots of local legislation approved in the last month. we had 5 grant agreement amendments at the board for a variety of service. you see on the slide.
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what they were. we participated in the city community ambassador program hearing and budget hearing. deputy director of finance whitly will peek to the budget later in the meeting. next month items at the july 14th meeting of the board. and extension of our agreement with prove venls the family shelter and excite third degree we reached a deal with st. anthony to buy property and prove vennes to continue the service there. we are extending booking agreements for hotel shelters we set up during covid. one year through august 31 of 24 the adante the cola and monarch. we have ref viewnew agreement with housing authority to ooze 50 project vouchers at city garbedens housing site for 20
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years. resolution authorizing us to apply for the home key grant program and acquisition of 1174 folsom. the sum and fall additional legislation on the horizon that will take to the board including 4 service agreement amendments on the slide. 2 lease extensions. um -- the proposed acquisition of 42 otis and legislation to update the standards of care for city shelters. >> we are taking a new mou to the port for embarcadero navigation center a hearing on the hsh strategic plan, city contracts and a hearoth housing first model. on the stateside, late june the
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legislators released proposed 23-24 budget this include >> one billion in homeless housing assistance and prevention. to support local efforts to reduce and prevent homelessness. environment for planning and establishment of accountability for local fendzing of homelessness reduction resource across promise including to >> and approval of the expansion of cal aim to support temporary housing assistance for those housing is necessary in order to provide health care services. and includes approval of key new legislative proposals. provides additional year round civics homelessness housing and prevention. and the amount 1 billion dollars. and enabling local initiatives
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to invest in solutions to homelessness over a longer period of time of the upon veterans deploy am of 360 million in funding set aside for use as bonus awards directs 100 million to the housing and community development flag ship develop the program. multifamily housing program >> makes the 202210% cal works grant increase permanent preventing a cut in 2024 and narcotics the minimum pilot a 30 million dollars pilot to raise minimum food benefits to 50 dollars from the current min mump 23 dollars. approved proposed 375 million for cal aim for county cash flow challenges requires fundses to be repaid in the budget rear and investments in the look zone and opioid over dose prevention and
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harm reduction centerses bring resources closer to those in need. and some updates from other body the board continuum of care application in full force with notice of funding opportunity to be released in mont. there are 2 open seats the commission must appoint soon sheryl monitor staffing moving to our department and introducing the starnsd of care legislation in july. and the shelter are grievance committee is conductingal meeting in person. the next meeting on september 12 and there are 6 vacant seats on this body. >> and update from equity office we started the second series community listening sessions with groups in june. we are revitalizing internal
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resource pages. prepping for our 30 series hsh racial ecwilty staff train being in august and events for pride and juneteenth in june. finally we are hiring. we appreciate your support direct good candidates to hsh. that concludes my report >> thank you for the report. commissioners. questions? i took note of the opening of the shelter wait list yesterday. that's exciting i saw the
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marketing materials for that. i was wondering if you could explain why we call it a pilot the what is the length? what the goals we will be aiming for to ahopeful in that pilot? what will be trying to learn from the pilot? i did take note it was for 3 shelters to start. msc south sanctuary and next door are there plans to bring the navigation center in or other shelters during the pilot phase? >> the reason why we call it a pilot we are starting and work out the kinks the best way was with the 3 big shelters and figure that out while we do that we plan to bring all of the shelters online but including the and a half centers and i'm not sure how we are rolling out the pilot. emily, i don't know if you know.
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if you do could you come up? appreciate it. hi. deputy director for programs. and the pilot itself we are calling a pilot we want to roll it out slowly. make sure we are addressing all the occurrence and also bringing in the community as well as providers. to be able to do this correctly. and have the feedback we do need. in order to address the concerns that we had in the past. and so -- more detail next time and i can show you how the pilot will roll out. a time frame for it. and give bench marks and mile stones we're working to reach. >> sounds great. thank you. >> >> is this related self referral? >> i saw somewhere in the
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presentation talking about self referral pilot. >> self referral? >> yea. the same thing. >> sorry there are lots of different names. >> want to make sure i got sdwrochlt and i understood that am family maintain their own wait list at access know point sns >> that's correct. there are several >> do we have access online to the wait list for family and tai chi. do we know what the wait list length is? we know the wait list i don't that but we know what it is we can garth that information. to let you know what the numbers look like >> thank you very much. other questions. >> i have a question about the data but not this point. >> commissioner. joy if you could go deeper on the vacancies.
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and looks like we are 91%. looks likes it is significant low improved and i'm curious if i read the data correctly, >> shelter vacancies? >> yea emlow you want to take this one? >> so, am i reading the data correctly and the second is if so, do you have lessons learn in the terms how you create that. >> thank you. it is slide 14. folksment to look. the shelter vacancy number has not change today always guess xup down 89 and 92% in terms of occupancy. one of the intends out come of the self referral or newark did you tell shelter reservation system we'll get it occupancy rate up closer to 95% we hope we make an improve. on that.
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we do want to maintain a bit of a gap in the system to responded to emergencies. >> thank you. >> welcome. gi have a couple questions. i'm curious about the trends monthly. do we have any knowledge around why certain mont list is mo more placement? >> we do. i try to cover this in my report on any month if you look back over the year you might not know. sometimes a lot of what it has been is weir leaguesum new buildings or not. we had times we are not and had times where we are. if i are talking you are going back to the housing vacancies now. there were am times we have not had staffing. the biggest reason for that has been the fact that we bring so many new buildingos and so we
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have opportunities and some months to see an expansion in the numbers of people houses and sometimes we don't upon it ebbs and flows. my other question is -- you talked about retaining the federal vouchers depending on the income level if they questions of law time i don't know but kehres is there a possibility to raise the income eljinlt. >> so -- that's a complicated question. when we mix kind we have that people don't pay over 30% of income. we always need to look what is
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realistic san francisco is expensive. we are aushg wear of that. i noticed that having a lower will eligibility annual saul row to qualify. prevents people from rejoining the workforce they are aphrase of losing housing and having less income if they get a higher paid job or you know. so this is something i benched having work in the housing so many direct service staff are paycheck away from being recipients of housing service. putting that out there. joy think you said when you came back you learned they do
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encourage people to joint workforce and not afraid of losing housing vouchers if they raise their income to sustain living in the city and maintain housing. >> thank you. commissioner. can we talk about out reach and the homeless out reach in terms when is in the tool box and how is that going? and i am intrigued with the bigged going on, is there more than one bidder for this. a competitive procurement? it is competitive it is not complete i can't talk about it in public. and that's our standard practice. in terms of the out reach team we have a company things
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happening. one we have hot workers you know out already who are out and that slide is not up the tools are own skills they have water and other things for people to hand out especially when we have heat waves and things like that. in general making sure people are hydrated and engage them and build trust and working -- they have access to shelter beds and that ebbs and flows, too. we have different demands on the shelter system.
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we want to reach people in other neighborhoods where we don't have other resource. also. hot works with h sock and this pilot with street to housing is a strong partnership. when we meet people on the street we think could immediately do well in a unit and not go through shelter we're able to move them in. seeing that expand will be helpful. >> does the hot team get 311 referrals. does it -- emily can you describe that.
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under the new process with the online system it is not 337 is a phone number to the out reach team. and so hot gets a dedicated number of beds to make placements from the street through the referral process that is across the board for the shelter system for you beds available through the online or phone reservation system they are at the 3 shelters and all vacancies available that day. >> do we know the number is that something? >> we do. but all over our website and social media. >> right on the front of the website. we are excited and tools for them to bring that back. i wanted to first of all i'm
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excited about the pilots that are happening and i would recommend that we get updates every month on how those are going. i want to keep track. that's my only. >> i have one more question. sorry. and iment to commend your team for these new projects because i do see themful directly addressing the previous concerns we talked about around serving bipoc and the data incredible. thank you for your work and -- going back to the hot number i know that i don't know if this is the case or with the new changes it has been that when people call well is no answer you leave a message i wonder if -- if this is changing at all? >> go ahead. >> that is changing the one thing i'm most excited about. when you call the hot team number if you are a hot clients
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or need something. there is a number if you want to make a shelter reservation you press 4 and answered live by a 311 agent. we are going in throughout homeless response system and accessing customer service through 311 whop can putow the waiting list. or may be there will not be one you get a bed. you'd can do it online t. is on the website a simple form. you know thereupon is a button on the front page. it is is answered by a personure not leaving a message. >> i appreciate that for the human connection and how important that is. >> i agree. >> one comment for the community listening the number is
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628-652-80000. several clicks through on the website. the department may want to consider putting it on the home page >> should be on the main page >> it may be i'm not, or a link. >> okay. >> we'll take public comment at this time for we'll move to remote public comment. there are no callers. this takes us to our next item. which is general public comment. >> at this time members may address the oversight commission on matters in the commission's jurisdiction. and are not on today's calendar
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comments may be heard had this item is considered. we ask all importance making public comment state their name but this is not required. i'm jordan she, her, they, them. as we know, you have not started my clock there is a supportive housing eviction crisis. we have a situation where tenants evicted for stupid shit. the stipulation process fails. i want to say that hsh released guidelines they are inadequate
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you can't draft this in the dark and expect providers will listen. we need requirement and need to close the door on all forms of bull shit eviction. me and several other tenabilities can't make meetings working for months on the hsh document a group of people who don't always agree. but i can say from speaking with the press and survivors i noticed by other tenants many of whom i don't know and may be there are in like me that shows there are problems. one major issue the use monthly building inspection. i say that with scare quotes. i took pains to keep my room cleans. having blue hair dye on the bathtub there are property managers negligent. limit criteria for evictions and put in safe guards for a city
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fund provide and humane solutions for those not successful in housing. i seen graffiti near ocean beach close beach houses for homeless. therenies to models all overnight city not just the tenderloin. scattered site used to great success energy west coast cities. san francisco is a city that is supposeed set an example we're behind the rest of the country in tefrms even in california regards to, around spichlt housing. we have a lot of catchingly up to do. i'm willing to talk to anyone about the red line i will send to the secretary. me and chair butler and commissioner upon evans had a fruitful discussion and ask to you dot best you can to
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alleviate this crisis. thank you. >> thank you. any other member who is wish to comment? >> good morning i'm brad mc millen a long-term san francisco resident, i was born here. i'm concerned the conditions in our city. the one issue that i like to bring that you want i have not seen the commission talk about is the level of drug addiction we see on the streets. all we need to do is go out and walk the streets and see all the drug addicts and the messes they leech and -- the point i like to make is a lot of these addicted people are not from san francisco. and it was telling the chief
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scott mentioned a couple weeks ago this when they started detaining the some of the individuals for drugs, the 45 individuals that they detained for drugs throw of them from san francisco. all the rest from other areas. and what is happened we have become a magnet for drug addicts to move to san francisco because they feel supported here. they have easy access to drugs. it is very easy to get benefits here. when i have read is between 620 or 689 dollars a month they get, easily they are not from here. a criteria they have for being recognized as, quote, from san francisco, according to san francisco administrative code 95.2; all they need is written
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verification. issued by a homeless shelter they have been 15 days resident in the last 30-dayless. i don't know but how does that money they are from san francisco? i think it it is ridiculous. and what we have done is from all of the different things we have become a magnet for drug addict and this is a big part of our problem and i think that the commission should address this. we are not doing the people a favor by giving them place where they are enabling their drug addiction and it is created a horrible problem in our city and hope it is a focus that we need to concentrate on why the people are attracted here. come reverse those things that are attracting them. and hopefully -- get some off of
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drugs. thank you. >> thank you. we're at our general public comment agenda item. if you wish to make public ment at this time you may do so. i was here last we're and questions about shelter are occupancy and relating to the covid restrictions. and commissioner evans requested the director about --ef good questions but no answer. and am just the reply was we'll look into that. had the slide came up today nobody talked about that and so may be today in the discussion we can have more comment about
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that. that's it. thank you. any other member who is wish to make public comment at this time. i was told to be here at 10. i'm asoufflé being what the pred seszors talked about has to do with shelters >> general. >> at 10 another chance to speak on the subject of housing. >> you can speak on this now. >> okay.
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the contract has no -- instruction. and the problems with not having an understanding of the culture you are serving is transit is a large umbrella and subject to identity politics. my livid experience, out on the streets -- and being a frontline worker, i have not recover friday vocal surgery yet. is that the most marginalize in the our community can be identified as suffering from gender dysphoria. it is a problem to use that term within the community they don't
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any input in the city whether hot team or going through hsh you say you are nonbinary and you get in. we don't have any ability to say, no. and -- we need to really strengthen our relationships. is there a time on this. >> gosh. >> can you wrap up in 30 seconds. probably not. there will be more comment at the end. later. >> item 9 >> thank you. i will finish your statement. >> there are so many systemic, now we are focusing on operational capacity. and putting programmatic issues come from the community we understand in our livid
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experience but cannot quantify or code switch and mount that to people in term it is of that being just as much as imperative having an hr department of the and so. just like with most nonprofit industrial complex, kick cans down the road. we are not supporting the whole person. and -- it is really frustrating. thank you. any members who wish to make comment? hi. i'm leah. she, her. i'm harm reduction coordinator
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navigation center. i am here if t is important to speak. i wish i got here earlier i did not have childcare i brought them here i continuing is important for thome see this. we are the only in the nation transgender navigation center why that is important is transgender and female identifying sex workers this is the vulnerable population an 80% bipoc population and i work there since inception. and i see our struggles every day. i mean my job is hard. i cry a lot and every day i make a difference. it is so amazing. there is a lot of short falls and i have a lot to say. one thing there is not a real
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transcompetent trans rehab center. and you seat public is upset about the drug problem it is a hard problem. you know we are not forcing anybody to rehab people are asking. i have people come back all the time they don't feel it is safe temperature is life or death for transfolk. and you know i know this we want to end transhomelessness by 2023. we need to listen to the trans-community. there has been i continue is now and bumpy, right? but we are having problems with our board. transpeople don'ts want to be micromanaged but i feel our money holders need more program terse and our population and our staff who is also of the community need to be listened to and on how best implement. now it is great. you know we can do this for the
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rest of the nation. could be a templet and make a difference but now we are struggling a bit and need to listen to the folks like on the ground. you know front lionel workers. how we can best use our dollars. right? we need to there is not an infinite amount of dollars we need to use them smart. work mart not hard 30 is our modo. and it is so important. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments and the work you do. we will do remote public comment. >> there are no callers. >> wonderful. this moves us to our agenda item 8. rules of order. >> before we move on. i was making eye contact with
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director mcfadden during public comment does we not talk about the shelter vacancies i thought we did. >> thank you. >> okay. we are at the item 8 the rules. of order. and so before we make a motion to devote on the rules of orders i want to open up the floor to the commissioners to provide comments. so, the changes that we requested appeared be incorporated. >> and just for awful us, can you highlight them temperature is important for us >> absolutely. >> so, we made an addition of vice chair special data officer.
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the chair and the vice chair works with the director to set the agenda for our meetings. there is also a rule for the data chair to work on kinds of specific low the issue of data and information for the public and for our commission. to ensure we are able toarc sesz key information and better understand when is under lying that information and data. what lists the other change? an opportunity for anyone commissioner to make a request for agenda item. ad a subsequent meeting and it was incorporate exclude retate there will be an opportunity in every meeting for anyone to make
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a suggestion or discussion on future agenda items. >> great. >> any other comments around the rules of order? and the additions? that -- um -- commissioner evans stated. >> i have a comment just a gratitude for inclusion of a consent calendar routine matters. which appear on order of business section 5 on page 15. that will be a very effective provision in our agenda. to ensure that we leave time for discussion and other items. that are not considered routine >> and a mfbt public did raise with me the concern about the time limit for online public comment. so you know i think we got a provision this says 6 minute
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allocated for public comment from on lionel callers but at the discretion of the chair. and so don't think i don't anticipate you will invoking that often i know your goal to hear members of the public but the sense is to ensure we keele keep our meetings to approximately 3 hours as well. >> thank you. any other comments. i do want to have a conversation around the 5 day agenda requests. and just given that the chair and vice chair will be in communication with the director. after our meetings creating the agenda items and because the commissioners will have an opportunity at the meetings to request the potential items and we know that -- in the past00 autovice chair, myself has
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extended an opportunity for commissioners to provide agenda item requests in the future. and i think because we as you said, commissioner evans we want to make sure we are fortunate in our meetings and not extending the 3 hours my recommendation would be to allow the vice chair and chair to be able to communicate what with the director to plan the items versus our commissioners having the opportunity to present items 5 days before. just as, i don't want it to be where we are all providing requests 5 day and overwhelming the staff and getting information in a short period of time. i wanted have a discussion on that and thoughts on the commissioners about that item. i being the reason why i made that suggestion was like you know there will be a media
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occurrence. something like the shooting of banko brown or manage that e vocabularyings a chronicle article an update on the evictions and permanent housing. tell be odd for us to in that -- time frame not sponld or have an item. and that does not mean that the expectations that the department is there to responded. but gives our commission space to discuss public events taken place and it mane may be a discussion item. >> with that said, i think in even makes sense to be more clear on the intent of the 5 day request and not necessarily a 5 day request but responding to news on that relevant to our commission and an opportunity to
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have conversation around that. i think i see nods. and so if we are able to amend that to make it more clear to ensure we are responding to issueings that pertaining in the media or in the public that pertain to the commission. i also. wanted to, we are one of our priorities is to vote for other committee members. and so i would like to implement another committee. i wanted know what the process will be like? do we need it in rules of order? or are discretion? committees in the rules of forward this is something that the commission would like to include as part of the revision. i would recommend that the
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commission vote to vote the sect to bring it back for the next commission mote to vote and consider the revise'd rules. i do have a point of clarification for the prior issue adding to the calendar. as the commission may be aware there is a 72 hour posting requirement. it is plausible but what it doesince is meeting begins thursday at 9 a.m. any changes made monday by 9 a.m. that makes for a short window of time to make changes that may be requested either late on friday or over the weekend. . i wanted make sure before the commission votes you are aware of the short window to make changes. >> thank you. important point. >> one question about data
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officer and about provision to review rules annually. on page 16 item y rules shall or may be reviewed annually. i believe this is a choice we have to make. as a commission. i normally like permissive concepts put may it is a good practice that we consider reviewing the rules annually. just as good protocol >> thank you. >> and the second i was curious when the data officer will be agendaized in terms of appointment. once we approve the rules then we'll place the data officer agenda on the agenda >> thank you.
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>> okay. the other point, so i wanted open up the conversation around i continuing is important top have a nominating committee and like to add that to our rules. i think it is important. because we have vacancies now. and to have that as a standard. >> i concur. i was at the shelter monitor committee meeting this past month and they did not have enough members to make quorum. i know we are considering somebody i don't know the grievance or monitoring today. i thank you we need to let the public know the process to apply for the open position on the local homeless koshed nay board. the monitor committee and will shelterer grievance committee because our body accepts those applications and gives hearing for consideration and approves for appointments to the bodies.
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>> thank you. any other comments on this item. >> where is the information accessible to the public? i think the nominating mittee would issue responsible for providing that. we don't have any direct to my knowledge, any place. >> thank you. >> and point of clarification. our commit eeled be subject to brown act there would be public meeting notice requirements, et cetera . >> thank you for that. >> just a couple of things on small around calling the roll and so one thing that because we have our standing calendar there are items that we will not do individual roll call in voting. but i will general low ask for the aye's and neigh's. >> other is i think it is
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important to in the order of business and agenda item 4 we do announcements. but you know i'd like to implement approval of the minutes simple low buzz there may be times we have to -- eliminate items based upon sxraens so we can be on the same page what the agenda is for the day. that would be an addition to the agenda. i believe you were indicating approval of the agenda the >> the minutes. the minutes to the agenda. >> any other -- comments or questions. would it be possible to put the
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consent calendar item up higher in the order of business and in that add both approval of the agenda and approval of the minutes and the other nonroutine items so you can do one vote for that. >> yes. whole thing. >> where do we go. there are many changes we are all on the same page in term whats has been changed and make sure we are in agreement before we vote >> does the commission have specific thoughts on the number of the -- commissioners to serve on the nomination committee or other details to include as part of the rules? >> 3 feels like a magic number. joy think 3 members feels like.
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this was for the shelter monitor committee. and to a point the members of the committee and the lhpd. >> yes. >> all bodies. >> okay. it would be to review and recommend for approval by the full body. >> absolutely. >> thank you for the clarification. i'm ready to vote today. however, because there has been more than one change special they are substantial. not but not just typos. i wonder if we should see hat changes look like and then approve them at the next meeting
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that said i don't want to delay the assignment of a data officer or any other things that need important in this, certainly the land acknowledgment is one. >> i would concur from a willing perspective. i recommend the commission vote to direct the secretary to make the changes and also direct the secretary to add to the agenda an action item for nomination of the data officer and nomination to the nomination committee for the next agenda, that way everything has been notified pursuant to brown act and sunshine ordinance. >> great. >> this would be possible to add the next agenda the land acknowledgment at the start. >> yes, absolutely.
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thank you. >> yes. opinion comment any member who is wish to comment do so at this time >> it is jordan, she, her, they, them. i have been look overrules of and ared something popped up. agenda for the commission lead by the chooir chair, vice chair and executive director. the executive director has a major role here. i remember this will this board was createed put oversight over the department i feel like they should be able to present items in the subject matter jurisdiction and something that men they need to be doing things that the director needs to to hear rather than when he may want to hear. another thing i noticed the chair shall be the judge of comments and has the authority to limit this privilege of the comments or not pertinent to the
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comment. in reference to public comment. i than there is a supervisor who likes to enkwourj people to avoid repetition i don't think you are allowed limit public comment even if it is repetitive and that's just a concern i have and i think that you know if an item gets continued on the fwnd it needs to have public comment that's had they do at the board of supervisors. also i'm glad i think that the board should be allowed do subcommittees of members within the board like nominate or a function like having like a couple members form a subdmitee of the board. and also i think there needs to be more advisory boards i don't know if this can be done by the commission or the board of
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supervisors, for example, i think there needs to be a community board around psh, there are a lot around shelter but that's good but we have not had one about that of the closest in our history was the single room occupancy task force which i served in the final few years of existence as much as i freud to push for good things i was limited. it was land lord focused board and i'd like to see this replicated without all the terrible structural issues that is my thoughts on this and fwoeft just like do best practices when it come to comments from the public. >> thank you. >> thank you. . hi. allen. i would say i second thaefrg i just heard. that's it. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. anyone else who wants comment. do so at this time. are regarding our rules of order. i brought notes. we put together some bullet points. as i read the room i realize thing decision is a place to share grievances. so -- i'm going to focus more on some structural needs. >> this is item is the rules of order when we have been discussing around the rules of order. >> there is an opportunity, though for you to make public ment later on in the meeting. >> if i'm not getting the
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language you give me a head nod i will perk up >> there will be another presentation coming up soonful after that. yea. >> we have an agenda item on the transinitiative itself. >> cute. >> yea. >> renot public comment. no one in the queue. >> if the commission could vote to finalize the decision adding matters. there has been discussion about that but i don't know if leer guidance as to what the commissionments the sect could do. that would be helpful. >> okay. >> we peat your question. >> i believe there has been
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discussion regarding page 12 section r agenda the sentence calendar when a commission member makes a calendar item recommendation 5 days prior to the meeting. whether the commissionments to vote to keep that or amend that direct the secretary to make a change, bring that back for full approval by the board. >> thank you. gi think there is flexibility it says if the agenda item can't be heard due to time constraints then the recommended calendar item will be policed on the next meeting agenda that would gift person who needs the request the opportunity to repeat the request or with draw it. for the following meeting. i feels like it has enough flex at to the chair to method agenda
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i think the question i have about is priority. so if many of the members have made the request 5 day in advance and many prioritize the chair which item is you know agendized for this next meeting? given that we have several other as we get in the process we will have to you know -- approve contracts, et cetera . so this is my only reservation with this. gi wonder photocopy there is comment from other commissioners around this? >> thank you for bring thanksgiving language. i believe there may be the before i answer your question, chair. butler. an inconsistency with the last upon sentence the members of the booshd of supervisors and the public may request items to be considered by the commission and
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well is no time constraint on this. and so as a mfbt commission we have a 5 daytime constraint. others don't and may be well is prioritization happening within that language? i believe that you as the chair, you are requesting you as the chair have the authority to determine what the calendar is and the order we voted you to make the decision. thank you so much for this. it is a lot of work on your part and we have the ability to not reappointment you next year. i personal low trust your decision making and should there be a concern i feel like i have an opportunity sto to have that conversation in public with you
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or throughout commission secretary. >> thank you. jost i second that. >> and i want to reiterate the vice chair special i come together and we discuss agenda with the executive director and the reason is because i tends not to want to make a decision alone without the support and the opportunity for other commissioners voices to be heard. bring negligent vice chair gives this opportunityism believe that this item in my estimation does not need to be in place on this line. given that -- all the things we stated and you stated commissioner albright, this is something that the vice chair and i will make sure that we hear the voice of the commissioners. and take heed and commissioner evans i hope this in our recent
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meeting with jordan and -- willingness to hear the concerns and make sure we prioritize it if we can you would -- >> you know so this is coming from past experience that people on the local homeless coordinating board shared with me. not speak specifically to this director but prior directors have been in position to block their body from hearing matters. and so -- when i had made the recommendation i was suggesting it be like 2-3 make the request. joint low then should be cal deferred i wanted there to be a stopgap measure by which know important issue this is important to the community that and honest low it may come up when manage is politically charged where the supervisors are may be purke for one thing
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and the mir is purke for another. might be a tension in the body as to whether or not that item heard this this body. it was primary low to ensure well is a minority stopgap issue so well is a threshold the minority can agenda an item. >> thank you. gi think we want to move to if there is a motionch >> make a suggestion that had move forward and i understand commission evans point of view. i have represented commissions where is this come up before am so there is -- it is not a hype threat cal. my recommendation to the city attorney might be -- a chair and vice chair we amend the --
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second to last sentence the mayor and the board of supervisors and members of the public may request items considered by commission and add commissioners the mayor and members of the board of supervisors the commissioners and members of the public request items that sentence get moved up. and -- to -- delete the item and agenda item with 5 days. delete that sentence this would read the mayor, members of the board of supervisors the commission member and public request items to be considered boy the commission. requests may be made by notifying the commission secretary if items can't be heard at the meeting due to time the recommended calendar item will be policed at the next meeting agenda that would then give the commission the ability to individual members the
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ability to make specific calendar requests. there would not be a 5 day notice provision to that. and the chair and vice chair would have the discretion to sort out details of the agenda. i don't know, commissioner evans if this would be okay with you? >> so -- justiced like as a matter of practicality the discussion between the director, vice chair special chair is one vote for every person in this group? if the vice chairments an item agenda butt chair and the director do not then it not get on the agenda. i'm trying to understand in practice how this works. >> well. we in our previous conversations have discussed points and there are some items that -- based on
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the staff. availability to provide a quick response, we can agendaize those items there are others this may take longer for staff to garth the information as needed and so we will table that. vice chair, i think in our conversationless we come to agreements on the agenda items. with no tensions or anything. but we all agreed based upon the availability of that the staff can provide. >> there was an amount of collegeality will continue with chair and vice chair the director's role is to inform us dp to in that discussion say what the difficulties might be.
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in that moment. being an opportunity we'll not change that >> okay. again. as a for example, the eviction policy was something raised in june community meeting. it was not necessary low requiring of a presentation from the department on the eviction policy but to gift community space to present their red line version of the policy recommendations they would like to see changed. that is an example of manage that i think we have an agreement on the august agenda of i hope.
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and i know i want to make sure we are continuing the work of providing that community voice. and to this body. >> i that's my priority. as chair and i think the vice chair and i will make sure that we do a better job of making surety things we discuss are discussed in meetings. may be could over looked but was not my intention to silence the community. i think moving forward i made the effort to make sure that was heard. >> if i could offer i had the same impression you did. and so00 eye realize in the my conversation with the director the meeting following the mote to look at future agenda items that should have been reiterated. it for me it was a closed deal. i want to apologize to jordan
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expecting we would move more quickly i'm aware of reity rigz and repetition whatever it is to under score once we make a commitment we honor it. >> thank you. >> i'm sorry for that. any other comments. >> i do commissioner. albright. would you like to make a motion based upon the changes that you -- >> i recommend this there be a motion to direct the secretary to make those changes recommended by commissioner albright and the other changes recommended by the commission. and to direct the secretary to add an agenda item to nominate data officer as well as nominations for the new nomination committees to the next agenda. >> thank you, city attorney. i make the motion as articulated by the city attorney.
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>> and commissioner secretary? >> yes. >> second. >> is there a second? >> me. >> all right. >> commissioners respond with aye or neigh. >> on a motion to edit the rules of order. chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair dufty. >> aye >> commissioner albright >> aye >> commissioner evans. >> aye >> commissioner guerrero. >> aye. >> and commissioner laguana is excused. >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioners for this discussion and glad we were able to move forward with the rules of order. next item is item 9. new business.
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>> commissioners item a-d are informal only and don't require a vote by the commissioner and i would like to welcome department deshth whitly to present on 9a. and emlow will be helping me with my slides. thank you. emily. >> i'm here to give you an update on the 23/24, 24/25 fiscal budget. last wednesday, the budget and appropriation approved their version of the budget this is mostly whatir will walk you
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through. budget has not been adopted by the board but i don't expect changes to our budget when this go to the full board later this month. >> soil walk you through the changes over all to the budget. reductions made by the board budget and appropriation committee. and other changes the committee made to the department funding next year. 've so the slide shows the budget by revenue and expend tours compared to the mir in june and what the committee adopted as well as the upon current year adopted budget approved by the board we are operating under currently. and the current budget is 672 million. and the board's budget committee has proposed 7 then.3 million. next year.
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and this is one time increase of 23 million. most of that is changes to all of that is changes to nongeneral fund ref now i will talk about in a bit. the second year most of that one time funding drops off and the budget goes down to 646.4 million. >> at our earlier presentation, there were questions about the pie charts i presented i wanted to show you some slides that show our revenue category and our expenditure categories by percentage and dollar amounts. i will not walk you through all of this in detail you see the general funds 40% of the budget and the next largest is our city our home fund. we have a variety of other federal, state and special
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revenue funds that supports programming. jot next shows you the sum row of expend tours the first on the left being the adopted budget and the changes made by budget committee overnight 2 year budget. most funding you heard me say goes to housing and the mirjt of this goes to maintain housing and subsidies for folk this is have been housing with city funds the next highest category is shelter and crisis intervention. homelessness prevention, out roach and entry make up the rest. and 7% of the budget next year guess for administrative and saul row and fringe benefit costs of the department. >> changes made by budget mittee there was over 2 million in cbo
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contracting funding this was reduced on an on going basis, dwo 87,000 in hygiene services at vehicle triage cites reduced. this funding had been incorporate in the the cbo contract it was does in the result in a loss of service. there was a one time reduction of 438 thousand for out reach and that will be supplemented on a one time bases with the state encampment grant i will talk about in a minute. board took a one time reduction in shelter budget funding. the other major changes were on saul row and staffing side. our salary savings target increased by a million dollars next year that is in recognition of number of vacancies and time to hire in the department. you recall we also requested
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then now positions. and 4 of those were denied but i'm happy to say the rest of the new positions approved by the board and you see here this included a cross program manager. training officer and hr department and to housing program analysts. >> the other thing to mention that you don'ts see on the slides are that the budget and legislative analyst did propose a 2 million dollars cut to the transgender homelessness initiative and were successful in convincing the board to deny this reduction and so this project is fully funded as well as there is 2.25 million in one time money to continue needs of the critical work. the other thing that was funded in the city budget tht board increased sloit low is there will be a 4. 5% cost of doing
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business increase for health and homelessness general fund contracts. of providers that are receiving general fund support will receive a 4.5% cost doing business which is really a step in the right direction to continuing funding the investments the department has made. other changes by the budget and appropriation committee the add backs are increase of 3.14 million in one time funding and 500,000 on going. 1 million for increase in quality of life improvements. and this will augment a 1 million dollars enhumansment the mayor put in the budget for security and safety services at our psh cites. there is additional one time
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200,000 increase for transition am aged use food security will augment additional funds the board provided left year for meals at our serving shelter sites. a one time grant for a new program urban rest and sleep in the tenderloin that is 350,000 and one time capital grant to expand the footprint of lower navigation center there are near by property this would be visible for additional out door space for this site. and finally the budget restored some funds to identify a new safe parking site and in district 7 on the west side of town. 585,000 on going the 5 huh musn't thousand dollars level. the other unexpected news during the budget process the state
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announced encampment resolution grants. this department, ployed focussed on additional out reach. workers in the mission and a cabin project and that was announced and the funds keep anticipate receiving soon were appropriated part of the board's budget deliberations the board added 1. 5 million and the department of public health budget to fund sober livering housing site and the funds will be work ordered to the department to start that site as well. >> and finally the next part of the presentation going over changes to our city our home plan and legislation that i talked about last time.
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there were changes to what the mir proposed in our city our home fund on expenditure and sources and i will go over how the budget investments will lead us to meeting the department's the citywide 5 year goals. the board made changes reduced the 2 year plan from 60 million. and denied reallocation in housing revenue and fund balance. identified now revenue the mayor's phase. and so this is appropriated over 2 year budgetful i mentioned we
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got good news from the state and appropriate the new state grant award. the mission cabins the state funds will fund that project. while we have the site for 2 years and the legislation was amended to earnings to shelter and prevention the piece that needed a legislatedive change. also in that legislation was to temp rarely suspend the 12% cap on rap ird rehousing next year will be 14%. of propertied expenditures the second year go says down under that cap. next slide shoes the expend tour side of that 44 million dollars plan. funds a number of adult respectid rehousing slots 235
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we'll not start newark did you tell supportive houseings there is that dph funding to pilot a sober living site. we did not get enough fund to sustain our upcoming cliff in prevention you will hear me talk about in the next budget cycle but able to stay a steady state and enhumans this. with the one time funds. we were not able to fund hours of hospitality house shelter or continue the vehicle assistant
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pilot program but men revisit this next fiscal year budget. my final slide, shows you our strategic planned goals over 5 years. our current inventory and he where we are based on the revised budget of 34% toward prevention goals. 55% toward our shelter goals and less on housing goals but 11% toward housing goals. so is that concludes my presentation, help to answer questions you may have. >> thank you. commissioners, are there questions or comments. ? >> commissioner albright. gi will wait for vice chair. >> thank you. first i guess thank you for a great report and the work of the staff and department. and going through what could have been a difficult budget
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year. and want to thank the controller ben rosenfield and staff for imaginic money you did not know was there and pops up and solves a lot of challenges. certainly sitting in the seat focusing on youth and familyis was concerned built transfer and i want to acknowledge supervisor ronen and member of the budget committee sat down with hsh staff leadership as well as with the leadership of ocoh. and really work through some of the issues and i welcome the director talking about t. but i think that -- for me. going forward i know it is difficult and that there are some major balancing acts that you know the department needs to
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retin people that we don't want to over work people or turn people out and we have the opportunity to continue gaining ground for k u and families. and so i hope this we can work together on that and may be the commissioners or others can help us figure out how do we do this? this year. we adopt to condition gaining ground. things happening through the department are amazing. having the town to continue is important but i'm very aware and i think the director done a good job of -- pointing out that -- it is going to be difficult. we have to figure out ways to increase capacity and do in of that. i want to ask you pointed out a
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million provided for permanent supportive housing from the mayor and safety and security and that there ask a 1 million quality of life improvement. is that is additional. is that i hope this is focused more on healthy buildings and i wonder what are the ideas we have. thank you for the question. yes, you know in meeting with our part mers and community feedback sessions we heard about the challenges and our housing cites. the budget funds 10 million in capital improvements this will augment an existing 15 million dollars investment that should go out soon in capital and ad a
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and as well as elevator repairs. overnight next year natural a 25 million dollars investment in capitol. the quality of life improvements the major's piece spoke to security concerns. we hear at buildings many have you know 24/7 desk clerks and no other security measures and although this ask not ideal to bring in security. we department to be responsive to providers. this was the request for the supportive housing network to augment that to 2 minute and working with them to discuss how best to -- augment a million dollars whether it is for security or other quality of life enhancements. >> will we solicit feed become from the residents or would residents know -- this elrirt and my building will be
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repaired. and what information will be shared? >> for the initial 5 million. we do have requests and funding notifications gone out for a portion but for the additional funding will be soliciting proposals from our psh providers and you know defer to the executive director how to incorporate resident in that process. that's an important comupon ponent. gi want to add here thot chair's admonition 2 questions i will vow what i started with was a valentine and appreciation. the one time funding for urban rest and sleep program in the tenderloin is this related to [inaudible] or similar to what than i did? -- so -- don't think. >> okay
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is little to no sober living for transgender nonconforming people? a way to articulate that out of this budget? >> so. i think the program design is tvd. this was this came at the end of the budget through d. public health resources we are starting the conversation but defer tot executive director. why yes we have to do a quick practice the plan is to be in place during the fiscal year we want to engage the community to understand the need and we know and heard that. from trans-folks in san francisco. so we will have to have the conversations. before we get this up and running >> thank you very much. >> and another comment, just a
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second -- vice chair dufty around the maintenance of the legacy hotels and the mold issues there. make sure to highlight the concern on the other hand this. thank you. >> i have no questions but some comments. thank you. i appreciate this budget and presentation. aspects i found useful was the source youth. grateful and the last page 13 the investments and how -- the proposed budgets meeting our 5 year goals. thank you for the detail going mull and very large to provide us the big and mall picture on
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these. appreciate this. in terms of future presentations, i hope there is an opportunity to disaggregate the information based on age as well as others -- demographics. in is limited by data sources that would be helpful for me and in terms of transparency. with how we are extending resources. >> and on the training piece. might be an opportunity to think about admissible/private partnerships to fill in the area this is were not fund by the budget this year. may be support the director line staff. one thing when you are talking
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about frontline staff. i think i hear you are talking about frontline staff across the system and not in the departmentful i believe ideally if a training expanded training program by the department for the providers they hold contracts with. yea. if you look ament the police department that has a huge city staff, they have more than adequate training for the people doing frontline response. compare this to 100 thousand dollars training budget? is tht total budget? >> through the chair that is the
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department and departmental staff training separate from each cb oshg contract has own staff training budget. and so aggregate thanksgiving i don't have but there is a broader training i think when department director nagendra come up show can talk about consultants may be better able to get to your question but funded through one time base with the state dollars we have been getting. of course think about dual diagnose. substance use and have they themselves may be experiencing trauma. ptsd and think about the amount of energy to be in those frontline roles and ensuring zee
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ways to appropriate low train and equip people to really be you know create caring environments this does in the lead to the vital service. i think we have to look at the training aspect and human resource aspect ify wolf be successful the money gets spent but not the out come we want. so -- here are snaps. there ask disinformation on social media about when the money is going toward i want to say to the extent we can as a commission and department raise up what the funds are going toward. and the homelessness that is ended for x number of people. in this budget alone, i'm
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reading 350 housing slots. 594 new shelter beds. which is i 20% increase on our current inventory of shelter beds and the remarkable number of 1650 households to prevent homelessness from occurring. we will so this in the future but we than there is an inflow in the system we don't have a lot of control over. nathe pandemic created income loss and you know businesses are restructuring how they do employment at work. and so well may be anning inflow this does in the add waitly reflect the work done here to create solutions torous people experiencing homelessness. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. >> what i believe commissioner evans well beyond training. it includes capacity builted and mental health consultation. we are seeing in the early care and education space. partnership with department of early care and educationch dcyf. department of children, youth and families and public health this might be a model to look at but far beyond training of front line staff and community based organizations. want to highlight a couple comments the increase of shelter beds mindsful of the number per site and over crowding.
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i don't know if well is did thea around this. wanting to advocate may be work on the commission to make sure that of the living conscience at each shelter sooirt are dignified and in the over crowd exclude therefore putting individual in danger especially staff and the guest who is stay there. and the other point around training. again. what we are looking at in the transcommunity because we are am limited come dealings with compound trauma on such a high level we oldvocated for the service system this transpeople don't access shelter. it is in the safe. physically and psychologically. and -- just in that sense we end up expecting you know people that are coming to expect professional development opportunity and. am opportunity to perform high
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level of psychiatric care. with no is unsafe. but i agree partnering i had the same thought. i think -- i certainly relate. digest all the information. do not want the questions of law of life immovements i spent weeks doing site rises and want to electronic making sure folkers living the best life in our cites. the continues were not to my like. it is not any place i would like to stay. and it speaks to what i hear on the street. many would rather stay on the
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street than live in those conditions. i want to bring that to the forefront. and wanted to make sure we keep our eyes on the quality of life. we'll open up the comments for public. jordan again there was a missed opportunity for 24 million dollars in rent relief money. relates to the eviction crisis there are nonpayment and rent debt. and that could be cancelled with that funding. i don't see that in the budget. loss of income due to covid. as well as rental arears before
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the 30% standard went in accomplice. this was i don't see that addressed. as for quality of life issue and addressing that and good idea but scattered site housing may be best. old hoteled for working class washing the railroads and move on may not be appropriate for clients and this will result in a let of money upon extended put bandaids on the issues. let's be aware of the expansion of sober housing i don't it to dominate the system. i want to make sure if we have sober housing allows for plant medicine i say this as someone had does in the drink and uses
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marijuana and mushrooms and got out of cocaine and lives in wet housing and i guess my final point is this is more of dbi thing and relates to hsh in that the collaboratives are sro a big thing everfund through every contractors. feature in the the chronicle such as the tenderloin housing and to a lesser extent community services this will issue addressed. that is all i have for now and had my thoughts on this. >> thank you. any other comments from the public? >> hi. i'm leah. harm reduction coordinator at
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navigation center i love what my community member said i want the services there. i love the staff training i so this daily this is one of the big struggles i have 2 of my coworkers here and -- you know people don't work with me irrelevant care or they will not do it. we are sort of piecing things together. why we are saving lives, right. this is part of why it is heart breaking. but i don't know where you will get the money i get well is money. is this is a thing. manage they need. i adopt to say you know we have i'm talking about the negative stuff.
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i watched people blossom in a safe environment. right? we tell people be the best they want to be. they choose had they want to be. we got peoplions and housing. we gotten people you know mental health. that is the one thing took mow a year to get mental health on our site t. is bananas. it is real trauma, right? and you are bringing people on the site because a lot of times they dwuchl people on the site they don't want on the street. don't have train to care for individuals they need help they are people and somebody's child. and -- what happens is they get pos exited from the shelter and
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they are become on the street. they are unsafe. you know we had a residence upon dent that in and out of shelter through a brick at the mayor on the news. we all cared for this resident. we could not get her stable. we don't have resources. we have 2 if they can't stay we don't have a clear path where we can put them. people have seizures. we don't have that i'm wrapping up. we have the hrm reduction for 3 hours. we have the three hours 2 days a week. i'm out of time but i could talk forever temperature is an amazing site i wanted to help people and in the keep recycling
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them in the system. i feel like this segues in the next item. on the subject of multidiagnose, 2017 the supreme court ruled gender dysphoria under ad a. no lawyer as far as i know no politician has stip lit when that is. it is a control. we have an opportunity here. i find myself code witching and add roicate and punch up as much as possible.
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the mental health provider who can do dual diagnose. so this we can self audit and show to y'all where the numbers lie in terms where support is need. we hyper focus on housing. and i mean. let's dot numbers how many successful o d's in sro. when well is no wellness checks or community. congregate living sucks. it is horrible. but there is a higher chance somebody be there to give you cpr. that does in the help in know sro. i would like it propose this we have the ability to self audit
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intakes and do it in a way where hee we can actually identify the multitude of diagnose. so we know how to support. because i mean, the end of the day it is the most marginalized of the emgender nonconforming community this suffers from dysphor why and secondary and thirdity rigzs we developed the coping skills and sometimes they are what the public does not want to see. and -- yea. anymoring members who wish to ment? hello. bryce i work at the kiny holing on turk and eddie. we have had an elevator outage
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for over a year now. we have clients who have trouble getting up and down the stairs a serious issue. no security. at our i think we are under hsh now. we are a shelter and have permanent housing as well. no security there. we had stabbings, fires, all kindses of things and you know my safety is one thing my client's come first and their safety is at risk some don't leave their room anymore. not buzz they feel unsafe. and -- hopeful low mystery funds can go toward this. the trainings i like to see them with who have worked in the front line and experience when we go through. because a lot of the times the trainings are out of touch and irrelevant has nothing to do with our clientele e. it is may be like someone who is -- has a
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degree in psychology but never worked in the community. and it irrelevant is unhelpful. thank you. can we get staff to follow up and have follow through? thank you this is a great suggestion. noted in my notes and when we meet the director. >> thank you. anyone wish to make comment? >> there are no callers in the queue. >> all right. next item is 9b. shelter monitor committee presentation. deputy emily cohen and robert
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leal to come. i can do it >> yea. >> deputy for communication and legislative affairs. and going to do a brief over view of the shelter monitor committee the 3 advisory oversight bodies. along with the local homeless cord mary lou retton and board that report up to the commission. you know see from this slide the -- the over view of how the 3 bodies report to the commission. and advise the commission on work. the roast shelter monor committee over see condition in city fund shelters through the
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committee members and the staff to support them. they do planned or announced and unash nunsed site visited. take commrinls from guest and focus is it ensure the shelter standards of wear, which are codified in the code for the city are upheld. across the shelter system. you will see the current members. this is a little out dated i'm noticing. right up there, no now. but excited that we have a really strong committee at the monitor committee and dedicated members both hsh stap staff anticipate and the community. so heavily lead by people with livid importance in the shelter system. we heard is that how important the voice is in that monitoring. >> and in terms of relationship to the commission.
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committee will send quarter low report and emergency reports as needed to the commission and will issue available to provide reports as need and requested from the commission on the condition miss this shelter. currently upon meets monthly. committee receives administrative passport upon now. from hsh. they were previously staffed by dph and this function switched january first with the adoption of the budget of may be in a few weeks. i mentioned before they provide
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quarter low and emergency reports on shelter continuous, safety, policy, prior, guest treatment and other recommendations for improve ams within the shelter. >> i. to recognize robot hill is here the staff member that is 2 dedicated to the committee. in that role and he is now or about to be an hsh staff member. last point about the shelter monitor committee in may as the punctuation for appointments transitions to the commission, the lhcd did a point justice tailor and she is a long standing advocate number of coalition on homelessness and champion for people experiencing homelessness. those of us who have been around know her well and say, may.
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she has been appointed to the committee and the commission agreed to recognize that appointment. really appreciate that she was hope to are here but he is ill. sxf thank you very much will and robert and i are here if you have questions. >> thank you. >> commissioners any questions? i certainly think could give robert an opportunity to introduce and talk about his experiences. >> thank you. robert hill i have been working worry shell or monitor committee for almost 3 years. did move to hsh on the first. july first. i got new computer in my bag and roar to go. although i did lose my colleague. the shelter monitoring committee is currently has. 5 vacancies 7 seats are full out
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of the 12. we do need to get the seats filled. and justice looks to me to be perfect and hopefully get another 4 great people to join. members go out and do inning spections their presence is helpful to the unhoused or people in the shelter and to the shelter staff. i have done many inspections myself and that -- i think is an opportunity to give training to the staff we talked to there. hopeful low we will do more training. i hear that is an important thing that is may be a bit under fund. but -- big role is to take complaints we have a hot line we take drop in complaint and online forms, people can complain. we will talk to folks a lot of timers issues resolved sometimes people have not really -- tried to resolve the issues they have
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with the site manager but men times they -- they really feel like they are not getting a good response. and so i think that it is comfort tologist go to sdpus talk you to and get a sense of whether or not they have their concern irrelevant is low i didn't mate i wonder if my complaint is role and going to the person i'm complaining about to complain about them does not do it for me i like an objective per to tell me. you gotta live with that or, no look to what can be done. we'll talk to the site manager and they will respond in positive ways and talk to the individual. that will resolve if than i file a formal complaint it go in writing on record and the sheltersment to avoid those they have incentive to resolve the issues.
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going to 10 shelter are it i larger site is not really efficient. we are thinking of 3 times for the cites that have very few complaints or. and continuing with the 6 for larger or more active cites >> i like to put a request. i love to accompany on one of the visits. if it is possible >> that the be neat? >> yea. >> first, thank you. and you and angie were phenomenonal to work with. on the shelter monitor committee. names are similar. as -- emily cohen said this i'm no longer on there i want to
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clir foil that i had to leave to join here and want to share i of course i did a site visit when i was there. at next door and i have worked preaching with 5 keys. one of my personal concerns the cites have quite a cars ral feeling i went it was clean which was great. but it was clone to a concerning degree of like sterile environment. and i wonder if there is a way to advocate for initiatives for decarserating the space i heard of a young youth that started an organization to do mural and art and deck rigz and different youth drop in centers from the tenderloin. that was what i wanted to address if possible to of try to
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come up with ideas for the commission? >> one things that happened during the pandemic a lot of energy to do mutual aid from the community. we had organization in my neighborhood the haight alis adopt a safe sleep site and worked with that to provide donations. i would love to see that community building around our shelters to provide you know the softer things that can make the space more liveable. i ideally the shelters are temporary and short term accomplices to stay. realities with a lack of housing they become places that people spend years n. >> particularly seniors. >> you have the pace to put in a comment outside of the findings and that thing does go become
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and feed become to the shelter are management and you never know when might spark imagination and ideas than i might recognize something than i can implement. >> awesome. where certainly mr. hill, thank you for your service and commitment to the work if look forward to working with you. >> okay >> nice meeting you. like to open public comment. yao will never get enough people jordan again, she, her, they, them. the concerns raised by commissioner guerrero. i like the open mic feeling summer camp feeling. more on the subject the shelter monitor committee i think they are one of a kinds organization.
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commission that really like -- being be set up to do really great things. but i also want to point out and the need we have a shelter monitor committee meeting will help provide over site to people off the streets and shelters we don't have the same level when they get moved out to pshmented to note that. you hope they can do great work. >> thank you. >> thank you. briefly on guest greenances than i have no merit. i agree with trying to pull back
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from that approach which are dos's. can you believe used as a tool. you know it it is scary to be homeless. but -- a lot of things that staff don't see or pick up on can create an unsafe space for others and i don't want to try to advocate for lord of the flies sort of -- approach towards -- three means not
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worse and getting bad. and in the night's we talked about homeless being bad. thank you very much for what you are doing. i appreciate it. we fwl down in the books as a great thing for the city. you can't do that or live on the streets. not good. not bad. you know the focus the committee is taking with making it a like a public health issue it is like your body. it is your mind come physical body that is out there. to the elements and everything that is passing by. and in conclusion when i want to say is thank you. i appreciate it. whatever work is done for the shelters we need more security as a gentlemen said.
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director at hsh over planning performance and strategy. i use she, her pronouns. it is noise to be with you today. i will cover a lot. and i speck quicklyil try it slow down and cover, lot and be very intentional go what we are getting. make sure we have a level we can approach the rest of the several conbe tent i will hear the next several months we want to start with an over view of homeless system. when an i deal system should look like. where we are strong and working toward that ideal system the plan and goals helping us build this system and where we have work to do there is more detail i will not go in all but start with talking about the role of each intervention. why they are important. when than i dom how they
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interact. and in ren suing meetings we have each meeting there are several dives you all have been interested in hearing b. this was sort of set that 11s up and context to move in each the deep dives as well as in terms of special initiatives like the next item we are talking about. i will be set up for the deep dive we we have partners and represent that work and stop and see where you would like to get more information the >> some of you have -- you want to put it in there.
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to take our strategic plan process, and derive that from has been successful here and in other communities. it is not theoretical it is evidence base a lot of what is working on the ground and talked about over 900 people for the planning process and heard from almost half of people who experienced homelessness. number one reason we have so much information. is this we really heard so much experience this we wanted to include and make sure reflected so once people saw themselves in the plan it felt realistic and big how we will measure progress. i think the key things is we are doing a lot of the work already and we have so little inabilities to -- say, okay we
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will set capacity. general low everything is a high priority. talking about people's lives. we just are really trying to focus on things that will make big impacts and think burglar will cultural responsiveness. not one size fits all and not moving so fast, you are not being inclusive. one key things i usually like to start with if we talk about the goals of a system. is structural causes. >> can i stop. there are visual learnys like myself in the learn can we take 2 to 3 machine and make sure we can present a presentation. >> no worries i want to make sure everyone is able to see and comprehend the information
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approaching the materials. this way. >> so. the other thing is that i apointed hsh in may of 2021. so i am newer to the city but worked in homelessness for several years. the homelessness sector has a lot of different role. i started out in direct service here. and that of was the first places i came to when i moveed san francisco in the east coast. it was a life changing sprjs. it [inaudible] love that community. and mostly because i felt included and welcomed. and people really had so much a commitment to community and providing services to people with dignity and he respect that
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sort of set up a -- career in legislation. research and policy [inaudible] at the [inaudible] [inaudible] and that studies that came out. i sort of started to help design that. they have done all of the work since i came to the staechl season alost communities that have done well and who have not done this are well their and sometimes money having funds is not the answer. it is cordination, policy. political will and alignment and really clear on strategies and sticking to those strategies. i work on several community ending homelessness initiatives under the obama administration
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>> 70 communities did. across the country 65 percent of homelessness went down in 6 years because of the driving strategy on permanent housing connections to services and out roach and the things we know work. and a helpful medical care system that happened the partnerships between the system were key the communities had funds did not make it because you did not have the alignment on the ground of a system. and i begin with that i want to talk about the system so we are not getting to the programs are important but working together is where you see impact. i wanted to talk about the division we are starting. this is something that we have not head before we did noted have the capacity. have been slowly. getting new staff. and we are really focussed on planning, performance and
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strategy. that in home response all the providers the core of the system delivering the services and hsh we are add administrators, prirt and do some direct service. when we need to do is in the scylloing the programs internalally so it does not frakture our delivery side. it it is system flow and how call for all interventions to work together and figure out what roles are. and how other departments play into this. in is help nothing role time. hiring up a team we talked about the building and will touch on that we are setting ourselves up to leverage confacts. state and federal this is free.
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created the ground that useful to us i heard someone say we want practical tigzers from the grounds, peers, completely agree and capacity building this is the most effective way to bring the really system change capacity build thanksgiving we want to see here. so we have management and the, item this is we have needed to do in the department. strategic plans are lead by the division and we are growing it to support several areas of the departmentful and we know that every per is supporting and work nothing some way the programs change the it and admin and finance all have to be sinking in the same direction. equity impact analysis that piece having a unit able to see and stay the 30,000 foot level
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as much as possible. programs are asked every day to deal with what is map nothing front of them and that is many things happening. having unit that is trying to remember what is the system vision? how do we hold it and come back to t. when will when we veer off. do we have to? is it worth it? where can we impact when we have new resource? and be thoughtful about where we spend the resources. the equity impact analysis and reporting doing much more analysis of are we equal and how we reverse those disparities. make sure we are not perpetuating harm but reduce.
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using our contacts and contracts to be using leverage the work for individual agencies and the system at large. as well as the staff and engagement with people experience infrastructure arnold and capacity building. so capacity building come in many forms. the best practice training. for our staff who are getting used to when their role is in the larger system and service providers. people with expertise a core of bringing a lot of the information to us in ways we don't have not always able to get it before. telling when you say we can't see sometimes we are not from that perspective our planning process has talent pol a contractor we work with. of recruit from the expertise who are homeless. in san francisco from over representative marginalized fop
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lagzs did 320 interviews and several focus groups to understand what people thought the solution remember. and designed the survey that only piers and trust could bring back. the authentic honesty and the solutions we received were really shaped our plan and thinking. some was we knew but validating and aif he wering to know where we need to go. today i want to quickly go i will not spend a lot of time on each areas. the kausz we talked about dollar is a lot of a deer dive.
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you have been asking and good questions start from the rule and contract. and goals how all of that rolls together to give us the direction that we are going to move in a pretty alined way. why we having good out come for program why are we not seeing major impacts we have programs here and other communities that have many very strong programs that have their conditionium ofs care they upon can't do it alone they need more scale for coordination and because the drivers of homelessness are instructal. housing costs. economic inequality. people can't afford housing in the country. right. we have 50% of renters inical cal that are extreme low rent
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burdened paying over 50% of funds to rent. what we see across our system we want to make sure we are not doing that. access to housing we seat impacts of that. we know we can't reverse it. but have to be aware of how we will try and not perpetuate it. >> the key thing is i think this is a hopeful way to look at it is that these things happen because of intentional policy decisions. it came from in the 60s and 70s did not see it in widespread ways they were intentional with investment in house and mental health care you talk about the
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reagan add vagz and previous 1 this is did not exist before. federal budget shank and mental health almost defunded the state did not fund it society counties could not fund it that's when we saw an increase on the street. we decide to ghet and we can get out. it is not unsolvable. we figured out the ways to get out is about scale. study the budget has not come close to what it was. 40 years ago. 60% of when it was. so i think that reason that is important and talk more about color represented, lot to do with policies as well red lining. access to house and mortgages all of that push people in the renter's market why we see over
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representation of people's color in rental markets that are precarious. you see them on homelessness. the upon core responsibilities of an equitable system we talk about a lot of programs. signing on here building here. great service here. this is innovation. if we put the core roles are and stick to those we can add stuff on and try stuff. we are not going to make the impacts we are looking to make. and the thing about the impacts is we need an impact in 2022 lowered homelessness it is hard to wrap your mind around reasons of the numbers. it is very core litable to how much we increase shelter prevention and housing.
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and how well we did in the home board and competitions. what are the things about the homelessness response system is trying to achieve system flow. look at everything metric through system flow. are people moving from homelessness and houses and staying. responding to people and including them in ways they are able to access. if we are not looking at the through put and always looking at through put, we are getting bottle necked and we can push it if we live in our metrics that way. emwe have the way of doing our piece, program through a hand off. they michoose to leave. having one team, staff and department and program follow people through is where we seen
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impact. the sip e rousing ehv's that's the staff intensive resource. and--ing the house will hold go from homelessness it housed. and successful low stay housed. and that means extra staffing in the long-term really a pretty efficient use of resources you are watching and making sure that people are in the following. with our systems and many ways. this piece of it is key because -- we we are not looking at clove. one other thing is -- if you think about homelessness as a bathtub. and -- in homelessness in the water flowing turn the tap of
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water 3s in the tub the tap is go up and up. housing costs. and the costs are having a hard time decrease one thing is figure out how to turn that tap down. we have turn the tap dow employs much water coming in bail it out fast enough tub does not over flow. we want to house people the rae they fall in homelessness. there will always be a housing crisis. how can we move people through quickly where people don't get stuck. the longer they get stuck for children is difficult to exit. the quicker you engage the quicker you get people out. the core responsibilities. i use this for is we say we
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coordinate on levels and all doing sharing information and talking and it is a lot of clock in a clock shopful everyone is telling time different low we want to one clock with gears working together so we move in the same direction. we are doing a lot of good work sometime it ises is in the impactful as if we drive investment in an alined way. so core responsibilities. responded to the house crisis. health. safety and shelter needs of people in crisis and do it quickly. house people equitablely having resources and service. prevent people who are risk of homelessness. they other key things, there are
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other things and other processes but have to do the 3 together. better or other circumstances changed and keeping people housed is a key part. >> we talked about the system prop and enengaging other systems our plan sat down with several city department and irrelevant could get people to talk about their role and priorities what their focus areas were and find there was over limited partner and sometimes we were duplicating services and there was a huge
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gap. figure out the alignment was in terms of investment and other systems because we need them. there are things to do and men things we need support with eligibility. benefits. vouchers, workforce there are key things with the poses but need to move in the same direction and achieved healthy strategic conversations and was with various departments. you have people mule throughout system. addressing equity they are critical to all of the activities and it works i want to reminds us, it worked not the biggest thing we wanted have we are work and if we changed the number of interventions or the
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scale we will see changes we loss are modeled out data to see what happened stick with when we have. if we lose prevention and see differences in this and not going at this time direction we wanted. it is proportionality this matters. picking one thing to fund is not as effective. you can do it through in stages. you want to make sure we think about the steps package of interventions. >> i want to say the priority of people experiencing homelessness and people were asked in interviews to rank a long list of priority this is is a summary. the full report and a lot of the qualities of data on our website. but the key things that was interesting number one improving housing options. 3 was more housing options people want to see improved housing options.
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quality, innovations and quality is key part of our plans throughout infrastructure and build thanksgiving infrastructure we had to move so fast. well before i came here we have been rung at in a pace that is difficult on think about infrastructure building as we go. we are thinking about this as an product building. keeping all programs organism and run. the quality piece and the quality thought about intentionally. in the long run that will give us the better out come we ensure we common understand and want to improve. a california study ralidated most people want housing. you give them something this
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people feel it is desirable and helpful. most will say, yes. it busts that myth this people don't want upon to be homeless. most low i continuing is that i than imperial not choosing things they don't think are helpful they make rational choices. innering vention to finish up the core components in strategic plan we have components who more tightly define exclude rearinked them that talk about the slow piece i will end with how each component really gets us to the system. and what the role s. of through the plan the city and partners will refine and see how to make the programs better. out reach is critical and has to
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be connected for manage. want and needs to engage people. identifying people of being welcome to the system. meeting people where they are and nooet meeting unsheltered people where they are we express folks come to us a lot but we have workers that are fantastic and partners doing it on the ground. to be more focused on people who are in the situations. and living on the streets so we are coming to them what would it take machine in a shelter versusage rv to want to come inside.
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i can do a deep are tie and folks in the work group do a deeper dive later. role has been 18 mont and one key things that came up in the recommendations on site we can share is when we don't have enough stuff to give everyone. we prioritize resources for a group of people we don't have enough for. the newhousing resources we are able to be responsive in a way we could not afford and how that is helping flow housing people every month we don't have a way we don't vice president this now may take a long time. hard job to say, no. addressing people and figuring
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out how to be welcome and we got that experience. sounds. making that experience one this is positive it is tough. stick with it. it might be several months but a lot of time there is is housing at the end now. we are adding things like -- people who experienced the core of a work group that is community focused and city participating a different way of degree governors. than i will make a lot of the decisions that is when the federal regulations call for the lhcb is over seeing that system. the role i think we know what that role is. housingens a person's homelessness that is what permanent housing will do. you want to make sure that it it
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is accessible and responsive and has the things that will help someone thrive and want to stay. if something is in the working out we have transfer policies. it is a hard to be in a system like this in any community. we know we don't want -- we want the resources to do that. it is something we are will identifying as a need and trying to see the policies. but being able to move people between intervention system critical to the system. housing problem solving. i wanted talk about housing problem solving. an intervention this was designed to help folk who is are light how much. or have end friend and family and other resources to not go through homelessness. we can help them with flexible funds rent deposits.
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sending them to family because they needed a gas card to contribute to the house and that was allowing them to stay in that house. it is exiting a lot of people to housing through the front end housing source and building those pieces out and anywhereo low and applying that to everybody. we might think about how we together to people who have the now the intensive resources to folk who is need more. >> and shelter. we need a safe place for female to go that is accessible we don't have enough for everyone but the key part the people to the beds and get them in housing the beds open up. people is there for years that bed stays in that bed and can't
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open temperature and want people go to housing or something sustainable not back on the street. that's the full peefls shelter low barrier. needs that houses focus of getting people out. we have to be thinking what is might have role in getting people to the end goal. >> we talked about the intervention expansions they are critical to making sure we have need to scale unsheltered homelessness we need several interventions that will get this movement we know we will get and we see the capacity city capacity and mro vieder infrastructure building has to be a part behalf we are doing, too.
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the plan you know because we give the over view. do deeper dives but you have a sense of had the plan is. it is organized with cost reductions and interventions and the goals. and most important low the action areas how we are getting all the detail we got from talking to so many folk and looking at when we are doing. across the city to make sure we are having the strategies that we need targeted getting to goals. ocd and there are several departments we worked with that
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the office of transition departments who are you know working to aline. figure out the strmgs we get distracted with the emergency and we are trying to hard to stay on and try to deal with what is the crisis a 7s crisis we need to focus and prioritize and make room for that crisis. the goals, talked about it a bill the racial equity goals we'll develop with community from impacted populations. >> accountability mech nichls we'll reporting here. developing a measure am plan break down the 5 goals and other goals to have a consistent way of america every intervention. against each other and is it getting to that their system
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goal. where are people bottle neck exclude how to provide capacity and train to make sure that -- earnvention is working toward that bigger goal. we have not always thought about our interventions asy feeding toward a big are mrvenlt more we think the more we see where we help providers get that flow and where we need the best intervention we should fund because it it is not effective. i will talk about the perform measurement plan at a later date. know that it is manage we are developing. set of goal catharsis 5 year goals. some report yearly and in annually. keep will have in november this
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year some measures we can report on and forecast when they are. we have a sense of the metrics and asking for community input and people understand when they are and when they are measuring so they use the data to make decisions. the quality is trying to build this in many parths of the promise the programs are doing alost work with our community liaisons and understanding their experience and make that part of the program andest them. we'll discuss when is prioritizes and year one we are
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it is a big plan make sure we impact the right thing and keep priors we know that will come up and important. we want to make sure that people are not just giving us feedback and service but meaningful in the ways we are now able to resource different perspective there are people in the department upon who have experience. which is changing the way design programs. we'll move but i want to stop and see if you have questions >> thank you for that over view and very informative am i want to -- highlight the experience
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of the questions of law tail lightsive work and highlight this every meeting. the voice of the people are important. before we have a discussion00 autotime is 12. . 25 i know some of our commissioners do have to leave i wanted to be mindful and our next topic is very important. so before we entertain comment bunkham questions around this topic i want to make sure we give enough time for the next topic and so it may parl an over to the next meetingmented to let the commissioners know. >> okay. go ahead. >> are you open to discussion now. >> or. we are moving the last item to
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the next meeting. >> it is i wanted get. what is the commission's sense of what we had do we have members of the public who perhaps would like to talk about the next prosecute item. so i want to make sure we have an opportunity for them to express what i'm suggesting is we start the conversation with item 9d and conclude it in the next meeting. >> got t. start it and conclude it. >> yea. >> great. >> will there be public comment. there will be i want to open you up the opportunity for the commissioners to poke on 9c the presentation we heard and allow the public to comment as well. and we will move to 9d. i can go. >> thank you for the amazing presentation. i could not have imagine today to be more thorough e. you
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covered my talking points i hope as a commission wearc knowledge that under director mcfadden there has been massive improvements that i don't think the public has knowledge of because this is just what happens with optics. right? people are saying we don't want to look at unhoused people in the street but there is actually less unsheltered resident in san francisco i want to support the leadership currently on all of the work and -- the other thing i want to say is the reality is that the department is in early stages it ticks a few years to implement the initiatives in the systems. i. to talk about the scattered sites and my hope that i noticed that you know the scattered
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cites on the initial charts was smaller than the general permanent supportive housing psh portfolio if there is a way to look at addressing the fact that most of the vacancies not guilty tenderloin and that just does in the work for the majority of the unhoused people seek hougz i seen people stay in shelters for a year and offered housing and deny it buzz they can't live in the rather be in housing than the tenderloin. and then the highlight i appreciate the clock image. sf the stream lining spooes piece i did a field study in vienna the most advanced social housing models has been around for a hundred years. there were take aways i wanted
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share. they had i'm at the end of my meeting. one was luxury for all when we talk about quality of live and dignified living they were planning they had green space integrateed most their units and city planning included parks where children could play. things like that. a concept considered social mixing. you can't identify by class that aligned with the scattered cites model it will desolve red line pregnant creation of ghettos. so that is where my phoning us is now with the general approach to prevention and addressing homelessness response system. thank you very much for your work both of you. >> i want to state i apol yiez i
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have to go i have family responsibility. but i appreciate the upon probabilitiation and look forward to the next topic continuing to the next meeting. thank you. i the hold my questions i'm eatingtory hear the next topic. i was going to mention the slide about work requesting partner agency. in the last meeting. 2 providers have brought to me occurrence about those partnering agencies having a competing agenda with what hsh agenda is. it was very anything to me and i don't want to take time at this point. to get go deep dive in examples i think that understanding the connectedness of the system
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response to -- when -- somebody is in crisis and a shelter. providers said we call 5150. to try to gift person spags away to ensure there is not an escalation to the point they have to be dof and the fire department faithful an opposite fwnd to not 5150 when someone because of the lack resources. and so it is a very interesting ramp. there are others i see we have to really bring together these partnerships and conversations with our commission to ensure when things are coming -- that addressing outcome is.
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we can move on to the next presentation. let mow do a time check. it is 12. . 32. we can in the next 15 minutes perhaps provide an over view allow for the commissioners to make comments and the public make comment and in the next meeting pick it up >> can i ask a question about item e on justice tailor is that
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time sensitive? >> because he is not here i think that -- and i need to ask a question about that. we will get to that. >> sorry. >> thank you. i was i am -- set up a give a brief over view and set us up for a deep dive in following conversation i can make pretty quick i wanted make sure we were doing some level setting on the over view. on where we made progress come really we want to make sure we have our partners that are working at the office of transinitiatives. partners and mayor's office and our own andan thon sehere i think that who can answer questions that might come up that are specific to the on the ground work we are doing. the over all rowel of where we are moving in terms of the
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department's connectedness to [inaudible] dph has been revolved it hen great. ocd irrelevant a good partner we have been coming together for mops planning the piece of this initiative the initiative that was initiated when we are about a year ago when we kind of had people from the community and people have the experience and providers. come with a proposal on how to end how to end homelessness for a specific population and understanding how that the components. the scope of the issue and how many folks we are talking about and we have some data that we refined over time temperature is a population that we know is the most vulnerable.
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more likely to face violence and death and the urgency and the ability to meet people where they are and provide the services has been reiterated and done through a lot of the landscape analysis. talking to folk in thes programs and informed now are over all strategy moving forward one key thing we are seeing there we go. thank you. >> homelessness impacts in the transgender nonconforming population. some of things we are talking about and talking about with safety -- and violence are the reasons we are not being detailed. in the ways we are talking about the projects.
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and i wanted justity rit that the safety occurrence that there is a lot of attack and scrutiny on people and they other amounts of dang and safety are of core importance in the way we talk about this work. mark for identification things i am talk about today the give you an over all general content view where we are headed butt details will come later and may have to have conversations that minot be as i'm not sure if it is public or the way we talk about things that might respond to your questions. from office of trans-initiate of at the mayor avenue office has a lot of things they would like to share that i think he was hoping the community could share instead forums. the things identifying for the past several months labldz scape analysis and working with partners are key, core things we
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have to been in building out a system. ending homelessness initiative is in the only finding housing and dedicating resources hsh is taking that piece television on we have flex b subsitys helping providers that will do the housing. and i think one key were twice identify is capacity building we need in nonprofit infrastructure. deeply in a lot of the organizations not just in this are initiative. many of our programs but an area we identify thered is a pot of funding we are using in ways that are not just about training but built sustainable infrastructure in the organizations to bltd build up healthy organizations that can scale and goat a place they are able to do large are contracts do things like invoicing and a lot more of the work around
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building up their own staff and infrastructure and administrative support. that is a key part of the capacity building work and where this has been going. >> a lot of other piece from our other partner departments. employment is partial low the d. public health. ocd there is oewd work going on how to use the resources to help people connect to increase income and the government and legal service piece. bring nothing per ins address being, asking about and a lot of promise provide and making sure we are making a holistic system. sustainable. not just going to focus as much as we can we want to house people quickly but a system people have treatment and serbses and will fee comfortable and safe and organizations also
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feel they can provide the services and take the capacity of people coming in. that is a lot of work to build those out. ocd has been an amazing partner. ful they are very much sort of working with agencies already one on one. to make sure they are attends to people's needs. not a blanket approach. had this program for awhile the money is helping target those resources and ways the agencies are hopeful low finding response. the system response findings that the surveys we did. the d. public health as well as the our city our home funds and need's assessment they did and some from an consultant that was at the mayor's office in the communities doing pro bono work and [inaudible] and really talked about lack of access
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points and things that come up in many themes across it is different information source. and making sure we are thinking about inclusivity at all shelters not just the shelters serving folks that are targeted to the population and thinking about inclusive in spaces people feel they go to other spaces there needs to be capacity to take into account pressure off of organizations that taking so much on people don't feel able to go to other spaces. cross training. capacity building and the providers have very low capacity to do that in ways we facilitate this. and a lot of funding to build it up the infrastructure. >> and a strong drive to strength, safety and collaboration. feels like a group dwelt this a lot. the community is advocating ways
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to feel central and voice feels part of the mix. the contractor in place after this month temperature take time to build. we learned how much time people like me but we want to be thoughtful about being part of this process and giving a time to staff up and making sure we start to get that flow in housing. office transinitiative can talk
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from learned experience space about what they are experiencing and seat challenges. >> thank you so much >> we'll this is a priority. so we'll pick this back up in the next meet nothing august. >> commissioners. >> can i make a comment before i forget. i appreciate the department's focus technical assistance and capacity building for nonprofit community organizations. and working in and with other departments i can recommend d. children, youth and families as well as first 5. technical assistance opportunity made rabble for free.
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i love to hear if anyone on the commission might have thoughts about the data. we are able to collect data through our one system. many folks are not comfortable giving information identifying in certain ways we know we are under counting and have to do targeted out reach. this would be more manual going out. and really engaging people and meeting where they are if at navigation centers at programs might be places that are not for homelessness services. in ways this we did the vet republican initiatives we had
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huge out reach pushes to identify poke and make sure we bring in folk and we knew we were under could you think the stated goal to end trance homelessness by 2027 and the initial investments proposed for the first 2 years was 150 long-term housing subsidies. a site this emphasized on k. 6 million for 2 year rental subsidies and 500,000 in behavioral health i wonder if those 4 were implemented in the last fiscal year? or in process of being implemented? you don't have to answer this now if you need to pull that information together. >> i can speak to some i think it would be better to have an informed review of each piece individual low work has been happen nothing each area and i think it would be good to get
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the deep dive where things are moving well and where there might be bottle necks there has been move inspect each area joovm machine in the department this is the lead and who? >> we are partnering. now this we build capacity. strategy and plan suggest part of the cost system in initiatives now we are bodiesing staff we add more resource and we have technical assist analysis. the equity office and chief officer anthony bush and -- his team is really in a way that is the driving force in terms of making sure we are inclusive of community royce and people livid experience.
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we more working phases. i want to be mindful a current work group in the department situated partnering with transgender initiative and we are working to ensure we have a response and in the beginning phase give us time before we come with the response i want to echo that this is a community that we think we can reach functional zero in a few years and the last could be said about as we discuss this in public forums be aware of the safety concerns that are facing the members and certain language or housing projects may be referred to different low than that of just out in a community. to be aware of those program terse. the language is important we don't as well all of that on the docket now we are considering working with folks.
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i'm glad we are carrying it over to the next meeting. you got time at the end of this meeting i love to -- yea. my main points that come up just i will keep it surface at this time is there capacity of other lbgtq+ organizations to implement the programming. because most of the trans-programs are beyond capacity. this is one of my occurrence their from my personal experience. do we have an idea? >> i think you are right. we heard this from the upon community and that requires a larger conversation with a number of organizations. figure out how do we support the -- the -- growing
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trans-organization a lot are new. and how the larger organizations could support them to grow. providing trushth that is a conversation we have and started one we are not as far as as we need to be. >> one is it is irrelevant having work myself in trans-is crist adult have trans-rep 7ation in leadership otherwise it is unsustainable. nontrance people don't have the services if the department require to have other body or committee this holds power and everbetween the department and
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the grantees i would advocate for that being that the that requires professional develop because most trans people have not had access to professional development. so that will be more than giving someone the job. and00 autoother thing is for the upon department to put focus on the -- organization's structural capacity to hold the size of the program this was a difficult lesson learned for me. so -- those other things i would highlight for now.
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open up to public comment. please, come. i'm actually have a trigger now. hyper focus on operational capacity. has just blinded everybody to -- having support. or you spoke about -- training and being able to build a workforce of -- t for t. i personal low believe that alli in capacity we gotta figure out how to protect and support one
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another. and -- when i have governmental agency. i have issues with this. so -- i realliment the community to be able to -- keep hsh. ocd in check. create trans-lead community for my site. our site. but 2017 it will not happen. imperial look at this microenvironment of san francisco. this is you know -- you know how
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many people i get from florida in texas and filly? you know the motor red states bank account red states we get mass migration and this is why we need to monitor and quantify our intake. because the difference of needs in the cultural conflicts we are having to deal with, you know i mean -- transbills in in all shapes and size. [inaudible]. and we are having a lot of cultural conflict. people are running from red states but bring those ideals with them and the entitlements and certain triggers and when not. and so -- coming up with a system to be able to monitor and be flexible how we are intaking
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folks where the need set for support in terms of being cultural competent outside of our transness is imper taoism you don't think we can come up with a system and go, we got 2-3 years to do this. it needs to be fluid. and that is where comp tent mental health providers that were part of that gateway. >> thank you. of i have a few props for 9c and d this is the public comment eefrm 9c social housing, thank you for elritting that commissioner guerrero a cower for increases in homelessness. and nobody should leave if the income race the mir system out of step in every count in every city in california prop i and k of november 2020, plain are not
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implemented. [inaudible]. we can't gentleman through a shelter first system at a [inaudible] on twitter share want to have it does in the work and more cost low there are more scattered there were be more turn over and less struggling to get in shelter. why a problem with cord nitted entry member like mow not compensated as muchs you think could not get housing referral status people are disrevving litd and accomplice in the how does thanksgiving does not meet needs and causes tension. of [inaudible]. 9d transhousing i'ming nonbinary and i am post opand when may be portrayed difficult recovery from vaginal plasty can present devils for recovery and those
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got it need dilit for the rest of their lives make its hard on the street in terms of the need for privacy and second what the last speaker thought. they are guesting traentz law cross the country we mode to be appropriateed be a sanctuary state both [inaudible]. meaning we'll note to commit funding not like say a bunch of like you know bull shit, we need funding and need to not problem solve people back to their home town. frank low i'm from philadelphia myself that was mention exclude trans people at the time it was very difficult out there. and pennsylvania is in the as red as in but more difficult than some other place. so, thank you. very much. >> thank you. any other members who wish to
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comment. remote >> thank you. >> thank you for your patience we have reached the end the last agenda item which is the introduction and possible nomination of justice tailor. he is not here as expressed i have a question. we are prosecute responsible for nominating justice to the board. why don't we are we able to do that without his presence? you are able to but if the commissionment i believe this you can delay it to the next hearing. as well >> okay. do you finish a delay would negatively impact them or the deliberations of that commission? i think they were coming to core
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issues if not nominated. i think i will make a nomination we appoint justice tailor. to the shelter are monitoring committee and on the basis that the local homeless board had done so. i believe that they had an attended a public hearing already. i don't like i would in general as a practice want to always have the person come and speak and be present in i public hearing foreup to ask questions or meet the person. but given the critical nature of need to have quorum for the body to continue and the fact that they already had a hearing where they were present let's go head and appoint her. >> recommendation. >> public comment. >> prior to. >> thank you. >> in addition to what,
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commissioner evans indicated the commission has also heard i believe come director cohen a positive recommendation regarding justice taylor. and the document the application form is before the commission and i personal low reviewed it. >> okay. >> open to public comment to make comment around this agenda item. >> tr are there member who is wish to comment? do we are remote? participates? >> no. >> thank you. >> so there is a motion to nominate justice taylor to smc and it is -- i will second. >> let us do a roll call vote. >> commissioners respond, chair butler >> aye. >> vice chair dufty is not here.
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commissioner albright. >> aye >> commissioner upon evans. >> aye >> commissioner guerrero >> aye >> and commissioner laguana is excused. >> thank you. >> again. thank everyone for patience and the meeting was fruit. and productive and all those in the public have the opportunity to express all the comments, again, we will extend our discussion on 9 d for the next meeting. i invite public to come and invite others to have a rich discussion. >> may i recommend unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting? >> yes. >> meeting adjourned. >> aye, >> aye. >> aye. >> [laughter] clear clear month.
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pacific islander heritage month empowering the leaders up in the administrator's office and about my daughter if helps the future of the apa heritage and friends and family. >> about family. >> we're honoring the irldz that came before us and findings your roots and about culture insuring about the asian-american journey and all we're achieved and celebrate asian-american it means embarrassing the differences. it is about imaging. >> it is about representing as public servant in san francisco. >> about recommending the philippine generations and about how memory came for us less celebrate may is asian american & pacific islander heritage month and writing our own history for the future.
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>> may is asian american & pacific islander heritage [applause] >> my name is (indiscernible) the director of the office of civic engagement and affairs. before we start our evening program, i would like to introduce to our opening performance. please give a welcome to bango (indiscernible) dance company performing the west african rhythms. [applause]
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